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BC Syllabus

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1) Applicant should have scanned copy of his/her i) Photograph ii) Signature and ii) ID proof
ensuring that all are within the required specifications as under:
Images format should be in JPG 8bit and size should be minimum 8KB and maximum
Image Dimension of Photograph should be 100 (Width) X 120 (Height) Pixel only
Image Dimension of Signature should be 140 (Width) X 60 (Height) Pixel only
Image Dimension of ID Proof should be 400 (Width) X 420 (Height) Pixel only. ID
Proof should contain Name, Photo, Date of Birth and Signature. Size should be
minimum 8KB and maximum 25KB.
ID proof can be any one of the following: Aadhaar Card, Driving License, Election
Voter's Card, ID Card issued by Employer (with Photo & Signature), PAN Card,
2) To make online payment, applicant should keep ready the necessary details about his/her
Credit/ Debit Card/ Net Banking
3) Applicant should have a valid personal email id. Admit letter of the examination will be
emailed to the personal email id only. It will also be available on our website for download.
No hard copy of admit letter will be sent through post/ courier etc.
Rural Self Employed Training Institutes (RSETIs)/ Financial Literacy Credit Counselling
Centres (FLCCs) will endeavor to familiarize the candidates the Online Registration
The Institute has developed a courseware to cover the syllabus.The Institute has published a
book titled 'Inclusive Banking Thru Business Correspondents covering the syllabus in English,
Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Oriya, Telugu, Bengali, Assamese and Malayalam to facilitate study
which is available at outlets/ distributors of M/s. Taxmann Publication Pvt. Ltd. For more
details, visit Institute's web site. Candidates are advised to make full use of the same.
The Institute has a practice of asking questions in each exam about the recent developments/
guidelines issued by the regulator(s) in order to test if the candidates keep themselves abreast
of the current developments. However, there could be changes in the developments/ guidelines
from the date the question papers are prepared and the dates of the actual examinations.
In order to address these issues effectively, it has been decided that:
(i) In respect of the examinations to be conducted by the Institute for the period February to
July of a calendar year, instructions/ guidelines issued by the regulator(s) and important
developments in banking and finance up to 31st December will only be considered for the
purpose of inclusion in the question papers".
(ii) In respect of the examinations to be conducted by the Institute for the period August to
January of a calendar year, instructions/ guidelines issued by the regulator(s) and
important developments in banking and finance up to 30th June will only be considered for
the purpose of inclusion in the question papers.
The table given below further clarifies the situation.

Particulars Cut-off Date of Guidelines/ Important

Developments for Examination/s Developments for Examination/s
For the examinations to be conducted by 31st December 2019
the Institute for the period February 2020
to July 2020
For the examinations to be conducted by 30th June 20
the Institute for the period August 2020 to
January 2021

a. Admit letter to all eligible candidates will be emailed to the candidates in their email id
registered with the Institute, 10 days before the examination date.
b. Admit letter of all eligible candidates will be hosted on Institute's website
www.iibf.org.in under the menu 'Exam Related', 1 week before the examination date.
c. For downloading and printing of admit letter from the above mentioned website,
candidates will have to enter the following:
i. Membership or registration number as login id
ii. Edit profile password.
iii. If candidates do not remember their Edit profile password, they have to click on
the 'Forgot password/ Get Password' button after entering the Membership or
Registration number. On clicking fresh edit profile password will be sent to their
registered email id.
d. Candidates are required to produce printed copy of admit letter along with
Membership identity card or any other valid photo ID card in original (Aadhaar card/
/e-Aadhaar/Employer's card/ PAN Card/ Driving License/ Election voter's card/
Passport etc.) at the examination venue.
e. In the absence of printed copy of Admit Letter and Photo Identity Card,
candidates will be denied permission to write Examination.
a. Mobile phones and other electronic/ smart gadgets (except calculator as permissible)
are not allowed in the examination hall. It is clarified that mere possession of mobile
phone and other electronic/ smart gadgets in the examination hall whether in switch
off mode or silent mode shall also be deemed to be resorting to adoption of unfair
means in the examination.
a. Candidates will be allowed to use battery operated portable calculator in the
examination. The calculator can be of any type up to 8 functions i.e. (Addition,
Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Percentage, Sq.-root, Tax+ and Tax -), 12 digits.
b. Attempt to use any other type of calculator not complying with the specifications
indicated above or having more features than mentioned above shall tantamount to
use of unfair means. Scientific calculator is not allowed.
a. Candidates should ensure that they sign the Attendance Sheet.
b. Candidates are advised to reach the Examination Venue before the reporting time
mentioned in the admit letter. No candidate/s will be permitted to enter the
Examination Venue after the gate closing time mentioned in the admit letter.
c. No candidate will be permitted to leave the examination venue in the first 60
minutes from the scheduled start time of the examination.
d. Candidates should occupy the seat mentioned against each subject in the
Admit letter.
e. Candidates would be able to login to the system only with the password mentioned
in this Admit Letter. This password should not be disclosed to others. Keep it safe to
avoid the possible misuse.
f. If the examination could not commence on scheduled time or there is delay due to
Failure of power, Technical snag of whatsoever nature or for any such reason having
bearing upon the conduct of examination; candidates have to:-
i. Wait till resumption of power supply/ solving of technical snag.
ii. Take-up the examination at other venue arranged by the examination
conducting authority.
iii. Follow instructions given by the examination conducting authority.

g. Candidates are required to strictly follow all the instructions given by the examination
conducting authority during the examination and adhere to Rules of the examination.
h. Violation of any of the Rules/ Instructions, misuse of the Admit Letter will be
considered to be an act of serious misconduct and the Institute will take action as
per the Rules of the examination, which will also be reported to the employer of the
a. Communication of any sort between candidates or with outsiders is not permitted and
complete silence should be maintained during the examination.
b. Copying answers from other candidates/ other printed/ Electronic material or
permitting others to copy or consultation of any kind will attract the rules relating to
unfair practices in the examination.
c. No candidate shall impersonate others or allow others to impersonate himself/ herself
at the examination.
d. No candidate shall misbehave/ argue with the Examination Conducting Authorities at
the centre.
e. Candidates have to compulsory return any papers given including that given for rough
work to invigilator.
f. Candidates should not possess and/ or use books, notes, periodicals, etc. in the
examination hall at the time of examination/ or use mathematical tables, slide rules,
stencils etc. during the examination.
If any candidate violates any of the above rules, it will be considered to be an act of
misconduct and he/she will be liable for punishment.


6. Result Advice/ Consolidated Marksheet/ Final Certificate
a. Result Advice of candidates will be hosted on Institute's website on declaration of
result, which can be downloaded by the candidates.
b. Consolidated mark sheet for candidates completing examination having more than
one subject, will be available on the Institute's website after the declaration of results.
Candidates can download the same after entering login credentials using their
membership number and edit profile password.
c. Final certificates (Digitally signed certificate) will be sent through e-mail registered
with the Institute within 3 weeks after the declaration of result. The Paper
Certificate issued by the Institute is discontinued.

MCQs are part of the Question Bank of the Institute and its Intellectual Property. As a matter
of policy, these MCQs and their answers will not be shared by the Institute with the candidates
or others and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained."
Register your queries through website www.iibf.org.in > Members/ Candidates Support
Services (Help) or email all your queries to [email protected]
CONTACT DETAILS:(For Model I and Model II)
Joint Director Examinations email id : [email protected]
Deputy Director Examinations email id: [email protected]
Tel: 022-6850 7000 /06
Indian Institute of Banking & Finance
191-F, Maker Towers, 19th Floor,
Cuffe Parade, Mumbai - 400 005
Tel.: 022-2218 3302/ 2218 5134
Leadership Centre
Indian Institute of Banking & Finance
Kohinoor City, Commercial-II, Tower-I, 3rd Floor,
Kirol Road, Off L. B. S. Marg, Kurla West, Mumbai 400 070.
Tel.: 022-6850 7000
E-mail: [email protected]
South Zone North Zone East Zone
Indian Institute of Banking & Indian Institute of Banking & Indian Institute of Banking &
Finance Finance Finance
No. 94, Jawaharlal Nehru Road, 102-113, Vikrant Towers, Avani Heights, 2nd Floor,
(100 Feet Road), Opp. Hotel 1st Floor, 4 Rajendra Place, 59A, Jawahar Lal Nehru Road,
Ambica Empire, Vadapalani, New Delhi 110 008. Kolkatta 700 020.
Chennai 600 026. Tel. : 011-2575 2191/ 92 Tel. : 033-2212 4992
Tel. : 044-2472 2990/ 2472 8587 E-mail : [email protected] E-mail : [email protected]
E-mail : [email protected]

Corporate Office: Indian Institute of Banking & Finance, Kohinoor City, Commercial-II
Tower-1, 2nd Floor, Kirol Road, Kurla (West), Mumbai - 400 070 Tel.: 022-6850 7000
Annexure - I
Syllabus for the Certificate Examination for Business Correspondents
(Please note: Chapter numbers given below are the Chapter numbers given in the study book)
Chapter 1: Structure of Indian Banking and Types of Banks
1.1 Objectives
1.2 Introduction
1.3 Need of Banking Services
1.4 Meaning of a Bank
1.5 Structure of Indian Banking System
1.6 Functions of Banks
1.7 Regulation and Supervision of Banking in India
1.8 Recent Trends in Banking
Chapter 2: Various Deposit Schemes and other Services
2.1 Objectives
2.2 Introduction
2.3 Types of Deposits
2.4 Demand Deposits
2.5 Term Deposits (Excluding Hybrid Deposits or Flexi Deposits)
2.6 Insurance of Bank Deposits by DICGC
2.7 Remittances
Chapter 3: Account Opening, on-Boarding Process, KYC Mechanism and
3.1 Objectives
3.2 Introduction
3.3 Procedure for Opening an Account
3.4 Photographs of depositors
3.5 Specimen Signature
3.6 Power of Attorney
3.7 Nomination
3.8 Prevention of Money Laundering
3.9 RBI Guidelines in regard to Operations in Accounts
3.14 Closing an Account
Chapter 4: Accounting, Finance & Operations
4.1 Objective
4.2 Introduction
4.4 Finance and Operations
4.5 What is Interest?(excluding Front ended interest & flat rate of interest)
4.6 Equated Monthly lnstalment (EMI)
Chapter 5: Loans and Advances: Retail Lending
5.1 Objectives
5.2 lntroduction
5.3 Loans and Types of Loans
5.4 Retail Lending
5.6 Education Loans
5.7 Housing Loans
5.11 Overdrafts
5.13 Micro and Small Enterprises
Chapter 6: Principles of Sound Lending
6.1 Objectives
6.2 Introduction
6.3 Principles of Lending
Chapter 9: Kisan Credit Card Scheme
9.1 Objective
9.2 Introduction
9.3 Scheme Details
Chapter 11: Asset Classification and Methods of Recovery
11.1 Objectives
11.2 Introduction
11.3 Definition of NP A
11.4 Asset Classification
11.5 Important Aspects of Recovery
Chapter 12: Grievance Redressal Mechanism in Banks and Banking Ombudsman
12.l Objectives
12.2 Introduction
12.3 Meaning of Grievance
12.4 Common Grievances of the Small Customers
12.5 Model Policy on Grievance Redressal and its Principles
12.6 Customer Complaint
12. 7 Present Grievance Redressal Mechanism in Banks
12.8 Banking Ombudsman Scheme
Chapter 13: Overview of Financial Market
13.1 Objectives
13.2 Introduction
13.5 Banking Sector
13.6 Insurance Market
13.7 Pension Market
Chapter 14: Financial Banking and Banking for the Unbanked
14.1 Objectives
14.2 Introduction
14.3 What is Financial Inclusion?
14.4 Need for Financial Inclusion
14.5 Present Banking Scenario
14.6 Initiatives of Reserve Bank of India
14.7 Business Correspondent and Business Facilitator Model
14.8 Role of Technology in Financial Inclusion
Chapter 15: Microfinance and Self-Help Groups (SHGs)
15.3 What is Microfinance?
15.8 SHG Definition
CHAPTER 16: Business Correspondent and Business Facilitator (BC/BF) Model:
A Vehicle for Financial Inclusion
16.1 Objectives
I 6.2 Introduction
I 6.3 Need for the BC/BF Model
16.4 Role and Responsibilities of Business Correspondents/ Business Facilitators
16.5 Who can be the Business Facilitators?
16.6 Who can be Business Correspondents?
16.7 Business Facilitators: Scope of Activities
16.8 Business Correspondents: Scope of Activities
16.9 Business Correspondent v. Business Facilitator
16.10 Eligibility Criteria for Engaging Business Correspondents/Business Facilitators
CHAPTER I 17: Risk and Fraud Management
17. I Objectives
I 7.2 Introduction
17.4 Risk and fraud from the perspective of BCAs
17.5 Risk and Fraud Management
17.6 Do's and Don'ts for Business Correspondents and Business Facilitators
18.1 Objective
18.2 Introduction
18.3 Pradhan Mantri Jan-Ohan Yojana (PMJDY)
18.4 Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY)
18.5 Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY)
18.6 Atal Pension Yojana (APY)
Chapter 20: Basic Technical Skills (handling Micro-ATMs, Biometric and other
Devices, Basic Connectivitv Issues)
20.l Objectives
20.2 Introduction
20.3 It Enabled Financial Inclusion Using BC Model
20.4 Technology for Low Cost Financial Inclusion
Case 1 - Business Correspondent Model of a Public Sector Bank
Case 2 - IT Enabled Financial Inclusion
Case 3 - Private Sector Bank and Business Correspondent
Case 4 - The Case of a Technology enabled Company Offering its service to Banks for
Financial Inclusion
Chapter 21: Digital Banking Products
21.1 Objectives
21.2 Introduction
2 I .3 Need for Digital Banking
21.4 Various types of Cards
21.5 Mobile Banking
21.6 Internet Banking
21.7 Automated Teller Machines (ATMs)
21.8 POS (Point-Of-Sale) Terminals and Micro ATM
21.9 Aadhaar Seeding and e-KYC
21.10 APBS and AEPS
21.1 I RuPay Cards
2l.12 UPI, SHIM and Bharat QR
Chapter 22: Communication and Financial Counselling (Including Financial
Literacy and Financial Education)
22.4 Importance of Financial Education for Banks
22.10 Role of RBI in Financial Literacy
Chapter 23: How to Deal with Different Types of Customers?
23.l Objective
23.2 Introduction
23.3 Soft skills and hard skills
23.4 Soft Skills to Build Relationships
23.5 Dealing with different types of customers
23.6 How to maintain trust in the client relationship?
23. 7 How to deal with a complaint?
23.8 Do's and Don'ts for handling Customer Complaints
23.9 Duties of a Bank
Chapter 24: Soft Skills and Strategies for Recovery of Bank Loans
24. l Objective
24.2 Introduction
24.7 Negotiation skills
24.8 Dealing with difficult borrowers
24.9 Strategy for Recovery
24.10 Farmers clubs and SHGs

Annexure - II

Certificate Examination for Business Correspondents - Different Models

Model Role of Role of Banks Examination details
I a) IIBF will a) Bulk Registration of a) Examination Fee for BC Certification
offer BCs will be done by in this Model I (Hybrid Model) is
internet- bank on behalf of Rs.350/-* per candidate, per attempt.
based test their BC's. The The examination will be held on
engine logistic arrangements mutually agreed dates and time for each
which can with respect to of the centres.
be computer nodes, b) The frequency of examinations may
accessed internet connection, be decided by the Banks in consultation
from sitting space etc. for with IIBF.
anywhere the smooth conduct of
in the the examination can
country be taken care of by
provided, the individual banks.
internet b) The banks will
connection identify their centres
with and the BCs of the
adequate banks concerned will
speed is appear at such
available. designated bank
Thus, centres. The centre
remotenes head of the bank has
s of centre to certify to the
and Institute that proper
number of supervision was done
people during the
appearing examination, detailing
all over the out the list of
country will candidates who had
not be a appeared for the
concern examination.
b) IIBF will
for the
conduct of
exam and
of the
c) IIBF will
to issue an
for the
to minimise
the cost.
II a) IIBF will a) Bulk Registration of a) Examination Fee for BC Certification
be BCs will be done by in this Model Ill is Rs.800/-* per
responsible banks on behalf of candidate, for the first attempt and Rs.
for the their BCs. No other 400/-* per candidate for subsequent
conduct of support will be offered attempts. However, IIBF has designed a
exam and by banks in this scheme to offer discounts for bulk
certification model. registrations received from banks based
of the on the number of registrations.
b) IIBF will Discount structure
to issue an Number of % of Validity of
e- enrolment Discoun the
Certificate s t discount
for the offer
successful 1-500 No Firm
candidates Discount commitmen
to minimise t of number
the cost 501-1000 10% specified
column - 1
from bank
1001 15%
n cycle
Above 20% from March
2000 2019 to
b) The examination will be held on
mutually agreed dates and time for each
of the centre identified by IIBF.
III a) IIBF will a) Banks do not have a) Examination Fee for BC Certification
be solely any particular role in in this Model Ill is Rs.800/-* per
responsible this model. candidate, for the first attempt and
for the Candidates can Rs.400/-* per candidate for subsequent
conduct of directly register attempts
exam and themselves on the b) Examination will be held as per
certification IIBF website as per schedule devised by IIBF which will be
of the schedule devised by conducted on a fortnightly basis.
candidate. IIBF and appear
b) IIBF will themselves for the
endeavor exams at the centres
to issue an designated to them.
for the
to minimise
the cost
*Plus Convenience charges and Taxes as applicable.


the logistical arrangements for ensuring a smooth and fair examination shall be the
responsibility of the individual banks. For this, IIBF will offer internet-based test engine which
can be accessed from anywhere in the country provided, internet connection with adequate
speed is available. The banks will identify their centres and the BCs of the banks concerned
will appear at such designated bank centres.

Minimum Technical Specifications to be fulfilled by banks.

The minimum technical specifications of the computer nodes, internet connection and ports
which will have to be fulfilled by the individual banks at each centre under the hybrid model
should be as under:

Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 2 and above as the operating system.

Latest updated Chrome/Firefox Browser.
Mouse facility.
Minimum Bandwidth Required: 1-2 MBPS (for internet connection).
Opening required ports to access the server. Details of ports will be shared with the

Procedure for registration of candidates:

Individual banks, in co-ordination with IIBF, have to finalise the date of examination,
time of examination, registration dates and centre for conduct of examination.
Individual banks have to make bulk registration of candidates. Necessary login
credentials and the URL will be shared by IIBF to the banks. Banks have to
nominate a single point of contact (SPOC) for the purpose.
Individual banks to make payment of examination fees through RTGS/NEFT, within
a period of 2 days from the close of registration.
IIBF, after getting the payment, will email the soft copy of the admit letter to
individual candidates. The soft copy of the admit letter will also be sent to the
SPOC, who can distribute the same, in case of need.

Conduct of Examination:

One day before the examination date, individual banks have to check their systems
and ensure everything is working properly for the smooth conduct of examination.
They have to co-ord
the representative, email id and contact number will be shared by IIBF with the
Supervision of the examination will be the sole responsibility of the individual banks
and they have to ensure that no unfair practices are adopted during the
Supervisors have to ensure that candidates do not use mobile phones, books,
discuss with other candidates, copying of questions, browse other applications
during the examination. Facility of browsing the internet during the examination
should be disabled.
The centre head of the individual bank has to certify to IIBF that proper supervision
was done during the examination, detailing out the list of candidates who had
appeared for the examination, name of the supervisors etc.
Only after getting the above confirmation, result of the candidates will be declared.


No refund or adjustment of examination fees can be made, in case candidates

remain absent for the examination.
Only E- Certificates will be sent to the successful candidates.


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