Community Engagement, Citizenship and Solidarity

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Name: ________________________________Grade/Section:__________Date:__________

Graphic Organizer

I. Content: Community Action Plan

II. Learning Objective:

a. Identify the elements and parts of community action plan

1. Key words will be given showcasing the chronological procedure of the elements of a
community action plan.
2. Based from this words create/ design your own graphic organizer using the materials given.
3. Use a bond paper for your final output.
4. Clap your hands and say your yell as soon as you finish the activity.
5. The reporter will present the output in front of the class.

IV. Guide Questions:

1. What Filipino values are essential in developing a community action plan? Cite at least three
3) examples. Explain briefly at the back of your answer sheet.

V. Materials:
1. Short bond paper and colored paper
2. Ballpen
3. Glue
4. Scissors

VI. Rubric for Scoring:

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Ideas Many original ideas Several original Some original Few original ideas No original ideas in
• Originality in material and ideas in material/ ideas in in material/ display material /display are
• Interest display are evident display are material /display are evident evident and stimulate
and stimulate a great evident to are evident to stimulate interest interest
deal of interest stimulate a much stimulate some
of interest interest
Relevance of Material selected is Material selected Some material Little material Material selected is not
material all relevant and is mostly relevant selected is selected is relevant relevant and rarely
• connected to clearly connected to and clearly relevant and and rarely connected to the main
main idea the main idea connected to the somewhat connected to the idea
main idea connected to the main idea
main idea
Visual Impact Overall visual impact Overall visual Overall visual Overall visual Overall visual impact
• effectiveness is very effective impact is impact is impact is limited is not evident
of overall effective somewhat
presentation effective

Total Score
Name/s: ________________________________________________________________________________
Grade/Section:__________ Date: ________________

CUT- OUT: ELEMENTS of community action plan

Identification of indicators
Activities to be followed
Target date for completion
Identification of the organization
Statement of what must be achieved
Resources needed to complete the task

CUT- OUT: PARTS of community action plan

Introduction to the Plan

Executive Summary
Cover Page
Table of Contents
Appendices and Supporting Documentation
Action Plan
Community Profile

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