Paparan Sekretaris Eksekutif IAEI - UMT
Paparan Sekretaris Eksekutif IAEI - UMT
Paparan Sekretaris Eksekutif IAEI - UMT
Development Paradigms of IE
No dichotomy between commercial
and social. The business of business
is not only doing business.
Islamic Finance
Development Paradigms Development Paradigms of IE
2. Civil Law 1. UK
1. Bahrain 2. US
Muhammadiyah Muhammadiyah
Islamic Trade Nahdhatul
Muhammadiyah opinion on the recommended
Union (SDI) was Ulama (NU)
was founded prohibition of the concept of
established. was formed.
bank interest. Islamic banking.
Indonesian IE Development
The 3 decades of government involvement in
Indonesian IE development
MUI National
Teknosa was
Summit where NU-Summa Bank Muamalat
transformed ICMI was
issue of banking Bank was Indonesia was
into Baitut- founded.
in Muslim world erected. established.
was raised.
Indonesian IE Development
The 3 decades of government involvement in
Indonesian IE development
Issuance of BI
Regulation No. PT Syarikat
Law No. 7/1992 BMI started Governor’s
72/1992 on a Takaful
on banking was operational on Letter No.
Profit-sharing Indonesia was
issued. May. 25/4/BPPP
Based Bank Established.
was issued
Indonesian IE Development
The 3 decades of government involvement in
Indonesian IE development
IAEI (Indonesian
Pegadaian Islamic MUI gave official
Law No. strengthened
Syariah (Islamic Economics fatwa on the
21/2004 on their position on
Pawnshop) was Scholars prohibition of
Waqf the prohibition of
established. Association) bank interest
bank interest
was established
Indonesian IE Development
The 3 decades of government involvement in
Indonesian IE development
Law No.
Laws on Halal
Law No. ISSI (Indonesia 23/2011 on
Law No. Product
19/2008 on Sharia Stock Zakat
21/2008 on Guarantee and
Government Index) was Management
Islamic banking Hajj Fund were
Sukuk launched. replacing Law
No. 38/1999.
Indonesian IE Development
The 3 decades of government involvement in
Indonesian IE development
KNKS was
National Islamic The Indonesia
Halal Product transformed into
Finance Indonesia Hajj Masterplan of
Assurance KNEKS or National
Committee Fund (BPKH) Sharia Economy
Agency (BPJPH) Islamic Economics
(KNKS) was was established. 2019-2024 was
was founded and Finance
established. launched.
Indonesian IE Development
The 3 decades of government involvement in
Indonesian IE development
BSI was
established as BMI was
Cash Waqf Link Islamic The national
the results of acquired by
Sukuk was economic movement of
merger from 3 Indonesia Hajj
launched. brand was cash waqf.
state-owned fund (BPKH).
Islamic banks.
Indonesian IE Development
Beyond the
“Syari’ah”, or
“Halal” labeling
What next from the Govt?
What Next
What to expect?
• Integrated database