Repair Instructions: Type Tut 4-, 5-Stage Centrifugal Pumps Grease or Oil Lubricated Ball Bearings
Repair Instructions: Type Tut 4-, 5-Stage Centrifugal Pumps Grease or Oil Lubricated Ball Bearings
Repair Instructions: Type Tut 4-, 5-Stage Centrifugal Pumps Grease or Oil Lubricated Ball Bearings
New Equipment manufactured by Seller or Service Seller's liability for breach of these warranties
supplied by Seller is warranted to be free from (or for breach of any other warranties found by a
defects in material and workmanship under normal court of competent jurisdiction to have been
use and service for a period of one year from date of given by Seller) shall be limited to:
shipment. In the case of spare or replacement parts (a) accepting return of such Equipment
manufactured by Seller, the warranty period shall be FCA Plant of Manufacture (CPT under
for a period of twelve months from shipment. Incoterms 2000), and
Seller's obligation under this warranty is limited to (b) refunding any amount paid thereon
repairing or replacing, at its option, any part found to by Purchaser (less depreciation at the
its satisfaction to be so defective, provided that such rate of 15% per year if Purchaser has
part is, upon request, returned to Seller's factory used Equipment for more than thirty [30]
from which it was shipped, transportation prepaid. days), and canceling any balance still
Parts replaced under warranty shall be warranted owing on the Equipment.
only from date of repair. This warranty does not (c) in the case of Service, at Seller's
cover parts damaged by decomposition from option, redoing the Service, or refunding
chemical action or wear caused by abrasive the purchase order amount of the Service
materials, nor does it cover damage resulting from or portion thereof upon which such
misuse, accident, neglect or from improper liability is based.
operation, maintenance, installation, modification or
adjustment. This warranty does not cover parts These warranties are expressly in lieu of any
repaired outside Seller's factory without prior written other warranties, express or implied, and Seller
approval. Seller makes no warranty as to starting specifically disclaims any implied warranty of
equipment, electrical apparatus or other material not merchantability or fitness for a particular
of its manufacture. If Purchaser or others repair, purpose, and in lieu of any other obligation or
replace, or adjust Equipment or parts without Seller's liability on the part of the Seller whether a claim
prior written approval, Seller is relieved of any further is based upon negligence, breach of warranty, or
obligation to Purchaser under this section with any other theory or cause of action. In no event
respect to such Equipment or parts, unless such shall Seller be liable for any consequential,
repair, replacement, or adjustment was made after incidental, indirect, special or punitive damages
Seller failed to satisfy within a reasonable time of any kind.
Seller's obligations under this Paragraph.
of the manufacturer and may also result in bodily 2883819
injury as well as property damage. Rev.10-04
Do not operate this pump at any pressure, flow rate or without the consent of Peerless Pump Company or its
liquid temperature other than those for which the pump authorized representatives. Disregard of this warning can
was originally purchased. Do not pump any other liquid result in pump failure and serious personal injury or death.
than the one for which the pump was originally purchased
bearings (16, 18), or the oil seal (107).
Shut down pumps. Temporarily disable the pump driver
before starting any repairs. Refer to Bulletin No. 2880549 e. Loosen and remove bearing locknut (22 and lock
for the procedure to follow. washer (69A).
f. Remove bearings as described in Figure No. 4.
1-1. Disengage the coupling halves. If pin and rubber g. Carefully remove shaft collars (68) (if present) and
bushing type, remove the pins; if other type, refer to the bearing covers (35). Use care not to damage cover gasket
coupling manufacturer’s instructions. Disconnect plumbing (73B) or oil seal (107).
from water-cooled bearings. NOTE
Clearance between collar and shaft is approximately 0.002
1-2. PUMP. (See figure 1 or 2.) Disassemble pump (to the
inch. Use care when removing not to cock or force, as this
extent required) as follows: will score the shaft.
NOTE h. Withdraw casing rings (7, 7A) from lowest stage
Disassembly and reassembly instructions for both type impellers. On most pumps, these may be withdrawn
pumps are included in this bulletin. Disregard the instruct- before removing the coupling half.
ions which do not apply to the specific pump being i. Remove water deflector (40), gland flanges (17D),
repaired. packing (13), lantern rings (29) (not used on 5-stage
a. Remove the nuts from the gland bolts (17B), withdraw pump) and stuffing box bushings (63). Make note of the
gland flanges (17D) and remove glands (17) from the shaft number of packing rungs on each side of the lantern rings.
(6). The gland halves are separable. j. Loosen the shaft sleeve (14) set screws near impeller
hub. With a spanner wrench, turn the inboard sleeve in the
b. Remove all nuts or cap screws from the upper casing same direction as shaft rotation to remove (shaft has right-
(1B) and from the bearing caps (41). and left-hand threads on opposite sides of impeller).
c. Screw down the jackscrews alternately and evenly to NOTE
separate the upper and lower casings. Turn the jack- A seal between the shaft and sleeve is made with a rubber
screws back after the case halves have separated to avoid O-ring in a groove in the sleeve. Use care not to damage
interference at reassembly. the O-ring.
d. Match mark and remove both bearing caps (41).
k. Support the back side of first stage impeller (2) with a
e. Attach a hoist to the eye bolts (customer furnished) or to split ring on the base of a suitable arbor press. Shift the
a sling through external cross-over to lift upper casing inter stage bushing (113A) toward third stage impeller so
(1B). Do not use eye bolts to lift pump! that support ring bears on impeller close to shaft (6).
f. Place slings around the shaft near the bearing housings Carefully press shaft through impeller (2).
and lift rotating element from lower casing (1A). Tap l. Take off inter stage bushing (113A) and remove casing
lightly on the underside of the bearing housings (31 and ring (7) and impeller key (32).
33) to separate the housings from the brackets. m. Similarly support second stage impeller (2A) with split
g. Place rotating element in a convenient work place. ring, press shaft through impeller and remove key (32).
1-3. ROTATING ELEMENT. Remove the plugs and drain Remove casing ring (7A) and inter stage bushing (113A).
oil from the oil lubricated bearings. Remove constant- n. Support third (2) and fourth stage impellers (2A) in
level oilers (125) and pipe nipples. (Not required for same manner, press shaft through inter stage sleeve (58,
grease lubricated bearings.) Proceed as follows: 58A) and impeller, then remove keys (32).
a. Loosen set screw and remove the coupling half. Tap o. Remove fifth stage impeller in the same manner.
from the back of the hub or use a puller. Remove coupling p. Press shaft through inter stage sleeve (58) and remove
key (46). key (128), or balancing disc (56) last.
b. Loosen set screws on the water deflector (40A). 1-4. CLEANING. Clean all metal parts (except bearings)
c. Remove cap screws or stud nuts from bearing covers with a solvent. Use a bristle brush (NOT metal or wire) to
(35) and separate covers from housings (31) and (33). remove tightly adhering deposits. A fiber scraper may be
used to remove the gasket and shellac from casing
(Use care not to damage the oil seal (107) used with oil
lubricated bearings.) See figure 3.
a. Blow dry with clean, dry, compressed air.
d. Lightly tap around housings (31,33) to remove. Do not
cock or force housings off, as to do so may damage the b. Clean bearings as described in 1-5.
2883819 2
Rev. 1-85
Parts List
Item Description Item Description
No. No.
1A Lower Casing 33 Outboard Bearing Housing
1B Upper Casing 35 Bearing Cover
2 Right Hand Impeller 40 Water Deflector
2A Left Hand Impeller 41 Bearing Cap
6 Shaft 46 Coupling Key
7 Right Hand Casing Ring 58 Inter stage Sleeve
7A Left Hand Casing Ring 58A Inter stage Sleeve A
13 Packing 63 Stuffing Box Bushing
14 Shaft Sleeve 68 Shaft Collar
16 Outboard Bearing 69A Bearing Lock washer
17 Packing Gland 73A Casing Gasket (Not Shown)
17B Gland Bolt 73B Bearing Cover Gasket
18 Outboard Bearing 113 Inter stage Bushing
22 Bearing Locknut 113A Inter stage Bushing - A
29 Lantern Ring 127 Seal Piping
31 Inboard Bearing Housing 128 Inter stage Sleeve Key
32 Impeller Key 130 Shaft Sleeve “O”-Ring
3 2883819
Parts List
Item No. Description Item No. Description
1A Lower Casing 35 Bearing Cover
1B Upper Casing 40 Water Deflector
2 Right Hand Impeller 41 Bearing Cap
2A Left Hand Impeller 46 Coupling Key
6 Shaft 58 Inter stage Sleeve
7 Right Hand Casing Ring 58A Inter stage Sleeve A
7A Left Hand Casing Ring 63 Stuffing Box Bushing
13 Packing 68 Shaft Collar
14 Shaft Sleeve 69A Bearing Lock washer
16 Outboard Bearing 73A Casing Gasket (Not Shown)
17 Packing Gland 73B Bearing Cover Gasket
17B Gland Bolt 107A Oil Retaining Shield
18 Outboard Bearing 113 Inter stage Bushing
22 Bearing Locknut 113A Inter stage Bushing - A
29 Lantern Ring 125 Constant Level Oiler (Not Shown)
31 Inboard Bearing Housing 127 Seal Piping
32 Impeller Key 128 Inter stage Sleeve Key
33 Outboard Bearing Housing 130 Shaft Sleeve “O”-Ring
Coolant flow per bearing is 1 US GPM @ 50 Psig maximum, coolant temperature 90º F. . maximum. Normal
coolant medium is water
2883819 4
Rev. 1-85
Parts List
Item Description Item Description
No. No.
1A Lower Casing 33 Outboard Bearing Housing
1B Upper Casing 35 Bearing Cover
2 Right Hand Impeller 40 Water Deflector
2A Left Hand Impeller 41 Bearing Cap
6 Shaft 46 Coupling Key
7 Right Hand Casing Ring 53 Base
7A Left Hand Casing Ring 56 Balancing Disc
13 Packing 58 Inter stage Sleeve
14 Shaft Sleeve 63 Stuffing Box Bushing
16 Outboard Bearing 68 Shaft Collar
17 Packing Gland 69A Bearing Lock washer
17B Gland Bolt 73A Casing Gasket (Not Shown)
17D Gland Flange 73B Bearing Cover Gasket
18 Outboard Bearing 76 Balance Disc Key
22 Bearing Locknut 113 Inter stage Bushing
29 Lantern Ring 115 Balance Disc Ring
31 Inboard Bearing Housing 127 Seal Piping
32 Impeller Key 130 Shaft Sleeve “O”-Ring
5 2883819
Parts List
Item Description Item Description
No. No.
1A Lower Casing 33 Outboard Bearing Housing
1B Upper Casing 35 Bearing Cover
2 Right Hand Impeller 40 Water Deflector
2A Left Hand Impeller 41 Bearing Cap
6 Shaft 46 Coupling Key
7 Right Hand Casing Ring 53 Base
7A Left Hand Casing Ring 56 Balancing Disc
13 Packing 58 Inter stage Sleeve
14 Shaft Sleeve 63 Stuffing Box Bushing
16 Outboard Bearing 68 Shaft Collar
17 Packing Gland 69A Bearing Lock washer
17B Gland Bolt 73A Casing Gasket (Not Shown)
17D Gland Flange 73B Bearing Cover Gasket
18 Outboard Bearing 76 Balance Disc Key
22 Bearing Locknut 113 Inter stage Bushing
29 Lantern Ring 115 Balance Disc Ring
31 Inboard Bearing Housing 125 Constant Level Oiler (Not Shown)
32 Impeller Key 130 Shaft Sleeve “O”-Ring
Coolant flow per bearing is 1 US GPM @ 50 Psig maximum, coolant temperature 90º F. . maximum. Normal
coolant medium is water
2883819 6
7 2883819
1-5. CLEANING BEARINGS d. Place bearing on a screened surface.
a. Remove bearings from the housings, referring to dis- e. Using a spray gun with air filter and clean Stoddard
assembly instructions. solvent, flush each bearing until all grease and sludge
b. Place bearings in a wire basket, so there is space is removed.
for the cleaning solvent to reach all parts. f. Blow solvent out of bearings with dry filtered air.
c. Immerse the basket in Stoddard solvent or g. Lubricate bearings immediately after cleaning with
equivalent, agitating the basket until grease is light spindle oil and place them in a covered container.
thoroughly loosened and can be flushed out. h. Do not spin bearings any time during cleaning.
2-1. INSPECTION. Visually inspect parts for damage 2-2. REPAIR. Make needed repairs in the following
affecting serviceability or sealing. Emphasize manner:
inspection of mating parts having relative motion – a. If ID of casing ring (7, 7A) is grooved, scored or
wear rings, for example. Perform detail inspection as eccentric, bore to produce a smooth, concentric
follows: surface, replacement of casing ring and impeller ring is
a. Check O-rings and bearing cover gaskets for recommended. Measure and record the new ID.
cracks, nicks or tears; packing rings for excessive b. If impeller rings are defective, or mating casing rings
compression, fraying or shredding, embedded particles require boring, remove old rings by turning in a lathe –
(dirt or metal). Replace if defective in any way. be sure machining is concentric with impeller ID. Use
b. Mount the shaft between lathe centers. Check the care NOT to reduce hub OD.
eccentricity trough out entire length with a dial indicator NOTE
to be not more than .003 inch total indicator reading. For bronze impellers and rings, the ring is shrunk on
Check that threads are clean and sharp. Surfaces on the hub according to standard fit FN-4 or ANSI B4.1
which bearings mount must be smooth, have a finish standards. For pumps of 10-inch discharge and larger,
not less than 32 micro-inches, and have shoulders the rings are also tack welded to the hub at 3 places
square and free from nicks. 120 degrees apart. Hardened impeller rings are
c. Measure the OD of the integral impeller wear installed according to ANSI B4-1 standard fit FN-1.
surfaces and the ID of the casing rings (7 and 7A).
Compute the diametrical clearance (ID minus OD) and c. Install new rings on the impeller (shrink or press
compare with the limit given in Figure No. 5. ID surface depending on material and tack weld if old rings were
of casing ring must be smooth and concentric. For tacked. This ID is factory – machined for proper fit.
pumps equipped with impeller rings, clearances should d. Turn the OD of the new rings to provide the proper
not exceed two times the maximum amount shown for diametrical clearance and to be smooth and concentric
pump type in Figure No. 5. with hub bore. Use clearance limit from Figure No. 5
d. Measure OD of inter stage sleeves (58, 58A) and ID of casing ring from paragraph 2-2a. to compute
(balancing disc (56) and ID of inter stage bushings OD of impeller rings.
(113, 113A). Compute diametrical clearance and e. Replace worn shaft sleeves.
compare with limits given in Figure No. 6. ID surface of f. Straighten or replace shaft having excessive run-out
inter stage bushing must be smooth and concentric. (eccentricity).
Sleeve lands must be free from burrs and flat spots.
e. Examine impeller passages for cracks, dents, INTERSTAGE SLEEVE/BUSHING
gouges or embedded material. DIAMETRICAL CLEARANCE (inches)
f. Check upper and lower casing machined surfaces to 0.008 0.012
be free of burrs or nicks. 0.012 0.015
g. Inspect shaft sleeves (14) for excessive wear. 1-1/2TUT74,1-1/2TUT7G4, 2TUT8-4, 2TUT9-5
h. Inspect bearings according to Table I. 2TUT8A4, 3TUT9-4 ,3TUT9A4 2TUT9A5
0.010 0.012 0.023 Clearances are for standard or cast iron fitted pumps.
0.014 0.016 0.027 For materials with a tendency to gall, such as stainless
1-1/2TUT74 4TUT10-4 2TUT9-5 steel, increase clearance approximately .010 inch.
1-1/2TUT7G4 4TUT10A4 2TUT9A5
2TUT8-4 4TUT10G4
2883819 8
3-1. ROTATING ELEMENT. (See Figure 7 or 8). Re- i. Install O-rings shaft sleeves (14), coat ring and shaft
assemble as follows: with oil and screw sleeves on shaft against impeller
a. Coat shaft (6) with oil. Re-oil as necessary while hubs.
pressing on impellers and sleeves. j. Install the stuffing box bushing (63) and lantern ring
b. With grooves, square shoulder side, facing toward the (29) (not used on 5-stage pumps) on the shaft.
highest number stage, press inter stage sleeve (58) or k. Locate casing rings (7) on lowest stage impellers;
balancing disc (56) on shaft. Insert hey (128) and locate install gland flanges (17D).
sleeve in the center of impeller section over square key l. Place water detectors (40) on shaft.
(128); disc to engage Woodruff key (32) between fourth m. Slide bearing covers (35) (with oil seals (107)
and fifth stages. installed for oil lubricated bearings) on the shaft.
c. Insert key (32), align fifth(or fourth) stage impeller n. Place shaft collars (68) on the shaft.
(2 or 2A) and press on outboard (inboard) end of shaft to o. Mount the bearings (16) and (18) as described in
contact disc (56) (sleeve 58). Figure No. 4. The outboard bearings are two single row
d. Install casing ring A (7A), or inter stage bushing (113), angular contact bearings mounted in the duplex DB
insert key (32) and press on fourth (or third) stage mounting.
impeller (2 or 2A). p. Install bearing lock washer (69A) and locknut (22) (oil
e. Locate casing rings (7, 7A) on impellers. thrower) and tighten against the outboard bearing.
f. Position inter stage sleeves A (58A) so that grooves q. Install gaskets (73B) on bearing covers. Cut
will be closer to lower number stages and press on shaft replacement gaskets from 1/16 inch No. 444 Vellumoid.
to contact impeller hubs. r. Slide the housings (31, 33) over the bearings. Tap
lightly and evenly around the end as necessary. Do not
s. Attach the bearing covers (35). In the assembled
position, the grease fittings or breather tubes must be
located on top.
t. Locate water deflector (40) and tighten the setscrews.
Install oil seal (107) in the inboard bearing housing (31)
(for oil lubricated bearings).
u. Install coupling key; assemble coupling half on the
shaft and tighten the setscrew.
9 2883819
(Failures – Replace if found)
Flaking and cracking In the early stages, the surface of the inner and 1. Normal fatigue failure.
outer races develop small cracks, which flake. 2. Bearing loads in excess of bearing capacity
The cracks and flaking ultimately spread over caused by misalignment.
the entire race surface.
Indentations Indentations or cavities in the inner and outer 1. Dirt in the bearings.
races. 2. Excessive impact loading of the bearings
such as improper mounting or removal.
Broken separator (cage) Cracked separator or separator in pieces. 1. Poor Lubrication.
2. Misalignment of shaft.
3. Excessive shaft deflection.
Wear Bore and OD of outer ring of bearing galled or 1. Fit on shaft or in housing too loose.
braided. 2. Bearing locked by dirt and turning on shaft
or in housing.
Fractured ring Hairline cracks or complete ring fracture. 1. Forcing a cocked bearing on or off a shaft.
2. Too heavy a press fit.
Discoloration Rolling elements and races darker than normal 1. Inadequate lubrication.
appearance of bearing metal.(Moderate
discoloration of rolling elements and races not
a reason for discard.)
Corrosion Rolling elements and raceways rusted. 1. Water entering the housing.
2. Condensation inside the housing.
3. Lubricant breaks down into acid. (Wrong
pump) and push the bushings (63) to the rear of the stuffing
boxes. Insert the same number of packing rings as were LUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS
found during disassembly, on each side of the lantern ring
Insert each ring separately and stagger the joints of 1. The pump is shipped without oil in the
bearing housings.
successive rings 90 degrees. Insert the glands (17) and set 2. Change the first oil after operating 1000
the nuts finger tight – DO NOT USE A WRENCH. hrs. or 60 days, whichever occurs sooner.
h. Rotate shaft by hand to check that it runs free. 3. Frequency of oil change thereafter is
i. Replace all drain plugs removed during disassembly. dictated by service conditions, It is
suggested, however, that oil changes
3-3. Reinstall plumbing (if used) for water-cooled bearings. occur at least every 3,000 hrs. of operation.
4. In order to keep the bearing housings
a. Re-lubricated the bearings. Refer to Bulletin No. 2880549 vented, the breather tubes and filters
for grease type recommendation. must be kept clean.
It is most important to provide proper lubrication and keep Lubrication Oils
bearings clean. Frequency of lubrication must be determined
by experience as it depends upon bearing size, speed, A high quality turbine oil of 330 SSU viscosity at 100 degrees F.
operating conditions and location (environment). Table II with rust and oxidation inhibitors should be used.
should be used as a guide for grease re-lubrication. Oil RECOMMENDED OIL MANUFACTURERS
bottles should have a visible supply at all times. Atlantic Richfield DURO S-315, DURO AW S-315
b. Oil. (Pumps are shipped without oil in the bearing Chevron CHEVRON OC TURBINE OIL 68
housings.) Be sure to fill and adjust constant level oilers Exxon TERESSTIC 68
before initial start of pump. See Figure 9. Gulf GULF HARMONY 68
Mobil DTE 26 300SSU
(1) Adjust dust cap to lowest possible position on base Sunoco SUNVIS 968
(2) The pipe nipple and base fitting must be level – check FIGURE 9
with spirit level. If the pipe nipple is bent, replace it. A 3-5. TROUBLES. To reliably establish the malfunctioning of
constant level oiler that is not level will not provide proper either the pump or driver, instruments such as tachometers,
lubrication to the bearings. pressure gauges and electric meters must be in proper
(3) Fill bottle, screw it into the dust cap as far as it will go- working condition and preferably of recent calibration. In
do not force. Allow the oil to flow into the bearing housing. many cases, much time and expense have been expended
Repeat this procedure until there remains a supply of oil in with faulty instruments. Table V lists a number of troubles
the bottle. Never fill bearing housing through base fitting. commonly occurring. If unable to determine the cause and
(4) Check the breather tube for cleanliness. The breather remedy the problem from this list, refer the problem to the
tube must be used with the oil lubrication system. Peerless Pump Company representative.
2883819 10
TORQUE VALUT (FT.-LB) (See Table IV for amounts)
MEDIUM CARBON Normal, 8-hour day operation,
SIZE STEEL. SAE 5 Room free of dust and damage- 6 Months
INCH 105-120,000 PSI ing atmosphere.
3/4 210-225 Severe, 24-hour day operation.
Room with moderate dust
7/8 305-325 And/or damaging atmosphere, 1 Month
or outdoor service.
1 450-475
Light, approximately 10-hour
1-1/8 605-635 week. Room relatively free of
dust and damaging atmosphere. 1 Year
1-1/4 850-890
1-1/2 1465-1525
Air leaks in suction line or through stuffing Tighten packing. Check for air leaks between sleeve
boxes. and shaft and replace O-ring if there is an air leak.
Check all suction line joints
For bad gaskets and loose joints.
Impeller passages restricted Disassemble the pump and clean impeller.
Worn wearing rings. Replace worn parts.
Damaged impeller. Replace or repair impeller.
Foot valve too small or restricted by dirt. Replace with adequate size foot valve or clean
foot valve.
Pump loses prime after starting Air leaks in suction line. Tighten packing. Check for air leaks between
sleeve and shaft and replace O-ring if there
is an air leak. Check all suction line joints
for bad gaskets and loose joints.
11 2883819
TABLE V (continued)
Overload on driver Pump speed high. Motor voltage higher than name plate rating
will cause the motor to run faster. Either
reduce motor voltage or trim impeller
diameter. On other drives, reduce speed if
possible. If speed reduction not realized,
trim impeller diameter.**
Check suction and discharge pressures and
Total head lower than rating.
determine the total dynamic head. If TDH
lower than ratings, throttle discharge to rated
TDH or, if this is not possible, reduce
impeller diameter.**
Tight packing. Stop pump – following proper repacking
procedure. Check for scored sleeve; and for
sleeve run-out if packing wears rapidly. Replace
sleeve and packing as required.
Check with Peerless Pump Company distributor
Liquid is of higher specific gravity or
to determine If a larger motor is required.
Viscosity than rating.
See if pump and motor turn freely. Check
Mechanical trouble of pump or driver.
impeller fit, shaft straightness and ball
Pump vibrates or is noisy Driver unbalanced. Disconnect driver and operate it alone. Check
pump for large pieces of debris, such as wood,
rags, etc.
Realign pumping unit.
Replace foundation.
Cracked foundation.
Replace bearings. Check lubricants for proper
Worn ball bearings.
Grade. Check pump alignment. Check for
Condensation on water cooled bearings.
**Always obtain new trim diameter from Peerless Pump Company representative.
3-6.SPARE PARTS. To keep delays to a minimum when 3-7. To obtain quick and accurate service when ordering
pump repairs are required, we suggest that the following spare parts, provide the following information:
spare parts be stocked. The number of each part (A) Pump size and type as noted on nameplate.
required depends upon the application. For a minimum, (B) Pump serial number as noted on nameplate.
we (C) The name and number of the parts as shown on
recommend: the sectional drawings.
(A) One set of inboard bearings. (D) Quantity required of each item.
(B) One set of outboard bearings. Aid may be obtained from the Peerless representative,
(C) One set of shaft sleeves. or an authorized distributor, for planning an adequate
(D) One set of case wear rings supply of spare parts.
(E) One set impeller wear rings.
(F) In some instances, and entire rotating element
should be stocked.
NOTICE: Materials of construction, specifications, dimensions, design features, and application information, where shown
in this bulletin, are subject and/or modification without notice by Peerless Pump Company at their option.