O Malley 2002 2
O Malley 2002 2
O Malley 2002 2
Exchange Resins
Western Australia
I declare that this thesis is an account of my own research and
contains work that has not previously been submitted for a degree
at any other educational institution.
Glen O'Malley
March, 2002
A special thanks goes to Professor Mike Nicol for his guidance and support throughout the
PhD. Thanks also go to Rob Dunne (Newcrest Mining) and Dr. Steven La Brooy (Gold
Resource and Development Macraes Ltd) for their support and feedback as the SPIRT
sponsors for this PhD.
I am grateful for the financial support of my two Australian Research Council SPIRT
sponsors, Newcrest Mining and GRD Macraes. Also for the financial support of the
sponsors of AMIRA Project P420A Module 3 which include Anglogold Australasia, Alcoa
World Alumina Australia, Carpentaria Gold, Goldfields, Newcrest Mining, Normandy
Mining, Placer Dome, Rio Tinto Research & Technology Development, WMC Resources
and Worsley Alumina.
The author is also grateful to Dr. Gamini Senanayake, Dr. Kathryn Hindmarsh, Dr. Peter
Lye and Karen Barbetti for their suggestions and help in preparing the initial stages of the
thesis. Special thanks go to Dr. Nimal Perera, Dr. Peter Lye and Dr. Hongguang Zhang for
their suggestions during the final stages of the thesis. Thanks also go to J. Avilla
(ResinTech Inc.), I. Needs and S. Stewert (Rohm and Haas) for providing the resin samples
and G. Wardell-Johnson (Boddington Gold Mine) and G. Kelly (Kandowna Belle Gold
Mine) for the ore samples.
Lastly I would like to thank the A.J. Parker Cooperative Research Centre for
Hydrometallurgy for the courses and seminars conducted as part of the PhD student
development program.
With growing environmental and occupational safety concerns over the use of cyanide in
gold processing, more acceptable alternatives are receiving increased interest. The most
promising of the possible alternatives is thiosulfate. However, as activated carbon is not an
effective substrate for the adsorption of the gold thiosulfate complex, the thiosulfate
process lacks a proven in-pulp method for recovering dissolved gold. Anion exchange
resins offer a possible route for in-pulp recovery. This thesis describes work aimed at
evaluating the effectiveness of commercially available anion exchange resins for the
recovery of gold from thiosulfate leach liquors and pulps.
It was found that Strong-base resins are superior at accommodating the gold thiosulfate
complex compared to Weak-base resins, which means Strong-base resins have a greater
capacity to compete with other anions in leach solutions. Strong-base resins were therefore
the preferred choice of resin for recovery of gold from thiosulfate leach solutions and
pulps. Work with a selected commercial Strong-base resin showed that competing
polythionates (particularly tri- and tetrathionate) lower the maximum possible loading of
gold but that gold is selectively recovered over other base-metal anions in typical leach
solutions. From kinetic experiments, it was found that competing polythionates did not
affect the initial rate of loading of gold but displaced the loaded gold at long times. Thus it
would be important to minimise the contact time of the resin with the pulp.
The rate of loading of gold is controlled by mass transport in the aqueous phase in the
presence of weakly competing anions such as sulfate and thiosulfate. An attempt was
made to describe the more complex loading curves obtained in the presence of stronger
competing anions such as sulfite, trithionate and tetrathionate in which it was found that
the loading of gold increased to a maximum before declining to a lower equilibrium value.
The difference in the rate of loading between the macroporous and gel anion exchange
resins was explained by the difference in the location of their functional groups.
Operation of a small-scale resin-in-pulp plant showed that gold could be recovered from a
leach pulp to yield loadings of gold of up to 6000 mg L-1 and loadings of copper below 100
mg L-1. Under ideal conditions, the gold concentration in the barren pulp could contain
less than 0.01 mg L-1. Throughout the trial it was shown that loaded copper would be
displaced by gold which would result in the loading of copper falling from 2000 mg L-1 in
the last stage to lower than 100 mg L-1 on the resin in the first stage. It was observed that
some of the dissolved gold precipitated or adsorbed on the solids during leaching. Some of
this adsorbed gold was found to be recovered by the anion exchange resins that would have
reported to the tails if a solid/liquid separation method was employed.
Gold was efficiently eluted with a nitrate solution and the two-step elution process using
aerated ammonia followed by nitrate effectively stripped all the copper and gold from the
resin. This process was found not to materially affect the equilibrium gold concentration
on the resin after eight cycles, thus allowing the resin to be recycled without the need for
regeneration. Electrochemical studies showed that the gold thiosulfate complex was
reduced on stainless steel from a nitrate solution. Conventional electrowinning could
therefore be used to recover the gold from the eluant.
1.2.1 History 2
1.2.2 Limitation and Advantages of Leaching of Gold with Thiosulfate 3
1.2.3 Condition Employed in Thiosulfate Leaching with Thiosulfate 4
2.6.1 History 46
2.6.2 Structure and Synthesis of Anion Exchange Resins 47
2.6.3 Strong-Base and Weak-Base Anion Exchange Resins 50
2.6.4 Physical Properties of Anion Exchange Resins 52
2.6.5 Adsorption Equilibria and Loading Capacity 52
2.6.6 Equilibrium Gold Loading Models 54
2.6.7 Kinetic Studies and Models for Gold Loading 55
2.6.8 Selectivity of Anion Exchange Resins 61 Solution Chemistry 61 Properties of Anions 62 Structure of the Resin 69
2.6.9 Application of Resins to Recover the Gold Thiosulfate Complex 76 Strong-Base Resins 76 Weak-Base Resins 76
2.6.10 Summary of Published Work on Recovering Gold from Thiosulfate
Solutions and Pulps 78
2.6.11 Elution of Metal Complexes from Anion Exchange Resins 81 Strong-Base resins 81 Weak-Base resins 83
2.6.12 Characteristics of a Resin for the Recovery of Gold Thiosulfate from Pulps 84
Table 1.1 The Leaching Conditions and Recovery from Gold and Gold Ores. 5
Table 1.2 The Leaching Conditions and Recovery from Sulfide Concentrates. 6
Table 1.3 The Leaching Conditions and Recovery from Sulfidic and Carbonaceous
Ores. 7
Table 2.3 Summary of the Metal Loadings on Various Anion Exchange Resin
from a Cyanide Solution (Riveros, 1993). 62
Table 2.6 Elution Characteristics of Metal Ions on Dowex 1-X8 using 0.06 M
Sodium Thiosulfate Solution as Eluent. 67
Table 2.7 Elution Characteristics of Metal Ions on Dowex 1-X8 using 1.0 M
Sodium Thiosulfate Solution as Eluent. 68
Table 2.8 The Predicted Selectivity Order of Strong-Base Resins for Gold
Thiosulfate Presented in Declining Order. 74
Table 2.9 The Predicted Selectivity Order of Weak-Base Resins for Gold
Thiosulfate Presented in Declining Order. 75
Table 2.11 Extraction Results from the RIP Experiment with Head Grade of 6.28 g.t-1
(Thomas et al., 1998). 80
Table 3.1 Details of the Various Strong- and Weak-Base Resins Tested. 87
Table 3.3 Composition of the Stability of Copper (II) Amine Solutions. 101
Table 4.1 Initial Absorbance of the Two Copper Species for Each Solution. 119
Table 4.4 Fire Assay Analysis of Gold on the Resin Samples. 140
Table 4.5 Accountability of Gold and Silver Precipitated on the Resin. 140
Table 4.6 Gold Extraction under the Various Leaching Conditions. 142
Table 4.7 Resin Loadings from the Leach Solutions. 143
Table 5.1 Freundlich and Langmuir Constants for the Loading of Anions
on the Strong-Base Resin Amberjet 4200. 188
Table 5.2 Freundlich and Langmuir Parameters for Modelling the Loading
of Gold in the Presence of a Competing Anion. 190
Table 5.3 Derived Equilibrium Constants for the Exchange of the Sulfate
Anion. 196
Table 5.6 Change in the Rate of Loading of Gold with Copper and Ammonia
Concentration under a Constant Thiosulfate Concentration (0.2 M). 214
Figure 1.6 EH-pH Diagram for the Au-S-H2O System at 5 x 10-4 M Au,
1 M S2O32- and 1 M NH3/NH4+ (Jiayong et al., 1996). 21
Figure 1.7 Electrochemical Model for the Dissolution of Gold in the Thiosulfate
Leaching System (Toa et al., 1993). 29
Figure 1.8 The Proposed Model for the Dissolution of Gold in the Thiosulfate
Leaching System (present study). 30
Figure 1.9 Proposed Reaction Scheme for Copper Speciation (Present Study). 31
Figure 1.10 Electrochemical Reaction Scheme for Thiosulfate Leaching (Michel and
Frenay, 1998). 32
Figure 2.2 Adsorption of Gold Complexes on Activated Carbon
(Gallagher et al., 1990). 45
Figure 2.6 Adsorption Isotherm Models (K = 0.5, a = 18, b = 0.5 and Cmax = 95). 55
Figure 2.9 Elution Curve of a Mixed Sample (Flow rate 0.3 mL min-1)
(Iguchi, 1958). 68
Figure 2.12 The Effect of Amine Functionality on the Selectivity of SO24 − over
Figure 2.13 The Effect of Amine Functionality on the Selectivity of SO24 − over
Figure 2.14 Titration Curves for Polystyrene Macroporous Resin with a Tertiary
Amine Functionality (Clifford and Weber, 1983). 77
Figure 3.1 Trithionate Crystals Magnified Five Times Their Original Size. 96
Figure 4.1 The Effect of Ammonia and Thiosulfate Concentration on the First
Order Rate Constant for the Disappearance of the Copper (II) Amine
From Solution. 118
Figure 4.2 The Percentage of Copper (II) Amine after 24 hours. Effect of Ammonia
and Thiosulfate concentration with a Fixed Copper (0.05 M), Sulfate (0.1 M)
and Sulfite (0.1 M) Concentrations, in the Presence of Air at Ambient
Temperature. 120
Figure 4.3 Change in the Slope of the Calibration Curve for the Combined Metal
Standard Solutions Containing 0.2 M Ammonia and 0.05 M Thiosulfate
at pH 9.5 and Ambient Temperature. 122
Figure 4.4 Change in the Slope of the Calibration Curve for Individual Metal
Standard Solutions Containing 0.2 M Ammonia and 0.05 M Thiosulfate
at pH 9.5 at Ambient Temperature. 122
Figure 4.7 The Effect of Ammonia and Copper Concentration on the Rate of
Loading of Gold on Amberjet 4200 in the Presence of 0.2 M
Thiosulfate. 126
Figure 4.8 The Effect of Ammonia and Copper Concentration on the Rate of
Loading of Gold on Vitrokele 911 in the Presence of 0.2 M
Thiosulfate. 126
Figure 4.9 Effect of Oxygen on the Loading of Copper (I) on Amberjet 4200
at 0.05 M Thiosulfate, 0.2 M Ammonia, and 0.3 mM Copper 127
Figure 4.10 Effect of Various Sulfur Anions at 0.05 M on the Kinetics of the
Loading of Gold on Amberjet 4200 at an Initial Gold
Concentration of 20 mg L-1. 129
Figure 4.12 The Effect of Metal Thiosulfate Complexes on the Loading of Gold
Kinetics on Amberjet 4200 at 0.05 M Thiosulfate, 0.2 M Ammonia,
5 mM Trithionate, and 20 mg L-1 for Each Metal Ion. 131
Figure 4.13 The Equilibrium Loading of Sulfur Compounds on Amberjet 4200. 132
Figure 4.20 Leaching Curves for Gold under Various Leaching Conditions. 142
Figure 4.21 Change in Gold Concentration in Each Stage during the First Run. 144
Figure 4.22 Change in Copper Concentration in Each Stage during the First Run. 145
Figure 4.23 Distribution of Resin in a Laboratory Adsorption Tank. 145
Figure 4.24 The Loading of Gold Determined from Solution Mass Balance,
Elution and Resin Assays for the First Run. 147
Figure 4.25 Copper and Gold Concentration on the Resin Leaving Contactor 1
during the First Run. 148
Figure 4.26 Change in Gold Concentration in Each Stage during the Second Run. 149
Figure 4.27 Change in Copper Concentration in Each Stage during the Second Run. 149
Figure 4.28 The Loading of Gold Determined from Solution Mass Balance,
Elution and Resin Assays for the Second Run. 151
Figure 4.29 Copper and Gold Concentration on the Resin Leaving Contactor 1
during the Second Run. 151
Figure 4.30 Change in Gold Concentration in Each Stage during the Third Run. 153
Figure 4.31 Change in Copper Concentration in Each Stage during the Third Run. 153
Figure 4.32 The Loading of Gold Determined from Solution Mass Balance,
Elution and Resin Assays for the Third Run. 154
Figure 4.33 Copper and Gold Concentration on the Resin Leaving Contactor 1
during the Third Run. 155
Figure 4.34 The Effect of the Loading of Gold on the Amount of Copper Extracted
by Amberjet 4200 for all Stages during Each Run. 156
Figure 4.35 The Effect of the Loading of Gold on the Extraction of Copper in
Stage 1 After Each Transfer for Each Run. 156
Figure 4.36 Profile for the Elution of Gold with Different Eluants at 2 M from
Amberjet 4200 with an Initial Loading of Gold at 1284 mg L-1. 157
Figure 4.37 Profile for the Elution of Gold with Different Nitrate Salts at 2 M
from Amberjet 4200 with an Initial Loading of Gold at 1167 mg L-1. 158
Figure 4.43 Selective Elution at a Flow Rate of 5 BV hr-1-of Copper and Gold
from Vitrokele 911 and Amberjet 4200 Resins Loaded with 1000 mg L-1
of copper and 1600 mg L-1 of Gold. 163
Figure 4.44 Selective Elution at a Flow Rate of 5 BV hr-1-of Copper and Gold
from Amberjet 4200 Resins Loaded with 550 mg L-1 of Copper and
1700 mg L-1 of Gold. 164
Figure 4.45 Elution of Thiosulfate with 1 M Ammonium Sulfate and Nitrate from
Amberjet 4200 Strong-Base Resin Loaded with 23 g L-1 Thiosulfate. 165
Figure 4.46 Limiting Current Curves for the Reduction of Gold Thiosulfate on
Stainless Steel at pH 7.5. The Solution Contained 0.6 mM Gold
Thiosulfate and 2 M Ammonium Nitrate at a Temperature of 25 oC. 167
Figure 5.1 The Reaction Pathway Investigation of the Copper (II) Amine to
Copper (II)Amine Thiosulfate Species. 170
Figure 5.2 Titration Curves for Polystyrene Macroporous Resin with a Tertiary
Amine Functionality (Clifford and Weber, 1983). 179
Figure 5.3 The Equilibrium Quotient for the Exchange of Sulfate Ions by Various
Anions. The Sulfate Line is Generated with a Nitrate Resin. 182
Figure 5.4 Comparison of Observed and Calculated Isotherms for the Loading of
Gold. 186
Figure 5.5 Comparison of Observed and Calculated Isotherms for the Loading of
Sulfite. 186
Figure 5.7 Analysed Published Data Obtained From Clifford and Weber (1983)
for the Exchange of Nitrate ions by Sulfate or Chloride on
Strong-Base Anion Exchange Resins. 192
Figure 5.8 The Equilibrium Quotient Model for the Exchange of Sulfate Ions by
the Gold Complex. The Experimental Data are the Points and the Line
is Drawn with a Slope of Unity. 194
Figure 5.9 The Equilibrium Quotient Model for the Exchange of Sulfate Ions by
the Gold Complex for the Various Strong-Base Anion Exchange
Resins Tested. The Experimental Data are the Points and the Line
is Drawn to Summarise the Slope for the Two Types of Resin. 195
Figure 5.10 The Equilibrium Quotient Model for the Exchange of Sulfate Ions by
Various Anions. The Experimental Data are the Points and the Line is
Drawn with a Slope of Unity. 196
Figure 5.11 The Equilibrium Loading Ratios of Gold Thiosulfate and Sulfate on the
Resin and in Solution. 198
Figure 5.12 The Equilibrium Loading Ratios of Gold Thiosulfate and Thiosulfate on the
Resin and in Solution. 198
Figure 5.13 The Equilibrium Loading Ratios of Gold Thiosulfate and Sulfite on the
Resin and in Solution. 199
Figure 5.14 The Equilibrium Loading Ratios of Gold Thiosulfate and Nitrate on the
Resin and in Solution. 199
Figure 5.15 The Equilibrium Loading Ratios of Gold Thiosulfate and Trithionate
on the Resin and in Solution. 200
Figure 5.16 The Equilibrium Loading Ratios of Gold Thiosulfate and Tetrathionate
on the Resin and in Solution. 200
Figure 5.17 Variation of the Equilibrium Constant for the Exchange of Sulfate by
Gold in the Presence of Added Sulfate. 201
Figure 5.18 Variation of the Equilibrium Constant for the Exchange of Sulfate by
Gold in the Presence of Added Thiosulfate. 201
Figure 5.19 Variation of the Equilibrium Constant for the Exchange of Sulfate by
Gold in the Presence of Added Sulfite. 202
Figure 5.20 Variation of the Equilibrium Constant for the Exchange of Sulfate by
Gold in the Presence of Added Nitrate. 202
Figure 5.21 Variation of the Equilibrium Constant for the Exchange of Sulfate by
Gold in the Presence of Added Trithionate. 203
Figure 5.22 Variation of the Equilibrium Constant for the Exchange of Sulfate by
Gold in the Presence of Added Tetrathionate. 203
Figure 5.23 The Change in the Rate of Gold Loading on Two Resins In Different
Solutions. 215
Figure 5.24 The Rate of Loading of Gold in the Presence of Varying Concentrations of
Sulfate. Experimental Data (Points) and Model (Line). 220
Figure 5.25 The Rate of Loading of Gold in the Presence of Varying Concentrations of
Thiosulfate. Experimental Data (Points) and Model (Line). 222
Figure 5.26 The Rate of Loading of Gold in the Presence of Varying Concentrations of
Sulfite. Experimental Data (Points) and Model (Line). 223
Figure 5.28 Comparison of the Elution of Two Resin Columns Filled With
Amberjet 4200. 232
Provided on CD.
BV Bed volume
Gr Grashot number
NA Not applicable
NK Not known
RIP Resin-in-pulp
RIL Resin-in-leach
Sc Schmidt number
Sh Sherwood number
UV Ultraviolet
CHAPTER 1: Review of the Leaching of Gold Using Thiosulfate 1
MacArthur and the Forrest brothers pioneered research on the use of cyanide for the
leaching of gold ores in the 1880’s (La Brooy et al., 1994). Since then cyanidation has
superseded all other processes for the extraction of gold and silver from a wide range of
ores. While the majority of ores can be effectively treated using cyanide there is a growing
quantity of carbonaceous, telluriferous, pyritic, arsenical, manganiferous and cupriferous
gold and silver ores that are refractory to cyanidation (Hiskey and Alturi, 1988).
These ores will cause an increase in cyanide consumption, a decrease in the recovery of
gold, an increase in the overall cost of the process, and an increase in the discharge of toxic
cyano-complexes into tailings dams. Over the past twenty years, there has been an
increase in research into alternate lixiviants such as the halogens ( Cl − , Br − , I − ),
ammonia ( NH 3 ), thiocyanate ( SCN − ), thiourea ( CS( NH 2 ) 2 ), thiosulfate ( S2 O 32− ),
polysulfides ( S22−−6 ), sulfite ( SO 32− ), diethylamine ( (C 2 H 5 ) 2 NH ) and nitriles
[malononitrile ( CH(CN) −2 ) and lactonitrile ( CH n (CN ) −2 )] for the treatment of problem
ores (Sparrow and Woodcock, 1995).
Increased environmental pressure to ban or limit the use of cyanide in plants throughout
the world is also a prime motivator for research into alternatives to cyanide. Some of these
alternatives not only offer a safer and environmentally sound method of extraction but, for
some ores, the use of these lixiviants can also increase the recovery of gold (Block-Bolten
and Torma, 1986; Yen et al., 1998). With the exception of chlorine, little commercial use
has been made of alternative lixiviants but several have been tested to pilot scale plants.
The most favoured current alternative to cyanide for the treatment of problem ores is
thiosulfate (Abbruzzese et al., 1995; Michel and Frenay, 1999).
CHAPTER 1: Review of the Leaching of Gold Using Thiosulfate 2
1.2.1 History
It has been known for over a hundred years that gold can be leached with thiosulfate.
Thiosulfate was the main competitor to cyanide in the 1880’s when there was an increase
in research to improve gold leaching and recovery from the existing gravity and mercury
amalgamation processes. Both Russell and Von Patera developed processes that used
thiosulfate to leach gold and silver (Von Michaelis, 1987; La Brooy et al., 1994).
The Von Patera process involved subjecting the gold and silver ore to a chloridising roast
before being leached with thiosulfate. This process was used successfully in South
America for many years prior to World War II for treating largely silver sulfide ores but
very little process information was published in the literature (Flett et al., 1983). Due to
being a more complex leach system, thiosulfate was largely forgotten until it was
reinvestigated for the treatment of carbonaceous and refractory ores.
The Newmont Gold Company investigated the Von Petra process for the possible
treatment of their stockpiles of carbonaceous gold ores in the 1970’s (Jiayong et al., 1996).
Cyanide was not a viable option due to the carbonaceous content of the ore. However the
technique was found to be economic only for high-grade ores. Bacterial oxidation
followed by leaching with thiosulfate in a pilot scale heap leach operation was also studied
for treatment of a low-grade refractory stockpiles. The overall recovery from a 300,000
tonne low-grade ore heap crushed to less than 1.9 cm was approximately 55 % with a
thiosulfate consumption of 5 kg t-1. The Newmont Gold Company has since patented their
research on thiosulfate heap leaching and recovery with copper cementation (Brierley and
Hill, 1993; Wan et al., 1994).
A similar treatment process was also carried out at the La Colorada Mine at Sonora,
Mexico in the 1980’s (Von Michaelis, 1987). This large pilot scale thiosulfate plant
operated for four years treating tailings from an old cyanidation plant and also incorporated
the ideas of Kerley (Li et al., 1995; Perez and Galaviz, 1987; Qian and Jiexue, 1989; Von
Michaelis, 1987). The pulp was leached at 40 % solids with a retention time of two hours
with an ammonium thiosulfate concentration of 100 g L-1 and a copper concentration of
3 g L-1.
CHAPTER 1: Review of the Leaching of Gold Using Thiosulfate 3
The overall recovery of silver and gold was 85 and 75 % respectively with gold and silver
recovered by cementation on copper. Unfortunately the plant was plagued with problems
which included pollution and mechanical corrosion with the result that it did not run
smoothly during operation.
More recently, Barrick Gold Corporation has re-examined leaching of gold with thiosulfate
over the past ten years and patented agitated leaching and recovery processes for the
treatment of a range of ores (Marchbank et al., 1996; Thomas et al., 1998). Another
Canadian Mining Company, Placer Dome, has also started research into leaching gold with
thiosulfate. Both companies have only tested leaching and recovery with thiosulfate in
laboratory and pilot scale plants but aim to trial a small commercial scale plant in
Gold is dissolved by thiosulfate in the presence of ammonia and copper (II) (Equation 1):
Compared to the cyanidation process, the thiosulfate process has a more complex
chemistry which could be expected to pose considerable control problems. Variables that
must be considered are the thiosulfate, ammonia, copper and oxygen concentrations, pH
CHAPTER 1: Review of the Leaching of Gold Using Thiosulfate 4
and temperature. There are also a number of additives such as sulfate and sulfite that have
been suggested to assist in increasing the leaching rate of gold with thiosulfate (Jiexue and
Qian, 1991; Kerley, 1981; Kerley and Barnard, 1983). However there have been
contradictory reports in the literature on the mechanism of leaching and still disagreement
on the most appropriate combination and concentration of each reagent required to
optimise leaching.
A wide range of conditions have been reported by researchers investigating the leaching of
copper-silver-gold bearing materials with thiosulfate are presented in Tables 1.1 to 1.3.
Thiosulfate concentrations range from 0.02-2 M, copper (II) between 0.5-120 mM and
ammonia from 0.03-4 M. The pH ranges from 8.5 to 10.5, the temperature between 20 oC
and 60 oC and the oxygen flow rate from zero to 2 L min-1. Leaching time varies from
several hours for agitation leaching to 116 days for heap leaching and the material studied
varies from solid gold, to gold ore containing sulfidic and/or carbonaceous material and
sulfide concentrates.
Overall, because there is a wide range of conditions and reagent concentrations tested on a
number of different ores and concentrates, no obvious relationships between recovery and
the leaching conditions can be drawn. It appears that the optimum conditions reported for
leaching gold or silver could be specific to the particular ore studied. Some of the
conditions reported are extreme in terms of reagent concentrations and more economical
levels need to be considered if the process is to be an attractive alternative to cyanide.
Furthermore, research needs to be focused on ambient temperatures, as leaching at elevated
temperatures is generally uneconomical for low-grade ores. In addition, this would allow
for a more direct comparison to cyanidation.
Table 1.1 The Leaching Conditions and Recovery From Gold and Gold Ores.
S2O32- NH3 SO32- SO42- Cu (II) O2 flowrate pH Temp Time Solids Au Ext Ag Ext
Reference Material
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (L min-1) (oC) (hours) (%) (%) (%)
(Tozawa et al., 1981) Annealed gold
0.5 1.0 NR 0.04 0.04 100a NR 65 3 NR NR NA
99.99 % Au
1983) 375.5 g t-1 Ag
2.1 % Mn
a = kPa
NR = Not Reported
NA = Not Applicable
Table 1.2 The Leaching Conditions and Recovery From Sulfide Concentrates.
S2O32- NH3 SO32- SO42- Cu (II) O2 flowrate pH Temp Time Solids Au Ext Ag Ext
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (L min-1) (oC) (hours) (%) (%) (%)
(Berzowsky and Sulfide Concentrate
3.46-7.27 g t-1 Au
0.3-0.7 NR NR 0.05-0.08 0.05-0.08 N2 10 35-50 3-5 40-60 88-95 83-98
Sefton, 1978) 115-454 g t-1 Ag
23.2-25.3 % Cu
32.8-36.4 % S
Sulfide Concentrate
(Block-Bolten et al., 1.75 g t-1 Au
0.5 1 NR NR NR 2 10 48 3 30 95 NA
1985 a, b) 22.5 g t-1 Ag
0.4 % Cu
9.8 % S
Sulfide Concentrate
(Changlin et al., 62 g t-1 Au
0.2-0.3 2-4 0.05 NR 0.05 0.21 10 60 1-2 20 95 NA
1992) 3.19 % Cu
(Changlin et al., Sulfide Concentrate
62 g t-1 Au
0.2-0.3 2-4 0.5-0.8 0.05 0.05 1 9.5-10.5 60 1-2 25 95 NR
1992) 60 g t-1 Ag
3.2 % Cu
20.6 % S
Sulfide Concentrate
(Groudev et al., 70 g t-1 Au
0.2 NR NR NR NR 0.1 9.5 20-50 12 16 97 NA
1996)a 37.8 % S 12
Sulfide Concentrate
(Jiexue and Qian, 1.0 2.0 NR 0.02 1 NR 40 1 17 96 NA
50.4 g t-1 Au 0.32
1991) 0.048 % MnO2
CHAPTER 1: Review of the Leaching of Gold Using Thiosulfate
3.19 % Cu
20.6 % S
Reference Material S2O32- NH3 SO32- SO42- Cu (II) O2 flowrate pH Temp Time Solids Au Ext Ag Ext
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (L min-1) (oC) (hours) (%) (%) (%)
Sulfide ore
(Chai, 1997) 1.06 g t-1 Au 0.3 2 NR 0.9 0.12 1 10.5 60 2.5 4 90
0.73 % S
(Groudev et al., 1994, Sulfide ore
Groudev et al., 1995) 3.2 g t-1 Au
0.07 NR NR NR 0.018 0.21 9.5 NR 20b Heap 70.7
48 % bacterial oxidized 15.2 g t-1 Ag leach 51.2
0.8 % S 20.3
1 g.L-1 protein hydrolysate 14.3
1 g.L-1 ion catalyst untreated
Sulfide/Carbonaceous ore
0.2 3 0.09 0.04 0.04 103a 10.5 35 2 20 80
(Bhaduri, 1987) 5 g t-1 Au
0.62 % C
0.67 % S
(Marchbank et al., 1996) Sulfide/Carbonaceous
3-7 g t Au -1 0.02-0.1 0.03 0.01-0.05 NR 0.01 0.21 7-9 55 4 40 70-85
1.2 % C
1.22-2.54 % S
(Wan and Brierley, 1997)Sulfide/Carbonaceous
1-3 g t Au -1 0.1 0.1 0.001 NR 0.001 0.21 9 25 116b Heap 65
0.67-2.42 % C leach NA
0.78-1.35 % S
Sulfide/Carbonaceous ore
(Wan et al., 1994) 2.4 g t-1 Au
0.1-0.2 0.1 0.001 NR 0.002 0.21 9-10 25 12-25b Heap 40-60
1.4 % C leach NA
Carbonaceous ore
CHAPTER 1: Review of the Leaching of Gold Using Thiosulfate
Carbonaceous ore
(Hemmati, 1987) 14.74 g t-1 Au
0.7 3 0.15 0.2 0.15 103a 10.5 35 4 20 71
2.5 % organic Carbon
a = kPa
b = days
NR = Not Reported
NA = Not Applicable
CHAPTER 1: Review of the Leaching of Gold Using Thiosulfate 8
Thiosulfate is a structural analogue of sulfate having one oxygen atom replaced by a sulfur
atom. This gave thiosulfate its former name of hyposulfite (Hiskey and Alturi, 1988;
White, 1905). The structure ( S − SO 32− ) is dominated by the sulfur atom, which gives
thiosulfate its reducing properties, strong complexing tendencies, and sulfide forming
capabilities (Hiskey and Alturi, 1988). Thiosulfate is commercially available in two main
forms, sodium thiosulfate ( Na 2S2 O 3 .5H 2 O ) and ammonium thiosulfate [ ( NH 4 ) 2 S2 O 3 ]
and plays an important role in a range of areas including pharmaceuticals, chemistry,
biochemistry, photographic development, papermaking and medical usage. Thiosulfate is
regarded as being environmentally friendly because, when exposed to air or the
environment, it will decompose by disproportionation, oxidation with oxygen, and through
decomposition by sulfur-consuming microorganisms (Dhawale, 1993; Tykodi, 1990).
Figure 1.1 illustrates the oxidation state diagram for thiosulfate and other sulfur species at
pH 10. All sulfur species lying above the dotted lines connecting stable terminal species
are unstable with regards to disproportionation. Thus sulfide and sulfate are stable while
even sulfur should disproportionate to form sulfide and polythionates at pH 10 (Peters,
1976). The driving force for sulfur disproportionation to thiosulfate and polythionates is
measured by the vertical gap between the dotted line connecting terminal ends and the
polythionates. So apart from sulfide and sulfate, thiosulfate is thermodynamically the next
most stable intermediate of sulfur in solutions at pH 10. But given time, all these sulfur
compounds will ultimately be oxidised to sulfate, the most stable and final degradation
product for all sulfur compounds (Table 1.4).
CHAPTER 1: Review of the Leaching of Gold Using Thiosulfate 9
S 2−
-0.5 S 4 O 62 − S 3 O 62 −
-1 S 2 O 32 − S 2 O 62 −
-2.5 SO 24 −
-3 -1 1 3 5 7
Oxidation State of Sulfur
Figure 1.1 Oxidation State Diagram for Sulfur Species at pH 10 (Peters, 1976).
Thiosulfate S 2 O 32− +2
Dithionite S 2 O 24− +3
Sulfite SO 32− +4
Dithionate S 2 O 62− +5
Sulfate SO 24− +6
CHAPTER 1: Review of the Leaching of Gold Using Thiosulfate 10
3S 2 O 32− + 6 OH − → 4 SO 32− + 2 S 2− + 3 H 2 O ( 6)
The degree to which thiosulfate is oxidised during leaching depends upon the ore type, pH,
temperature and the initial thiosulfate concentration.
Ultraviolet light and oxygen are known to promote the decomposition of thiosulfate but
thiosulfate solutions made from fresh double-distilled water or distilled-deionised water is
stable over long periods of time if stored in dark, airtight containers (Dhawale, 1993;
Tykodi, 1990). Addition of sodium carbonate to the thiosulfate solution can also improve
stability as it prevents the decomposition of thiosulfate from microbial degradation.
Increasing the temperature of the solution will promote the decomposition of many sulfur
species including thiosulfate (Rolia and Chakrabarti, 1982).
CHAPTER 1: Review of the Leaching of Gold Using Thiosulfate 11
While thiosulfate is also reported to oxidise in alkali solutions (Equations 6 & 7), the rate
of oxidation by oxygen and hydroxide ions is extremely slow (Byerley et al., 1975). In a
leaching environment, the loss of thiosulfate is mainly due to oxidation by certain metal
ions such as copper (II). While these studies with the copper minerals chalcocite ( CuS ),
covellite ( Cu 2S ) and chalcopyrite ( CuFeS2 ) at pH 8 to 10 have reported the oxidation of
thiosulfate to tetrathionate and sulfate, chemically it is known that sulfate will form at
pH 11 and trithionate at pH 9 as shown in Equations 9 & 10, respectively (Naito et al.,
1970; Chanda and Rempel, 1987):
There are no reports of the formation of trithionate during leaching of gold but this is not
true of tetrathionate (Flett et al., 1983; Zipperian et al., 1988).
Within a leach solution, a whole range of sulfur compounds can form, e.g. S6 O 62− , S5 O 62− ,
S4 O 62− , S3 O 62− , S2 O 52− , S2 O 24− , SO 24− , SO 32− , S0 , S2 − either through oxidation or
reduction of other sulfur species. The agreed pathway by which most of these sulfur
compounds are formed from thiosulfate is through the oxidation of thiosulfate to
tetrathionate ( S4 O 62− ). In slightly alkaline solutions (pH = 9), tetrathionate initially
disproportionates to pentathionate ( S5 O 62− ) and sulfite ( SO 32− ). The sulfite then reacts with
additional tetrathionate to produce thiosulfate and trithionate ( S3O 62− ). The pentathionate
also disproportionates to thiosulfate and trithionate due to its low stability. In strongly
alkaline solutions (pH = 11), tetrathionate disproportionates to trithionate and thiosulfate
(Fava and Bresadola, 1955; Naito et al., 1970). These subsequent products react with
pentathionate forming thiosulfate and trithionate with the trithionate further converting to
sulfate and sulfamate ( SO 3 NH −2 ) by reaction with ammonia. Sulfamate will only form
when the ammonia concentration exceeds 2 M or the pH is at least 12 (Naito et al., 1970).
Tetrathionate can also disproportionate to dithionite ( S2 O 24− ) and dithionate ( S2O62 − ) but
these polythionates are highly unstable and will oxidise to sulfate ( SO 24− ) rapidly (Naito et
al., 1970). Alternatively, given time, all these sulfur compounds will ultimately be
oxidised to sulfate, the most stable and final degradation product for all sulfur compounds
(Table 1.4).
CHAPTER 1: Review of the Leaching of Gold Using Thiosulfate 12
Thiosulfate forms strong complexes with a range of metal ions [Cu (I), Cu (II), Cd (II), Ni
(II), Co (II), Pt (IV), Bi (III), Hg (II), Ag (I), Au (I), Fe (III)]. Depending upon the
concentration of thiosulfate, pH and reaction conditions a number of stable complex ions
of a particular metal ion can be formed, for example Ag(S2 O 3 ) 32− or Ag(S2 O 3 ) 53− and
Cu 2 (S2 O 3 ) 22− , Cu (S 2 O 3 ) 32− or Cu (S2 O 3 ) 53− .
There is still some disagreement on the nature of the complexes of gold, silver, copper,
lead and zinc which are present in leach solutions. Examination of the stability constants
for the thiosulfate and amine complexes of copper, gold and silver show they are similar
(Table 1.5). Work conducted at the Parker CRC for Hydrometallurgy has established that
under typical leach conditions, the gold amine complex is not as stable as the commonly
reported value used in the literature of β2 = 1026 (Perera, 2001). Lead would only form
thiosulfate complexes whilst zinc amine complexes are more stable than thiosulfate.
CHAPTER 1: Review of the Leaching of Gold Using Thiosulfate 13
There has been some research into the stabilisation and in-situ generation of thiosulfate
solutions. Stabilisation of thiosulfate in leach solutions would help to minimise the
oxidation of thiosulfate and reduce the cost of the process. Thiosulfate can be generated
through oxidation of polysulfides Sn2-, n = 2, 3, 4,…. As exemplified by Equation 11
(Jiayong et al., 1996), by mixing elemental sulfur with hydroxide ions in the presence of a
phase transfer catalysis according to Equations 12 a & b (Deng et al., 1984), by reaction of
sulfite with sulfur as shown by Equation 13 (Kerley and Barnard, 1983), or by reaction of
hydrated lime with sulfur via Equation 14 (Jian et al., 1993):
Na 2S5 + 3 2 O 2 → Na 2S 2 O 3 + 3S( colloidal) (11)
4 S o + 6 OH − → S 2 O 32− + 2 S 2− + 3 H 2 O (12 a )
Kerley suggested that the stability of thiosulfate within a leach could be improved by
adding sulfite ions (Kerley, 1981; Kerley and Barmard, 1983). This enabled regeneration
of thiosulfate from a range of other sulfur species normally formed during leaching
(Equations 15 a to d):
CHAPTER 1: Review of the Leaching of Gold Using Thiosulfate 14
Addition of sulfite to the leach solution to regenerate thiosulfate increased the recovery of
gold from 5 to 85 % from ores containing manganese. Although this process worked well
in laboratory studies, plant trials failed (Perez and Galaviz, 1987).
Iodometric titration is the oldest known method for the determination of thiosulfate
(Dhawale, 1993; Skoog et al., 1996). Iodine oxidises thiosulfate to tetrathionate and in the
process is reduced to iodide (Equation 16):
I 2 + 2 S2 O 32 − → 2 I − + S4 O 62 − (16)
Soluble starch is used to give a better determination of the end point or alternatively the
end point is determined potentiometrically or ampometrically. When determining the
thiosulfate concentration in a leach solution the reaction of iodine with sulfite is of concern
(Equation 17):
A comprehensive review of all the methods used to determine thiosulfate and other thiol
salts in solution has been written by Szekeres (1974). A range of other analytical
techniques, which include ion chromatography used in association with high-pressure
liquid chromatography (HPLC), photometric, gravimetric and electro analytical methods,
have been used to detect thiosulfate, especially if it is present with other sulfur species. Ion
chromatography can be used to detect a range of sulfur compounds with good
reproducibility and detection limits down to 10 µM in concentration and is widely used for
this purpose. Most researchers use anion exchange columns with a mixture of acetonitrile
and sodium carbonate as the mobile phase but it can take up to thirty minutes per sample to
CHAPTER 1: Review of the Leaching of Gold Using Thiosulfate 15
analyse all the species in solution (Suden et al., 1983; Weir et al., 1994). There have been
some photometric methods developed to determine thiosulfate, tetrathionate and trithionate
in solution (Mizoguchi and Okabe, 1975). Photometric determinations are only suitable
for high concentrations (> 0.5 mM) of species in solution (Szekeres, 1974). The
gravimetric method is based on the determination of total sulfur in the solution by initially
converting to sulfate then precipitating sulfate with barium chloride. While accurate, this
procedure is problematic and time-consuming and does not determine the concentration of
individual sulfur species in solution. The electrochemical method uses an ion selective
electrode to detect the slight concentration of iodide during the reaction of thiosulfate with
iodine. This technique is however, only suitable for low concentrations (10 µM) of
thiosulfate in solution (Koh and Kitami, 1989).
In the 1950’s, the petroleum industry identified problems with stress corrosion cracking
within their stainless steel (type 304) piping and tanks and determined the cause was due to
thiosulfate. Thiosulfate was also identified as the cause of pitting and crevice corrosion of
stainless steel (type 304) within the paper pulp industry. Copper and other copper-base
alloys, such as brass, are also known to corrode in thiosulfate containing solutions.
The generally accepted mechanism for these forms of corrosion is that the
disproportionation of thiosulfate produces active sulfur species such as sulfide ions at low
pH. These active sulfur species aid the dissolution of metal and prevent the repassivation
of the metal surfaces, thus promoting corrosion. Sulfate-reducing bacteria either assist or
are also partly responsible for the corrosion of the stainless steel (types 304 and 316). The
finding of most concern was that all these forms of corrosion were found to occur even at
very dilute thiosulfate concentrations ranging from 10-6 to 10-7 M (Dhawale, 1993). This
information has possible implications in leaching gold with thiosulfate, which is carried
out at concentrations that are six to seven folds higher. Although leaching occurs in
alkaline solutions, it does not rule out thiosulfate corrosion of equipment as the degradation
products can be formed both in acid and alkaline solutions. The only reported evidence of
equipment corrosion from thiosulfate after four years was the plant at Sonora, Mexico
which was constructed from carbon steel (Li et al., 1995).
CHAPTER 1: Review of the Leaching of Gold Using Thiosulfate 16
The dissolution of gold and silver in thiosulfate is comparable to that of cyanide (Equations
18, 19 & 20, 21):
4 Au + O 2 + 2 H 2 O + 8 CN − → 4 Au (CN ) 2− + 4 OH − (18)
4 Ag + O 2 + 2 H 2 O + 8 CN − → 4 Ag(CN ) 2− + 4 OH − (19)
Au ( NH 3 ) 2+ + 2 S 2 O 32− → Au (S 2 O 3 ) 32− + 2 NH 3 ( 23 b)
This mechanism has been suggested on the basis of the EH-pH diagram presented in Figure
1.2 by most researchers showing the regions of stability of two soluble gold complexes,
namely the diamine ( Au( NH 3 ) +2 ) and the di-thiosulfate complexes ( Au(S2 O 3 ) 32− ). It is
now known that the diamine stability is not as high as β2 = 1026 previously reported and
used to draw this diagram (Perera, 2001; Nicol et al., 2000). Therefore the area of stability
of the diamine shown in Figure 1.2 should be much reduced. Wan (1997) has supported
this finding electrochemically, showing that the rest potential for gold changes with
thiosulfate concentration but not the ammonia concentration. However, the gold diamine
complex is known to form at higher temperatures and ammonia concentrations, with the
dissolution of gold with ammonia being very slow below 100oC (Guan and Han, 1994;
Meng and Han, 1993).
CHAPTER 1: Review of the Leaching of Gold Using Thiosulfate 17
The dissolution of silver occurs similarly to gold in that it may dissolve in a thiosulfate
solution with oxygen but this reaction is known to be faster with copper (II) as the oxidant
according to Equation 24 (Guan and Han, 1994). Unlike gold, silver dissolves to form
both stable silver thiosulfate (Equations 21 & 24) and amine complexes (Equations 25 &
4 Ag + O 2 + 8 NH 3 + 2 H 2 O → 4 Ag( NH 3 ) 2+ + 4 OH − ( 25)
The EH-pH diagram (Figure 1.3) shows the greater stability of the di- and tri-thiosulfate
complexes with no amine complexes under these conditions. Potentials below 0 mV result
in the precipitation of anthracite ( Ag 2S ) in the pH region of 8 to 10 used for thiosulfate
leaching. This precipitation of silver could explain the poorer recoveries of silver
compared to gold during prolonged leaching experiments (Zipperian et al., 1988; Groudev
et al., 1995). Leaching studies also showed that silver leaches slower than gold, possibly
because gold-silver alloys dissolve at a faster rate (Webster, 1986).
CHAPTER 1: Review of the Leaching of Gold Using Thiosulfate 18
The stability diagram for the copper ammoniacal thiosulfate system shows that copper (I)
thiosulfate has a wider stability region than copper (II) amine (Figure 1.4). The stability of
copper (II) amine is very narrow and occurs at potentials above 0.2 V and at pH values in
the range of 9 to 10. In the same pH range and at potentials below 0.2 V, copper (I)
thiosulfate is stable. Below this potential gold does not dissolve even though copper
should be stable as Cu(S2O3)35- but below this regions copper will precipitate as
chalcocite (Cu2S) or covellite (CuS).
If the dissolution of both gold and silver were dependent on the reduction of copper (II)
amine then a high concentration of copper (II) amine in the leach solution would be
desirable. During leaching, copper (II) amine is reduced to copper (I) thiosulfate and is re-
oxidised to copper (II) amine by dissolved oxygen. This consumes oxygen and lowers the
solution potential increasing the stability region of copper (I) thiosulfate or even chalcocite
in solution. Therefore, to maximise the concentration of copper (II) amine, a high ratio of
ammonia to thiosulfate and oxygen is required in a leach solution.
CHAPTER 1: Review of the Leaching of Gold Using Thiosulfate 19
The EH-pH diagram for the sulfur species in the system is also important in understanding
the fate of thiosulfate and its oxidation products. The EH-pH diagram for the S-H2O
system in Figure 1.5 is drawn for the important metastable species and does not include
sulfate and bisulfate, as these are thermodynamically more stable than thiosulfate,
tetrathionate, sulfite, hydrogen sulfite and sulfurous acid. Dithionate was also not
considered, as it would replace most of the stability regions of sulfite, hydrogen sulfite and
sulfurous acid.
The EH-pH diagram reveals that the stability of thiosulfate in the pH range used for gold
dissolution (pH 9-11) is narrow and occurs between a potential range of 0 and -0.2 V;
Sulfite and hydrogen sulfide become more stable outside this potential range. Trithionate
is thermodynamically less stable than either tetrathionate or thiosulfate and does not appear
on the EH-pH diagram. It is obvious that oxidation of thiosulfate to tetrathionate will occur
in the same potential region as that required for the oxidation of gold. To avoid
precipitation of sulfur, a pH greater than 9 is required for leaching in a thiosulfate leach
CHAPTER 1: Review of the Leaching of Gold Using Thiosulfate 20
It should be noted that the thermodynamics of the system does not enable one to predict the
relative amounts of the various sulfur products formed. This will depend on the kinetics of
the various reactions. Therefore many sulfur species could be present in a leach solution
and their relative concentrations would depend on the kinetics of the oxidation of
thiosulfate and reaction with other oxidation products. This is related to the concentration
of thiosulfate and the concentration of species such as copper, ammonia and oxygen in
Figure 1.5 EH-pH Diagram for S-H2O System at 1 M soluble species and
without consideration of sulfate (Michel and Frenay, 1999). Blue
Lines Represent H2O/O2 and H+/H2 Equilibria.
While the oxidation of gold and silver to soluble metal thiosulfate complexes in the
presence of copper (II) is the most researched thiosulfate leaching process, it is viewed by
some as problematic and Jiayong and co-workers (1996) present a modified version of the
process. They discovered that gold is dissolved from sulfide concentrates in strongly
alkaline solutions. The mechanism for this dissolution is believed to involve the reduction
of elemental sulfur to polysulfide ions (Equation 27):
CHAPTER 1: Review of the Leaching of Gold Using Thiosulfate 21
The sulfur and thiosulfate in Equation 27 are formed by the oxidation of the sulfide
minerals. Therefore elemental sulfur acts as the oxidant for gold without the need for
copper or any other oxidant. The EH-pH diagram for this system (Figure 1.6) is
significantly different to the previous diagram for gold (Figure 1.2). This diagram shows
the stability region for gold thiosulfate is between a potential of 0.1 and – 0.2 V at a pH
range of 8 to 10 and is well below oxygen. These potentials are more cathodic than those
shown in the previous stability region for gold thiosulfate (Figure 1.2) suggesting that these
authors may have used different thermodynamic data for the soluble gold species in
solution. If it were assumed that this stability region for gold thiosulfate is correct, then it
would suggest that gold dissolves in the region where chalcocite, covellite and anthracite
are stable.
This diagram also displays a stability region for a gold sulfide complex. While gold
sulfide could also be formed in a thiosulfate leach solution this is unlikely as gold sulfide
would probably be oxidised under thiosulfate leach conditions. Also it is known that
activated carbon can be used to recover gold sulfide but not gold thiosulfate. Since it was
found that activated carbon could not recover the dissolved gold during a thiosulfate leach
this suggests that gold thiosulfate and not gold sulfide was formed during leaching.
Figure 1.6 EH-pH Diagram for the Au-S-H2O System at 5 x 10-4 M Au, 1 M
S2O32- and 1 M NH3/NH4+ (Jiayong et al., 1996). Blue Lines
Represent H2O/O2 and H+/H2 Equilibria.
CHAPTER 1: Review of the Leaching of Gold Using Thiosulfate 22
Many researchers have examined the effect of various parameters on the dissolution of
gold and silver in leach solutions. These include the effect of changing the concentration
of copper (II) ions, ammonia and thiosulfate, the pH, temperature, the addition of oxygen
or nitrogen and the addition of either sulfite or sulfate. The effect of leaching time and the
pulp density has also been examined (Tables 1.1-1.3).
It has been found that the concentration of thiosulfate, initial copper (II), sulfate, sulfite,
ammonia, temperature, pulp density and leaching time influence the recovery of gold with
thiosulfate while the pH, and oxygen partial pressure had no effect. The concentration of
copper (II), sulfite, sulfate, thiosulfate, pH and temperature also controlled the
consumption of thiosulfate during the leach. The only variables that had a positive effect
on limiting the thiosulfate consumption were sulfate and sulfite concentration.
Thiosulfate can complex with gold [ Au(S2 O 3 ) 32− ] and silver [ Ag(S 2 O 3 ) 32− ] during
leaching, but the stability of these complexes depends upon the concentration of thiosulfate
in solution. While increasing the thiosulfate concentration is expected to increase the
recovery of gold and silver, lowering the thiosulfate (< 0.01M) concentration could result
in incomplete leaching, causing the precipitation of metal ions from solution (for example
anthracite) or increase the stability of the amine complexes thereby reducing the amount of
gold recovered by anion exchange resins. Silver recoveries could be expected to be
especially sensitive to changes in thiosulfate concentration because the stability of the
amine and thiosulfate complexes are similar (Table 1.5). From electrochemical studies,
thiosulfate was shown to passivate gold, and very high concentrations may in fact suppress
the recovery of gold (Jiayong et al., 1996).
CHAPTER 1: Review of the Leaching of Gold Using Thiosulfate 23
Ammonia is known to promote the dissolution of gold and silver (Jiayong et al., 1996), but
leaching studies found that increasing the ammonia concentration only improved the
recovery of gold to a certain point (Caixia and Qiang, 1991; Langhans et al., 1992; Qian et
al., 1993; Yen et al., 1998). In fact, increasing the ammonia concentration beyond this
point reduced the recovery of gold (Abbruzzese et al., 1995; Chai, 1997; Jian et al., 1993;
Zipperian et al., 1988). Silver recoveries were also reduced with increasing ammonia
concentration (Briones and Lapidus, 1998; Flett et al., 1983; Zipperian et al., 1988).
Nevertheless, at a given pH, an increase in the concentration of ammonia will increase the
stability of the copper (II) amine ( Cu ( NH 3 ) 24+ ) in solution. This is believed to assist gold
dissolution (Qian et al., 1993). Ammonia is also known to hinder the dissolution of iron
oxides, silica, silicates and carbonates which are common gangue minerals found in gold
bearing ores (Abbruzzese et al., 1995).
When the solution is not buffered, increasing the ammonia concentration would increase
the pH decreasing the stability of the copper (II) amine complex and widening the
thermodynamic stability of copper species such as tenorite ( CuO ) and cuprite ( Cu 2 O )
(Abbruzzese et al., 1995). Another common precipitate reported is penta-ammonium
copper-tri-thiosulfate [ ( NH 4 ) 5 Cu (S2 O 3 ) 3 ] (Chai, 1997; Flett et al., 1983; Jiayong et al.,
1996). Lowering the ammonia concentration will cause incomplete leaching and increase
the stability of chalcocite ( Cu 2S ) and covellite ( CuS ) as discussed earlier in Section 1.4.
CHAPTER 1: Review of the Leaching of Gold Using Thiosulfate 24
The precipitation of copper from solution will lower the oxidant concentration in the leach
and the copper precipitate will possibly hinder gold dissolution by coating gold ore
particles. These findings suggest that in order to optimise the dissolution of gold, the
concentrations of ammonia and thiosulfate need to be controlled to a defined ratio. Data
from Tables 1.1-1.3 suggest that this should be about one part thiosulfate to ten parts of
Leaching of gold and silver is accomplished by the reduction of copper (II) amine
[ Cu( NH 3 ) 24 + ] to copper (I) thiosulfate [ Cu(S2O3 )32− ] (Abbruzzese et al., 1995). The
concentration of copper (II) amine in solution can be increased by adding copper (II)
sulfate. The reduction of copper (II) to the copper (I) state by thiosulfate is retarded by
ammonia (Equation 28) and increasing the ammonia concentration in a leach will decrease
the rate of this conversion (Byerley et al., 1973):
Since copper (II) amine is required for the dissolution of gold and silver it is commonly re-
oxidised using oxygen (Equation 29):
4 Cu(S 2 O 3 ) 32− + O 2 + 4 NH 4+ + 12 NH 3 →
4 Cu( NH 3 ) 24+ + 8 S 2 O 32− + 2 H 2 O ( 29)
concentrations had little effect on gold and silver recoveries (Abbruzzese et al., 1995;
Genik-Sas-Berzowsky and Sefton, 1978; Caixia and Qiang, 1991; Jian et al., 1993;
Langhans et al., 1992; Qian et al., 1993; Yen et al., 1998).
Temperature has a significant effect on the rate of gold dissolution in thiosulfate leach
solutions. An increase from 25 to 60oC decreases the time needed for leaching from 24
hours to a few hours (Bhaduri, 1987; Block-Bolten et al., 1985; Cao et al., 1992; Chai,
1997; Flett et al., 1983; Wan, 1997; Zipperian et al., 1988). Temperatures above 60oC
resulted in decreased gold dissolution. This is thought to be caused by the precipitation of
metal sulfides (including those of gold and silver) and sulfur on the gold surface due to the
loss of ammonia. The increase in temperatures also increases thiosulfate decomposition,
which can affect gold and silver recoveries through precipitation (Sections 1.3.1 & 1.3.2).
Therefore, not all researchers have found that increased temperature improved the recovery
of gold (Abbruzzese et al., 1995; Genik-Sas-Berzowsky and Sefton, 1978; Genik-Sas-
Berezowsky et al., 1978). It is also not practical to leach low-grade ores at these elevated
temperatures unless the process involves pre-roasted material or high temperature recycled
liquors from subsequent recovery stages.
1.5.5 Effect of pH
Leaching of gold and silver with thiosulfate can occur at pH values from 7 to 10.5. Perez
and Galaviz (1987) maintained a leaching pH of 9.5 to 10 to eliminate the problem caused
by metallic iron and ferric salts. It was found that iron dissolution occurred below pH 9.5
which needed to be avoided to prevent the oxidation of thiosulfate to tetrathionate.
Moreover, there was a stronger tendency to precipitate any dissolved iron as iron
hydroxide at a high pH. Although many researchers have operated at the pH
recommended by Perez and Glaviz (1987), it has been shown that variation of the pH in
the range 9 to 11 had little affect on the overall recovery of gold or silver (Bhaduri, 1987;
Guan and Han, 1994; Niinae et al., 1996). However, Chai (1997), Toa and co-workers
(1993b) and Yen and co-workers (1998) reported a slight decrease in recovery at pH values
greater than 10.5.
CHAPTER 1: Review of the Leaching of Gold Using Thiosulfate 26
The dissolution of gold by thiosulfate requires the presence of copper (II) amine in
solution. Oxygen will regenerate copper (II) amine from copper (I) thiosulfate in solution
and is essential to the process. If the copper (I) thiosulfate is not converted back to copper
(II) amine it can result in the precipitation of copper sulfides due to the instability of the
copper (I) thiosulfate complex. It was found that anthracite and chalcocite precipitated in
the absence of air while covellite precipitated in the presence of air (Flett et al., 1983).
CHAPTER 1: Review of the Leaching of Gold Using Thiosulfate 27
The addition of sulfate has also been shown to improve recovery and decrease the
consumption of thiosulfate. This has been suggested too be due to the reaction shown in
Equation 30 (Jiexue and Qian, 1991):
However the kinetic stability of sulfate suggests this reaction is unlikely to occur within a
thiosulfate leach solution and the improved recovery of gold is probably the result of an
alternative mechanism involving sulfur compounds.
Excessive concentrations of either sulfate or sulfite within a leach will lower the recovery
of gold (Bhaduri, 1987; Chai, 1997; Flett et al., 1983; Langhans et al., 1992; Niinae et al.,
1996; Qian et al., 1993). Sulfate can build up within a leaching system and the addition of
lime is a recognised method of precipitating excess sulfate as gypsum. The impact of this
precipitation on the recovery of gold using thiosulfate has not been reported.
Maximum recovery has been achieved at elevated temperatures and the time required for
leaching was no longer then 4 hours. Longer leaching times at elevated temperatures
caused precipitation of gold and copper (Bhaduri, 1987). Although this precipitation was
likely caused by the loss of ammonia at elevated temperatures, other studies have shown
no drop in recovery over the longer leach times (Jian et al., 1993, Niinae et al., 1996; Yen
et al., 1998). Leaching studies carried out at ambient temperature have required between
24 to 48 hours for maximum recovery which are comparable to cyanidation leach times
(Qian et al., 1993).
The effect of pulp density on the recovery of gold and silver is not widely reported (Caixia
and Qiang, 1991; Cao et al., 1992; Jian et al., 1993). These researchers found an optimum
pulp density of between 30-40 % solids while increasing the density to 50 % solids
resulted in reduced extraction. Most cyanidation processes operate between 40-50 %
solids. In addition higher pulp density could introduce problems for in-pulp recovery
especially with anion exchange resins.
CHAPTER 1: Review of the Leaching of Gold Using Thiosulfate 28
Some gold ores containing sulfide minerals are refractory to leaching. The oxidation of the
sulfide material before leaching destroys the sulfide lattice and releases the gold for
leaching (McDonald et al., 1991). The most common pre-treatment processes are pressure
oxidation, bacterial leaching (bio-oxidation) or roasting. Although not essential for
leaching of gold with thiosulfate, the oxidation of sulfidic material has been recommended
to increase the accessibility of the gold in the sulfide lattice to the leaching agent (Groudev
et al., 1994; Groudev et al., 1995; Groudev et al., 1996; Wan, 1997). Bio-oxidation offers
a cheaper and more environmentally acceptable method of recovering of gold from low-
grade (<1 g t-1 Au) sulfide deposits but the heap must be neutralized either with cement or
lime before the lixiviant is added because the bio-oxidation process produces acid (Brierley
and Hill, 1993).
The University of Mining and Geology in Bulgaria has reported detailed work on the
success of pre-bacterial oxidation before leaching of gold with thiosulfate (Groudev et al.,
1994; Groudev et al., 1995; Groudev et al., 1996). They reported a 50 to 80 % increase in
recovery with pre-oxidation and attributed the increase to the action of bacterial amino
acids produced in the pre-oxidation step. Michel and Frenay (1999) found that a range of
amino acids produced by the bacteria could improve the stability of copper and increase
the recovery of gold (Michel and Frenay, 1999). Glycine, the main amino acid studied,
lowered the consumption of thiosulfate and decreased the concentration of ammonia
needed in the leach. This was attributed to complexation of the copper with glycine and
replacing the copper (II) amine within the thiosulfate leach system (Equation 31):
CHAPTER 1: Review of the Leaching of Gold Using Thiosulfate 29
There have been only a few electrochemical studies aimed at establishing the mechanism
for the dissolution of gold in the presence of thiosulfate and ammonia (Cao et al., 1992;
Guocai et al., 1994b; Jiayong et al., 1996; Michel and Frenay, 1998; Toa et al., 1993a). As
noted previously in Section 1.4, it has been suggested that gold is oxidised in the presence
of ammonia to form the gold (I) amine complex [ Au( NH 3 ) +2 ]. The gold amine complex
released into the bulk solution reacts with thiosulfate to form the more stable gold (I)
thiosulfate complex [ Au(S2 O 3 ) 32− ] (Cao et al., 1992; Guocai et al., 1994b; Toa et al.,
1993a). The oxidation reaction is coupled to the reduction of copper (II) amine
[ Cu ( NH 3 ) 24 + ] to copper (I) amine [ Cu ( NH 3 ) +2 ], which is then re-oxidised, by oxygen, to
copper (II) amine to complete the copper cycle as shown in Figure 1.7.
Cu ( NH 3 ) 24+ + e − → Cu ( NH 3 ) +2 + 2 NH 3 Cu (NH 3 ) +2 + O2 OH −
CHAPTER 1: Review of the Leaching of Gold Using Thiosulfate 30
The leaching data does not support this mechanism, because there is no evidence of the
formation of gold and copper (I) amine complexes. Therefore, it is more likely that
thiosulfate is involved in the anodic and cathodic processes with the copper (II) amine
being reduced to copper (I) thiosulfate complex [ Cu(S 2 O 3 ) 32− ] before being re-oxidised by
oxygen as shown in Figure 1.8. This scheme is more consistent with known relative
stabilities of the copper (I) and gold (I) amine and thiosulfate complexes.
Figure 1.8 The Proposed Model for the Dissolution of Gold in the Thiosulfate
Leaching System (present study).
In a thiosulfate leaching system, sulfur or metal sulfides could passivate the gold surface,
e.g. copper sulfide precipitating on the gold surface. When only thiosulfate is present the
passivation of the surface is apparently enhanced giving support to the suggestion that
ammonia retards passivation (Jiayong et al., 1996; Toa et al., 1993a). Other possible
reactions in the copper-ammonia-thiosulfate system are shown in Figure 1.9. This reaction
scheme highlights the possible species that copper could reside and the likely pathways
copper could be reduced and oxidised within a thiosulfate leaching system. It also covers
some of the known precipitates of copper namely copper sulfide's when thiosulfate
concentrations are low and copper tetra-amine thiosulfate when the ammonia concentration
and thiosulfate concentrations are high.
CHAPTER 1: Review of the Leaching of Gold Using Thiosulfate 31
Copper (I): Cu(NH3)2+ Cu(S2O3)23- Cu2S (s)
NH3 S2O32- (Black)
(Colourless) (Colourless)
O3 NH3
NH3 S 2
3 O2
O2 H O2
Copper (II): Cu(NH3)42+ Cu(S2O3)22- CuS (s)
(Blue) S2O32- (Black)
NH3 or
Cu(NH3)2S2O3 ??
S2O32- (Yellow)
Cu(NH3)4S2O3 (s)
Figure 1.9 Proposed Reaction Scheme for Copper Speciation (Present Study).
CHAPTER 1: Review of the Leaching of Gold Using Thiosulfate 32
The leaching mechanism for silver metal by ammoniacal thiosulfate solution with copper is
similar to that of gold (Zipperian et al., 1988). However, a different mechanism is
proposed for the dissolution of silver sulfide by thiosulfate solution. This may explain why
silver in sulfidic ores behaves differently to gold in a leaching environment with changing
variables. Silver sulfide is dissolved by substitution of soluble copper for the silver
followed by complexation with thiosulfate to form thermodynamically stable silver
thiosulfate complex as shown in Equations 32 & 33 (Briones and Lapidus, 1998):
Ammonia or hydroxide ions may retard this conversion process and prevent the dissolution
of silver sulfide. These reactions may also explain the precipitation of copper sulfides
during the leaching of mixed gold and silver sulfidic ores.
CHAPTER 1: Review of the Leaching of Gold Using Thiosulfate 33
There have been many studies that have investigated the use of thiosulfate for the leaching
of a range of ore types and concentrates. While these studies have shown thiosulfate is
able to leach gold, no common set of conditions which maximised the leaching of gold for
all ore types or concentrates was found. This has lead to the realisation that more
fundamental work is required to fully understand the correct mechanism for the dissolution
of gold. While this knowledge would improve the industry's perception of thiosulfate over
the more commonly used cyanide, cyanide still achieves higher recoveries of gold for the
majority of ore types, so thiosulfate researchers should concentrate on the treatment of
niche ore types where cyanide is not applicable. Furthermore, research needs to be focused
on leaching at ambient temperatures, as high temperature leaching is generally
uneconomical for low-grade ores. In addition this would allow for a more direct
comparison with cyanidation.
Further work is also required to determine the correct stability data for the likely species
that occur in a thiosulfate leach solution. This information could help to explain the
difference in leaching parameters for different ore types. Moreover it will help to predict
how the speciation changes with species concentration and lead to the successful use of
thiosulfate in gold hydrometallurgy. Thus the recovery of gold from thiosulfate with the
use of anion exchange resins will only be maximised by having a complete understanding
of the chemistry of leaching gold with thiosulfate. The development of a simple system,
similar to cyanidation, is also necessary for thiosulfate to be viewed as a replacement for
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 34
For the thiosulfate process to have a similar recovery procedure to the well-known carbon-
in-pulp process, more research is needed in the area of in-pulp recovery. The carbon-in-
pulp process not only lowered operating costs by eliminating the solid-liquid separation
step, it revolutionised the way dissolved gold and silver was recovered from leach pulps
(Hall, 1974). A similar improvement in technology is desirable for the thiosulfate process
to become a viable alternative to cyanidation.
The limited number of studies that have dealt with the recovery of gold from clarified
thiosulfate leach solutions have concentrated on cementation, solvent extraction,
electrowinning, chemical precipitation, or substitution of thiosulfate by cyanide (Alguacil
et al., 1994; Aturi and Raghavan, 1989; Awadalla and Ritcey, 1993; Caracava and
Alguacil, 1994; Caravaca, 1994; Gallagher et al., 1990; Genik-Sas-Berzowsky and Sefton,
1978; Groves and Blackman, 1995; Guerra and Dreisinger, 1999; Jiexue and Qian, 1988;
Kerley and Barnard, 1983; Mooiman and Miller, 1986; Perez and Galaviz, 1987; Wan and
Le Vier, 1993). Because activated carbon was found to be ineffective in recovering the
gold thiosulfate complex, the only method proposed for recovering gold from pulps is the
RIP process (Marchbank et al., 1996; Deschenes and Ritcey, 1990; Jay, 1999; Thomas et
al., 1998; Touro and Wiewiorowski, 1992).
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 35
There are three methods for the reduction of the dissolved gold to the metallic state,
namely cementation, chemical reduction and electrowinning. Gold was initially recovered
by cementation from cyanide leach solutions but in the carbon-in-pulp process
electrowinning is used for the recovery of gold from the eluant. Chemical reduction is
currently used for nickel reduction with the use of hydrogen in Western Australia.
2.2.1 Cementation of Gold on Copper, Iron, Zinc or Aluminium
Iron, zinc, aluminium and copper have been studied as the reducing metals for gold from
thiosulfate solutions (Table 2.1). Copper has been the preferred metal because it is
relatively inexpensive and required within the thiosulfate leaching process anyway (Guerra
and Dreisinger, 1999).
Metal Reference
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 36
If iron or zinc is used as the reductant both copper and gold will co-cement (Equation 35 a
& b):
Zinc is unsuitable as it cements all the gold and copper from solution. In addition, if the
solution is to be recycled additional copper must be added. Zinc ions also prevent leaching
of gold in a thiosulfate leach solution (Kerley and Barnard, 1983; Jiexue and Qian, 1988).
Iron can be used but causes some co-cementation of copper with the gold. Aluminium has
been found to be ineffective at reducing the gold from solution, probably because there are
no soluble aluminium complexes in ammoniacal thiosulfate solutions.
Another disadvantage of these metals is that in the presence of oxygen or air they
commonly form oxide layers which passivate their surfaces. According to these authors
the formation of the oxide layer prevents the cementation of metal ions from solution.
Oxygen causes excessive consumption of the metal and incomplete recovery of gold from
solution (Wan et al., 1994). Pre-treatment with acid or de-aeration is commonly practiced
to minimise the formation of the oxide layer. However, it has been found that de-aeration
is not critical for cementation if there is sufficient sacrificial metal added within a
thiosulfate system (Wan et al., 1994).
A detailed study of the cementation of gold by copper by Guerra and Driesinger (1999)
found that the cementation reaction is controlled by the diffusion of gold (I) thiosulfate
complex. They observed that changes in the solution potential could not be used to
indicate the progress of the gold cementation reaction because the solution potential was
dominated by side-reactions. Cementation experiments showed that increasing the
temperature (30 oC - 50 oC), pH or ammonia concentration enhanced cementation
performance; but the presence of sulfite or copper ions in solution hampered gold
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 37
cementation. Overall, cementation was controlled by the mass transport of metal ions to
the sacrificial metal surface in the circulating clarified leach solution.
Presently copper cementation is the only commercially proven method of recovering the
gold from thiosulfate leach solutions. While it is effective for heap leaching operations
that produce clean solution, it is not an option for in-pulp recovery of dissolved gold from
a leaching circuit because of the high cost associated with the solid-liquid separation of the
leach liquor (Wan et al., 1994; Jiexue and Qian, 1988; Marchbank et al., 1996). The
precipitation of metal or adsorption of gold thiosulfate on solids in the slurry during the
solid-liquid separation also leads to gold-losses by preg-robbing. This adds to the cost of
washing of the solids before discarding to prevent loss of gold to the tails.
Currently, the most common means of recovering dissolved gold from thiosulfate solutions
is by electrochemical or chemical reduction. The reduction of gold in the form of the
thiosulfate complex is not as well understood as for gold cyanide, but it is believed to
proceed according to the following reaction:
Many researchers have favoured chemical reduction (or electroless gold plating) over
electrowinning and have patented many types of reducing baths with various combinations
of reductants and reagents for application in the electronics, optics and photographic
The reduction of gold thiosulfate on stainless steel beads by electroless gold plating
achieves about 50 % gold deposition efficiency when ascorbic acid is used as the reducing
agent (Lam et al., 1999; Sullivan and Kohl, 1995; Sullivan and Kohl, 1997):
concentration in solution. Therefore, if acid is used, care must be taken to neutralise all the
acid to prevent the decomposition of thiosulfate to sulfur.
To maintain the deposition rate and the longevity of the bath, hydrogen peroxide was used
to consume the excess thiosulfate generated during the reduction:
Sodium borohydride can also be used to reduce gold on an inert metal substrate like
stainless steel or reduce the gold thiosulfate complex to metallic gold in the form of very
fine crystals (Awadalla and Ritcey, 1991; Awadalla and Ritcey, 1993; Groves and
Blackman, 1995):
The most patented electroless bath uses the simplest reducing agent system, the thiosulfate-
sulfite-sulfate system. Sulfite is a mild reductant, which in combination with thiosulfate, is
the cheapest and simplest of the proposed baths. Various additives such as pH regulators
(sodium phosphate or ammonium phosphate), oxidation controllers (ethylene diamine
tetra-acetic acid, EDTA or nitrilo tri-acetic acid, NTA), reductants (ascorbic acid, thiourea
or borohydride) and organic compounds (Amino acids, 2-mercaptobenothiazole or
2-mercatobenzimidazole) have been suggested to increase the stability, rate of gold
deposition and longevity of the bath (Kato et al., 1995; Krulik and Mandich, 1993; Krulik
et al., 1994; Ushio et al., 1989). Amino acids like glycine, alanine and glutamine have
been shown to increase the deposition rate from 1 µmoL m-2 h-1 (which is the highest for
most baths) to rates as high as 5 µmoL m-2 h-1 depending upon the additive (Krulik et al.,
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 39
1994). Addition of other reductants may help to keep the rate of deposition high over a
longer period of time. Adding organic and oxidation controllers simply add to the cost and
the complexity of the bath.
Reduction with hydrogen is known to precipitate a range of noble metals including gold.
This can be achieved by hydrogen sparging or pressurising the leach solution with
hydrogen (Deschenes and Ritcey, 1990). While there are no reported problems with
hydrogen reduction, hydrogen is known to react with thiosulfate and other polythionates
and the increase in acidity is likely to cause a loss of thiosulfate through precipitation of
Overall, electroless gold plating would not be an option for gold plants due to the
complexity and cost of reagents needed to keep the bath stable over long periods of time.
This technology is only suitable for specific applications, as proposed in their patents (Kato
et al., 1995; Krulik and Mandich, 1993; Krulik et al., 1994; Ushio et al., 1989). It is also
not possible to recover gold from pulps by this option, although chemical reduction could
be considered for the recovery of gold from resin-in-pulp (RIP) eluents.
2.2.3 Electrowinning
The limited research on the recovery of gold by electrowinning has shown that the gold
thiosulfate complex can be reduced to gold metal (Figure 2.1). However the two parasitic
cathodic reactions involving the reduction of water and dissolved oxygen cause problems
and consume electricity (Equation 40 a, b):
The co-deposition of other metals such as silver also affects the purity of the gold deposit
(Abbruzzese et al., 1995):
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 40
The diffusion coefficient for gold in thiosulfate solution calculated from electrochemical
studies is 7 x 10-6 cm2 s-1 which is similar to that for gold cyanide of 5 x 10-6 cm2 s-1
(Sullivan and Kohl, 1997). The diffusion current is not affected by pH and agrees with the
Levich equation for different rotation speeds of a rotating gold disk. Electrowinning of
gold from thiosulfate solutions was found to be faster than for gold cyanide and a recovery
of gold of 99% was achieved after one hour, with the gold barren solution being less than 3
mg L-1. The electrical energy requirement was 11 kWh kg-1 gold recovered with a current
efficiency of 4%. This very low current efficiency is not unusual in the gold industry
which commonly operates with a current efficiency of less than 10%.
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 41
Chemical precipitation using ammonium sulfide, lead acetate and tin chloride have been
proposed as methods for recovering the gold and silver from clarified leach solutions.
Equations 42 & 43 show how the addition of sulfide ions can be used for the precipitation
of silver and gold from solution (Flett et al., 1983; Genik-Sas-Berezowsky et al., 1978;
Guocai et al., 1994a; Kerley and Barnard, 1983; Terry and Sheridan, 1927):
Ag 2S 2 O 3 + ( NH 4 ) 2 S → Ag 2S (S) + ( NH 4 ) 2 S 2 O 3 ( 42)
Silver sulfide is very insoluble and the gold tends to co-precipitate with the silver as shown
in Equation 43. This reaction will regenerate thiosulfate but further addition of copper is
required if the solution is to be recirculated (Wan et al., 1994). In the absence of silver
gold could precipitate as a gold sulfide. The major limitations of the process are the need
for excess sulfide to prevent the thiosulfate redissolving the gold and silver precipitate and
contamination by other metal sulfides. While the excess sulfide can produce thiosulfate
(Section 1.3.3), polythionates can also be formed which could hamper leaching or the
recovery of gold in thiosulfate solutions.
Lead acetate and tin chloride will also precipitate the gold thiosulfate from clarified
thiosulfate solutions (Groves and Blackman, 1995; Lam et al., 1999). The patented assay
technique incorporates lead acetate to precipitate the gold, silver and platinum group
elements from playa-evaporite sediments at temperatures of 40 to 60oC (Groves and
Blackman, 1995). This produces a lead-precious metal sponge that is de-leaded by firing
and cupellation. The cost of the reagent, concern with its safety, and the need to increase
the temperature and filter the leach solution renders the process impractical on a large
scale. Stannous chloride is also used in an analytical technique in which a solution of gold
thiosulfate, stannous chloride and ascorbic acid react to form yellow colloidal gold which
is then analysed spectrophotometrically.
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 42
Solvent extraction has been used commercially since the 1970’s to recover copper and
uranium and more recently nickel and cobalt from leach solutions. It is commonly
employed in conjunction with electrowinning. The solvent extraction process is based on
ion exchange in which a soluble metal ion in solution is exchanged for an ion in the
organic reagent. A diluent is usually kerosene used to dissolve an organic reagent that
contains a functional group (R+) which allows for the exchange of hydroxide or other
anions with soluble metal complex anions, MX −n (Equation 44):
The liquid ion exchange reagent possesses a long chain alkyl or aromatic group that makes
it soluble only in the organic solvent. The above example shows an equilibrium between
the metal anion in the organic phase and the hydroxide ion in the aqueous phase. The
loaded metal anions are recovered from the organic solvent by reversal of the above
equilibrium or by using a suitable stripping agent.
Recently, there has been an increase in research to find suitable solvent extractants for the
recovery of gold from thiosulfate leach solutions. Gold requires an anion exchange solvent
which operates at the alkaline pH values of the leach. While a variety of different solvents
such as the modified amines, solvation extractants and various extraction mixtures have
been tested for the recovery of gold from cyanide solutions (Alguacil et al., 1994;
Caracava and Alguacil, 1994; Caravaca, 1994; Caravaca et al., 1996; Mooiman and Miller,
1986) there has been little research on the use of solvents for the recovery of gold from
thiosulfate leach solutions (Jiayong et al., 1996; Zhao et al., 1997; Zhao et al., 1998a; Zhao
et al., 1998b).
Test work using an alkyl phosphorus ester, tributyl phosphate (TBP), revealed that the
recovery of gold thiosulfate was lower when using an aromatic hydrocarbon compared
with an aliphatic hydrocarbon (Zhao et al., 1997). The ratio of ammonia to thiosulfate also
had an influence on the extent of gold extraction, with higher concentrations of ammonia
increasing the extraction as shown in Equation 45 (Zhao et al., 1997):
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 43
Further work by Zhoa and co-workers (1998b) found that when using TRAO with a
primary amine solvent, increasing the thiosulfate concentration in the solution had no
affect on gold extraction. The addition of more organic reagent to the kerosene increased
extraction efficiency while increasing the temperature was unfavourable to gold extraction.
It was also found that, in the absence of ammonia, none of these solvents were able to
separate gold from the silver, copper, zinc or nickel thiosulfate complexes. The order of
selectivity was Au > Ag > Zn > Cu > Ni (Zhao et al., 1999).
However, solvent extraction has similar problems to cementation and requires the leach
solution to be clarified through a solid-liquid separation before extraction. Further
research is also needed to validate the effectiveness of solvents in the presence of other
sulfur competing anions and to develop solvents that can operate at the pH of 9.5 used for
thiosulfate leaching.
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 44
Activated carbon has been used since the late seventies to effectively adsorb dissolved gold
from cyanide solution (Hall, 1974). However, carbon has proven ineffective (< 20%) for
adsorbing the gold from thiosulfate leach solutions as shown in Figure 2.2 (Gallagher et
al., 1990; Jiexue and Qian, 1988). The lack of adsorption is thought to be due to the
relatively high negative charge of the gold thiosulfate complex, steric limitations due to
molecular structure or the lack of specific interactions of the ligand group with carbon
active sites (Gallagher et al., 1990). Jiexene and Qian (1988) found that the amount of
gold adsorption by activated carbon was dependent on the temperature and pH of the
solution. They concluded that activated carbon would never effectively adsorb all the gold
thiosulfate from solution.
Subsequently Abbruzzese and co-workers (1995) showed that activated carbon could be
used to adsorb gold thiosulfate from solutions achieving 95% recovery of gold after 6
hours. This required an unrealistically high carbon concentration of 60 g L-1 within the
leach solution and resulted in very low gold loadings that would not be economical. Jiexue
and Qian (1988) did show that activated carbon concentrations above 30 g L-1 marginally
increased the adsorption of gold thiosulfate from solution but they raised the concern that
the increase in carbon concentration would also increase the consumption of ammonia, as
ammonia is also adsorbed by activated carbon. The high carbon concentration and the lack
of a suitable method for eluting the adsorbed gold from carbon were the main limitations
of the flowsheet presented by Abruzzese and co-workers (1995).
Gold thiosulfate can be loaded on activated carbon by converting it to the more stable gold
cyanide complex as shown in Equation 47 (Gallagher et al., 1990; Jiexue and Qian, 1988):
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 45
Time (minutes)
Furthermore, the unconverted gold thiosulfate will be lost to tails. Cyanide will also be
consumed heavily by other metal ions, thiosulfate and other sulfur species in solution as
illustrated in Equation 48 (Barlett and Davis, 1958; Davis et al., 1966):
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 46
The use of anion exchange resins in a RIP or RIL process is potentially the best method by
which gold thiosulfate can be recovered from leach pulps. The development of this
technology would allow for the overall thiosulfate process to be directly comparable to
cyanidation and the carbon-in-pulp process. This should lead to thiosulfate being viewed
as a viable ‘green’ alternative to cyanide for the recovery of gold from certain ores.
2.6.1 History
The phenomenon of ion exchange was first identified in the 1800’s as occurring naturally
in aluminosilicate minerals, such as clays, aerolites and ultramarines (Kunin, 1958).
Unfortunately, many of these compounds decompose irreversibly in acid solutions and
have very low exchange capacity with the result that their application to hydrometallurgy
is limited. Ion exchange became a processing option with the introduction of synthetic ion
exchange polymeric materials and resins were first use in hydrometallurgy to recovery
uranium in the 1960’s. In the 1970’s, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
used resins rather than carbon for the recovery of gold and silver from cyanide because
they had no ready supply of coconut shells for the manufacture of activated carbon
(Bolinski and Shirley, 1996).
Today, large resin manufacturing companies, e.g. Rohm and Haas and Puiolite,
manufacture a wide selection of resins for a range of applications in the water and waste
treatment industries and to a limited extent in other industries such as mining. Others, such
as Mintek and Henkel, have investigated the application of resins for the mining industry.
These organisations undertook research to produce semi-commercial resins with improved
selectivity for gold cyanide over other base metal cyanide complexes found in leach
solutions. These improved resins offer the mining industry an attractive alternative to
activated carbon for the recovery of gold from cyanide solutions and pulps.
Resins have yet to be embraced by the mining industry since they are more expensive,
have a lower selectivity for gold over other base metal complexes, and are smaller in
particle size than activated carbon. They are however, superior to carbon in respect to gold
loading kinetics and the maximum gold loading achievable. Other advantages of anion
exchange resins include the ability to be eluted at room temperature, selectivity against
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 47
More recently a number of patents have been lodged that propose the use of anion
exchange resins as a means for the recovery of the dissolved gold from thiosulfate leach
solutions and pulps (Jay, 1999; Marchbank et al., 1996; Thomas et al., 1998). These
patents propose the use of either weak or strong-base commercially available anion
exchange resins but provide very little detail on their effectiveness at recovering gold from
thiosulfate leach pulps. There is also very little patent information on the expected resin
loadings of commercial anion exchange resins and the effect of competing anions on the
loading of gold. However, one thing is certain, the modified resins produced by Mintek
and Henkel are generally not applicable for recovering gold from thiosulfate solutions
because they were designed to be selective for singly charged anions such as gold cyanide.
In the case of polystyrene, anion exchange resins are formed through the condensation of
chloromethoxymethane with the phenyl group. This is catalysed by tin chloride to
introduce the chloromethyl group ( − CH 2 Cl ) into the ethylbenzene-diethylbenzene
structure. This structure is further aminated to form either strong or weak-base styrene
resins. Trimethylamine ( (CH 3 ) 3 N ) forms the quaternary benzyl-trimethyl-ammonium
chloride functional group ( RCH 2 N (CH 3 ) 3+ Cl − ), which is characteristic of most type I
strongly basic anion exchange resins. The equivalent reaction using dimethylethanolamine
( (CH 3 ) 2 (C 2 H 4 OH) N ) forms the type II class strong-base resins
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 48
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 49
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 50
The main use of anion exchange resins is in the waste and water treatment industries which
normally operate in a pH range of 5 to 8. Within this pH range and at lower pH values,
both strong- and weak-base anion exchange resins can be utilised for the recovery of metal
anions from solution. However, strong-base resins are more applicable at higher pH values
as they are not limited by the need to be protonated to adsorb metal anions from solution.
That is, when protonated (usually at acidic pH) weak-base resins will load anions but when
not protonated (usually at basic pH) anions will elute as they have little affinity for a
neutral resin. This is because weak-base resins contain functional groups of primary,
secondary or tertiary amines which contain no permanent charge and must therefore be
protonated to make them interact with anions. The greater the number of protonated amine
groups on the resin the greater the potential for loading. While this means weak-base
resins are generally easier to elute via a simple acid-base reaction, their loadings are
readily affected by pH and they do not operate above pH 8.0 because most of the
functional groups are not protonated.
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 51
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 52
Durability is a critical property to ensure the economic viability of the process. Resins are
generally more expensive than activated carbon. Therefore, resin losses have to be
minimised to ensure that operating costs associated with resin replacement are similar or
lower than that for replacement of activated carbon. Resins are also expected to have
higher gold loading capacities and a faster rate of gold loading than activated carbon and it
is therefore crucial that the resin is durable to limit gold loss caused by the loss of resin.
The durability of the resin can be determined by an accelerated attrition test. The test is
performed by subjecting a batch of resin to repeated cycles of aggressive agitation in pulp,
followed by elution. The loss in volume, the change in the bead size and the change in
equilibrium loading of gold are measured for eight consecutive cycles. To eliminate
changes in rate of gold loading between each cycle only resin particles greater than 0.6 mm
are used for each cycle. The lower the loss the more suited the resin is for resin-in-pulp
(RIP) or resin-in-leach (RIL).
The exchange or equilibrium loading capacity of a resin is a measure of the number of ions
that are exchangeable in a given quantity of resin (Hayes, 1995). This is commonly
defined in terms of equivalents (eq) per kilogram of resin, where one equivalent is the
number of moles of the anion exchanged per ionic charge of that anion. The exchange
capacity of commercial resins range from 0.5 to 3.0 eq kg-1 but it is often practically easier
to define the capacity in terms of equivalents per unit wet-settled volume.
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 53
The exchange capacity is used to calculate the theoretical capacity of the resin for the
loading of a metal anion. For example, a resin with an exchange capacity of 0.6 eq kg-1
equates to a gold thiosulfate loading of 94 g L-1 of resin or 40 g kg-1 of resin assuming a
resin density of 2.4 kg L-1. The theoretical maximum gold loading capacity will always be
higher than that which can be attained in a RIP process due to competition from other
anions and the fact that equilibrium is seldom attained.
To determine the actual gold loading capacity of a resin for a particular application, a
series of tests are performed on pulp samples. In such batch tests, a fixed volume of pre-
leached pulp is contacted with different masses of resin for an extended period of time.
The initial and final solution phase concentration of gold for each experiment is analysed
and the gold loading calculated (Equation 49):
(S − Se ) Vs
Re = ( 49)
M r or Vr
The results are expressed on a graph which shows the equilibrium gold loading against the
equilibrium gold concentration in solution for each mass of resin as shown for a typical
example in Figure 2.5.
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 54
10 20 30
Equilibrium Solution Concentration (mg L-1)
Three isotherms have been used to describe the equilibrium loading of gold on activated
carbon in the CIP process (Woollacott et al., 1990; Nicol et al., 1984). These are the
Linear, Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms (Equations 50, 51 and 52 respectively). Given
the concentration of gold in the solution at equilibrium calculated isotherms are shown in
Figure 2.6.
C e = KSe (50)
C e = a (Se ) b (51)
C maxSe K
Ce = (52)
C max + KSe
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 55
40 Linear
0 10 20 30 -1
40 50
Gold Concentration in Solution (mg L )
Figure 2.6 Adsorption Isotherm Models (K = 3, a = 50, b = 0.2 and Cmax = 92).
The empirical Freundlich isotherm is normally used to model the adsorption of gold by
carbon. It gives a better-predicted loading isotherm than the Langmuir model but does not
predict a maximum or saturated gold loading. The Langmuir model is generally better at
predicting the loading when the gold loading is high but the Freundlich model is generally
better when the gold loading is low. The Linear isotherm can often be used for the initial
stages of gold loading from very dilute solutions but is rarely used (Woollacott et al.,
While the equilibrium loading indicates the maximum possible metal loading on the resin,
kinetic studies are required to determine the rate of loading which determines the time
needed to reach equilibrium. Ideally the rate of gold loading by the resin should be fast
and not influenced by other metal ions. Modelling of the kinetic data will allow the time
required for the resin to reach equilibrium loading to be predicted for any given leach
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 56
Kinetic tests are performed in a similar manner to equilibrium batch loadings. A fixed
volume of pulp and mass of resin are contacted and samples taken at specified intervals to
determine the residual gold in solution. The results are analysed by fitting a rate
expression model.
Initially the rate of loading of gold on the resin is controlled by mass transfer of the gold
complex in solution to the resin particle. Depending on the relative rates of diffusion in the
aqueous and resin phases, at some point, the rate-controlling step becomes mass transport
controlled for the adsorbed gold at the bead surface into the resin phase (intraparticle
diffusion). For film diffusion, the rate of gold loading is inversely proportional to the
mean particle diameter of the resin, i.e. the smaller the beads size the faster the rate of gold
Slater (1991) provides an in-depth review of the models and the mathematics involved in
describing the loading of ions on ion exchange resins and the various techniques
researchers have used to model the loading of anions on anion exchange resins. Three of
the more commonly used models will be described.
The first model assumes the solution concentration of the anion is very close to zero at the
surface of the resin bead and the rate of loading is governed by mass transport in the
solution. This would apply to a reaction that has a large equilibrium constant and the rate
of adsorption per unit surface area of resin is simple to represent:
r = kS (53)
For the case where the equilibrium constant for adsorption is not very large, a second
model involves applying a film-diffusion rate expression with the equilibrium solution
concentration at the surface of the resin beads being described by either linear, Freundlich
or Langmuir isotherms. This gives rise to the rate equations shown (Equations 54, 55 &
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 57
r = k(S − C e / K ) (54)
r = k(S − b C e / a ) (55)
a, b, K, CMax = constants,
The limitation of the film diffusion model is that it does not take into account intra-particle
diffusion and therefore fails close to equilibrium. The model does however give a very
good fit for the initial part of the gold loading kinetic curve. Johns (1996) accounted for
the change in the rate-controlling steps of film diffusion and intra-particle diffusion by
empirically varying the mass transfer coefficient (k) as a function of the degree of loading
(Equation 57):
k = k o (1 − ) (57)
The third commonly used model is known as the shrinking core model and is based on
rate-limiting particle diffusion. The shrinking core model has also been used to describe
the kinetics of the loading of metal cyanide complexes on anion exchange resins under
particle diffusion conditions. This model was found to give a good prediction of the
loading of gold, silver and nickel cyanide complexes on two anion exchange resins
(Dicinoski et al., 2000). During the ion exchange process there is a moving boundary
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 58
between the reacted layer and the shrinking unreacted core (Figure 2.7). The rate of
loading is therefore governed by the rate of diffusion of the ions through the reacted layer.
Liquid film
Moving boundary r
Unreacted core
Reacted Layer
R rc 0 rc R
Radial Position
The relationship between the decrease in the radius of the unreacted core and time (t) can
be represented as a fraction of the measured and maximum capacity of the resin
(Equation 58):
t= ρ BR 2 1 − 3 (1 − α) 2 3 + 2 (1 − α)
6 nDC A
α = 1− c
t time (s),
R = radius (cm),
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 59
While the shrinking core model has been demonstrated to be able to model the adsorption
of more than one anion on anion exchange resin, it fails when describing the loading of
particular combinations of metal cyanide complexes on anion exchange resins. This is
because some anions are displaced from the anion exchange resin after reaching a
maximum loading. The shrinking core model fails to predict this and provides no insight
into the reasons for this phenomenon, which is illustrated by the data reproduced in
Figure 2.8 for the loading of the gold cyanide anion ( Au(CN ) 2− ) in the presence of the
competing zinc cyanide anion ( Zn(CN ) 24− ). A similar pattern can also be observed to
occur during the loading of silver on anion exchange resins in the presence of other base
metal cyanide complexes.
Resin Loading (mmol g-1)
Gold Cyanide
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Contact Time (h)
Figure 2.8 Simultaneous Extraction of Gold at 0.5 mmol L-1 and Zinc at
0.5 mmol L-1 on Dowex MSA-1 with free Cyanide = 2 mmol L-1 and
Sodium Hydroxide = 2.5 mmol L-1 (Riveros and Cooper, 1988).
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 60
This phenomenon is caused by the differences in the rate of diffusion of the various metal
cyano-complexes in both the Nernst diffusion layer and in the resin matrix with the gold
cyanide complex having a higher surface diffusion coefficient than the zinc cyanide
complex (Nicol, 2001; Riveros and Cooper, 1988; Glover et al., 1990). This explanation
was validated by Riveros and Cooper (1988) who have estimated the intraparticle diffusion
coefficients of various individual metal-cyanide complexes. This explains why the gold
cyanide complex in Figure 2.8 initially loads at a faster rate than zinc cyanide. The zinc
cyanide only displaces the loaded gold cyanide on the resin after five hours due to having a
higher preference or equilibrium constant for the former anion. It is therefore possible to
describe the loading characteristics of anions based on the relative diffusibility of the metal
complexes and their equilibrium constant with the anion exchange resin.
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 61
The selectivity of a resin is defined as its ability to discriminate between different ions
within a solution. A typical leach solution contains a range of metal thiosulfate complexes
( Au (S2 O 3 ) 32− , Cu (S2 O 3 ) 53− , Zn (S2 O 3 ) 22− , Ag (S 2 O 3 ) 32− , Pb(S 2 O 3 ) 22− ) and other anions
that can potentially load on the resin. The loading of gold on the resin will depend strongly
on the affinity of the resin for gold relative to other anions in the pulp. This can be
determined by preforming an equilibrium gold loading test in the presence of other anions.
While it would be desirable to modify resins to be more selective for one particular anion,
such as the gold thiosulfate complex, the subject of selectivity is complex and is
determined by the properties of the competing anions, the structure of the resin and the
solution chemistry. While resins can be readily designed to be selective for singly charged
anions such as the gold cyanide ion, it is difficult to alter resins to be selective for multi-
charged anion such as gold thiosulfate. In principle, knowledge of the resin structure and
the properties of the competing anions should enable one to predict the expected selectivity
of anions to the resin and to develop strategies to make resins selective for multivalent
thiosulfate complexes such as gold thiosulfate.
The simplest method of improving the selectivity of resins for one particular anion over
another is to exploit the complex solution chemistry. Both ammonia and thiosulfate act as
ligands for complexing metal ions within the thiosulfate leaching system. Metal ions such
as silver, copper, nickel, cobalt and iron can complex to either thiosulfate or ammonia
depending upon the concentration of these ligands and other conditions such as pH.
Metal amine complexes are cationic and will not load or compete with other metal
thiosulfate complexes for binding sites on the resin. Therefore, simply having a higher
ratio of ammonia to thiosulfate would be expected to improve the selectivity of the resin
for gold over other anions provided the gold did not form stable amine complexes.
However, there is currently insufficient knowledge of the complex solution chemistry to
fully exploit this option.
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 62
Initial studies on the adsorption of metal cyanide anions on both strong- and weak-base ion
exchange resins concluded that selectivity was a function of the charge, polarisability and,
to a lesser extent, shape or size of the anion (Aveston et al., 1958; Grimshaw and Harland,
1975; Harland, 1994). For anions with the same charge, the larger and more polarisable
the anion, the stronger it will bind to the resin (Harland, 1994). In this case, the cyanide
complexes of iron, copper, nickel and zinc have a higher preference to the resin than gold
cyanide. But the order of selectivity for metal-cyanide complexes was found to be
dependent on the anion exchange resin (Table 2.3). The influence of resin structure on
selectivity is discussed later in Section But for interest, the resins that had an
increased selectivity for gold cyanide were the weak-base resins Dowex MWA-1 and
Amberlite IRA-93 and the strong-base resin Imac HP-555s that has an ethylamine
Table 2.3 Summary of the Metal Loadings on Various Anion Exchange Resin from
a Cyanide Solution (Riveros, 1993).
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 63
Riveros (1993) also predicted that the charge density of an anion gives an indication of
which type of resin will be suitable. For example, the gold cyanide complex is a low
charge density anion because it has one negative charge associated with five atoms. The
gold cyanide complex is also weakly hydrated and should be selected by hydrophobic and
low ionic density resins. The gold thiosulfate complex also carries a low charge density
with three electric charges distributed over eleven atoms. Because it is also weakly
hydrated, it should also prefer a hydrophobic and low ionic density resin but, from reports
from others (Aveston et al., 1958; Grimshaw and Harland, 1975; Harland, 1994), it should
prefer a high ionic density resin due to the charge.
More recent investigations have found the ionic strength of the solution also influences the
selectivity of resins for metal cyanide complexes (Lukey et al., 1999). This work also
supports the finding that polarisability, the size of the anion, and the degree of hydration of
the anion are all factors that contribute to the observed selectivity of ion exchange resins
for anions.
If one assumes that the selectivity of resins for anions within a thiosulfate leach solution is
influenced by the same factors, then strong-base resins should be very selective for metal
thiosulfate complexes over other sulfur species in solution. Tables 2.4 & 2.5 show the
likely order in which sulfur and metal complexes will load on anion exchange resins. Note
that the apparent charge densities used is simply the ratio of the charge to the number of
The low thiosulfate concentration normally used for leaching and having ammonia in the
system, which could also complex the metal ions, would minimise the extent to which
metal complexes containing three thiosulfate ions will form. Thus if these multi-
thiosulfate complexes of silver, copper and lead are not considered then the likely order of
loading of metal thiosulfate complexes on anion exchange resins is gold, lead > silver,
copper > zinc. Also, if only the stable sulfur species in a thiosulfate leach solution are
considered, then the likely order of loading for sulfur species would be tetrathionate,
trithionate > thiosulfate > sulfate.
Table 2.4 Predicted Loading of Sulfur Species on Resins Presented in Declining Order.
Dithionate S2O62- 160.14 Medium 0.25 High
NK Not Known
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 66
Eusebius and co-workers (1980) support this expected selectivity order of metal thiosulfate
complexes with anion exchange resins. In a study of the separation of a range of metal
ions from a thiosulfate solution using ion chromatography with an anion exchange column,
the investigators found that metal thiosulfate complexes that loaded were copper, zinc,
cadmium, silver, and lead. Gold was not considered but could also be expected to load on
anion exchange resins. The metal complexes that did not load were manganese, cobalt,
nickel, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, lanthanum and cerium. After elution with
a higher concentration of thiosulfate (1 M), the two most strongly retained metal
complexes were silver and lead while copper, zinc and cadmium were held only weakly by
the resin and were easily eluted. If the retention time or volume of eluant required to
remove the anion from the resin is used as a measure of the selectivity, then the order was
lead > silver > zinc > cadmium > copper. Although the first two metal complexes have the
same order as predicted the last three are opposite to the order predicted, by the selectivity
parameters observed by others. The results of Eusebius and co-workers (1980)
experiments are presented in Tables 2.6 & 2.7. In these tables, the breakthrough volume is
the volume of eluant that had passed through the column before any metal ions were
Iguchi (1958) also supports this expected selectivity order of sulfur anions with anion
exchange resins from a study of the separation of sulfate, sulfite and thiosulfate using ion
chromatography with an anion exchange column. While all the sulfur anions loaded on the
anion exchange resin, sulfite and sulfate were easily removed by displacement with 0.1 M
sodium nitrate (Figure 2.9). Thiosulfate was removed by a 1 M sodium nitrate solution.
The order of selectivity was thiosulfate > sulfate > sulfite, as predicted. Loading
trithionate and tetrathionate were not determined but these polythionates have been shown
by Weir and co-workers (1994) to be more difficult to elute from the resin and would be
more selective than thiosulfate. Their paper covers the separation of thiosulfate and
polythionates in saline solutions by ion chromatography with an anion exchange column.
The order of selectivity or elution was pentathionate > tetrathionate > trithionate >
thiosulfate which is the same order predicted by the selectivity parameters observed by
others (Iguchi, 1958).
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 67
Table 2.6 Elution Characteristics of Metal Ions on Dowex 1-X8 using 0.06 M
Sodium Thiosulfate Solution as Eluent (Eusebius et al., 1980).
Mn (II) 3.5 20 70
Fe (II) 3.5 20 75
Co (II) 3.5 15 70
Ni (II) 3.5 15 70
Mg (II) 3.5 15 60
Ca (II) 3.5 15 80
Sr (II) 3.5 15 70
Ba (II) 3.5 15 70
La (III) 3.5 30 95
Ce (III) 3.5 20 80
Cu (II) >200 - -
Zn (II) >200 - -
Ag (I) >200 - -
Cd (II) >200 - -
Pb (II) >200 - -
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 68
Table 2.7 Elution Characteristics of Metal Ions on Dowex 1-X8 using 1.0 M
Sodium Thiosulfate Solution as Eluent (Eusebius et al., 1980).
Ag (I) >500 - -
Pb (II) >500 - -
20 S2O32−
SO32− SO24−
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20
Volume of Eluant (mL)
Figure 2.9 Elution Curve of a Mixed Sample at a Flow Rate of 0.3 mL min-1
(Iguchi, 1958).
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 69
The structure and properties of the anion exchange resin are also factors which influence
the selectivity of anions. All anion exchange resins are naturally selective for divalent over
monovalent anions in the order of sulfate, nitrate, chloride and bicarbonate. The degree of
selectivity depends on the structure, matrix and the functional groups of the resin (Clifford
and Weber, 1983). Compared to polystyrene diethylbenzene resins, epoxy, acrylic and
phenolic resins are more selective for divalent over monovalent anions (Figures 2.10 &
2.11). For the proceeding graphs “X” represents the fraction of the two anions in solution
while “Y” represents the equivalent fraction of the anions on the resin at equilibrium.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Figure 2.10 The Effect of Resin Matrix on the Selectivity of SO 42 − over NO −3 for
Polyamine or Weak-Base Anion Exchangers (Clifford and Weber, 1983).
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 70
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Figure 2.11 The Effect of Resin Matrix on the Selectivity of SO 42 − over NO −3 for
Quaternary Amine or Strong-Base Anion Exchangers (Clifford and
Weber, 1983).
While Figure 2.10 & 2.11 clearly show that both strong- and weak-base resins are selective
for SO 24 − over NO 3− anions, they also show that weak-base resins have a greater selectivity
for sulfate than strong-base resins. Therefore, weak-base resins should have a stronger
tendency to displace nitrate ions loaded on the resin with sulfate ions. This raises the
possibility that weak-base resins could be selective for higher order anions such as gold
thiosulfate over lower charged anions such as sulfate.
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 71
The functional groups within the resin also determine the selectivity for SO24 − over NO 3−
anions in the order of primary > secondary > tertiary > quaternary (Figures 2.12 & 2.13).
Other workers have noted that hydrophobicity of the polymeric matrix and the ionic
density also plays a role in selectivity of one particular anion over another. Clifford and
Weber (1983) noted that identical matrices and functional groups had very similar
equilibrium isotherms regardless of the source of manufacture.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 72
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
The ionic density of a resin is classified as the density of positively charged quaternary
amine groups or the exchange capacity of the resin. The higher the ionic density, the
greater the selectivity for multi-charged anions (Riveros, 1993). Likewise low-density
resins have the quaternary amine groups more widely spaced and will therefore be more
selective for divalent and monovalent complexes.
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 73
The hydrophobicity of the resin can also contribute to selectivity for particular anions. The
hydrophobicity is related to the amount of water retained within the resin structure. This
can affect both the rate of loading and the type of anions selectively loaded. Hydrophobic
and low ionic density resins are more selective to the lower charged anions such as the
gold cyanide complex (Riveros, 1993).
Tables 2.8 & 2.9 show the likely order of selectivity of strong- and weak-base resins for
loading of the gold thiosulfate complex based on the exchange capacity, moisture content
and type of matrix. The three most favoured strong-base resins are SBG1, Amberjet 4200
and Amberlite IRA-402. Similarly, the three most favoured weak-base resins are WBG30,
Doulite A7 and Amberlite IRA 45.
It is interesting to note that if the assessment were based only on the exchange capacity,
then weak-base resins would be preferred over strong-base resins. However, the high ionic
densities needed to accommodate the three-minus charge of the gold thiosulphate complex
are not present structurally in most weak-base resins (Clifford and Weber, 1983).
It could be predicted that the gold loading of Amberlite IRA-900 should be identical to
Vitrokele 911 because Vitrokele 911 is apparently equivalent to Rohm and Haas's
Amberlite IRA-900 both marketed as an alternative to activated carbon for the gold mining
industry. The internal structure of the resin is the final factor which may influence
selectivity. At equivalent exchange capacity, macroporous or macro-reticular (MR) resins
should be more selective and attain a higher gold loading then gel resins because they have
larger pore sizes and volume which can more readily accommodate the larger gold
thiosulfate complex.
Table 2.8 The Predicted Selectivity Order of Strong-Base Resins for Gold Thiosulfate Presented in Declining
1.3 50-60
Amberlite IRA-402 Quaternary Amine Polystyrene-DVB Gel Rohm & Haas
Amberlite IRA 45 Poly Amine Polystyrene-DVB MR 1.9 40-45 Rohm & Haas
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold
Amberlite IRA 96 Tertiary Amine Polystyrene-DVB MR 1.3 45-55 Rohm & Haas
Equation 59 shows the expected reaction of gold thiosulfate with strong-base resins:
_ + _ +
Au(S2O3 )32− + 3 (R − N R 3X − ) → 3( R − N R 3 )Au(S2O3 )32− + 3 X − (59)
Three counter ions on the resin need to be displaced to attach one gold thiosulfate complex.
Gold thiosulfate and other metal thiosulfate anions bond strongly to the resin because they
are highly charged. Elution can be difficult but can be achieved either by the conversion of
the metal anions to cations or by the use of a competing anion to displace the metal-
thiosulfate complexes from the resin.
The basicity of the resin determines the proportion of amine functionalities that are
protonated at a specific pH. This is defined by pKb, the pH value at which 50% of the
functional groups of the resin are protonated, typically in the pH range of 3 to 5 as shown
in Figure 2.14 and Table 2.10 (Clifford and Weber, 1983). Under thiosulfate leaching
conditions (pH 9.5) most weak-base resins would not be protonated and would only
achieve very low loadings of the metal thiosulfate anion.
While weak-base resins can be modified to increase the basicity to allow loading under
thiosulfate leaching conditions, they do not structurally have the density of functional
groups needed to accommodate multi-charged complexes. The low basicity and the
inability to load gold at pH 9.5 from thiosulfate solutions prevent weak-base resins being
an option for the recovery of gold from thiosulfate leach solutions.
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 77
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Acid Added, meq mL-1 of Resin
Figure 2.14 Titration Curves for Polystyrene Macroporous Resin with a Tertiary
Amine Functionality (Clifford and Weber, 1983).
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 78
Table 2.10 pKb Values for Alkylamines in Water at 25oC (Clifford and Weber,
Primary (C 2 H 5 ) NH 3+ OH − 3.37
Secondary (C 2 H 5 ) 2 NH +2 OH − 3.07
Tertiary (C 2 H 5 ) 2 NH + OH − 3.28
Very few reports have appeared which have dealt with the loading or elution of metal
thiosulfate complexes on anion exchange resins. Despite the initial claims that the
relatively strong adsorption of thiosulfate would prevent the recovery of gold with anion
exchange resins (Wan et al., 1994), recent patents by Barrick and other companies indicate
that commercial anion exchange resins are a possible practical alternative for RIP and RIL
processes (Deschenes and Ritcey, 1990; Jay, 1999; Marchbank et al., 1996; Thomas et al.,
1998; Touro and Wiewiorowski, 1992 a & b).
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 79
Patent literature has suggested that both strong- and weak-base resins could be suitable for
the recovery of gold but there is a preference for strong-base resins on the assumption they
will have a higher gold loading capacity and are less expensive than weak-base resins.
Some examples of strong-base quaternary amine gel and macroporous resins are Amberlite
IRA-904, Amberjet 4200, Dowex M-41, Dowex MSA-2 and Lewatit MP 500. A weak-
base resin based on a guanidine functional group, which has a basicity of intermediate
strength, has also been proposed because it has a simple hydroxide elution process (Virnig
and Sierokoski, 1997).
The only non-patent published work on the use of anion exchange resins has been that of
Aturi (1987) and Mohansingh (2000). The former investigated the feasibility of anion
exchange resins for the recovery of silver and gold from thiosulfate solution. He examined
two weak-base resins (Amberlite IRA 94 and Amberlite IRA 68) and a strong-base resin
(Amberlite IRA 400). Experimentally the strong-base resin had the highest capacity for
silver and gold of 1.1 g kg-1 while the weak-base resins loaded only 0.44 g kg-1. The resins
were not selective for silver over copper and elution with thiosulfate could not separate the
loaded copper, silver or gold. This work did not report on the equilibrium gold, silver or
copper loading of the resins or on the elution characteristics.
Mohansingh (2000) compared the recovery of gold from thiosulfate solutions with
activated carbon and a Strong-base anion exchange resin (Amberlite IRA 400). The results
supported previous work and showed that activated carbon is ineffective at recovering the
gold thiosulfate complex and anion exchange resins are the most suitable option. A gold
loading on the resin of 24.9 mg g-1 or 60 g L-1 was achievable in a thiosulfate solution
containing 0.1 M thiosulfate, 0.2 M ammonia and 125 mg L-1 copper. The most effective
elution of loaded resin was 76 % with 5 M sodium chloride.
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 80
There are a number of patents that have involved the use of anion exchange resins for the
recovery of gold from thiosulfate leach solutions. However the detailed research that was
involved in the development and justification of the patent has not been published. The
patents claim that the loadings achieved for anion exchange resins are dependent on the
concentration of thiosulfate within the system. The gold loading on strong-base resins at
high thiosulfate concentration (0.5 M) was 1.1 kg t-1 while in lower thiosulfate
concentration (5 mM) the loading was 20 kg t-1. Jay (1999), Virnig (1997) and Thomas
and co-workers (1998) suggest that a gold loading of between 1 and 5 kg t-1 for counter-
current adsorption from leach pulps could be expected. Thomas and co-workers’ (1998)
provide the most detailed justification of their patent. They present a mass balance of a
counter-current experiment as shown in Table 2.11. They found that the copper loading
was higher than gold, between 5 and 25 kg t-1, because the copper concentration in the
leach solution was higher than gold. The loading of gold was found to be fast allowing a
contact time of ~1 hour per stage. The gold barren after six stages is claimed to be
0.01 mg L-1 (Thomas et al., 1998; Atluri and Raghavan, 1989).
Table 2.11 Extraction Results from the RIP Experiment with Head Grade of
6.28 g t-1 (Thomas et al., 1998).
Gold Copper
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 81
The elution or desorption of the loaded anions is critical to the viability of the process. It
would be desirable for the eluant to convert the resin into a form suitable for recycling to
adsorption, be cost effective, simple, and able to elute all absorbed anions rapidly
(Conradie et al., 1995).
Strong-Base resins are difficult to elute or strip because the loaded metal ions are strongly
held by the resin. The use of acidic thiourea is the only suitable chemical reaction method
for gold. Although acidic thiourea can elute gold cyanide, it is unsuitable for the elution of
gold thiosulfate because thiosulfate, polythionates and other thiosulfate complexes loaded
on the resin are unstable in the acidic environment.
Chemical reactions can however be used to selectively remove other metal complexes
loaded on the resin. The amine complexes of copper are cationic and elution of a resin
loaded from a thiosulfate leach solution with ammonia will remover copper from the resin
as the copper (II) amine complex. Separate removal of copper from gold enables it to be
recycled for further use in leaching. Displacement with thiosulfate (100-200 g L-1) can
also be used to elute the loaded copper. However, thiosulfate is also known to strip some
of the loaded gold from the resin (Atluri, 1987).
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 82
Zinc cyanide and thiocyanate are known to elute loaded gold cyanide from anion exchange
resins (Fleming and Cromberge, 1984). Zinc cyanide elutes gold cyanide very slowly and
could be expected to elute gold thiosulfate even more slowly. Zinc cyanide also does not
avoid the use of cyanide. Thiocyanate is therefore the only reported option for the elution
of gold thiosulfate from resins by displacement. However, recently tetrathionate and
trithionate have also been proposed for eluting the loaded gold from the resin.
Thiocyanate is known to be fast and is able to elute all adsorbed metal anions from the
resin. It requires an additional regeneration procedure to convert the resin back to its
original form before being re-introduced into the adsorption circuit. Ferric sulfate is
known to remove the loaded thiocyanate and regenerate the resin to the sulfate form
(Equation 61) while the stripped thiocyanate can be recovered with caustic soda
(Equation 62):
_ _
4 R − NR 3+ SCN − + Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 → 4 R − NR 3+ (SO 24− ) 2 + 2 Fe(SCN ) 2+ + SO 24− (61)
However, electrowinning of the gold from the thiocyanate eluant causes corrosion of the
electrodes (Fleming and Cromberge, 1984). Environmental concerns, the cost of the
reagent, its effect on the resin capacity and the inefficiency of stripping with higher order
polythionates and metal complexes are other problems reported with thiocyanate elution
(Fleming and Hancock, 1979, Conradie et al., 1995; Leao et al., 1998). It has been
reported that iron and cobalt cyanide complexes are not removed by thiocynate (Leao et
al., 1998). However, the researchers in USSR found that ammoniacal nitrate solutions
would remove these highly charged complexes (Leao et al., 1998). This suggests that
ammoniacal nitrate would be a more effective and suitable eluant than thiocyanate for
eluting the metal thiosulfate complexes from the resin.
Thomas and co-workers (1998) proposed a two-stage elution cycle to remove the copper
loaded on the resin before the gold. The copper is eluted with thiosulfate (100-200 g L-1)
but about 10% of the gold is also removed from the resin. The gold is then eluted using
thiocyanate (100-200 g L-1). The eluted gold is recovered using conventional
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 83
The most recent elution process proposed by Fleming (2000), which has yet to be
published, uses either trithionate or tetrathionate to remove the loaded gold from the resin.
Effective stripping of the loaded gold can be achieved by passing eight bed-volumes of
either trithionate at a concentration of 100-200 g L-1 or tetrathionate at a concentration of
50-100 g L-1. The eluted resin is regenerated with sulfide ions to form thiosulfate with the
overall process being shown below (Equations 63 & 64):
_ _
6 R − NR 3+ ( Au (S 2 O 3 ) 32− ) 2 + 3S 4 O 62− → 6 R − NR 3+ (S 4 O 62− ) 3 + 2 Au (S 2 O 3 ) 32− (63)
_ _
6 R − NR 3+ (S 4 O 62− ) 3 + 6 S 2− → 6 R − NR 3+ (S 2− ) 3 + 6 S 2 O 32− + 3S o (64)
While tetrathionate has been reported to elute the loaded gold at a faster rate compared to
trithionate it has also been reported to be highly unstable and to decompose within days.
The stability of trithionate in solution was reported to be marginally greater with
decomposition within weeks. This suggests that both eluants would need to be freshly
made each time the loaded resin is to be eluted. There is also some concern with the
method of regeneration. When introduced back into the adsorption circuit, the sulfide form
of the resin could decompose metal ions on the resin and sulfur could accumulate within
the resin matrix as shown in Equation 64.
Anions loaded on anion exchange resins are more easily eluted from weak-base resins. A
hydroxide solution converts the resin to its free base form and displaces all anions from the
resin. The anions can also be removed by displacement, using the same chemicals as
previously described for strong-base resins. Sodium hydroxide is the preferred choice as it
is more efficient, simple and inexpensive. The efficiency of elution depends on the strong-
base content within the weak-base resin, as hydroxide ions are not very efficient at eluting
loaded anions from the strong-base functional groups. Ideally, the weak-base resin should
only contain a low percentage of strong-base functional groups. This will minimise the
problem of elution of some metal ions.
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 84
2.6.12 Characteristics of a Resin for the Recovery of Gold Thiosulfate from Pulps
Very few of the large number of commercially available strong-base anion exchange resins
are suitable for gold thiosulfate ( Au (S 2 O 3 ) 32− ) loading. Prior to undertaking extensive
experimental evaluation, suitable resins can be identified by examining their matrix,
structure, form, functional group, chemical stability, fouling resistance and physical
characteristics. The functional group of the resin has to be cationic to accommodate the
anionic metal thiosulfate complexes and can be in the chloride, hydroxide or sulfate form.
While the functional group may play a roll in selectivity, there is no published commercial
information defining the selectivity of resins for the metal thiosulfate anions.
Resins structurally consist of a series of adjacent polymer chains held together by cross-
linking. The extent of cross-linking can vary from 0.5 to 30% and controls the physical
strength, the degree of swelling and, to some extent, the equilibrium properties. The lower
the degree of cross-linking, the greater the water uptake and swelling of the resin, and the
faster the rate of loading. However, such resins are too soft for resin-in-pulp (RIP) or
resin-in-leach (RIL). Resins with a high percentage of cross-linking, above 20%, have a
slower rate of loading and are too brittle for use in RIP and RIL. Cross-linking of between
8-15% would appear to be ideal for application to the recovery of gold.
The two most common choices of matrices are polystyrene or acrylic copolymers. Acrylic
matrices are particularly strong and more elastic than the more rigid polystyrene
copolymers. However, it should be possible to recover the gold thiosulfate complex from
either of these two copolymers.
There are two main types of resin structure, namely microporous (gel) or macroporous,
which influence the mechanical strength, ion exchange equilibria and loading kinetics.
Macroporous copolymers are highly cross-linked and are generally stronger then gel
equivalents. They are also more resistant to physical breakdown from mechanical forces,
osmotic volume changes caused through elution and loading, and chemical breakdown
from oxidising agents affecting cross-linking. Although macroporous resins load small
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 85
anions more slowly than microporous resins, they can exchange larger ions, a clear
advantage when dealing with the recovery of the gold thiosulfate complex from leach
The resin structure also determines its potential to suffer from poisoning which takes place
when adsorbed ions are not removed during normal stripping or through the formation or
precipitation of compounds within the resin matrix (Simon, 1991). Both events will block
exchange sites and lead to progressive loss of exchange capacity. Microporous resins have
a narrow internal structure making them more prone to poisoning than macroporous resins.
The particle size and density also need careful consideration. The particle size of resins
varies from 100 µm to 1.0 mm. For in-pulp application, the resin should be as large as
possible to allow for easy separation of the resin from the pulp. Small resins require small
aperture screens that could hamper pulp flow. Ideally, the bead size should be above
0.6 mm in diameter for RIP or RIL operations. Most resins have a lower density than
activated carbon and tend to float in poorly mixed pulps. Good mixing is therefore
required to ensure even distribution in the pulp.
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Recovery Methods for Gold 86
Current research into the leaching and the recovery of gold by the use of thiosulfate is in its
infancy and a significant additional work is needed to optimise the process. A better
understanding of the chemistry is required to unravel the complexity of the many reactions
that take place during the process in order to minimise thiosulfate consumption and
maximise gold leaching and adsorption. Thermodynamic and electrochemical studies will
help to optimise leaching by defining the optimal reagent concentrations and the ideal
solution potential and pH for gold leaching. The use of anion exchange resins for
recovering dissolved gold from thiosulfate leach pulps needs to be proven and further
Although the patent literature has suggested that resin technology is possible, a better
understanding of the mechanism of adsorption and the expected equilibrium loading for a
given set of conditions is needed. There is also limited understanding of the factors which
affect gold loading and the selectivity of the resins for gold over other base metal
complexes and other competing sulfur anions. While there is currently no commercially
operating thiosulfate leaching plant, it is only a matter of time before a better
understanding of the complex process will make the process economic.
CHAPTER 3: Materials and Methods 87
The anion exchange resins tested are listed in Table 3.1. All chemicals used were
analytical-reagent grade obtained from AJAX chemicals, BDH and Alfa AESAR with the
exception of the tetrathionate and trithionate sodium salts that were synthesised as
described in Sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 (Table 3.2). Unless stated, all experiments were
carried out at ambient temperature (approx. 22oC) with resins in the sulfate form after
screening to a size between 0.85 and 0.60 mm. A GBC 933 atomic adsorption
spectrophotometer (AAS) was used for the determination of all metal ions in solution. The
determination of the concentration of thiosulfate and other sulfur compounds was by
titration following published procedures as described in Section 3.5 (Kolthoff and
Strender, 1942).
Table 3.1 Details of the Various Strong- and Weak-Base Resins Tested.
CHAPTER 3: Materials and Methods 89
CHAPTER 3: Materials and Methods 90
All resins in the chloride and hydroxide forms were converted to the sulfate form by
initially bottle rolling each sample in 1 M sodium sulfate for two hours followed by bottle
rolling overnight with a fresh 1 M sodium sulfate solution after decanting the initial
solution. The final suspension was filtered through a Buchner funnel. All resins were then
washed with distilled water until no sulfate could be detected using barium chloride
(0.5 M) and allowed to dry under ambient conditions until free-rolling, i.e. the resin is able
to move freely without sticking to one another or the bench. All resins were stored in
sealed jars to prevent loss of absorbed water.
All free-rolling resins were sized by sieving consecutively through 1 mm, 0.85 mm,
0.60 mm and 0.50 mm aperture sieves. Care was taken not to damage the resin while
sieving through the use of a soft bristled brush and brushing the resin through the sieves.
Effective sieving was only achieved by sieving small quantities of resin at any given time
as the resin tended to blind the sieves quickly. For uniformity between the different resins
the particle size used in all experiments was greater than 0.60 mm and less than 0.85 mm.
The fraction within each size range was calculated by dividing the mass of resin retained
by the screen by the total mass of resin sieved (Equation 65):
SD = x 100 (65)
CHAPTER 3: Materials and Methods 91
A resin density for a particular resin in terms of the wet-settled volume was determined to
allow a resin mass to be converted to an equivalent volume. This procedure was done, as
the volumes of resin required for the equilibrium loading experiments were too small to
measure. Adding the resin as a volume is the most common way that resin is measured for
adsorption tests. Ten grams of free-rolling resin was added to a 30-mL graduated cylinder
and de-ionised water added until the cylinder was full. The graduated cylinder was capped
and agitated to ensure the resin beads were fully hydrated. Tapping the cylinder on the
bench ensured the resin settled evenly and the volume measured. To ensure an accurate
result the above procedure was repeated and the average volume of the two determinations
were used to calculate the density of the resin (Equation 66):
ρr = (66)
The theoretical exchange capacity was calculated by determining the strong- and weak-
base capacities of the resin. A 10-mL sample of resin was packed into a small glass
column and converted to the hydroxide form by washing the resin with a 2 M sodium
hydroxide solution. Interstitial hydroxide ions were washed from the resin with de-ionised
water and the strong-base capacity determined by measuring the hydroxide concentration
after replacement by sulfate ions. This was done by washing 150-mL of a 0.5 M sodium
sulfate (neutral pH) through the column. Titrating this solution with sulfuric acid (0.5 M)
to a methyl red end point determined the hydroxide concentration of the wash solution.
Residual sulfate was then removed from the resin column by washing with de-ionised
water and the weak-base capacity determined by eluting with 100-mL of a dilute sulfuric
CHAPTER 3: Materials and Methods 92
acid (0.05 M). All interstitial acid was then recovered by eluting with 50-mL of methanol
before passing air through the column. Excess acid in the solution was determined by
titration with sodium hydroxide (1 M) to a phenolphthalein end point.
The strong- and weak-base capacities were calculated using Equations 67 and 68,
respectively, whereas the theoretical exchange capacity is the sum of the strong- and weak-
base capacities (Equation 69):
C sb = (67)
(100 x FA ) − ( VB x FB )
C wb = (68)
C t = Csb + C wb (69)
FA = 2 x molarity of H2SO4,
CHAPTER 3: Materials and Methods 93
Tetrathionate was produced by reacting thiosulfate with iodine (Brauer, 1963). An iodine
and a thiosulfate solution were made separately before adding the thiosulfate solution to
the iodine. The following procedure was used to make about 100 grams of sodium
tetrathionate salt. An iodine solution was made by adding 50 g of sublimed iodine and
100 g of potassium iodide to 200-mL water in a two litre beaker. A thiosulfate solution
was prepared by dissolving 200 g of sodium thiosulfate in 500-mL of deionised water in a
one litre beaker. The thiosulfate solution was slowly added to the iodine until the
combined solutions turned yellow. A yellow colour indicates residual iodine which was
necessary to ensure that the precipitated tetrathionate was not contaminated with
thiosulfate. Adding an equal quantity of ethanol to the solution and cooling in a
refrigerator or in an ice bath precipitated the tetrathionate. The precipitate was filtered and
washed with cool ethanol. Purification of the tetrathionate crystals was carried out by
dissolving in deionised water and re-precipitating in cool ethanol.
Trithionate was formed by reacting thiosulfate with peroxide (Sullivan and Kohl, 1995).
The following procedure was used to make about 60 g of sodium trithionate. Care through
slow additions had to be taken when using this procedure to avoid the violent reaction that
can result from reacting a strong oxidant with a reductant. A mass of 124 g of sodium
thiosulfate was dissolved in 200-mL of deionised water and cooled in an ice bath. A
volume of 100-mL of peroxide (28%) was slowly added drop-wise. A thermometer was
used to monitor the exothermic reaction and the temperature maintained below 40oC.
Excess peroxide was added (10-mL) until no further temperature rise was measured. The
solution was then cooled in a refrigerator for 2-3 hours.
CHAPTER 3: Materials and Methods 94
Trithionate crystals were filtered and washed with cold deionised water. Purification of the
trithionate crystals was carried out by dissolving in deionised water and re-precipitating by
cooling. A photograph of the trithionate crystals is shown in Figure 3.1.
Figure 3.1 Trithionate Crystals Magnified Five Times Their Original Size.
CHAPTER 3: Materials and Methods 95
A GBC 933 atomic adsorption spectrophotometer (AAS) was used for the determination of
all metal ions in solution. The concentration of the unknown solution was determined by
comparing the absorbance with a standard calibration curve. To eliminate interferences
due to the background solution, the calibration standards were made in a solution of the
same composition as that to be analysed i.e. if the gold concentration was to be analysed
from a solution containing 0.05 M thiosulfate and 0.2 M ammonia, then the gold
calibration standards contained the same concentration of thiosulfate and ammonia in
Due to the interference of thiosulfate, it was not possible to determine gold concentrations
accurately below 1 mg L-1 in solutions containing thiosulfate. This was overcome by
reacting 0.5-mL of unknown solution with 0.5-mL cyanide solution (10%) for 5 minutes
before 9-mL of diethyl isobutyl ketone (DIBK) containing 1% Aliquat 336 (Henkel) was
added and vigorously shaken for 5 minutes. After the phases had separated, the
supernatant (solvent) was analysed for gold using standards made up in DIBK.
CHAPTER 3: Materials and Methods 96
The concentrations of the sulfur species in solution were determined by titration following
a published procedure (Kolthoff and Strender, 1942). While this procedure was used to
determine the concentration of sulfite, thiosulfate, trithionate, tetrathionate and
pentathionate in solutions, a modified procedure was used when working with solutions
containing only one sulfur species. Kolthoff and Strenger procedure is described below.
Concentration of sulfite and thiosulfate in the solution was initially determined by titrating
a known volume (10-mL) with a standardised iodine solution after acidification with 20-
mL of 10% acetic acid. This titration gives the volume of iodine reduced by both sulfite
and thiosulfate in solution (a-mL). Concentration of only thiosulfate in solution was
determined by repeating the above procedure after adding formaldehyde (5-mL of 40%) to
the acidified aliquot and allowing the solution to stand for five minutes (b-mL).
Formaldehyde was used to complex the sulfite thereby preventing it from reacting with the
iodine. Thiosulfate and sulfite concentrations are calculated using Equations 70 & 71:
Thiosulfate = ( mM ) (70)
Sulfite = ( mM) (71)
CHAPTER 3: Materials and Methods 97
Pentathionate = 2 ( mM ) (72)
2d − c
Tetrathionate = ( mM) (73)
Trithionate concentration in solution was determined by reacting a fifth 10-mL aliquot with
iodine to the starch end point before 20-mL of 0.8 M sodium sulfide was added and
neutralized with alkali. This solution is boiled for 10 minutes then cooled to room
temperature before 40-mL of freshly prepared zinc carbonate suspension was added drop-
wise with vigorous shaking. After settling the solution is filtered and the precipitate
washed through a sintered-glass filter. The filtrate was acidified with 20-mL of 10% acetic
acid and titrated with a standardised iodine solution. This determined the volume of iodine
reduced by the thiosulfate formed from all the sulfur species (except sulfate but including
all the trithionate) in the solution (e-mL). Trithionate concentration is calculated using
Equations 74:
e − 2d
Trithionate = ( mM) (74)
A standardised iodine solution was first used to standardise a thiosulfate solution. This
thiosulfate solution was then used to standardise the bulk iodine solutions. A standardised
iodine solution was prepared by reacting an iodate solution (25-mL) with iodide (10-mL of
10% solution) and acidifying with 3-mL sulfuric acid (1 M) to form iodine (Equation 75):
IO 3− + 5 I − + 6 H + = 3 I 2 + 3 H 2 O (75)
An iodate solution was prepared by weighing 3.567 g of A.R. potassium iodate (KIO3) of
at least 99.9% purity, which had been dried overnight at 120oC. The salt was dissolved in
cooled freshly boiled distilled water and diluted to one litre in a volumetric flask.
CHAPTER 3: Materials and Methods 98
A volume of bulk iodine (0.05 M) solution (10-mL) was standardised by titrating with the
standardised thiosulfate solution (B-mL):
[S 2 O 32− ]ST x B
S tan dardised Iodine (SI) = (M) (77)
A turbidimetric method was used to determine the sulfate concentration in solution. The
sulfate ions in solution were precipitated in an acetic acid medium with barium chloride to
form barium sulfate crystals of uniform size. Light absorbance of the suspension was
measured by a UV spectrophotometer and the sulfate concentration was determined by
comparison to a standard curve.
1-mL of solution of unknown sulfate concentration was diluted to 100-mL with de-ionised
water in a 250-mL Erlenmeyer flask. A 20-mL of buffer solution was added and mixed at
a constant speed. About 5 grams of barium chloride crystals was added and, after 60
seconds, the turbidity of the solution was measured on a UV spectrophotometer. The
buffer solution consisted of 30 g of magnesium chloride, 5 g of sodium acetate, 1 g of
potassium nitrate and 20-mL acetic acid dissolved in 1-L of distilled water.
CHAPTER 3: Materials and Methods 99
Trithionate reacts with sulfide ions to produce thiosulfate and sulfite. Trithionate
concentration in solution was determined by reacting 10-mL of the unknown solution with
iodine to the starch end point before the addition of 20-mL of 0.8 M sodium sulfide and
neutralization with alkali. It was then boiled for 10 minutes then cooled to room
temperature before 40-mL of freshly prepared cadmium carbonate suspension was added
drop-wise with vigorous shaking. After settling the solution is filtered and the precipitate
washed through a sintered-glass filter. The filtrate was acidified with 20-mL 10% acetic
acid and titrated with standardised iodine solution (E-mL). Equation 80 was used to
calculate the trithionate concentration:
E [ I 2 ]SI
Concentration S3O 62− = (M) (80)
CHAPTER 3: Materials and Methods 100
The rate of conversion of copper (II) to copper (I) was measured by mixing a copper (II)
amine solution at two different ammonia concentrations and various thiosulfate
concentrations and monitoring the disappearance of the blue coloured copper (II) amine
complex by a UV/visible spectrophotometer. Stock solutions of copper (II) amine and
thiosulfate were bubbled with nitrogen for 10 minutes to remove oxygen before an equal
volume of each were mixed in a cuvette and the spectrum between 250 to 750 nm obtained
at different times. The two ammonia concentrations tested were 0.1 M ammonia buffered
with 0.05 M ammonium sulfate and 1.57 mM copper sulfate and 0.2 M ammonia buffered
with 0.1 M ammonium sulfate and 1.57 mM copper sulfate.
The stability of copper (II) amine was investigated in the presence of varying ammonia and
thiosulfate concentrations shown in Table 3.3. A series of 100-mL solutions were rolled in
sealed bottles for 24 hours and the blue copper (II) amine species determined by UV
spectrophotometry at different time intervals. It was assumed the highest absorbance came
from the solution containing 4 M ammonia, 0.05 M copper, 0.1 M sulfate and 0.1 M sulfite
without any thiosulfate due to complete conversion to copper (II) amine. The percentage
of copper (II) amine present in each solution was calculated by dividing the absorbance of
the solution with this maximum absorbance.
CHAPTER 3: Materials and Methods 101
CHAPTER 3: Materials and Methods 102
All equilibrium isotherms and kinetic experiments were conducted under conditions that
resembled, as closely as possible, those that would be encountered in a counter-current RIP
plant. All experiments using strong-base resins were performed at pH 9.5, and
experiments with weak-base resins at pH 8.0. The pH was adjusted with either sodium
hydroxide or sulfuric acid before the solution was diluted to known volume.
A set of gold equilibrium loading data was obtained for all commercial resins. A series of
500-mL solutions containing 20 mg L-1 gold as the gold thiosulfate complex and varying
amounts of resin were bottle-rolled overnight. The mass of resin used varied depending on
the resin type with strong-base resins having a greater capacity than weak-base resins.
Appendix II lists the masses of resin in each experiment.
The amount of gold loaded on the resin was calculated from the difference between the
initial and final gold concentrations in solution (Section 2.6.5). This value was divided by
the volume of resin used and multiplied by the solution volume in litres to calculate the
loading of gold on the resin in grams per litre. Equilibrium isotherm was constructed by
plotting the loading of gold on the resin against the equilibrium gold concentration in
solution (Section 2.6.5). A minimum of six experiments was used to construct each
equilibrium isotherm (See Appendix I for an example calculation).
The loadings of sulfate, sulfite, thiosulfate, trithionate and tetrathionate on Amberjet 4200
strong-base resin were measured. A series of solutions containing one of these sulfur
anions was mixed with varying amounts of resin and bottle-rolled overnight. Starting
concentrations of the competing anions used were adjusted to approximately 40 g L-1 i.e.
200-mL of a 0.5 M solution was used for sulfate and sulfite, 200-mL of a 0.2 M solution
for trithionate, 200-mL of a 0.15 M solution for tetrathionate, and 100-mL at a
concentration of 0.3 M for thiosulfate.
CHAPTER 3: Materials and Methods 103
The change in sulfur anion concentration was measured by titration (Section 3.5).
Individual masses of resin required to establish the equilibrium isotherm varied for each
sulfur anion (see Appendix II for the masses of resin used).
The loading of gold on Amberjet 4200 strong-base resin was examined in the presence of
sulfate, sulfite, thiosulfate, trithionate and tetrathionate competing anions. These sulfur
anions are expected to be present in a typical gold leach solution at concentration levels
500 to 0.5 mM to cover all leaching conditions studied by others. Each 1-litre solution of
20 mg L-1 gold at pH 9.5 contained one of these competing sulfur anions. Resin amounts
needed to establish the gold equilibrium isotherm varied with the concentration and
competing anion used (see Appendix II for the masses of resin used). The competing
anions sulfate, sulfite and thiosulfate were tested at concentrations of 0.05, 0.1, 0.2 and
0.5 M. Trithionate and tetrathionate were tested at 0.005, 0.01, 0.02 and 0.05 M because
higher concentrations of these anions resulted in negligible loadings of gold. Agitation of
the solutions was achieved using a floating stirrer bar and sampled for gold analysis every
three hours (Section 3.8). A measured mass of resin was added after each sampling until
there was negligible gold in solution. In this way, the equilibrium loading of gold for each
solution could be measured at various concentrations.
The loading of gold on Amberjet 4200 strong-base resin was examined in the presence of a
number of metal thiosulfate complexes likely to be present in a leach solution. 20 mg L-1
of gold, lead, copper, silver and zinc as various salts were added to a 1-litre solution of
0.05 M thiosulfate and 0.2 M ammonia at pH 9.5. The solution was mixed for an hour to
dissolve all the metal salts. It was then sampled and the concentration of each metal ion
determined. A measured mass of resin was then added and the solution was agitated using
a floating stirrer bar (Section 3.8). Samples for metal ion analysis were taken every three
hours. A measured mass of resin was added after each sampling until there were negligible
concentrations of the metal ions in solution. This established the equilibrium loading for
each metal ion in solution (see Appendix II for the masses of resin used).
CHAPTER 3: Materials and Methods 104
Solutions of gold (I), silver (I) and copper (II), each at 20 mg L-1, were added to a 1-litre
solution of 0.2 M ammonia, 0.05 M thiosulfate and 0.01 M trithionate at pH 9.5 to simulate
a typical leach solution. The solution was mixed for an hour. It was then sampled and the
concentration of each metal ion determined. A measured mass of resin was added and the
solution was agitated using a floating stirrer bar (Figure 3.2). Samples for metal ion
analysis were taken every three hours. A measured mass of resin was added after each
sampling until there were negligible concentrations of metal ions in solution. This
established the equilibrium loading for each metal ion in solution (see Appendix II for the
resin masses used). Ammonium nitrate was then used to elute the resin (Section 3.9) after
which the resin was dried on the bench until free-rolling. To validate the effectiveness of
the resin this procedure was repeated eight times using the same total mass of resin.
At the conclusion of the experiment, a sample of resin was eluted with 2 M sodium
thiosulfate to remove any residual silver on the resin. Other eluted resin samples were sent
to Amdel Pty Ltd for analysis of gold, silver and copper using ashing and aqua regia
dissolution. Resin samples were also sent for gold analysis by fire-assay to obtain a
comparison between the two techniques for the determination of gold.
CHAPTER 3: Materials and Methods 105
The rate of loading of gold on the Amberjet 4200 and Vitrokele 911 strong-base resins was
determined using the same solutions as those used in the equilibrium loading experiments
(Section 3.7). The effect of competing sulfur anions and metal thiosulfate complexes on
the rate of loading of gold was also examined in the same way. Every kinetic run was
performed in a stirred beaker with a floating stirrer bar (Figure 3.2). A mass of 0.25 grams
of free-rolling resin was contacted with two litres of the solution and samples were taken at
0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 24 and 48 hours for gold analysis. The loading of gold was calculated
(see Appendix I) as a function of time.
The rate of loading of copper was determined using a similar procedure. One litre of a
solution containing 20 mg L-1 of copper and 0.05 M thiosulfate and 0.2 M ammonia at
pH 9.5 was used. Throughout the experiment air was bubbled through the solution. Each
solution was left mixing for an hour to dissolve the copper before being sampled and the
copper concentration in solution was determined by AAS. A 0.25 g mass of resin was then
added and the solution was agitated using a floating stirrer bar (Figure 3.2).
CHAPTER 3: Materials and Methods 106
The rate of loading of gold was examined in the presence of a range of copper
concentrations. 1-litre of a solution containing 20 mg L-1 of gold and either 0, 10 or 30
mg L-1 copper and 0.05 M thiosulfate and 0.5 M or 2 M ammonia at pH 9.5 was used
(Table 3.4). Ammonium sulfate was added at a concentration of 0.25 M to the 0.5 M
ammonia and 1 M to the 2 M ammonia solutions in order to buffer the pH at 9.5. All
solutions were stirred for an hour to dissolve all metals. 0.25 grams of resin was added and
the solution was agitated using a floating stirrer bar (Figure 3.2). Samples were taken at 0,
0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 24 and 48 hours for gold analysis.
1 20 0 0.05 0.5
2 20 10 0.05 0.5
3 20 30 0.05 0.5
4 20 0 0.05 2
5 20 10 0.05 2
6 20 30 0.05 2
CHAPTER 3: Materials and Methods 107
As described in Section 2.6.11, current methods for the elution of metals use ammonium
thiocyanate, ammonium thiosulfate, tetrathionate or trithionate. The first two were
evaluated in addition to ammonium nitrate, which was also found to be a suitable eluant.
A column of resin (6-mL) was loaded with 100-mL of 20 mg L-1 gold thiosulfate. It was
subsequently eluted with 2 M ammonium thiosulfate, 2 M ammonium thiocyanate or 2 M
ammonium nitrate. An auto sampler (Figure 3.3) was used to collect a number of 10-mL
samples of eluant, which was analysed for gold by AAS, and the elution profile for each
eluant determined (see Appendix II for the raw data).
Resin Column
And Stand
Power Cord
Peristaltic Pump
Auto Sampler
CHAPTER 3: Materials and Methods 108
Metals loaded on the resin were recovered through column or batch elution. For column
elution, a minimum of 5-mL volume of resin was used. Each resin column was eluted at a
flow-rate of 5 BV hr-1 by pumping a buffered 1-2 M ammonia solution for 10 BV followed
by a 2M ammonia nitrate solution for further 10 BV (1 BV = 1 bed volume = volume of
the resin in the column). An auto sampler was used to collect 10-mL samples of the eluant
for gold analysis by AAS and the elution profile for each eluant determined (see Appendix
II for the raw data). Ammonia was used to elute the copper (I) and the nitrate solution
eluted the gold (I) and any other metal complexed anions on the resin.
For batch elution, a sample of resin was magnetically stirred or bottle rolled for three hours
in a 2 M ammonium nitrate solution. It was only effective when less then 5-mL of resin in
250-mL of nitrate solution was used. The resin volume and the resulting gold
concentration in solution were used to calculate the extent of elution of the gold.
The loading of gold on the resin was examined in the presence of 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 M
ammonium nitrate concentrations. 200 mg L-1 gold was added to a 1 L solution of
ammonium nitrate at pH 9.5. Each solution was agitated using a floating stirrer bar and
sampled for gold analysis every three hours (Figure 3.2). A measured mass of Amberjet
4200 strong-base resin was added after each sampling until there was negligible gold in
solution (see Appendix II for the raw data).
The rate of gold elution of a fully loaded resin by ammonium nitrate was measured in a
batch experiment. A 1.5 g mass of Amberjet 4200 strong-base resin was preloaded by
equilibration for 24 hours with 1-litre of 500 mg L-1 gold solutions as gold thiosulfate. The
amount of gold loaded on the resin was calculated from the difference between the initial
and final gold concentrations in solution. This value was divided by the volume of resin
used and multiplied by the solution volume in litres to calculate the loading of gold on the
resin in g L-1 (Section 2.6.5).
CHAPTER 3: Materials and Methods 109
The loading of gold was then used to determine the expected concentration of gold in
solution, i.e. a 85 g L-1 loaded resin will produce a 306 mg L-1 gold solution in 1-litre if all
the gold was eluted from the resin. Each loaded resin was then transferred to 1-L of
ammonium nitrate solutions of various concentrations; 0.25; 0.5; 1.0 or 2.0 M. All
solution was agitated using a floating stirrer bar; 5-mL samples were extracted at 0, 0.5, 1,
2, 4, 8, and 24 hours and the gold concentration determined by AAS. The gold
concentration in solution was used to calculate the loading of gold on the resin as a
function of time (see Appendix II for the raw data). A sample calculation is presented in
Appendix I.
During the loading cycle, the resin absorbs significant amounts of thiosulfate and a method
to elute thiosulfate together with the copper would allow the combined eluants to be
recycled to leaching. Solutions of 1 M sodium sulfate and 1M ammonium nitrate were
examined as eluants. A column of resin (10-mL) was loaded with 100-mL of 0.04 M
Na2S2O3 before it was eluted. An auto sampler was used to collect 10-mL samples of
eluant for thiosulfate analysis by titration and the elution profile for each eluant determined
(Section 3.5). See Appendix II for the raw data.
CHAPTER 3: Materials and Methods 110
A counter-current adsorption study was used to establish the effectiveness of resins for the
recovery of gold from thiosulfate leach slurries. A slurry was produced by leaching an ore
sample in order to produce a pulp which would be similar to those that could be
encountered in practice.
An ore sample from the Boddington mine and a calcine sample from the Kanowna Belle
mine were combined to produce a gold ore containing 19 g t-1 of gold. The Boddington
mine is situated in the South West of Western Australia and is jointly owned by Normandy
Mining Ltd, Newcrest Ltd and Anglogold Ltd. The ore deposit is a typical Darling Range
laterite profile consisting of an initial bauxitic top layer underlined by multi-coloured clays
that overlie the basement rock (Murphy and Winter, 2000). A sample was taken from the
bauxitic region, which could be described as gravelly sand with an ore grade of 0.8 g t-1
Kanowna Belle is situated near Kalgoorlie in Western Australia and is owned by Delta
Gold Ltd. The main deposit comes from mining the top section of the Fitzroy fault that
consists of felsic sediment of pyrite, sericite and carbonates (Murphy and Winter, 2000).
The refractory ore is subjected to flotation and the concentrate is roasted. The gold grade
of the calcine can vary from 100 to 300 g t-1 but this calcine sample had a gold grade of
150 g t-1.
The Boddington sample was ground to a P80 (80% passing) of 75 µm in a ring mill. Both
ore samples were combined in a ratio of 1 to 7 calcine to Boddington ore. Mixing the two
samples in a bucket for ten minutes with a spade ensured homogenous distribution of the
samples. The combined sample was wet sieved to less than 180 µm to ensure easy flow of
the pulp through a test counter-current adsorption apparatus.
CHAPTER 3: Materials and Methods 111
The pulp density was determined by filtering 50-mL of pulp, oven drying the filtrate at
100oC and measuring the mass of water and dry solids. If need be the pulp was then
adjusted to the desired density of ~ 40 % by adding or decanting water.
Prior to the leaching test, a sample of the ore was sent to Amdel Pty Ltd for gold analysis
by fire assay. A series of bottle leach tests were carried out on the combined ore sample to
determine the concentration of reagents required to achieve the maximum gold extraction.
Concentrations of the various reagents used in the test are given in Table 3.5. All reagents
were dissolved in a beaker and the pH adjusted to 9.5 using either sodium hydroxide or
sulfuric acid before transferring to a 1-L volumetric flask. A Yokogawa model PH82 pH
meter was used to measure the pH of the solution. Test 1 was the base case while Tests 2
to 4 had one parameter changed from the base case. Test 5 was used to assess the effect of
the addition of sulfite to the reagent suite which showed the best gold recovery from the
previous tests. Test 6 examined the effect of a high ammonia concentration with the
reagent suite used in Test 5.
Concentrations (M)
a a
Test NH3 Na2S2O3 CuSO4 Na2SO3
= mM
CHAPTER 3: Materials and Methods 112
Each test contained 667g of ore in 1-L of reagent solution and was bottle rolled for
24 hours at 100 rpm. A 20-mL sample of slurry was taken at 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 24 hours.
The sample was filtered and the filtrate analysed for gold by AAS. The reduction of the
pulp volume caused by sampling was taken into account when calculating gold recovery
(Appendix I). After 24 hours, the residual slurry was filtered, repulped in deionised water,
and filtered a second time. The solids were oven dried at 100oC for 24 hours, and sent for
gold analysis by fire assay.
2 g of Amberjet 4200 strong-base resin was bottle rolled over night at 100 rpm with
500-mL of the leach solution. The change in the solution concentration after this time was
used to determine the loading of gold and copper on the resin for each leach solution.
A laboratory scale counter-current adsorption plant containing six 2.4 L contactors was
designed, built and assembled as shown in Figures 3.4 & 3.5. A Cole-Parmer peristaltic
pump delivered the pulp at a flow rate of 3.4 L hr-1 to contactor 1 and thereafter the pulp
flowed by gravity through each stage. The resin was retained within each contactor by a
0.45 mm aperture screen. Each stage was agitated with an IKA Werk RW20 overhead
stirrer. Resin in each stage was periodically transferred manually from one contactor to the
next in the opposite direction to the flow of pulp (Figure 3.6). To achieve resin transfer,
the flow was stopped and the contents of each contactor was passed through a 0.45 mm
aperture screen to recover the resin. The pulp was returned to the contactor and the resin
transferred to the previous stage. Resin taken from the first contactor (contactor 1) was
either column or batch eluted with nitrate solution depending on the loading and mass of
resin (Section 3.9). Fresh resin was added to the last contactor. A photograph of the
laboratory scale counter-current adsorption apparatus is shown in Figure 3.7.
CHAPTER 3: Materials and Methods 113
13 cm
2.5 cm 12 cm 9 cm
1 cm
2.5 cm 3 cm
4.5 cm
2 cm 2 cm
8 cm
13.5 cm
2 cm
20 cm
2 cm
3.5 cm
0.5 cm
19 cm
24 cm
9 cm
3 cm
Sprayer Holes
1 cm Apart 4 cm 5 cm
14 cm 8.5 cm
19 cm 2 cm 12 cm
9 cm
1.5 cm 2 cm
2.5 cm
2 cm
9 cm
0.45 mm Aperture Woven
3 cm
Stainless Steel Screen
2 cm
19 cm
Pulp Flow
Contactor 1
Resin Flow
Contactor 6
CHAPTER 3: Materials and Methods 115
At the end of the experiment, the resin within each contactor was recovered by passing the
pulp through a 0.45 mm aperture screen and the pulp filtered. The resin samples were
washed, dried on the bench until free-rolling and sent for gold analysis by fire assay. A
sample of this resin was batch-eluted in nitrate solutions. The pulp was repulped in
deionised water and filtered a second time. All solids were oven-dried at 100oC for
24 hours, and sent for gold analysis by fire assay.
CHAPTER 3: Materials and Methods 116
Nitrogen Working Electrode
Purging Platinum
Line Electrode
CHAPTER 4: Results 117
The chemistry of the copper/ ammonia/ thiosulfate system is complex and not well
understood. For example, the mechanism of reduction of copper (II) to copper (I) by
thiosulfate, the stability of copper (II) amine and other metal complexes in solution and the
products of leaching have not been unambiguously defined in the literature. A preliminary
study of some of these areas was made in order to better understand the chemistry and to
identify likely products within a thiosulfate leach solution that will compete with gold for
binding sites on the resin. An understanding of this chemistry could be used to minimise
the effect of competing anions, especially copper, on the loading of gold on anion
exchange resins.
While the exact mechanism of the reduction of copper (II) to copper (I) by thiosulfate is
still not known with certainty, thiosulfate is known to react with copper (II) amine to
produce a copper (I) species and tetrathionate. A reaction scheme is shown in Section 1.6
highlighting the complexity of the system and showing all the copper species that could be
involved in the cycling of copper between the copper (II) and copper (I) states in the
presence of oxygen.
CHAPTER 4: Results 118
Figure 4.1 illustrates the change in the reduction rate of the copper (II) amine for different
thiosulfate concentrations at two ammonia concentrations. The slope of the lines shows
that at high ammonia concentration (0.2 M) the reaction was first order in thiosulfate but at
the low ammonia concentration (0.1 M) it tended towards second order. Thus, the rate of
the reaction of thiosulfate with copper (II) amine can be minimised in leach solutions by
having high ammonia to thiosulfate concentrations in solution i.e. high ammonia
concentrations retard the rate at which thiosulfate reacts with copper (II) amine.
Ln k (Absorbance units.sec )
-4 0.1 M Ammonia
y = 1.9397x - 0.9225
-5 2
R = 0.9485
0.2 M Ammonia
y = 1.0799x - 4.241
-6.5 2
R = 0.9856
-3.00 -2.50 -2.00 -1.50 -1.00 -0.50 0.00
Ln [Thiosulfate (M)]
Figure 4.1 The Effect of Ammonia and Thiosulfate Concentration on the First
Order Rate Constant for the Disappearance of the Copper (II) Amine
From Solution.
CHAPTER 4: Results 119
During mixing, the colour of the solution turned blue to green that was made from two
peaks, one at a wavelength of 350 nm and the other at 600 nm. This initial green colour
was believed to be related to the formation of a yellow copper (II) thiosulfate species
during mixing that appears green when contrasted with the blue copper (II) amine. All
initial absorbance reading for both copper species and for each solution were tabulated to
see if this information would identify the unknown copper (II) species formed during
mixing (Table 4.1).
Table 4.1 Initial Absorbance of the Two Copper Species For Each Solution.
CHAPTER 4: Results 120
While gold is known to leach in the presence of thiosulfate, copper and ammonia, the
optimum concentrations of each of these species required to maximise leaching is still not
clear. While copper (II) amine is known to be the oxidant for the dissolution of gold, the
concentration required and its stability in a leach solution has not been determined. The
literature data suggests that a concentration ratio of ammonia to thiosulfate of 10 to 1
achieved maximum leaching of gold from an ore sample i.e. maintained sufficient copper
(II) amine in the leach to maximise the leaching of gold.
A series of solutions with different ammonia and thiosulfate concentrations but the same
copper concentration of 0.05 M were combined in order to determine the effect of
thiosulfate concentration on the residual copper (II) amine concentration in solution after
24 hours. Sulfite was added to the solutions to minimise thiosulfate degradation (Kerley,
1983). Figure 4.2 shows the percentage of copper (II) amine (determined at 600 nm)
remaining in the solutions after bottle rolling for 24 hours in the presence of air.
90 0 M S2O3
% Copper Ammine Complex
80 0.05 M S2O3
60 2-
0.1 M S2O3
30 2-
0.2 M S2O3
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Ammonia Concentration (M)
Figure 4.2 The Percentage of Copper (II) Amine remaining after 24 hours. Effect
of Ammonia and Thiosulfate concentrations with a Fixed Copper
(0.05 M), Sulfate (0.1 M) and Sulfite (0.1 M) Concentrations, in the
presence of air at ambient temperature.
CHAPTER 4: Results 121
It was observed that some of the solutions formed precipitates after two days. The copper
(II) amine precipitated as the copper (II) ammonium thiosulfate salt at a thiosulfate
concentration of 0.2 M and at ammonia concentrations of 1.5, 2 & 4 M. The copper (II)
amine also precipitated as copper sulfide at a thiosulfate concentration of 0.2 M and at low
ammonia concentrations (below 0.5 M).
Accurate results were only obtained when standards that contained the same concentration
of species as the leach solution to be analysed were used. Information from these
calibrations provided data on the stability of several metal complexes in a thiosulfate leach
solutions to be gained. It was found that there was a change in the standard calibration
curve when silver, copper and gold were combined in a solution containing thiosulfate
(0.05 M) and ammonia (0.2 M) at pH 9.5. Figures 4.3 & 4.4 show the change in slope of
individual and combined calibration curves over time.
CHAPTER 4: Results 122
0 4 8 12 16 20
Time (days)
Figure 4.3 Change in the Slope of the Calibration Curve for the Combined Metal
Standard Solutions Containing 0.2 M Ammonia and 0.05 M Thiosulfate
at pH 9.5 and Ambient Temperature.
Slope of Standard Curve (Absorbance unit/mg.L-1)
0.12 Silver
0 4 8 12 16 20
Time (days)
Figure 4.4 Change in the Slope of the Calibration Curve for Individual Metal
Standard Solutions Containing 0.2 M Ammonia and 0.05 M thiosulfate
at pH 9.5 and Ambient Temperature.
CHAPTER 4: Results 123
A variety of commercially available anion exchange resins were examined for their ability
to recover the gold thiosulfate complex from solution. Both strong- and weak-base resins
were tested to assess the relative capacities of the resins for the gold thiosulfate complex.
Figures 4.5 and 4.6 present equilibrium gold distribution isotherms for the anion exchange
resins tested. Higher loadings of gold were obtained with strong-Base resins with the
exception of the Minix resin, which is a strong-base resin that had been modified to be
selective for mono-valent complexes such as gold cyanide (Figure 4.5). Weak-Base resins
exhibited a very low loading capacity for the gold thiosulfate complex and achieved, on
average, five times lower equilibrium loadings than strong-base resins (Figure 4.6).
Strong-Base resin loadings varied from 18 to 85 g L-1 with Amberjet 4200 being somewhat
superior in respect to the other strong-base resins tested. There was no difference in
loading between the two macroporous resins tested (Vitrokele 911 and Amberlite IRA 900)
and the gel resins achieved a higher loading of gold at a lower gold concentrations in
solution. Weak-Base resin capacities for gold thiosulfate varied from 8 to 20 g L-1 with
Amberlite IR 45 giving the highest loading of gold.
Although the gold thiosulfate complex is the desired anion for adsorption, any anion in the
leach solution has the potential to load on anion exchange resins causing the expected
loading of gold to be lower in the presence of other anions. Since strong-base resins have a
higher loading of gold capacity they will probably also have a higher capacity for gold in
the presence of other anions in solution and are therefore the preferred choice of resins for
the recovery of gold from thiosulfate leach solutions. It should be pointed out that in these
experiments, the resins were initially in the sulfate form and the equilibria involved that
between the gold thiosulfate anion and sulfate.
Subsequent work was carried out with Amberjet 4200 and Vitrokele 911 strong-base
resins. These were chosen to give a comparison between the macroporous (Vitrokele 911)
and the gel type (Amberjet 4200) resins.
CHAPTER 4: Results 124
90 Amberjet 4200
80 Amberlite IRA 402
20 Minix
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Gold Concentration in Solution (mg/L)
Gold Concentration on Resin (g/L)
20 Amberlite IR 45
Amberlite IR 96
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Gold Concentration in Solution (mg/L)
CHAPTER 4: Results 125
While it is currently not possible to eliminate copper from the thiosulfate leaching system
because it is required for leaching, there are some strategies which could minimise the
loading of copper (I) on anion exchange resins. The results of previous experiments
showed that the copper (II) amine concentration varied with the concentration of
thiosulfate and ammonia in solution. It was also found that high ammonia concentrations
would retard the reaction of copper (II) amine with thiosulfate (Section 4.1.1). The copper
(II) amine concentration in solution is also expected to increase in the presence of
dissolved oxygen which will oxidise copper (I) thiosulfate to copper (II) amine. It was
found that increasing the ammonia concentration or bubbling air into the solution
minimised the loading of copper and improved the loading of gold on anion exchange
Figures 4.7 & 4.8 show the effect of copper (II) and ammonia concentration on the rate of
loading of gold on Amberjet 4200 and Vitrokele 911 resins. Increased ammonia
concentration in the presence of copper (II) did not increase the loading of gold for either
resin but it did prevent the displacement of the loaded gold with time. At the lower
ammonia concentration, the gold was displaced from the resin after 6 hours for Amberjet
4200 and after 14 hours for Vitrokele 911. An increase in the copper concentration
decreased the loading of gold on the resin and increased the displacement of gold at the
lower ammonia concentration. It was postulated that tetrathionate is responsible for the
increased displacement of gold from the loaded resin. However, tetrathionate and copper
(I) thiosulfate would both affect the equilibrium loading but not the initial rate of the
loading of gold. The initial rate of the loading of gold in the presence of copper was
0.2 g Au L-1min-1 for Amberjet 4200 and 0.07 g Au L-1min-1 for Vitrokele 911.
For both resins, the loading of gold in the presence of 10 mg L-1 copper was approximately
20 g L-1 lower and in the presence of 30 mg L-1 copper approximately 30 g L-1 lower than
the loading of gold in the absence of copper in solution. The similarity of Figures 4.7 &
4.8 suggests that the study of one anion exchange resin would be a good indicator for the
behaviour of others. Amberjet 4200 was chosen for further study because of its faster rate
and higher capacity for the adsorption of the gold complex.
CHAPTER 4: Results 126
0.5 M (No Cu)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Time (minutes)
Figure 4.7 The Effect of Ammonia and Copper Concentration on the Rate of
Loading of Gold on Amberjet 4200 in the Presence of 0.2 M Thiosulfate.
0.5 M (No Cu)
Gold Loading (g/L)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Time (minutes)
Figure 4.8 The Effect of the Ammonia and Copper Concentration on the Rate of
Loading of Gold on Vitrokele 911 in the Presence of 0.2 M Thiosulfate.
CHAPTER 4: Results 127
Figure 4.9 shows the effect of bubbling with either air or nitrogen, for the duration of the
experiment, on the loading of copper on Amberjet 4200. Aeration minimised the amount
of copper (I) thiosulfate complex loaded on the resin. For both air and nitrogen, there was
an initial increase in the concentration of copper (I) thiosulfate loaded on the resin. In the
absence of oxygen, copper (I) thiosulfate continued to load but, with air, a maximum
loading was reached within 200 minutes.
Copper Concentration on Resin (g/L)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Time (minutes)
Figure 4.9 Effect of Oxygen on the Loading of Copper (I) on Amberjet 4200 at
0.05 M Thiosulfate, 0.2 M Ammonia, and 0.3 mM Copper.
CHAPTER 4: Results 128
The rate of loading of gold on Amberjet 4200 was examined in the presence of various
sulfur species and metal thiosulfate complexes. The effects of sulfur species on the
loading of gold were examined individually while the effect of metal complexes was
determined in a combined solution containing gold.
The rate of loading of gold on Amberjet 4200 was examined in the presence of sulfate,
sulfite, thiosulfate, trithionate and tetrathionate. Loading selectivity based on molecular
weight, charge and ionic density of the anion was estimated to be gold thiosulfate >
tetrathionate, trithionate > thiosulfate > sulfate > sulfite (Section Published
reports state this order can be expected to be dependent on the relative concentrations of
each species in solution. Therefore, thiosulfate and sulfate, being an order or two higher in
concentration than any other anion in solution, should theoretically have a higher loading
than any other species. Similarly the oxidation products of thiosulfate namely sulfite,
trithionate and tetrathionate, which are an order of magnitude more concentrated than gold,
should also theoretically load more strongly than gold. These predictions suggest that the
rate of the loading of gold should be dependent on the specific anion and its concentration
in solution.
Figure 4.10 shows the rate of the loading of gold on Amberjet 4200 in the presence of a
number of different sulfur species at a concentration of 0.05 M. While the presence of the
sulfur anions in solution did not influence the initial rate of loading of gold of 0.2
g Au L-1min-1, it did affect the final loading of gold on the resin. This could not be
estimated for trithionate or tetrathionate. In the presence of thiosulfate and sulfate, the
maximum loading was achieved in about 500 minutes while in the presence of sulfite,
trithionate or tetrathionate the maximum loading was achieved in 300, 200 and 200
minutes, respectively. These latter three anions caused the displacement of the loaded
gold, once the maximum loading had been attained, suggesting that in order to maximise
the loading of gold, the contact time of the resin within the adsorption circuit should be
CHAPTER 4: Results 129
It was found the order of selectivity for loading on the resin to be gold thiosulfate >
tetrathionate, trithionate > sulfite > thiosulfate > Sulfate. Sulfite did not fit the predicted
order based on molecular weight, charge and ionic density of the anion and was loaded
more strongly than thiosulfate or sulfate. Results also showed that gold was selectively
loaded over other competing anions.
No Competing anions
80 Sulfate
Gold Concentration on Resin (g/L)
70 Thiosulfate
30 Sulfite
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Time (minutes)
Figure 4.10 Effect of Various Sulfur Anions at 0.05 M on the Kinetics of the Loading
of Gold on Amberjet 4200 at an Initial Gold Concentration of 20 mg L-1.
CHAPTER 4: Results 130
The rate of loading of gold on Amberjet 4200 was also examined in the presence of a range
of metal complexes. While the sulfur anions are expected to be the main competitive
anions, metal complexes could also affect the rate and equilibrium of the loading of gold
on the resin. Figure 4.11 presents the rate of loading of gold, lead, silver, copper and zinc
on the strong-base resin Amberjet 4200 from a solution containing 0.05 M thiosulfate, 0.2
M ammonia and 20 mg L-1 of each of the base metal ions in solution.
The initial rate of the loading of gold of 0.2 g Au L-1min-1 was not influenced by other
metal complexes but a gradual displacement of all metal complexes occurred after 100
minutes. This displacement resembles the effect of trithionate or tetrathionate in solution
as shown previously in Figure 4.10. These sulfur anions are likely to be present, since this
study showed that copper (II) amine reacts with thiosulfate to form copper (I) thiosulfate
and tetrathionate in solution (Section 4.1.1). On analysis, this solution was found to
contain 10 mM trithionate. It is likely that any tetrathionate formed disproportionated to
the more stable trithionate species in solution. Based on loading, the order of selectivity
obtained was gold > lead >> silver > copper >> zinc.
Figure 4.11 also shows that the time after which the metal loading on the resin reached a
maximum was determined by the selectivity order of the metal complexes for the resin i.e.
zinc was displaced after 60 minutes, silver and copper after 150 minutes and gold and lead
were displaced after 300 minutes. It is postulated that the concentration of trithionate in
the leach solution would determine the time at which metal displacement commenced
(Section 4.3.1). To prove this, an additional 5 mM of trithionate was added at the start of
the experiment (Figure 4.12). This additional trithionate had no affect on the initial rate of
loading of gold on the resin but the equilibrium loading attained and the rate of
displacement of the metals from the resin with time were affected. As postulated, the time
after which the metal complexes were displaced was also lowered in the presence of
additional trithionate in solution i.e. zinc, silver and copper were displaced after 60 minutes
and gold and lead were displaced after 200 minutes. These results suggest that minimising
the formation of tetrathionate would limit the amount of trithionate in the leach solution
and will maximise the loading of gold on the resin and minimise the displacement of gold
with time.
CHAPTER 4: Results 131
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Time (minutes)
Figure 4.11 The Effect of Metal Thiosulfate Complexes on the Loading of Gold
Kinetics on Amberjet 4200 at 0.05 M Thiosulfate, 0.2 M Ammonia, and
20 mg L-1 for Each Metal Ion.
Metal Concentration on Resin (mg/L)
3 Lead
2 Silver
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Time (minutes)
Figure 4.12 The Effect of Metal Thiosulfate Complexes on the Loading of Gold
Kinetics on Amberjet 4200 at 0.05 M Thiosulfate, 0.2 M Ammonia, 5
mM trithionate, and 20 mg L-1 for Each Metal Ion.
CHAPTER 4: Results 132
The kinetic experiments showed that competing anions did not affect the initial rate of
loading of gold but the rate was affected at longer times with the equilibrium loading of
gold depending on the nature and concentration of the particular anion present. In the
presence of sulfate, thiosulfate and sulfite, the loading of gold on the resin was still
reasonable but in the presence of tetrathionate and trithionate the loading of gold decreased
to less than 1 g L-1. To maximise the loading of gold, these anions should be minimised
during leaching. Because lead also loaded strongly, its presence would need to be also
minimised to help maximise loading of gold.
Figure 4.13 presents the equilibrium loading of each sulfur species in the absence of gold.
Sulfate was loaded on a resin initially in the nitrate form while the other sulfur anions were
loaded using a sulfate form of the resin. Tetrathionate and trithionate had the highest
loading followed by thiosulfate and sulfite which had similar loadings and finally sulfate
which loaded very poorly on the resin. The order was similar to that obtained in the kinetic
experiments although the order of thiosulfate and sulfite is reversed.
Concentration of Sulfur Anion on Resin (g/L)
60 Thiosulfate
40 Sulfite
20 Sulfate
0 10 20 30 40 50
Concentration of Sulfur Anion in Solution (g/L)
CHAPTER 4: Results 133
Figure 4.14 illustrates the effect of each sulfur anion at a concentration of 0.05 M on the
equilibrium loading isotherm of gold on Amberjet 4200. While all the anions affected the
loading of gold to varying degrees, sulfate and thiosulfate had the least effect. As expected
from Figure 4.10, the two most detrimental anions were trithionate and tetrathionate.
These anions strongly competed for active sites on the resin and lowered the loading of
gold to around 1 g L-1 even at relative high gold concentrations. The selectivity order
determined is gold thiosulfate > tetrathionate, trithionate > sulfite > thiosulfate > sulfate
i.e. the same order as determined in the kinetic experiments.
No Competing anions
80 Sulfate
Gold Concentration on Resin (g/L)
30 Sulfite
0 Tetrathionate
0 5 10 15 20 25
Gold Concentration in Solution (mg/L)
Figure 4.14 Effect of Various Sulfur Anions at 0.05 M on the Equilibrium Loading
of Gold on Amberjet 4200.
Whilst the results of Figure 4.14 showed that the loading of gold depended on the
particular sulfur species, the degree to which each anion will affect the loading is also
dependent on the concentration of the anion in solution. Figure 4.15 illustrates the effect
of varying the anion concentration on the maximum loading of gold attainable on
Amberjet 4200.
CHAPTER 4: Results 134
At high concentrations all anions competed strongly with gold for binding sites on the
anion exchange resin. The maximum loading of gold decreased as the concentration of the
anionic sulfur species increased. Sulfate did not significantly affect the loading of gold at a
concentration of 0.05 M, however, at 0.2 M, the loading was reduced by up to 50%. In the
presence of trithionate or tetrathionate at concentrations of 0.05 M or greater, very little
gold is loaded.
Maximum Gold Loading on Resin (g/L)
30 Thiosulfate
10 Trithionate Sulfite
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Concentration of Species (M)
Figure 4.15 The Effect of Anion Concentration on the Maximum Loading of Gold on
Amberjet 4200.
CHAPTER 4: Results 135
Reports in the literature suggest that the lead, zinc, copper and silver anionic metal
thiosulfate complexes are loaded on anion exchange resins with lead and silver having a
stronger loading than copper or zinc (Kolthoff and Stenger, 1954). Figure 4.16 shows the
equilibrium loading isotherms for the various metal complexes on Amberjet 4200 from a
synthetic thiosulfate leach solution containing 0.05 M thiosulfate, 0.2 M ammonia and
20 mg L-1 of each of these base metal ions in solution. The isotherms indicate that gold
and lead have a higher loading on the resin followed by silver, copper and zinc. Copper
loadings increased at low copper concentrations but decreased at higher concentrations.
Zinc loaded to only very low levels.
Metal Concentration on Resin (g/L)
12 Lead
2 Copper
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Metal Concentration in Solution (mg/L)
CHAPTER 4: Results 136
Resin performance in a synthetic leach solution was assessed for its suitability in a RIP
process by measuring its loading capacity over eight cycles of loading and elution. A
sample of resin was loaded in a solution containing trithionate (0.01 M), thiosulfate
(0.05 M), ammonia (0.2 M) and with a range of metal anions (10 mg L-1) to resemble a
leach solution. Three test solutions were examined, one containing only gold and copper,
one with silver and copper and the last containing all three metals. After each cycle the
loaded resin was eluted using ammonia followed by ammonium nitrate.
Resembling Figure 4.16, Figures 4.17 & 4.18 show that the loading for gold is higher than
for silver and copper. The equilibrium loadings shown in Figures 4.17, 4.18 & 4.19 are
approximately 3000 mg L-1 gold, 1000 mg L-1 silver and 500 mg L-1 copper. Figure 4.18
shows a similar equilibrium loading for gold and copper in the absence of silver. Likewise
Figure 4.19 shows a similar equilibrium loading for copper and silver in the absence of
gold. The loading of copper was once again noticeably lower as the resin becomes loaded
with the other metal ions indicating that it binds less strongly than gold or silver.
Cycle 1
3000 Cycle 2
Cycle 3
Concentration on Resin (mg/L)
2500 Cycle 4
Cycle 5
2000 Cycle 6
Cylce 7
1500 Cycle 8
500 Copper
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Concentration in Solution (mg/L)
CHAPTER 4: Results 137
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Concentration in Solution (mg/L)
Cycle 1
1200 Cycle 2
Concentration on Resin (mg/L)
Cycle 3
1000 Cycle 4
Cycle 5
800 Cycle 6
Cycle 7
600 Cycle 8
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Concentration in Solution (mg/L)
CHAPTER 4: Results 138
None of the equilibrium isotherms exhibited any noticeable variation in the equilibrium
loading over the eight cycles. A gradual darkening of the resin samples in the presence of
silver was seen over the eight cycles. This was presumed to be caused by the precipitation
of silver sulfide on the resin which is not removed by the elution methods employed.
Table 4.2 lists the average recovery of the metal ions for the ammonia and nitrate elutions
over the eight cycles. Ammonia eluted all the copper but only a small percentage of the
gold and silver. Nitrate eluted most of the gold but very little of the silver.
1 Copper 99 4 100
Gold 2 85 87
Silver 8 21 29
2 Gold 2 95 97
Copper 98 5 100
3 Silver 6 13 19
Copper 98 4 100
Table 4.3 shows the analysis of the resin samples at the conclusion of the experiments, i.e.
after final elution. The analysis confirms that the observed darkening of the resin in
solutions 1 & 3 was due to the precipitation of silver. Over the eight cycles 7000 mg L-1
silver precipitated on the resin for both solutions but 3000 mg L-1 gold also precipitated on
the resin when using solution 1. In the absence of silver there was slightly less than 500
mg L-1 gold on the resin for solution 2. Very little copper precipitated on the resin from all
three solutions.
CHAPTER 4: Results 139
The gold concentration on the resin as determined by fire assay and aqua regia digestion
gave similar results for all the resin samples (Table 4.4). 99 % of the silver, 70 % of the
copper and 30 % of the gold was removed from the resin sample from solution 1 after it
was eluted with thiosulfate solution (2 M). A similar recovery was obtained with the resin
sample from solution 3. This shows that resin can be successfully regenerated using
thiosulfate when required.
Copper 25 27 26 ± 1
thiosulfate) Silver 38 50 44 ± 6
Copper 38 38 38
thiosulfate) Copper 18 27 23 ± 4
CHAPTER 4: Results 140
While the level of precipitated silver and gold on the resin was considerably higher than
expected, it did not appear to affect the equilibrium metal loadings on the resin. Table 4.5
compares the recorded level of silver and gold precipitated on the resin to the amount
estimated from the elution and equilibrium loading results shown in Table 4.2 and Figures
4.17, 4.18 & 4.19. The precipitation of gold and silver recorded in solution 1 was greater
than predicted. In solutions 2 & 3, the recorded and predicted loadings were similar.
CHAPTER 4: Results 141
The leaching of gold ore was not the focus of this project. However, in preparation of a
suitable pulp sample for the counter-current adsorption experiments, a series of bottle roll
leaching trials were undertaken to determine the conditions for maximum leaching of an
ore sample. While copper, thiosulfate and ammonia are the main reagents used to leach
gold, the wide range of concentrations reported in the literature made it difficult to
determine optimum leaching conditions. It was found that the loading of gold improved at
low thiosulfate and copper concentrations relative to ammonia (Section 4.3.1), and these
conditions were therefore used as the base case leaching condition (Test 1). One reagent
from Test 1 was then varied in Tests 2 to 4. Tests 5 and 6 investigated the effect of leach
time, the addition of sulfite and increasing the ammonia concentration on the best leaching
conditions established in Tests 1 to 4.
Figure 4.20 shows the leaching curves obtained for gold with the various leach solutions.
The curves show a rapid leaching for the first 4 hours followed by a slower leach to 24
hours. Tests 1, 2, 5 and 6 showed that gold was still leaching after 24 hours. Increasing
the concentration of thiosulfate or copper (Tests 3 & 4) resulted in low recoveries and very
little gold was leached after 8 hours. When Tests 5 and 6 were run for 48 hours (not
shown) an additional 5 to 10 % gold was leached from the ore.
Table 4.6 summarises the conditions and the recoveries obtained for the leaching tests
based on both solids and solution assays. It was found that increasing the ammonia
concentration from 0.2 to 0.8 M improved the leaching of gold by 50% (Tests 1 & 6).
Sulfite in the leach solution improved recovery by 10% (Test 5). A maximum of 98% of
the gold was leached after 48 hours under the conditions of Test 6. The recovery of gold
calculated from solution assays showed a discrepancy of between 9 to 12% from that
obtained by fire assay of the solid residue.
CHAPTER 4: Results 142
Test 6
80 Test 5
Test 1
Test 4
20 Test 3
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (hours)
Figure 4.20 Leaching Curves for Gold under Various Leaching Conditions.
1 200 50 0.3 0 48 37
2 400 50 0.3 0 71 61
4 200 50 0.6 0 30 19
a b
Leached over 24 hrs Leached over 48 hrs ND Not Determined
CHAPTER 4: Results 143
In order to estimate the loadings of gold and copper that could be achieved under these
leaching conditions, the leach solutions were bottle-rolled with resin for 24 hours.
Table 4.7 presents the loadings of copper and gold on the resin at equilibrium. The
maximum loading of gold on the resin was approximately 5000 mg L-1 (Tests 5 & 6).
Increased copper and thiosulfate concentrations resulted in an increase in the loading of
copper to around 8000 mg L-1 but reduced the loading of gold on the resin (Tests 3 & 4).
Increasing ammonia concentration from 0.2 to 0.8 M lowered the loading of copper from
2000 to 100 mg L-1 and marginally increased the loading of gold from 4300 to around 5000
mg L-1 (Tests 1 & 6). Sulfite also lowered the concentration of copper on the resin from
1000 to 200 mg L-1 (Tests 2 & 5). In summary, increasing ammonia concentration
improved leaching, reduced the loading of copper and improved the recovery of gold by
anion exchange resins.
CHAPTER 4: Results 144
A laboratory scale resin-in-pulp (RIP) study was undertaken to assess the feasibility of
resin for counter-current adsorption of gold from a leach pulp. The performance of the
resin in pulp under various operating conditions was tested in three experimental runs. The
transfer time was progressively increased and the resin volume lowered to increase the
loading of gold on the resin.
The first run had a transfer time every half an hour and used a resin volume of 36 mL per
contactor. Pulp samples could only be taken every hour because it took longer than half an
hour to collect and filter all the samples from each contactor. Figures 4.21 & 4.22 show
the change in the concentrations of gold and copper in solution throughout the run. The
copper and gold concentrations both increased for the first six transfers (3 hours). The
gold concentration then stabilised but the copper concentration continued to increase.
There was only a 20% drop in the gold concentration between contactors. This was less
than the 50% decrease per contactor expected and it was suspected that there was
insufficient mixing to evenly distribute the resin in the contactors.
14 Transfers
12 0
Gold concentration (mg/L)
8 1.5
6 2.5
4 3.5
2 4.5
Feed Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Tank 5 Tank 6 Tails
Figure 4.21 Change in Gold Concentration in Each Stage during the First Run.
CHAPTER 4: Results 145
20 Transfers
Figure 4.22 Change in Copper Concentration in Each Stage during the First Run.
Figure 4.23 shows the results of separate experiments designed to measure the distribution
of the resin at different rotation speeds in a contactor. It was discovered that at the rotation
speed used for the first run, most of the resin was in the lower half of the contactor. As the
speed of rotation was increased the distribution improved and a rotation speed of 900 rpm
was used in all future experiments.
Percentage (%) of Total Resin in Each Quarter
750 rpm
900 rpm
600 rpm
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Tank Height (cm)
CHAPTER 4: Results 146
Table 4.8 lists the final gold concentration in solution, solids and on the resin obtained at
the end of run 1. Copper concentrations in solution and on the resin are also listed. It was
only possible to do a complete balance of the system at the conclusion of each experiment.
The recovery of gold in the leach calculated from the analysis of the feed solids was 79%.
However the leach recovery calculated from the gold concentration in the feed solution
was 96% at a pulp density of 40% solids. This suggests that dissolved gold precipitated on
the solids during filtration and increased the gold concentration in the solids. This
hypothesis is supported by the overall recovery of gold of 91% calculated from the solids
leaving contactor 6, which has a low gold concentration in solution. 95% of the gold in
solution was recovered by the resin and resulted in a loading of gold of 2020 mg L-1. The
copper concentration on the resin fell from 1810 mg L-1 in contactor 6 to 383 mg L-1 in
contactor 1. This resulted in the copper concentration increasing by 50% in most
contactors and doubling in contactors 2 and 3. The thiosulfate concentration of the leach
solution was 0.04 M and the trithionate concentration was 0.01 M. Tetrathionate was not
detected in the leach solution. This showed that 20-40% of the thiosulfate has been
converted to trithionate in solution depending upon which sulfur species is used to
determine the consumption.
Gold Copper
Gold in Ore 19 g t-1
CHAPTER 4: Results 147
The recovery of gold on the resin was confirmed by analysing the resin by fire assay,
calculating the loading of gold from the gold concentration in solution and eluting a sample
of resin from each contactor. Results of these determinations presented in Figure 4.24
show a close agreement between the different techniques used.
Gold Loading (mg/L)
1500 Fire Assay
500 Calculated
1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 4.24 The Loading of Gold Determined from Solution Mass Balance, Elution
and Resin Assays for the First Run.
During the experiment, the resin samples leaving contactor 1 were collected and eluted in
ammonium nitrate solution to determine the loading of copper and gold on the resin.
Figure 4.25 shows the change in the copper and gold concentration on the resin as the
experiment proceeded. It is clear that as the loading of gold increased and the loading of
copper decreased. The concentration of copper and gold on the resin did not change after
3.5 hours (7 transfers). There was however a 200 mg L-1 discrepancy between the copper
analysis determined by elution and AAS and by aqua regia digestion of the resin.
CHAPTER 4: Results 148
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (hours)
Figure 4.25 Copper and Gold Concentration on the Resin Leaving Contactor 1
during the First Run.
The adsorption apparatus was run a second time with the transfer time extended to two
hours and the resin volume lowered to 29 mL per contactor at the higher agitation rate.
Figures 4.26 and 4.27 show the change in concentration of copper and gold throughout the
experiment. Both copper and gold concentrations increased for the first six transfers (12
hours) before reaching steady-state. While the copper concentration increased in
successive stages, the gold concentration decreased by approximately 50% per stage.
CHAPTER 4: Results 149
12 Transfers
10 0
Gold concentration (mg/L)
8 4
2 14
0 18
Feed Tank1 Tank2 Tank3 Tank4 Tank5 Tank6 Tails 20
Figure 4.26 Change in Gold Concentration in Each Stage during the Second Run.
25 Transfers
Copper concentration (mg/L)
15 6
10 10
5 14
Feed Tank1 Tank2 Tank3 Tank4 Tank5 Tank6 Tails
Figure 4.27 Change in Copper Concentration in Each Stage during the Second Run.
CHAPTER 4: Results 150
Table 4.9 shows the loading of gold was increased to 3340 mg L-1 and the resin extracted
99.5% of the gold in solution. The recovery of gold in the leach calculated from the
analysis of the feed solids was 78% but the leach recovery calculated from the gold
concentration in the feed solution was 74% with a pulp density of 39% solids. Although
the recovery of gold calculated from the feed solids was expected to be lower than that
calculated from solution analysis, the hypothesis that dissolved gold precipitated on the
solids during filtration was still confirmed as the overall recovery of gold calculated from
the solids leaving contactor 6 was still higher at 89 %. Copper concentrations on the resin
fell from 4580 mg L-1 in contactor 6 to 450 mg L-1 in contactor 1. This resulted in the
copper concentration increasing by 30% in most contactors and doubling in contactors 5
and 6. The thiosulfate concentration of the leach solution was 0.035 M, trithionate was
0.01 M and tetrathionate was 0.005 M.
Gold Copper
Gold in Ore 19 g t-1
The recovery of gold on the resin was validated by analysing the resin by fire assay,
calculating the loading of gold from the gold concentration in solution and eluting a sample
of resin from each contactor. The results of these determinations presented in Figure 4.28
show a close agreement between the different techniques used.
CHAPTER 4: Results 151
1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 4.28 The Loading of Gold Determined from Solution Mass Balance, Elution
and Resin Assays for the Second Run.
The change in the copper and gold concentration on the resin during the experiment once
again shows that as the loading of gold increased, the loading of copper decreased and
stabilised after 14 hours (7 transfers) (Figure 4.29).
Metal Concentration on the Resin (mg/L)
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (hours)
Figure 4.29 Copper and Gold Concentration on the Resin Leaving Contactor 1
during the Second Run.
CHAPTER 4: Results 152
The adsorption apparatus was run a third time using a transfer time of four hours and a
resin concentration of 24 mL per contactor. Figures 4.30 and 4.31 show the change in
concentration of copper and gold throughout the experiment. Once again, both copper and
gold concentrations increased for the first six transfers (24 hours) after which both copper
and gold concentrations stabilised. The increased contact time resulted in only a 15%
decrease in the gold concentration in successive stages.
Table 4.10 shows that, while the loading of gold was increased to 6050 mg L-1, the gold
extraction was lowered to 55%. The recovery of gold in the leach calculated from the
analysis of the feed solids was 66% but the leach recovery calculated from the gold
concentration in the feed solution was 60% with a pulp density of 36% solids. Although
the recovery of gold calculated from the feed solids was once again expected to be lower
than that calculated from solution analysis, the hypothesis that dissolved gold precipitated
on the solids during filtration was still supported, as the overall recovery of gold calculated
from the solids leaving contactor 6 was still higher at 86%. The copper concentration on
the resin fell from 385 mg L-1 in contactor 6 to 123 mg L-1 in contactor 1. This resulted in
the copper concentration increasing by 20% in contactors 5 and 6. The thiosulfate
concentration of the leach solution was 0.04 M and the trithionate was 0.01 M.
Gold Copper
10 Transfers
Gold concentration (mg/L)
5 16
4 20
3 24
2 28
1 32
0 36
Feed Tank1 Tank2 Tank3 Tank4 Tank5 Tank6 Tails 40
Figure 4.30 Change in Gold Concentration in Each Stage during the Third Run.
25 Transfers
Copper concentration (mg/L)
20 0
15 8
5 28
0 36
Feed Tank1 Tank2 Tank3 Tank4 Tank5 Tank6 Tails 40
Figure 4.31 Change in Copper Concentration in Each Stage during the Third Run.
CHAPTER 4: Results 154
The recovery of gold on the resin was confirmed by analysing the resin by fire assay,
calculating the loading of gold from the gold concentration in solution, and eluting a
sample of resin from each contactor. The results of these determinations are presented in
Figure 4.32, which shows a close agreement between the different techniques used.
Gold Loading (mg/L)
2000 Elution
1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 4.32 The Loading of Gold Determined from Solution Mass Balance, Elution
and Resin Assays for the Third Run.
The change in the copper and gold concentration on the resin during the experiment, once
again, showed that, as the loading of gold increased, the loading of copper decreased and
did not change after 28 hours or 7 transfers (Figure 4.33). Very little copper remained on
the resin after the loading of gold had reached 3000 mg L-1.
CHAPTER 4: Results 155
0 10 20 30 40
Time (hours)
Figure 4.33 Copper and Gold Concentration on the Resin Leaving Contactor 1
during the Third Run.
The adsorption apparatus experiments showed that as the loading of gold increased in
successive adsorption stage the loading of copper decreased. Figure 4.34 shows the
relationship between the loading of copper and gold for all three experiments in each
contactor. The plot shows that a loading of gold above 2000 mg L-1 limits the loading of
copper to below 500 mg L-1. Increasing the loading of gold from 2000 to 6000 mg L-1
reduces the loading of copper on the resin from 500 to 100 mg L-1.
Figure 4.35 shows the relationship between the loading of copper and gold measured for
the resin leaving contactor 1 for all three runs. While the previous graph showed that a
loading of gold of 2000 mg L-1 is required to limit the loading of copper to 500 mg L-1, this
graph shows that a loading of 3000 mg L-1 of gold is required.
CHAPTER 4: Results 156
Figure 4.34 The Effect of the Loading of Gold on the Amount of Copper Extracted
by Amberjet 4200 for all Stages during Each Run.
CopperConcentration on the Resin (mg/L)
Run 2
Run 1
Run 3
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Gold Concentration on the Resin (mg/L)
Figure 4.35 The Effect of the Loading of Gold on the Extraction of Copper in
Stage 1 After Each Transfer for Each Run.
CHAPTER 4: Results 157
Thiocyanate and thiosulfate are reported to elute the metal thiosulfate complexes from
strong-base resins (Aturi and Raghavan, 1989; Thomas et al., 1998). Figure 4.36
illustrates the elution of a loaded resin by the above eluants, compared to the elution with
ammonium nitrate. Nitrate ions were very effective at eluting the gold thiosulfate from the
resin (98%) after 40 bed volumes, compared to thiocyanate which eluted 85% whilst
thiosulfate eluted only 35% of the loaded gold. Figure 4.37 shows that a wide range of
soluble nitrate salts will elute gold thiosulfate.
Gold Concentration in Solution (mg/L)
250 NH4SCN
50 (NH4)2S2O3
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Bed volumes (mL Solution/mL Resin)
Figure 4.36 Profile for the Elution of Gold with Different Eluants at 2 M from
Amberjet 4200 with an Initial Loading of Gold at 1284 mg L-1.
CHAPTER 4: Results 158
Ni(NO3 )2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Bed Volume (mL Solution/mL Resin)
Figure 4.37 Profile for the Eultion of Gold with Different Nitrate Salts at 2M from
Amberjet 4200 with an Initial Loading of Gold at 1167 mg L-1.
To evaluate the efficiency of the elution of gold with nitrate from Vitrokele 911 and
Amberjet 4200, the equilibrium loadings of gold thiosulfate in solutions of different
concentrations of nitrate were determined. The equilibrium loading curves for both resins
were very similar and showed that the higher the concentration of nitrate in solution the
lower the loading of gold (Figures 4.38 & 4.39). In a 2.0 M nitrate solution at a gold
concentration of 200 mg L-1, the loadings of gold were only 1 g L-1 while in a 0.25 M
nitrate solution at the same gold concentration the loading of gold was around 60 g L-1.
The significant increase in the loading of gold as the nitrate concentration was decreased
suggested that very low nitrate concentrations would not inhibit the adsorption of gold by
either resin. This would allow resins eluted with nitrate to be re-introduced to the
adsorption circuit without the need for regeneration. Overall, nitrate anions at a
concentration of 2 M were very efficient at preventing the gold from loading on both resins
even at high gold concentrations in solution.
CHAPTER 4: Results 159
60 0.25 M
0.5 M
1.0 M
0 2.0 M
0 50 100 150 200 250
Gold Concentration in Solution (mg/L)
0.25 M
Gold Concentration on Resin (g/L)
0.5 M
1.0 M
2.0 M
0 50 100 150 200 250
Gold Concentration in Solution (mg/L)
CHAPTER 4: Results 160
Although Figures 4.38 and 4.39 showed that 1 M ammonium nitrate solution resulted in
only a slightly higher equilibrium loading than 2 M, elution with 1 M ammonium nitrate
was much slower and required twice the volume of eluant to remove all the gold loaded
from the resin (see Figure 4.40). The slower elution time, increased volume of ammonium
nitrate, and the lower average gold concentration of the eluant meant that 1 M ammonium
nitrate is not as suitable for the elution of loaded resins.
2 M Ammonium Nitrate
Gold Concentration (mg/L)
1 M Ammonium Nitrate
0 20 40 60 80
Bed Volume (mL Solution/mL Resin)
Figure 4.40 Effect of Ammonium Nitrate Concentration on the Elution of Gold from
a Column of Amberjet 4200 Loaded with 1167 mg L-1 and 1250 mg L-1
of Gold.
The effect of ammonium nitrate concentration on the rate of gold elution for both resins
was also determined in batch experiments (Figures 4.41 and 4.42). The rate of elution of
gold from both resins was very similar for each concentration tested. There was an initial
rapid elution within 120 minutes followed by a slow elution which required up to 6000
minutes to elute the gold from the resin. This elution pattern is expected because once all
the gold from the resin surface had been removed, the nitrate ions needed to diffuse into
the pores of the resin to release the remaining gold. At any particular nitrate concentration,
gold was eluted more rapidly from Amberjet 4200 than Vitrokele 911.
CHAPTER 4: Results 161
Percentage Eluted (%) 0.5 M
0.25 M
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Time (minutes)
Percentage Eluted (%)
60.0 0.5 M
0.25 M
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Time (minutes)
CHAPTER 4: Results 162
Solutions of 1.0 and 2.0 M ammonium nitrate eluted approximately 100% of the gold from
both resins in 75 and 30 hours, respectively. Lower nitrate concentrations failed to elute
all the gold from the resin probably because of equilibrium constraints. The only
difference between the batch and column elutions is the time required to elute the resin.
While it took 30 hours to batch elute 100% of the gold from the resin, it took only
approximately four hours to elute the gold from the resin in the column. This is because,
in a column, the resin never equilibrates with the surrounding solution. During batch
elution, there is an initial rapid elution of the gold from the resin but, with time, the resin
approaches equilibrium with the surrounding solution and the initial rate of elution slows
dramatically as the percentage of gold eluted from the resin increases.
The results in Section 4.5.2 showed that a number of metal thiosulfate complexes could
also be loaded on anion exchange resins. While it is unlikely that all of these metal
complexes will be present in significant quantities in a commercial leach solution, Cu (II)
is required for leaching and Cu (I) will always be present. To minimise the cost of
reagents, it would be beneficial to recycle any copper loaded on the resin back to the
leaching circuit. The copper (I) thiosulfate complex loaded on the resin can be removed by
elution with an oxygenated ammonia solution. The copper (II) amine formed by oxidation
is cationic and has no affinity for the anion exchange resin and is therefore eluted from the
The elution profile for the separation of copper and gold from Amberjet 4200 and
Vitrokele 911 resins (Figure 4.43) clearly demonstrates that copper can be separated from
gold using ammonia solutions. The resin was initially eluted with ammonia (1 M) for
40 bed volumes followed by ammonium nitrate (2 M) for a further 40 bed volumes. 1 M
ammonia did not elute all the loaded copper and some copper was eluted when nitrate was
passed through the column. The gold elution with ammonium nitrate was sharp and
showed a typical elution profile. The profile for the ammonia elution of the copper was
very broad and appeared to reach a concentration limit of 35 mg L-1 copper in solution for
both resins. This suggests that a higher ammonia concentration would be required to
effectively remove most of the copper before the gold.
CHAPTER 4: Results 163
Ammonia (1 M) Elution Ammonium Nitrate (2 M) Elution
Gold or Copper Concentration (mg/L)
120 Copper Analysis Gold Analysis
Amberjet 4200 Amberjet 4200
100 Vitrokele 911 Vitrokele 911
0 20 40 60 80
Bed Volume (mL Sol/mL Resin)
Figure 4.43 Selective Elution at a Flow Rate of 5 BV hr-1 of Copper and Gold from
Vitrokele 911 and Amberjet 4200 Resins Loaded With 1000 mg L-1 of
Copper and 1600 mg L-1 of Gold.
Figure 4.44 presents the profile of an elution with a higher ammonia concentration for the
elution of copper and gold from a sample of Amberjet 4200 resin loaded during the counter
current experiments. Increasing the ammonia concentration of the eluant from 1 M to 2 M
removed all the copper from the loaded resin before the nitrate elution. It also resulted in a
typical elution profile for copper with a sharp peak followed by a rapid decline in the
copper concentration.
The higher ammonia concentration caused no gold elution but if silver was loaded on the
resin, preliminary results show that about 10 % of the loaded silver would also be
displaced in the ammonia elution (Section 4.6). Gold was effectively eluted with the
nitrate solution but exhibited a broader elution profile.
CHAPTER 4: Results 164
One of the surprising differences between the two experiments is the volume of eluant
required to elute the copper and gold from the resin. The elution of the resin loaded in the
counter current experiment (Figure 4.44) required fewer bed volumes than the resin loaded
from solution (Figure 4.43). This is most likely related to the difference in the volume of
each resin column. Figure 4.43 shows the elution of 6 mL of loaded resin while Figure
4.44 shows the elution of 32 mL of loaded resin.
Ammonia (2 M) Elution Ammonium Nitrate (2 M) Elution
Metal Concentration in Solution (mg/L)
Copper Analysis Gold Analysis
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Bed Volume (mL Solution/mL Resin)
Figure 4.44 Selective Elution at a Flow Rate of 5 BV hr-1 of Copper and Gold from
Amberjet 4200 Resins Loaded With 550 mg L-1 of Copper and
1700 mg L-1 of Gold.
The high consumption of thiosulfate during leaching is a major potential cost of the
thiosulfate leaching process. The recovery of thiosulfate from the leach solution using
anion exchange resins would reduce the cost of reagents. Figure 4.45 shows that nitrate or
sulfate solutions can be used to recover the loaded thiosulfate from the resin. Ammonium
sulfate would be the prefered eluant since it will not elute gold, is already present in
thiosulfate leach solution, and would be more appropriate for recycling the eluant back to
CHAPTER 4: Results 165
Thiosulfate Concentration (M) Ammonium Nitrate
Ammonium Sulfate
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Bed Volumes (mL Solution/mL Resin)
Figure 4.45 Elution of Thiosulfate with 1 M Ammonium Sulfate and Nitrate from
Amberjet 4200 Strong-Base Resin Loaded With 23 g L-1 thiosulfate.
CHAPTER 4: Results 166
Figure 4.46 shows the reduction curves of gold thiosulfate on a rotating stainless steel disk
at four rotation speeds ranging from 50 to 400 revolutions per minute (rpm). The gold
thiosulfate complex starts to be reduced at 0.18 V and a limiting current is observed at
potentials below about 0 V. The limiting currents for different pH values are plotted in
Figure 4.47, as is that calculated from the Levich equation (Equation 82):
ιcl = limiting current (A),
n = number of electrons transferred = 1,
F = Faradays constant (Coul. mol-1) = 96486,
A = electrode area (cm2) = 0.126,
D = diffusion coefficient (cm2 s-1) = 7 x 10-6,
ω = angular speed of the rotating electrode (s-1),
ν = kinamatic viscocity (cm2 s-1) = 1 x 10-6, and
Co = initial concentration (mol cm-3) = 0.6.
Variation of the pH in the range of 3.5-10.5 had no effect on the limiting current
suggesting that gold can be reduced on stainless steel from nitrate solutions at any pH in
this range. However, it was observed that the gold thiosulfate complex is not stable when
the nitrate solution was left exposed to air. It resulted in the gold precipitating as a black
precipitate within the container presumably as gold sulfide. This suggests that gold could
possibly be recovered without the need for electrowinning.
CHAPTER 4: Results 167
Current (mA)
50 rpm
100 rpm
-0.05 200 rpm
-0.07 400 rpm
-0.40 -0.20 0.00 0.20 0.40
Potential (V vs. SHE)
Figure 4.46 Limiting Current Curves for the Reduction of Gold Thiosulfate on
Stainless Steel at pH 7.5. The Solution Contained 0.6 mM Gold
Thiosulfate and 2 M Ammonium Nitrate at a temperature of 25 oC.
Limiting Current (mA)
pH 3.5
pH 7.5
pH 10.5
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Rotation Speed (rpm)
Figure 4.47 The Effect of pH on the Limiting Current Compared to that Calculated
from the Levich Equation.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 168
The major competing anions in a leach solution are expected to be thiosulfate and sulfate
followed by the oxidation products of thiosulfate namely, trithionate and tetrathionate. The
oxidation of thiosulfate with copper (II) amine was examined in order to obtain
information which could assist in limiting the amount of oxidation products and preserve
the lixiviant thiosulfate and the oxidant copper (II) amine in the leach solutions. The rate
of disappearance of the copper (II) amine complex was found to be a first order process at
high thiosulfate to copper (II) ratios and at high concentrations of ammonia. At a given
ammonia concentration, the rate of this reaction increased linearly as the thiosulfate
concentration increased. Increasing the ammonia concentration was found to decrease the
rate of reaction with the order of the reaction changing from a first to a second order when
the ammonia concentration was decreased from 0.2 to 0.1 M. Thus a high ammonia
concentration and a low thiosulfate concentration will minimise the rate of the reaction of
thiosulfate with copper (II) amine.
An interesting observation made during the study was the appearance of a green colour
during the initial few seconds of mixing of the test solutions. The colour is believed to be
due to the formation of a yellow copper (II) amine thiosulfate species that appears green
when combined with the blue copper (II) amine ion. This copper (II) species is likely to be
the copper (II) amine ion that has one or two thiosulfate ions coordinated to it
(Equations 83 & 84):
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 169
Equations 85 & 86 show the equilibrium quotient for each of these equations:
[Cu( NH 3 ) 4 S 2 O 3 ]
K1 = (85)
[Cu( NH 3 ) 24+ ][S 2 O 32− ]
[Cu( NH 3 ) 4 (S 2 O 3 ) 22− ]
K2 = (86)
[Cu( NH 3 ) 24+ ][S 2 O 32− ]2
[Cu( NH 3 ) 4 S 2 O 3 ]
Ln 2+
= Ln[S 2 O 32− ] + Ln K1 (87)
[Cu( NH 3 ) 4 ]
[Cu( NH 3 ) 4 (S 2 O 3 ) 22− ]
Ln 2+
= 2 Ln[S 2 O 32− ] + Ln K 2 (88)
[Cu( NH 3 ) 4 ]
While the concentration of each of these species was not determined directly, the Beer-
Lambert Law states that the absorbance of a particular chromophoric species is directly
proportional to its concentration in solution. Thus, a logarithmic plot of the absorbance
ratio of these two species versus the thiosulfate concentration should give a linear
relationship with unit slope and an intercept which is proportional to K if reaction 83 is
appropriate. For both ammonia concentrations used, the relationships were similar and
linear having slopes close to one were obtained (see Figure 5.1). However there was a
shift in the line when the ammonia concentration increased. This shift suggest that, for a
given thiosulfate concentration, there is less of copper (II) thiosulfate species formed at the
higher ammonia concentration. This could be expected since, as at a higher ammonia
concentration, the coordination of copper (II) amine with thiosulfate could be expected to
be reduced due to increased competition from both ammonia and hydroxide ions in
solution, which can also coordinate with the copper (II) amine. Byerley and co-workers
(1975) have also suggested that oxygen, if present in the system, can also coordinate with
copper (II) amine.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 170
-5.0 -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0
Ln [Thiosulfate (M)]
Figure 5.1 The Reaction Pathway Investigation of the Copper (II) Amine to
Copper (II) Amine Thiosulfate Species.
Byerley and co-workers proposed that a copper (II) amine thiosulfate complex forms as a
result of reactions 89 a and 89 b (Byerley et al., 1972):
These reactions are very fast and are followed by a much slower reduction to copper (I)
amine complex (Equation 89 c):
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 171
They later suggested that the more likely reaction was for the copper (II) amine to react
with thiosulfate in a two step process to form a copper (II) amine di-thiosulfate complex as
shown by Equations 90 a and 90 b (Byerley et al., 1973; Byerley et al., 1975):
This then undergoes a bimolecular reaction to form a copper (I) amine thiosulfate complex
(Equation 90 c):
In the presence of oxygen the copper (I) amine thiosulfate complex is quickly oxidised
back to the copper (II) amine complex (Equation 90 d):
Rabai and Epstein (1992) have proposed that a similar mechanism occurs in the absence of
ammonia (Equations 91 a & b):
While most researchers agree that thiosulfate is oxidised by copper (II) to tetrathionate,
Byerley and co-workers (1973 & 1975) showed that trithionate and sulfate are present
when the solution is analysed rather than tetrathionate which has commonly been proposed
in these reaction equations. It has been suggested that, in mildly alkaline solutions (pH =
9), tetrathionate initially disproportionates to pentathionate and sulfite (Fava and
Bresadola, 1955; Naito et al., 1970). The sulfite then reacts with additional tetrathionate to
produce thiosulfate and trithionate. The pentathionate also disproportionates to thiosulfate
and trithionate due to its low stability. Tetrathionate can also disproportionate to dithionite
and dithionate but these polythionates are highly unstable and will be rapidly oxidized to
sulfate (Naito et al., 1970). Byerley and co-workers (1973 & 1975) suggested that the
formation of sulfate is mostly from dithionite and dithionate.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 172
Whilst the most likely pathway for copper (II) reduction to copper (I) thiosulfate involves a
copper (II) species as an intermediate, its formation and disappearance was rapid
suggesting that it is unlikely to persist in a leach solution to compete with gold for loading
on the resin.
Figure 5.1 supports the initial work of Byerley and co-workers (1973) that the likely
intermediate in the reduction of copper (II) amine is a copper (II) amine thiosulfate
complex which is then reduced to a copper (I) amine thiosulfate complex. However, the
low stability of the copper (I) thiosulfate complex (β1 = 109) suggest that the copper (I) di-
thiosulfate complex (β2 = 1012.7) or copper (I) tri-thiosulfate complex (β3 = 1013.7) is more
likely to form.
The results of a series of experiments carried out for 24 hours confirmed that increasing the
ammonia concentration in the presence of thiosulfate did slow the reduction of copper (II)
and improved the stability of copper (II) amine in solution. It was found that an ammonia
to thiosulfate ratio of 20:1 was required to maintain half of the copper complexed as
copper (II) amine when the ammonia to copper ratio was 20:1. The results showed that,
for a given thiosulfate concentration, increasing the ammonia concentration slows the rate
of reduction of copper (II) amine but that this rate increases with increasing thiosulfate
If there is insufficient ammonia, the copper precipitates as a copper sulfide in the presence
of thiosulfate (Equation 92):
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 173
Analysis of the stability of the AAS calibration standards in the presence of thiosulfate for
back-ground correction also contributed to a better understanding of the stability of the
metal thiosulfate complexes. In the combined calibration standards, precipitation of
copper as a copper sulfide was found to be responsible for the decrease in the copper
concentration which also resulted in the co-precipitation of silver and gold. Gold and
silver did not precipitate in the absence of copper. The precipitation of copper required
that the calibration standards for copper had to be prepared without thiosulfate and this
resulted in an over-estimation of the copper concentration in solution because of
interference from the thiosulfate and other sulfur compounds in the sample solutions.
These results showed that in order to obtain accurate measurement of metal ion
concentrations, leach solutions should be analysed as soon as possible after sampling. If
left to stand, copper in solution will consume the thiosulfate and cause the precipitation of
metal ions. This precipitation should not occur if the solutions are kept sealed from
oxygen as this prevents the regeneration of copper (II) amine which oxidises the thiosulfate
in solution. A low thiosulfate concentration in solution causes the copper (I) thiosulfate to
precipitate as copper sulfide as depicted in Equation 93 (Li et al., 1996):
The drop in thiosulfate concentration also causes the silver thiosulfate complex to
precipitate as silver sulfide. Gold is believed to co-precipitate with silver but it was the
least affected of the metal thiosulfate complexes. However, the measured change occurred
over several weeks and a leach solution generated over 24 hours could be expected to be
sufficiently stable to allow the recovery of metal ions from thiosulfate solution by counter-
current adsorption.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 174
Since the 1970’s there has been much research dealing with many aspects of the leaching
of ores with thiosulfate. It has been suggested that the key to successful leaching is
maintenance of suitable concentrations of the oxidant in solution. The copper (II) amine
complex is the accepted oxidising agent for gold in a thiosulfate leach solution. Although
the leaching of gold ore was not the focus of this project, a series of bottle-roll leaching
trials were undertaken to determine the conditions required for maximum leaching of an
ore sample in order to prepare a leach solution for the counter-current adsorption runs.
It has been found that the loading of gold on the resin is greatest at low thiosulfate and
copper concentrations and high ammonia concentrations. These conditions were therefore
used as the base case for leaching (Test 1). The results of this study showed that increasing
the ammonia concentration improved the recovery of gold, as found by other researchers
who have investigated the leaching of gold by thiosulfate (Caixia and Qiang, 1991;
Langhans et al., 1992; Qian et al., 1993; Yen et al., 1998). This increase in the recovery of
gold is most likely related to the distribution of copper species. From the initial
experiments into the chemistry of the system, it was confirmed that the stability of copper
(II) amine is increased with increasing concentration of ammonia which also slows the
reduction of copper (II) amine by thiosulfate to produce copper (I) thiosulfate and
tetrathionate in solution. This prediction was confirmed by the results of experiments on
the loading of copper and gold on an anion exchange resin because it was found that the
loading of copper decreased from 2000 to 100 mg L-1 upon the addition of ammonia
suggesting that the concentration of copper (I) thiosulfate was reduced in the presence of
high ammonia concentrations in the leach solution.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 175
The addition of sulfite was found to also improve the recovery of gold by 10%. Kerley
patented the use of sulfite in the leach solution in 1981 and 1983. The improved recovery
probably results from stabilisation of the thiosulfate in solution by limiting the formation
of tetrathionate and from regenerating the thiosulfate from oxidation products in solution.
The loading of copper on the resin in the presence of sulfite decreased from 1000 to 200
mg L-1 suggesting that sulfite had also a part to play in minimising the reaction of copper
(II) amine with thiosulfate. This is the opposite of what could be expected if sulfite
generates thiosulfate from its oxidation products.
Increasing either the initial copper or thiosulfate concentration in the leach solution
resulted in a lower recovery of gold from the ore. It was expected that increasing the
concentration of thiosulfate would increase the reaction of copper (II) amine with
thiosulfate which would lower the oxidant copper (II) amine in solution. This would
account for the lower recovery of gold, however increasing the copper concentration
should have increased the copper (II) amine concentration in the leach solution. The poor
recovery observed could be due to the loss of thiosulfate by oxidation from the high copper
concentration. This hypothesis is supported by an examination of the loading of gold and
copper on the resin. In both leach solutions, the loading of gold was reduced by
competition from tetrathionate or trithionate and the loading of copper on the resin
increased as a result of an increased concentration of the copper (I) thiosulfate complex in
The shape of the leaching curves show an initial fast leaching for the initial four hours after
which the rate of leaching decreased. This suggests that there was a gradual depletion of
the oxidant in solution over time which decreases the rate of dissolution of the gold. It is
possible that maintenance of the concentration of copper (II) amine would improve the rate
of leaching of gold. An increase in the leach time to forty-eight hours only improved the
recovery by 5 to 10% and this may not prove to be economically beneficial as it could also
increase the concentration of the degradation products of thiosulfate in the leach solution.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 176
Recovery of gold was calculated from the assay of the solution was found to be 10 to 15%
higher than that calculated from the solids. While it could be expected that the analysed
washed leach residue should have accounted for the gold that was not leached from the ore,
it is apparent that the filtered leach solution contained more gold than expected. It is
possible that dissolved gold precipitated on the solids during the washing of the residue
and increased the gold concentration of the solids. This will be further described in
Section 5.9. Aspects of the chemistry will require further study and indicates that a resin-
in-leach process may be most appropriate in that it will minimise loss of gold by
adsorption or precipitation on the solids.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 177
Presently, anion exchange resins offer the only possible in-pulp means of recovering
dissolved gold from thiosulfate leach solutions and pulps. Patents that have proposed the
recovery of gold with anion exchange resins have claimed that strong-base resins are
preferred over weak-base resins but have provided no justification for this difference (Jay,
1999; Marchbank et al., 1996; Thomas et al., 1998). This study has confirmed that strong-
base resins preferentially load the gold thiosulfate complex and attain higher equilibrium
loadings of gold than weak-base resins.
Although the equilibrium loading of gold on weak-base resins is lower than that on strong-
base resins, loading is nevertheless possibly suitable for application to a recovery process.
A major advantage of weak-base resins is the ease of elution of the loaded metal ions.
However, in practice, other anions in a typical leach solution will compete strongly with
gold thiosulfate for active sites on anion exchange resins and lower the maximum
equilibrium loading of gold on the resin. Since strong-base resins have the higher
equilibrium loading of gold they will have a greater capacity to compete with other anions
in solution and are therefore the preferred choice of resin for the recovery of gold from
thiosulfate leach solutions.
The stoichiometry of the adsorption of the gold thiosulfate complex on a strong-base resin
is shown in Equation 94:
+ +
Au(S 2 O 3 ) 32− + 3 (R − N R 3 X − ) → 3 ( R − N R 3 )Au(S2 O 3 ) 32− + 3 X − (94)
A gold thiosulfate anion is loaded for every three monovalent ions displaced on the resin.
Therefore the theoretical maximum loading of gold is one third of the exchange capacity of
the resin which is expressed in equivalents per unit volume. Experimentally
Amberjet 4200 was found to have a loading of gold capacity of 85 g L-1. The calculated
maximum loading of gold using the exchange capacity of 1.4 eq L-1 is 92 g L-1, and agrees
closely with the experiment result. Similarly the Vitrokele 911, which has an exchange
capacity of 1.1 eq L-1 and a calculated maximum gold thiosulfate loading of 72 g L-1 was
found to have a loading of gold capacity of 72 g L-1.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 178
These results show that the exchange capacity of a resin can be used to predict the
maximum possible loading of gold thiosulfate. Surprisingly there was no negative effect
on the loading for gold despite the obvious steric limitations imposed on the strong-base
resins in order to accommodate the three minus charge of the gold thiosulfate complex.
If the same calculation is applied to the Amberlite IR 45 weak-base resin, which has an
exchange capacity of 1.9 eq L-1, a loading of gold of 125 g L-1 could be expected. The
maximum loading of 20 g L-1 obtained experimentally is less than a sixth of the theoretical
loading. It could be argued that the reason for this low loading is that most of the
exchange sites on weak-base resins are not protonated at pH 8.0 and would therefore not be
available for loading. This is confirmed by the results in Figure 5.2 which show that a
typical weak-base resin is only fully protonated at pH values below about four.
An additional factor is that the high ionic density needed to accommodate the three minus
charge of the gold thiosulfate complex is not present structurally in most weak-base resins
(Clifford and Weber, 1983). The experimental loading attained by the guanidine weak-
base resin confirms the above statement, as this resin has been modified to be fully
protonated in the pH range of 9 to 10 with the use of a guanidine functionality. The
10 g L-1 loading attained experimentally is only one seventh of the 72 g L-1 calculated from
the exchange capacity of 1.1 eq L-1. This greater difference in loading between the
calculated and attained is expected due to the resin containing a large functional group
which has been shown to restrict the loading of large anions such as the gold thiosulfate
complex (Clifford and Weber, 1983).
However, one could argue that the higher the ionic density of the resin, the greater the
selectivity for multi-charged anions (Riveros, 1993). But this assumes all the possible
exchange sites are protonated to allow the loading of multi-charged anions. Thus the
degree of protonation, as mentioned previously, could result in steric limitations for
accommodating multi-charged anions.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 179
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Acid Added, meq/mL of Resin
Figure 5.2 Titration Curves for Polystyrene Macroporous Resin with a Tertiary
Amine Functionality (Clifford and Weber, 1983).
All gel type strong-base resins gave equilibrium loadings of gold about 6 g L-1 lower than
that calculated from exchange capacity. On the other hand macroporous type strong-base
resins, with the exception of the Minix resin, gave loadings of gold 7 g L-1 greater than the
calculated maximum loading of gold. This result is not unexpected as macroporous resins
have larger pores that allow the large gold complex access to exchange sites within the
matrix of the resin. Therefore, a macroporous resin should have a higher equilibrium
loading of gold than a gel resin with a similar exchange capacity. This was demonstrated
experimentally with Vitrokele 911, which is a macroporous resin having a slightly higher
equilibrium loading of gold than Zerolite FFIP, which is a gel type resin.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 180
While macroporous resins gave maximum loadings of gold which were slightly greater
than their calculated value, at low equilibrium gold concentrations, the loading on gel type
resins was greater than that for macroporous resins. Kinetic experiments with these resins
show that the rate of loading anions on macroporous resins is lower than that of gel type
anion exchange resins (Section 5.7). This difference, however, is more likely to be
explained by the structure of the two types of resin. It would seem that the gel resins have
most of their exchange sites near to the outer portion of the resin while macroporous resins
have their exchange sites throughout their resin structure. This would explain why it is
faster to attain equilibrium loading with a gel resin compared to a macroporous resin,
which is limited by the rate of diffusion of gold thiosulfate into the matrix of the resin.
This hypothesis would also explain the 7 g L-1 lower experimental loading compared to the
theoretical value calculated for the gel resins i.e. the large gold thiosulfate ions could not
penetrate the small pores of the resin to access the remaining exchange sites within the
resin matrix. This will be further discussed in Section 5.7.
Despite the differences between these two types of strong-base resins, both are suitable for
recovering gold from thiosulfate leach solution. The strong-base Minix resin and all weak-
base resins are not suitable for gold recovery from thiosulfate leach solution because of
steric limitations for multi-charged anions due to their structures or to the low degree of
protonation at the pH values studied.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 181
The results of this study have demonstrated that the success of any gold recovery process
using anion exchange resins will be dependent on the presence of competing anions and
their concentrations in the leach solutions. The two most detrimental anions, which
compete most strongly with gold, are trithionate and tetrathionate. These anions limit the
loading of gold and displace the loaded gold with time. To investigate this phenomenon,
the equilibrium adsorption isotherms for gold for a range of gold concentrations in the
presence of competing anions were determined.
Initially the equilibrium loadings for the individual sulfur anions and gold were determined
to establish a selectivity order for adsorption. The results showed that tetrathionate and
trithionate loaded to a similar concentration as gold on the resin. When the theoretical
maximum loading calculated from the exchange capacity of the resin was compared to the
experimentally determined value, it was found to be lower i.e. a resin with an exchange
capacity of 1.4 meq mL-1 and a maximum theoretical loading of gold of 93 g L-1 recorded
an 8% lower loading. Similarly for tetrathionate and trithionate the theoretical maximum
loading were 157 and 135 g L-1 but only 120 and 105 g L-1 were recorded experimentally
i.e. approximately 20% lower than the calculated theoretical maximum for both anions.
The determined loading for sulfite was 10% lower, thiosulfate 30% lower and finally
sulfate 80% lower than theoretical loading. It can be concluded that the selectivity order of
the anions is inversely related to the difference recorded between the theoretical maximum
loading and experimentally determined loading i.e. the greater the difference, the lower the
selectivity so that the predicted order is gold thiosulfate, sulfite > tetrathionate, trithionate
> thiosulfate >> sulfate.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 182
Figure 5.3 shows plots of the molar ratio of the concentration of sulfate and the anion on
the resin against the molar ratio of the concentration of sulfate and the anion in solution.
This graph suggests that the selectivity order is nitrate > gold thiosulfate > sulfite >
tetrathionate, trithionate, thiosulfate > sulfate which is similar to that determined in the
kinetic experiments with the exception of sulfite. In addition, all the lines have the same
slope of close to 0.5. Ion exchange theory based on the assumption there is an equilibrium
between the anions in solution and on the resin predicts a slope of unity for such plots if
the stoichiometry of Equation 95 is appropriate. This suggests that conventional
equilibrium shown in this equation is probably not correct and this will be further
discussed in Section 5.5.
2− p−
n SO 4 + m X p − = m X + n SO 24 − (95)
where, for p = 1, n = 1, m = 2
p = 2, n = 1, m = 1
p = 3, n = 3, m = 2
Gold Thiosulfate
Ln ([R-X] /[R-SO4] on the Resin
Gold Thiosulfate
3 Sulfite
-1 Thiosulfate
-3 Tetrathionate Sulfate
-12 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20
m n
Ln ([X] /[SO4] ) in Solution
Figure 5.3 The Equilibrium Quotient for the Exchange of Sulfate Ions by Various
Anions. The Sulfate Line is Generated with a Nitrate Resin.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 183
At high concentrations, all anions competed strongly with gold for binding sites on the
anion exchange resin. Although the concentration of the anion is not a major factor in
determining the selectivity of anions on anion exchange resins, the concentration does
affect the maximum equilibrium loading and will affect the efficiency of the recovery of
gold from thiosulfate leach solutions. Increasing anion concentration was also shown in
Section 4.4.2 to increase the rate of displacement of loaded gold. This suggests that, in
order to maximise the loading of gold, the contact time of the resin in the leach solution
should be optimised and the concentration of all sulfur anions minimised.
While these anions will not affect the initial rate of loading of gold, they do determine the
loading and gold concentration at equilibrium. Figure 4.16 shows a higher equilibrium
gold concentration is required to reach the maximum loading of gold in the presence of a
competing anion i.e. gold thiosulfate alone will reach its maximum equilibrium loading of
gold at 10 mg L-1 gold in solution but, in the presence of 0.05 M sulfite, a concentration of
25 mg L-1 gold is required to achieve maximum loading. Therefore, it would be difficult to
achieve high equilibrium loadings of gold in leach solutions containing low gold
concentrations and competing anions.
Gold thiosulfate, despite having a slightly lower molecular weight, attained a higher
loading on the resin compared to lead because of its higher ionic charge. The silver
complex, which has the same charge as the gold complex but a lower molecular weight
than the lead complex, showed a lower loading on the resin than lead.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 184
Unlike the other metal complexes, the loading of copper increased with concentration
before decreasing at high copper concentrations in solution. The reduction in loading of
copper at the high concentrations is more readily explained by the chemistry rather than
displacement by gold and lead. The proportion of copper (II) amine to copper (I)
thiosulfate is likely to increase at higher concentrations of copper in solution because of the
experimental procedure employed. Previous work has shown that the reduction of copper
(II) amine to copper (I) amine is slow in the presence of ammonia, so that the
concentration of copper (I) thiosulfate in solution should increase with time. Since the
experiment was conducted by adding fresh resin every three hours to the same solution
over a period of three days, the concentration of copper (I) thiosulfate would be higher at
the end than at the beginning of the experiment. Since the loading isotherm is generated
by successively reducing the equilibrium loading on the resin, then this would account for
the loading decrease at the higher copper concentration in solution. It is expected that, if
the experiment were conducted with a solution containing only the copper (I) complex,
then the loading of copper would exhibit the same shape as observed for the other metal
thiosulfate complexes.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 185
As discussed in Section 2.6.6, there are several reported methods for the description of the
adsorption of ions on ion-exchange resins. The simplest of these involve the empirical
adsorption models such as the Freundlich isotherm and the semi-empirical Langmuir
isotherm. Consideration of the ion exchange reaction as a typical chemical replacement
reaction results in a theoretical model which requires a knowledge of the stoichiometry of
the exchange reaction. Each of these approaches will be considered in turn.
Thus, Figure 5.4 compares the experimental data for the equilibrium loading of the gold
thiosulfate complex on a resin initially in the sulfate form with isotherms fitted to the data
using the Langmuir and Freundlich expressions. It is apparent that, in this case, the
empirical Freundlich method better describes the adsorption data.
A similar approach was taken in the initial analysis of the adsorption data for the various
competing sulfur anions and Figure 5.5 shows such an analysis for the loading of sulfite.
In this case, the Langmuir isotherm provides a somewhat better fit to the data although still
not as effective as the Freundlich model.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 186
Gold Concentration on the Resin (M)
Exp. Data
0.05 Freundlich
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
Gold Concentration in Solution (mM)
Figure 5.4 Comparison of Observed and Calculated Isotherms for the Loading of
Sulfite Concentration on Resin (M)
Exp. Data
0.1 Langmuir
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50
Sulfite Concentration in Solution (M)
Figure 5.5 Comparison of Observed and Calculated Isotherms for the Loading of
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 187
Table 5.1 shows the parameters for the Langmuir and Freundlich models for each
individual anion as derived from this analysis. The equilibrium constant for the Langmuir
model for tetrathionate, trithionate, nitrate, sulfite and thiosulfate are all of the same order
of magnitude while that for sulfate (exchange with nitrate) is significantly lower
(Equation 96):
C max KSe
Ce = (96)
C max + KSe
The value for the gold complex is significantly higher than that for the sulfur anions. The
similarities in the equilibrium constants for the majority of the competing anions suggest
that they should all have a similar effect on the loading of gold which is contrary to the
experimental findings. However, the general order of increasing equilibrium constant of
the various anions does predict the same order of selectivity as that observed
experimentally. The maximum loading constant of the Langmuir model was lowest for
sulfate (under the conditions chosen), significantly higher in the case of the gold complex,
tetrathionate and trithionate and highest for thiosulfate, sulfite and nitrate. This difference
in maximum loading is not unexpected as the larger anions are expected to be less likely to
load to the theoretical maximum. The anions with the higher maximum loading are
smaller molecules that can penetrate the resin matrix more readily to locate all exchange
sites in the resin.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 188
The “a” constant of the Freundlich model shown in Equation 97 decreased in the order
nitrate, gold thiosulfate, tetrathionate, trithionate, sulfite, thiosulfate and sulfate
(Table 5.1).
C e = a (Se ) b (97)
However, the exponent “b” decreased in the order sulfate, tetrathionate, trithionate,
thiosulfate, sulfite, nitrate and gold thiosulfate. Although the fit of the experimental data is
generally better with the Freundlich model, the derived constants do not provide any
fundamental information which could be used in rationalizing the loading characteristics of
the various anions.
Table 5.1 Freundlich and Langmuir Constants for the Loading of Anions on the
Strong-Base Resin Amberjet 4200.
Langmuir Freundlich
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 189
The isotherms for the loading of gold in the presence of competing anions were also fitted
using the Langmuir and Freundlich models. Examples of the fitted models to some of the
experimental data are shown in Figure 5.6.
Experimental 0.05 M Sulfate
0.40 Freundlich
Gold Concentration on Resin (M)
0.005 M Tetrathionate
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12
While, once again the Freundlich model matched the experimental data more closely, both
the Langmuir and Freundlich models could be used. Although the Freundlich model gave
a better prediction of the loading in the presence of sulfite, tetrathionate and trithionate, the
model over estimated the loading of gold at high gold concentrations in solution in the
presence of the competing anions, thiosulfate and sulfate. The Langmuir model gave a
good prediction of the loading of gold in the presence of sulfate and thiosulfate but
underestimated the loading of gold when the concentration of gold in solution was low in
the presence of the competing anions sulfite, trithionate and tetrathionate.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 190
Neither model could predict the correct loading of gold in the presence of all competing
anions but gave good predictions for some combinations of competing anions. The
Freundlich model was better at predicting the loading of gold when the loading of gold was
low (< 0.2M) or in the presence of the strong competing anions sulfite, trithionate and
tetrathionate. The Langmuir model was better at determining the loading of gold when the
loading of gold was high (> 0.2 M) or in the presence of the weak competing anions sulfate
and thiosulfate.
The parameters of the models used to predict the loading of gold in the presence of
different anions at varying concentrations are shown in Table 5.2. It should be emphasised
that these values are based on a somewhat subjective assessment of the “goodness of fit”
for data which spans some two orders of magnitude. They should therefore be treated with
some caution and cannot be reliably used to discern meaningful trends in the data.
Table 5.2 Freundlich and Langmuir Parameters for Modelling the Loading of Gold
in the Presence of a Competing Anion on Amberjet 4200.
Langmuir Freundlich
Competing Concentration
Anion (M) K (M-1) CMax (M) a b
Sulfate 0.05 140,000 0.42 5.3 0.3
0.1 100,000 0.36 4.8 0.3
0.2 90,000 0.27 4.1 0.3
0.5 80,000 0.17 6.5 0.4
Thiosulfate 0.05 50,000 0.39 9.2 0.4
0.1 25,000 0.29 12.7 0.4
0.2 12,000 0.19 7.0 0.4
0.5 5,000 0.10 14.2 0.5
Sulfite 0.05 4,000 0.29 6.3 0.4
0.1 2,000 0.13 33.3 0.7
0.2 667 0.04 17.5 0.7
0.5 256 0.006 0.2 0.4
Trithionate 0.005 5,000 0.16 2.3 0.3
0.01 3,333 0.06 0.9 0.3
0.02 1,250 0.03 0.4 0.3
0.05 526 0.007 0.04 0.2
Tetrathionate 0.005 3,333 0.04 0.6 0.3
0.01 909 0.02 1.9 0.5
0.02 270 0.01 1.6 0.6
0.05 59 0.005 0.3 0.5
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 191
An alternative approach, which has a stronger theoretical basis, is to treat the ion exchange
reaction as a simple chemical reaction. Thus, for the exchange of a divalent anion X2- by
the trivalent gold thiosulfate complex (written for simplicity as Au3-), Equation 98 can be
written with the anions loaded on the strong-base resin represented by a line above the
2− 3−
3X + 2Au 3− = 2 Au + 3 X2− (98)
The equilibrium quotient can be written in the normal way shown as Equation 99:
[ Au ]2 [X 2 − ]3
K= 2−
[X ]3 [Au 3− ]2
Plots of the LHS of this expression versus the second term on the RHS should be linear
with unit slope and an intercept Ln K. Treatment of the case of exchange of a divalent
counter ion by another divalent ion would yield a similar expression with unity as the
exponents. Such plots were found to be essentially linear for the various exchange
reactions involving gold and the various sulfur anions. However, the slopes were found to
be close to 0.5 in all cases as shown in Figure 5.3. This observation implies that the above
equilibrium quotient does not have the correct form which should be
[Au ]2 [X 2 − ]3 / 2
K= 2−
[ X ]3 [Au 3− ]
This expression implies that the equilibrium reaction should be written in the form,
2− 3−
3X + Au 3− = 2 Au + 3 2 X 2− (102)
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 192
solution and resin phases, the fact that all of the above exchange reactions appear to
produce the unexpected slope of 0.5 instead of the expected slope of 1 is a significant
deviation. This applies also to the exchange of a divalent anion by another divalent anion.
3 y = 0.84x + 1.64
Ln (Fraction on the Resin)
y = 1.14x - 1.04
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Ln (Fraction in Solution)
Figure 5.7 Analysed Published Data Obtained From Clifford and Weber (1983) for
the Exchange of Nitrate ions by Sulfate or Chloride on Strong-Base Anion
Exchange Resins.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 193
The above equilibria have been written in terms of the activities (or strictly, in this case,
the concentration) of the adsorbing ions in the resin phase. This is the conventionally
accepted method for the treatment of such data. This treatment obviously does not even
approximately reflect the equilibria when the exchange reactions are written as above.
3 R X + Au 3− = 2 R Au + 3 2 X 2 − (103)
in which RSO4 is an adsorption site at which the sulfate anion is associated and RAu is the
corresponding site for the adsorption of the trivalent gold thiosulfate anion.
In the case of the exchange of divalent ions X2- and Y2- only, the following would be the
equivalent reaction:
2 R X + Y2− → 2 R Y + X 2− (104)
while for the exchange of a divalent ion such as sulfate (X2-) by a monovalent ion such as
nitrate (Y-) , the reaction would be
R X + Y− = 2 R Y + 1 2 X2− (105)
These reactions are both internally consistent in their form and apparent stoichiometry and
lead to a slope of unity when the equilibrium data is plotted in this way for the loading of
gold as shown in Figure 5.8.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 194
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ln ([Au]/[SO4] ) in Solution
Figure 5.8 The Equilibrium Quotient Model for the Exchange of Sulfate Ions by the
Gold Complex. The Experimental Data are the Points and the Line is
Drawn with a Slope of Unity.
But the need to use this form of the equilibrium quotient appears to apply only to the gel
type anion exchange resins (Figure 5.8). The two macroporous resins (Vitrokele 911 and
Amberlite IRA 900) showed a slope of unity when the plotted in the same way (Equation
100) as shown in Figure 5.9. It thus appears likely that the structure and possibly the form
of the resin (i.e. either strong or weak) can influence the stoichiometry of the loading
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 195
6 Gel Resins
Amberlite IRA 402
Amberjet 4200
Vitrokele 911
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
2 3
Ln ([Au] /[SO4] ) in Solution
Figure 5.9 The Equilibrium Quotient Model for the Exchange of Sulfate Ions by the
Gold Complex for the Various Strong-Base Anion Exchange Resins
Tested. The Experimental Data are the Points and the Lines are Drawn
to Summarise the Slope for the Two Types of resin.
Thus, Figure 5.8 shows a plot of the data according to the modified equilibrium expression
for the equilibrium loading of gold on a resin initially in the sulfate form i.e. the data is the
same as plotted in Figure 5.4. It is apparent that the equilibrium quotient approach
describes the data well with the expected slope of unity. A value for the equilibrium
constant KAu,SO4 = 1.38 can be derived from this data. Treatment of the data obtained for
the replacement of sulfate by other anions is shown in Figure 5.10 and the derived
equilibrium constants are given in Table 5.3. Once again, the results conform to the
equilibrium quotient and stoichiometry as described above.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 196
Ln ([RX] /[RSO4] on the Resin
-1 Tetrathionate
-2 Trithionate
-4 Nitrate
-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Ln ([X]/[SO4]) in Solution
Figure 5.10 The Equilibrium Quotient Model for the Exchange of Sulfate Ions by
Various Anions. The Experimental Data are the Points and the Line is
Drawn with a Slope of Unity.
Table 5.3 Derived Equilibrium Constants for the Exchange of the Sulfate Anion.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 197
Because of the differences in the stoichiometry, the values for the triply charged gold anion
and the singly charged nitrate anion cannot be directly compared with those for the doubly
charged sulfur anions. However, the latter can be directly compared and it is apparent that
the selectivity of the resin for these anions is in the sequence sulfite >> trithionate >
tetrathionate > thiosulfate. The position of sulfite in this ranking is not expected but no
reason can be found for this unusual high selectivity for this anion as determined using this
set of data.
These values can therefore be used to estimate the equilibrium constants for the
replacement of the various anions by the gold complex. Thus, for the reaction
2− 3−
3X + 2Au 3− = 2 Au + 3 X2− (106)
K Au ,SO 4
K Au , X = (107)
(K X ,SO 4 )3 / 2
and these estimated values are shown in the last column of Table 5.3.
The same analysis has been applied to the data obtained from the experiments in which the
adsorption of the gold complex was studied in the presence of various concentrations of the
competing anions. The corresponding equilibrium quotient plots are given in Figures 5.11
to 5.16 for each of the anions. It is apparent that, in all cases, despite the fact that the
slopes of the plots are close to the expected value, a single value of the equilibrium
constant cannot be used to describe the data over the range of concentrations used. The
variation of the equilibrium constant with the extent of gold loading is shown in Figures
5.17 to 5.22 for each of the anions.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 198
6 0.05 M
4 0.1 M
0.2 M
Ln{(R-Au) /(R-SO4 ) }
0.5 M
-16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4
Ln {(Au)/(SO4) }
Figure 5.11 The Equilibrium Loading Ratios of Gold Thiosulfate and Sulfate on the
Resin and in Solution.
Ln{(R-Au) /(R-S2O3) }
0.05 M
0.1 M
0.2 M
0.5 M
-14 -13 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4
Ln {(Au)/(S2O3) }
Figure 5.12 The Equilibrium Loading Ratios of Gold Thiosulfate and Thiosulfate
on the Resin and in Solution.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 199
Ln{(R-Au) /(R-SO3) }
0.05 M
0.1 M
0.2 M
0.5 M
-12 -10 -8 -6 -4
Ln {(Au)/(SO3 ) }
Figure 5.13 The Equilibrium Loading Ratios of Gold Thiosulfate and Sulfite on the
Resin and in Solution.
Ln{(R-Au)/(R-NO3 ) }
0.25 M
0.5 M
1.0 M
2.0 M
-12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2
Ln {(Au)/(NO3 ) }
Figure 5.14 The Equilibrium Loading Ratios of Gold Thiosulfate and Nitrate on the
Resin and in Solution.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 200
Ln{(R-Au) /(R-S3 O6 ) }
0.05 M
0.1 M
0.2 M
0.5 M
-8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0
Ln {(Au)/(S3 O 6 ) }
Figure 5.15 The Equilibrium Loading Ratios of Gold Thiosulfate and Trithionate
on the Resin and in Solution.
Ln{(R-Au) /(R-S4O6) }
0.05 M
0.1 M
0.2 M
-12 0.5 M
-8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0
Ln {(Au)/(S4 O6 ) }
Figure 5.16 The Equilibrium Loading Ratios of Gold Thiosulfate and Tetrathionate
on the Resin and in Solution.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 201
0.05 M
Ln K
0.1 M
0.2 M
2 0.5 M
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45
Figure 5.17 Variation of the Equilibrium Constant for the Exchange of Sulfate by
Gold in the Presence of Added Sulfate.
Ln K
4 0.05 M
3 0.1 M
2 0.2 M
0.5 M
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40
Figure 5.18 Variation of the Equilibrium Constant for the Exchange of Sulfate by
Gold in the Presence of Added Thiosulfate.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 202
Ln K
1 0.05 M
0.1 M
0.2 M
-1 0.5 M
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
Gold Loading (M)
Figure 5.19 Variation of the Equilibrium Constant for the Exchange of Sulfate by
Gold in the Presence of Added Sulfite.
Ln K
0.25 M
0.5 M
1.0 M
2.0 M
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
Gold Loading (M)
Figure 5.20 Variation of the Equilibrium Constant for the Exchange of Sulfate by
Gold in the Presence of Added Nitrate.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 203
Ln K
0.005 M
0.01 M
0.02 M
0.05 M
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16
Figure 5.21 Variation of the Equilibrium Constant for the Exchange of Sulfate by
Gold in the Presence of Added Trithionate.
Ln K
-5 0.005 M
0.01 M
0.02 M
-7 0.05 M
0.00 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.05
Gold Loading (M)
Figure 5.22 Variation of the Equilibrium Constant for the Exchange of Sulfate by
Gold in the Presence of Added Tetrathionate.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 204
Smith and Woodburn (1978), in their attempt to model multi-component ion exchange
equilibria, found that the binary systems comprising of either sulfate, nitrate or chloride
ions and the strong-base anion exchange resin Amberlite IRA 400 exhibited non-ideal
characteristic in both resin and solution phases. Previous models by Klein et al. (1967),
Soldatov and Bychkova (1970), and Danes and Danes (1972) to describe ternary systems
fail to take into account this non-ideal characteristic. Smith and Woodburn (1978) were
able to model this behaviour when they applied their results to the approach of Prausnitz et
al. (1967) and Wilson (1964) who successfully described similar non-ideal behaviour for
vapour-liquid equilibria. Smith and Woodburn (1978) also noted that the variation in the
equilibrium constant should also be dependent on the particular anion exchange resin used.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 205
There are several aspects of the analysis of the equilibrium adsorption data which require
some comment.
1. The apparent need to use an equilibrium quotient which is not identical to that
which is conventionally employed.
2. The differences between the equilibrium constants calculated from the data without
added competing anions and those obtained in the presence of various
concentrations of the competing ions.
4. The data for some of the anions, particularly tri- and tetrathionate does not conform
to a continuous function but appears to consist of a series of parallel but displaced
It is apparent that the equilibrium quotient approach describes the data for the adsorption of
the gold complex in the presence of various concentrations of competing anions well with
all competing anions showing a slope of approximately one (Figures 5.11 to 5.16). This
loading reaction is also consistent in stoichiometry and slope with individual equilibrium
loading isotherms. The reasons for this stoichiometry is not known but it suggests the
charge rather then stoichiometry is important in balancing the species on the resin. This is
not unexpected as the basis for ion exchange is the assumption that the anion on the resin is
displaced with the anion in solution. Therefore, the charge and the number of sites
occupied by the various anions on the resin should be balanced together with the charge of
the anions in solution.
There were large differences between the equilibrium constants calculated from the data
without added competing anions and those obtained in the presence of various
concentrations of the competing ions. Thus, if one compares the calculated equilibrium
constants (Table 5.3) and those determined experimentally (Table 5.4), there is not only a
large difference in magnitude between the two values for a given competing anion but with
the exception of thiosulfate, the expected equilibrium constant is the reverse to what was
determined experimentally.
Table 5.4 Determined Equilibrium Constants for the Exchange of the Competing
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 206
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 207
The order of the anions that would have the least affect on the loading of gold from the
calculated results is sulfate > thiosulfate > tetrathionate > trithionate > sulfite > nitrate.
The order determined experimentally from the equilibrium loading in the presence of
various competing anions is sulfate > thiosulfate > nitrate > sulfite > trithionate >
tetrathionate. An explanation for why there is a difference between the calculated and
experimentally determined equilibrium constant may be due to the experimental procedure
and the difference in the solution concentrations of the various competing anions in
solution. The experimentally determined values were derived from experiments carried
out in the presence of excess or large concentrations of the competing anion while the
calculated values are derived from equilibria between the individual anions and the resin in
the sulfate form without added sulfate in the solution. This could lead to an overestimation
of the individual equilibrium constants. But one result that is consistent with the K
constant of the Langmuir model (Table 5.2) is the lowering of the equilibrium constant as
the competing anion concentration increased.
Finally, comment should be made with regard to the observation that the data for tri- and
tetrathionate do not conform to a continuous function but appear to consist of a series of
parallel but displaced lines in Figures 5.15 & 5.16. This pattern is also observed to occur
to a lesser extent in the presence of sulfite. It is apparent that data that deviated from a
common line are subjected to some experimental error which resulted in an over estimation
of the loading of gold in the presence of sulfite, trithionate and tetrathionate. It was found
that thiosulfate can interfere with the AAS analysis and background correction for
thiosulfate is essential to limit the experimental error. It is possible that other interfering
anions also increased the absorbance reading of gold in solution which shifted the
experimental data in Figures 5.13, 5.15 & 5.16 to the right. Another possible explanation
relates to the stability of these competing anions in solution. Tetrathionate, trithionate and
even sulfite under oxidising conditions are unstable in solution so that it is possible that
over the length of the experiments the concentration of these anions decreased causing the
loading of gold to increase. This would cause the same effect on the equilibrium quotient
as observed in Figures 5.19, 5.21 & 5.22.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 208
The rate of loading of gold on Amberjet 4200 resin was examined in the presence of the
various sulfur anions and also some metal thiosulfate complexes to determine the effect of
each anion on the equilibrium and rate of loading of gold. These results identified the
species that need to be minimised in the leach solution in order to maximise the loading of
gold. The effects of sulfur species on the loading of gold were examined individually
while the effect of metal complexes was determined in a combined solution containing
As expected, all anions in solution have the potential to load but it was found that the gold
thiosulfate complex was loaded selectively over other anions. While resins do not
normally show selectivity for a particular anion, Kunin (1958) states, “Anion exchange
resins could show some selectivity for one particular anion over another.” However, the
literature also suggests that selectivity is based on the relative concentration of the various
species in solution or the ionic strength of the solution (Lukey et al., 1999). This study
found that the concentration of the species had very little effect on selectivity of gold as
gold still loaded selectively over other anions even when their concentrations were three
orders or greater in magnitude.
Experimentally the order of selectivity for loading in the presence of a range of sulfur
species was gold thiosulfate > tetrathionate, trithionate > sulfite > thiosulfate > sulfate.
The predicted order based on molecular weight, charge and ionic density of the anion is
gold thiosulfate > tetrathionate, trithionate > thiosulfate > sulfate > sulfite. It was not
known why sulfite did not fit the predicted order but it could be related to the structure of
the anion.
Structurally, sulfate and thiosulfate are very similar and have a tetrahedral shape
(Table 5.5). The structures of the other sulfur species are pyramidal or consist of pyramids
joined by a sulfur chain. Thus, if the functionalities in anion exchange resins
accommodated pyramidal structures preferentially over tetrahedral shaped anions, this
would account for the gold being displaced from the resin by these pyramidal anions.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 209
Sulfate Tetrahedral -
Thiosulfate Tetrahedral -
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 210
The effect of the various competing anions on the rate of loading of gold was consistent
with the equilibrium loading experiments i.e. gold thiosulfate > tetrathionate, trithionate >
sulfite > thiosulfate > sulfate. Figure 4.16 also shows that the equilibrium loadings were in
close agreement to the maximum loading of gold determined in the kinetic experiments
even though it is known that tetrathionate, trithionate and sulfite will commence to displace
the loaded gold once it had reached its maximum loading of gold. For example, in the
kinetic experiments, the loading of gold, in the presence of sulfite, gave a maximum
loading of 40 g L-1 while the equilibrium loading tests gave 38 g L-1. While gold
displacement during the kinetic experiment was expected to affect the equilibrium loading,
there was no evidence that this occurred. This was presumably because of the way in
which these equilibrium loading experiments were conducted. Fresh resin was added to
the same solution every three hours. In the kinetic experiments where the same mass of
resin was used for the duration of the experiment, displacement from the resin was not
observed until after three hours. Therefore, similar loadings of gold could be expected for
both experiments.
The selectivity order for the adsorption of the metal thiosulfate complexes was found to be
gold (I), lead (II) > silver (I), copper (I) > zinc (II). Section predicted the lead,
silver and copper complexes that contain three thiosulfate ligands should load more
strongly than the dithiosulfate gold anion but this was not found experimentally in this
study. This finding suggested that the copper (I), lead and silver tri-thiosulfato-complexes
are probably not present in a leach solution as reported in the literature (Briones and
Lapidus, 1998; Jiayong et al., 1996; Schmitz et al., 2001). It is likely that the predominant
species are the dithiosulfate metal complexes.
After initially loading, all loaded metal complexes began to be displaced by either
tetrathionate or trithionate in solution. On analysis, the solution was found to contain only
trithionate. While tetrathionate is known to form according to Equation 108, it is likely to
disproportionate to pentathionate and sulfite in solution:
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 211
The sulfite then reacts with additional tetrathionate to produce thiosulfate and trithionate
(Equation 109):
The most stable sulfur species in a leach solution at pH 9–10 other than sulfate and
thiosulfate is therefore trithionate and not tetrathionate as reported in the literature.
In Section 5.5, it was predicted that, while the addition of tetrathionate would not affect the
initial rate of loading of gold, it would determine the rate at which it displaced the loaded
gold. Similarily, increasing the trithionate concentration increased the rate and decreased
the time at which the metal complexes were displaced from the resin. As expected, the
displacement depended on the relative affinity of the resin for the various metal complexes
i.e. zinc, which had the lowest affinity, commenced displacement well before the more
stongly loaded complexes of gold and lead. These results suggest that the trithionate
concentration is crucial in determining how much gold is loaded on the resin at
equilibrium. The displacement of the loaded gold by tetrathionate and trithionate over time
means that the maximum loading of gold will always be greater than the equilibrium
In summary, the kinetic experiments on the effect of competing anions on the rate of
loading of gold found that, while the initial loading of gold was not affected by the
maximum loading, the rate of displacement was determined by the particular sulfur species
and its concentration in solution. Sulfite, tetrathionate and trithionate were found to
displace loaded metal ions from the resin and, in order to maximise the loading of gold,
these anions would need to be minimised in a leach solution. Lead was found to load
equally as strongly as gold and it would also need to be avoided to maximise the loading of
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 212
An increase in the ammonia concentration did not increase the loading of gold by anion
exchange resins but it did minimise the displacement of gold from the resin at long times.
Displacement of gold at low ammonia concentrations is believed to be caused by
increasing concentration of trithionate and tetrathionate formed from the oxidation of
thiosulfate by copper (II) amine in solution. It has been shown that high ammonia
concentrations reduce the rate of formation of trithionate and tetrathionate and minimise
the displacement of gold.
Increasing the copper concentration in solution caused the loading of gold to be reduced
and increased the rate of displacement of gold at low ammonia concentrations. Higher
copper (II) concentrations increase the rate of oxidation of thiosulfate and produce higher
concentrations of copper (I) thiosulfate and tetrathionate. These species cause the lowering
in the equilibrium loading of gold while the higher concentrations of tetrathionate or
trithionate cause the increase in the rate of gold displacement at the lower ammonia
concentrations. The initial rate of loading of gold is not measurably affected by an
increase in both the copper (I) thiosulfate and tetrathionate.
For both resins tested there was no change in the maximum loading of gold for the
different ammonia concentrations at each copper concentration. If this maximum loading
of gold is governed by the concentration of all the anions in solution, then this suggests
that the concentrations of the anions are the same in both solutions. Thus, at each
ammonia and copper concentration, the same amount of copper (I) thiosulfate and
tetrathionate was initially formed by the reaction of copper (II) amine with thiosulfate.
Whilst it could have been expected that the higher ammonia concentration would slow the
reduction of copper (II) amine and thereby reduce the rate of formation of copper (I)
thiosulfate and tetrathionate (see Section 4.1), it is proposed there is an initial reaction of
copper (II) amine with thiosulfate, the rate of which is independent of the concentration of
ammonia. Thus the ammonia concentration could have no effect on the rate of this initial
reaction between copper (II) amine and thiosulfate in solution. However, increasing the
copper concentration for a given concentration of ammonia and thiosulfate would increase
the concentration of copper (I) thiosulfate and tetrathionate in solution and reduce the
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 213
There was a large difference in the initial rate at which gold loaded on the anion exchange
resins. Vitrokele 911 loaded at a rate of 0.07 g Au L-1min-1 which was significantly slower
than the 0.2 g Au L-1min-1 recorded for Amberjet 4200. This difference in rate of loading
of gold also resulted in a difference in the rate of gold displacement from the two resins.
That is, while gold loaded more rapidly on Amberjet 4200 resin it was displaced after 6
hours. Vitrokele 911 loaded at a slower rate but the gold was displaced from the resin after
a longer time (14 hours).
This finding is contrary to what one would expect because macroporous resin (Vitrokele
911), with its large pore size, could be expected to load the gold thiosulfate complex more
rapidly. This difference in the rate of loading of gold is thought to be explained by the
difference in structure of the two resins. It appears likely that the gel resin loads the metal
ions to the outer regions of the resin. The macroporous resin loads the gold throughout the
resin matrix. A difference in the location of the functional groups could explain why gel
resins load the gold thiosulfate complex at a faster rate than macroporous resins. The rate
of diffusion of the gold thiosulfate complexes into the resin matrix would limit the rate of
loading of a macroporous resin.
However, in Section 5.8, it was found that, in the aqueous phase, the loading of gold is
controlled by mass transport, i.e. the transport of the gold in solution to the resin surface.
This would suggest that there should be no difference in the rate of loading between the
two resins. This was found to be true in Figure 5.23 A but, as observed from graphs B, C
and D, the rate of loading of gold for the two resins does vary in the presence of copper.
While, at any given copper concentration (see Figures 5.23 C and D), the rate of loading
for either resin was not greatly affected by increasing ammonia concentration, the rate does
decrease with increasing copper concentration (see Table 5.6). This could be attributed to
an increase in the loading of copper (I) thiosulfate which could reduce the rate of loading
of the gold thiosulfate complex through competition.
If it is assumed that both solutions were identical, Vitrokele 911 appears to load the copper
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 214
(I) thiosulfate more readily than Amberjet 4200. This can be clearly seen in Figure 5.23 A
from which it appears that Vitrokele 911 reduces the gold concentration in solution more
effectively than Amberjet 4200 but, in the presence of copper, this is reversed (Figures
5.23 B, C, D). This supports the argument that the structural differences between the gel
and macroporous resins are controlling the degree to which particular anions are loaded
which, in turn, is controlling the rate of loading of gold in thiosulfate solutions.
The structure of the resin may also influence the displacement of gold. If the gel resin
loads gold to its outer regions, this would also allow the tetrathionate ions to displace the
gold from the resin easily. It is highly likely the macroporous resin loads the gold
throughout its resin structure. To displace the loaded gold, the tetrathionate ions must
diffuse into the interior of the resin. Because tetrathionate is a large molecule, this would
take time and would explain both the slower rate of loading and displacement of gold from
the macroporous resin (Section 5.3).
Table 5.6 Change in the Rate of Loading of Gold with Copper and Ammonia
Concentration under a Constant Thiosulfate Concentration (0.2 M).
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 215
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 216
The similarities of the two resins in the presence of copper suggests that the study of one
particular anion exchange resin would be a good indicator of the behaviour of others.
Amberjet 4200 was chosen for further study on the effect of competitor anions on the
equilibrium and kinetics of loading of gold because of its faster rate of loading of gold and
higher capacity for accommodating the gold thiosulfate complex.
It was found that, while the initial rate of loading of copper from solutions bubbled with
either air or nitrogen was similar, it was only under nitrogen that the loading of copper
continued to increase with time. The presence of dissolved oxygen minimised the loading
of copper on the resin over time. This suggests that oxygen maintains the copper in the
form of copper (II) amine and not the copper (I) thiosulfate in solution. While oxygen
could also cause the oxidation of thiosulfate to tetrathionate, this reaction has been shown
to be much slower than the oxidation of thiosulfate by copper (II) amine (Byerley et al.,
1975). Furthermore, Figure 4.10 showed that the loading of copper on the resin slowly
decreased with time possibly due to displacement of the copper by tetrathionate. These
findings support the conclusion of the previous experiment, i.e. the gold displacement was
caused by tetrathionate in solution and not copper (I) thiosulfate. This was the result of the
experiments being conducted in the presence of air which would have stabilised the
copper (II) in solution as copper (II) amine leaving the tetrathionate to displace the loaded
gold over time.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 217
Development of a kinetic model to predict the rate by which gold thiosulfate loads on
anion exchange resin will allow a better understanding of the residence time required in
each stage of a counter current adsorption circuit and the effect that different competing
anions will have on the rate of loading of gold. This knowledge will be essential for the
development of a dynamic model to predict the loading of gold in the various stages of a
conventional counter-current resin-in-pulp circuit for the recovery of gold from thiosulfate
leach pulps.
An examination of the data obtained from batch loading experiments in Section 4.4 shows
that the kinetics of the adsorption of gold thiosulfate is complex. Although the curves
show the expected trend of increased loading with time from solutions containing the
weakly adsorbing anions such as sulfate and thiosulfate, this is not true in the presence of
the other anions for which the loading curves are more complex. In these cases, the
loading of gold increases to a maximum before declining to a lower equilibrium value.
The maximum loading, the time at which maximum loading occurs and, of course, the
equilibrium loading depends on both the nature and concentration of the competing anion.
An analysis of the simple kinetic behaviour observed for sulfate and, to some extent
thiosulfate, will be initially discussed after which an attempt will be made to describe the
more complex behaviour with the other anions.
A simple model that can be used for the adsorption process is based on the following
description which involves initially the mass transport of the gold complex within the
aqueous phase to the surface of the ion exchange bead. An equilibrium is established
between gold in the aqueous phase and that in the resin phase followed by diffusion of the
adsorbed gold into the bulk of the resin bead as shown below.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 218
The subscripts s and r refer to the aqueous and resin phases and the superscript s refers to
concentrations at the surface of the bead.
i) All resin beads have the same size, shape, pore structure (resin phase mass
transport coefficient, kr) and reactivity (equilibrium adsorption constant, K).
ii) Film diffusion can be characterised by a single aqueous phase mass transport
coefficient; ks, i.e. there are no electrostatic or other interactions.
iii) Diffusion of the adsorbed species within the pore structure can be characterised by
a single mass transport coefficient, kr.
Iy is important to note that the concentration of gold in both phases is measured in terms of
unit volume of the phase. In the case of the resin phase, it is convenient to use the so-
called wet-settled volume.
This model has only three parameters, which need to be determined experimentally for a
particular application, and is therefore easier to use and is just as effective as other more
complex models. These advanced models require at least two parameters to describe the
equilibrium adsorption and often two parameters to characterize the intra-particle diffusion
process while still not accounting for other assumptions listed above.
In the case that the gold thiosulfate complex is adsorbed in the absence of strongly
competing anions, this simple model can be used to describe the rate of loading. Thus, for
the loading of gold on resins in the sulfate form from solutions containing only the weakly
adsorbing sulfate ion, this model should provide an adequate description of the kinetics.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 219
In a batch test, a wet-settled volume (Vr) of eluted or fresh resin is added to a stirred
contactor containing gold-bearing pulp having a solution of volume, Vs, with an initial
concentration of gold of [Au]s,o. The concentration of gold in solution, [Au]s is monitored
as a function of time. In terms of these definitions, the loss of gold from solution (or
equivalent rate of loading) is given by Equation 110:
d[Au]s V
− = A r k s ([Au]ss − [Au]s ) (110)
dt Vs
where A is the superficial area/unit volume of the resin. This expression can be combined
with the mass balance equation describing gold at any time during the batch experiment:
which can be integrated with boundary conditions [Au]s = [Au]s,o and [Au]r = 0 at t = 0 to
give the following equation:
[Au]s, o − B KVr
Ln = kA + 1 t (112)
[Au]s − B Vs
where B = Vs [Au]s,o / (KVr + Vs) = [Au]s,e and k = kskr / ( ks + kr K). [Au]s,e is the
concentration of gold in the solution phase at equilibrium. For KVr >> Vs, i.e. resin in
excess of that required to absorb all of the gold, the above equation simplifies to the simple
first-order relationship:
[Au]s, o KVr
Ln = kA + 1 t (113)
[Au]s Vs
The constant, kK, can be obtained from the slope of the logarithmic plot when the left hand
side (LHS) of this equation is graphed against time. The equilibrium constant, K, can be
obtained from the initial slope of the adsorption isotherm at low gold concentrations or
from the equilibrium concentrations in each phase in the kinetic experiments. This
expression generally describes the initial loading of anions on resin particles but will fail to
accurately describe the rate of loading under conditions in which equilibrium between the
aqueous and resin phases is approached.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 220
The adsorption kinetic parameter k used in the above model is not a simple mass transfer
coefficient but is a function of the liquid and resin phase mass transfer coefficients, the
equilibrium constant (K), and the superficial surface area/unit wet-settled volume of the
resin (approximately 4/d where d is the bead diameter). Assuming the rate is controlled by
mass transport in the aqueous phase such that low gold concentrations exist in solution and
low loadings of gold are on the resin, then ks<<kr.K and kK~ks. Typical plots of the data
for the loading of gold in the absence and presence of sulfate ions are shown in
Figure 5.24.
6.0 0.05M
Ln ([Au]s,o/[Au]s)
5.0 0.1M
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Time (minutes)
Figure 5.24 The Rate of Loading of Gold in the Presence of Varying Concentrations
of Sulfate. Experimental Data (Points) and Model (Line).
The values of the parameter kK~ks obtained from the slopes of such plots are tabulated in
Table 5.7 from which it is apparent that the value of the aqueous phase mass transfer
coefficient is relatively constant and has a value of approximately 2.9 x 10-3 cm s-1.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 221
This value can be compared with that calculated from the mass transfer correlation for
freely suspended solids in a liquid phase (Cussler, 1997):
kD d 3 ∆ρg ν
Sh = , Gr = and Sc = ,
d ρν 2 D
Substitution using ∆ρ = 0.5 g cm-3, D = 5x10-6 cm2 s-1, and d = 0.07 cm results in an
estimate of k = 3.5 x 10-3 cm s-1 for the aqueous phase mass transfer coefficient. This
value is close to that derived from the experimental data and supports the view that the
initial rate of loading is controlled by mass transport of the gold thiosulfate complex in the
aqueous phase.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 222
By incorporating the average experimental value for ks derived constants into Equation
113, the gold concentration in solution at a given time can be calculated from the initial
and equilibrium gold concentrations in solution. The lines for each of the plots in Figure
5.24 have been calculated on this basis. In the case of sulfate, the predicted and the
experimentally determined rates of loading of gold are in good agreement.
Similar plots for the rate of loading in the presence of thiosulfate are shown in Figure 5.25.
The same value for ks, namely 2.9 x 10-3cm s-1, was used for the calculated rates. Once
again, the agreement between the observed and calculated rates are similar although it is
apparent that, at the higher thiosulfate concentrations, a decrease in the loading of gold
occurs after about 1500 minutes and this phenomenon cannot be accounted for by this
simple model.
0.05 M
2.0 0.1 M
Ln ([Au]s,o/[Au]s)
0.2 M
0.5 M
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Time (minutes)
Figure 5.25 The Rate of Loading of Gold in the Presence of Varying Concentrations
of Thiosulfate. Experimental Data (Points) and Model (Line).
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 223
This deviation is more pronounced in the case of the competing anions sulfite, trithionate
and tetrathionate. Thus, as shown in Figure 5.26, the simple mass transfer model only fits
the observed data during the initial stages of loading in the presence of sulfite ions. This
effect is even more pronounced in the case of tri- and tetrathionate. It is of interest to note
that, in the presence of these anions, the initial rate of loading appears consistently greater
than that predicted by the model using the mass transfer coefficient derived using the data
for sulfate. However, this is probably due to the fact that a lower equilibrium loading for
the gold is used than would be appropriate in the initial stages of loading.
0.6 0.05 M
Ln ([Au]s,o/[Au]s)
0.4 0.1 M
0.2 M
0.1 0.5 M
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Time (minutes)
Figure 5.26 The Rate of Loading of Gold in the Presence of Varying Concentrations
of Sulfite. Experimental Data (Points) and Model (Line).
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 224
adsorbing anions. The added complication of electrostatic effects involving both counter
and co-anions undoubtedly also can contribute to this phenomenon. Thus, it appears that
the gold complex adsorbs more rapidly than the competing sulfur anions and can therefore
initially load to values that are greater than the equilibrium value for the given anion and
its concentration. This rapidly loaded gold is then slowly displaced from the resin by the
competing anion. Possible reasons for the stronger adsorption of some of these anions
have already been discussed (Section 5.6). It is, in theory, possible to include these
considerations in the above simple mass transfer model but is outside the scope of this
The practical implication of this finding is rather obvious but important in that the
operation of a possible resin-in-pulp process should be designed to make use of the fact
that the adsorption of the gold complex can be maximized by limiting the contact time
between the pulp and the resin in the presence of competing anions. This would suggest
that, other factors being equal, a resin-in-pulp process would yield a greater loading of gold
than a resin-in-leach process.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 225
A laboratory scale resin-in-pulp (RIP) study was undertaken in order to assess the
feasibility of resin for counter-current adsorption of gold from leach pulps. Three
experiments were conducted to assess the performance of the resin under various operating
conditions. The loading of gold on the resin was progressively increased by extending the
transfer time and reducing the resin volume used in each contactor.
The results of the first run showed that only 20% extraction in each contactor was
achieved. It was suspected that insufficient mixing resulted in an uneven distribution of
the resin in each contactor. Thus, when the effect of the stirring speed was investigated,
the results showed that most of the resin was at the bottom of the contactor. The second
run at a higher stirring speed achieved the expected 50% reduction in the gold
concentration in solution between contactors. The last run had a lower extraction of 15%
per stage but this was expected due to the longer time between transfers.
Analysis of the solution concentration in each contactor throughout each run showed that
the copper and gold concentrations increased for the first six transfers after which steady
state was achieved. The copper concentration in solution increased to concentrations
greater than that in the feed. This increase was later found to be caused by displacement of
the copper from the resin as the resin was transferred counter-current to the pulp flow. An
additional RIP train to recover the copper and thiosulfate before the pulp is discarded to
tails would not only reduce the cost of reagents but it would also act as a safeguard by
recovering any dissolved gold not absorbed during the primary adsorption circuit.
At the end of each run, a mass balance was undertaken. It was evident there was a
difference between the gold recovery calculated from the feed solids and from the feed
solution in all three runs. It was hypothesised during the leaching trials that dissolved gold
precipitated on the solids during filtration and increased the gold concentration of the
solids (Section 5.2). This hypothesis was supported by the lower gold concentration in the
solids leaving the last contactor. The recovery from this contactor was in agreement with
that calculated from the gold concentrations in solution.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 226
This suggests that methods for recovering gold from thiosulfate leach pulps which use a
solid/liquid separation step, could be unsuitable because there would be an economically
significant loss of gold associated with adsorption or precipitation of soluble gold on the
solid particles which would report to the tails.
While the concentrations of gold on the solid were similar in the three runs with an average
overall recovery of gold close to 90%, the recovery declined during the runs. This could
be related to the volume of pulp required and the constraints on the size of contactors
which could be used to leach the ore in the laboratory. At a flow rate of 3.4 litres per hour,
the volume of pulp required in the three experiments was 40, 100 and 160 L. A leach
reactor of 55 L was available and it is possible that slight differences in leach recovery
between successive batches could account for the slight reduction in the recovery of gold
observed in the solid analysis.
The gold recoveries calculated from solution were also different in the three runs. While
the first run had a recovery of gold calculated from solution higher than that calculated
from the analysis of the solids, the second and third experiments showed the opposite
effect. For the first run, the gold concentrations throughout the experiment were all similar
as the pulp was taken from only one leach reactor. For run two, the gold concentration was
initially high but was lower for the second half of the run. This is because the feed was
now taken from a second leach reactor, which had a lower recovery (77%) than the first
(87%). For the last run, the recovery of gold was close to 84% for two of the leach vessels
but was considerably less (60%) in the last leach reactor.
To confirm the loading of gold on the resin as determined by fire assay, a sample of resin
from each contactor was eluted with nitrate and the loading of gold calculated from the
amount of gold in the eluate. The gold concentration in solution taken from each contactor
was also used to calculate the expected loading of gold on the resin for each contactor. All
three techniques gave similar results for all three runs.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 227
Throughout the three experiments the loading of copper decreased while the loading of
gold increased as the resin was transferred up the circuit. This relationship was clearly
seen when all the loadings of copper and gold in each contactor for all three experiments
were plotted as shown in Figure 4.34. Thus an increase in the loading of gold from 200 to
6000 mg L-1 reduced the loading of copper on the resin from 2000 to 100 mg L-1.
Furthermore, the results from the loadings of copper and gold leaving contactor 1 show
that loadings of gold greater than 3000 mg L-1 are required to limit the loading of copper to
below 200 mg L-1. While the loading of copper is expected to decrease as the loading of
gold on the resin increases, it is not possible to totally prevent the copper from loading on
the resin and a concentration less than 100 mg L-1 copper is probably not achievable even
at high loadings of gold on the resin.
This displacement of copper as the gold loaded has also been observed in the cyanide
system for a range of anion exchange resins (Riveros, 1993). This supports the theory that
strongly retained metal ions will displace less strongly retained metal ions on the resin.
Therefore, the concentration of copper in solution is expected to increase as the gold
thiosulfate complex displaces the loaded copper into solution.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 228
All the gold loaded on the resin can be successfully eluted with a nitrate solution but only
partially with thiosulfate and thiocyanate solutions. While thiosulfate was expected to be
ineffective from the equilibrium loading tests undertaken in this study, thiocyanate was
believed to also elute all the gold since the process had already been patented (Thomas et
al., 1998). However environmental concerns, the cost of the reagent, its effect on the resin
capacity and the inefficiency of stripping multi-charged anions are problems which have
been reported to be associated with thiocyanate elution (Fleming and Hancock, 1979,
Conradie et al., 1995; Leao et al., 1998). Furthermore, resins which have been eluted with
thiocyanate have to be regenerated with ferric sulfate to restore the resin to the sulfate form
before the resin can be recycled as shown be Equation 115 (Fleming and Cromberge,
It has also been reported that thiocyanate is not effective in eluting the cobalt cyanide
complex and other multi-charged anions from anion exchange resins (Leao et al., 1998).
Ammoniacal nitrate was found by USSR researchers (Leao et al., 1998) to remove these
multi-charged metal cyanide complexes and was therefore investigated as a possible eluant
for the multi-charged gold thiosulfate anion. Another reported elution process involves the
use of either trithionate or tetrathionate ions (Fleming, 2000). The results of the use of
these eluants look promising but details have not yet been published. However, the
stability of these eluants is questionable and the resin still requires regeneration with
sulfide ions, which raises the concern that sulfur could precipitate and accumulate on the
resin during consecutive cycles.
Elution with nitrate ions is an attractive alternative in that all the loaded metal anions are
removed from the resin and there is no requirement for regeneration before reintroduction
into the adsorption circuit. The kinetics of gold elution was also found to be rapid for the
bulk of the gold on the resin with the removal of the last fraction limited by diffusion of the
eluant through the pores of the resin.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 229
Any soluble nitrate salt can be used which shows that the anion and not the cation is
responsible for the displacement of the gold from the resin. The reason for the strong
competition with gold for active sites on anion exchange resins is unknown but could be
related to the size and structure of the anion.
As previously proposed in Section 5.6, the structure of the anion will determine its
selectivity for adsorption on an anion exchange resin. The structure of a nitrate ion is
trigonal planar. The results from the individual equilibrium loading curves for a variety of
anions (Figure 5.3) showed that the most selective anion is nitrate followed by gold
thiosulfate then sulfite followed by thiosulfate, trithionate and tetrathionate. Thus, if the
structure of the anions is one of the main factors that determined the selectivity of
adsorption, then the likely order of preference for the resin is trigonal planar > trigonal
pyramidal > tetrahedral. However, if this rule is only followed, then the order of
selectivity would be nitrate > sulfite > tetrathionate > trithionate > gold thiosulfate >
thiosulfate > sulfate. The order determined experimentally (Figure 5.3) was nitrate > gold
thiosulfate > sulfite > tetrathionate, trithionate, thiosulfate > sulfate. The greater affinity
for the gold thiosulfate anion is obviously also associated with the higher charge and size.
The charge of the anion is recognised as the singly most important criteria for determining
the selectivity of anions to anion exchange resins (Averston et al., 1958; Grimshaw and
Harland, 1975; Harland, 1994).
The equilibrium loading experiments confirmed the effectiveness of nitrate ions for
competition with the gold thiosulfate complex for active sites on the resin. A nitrate
concentration of 2 M limited the loading of gold to low levels even with high gold
concentrations in solution (200 mg L-1). The results also showed that the nitrate ions
loaded on the resin after elution would not need to be removed by regeneration of the resin
to the sulfate form as there was a significant increase in the loading of gold as the nitrate
concentration decreased. This suggested that the adsorption of gold would not be affected
in the presence of very low nitrate concentrations allowing the resins to be eluted with
nitrate and re-introduced into the adsorption circuit without the need for regeneration.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 230
The investigation into the rate of gold elution with nitrate ions was typical in that it had an
initial rapid elution followed by a slow removal of the last traces of gold. This elution
pattern is expected, because once all the gold from the resin surface has been displaced by
the nitrate ions, diffusion into and out of the pores of the resin will limit the rate, especially
for large resin beads. There is an obvious difference in the rate of elution between the
macroporous and gel type anion exchange resins. For any particular nitrate concentration,
the fraction eluted was similar but the initial elution rate showed that gold was recovered
more rapidly from the gel type resin (Amberjet 4200) compared to macroporous resin
(Vitrokele 911). This difference is most likely related to the structural difference between
the two types of resins. It is suggested that Amberjet 4200 will load the gold mainly in the
outer portion of the resin and will therefore elute more rapidly then Vitrokele 911 which is
believed to load throughout the resin bead.
At low ammonium nitrate concentrations, the eluant failed to elute all the gold loaded on
the resin in a batch experiment. This failure is thought to be the result of an equilibrium
being obtained. This was proved by examination of the equilibrium loading of gold curves
in the presence of different concentrations of ammonium nitrate. For example, in a 0.25 M
nitrate solution there will be 62 g L-1 gold loaded on the resin at a gold concentration of
200 mg L-1. From the kinetic experiments, the loading of gold approached 60 g L-1 in a
solution containing a gold concentration of 200 mg L-1. Similarly, this comparison could
be applied to any concentration of ammonium nitrate or to either resin and there would be
a good agreement between what was attained at equilibrium and what was being
approached by the kinetic experiments.
To minimise the cost of reagents, it would be beneficial to recycle any copper and
thiosulfate loaded on the resin back to the leaching circuit. The copper (I) thiosulfate
complex loaded on the resin can be removed by elution with an oxygenated ammonia
solution. The copper (II) amine formed is cationic and has no affinity for the anion
exchange resin and is therefore eluted from the resin.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 231
While 1 M ammonia can remove the loaded copper, 2 M is more effective and the
expected elution profile is obtained. Thiosulfate loaded on the resin can be eluted with
ammonium sulfate (1 M) at the same time as the copper is eluted with ammonia.
While ammonia effectively elutes the copper from the resin, it did not displace the loaded
gold thiosulfate complex from the resin. This suggests that the gold does not convert to the
cationic amine complex at high ammonia to thiosulfate concentrations, as suggested by
published thermodynamic diagrams (Figure 5.27) and claimed by others in the literature.
Thus, the data in the EH/pH diagram suggest that, even in the presence of 1 M thiosulfate,
the gold amine is the stable species at pH values above 10. It is apparent that more
research is needed to determine the correct stability data for the gold (I) amine complex
which is probably several orders of magnitude less stable than generally accepted.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 232
One obvious difference in the elution of a column containing resin which had been loaded
with a gold solution and a column containing resin which was loaded in the counter-current
experiments was the bed volume of eluant required to remove all the copper and gold from
the resin (Figure 5.28). The column containing the “counter current loaded resin” required
360 mL of ammonia followed by 360 mL of nitrate to elute all the copper and gold from
the column of resin. The column containing the “solution loaded resin” required only
240 mL of ammonia followed by 240 mL of nitrate to elute all the copper and gold. The
fact that there was a resin bed of 32 mL in the first and only 6 mL of resin in the second
resulted in a large difference in the bed volumes used in the two experiments which, at a
fixed elution rate in terms of bed-volumes/unit time, resulted in very different elution
Copper Elution with 2 M Ammonia
Gold or Copper Concentration (mg/L)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Bed Volume (mL Sol/mL Resin)
Figure 5.28 Comparison of the Elution of Two Resin Columns Filled with Amberjet
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 233
The viability of any continuous resin-in-pulp process will depend on the ability of the
anion exchange resin to be recycled. To simulate this process experimentally, a sample of
resin was consecutively eluted and loaded in a solution containing several metal thiosulfate
complexes. The effect of recycling the resin on the equilibrium loading of metal
thiosulfate complexes showed very little difference for all metal thiosulfate complexes
between cycles for the three experiments. The loading order obtained was also similar to
that observed in the equilibrium loading experiments (gold thiosulfate > silver thiosulfate >
copper thiosulfate).
Unlike the other metal complexes, the loading of copper increased with increasing
concentration before decreasing at high copper concentrations in solution. Whilst the
reason for this unusual pattern is likely to be the procedure used to generate the
equilibrium loading curve, the greater increase suggests that the trithionate concentration
must also influence the loading of copper. Since the loading isotherm is generated by
successively reducing the equilibrium loading on the resin, one could account for the
loading decrease at the higher copper concentration in solution as a result of the production
of increasing amounts of copper (I) thiosulfate with time.
Other similarities between the experiments were the loading curves for gold and copper
and silver and copper when compared to the loadings that were obtained from the
experiment containing all three metals. They showed that the loadings of copper, silver
and gold were similar for any combination of metals in solution. This result suggests that
the loading of metal thiosulfate complexes is independent of the number of metals in
solution. This is only possible because of the low loadings achieved for each metal anion
in these experiments which are only a fraction of the total theoretical maximum loadings.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 234
In the presence of silver, a gradual darkening of the resin samples were seen over the eight
cycles. This darkening is presumed to be caused by the precipitation of silver sulfide on
the resin, which is not efficiently removed by elution. It appears that the sulfur species
were reduced to sulfide ions within the resin which resulted in the precipitation of silver
thiosulfate. Copper was not found to precipitate to any great extent on the resin suggesting
that any copper precipitated on the resin was removed during the ammonia elution. Thus,
there seemed to be a very small fraction of copper that remained on the resin after eight
cycles. On the other hand, the ammonia or nitrate elution failed to remove any of the
precipitated silver. While ammonia should have removed the precipitated silver sulfide,
slow kinetics may be the reason why only a small proportion was eluted. A thiosulfate
solution was, however, found to be successful in removing the silver sulfide precipitated
on the resin and this could be employed periodically in a practical situation.
The gold detected on the resin did not appear to co-precipitate with the silver and may be
to the stability of the gold sulfide (AuS-) or gold bi- sulfide ( Au ( HS) 2− ) species
(Figure 5.29). The predicted gold and silver loadings precipitated on the resin were in
good agreement with the amounts measured for the second and third solution. For the first
solution, the predicted concentrations had a discrepancy of 7 and 30% for silver and gold
respectively compared to the values observed. This could, however, be accounted for by a
5% percentage error in the analysis for gold and silver.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 235
Figure 5.29 EH-pH Diagram of Au-S-H2O System at 5 x 10-4 M Au, 1 M S2O32- and
1 M NH3/NH4+ (Jiayong et al., 1996).
Throughout this study, it has been demonstrated that copper is the unstable complex in a
thiosulfate leach solution. However, in terms of stability on the resin, the silver complex
was found to be the least stable. While precipitation of copper on the resin was also likely,
ammonia elution was able to remove the majority of this precipitated copper. However,
the precipitation of metals on the resin apparently did not affect the equilibrium loadings of
any of these metal anions. This supports the view that, to a limited extent, the precipitated
metals do not interfere with the equilibrium loading because they do not occupy exchange
sites within the resin matrix.
CHAPTER 5: Discussion 236
The results of the preliminary electrowinning study agree closely with previous work in
this area (Sullivan and Kohl, 1997). The work by Sullivan and Kohl (1997) on the
reduction of gold in thiosulfate solutions and this study on the reduction of gold thiosulfate
in nitrate solutions showed that a limiting current is observed in the same potential region
and that the Levich equation was found to apply to the data for different rotation speeds.
The pH of the solution has no effect on the reduction reaction. While this initial work
showed that gold reduction from nitrate solution is feasible, further research needs to be
conducted in order to determine whether it will be practical in larger electrowinning cells
as suggested by Sullivan and Kohl (1997).
The observation that gold thiosulfate precipitated from nitrate solution when the solution
was left exposed to air, suggests precipitation as a possible method of recovering gold from
nitrate eluants. However, this option was not studied further but this technique would offer
a possible cheaper alternative to electrowinning. It is possible that the gold thiosulfate
complex precipitated as a hydroxide or oxide species when the thiosulfate which is
complexed to the gold is oxidised by nitrate in solution.
CHAPTER 6: Conclusions and Recommendations 237
Despite the initial concern from some researchers that competition from the thiosulfate
anion would rule out the recovery of gold with anion exchange resins (Wan and Le Vier,
1993), recent patents have suggested that anion exchange resins offer a possible route for
in-pulp recovery of the gold thiosulfate complex (Deschenes and Ritcey 1990; Jay, 1999;
Marchbank et al., 1996; Thomas et al., 1998; Touro and Wiewiorowski, 1992). While
these patents have shown that both weak- and strong-base resins could be used for the
recovery of gold from thiosulfate solution and pulps, they have provided little useful data
on the fundamental chemistry of the process. This research has shown that strong-base
resins are the preferred choice and an in-depth study has been made of the equilibrium and
kinetics of the adsorption of gold and other anions on a preferred strong-base resin.
Initial work into the chemistry of thiosulfate leaching showed that the ratio of ammonia to
thiosulfate and thiosulfate to copper greatly influenced the rate as which copper (II) amine
was reduced by thiosulfate. Increasing the ratio of ammonia to thiosulfate slowed this
reaction thereby reducing the concentration of oxidation products in solution. Because of
this reaction, samples taken from thiosulfate leach pulps need to be sealed and analysed
immediately in order to prevent the precipitation of copper and other metal ions.
It was found that macroporous and gel resins loaded the gold thiosulfate at different rates.
While macroporous resins were expected to load gold at a faster rate than the gel resins,
this was not found to be the case. This difference in rate of loading was explained by the
location of the functional groups within each resin type. It was theorised that the gel resin
contained a higher density of functional groups close to the outer regions of the resin while
the macroporous resin has a relatively uniform density of functional groups throughout the
resin matrix. This would explain the slower rate of loading of gold and the longer time
before displacement of the loaded gold by tetrathionate or trithionate from the
macroporous resin.
CHAPTER 6: Conclusions and Recommendations 238
Modelling of the kinetic data showed that the rate of loading of gold was controlled by
mass transport in the aqueous phase in the presence of weakly competing anions sulfate
and thiosulfate, i.e. the transport of the gold in solution to the resin surface. An attempt
was made to describe the more complex loading curves in the presence of stronger
competing anions, sulfite, trithionate and tetrathionate in which it was found that the
loading of gold increased to a maximum before declining to a lower equilibrium value.
This process has been described by others researchers investigating the adsorption of metal
cyanide complexes on anion exchange resins (Nicol and Ellis, 1987; Riveros and Cooper,
1988; Glover et al., 1990). It has been attributed to differences in both the aqueous phase
and resin phase diffusion coefficients of the various adsorbing anions.
This research found that the main products of the oxidation of thiosulfate namely,
trithionate and tetrathionate, reduced the maximum possible loading of gold by competitive
adsorption even when present at relatively low concentrations. Minimising the formation
of these products by preventing the oxidation of thiosulfate will greatly improve the overall
recovery of gold with an anion-exchange resin from thiosulfate solutions and pulps. The
order of selectivity for adsorption was found to be nitrate > gold thiosulfate > sulfite >
tetrathionate, trithionate, thiosulfate > sulfate. This selectivity order is considered to be
governed by the charge and molecular structure of the various anions. Thus, the gold
thiosulfate complex, because of its molecular structure, was not expected to be strongly
adsorbed but was selectively recovered over other anions in solution due to its higher
charge. This enables the gold complex to displace other less strongly held metal ions and
competing sulfur anions from the resin if loaded to capacity in a counter current process.
CHAPTER 6: Conclusions and Recommendations 239
Although the preliminary study on the leaching of gold from an ore with thiosulfate was
only undertaken to produce a pulp for test work, good gold recoveries were obtained at
elevated ammonia concentrations. A more detailed understanding of the chemistry of the
leaching system is required before the thiosulfate leaching process can be further
developed and utilized in gold hydrometallurgy. Such understanding would also help to
minimise the concentration of the oxidation products of thiosulfate and improve the
recovery of gold with anion exchange resins.
The counter current adsorption trials showed that when the loading of gold on the resin is
maximised, gold is capable of displacing less strongly held metal complexes loaded on the
resin. Trithionate was found to be the main sulfur species in leach pulps that will displace
the gold complex from the resin. Even in the presence of trithionate, the loadings achieved
were in good agreement with loadings commonly achieved for gold cyanide adsorption on
activated carbon. The difference in the gold recovery calculated from a solution and a
solids balance was attributed to precipitation of the gold thiosulfate on the solids during
leaching. The use of anion exchange resins in a resin-in-leach or resin-in-pulp will
minimise this loss of gold from solution. Other recovery methods, which use a solid/liquid
separation step, may be unsuitable because of an economically significant proportion of
gold associated with the solid particles reporting to tails.
From the initial kinetic experiments, there was a difference in the rate and the maximum
loading of gold between the two types of resin selected. While the macroporous resin
(Vitrokele 911) had a lower loading of gold than the gel (Amberjet 4200), it took longer to
displace the loaded gold by tetrathionate from this resin. A gel resin was chosen for the
majority of the work in this study.
A novel elution process demonstrated that copper could be selectively eluted with an
oxygenated ammonia solution prior to the gold being eluted from the resin with a nitrate
solution. Thiosulfate loaded on the resin can be eluted either by nitrate or a sulfate
solution. Although nitrate could be used, sulfate would be a more appropriate choice when
the solution is recycled back to the leaching circuit. Further research is needed to
determine the extent of the elution by sulfate of other oxidation products of thiosulfate
such as trithionate and tetrathionate.
CHAPTER 6: Conclusions and Recommendations 240
Preliminary electrowinning tests were encouraging with the gold thiosulfate complex
easily reduced on stainless steel from a nitrate solution. The pH had no affect on the
limiting current and the change in the limiting current with rotation speed could be
calculated from the Levich equation. Further work is required to verify that the gold
thiosulfate complex can be electrowon from nitrate solutions in larger cells.
In summary, strong-base resins can be successfully used to recover dissolved gold from
thiosulfate leach solutions and pulps. This method of recovering the gold thiosulfate
complex could be the preferred choice as it was found that dissolved gold will precipitate
or adsorb on solids during leaching making any recovery process requiring solid-liquid
separation not applicable due to the economically significant loss of gold to tails. The
strong-base resin, Amberjet 4200 exhibited good selectivity for the gold thiosulfate
complex over other metal thiosulfate complexes and some sulfur anions in solution.
Trithionate and tetrathionate were the main competing sulfur anions that will need to be
minimised in order to maximise the recovery and loading of gold. The adsorbed gold can
be successfully eluted with a nitrate solution. Small-scale counter-current adsorption
experiments with the strong-base resin achieved good loading and barrens. The resin was
also found to recover gold from the solids that would otherwise have reported to tails.
Overall, the results of this project have provided an in-depth overview of the performance
of anion exchange resins for the recovery of dissolved gold from thiosulfate solutions and
pulps. It has also been demonstrated that optimum recovery of dissolved gold from
thiosulfate solutions with anion exchange resins will require that the extent of oxidation of
thiosulfate be minimised during the leaching of gold with thiosulfate.
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