This Thing

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Listening Task

You are required to listen to the first 5 minutes of each of the following (You can listen to more if you want)
 Dark Passenger (horror)
 The Troll of Stoney brook

Note down what sounds you hear and how you know where they are and what is happening. The point of Radio drama is to set the
scene through SOUND rather than visual

Use of sound Use of Narrative Use of Music Use of silence Characters or
Back ground sounds for location How are they talking How does it create an How many? Male /
settings emotional response? female?

Dark The use of wind, footsteps The characters speak A strange sense of There isn’t really a There’s both
Passenger and doors being like exaggerated flow is created moment of pure characters and a
opened/interacted with adds normal people. It, through the silence in this. The narrator. The
to the immersion of the when added with the characters wind is almost narrator gives
production and puts us more spooky music, gives speaking with the always going along. exposition to
on edge with the focus of it an uncomfortable same BPM as the But when there is help flow the
smaller sounds. atmosphere. music. Almost like silence, it’s used to story.
a song. create tension.

What is drama This drama is about two

about? people travelling and
exploring a haunted house,
constantly trying to one up
one another with the spooky
stories. Stuff begins to
unironically start getting

The Troll of The sound of diegetic music The characters speak The music in this Again, this piece There is no
Stoney Brook is used to immerse us and completely normally, drama is very doesn’t have much narrator for this
give us context clues on using their words to reminiscent of an pure silence in it, one, the plot is
where the local may be. exposit what a local old 1950s b- but when it does it’s fully moved
Along with that, there’s also may look like, like movie, which I either used to build forward by the
the sounds of rummaging the trash heap. feel is what this tension or transition characters.
when Rick and Jamie are drama is trying to the scenes. Same with
rummaging through the imitate, and it does exposition.
trash pile. it successfully.

What is drama This drama is about a dude,

about? Jamie, accidentally hitting a
magical troll with his car,
and his mate from work,
Rick, comes with him
because he doesn’t believe

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