This document is a piano/conductor score for Disney's High School Musical 2. It contains 44 sections divided between two acts. The sections provide musical cues and transitions for various scenes and song/dance numbers throughout the film, including "What Time Is It?", "You Are the Music in Me", "Fabulous", "Humuhumunukunukuapua'a", "Bet On It" and more. The score supports both the musical performances and storyline progression in Act One and Act Two of the film.
This document is a piano/conductor score for Disney's High School Musical 2. It contains 44 sections divided between two acts. The sections provide musical cues and transitions for various scenes and song/dance numbers throughout the film, including "What Time Is It?", "You Are the Music in Me", "Fabulous", "Humuhumunukunukuapua'a", "Bet On It" and more. The score supports both the musical performances and storyline progression in Act One and Act Two of the film.
This document is a piano/conductor score for Disney's High School Musical 2. It contains 44 sections divided between two acts. The sections provide musical cues and transitions for various scenes and song/dance numbers throughout the film, including "What Time Is It?", "You Are the Music in Me", "Fabulous", "Humuhumunukunukuapua'a", "Bet On It" and more. The score supports both the musical performances and storyline progression in Act One and Act Two of the film.
This document is a piano/conductor score for Disney's High School Musical 2. It contains 44 sections divided between two acts. The sections provide musical cues and transitions for various scenes and song/dance numbers throughout the film, including "What Time Is It?", "You Are the Music in Me", "Fabulous", "Humuhumunukunukuapua'a", "Bet On It" and more. The score supports both the musical performances and storyline progression in Act One and Act Two of the film.
5. What Time Is It (Reprise)......... 5'Fabulous""""""""""":".--. ................. ........ z1 7.What Time It It (Exit) ...............42 8. Transition: To Kitchen ............. M 9. Work This Out. :""""""'... ...........45 10. Transition: To Golf Course ..54 11. Picnic / In the Rough .........;.... 12. YosAre the Music in Me (pt. 1)
13. You Are the Music in Me (pt. 2) ............5g
14. You Are the Music in Me (pt. 3) ............. 60 15. Transition: To 2 Golf Course ..............69 16. Transition: To Golf pro Lounge .............70 17. Fabulous (Troy's Transformation) ........7,1. 18. Humuhumunukunukuapua,a (pt.1)............. .........72 19. Humuhumunukunukuapua,a (pt. Z)............. .........7g 20. Act One Fina1e..................... ............!.... gg I Disney's High School Musical 2 I Piano/Conductor Score I ,,,,.1 Act Two '/ 2l-. You Are the Music in Me (Rock Version) """"""' 95 a I 22.YouAre the Music in Me (Iug)...-.,.. I 23. Transition: To Baseball Diamond """"" 104 I I 24.IDon't Dance I 25. "EveryDuy" Rehearsal (Pt. 1) ............-. 122 I l 26. Give Me a Beat ........ I 27. "Every Duy" Rehearsal (Pt. 2) I I 2B.,'EveryDuy,'Rehearsal(Pt.3)...............':. I 29. Fabulous (Sharpay's Triumph).......... .... 128 I I 30.GottaGoMyownWuy.......................:.. I 31. Bet On It....... I I 32. Thlent Show L: Rowena Waggenheim .. 150 I 33. Talent Show 2:Bllly Flatley..... .........:....... I ............... 151 t 34. Thlent Show 2: Button ........... 153 I 35. Thlent Show 3: Rosette Shimshank ................i............. I .......... \54 I 36. Thlent Show 3: Button ...................;,..........::.. ........... 156 I I 37. Thlent Show 4: Theresa Templeton ............ I 38. Thlent Show 4: Button ........... 1'60 I I 39. Thlent Show 5: Janey Fire ........ .............. L61' I 40. Thlent Show Theme ............;....'............... 162 I t 41.. Every Duy ........ ...... L63 I 42. Loose Ends I 1 43. (Finale) All For One ............... 179 a 44. Megamix (Bows) t .... 195 t -