International Cotton Industry Statistics, Vol. 58/2015

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International Cotton Industry Statistics, Vol.

International Cotton
Industry Statistics

Vol. 58/2015

International Cotton Industry Statistics presents data on the productive

capacity (spindles, rotors, airjets, shuttle and shuttle-less looms),
machinery utilization and raw materials consumption (cotton and man-
made fibres) in the short-staple organized (mill-) sector of the textile
industries in virtually all textile-producing countries in the world. The
information in this report is based on data collected from national textile
associations and other sources like import and export statistics, ICAC
and PCI Fibres.

Each of the three main sections in the publication (spinning, weaving,

raw materials consumption) begins with a graphical illustration of the
most salient features of some of the data contained in the subsequent
detailed tables.

The geographical grouping of countries is based on continents. For

Europe a further division has been made according to regions.

October 2016



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International Cotton Industry Statistics, Vol. 58/2015 2


Spinning Machinery

4 Summary
5 Installed Short-staple Spindles
6 Installed O-E Rotors

Tables: Installed Machinery and Utilization 2015

7 - Summary
8 - Africa
9 - The Americas
10 - Asia & Oceania
11 - Europe

Weaving Machinery

12 Summary
13 Installed Shuttle-less Looms
14 Installed Shuttle Looms

Tables: Installed Machinery and Utilization 2015

15 - Summary
16 - Africa
17 - The Americas
18 - Asia & Oceania
19 - Europe

Raw Materials Consumption

20 Summary
21 Raw Cotton
22 Cellulosic Staple Fibres
23 Synthetic Staple Fibres

Tables: Raw Materials Consumption 2015

24 - Summary
25 - Africa
26 - The Americas
27 - Asia & Oceania
28 - Europe

International Cotton Industry Statistics, Vol. 58/2015 3

Spinning Machinery

Fig 1: Global ring spindle capacities



Million spindles






Ring spindles

Fig 2: Global open-end rotor capacities




Million rotors







O-E rotors

International Cotton Industry Statistics, Vol. 58/2015 4

Spinning Machinery
Installed Short-staple Spindles

Fig 3: Installed short-staple spindles

2015 = 250'910 thousand spindles

Asia & Oceania


South America Eastern

3.7% Africa Western Europe Europe
North America 2.0% Europe, others 0.6% 1.5%
2.3% 3.1%

Fig 4: Installed short-staple ring spindle capacities

22'000 230'000

20'000 210'000

18'000 190'000
Thousand spindles

Thousand spindles

16'000 170'000

14'000 150'000

12'000 130'000

10'000 110'000

8'000 90'000

6'000 70'000

4'000 50'000
2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015

Africa, lhs North America, lhs South America, lhs

Europe, lhs Asia & Oceania, rhs

International Cotton Industry Statistics, Vol. 58/2015 5

Spinning Machinery
Installed Open-End Rotors

Fig 5: Installed open-end rotors

2015 = 8'570 thousand rotors

Asia & Oceania


South America

Eastern Europe
Western Europe
North America
Africa Europe, others
2.0% 9.2%

Fig 6: Installed open-end rotor capacities



Thousand rotors




2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Africa Asia & Oceania Europe North America South America

International Cotton Industry Statistics, Vol. 58/2015 6

Spinning Machinery

Table 1.1: Summary

Ring Spindles O-E Rotors
Number Average Hours Number Average Hours Number
Installed Number Worked per Installed at Number Worked per Installed at
Spindles at Active during Active End of Year Active during Active End of Year
End of Year Year Machine Year Machine
Africa 5'095'008 173'208 520
America, North 5'713'277 450'518 14'508
America, South 9'161'794 547'772 10'156
Asia & Oceania 218'168'789 5'048'332 196'392
Europe, East 3'662'696 1'404'040 468
Europe, Others 7'700'000 785'000 17'160
Europe, West 1'406'522 157'402 6'828
World 250'908'086 8'566'272 246'032

International Cotton Industry Statistics, Vol. 58/2015 7

Spinning Machinery

Table 1.2: Africa

Ring Spindles O-E Rotors Air-jet Spindles

Number Average Hours Number Average Hours Number Installed
Country Installed at Number Worked per Installed at Number Worked per at End of Year
End of Year Active during Active End of Year Active during Active
Year Machine Year Machine
Algeria 300'000 4'000
Angola 50'000
Benin 60'000
Botswana 15'000 1'500
Burkina Faso 7'000
Cameroon 55'000
Chad 8'000 35'000
Egypt 1'537'256 911'512 7'200 12'168 6'170 7'200
Eritrea 39'500
Ethiopia 293'852 19'000
Ghana 120'000
Ivory Coast 120'000 3'000
Kenya 80'000 900
Lesotho 2'000
Madagascar 20'000 1'300
Malawi 50'000
Mali 40'000
Mauritius 88'000 800 280
Morocco 450'000 40'000
Mozambique 50'000
Niger 14'000
Nigeria 290'000 200'000 6'000 12'000 10'000 6'500
Senegal 25'000
South Africa 63'000 63'000 8'040 1'440 1'440 8'040 240
Sudan 400'000 20'000
Swaziland 54'000
Tanzania 400'000
Togo 25'000
Tunisia 140'400 6'500
Uganda 50'000 1'200
Zaire 50'000 2'500
Zambia 100'000 2'500
Zimbabwe 100'000 7'400
Africa 5'095'008 173'208 520

International Cotton Industry Statistics, Vol. 58/2015 8

Spinning Machinery

Table 1.3: The Americas

Ring Spindles O-E Rotors Air-jet Spindles

Number Average Hours Number Average Hours Number Installed
Country Installed at Number Worked per Installed at Number Worked per at End of Year
End of Year Active during Active End of Year Active during Active
Year Machine Year Machine
Canada 200'000 25'000 256
Costa Rica 14'000
Cuba 600'000 1'000
Dominican Rep. 35'000 1'400
El Salvador 250'000 1'400 44
Guatemala 150'000 21'000
Mexico 3'754'277 97'718 120
Nicaragua 40'000
U.S.A. 670'000 303'000 14'088
America, North 5'713'277 450'518 14'508

Argentina 1'790'000 60'000 1'596

Bolivia 50'000 2'500
Brazil 4'499'794 4'270'000 6'500 396'772 375'000 6'500 8'560
Chile 400'000 4'000
Colombia 950'000 25'000
Ecuador 150'000 12'000
Paraguay 32'000
Peru 700'000 18'000
Uruguay 40'000 4'500
Venezuela 550'000 25'000
America, South 9'161'794 547'772 10'156

The Americas 14'875'071 998'290 24'664

International Cotton Industry Statistics, Vol. 58/2015 9

Spinning Machinery

Table 1.4: Asia & Oceania

Ring Spindles O-E Rotors
Number Average Hours Number Average Hours Number
Installed at Number Worked per Installed at Number Worked per Installed
End of Year Active during Active End of Year Active during Active at End of
Year Machine Year Machine Year
Australia 1'800 3'000 3'332
Bahrain 46'000 500
Bangladesh 11'050'000 9'945'000 8'400 257'000 231'300 5'600 1'924
China 110'000'000 2'750'000 132'400
Chinese Taipei 1'301'839 1'130'182 66'194 65'494 7'764
Hong Kong, China 129'000 14'900 504
India 51'552'129 51'036'610 7'750 863'578 854'079 7'750 13'140
Indonesia 11'924'929 9'420'694 6'590 207'529 186'776 8'150 17'204
Iran 2'100'000 90'000 360
Iraq 200'000 15'000
Japan 763'000 6'037 12'000
Jordan 16'000 500
Kazakhstan 200'000 50'000
Kirghizstan 64'000
Korea, Rep. 1'099'152 1'054'526 7'120 7'944 7'348 7'040 4'636
Malaysia 140'000
Myanmar 250'000 1'600
Nepal 79'000
Pakistan 13'184'340 185'387 1'800
Philippines 250'000 50'000 60
Singapore 32
Sri Lanka 25'600 25'600 7'875 200 200 2'400
Syria 770'000 27'000 8
Tadzhikistan 221'000 53'000
Thailand 3'921'000 48'000 6'508
Turkmenistan 160'000 25'000
Uzbekistan 1'720'000 170'000
Vietnam 7'000'000 150'000 6'720
Asia & Oceania 218'168'789 72'612'612 43'772 5'048'332 1'345'197 30'940 196'392

International Cotton Industry Statistics, Vol. 58/2015 10

Spinning Machinery

Table 1.5: Europe

Ring Spindles O-E Rotors
Number Average Hours Number Average Hours Number
Installed at Number Worked per Installed at Number Worked per Installed at
End of Year Active Active End of Year Active Active End of Year
during Year Machine during Year Machine
Austria 124'608 8'642 2'340
Belgium 24'900 11'300
France 43'200 25'800 1'300
Germany 258'314 258'314 26'160 26'160 2'032
Greece 350'000 13'500 228
Ireland 23'000
Italy 275'000 6'000
Netherlands 9'000 7'000
Portugal 190'000 29'000 312
Spain 60'500 59'000 5'000 28'500 27'500 5'000 36
Switzerland 48'000 1'500 340
U.K. 240
Europe, West 1'406'522 157'402 6'828

Albania 180'000
Armenia 45'000 15'000
Azerbaijan 140'000 45'000
Belarus 125'500 31'500
Bosnia & Herz. 100'000
Bulgaria 640'000 68'000
Croatia 19'836 19'836 8'520 1'480 1'480 8'520 240
Czech Republic 175'100 32'800 228
Estonia 113'000 60'000
Georgia 50'000 15'000
Hungary 55'400
Lithuania 221'800 23'100
Macedonia 240'000
Moldova 29'760
Poland 8'800 2'400
Romania 120'000 15'000
Russia 485'000 790'000
Slovakia 8'700
Slovenia 34'560
Ukraine 900'000 275'000
Europe, East 3'662'696 1'404'040 468

Turkey 7'700'000 785'000 17'160

Europe, Other 7'700'000 785'000 17'160

Europe 12'769'218 2'346'442 24'456

International Cotton Industry Statistics, Vol. 58/2015 11

Weaving Machinery

Fig 7: Global weaving machinery



Million looms




Shuttle-less Shuttle

International Cotton Industry Statistics, Vol. 58/2015 12

Weaving Machinery
Installed Shuttle-less Looms

Fig 8: Installed shuttle-less looms

2015 = 1'436 thousand units

Asia & Oceania


Eastern Europe
South America 8%
4% North America Western Europe
Africa Europe, others 2%
5% 3%

Fig 9: Installed shuttle-less looms

300 1'200

250 1'000

200 800
Thousand units

Thousand units

150 600

100 400

50 200

0 0
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Africa, lhs North America, lhs South America, lhs

Europe, lhs Asia & Oceania, rhs

International Cotton Industry Statistics, Vol. 58/2015 13

Weaving Machinery
Installed Shuttle Looms

Fig 10: Installed shuttle looms

2015 = 1'300 thousand units

Asia & Oceania



Eastern Europe
Western Europe 0.7%
South America North America 0.4%
Europe, others
5.4% 3.5%

Fig 11: Installed shuttle looms

180 1'600

160 1'400

140 1'200
Thousand units
Thousand units

120 1'000

100 800

80 600

60 400

40 200

20 0
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Africa, lhs North America, lhs South America, lhs

Europe, lhs Asia & Oceania, rhs

International Cotton Industry Statistics, Vol. 58/2015 14

Weaving Machinery

Table 2.1: Summary

Shuttle-Less Looms ** Shuttle Looms

Number Average Hours Number Average Hours
Continent Installed at Number Worked per Installed at Number Worked per
End of Year Active during Active End of Year Active during Acive
Year Machine Year Machine
Africa 15'555 53'928
America, North 71'584 45'909
America, South 60'318 70'914
Asia & Oceania 1'101'140 1'100'403
Europe, East 108'950 9'040
Europe, Others 48'000 20'000
Europe, West 30'875 5'806
World 1'436'422 1'306'000

Notes to Weaving Machinery Tables

** Looms (75 cm or wider, installed in mills) primarily for weaving yarn spun on the cotton system.

a) In addition, there are approx. 30,000 powerlooms and over 500,000 handlooms in the non-mill sector.
b) Data quoted are for the mill industry only. In addition, in 2014/15, there were approx. 2.3 million powerlooms in the
decentralized sector. Furthermore, 20014/15 there were approx. 2.38 million handlooms.
c) In addition, there are approx. 20,000 handlooms in the non-mill sector.
d) In addition, there are approx. 30,000 handlooms in the non-mill sector.
e) In addition, there are approx. 70,000 handlooms in the non-mill sector.
f) In addition, there are approx. 200,000 powerlooms and 80,000 handlooms in the non-mill sector.
g) The figures for shuttle-less and shuttle looms exclude 5,278 towel looms.
h) SWAK members only

International Cotton Industry Statistics, Vol. 58/2015 15

Weaving Machinery

Table 2.2: Africa

Shuttle-Less Looms ** Shuttle Looms

Number Average Hours Number Average Hours
Country Installed at Number Worked per Installed at Number Worked per
End of Year Active during Active End of Year Active during Acive
Year Machine Year Machine
Algeria 2'100 8'000
Angola 800
Benin 2'000
Botswana 180
Cameroon 200 1'000
Chad 250
Egypt 2'272 1'680 7'200 401 344 7'200
Eritrea 40 260
Ethiopia 2'200 167
Ghana 3'500
Ivory Coast 55 2'000
Kenya 340 300
Lesotho 40
Madagascar 88
Malawi 100 500
Mali 1'000
Mauritius 600
Morocco 2'100 4'000
Mozambique 2'500
Nigeria 3'300 3'300 6'000 4'800 4'800 5'500
Senegal 150 500
South Africa 450 450 6'100 300 300 6'100
Sudan 10'000
Swaziland 110
Tanzania 150 5'000
Tunisia 255 1'850
Uganda 1'000
Zaire 160 2'500
Zambia 160 1'000
Zimbabwe 505 300
Africa 15'555 53'928
Footnotes on page 15

International Cotton Industry Statistics, Vol. 58/2015 16

Weaving Machinery

Table 2.3: The Americas

Shuttle-Less Looms ** Shuttle Looms

Number Average Hours Number Average Hours
Country Installed at Number Worked per Installed at Number Worked per
End of Year Active during Active End of Year Active during Active
Year Machine Year Machine
Canada 3'000
Costa Rica 100 1'000
Cuba 4'000 5'000
Dominican Rep. 150 500
El Salvador 200 3'000
Guatemala 890 3'000
Mexico 35'494 31'509
Nicaragua 150 500
U.S.A. 27'600 1'400
America, North 71'584 45'909

Argentina 6'500 17'500

Bolivia 100 1'000
Brazil 43'838 43'500 6'500 25'014 23'750 4'500
Chile 800 8'000
Colombia 4'000 8'500
Ecuador 600 400
Paraguay 100
Peru 1'350 5'000
Uruguay 530 500
Venezuela 2'500 5'000
America, South 60'318 70'914

The Americas 131'902 116'823

Footnotes on page 15

International Cotton Industry Statistics, Vol. 58/2015 17

Weaving Machinery

Table 2.4: Asia & Oceania

Shuttle-Less Looms ** Shuttle Looms

Number Average Hours Number Average Hours
Country Installed at Number Worked per Installed at Number Worked per
End of Year Active during Active End of Year Active during Acive
Year Machine Year Machine
Australia 850
Bahrain 420
Bangladesh (a) 33'835 5'600 15'700 25'860 5'600
China 805'000 375'000
Chinese Taipei 18'936 355
Hong Kong, China 8'000 1'000
India (b) 15'713 15'477 7'000 37'458 36'896 5'410
Indonesia (d) 68'914 53'753 6'656 196'620 153'364 5'872
Iran 10'500 11'500
Iraq 2'000 3'500
Japan (g) 3'960 1'980
Jordan 50
Kazakhstan 400
Kirghizstan 1'550 960
Korea, Rep. (h) 262
Malaysia 800 1'200
Myanmar 5'000
Nepal (e) 1'000
Pakistan (f) 28'100 369'000
Philippines 2'500 7'000
Saudi Arabia 450
Sri Lanka 1'250 1'250 6'864 2'500 2'500 4'680
Syria 2'700 300
Tadzhikistan 4'600 2'200
Thailand 79'600 53'000
Turkmenistan 1'000
U.A. Emirates 500
Uzbekistan 2'450 130
Vietnam (c) 6'800 15'000
Asia & Oceania 1'101'140 1'100'403
Footnotes on page 15

International Cotton Industry Statistics, Vol. 58/2015 18

Weaving Machinery

Table 2.5: Europe

Shuttle-Less Looms ** Shuttle Looms

Number Average Hours Number Average Hours
Country Installed at Number Worked per Installed at Number Worked per
End of Year Active during Active End of Year Active during Active
Year Machine Year Machine
Belgium 3'720 372
France 2'000 130
Germany 1'600 400
Greece 55 1'950
Italy 6'900 1'334
Netherlands 1'200
Portugal 9'050 1'500
Spain 2'750 2'650 4'600
Switzerland 600 20
U.K. 3'000 100
Europe, West 30'875 5'806

Albania 2'000
Armenia 5'000
Azerbaijan 3'000
Belarus 1'580
Bosnia & Herz. 1'000
Bulgaria 6'000
Croatia 40 40
Czech Republic 4'400
Estonia 3'700
Georgia 1'000
Hungary 240
Lithuania 2'110 400
Macedonia 1'200
Moldova 1'870
Poland 900 1'400
Romania 5'000 1'000
Russia 55'900 2'000
Slovakia 140
Slovenia 110
Ukraine 18'000
Europe, East 108'950 9'040

Turkey 48'000 20'000

Europe, Other 48'000 20'000

Europe 187'825 34'846

Footnotes on page 15

International Cotton Industry Statistics, Vol. 58/2015 19

Raw Materials Consumption

Fig 12: Global consumption of raw materials




Million tons






Raw cotton Cellulosic staple fibres Synthetic staple fibres

International Cotton Industry Statistics, Vol. 58/2015 20

Raw Materials Consumption
Raw Cotton

Fig 13: Cotton consumption

2015 = 23'780 thousand tons

Asia & Oceania


North America

Eastern Europe
South America
5.0% Africa Europe, others Western Europe
1.3% 6.2% 0.8%

Fig 14: Cotton consumption

3'100 26'000


Thousand tons

Thousand tons





100 1'000
2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015

Africa, lhs North America, lhs South America, lhs

Europe, lhs Asia & Oceania, rhs

International Cotton Industry Statistics, Vol. 58/2015 21

Raw Materials Consumption
Cellulosic Staple Fibres

Fig 15: Cellulosic staple fibres consumption

2015 = 5'320 thousand tons

Asia & Oceania


Eastern Europe
South America
0.5% North America Africa Europe, others Western Europe
2.3% 0.2% 1.9% 1.4%

Fig 16: Cellulosic staple consumption

250 5'500

200 4'500

Thousand tons

Thousand tons



50 2'000


0 1'000
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Africa, lhs North America, lhs South America, lhs

Europe, lhs Asia & Oceania, rhs

International Cotton Industry Statistics, Vol. 58/2015 22

Raw Materials Consumption

Synthetic Staple Fibres

Fig 17: Synthetic staple fibres consumption

2015 = 15'500 thousand tons

Asia & Oceania


North America
Eastern Europe

Western Europe

South America Europe, others

Africa 0.8%

Fig 18: Synthetic staple fibres consumption

1'800 15'000

Thousand tons

Thousand tons

1'000 9'000

800 7'000

0 1'000
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Africa, lhs North America, lhs South America, lhs

Europe, lhs Asia & Oceania, rhs

International Cotton Industry Statistics, Vol. 58/2015 23

Raw Materials Consumption

Table 3.1: Summary

Cellulosic Staple Synthetic Staple

Raw Cotton
Continent Fibres (metric Fibres (metric Total (metric tons)
(metric tons)
tons) tons)
Africa 311'735 11'761 66'124 389'620
America, North 1'306'700 123'350 1'498'450 2'928'500
America, South 1'181'000 25'166 308'847 1'515'013
Asia & Oceania 19'220'635 4'941'064 13'338'239 37'181'938
Europe, East 106'300 41'728 89'462 237'490
Europe, Others 1'470'000 102'900 117'600 1'690'500
Europe, West 186'795 73'099 55'554 315'448
World 23'783'165 5'319'068 15'474'276 44'258'509

International Cotton Industry Statistics, Vol. 58/2015 24

Raw Materials Consumption

Table 3.2: Africa

Raw Cotton Cellulosic Staple Synthetic Staple

Country Total (metric tons)
(metric tons) Fibres (metric tons) Fibres (metric tons)
Algeria 3'000 1'000 9'230 13'230
Angola 1'000 1'000
Benin 4'000 4'000
Botswana 3'000 3'000
Burkina Faso 4'000 4'000
Cameroon 2'000 2'000
Chad 1'000 1'000
Djibouti 470 470
Egypt 48'735 1'601 8'584 58'920
Eritrea 180 180
Ethiopia 45'000 1'000 2'010 48'010
Ghana 1'000 1'000
Ivory Coast 2'000 2'000
Kenya 6'000 600 3'240 9'840
Madagascar 5'000 5'000
Malawi 1'000 1'000
Mali 3'000 3'000
Mauritius 22'000 2'200 2'330 26'530
Morocco 32'000 3'500 23'790 59'290
Mozambique 1'000 2'240 3'240
Niger 1'000 1'000
Nigeria 19'000 500 2'100 21'600
Senegal 1'000 1'000
South Africa 23'000 480 7'900 31'380
Sudan 19'000 19'000
Swaziland 1'000 1'000
Tanzania 35'000 1'300 36'300
Tunisia 13'000 880 2'750 16'630
Uganda 1'000 1'000
Zaire 8'000 8'000
Zambia 2'000 2'000
Zimbabwe 4'000 4'000
Africa 311'735 11'761 66'124 389'620

International Cotton Industry Statistics, Vol. 58/2015 25

Raw Materials Consumption

Table 3.3: The Americas

Raw Cotton Cellulosic Staple Synthetic Staple

Country Total (metric tons)
(metric tons) Fibres (metric tons) Fibres (metric tons)
Canada 1'000 3'000 70'000 74'000
Costa Rica 28'000 620 28'620
Cuba 3'000 4'000 1'300 8'300
Dominican Rep. 1'000 1'000
El Salvador 21'000 700 10'370 32'070
Guatemala 21'000 650 11'160 32'810
Honduras 5'700 5'700
Mexico 425'000 5'000 205'000 635'000
Nicaragua 1'000 1'000
U.S.A. 800'000 110'000 1'200'000 2'110'000
America, North 1'306'700 123'350 1'498'450 2'928'500

Argentina 145'000 3'000 30'000 178'000

Bolivia 5'000 1'500 6'500
Brazil 820'000 12'166 206'397 1'038'563
Chile 14'000 14'000
Colombia 89'000 1'000 16'870 106'870
Ecuador 14'000 9'000 14'300 37'300
Paraguay 7'000 1'640 8'640
Peru 90'000 21'640 111'640
Uruguay 2'000 500 2'500
Venezuela 9'000 2'000 11'000
America, South 1'181'000 25'166 308'847 1'515'013

The Americas 2'487'700 148'516 1'807'297 4'443'513

International Cotton Industry Statistics, Vol. 58/2015 26

Raw Materials Consumption

Table 3.4: Asia & Oceania

Raw Cotton Cellulosic Staple Synthetic Staple

Country Total (metric tons)
(metric tons) Fibres (metric tons) Fibres (metric tons)
Afghanistan 4'000 4'000
Australia 8'000 1'400 31'600 41'000
Bahrain 1'960 1'960
Bangladesh 1'328'836 72'408 25'860 1'427'104
Cambodia 604 604
China 6'750'000 3'000'000 9'600'000 19'350'000
Chinese Taipei 209'908 46'364 115'043 371'315
Hong Kong, China 6'000 1'000 7'000
India 5'130'680 1'137'030 669'880 6'937'590
Indonesia 642'431 371'578 827'062 1'841'071
Iran 134'000 25'000 250'000 409'000
Iraq 13'000 460 13'460
Israel 28'000 28'000
Japan 70'000 29'000 200'000 299'000
Jordan 3'790 3'790
Kazakhstan 11'000 1'580 12'580
Kirghizstan 1'000 1'290 2'290
Korea, Rep. 285'000 32'000 50'000 367'000
Kuwait 2'140 2'140
Malaysia 15'000 1'000 4'400 20'400
Myanmar 208'000 3'390 211'390
New Zealand 12'000 12'000
Pakistan 2'375'000 770'000 3'145'000
Philippines 7'000 1'000 20'000 28'000
Quatar 1'520 1'520
Sri Lanka 35'780 29'284 49'960 115'024
Syria 95'000 95'000
Tadzhikistan 11'000 11'000
Thailand 354'000 120'000 362'000 836'000
Turkmenistan 156'000 156'000
Uzbekistan 350'000 2'700 352'700
Vietnam 1'020'000 47'000 330'000 1'079'000
Asia & Oceania 19'220'635 4'941'064 13'338'239 37'181'938

International Cotton Industry Statistics, Vol. 58/2015 27

Raw Materials Consumption

Table 3.5: Europe

Raw Cotton Cellulosic Staple Synthetic Staple

Country Total (metric tons)
(metric tons) Fibres (metric tons) Fibres (metric tons)
Austria 4'000 17'000 4'900 25'900
Belgium 4'000 3'500 3'600 11'100
France 14'000 25'000 5'000 44'000
Germany 33'000 33'000
Greece 20'000 2'200 22'200
Italy 40'000 524 17'700 58'224
Luxembourg 464 464
Netherlands 5'000 7'700 12'700
Norway 2'800 2'800
Portugal 33'000 4'000 37'000
Spain 30'195 775 8'490 39'460
Sweden 4'700 7'600 12'300
Switzerland 3'600 700 5'000 9'300
U.K. 7'000 7'000
Europe, West 186'795 73'099 55'554 315'448

Azerbaijan 18'000 18'000

Belarus 11'000 140 230 11'370
Bosnia & Herz. 2'400 1'512 3'912
Bulgaria 4'000 2'010 6'010
Croatia 6'298 5'460 11'758
Czech Republic 3'000 5'000 8'000
Estonia 5'000 15'400 20'400
Georgia 370 370
Hungary 1'000 1'000
Lithuania 1'000 14'880 15'880
Macedonia 3'250 3'250
Moldova 2'000 460 2'460
Poland 7'000 3'700 11'000 21'700
Romania 2'000 310 3'000 5'310
Russia 49'000 13'000 5'000 67'000
Slovakia 270 270
Slovenia 1'300 3'600 18'900 23'800
Ukraine 2'000 5'000 10'000 17'000
Europe, East 106'300 41'728 89'462 237'490

Turkey 1'470'000 102'900 117'600 1'690'500

Europe, Other 1'470'000 102'900 117'600 1'690'500

Europe 1'763'095 217'727 262'616 2'243'438

International Cotton Industry Statistics, Vol. 58/2015 28

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