Better Cotton: Claims Framework
Better Cotton: Claims Framework
Better Cotton: Claims Framework
Better Cotton Claims Framework 3
The Framework - How it Works 4
Logo and URL 5
Translations 6
Mass Balance 7
Basic Claims: Commitment 8
Storytelling (Optional) 10
Eligibility Criteria: Advanced Claims and the On-Product Mark 11
Advanced Claims Volume and Investment: Reach 12
Advanced Claims Investment: Global Impact 13
On-Product Claims 14
Membership Categories and the On-Product Mark 15
Use of the On-Product Mark 16
Product Eligibility 17
Text Claims and Logo Use 18
On-Product Umbrella Branding 20
E-Commerce Use 21
Approval Process 22
Better Cotton
Claims Framework
Always refer to the Claims Framework to ensure that the context in which
you want to use a claim is not in breach of your agreed conduct as a
member. The Better Cotton Claims Framework forms part of the Better
Cotton Standard System and is governed by the BCI Code of Practice,
BCI Terms of Membership and BCI Member Monitoring Protocol.
Once your membership is approved, you can then make Basic Claims,
progressing to Advanced Claims and the on-product mark only when
sourcing thresholds have been met. BCI’s storytelling assets are available
to those making all required Basic Claims.
All claims in this framework are available to eligible Retailer and Brand
Members. Basic Claims and many Advanced Claims are available to all
members including suppliers, manufacturers, traders and civil society
members. Claims available to all members are highlighted throughout the
document. The on-product mark is available to specific member groups only
(see page 15 for member group eligibility). Please note that ‘BCP Suppliers’
(Those who pay to access BCI’s online credit-tracking system but do not
have BCI membership), are not eligible for claims outlined in this document.
Access to
Advanced Claims
(see page 11)
Access to
approved Sourcing
Basic Claims
and training Thresholds
(see page 8)
Access to
On-Product Mark
(see page 14)
Use of the BCI logo and URL falls into the category of LOGO USE ON-PRODUCT
‘Basic Claims’.
The logo is an integral part
Only BCI Members and Partners are authorised to use the BCI logo of on-product claims. All
in marketing collateral. claims made about BCI on
product packaging must
When used on business cards, invoices and e-mail signatures, the BCI logo incorporate the BCI logo.
must be used in conjunction with a ‘Membership/Commitment Statement.’
See Page 8. To find out if you are
eligible to make on-product
Full guidelines on how to use the logo, trademark information and file claims see page 15.
downloads can be found here:
Mass Balance
We’ve created guidelines within the The future guidelines for using our
boundaries of the current chain of on-product mark may change if we
custody model used by BCI: Mass choose to move towards physical
Balance. traceability. New guidance may be
developed which also refers to the
Under this system, there is no product’s content. However, for now,
guarantee that Better Cotton is the focus is on commitment-based
physically present in the finished claims under Mass Balance. As
product, and in what quantity. such, no products can be referred
This is why all claims are carefully to as Better Cotton or BCI products
worded and in line with industry- under any circumstances. There
recognised good practice. This should be no suggestion that this is
ensures that the message focuses the case.
on the BCI Member’s commitment
to responsibly sourced cotton and
not the content of the product itself.
Put another way, BCI, used in
your marketing, can help position
your brand’s actions as more
sustainable. BCI should not be
used to help you position specific
products as more sustainable. This
applies to our on-product mark as
well as our off-product claims. It is
also important that the users of the
on-product mark fully understand
the systems in place so that claims
are never misleading.
☐ Membership approved
☐ Communications induction
If you’re a BCI Retailer and Brand Member, you must either receive a communications induction,
or complete an online training, before you can start making claims. For partners, funders and
other membership groups, communications inductions are available on request.
You must be making a claim from the three required* claim types under ‘Basic Claims’
(Membership/Commitment Statement, Percentage Declaration and Target, and Mass Balance
Definition), in order to progress to use of BCI’s storytelling assets, Advanced Claims and/or the
on-product mark. Claims should be made on the sustainability pages of a member’s website.
BCI definitions are ready-to-use claims describing BCI. BCI Farmer definitions are ready-to-use claims
These claims may not be re-worded/modified and are describing the Better Cotton Production Principles.
available for use in multiple languages. These claims are not to be edited and are available
for use in multiple languages. Pair ‘Part 1’ and ‘Part 2’
Option 1: together for a complete claim.
‘The Better Cotton Initiative/BCI aims to transform cotton
production worldwide by developing Better Cotton as a Part 1:
sustainable mainstream commodity.’ Option 1:
‘The Better Cotton Initiative/BCI Farmers are
Option 2: farmers who’:
‘The Better Cotton Initiative/BCI makes global cotton
production better for the people who produce it, better Option 2:
for the environment it grows in, and better for the ‘By buying cotton products from XXX (your company’s
sector’s future.’ name), you’re supporting the Better Cotton Initiative/BCI
Farmers who’:
Option 3:
‘The Better Cotton Initiative/BCI connects people Option 3:
and organisations throughout the cotton sector, from ‘The Better Cotton Initiative/BCI trains farmers to’:
field to store, to promote measurable and continuing
improvements for the environment, farming communities Part 2:
and the economies of cotton-producing areas.’ Option 1:
‘use water efficiently, care for soil health and natural
Option 4: habitats, reduce use of the most harmful chemicals and
‘By choosing cotton products from XXX [your company’s respect workers’ rights and wellbeing’.
name], you’re supporting responsible cotton production
through the Better Cotton Initiative/BCI.’ Option 2:
‘care for the environment and implement the principles
of Decent Work’.
Option 3:
‘care for the environment and respect workers’ rights and
Storytelling Checklist:
☐ Membership approved
You must be making all required Basic Claims before being granted access to BCI’s storytelling
assets. Use of storytelling assets is optional. If you’re meeting the criteria, you may prefer to
move onto Advanced Claims.
Option 1:
In 2017-2018, the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI)
licensed over 2 million farmers from 21 countries
on five continents.
Optional addition:
Together, these farmers produced 12% of the
world’s cotton.
ELIGIBILITY CHECKLIST The claims must feature on the A member’s sourcing threshold
website of both the BCI Member is measured using the volumes
There are four criteria which (group level) and the brand wishing declared on the Better Cotton
determine eligibility to use the on- to access Advanced Claims and/or Platform, against the company’s
product mark and access Advanced the on-product mark. self-declared total annual cotton lint
Claims. usage. BCI verifies the amount of
Alternatively, a direct link to a lint sourced as Better Cotton via the
1) MEMBERSHIP CATEGORY member’s corporate sustainability Better Cotton Platform.
(ON-PRODUCT MARK AND webpages from an e-commerce site
INVESTMENT CLAIMS ONLY) is acceptable. Year 3 and year 5 thresholds are
defined as being the end of the third
You must: embership Statement visible
M and fifth year following approval of
elong to the BCI Retailer and Brand
B on a consumer-facing website. the first on-product mark.
(RB) Membership category, OR See page 8
e a Supplier and Manufacturer
B After year 5, you must maintain
(SM) Member who supplies end ime-bound target for ‘more
T a sourcing level of above 50% in
products to businesses in the sustainable cotton sourcing’ order to continue using the
service industry (B2B) (e.g., as a X% of total cotton lint use on-product mark.
industrial laundries, hotels, visible on consumer-facing
hospitals, staff clothing), i.e., not website of the BCI Member see BCI reserves the right to ask
supplying to consumer-facing page 8. members to evidence their sourcing
retailers or brands, OR of more sustainable cotton outside
of Better Cotton, if, after year 5,
e a Supplier and Manufacturer
B ass Balance Definition see
M they are sourcing between 25%
(SM) Member already supplying page 8. and 50% Better Cotton and wish to
other BCI Retailer and Brand continue making these claims.
Members who would like to use the 3) SOURCING THRESHOLDS
OPM in your own retail activities 4) VOLUME-BASED FEE
(B2C). In order to qualify under You must be sourcing your cotton as
this category, your B2C activity can Better Cotton, and over time meet You must be up-to-date in paying
represent no more than 25% of the below thresholds (at membership the Volume-Based Fee. The current
your textile business turnover. level): Volume-Based Fee calculation
methodology is available in the
Please contact BCI for more details inimum criteria for on-product
M member application form. Please
on eligibility criteria. BCI reserves mark use: >10% contact the BCI Membership Team
the right to establish if a Supplier nd of Year 3: >25%
E for more details.
and Manufacturer Member is eligible
to use the on-product mark. nd of Year 5: >50%
Investment: Reach
☐ Online training complete
☐ Basic Claims in place
☐ Sourcing thresholds met
You must be making all required Basic Claims before you can make Advanced Claims. Retailer
and Brand Members must also be meeting sourcing thresholds to access the claims laid out in
this section of the Claims Framework. See page 11 for eligibility criteria.
These claims are a calculation of Better Cotton These claims are intended to demonstrate a member’s
sourced (as a percentage of total estimated cotton lint contributions to BCI’s global reach by equating the
consumption) by an individual member: volumes of Better Cotton sourced by a member in
a given season, to BCI’s reach (in terms of farmers
‘We (or name of the organisation) source X% of our reached and hectares under cultivation). These claims
cotton as Better Cotton.’ are calculated based on an individual member’s
investment in one year, against the BCI Growth and
‘Last season, we sourced* all of the cotton for our Innovation Fund global indicators and BCI Growth and
kidswear range as Better Cotton.’ Innovation Fund total field investment.
‘All of our ladieswear is now sourced* as more Option 1 – Number of BCI Farmers:
sustainable cotton. This includes Better Cotton through ‘Last year, our investment enabled BCI to reach
BCI and organic cotton.’ and train over/almost XXX farmers on more
sustainable practices.’
If a member wishes to call out the range of products
which is being sourced as Better Cotton, a ‘Mass Option 2 – Number of hectares under Better Cotton
Balance Definition’ (see Basic Claims page 8) should be cultivation:
made. This should be made in addition to the definition ‘Last year, our investment enabled Better Cotton to be
already featuring on a member’s website. It must produced on over/almost XXX HA of land.’
feature on the same channel as the claim. Alternatively,
a member can highlight the URL by including the text
‘learn more at’.
Option 1:
Last year (or specific year to match sourced volume),
we sourced XXX metric tonnes of cotton as Better
Cotton. That’s the equivalent of almost XXX pairs of
Global Impact
☐ Online training complete
☐ Basic Claims in place
☐ Sourcing thresholds met
Membership Checklist:
Categories and
☐ Membership approved
☐ Communications induction
the On-Product Mark
☐ Online training complete
☐ Basic Claims in place
☐ Sourcing thresholds met
The diagram below details if your Membership Category is eligible to use the on-product mark.
I’m a BCI
I’m a BCI I’m a BCI
Retailer and Brand Member
I’m a BCI who supplies end
I’m a BCI Member, selling in the Producer
Supplier and products
Retailer and the products of Organisation,
Manufacturer to businesses
Brand Member. other BCI Member Associate Member
Member. in the service
brands via my or Civil Society
online platform. categories.
You can use the You may be able to You cannot use the You cannot use the You may be able to
on-product mark in use the on-product on-product mark, on-product mark. use the on-product
a B2C context, but mark for your own- but our Claims The mark cannot mark. Please
you must first meet brand product Framework contains be used in a contact the BCI
the eligibility criteria. and the brands alternative options B2B context (for communications
you stock, but you that enable you to example; on team for more
See Page 11. must first meet the communicate about fabric bolts, bulk information.
eligibility criteria. your work with BCI. packaging for yarn
or finished products
See Pages 8-12. in showrooms).
Our Claims
Framework contains
alternative options
that enable you to
communicate your
work with BCI.
Product Mark
☐ Membership approved
☐ Communications induction
The on-product mark (OPM) can be used on any BCI recommends that a member’s OPM use is
product where cotton is the majority fabric component, proportional to the volume of cotton they have sourced
or no other fabric components are greater. This does not as Better Cotton. This can be measured by member-
refer to the sourcing of Better Cotton for a product, but group or by brand. What matters is that the consumer
cotton in general. is not misled into believing that the member is sourcing
more Better Cotton than they are.
There are multiple ways that this can be measured:
100% cotton
40% cotton 30% viscose, 30% polyester
The volume of cotton sourced as Better Cotton
45% cotton, 45% polyester, 10% elastane as a proportion of the member’s total cotton lint
50% polyester, 45% cotton, 5% polyester
and Logo Use
☐ Membership approved
☐ Communications induction
The claims and associated logos in the below table are the only claims available to be made on-product.
The logos must be used in full and claims may not be edited. Logo use guidelines are available.
Examples include:
On-Product Checklist:
Umbrella Branding
☐ Membership approved
☐ Communications induction
‘Eco Collection’
(applied to product sourced
as Better Cotton, Organic
Cotton, more sustainable
celuloses and products
that contain >50% recycled
Should a claim be made in direct TEXT CLAIMS FOR DIRECTING THE CONSUMER
association with a product or range E-COMMERCE USE TO LEARN MORE
of products, it is classed as use of
the on-product mark (OPM). Claims made in association with a When the on-product mark is used
product, or range of products in an it is crucial that the customer is able
The majority of our members that online context, must be selected to learn more about BCI’s work and
use the OPM do so in the form of from the pre-approved list of ‘on- the member’s relationship with BCI.
a swing tag or sticker. However, an product text claims.’ Custom-built There are three ways in which this
OPM doesn’t have to be physically claims are not allowed in this information can be displayed in
on a product to be classed as such. context. relation to e-commerce OPM use:
An OPM may be in a catalogue, on
point of sale in store, on shipment LOCATION OF THE link, directly from the claim itself,
packaging to customers or, in this ON-PRODUCT MARK connecting the consumer with the
case, on a website. BCI website homepage.
The logo component of the on-
ELIGIBILITY FOR product mark can be located: link, directly from the claim itself,
E-COMMERCE USE connecting the consumer with
In the product title/description the member’s own sustainability
There are five criteria to be met webpages where they will find
which establish whether you are In the product details (expandable, approved copy explaining more
eligible to use the on-product roll-over or hidden tab) about BCI. These sustainability
mark. The same criteria apply in an pages must also contain a clearly
e-commerce context. The logo component of the on- accessible link to BCI’s website.
See page 11 ‘Eligibility Criteria’. product mark must not be located:
LOGO USE FOR E-COMMERCE se of BCI’s logo (complete with
In the product details where this Mass Balance URL)
The logo and text claims are both could suggest Better Cotton is part
elements of the mark, and wherever of the fabric composition.
possible, must be used together.
Exceptions are made if your website The text claim component of the on-
does not have the capabilities to product mark can be located:
display a logo. In this case, the text
claim and URL can be used without djacent to the logo component of
the logo. The BCI logo cannot be the on-product mark
used without a text claim.
Minimum sizing and logo legibility
eparate from the logo component
of the on-product mark either:
depend on your website’s layout.
- In the product title/description
- In the product details
(expandable, roll-over or hidden
- On the sustainability pages of
the same website. In this case,
the logo must contain a link to
these pages.
Approval Process
MONITORING MEMBERS’ BETTER What happens when a member When a member receives a
COTTON COMMUNICATIONS makes an incorrect claims? warning in relation to incorrect
or misleading use of claims,
Why do we monitor claims? Our monitoring protocol includes this warning remains live, on a
resolution procedures for member’s record, for one year
We monitor members’ claims in suspensions and withdrawals for (even if corrected). Should the
their communications about their misuse. same member be in breach of the
commitment and involvement with Claims Framework on a second
BCI. This allows us to: Warning and Corrective Action occasion during that period, a
Plan issued: If a member’s suspension or expulsion may be
dvise members how to
A communications are in breach of the issued.
continuously improve their Better Cotton Claims Framework, no
communications in order to further claims will be approved by
support our mission. BCI until the Corrective Action Plan
is complete.
ddress any breaches of BCI
guidelines in a standardised way, Suspension: If the agreed upon
thereby reassuring all members Corrective Action Plan is not
that the community’s credibility completed by the member within
remains intact. 30 days of receiving the formal
warning, members are given a
We use the following activities to further 30 days to complete the
implement our Monitoring Protocol Corrective Action Plan. Further
for claims: actions may be required. Access
to the Better Cotton Platform is
sing a sampling approach, an
U suspended during a member’s
audit of BCI Members’ website suspension. No further claims
content takes place annually. will be approved by BCI until the
Corrective Action Plan is complete.
ther members notify BCI where
O Expulsion: A member may be
any false or questionable claims expelled when the communications
are suspected. are not removed or corrected by
the member within 60 days of the
or on-product and Advanced
F suspension.
Claims, Retailer and Brand
declarations on the Better Cotton The Better Cotton Claims
Platform are monitored. Framework is governed by:
BCI monitors the steps to be followed by members before claims are approved and once claims are published.
Members are obliged to request approval for all consumer-facing claims.
BCI has resolution procedures to address the use of any misleading claims, on-product or otherwise.
Should members publish claims in breach of the Claims Framework, or no longer fulfil the on-product mark
eligibility criteria, they will receive an official warning and Corrective Action Plan from the BCI Secretariat.
The warning will state in what respect the member has breached requirements, and will outline corrective
actions or consequences, depending on the nature of the breach.
Examples of potential breaches and BCI responses include but are not limited to: