Chapter 5: Factor Analysis: 5.1 KMO & Bartlett's Test
Chapter 5: Factor Analysis: 5.1 KMO & Bartlett's Test
Chapter 5: Factor Analysis: 5.1 KMO & Bartlett's Test
Factor analysis is used to see how closely the respondents are linked to the questionnaires. This
analysis assists us in obtaining more accurate and detailed data from respondents, as well as
removing the remainder of the unnecessary and unwanted conflicts. It clarifies the questionable
components even more, and the results following factor analysis is more accurate. The research
is problematic and imprecise without factor analysis. We analyzed our dataset of 221
respondents using Kaiser-Meyer Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy and Bartlett's test of
Sphericity (KMO & Bartlett's test), Communalities, Total Variance Explained, and Rotated
Component Matrix. In this study, the results of each test are reported in detail.
The sampling adequacy in the KMO test was 0.849, indicating that the sample size for our
survey was acceptable. The Chi-Square in Bartlett's test of Sphericity was 1040.166.
Additionally, the significance level was less than 0.05. The null hypothesis is thereby rejected.
This also demonstrates that our sample size was adequate.
Total Variance Explained
C Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings
t Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 5.006 26.345 26.345 5.006 26.345 26.345 3.052 16.063 16.063
2 1.672 8.801 35.146 1.672 8.801 35.146 2.548 13.412 29.475
3 1.423 7.490 42.636 1.423 7.490 42.636 2.021 10.634 40.109
4 1.300 6.844 49.480 1.300 6.844 49.480 1.582 8.325 48.435
5 1.169 6.154 55.634 1.169 6.154 55.634 1.368 7.199 55.634
6 .991 5.215 60.848
7 .884 4.653 65.501
8 .790 4.160 69.661
9 .689 3.627 73.289
1 .669 3.521 76.810
1 .650 3.420 80.230
1 .624 3.284 83.513
1 .605 3.182 86.695
1 .492 2.590 89.285
1 .470 2.473 91.758
1 .453 2.386 94.144
1 .399 2.099 96.243
1 .364 1.915 98.157
1 .350 1.843 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
We examine how many groups are constructed from the components given in the questionnaire
in the table of Total Variance Explained, and we further verify the items using this table. We can
determine how many groups the respondents detected from the set questionnaire in the table by
looking at the Initial Eigenvalues, which we consider a total factor if the Initial Eigenvalues are
more than or equal to 1. And variables are significant if the cumulative percentage of Rotation
Sums of Squared Loadings is greater than 60%.
For the first factor analysis, we combined our four independent variables into a single dependent
variable. In the choosing of foreign brands in skin care products, four independent variables were
used: data in the country of origin (COO), product quality (PQ), and social media influence
(SMI). We were able to implement this without compromising any value. Our second variable
was split into two clusters in this factor analysis. PQ1, PQ2, and PQ5 were assigned to
component 4; PQ3, PQ4 were assigned to component 5.
We deleted PQ1,PQ2,PQ3,PQ4, and PQ5 because the minimum condition for creating a cluster
is three factors. PQ1, PQ2, PQ3, PQ4, and PQ5 have redundancy, according to the response. We
got three clusters from three variables after the second factor analysis. The KMO score decreased
to .843. In the second factor analysis, which is still higher than the benchmark. This suggests that
the number of respondents is sufficient.