Business Process Audit Cycle: Auditor

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Business Process Audit Cycle: Auditor: Audit Date:


Sl.N Observations (Detailed Evidences)

Question IATF Clause Ref. Question/ Evidence Required & Look for (Attach Actual Records where available)
Status (C/NC/OFI)

1 C: (Check 9.1 & 5.1.1/ Cl. 10.1 Safety = target=0, Act= Aug'21 1 first aid case found
performance of KPI for current year & last two
Quality- Customer PPM Target= 0 PPM, Act- Aug-0 PPM
Process) years
Internal PPm Target = 75 PPM, Act- Sept- 83 PPM
What are the
objective & targets
for your area &
operations for Displays of performance graph in Safety Ther are no major incidents from Last 1122 Man days
QMS/IATF (Cl. 9 &10) department Quality

Monitoring and review of KPI with

Deptt Head

Results of Internal Audits &

External Audits for the process

Monitoring and review of KPI with

Management (MRM Action Notes
for the Process)

2 A : Analyze the 9.1.3 How do you do Analysis Records

process where of departmental KPI - Look to
targets are not Analysis records where targets
achieved are not met
How do you do
Analysis of Data for What is the System for Corrective
the Performance Actions where Targets are not met
tagets not being met Evidences of the reasons for the
for QMS/IATF (Cl. 9 KPI not being met (Deep Dive on
& 10) the analysis & Root Causes &
Effectiveness of CAs)

Root cause analysis and CA to
meet the KPI Targets

Cl. 10.2/10.3
CFT approach for root cause
analysis and CA

Horizontally Deployment of CA

Effectiveness of the CA
Visit the area to verify the
implementation of CA
3 Process Planning & Cl. 4.1 & 4.2 What is the System for
Support Identification of need and
expectation of interested parties /
External & Internal Issues

Cl. 6.1/6.2 How do you do Risk Management

related to Product/ Customer
Service/ Objectives & Targets

Roles, Responsibility & Authority

for CFT/ MDT & Communication
Previous Knowledge &
Knowledge Management Process
What is the Planning LTS objectives for next year + 2
Process to achieve years for EHS
the KPIs (Cl. 4/5/6/7)

Involvement of the manager (HOD)

to review and update the KPIs as
Competency in mapping
the review
staff with
required skills

Action plan for gap in competency

4 Do : Doc. Use the Procedure/ Work
Compliances Instruction/ PFD/ FMEA/ Control
Verification of Plan doument (PQCT) & Record
Compliances for the the Observations on these as
procedures/Wis/OCP Applicable
s (Cl.8)

5 Cuatomer Specific Print the CSR page for the

Requirements Process and record the
observation of compliances on the
same as evidences

Legend: C- Conformity, NC - Non Conformity & OFI - Opportunity for Improvement

Revision History:
Date Revision Change Detail

Business Process Audit Cycle: Auditor: Audit Date:

Sl.N Observations (Detailed Evidences)
Question IATF Clause Ref. Question/ Evidence Required & Look for (Attach Actual Records where available)
Status (C/NC/OFI)

Legend: C- Conformity, NC - Non Conformity & OFI - Opportunity for Improvement

Revision History:
Date Revision Change Detail

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