(Blood Sugar) Analysis Report Card: Actual Testing Results
(Blood Sugar) Analysis Report Card: Actual Testing Results
(Blood Sugar) Analysis Report Card: Actual Testing Results
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(5)Excessive loss of blood sugar, genetic enzyme deficiency, glycogen synthase deficiency,
kidney-yang deficiency type diabetes, etc.
Parameter Description
Coefficient of Insulin Secretion:
Insulin is a kind of protein hormone. Pancreatic β-cells are secreted into insulin in the body.
Beside the duodenum of the body, there is a long-shaped organ called as pancreas. Many cell
masses are scattered in the pancreas, and the cell mass is called as pancreatic islet. There are about
100 to 200 million pancreatic islets in the pancreas. Islet cells are divided into the following
categories in accordance with their functions for secreting hormones: (1) B-cell (β cells),
accounting for about 60% to 80% of islet cells, and secreting insulin which can lower blood sugar.
(2) A cell (α cells), accounting for about 24% to 40% of islet cells, and secreting glucagon which
has the contrary role of insulin and can increase blood sugar. (3) D cell, accounting for about 6%
to 15% of the total number of islet cells, and secreting growth hormone-inhibiting hormone. Due
to viral infection, autoimmune, genetic and other disease factors, the pathophysiology of diabetes
patients is mainly caused by relative or absolute lack of insulin activity and relative or absolute
excess glucagon activity, namely B and A cell bilateral hormone dysfunction. Insulin-dependent
diabetes in which insulin-secreting cells are in severe damage or complete absence, such as lower
endogenous insulin secretion, needs exogenous insulin therapy. In non-insulin-dependent diabetes,
insulin secretion disorder is lighter, the concentration of basal insulin is normal or is elevated,
insulin secretion is generally lower than that of persons of the corresponding weight after glucose
stimulation, namely the relative lack of insulin. The insulin secretion function has an important
reference value in diabetes diagnosis, classification, treatment, prognosis and predication for high-
risk groups whether they will have diabetes in future. Both clinicians and researchers attach
importance to its assessment. The level of insulin secretion is impacted by both insulin resistance
and β cell function.
Blood Sugar Coefficient:
Blood sugar refers to the glucose in blood. Other types of sugar, such as sugar, disaccharide and
polysaccharides can be called as glucose after they are converted into glucose to enter into blood.
The blood glucose concentration of the healthy human body is also in a stable and balanced state.
Once the balance is destroyed, such as abnormally increased glucose, diabetes will appear.
Urine Sugar Coefficient:
Urine sugar refers to the sugar in urine, mainly refering to the glucose in urine. The healthy human
body's urine sugar is little, it can not be measured by the general method, so the healthy human
body's urine sugar is negative or there is no sugar in urine. In the healthy human body, only when
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blood sugar is over 160 ~ 180mg/dl, more sugar can be excreted from the urine to form urine
sugar. Therefore, the blood sugar level determines the presence or absence of urine sugar.
The test results for reference only and not as a diagnostic conclusion.
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