Fast 3D Mapping by Matching Planes Extracted From Range Sensor Point-Clouds
Fast 3D Mapping by Matching Planes Extracted From Range Sensor Point-Clouds
Fast 3D Mapping by Matching Planes Extracted From Range Sensor Point-Clouds
Abstract—This article addresses fast 3D mapping by a mobile robot 1.6 GHz computer is much less than the typical time of 30 sec.
in a predominantly planar environment. It is based on a novel pose needed to collect one scan.
registration algorithm based entirely on matching features composed of
2) For small FOV (∼ 50◦ × 50◦ ) TOF sensors, the pose-
plane-segments extracted from point-clouds sampled from a 3D sensor.
The approach has advantages in terms of robustness, speed and storage registration time is typically less than 0.1 sec.
as compared to the voxel based approaches. Unlike previous approaches, In this article, we focus only on the steps marked with a box in
the uncertainty in plane parameters is utilized to compute the uncertainty Fig. 1. The well known EKF-SLAM step can be the same as in [5]
in the pose computed by scan-registration. The algorithm is illustrated
and is outside the scope of this article. A plane extraction step is also
by creating a full 3D model of a multi-level robot testing arena.
common in both approaches and it will not be discussed in detail in
this article. The reader is referred to the authors’ previous work [16],
I. I NTRODUCTION [17] for details.
The work by Kohlhepp et al [2], [19], [13] is also closely related
Encouraged by the success of 2D simultaneous localization and
to ours. In [19], surfaces are extracted from range images obtained by
mapping (SLAM) [1], there have been many recent attempts (ref.
a rotating laser range finder (LRF) and registered together. A local
[2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]) to extend the methodology to 3D. Since
module determines the correspondences and computes transforms,
onboard 3D odometry is usually lacking or inadequate, an essential
and a global module detects loop-closure and distributes uncertainty
part of the mapping procedure is finding the relative pose offset
using an elastic graph. For this article, only the local module is
of the robot between two successive range sensor samples using
relevant which is discussed again in [13]. Similar to Sec. II-D1 in
scan-matching. Typical 3D sensors can be categorized as: 1) large
this article, their approach uses feature-directions to compute rotation
field-of-view (FOV) laser range finders (LRF) mounted on a rotating
between successive views. However, no mention is made in their
platforms [3] having a large scanning time of around a minute, and 2)
work of using the uncertainties in the extracted feature-parameters.
time-of-flight (TOF) sensors like the Swiss-ranger [8] and PMD [9]
For estimating translation, they resort back to point features, which
with a much restricted FOV, but being able to provide several scans
is essentially the same as ICP. By contrast, this article uses only
per second. These sensors provide a 3D range scan as a point-cloud
plane-features and does not return to the domain of point-features –
of noisy spatial coordinates, numbering typically between 104 and
even translation is obtained using planes. This allows for detection of
106 .
dominant directions of uncertainties, as detailed in Sec. II-D2. In [13],
The scan-matching algorithms can be broadly classified as 1) point-
many heuristic measures for estimating correspondences between
based, e.g. iterative closest point (ICP) [10], [7], or voxel-based 3D-
features, in particular the ground, across views are discussed. By
NDT [6], and 2) feature-based— where the most popular geometric
contrast, the plane correspondence algorithm presented by us does
features are surfaces represented as planar-patches [11], [12], [5],
not give any special status to the ground.
[13], [14]. Although point/voxel based methods do not assume any The feature-correspondence finding problem has been addressed
structure in the environments, they are computationally expensive in the past using graph-theoretic techniques [20], [21]. However, the
and converge to local minima when the scene overlap is not high, latter work offered scant experimental data in form of only one pair
and sensitivity to outliers [15]. Maps created by these methods are of scans matched and no statistical measures for the variance of
neither easily visualized nor are particularly suitable for 3D path- registration estimation. Another such approach is found in [2], [19],
planning. Planar patches offer good visualization and an impressive [13]. where two sets of planar or quadratic patches are matched using
compression of data (typically 95%) as compared to point-clouds. attribute-graphs . In that work, similarity metrics were formulated
As shown in this paper, the feature-correspondence problem can based on several attributes like shape-factor, area ratio, curvature-
also be solved faster and more robustly due to this compression. histogram, inter-surface relations etc., and a bounded tree search was
As in [5], the approach in our article is also based on plane-features. performed to give a set of correspondences which maximized the
However, our approach obviates the ICP step necessary for the pose metric. The result is refined using an evolutionary algorithm, which
change prediction in their work. The basic steps of the algorithms are is computation-time intensive. An ICP-like algorithm working with
compared in Fig. 1. Combining plane-correspondence determination planar-patch normals instead of points was presented in [15]. Planes
and pose registration in one step and removal of ICP leads to savings were matched based on proximity in terms of inter-normal angle
in computation time and an increase in robustness. In fact, most of and Euclidean distance but the overall consistency of the scene was
the previous 3D mapping approaches have been off-line due to the not considered. Again, no statistical measures of the variance of the
excessive time required by ICP. With the new approach presented in solution were provided.
this article, the pose registration can be computed “fast.” This claim In contrast to the aforementioned approaches, the algorithm pre-
can be made more precise as follows: sented in this paper use only planar patches and maximizes the
1) For large FOV (∼ 270◦ × 180◦ ) actuated LRFs, the pose- overall geometric consistency within a search-space to determine
registration time of 4 − 10 sec. with planes on an AMD Turion correspondences between planes. The search-space is pruned using
Loop Closure Detection EKF SLAM Update for Pose / Features SLAM Update
Relaxation, and Model Refinement Adding Unpaired Features to Map Adding Unpaired Features to Map
(a) The approach of Nüchter et al [7]. (b) The approach of Weingarten et al [18]. (c) The approach presented in this article.
Fig. 1. Comparison of algorithm structures. The ICP step in Weingarten et al’s approach has been removed in our approach.
criteria such as overlap, size-similarity, and agreement with odometry, plane normal m̂. We see that P (m̂, ρ) , P (−m̂, −ρ). To achieve
if available. For all these tests, only the plane parameter covariance a consistent sign convention, we define planes as P (n̂, d), where,
matrix is employed, without the need to refer back to the original d , |ρ| ≥ 0, and n̂ , σ(ρ) m̂, where, σ(ρ) = −1 if ρ < 0 and +1
point-cloud. Our approach is fast and its reliability as well as otherwise. If ρ = 0, then we choose the maximum component of n̂
computation-time increases with the number of planes. There is the to be positive. The latter case is unlikely to occur in practice in the
option of using additional attributes like intensity, color, etc. for sensor-frame, because such a plane, which is parallel to the line of
making the correspondence-finding step more reliable. Finally, the sight of the range sensor, is unlikely to be detected by it.
covariance matrix of the solution is computed which identifies the For denoting frames and relative transforms, we use the notation
principal uncertainty directions. This information is indispensable for of [22]. The j-th sample is associated with a frame Fj , in which the
subsequent refinement processing like loop-closing or EKF-SLAM, set of extracted planes is denoted as j P. Suppose we are given two
although these are outside the scope of this paper. samples j P and k P. Usually they are successive, but they may be
This paper is organized as follows: Sec. II begins by presenting non-successive, for example during loop-closing. Using the procedure
the basic notation and problem statement. Sec. II-C presents a described in [17], one can compute an isotropic uncertainty measure
new algorithm for finding plane correspondences. Sec. II-D solves σ 2 which is derived (usually, using the trace operation) from the 4×4
the least-squares determination of pose-registration using the found covariance matrix C of the plane parameters n̂ and d associated with
correspondences. Sec. III shows a real-life example of mapping. The it. Thus a plane-set k P is an ordered set of triplets given by
paper is concluded in Sec. IV. k
P , { k Pi h k n̂i , k di , k σi2 i, i = 1 . . . Nk }, (1)
B. Decoupling of Rotation and Translation
The scan-matching based on plane-segments consists of the fol-
lowing three steps: If the robot (more precisely, the sensor mounted on the robot)
1) Planes extraction from raw point-clouds: This procedure is moves from Fj to Fk , i.e. rotates by jk R and translates by jk t
based on region-growing in a range-image scan followed by between samples j and k (resolved in Fj ), then the Cartesian
a least-squares estimation of the parameters of planes. The coordinates j p and k p of the same physical point observed from
covariances of the plane-parameters are computed as well. The the two frames are related by
details may be found in the previously published work of the p = jk R k p + jk t. (2)
authors [16].
2) Pose-registration by plane-matching: This step consists of Substituting the above in the plane equation, one can derive that if
two substeps: Pi and k Pi represent the same physical plane, the plane parameters
a) Finding the correspondences between plane-segments in observed in the two planes are related by
the two scans to be matched. These two scans may be n̂i = jk R k n̂i (3)
successive samples for normal registration or may be non- j
n̂Ti jk t j
= di − di k
successive, if a loop is being closed.
b) After the correspondences have been decided on, finding The above equations show that the rotation and the translation
the optimal rotation and translation which aligns the components have been nicely decoupled.
corresponding set of planes. This gives the pose change
of the robot between the scans. C. Determining Correspondences
3) Polygonization: This step consists of polygonizing each plane- Given two plane-sets j P of size Nj and k P of size Nk , the
segment by finding the boundary of each surface-patch so that problem here is to find which plane indices correspond to each
the surface can be compactly described. This step is crucial for other, i.e. which represent the same physical plane. The overlap
visualization of the result, however, if only pose registration is is not given, and so some planes in one set may not have any
desired, it may be omitted. It is also described in [16]. corresponding plane in the other set. We present a new matching
We now provide an overview of plane-matching, i.e. the second step. algorithm called Plane Registration based on Rotation of a Unit
Sphere (PRRUS). The algorithm scales as O(N4 ), where N is the
A. Notation average of Nj and Nk . Unlike RANSAC [14], this algorithm has
A plane P (m̂, ρ) is given by the equation m̂ · r = ρ, where ρ no random component and relies on two observations 1) the number
is the signed distance from the origin in the direction of the unit of high-evidence (detected using their parameter covariance matrix)
This is the well-known Wahba’s problem [23]. To solve this we
R1 k n̂ k n̂ j parameterize the rotation jk R with quaternions jk q̌ and proceed as
ok ok ≡ R1 n̂oj
in [24]. Using the above, one can reformulate (11) as
j n̂
θ 1j T j
max ζr , q̌ K k q̌, (12)
q̌ 2k
Then the best rank NM̂ approximation of M̂ is
M̃ = λ2i ûi v̂iT , NM̂ ≤ 3. (18)
Fig. 5. The front camera view of the scene at the locations where the robot
took a scan. Only every fourth scan is shown to save space. The full video
may be accessed at [27].
The run-times for the various steps described in Sec. II are shown
in Table I. These are for an AMD Turion 2 × 64 machine 1.6 GHz
with 960 MB RAM running OpenSUSE 10.3 O/S. Compared to the
previously mentioned total time for taking one scan, the registration
(a) (b) (c)
method is indeed “fast”: mean time for extraction and plane-matching
Fig. 3. The robot collecting data in the locmotion test arena in form of a together ≈ 0.23 Tscan . We reiterate that the polygonalization step is
high bay rack needed mainly for visualization. Fig. 8 shows the dependence of the
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