Influence of Natura One and Neem Oil On Growth and Yield of Brinjal Solanum Melongena

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Rakibuzzaman et al. (2019) / J. Biosci. Agric. Res. 20(02): 1694-1699


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Vol. 20, Issue 02: 1694-1699
Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research

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Influence of natura one and neem oil on growth and yield of

brinjal (Solanum melongena)
M. Rakibuzzaman, A. K. Mahato, M. A. Husna, M. Maliha and A. F. M. Jamal Uddin
Dept. of Horticulture, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh.

✉ For any information: [email protected]

Article received: 13.02.19; Revised: 24.03.19; First published online: 14 April 2019.


An experiment was accomplished at the horticultural farm, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University,

Dhaka, Bangladesh during to evaluate the effect neem oil and natura one for brinjal production.
The experiment conducted with four treatments viz. Control (T0), Natura-one (T1), Neem oil (T2)
and Neem oil+ Natura one (T3) following Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three
replicates. This study was carried out to examine different characters like plant height, number of
branch, infested branch, branch infestation (%), number leaves/plant, chlorophyll percentage,
number of flower/plant, number of fruit/plant, infested fruit, fruit infestation (%), yield/plant (kg),
yield/ha (ton) and yield increase (%) over control of brinjal. Lower infested shoot and fruits (0.2
and 0.2 plant-1, respectively) and percentage (11.9 and 16.9, respectively) were found in T3. Highest
yield (57.3 t ha-1) and increased yield percentage over control (13.47%) were also found in T 3
treatment. In view of overall performances, foliar application of neem oil and natura one has
potentiality to combat the insect damage as well increase yield.
Key Words: Neem oil, Natura one, Infestation, Shoot and fruit borer

Cite Article: M. Rakibuzzaman; A. K. Mahato; M. A. Husna; M. Maliha and A. F. M. Jamal Uddin (2019).
Influence of natura one and neem oil on growth and yield of brinjal (Solanum melongena). Journal of
Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 20(02), 1694-1699.

Article distributed under terms of a Creative Common Attribution 4.0 International License.

I. Introduction
Brinjal (Solanum melongena) known as eggplant belongs to the Solanaceae family and is one of the most
common and popular vegetable in the world (Harish et al. 2011). In Bangladesh, brinjal is considered as
the second most important vegetables crop in respect of production. Brinjal production is increasing
day by day. Its yield potential is very low compared to other countries due to incidence of insect pests
(Das et al. 2000). Farmers shows tendency of chemical fertilization to increase yield as well as control
the insect pests. To control the insect as well as improve the crop growth and development, application
of pesticides and chemicals against insects is not cost effective and environment friendly. Nowadays, a
great consideration is focused on the possibility of fertilization for promoting growth and yield of
vegetables crop especially for brinjal.
Published with open access at
EISSN: 2312-7945, © 2019 The Authors, Research paper
Growth and yield of brinjal affected by natura and neem oil

Organic fertilizers and manure or thermophilic compost have long been recognized as effective means
of production (Zaller et al. 2004) and suppressing plant diseases (Hoitink and Fahy, 1986). Organic
fertilizers contain high amount of nutrients, it is reasonable that these fertilizers could also be used as
foliar fertilizers. The application of aqueous compost extracts has been shown to most prominent to
increase yield (Al-Dahmani et al. 2003). In addition, foliar spray is an effective way of supplying
nutrients to higher plants in a rapid manner rather than methods of involving soil and root application
(Marschner, 1995). Foliar application of nutrient is much more effective than soil application (Grundon,
1980) and increase yield (Powlson et al.1989). Furthermore, one of the prominent factors to reduce
yield and quality of vegetables is insect and pest attack. Brinjal shoot and fruit borer (Leucinodes
arbonalis) is the serious insect for brinjal production which damage brinjal fruit more than 31-86% in
Bangladesh (Alam, 2003). Farmers spray insecticides which are expensive and also harmful for farmers
and consumers health as well as the whole environment. Neem oil is responsible for the toxic, repellent,
antifeedant, growth-inhibiting, oviposition-inhibiting and sterilizing effects in insects (Mordue and
Nisbet, 2000). Therefore, present investigation was designed to evaluate the neem oil and natura-one
for quality brinjal production.

II. Materials and Methods

The experiment was conducted at the horticultural farm, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka,
Bangladesh during July 2018 to December 2018 to evaluate the neem oil and natura one following
Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replicates. Charki brinjal variety was used in
this experiment. The experiment comprised with four treatments viz. Control (T 0), Natura-one (T1),
Neem oil (T2) and Neem oil+ Natura-one (T3). Natura one, a liquid biofertlizer, was collected from japan
and 25 days old seedlings and neem oil were collected from local market. There were 8 seedlings
transplanted in each plot and the size of each unit plot was 3.0 m × 1.0 m; line to line and plot to plot
distances were 0.5 m and 1.0 m respectively while plant to plant distance was 60 cm. Manure and
fertilizers were applied according to the recommendations of Bangladesh Agricultural Research
Institute (BARI) (Mondal et al. 2011). Intercultural operations and watering was done as and when
necessary. In case of foliar application, natura one @ 10 ml L-1 and neem oil @ 5ml L-1 with liquid soap
were applied as treatment. Data on plant height, number of branch, infested branch no., branch
infestation (%), no. of leaves/plant, chlorophyll percentage (using SPAD-5 Chlorophyll meter), no. of
flower/plant, no. of fruit/plant, no. of infested fruit, fruit infestation (%), fruit length (cm), fruit diameter
(mm), single fruit weight(g), yield/plant (kg), yield/ha (ton) and yield increase (%) were recorded and
arranged accordingly for analysis done by MSTAT-C computer program. Differences between varieties
were evaluated by Least Significance Difference Test (LSD) at 5% level of significance (Gomez and
Gomez, 1984).

III. Results and Discussion

Plant height
Different treatment showed significant impact on plant height of brinjal. The tallest brinjal plant (85.3
cm) was attained from natura one and neem oil combination whereas the shortest plant (68.7 cm) was
recorded from control treatment (Figure 01). Height of the plant studied significant variation applied
bio-fertilizers (Doifode and Nandkar, 2014). The foliar application of combination of vermiwash with
neem oil, increased the brinjal plant growth (Tiwari and Singh, 2015).
Number of leaves
Number of leaves expressed significant inequality in brinjal plants grown under different foliar
application. Plants with natura one and neem oil (T3) treatment showed maximum number of leaves
(41.0) whereas the minimum (29.0) was found in control (T0) treatment (Figure 01).

Rakibuzzaman et al. (2019) / J. Biosci. Agric. Res. 20(02): 1694-1699

100 (a) (b)

90 T0 T1 T2 T3 T0 T1 T2 T3
80 40
70 35
Plant height (cm)

Number of leaves
60 30
50 25
40 20
30 15
20 10
10 5
0 0
30 DAT 45 DAT 60 DAT 75 DAT 90 DAT 30 DAT 45 DAT 60 DAT 75 DAT 90 DAT
Days after transplanting Days after transplanting

Figure 01. Influence of Neem oil and Natura one on (a) brinjal plant height and (b) number of
leaves at different days after transplanting.

Table 01. Influence of different treatment application on branch and fruit characteristics in
No. of
Chlorophyll Number Infected Infestation No. of Infestation
Treatment Infected
(%) of Branch branch (%) Fruit/plant (%)
37.5 d 9.0 d 3.0 a 37.0 a 11.0 b 4.3 a 38.0 a
44.2 b 12.7 b 2.3 b 24.9 b 12.7 a 3.3 b 30.9 b
40.2 c 10.7 c 1.8 b 21.9 c 11.7 b 2.8 b 24.2 c
T3 48.5 a 14.7 a 0.2 c 11.9 d 13.3 a 0.2 c 16.9 d

CV% 9.1 4.9 16.0 2.2 3.1 9.8 2.9

LSD 1.7 1.2 0.7 1.0 0.7 0.7 1.6

Number of branch
Different foliar application significantly affected on producing the total number of branch. More
effective treatment to produce maximum number of branch was found from T 3 (14.7) and minimum
(9.0) from T0 (Table 01). Eifediyi et al. (2015) was also found the similar result.
Number of infected branch
Minimum infected branch was found in T3 (0.2) and the maximum infected (3.0) was found from control
(T0) treatment (Table 01). Ashadul et al. (2012) reported neem leaf extract @ 50 gl-1 water were more
effective to reduce shoot infestation.
Infestation (%)
Maximum shoot infestation was found from T0 (37.0%), while the minimum from T3 (11.9%) (Table 01).
Rosaih, R. (2001) studied that different botanicals against pest complex of brinjal were evaluated where
NSKE 5% recorded least shoot damage (15.61%). Sharma et al. (2010) found lesser infestation by
Leucinodes orbonalis in brinjal due to application of neem oil.
Flower number per plant
Number of flower was significantly varied with different treatments. Plants bearing Maximum number
(23.0) of flower found in T3 (natura one + neem oil) and minimum number of flowers (15.3) observed
in (T0) control treatment (Table 02). Bahadoran et al. (2016) studied that foliar application of organic

Published with open access at
EISSN: 2312-7945, © 2019 The Authors, Research paper
Growth and yield of brinjal affected by natura and neem oil

fertilizers increase flower number and quality. Sujay A. et al. (2014) observed the numbers of flowers
were significantly varied with neem oil treatment.
Number of fruits per plant
The number of fruits per plant of brinjal was observed the significant variation with different foliar
application. Maximum number of fruits per plant was found from T 3 (13.3) and minimum number of
fruits per plant (11.0) was found T0 (Table 01). Fruit number varied with organic fertilizers treatment
(Mehraj et al. 2014) and botanical extract like neem leaf (Azad et al. 2012).
Number of Infested Fruits per plant
The minimum number of fruit infestation was found from T3 (0.2) and maximum number of infested
fruits (4.3) found in T0 (Table 01). Umamahesh et al. (2018) studied against brinjal shoot and fruit borer
using neem cake, vermicompost and management practices and observed that, fruit infestation
decreased due to neem cake.
Infestation (%)
The minimum fruits infestation percentage by Leucinodes arbonalis was observed from T3 (16.9)
whereas maximum from T0 (38.0) (Table 01). Application of trap and peak neem afforded 47.70%
protection against fruit damage (Dutta et al. 2011). Eloy et al. (2017) also studied the neem oil for insect
management to reduce the fruit damage. This might be activity of bio-pesticides and organic fertilizer
which decreases the infestation.
Yield per plant
The maximum weight of total fruit was found from T3 (2.25 kg) and the minimum weight of total fruits
was found from T0 (1.81kg) which was statistically followed by T2 (1.85 kg) (Table 02). Combination of
natura one and neem oil treatment were more effective for obtaining the maximum production of brinjal
fruit plant-1.This is due to less infestation and more healthy branch and fruit were originated under this
treatment which ultimately increases fruits yield.
Yield and yield increase over control
The minimum yield of brinjal was found from (50.5 t ha-1) and maximum yield T0 (57.3 t ha-1) was found
from T3 which was (13.47%) higher yield over control treatment (Table 02). These result revealed that
bio-fertilizers (natura one) produced the maximum yield of brinjal and due to application of neem oil
combat the shoot and fruit damage against insect.
Table 02. Foliar application of different treatment on flower number and yield attributes of brinjal

Yield increase over

Treatment Flower/plant Yield/ plant (kg) Yield/ha (ton)
control/ha (%)

T0 15.3 d 1.81 b 50.5 d _

T1 20.7 b 1.91 ab 54.2 b 7.33
T2 18.0 c 1.85 b 51.6 c 2.18
T3 23.0 a 2.25 a 57.3 a 13.47
CV% 5.1 9.31 0.3
LSD 2.0 0.03 0.3

IV. Conclusion
Neem oil showed effective performance to combat shoot and fruit borer and natura one (bio-fertilizer)
to increase growth attributes among all the treatment. In addition, mixing of natura one and neem oil
application showed superior performances to decrease infestation and increase the yield. So, it can be
said that foliar spray of neem oil and natura one would be the prominent way to reduce the infestation
as well as increase yield.
Rakibuzzaman et al. (2019) / J. Biosci. Agric. Res. 20(02): 1694-1699

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Rakibuzzaman, et al. “Influence of natura one and neem oil on growth and yield of brinjal (Solanum
melongena).” Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research 20(02) (2019): 1694-1699.

Rakibuzzaman, M., Mahato, A. K., Husna, M. A., Maliha, M. and Jamal Uddin, A. F. M. (2019). Influence of
natura one and neem oil on growth and yield of brinjal (Solanum melongena). Journal of Bioscience and
Agriculture Research, 20(02), 1694-1699.

Rakibuzzaman, M., Mahato, A. K., Husna, M. A., Maliha, M. and Jamal Uddin, A. F. M. “Influence of natura
one and neem oil on growth and yield of brinjal (Solanum melongena).” Journal of Bioscience and
Agriculture Research 20(02) (2019): 1694-1699.

Rakibuzzaman, M., Mahato, A. K., Husna, M. A., Maliha, M. and Jamal Uddin, A. F. M. 2019. Influence of
natura one and neem oil on growth and yield of brinjal (Solanum melongena). Journal of Bioscience and
Agriculture Research, 20(02), pp. 1694-1699.

Rakibuzzaman M, Mahato, AK, Husna, MA, Maliha, M. and Jamal Uddin, AFM. Influence of natura one and
neem oil on growth and yield of brinjal (Solanum melongena). Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture
Research. 2019 April 20(02): 1694-1699.


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