Problems of Education in The 21st Century, Vol. 1, 2007
Problems of Education in The 21st Century, Vol. 1, 2007
Problems of Education in The 21st Century, Vol. 1, 2007
Volume 1, 2007
Science Education
in a Changing Society
The articles appearing in this scientific collection are indexed and abstracted in EBSCO
Volume 1, 2007
Scientific Methodical Center „Scientia Educologica“ /Lithuania/, the associated member of
Lithuanian Scientific Society and ICASE
Prof.dr. Vincentas Lamanauskas, Scientific Methodical Centre „Scientia Educologica“,
Republic of Lithuania
Editorial Board
Dr., prof. Janis Gedrovics, Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy,
Dr., prof. Martin Bilek, Hradec Kralove University, Czechia
Dr., prof. Borislav V. Toshev, Sofia University, Bulgaria
Dr. Todar T. Lakhvich, Belarusian State M.Tank Pedagogical University, Republic of Belarus
Dr. Eleonora Melnik, Karelian State Pedagogical University, Republic of Karelia, Russia
Dr. Uladzimir K. Slabin, University of Oregon, USA
Dr. Rytis Vilkonis, Scientific Methodical Centre „Scientia Educologica“, Republic of
Scientific Methodical Center “Scientia Educologica”
Donelaièio Str. 29,
LT-78115 Ðiauliai, Lithuania
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +370 687 95668
WEB page:
The authors of the articles and studies are responsible for the scientific content and stylistic aspects of the texts
Volume 1, 2007
Contents 3
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6 to the problems encountered by science education. We hope that the next volume
will cover more topics.
I believe that this edition will have a high (theoretical and practical) impact
on the development and advancement of public natural science and technologi-
cal education not only in the region of Central and Eastern Europe but also in a
number of other countries worldwide. As we all are full of interesting and useful
ideas and experience I’d like to invite you to share your knowledge on the pages
of this new scientific compilation. I am expecting to see all scientists and teachers
including those from Eastern European community to be both - readers and writ-
Broks, A. (2007). Science Education as Life Experience for Life. In.: V.Lamanauskas & G.Vaidogas (Eds.),
Science and Technology Education in Central and Eastern Europe: Past, Present and Perspectives (The pro-
ceedings of 6th IOSTE Symposium for Central and Eastern Europe). Siauliai: Siauliai University Press, p. 26-30.
Goodwin A. (2006). Constructing Science Education. Journal of Science Education, Vol. 7, No. 1, p. 4.
* Source: special Eurobarometer “Europeans, Science and Technology”, 2005; related Press release “Why do our
youth stay out of scientific careers? New EU-wide data”
Volume 1, 2007
Riga French Lyceum, Latvia
E-mail: [email protected]
To increase the efficiency of understanding of chemistry during training of natural sciences course, the re-
search methods were introduced from the beginning of learning year. The basic object for investigations was
etiquette of different chemical products, mainly from household industrial products. The research activities
of the pupils were stipulated to receive more information on surrounding chemical products, role of etiquette
as the carrier of information. It gives more possibilities to combine the theoretical knowledge with real prac-
tical life.
Another goal of the introduction of the research method is to develop investigation’s skills of the pupils. It is
very important for the training of natural sciences in the modern school, which gives a possibility to develop
deeper interest of pupils for investigation of the surrounding world and facilitate the growing skills for it. The
defined procedures for preparation of research report were developed in the Riga French lyceum to develop all
components of research activities from collection of information with verification and assessment up to
presentation of own results including oral presentation for another pupils with their following valuation.
Key words: natural sciences course, training of chemistry, research training method, etiquette of household
During the last several years, the pupils of 12-th form of Riga French Lyceum, which are
trained in the frame of natural science course, for graduating of the course perform the small
scale integrated studies, which give a possibility to demonstrate the knowledge and skills in
chemistry, physics and biology. The preparations of scientific reports of the pupils usually are
performed during post lessons activities, sometimes out of the school. These activities are
connected with the settlement of the specific information, as well as with management of new
specific methods and financial support for investigations. It was found, that exist differences in
the research skills of pupils, which are determined by many factors, for example, by differ-
ences in approach of natural sciences and the humanities. Therefore, the scientific studies
named as “Etiquette as the source of information” in the frame of lessons of natural science
studies in Riga French Lyceum are performed for strengthening of chemistry knowledge espe-
cially for better understanding the composition of each days surrounding household, food and
industrial products.
The main goals of studies are following:
1. To prepare the pupils for scientific investigations;
2. To develop skills of pupils to use the etiquettes as the source of information;
3. To develop understanding of the role of household wastes management for
protection of environment.
Volume 1, 2007
Methodology of research
Usually pupils select voluntary the item for research studies – one type industrially avail-
able products with different chemical composition. Then they formulate the scientific investi-
gation’s goals and tasks, taking into account the possibilities to determine the chemical com-
position of products, identify the chemical formulas and structure of chemical substances, as
well as, determine the functions of substances in the product and influence on environment.
Research activities usually were finished with the submission of prepared reports and
presentation of obtained results. Each stage of performed activities is valued by points, which
were summarized and transferred into appropriate research studies estimates. The following
components are included in research studies estimates:
1. The compliance with time scale of investigations: definition of item, clarification of
goal and tasks of investigations, preparation of motivation of selected item, collec-
tion of etiquettes;
2. Performance of studies and preparation of the study’s report;
3. Presentation of results;
4. Discussions and formulation of final conclusions.
The schema of activities performed by pupils for scientific investigations is given in Fig-
ure 1.
It was found, that the result of research activities depends on the pupil’s activities during 9
planning and execution of the investigations and his presentation’s skills. The research studies
praxis shows, that exist several cases, when the pupil’s selected product was not motivated
(composition is rather complicated) correctly. After common evaluation of selected product,
the decision to change the product usually was taken and pupil used another product for planned
research activities.
Results of Research
The different training methods were used for pupil’s scientific investigations. To increase
pupil’s knowledge’s level and understanding of the problems, the analysis of information, prepa-
ration of the scientific reports and presentation of the results of investigations was widely
introduced in the training process of pupils, which was one of didactic tasks for training. The
co-operative training method in this case was connected with the positive mutual co-operation
with all classmates during discussions on the different information’s sources and obtained
results, taking into account the point of view of another pupil’s, which can differ from the
opinion of the referent. The final conclusions of the investigations were formulated in such
Simultaneously, the referent is independent and active for explanation of the results of
investigations, which increase the stability of knowledges and develop skills to use knowledges
in non-standard situations. Such presentations develop the individual skills of the pupils to use
scientific approach for training in natural sciences. The role of teacher during implementation
of pupil’s scientific investigations is rather complicated. On the one side, the teacher must
have the leading and controlling function for scientific investigations (controlling activities
must be performed according to the prepared investigation’s plan, which includes the control
of performed activities in different stages of investigations to avoid unnecessary stress in cases
of “the last moment investigation’s” scenarios). On another side, teacher must fulfil also con-
sulting activities and must be able to perform the corrective functions to provide that the
pupil’s scientific activities agree with defined goals and tasks , as well as, to exclude the cases,
then pupils exceed the frames of defined item or use “copy- paste” method for preparation of
scientific reports. Such creative activities promote and stipulate the growth of theoretical
knowledges, skills and abilities of pupils (Gorskis, 2004, p.52).
Scientific investigations should be defined as one of the pupil’s training methods, which is
connected with analytical thinking as whole, since the pupil performs all critical thinking proc-
ess’s steps (excitation, apprehending and reflextion (Bartuðevièa, 2004, p.71), also analysis of
obtained results (Äàíèëîâà, 2002, p.22; Ïåòðîâ, 2002, p.31). After finishing of planned scien-
tific investigation’s activities, pupils were involved in the evaluation processes of all research
studies, taking into account the following criteria:
1. Actuality of item;
2. Presentation of the studies;
3. Description of obtained information;
4. Answers on questions;
5. Formulation of final conclusions.
Scientific studies were used for the practical training activities of pupils, based on their
own knowledge and skills to utilize knowledges in previously unknown situation. Different
research methods are available in scientific activities of pupils, for example, literature studies,
interview method, questionnaire method, as well as, experimental method, if it is necessary
depending of defined item.
Analysis of research studies results shows that the development of pupil’s skills for scien-
tific activities was observed, which results in essential increasing of knowledges on chemical
composition of substances, as well as, the structure and functions of different substances from
each day’s life. It was found, that significantly increases the pupil’s ability for the planning of
research activities. Pupils developed skills to work with different sources of information (books
from different libraries, different press medium sources, internet, national legislation and an-
other information sources). They also developed skills in analysis of information and decision
Volume 1, 2007
10 making and define the position on reasonability of utilization of investigated product in each
day’s life.
It was observed (Figure 2) using questionnaires from the involved in research activities
pupils (39 respondents), that introduction of research studies method in training of natural
sciences results in increasing the interest of pupils for chemistry, public health and environ-
mental protection. The significant growth of knowledge and improvement of skills referred
more than 90 % of respondents, confirming the suitability of used approach for training of the
pupils in natural sciences. Respondents also indicated the high interest to the investigated
objects (more than 90 %). It can be explained by the unaided selection of the objects for
studies by the pupils and characterization of the objects, taking into account that the studies
objects were from the each day’s life of pupils. Final evaluation of used research methods
shown, that 69 % of all respondents recognized that used methods were interesting approach
to the training of chemistry (see Figure 2). As a result, the advancement of pupils in chemistry
increases, also for the pupils, who for different reasons have problems to master the chemistry
in the school. The actuality of investigations positive valued 57 % of all respondents which also
can be recognized as a good estimate.
The response of pupils indicated also the difficulties to use the research methods (see
Figure 3). The basic problems were connected with the collection of necessary information (67
% of all respondents). Respondents indicated mainly following problems:
1. etiquettes were designed unintelligible (more than 30 % of all respondents);
2. letters on the etiquettes were small and illegible;
3. some abbreviations of compositions can not be identified;
4. Difficult obtain the reliable information on the selected chemical compositions.
More than 20 % of respondents mentioned the problems with translation, since etiquettes
were in foreign language. The respondents were faced also with the understanding problems
(28 % of all respondents) mainly connected with the determination of the influence of differ-
ent chemical substances on the health and environment protection. Answers of pupils con-
firmed, that 27 % of them had problems with the presentation of obtained results. However,
the presentations skills were significantly improved using group training method. Relative small
part of respondents mentioned the problems with the time and preparation of report (less
than 10 %) confirming, that used methods can not be recognized as “labour-consuming” and
Gunta ABRAMENKOVA. Introduction of the Research Methods in Teaching of Chemistry
Volume 1, 2007
Such definitions were characteristic for the pupils with increased interest and sense of
responsibility, which results in expanding of labour amount. The changes in attention to the
products from their every day’s life were observed for the main amount of pupils. It was found,
that some pupils have indifferent attention to the results of research studies.
The ecological questions related to the packages of used investigation’s objects were dis-
cussed with the pupils during implementation of planned activities. It was found, that using the
well-known objects from each day’s life of pupils, the ecological significance for sorting of
household wastes can be more easy explained since pupils have very clear information on the
composition of different goods and also packages of goods. Additional efforts were spent for
clarification of composition of different packages and abbreviations on packages, as well as,
the possibilities to sort the household wastes were explained taking into account the real situ-
ation on pupil’s living place.
The research studies method was used for second school’s pupils in Riga French Lyceum,
but taking into account the lessons learned from existing praxis, this method can be also intro-
duced also for the training of the ninth form pupils, especially, for proper household wastes
management at living place and school territory.
1. The scientific investigation’s method was introduced for 12-th form pupils from
Riga French Lyceum in the training of natural science course.
2. Analysis of used research studies results shows that using the research methods
pupils develop the skills for scientific activities, which results in essential increasing
of knowledges on chemical composition of substances, as well as, the structure and
functions of different substances from each day’s life objects.
3. It was found, that research activities significantly increases the pupil’s planning ca-
pacity. Pupils develop skills to work with different sources of information, to make
analysis of information and to develop the decision making skills and to define the
position on reasonability of utilization of investigated product in each day’s life. The
household wastes management principles can be easy explained during such studies.
4. The research studies method was successfully used for second school’s pupils in
Riga French Lyceum, but taking into account the lessons learned from existing
praxis, this method can be introduced also for the ninth form pupils.
Volume 1, 2007
Grîne M, Dreijalte S., Zvingevica A. (2000). Dabaszinîbas. Mâcîbu programma vidusskolai. Rîga, p. 62.
Gorskis M., Rudzîtis G. (2004). Vispârîgâ íîmija vidusskolâ. Metodiskais lîdzeklis. Rîga: Zvaigzne ABC,
p. 52.
Bartuðevièa A. (2004). Kritiskâs domâðanas mâcîbu metodes íîmijâ. Metodisks lîdzeklis skolotâjiem. Rîga:
LU Akadçmiskais apgâds, p.71.
Äàíèëîâà À.Ã. (2002). Èç îïûòà ïðîâåäåíèÿ ìîíèòîðèíãà ðàçâèòèÿ îáùåó÷åáíûõ
óìåíèé. Õèìèÿ â øêîëå, 10, p.22.-30.
Ïåòðîâ Þ.Í. (2002). Î òåõíîëîãèè ðàçâèòèÿ êðèòè÷åñêîãî ìûøëåíèÿ. Õèìèÿ â øêîëå,
10, p.31.-34.
Secondary school in Tikkakoski, Finland
E-mail: [email protected]
In phenomenography the aim is to describe and classify people’s conceptions. Teachers have to be aware of
the various alternative conceptions on which pupils are relying in their reasoning when they try to understand
a concept or a phenomenon. Marton’s variation theory of learning gives guidance to teachers how to design
a successful teaching intervention by taking into account discernment, variation and simultaneity.
In this article comprehensive school pupils’ conceptions on the concept of weight in the pulley surrounding
have been studied using phenomenographic method. Pupils from 5th, 7th and 9th grades compared the weight
of a small standard mass and a big bag hanging in a pulley at different positions in balance. In all the three
age groups the majority (about 70%) of the pupils stated that the lower hanging bag is heavier. From the
pupils’ justifications five hierarchical categories were found: Motion, Position, Appearance, Material and No
reasoning. Only about 5% of the seventh graders and 10% of the ninth graders seem to have an idea about
the scientific explanation based on the immobility of the hanging objects.
Next, in order to change these conceptions a teaching intervention was planned so that in three successive
demonstrations the critical features found in the earlier study about pupils’ conceptions were varied. After the
teaching about 40% of the fifth graders and 45% of the ninth graders perceived that they have to pay atten-
tion to the immobility of the objects.
Finally, it is shown how the cognitive conflicts and the four patterns of variation gradually change the pupils’
ideas toward the scientific explanation. Teachers can help pupils by using successive demonstrations with
appropriate variation and taking up in discussion pupils’ misconceptions and the critical features in the
Key words: phenomenography, variation theory, pupils’ conceptions, teaching intervention.
Already when starting their studies in science pupils will have plenty of different con-
ceptions about different concepts, phenomena and events. However, the scientific expla-
nations of physical phenomena often differ from and are in conflict with intuitive ideas
based on everyday experiences. In 1980s studies on pupils’ alternative conceptions be-
came central in science education research (see e.g. Duit, 2006, Driver, Squires, Rushworth
& Wood-Robinson, 1994). The aim in these studies was to find out what kind of difficul-
ties pupils had in understanding the scientific concepts and models of explanations (theo-
Volume 1, 2007
14 ries). The attention was paid especially on how pupils’ conceptions differed from the ac-
cepted scientific view. In the beginning, researchers used terms like misconceptions (Novak,
1993), spontaneous reasoning (Viennot, 1979), naïve beliefs (Caramazza, McCloskey &
Green, 1981), children’s ideas or children’s science (Gilbert, Osborne & Fensham, 1982).
The different terms reflect the researchers’ views and explanations like minitheories
(Claxton, 1993) or alternative models (Vosniadou, 1994). The term alternative conception
as such contains the idea that conceptions can be changed that naturally is the main aim in
science teaching. The common general result from these studies is, however, that pupils’
preconceptions are deep-rooted and difficult to be changed.
In the next phase the question, how to change pupils’ conceptions to correspond bet-
ter the scientific ones, became more relevant as well as the problem of finding theoretical
models that would reveal the ways how to bring about the necessary changes. Early on,
Posner, Strike, Hewson & Gertzog (1982) introduced four conditions for conceptual change:
pupils have to realize that their old way of thinking does not work and that the scientific
conceptions are more intelligible, plausible, and fruitful than their own conceptions. Later
different theoretical models have been developed to explain the conceptual change like
misconception repair (Chi, Slotta & de Leeuw, 1994), knowledge-in-pieces (diSessa, 1993),
synthetic meaning (Vosniadou, 1994), and sociocultural view (Ivarsson, Schoultz & Säljö,
Teaching methods like cognitive conflict and analogies have been developed to change
pupils’ ideas (see Driver, Asoko, Leach, Mortimer & Scott, 1994). Cognitive conflict i.e.
the realisation of the need to change existing ideas is the first step toward conceptual
change so that pupils will not to simply recall the scientific fact through rote memorization
and soon after science instruction return back to alternative conceptions (Tsai & Chang,
2005). One common instructional strategy to foster conceptual change is to confront stu-
dents with discrepant events that contradict their existing conceptions. This is intended to
invoke a cognitive conflict that induces students to reflect on their conceptions as they try
to resolve the conflict. Kang, Scharmann & Noh (2004) have found a significant correla-
tion between the cognitive conflict induced by a discrepant event and the conceptual change.
However, they warn that cognitive conflict is only one of the important factors to be con-
sidered in concept learning rather than a necessary prerequisite for it.
Tao & Gunstone (1999) found when studying the process of conceptual change in
force and motion using computer simulation programs that conceptual change for many
students was context dependent and unstable. In addition, it has been stressed that also
motivational and affective factors as well as recognition that science is socially constructed
has to be taken into account in models of conceptual change (Pintrich, Marx & Boyle,
1993; Tyson, Venville, Harrison & Treagust, 1997; Lee, Kwon, Park, Kim, Kwon & Park,
2003). Ivarsson et al. (2002) have taken a more radical position. According to them, con-
ceptual change results from changes in the way how students use intellectual tools in vari-
ous contexts, and the change actually occurs at the societal level. Schoultz, Säljö &
Wyndhamn (2001) have shown that human reasoning is tool dependent on its nature. Ac-
cording to them when children’s reasoning is supported by a cultural artefact (like the
globe) they appear to be familiar with highly sophisticated modes of reasoning. This is
considered as a rather strong argument for a sociocultural interpretation of mind.
However, it has also been pointed out that cognitive conflict strategies do not always
lead to conceptual change (e.g. Dreyfus, Jungwirth, & Eliovitch, 1990; Dekkers & Thijs,
1998; Lee et al., 2003). Familiar and often used explanations come first to mind when
pupils are making predictions of new events or in new situations. When students’ ideas are
confronted with contradictory information through instruction students may not at all rec-
ognize the conflict, or if a solution is proposed at a level which is beyond that of students
it will remain meaningless to them and the effect of the conflict is lost, or that sometimes
the contradictory information can even be threatening to students who do not have enough
knowledge to solve the conflict. The cognitive conflict approach is not effective when stu-
dents lack the foundation and tools to construct new, scientifically better ideas. The use of
cognitive conflict as an instructional strategy fails when the significance of the conflict is
not apparent to the students (Vosniadou, 1999). However, if properly used the cognitive
conflict approach creates stimulating and motivating learning events. According to the
Maija AHTEE, Olavi HAKKARAINEN. Changing Pupils’ Conceptions About Weight Applying Variation Theory
Volume 1, 2007
variation theory to learn something pupils have to experience and to discern it in different 15
ways (see Marton & Booth, 1997; Marton & Tsui, 2004). The variation theory provides a
way to describe the conditions necessary for learning.
Phenomenography is a fairly recent research tradition (see e.g. Marton, 1981; Svensson,
1997; Marton & Pong, 2005). Pupils make their own interpretations and conclusions from
different phenomena and conceptions on the basis of their own experiences and knowl-
edge structures. In the phenomenographic research method the data is obtained by col-
lecting pupils’ descriptions how a certain phenomenon or concept appear to them, how
they understand it. From these descriptions the researcher has to find out the different
interpretations and the reasons behind these interpretations. To be able to do this the
researcher has to have good knowledge and understanding about the physics behind the
phenomenon and its connections and s/he has to know also in which kind of situations
pupils may have met this phenomenon earlier. In other words, s/he has to be acquainted
with the pupils’ background and world view.
In the phenomenographic research the first thing is to find out what pupils have no-
ticed about the phenomenon, to which features or properties they have paid attention. For
every phenomenon there is a limited number of critical features. The corresponding cat-
egories form the referential perspective or what aspect which denotes the overall meaning
assigned to the phenomenon (Marton & Booth, 1997; Pang, 2003). The categories of pu-
pils’ conceptions tell the teachers how the pupils have understood the phenomenon. They
help the teacher to avoid in her/his teaching examples and sayings that may strengthen the
wrong ideas and stress ways that may help the pupils to change their wrong ideas.
When the researcher tries to understand how pupils’ different conceptions have been
formed s/he is looking at the structural perspective or how aspect. S/he pays attention to
the expressions how the pupils explain the phenomenon and to the contexts in which the
pupils join the phenomenon. The basic assumption in phenomenography is that different
pupils see the phenomenon in different ways depending on their experiences and aware-
ness. The key feature of a way of experiencing something (both the structural and referen-
tial aspects) is “the set of different aspects of the phenomenon as experienced that are
simultaneously present in focal awareness” (Marton & Booth, 1997, p. 101). Marton &
Pong (2005) have given a good example how the referential and structural aspects are
intertwined in the concept PRICE.
Marton, Runesson & Tsui (2004, p. 4-11) stress the importance that the teacher has to
define the objects of learning as clearly as possible. The teacher has especially to structure
the conditions of learning so that the critical aspects of the object of learning come to the
fore of the pupils’ attention. The pupils will experience a certain phenomenon in many
different ways. However, every phenomenon has its own critical features that distinguish
it from other phenomena. In order to observe the phenomenon the pupils have to per-
ceive how the critical features vary in the phenomenon that they are studying. In order to
develop teaching it is important for the teacher to know to which aspects the pupils will
pay attention, what they observe in a certain context. This means the use of such teaching
methods that help pupils to discern and experience the phenomenon from many points of
view. The pupils have to notice different features from the phenomenon as well as discern
the wholes in their contexts and distinguish the parts from the whole.
Volume 1, 2007
Marton et al. (2004) point out that in the learning situation it is necessary to pay close atten-
tion to what varies and what stays invariant in order to understand what is possible to learn in that
situation and what not. They have identified four patterns how teaching can be varied so that the
pupils will discern critical features and keep them in their awareness:
1. Contrast. In order to experience something new the pupils have to have earlier experi-
ences with which they can compare the new features and then keep them in their aware-
ness. To understand red colour one has to have experiences of other colours. To under-
stand what a tree is, pupils have to have experiences also about something that are not
2. Generalization. To fully understand the main idea and to separate the irrelevant aspects
from a concept or a phenomenon the pupils have to have many different examples
from this concept or phenomenon.
3. Separation. In order to distinguish a certain aspect or factor from other aspects or factors
this aspect or factor has to vary while the other aspects or factors stay invariant. This is
familiar thing in physics experiments. In order to find the cause of a certain variable in
a phenomenon we have to vary this variable to give it different values while the other
variables stay invariant. To understand that weight and volume are different concepts
the pupils have to have had experiences that the bodies of different size can have the
same weight and that the bodies of same size can have different weights.
4. Fusion. When there are many factors that the pupil has to take into account s/he will
understand the meaning of the different factors just when s/he has experienced the
effects of these factors simultaneously. In our study pupils started to perceive the simi-
larity of weight and force concepts just when they realized from the pulley demonstra-
tion that the position or size of the bodies did not change the balance of the system.
In their study Ling, Chik & Pang (2006) have applied the two first patterns when they planned
teaching the colour of light to primary pupils. They wanted the pupils to understand that sunlight
(white light) is needed in the formation of a rainbow. They found two critical points that pupils had
to understand in this phenomenon. The first critical aspect was that the prism was only a tool that
splits the sunlight into colours, it will not create a rainbow by itself. They used the pattern of con-
trast to show that sunlight splits in prisms, soap bubbles and water drops. For the other critical
point, a part-whole relationship between sunlight and the colours of a rainbow, they used the pat-
tern of generalization in the form of analogy. At the beginning the marathon runners are grouped
together so that the individual persons cannot be identified. In the course of the race due to their
different speeds the runners are separated.
Force is one of the main concepts in school physics that pupils come across already at pri-
mary level and start to develop mental models about it in different contexts. There are many key
Maija AHTEE, Olavi HAKKARAINEN. Changing Pupils’ Conceptions About Weight Applying Variation Theory
Volume 1, 2007
ideas about the force concept that students have to assimilate in order to understand the concept 17
properly. These are for example force as the cause of acceleration, forces like gravity as an
action-at-a-distance and tactile forces, force as an interaction between bodies, balanced and
unbalanced forces and so on. There are several studies that focus especially on students’ concep-
tions about weight and gravity (e.g. Galili, 2001; Palmer, 2001).
Pupils relate different ideas to the weight of an object. For example, Kang et al. (2004)
found that pupils used the term ‘weight’ in the meaning of ‘natural’ heaviness of certain materi-
als; matter like iron is heavy and matter like plastic is light by nature. Ioannides & Vosniadou
(2002) found that younger children thought that force is an internal property of an object related
to its weight and the older children thought that force is an acquired property of objects that
move as the result of an agent pushing or pulling them. Young children when comparing two
objects of equal mass but different volume will claim that the larger (less dense) object is lighter.
A very stable belief is that being “lower (closer to the earth) implies heavier” for objects sus-
pended on the pulley (Champagne et al. 1980; Palmer, 2001). Gunstone & White (1981) found
with a bicycle wheel fastened as a pulley that 27% of first year university physics students rea-
soned a lower hanging block of wood to be heavier than a higher hanging bucket of sand (of the
same mass). Some of these students drew even inappropriate analogies to seesaws or beam
balances. In Mohapatra’s and Bhattacharyaa’s (1989) pencil-and paper test about 60% of the
ninth graders stated that the downward force on the lower hanging body was more than that on
the higher hanging body, even though it was mentioned in the question that the two bodies were
of equal mass. The researchers concluded that the pupils applied the image of a physical balance
to the case of the pulley.
Phenomenographic method was used to find 5th, 7th and 9th graders’ conceptions about
weight when two bodies of different size were hanging in a pulley in balance (Hakkarainen &
Ahtee, 2005). Pupils wrote their responses to the question: What can you say about the weight
of the standard mass A and the bag B compared to each other? in the situation shown in
Figure 2. They had also to give reasons for their thinking.
Figure 2. A standard mass and a bag are hanging in a pulley. The pulley moves
freely and the string is very light.
The pupils’ answers were first classified into three referential categories (see Figure 3). If
the answer contained no reasoning it was rejected (IV) and thus not taken into account in the
categories I to III. The amount of rejected answers was fairly small indicating that this ques-
tion was meaningful to the pupils. In all the three age groups the majority of the pupils stated
that the lower hanging bag is heavier (category II in Figure 3). The 5th grade pupils thought the
standard mass to be heavier than the bag (category I) almost twice as frequently as the older
pupils. The 7th and 9th graders had the correct idea that the standard mass and the bag are of
equal weight (category III) more frequently than the 5th graders.
Volume 1, 2007
From the pupils’ justifications the following five structural categories were found and
placed in hierarchical order according to the abstraction level. An example of the pupils’ an-
swers is given in each case.
1. Motion. The scientifically correct argument is based on the movement or immobil-
ity of the bag, the standard mass or the flywheel. This idea includes some notion of
the idea of effects of gravity i.e. of the force concept. The bag and the standard mass
stay at their positions.
2. Position. The argument is based on the positions of the bag and the standard mass.
The bag hangs lower.
3. Appearance. The pupils pay attention to the concrete appearance of the bag and
the standard mass. The standard mass looks heavy.
4. Material. The pupils give concrete properties to the bag and the standard mass.
The standard mass is of metal and the bag is of plastic.
5. No argument or confusing idea. In most cases the pupils only stated their thought
about the weights of the bag and of the standard mass compared to each other. The
bag is heavier than the standard mass.
The 7th graders choose the referential categories in the similar way as the 9th graders (see
Figure 3) whereas the comparison of the structural categories in Fig. 4 shows that the 7th grad-
ers’ reasoning is closer to the reasoning of the 5th graders than that of the 9th graders. It is
Maija AHTEE, Olavi HAKKARAINEN. Changing Pupils’ Conceptions About Weight Applying Variation Theory
Volume 1, 2007
tempting to conclude that some of the 7th graders see that the position argument is not correct. 19
When they had no other explanation to give they chose the alternative no argument.
The pulley study gave information about pupils’ conceptions. In order to change these
conceptions a teaching intervention was planned so that the positions of the objects hanging in
the pulley were changed in regard to each other (Ahtee & Hakkarainen, 2005). In the three
successive demonstrations (see Figure 5) the critical features found in the pupils’ conceptions
were varied. After each demonstration (D1 – D3) the 5th and 9th graders (other pupils than in
the earlier study) had to compare the weight of the two objects hanging in the pulley. They
wrote their answers to the questions: What can you say about the weight of the standard mass
and the bag compared to each other? Why do you think so?
The pupils were, however, first asked to compare with their hands the weight of the small
standard mass and the bigger bag in order to get them to pay attention to the concept of
weight. The results of this work are reported by Hakkarainen (2005). This pre-activity had an
effect on the results. After the first successive demonstration D1 40% of the ninth graders
made the correct choice (the standard mass and the bag having the same weight) and 24% of
them justified their choice according to the motion model. Whereas, in the earlier study
(Hakkarainen & Ahtee, 2005), when the pupils just compared the weights of the standard
mass and the bag without this pre-activity, only 13% of the ninth graders (see Figure 3) had
chosen the correct alternative and only 9% from all ninth graders used the motion model to
justify this choice (see Figure 4).
In figure 6 the changes in the ninth and fifth graders’ structural categories are shown both
for the pupils who had made the correct choice (equal weight) and for the pupils who thought
that the bag and the standard mass had different weights. After the second demonstration
already 77% of the ninth graders and 83% of the fifth graders came to the conclusion that the
bag and the standard mass have to have the same weight and the total amount of pupils using
the position model dropped considerably in both grades. Even though 94% of the fifth graders
stated after the third demonstration that the hanging objects have the same weight about a
fifth justified the choice using the Position model and another fifth with the concrete models,
Material and Appearance. These fifth graders paid thus attention to the distinct and familiar
features in the demonstration. However, most ninth graders started to realize after the third
demonstration that they had to pay attention to the immobility of the two objects as they had
the same weight. They started to perceive the central feature of the force concept – the net
force acting on the object will change the motion of the object.
Volume 1, 2007
What will happen in a pupil’s mind when s/he on the basis of shown demonstrations un-
derstands that the objects have to be equally heavy and then tries to find the reason for that?
Important in this process are the facts that are brought forward and the aspects to which the
pupil will pay attention. The teaching episode shown in figure 7 contains two parts. The two
activities which were shown to the pupils before the actual teaching intervention are on the left
hand side. First, the pupils felt with their hands the weight of the small standard mass and the
larger bag that were then hung in the pulley. Before the set-up of the pulley system the pupils
were also shown that the fly wheel rotated freely around its axis. On the right hand side is the
teaching intervention with three successive demonstrations in which the positions of the hang-
ing objects were changed.
Maija AHTEE, Olavi HAKKARAINEN. Changing Pupils’ Conceptions About Weight Applying Variation Theory
Volume 1, 2007
Figure 7. The teaching episode showing how a pupil uses the working of the
pulley and ends up with the scientific conception after the first pul-
ley demonstration.
The four patterns of variation were used in the teaching episode. Pupils have had earlier
experiences about the weight of different objects – they have lifted and carried objects of
different size, form and material (contrast). These came forward also when the pupils wrote
their reasoning. In the teaching intervention counterexamples were shown for pupils’ most
general explanations (separation) like the bigger the object the heavy it is, or the lower the
object hangs in the pulley the heavier it is. In this way the pupils are guided to check their
thinking and concentrating on the central idea (generalization). In order to be able to take into
account all the relevant facts pupils have to experience these simultaneously (fusion).
Before the teaching intervention about 90% of the fifth graders and nearly 70% of the
ninth graders have a typical preconception that the standard mass feels to be heavier than the
bag (Hakkarainen, 2005). The first pulley demonstration causes, however, a cognitive conflict
because about 70% of the fifth and ninth graders have before this situation also the precon-
ception that the lower hanging bag is heavier (Hakkarainen & Ahtee, 2005). When the pupil
understands to combine the facts that the objects are staying at their positions even that the fly
wheel is moving freely s/he ends with the notion that the standard mass and the bag have to
have the same weight. The fact that the objects stay at their positions in the freely moving
pulley is a critical detail (Viennot, Chauvet, Colin & Rebmann, 2005).
It is important that a real pulley is shown to the pupils. In Vosniadou’s and Brewer’s
(1992) study primary pupils were interviewed about the form of the Earth and about people’s
living on it. The pupils stated for example that people cannot live on the other side of the
Earth because they fall off. Later Schoultz et al. (2001) found that when the globe was present
in the interview pupils had no difficulties understanding that people can live also on the other
side of the globe. In our study the pulley functions as a prosthetic device for thinking in a
similar way as the globe in the study by Schoultz et al. (2001).
After the first successive demonstration most of the pupils do not ponder the result from
the manual weighing but they are convinced that the lower hanging bag is heavier than the
standard mass. When in the next demonstration (see Figure 8) the bag is moved up and the
standard mass down, most of the pupils realize that the objects have to have the same weight.
They start to look for another explanation to replace the earlier one that was based on the
positions of the objects. They are now open to consider the whole situation and some of them
will notice that in both cases the standard mass and the bag stay in their positions without
moving. It is important that in the next demonstration they can check their new conclusion.
Half a year later the pupils were asked to explain their reasoning in the pulley task. The amount
of the ninth graders who had mentioned the immobility of the objects did not change whereas
the amount of the fifth graders decreased back to the original level (Hakkarainen & Ahtee,
2007). Only the ninth graders had really changed their thinking.
Volume 1, 2007
Figure 8. The teaching episode showing how a pupil finds the scientific con-
ception after the second pulley demonstration by taking into ac-
count the working of the pulley.
After the last successive demonstration still about 15% of the ninth graders and 20% of
the fifth graders explained the objects to have the same weight because they are at the same
level. These pupils had not in any of the demonstrations paid any attention to the critical detail
– the objects were not moving. For these pupils the third demonstration supported their mis-
conception. In the two earlier demonstrations it was easier to notice the immobility of the
objects because the experience supports the idea that the heavier object starts to move down-
ward and the lighter object upward. About 22% of the fifth graders and 11% of the ninth
graders explained the weightiness of the objects on the basis of the appearance or material
composition of the objects. The teaching intervention did not change their proportion nearly
at all. This is understandable because in the pulley demonstrations there was no variation in
those aspects.
When pupils do not understand the function of gravitation they will lean on their earlier
reasoning. This happened when half a year later the pupils were asked to compare the weights
of the hanging objects in the pulley (Hakkarainen & Ahtee, 2007). The amount of those ninth
graders who paid attention to the immobility of the objects was the same as after the teaching
intervention whereas the fifth graders gave the same arguments as the pupils who had not
taken part in the teaching intervention. The ninth graders had studied the basic facts about
gravitation during their physics lessons but not the fifth graders.
It is the teacher’s task to try to find suitable demonstrations and examples so that pupils
having misconceptions about the critical features will notice the conflict between their think-
ing and the scientific explanation. From the learning point of view it is also important that the
teacher discusses with pupils the critical features like in the case of the pulley demonstration
the meaning of gravitation and the freely moving flywheel. In their article about the effect of
showing the concrete globe on pupils’ arguments Vosniadou, Skopeliti and Ikospentaki (2005)
stress that the teacher has to bring forward pupils’ own preconceptions and assumptions and
explain why the planet Earth can be understood both flat and spherical.
Ahtee, M. & Hakkarainen, O. (2005). Importance of the order of demonstrations in changing pupils’
conceptions. NORDINA, Nordic Studies in Science Education, 1, 31-42.
Caramazza, A., McCloskey, M. & Green, B. (1981). Naive beliefs in “sophisticated subjects: Misconcep-
tions about the trajectories of objects. Cognition, 9, 117-123.
Champagne, A.B., Klopfer, L.E. & Anderson, J.H. (1980). Factors influencing the learning of classical
Maija AHTEE, Olavi HAKKARAINEN. Changing Pupils’ Conceptions About Weight Applying Variation Theory
Volume 1, 2007
Agnaldo ARROIO
University of São Paulo, Brazil,
E-mail: [email protected]
Reforming science education – from educating educators, to developing standards, to improving access for
all – is a worldwide challenge that is essential if overall improvements are to be made. In science education,
it is more and more widely discovered that “horizontal teaching” – when teachers take students by the hand
and lead them on a voyage of discovery, stimulating their observation and experimentation skills, imagina-
tion, curiosity and reasoning capacity - enhances students’ intellectual and manual capacities enormously.
This purpose discusses the role of cinema as a tool for the science education. The target was to explore the
effect of using movies on the learning and retention of simple and integrated science knowledge. New educa-
tional approaches and methods that are inter- and transdisciplinary and issue-driven need adopting, and
participatory practices and methods must be endorsed, to prepare young generations to live in a world of
constant change. Based on the socio-interacionist approach by Vygotsky, it is acceptable that an audience
can interact with the characters and share their emotions and actions showed in an audiovisual language.
On this way we analyze some movies considering the potential of audiovisual, scientific and common lan-
guages to be used as a tool to mediating science teaching and learning. Furthermore, the audience can learn
values, information and knowledge present into the movie discourse and thus, the cinema shows the science
in a society. Moreover, audiovisual language may be important mediating variables that determine the effec-
tiveness of cinema for enhancing science teaching and learning. If science and society want to get along they
must learn to communicate more and better. No one says that it is easy, but it is the price today in a mature
democratic society.
Key words: audiovisual language, science, context.
We are living in a period of very rapid growth in scientific knowledge, much of which is
quickly utilized in the creation of new technology. Science and technology are in the present
day the greatest factors in changing the way we live. They have also made the world very small,
so that we are longer live in the confined world of our town, region, or country isolated from
what is happening in the rest of the globe (Härnqvist & Burgen, 1997).
While there are changes in the views of the nature of science and in the role of science
education, the increasing prevalence of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
also offers a challenge to the teaching and learning of Science, and to the models of scientific
practices teachers and learners might encounter.
The scientific view of the world and of objects within in has arisen by the application of a
complex of observation, theory and experiment, seeking always to find a better understanding
of the problem under study. Due to its progressive nature, in which new findings are continu-
ally added, the explanations offered by science are not fixed but subject to refinement.
Volume 1, 2007
26 If we accept that some knowledge of science should be part of the education of every
child, we need to think how best to provide that education.
Arroio (2006) indicates that the problem of educational innovations in science education
might be properly treated by analyzing the complexity on the basis of methodology of teach-
ing. The preservice science teacher should have deep knowledge of the objectives on the classes,
type of classes, topic of the course, preparation of students and other factors, that influence
directly and indirectly the results of the educational process. The preservice teacher should
know theoretically and practically each one the modern methods and to apply them correctly
in practice, together with other methods and technologies.
Motivation, to be successful, and science education is no exception, has to rely on a rich
repertoire of experiences on which to build conceptual learning. These experiences pave the
way to the construction of meaning, which in turn supports learning. It also helps to entertain,
create or re-create a sense of wonder, which becomes the true incentive for learning.
It is therefore important to think of education systemic term, not limiting the student’s
experiences to what can possibly take place in the classroom. The role of alternative learning
environments therefore becomes critical as a prelude, a complement a follow-up to the school-
based learning process. Experience comes from interaction with a learning environment.
This purpose discusses the role of cinema as a tool for science education. Exploring the
effect of using movies on the learning and retention of simple and integrated science knowl-
Methodology of Research
Audiovisual sources has an undeniable influence on the quality and quantity of experi-
ences which make up the cognitive domain of youngsters today, given that watching TV, for
example, is the second activity, after sleep, to which children devote most time (Fisch at al,
1997). Hence there have been calls from different walks of life for the need to provide students
with a form of “audiovisual literacy” so that they can correctly process this information.
Movies are very popular for the youngsters, so here we report a movie analysis based on
the film analysis (Jahn, 2003) but considering a vygostkian perspective (Vygotsky, 1978) about
contextualizing the scientific contents. First, we select some commercial movies looking for
how we could take educational advantage of them. It is necessary a primary view focusing on
the audiovisual language to realize if this movie are able to communicate with the audience,
youngsters in special.
After that, the second view is focused on scientific contents presented on scenes of the
movie. The third view is focused on the way that how these scientific knowledge’s are pre-
sented and it have to be checked about possible mistakes to think about how we can contextualize
it on science classroom. The forth view is important to select and edit some short sequences
more suitable to use to teach and learn science.
The next step, we can use these episodes to organize classroom’s activities based on se-
lected episodes of the movie as a cultural tool to contextualize the scientific content and moti-
vate students to our science classes.
We report a movie analysis of Erin Brockovich focused on the environmental problems.
Nowadays we consider the environmental problems are a contemporary discussion, especially
about Climate changes. So this movie is really an important tool to contextualize and engage
students to this scientific content that have a strong influence in our life.
Results of Research
A movie is a multimedia narrative form based on a physical record of sounds and moving
pictures. Movie is also a performed genre in the sense that it is primarily designed to be show
in a public performance. Whereas a dramatic play is realized as a live performance by actors
on a stage, a film is show in a cinema, is not a live event, and can theoretically be repeated
infinitely without a change. Like drama, film is a narrative genre because it presents a story (a
sequence of action units).
Agnaldo ARROIO. The Role of Cinema into Science Education
Volume 1, 2007
In a world where heroes are often in short supply, the story of Erin Brockovich is an 27
inspirational reminder of the power of the human spirit. Her passion, tenacity and steadfast
desire to fight for the rights of the underdog defied the odds. Her victory made even sweeter
by the fact that while helping others, she in turn helped herself. Erin Brockovich a 2000 movie
which dramatizes the story of Erin Brockovich’s first fight against the West Coast energy giant
Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E).
We are assuming that a movie, like a play, is mainly a performative genre, that is, a genre
designed to be performed, a genre that “comes to life” in a performance. Watching a movie,
like watching a play, are a collective public experience and a social occasion. We have to re-
member that, experience comes from interaction with a learning environment.
Erin Brockovich is an unemployed single mother, desperate to find a job, but is having no
luck. This losing streak even extends to a failed lawsuit against a doctor in a car accident she
was in. With no alternative, she successfully browbeats her lawyer to give her a job in compen-
sation for the loss. While no one takes her seriously, with her trashy clothes and earthy man-
ners that soon changes when she begins to investigate a suspicious real estate case involving
the Pacific Gas & Electric Company. What she discovers is that the company is trying quietly
to buy land that was contaminated by hexavalent chromium, a deadly toxic waste that the
company is improperly and illegally dumping and, in turn, poisoning the residents in the area.
As she digs deeper, Erin finds herself leading point in a series of events that would involve her
law firm in one of the biggest class action lawsuits in American history against a multi-billion
dollar corporation.
Movies viewers’ come with a large number of (mostly unconscious) expectations about
how the filmic medium presents a real or fictional story. Above all, one generally assumes that
the film creates a verisimilar or at least likely world, a world that runs on laws of nature and
logics and is, by and large, compatible with what might count as a fact or a possible experience
in our own world. It is the film’s reality effect (Barthes, 1982).
As we can notice, the character Erin is a normal person like everybody, and most of the
people can establish a relationship like identification process with this character. Her prob-
lems are the same to our everyday problem. It is real, the problem like one that we can have in
our neighborhood. She is human like us.
Although the local citizens are initially leery of becoming involved, Erin’s persistence and
the personal interest she takes in their lives makes them listen. A kindred spirit, Erin is one of
them, and her ability to connect with them on their level makes them comfortable, ultimately
earning their trust. Helping her out is her next door neighbor George, a Harley Davidson
biker whose friendship and support allows her the time to pursue the case. Going door to
door, she signs up over 600 plaintiffs, and Erin and George, with the help of a major law firm,
go on to receive the largest settlement ever paid in a direct-action lawsuit in United States
history $333 million. By triumphing over insurmountable odds, she is able to prove herself,
and reinvent her life.
We learn science to improve our life, not just to get success on the school exams. Analyzing
this movie, we can show where it is possible find science outside the school and how science is
important to us. Science is a complex of specific, situated human social and cultural activities.
Science as a total system of social activities is not merely research science; it includes all the
use of scientific practices in the workplace, in the home, in the environment. It is science as
science is done and used by those who are trained to use it according to the norms of our
The fact that Erin Brockovich was not a lawyer and did not have any formal education or
experience as a law clerk or a paralegal, made her victory that much more impressive.
These assumptions are very helpful because we can actively exploit them when we are
facing difficult, incomprehensible, or illogical data. The most common strategy in this case is
to “naturalize” the information so that it becomes interpretable according. Now we present
scene description where it is possible to discuss scientific content especially the problem of
corrosion and chromium pollution.
Erin visits a professor at a nearby college to learn more about chromium and finds out that
there are actually a couple kinds of chromium and that the harmful chromium 6 can cause a wide
variety of very serious health problems in the case of prolonged exposure. The professor also tells
Volume 1, 2007
28 Erin that chromium 6 is in the water used to cool piston engines at factories to prevent corrosion.
Students can develop the ability of reading this media (movie). Ability of reading with
understanding makes it possible to learn by oneself and achieving wildly understood the intel-
lectual development of one’s personality. This ability is the requirement of gaining good re-
sults in learning, as well as being successful and flexible in fitting into the modern world. That
is why teaching this ability is a priority for teachers of all subjects since the first years at school.
The ability of reading with understanding is the most important factor in achieving knowl-
edge at all levels of education. This process consists of: understanding the sense of words and
sentences included in a narrative (text, movie, tv, book), recognizing the elements of the con-
tent, the selective choice of important parts of the content, finding the information and main
ideas, searching and explaining the logical and factual relations between the elements of the
content and integrating it, the ability to follow the author’s way of thinking, making conclu-
Volume 1, 2007
Arroio, A., & Giordan, M. (2006) Methodology of teaching: integrating video analysis into the preservice
training of chemistry teachers. In: Research in Didactics of Science. Pasko, J. R., Nodzynskiej, M. (Eds.).
Krakow: Akademia Pedagogiczna.
Barthes, R. (1982). The reality effect. In: Todorov, T. (Ed.). French Literacy Theory Today. Cambridge:
Fisch, S. M., Yotive, W., McCann, S. K., Scott, M. & Chen, L. (1997). Science in Saturday morning:
children´s perceptions of science in educational and non-educational cartoons. Journal Educational
Media, 23, 157-167.
Volume 1, 2007
30 Härnqvist, K., & Burgen, A. (Eds.). (1997). Growing up with Science: developing early understanding of
Science. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishing.
Jahn, M. (2003) A Guide to Narratological Film Analysis. Cologne: University of Cologne.
Lemke, J. L. (1990). Talking Science: Language, learning and Values. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing.
Lemke, J. L. (2005). Research for the Future of Science Education: New Ways of Learning, New Ways of
Living. Retrieved April 30, 2007. from
Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind and Society. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Zoller, U., & Wattson, F. G. (1974). Technology education for nonscience students in secondary school.
Science Education, 58, 1, 105-115.
Maria Bauerova, Sona Ceretkova, Anna Sandanusová
Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Petra Frantová
Harry S. Truman High School, New York City, USA
E-mail: [email protected]
Slovak universities have had the chance to gain money from the pre-admission funds as well as from the
European social fund (ESF) since 2004. In the framework of the several challenges of the Ministry of Educa-
tion of the Slovak Republic all universities out of capital Bratislava region could submit the projects dealing
with the educational activities. The article describes the experience connected with the implementation of the
ESF´s projects of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra. It
introduces one of the activities of the project A – CENTRUM: Academics training and monitoring centre of
human sources which was realized by the faculty during 2004-2005 and following project: A-CENTRUM for
21 century: From present to distance education, which is realized now. Faculty of Natural Sciences in these
projects has prepared the educational modules for teachers in practice named: Natural sciences dealing with
the further education of teachers of mathematics, computer science and natural sciences´ subjects at the
elementary and high schools. The introduced projects and their activities are the example of the real ability of
the faculty to communicate with teachers effectively and offered them interesting programme for using at
schools. Engagement in these projects reflects also the possibility of an academic space to realize the activities
with the positive response in practice.
Two examples of activities for teachers in practice are given in the article:
modern didactic computer teaching programmes in biology,
graphics calculators in mathematics education.
Both examples follow the effect of increasing efficiency of teacher’s work and pupil’s motivation.
Key words: courses for teachers, educational programs, graphic calculator, information and communication
technologies, multimedia.
For the past half-century, education has witnessed an intense debate. The changing needs
of the world’s economy, advancements in technology, changes in socio-political climate, and
even simple everyday routines have stirred waves of change in the field of mathematics educa-
tion. Information and communication technology means are now part of our daily life. Most
often, advancement in technology is given as the main catalyst for the change, however, what-
ever the cause; the effects of these changes are of true significance.
Accordingly, the education system has witnessed many trends in reforms, but the majority
of these reforms can be lumped into one large category that one can call the shift towards the
Volume 1, 2007
32 introduction of technology in classrooms. It is clear, that most of teachers in practice are not
able to use computers or other technologies during their teaching in adequate way. The reason
is simple: they were not educated nor as users themselves and as teachers who are able to use
technologies for better introducing and teaching their subject. This situation could be solved
by several ways. One of it is located at universities which are involved in teachers study pro-
Slovakian educational bodies; such are faculties or universities; have had several chances
to ask for European Social Found (ESF) grants by preparing and implementing project under
the national scheme: Increasing of qualification of employers. It seemed to be very successful
and useful to focus on to the practicing teachers in these projects aiming to introduce them
modern technologies and its using in daily school practice.
Faculty of Natural Sciences is one of the five faculties of Constantine the Philosopher
University in Nitra, Slovakia. Faculty has almost fifty years tradition in teacher’s education in:
mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, geography, informatics and environmentalist. Every
department is in close contact with school in the region and with teachers of its subject, as well.
The idea of courses for teachers in practice has been successfully involved and implemented
through ESF approved projects: pilot project named: A-CENTRUM (2004-2005) and follow-
ing project: A-CENTRUM for 21-th century (2006-2008). Mostly young and progressive uni-
versity teachers are involved as mentors of courses for teachers in practice to introduce them
modern methods in natural science education and help them to be more familiar in using
information and communication technologies in their teaching at primary (in Slovakia: chil-
dren 6 – 15 years old) and secondary schools (in Slovakia: children 15-19 years old).
One course is not shorter than 6 hours; some of them are divided into several sessions
taking regularly in the period of two-three months. Every course is taken in the special compu-
ter laboratory and participants are able to use every possible device they need to be coping
with particular activity. Participants are obliged to reflect the efficiency of their new knowl-
edge to their practice by performing their own project showing their particular experience in
changing the methods of teaching. Participants are given by certificate on the end of course.
This certificate is the evidence of reaching important step in their self-developing.
The responses from teachers are only positive. Participating teachers are very positive
after the course; they are enthusiastic and willing to continue in these activities in the future.
This feedback is absolutely valuable and need for university teachers. It helps them staying in
contact with practice and better understand needs of teachers in practice. Courses are also an
inspiration for research in theory of education of natural sciences, mathematics and informatics.
Teaching and learning by using ICT develops visual fantasy and provoke picture memory
of students and pupils better than using the textbook only. It is important for teachers to have
a not very complicated program at his/her disposal. The program should not overtake the
Maria BAUEROVA, Sona CERETKOVA, Anna SANDANUSOVÁ, Petra FRANTOVA. Transformation Process in Science and Maths Teacher Educa-
tion (Examples from Slovakia) PROBLEMS
Volume 1, 2007
present curriculum. Preparation of teaching programs is based on the knowledge stated in the 33
textbook of Natural History - in Slovakian curriculum it is involved in the 6th class (12-years
old pupils) of the elementary school (Hantabalova, 2002). Simultaneous usage of both the
published textbook and the teaching program with virtual textbook, displayed by ICT, ensures
faster and more complex adoption of knowledge, takes a good feedback and checks the fixed
elements of knowledge, too.
The advantage of using ICT lies in the fact that all applications (photographs, video se-
quences ect.) can be displayed by one computer during the particular lesson or during the
performing and evaluating the particular biological topic, as well. If teacher applies well pre-
pared methodical techniques and the teaching program will not be used as a device for inde-
pendent work of students, it could be a subject for consultation. The consequent solution of
problematic test questions develops creativity and inspires students to self-study (Lengyelfalusy,
The presented educational program works on the basis of program teaching. It is not
possible to attract students´ attention until they get sufficient motivation. Exact information
performing by program can be seen in the informational scheme and in classical textbook, too.
The scheme is filled by colour pictures, photographs, tables and graphs. Achieved knowledge
can be controlled or repeated by students using test questions placed on the end of each chap-
ter. Teacher, as the creator of the program, gets feedback and finds out success of the program
usage as a motivational, additional and non-traditional teaching method at the same time.
Thanks to the undemanding character of the program PowerPoint, the teaching program
can be applied at each school. The structure of the whole teaching program has its basis in
Hantabálová´s textbook „Natural History for the 6th class of elementary schools“(2002). In
regular intervals of time six tests are incorporated. Their successful passing enables going
ahead to the next pictures.
Assumption of this work without any problems needs the followings: basics skills in using
PC, interesting processing of the program and students´ interest to the given topic (Tulenkova,
Movement operation in the program textbook is secured by the following buttons:
Information button gives the information about the program and its usage.
34 The world of animal kingdom and kingdom of plants is very interesting topics for stu-
dents. They learn about animals and plants that can be found in their surroundings, they learn
to know how their body functions, what kind of life style animals have and what their place in
the ecosystem is. The program is focused on the protection of the environment, as well as on
endangered, and protected animals and plants.
The program presented during the practicing teachers’ courses was attested in the aca-
demic years 2005/2006 and 2006/2007 in teaching the topics: Natural History, for pupils of the
age of 12 (6th class) by university researchers and university students during their practice at
schools. Handouts, which accompanied the program, were used as the tests for verification
pupils’ knowledge. The results testified its popularity and validity in increasing pupils’ knowl-
edge their better motivation and stimulation in learning biology. The program is stimulating
for teachers as well. It helps to prepare more interesting lessons in biology. The effect of the
program is multiple by handouts using for individual students work or as testing tools.
The clear challenge to today’s educators is to develop new strategies and methodologies
to help integrate calculators in classrooms. To meet the challenge, educators have to change
the methods of implementing the curriculum, and create training for teachers to enable to
help smoothen the transition from the traditional paper-pencil computation to calculator based
instructed lessons.
Graphics calculators offer students a method of performing computations and algebraic
manipulations that is more efficient than paper-and-pencil methods alone. They are inexpen-
sive enough so that classrooms may have a set for students, and many students are able to
afford their own. Each generation of calculators is becoming more powerful, useful and acces-
sible to all. There is the possibility for schools to borrow the calculators’ classroom set for one
school year period from special educational point, although. This possibility opens maths teach-
ers the field of experimentation in maths lessons.
The examples of two mathematics topics in the form of the learning text for practicing
teachers’ courses follow.
Problem: Find the equation of the tangents line and the normal line to the hyperbola at
the point (3, 1).
Students will algebraically execute the solution and the calculator will be a helpful check-
ing tool to check if their solution is right. They will have a visual proof if the line they have
found is a line of a tangent and the normal line to the function at point (3, 1).
Maria BAUEROVA, Sona CERETKOVA, Anna SANDANUSOVÁ, Petra FRANTOVA. Transformation Process in Science and Maths Teacher Educa-
tion (Examples from Slovakia) PROBLEMS
Volume 1, 2007
Volume 1, 2007
36 This is a fast way to check the work if the tangent line was wrong we can see it immedi-
ately from the graph.
We can immediately see that the line which popped up is not a tangent but a secant line.
Problem: A dynamite blast propels a heavy rock straight up with a launch velocity of 160 ft/sec
(about 109 mph). It reaches a height of s = 160t - 16t2 ft after t seconds.
a) How high does the rock go?
b) When does the rock hit the ground?
Maria BAUEROVA, Sona CERETKOVA, Anna SANDANUSOVÁ, Petra FRANTOVA. Transformation Process in Science and Maths Teacher Educa-
tion (Examples from Slovakia) PROBLEMS
Volume 1, 2007
The teachers who took part at the courses expressed that they have learnt more about
how to use ICT, mostly in biology, or graphics calculators. The next step in these activities is
implementation new teachers’ knowledge and skills into their everyday teaching practice at
primary or secondary schools, to promote knowledge to their students. The project continues
and the teachers in particular subject (biology, mathematics, etc....) have formed potential
group of co-researchers and collaborators together with university teachers and PhD students
in theory of education. The effect of the ESF grant is evident. Its profit is going to be deeper
after publishing texts for teachers not only using the project web page (http:// but in CD ROM or in book version as well.
There are many interesting discussions during the project activities with participants –
practicing teachers. Those, who are able to understand the idea of using ICT and/or calcula-
tors, and are little bit experienced in using it, they are not more afraid of the idea of replacing
teacher by a computer or some techniques or some learning program. No program, no compu-
ter, no techniques can answer inquiry students questions raised during the lessons. The role of
teacher and his/her work in the classroom is irreplaceable.
Volume 1, 2007
The publishing of the article was financially supported by the grant: KEGA3/4040/06,
Maria Bauerova.
Ellington, A.J. (2003). A meta-analysis of the effects of calculators on students’ achievement and atti-
tude levels in precollege mathematics classes. Journal for research in Mathematics Education, 34(5), 433-
Dytrtova, R. (2003). Hospitace jako aktivizujici metoda v priprave uèitelu. Zbornik referatov z
medzinarodnej vedeckej konferencie “Uplatnovanie aktivizujucich metód a foriem vyuèovania vo
vysokoðkolskom vzdelavani III.”. Nitra: SPU, 93-97.
Dytrtova, R., & Sandanusova, A. (2005). Kapitoly z pedagogické praxe. 2. vyd. Praha: ÈZU, 100 p.
Hantabalova, I., Èumova, K., Galvanek, J. & Slobodnik, V. (2002). Prírodopis 6 pre 6. roènik zakladnych
ðkol. 2nd edition. Bratislava: SPN, p. 168.
Kutzler, B. (2000). The algebraic calculator as a pedagogical tool for teaching mathematic [Electronic
version]. International Journal of Computer Algebra in Mathematics Education
Kubiatko, M., Nagyova, S. & Uðakova, K. (2006) Suèasné pristupy k vyuþivaniu IKT vo vyuèovani biológie.
In: Biológia, ekológia, chémia, ISSN 1335-8960, roè.11, è. 1, s. 2-4.
Mistretta (2000) Integrating technology into the mathematics classroom. The Role of Teacher Prepara-
tion Programs. Computer Science, Mathematics & Science, St John’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Lengyelfalusy, T. (2003). Vyznam nazornosti a logického myslenia pri rieðeni problémovych uloh. Acta
Faculta Paedagogica Univerzita Tyrnaviensis. Ser. C., No 7.
Szekeres, L. & Balla, Ð. (2003). Moþnosti vyuþitia porovnavacej metódy vo vyuèbe biológie. Sbornik
abstrakt a elektronickych verzii prispevku na CD-ROMu. XXI. Mezinarodni kolokvium o rizeni
osvojovaciho procesu. Vyðkov. VVÐPV, pp.1-4.
Tulenkova, M. (2004). Multimédia a ich pouþitie vo vyuèbe biológie. Prirodné vedy a IKT - supplementum.
Acta facultatis studiorum humanitatis et naturae universitatis preðovensis. Preðov: FHPV, pp. 100-105.
Waits, B.K. & Demana F. (2000). Calculators in mathematics teaching and learning: Past, present and
future. In M.J. Burke (Ed.), Learning mathematics for a new century (pp. 51-66). Reston, VAP: National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Creativity as one of the characteristics is typical for every human and is expressed in many ways. However it
isn’t developed at the same level by everyone. We are able to determine it and to strengthen it. The compo-
nents of creativity are newness, novelty and usefulness and we can define it as a creation of new and useful
ideas, solutions, or products. For incoming teachers it is very important to be creative. Science teaching
provides opportunity to be creative, but the necessity as well. We can expect, that creative teacher will stimu-
late the pupils to be creative more than a person who isn’t very inventive. In this contribution we are focused
on finding out the level and the scale of future science teachers´ creativity according to results of Figural Form
of Torrance Test of Creative Thinking named the Unfinished Figures. It can give us the first view on creative
potential of an individual. We can identify students with extraordinary creative abilities and on the other
hand, the ones whose abilities are below-average and help them to develop it for that reason. The study
sample consisted of 80 second year college students studying natural science, who would like to be science
teachers. The divergent thinking abilities, 4 dimensions (fluency, flexibility, originality and elaboration) were
tested. According to the results of TTCT we find out, tha tincoming teachers dispose of figural creativity. Most
of them (63.75%) completed all offered unfinished figures. Just 20.0% of them are characterized in high level
of flexible creative thinking, 60.0% are in average. The results of originality and elaboration were not satisfy-
ing. It is very important to develop incoming teachers´ abilities as creativity evidently is.
Key words: creativity, science teacher, Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (TTCT).
There are many researchers interested in creativity which is defined and understood in
many ways. We can speak about the elite activity (characteristic, ability) of talented people
(artists, scientists) which brings unknown and socially valuable results. For every mentally health
person there is characteristic a certain level of creativity. E.P.Torrance (2007), American psy-
chologist said, that creativity is a process how to percept problems, gaps and lack in knowl-
edge. Therefore, creativity should exposeall thinking parameters, rather than for just a specific
pattern, inorder to develop wider and more responsive skills, to revisit theability, and to dis-
cover that creative thinking (Hsiao et all, 2004). To be creative it doesn’t mean just to choose
the way of solving problems, or to mobilize previous experience, but to think of new problems.
It is divergent way of thinking which is measured by tests of creativity.
There are six factors of creativity according to J.P.Guilford (1960) and E.P.Torrance (1990,
1. fluency = ability to create a lot of mental products (words, ideas, pictures, symbols,
etc. ). It is the richness of ideas, solutions, it is the resourcefulness. We can speak
about verbal, figural, numerous, associative fluency,
Volume 1, 2007
Methodology of Research
The key question we were interested in was, what level of creativity incoming science
teachers dispose of. There exists a lot of different measuring tools for finding out various
dimensions of the human creativity (for example Minnesota Test of Creative Thinking, Re-
mote Association Test, E.P.Torrance, 1990). In our research, there was the Koberg scaled ques-
tionnaire (Koberg; Bagnall, 1981) of creativity and Subtest of Figural form of Torrance Test of
Creative Thinking (SFF TTCT).
The quality of test products could determine, whether creative thinking is typical of in-
coming science teachers (N=80). The respondents fill in 10 incomplete figures in ten minutes.
They should sketch in lines in pictures and draw interesting objects using sketched shapes in
way they will be the most interesting, original and complete. They should suggest the title of
each one and write it down to the number of the picture. It supplemented the picture and the
deeper sense was given to it. There were identified these factors of creative thinking in SFF
TTCT: fluency as a number of acceptable answers, flexibility as a number of shifts in thinking,
originality as a statistic infrequency of the answers, elaboration as a number of details in pic-
Results of Research
The fluency is given by the number of the answers, which are acceptable. Ten points are
maximum, achieved by 63.75% students of Comenius University in Bratislava at Faculty of
Natural Science (Figure 1). Nobody achieved less than 7 points for this factor of creativity.
Zuzana HALÁKOVÁ. Is Creativity Characteristic for Incoming Teachers of Science?
Volume 1, 2007
The flexibility is appreciated of the products which can be distributed in different catego-
ries. Each category is part of a wider complex that can help to sort actual answers. The catego-
ries are not the same level of generality, they are dependent on the frequency of proposal
appearance. If pictures made by students belonged into 10 different categories, the flexibility
is 9 points. If they are put into two categories, its just one point for flexibility. Nine points were
achieved by 6.25% students, the figures were mostly put into 8 different categories and than
appraised by 7 points (Figure 2).
Each product was taken in different category, for example: transport, animals, human
body, geometric shape, food and many others. According to the incidence of the motive the
points were assigned (more than 5% means 0 points, 3-5% 1 point, 1.26-2.99% 2 points and
less or equal than 1.25% means 3 points).
A person should control the tension of unfinished figures and put away the satisfaction of
the impulse which makes him to complete the figure. This is the precondition to create an
original answer which is not common and ordinary. If the respondent is not able to completely
close figures, he will finish figures with obviousness and evidence, without original answer.
Filling the figure No. 9 students reached the average 0.56, the lowest value was found out
in figures No. 2, 5, 6, 8 (0.27). The most original solutions appeared in the figure No. 1 (for
Volume 1, 2007
42 three points), the less original answers were found in figure No. 2. No points for originality
achieved students whose solution appeared in more than 5% cases and those who didn’t com-
plete the figure (Table 1).
Legend: f = frequency, the number of respondents, who achieved points for originality
in separated figures 1-10
These results suggest that originality was found out just in few cases. Participants pre-
sented typical answers, which could not be considered original, because of the frequency of
their distribution. The average of the originality was count as a sum of originality in whole
Subtest of Figural form of TTCT which was divided by score for fluency. One of the re-
spondents achieved 1.29 points, 18.75% didn’t score. The maximum points for originality
were three.
During the completing some figures 27 students (33.25%) got out of the rut and over-
step the lines of the linked area. Seven of them did it in two figures and one student in three
figures. It demonstrates the ability to see situations behind the barriers which were deter-
Table 2. The number of students who overstep the figures in Subtest of Figural
form of TTCT.
Figure No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No of students 0 6 4 2 2 3 2 9 4 0
Students didn’t solve the task by connecting the figures. This combination is considered the
indicator of creative potential, because person who do it in this way, breaks through the structure
of testing situation and synthesizes disparate objects to meaningful complex (Jurèova, 1984).
The average of elaboration was counted as a sum of each picture elaboration which was
divided by score for fluency. It is faithful indicator, because the students whose score for elabo-
ration in each picture was high, but they didn’t complete all figures, were considered. The
summing up the elaboration value could be nonadequately evaluate by routine counting. The
scoring of evaluation is easier if the title of picture is quoted. It is the basic theme and the
details are more identifiable. Maximum that could be achieved was 10 points for elaboration.
One student reached 5.6 points and another one 1.8 points, all values were between 1.8 and 5.6
Zuzana HALÁKOVÁ. Is Creativity Characteristic for Incoming Teachers of Science?
Volume 1, 2007
Conclusion and Discussion
A majority of students (63.75%) completed all ten figures, that is why the score of fluency
has limited usage. The less creative person fills in the figure in a short time sketching in one
line or curve. Some students produce a lot of original solutions, but don’t elaborate any of
them. Some produce few ideas, but do them carefully and precisely.
Impulsively, or banal thinking student or „unthinking“ one can be very successful in solv-
ing this kind of problem, in most cases he has low score for flexibility, originality and elabora-
It is our duty to identify creative students, incoming teachers and to develop creativity
because it is the precondition preparing creative pupils for life.
Teachers are responsible in developing the potential of pupils. U.S. teachers use the words
artistic, curious, imaginative, independent, intelligent/clever, unique/original as creative traits
(Runco, Johnson, Bear, 1993). Chinese teachers characteristic were highly associated with
intellectual functioning like quick in responding, high intellectual ability, high verbal ability,
like/willing to think (Chan & Chan, 1999). It could be very interesting to as study other nation-
alities teachers´ point of view on the creative and uncreative students´ characteristics.
I would like to express great thanks to Mr. Scott Lamphear for language corrections and
to Mr. Pavol Prokop, PhD. for reviewing the manuscript and for his comments which help to
make it more comprehensible.
Chan, D. W., Chan, L. K. (1999). Implicit Theories of Creativity: Teachers Perception of Student Char-
acteristics in Hong Kong. Creativity Research Journal, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 185-195.
Hsiao, H.-Ch., Liang, Y.-H., Lin, T.-Y. (2004). A creative thinking teaching model in a computer net-
work course for vocational high school students. World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Edu-
cation, Vol. 3, No.2, pp. 243-247.
Jurèova, M. (1984). Psychodiagnostické a didaktické testy. Torranceho figuralny test tvorivého myslenia,
Priruèka, Vðeobecna èast. N.P. Bratislava.
Koberg, D., Bagnall, L.(1991). The All New Universal Traveler: A Soft-Systems Guide to Creativity,
Problem Solving, and Processs of Reaching Goals. Los Altos, CA. William Kaufmann, Inc.
Runco, M. A., Johnson, D. J., Bear, P. K. (1993). Parents´ and teachers´ implicit theories of children’s
creativity. Child Study Journal, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 91-113.
Torrance, E. P. (2000). Research review for the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking: Figural and Verbal Forms
A and B Benseville, IL: Scholastic Testing Service.
Torrance, E.P., Ball, O., Safter, T. (1990). Torrance Test of Creative Thinking: Streamlined scoring guide
Figural A and B. Benseville, IL: Scholastic Testing Service.
Torrance, E.P. (2001). Test Developed: Torrance Tests of Creativity.
Retrieved February 15, 2007, Web site:
Wechsler, S. (2006). Validity of the Torrance’s tests of creative thinking to the Brazilian culture. Creativ-
ity Research Journal, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 15-25.
Olga Holá
Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia
E-mail: [email protected]
The contribution deals with a short history of the usage of personal computers in teaching of physics at the
Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology (FCHFT) of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. At
first, computers were used in our faculty laboratory, as well as in seminars in special computer rooms where
we tested the level of acquirement of the subject matter. Then step by step the miscellaneous multimedia tools
were introduced also into physics lectures. What were the goals we wanted to achieve by usage of multimedia
didactic tools in teaching-learning process? These aims were - to enliven an interest in physics, to improve the
clarity of teaching.
The response of students on such kind of teaching process has been studied too. We have prepared student’s
opinion questionnaire to find out a feedback and monitor if our aims and intentions were fulfilled. The
questionnaire was anonymous and was administered at the end of the winter term of the academic year 2006/
2007. Results of this survey will be analysed at the end of this article. The new impulses and conclusions of
this survey will be implemented in our further pedagogical practice.
Key words: animation, didactic means, demonstration, internet, PC, video.
In the last decades the great changes have arisen in our life, science and technology pen-
etrates our households more and more. The changes have arisen also in the teaching-learning
methods for the same reasons. Personal computers found their way and usage from elemen-
tary schools to universities. The young generation inclines to the work with new information
technologies and therefore the computer-based education and the implementation of the
multimedia tools into the educational process usually result in a positive response of students.
Laboratory exercises
In recent past our laboratories were the first and the only place, where students could
come into a contact with personal computers. By means of PC they processed experimental
data and obtained tables, performed calculations of physical quantities and received required
The great expansion of PC began and computers have been used almost in every activity –
from experiment, through its treatment by calculations to the final output in the form of tables
and graphs. Students gained a lot of knowledge and ability through the usage of PC but they
failed to understand the physical principles behind the experiments and the physical evaluation
of the obtained results. Therefore the optimal variant of PC usage in laboratory was looked for.
Olga HOLÁ. Computer-Based Education in Physics
Volume 1, 2007
At present the student shall control the physical conditions of experiment, he or she shall 45
be familiar with the theory of uncertainties and he or she shall interpret the results. PC should
only be an aid for mathematical treatment of experimental data.
The development and availability of personal computers have been reflected also in teach-
ing of physics in seminars. At first, computers were used in our seminars in a special computer
classroom where we tested acquirement of the subject matter by interactive teaching software
Educa (“Grada”, 1993). We took advantage of this computer room only at the end of terms.
The aim was to play on the natural inclination of new generation to work with PC and simulta-
neously to use it for students self-testing of the teaching matter. But the stepwise reduction in
the teaching load of physics caused that we had to cease this activity.
Nowadays the quota of physics lessons is decreasing in connection with the restructuring
of school bachelor system at the Slovak University of Technology (Hola, O. & Laurinc, 2006).
Therefore, it is necessary to look for new effective forms of teaching in the framework of full-
time study as well as distance learning or correspondence study - e-learning. As a result the
education based on PC will be very important in seminars again. We make plans for the future
to give students a possibility of the individual calculation of physical problems by means of
distance communication in the combined form of study (presence attendance and distance
form). Therefore we have just prepared the first trial module of Physics course 1 in LMS
Moodle for the purpose of our faculty. But the usage of such form of study assumes rather
good knowledge of the secondary mathematics and physics as well as the students’ own initia-
tive and willingness to study more than is necessary.
The beginning of multimedia usage in physics lectures at our faculty dates back from 2002
and this opportunity arose from equipping of the special-purpose lecture hall with an in-built
data video projector. It enables us to mediate information prepared on a personal computer to
the auditorium. Moreover, during the last year the on-line connection to Internet was put in
action in this hall. It opens new possibilities to exploit Internet directly to show also such
physical animations and video-clips that could not be freely downloaded.
At FCHFT we have used miscellaneous multimedia tools in physics lectures (Hola, O.&
Hola K., 2005; Hola, O. et al. 2005). It is a commonplace now in all our lectures to present a
given phenomenon by Power-point presentation with 3D projection. We have used the possibil-
ity of presentation with self-made figures, scanned images, photographs or measured data in graphs
from various sources.
The application of short animations or applets seems to be very useful. Applets are such
animations that allow the modification of input data according to demands. Let us mention
some of applets screened at our lectures e.g. applets of projectile motion, applets of a simple
hydraulic lift or applets demonstrating the equation of continuity. Elastic and inelastic colli-
sions or free fall have counted to the most interesting ones.
From other software successfully applied in lectures in recent memory we can state also
Famulus used for the demonstration of a wave reflection from a free or fixed end, for the
demonstration of interference and formation of standing waves (Dillinger, 1999).
Video-clips provide an illustrative approach to the investigated physical phenomena for
students. We have used during lectures many video-clips originating from various physical web
sites as well as our own video-clips. For example many video-clips related to hydrodynamics of
ideal as well as real fluids have been used.
We have used also the system environment of Coach, which enables us to perform quite
expert scientific video analyses providing tools for measurement of position of several data
points in different frames of the clip. It has proved to be useful to introduce such video analy-
ses into lectures of physics after the ending of thematic units. We applied blocks of video-clips
analysed by Coach twice in a term - which illustrated kinematics and dynamics of motion in the
course Physics I. and once in Physics II. in the section of the electricity. We co-operated with
colleagues from the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of Comenius University,
Volume 1, 2007
46 who participated in the creation of video film and video-clips as well as at their analyses by
Coach. The particular usage of Coach in education of physics also at our faculties is dealt
within our contribution (Hola, K., Hola, O., Haluskova, 2004).
Two years ago we began to prepare our own video-clips at our Department of Chemical
Physics of FCHFT (Hola, O. & Hola, K., 2006). These video-clips record various real situa-
tions of our life as well as the laboratory experiments. We created also some instructive video-
clips that were dedicated to measurements methods, and video-clips recording the unique
workplaces. Afterwards we began to record the clips of the experimentally prepared situations
in our laboratory. Finally we combined video-clips of these activities of everyday life with
analogical ones prepared experimentally in our laboratory. It was the first step to realise an
idea of our video films – the higher form of video clips. So last year we began with the creation
of our own video films in physics. Their common leitmotif is „Video films from the world of
Physics or Physics in the world around us“. Until now we have created (Hola, O., 2006) about
eight short video films with the voiceover providing physics comment and we included them
immediately in physics lectures.
We have also participated in the creation of an electronic multimedia textbook of physics
(Oþvoldova et. al., 2006) which is available for students of different forms of study at web sites
of various technical faculties. The mentioned e-multimedia textbook contains besides the tex-
tual studying material, physics problems, exercises and their solutions, a lot of illustrative fig-
ures and some animations and applets. There are e.g. applets of simple harmonic motion,
damped and forced harmonic motion, superposition of harmonic motions, etc. At present we
are continuously extending the contents of this book also with respect to its usage as a multi-
media tool in the teaching-learning process, therefore more applets and video-clips are being
In our lectures we have used some animations from other multimedia CDs, for example
CD: “Animated Physics” (Neubauer, 2001) which we used mainly to demonstrate electric and
magnetic forces.
Internet brought plenty of other possibilities to mediate new information from the physics
field to students. In lectures we used on-line applets to explain some physical principles of e.g.
microwave oven, polarizer, electron microscope, X-ray fluoroscope, cyclotron, etc. In most
cases we showed students very interesting effects from modern physics that have applications
in our common life.
What were the goals we wanted to achieve by usage of personal computers and various
multimedia didactic tools in teaching-learning process in physics? Generally we can say that
the function of the personal computers is to facilitate the treatment of experimental data and
solving of physical problems. But personal computers allow us also to create as well as to use
the various multimedia didactic tools, e.g. animations, applets, video-clips, video films, Internets
web sites directly in the teaching-learning process. Such an approach accords with our idea
and concept of modern education. Our objectives are: to enhance students’ awareness and
ability to recognize natural science’ connections. More over we want to evoke their imagina-
tion and to offer other, more attractive approach to learning.
We prepared student’s opinion survey to find out a feedback and monitor if our aims and
intentions were fulfilled. This questionnaire was anonymous and was presented to students in
the last lecture of the winter term in the academic year 2006/7. We studied the interest rate of
multimedia didactic tools as well as the contribution of the tools to the better understanding of
the subject matter. The main part of questionnaire consisted of the five scale answer’s options
e.g.: “Do you consider the use of data video projector for the presentation of video- clips as”:
uninteresting, little interesting, medium interesting, interesting, very interesting.
The results can be summarised as follows. The number of respondents was 58. The evalu-
ations of the individual above mentioned activities are shown in Tab.1. In column A there is
the sum of answers in the categories “interesting and very interesting” expressed as a percent-
age of all answers obtained. In column B there is the result of the two scale answers’ options:
“Has the usage of…contributed to the better understanding of the subject matter?” (yes or
Olga HOLÁ. Computer-Based Education in Physics
Volume 1, 2007
The students evaluated the video-clips, images, animations, multimedia CD, as the most
interesting from all didactic means. On the whole students expressed that all didactic tools
used in lectures contributed to the better understanding of the subject matter.
In Figure 1 there are demonstrated the results of the anonymous survey presenting the
contribution of the various multimedia tools used in lectures expressed as a percentage.
In Figure 2 there is depicted the interest in video-clips, video films and classical demon-
strations expressed as a percentage in more details. Asset of video to understanding of subject
matter is drawn in Figure 3. The 89 % of respondents declared that video programs added to
the better understanding of subject matter, about 3 % declared - no, and 8 % of students did
not answer. Generally, we can say that the response of students on the use of multimedia
didactic means, on demonstration of simple experiments during the lectures and calculation of
interesting examples from everyday life, is very well as it is seen in Table 2.
Let us specify some of other answers:
The calculation of interesting physics problems in lectures contributes to the better
understanding of the subject adequately and to a large degree (84%).
Volume 1, 2007
48 Lectures:
offered students more than literature (81%),
helped to clarify and explain everyday life phenomena (84 %),
improved to develop analytical thinking (79 %),
awoke an interest in physics (79 %).
The student’s opinion survey proved that multimedia didactic tools as well as classic dem-
onstrations during the lectures but also the calculation of interesting examples from our every-
day experience are assets to the physics education as it is expressed in Table2.
The problem of physics teaching at our faculty is connected with the fact that physics is
not the major subject of study of our students and hence we often face lack of their interest
and sometimes also the weak background knowledge. They consider physics to be a boring
and difficult subject, “inescapable evil”. Therefore the question “how can we facilitate and
motivate students in their physics studies” is the key one. There exists false assumption that
students possess great knowledge about the surrounding world. The opposite is true, and we
can help explain to students some of everyday situations through physics. The use of personal
computers and various multimedia tools in teaching-learning process is one of the ways to
reach this goal. The student’s opinion survey proved that multimedia didactic tools are assets
to the physics education. They led to the better understanding of the subject matter and to
higher attractiveness of physics. On the other hand physics is also an empirical science and it
Olga HOLÁ. Computer-Based Education in Physics
Volume 1, 2007
lies in experiments. There is no doubt about the stimulating role of experiments in teaching, so 49
classical demonstrations as well as laboratory works also with the technical PC assistance are
not substitutable in physics education.
In future it will be very important to look for optimal measures of the use of personal
computers in all forms of physics education.
Tuula Keinonen
University of Joensuu, Finland
E-mail: [email protected]
Science-Technology-Society (STS) approach has been found to be an effective framework in science educa-
tion. STS-approach is expected to increase citizens´ abilities to carry out the social responsibility in collective
decision making concerning issues related to science and technology. At school, the teacher can view,
especially after practising STS-instruction her/himself, that it is an integrated curriculum that promotes stu-
dents´ scientific knowledge, process skills, citizenship behaviours, and decision-making abilities. Science
and Technology Education at the University of Joensuu has been planned in order to increase primary school
teacher students´ knowledge about science education including science contents, science pedagogy as well as
environmental and technological education. STS-approach is applied in planning Science and Technology
Education for teacher students. After theoretical studies about STS-approach, primary school teacher stu-
dents also have to practice STS-teaching themselves in the lower level of the comprehensive school (primary
school, grades 1-6). In this paper, four cases of these STS-approaches in Finnish primary schools are pre-
sented. The cases include learning about plastics, electricity, water and air, and human body, and the cases
are planned and carried out by several primary school teacher students in teams. The cases presented here
are planned for and carried out with fifth or sixth graders (age of 10-12) in rural schools.
Keywords: science and technology education, teacher education, primary science, STS-approach.
In most European countries, the curriculum for science teaching in primary and lower
secondary education refers to science in context, either in terms of the history of science or
contemporary societal issues, or both. Almost everywhere (29 education systems), primary
school pupils discuss science in relation to society and to everyday life. Reforms carried out in
Europe during the last years, concerned with curricular content, often mean that changes have
to be made at a prior stage in teacher education. The way in which science is taught in schools
depends on many factors related mainly to the training received by teachers. Teachers in
primary education have training in science which has generally been limited and can not meet
the latest requirements of the curriculum (see Eurydice Report 2006).
In Finland the view on science education as continuum, starting at pre-primary, is a basic
feature of the new curriculum which was implemented in 2004. The revision has along changes
to science education at the primary level. During the first four years pupils (ages 7 to 10)
undertake environmental and science studies as before, but during the last two years (ages 11
to 12) at the primary level science studies are divided into biology/geography and physics/
chemistry studies. These changes have put pressures on reorganising primary school science
education and on changing its characteristics. Also in Finland contemporary societal issues
are included in the curriculum as well as discussions related to issues of everyday life.
Tuula KEINONEN. Science and Technology Education in Finnish Comprehensive Schools: Four Cases
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The pupils themselves are very interested in the socio-economic, practical and personal 51
aspects of science (see e.g. Sjøberg 2000). These results have been used to design teaching
units that have led to cognitive and affective benefits in the medium term, particularly in the
case of girls. For girls, context is particularly important, with boys being more focused on the
task itself, independent of context (see e.g. Sjoberg 2000, Juuti, Lavonen, Uitto, Byman, and
Meisalo 2004). Girls also show a preference for collaborative styles of working and for discus-
sion. The professional working practises are matters of debate. (see Eurydice Report 2006).
Lots of resources have been given for the development of science education. One alter-
native in making science more interesting and more understandable also for the future pupils
is the use of the STS-approach in science education. Fundamentally, STS- science teaching is
student oriented. Students strive to understand their everyday experiences about their social
environment, their artificially constructed environment, and their natural environment.
(Aikenhead, 1994, 47-49.) STS-approach might be, according to Mbajiorgu and Ali (2002)
affecting other variables in the science classroom than in turn affect achievement in the sci-
ences. Tsai (2001) has found that STS-oriented instruction group of students could perform
better in terms of the extent, richness and connection of cognitive structure outcomes, than
traditional group students do. He also states that STS-instruction could be especially benefi-
cial to students with its epistemological views being more oriented to constructivist views of
science, particularly at an early stage of STS-instruction. According to him, STS-instruction is
a clear and appropriate way of practicing constructivism. Solbes and Vilches (1997) have
found that the introduction of STS-interactions in physics and chemistry classes can help stu-
dents to develop an improved comprehension and a more real image of these sciences, which
allow students to understand better the role of scientists and how they work. According to
them, STS-interactions together with the teaching/learning model of science as research gen-
erate positive attitudes toward the study of physics and chemistry and increase the students´
interest in their study.
STS-science is also expected to fill a critical void in the traditional curriculum – the social
responsibility in collective decision making on issues related to science and technology. The
pervasive goal of social responsibility in collective decision making leads to numerous related
goals: individual empowerment; intellectual capabilities such as critical thinking, logical rea-
soning, creative problem solving, and decision making; national and global citizenship, usually
“democracy” or “stewardship”; socially responsible action by individuals; communication skills
in a variety of forms; and an skilled work force for business and industry (Aikenhead, 1994, 49;
Aikenhead, 2000, 53; Rannikmäe, 2002). These goals emphasize an induction into a world
increasingly shaped by science and technology, more than they support an induction into a
scientific discipline. Already at an early age in the education, it is important to develop skills of
natural inquiry, critical thinking, and decision making about science and technology and the
links to the world they encounter (Pedretti, 1999).
STS-science courses differ widely because of their different goals. However, this varia-
tion reflects differences in the balance among similar goals. The goals of STS-education are:
acquisition of knowledge (concepts within, and concepts about, science and technology) for
personal matters, civic concerns, or cultural perspectives; development of learning skills (proc-
esses of scientific and technological inquiry) for information gathering, problem solving, and
decision making; development of values and ideas (dealing with the interactions among science,
technology, and society) for local issues, public policies, and global problems or cognitive com-
petency – standardized knowledge and skills needed for reading and speaking accurately about
STS-issues; rational/academic – a grasp of the epistemology and sociology of science required
for understanding the dynamics at play in STS-issues; personal – students understand their
everyday lives better; social action – students participate in responsible political action. All
goals may have a place within a single curriculum, but some goals have higher priority than
others. For example, the goal – social action – is usually a high priority in some environmental
courses. (Aikenhead, 1994, 50-51.)
After practising STS-instruction, the teacher can view STS as an integrated curriculum
that promotes students´ scientific knowledge, process skills, citizenship behaviours, and deci-
sion-making abilities (Tsai, 2001). Tsai states that the teacher can possess many constructivist-
oriented teaching approaches recommended by science educators, for instance, cooperative
learning, discussion activities, and conceptual change strategies. The actual implementation
Volume 1, 2007
52 clearly helps the teacher conceptualize the rationales and strategies of STS-instruction, and
then demonstrate a considerable pedagogical knowledge growth about STS (Tsai, 2001). How-
ever, Rannikmäe (2002) found that some science teachers find it difficult to understand the
meaning of social issues. According to her, it is not easy to change teachers´ perceptions of
science teaching, especially towards the inclusion of social components interrelated with, and
aiding the acquisition of conceptual science.
In this paper, four cases of the applied STS-approach at primary school are presented.
The primary school teacher students have planned the teaching units during Science and Tech-
nology Education and tested them in rural primary schools. This article concentrates on de-
scribing the teaching units. Some remarks on research results related to these units are shown,
but they will be discussed in more detail at other forums (Keinonen, 2007, Havu-Nuutinen and
Keinonen, 2007).
Methodology of Research
The context of this paper, Science and Technology Education in Joensuu is an application
of STS-approach. The Basic Studies in Science and Technology Education forms minor stud-
ies mainly for primary school teacher students. When entering this education, the students
already have finished their pedagogical studies. Teachers´ pedagogical studies include three
training periods at the training school and one training period at a rural or country school. At
the training school the students concentrate in some subjects, only a minor part of the students
train in science. The Science and Technology Education, total of 25 credit points, consists of
six separate courses shown in Figure 1.
The aim of the Basic Studies in Science and Technology is among other things to acquire
scientific understanding and to widen the worldview, to understand the most central concepts
and the general features of the structures of theories in science, to understand the teaching of
these subjects on different levels of the education and to understand the mutual relations
between basic sciences, technology, society and people. The courses aim to help primary school
teacher students develop a theoretical framework for teaching science at the elementary level,
a repertoire of methods for teaching science, favourable attitudes toward science and science
teaching, and deeper understandings of some science content area and of the relations be-
tween sciences, technology and society.
The Science and Technology Education is conducted in co-operation with the Faculty of
Science and the Faculty of Education. Science and Technology studies start with an introduc-
tory course arranged by the Department of Applied Education. The courses of geography,
biology, chemistry and physics will follow after that and these are arranged by the respective
departments. The last course, arranged by the Department of Applied Education considers
the interrelations between science, technology and society. The science discipline courses
contain mainly subject contents and less STS-content, whereas the courses carried out by the
Department of Applied Education include mainly STS-content. The pedagogy of science is
discussed and practiced during the first and last course.
The scientific and technological knowledge and action, childrens´, teachers´ and adults´
attitudes towards science as well as pedagogical aspects of science instruction are discussed in
the introductory course of “Science and Technology as a knowledge and action”. Hands-on
experiments and inquiries are especially pointed out. During the course, in a given period, the
students also have to read newspapers and collect all the articles which they think concern
science and/or technology. Then, following the given questions the students explain why each
article, in their opinion, concern science or technology. Finally, the articles are presented to
the other students, the results are compared and the ideas are discussed in seminars.
After the introductory course, the students pass the subject courses which deal with the
STS-issues mainly as technological applications and as everyday phenomena. The subject courses
include also practices, field or laboratory work. During the geography course, the students
make a visit to Koli, the famous Finnish national park near Joensuu where the tracks of the Ice
Age can be seen. The biology, chemistry and physics courses include laboratory practises. For
the last course the students return back to the Department of Applied Education. Then, STS-
approach in science education and sustainable development questions are discussed. The
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54 students also carry out an industry project, during which they visit an industrial company.
Finally, the students carry out a technology project in which they design and construct a wash-
ing machine by the aid of LEGOs and the Logo Programming.
During the first and last course the students also plan teaching entities for primary school
according to STS-approach and carry out the planned teaching units in rural schools. The
starting point for the teaching projects has been to provide pupils an authentic learning envi-
ronment. In authentic learning situations, the learning of contents and process skills are joined
together in a suitable proportion. Solving problems that are related to pupils´ everyday life
reinforces pupils´ inquiry skills more than pure scientific problem solving situations do (Lee
and Songer, 2003). The latter demands such a content knowledge and scientific thinking which
pupils do not yet possess. The authenticity of the projects was increased by visits to companies
and scientific institutions and by working in these places. The other starting point for the
teaching projects was to approach science issues in the historical-societal and technological
context. Furthermore, according to the STS principles, the environmental effects were consid-
ered, and the learning by inquiry was chosen most often as the pedagogical framework.
The aim of the projects was that teacher students familiarize with STS-approach (plan-
ning and realizing), project work, co-operation with enterprises, and arranging visits to them,
as well as with scientific inquiry in teaching-learning process. The aim was that students´
knowledge about the ways to work in science, their self-motivation and abilities to arrange
learning situations outside the schools, will develop. The final aim was that pupils will get
interested in science studies and get positive experiences about science and industry. They
were also expected to see science as a large and multifaceted entity.
The data collection in the related researches included pupils´ writings and drawings, the
interviews of pupils, teachers and partners, video recordings, field notes, and discussions with
different participants. The data varied depending on the case. There were 12 to 56 pupils and
9 to 12 teacher students depending on the case. The cases were carried out during years 2002-
The cases presented here include learning about plastics, electricity, water and air, and
human body.
The Plastics -project was realized as a voluntary club for fifth graders after the school day.
The pupils met in the club six times. The aim from the viewpoint of the school was to serve and
develop club actions and to encourage pupils in science studies. A company, which partici-
pated in the project, aimed to develop school-company collaboration and to increase childrens´
interest in science, technology and industry, too. The reminders about industry and about the
importance of industry lie about pupils every day. Yet the associations they have, despite all
this information, are negative, and they assume that working in industry is boring (Cullingford
2004). The project aimed to change this kind of thoughts.
The project, called Mobile Phone – Club, started after the discussion concerning the
history and use of phones (Figure 2). The aim was to consider the role of the mobile phone in
our life from different points of view. At the end of the first meeting, the pupils planned future
mobile phone.
Next week, the pupils´ drawings were considered. Attention was directed to the material
of the cover of mobile phones - to the plastic. At first, the properties of plastics were intro-
duced through the demonstrations held by the teacher students. After that, the pupils planned
suitable questions for the visit to the company. Next week, the teacher students were respon-
sible for the arrangements of the visit together with the personnel of the company. During the
visit the pupils learned about the computer-aided design of the cover and were able to use the
design program. The pupils also familiarized with the manufacture of covers in the factory.
After that, the pupils investigated plastics at school in small groups and in several
workstations. The observations were written in the inquiry cards. At the fifth time, the
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pupils visited the department of chemistry at the university. They saw similar machines as
in the factory but in a smaller scale. They also learned how to model molecules with the
aid of computers. After that, the pupils investigated at the chemistry laboratory the prop-
erties of colours making e.g. white and red paint. In the last time, the pupils painted the
cover of their own mobile phone. The cover has been delivered to them by the project.
The pupils also watched a video about the life of a plastics cup and made a mind map of
the life of the cover of the mobile phone.
The personnel of the company planned together with the teacher students a visit where
childrens´ own action was in the main role. The aim of the company was to realize an
interactive event, instead of the traditional power point presentation. Only a short pres-
entation material was prepared for the visit. The presentation showed clearly the history
of plastics, manufacture of plastics products and the action of the company. A visit, which
was planned next year was even more interactive. Then, the pupils tested the cover in the
company´s laboratory and used a robot in the factory. The company found childrens´
action very positive. Also their co-operation between teacher education and schools, ac-
cording to them, deepened. The views of the teacher students, the teachers and the pupils
on the industrial company and it´s action widened. In addition, the project offered the
personnel of the company a possibility for co-operation with the school and new experi-
ences as tutors of young people.
The primary school was so positively surprised about the popularity of the club and
about pupils´ activity in the case that the club has been carried out in the afternoon after
the normal school day. The teachers highlighted the different learning methods that have
been used in the teaching units. The visits to the company and to the university were been
especially beneficial. The pupils had an opportunity to see several different jobs and work-
ing people. The teachers reported that the pupils have acquired good ideas about the
applications of science. The teachers also commented that every pupil has learned some-
thing about plastics and about the production of the covers for the mobile phones.
In pupils´ feedback the visits can be considered as positive and successful. The pupils
enjoyed the visit to the company because they had the possibility to participate in the
activities (“We got to plan.., “..we made ourselves, not only looked beside.”). They also
experienced that they have learned new (“In Perlos we learned a lot...”, “it was nice, when
we visited Perlos and got information about its´ history and about the production of the
cover”.) Also, the visit to the department of chemistry was regarded as interesting. The
teacher students commented more the practical arrangements during the project than the
Volume 1, 2007
56 instruction entity itself. They found, however, that they learned to teach and they got
ideas for their future job.
Electricity was studied in a rural school at the sixth grade. The primary school teacher
students were responsible for the instruction demonstrated in Figure 3. The phenomenon
under study was the whole energy system of the town.
Before the teaching units, the pupils were asked to write down their ideas about what
electricity is. At the beginning of the first unit they were requested to write down “what they
think is needed to light the candelabrum” present in the classroom. The aim of the two ques-
tions was to investigate the pupils´ ideas about the origin of electric current, the way electric
current is conveyed to homes from its origin, the need for a complete circuit for lighting, and
other relevant ideas.
The first lesson dealt with the history of electricity, life nowadays and how it was before
electricity. Two teacher students discussed with the pupils about electric appliances (the play
mobile guided by radio waves, the microwave oven, the mobile phone, the washing machine,
the candelabrum). The discussion concerned how the appliances work, and what has been
used instead of these appliances before the foundation of electricity. The teacher student told
the pupils about the history of electricity followed by a play in which pupils in small groups
dramatized situations concerning the safety of electricity. Next, the pupils read the chapter in
their books entitled “Home devices work with electricity”, and after that the pupils discussed
which components are needed to get an incandescent bulb to light, and how to get electricity
from the net. The pupils became familiar with the incandescent bulb and its change, the fuse
and its role, the main switchboard, the wall socket, the plug and grounding. The pupils worked
in small groups and each group carried out their own hands-on experiments which also were
tried out by the other groups. The teacher student explained how the main switchboard works.
The following week, the second pair of the teacher students focused their lessons on
electric energy. The aim was to get pupils understand where electric energy is produced, the
distribution and consumption of electric energy, and how it can be saved. The pupils had to
find an answer to the question “where does the lamp get its energy from”. The teacher stu-
Tuula KEINONEN. Science and Technology Education in Finnish Comprehensive Schools: Four Cases
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dents read aloud statements concerning energy, and the pupils showed with their blue or red 57
cards, if the statement is correct or not. The teacher students discussed with the pupils about
where electric energy comes from, and the pupils looked at a picture concerning the produc-
tion of energy. In small work groups, they tried to find out energy sources, the action followed
by a teaching period of collecting information and a short discussion on how energy comes to
homes. With the aid of a picture, the teacher students explained the idea of the distribution of
electric energy. Lastly, in the second unit, the consumption and saving of energy was dis-
cussed, and the pupils answered the question where the lamp gets its electricity from. Before
the next lesson, the pupils were asked to follow energy consumption at home.
The third unit concerned the open and closed circuits. The pupils answered the question
about what happens when one of the bulbs is taken away from the candelabrum. The teacher
students presented simple circuit models, and respective circuits constructed from the con-
crete components. The pupils connected the circuit model to the concrete circuit. The aim
was that the pupils will become familiar with the symbols used in electric circuits. The circuits
were also dramatized by the pupils, who played roles of being different components in the
circuits. The pupils made hands-on experiments on the conduction of electricity and connected
bulbs in parallel and in series. At home, the pupils answered the question about what happens
when one bulb is taken away and how the bulbs are connected, in series or in parallel.
The fourth unit was carried out at the university, four kilometres away from the school.
The pupils familiarized with the research at the department of physics and made hands-on
experiments in the laboratory. The experiments dealt with closed circuits and the concept on
voltage was introduced. The current was also measured. The pupils worked in small groups in
four workstations, each group in turn. The teachers from the department of physics helped the
primary school teacher students at each station. The pupils answered the question about how
the current changes in different circuits.
The following unit was carried out in the power station. The pupils visited the local peat-
burning power plant in order to answer the question ´how is electricity produced (its source
and the phases of production) ´. The question was discussed in the bus on the return journey.
At the beginning of the final unit, the pupils answered the question about “what makes
the candelabrum light up”. Then the concepts of power station, electric energy, distribution of
electric energy, wall socket, plug, wire and closed circuit were discussed again. Finally, the
question “what electricity actually is” aroused. Voltage and circuits were handled and the
concept electron was introduced. There was a discussion as to whether the voltage source is
necessary, and static electricity was studied with the aid of hands-on experiments. The con-
cepts concerning electricity were collected on a concept map which was planned by the teacher
students and was filled in by the pupils.
The pupils´ descriptions before and after the instruction concerning electricity were cat-
egorized. After instruction electricity was described in several ways. It was net electricity, net
current, electricity, and appliances such as a plug, wire, and a wall socket. The category con-
cerning electricity and energy was described by net current or electricity. Electric energy was
complemented with a wall socket, fuse or net current or electric net. Energy was changed in
some cases to electricity, net current, or circuit net and components, or only components. The
category of electricity and components was widened to include the electricity net, components
and electricity, electricity and net current, only components, or electricity and kinetic energy.
Although the pupils described what is needed in a more versified way than before the instruc-
tion, the descriptions concerned the use of electricity in daily life, what it is at home, not
mentioning the things outside of the instruction period. The pupils wrote about several parts
or components, but not much about the production or distribution of energy, nor did they
mention the closed circuit at all. No one described the whole process starting from production
to its use, as some did in the pre-knowledge questionnaire. The concept of current which was
not previously used was used at the end, as well as the net current.
At the beginning of the STS-instruction girls thought that electricity is needed for the
candelabrum together with components, while the boys supported more electric energy. The
differences between the genders, however, were not significant. Afterwards, about half of the
pupils thought that the net current or net electricity is necessary. Before instruction, there
were no comments of the net. Circuit was also a new concept used after the instruction, being
mentioned by one girl and four boys.
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58 The pupils gave illuminating descriptions about electricity. Laura, who according to the
pre-question had well-developed ideas about electricity, answered before the instruction that
electric energy is needed to light the candelabrum. After instruction, she answered:
A wall socket is needed. Electricity comes to it through the current network. The
net circuit gets it from the main switchboard. There are fuses. If there is too much
electric voltage, the fuse will burn.
Laura´s ideas were versified. She was the only one who mentioned voltage. Sara, who in
the pre-questionnaire mentioned several components related to electricity, wrote before in-
struction that electricity is needed. After the instruction she wrote:
The plug must be put into the wall socket. Electricity goes via the wire to the
candelabrum, the filament warms and starts to light.
She wrote more about the processes concerning the phenomena. After instruction, Henry
referred to his first answer which he had given in the pre-knowledge test previous to instruc-
tion. He was of the opinion that electricity, electric wires, and lamps are needed. John who
associated electricity with lighting and danger in the pre test, thought before the instruction
that energy is needed to light the candelabrum. Afterwards, he wrote more precisely about
electric energy instead of energy, but added nothing else.
Case 3: Water and air – What is the global warming and how can we influence on it?
The topic of water and air was studied by the fifth graders under the guidance of the
teacher students. The global warming was investigated as a societal question. The structure of
the teaching project is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. The teaching units of the project concerning water and air.
Before the teaching project was started, the pupils wrote an essay about the subject “Water
around us”. Ten of the 29 pupils were also interviewed in order to find out the possible concep-
tual change afterwards. The first lesson started by considering Earth´s water cycle. The pupils
investigated a map showing sufficient amount of water and water consumption on the Earth.
The pupils had to find answers to the questions given by the teacher students. After discussions,
the pupils read an article about how the global warming influences the zone. Finally, a debate
was arranged. The pupils discussed in small groups considering a pollution problem due to the
Tuula KEINONEN. Science and Technology Education in Finnish Comprehensive Schools: Four Cases
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factory in a fictional case. The groups discussed the problem from different points of view. One 59
group thought the situation from the viewpoint of the director of the factory. The other view-
points represented that of the city manager, the urbanite, the environmental activist, the re-
searcher from the university, and the fish shopkeeper. In the debate, one of the group members
represented the whole group. The pupils discussed about how the catastrophe should be solved
and how it would influence everyday life. At home, they were asked to follow their own water
Next time, the pupils marked their consumption in a diagram. Then, the pupils investigated
properties of the water in small groups and in workstations. The subjects of the hands-on experi-
ments were “sugar on the bottom”, “does wool get wet”, and “under the pressure of the water”.
The pupils made hypothesis, observations in the experiments and then conclusions. Finally, the
pupils filled in a paper collecting the properties of the water.
The third time, the pupils studied properties of the air. At first, the teacher students col-
lected on the table a mind map discussing with the pupils. The issues related to the air were
discussed. The pupils draw the mind map on their portfolio. Again, the pupils made hands-on
experiments in small groups, the subjects being now: “can air be compressed”, “what happens
when air warms”, “does the kleenex remain dry”, and “can you lift the paper with the aid of the
liner”. Afterwards, the experiments have been discussed together.
In the fourth week the class visited the local water company. The water care system was
introduced to the pupils. The pupils filled in a questionnaire concerning the water care system.
The answers were discussed next week in the last time, when the pupils studied at school the
global warming and the greenhouse effect. The teacher students gave the pupils two articles.
One half of the class read the article “The warming of the Earth” and the other half the article
“The global warming does not slow down by discussing”. The questions dealt with the following
issues: what the greenhouse effect means, what is the global change, what are the influences of
the global warming, and how can people influence on the progress of the global warming”. The
water consumption and the ten choices of the climate´s friend were discussed at the end.
After the instruction the pupils again wrote about the subject of the water around us. The
same pupils were interviewed before and after the instruction. The pupils mainly described the
importance of water for human being. They also wrote about the clean and dirty water and
water consumption. The data analysis continues in order to find out the possible conceptual
Case 4: Human biology – What´s the role of physical exercise for our body?
The fifth graders studied the structure and the functions of the biological systems of the
human being in the context of the physical exercise. The structure of the teaching is shown in the
figure 5. This entity differs from the others described above in the sense that in this case every
unit starts from societal issues followed by technological issues and science contents.
Figure 5. The units in studying the biological systems of the human being.
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60 Before the teaching project the pupils were asked to draw what they think that is included
to the human body. They were given the outlines of the body where they draw the parts they
wanted. The pupils also read a short article concerning childrens´ physical exercise and made
in pairs a mind map of the influence of the physical exercise for the human being. Pupils´
drawings were categorized according to their knowledge of the structure of the human body.
Ten pupils (out of 29) were chosen for the interviews to sketch out more exactly their knowl-
edge of the structure and functions of the human being.
The first unit started by a drama presented by the primary school teacher students. The
drama discussed the importance of the physical exercise and the most useful ways to drive it.
The teacher students discussed also some professions related to the physical exercise and it´s
role for the well-being of the human being. Next, the teacher students showed pupils X-ray of
a hand and discussed with the pupils other technological systems related to skeleton, joints
and muscles as well as to the physical exercise. The science content included the structure and
the functions of skeleton, joints and muscles. Technology and finally, societal issues like the
physical exercises of today were discussed. The pupils also started to follow their own physical
exercises according to the instructions.
Next week, the pupils made experiments concerning breathing and circulation. They
measured pulse, breathing frequency, volume of the lung, and blood pressure. Based on the
experiments, the circulation (heart and blood) and breathing were discussed. The teacher
students demonstrated the function of the heart and the lung. The technological devices help-
ful in dealing with the problems and finally, the ways how to take care of the circulation and
the lung were considered. Pupils´ follow-up study concerning the time used for physical exer-
cise was collected and the time used for the exercises was marked on the poster. This was done
in the next lessons, too.
The third unit focused on digestive tract and nutrition. The teacher students illustrated
the digestive tract by a T-shirt which they had drawn of the system. They discussed with the
pupils what happens to a banana which the teacher student had eaten. Then, the pupils built
on a paper a digestive tract by using the available materials; balloons, rubber bands, string,
thread, paperboard, straw (Figure 6). They worked in small groups. Finally, the learning was
tested by a small competition. The pupils also reflected their own group working.
Last time, the senses, the brain and the nervous system were studied. The lesson included 61
a demonstration of the motion of the nervous impulse by using the pupils. The senses were
studied in small experiments. Finally, the subject was discussed. The time used for the physical
exercises was collected again. The results which were collected on a poster showed that the
pupils had exercised much more than the teacher students and thus had won the competition.
After the teaching project, the pupils draw again what they think is inside the human
body. The same pupils as before the instruction period were interviewed. The researcher dis-
cussed with them the structure and functions of the human body. The possible conceptual
change, due to the instruction was sketched out. After the instruction, more pupils than before
draw the structure of the human being more exactly. Their knowledge was to some extent
broadened. They also seem to have learnt most of the digestive tract. They also pointed out
the modelling done during the lesson. In the test, the pupils also managed best in the question
concerning the digestive system.
The primary school teacher students trained STS-approach at schools. The cases 3 and 4
were carried out in the same fifth class. The case 1 was carried out in an afternoon club, but the
others in the basic training groups. During every teaching project research was also carried out
in the context of the STS-instruction. However, this paper focuses on presenting the teaching
periods as models of the STS-approach. To become a STS-teacher has been found to take time
(Tsai 2001). In this sense, these cases are too short to show changes in the primary school
teacher students´ behaviour.
The feedback from the rural schools was mostly positive. Although some problems ex-
isted in the arrangements all the time, they were not remarkably difficult from the viewpoints
of the realization of the STS-approaches by the primary school teacher students. The two class
teachers in the school in the cases 3 and 4 commented the teaching project especially posi-
tively. They felt that they got some new ideas for their profession. In addition, they had got
positive feedback from the parents. Thus, the co-operation with the rural schools and the local
companies was successful, and at the same time the primary school teacher students got useful
experiences in the STS-teaching.
Aikenhead, G. (1994). What is STS Science Teaching? In.: Solomon, J. and Aikenhead, G.S. (Eds.) STS
Education. New York: Teachers College Press, 47-59.
Aikenhead, G. (2000). STS Science in Canada. From Policy to Student Evaluation. In Kumar, D.D. and
Chubin, D.E. (Eds.). Science, Technology, and Society. A Sourcebook on Research and Practise. New
York: Kluwer Academic, 49-89.
Cullingford, C. (2004). Pupils´ Attitudes to Industry. Journal of Education and Work, 17 (3), 347-359.
Eurydice Report (2006). Science Teaching in Schools in Europe. Policies and Research.
(available on the internet: 10-03-2007).
Havu-Nuutinen, S. and Keinonen, T. (2007). The changes in fifth graders´ conceptions of structure and
functions of biological systems of human being. Paper accepted to be presented in ESERA 2007. Au-
gust 21st - August 25th at Malmö University, Malmö, Sweden.
Juuti, K., Lavonen, J., Uitto, A., Byman, R., and Meisalo, V. (2004). Boys´ and Girls´ Interests in Phys-
ics in Different Contexts: A Finnish Survey. In.: Laine, A., Lavonen, J., and Meisalo, V. (Eds.) Current
research on mathematics and science education 2004. Department of Applied Sciences of Education.
University of Helsinki. Research Report 253. Helsinki: Yliopistopaino, 55-79.
Keinonen, T. (2007). Electricity – sixth graders´ thought on it. Paper accepted for publication in Inter-
national Journal of Learning.
Lee, H.-S. and Songer, N.B. (2003). Making authentic science accessible to students. International
Journal of Science Education, 25 (8), 923-948.
Volume 1, 2007
62 Mbajiorgu, N.M. and Ali, A. (2002). Relationship Between STS Approach, Scientific Literacy, and
Achievement in Biology. Science Education, 87, 31-39.
Pedretti, E. (1999). Decision Making and STS Education: Exploring Scientific Knowledge and Social
Responsibility in Schools and Science Centers Through an Issues-Based Approach. School Science and
Mathematics, 99 (4), 174-181.
Rannikmäe, M. (2002). Science teachers change towards STL teaching. Journal of Baltic Science Educa-
tion, 2, 75-81.
Sjoberg, S. (2002). Science for the children? Report from the Science and Scientists-project. Acta Didactica
1, Unipub AS: Oslo.
Solbes, J., Vilches, A. (1997). STS Interactions and the Teaching of Physics and Chemistry. Science
Education, 81, 377-386.
Tsai, C.C. (2001). A Science Teacher´s Reflections and Knowledge Growth About STS Instruction Af-
ter Actual Implementation. Science Education, 86, 23-41.
A vision of a modern world can be hardly conveyed without Information and Communication Technology
(ICT) recently having a powerful impact on all areas of life. The application of the latest ICT in the educa-
tional process raises new possibilities for both a teacher and a learner, enhances the quality of provided
education and makes the educational process more adjustable.
Effective source of the information nowadays is the Internet. It has to be stated that the Internet possibilities
in the teaching process are insufficiently used. On the other hand, in principal there are no reliable studies,
which would reveal the actual situation in this field. Therefore, the object of our study is the usage of the
Internet for teaching physics. The main aim of the study is to analyse the situation of the usage of the Internet
for teaching physics and highlight the hindering/encouraging factors of its usage in the teaching process.
The study employed expert inquiry. The type of expert inquiry – “Delphi study”, containing several experts’
inquiries (stages). Research has shown, that the Internet in teaching physics is not used in due volume. The
majority of problems are connected with material (including information) resources (lack of websites, com-
puters, etc.) and the competence (methodical, information, etc.) teachers of physics.
Key words: teaching physics, science education, modern ICT.
64 general (Jonassen, 1996; Crook, 1996; Markauskaitë, 2000; Zylbergold, 2003; Ross, 2004;
Woessmann, 2005), and concrete didactic issues are being analysed, e.g. how to use ICT for
teaching separate subjects (Slabin, 2002; Augustonytë, 2005; Peèiuliauskienë, Rimeika, 2005;
Praulite, Trokða, Gedrovics, 2005). U.Slabin’s studies (2002), creating websites for natural
sciences profile university students, are of interest. In the author’s opinion, our epoch is marked
with global environmental crisis and the advent of information age. Extensive implementation
of a range of information technologies into high and higher school curricula and the emphasis
on environmental issues in education are two leading trends in contemporary education. On
the other hand, interesting studies have been conducted by the specialists of German Institute
of Computer Science (München University) (Woessmann, 2005). The study demonstrated that
computers might harm the learning process. It is stated that the number of computers at school
and time spent at the computer at home does not confirm the fact that children learn much
more if they use IT. The importance of IT for the teaching (learning) process is not denied, but
it is stated that these pupils who use IT at school and at home moderately and the frequency of
the usage is limited, attain better results than the ones, who spend a particularly considerable
time at the computer. Our expert study in principal confirms such statements. We maintain
that it would be optimal if the computer (especially using the Internet) is a natural teaching /
learning aids like books and other sources of information. On the other hand, it is necessary to
create conditions for teachers to raise qualification. This is emphasized by numerous research-
It has to be stated that the Internet possibilities in the teaching process are insufficiently
used. On the other hand, in principal there are no reliable studies, which would reveal the
actual situation in this field. Therefore, the object of our study is the usage of the Internet for
teaching physics. The main aim of the study is to analyse the situation of the usage of the
Internet for teaching physics and highlight the hindering/encouraging factors of its usage in
the teaching process. The most important study tasks have been formulated:
• To analyse the situation of the usage of the Internet for teaching physics;
• To identify the hindering/stimulating factors of Internet usage for teaching physics;
• To highlight the experts’ opinion about the expected development perspectives of
Internet usage for teaching physics in the nearest five years period.
Methodology of Research
The study employed expert inquiry. The type of expert inquiry – “Delphi study”, contain-
ing several experts’ inquiries (stages). The data of every round are generalised and repeatedly
submitted to the experts. Such procedure is repeated several times, most often 3-4 times. The
study was carried out in September – December 2005. Out of the preliminary formed 35 ex-
perts’ group the study was attended by 29 participants. The selected experts entirely represent
the population of physics teachers. Such group corresponds to the requirements of Delphi
methods. The experts were selected to the group by random – purposive way. The most impor-
tant criteria were experts’ competence and possessed qualification category (methodologist
teacher and expert teacher). The group consisted of 13 expert teachers, 11 methodologist
teachers, 5 experts with scientific degrees. The latter work in higher education institutions,
closely cooperate with physics teachers, and are the authors of physics textbooks for general
education schools.
In the first stage the questionnaire, consisting of 5 open questions, was prepared:
• How do you assess the current situation of the usage of the Internet for teaching
• How will the usage of the Internet for teaching physics be changing during the
nearest five years?
• What main factors hinder to use the Internet for teaching physics?
• What main factors encourage using the Internet for teaching physics?
• What can you propose (recommend) as to the Internet usage for teaching physics?
Vincentas Lamanauskas, Rytis Vilkonis. The Usage of the Internet in Teaching Physics in Lithuania: the Analysis of Situation and Perspectives
Volume 1, 2007
The first stage of the study was preceded by the following short instruction to the experts: 65
Seeking to reflect the assessment and the predictions of the professional group, in the first
stage of the study the inquiry of the experts group based on the Delphi method is organised.
The key target of this inquiry is to assess the situation of Internet usage for teaching physics
and to identify possible predictions of the changes of this situation. The success of Delphi-
based study is significantly determined by the independent opinion of every expert; therefore,
the composition of the experts’ group is not announced. The group of experts, composed for
this study, represents the population of the teachers of physics and the key selection criterion is
competence. It is expected that it will be enough to conduct two-three stages of the inquiry (in
the second stage every expert will receive the generalised results of the first inquiry). The opin-
ion of separate experts will not be available for public or discussed publicly. The comments or
the context of your opinion are of utmost importance for the study. We believe that you will
participate in all stages of the inquiry.
The comments of the answers and your comments are very important because they will assist
us to describe the situation more exhaustively..
The first data analysis round was followed by the preparation of the second stage ques-
tionnaire, which consisted of closed type questions. Second stage data have been processed
employing mathematical statistics. The third stage questionnaire has been prepared according
to the second stage generalised results. Communication with experts has taken place through
e-mail. All three stages have been attended by all 29 experts.
Results of Research
In the first stage of the study the experts replied to 5 essential questions. In the opinion of
the majority of experts (62%) the usage of the Internet during the nearest five years will in-
crease only insignificantly. 31% of experts maintain that the usage of the Internet will increase
significantly and 7% think that it will not change at all. Having generalised the experts’ opin-
ions, 21 statement was formulated to describe the analysis of the situation (Table 3). The spec-
trum of the factors, encouraging / hindering Internet usage is particularly diverse (Table 1). It
may be stated that general education school teachers encounter the same most diverse diffi-
culties when they use the Internet directly in the educational process.
Factors, hindering teachers to use the Internet Factors, encouraging teachers to use the
for teaching physics Internet for teaching physics
• Scarce technical possibilities of schools, poor school • The wish to interest pupils and look for more diverse
funding in general; teaching forms;
• Insufficient competence of physics teachers, their com- • The possibility to get a large amount and diverse infor-
puter literacy; mation;
• Older teachers prefer the classical way of conducting • Demonstration and laboratory teaching aids are diver-
the lesson (the attitude of the old generation teachers sified;
to ICT is negative); • The possibility to work more creatively and effectively;
• It is difficult to coordinate time for work in the school • Picturesqueness of the lesson and the results of the
computer classroom; virtual lesson are better;
• Schools lack computers, this is particularly felt in vil- • Usage of the Internet develops pupils’ creativity and
lage schools; activeness;
• Poor knowledge of foreign languages; • Application of the Internet in the lesson enables the
Volume 1, 2007
• Psychological problems due to encountering novelties, fear to teacher to individualise and differentiate the
apply modern ICT; teaching process;
• Shortage of methodical literature on Internet usage; • The wish to improve one’s own work, to go hand-
• Shortage of teachers’ creativity; in-hand with time;
• Absence of systemised Internet references; • Fast development and usage of information tech-
• Too little information on Internet in the Lithuanian language;
• Pupils’ wish to work on computer and use the
• Not all pupils have computers and the Internet at home; Internet;
• Teachers are not able to use the possibilities, provided by the • The possibility to present the phenomena to the
Internet; pupils that they find difficult to imagine;
• Physics rooms are scarcely computerised, shortage of the • Personal standpoint to one’s own work;
Internet access;
• Very good knowledge of the methods of teach-
• The programmes are overloaded and teacher has little time for ing physics;
• Developed critical thinking;
• Insufficient speed of the Internet (information transmitting speed);
• The wish and need to get what is not included in
• Low salaries of the teachers, on the other hand, application of the textbook and what is not known to others;
the Internet requires additional preparation, which is not paid
too; • Access to information, its content and quality;
• Shortage of specialised websites applied for teaching physics, • Irreplaceable source for various project works;
Internet resources in the Lithuanian language are limited; • Shortage of physics instruments, forcing to
• Complicated work conditions at school information centres; search for the alternative - virtual experiment;
• Extensive course of physics and the teacher has insufficient time • Unlimited possibilities to familiarise with teach-
to cover it; ing methods applied by the teachers in other
• The programmes of physics are insufficiently applied for Internet
• The opportunity to familiarise with the newest
literature and subscribe it;
• Part of teachers resist the novelties, are inert and “tied” to tradi-
• Teachers’ technological competence;
tional teaching methods;
• Fast developments of the physics science (text-
• The form of the lesson of the educational process;
books are not updated too fast);
• High numbers of pupils in classes;
• The priorities of the improvement and moderni-
• Insufficient number of physics lessons, extensive content of edu- sation of the education / self-education process
cation; at school;
• The attitude of school administration (often perceived as a mat- • Teacher may improve its image, this is particu-
ter of fashion); larly important for its image;
• Universities continue to implement outdated methods; • The development of independent work;
• Shortage of teacher’s time resources; • Positive managers’ attitude to such work meth-
• Insufficient pupils’ skills for information search, selection and ods;
handling; • The Internet is a necessity at astronomy les-
• Teachers’ unwillingness to learn. sons!
This table demonstrates that the experts provide a particularly matter-of-fact assessment
of the current situation, every expert emphasizes certain peculiarities. On the other hand, the
experts’ opinions in many respects coincide, are similar. This enables to make an assumption
that the experts’ opinions are not too scattered; hence, the received results are sufficiently
We have generalised the recommendations, provided by experts, who have considered
current situation and encouraging / hindering factors. The list of recommendations is given in
Table 2.
Vincentas Lamanauskas, Rytis Vilkonis. The Usage of the Internet in Teaching Physics in Lithuania: the Analysis of Situation and Perspectives
Volume 1, 2007
• It is necessary to create Lithuanian Internet websites for teaching physics and provide all
other necessary information: addresses, teachers’ comments, discussions, etc.;
• Physics rooms have to be equipped with Multimedia;
• Computer usage for teaching physics should not be overestimated;
• To create websites for teaching physics on school Intranets;
• To establish a specialised centre, so that every teacher does not have “to invent a bicycle”;
• To study the benefit it produces;
• To prepare the methods for Internet usage for teaching physics;
• To change physics teaching programmes;
• To disseminate the experience of work with information technologies more broadly;
• To organise the physics teachers’ team by means of competition and to prepare a concrete
project “Physics on the Internet”;
• All physics teachers need to have free-of-charge Internet;
• Teachers must be encouraged to create teaching programmes and make them available on
the Internet;
• It should be necessary to include mastering of certain abilities in this field into the general
curricula of physics and education standards;
• “Good practice” seminars will not change the situation, this requires a new teaching system
(only the progressively thinking lecturers are able to prepare teachers with modern thinking
for schools);
• Creation of the teachers innovators’ banks of methodical works;
• It would be necessary to organise on-line physics lessons;
• It is necessary to conduct comprehensive studies that would identify the effectiveness and
other aspects of various methods, using the Internet for teaching physics;
• To create distance learning programmes.
The table discloses that the recommendations are quite diverse. They reflect both, posi-
tive and negative aspects. It contains doubts as to the benefit of the Internet in the educational
process. In the opinion of part of the experts the thorough studies regarding the effectiveness
of the Internet for teaching physics are necessary.
Having studied and generalised the first stage results, the new questionnaire for the sec-
ond stage of the study was prepared. The experts assessed the current situation by a three
score ordinal scale. The results are presented in Figure 1. All statements are placed on an
index of the significance. The generalisation of the experts’ opinions resulted in the identifica-
tion of the Internet usage situation.
The majority of experts fully agree with 10 statements, partially agree with 12 statements
and do not agree with one statement.
Having analysed the factors, hindering and stimulating (encouraging) Internet usage, we
Volume 1, 2007
submitted them to the experts for another assessment. From the list of given factors the ex-
perts singled out five most important mostly influencing factors. Having generalised the ex-
perts’ assessments, we ranked the factors (Table 3).
Vincentas Lamanauskas, Rytis Vilkonis. The Usage of the Internet in Teaching Physics in Lithuania: the Analysis of Situation and Perspectives
Volume 1, 2007
Table 3. The most important mostly influencing factors (hindering and en- 69
Physics rooms are poorly computerised, shortage of The wish to interest pupils, search for more diverse
Internet access (1) teaching forms (1)
Poor technical resources of schools, poor school funding The possibility to present the phenomena to the pupils
in general (2) that they find difficult to imagine (2)
It is difficult to coordinate time for work in the computer The diversification of the demonstration and laboratory
classroom at school (3) teaching aids (3)
Shortage of specialised websites applied for teaching The Internet is a necessity during astronomy lessons
physics, the Internet resources in the Lithuanian language (4)
are limited (4)
Poor knowledge of foreign languages (5) Shortage of physics instruments, forcing to search for
the alternative - virtual experiment (5)
The analysis of the limiting factors discloses that essentially they pertain to the conditions
and possibilities of school provision, the organisation of the teaching process and the very
teacher’s competence in the field of ICT application. Having carried out the analogous rank-
ing of the encouraging factors it can be stated that they relate to the teachers’ wish (endeav-
our) to interest pupils and to encourage their interest in physics. Another important point is to
visualise these phenomena, which are not possible to perceive otherwise, pupils find them
difficult to imagine. As it was expected the third group of factors could be related to the short-
age of various instruments at schools. This forces teachers to search for more effective teach-
ing methods.
We have analysed the experts’ recommendations and ranked them in the order of signifi-
It is necessary to create Lithuanian Internet websites for teaching physics and provide all other neces-
sary information: addresses, teachers’ comments, discussions, etc.;(1)
Physics rooms must be equipped with overhead projector (-s) (2)
To establish a specialised centre, so that every teacher does not have “to invent a bicycle”; (3)
To prepare the methods for Internet usage for teaching physics;(4)
Computer usage for physics teaching should not be overestimated (5)
It was identified that the most important factors, hindering the Internet usage were as
follows: poor computerisation of physics rooms and the shortage of the Internet access, poor
school technical possibilities and poor funding, shortage of specialized Internet websites and
of websites applied for teaching physics, poor knowledge of foreign languages, etc. The most
important stimulating factors: the wish to interest pupils and search for more diverse teaching
forms, the possibility to present the phenomena to the pupils that they find difficult to imag-
ine, the diversification of the demonstration and laboratory teaching aids, etc.
Volume 1, 2007
In the third stage of the study the experts had to assess the generalised second stage
results. In many cases the experts approved the generalised assessment of the current situa-
tion; however, they noted that the situation in town schools and village schools differed. The
experts clearly expressed their concern regarding the immoderate ICT usage in the teaching
process and emphasized that the computer will never replace the teacher’s explanation and
natural experiments with real physical bodies in the real environment. At the same time it is
emphasized that in the conditions of catastrophically poor resources of the physics rooms
virtual environment and virtual experiments partially solve the funding situation of teaching
aids for natural sciences that is difficult to solve. The dominating opinion is that more atten-
tion should be allocated to the creation of computerized physics teaching programmes, whilst
the Internet is not that convenient and is more significant for the communication between
teachers and pupils, experience exchange, information, methodical material announcement,
etc. The importance of Internet usage for teaching physics is understood in the broader educa-
tion context too, bearing in mind not only learning physics but also the development of general
abilities. It is noted that pupils are not able to search, select and systemise information on the
Internet; besides, teachers find it a difficult task too. It was also noticed that teachers still
focused on the result but not on the process and that the activity was organised according to
the following algorithm: the teacher announces the topics, the pupils search for information
and make “presentations”. The analysis of such “products” and of the authors’ reflection dis-
closes the limitation of such learning.
The third stage of the study raises the issue of the importance and the shortage of educa-
tional research in Internet usage for teaching physics: it is stated that teachers do not have
research-based proofs that Internet usage for teaching physics is an efficient aids, i.e. that it
improves the understanding of the foundations of physics science and increases the teaching
quality; the Internet is used for teaching physics based on the belief that this is effective and
useful. Another opinion related to the research proposes to repeat the inquiry after several
years because the situation is permanently changing. In principal it could be possible to talk
about long-term observation (monitoring).
Commenting the generalised assessments of the factors, limiting Internet usage for teaching
/ learning physics, the experts point out that most often computers appear in physics rooms
from informatics rooms, when the latter are supplemented with new computers; that ICT us-
age for teaching other subjects at schools is still not an important task; that in the opinion of
school administration computerisation of physics rooms is a too big luxury; that teaching should
take place in the state language, whilst on Internet useful information is most often given in
other languages, therefore, it is emphasized that it is necessary to create a Lithuanian data
basis for teaching physics on Internet; it is emphasized that the teachers and university lectur-
ers’ methodical activities should be better coordinated.
Commenting the generalised assessments of the factors, encouraging Internet usage for
teaching / learning physics, the experts point out that in recent years at schools, particularly in
the basic school stage, the motivation of learning is decreasing and the teachers use the Internet
mostly to interest pupils in physics, in the subject and to increase the prestige of physics science
and partially one’s own prestige. The experts also emphasize the possibility to find filmed
material on Internet and solve the issue of poor resources of physics rooms, demonstrating
various physical phenomena, particularly the ones that cannot be directly observed. The ex-
perts repeatedly emphasize the possibility to find information about the newest discoveries in
physics science on Internet that is not and cannot be found in the textbooks and other printed
sources. At the same time they disclose the concern that due to the shortage of teaching aids
the Internet may just supplement the formation of the perverted view of reality. Besides, at-
tention is paid to the problems of safety during experiments: on one hand virtual experiment
ensures pupils’ safety, on the other hand, the school must teach to behave with instruments
cautiously – this is more difficult to implement in the virtual environment.
Commenting the generalised recommendations the experts point out that in addition to
the Internet equally important is the encouragement to create software programmes for teaching
physics. In some experts’ opinion, encouraging ICT usage for teaching it would be necessary to
start with software programmes and not with the Internet. Again, the function of the Internet
Vincentas Lamanauskas, Rytis Vilkonis. The Usage of the Internet in Teaching Physics in Lithuania: the Analysis of Situation and Perspectives
Volume 1, 2007
as a means of communication is emphasized because teachers often would like to assist each 71
other but there are no possibilities; for this purpose the specialised Internet website, which
some experts imagine as a virtual textbook, could be of help. Experts relate the creation of the
specialized data basis in the Lithuanian language on the Internet to saving teacher’s time,
teaching, provision of the scientifically proved methods of ICT usage for teaching physics.
Here the experts’ opinions part: some of them do not see the point why the teachers should
“invent the bicycle” individually, others would like to encourage teachers’ pedagogical creativ-
ity. The first are favoured by the ones who state that is it good to use the already tested and
proved out methods because quality teaching is not possible without methods, whilst the proc-
ess of their creation and testing may be long but necessary; therefore, it is recommended to
coordinate teachers’ and university lecturers’ methodical activities. It is recommended that
the Internet is used in moderation because like elsewhere quantity may dwarf quality; the
computer will not replace the teacher but the teacher has to be in the front; therefore, the
teacher has to use modern technologies in his / her activity.
• The Internet possibilities for teaching physics are not being fully used both for ob-
jective and subjective reasons.
• It is expected that during the nearest five years the Internet usage will increase only
• Higher effectiveness of ICT application for teaching physics can be achieved in the
presence of continuous monitoring (how the situation changes, what influences it,
etc.), on the other hand, the physics teachers need continuous methodical assist-
ance, independent of their formal qualification. Effective ICT application for teach-
ing physics is one of the composite parts of the competence of physics teachers.
• Continuous studies and in-service training institutions should allocate more atten-
tion raising the qualification of physics teachers in this field.
Crook, C. (1996). Computers and the Collaborative Experience of Learning. London and New york:
Jonassen, D.H. (1996). Computers in the Classroom: Mindtools for Critical Thinking. New Jersey: Prentice
Hall Inc.
Lamanauskas, V., Vilkonis, R. (2005). Èñïîëüçîâàíèå èíòåðíåòà â îáó÷åíèè õèìèè. In.: „Kimijas
izglitiba skola – 2005“ Rakstu krajums. Riga, p.89-95.
Kardelis, K. (2002). Moksliniø tyrimø metodologija ir metodai. Kaunas: JUDEX.
Markauskaitë, L. (2000). Informacijos ir komunikacijos technologijos integravimo á ugdymà krypèiø
analizë. Informatika, Nr. 2(36), p. 59-85.
Maþulienë, I. (2002). Informaciniø technologijø átaka ugdymo procesui, fizikos pamokø ir projektinës
veiklos planavimui. Informacinës technologijos mokykloje. Konferencijos medþiaga. Prieiga per internet¹: (2007-0629).
Monkevièius A. (2002). Informacijos ir komunikacijos technologijos – Lietuvos ðvietimo kaitos
katalizatorius. Informacinës technologijos mokykloje. Konferencijos medþiaga. Prieiga per internet¹: http:/
/ (2007-0629).
Slabin, U. (2002). Promoting chemistry and community via environmental educational website. In.:
Gamtamokslinis ugdymas bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje (VIII respublikinës mokslinës praktinës konferencijos
straipsniø rinkinys). Ðiauliai, p. 86-95.
Ross, K. (2004). The place of information and communications technology (ICT) on learning in science:
a constructivist perspective illustrated by the concept of energy. Journal of Science Education, Vol. 5, No.
2, p. 92-95.
Volume 1, 2007
The problem of training for chemistry of the students of medical and biological class under conditions of
profile education is raised. The authors propose program educational and methodical complex, which was
introduced into educational process at the pre-academic educational center attached to Kuban State Medi-
cal University. The authors also proved the need to bring in the compensative approach under conditions of
deficient preprofile training.
Key words: profile education, chemistry, medical and biological classes.
74 Methodology of Research
Starting from the posed goal we formulated the hypothesis: the training for chemistry of
the students of medical and biological classes should be continuous, successive, professionally
directed, it should be realized under conditions of the integration of medical universities with
profile classes.
The methodological basis of the study is:
• The conception of the profile education at the senior level of general education;
psychological and pedagogical research on problem of profilization of school edu-
• The methodology of integrative approach in natural scientific education, as well as
in chemical education;
• The methodology of selection and structuring of chemical education at profile school;
• The methodology of personal-activity approach in pedagogical researches;
• The didactic and methodological approach to the process of students’ chemical
In our work we used both theoretical and experimental research methods, which are ac-
cepted in any works of pedagogical profile.
Results of Research
The gap between the level of school training for chemistry and the demands of higher
education to the knowledge of university entrants is one of the most serious contradictions in
medical education. Therefore universities including medical one, which are concerned about
the quality of admitted candidates and the level of students’ general education training, create
there own systems of school training.
At the Kuban State Medical University (KSMU) with the direct assistance of the General
Chemistry Chair the System of pre-academic training (SPAT) is created. It includes the Center
of pre-academic training (CPAT), preparatory school attached to chair, extra-mural prepara-
tory school, department of preparatory training attached to non-state medical institute (KMI)
(Figure 1).
In the following system: KSMU ⇔ SPAT ⇔ Associative schools the university acts as
organizational and regulative body, pre-academic complex acts as system-forming body, and
associative schools – as filling-up body. KSMU gets the basic students’ contingent of pre-aca-
demic education from these types of schools, engaging senior students from other schools as
well as those who have already graduated.
Three educational blocks take the central place in the system of pre-academic training at
KSMU. They are: chemistry, biological, and humanitarian.
When we evaluate the meaning of the training for chemistry of the students of medical
and biological classes and when mold their motivation towards chemistry teaching we proceed
from the fact that chemical education is an important constitutive part of general natural-
science education and natural-science, ecological, culture. The latter is an integral character-
istic of a personality. The chemistry, being a fundamental science, makes its essential contribu-
tion to the understanding the contemporary view of the world. It is an integral part of all
mankind culture. Sustainable development of a society is connected with the technological
progress and the development of chemistry in human life support, which takes place on the
following fundamental strategic directions: energy, materials, provisions, medicine, and health
protection. And so the chemistry is not only an important fundamental science, but also neces-
sary educational subject.
This conclusion is based on “deliberate understanding the fact that chemical compound
(chemical substance) serves as main corporeal material reality, which is situated at the heart of
the most important fundamental transformations and evolutional processes on the Earth”
(Sirotkin, 2000). Chemistry makes its contribution into understanding decrees of nature, into
scientific ideology and human thought. It also contributes into creation of the material base,
Tatyana N. LITVINOVA, Margarita V. SOLOVYOVA, Elena D. MELNIKOVA. Training for Chemistry of the Students of Medical and Biological
Classes in Profile Education PROBLEMS
Volume 1, 2007
including medicinal and medical equipment. Knowledge of chemistry serves not only as an 75
element of culture, but also as an essential condition of human existence in its environment.
Chemistry teaching lets to mold dialectical view on chemical state of matter motion, to reveal
material basis of the environment, to give necessary knowledge for understanding the essence
of global present-day problems, such as: ecological, rough-material, power, provisional. It plays
also a big role in upbringing the ecological and valeological culture. This is because these
problems are based on chemical nature; chemical tools and methods take place in the solution
of most of these problems.
The meaning of chemistry subject for further education is obvious also because it not only
equips students with theoretical and applied knowledge, but also has broad possibilities for
development diverse skills, intellectual talents (thinking, logic, memory, an ability to apply
knowledge in real life, etc.). All these characteristics are of a great importance in formation of
medical professionalism. Chemistry being a fundamental branch of science also play an im-
portant role in the process of molding personality of a senior student who not only obtain
knowledge and skills, but also serves as humanist, capable for compassion.
Main goals of pre-academic level of chemical education we consider to be conscious,
systematic and efficient learning of the curriculum chemical course, realization of the devel-
oping opportunities of interdisciplinary links, perfection of the conduction of students’ prob-
lematic and search activity on the basis of professionally directed principle. These agrees with
the definition of the profile education: “Profile education is a mean of differentiation and
individualization of education, where at the expenses of changes in the structure, content and
organization of the training the following aspects are given proper weigh: students’ interests,
inclinations, and capabilities; as well as conditions for education of senior students in compli-
ance with their further education. Profile education is directed towards realization personal-
directed educational process” (Kuznetsov, 2007). In the Conception of profile school the fol-
lowing problem is set: to create conditions for differentiation of the education content of the
seniors which will give broad possibilities for building individual educational programs. We
consider that the program and demands to the knowledge and abilities of medical university
enrollees should take into account specifics of a given profession, should be aimed at revealing
not only knowledge, but also ability to apply them, to use them in irregular situations, to think
logically, to analyze, which is necessary for future doctor.
The main goal of chemical education at medical and biological classes is a fundamental
Volume 1, 2007
requires not only additional students’ and lectures’ time, but also additional methodical work, 77
oriented on the development of conscious, systematic and actual learning of chemistry, reali-
zation of developing capacities of interdisciplinary bounds. Besides, during such strained learning
process the students become overworked, because they have to cover material of both pre-
profile and profile level within two years.
In the environment of deficient pre-profile training we assume to apply a compensating
approach, which should be directed:
• to reveal gaps in students’ knowledge and skills;
• to its effective and rational filling up which should support conscious learn of pro-
file level syllabus based on cooperation of co-authorship “teacher-students”, the
individualization of this process;
• to achieve the professionally directed principle of chemistry teaching, to realize of
chemical education role in life and in further education, to strength motivation of
chemistry learning;
• to form a stable interest towards gaining new knowledge, towards future profes-
sional activity.
The correct choice of educational methods (Figure 2) and forms of curriculum organiza-
tion serves as determinative factor to achieve posed goals. From the position of activity ap-
proach following Babanskii Y.K., Lerner I.Y. Schukina G.I. and others we consider methods
of general chemistry learning as means for realization interconnected activity between a lec-
turer and a student, which is directed towards achievement of posed goals and tasks. Often
being transformed into methodical techniques of lecturers and activity means of students these
methods and techniques serve as an important condition of productive and effective educa-
tional process. In environment of chemistry teaching didactic methods are tightly bounded
with scientific chemistry methods of perception. The determination of a variety of methods
applied to the process of chemistry teaching is determined by the goals of its teaching, by
diversity of character and types of activity in the process of teaching. Methods of chemistry
teaching are an integral component of educational process in which they are connected with
other components into unified methodical system.
During educational process of chemical pre-academic education we apply a complex of
methods, which activate educational and cognitive students’ activity. We feature chemical ex-
periment, interpretation of experimental data, solution of cognitive problems of different types,
including calculated chemical ones, and problems with medical, ecological content, demon-
stration of visual material (schemes, models), and unity of theoretical and empirical methods
in formation of fundamental concepts and laws.
We pay attention to stimulation of teaching methods. These techniques are connection
between studying material and life and medical practice, revealing the importance of chemis-
try, and some of its problems for medical education, insertion of historical material and inter-
disciplinary problems. The results of our research adjust with the data of researches of other
methodologists (Guzeev, 2001; Minchenkov, 2000; Titova, 1999) and others.
78 Another important methods of teaching at CPAT are independent work with materials,
abstracting, skills of informational and computer search, test work – all of them play essen-
tial role in university education.
Lectures on all branches at CPAT are 2 hours long. We take into account that students
attend both school and KSMU, as well as specifics of their age and fatigability. Therefore
lecturers treat the problem of attention maintenance seriously. To concentrate attention on
learning the following techniques are used: “drawing attention” and “visualization”. Psycho-
logical peculiarities and psychology of education are taken into account. The important in-
strument of solution of attention problem is switching over to other activities. The leading
tool for stimulation of interest is chemical experiment. Combination of visual, graphic and
theoretical education influences the inclusion of work of left and right cerebral hemispheres
and help students, who have lack of conceptual and theoretical thinking, to learn chemistry
(Dubrovin & Kruglov, 1988).
Distinctive organization feature of pre-academic education is systematic character of
various types of control which is called monitoring. It is based on regular feed back, on
diverse control of material learning (express diagnostics, test control, oral test, written self-
checking control work, and control works on general topics). The peculiarity of our test
control is inclusion of students’ arguments of given answers. This excludes guesses and dem-
onstrates level of mastering and degree of understanding of a question. At the same time
students are active in self-analyses and self-control of their achievements. Such approach
gives a possibility for a lecturer to view the more complete picture of question understand-
ing, of mastering of knowledge and skills. And also it gives an understanding to evaluate
students’ achievements and their ability to carry out correction work.
We emphasize the elective education at specialized medical and biological classes. A
fundamentally new elective “Electronic effects in chemistry” course was introduced by us. It
is aimed at inter-profile specialization of education, at building of individual educational
trajectories, as well as at formation and development of systematic students’ conception of
organic and non-organic matters, which are separately studied at school, and regularity of
dependency their properties on electronic structure. The subject of the elective course is
chosen deliberately. This is because understanding electronic effects is necessary for stu-
dents to understand reaction abilities of matter, and therefore it is necessary for prediction
of their behavior in diverse reactions. Properties of substances and their possibility to be
used in biology and medicine, in everyday life and production depend on their electronic
We express our thanks to Fedosova L.F., the methodologist of the Natural-Science and
Ecological Education chair of Krasnodar Regional Institute of Complementary Professional
Pedagogical Education for reviewing the program educational methodological complex and
for the organizational and consultative help in the work with lecturers and teachers of schools
of the city and Krasnodar region.
Tatyana N. LITVINOVA, Margarita V. SOLOVYOVA, Elena D. MELNIKOVA. Training for Chemistry of the Students of Medical and Biological
Classes in Profile Education PROBLEMS
Volume 1, 2007
References 79
Irina Matskevich
Belarusian State Teacher’s Training University,
Republic of Belarus
E-mail: [email protected]
This article studies two levels of continuous education: primarily, for technical colleges providing “general
secondary education” and further for the college-university integrated system, as related to mathematical
disciplines. For research purposes we apply system analysis and competence-related approach, as we con-
sider the education process to be focused on compulsory vocational streaming.
The study provides a brief analysis of definitions “professional competence”, “vocational streaming” and
“continuity in education”. It involves more detailed analysis of the education contents being applied within
the methods system.
The studies are mainly based on the leading engineering college in Belarus – Minsk State Higher Radio-
Engineering College. Author proposes a complex of innovative reforms in the educational process to improve
the education quality.
Key words: continuous education, continuity, professional competence, vocational streaming.
Methods of Study
der the continuous education principle and in the context of professional competence devel- 81
Education continuity
All levels of the continuous education can efficiently interact only if the basic didactic
principle – continuity of education – is strictly followed. For our research purposes, we deal
primarily with the “general secondary education institution / college” level and further with
the college-university integrated system. The continuity principle should be analyzed in details
due to its importance and wide application.
In methodology, continuity is a universal principle being a major demonstration of the
negation-of-negation theory. If applied for education, this theory has a special manifestation
with the positive base retention and further development being predominant and decisive.
The philosophic interpretation of continuity serves the methodological background for con-
tinuous education system organisation. The continuity in education provides for the education
system’s integrity and is generally construed by most researchers as a proper interrelation
between different sections of disciplines being taught at different levels. At the same time,
there are two main continuity forms defined: same-level continuity (providing quantity devel-
opment) and several-levels continuity (providing quality development).
When dealing with continuous education, the “continuity” category is essentially enriched
to the extent that wide-scale education subsystems are interrelated as integral parts of the
country’s continuous education system. Each level of education can be characterised with its
specific development features to provide optimal prerequisites for education quality level up-
grade by students’ targeted development streaming.
Thus, after A. P. Smantser (1995), education continuity is considered a regular, system-
atic, step-by-step and interrelated development streaming in the students’ education progress,
involving targeted modifications in each level of development. Well-organised education im-
plies continuous and targeted streaming in development and operates most intensively in neigh-
bouring development levels. For most efficient and harmonic functioning, the continuity-re-
lated didactic system of education requires absolute realisation of its elements at each level of
the education process.
Having analised education science writings, we could reasonably verify the education con-
tinuity problem within the school-college and/or college-university levels to be poorly studied.
This is possibly reasoned by specific character of each educational institution and diversity of
the disciplines being taught.
Professional competence
As given above, we shall study the education process being necessarily focused on voca-
tional streaming. For this purpose we should briefly define the terms “professional compe-
tence” and “vocational streaming” and determine the interrelation between them.
Firstly, let’s specify the definition “professional competence”. After A. Petrov (2004), this
means “qualified high-level practicing of vocational background; ability to independently build up
further vocational development; professional communication ability; professional responsibility
for personal performance” (p. 10). Other researchers have the similar view on this issue while
suggesting different classifications for professional competence. For example, referenced by a
wide-range comparative analysis of education science writings, O. L. Zhuk (2004) differenti-
ates two main variants of competence in professional sphere: special and key competence (p.
45). Further, the author provides the following groups of higher education graduate’s compe-
tence: social, vocational, communicative, informational and educational competence (p.47).
When analising the terms “competence” and “proficiency”, we can make the following
conclusion: modern scientific literature imparts some wider meaning to such definitions, as
compared to “knowledge” / “skills” / “practice”, as they employ some personal characteristics
(purpose orientation, independent thinking, flexibility, will, etc.).
Volume 1, 2007
82 Vocational streaming
Many researchers argue that the major precondition for student’s personality advanced
development is the education streaming, inasmuch as this adds positive emotional colouring to
any profession and benefits to better learning and acquiring proper skills and experience. The
education psychology writings represent this definition from various angles: some scientists
understand streaming as a leading structure, system of motivations (Rubinstein, 1976), some
of them – as an individual relation to the community, other individuals, self-representation
(Yakobson, 1969), others define the same as psychic features determining general human ac-
tivity direction in different situations (Levitov, 1969).
As far as the notion “vocational streaming” is concerned, most authors consider it to be an
element of the overall individual orientation, which includes structurally and conceptually the
formation of “plans for life”, “professional intentions”, “readiness to choose profession”. The
concept was developed by N. M. Noskov and V. A. Sheshnyova (2005): “Vocational streaming
in teaching mathematics involves such academic appliances and textbooks and such forms and
ways of learning that would conform to the logical and systematic mathematics course training in
its integrity and simulate (imitate) cognitive and practical problems of the future specialist’s profes-
sional practice” (p. 62). Although the above study relates to higher institutions, the same can
be apparently applied to the secondary vocational education as well.
Teaching and organisational methods of individual vocational streaming are closely con-
nected to discipline selection criterion. In our opinion, vocational streaming in teaching this or
that discipline is one of the didactic principles, which would reflect the application and practi-
cal orientation in teaching, i.e. adaptation of education contents and methods to interrelated
teaching any discipline with other disciplines, to apply the attained theoretical background in
further professional activity. For the purposes of each student vocational training being ori-
ented on future specialist’s professional competence development, a well-grounded system of
education / training objectives shall be properly built up, which would definitely benefit in
general to the education process practicability and vocational streaming proficiency. When
applying corrections to education objectives and content modernisation, the methods system
integrity should never be avoided and neglected. After G. I. Sarantsev (2005), such system
includes objectives, contents, means and forms of mathematics teaching, as well as external
influencing factors, “individual structure and laws of individual development” (p. 31) being of
importance among them.
Our studies are mainly based on Minsk State Higher Radio-Engineering College
(MSHREC) with its specific two-level education system – the level of secondary vocational
training (first level) and the level of higher education (second level). The aforesaid college is
the leading engineering college in Belarus, and that is why the studies within this establish-
ment may serve a generalised example for other similar educational establishments. Upon
successful completion of the secondary vocational education with MSHREC, the graduates
are entitled to follow continuously their education to the higher level with such higher educa-
tion institutions like the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio-electronics or
the Belarusian National Technical University (starting from the 2nd or 3rd academic year, de-
pending on specialty (major)). In this connection we face the problem of adapting the college
education up to the university education standards.
Teaching mathematical disciplines in college is organised as follows. Students having ba-
sic secondary education are given an integrated course of mathematics and higher mathemat-
ics, aimed at theoretical thinking formation and higher mathematics initialisation. During the
following years the students study higher mathematics followed by the theory of probability
and mathematical statistics at the late 3rd year, and additionally applied mathematics and/or
methods of economic & mathematical simulation (depending on their future profession). Start-
ing from last year, a new discipline – experimental data control & processing – was introduced
at the 4th year of the higher education level, which is aimed at wide-range mathematical theory
Irina MATSKEVICH. Teaching Mathematics in Technical College: Traditions and Innovations
Volume 1, 2007
In our point of view, theoretical investigations should be turned to their practical realisa-
tion. Thus, to get a better quality of education, we are implementing a range of innovations:
mathematics education content correction; new curriculums and programmes elaboration;
creation of a new system of applied problems; optimal methods and means selection; cognitive
process activation and students’ scientific research activities encouragement, etc. At present,
we carry out experiments in implementing the new teaching methods system, worked out in
theory, to solve the above problem.
The dominant element of any methodical system is the contents of education, which is
defined, after B. S. Gershunskiy (1980), as “the scientific information, well-grounded under
education principles, logically systematised and made in writing, to be provided for learning
purposes” (p. 9-10). Having analysed the major logical relations of mathematics and other
disciplines, we found the education content elements to be organically inserted in other voca-
tional disciplines. Then, taking into account the rational correspondence of fundamental and
vocational background, skills and experience, we classified the selected education materials
due to its importance, continuity and teaching level criteria. Never neglecting the education
procedure, corrections to education methods and forms were made for students’ motivation
purposes. Further on, we faced the problem of mathematics teaching stimulation in computer-
aided surroundings and further professional competence formation. At present, the problem
is under way to be successfully solved. Thus, for example, computer testing is widely used for
higher mathematics digestion control; special applied software is generally practiced for labs
and practical training in the theory of probability and mathematical statistics; applied math-
ematics is lately and efficiently lectured as computer-aided presentations, etc. Modernised to
accommodate the technical / engineering university standards, the college mathematics teach-
ing process is more focused on vocational streaming and permanent specialty-related
professionalisation and incorporates mathematics special courses of lectures, as may be spe-
cifically required for specialty disciplines. The traditional studies innovationally provide more
time for students’ independent work, which is critically important for information technolo-
gies incorporation in the education process, thus ensuring switch-on from teaching to learning
and following student’s self-realisation.
If and when implemented, the suggested innovations, in our opinion, would benefit to
students’ more positive motivation in acquiring mathematical background, self-education in-
Volume 1, 2007
84 crease and, finally, this would contribute to students’ individual development, higher quality
of education and training and further professional competence development.
Palacky University, Czech Republic
E-mail: [email protected]
Michael Svec
Furman University, USA
E-mail: [email protected]
The paper looks at key trends in the concept of the science teacher training in two different institutions:
Furman University in US and Palacky University Olomouc in the Czech Republic. It focuses on the descrip-
tion of study programs at these institutions and comparison of the approaches to the science teacher training.
There are two basic concepts used to identify the essence of the professionalism of the science teacher: the
scientific knowledge and professional competence of the science teacher.
Key words: science education, professional competence.
Science education has become an important prerequisite for a vital economy especially
with the emerging global economy. Many industrial nations are seeking to improve the quality
of science education because of the vital role science and technology play in a nation’s economy
and standard of life. The recent report Rising Above the Gathering Storm (2006) noted “The
United States takes deserved pride in the vitality of its economy, which forms the foundation
of our high quality of living, our national security, and our hope that our children and grand-
children will inherit ever grater opportunities. That vitality is derived in large part from the
productivity of well-trained people and the steady stream of scientific and technical innova-
tions they produce.” The report estimates that as much as 85% of the growth in US income
was due to technological change.
People use scientific principles and processes in making personal decisions and to partici-
pate in discussions of scientific issues that affect society very often. Science education strengthens
many of the skills that people use every day, like solving problem creatively, thinking critically,
working cooperatively in teams, using technology effectively, and valuing life-long learning.
And the economic productivity of our society is tightly linked to the scientific and technologi-
cal skills of our work force. A new way of teaching and learning about science reflects how
science itself is done, emphasizing inquiry as a way of achieving knowledge and understanding
about the world. There is no doubt that science teachers have a central and crucial role to play
in a shaping the future of science education. Teachers must have theoretical and practical
knowledge and abilities about science, learning, and science teaching. The quality of science
teacher training and its relationship with improving the quality the education systems gener-
ally have become key issues of public concern across the world in recent years.
We try to focus on major events and activities in the fields of science teacher training in
different part of the world: the Czech Republic and United States. It makes no sense at all to
attempt to deal with science teacher training in the Czech Republic and United States as
Volume 1, 2007
86 a single entity. Even within each country, the programs for the preparation of science teachers
vary from one institution to another. We will describe the programs at our institutions: Palacky
and Furman Universities. These case studies are not generalizable across the entire countries
but provide an opportunity to look for commonalities and contrasts.
The government of the Czech Republic by its resolution No.113 from the 7th February
2001 approved “The National Program of Development of Education in the Czech Republic”,
that was published under the title „The White Paper” (2001). The document is a part of the
strategy of further social and economic development of the Czech Republic, which highlights
the education and human resource development as one of the priorities, since it has, in accord-
ance with the government policy, decisive impact on human and social capital of society, value
orientation of people, their democratic citizenship and quality of every day life. After the
political change in 1989, followed by social and economic reforms during 1990s resulting in
transformation process in the area of education, this is the first project of systematic reform
initiated by the government itself.
The White Paper expresses the main ideas, general outlines and development programs,
which are presented as basic guidelines for the development of the whole education until 2010.
The adopted strategy should have an impact on legislative, financial and organizational deci-
sion making not only on the government and central administration level, but also on the
decision making in the self-administered regions, communities and public institutions of higher
education. White Paper (2001) strategies also stresses the change of roles and professional
perspective of teachers and academics:
To support a change in the approach and performance of teacher profession in all institu-
tions of education, to strengthen social and professional status of teachers and academics, to
improve the quality of their preparatory and further education, to create conditions for their
career development, growth and stronger motivation towards personal development and team
What is important from the point of view of our contribution, in this document of the
Ministry of Education (White Paper, 2001), the following measures were planned:
• to define the qualification level of all categories of pedagogical workers, so that the
required minimum level of attained higher education should be Magister´s
(Master´s) degree in case of teachers at primary level of basic schools, teachers of
special education, teachers of general subjects at basic and secondary schools, teach-
ers of vocational subjects at secondary schools and higher professional schools, the
Bachelor´s level at teachers of kindergartens, instructors of vocational training and
social pedagogues (pedagogues of leisure time activities, educators),
• to upgrade the quality of pre-service training of teachers stressing the psycho-peda-
gogical component, acquiring necessary pedagogical competences and safeguard
the necessary proportion and quality of pedagogical practice during the whole pe-
riod of teacher training.
This far nothing was done on the side of national institutions: qualification levels have not
been describe yet, national science education standards do not exist, competences of science
teachers and pedagogical competences are not designed. The proportion between psycho-
pedagogical component, academic subject component and pedagogical practice during the
whole period of teacher training also needs to be completed.
The responsibility for initial training of teachers at the first stage of the basic school
(zakladni ðkola) rests mainly with Faculty of Education Palacký University. The study model
for teachers (Spilkova, 2004) is predominantly a one-stage concurrent program (i.e. the aca-
Danuše NEZVALOVÁ, Michael SVEC. Some Trends in Science Teacher Training: the Experience in the United States and the Czech Republic
Volume 1, 2007
demic and the professional parts run simultaneously) with elements of integration primarily 87
between the theoretical and practical parts of the training. In addition to traditional methods
(lectures, seminars), the “learning by doing” approach is also employed, as well as various
theoretical methods, and experience learning through practical exercises, workshops etc. Prac-
tical training in schools is a significant element of the course. Teaching practice accounts for
between 4 and 6 hours a week over the course of the whole study program, or in blocks amount-
ing to a total of 10 weeks within the program. Graduates are qualified to teach all subjects.
The curriculum in concurrent courses of initial teacher training generally consists of five
basic modules:
• subject module (the basics of all subjects taught at the first stage of the basic school);
• pedagogical and psychological module (including practical training);
• basics module (philosophy, history of education, rhetoric, ecology, computer tech-
nology etc., this courses are leading to broad knowledge of prospective teachers);
• didactic module (theory and practice of teaching individual subjects at the first
stage of the basic school);
• upgrading module (implementation ICT, courses in languages).
Every student is obliged to choose one specialization - music, visual arts or physical edu-
cation. There is no specialization for elementary science teachers. The studies usually consist
of eight to ten terms, each of 15 weeks, and there are, on average, 20 hours of direct teaching
each week. Emphasis is placed on the student’s own attempts at teaching and their reflection
on this practical experience. Teachers at the compulsory primary level (until 5th grade) are
qualified as generalists and would need further study at the faculty of education to teach at
other than the primary level.
Teachers at the second stage of the basic school (grade 6-9) are trained at Faculty of
Education PU in four to five-year Master’s studies, which are mostly concurrent (Nezvalova,
2001). This Faculty offers only courses leading to the qualification to be
a biology teacher (with combination in mathematics or technology). Teachers at this level
are usually licensed for teaching of two subjects, which were studied during their Master’s
Teachers of science subjects at upper secondary schools can gain their qualification at
Faculty of Science Palacky University Olomouc (Nezvalova, 2001). The studies at the Fac-
ulty can be both concurrent and consecutive, and are usually 5 years in duration. Recently
only consecutive programs were accredited with Accreditation Committee of Ministry of
Education on the basis of Bologna Declaration. The concurrent studies are in the end in the
year 2007. This Faculty also offers study program in physics and chemistry to be a teacher of
these subjects at the second stage of basic school (lower secondary or middle school). This
program is also five years in duration.
Teachers at upper secondary schools are qualified as subject specialists. The subject
combination of specialists depends on their choice at the beginning of the study and can be
selected from a list of combinations or from a list of individual subjects set by the Faculty.
Faculty of Science has accredited: biology, chemistry, physics, geography, computing, math-
ematics, and geology. The following components are always present: general education, edu-
cation in a specific field (education in the field of future teaching), pedagogical education
(psychological, pedagogical, didactic) and pedagogical practical training. This five years pro-
gram is divided in two parts.
First part is in three years duration and students can earn a Bachelor´s degree. This
program consists of 180 credit hours: A typical semester course receives 2-4 credits. The
offered courses are compulsory (A), elective (B) or optional (C). One credit means that the
class will meet one hour each week for semester which takes usually 15 weeks. This part of
the program is mostly oriented on education in the fields of two subjects of the future teach-
ing. The general education of prospective science teachers consists from the following courses:
Volume 1, 2007
Table 1. Courses in General Education (Bachelor´s program).
The students need to pass successfully the state exam to obtain Bachelor degree. They
have to continue in Master´s progam to be a science teacher which takes usually next
2 years. In this second part teacher training the following components are present: education
in a specific field (education in the field of future teaching), pedagogical education (pedagogi-
cal sciences and subject didactic) and pedagogical practical training. This program consists of
120 credit hours. The offered courses are again compulsory (A), elective (B) or optional (C).
This part of the program is more oriented on professional studies. Teaching practice lasting 6
weeks in a cooperating school is included. The general education of prospective science teach-
ers consists from the following courses:
Students are assessed through a system of partial and comprehensive exams, credits
and classified credits. These can be in an oral, written or practical form or in the form of
a seminar paper. After each term the students sit for examinations mostly in subjects taught
Danuše NEZVALOVÁ, Michael SVEC. Some Trends in Science Teacher Training: the Experience in the United States and the Czech Republic
Volume 1, 2007
during that term. Some subjects are taught over several terms. In order to be allowed to sit 89
for an exam, students must demonstrate that they have completed the relevant course
work. Evaluation of the student teaching practice depends only on the report of teachers
of school where teaching practice was completed. There are no criteria of the student
At the end of a three-year Bachelor’s program the student sits for a final state exami-
nation, a defense of Bachelor’s thesis is usually part of it. The content is determined by the
various faculties. It consists mostly of an oral examination in licensed subjects. Students
continue in Master’s programs for next 2 years. In the end of studies the students sit for
a state final examination, which consists of an exam in subject field(s), subject didactics
and the defense of a Magister´s thesis. The content is determined by the faculties. On
passing the state final examination, he/she receives a certificate and a diploma, which acts
as a qualification for the upper secondary schools and gives them the right to use the title
Magistr (Mgr.) and teach two subjects at upper secondary school.
Furman University
In the United States, the federal government does not determine national standards
for science teacher licensure. Each individual state sets the requirements for a teaching
license. The states typically adapt or modify the recommendations of professional organi-
zations and typically require exit exams produced by national testing companies.
Furman University is an independent liberal arts college located in Greenville, South
Carolina. The teacher education program is designed to address South Carolina’s teach-
ing standards that are aligned with the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher
Education (NCATE) and, for science, with the National Science Teachers Associations
standards. The Education Department offers a major in education (elementary grades 2-
6), and preparation for licensure in biology, chemistry and physics for grades 9-12. The
program for elementary and secondary science preparation consists of an integrated four-
year bachelor’s degree plus an extended post-baccalaureate set of courses including an
internship resulting in licensure.
Unlike other professions in which newcomers receive a substantial period of training
and a gradual increase in responsibility, new teachers must assume the full extent of their
responsibilities from the very first day. First year teachers are often expected to perform
with the same level of expertise as seasoned teachers. In addition, many first year teachers
are assigned the most difficult students and have access to the least resources. Classrooms
are usually equipped with few materials and, in many instances, the teacher feels that they
have no support from the administration and their colleagues. Research estimates that as
many as 50% of new teachers leave the teaching profession within their first five years.
One attempt to end this first year flight is through mentoring. Compounding the problem
for science educators is that science is a critical needs area. This shortage of qualified
teachers results in non-licensed educators teaching science therefore, it is especially criti-
cal to retain the licensed teachers who teach science.
Furman‘s extended licensure program was the results of a university-school district
partnership developed with the goal of improving new teacher retention (Crockett, Cantrell,
Ritter, & Svec, 2003). Key features include classroom inquiry into teaching, extensive field
experiences, and a yearlong paid internship in which the new induction teacher is the full
time teacher in a classroom and is supported by a school district mentor teacher. The
mentor helps the induction teachers with teaching and managing the classrooms as well as
integrating the teachers into the existing school community. Now in its 7th year, the pro-
gram has demonstrated significant improvement in new teacher retention at the 3-year
and 5-year marks (see table 3). The model has significantly improved new teacher reten-
Volume 1, 2007
Table 3. Retention of New Teachers: Elementary Teacher to Teach.
GROUP Number 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year
Year of Interns teaching- still still still still
internship starting completing teaching teaching teaching teaching
internship internship
2000-2001 10 10 9 7 8 7
2001-2002 21 21 20 20 20 18
2002-2003 11 11 11 9 8 9
2003-2004 13 12 13 13 12
2004-2005 11 11 11 10
2005-2006 16 16 15
2006 -2007 29 29
Total percentage
111 99% 96% 89% 87% 83%
still teaching
National percent of teachers
still teaching (approximate)* 86% 76% 66% 60% 54%
* Source: Richard M. Ingersoll, “The teacher shortage: A case of wrong diagnosis and wrong prescription” NASSP Bulletin 86
(June 2002) pp. 16-31.
Program Description
The elementary requires the candidate for grades 2-6 to complete a minimum of 20-hours
of incremental field experiences that are fully integrated into education coursework. Prior to
the spring term of the senior year, elementary teacher candidates have accrued 220-hours of
field-based experience. Education course work includes three foundations courses: Perspec-
tives on American Education, Human Growth and Development, and Education of Students
with Exceptionalities. Education teaching methods courses include; Reading and Writing,
Language Development and Children’s Literature, Social Studies Methods, and Science Meth-
ods. Students complete two laboratory science courses. The elementary senior year block is
comprised of three courses: Assessment for Planning and Instruction; Diverse School Cul-
tures: Teaching, Learning, and Management; and Integration of Curriculum and Technology.
These block courses are woven into a single sequence of seminars and field experiences. The
spring senior block practicum offer a minimum of 30-full days in the school placement includ-
ing at least three-weeks of full-time teaching. The candidate then graduates with a bachelor’s
of art degree. During the fifth year, they satisfy the requirements for the license by teaching
full time with university supervision and passing the state mandated test.
Furman certifies biology, chemistry and physics teachers. Candidates must major in their
science discipline and then complete the required education courses and field experiences.
Each of the three required education foundation courses includes a 20-hour field experience.
Prior to the senior block, the science teacher candidates have an early experience in the class-
room at the beginning of school spending 12 full days in the classroom. That same placement
is used throughout the senior year methods field experiences and senior block full-time teach-
ing practicum. The practicum consists of 30 full days in the schools with at least two week of
full time teaching. The senior block for secondary teachers including science teachers consists
of a general secondary methods course, a science teaching methods course and a practicum
course. The candidate graduates with a bachelor’s degree of science and then fulfills the re-
maining licensure requirements during the fifth year.
Danuše NEZVALOVÁ, Michael SVEC. Some Trends in Science Teacher Training: the Experience in the United States and the Czech Republic
Volume 1, 2007
Inquiry in the classroom
The National Science Education Standards (NRC, 1996) call for the teaching of science
through inquiry. In an attempt to foster a disposition toward inquiry teaching and to encour-
age the teachers to themselves engage in action research about their instruction, and sets the
expectation that the candidates make data-driven decisions about their classroom teaching.
The intent is to use action research to encourage the candidates to use inquiry teaching meth-
ods in their classrooms.
In order to develop the research skills of the pre-service teaches and establish disposi-
tions toward data-driven reflection and classroom practice, research skills are spread through
out the program especially during the senior year and the fifth-year internship, in different
classes and in different assignments. Assignments that focus on gathering information and
then making decisions based on classroom data:
• Community Interviews: Conducting data collection about the communities and
schools in which they are teaching – includes individual interviews of community
members, students, counselors, and district personnel. Completed during the sen-
ior year.
• Classroom Profile: Development of a classroom profile in their classroom setting
using interest surveys, learning preference inventories, and socio-grams. Data are
also used in the senior block during the design of the instructional units.
• Multicultural Inquiry: Candidates engage in several culture-related mini-inquires
on issues important to multicultural education. Project is designed to help the can-
didates begin to see themselves as a life long learner about issues related to diver-
sity and noticing opportunities for learning that globalize their current perspec-
tives. Completed during the spring block term.
• Teacher Work Sample: The work sample requires teacher candidates to produce a
narrative that is a culminating teaching performance exhibit developed during the
internship. Central to this culminating performance is the requirement that the
interns demonstrate the end result of their teaching in terms of its impact on stu-
dent learning. Completed during the fifth year internship.
The most innovative aspect of the Furman program is the fifth year mentoring made
possible because of partnerships formed with local school districts. Collaboratively created,
the Furman program promises aspiring educators the opportunity to develop their teaching
abilities under the direct mentorship of master teachers and university supervision. Through a
senior block and supported induction year internship, candidates experience teaching in its
real form while reaping practical advice and teaching tips from mentor teachers. After suc-
cessfully graduating with their bachelor’s degree, candidates are then hired by cooperating
school districts and placed into classrooms. These fifth-year induction teachers receive a sal-
ary, fringe benefits, and reduced tuition costs from the school districts. A full-time Teacher-in-
Residence is on hand at the university to offer guidance and instruction to teacher candidates
and support to mentor teachers, thus establishing a direct link between school and university.
The salary of the teacher in residence is shared between the university and the cooperating
school districts.
The Furman program employs this notion of mentoring as the cornerstone of its founda-
tion and strength. Mentoring is seen as a critical component in creating entry into a new pro-
fession for new teachers, as well as supporting and retaining them (Lipton, Wellman, & Hubbard,
2001). Teachers are twice as likely to leave the profession where no mentoring programs are in
place. Principals and new teachers emphasize the importance of mentoring and learning from
more experienced teachers. According to the 2005 MetLife Survey of the American Teacher,
44% of principals and 38% of new teachers said being assigned a mentor would be the most
help training for first-time teachers with year-long internships coming in a close second. The
Furman program uses mentoring during the year-long internship to help prepare the best
teachers and ensure their retention.
As part of the school district’s commitment to the program, mentor teachers are released
from other teaching responsibilities so they can mentor three to four of the interns. Mentors
Volume 1, 2007
92 are supported by the Teacher-in-Residence. There are monthly TEAM (Teacher, Encourager,
Advisor, Mentor) meetings. These meetings provide training and support as well as a link
between the university supervisors and the mentor teachers.
• Extended five year teacher preparation program • Administration support in selecting teachers,
schools and classrooms
• Intensive senior year in one partner school
• Induction year contract at reduced salary, pay for
• If successful senior year, graduate and offered in-
12 credit hours
duction contract
• Mentors who receive release time and on-going
• During induction year, complete licensure require-
training, visit interns for at least 5 hours a week
• Share salary obligations with university for the
• University supervision continues into induction year
The Teacher-in-Residence provides the link between the university and school district
administrators and teachers. Her responsibilities include teaching the candidates the first year
induction teacher class, supporting the mentor teachers, serving as the liaison between the
districts and the university, and visiting the first year teachers. She interacts with the university
faculty as well as the mentors and the candidates. She helps select the mentors and then pro-
vides mentor teacher training, guidance, and support through the year.
The elementary program was implemented during the 1999-2000 academic year and the
secondary program during 2002-2003. The enrollment figures summarized in table 5 since
1993 illustrate a steady decline in students graduating with a secondary license to teach. The
declines began before the implementation of the new program. Since the implementation of
Teacher to Teacher at the secondary level, the enrollment numbers are similar to the few years
before the program began suggesting that the new program is not an effective recruiting tool.
Reasons for enrollment declines since the mid-1990s might include many of our science ma-
jors do not think of teaching as a viable option until late in their third year or as a senior when,
because of the design of the program, they are unable to finish the licensure program without
adding an additional year of study. In addition, many want to leave the state, will teach at a
private school that does not require a teaching certificate, or follow alternative paths to teach-
ing such as Teacher for America. Interviews with graduates indicate the success of the program
and the value of the mentoring. The program has been successful at improving the retention of
new teachers but the extended program has not been a successful at recruiting more students
into the program.
93-94 36 2 1 0 1
94-95 36 3 0 0 5
95-96 35 4 2 1 7
96-97 21 4 1 1 2
Danuše NEZVALOVÁ, Michael SVEC. Some Trends in Science Teacher Training: the Experience in the United States and the Czech Republic
Volume 1, 2007
School Total Secondary Biology Chemistry Physics Math
Year History, Languages,
Sciences, Math, English
97-98 19 2 1 0 2
98-99 20 2 1 0 2
99-00 9 0 0 0 0
00-01 11 1 0 0 1
01-02 6 1 0 0 0
02-03 6 2 0 0 0
03-04 16* 0 0 0 2
04-05 12 0 0 0 1
05-06 10 0 0 0 4
*The new model was implemented at the secondary level during the 2003-2004 school year.
Despite operating two very different national context, both Palacky and Furman’s teacher
preparation programs share several commonalities. Both are being influenced by their na-
tion’s economic competitiveness and the need for more science, mathematics and engineering
students. Both are also struggling to find students who are interested in teaching science and
filling the large need for such teachers. Recruitment and retention of science teachers are
problems that still lack a satisfactory solution. Both programs have strong programs requiring
deep knowledge of the science content and frequent experiences in the schools. In order to
address the science content needs and to develop the pedagogic skills, both programs take 5-
years to complete.
There are also distinct differences between the universities. There is a strong link be-
tween school districts and the Furman program. University faculty spend more time in class-
rooms supervising teacher candidates and interacting with school staff. Because of accredita-
tion requirements, Furman professors gather a great deal of data on student performance and
are continuously modifying the program to meet the changing needs of the schools. While the
Czech government is working on national teaching competencies, in the Unites States each
state develops those competencies. Those competencies are used by the university supervisors
during teacher evaluations.
Crockett, D. K., Cantrell, G., Ritter, S. A., & Svec, M. (2003). Collaborative Efforts to Retain New
Teachers: A University-School District Partnership. In J. Rhoton & P. Bowers (Eds.), Science teacher
retention: Mentoring and renewal. (pp.103-112). Arlington VA: National Science Teachers Association
Ingersoll R.M. (June 2002). “The teacher shortage: A case of wrong diagnosis and wrong prescription”
NASSP Bulletin 86 pp. 16-31.
Lipton, L., Wellman, B., & Humbard, C. (2001). Mentoring matters: A practical guide to learning-focused
relationships. Sherman, CR: MiraVia, LLC.
MetLife Inc. (2005) The MetLife Survey of the American Teacher; Transistions and the role if supportive
relationships, a survey of teachers, principals and students. Harris Interactive. Available on line at http://
Volume 1, 2007
94 National Research Council (2006). Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing Ameri-
can for a Brighter Economic Future. Committee on Science, Engineering and Public Policy. Washington,
D.C.: National Academy Press.
National Research Council (1996). National Science Education Standards . Washington, D.C.: National
Academy Press.
Nezvalova, D. (2001) Nekteré trendy pregradualni pripravy uèitelu. Olomouc: Polygrafické stredisko VUP.
Spilkova, V. (2004) Souèasné promeny vzdelavani uèitelu. Brno: Paido.
White Paper (2001) National Programme for the Development of Education in the Czech Republic. Avail-
able on line at
In this study, two short-term educational treatments for secondary school dealing with ecology and conserva-
tion of European owl species were compared under realistic field-conditions. Both motivating learning envi-
ronments, a play-like activity (quartet) and a hypermedia website tool for two lessons (90 min), are known to
provide a strong “Hawthorne effect”, which might useful for achievement in a short-term learning unit in
Science Education. Information units were similar, only the structure of presentation differed within both
treatments. Objectives of the study were (i) a comparison of both teaching methods concerning the cognitive
learning outcome and (ii) motivational variables in a pre-/ post- and retention-test design with control group.
Pupils were randomly assigned one treatment (Hypermedia: N = 34, quartet: N = 30, control: N = 28). As
result of multivariate statistics, a significant higher achievement in the computer-aided group was assessed
immediately after the lesson, while the retention test did not produce significant differences between the
treatments. Pupils performed significantly better in the retention-test compared to the post-test, which might
be due to a short teaching sequence of ten minutes after the post-test. The motivational variables measured
with the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (Ryan, Connell & Plant, 1990) didn’t show any difference between
the two treatments, suggesting that both treatments are motivating and that the Hawthorne effect might be
similar. Pooling both experimental groups, a significant positive relationship between interest/enjoyment and
post-test scores and between effort and retention and a negative correlation between retention test and the
perceived pressure can be reported.
A consequence for Science Education practice is the usefulness of both treatments for successful and moti-
vating achievement as well as the fact, that the hypermedia approach can be used for self-determined learning
as out-of-school-preparation. Furthermore, research concerning the short concluding teaching sequences is
Key words: computer-supported learning; ecology education; hypermedia; intrinsic motivation.
Teaching and learning in biodiversity is an educational challenge (van Weelie and Wals,
2002; Gaston and Spicer, 2004) because biodiversity itself is an abstract and rather complex
construct – called ‘ill-defined’ in terms of van Weelie and Wals (2002). Such a complex con-
struct has to be split up into smaller bits to aid sustainable learning and comprehension. This is
true especially in younger pupils. As the species level is the most common taxonomic unit used
by conservation groups (van Weelie and Wals, 2002), knowledge about species and their life
histories might provide the most fundamental aspect for teaching biodiversity (Lindemann-
Volume 1, 2007
96 Mathies, 2002; Randler and Bogner, 2002; Gaston and Spicer, 2004). In conservation practice
most organisations (NGOs) stress the importance of so-called ‘flagship species’ for funding
(Czeck et al., 1998; Dalton 2005). Further, animals provide fascinating objects for children and
adolescents (Bjerke et al., 2001) and among the different classes of vertebrates, the special
popularity of birds is known from many studies (Czeck et al., 1998; Bjerke et al., 2001; Randler
and Bogner, 2002).
Environmental Education is usually concerned with teaching and learning within outdoor
ecological settings (Killermann, 1998; Lock, 1998; Tilling, 2004). Outdoor education seems supe-
rior to classroom instruction because it may include encountering living animals (Sherwood et al.,
1989) and experiencing emotional factors (Bogner, 1999, 2002). The benefits of outdoor ecological
educational have been summarised, for example by Bogner and Wiseman (2004). However, during
most of the time teaching and learning at school takes place within typical everyday classroom
settings. Therefore, conservation and ecology education should make use of such everyday class-
room teaching.
Within the context of outdoor ecological education, many researchers looked at psychological
constructs such as attitude, environmental perception and other personality factors while knowl-
edge was often neglected (overview: Bogner, 2002; Bogner and Wiseman, 2004; Randler and Bogner,
2002). Focusing on cognitive learning outcome is therefore also a worthwhile task. However, learn-
ing could be barely defined as ‘cold cognition’ (Pintrich et al., 1993) and other factors, such as
social or emotional ones, should also be taken into account. Although our main focus was on the
learning and retention effects of the conservation unit dealing with native owl species, we addition-
ally applied five out of six motivational scales – the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory – based on Deci
and Ryan’s Self-determination Theory (1990). Self-determination Theory suggests that pupils have
an intrinsic motivation to autonomously explore new fields of knowledge, to perceive competence
and to be socially related. Within this theoretical framework the questionnaire is a useful tool to
compare different instructional or educational treatments with regard to motivational apsects. Be-
cause treatments were randomly assigned, we omitted the scale dealing with perceived choice.
We used owls (Order Strigiformes, Families Strigidae and Tytonidae) as species group for
our teaching approach, because animals rank high in the favourite interest of children (Morgan
1992; Bjerke et al. 2001) and owls represent a group of endangered species in Europe
(Hagemeijer and Blair, 1997). To teach these aspects we developed two different instructional
strategies to aid self-determined learning and to enhance motivational variables (see e.g. Gläser-
Zikuda et al., 2005 for an overview). One approach used a play-like activity (a traditional
quartet card play) and the other approach was a computer based hypermedia learning envi-
ronment. In general, the effectiveness of games and simulation games in education has been
questioned by Randel et al. (1992). Of 67 studies reviewed by Randel et al. (1992), 38 showed
no differences between games and conventional instruction, 22 favour games, 5 favour games
but the control groups seem questionable and only 3 favour conventional instruction. Never-
theless, there is encouraging support for using play-like activities such as role-play or games in
biology teaching (Duveen and Solomon, 1994; Bailey and Watson, 1998) and such games seem
to foster motivation (Bailey and Watson, 1998).
The effectiveness of hypermedia software has been shown in many studies in Science
education, often revealing better results compared to either computer-aided but linear (e-
books) or more traditional learning environments, such as books (Yildirim et al., 2001; Rehbein
et al., 2002). Hypermedia learning environments are networks of information nodes and or-
dered relations (links) which allow learner-controlled and self-directed access to multiple in-
formation units. Learners can determine their own learning paths and the learning time ac-
cording to their individual needs. Hypermedia learning environments offer information in
multiple representations like images, texts, sounds, animations and films under multiple per-
spectives. Several studies have shown, that this can positively influence a variety of affective
aspects (e.g. motivation, increased level of engagement or decreased anxiety) which, in turn,
might enhance learning success (e.g. Friedrich, 1999; Unz and Hesse, 1999; Unz, 2000; Yildirim
et al., 2001; Girwidz et al., 2006). Spiro and colleagues (1992), for instance, suggested hypermedia
learning environments as appropriate tools for learning within complex domains. But there is
still little empirical evidence about an enhancement of learning success using hypermedia learn-
ing instead of traditional educational methods (e.g. Tergan, 2002; Chen and McGrath, 2003).
Both approaches (quartet and computer aided learning) are known to include a strong
Steffen SCHAAL, Christoph RANDLER, Stefanie KRALL. Learning About Owls and their Conservation – A Comparison of Media-assisted
Instructional Methods PROBLEMS
Volume 1, 2007
Methodology of Research
Educational Programs
Scientific contents of the quartet and the website were i) morphological adaptations of
owls towards their ecological environment such as eyes, ears, beaks and talons, the production
of pellets, plumage and specialised feather structure, ii) life history, communication, repro-
duction, ii) ecological needs such as a food, habitat requirements and predators, iii) preserva-
tion of owls (and aspects of persecution), and iv) information about eight different European
The single information units of the quartet and of the website provided identical informa-
tion using text in combination with images. The presentation of learning materials followed a
theoretical framework of media design principles (see detailed in Girwidz, Bogner, Rubitzko
and Schaal, 2006): Both materials were adapted to learners’ literacy and prior knowledge ac-
cording to the Cognitive Load Theory of Chandler and Sweller (1991). For instance, informa-
tion units are designed to reduce extraneous cognitive load by avoiding the presentation of
irrelevant information or unnecessary decoration. In addition, the amount of information units
takes into account learners’ abilities in processing new knowledge entities. Therefore, infor-
mation was provided in segmented portions: For instance, single sub-themes in the website
were presented without scroll-bars or long texts to allow the learner a fast access to the con-
tent. After each segment, the learner could start a further information unit by clicking on a
continue-button. This so-called segmentation effect (Mayer and Moreno, 2003) showed evi-
dence, that learners understand such a multimedia information better “when it is presented in
learner-controlled segments rather than as continuous presentation“ (p.47). The information
units on the quartet card present information in the same way, but learners’ control is substi-
tuted by coincidence while playing.
Both materials followed the design principles of R. E. Mayer’s Generative Theory of Mul-
timedia Learning (1997, 2001): The adequate media presentation by a coherent combination
of visual and verbal information facilitates mental processing (e.g. selection, organisation and
integration processes), active knowledge construction and, therefore, the probability of sus-
tainable mental representations.
The difference between both materials was the segmentation and the pacing of informa-
tion units. While learners using the quartet weren’t able to influence the sequence of informa-
tion units, the ‘website learners’ determined themselves their learning-path and the time spend-
ing on a single information unit. However, the segmentation of information may be helpful for
knowledge acquisition in both cases, especially for learners with lower domain specific exper-
Both materials provided the possibility of interactive learning. The quartet allowed per-
sonal interaction between the game participants while the website allowed individual informa-
tion access and the discovery of interactive learning materials, such as discovery images or an
owl quiz.
Volume 1, 2007
Within self-directed learning materials, structural support is an important aspect for suc-
cessful knowledge construction: Several empirical studies revealed the need for hierarchical
structures of information, especially for novices in new knowledge domains (e.g. Pazzani, 1991;
Shin et. al., 1994; McDonald and Stevenson, 1998; Calisir and Gurel, 2003). Therefore, the
information on the website was structured in a clear, hierarchical way and the navigation pro-
vided an adequate structure. The information was divided in sub-themes mentioned above.
Learners had the possibility to ‘jump’ from one chapter of the menu to another, but each
single chapter like, for example, the conservation of owls, had to be worked through sequentially.
Thus, on the one hand, learners profited of the segmentation effect, while they could on the
other hand influence their learning paths individually. In the quartet, again, coincidence con-
ducts the pupils’ learning paths.
In total 98 pupils (56 boys, 42 girls; all 6th graders) participated in the study (aged between
11 and 12 years). However, only 30 pupils (quartet) and 34 (computer) participated in all three
tests and could be used for calculating a multivariate GLM. All instruction and testing was
carried out by S. Krall. As the person of the teacher often has a significant effect on learning
and retention (Gläser-Zikuda et al., 2005), it is important to control for this variable (see also
Randler and Bogner, 2004). In our treatment-control-design we have accounted for this possi-
ble bias. We formed two treatment groups that were tested prior (pretest), immediately after
(posttest) and with a delay of four to six weeks (retention test) to assess learning and retention
effects (Randler and Bogner, 2002). An additional experimental group served as a control (28
pupils of similar age and grade). These pupils did not receive any teaching in biology during
the two lessons (Physics and German language) but were tested prior and afterwards to assess
the influence provided by repeated testing (Keeves, 1998). We did not use these tests for grad-
ing to exclude extrinsic motivation as a confounding factor. Also, students never were aware of
any further testing.
Motivational variables
To avoid any bias in our experimental design we applied a randomised class division with
a rigorous separation of pupils into new clusters. Within each class, every pupil randomly
received one of the treatments. This was assured by using skat cards. Every pupil had to draw
one card from a set of cards facing downwards on the table. The number of red and black cards
was adjusted to the number of pupils to achieve an equal division of the class. However, within
their respective treatment group pupils were entirely free to choose their partner. Pupils at the
computer worked in dyads while the quartet had to be played in groups of three to four.
Although didactical field studies are never completely consistent with regard to experi-
mental variables (as it might be achieved under strict laboratory conditions) we feel that our
study provides a very high ecological validity in terms of experimental design (Keeves, 1998).
Results of Research
Pupils of both treatment groups significantly increased their knowledge between pretest
and posttest: i) in the quartet-group from (mean ± s.e.) 8.5 ± 0.5 to 10.1 ± 0.5 (T=3.716;
P=0.001; N=33), and ii) in the computer-group from 8.2 ± 0.5 to 11.2 ± 0.6 (T=6.324; P<0.001;
N=35; see Figure 2). However, a less pronounced but also significant increase was found in
the control group which scored 9.2 ± 0.5 prior and 10.1 ± 0.5 after the lessons (T=2.553;
P=0.017; N=28). Knowledge about owls and their conservation further increased significantly
between posttest and retention test from 10.0 ±0.5 to 13.3± 0.7 (T=4.647; P<0.001; N=30) in
the quartet playing group and from 11.3 ± 0.6 to 12.7 ± 0.6 (T=2.470; P=0.019 N=34). This
substantial increase seems a result of a short teaching sequence where the correct answers of
the respective questions of the posttest were discussed.
Figure 2. Achievement scores of all three groups in pretest, posttest and re-
Volume 1, 2007
Wilks-Lambda F Significance Eta2
Table 1. Multivariate general linear model with posttest and retention test
as dependent variables, pretest as covariate, gender and educational
treatment as factor. Final model after a stepwise backward proce-
Figure 3. Estimated marginal means from a general linear model (GLM) based
on treatment (factor) and prestest scores (covariate) using posttest
as dependent variable.
This model revealed similar results (Figure 3) suggesting that both methods increased
knowledge compared to the control group, but again, that the computer group scored signifi-
cantly higher (Medium: F=5.710; P=0.005; eta 2=0.110; Pretest: F=101.4; P<0.001;
eta2=0.525). As there were no significant differences between both treatment groups in the
motivational variables data were pooled (Figure 4).
Steffen SCHAAL, Christoph RANDLER, Stefanie KRALL. Learning About Owls and their Conservation – A Comparison of Media-assisted
Instructional Methods PROBLEMS
Volume 1, 2007
Further, we calculated the residuals of knowledge from the minimum linear model after
accounting for medium and prior knowledge. These residuals were subsequently correlated
with the five motivational scales (Table 2). We found a weak positive correlation between
interest/enjoyment and posttest scores and between effort and retention. Pupils with a subjec-
tive higher interest during the educational treatment scored better in the posttest and pupils
that experienced a higher effort scored better in retention. However, a strong negative corre-
lation existed between retention test and pressure, suggesting that pupils which felt under
pressure during the activity scored significantly worse in the retention test.
Pupils benefited from both educational approaches, however, immediately after the edu-
cational treatment, the ‘website learners’ performed better. This result seems valid because
our rigorous experimental design controlled for many extraneous variables. Similar results
were found, e.g. by Yildirim et al. (2001), Rehbein et al. (2002). Nevertheless, research on
multimedia and related instructional strategies has been characterised by inconsistent findings
about their effects on learning (Hede, 2002). However, it is virtually impossible to integrate all
factors identified by Hede (2002) into a practical didactical field study. The results presented
here are interesting because they show a superiority of a hypermedia learning environment
compared to another motivating instructional tool, a play-like activity based on a quartet. One
reason for the different results may be found in the structure of the information units: The
hypermedia owl website provided a clear content structure and the pupils had – in contrast to
the quartet players – a self-directed access to the information units. As consequence, pupils
had further support to structure their individual knowledge acquisition and construction, which
seems to be important for younger pupils. In addition, a number of empirical studies revealed
the potential of individualised information access: The individual segmentation of learning
materials’ presentation and the possibility to follow an individual learning pace showed posi-
tive influence on learning success (e.g. Sweller et al., 1998; Moreno and Mayer, 2000; Paas et
al., 2004,). However, the website provided more customised learning than the quartet and
thus, the cognitive load (Sweller et al., 1998) might be easier adapted to individual precondi-
tions than the play-like activity. Nevertheless, even the quartet playing groups significantly
increased their knowledge despite the more play-like activity. As such quartets are easily to
produce by teachers themselves, this might provide a useful educational tool (Randel et al.,
Prior knowledge nearly always shows a significant influence on subsequent learning and
it often explains the highest amount of variance (Einsiedler and Treinies, 1997, Schiefele and
Rheinberg, 1997). However, we controlled for prior knowledge by using linear models and
residual techniques. Afterwards, pupils that received the computer program scored signifi-
cantly higher during the immediate posttest compared to quartet group. However, this differ-
ence merged to non-significance in the retention test. This is an interesting fact because other
studies failed to show such marked and significant differences regarding cognitive abilities
Volume 1, 2007
102 between treatments, especially when different treatments were compared (e.g. Armstrong and
Impara, 1991; Bowler et al., 1999).
More interesting, knowledge increased after the posttest. We suppose that the clearly
visible learning effect from posttest to retention is mainly due to some teaching activity. After
the posttest, pupils asked the teacher questions about the different items of the test and a short
discussion within the respective classes arose. This short teaching and learning sequence lasted
approximately ten minutes involving discussions within the respective classes. Moreover, these
findings have educational implications, namely, that self-determined and learner-centred ac-
tivities could be improved by a subsequent discussion with the whole class where pupils can
discuss their findings. Interestingly, pupils from the control group showed a significant posi-
tive shift in their knowledge from pretest to posttest. Such a phenomenon was also reported
from other testing situations (see especially Keeves, 1998 for repeated testing procedures).
Concerning the motivational variables we found no superiority of the computer-based
activity. However, as the other educational treatment also comprised an interesting and moti-
vating activity, namely the play-like activity using the quartet (see also Bailey and Watson,
1998), we propose that both treatments provided an interesting tool for learning about owls
and their ecology. In consequence, both instructional methods seem to provide the same inter-
est/enjoyment, and pupils felt competent and put the same effort into the activities, valued
both equally and felt not differently under pressure. Therefore, we could rule out the possibil-
ity of a Hawthorn effect (e.g. Schulmeister, 2002; Gerdes, 1997) because i) we found no differ-
ence in motivational and emotional variables which may have caused the achievement differ-
ences, and ii) both instructional strategies include novel settings. The ‘novelty effect’ (Falk et
al. 1978) which was previously found in outdoor education may detract pupils from learning
and may explain the small learning effects in both approaches. We expected similar results for
the play-like activity and for the hypermedia website, because both instructional strategies
include a strong Hawthorne effect. In fact, the motivational dimensions didn’t differ in both
treatments, even though the learning success was better for the hypermedia learners. This
stresses the rigour of our study since we did not compare a multimedia learning environment
with traditional teaching but rather two instructional methods that may produce a similar amount
of Hawthorne effect. In contrast, comparing traditional teaching and instruction with compu-
ter-supported work cannot easily exclude this effect.
The correlations of interest/enjoyment and effort with achievement were significant as
was proposed by theory. Nevertheless, these correlations were weak. Usually, such correla-
tions between achievement and, for example, interest become stronger parallel to the age of
the pupils (Schiefele and Rheinberg, 1997; Schiefele and Csikszentmihalyi, 1998). Therefore,
the low age of the pupils (6th graders) might explain the missing correlation. Pressure and
tension as experienced by the pupils correlated negatively with retention suggesting that achieve-
ment might be significantly influenced by negative emotional and motivational variables. This
again emphasises the need for pressure free instruction and phases where pupils are able to
work on their own (Gläser-Zikuda et al., 2005).
This study was partly funded by the University of Education, PH Ludwigsburg by a grant
# 1430 5771 “Biodiversität lehren und lernen”, a grant from the Bundesministerium für Bildung
und Forschung Germany (JP C.R.). The educational treatment was carried out by Stefanie
Krall. We are extremely grateful to all the pupils and teachers that participated in the study.
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The article deals with quantitatively oriented transversal diagnostics of pre-concepts of selected common
concepts in physics and chemistry at primary schools and their genesis. The research was carried out in a
sample of 60 pupils from the 5th class, 60 pupils from the 7th class and 60 pupils from the 9th class of selected
primary schools in the Ústí nad Labem Region. The applied research methods were as follows: a question-
naire, didactic test, analysis of pupils´ tests and concept mapping. The objective was to monitor the affects of
targeted school teaching of chemistry and physics on the creation of pre-concepts. The achieved results are
discussed in terms of the possibility to integrate chemistry and physics teaching at primary schools.
Key words: chemistry, physics, pre-concepts, quantitative research, natural science subject teaching integra-
Children’s concepts
Children’s concepts are apart from individual experiences and, for instance learning styles,
one of the fundamental characteristics of learning individual. It is possible to find also other
terms in the literature, which can be in most cases understood as synonymous. Out of these
let’s point out the most frequently appearing one e.g. term preconception (with linguistic char-
acter) or children’s imagination (Liu, 1998). Child’s concept of certain phenomenon is charac-
teristic especially by forming on basis of out-of-school influence (family, equals, media), which
are also supplemented with school influence (teaching of given phenomenon at lower grade,
interdisciplinary aspects). These influences form concept for each pupil differently according
to their coverage, each pupil has then a different input level, which then strongly influences
(both positively and negatively) process of goal-directed teaching realised at school (Akerson,
Flick, Lederman, 2000). Children’s concepts have various characteristics – from absolutely
wrong concepts (so called misconceptions), through primitive concepts up to highly complex
structures (Bloom, 1995).
From the above results can be seen that children’s concepts are not only (mere) attain-
ments, but they have more complex structure. It is presented in scientific works of various
authors differently (Driver et al, 1994) – the following characteristics can be traced. It is possi-
ble to identify cognitive element (identification), affect element (attitude) and also sometimes
conative element (executive). Elsewhere it is mentioned, for instance, external and internal
elements of child’s concept (Liu, Ebenezer, 2002). It is also important to appreciate the men-
tal map, which given child’s concept creates. Common to this thing is that individual elements
mutually interpenetrate and influence it. Very important is also movement (genesis) of given
child’s concept at certain times.
Jirí ŠKODA, Pavel DOULÍK. Children’s Concepts Research of Selected Common Phenomena from Physics and Chemistry at Elementary Schools
Volume 1, 2007
Problems of inter subject references is the subject of increased interest of physicists teaching
natural sciences in the past years around the world. Increased interest in inter subject refer-
ences was expressed in relation to modernisation attempts of teaching process and strength-
ened in relation to preparation of new conception for elementary and high schools in various
states. This interest is supported firstly by growing number of publications and secondly by
interest which is expressed in the area of inter subject references and integrated teaching by
various national and supranational institutions.
Natural science subjects on the elementary school level provide for suitable curriculum
enough space in practical realisation of integrated teaching (Young, 1997) the same way, as it
proceeds within project FAST in selected schools in the Slovakian Republic. Certain experi-
ence with integrated teaching comes from Germany (Lutz, 1997). One example of the propos-
als is school subject ’Physics/Chemistry’, which concept was created in the seventies of 20th
century in federal state Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen). This is an attempt of uniformed natu-
ral science view of the surrounding world. Lutz (1997) assesses the realisation of integrated
natural science subject at elementary school in Germany more as joint teaching of two or more
subjects rather then integrated natural science.
Despite all mentioned activities stays consistent assertion of inter subject references with
some exceptions continuously on proclamation level. It is consequence of firstly still persistent
creation of isolated didactic systems of teaching with corresponding structure of textbooks and
secondly teachers lack of interest in curriculum of the same pertinent subjects. That requires
good cooperation of individual subject teachers, educators, psychologists, branch educators
and creators of curriculum and textbooks (Brown, 1994).
Methodology of Research
Research was conducted on selected sample of pupils in five elementary schools in Ústí
nad Labem during period October – November 2003. Five concepts common to chemistry and
physics were chosen for research of preconceptions, which are taught or mentioned in both
subjects. Chosen concepts are subject of teaching in curriculum of natural science subjects at
elementary schools. These are the following concepts: water, air, state, atom, galvanic cell. From
the methodology point of view it would be of course optimal to monitor respondents and their
child’s concept in the long term from 5th to 9th grade of elementary school. Due to time reasons
it was not possible to run long term research, therefore traversal research was conducted,
where cross section of selected child’s concepts and their changes were monitored in grade 5,
7 and 9 at elementary school. The number of research participants was 60 in each grade. These
grades were chosen due to inclusion of these phenomena in curriculum of physics and chemis-
try at elementary school. Thus in grade 5, before commencement of teaching physics and
chemistry, child’s concepts are created through mostly out-of-school influences, occasionally
from some phenomena within curriculum on 1st level of elementary school. In grade 7 are
some given phenomena already included in physics curriculum and there can be monitored
the influence of physics on creation of child’s concepts of these phenomena. In grade 9 are the
given phenomena already included also in chemistry curriculum so it is possible to assess the
share on creation of children’s concepts by physics as well as chemistry, out-of-school influ-
ences and teaching in other subjects. It is also possible to trace whether teaching of physics
stems out of present experience and knowledge of pupils and if teaching of these phenomena
in chemistry ties to knowledge gained in physics curriculum. At the same time it is possible to
define area for integrated teaching of these phenomena and implementation of inter subject
Two main research problems of this investigation can be formulated as follows:
1) Are there any qualitative and quantitative changes in level of children’s under-
standing of selected concepts during 5 - 9 grade of elementary school?
2) How possible changes of children’s concepts influences curriculum, concretely teach-
ing of chemistry and physics and out-of-school influences?
Volume 1, 2007
108 In the research there have been used these methods and instruments of pedagogical re-
• content analysis of pupil’s texts,
• questionnaire,
• scaling,
• didactic test,
• concept mapping,
• analysis of children’s drawings (used only as additional method with text analysis).
Research Results
Due to quite large amount of research data collected it is not possible to present all
gathered results here. We therefore will focus on individual research methods employed, in
each with assessment of monitored phenomenon (Ðtastna, 2004). We assume that this process
will supply sufficient view of the way of assessment and obtained results.
On the blackboard was written the word ’water’ and pupils were to write on prepared
blank paper all that they know about the given phenomenon. There were no further instruc-
tions; this was ’associative research’. They were only told to write everything in relation to this
given phenomenon from individual subjects (physics, chemistry, biology, geography …), all
they can with relation to given phenomenon think of. Content analysis was conducted through
grouping and assessed on basis of element frequency within individual groups, as the following
table shows:
characteristics 76 136 82
water as condition for life 46 44 60
presence 28 34 63
sort of water 33 41 39
usage 48 32 53
ecology 15 8 3
water chemistry 5 14 46
water cycle 6 2 0
others 15 14 6
Summary 272 325 352
As it was expected, total number of elements increases from lower grade to higher
grade. Significant increase in number of elements in the group characteristics is observed in
grade 7 that is related to teaching of liquid characteristics (water) in grade 6 in physics.
Another significant increase can be seen in group presence, between grades 5 and 9. That
probably corresponds with geography curriculum (topic hydrosphere). Decrease can be seen
among grades in the group ecology and group water cycle, where the most elements are in
grade five and the least in grade nine. That can be explained by influence of natural sciences
Jirí ŠKODA, Pavel DOULÍK. Children’s Concepts Research of Selected Common Phenomena from Physics and Chemistry at Elementary Schools
Volume 1, 2007
teaching on the first level, due to great emphasis on water cycle and ecology. Intense in- 109
crease is observed in group structure, which is again expected result. Water chemistry is part
of 8th grade chemistry curriculum, therefore the highest frequency of this element in grade
nine. Occurrences in lower grades can be explained through out-of-school influence. Re-
sults of increases and decreases in individual groups match expected findings.
In all grades can be observed interesting ratio between the group characteristics and
group usage or group ecology. As it becomes obvious from the results, pupils were able to
name water characteristics rather then specify its usage or write something about connec-
tion of water with ecological aspects, which means that education is very little intercon-
nected with practise.
By filling questionnaire pupils answered question whether they know given concept,
whether they understand meaning of it and also a question where they first heard about it or
how they about certain concept found out. Results are displayed in the following table with
number of answers in each individual grade:
In grade 5 knows the concept of atom 62 % of pupils, but only 37 % pupils know, what
this concept means. In grade 7 and 9 are identical results, the concept of atom knows 100%
and only 5 % of pupils do not know, what this concept means. This fact can be justified by
explanation of concept of atom in 7th grade in physics curriculum. In grade 5 the most nu-
merous group was according to expectations do not know this concept. But there were found
answers also in other groups. Since there was no answer in group at school from teacher, we
can assume that pupils found out about the atom thanks to out-of-school influences. Sev-
enth and ninth grade are just about comparable in this area. There is a definite school influ-
On the principal of interval scale was investigated the attitude of pupils towards given
phenomenon. The purpose of scaling was to capture the affect element of child’s concepts.
Respondents rated their attitude towards given phenomenon on five interval scales: bad –
good, I am afraid – I trust, do not like it – like it, not popular – popular, dangerous – safe.
Each scale was constructed as five-point scale, with additional sixth point with selection ’N ’,
which was chosen by pupils who could not express their attitude or they had no attitude
towards this phenomenon, because they did not know it. From values of each individual
scale was calculated arithmetical average, which offers certain representation about the to-
tal level of affect dimension of given phenomenon. Evaluation of affect dimension of atom
is illustrated in the following diagram:
In grade 5 and 7 is notable negative reference to atom; in grade nine is average value
close to neutral value of 3. Among individual grades there is expected increase of affect di-
mension level gathered as arithmetical average from individual assessment scales. This in-
crease is due to teaching of natural sciences subjects. In lower grades is atom to pupils un-
known, children manifest even their naïve children’s concepts about harmfulness of atom (atomic
bombs, nuclear power plants). For pupils in higher grades is not the concept of atom unknown,
they are learning about its structure and practical importance.
Didactical test represents common and easily accessible research method, which is used
most frequently for determining and assessing of teaching results. Some tasks within tests and
some types of tests can also be used for determining of pupil’s concepts. Didactical tests used
to determine children’s concepts should not only correct pupil’s answers, but also mistakes, so
even pupil’s misconceptions could be documented. Chosen standard interval must also in-
clude negative values, which serve to express mistaken concepts (Doglike, Kodak, 2003). Ap-
plied didactical test included one task from physics and one task from chemistry for the moni-
tored phenomena. This enabled monitoring of increase in level of knowledge in individual
grades as well as in the whole test. Acquired results were statistically assessed by Fischer LSD-
test on significance level á = 0, 05. Results of didactical test for phenomenon galvanic cell are
shown in the following table:
Asterisk marked data are statistically significant increases of arithmetical average values among
individual grades. Among grades 5 – 7, there is not statistically significant increase of results in
Jirí ŠKODA, Pavel DOULÍK. Children’s Concepts Research of Selected Common Phenomena from Physics and Chemistry at Elementary Schools
Volume 1, 2007
chemistry task, which could be expected, especially because chemistry is taught as a subject from 111
grade 8 only. Totally higher increases of rough count were achieved in physics task. Curriculum
related to galvanic cells is simpler in physics and has above all close relationship to practical life, as
against chemistry, where galvanic cells are included into relatively difficult and abstract subject
matter of reducing and oxidative processes.
For each concept were selected number of concepts from physics and chemistry, which are
related to the main concept (they are in connection to given concept mentioned during tuition).
Further there were added concepts, which do not correspond directly to given concept; they have
affected character and empty boxes for adding concepts. Total of added concepts to main concept
was 15. These words with empty boxes were cut up and placed into envelope. Pupils were given
empty sheet of paper format A4, envelope with concepts and glue. Their task was after initial
briefing to create concept map by gluing concepts to the main concept, eventually add words into
empty boxes, which according to their knowledge belong to the main point and were not listed
here. Further they were asked to mark connections among individual concepts using arrows. Each
concept map was assessed individually. Assessment criteria were, how many given pupil used from
subject matter of chemistry (CH), how many from physics (F), how many from others (O) and how
many words were added. It was also determined how many connections were represented in the
concept map with use of arrows or connecting lines. Acquired results were partially quantified and
statistically assessed by Fischer LSD-test on significance level á = 0, 05. Results of concept mapping
for phenomenon air are shown in the following table:
Asterisk marked data are statistically significant increases of arithmetical average values among
individual grades. In group ratio F: CH is recorded statistically significant increase between 5th and
7th grade and between 5th and 9th grade, which does not correspond with expectations. There
should be more demonstrated influence of teaching chemistry, but the gathered results do not
support this. Statistically significant is increase in group ratio F+CH: O between 5th and 9th grade,
which corresponds to expectations. In group total number of words, there is recorded increase be-
tween 5th and 7th grade, between 5th and 9th grade is also recorded increase. Increase in total
number of words confirms expectations. In group number of contextures recorded statistically sig-
nificant increase between the same grades as in group total number of words. Air is widely discussed
topic – there is reflected also influence of natural science, geography and out-of-school influences.
It is widely discussed topic even from the point of view of ecology and climatology. What is interest-
ing that there is statistically no significant change between 7th and 9th grade in any of monitored
parameters. It shows that concept map is at this time relatively rigid and teaching of chemistry has
no marked influence on its changes.
Volume 1, 2007
112 Conclusion
Pieces of knowledge obtained during conduct of this research study are possible to summarise
into the following points:
• children’s concepts are possible to be examined through various methods a instruments,
• diagnostics of pupil’s concepts are not systematically executed in practice, event. chil-
dren’s concepts are learned by teachers only intuitively,
• in many children’s concepts it is not possible to grasp their origin (water, air), with some
the origin is quite obvious (galvanic cell – tuition of chemistry and physics),
• pupils have quite extensive opportunities when searching for information at present
(internet, multimedia equipment), however, most of information they acquire through
school curriculum,
• out-of-school influences can become important source of misconceptions,
• large volume of information leads to neglecting affect element within educational proc-
• during goal-directed education at basic schools there is increase in cognitive dimension
level in individual child’s concepts,
• goal-directed education probably does not pay sufficient attention to creating connec-
tions between pupil’s new pieces of knowledge and existing knowledge,
• during diagnostics was proven little clasp of ’school’ pieces of knowledge with common
daily life of pupils,
• pupils do not come into contact with some concepts with explicit formulation very often
in common daily life, they do not know what is meant by given concept, although they
have individual experience with concrete phenomenon or object (state, galvanic cell).
Work with child’s concepts of certain phenomena, which are taught in various subjects, should
be an important aspect when attempting integrated education of similar subjects. Mainly child’s
concepts and its genesis show the best where the optimal area for integrated education is, but it also
shows whether education is really integrated or just joint education.
Akerson, V. L., & Flick, L., B., & Lederman, N., G. (2000) The Influence of Primary Children’s Ideas in
Science on Teaching Practice. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 37(3), 363-385.
Bloom, J., W. (1995) Assessing and extending the scope of children’s contexts of meaning: context maps as a
methodological perspective. International Journal of Science Education, 17(2), 167-187.
Brown, A., L. (1994) The advancement of learning. Educational Researcher, 23(8), 4–12.
Driver, R., & Asoko, H., & Leach, J., & Mortimer, E., & Scott, P. (1994) Constructing Scientific Knowledge
in the Classroom. Educational Researcher, 23(7), 5-12.
Liu, X. (1998) Structural characteristics of students’ conceptions of natural phenomena. Research in Science
& Technological Education, 16(1), p. 177-202.
Liu, X., & Ebenezer, J., V. (2002) Descriptive Categories and Structural Characteristics of Students’ Concep-
tions: an exploration of the relationship. Research in Science & Technological Education, 20(1), p. 111-131.
Lutz, B. Der neue Hauptschullehrplan von 1997: Integration dreier Fächer zu einem Fach „Natuwissenschften“.
Druckuterstützung der Vorlesung. Hradec Králové.
Young, D., B. (1997) Súèasné trendy v reformných procesoch vyuèovania prírodných vied (FAST-DISCO).
Bratislava: R&D Print.
Ëþäìèëà Ãîðáóíîâà
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Àíàëèç ñòåïåíè óñâîåíèÿ ñòóäåíòàìè ó÷åáíîãî ìàòåðèàëà (Ñèìîíîâ, 1999) è
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ïîäãîòîâêè ñòóäåíòîâ ïî õèìèè.
118 Ëèòåðàòóðà
Lyudmila Gorbunova
Koryazhma branch of Pomor State University named after M.V.Lomonosov, Russia
Social and economic changes which have taken place in Russia at the end of XX century,
have caused necessity of revising the whole system of the higher vocational training with the
purpose of increasing its quality and strengthening of attention on the development of practical
- effective spheres of the trainee’s personality. Today it is impossible to speak about the higher
vocational training, not mentioning questions of its quality. If to be based on the technological
approach to interpretation of the term of “education quality” the practical technique is neces-
sary for measuring its level.
Discussing the “education quality” term as a system category, we share N.A. Selezneva’s,
A.I. Subetto’s opinion on the structure of education quality as a uniform set of subsystems of
education quality system, quality of educational processes and quality of results of education
(a level of competence). The system, process and result should meet social demands the
Ëþäìèëà ÃÎÐÁÓÍÎÂÀ. Êîìïëåêñíàÿ ñèñòåìà îöåíèâàíèÿ êà÷åñòâà îáó÷åííîñòè ñòóäåíòîâ ïî õèìèè
Volume 1, 2007
Èðèíà Æèêèíà, Èííà Ïîðòÿíñêàÿ
Òàëëèííñêàÿ Ìóñòàìÿýñêàÿ ðåàëüíàÿ ãèìíàçèÿ
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Ðåçóëüòàòû 123
Zikina, I. (2006). The active education methods information technology in techniques of teach-
ing of chemistry. In.: Past and present of natural sciences in Daugavpils University. Daugavpils:
Saule, p.115.
Æèêèíà, È., Ïîðòÿíñêàÿ, È. (2006). Ðàçâèòèå ïîçíàâàòåëüíîé äåÿòåëüíîñòè ó÷àùèõñÿ
ïîñðåäñòâîì èíòåãðàöèè õèìèè è èíôîòåõíîëîãèé. In.: Kimijas izglitiba skola – 2006. Riga,
Zikina, I., Portjanskaya, I. (2006). Some Aspects of Application of ICT in Chemistry Teaching.
In.: Informacinës komunikacinës technologijos gamtamoksliniame ugdyme – 2006 / Information &
Communication Technology in Natural Science Education – 2006 (Tarptautinës mokslinës praktinës
konferencijos straipsniø rinkinys, 2006m. gruodþio 1-2d.). Ðiauliai: Ðiauliø universiteto leidykla,
p. 119-121.
Æèêèíà, È., Ïîðòÿíñêàÿ, È. (2007). Èñïîëüçîâàíèå îáó÷àþùèõ ïðîãðàìì â ïðåïîäàâàíèè
øêîëüíîãî êóðñà õèìèè. Kn.: Gamtamokslinis ugdymas bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje – 2007
(XIII nacionalinës mokslinës-praktinës konferencijos straipsniø rinkinys). Ðiauliai: Lucilijus, ñ.
Volume 1, 2007
In present situation rather difficult problem of motivation of pupils to studying chemistry stands
in front of the teacher. We consider, that new pedagogical technologies, particularly integration
of chemistry and infotechnology, helps teacher to create sufficient base of chemical knowledge.
Summarizing a five years’ experience on application of opportunities of ICT in a technique of
teaching chemistry in our school it is possible to mark out some perspective directions of its
application in general educational classes and classes with the profound studying of chemistry
and infotechnology: 1) multimedia courses for 8-11 classes on the basic themes of the state
program; 2) use of ready training programs and virtual textbooks on Estonian, Russian and
English languages that gives additional integration in subjects; 3) performance of virtual
practical works on some complex and abstract themes; 4) the interactive control and self-
checking of knowledge of pupils, preparation for subject Olympiads and quizzes; 5) a feedback
with pupils and their parents by means of e-mail, web-sites, forums and electronic register; 6)
practical research of pupils. Analyzing done work and the reached results it is possible to
follow dynamics of change of motivation, progress and priority of the future profession on the
basis of results of diagnostic questioning of pupils in gymnasium.
The developed technique is tested not only in one gymnasium, but it was also repeatedly
offered at city and republic conferences and courses of teachers of natural-science subjects
where it has received a high estimation of colleagues and of the Department of Education of
Keywords: computer programs, Internet, multimedia lessons, multimedia programs, virtual
Âëàäèìèð Çóåâ
ÓÎ “Áàðàíîâè÷ñêèé ãîñóäàðñòâåííûé óíèâåðñèòåò”,
Ðåñïóáëèêa Áåëàðóñü
Ý-ïî÷òà: [email protected]
Ìåòîäîëîãèÿ èññëåäîâàíèÿ
Ðåçóëüòàòû èññëåäîâàíèÿ
Uladzimir Zuyeu
Baranovichi State University, Republic of Belarus
134 accordance with the notions of its structure, criteria and levels of its development reflecting the
integral model of the ecologically-oriented lifestyle of a human being, the specially created
system of continuous ecological education will serve as the source of formation of ecological
culture, the pedagogical tools and methods of formation of ecological culture will be based on
ecologically oriented activity of students during which they receive many-sided knowledge
about the environment.
Ecological culture of a student represents a whole of motives and understanding of values and
morals, scientific notions and experience of the practical environmental activities, a system of
views and beliefs which determine ecological orientation of the whole life activity of the
personality of a future specialist, his attitude to the environment and himself. Self-determination
of the student in the system “biosphere – society – personality” and transfer of the ideal
model of this relationship to the sphere of his own life activity constitute the essence of the
ecological culture.
Formation of the ecological culture represents a process of consistent acquisition by a student
of ecological knowledge, skills, habits, development of his personal views and beliefs on the
environmental problems, critical perception, emotional experience, awareness of the role of his
personality in the solution of the ecological problems, the necessity in the ecologically appro-
priate behavior in the environment. The levels of the development of ecological culture are
characterized by such criteria as responsibility for the behavior in nature, presence of the
system of ecological knowledge, skills, habits, need for active ecologically appropriate activity
in any living conditions. According to these criteria different levels of the development of
ecological culture of the student are distinguished: low, medium, high.
Key words: ecological culture, economic specialty, integral model of the ecologically-oriented
Íèíà Ï. Êàíóííèêîâà, Íàòàëüÿ Ç. Áàøóí
Ãðîäíåíñêèé ãîñóäàðñòâåííûé óíèâåðñèòåò èìåíè
ßíêè Êóïàëû, Ðåñïóáëèêà Áåëàðóñü
Ý-ïî÷òà: [email protected]; [email protected]
136 Ââåäåíèå
Äìèòðèé À. ×åðåïîâñêèé, Òàòüÿíà Ï.
Ý-ïî÷òà: [email protected]
Êóáàíñêèé ãîñóäàðñòâåííûé òåõíîëîãè÷åñêèé
Àáñòðàêò óíèâåðñèòåò (ÊóáÃÒÓ), Ðîññèÿ
Àðõèïîâà À.È., Ïàëèé Í.Þ., Õëîïîâà Ò.Ï. (2003). Ïðàêòè÷åñêèå àñïåêòû ñîçäàíèÿ
ðåãèîíàëüíîé ñòðóêòóðû âíåäðåíèÿ êîìïüþòåðèçèðîâàííîé ó÷åáíî-ìåòîäè÷åñêîé
ïðîäóêöèè. Èíôîðìàòèçàöèÿ ñåëüñêîé øêîëû. Òðóäû íàó÷íî-ìåòîäè÷åñêîãî ñèìïîçèóìà
(Àíàïà, 22-26 ñåíòÿáðÿ 2003 ã.). Ìîñêâà: Èçäàòåëüñòâî, ñ. 200-203.
Ðîññèéñêèé ïîðòàë îòêðûòîãî îáðàçîâàíèÿ: îáó÷åíèå, îïûò, îðãàíèçàöèÿ (2003). Îòâ.ðåä.
Â.È. Ñîëäàòêèí. Ìîñêâà: ÌÃÈÓ, 508ñ.
Õëîïîâà Ò.Ï. (2005). Íàó÷íî-ìåòîäè÷åñêèå îñíîâû ìîäåëèðîâàíèÿ óïðàâëåíèÿ êà÷åñòâîì
îáðàçîâàíèÿ íà óðîâíå ðåãèîíà. Àâòîðåô äèññ. ... êàíä. ïåä íàóê. Ñòàâðîïîëü, 21ñ.
Volume 1, 2007
144 Summary
The problems of quality management of professional training, and also the analysis of the
pedagogical, philosophical and special literature on management confirm existence of contra-
dictions between the theory of quality management of professional training and practice
requirements. One of the cores, in our opinion, is the contradiction between traditional kinds
of educational methodical maintenance and need of practice for other forms of representation
and processing of information materials. In particular, it is a question of introduction in
educational process of information-computer technologies (ICT).
Today, ICT is a main part in all spheres of human activity and, first of all, an education. In
educational institutions the amount of computer techniques, the size of telecommunication
networks constantly increases, the systems of remote training appears. It causes the applica-
tion of computer lecture demonstrations, virtual laboratory works, multimedia textbooks, etc.
which compete to traditional types of training. The results of the pedagogical experiment lead
by authors show, that the use of the various innovative technologies increases efficiency of
educational process.
At the Kuban state technological university on faculty of physics the works on creation of a
telecommunication educational system on physics are heled. The major problem at designing
a telecommunication educational system was a selection of the contents of a teaching material
according to programs, plans, specificity of professional training, with the offered purpose and
a technique of its subsequent use. At that the contents of a telecommunication educational
system should satisfy to training principles: systems, availability and the presentation. Except
for educational methodical materials the system includes an opportunity of distance interactive
interaction between participants of educational process (e-mail, forums, chats).
Training with the use of system are applying in all forms of training (internal, correspondence,
distance learning). Upon the whole the telecommunication system should provide all traditional
kinds of study in high school (lecture, seminars, laboratory works), scientific research work,
self-preparation, course and degree designing, tests and examinations, etc. On the didactic
purposes the it should provide the formation of knowledge and skills, offering of the educa-
tional information, fixing of the received knowledge, quality control of their digestion, perfection
of skills.
At the Kuban state technological university it has been carried out psychological and pedagogi-
cal research by authors. Experiment has shown, that students of experimental group demon-
strate more favorable mental conditions after educational studies in comparison with students
of control group. Thus the main distinction consists in mental activation, that is the students
involved in management by educational process, in essentially smaller degree feel weariness
and listlessness after study.
Key words: information-computer technologies (ICT), telecommunication educational system.
Volume 1, 2007
Volume 1, 2007
Volume 1, 2007
Volume 1, 2007
Volume 1, 2007