Identity Theft and Your Social Security Number: SSA - Gov
Identity Theft and Your Social Security Number: SSA - Gov
Identity Theft and Your Social Security Number: SSA - Gov
Identity theft is one of the fastest
growing crimes in America. A dishonest
person who has your Social Security
number can use it to get other personal
information about you. Identity thieves
can use your number and your good
credit to apply for more credit in
your name. Then, when they use the
credit cards and don’t pay the bills, it
damages your credit. You may not find
out that someone is using your number
until you’re turned down for credit, or
you begin to get calls from unknown
creditors demanding payment for items
you never bought.
Someone illegally using your Social
Security number and assuming your
identity can cause a lot of problems.
How might someone steal
your number?
Identity thieves get your personal
information by:
• Stealing wallets, purses, and your
mail (bank and credit card statements,
pre-approved credit offers, new
checks, and tax information).
• Stealing personal information you
provide to an unsecured site online,
from business or personnel records
at work, and personal information in
your home.
• Rummaging through your trash, the
trash of businesses, and public trash
dumps for personal data.
• Buying personal information from
“inside” sources. For example,
an identity thief may pay a store
employee for information about you
that appears on an application for
goods, services, or credit.
• Posing by phone or email as
someone who legitimately needs
information about you, such as
employers, landlords, or government
Visit to report
identity theft and get a recovery plan. guides you through
each step of the recovery process.
It’s a one-stop resource managed by
the Federal Trade Commission, the
nation’s consumer protection agency.
You can also call 1-877-IDTHEFT
(1-877-438-4338); TTY 1-866-653-4261.
You may want to contact the Internal
Revenue Service (IRS). An identity thief
also might use your Social Security
number to file a tax return to receive
your refund. If you’re eligible for a
refund, a thief could file a tax return
before you do and get your refund.
Then, when you do file, the IRS will
think you already received your refund.
If your Social Security number is stolen,
another person may use it to get a job.
That person’s employer would report
earned income to the IRS using your
Social Security number. This will make
it appear that you didn’t report all of
your income on your tax return. If you
think you may have tax issues because
someone has stolen your identity, go to
or call 1-800-908-4490.
Also, you should file an online complaint
with the Internet Crime Complaint
Center (IC3) at
The IC3 gives victims of cybercrime a
convenient and easy-to-use reporting
mechanism that alerts authorities of
suspected criminal or civil violations.
4 (over)
IC3 sends every complaint to one or
more law enforcement or regulatory
agencies with jurisdiction.
IC3’s mission is to receive, develop, and
refer criminal complaints regarding the
rapidly expanding arena of cybercrime.
The IC3 serves the broader law
enforcement community that combats
internet crime. This includes federal,
state, local, and international agencies.
The IC3 reflects a partnership between
the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the
National White Collar Crime Center, and
the Bureau of Justice Assistance.
You should also monitor your
credit report periodically. You can
get free credit reports online at
• If you intend to avoid the law or any
legal responsibility.
If you decide to apply for a new number,
you’ll need to prove your identity, age,
and U.S. citizenship or immigration
status. For more information, ask
for Your Social Security Number and
Card (Publication Number 05-10002).
You’ll also need to provide evidence
that you’re having ongoing problems
because of the misuse.
Keep in mind that a new number
probably won’t solve all your problems.
This is because other governmental
agencies (such as the IRS and state
motor vehicle agencies) and private
businesses (such as banks and credit
reporting companies) will have records
under your old number. Along with other
personal information, credit reporting
companies use the number to identify
your credit record. So using a new
number won’t guarantee you a fresh
start. This is especially true if your other
personal information, such as your
name and address, remains the same.
If you receive a new Social Security
number, you shouldn’t use the old
number anymore.
For some victims of identity theft, a new
number actually creates new problems.
If the old credit information isn’t
associated with your new number, the
absence of any credit history under your
new number may make it more difficult
for you to get credit.
Contacting Social Security
The most convenient way to do
business with us from anywhere, on any
device, is to visit There
are several things you can do online:
apply for benefits; get useful information;
find publications; and get answers to
frequently asked questions.
Or, you can call us toll-free at
1-800-772-1213 or at 1-800-325-0778
(TTY) if you’re deaf or hard of hearing.
We can answer your call from 7 a.m. to
7 p.m., weekdays. You can also use
our automated services via telephone,
24 hours a day. We look forward to
serving you.