Daily Progress Report Geology/Geotechnical Section: Tarbela Hydropower Project. Extention-5

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Daily Progress Report

Geology/Geotechnical Section
 Project Key Summary
Project: Tarbela Hydropower Project. Extention-5 Project Code:
Work: Geotechnical Investigations Date: 21-11-2021
Deputy Project
Anser- Warraich Team Leader: Mr. Mark-Gill
Start Date: Completion Date: -----

Duration: Location: T-5 HPP Tarbela

Working Hours 8:00 am-5:00pm Over time work 5:00pm-7:00pm

 Team
Consultant Contractor
Principal Geologist: Mr Muhammad Abdullah Geologist 2 Asist. Drillers 2
Principal Geotech. Eng. Saeed Ahmad Drillers 3 Labour 4
Sr. Geologist: Mr. Shahid Saleem
Team Foreman 1 Driver 1
Sr. Geologist: Mr. Aamir Raza
Jr. Geologist: Mr. Sulman Younas Project Manager Mechanic 4
Jr. Geologist: Mr. Kamran Yaqoob

 Work Summary
Location Progress
 The common excavation is in progress in weathered rock by excavator and jack hammer at intake
shaft area.
 The D9 dozer working at site for excavation activities.
 A SD22 dozer also working at site for excavation activities.
 During excavation collected discontinuity data of one location.
 Drilling activity for blast at elevation EL:492~485m.
 A blast carried out at elevation EL:487~495m.
Intake Area:  Excavation activity is in progress at elevation 486~490m.
 INT-BH-04A: Drilling activity at INT-BH-04A has been started with 76 mm double tube
core. Drilled portion is 56.0m to 57.0m. Reaming shell pieces retrieved from the bottom. No
core recovered because the broken pieces of the reaming shell still exists at the bottom and
causing core to washout.
 As per advice of Mr. Gareth the geology team has taken photographs and observed the intake
shaft slopes towards the reservoir by using boat, because the reservoir level falls enough, many
important geological features have observed, which will be communicate to all concerned

 PH-BH-01 The PCCL has start drilling without submitting RFI, by non-coring rig
Casagrande up to top of rock without intimate to T5C. While the purpose of hole was to
determine permeability of soil and performing the SPT, rock types and properties in
penstock/ powerhouse back slopes. As mentioned in the given GI plan.
Powerhouse Area:
 PH-BH-02: The drilling with 76mm is continue against the instructions and GI plan, A
draft SI-04 has been emailed for review and to issue to PCCL on continuous negligence/
 Geology team of T5C has observed the water levels at tailrace area and from recent boreholes of

Penstock Area  At PST-BH-01 drilling not yet started.

 PST-BH-02 The PCCL has start drilling without submitting RFI, by non-coring rig
Casagrande up to rock top without intimate to T5C. While the purpose of the was to
determine the depth and properties of superficial materials. Assess the nature of natural/
man made sandy alluvial materials in slopes with permeability/ lugeon in rock.
 The PST-BH-04: Logging is complete will be sent on Monday after review.
 The hole was drilled without casing and testing, core recovery is undesirable therefore as per
discussion in meeting the NCR has been issued on 16/11/2021, but contractor has not responded.
 T5 outlet/ penstock slopes:
 Excavation activity is in progress at 1st slope at elevation 488~491m.
 A blast carried out at elevation :497~489m.
 Drilling for blast is in progress at EL:495m~500m.

 At switchyard area the remaining cuttings of trees/shrubs along nullah and topo survey is in
Switchyard Area: progress.
 Undersigned and Shahid has started geomorphological mapping at west side of SW area.

 Water level in the following boreholes has been observed by T5C geologists.
 Tailrace water level = 347.60m.
BH-No Ground EL Water Table Water EL
PH-BH-04 367.20 18.49 348.71
PH-BH-05 367.80 19.82 34798
PH-BH-06 367.00 19.78 347.22
INT-BH-04 477.50 - -

Principal Geological/Geotechnical Engineer: Muhammad Abdullah:

Daily Progress Report

Geology/Geotechnical Section

Drilling Progress Table: Table

Hole Casing
Angle Water
Sr. No Location. B.H.No. Dia Depth Drilling Progress(m) Remarks:
(°) Level(m)
(mm) (m)
From To Total Start End
1 Intake INT-BH-04 96 2.80 90 - - Drilling rig SY-4 has demobilized.
Drilling with 76mm dia instead of 96
2 Intake INT-BH-04A 141 54.0 90 56.0 57.0 57.0 - - mm dia, triple TCB or 131mm dia.
No response has received on NCR from
3 Penstock PST-BH-04 76 - 90 30.0 30.0 30.0 -
Below 6 m casing of 141 mm dia,
drilling is in progress with 76 mm,
without permission and supervision of
4 Powerhouse PH-BH-02 141 6.0 60 6.0 6.0 6.0 - -
T5C geologist against the VO and GI
plan. A SI has drafted and forwarded for

Photographs are showing

PCCL is shifting rig SY 400 from INT- NH- BS-04A by crane

Photographs are showing excavation work in different elevations at intake shaft area:

Marking of hole locations for drilling

Photograph is showing excavation work at Penstock:

The PCCL has start drilling at PH-BH-01 without submitting RFI, by non-coring rig Casagrande, without intimate to

Photographs are showing adjoining streams at switchyard area covered with huge vegetation

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