Insider Advantage For The Center For American Greatness Feb. 2022

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InsiderAdvantage Survey Jan 21-23; 850 Likely Voters;

Margin of Error 3.3%

1) What is your opinion of the job performance of President

Joe Biden?
Approve: 40%
Disapprove: 59%
No Opinion/Undecided: 1%

2) If the election were held today, which party would you

prefer have control of the Congress?
Democrats: 42%
Republicans: 49%
No Opinion/Undecided 9%

3)What is your opinion of the FBI (Federal Bureau of


A) It has always been an objective law enforcement

agency and remains so today: 18%

B) It has always been an objective law enforcement

agency but in recent years has appeared to become more
politically motivated in its actions: 38%

C) It was never an objective law enforcement agency and

has always seemed politically motivated: 22%

D) I am undecided or have no opinion: 22%

3) What is your opinion with regard to a person’s race in

A) I believe that all Americans should be treated equally

regardless of their race with regard to access to
education, jobs, healthcare, and government

B) I believe that African-Americans and other non-White

persons of color should be given preferential treatment
with regard to the access to education, jobs, healthcare,
and government services: 6%

C) No Opinion/Undecided: 3%

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