Understanding Depression: A Complete Guide To Its Diagnosis and Treatment
Understanding Depression: A Complete Guide To Its Diagnosis and Treatment
Understanding Depression: A Complete Guide To Its Diagnosis and Treatment
1. Introduction, 1
2 Introduction
10 Understanding Depression
A.2. Have you lost interest or pleasure in all or almost all the
things you usually do (work, hobbies, other activities)?
Have any of the following been present nearly every day for
at least two weeks?
2. Insomnia? No Yes
If A.1 or A.2 is true, and if you answer Yes to any four of these
twelve questions, you probably have a depressive illness and
Symptoms of Mood Disorders 13
Loss of Interest
When a doctor told Jill that she had been working too hard
and needed a change of scene, she went to a resort with her
husband. However, the vacation was a total disaster. Jill par-
ticipated in a few activities and then stopped going alto-
gether. She spent most of the time sitting in their room. She
let her husband drag her to the swimming pool a few times
because she had always loved to swim, but now she got noth-
ing out of it.
Mary was at her best in the morning. She would get up, cook
breakfast, and get to work by 8:30 AM. At that time she en-
joyed applying herself and solving problems. However, by
midafternoon she knew that she was just shuffling papers
around. By the time she was ready to leave the office in the
evening, she could accomplish nothing.
5 Sally and Jane Harris were cousins who had led charmed
lives. Their fathers were brothers who had maintained close
personal and business ties, their families were warm, stimu-
lating, and protective. Their economic circumstances were
excellent, and both families could afford to send the young
women to the best schools, where their fine minds showed
themselves to good advantage. Sally decided to become a
doctor and Jane to become a lawyer. They both worked hard,
achieved recognition, and made very favorable careers. They
had deferred marriage to continue their advanced educa-
tion, but both had long-term intimate relationships and both
eventually did marry, once life’s circumstances had solidi-
fied and they had achieved their career goals.
from their constant gnawing grief. Both learned that the best
medicine for their grief was turning their minds outward
toward activities.
Loss of Energy
5 Jill Jason started to complain that she was weary all the
time. She was usually efficient and well organized, but now
she procrastinated with her work, putting off tasks that had
to be done around the house. Because of her lack of interest
and lack of energy, she became progressively withdrawn
socially. When her friends told her that she needed vitamins
or a tonic, she tried them, but they didn’t help.
Sleep Disturbances
People differ in their need for sleep and in their sleep patterns.
Temporary difficulties in falling asleep, particularly when un-
der tension, are common. Some people experience various pat-
terns of broken sleep, commonly referred to as insomnia. But
many depressives fall asleep with ease only to have restless
sleep and early morning awakening. Others seem to require
remarkably large amounts of sleep. Although it is clear that not
everyone with sleep irregularities is depressed, changes in sleep
patterns frequently accompany depressions and are a vital
warning sign.
One doctor suggested that she take tranquilizers for her at-
tacks of panic, and, after much hesitation, she took some.
They seemed to help slightly, but she was still weary, fa-
tigued, and socially isolated; occasionally she again thought
she was having a heart attack. Her family thought she was
playing for sympathy.
Bob went to many different doctors, who all told him that
there was nothing wrong with his physical health and that he
24 Understanding Depression
5 Jill Jason and her husband had been passionate and sexu-
ally involved in the first few years of their marriage. With
time, the frequency and fervor had diminished some, but
the gamut of sexual activity from casual caresses through
lovemaking was still central to their lives. Both looked for-
ward to vacations knowing that the break in routine would
be heightened by a burst of renewed ardor.
5 Jill Jason was getting quieter and quieter and more and
more immobile. Her family would find her sitting for hours
in a chair, looking blankly at the wall. When they asked her
how she was feeling, she seemed at first not to hear them,
but after a marked delay she spoke a few words in a weak
voice. She said nothing spontaneously. Her family thought
she just wanted to be left alone, so they left her alone.
5 Jill Jason told her husband that she thought she was a
terrible person and a failure as a mother and wife, and then
she cried bitterly. Initially sympathetic, her husband told her
that he loved her, that the whole family loved her, and that
everyone thought she was a wonderful person. At first this
seemed to help her, but the next day she felt as bad as ever
and complained constantly again.
Symptoms of Mood Disorders 27
it. When her boyfriend told her that he would call her at 9:00
PM but called at 9:15 because his train had been delayed, she
burst into tears and told him that he couldn’t treat her so
cruelly. He should know how bad she felt and how much
she looked forward to seeing him and how her whole life
depended on him and his love for her, and where would she
be without him? Under such pressure he eventually stopped
seeing her.
5 Peggy Pearl got nasty. She told her husband that it was
all his fault that she felt so terrible and that everyone had let
her down. She complained incessantly that nobody loved
her or wanted her or paid any attention to her. After a while
she was right.
When Peggy sobered up she told him that she had just felt
so bad that day, so lonely and isolated, that she thought
maybe a little drink would help her out, and indeed it did.
However, she hadn’t expected to polish off the whole bottle.
She said she wouldn’t do it again, but she did, and increas-
ingly often.
Symptoms of Mood Disorders 31
Vocational Failure
and helpful, but now she complained about others all the
time. Peggy said that she had every reason to complain be-
cause she had discovered how lousy everyone was, includ-
ing her husband. Look at the way her so-called friends had
stopped calling her.
“You think I’m crazy,” yelled Peggy. “No.” said the doctor, “I
just think you might need a little help in getting yourself to-
gether.” “You want to put me away,” Peggy whimpered. “I’m
crazy.” “Look Peggy,” said the doctor, “we just want you to
talk with somebody for a while. It will help you feel better.”
Peggy said that she would think about it, but she didn’t go.
Distortion of Reality
5 Richard Rogers went into a real funk when his boss told
him that he better snap out of it. He finally told the boss that
he was quitting because he couldn’t stand letting everyone
down. The boss was astonished. He told Richard that he only
meant that Richard should get some help. He added that
Richard had been one of his best workers for many years,
and he certainly had no intention of firing him. Richard re-
peated that he just wasn’t up to it, thinking that he would
surely be fired soon, he stopped going to work.
34 Understanding Depression
When normal people think about the future, their feelings are a
mixture of pluses and minuses. When they think about past
happy events or imagine pleasant future possibilities, they have
positive, warm feelings of recollection or anticipation. Many of
us spend a lot of time daydreaming, which is nothing more
than making ourselves feel good by thinking that the future
might work out in ways that we would like. Such daydreams
are often constructive since thinking about possibilities that
produce good feelings may stir one into related realistic activ-
ity. This is what we mean by saying that a person is in a hope-
ful frame of mind and acting in an enterprising way.
When people think about past unhappy events and possible
future difficulties, their mood is taken over by tension and ap-
prehension. However, sometimes when they perceive trouble
coming and feel anxious about it, they are also stirred into useful
action. They think about possible maneuvers that will prevent
the trouble from occurring or will at least remove them from the
scene of probable pain. Once people have figured out a good
strategy for avoiding impending trouble, their sense of hopeful-
ness returns and they attempt to carry out their protective plans.
The depressed person has a marked decrease in the ability
to remember and imagine pleasant thoughts. When he thinks
about the future or the past, all he focuses on are the minuses.
The pluses don’t get through or are greatly reduced. Therefore,
depressed persons cannot feel pleasant hopefulness.
A severe inability to feel optimism may lead to suicide. Since
our attempts to deal with the future are steered by our hopeful
thinking, the depressed person’s loss of hope prevents him from
planning constructively. He feels overwhelmed and helpless.
When this feeling becomes too painful, many depressed people
feel they would be better off dead. They would no longer be a
burden to their family and they would no longer have to suffer
such pain. Sometimes when they express such feelings, family
and friends tend not to take them seriously. It is commonly
thought that people who talk about suicide don’t actually take
their own lives, but this is simply not true.
Symptoms of Mood Disorders 35
Gil told the doctor that it was just the liquor talking, that he
was just kidding and that being out of work would upset
anybody. The doctor did not spend the time to review Gil’s
feelings in depth. In particular, he did not inquire as to Gil’s
sense of hopelessness, inability to enjoy himself, sleep dis-
turbance, and increasing use of alcohol. He hurriedly sug-
gested that Gil take a tranquilizer. A few days later, Gil’s wife
came home from a trip to the grocery store and found him
hanging from a basement beam. His suicide note said that it
wasn’t her fault but that the future was hopeless and that he
couldn’t stand letting everybody down.
this is that some people will get better because their depression
is improving on its own or because they respond to the simple
fact of receiving help. Including the placebo pill allows the doc-
tors to find out how many of their patients would have gotten
better without specific treatment. Comparing the effects of the
standard antidepressant tells one how much benefit that drug
produced over and above the effects of just receiving a placebo
and coming for help. The experimental antidepressant can then
be compared both with the standard antidepressant and the
placebo to see if it is effective and whether it is better than usual
5 Jane and Sally Harris went out for lunch one day, and
Sally observed that Jane was just picking at her food. Jane
Symptoms of Mood Disorders 39
Jane told this to Sally and was surprised when her dear friend
and cousin told her that she was nearly 40 years behind the
times. Jane was especially surprised because she had con-
sidered herself a well-informed person who kept up-to-date
by reading the best newspapers and magazines. They were
full of articles describing psychological causes for emotional
disturbance wholly dismissing biological approaches as
40 Understanding Depression
crude and naïve. Sally told Jane about a colleague who spe-
cialized in depression and medication and insisted that she
be evaluated immediately.
Long-Term Depression
The following case differs from the others in the long-term na-
ture of the illness, which had been misdiagnosed in the patient’s
earlier years.
The family lived in the country, and Edith had few friends—
although those she had were close and she valued them
highly. She dealt with the family situation by withdrawing
and by mostly reading. A tall woman, she had gone through
a particularly gawky adolescence, accurately described her-
self as unattractive, and did not begin to date until she en-
tered college. Nevertheless, she made a fine marriage to a
thoughtful, caring, and loving man.
*Patients who are doing these things often lack insight and may fail
to perceive the risks, which can be clear to anyone who knows the
patient well. This is why it is important to interview the patient’s
spouse or family about her symptoms.
44 Understanding Depression
During the first week Jill slept somewhat better and began
to eat a little. During the second week she occasionally re-
sponded to her husband’s questions or to comments about
what was happening with the family.
Over the next week her progress was astounding. She was
the old Jill—laughing, optimistic, and full of plans to fix up
the house. Her doctor warned them that she would have to
continue on the medication for at least six months and that
she would need regular checkups during this period.
Mary’s therapist told her that her new low self-esteem and
performance difficulties were due to fear of success. He sug-
gested that her devoted parents had made an unconscious
bargain with her: they would take care of her if only she
would remain their little girl. Therefore, Mary must learn to
become independent of her parents. When she had achieved
48 Understanding Depression
Mary’s psychiatrist told her that it was too bad that the drug
didn’t work but that there was another whole group of drugs
that often did work when the first did not. These drugs were
somewhat of a nuisance to use because they required a spe-
cial diet, and if the diet was broken, there was a chance of
unpleasant or even dangerous side effects. This was bad news
for Mary, who had already lost confidence in medication.
Symptoms of Mood Disorders 49
Reluctantly Mary agreed, went on the diet, and took the new
medicine. Although the doctor said the medicine might take
several weeks to work, Mary began to feel somewhat more
energetic within the first week. By the second week she had
gone shopping and had bought herself some new clothes
for the first time in three years. She also called her old friends.
By the third week Mary told the doctor that she might even
have too much pep and that she was having difficulty sleep-
ing. After the doctor adjusted the dosage of the medication,
Mary soon simply felt good and active again. However, she
had to see the doctor regularly to have her condition moni-
tored and the dosage readjusted as necessary.
Since Saul was still a free citizen who was in complete charge
of his own life, this was a violation of his civil liberties. Pa-
tients should not be forced or misled into taking medication
54 Understanding Depression
Since at the same time Richard Rogers had quit work in re-
sponse to his own troubles, Mrs. Rogers was in despair at
having two emotional cripples on her hands. She suggested
psychotherapy for her husband, but Richard said that it
hadn’t helped Ralph, so why should he try? However, when
the family physician insisted that medication would help,
Richard started to take antidepressants. Within a month he
was no longer depressed. He slept well, ate well, had a re-
stored interest in sex, and looked forward to getting another
job. He was still desperately worried about his son, but he
wasn’t depressed.
If the answers to A and D are Yes, and if you have had any of
the symptoms in B and C, you very possibly have a dysthymic
disorder and should receive an evaluation by a psychiatrist.
Persons exhibiting this kind of depression used to be called
“neurotic,” implying incorrectly that their depression stemmed
from psychological causes and that a cure for their depression
would also have to be psychological, in the sense of psycho-
A typical case history follows:
When the United States entered the Vietnam War, their fac-
tory suddenly experienced a huge demand for its products.
Even workers with only moderate experience were given the
opportunity for rapid advancement. Harry saw this as yet
another burden since he did not believe he could improve
his skills sufficiently to rise to a higher level. Bill, on the other
hand, seized the opportunity by going to night school and
by requesting further on-the-job training. He was quickly
promoted and, shortly thereafter, saw his life improve in
another respect when he fell in love with an attractive and
lively girl who reciprocated his feelings.
These gains were maintained for the six months that Harry
stayed on the medication. Then, with his doctor’s approval,
he decided to stop taking it to see what would happen. Life
was going much better and he was feeling pretty good, so
maybe the medicine was by now superfluous.
Bill and Harry had seemed much the same in early life. Both
felt pessimistic—they believed they were unlikely to lead
gratifying lives. However, given an opportunity, Bill was able
to improve his life and experience real happiness. Bill, in
other words, was suffering from chronic but realistic unhap-
piness and was able to overcome it by making good use of
changing circumstances.
his English class and the Creative Writing Club. At times his
energy was remarkable, and he would spend all night writ-
ing a flood of stories, poems, and essays. He also had a lively
social life, so much so that he was involved in a few drunken
brawls and he was called in by the principal for a dressing
down, a warning, and a period of probation. Walt was also
very popular with girls, who found him vivacious, amus-
ing, and ardent.
70 Understanding Depression
1. Marked moodiness.
2. Overreactions to frustrations out of all proportion to the
3. Marked self-isolation and social withdrawal.
4. Unrealistically low self-esteem.
5. Unwarranted belief that others dislike or reject him or her.
6. Unrealistic belief that one’s personal appearance is ugly or
7. Loss of interest in hobbies, sports, and personal self-care.
8. Development of delinquent activities, in particular the
abuse of drugs and alcohol.
She and her doctor discussed this in some detail. She pointed
out to Mary that it was unfortunate that she had a chronic
illness, but that she really had to look upon herself in exactly
the same fashion as somebody with hypothyroidism who
has to take thyroid supplements for the rest of his life, or
somebody with diabetes who must take insulin to stay in
balance. Nobody likes to be ill, but if you are ill, it’s reassur-
ing to know that there is a medication that effectively brings
you back to normal. Furthermore, these medications do not
lose effectiveness over time. In a year or so, they might try
going off the medication again, although they shouldn’t be
overly optimistic about the outcome of this. Nonetheless,
some depressive illnesses do seem to burn out with age and
perhaps eventually Mary would not need medication.
Jill adamantly opposed this. After all, she had had several
very good years and was there any assurance that her dis-
ease would recur? Therefore, once again after six months,
78 Understanding Depression
In this pattern the patient has been mildly and chronically de-
pressed from adolescence or even childhood, develops a de-
pressive illness that is treated, and experiences a newfound
feeling of well-being. When his medication is discontinued, he
then returns to a state of mild depression. Interestingly, before
they have the depressive illness, many of these patients do not
know they had always suffered from depression. But when they
develop depressive illness and are successfully treated with
medication, they feel better than they have ever felt in their
life. This is not because medication has made them high or
manic. It is simply that when the symptoms are removed, pa-
tients notice the difference. Such patients are similar to a child
with a vision defect who begins to wear glasses that success-
fully compensate for the defect. When such a child realizes that
he now has no difficulty in figuring out what is on the black-
board, he begins to see himself differently. To be exact, we can-
not say that depressed patients of this kind have been depressed
since birth, but we can often say that they have been depressed
as far back as they can remember; in many instances, this may
be as early as five or six years of age.
One final pattern may look like this:
Not only severe depressive illness but also mild depression can
occur in episodes. When mild depressions appear and disap-
pear on an irregular basis, they are often not noticed or are mis-
taken for psychological depressions. We would like to
reemphasize the point we made in chapter 2 that it is not sever-
ity that distinguishes a biological depressive illness from a
nonbiological depression but the pattern of symptoms. The same
persons who can experience severe episodes of depressive ill-
ness may at other times experience similar but less intense epi-
sodes of depression. Recognition of the nature of these illnesses
is important because they frequently respond to medication and
80 Understanding Depression
84 Understanding Depression
fraternal twin had such an illness, one could expect the co-twin
to have the illness only about 10 percent of the time—the same
rate as that for other brothers and sisters who were not twins.
Identical and fraternal twins with psychiatric illness were ob-
served in many settings, and it was repeatedly found that in
about 33 to 70 percent of instances identical twins were “con-
cordant” for psychiatric illness. That is, if one identical twin
had a biological depression or a manic-depressive illness, then
in about 33 to 70 percent of the cases the co-twin would have
the disorder as well. The fraternal concordance rate was about
20 percent—slightly larger than anticipated.
Psychiatric researchers who believe that environment plays
a large role reacted to these findings in two ways. First, they
pointed out that many identical twins are raised in a special
way: parents are likely to give them “cute” similar names (Bar-
bara and Betty, Jane and June), dress them in identical clothes,
and raise them so that they develop a closeness not seen in other
siblings. Perhaps, it was reasoned, this accounted for the higher
concordance rate in identical twins compared to fraternal twins.
Furthermore, these theorists argued, if in 33 percent of “identi-
cal” twin pairs only one twin had the illness, then environmen-
tal factors—the psychological environment—must be playing
a role. However, a study of identical twins raised apart in dif-
ferent families found that 8 of 12 sets or 67 percent were concor-
dant. This is a percentage very similar to that of identical twins
reared together and implies that similar upbringing is not the
reason identical twins are concordant. In summary, this re-
search strongly suggests that depression and manic-depression
are genetic. However, the research cannot explain why “identi-
cal twins” are not really identical—completely concordant—
100 percent of the time.
It is useful here to compare this twin research with twin re-
search on nonpsychiatric diseases. For example, the clearly bio-
logical disease of juvenile diabetes (diabetes in people under
30) has a concordance rate of only about 15 percent in identical
twins. Club foot is an abnormality that involves genetic factors
but is concordant in only 23 percent of identical twins (and much
less, about 3 percent, in fraternal). In other words, for both psy-
chiatric and nonpsychiatric illnesses, concordance rates in iden-
What Causes Depression and Manic-Depression? 87
does the co-twin also have the disease. Something other than
genes is playing a role, and the chain of events is complicated.
Apparently, individuals with a genetic tendency toward juve-
nile diabetes react abnormally to infection with a common vi-
rus. In these people the virus does not simply produce
respiratory or gastrointestinal symptoms but seems to kill the
cells in the pancreas that produce insulin; the result is diabetes.
However, researchers still do not know why many co-twins do
not develop diabetes, since presumably they have been exposed
to the same virus.
Before discussing the roles of experience and biology, it will
be helpful to clear up some old-fashioned and misleading terms.
In the past, psychiatrists classified some kinds of depression as
reactive—that is, produced by life events in a person who was
predisposed because of a neurosis. Neurosis is a term that has
just about disappeared from modern psychiatry. It was used to
refer to psychological maladjustment that was thought to be
the product of the patient’s abnormal psychological structure,
which in turn was thought to be the product of unfortunate life
experiences. These reactive depressions were contrasted with
endogenous depressions—that is, those depressions produced
within the sufferer. An endogenous depression was believed to
appear for no identifiable reason and was believed to be caused
by abnormal biological functioning in the brain. Reactive de-
pression was treated by and believed to be curable by psycho-
therapy. Endogenous depression was believed to be treatable,
if at all, by physical methods, such as drugs and electroconvul-
sive treatment. So-called neurotic, reactive, and endogenous
depression are labels that are beginning to disappear. One of
the major reasons for their disappearance is the increasing evi-
dence that biological depression and manic-depression are often trig-
gered by life events, but nonetheless are treatable by physical
As an example, let us consider people who appear to de-
velop a severe depressive illness following the loss of a loved
one or a major disappointment in life. Is the cause hereditary
or psychological? The best evidence indicts both factors. Some
people show a decreased psychological resilience, an inability
to cope with stresses that most people can overcome. A similar
90 Understanding Depression
Physicians do not know the chances that any one child will
develop depression, but it has been found, for example, that about
25 percent of the daughters of mothers with depressive illness
will develop depressive illness themselves. This is obviously
distressing, but an awareness of a genetic tendency helps a
concerned parent or the vulnerable individual to detect the
illness when it is beginning to develop. Early detection can
mean early appropriate treatment. The depressed child, ado-
lescent, or young adult may be spared unnecessary pain and
98 Understanding Depression
100 Understanding Depression
The Effectiveness of
Medical Treatment of Depression
specifics of the patient’s mood disorder are and how his per-
ceptions and functioning are being affected by his illness. He
can then point out to the patient how the depression is affect-
ing other aspects of his behavior. It is one thing to read this
book and learn that many depressives have low self-esteem or
are pessimistic. It is much more meaningful when a psychia-
trist explains to a particular patient how he is devaluing or caus-
ing problems for himself because of excessive caution or anger
or withdrawal. Such guidance and support can enable the pa-
tient to function more effectively and rationally until medica-
tion has had an opportunity to work. Continuing visits are
important because they support the patient in continuing to
take medication. As a first treatment, psychotherapy is prob-
ably most appropriate for nonimpaired, nonsuicidal, nonchronic
depression without the experiences of loss of pleasure and
motivation. Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) has been exten-
sively recommended. One component of this approach that
seems to have therapeutic effect is its strategy of activating and
energizing the patient. The cognitive techniques, which aim to
change a patient’s dysfunctional ideas and dysfunctional so-
cial strategies, may offer little additional help to those who are
suffering from chronic, disabling depression. There is little evi-
dence that CBT is more effective than placebo.
When psychotherapists refer patients for what they term
“supportive” medication, a further problem sometimes arises
because of conflict over which of the therapists should be in
charge of treatment. We believe that the administrator of medi-
cation should have precedence because of the necessity of ex-
plaining to the patient the likely origin of his illness. The patient
who has been receiving psychotherapy usually has to go
through a process of “unlearning” about the causes of his de-
pression. The psychotherapist may have been emphasizing
factors that are less relevant or even inaccurate. For example,
the psychotherapist may have been focusing on a lengthy ex-
ploration of the patient’s childhood, which in most instances—
contrary to popular notions—has nothing to do with most
severe depressions. Conceivably, for some patients psycho-
therapy may benefit their abnormal physiology, but this is still
106 Understanding Depression
Mild Depressions
Drug Treatment
and even suicidal. However, one may feel guilty while the other
does not; one may sleep 20 hours a day and the other only four;
one may eat compulsively and gain weight, whereas the other
has a marked loss of appetite and loses considerable weight.
One may be agitated and constantly in motion, while the other
moves slowly as if struck in molasses. The first patient may
skip from subject to subject, whereas the other’s mind may move
so slowly that she forgets her first sentence by the time she has
completed her second. The same variation occurs in mania. One
manic may seem fine and act as if ecstatically happy, while an-
other may be extremely irritable and angry.
In order to evaluate himself properly and to help the physi-
cian to evaluate his progress, the patient should learn the par-
ticular symptoms he gets when he becomes depressed or manic.
Armed with this knowledge, both the patient and the physi-
cian can tell when the depression or mania is improving or
when—say, in a period when the patient has stopped taking
medicine—the first mild but important warning symptoms
Many psychiatrists will ask a depressed patient how she feels
on a one-to-ten scale—with one as the worst ever and ten the
best. While depressed the patient is likely to assign herself an
unrealistically high number—for example, she might report
that she is much closer to normal than she really is, giving her
mood a “six.” When medication and therapy have restored her
mood to normal, she sees that her previous reports have been
inaccurate—that her mood was really a “three.” This is because
each time the patient is in the middle of a depressed episode
she cannot remember exactly what it was like to feel good. When
she receives effective treatment and returns to her normal mood,
she is surprised how good it is to feel normal.
If one notices improvement, it is helpful to report to the phy-
sician that one feels better this week compared to last week,
but one can feel better and still not be functioning very well.
The real question is how the patient is doing in objective, de-
scriptive terms. How much time is she spending in activities
that she usually enjoys—gardening, playing tennis and bridge,
refinishing furniture? How much time is he spending fishing,
playing chess, finishing the basement, or participating in the
122 Understanding Depression
126 Understanding Depression
Many of our patients look up drugs they are taking on the web
and are sometimes dismayed at the large number of side ef-
fects (often severe) that have been associated with a particular
drug. These side effects are listed in detail in the Physician’s
Desk Reference, also called the PDR, which is really a compila-
tion of the package inserts provided by drug companies for their
products. Before refusing to take such a drug, it is useful for
readers to know the functions of the PDR and how package
inserts are constructed. The important point is that the PDR
“package insert” is not only to inform a physician (or patient),
but to protect the drug company legally. To be marketed, a drug
must be found by the FDA to be effective and safe. This is usu-
ally determined by the results in about 2,000 people. The drug
company then counts side effects on the drug (and placebo)
and divides this number by the number who received the drug
or placebo. This calculates the percentage risks of side effects.
For statistical reasons, one cannot be sure of the presence or
absence of uncommon side effects in such small studies.
When the drug is marketed and physicians begin to prescribe
it, they may notify the FDA or drug manufacturer that they
have treated a patient who developed some unwanted, possi-
bly severe, side effect while on the drug. (But physicians don’t
have to notify, and most do not.) The difficulty is that we can-
not determine the percentage of patients who experience side
effects on the drug, because we do not know how many re-
ceived the drug. After a drug is marketed, no records are made
of everyone receiving the drug so that millions of people may
have received the medication in question. Therefore we cannot
determine the proportion of patients in which a particular side
effect occurs. Its rate of occurrence may be very, very small.
132 Understanding Depression
The package insert includes all side effects of which the com-
pany has been notified. It often also includes side effects that
have been reported as occurring in that class of drugs, even if
there has been no such report about this particular drug. The
drug company then publishes a list of these, so that if any pa-
tient anywhere develops what may be a one in a million side
effect, the drug company can state that it listed this side effect
in the package insert, so they cannot be sued for concealing
any of the drug’s dangers. Finally, it is possible that the reported
side effects have nothing to do with the drug and may have
been due to the illness or even another illness. A major public
health advance would be the development of a systematic
postmarketing surveillance system.
Wellbutrin (bupropion)
Effexor (venlafaxine)
Serzone (nefazodone)
Remeron (mirtazapine)
Tricyclic Antidepressants
agents will prove popular and useful if they come to the United
States market. However, it is possible that concerns about prof-
itability may prevent this.
Desyrel (trazodone)
Mood-Stabilizing Drugs
Tegretol (carbamazepine)
Depakote (divalproex)
Lamictal (lamotrigine)
Topamax (topiramate)
Newer Anticonvulsants
Atypical Antipsychotics
Herbal Remedies
The FDA evaluates new drugs and assesses their purity, effec-
tiveness, and side effects in treatment of particular conditions.
In contrast, herbal remedies are not screened by the FDA and
are available over the counter. The reason herbal remedies have
not been screened by the FDA is because Congress permits their
sale as “nutritional supplements” without evaluation for safety
and efficacy. There are therefore almost no comparisons of herbal
remedies with established treatments and no evaluation of the
nature and frequency of their side effects. Being “natural” does
not mean a substance is safe. In fact, these drugs evolved in
plants to make them bad tasting or poisonous. Morphine, used
to treat pain, and digitalis, used to treat heart failure, are both
derived from plants and are both lethal in overdose.
The herbal remedy reputed to be an effective antidepressant
is St. John’s Wort. St. John’s Wort has been compared to pla-
cebo in the treatment of moderate and severe depression. The
findings were that St. John’s Wort was no more effective in re-
lieving depression than placebo.
Some people have said that although St. John’s Wort may be
ineffective in more severe depressions, it is more effective than
placebo in treating mild depressions. Only when such a study
is conducted will we know if this is true. Being ineffective in
the treatment of moderate depression does not mean that it is
free of side effects. In particular, if a patient taking St. John’s
Wort is treated with an SSRI, he or she may develop a severe
toxic reaction. The frequency of other side effects of St. John’s
Wort is not known, nor its safety when taken over an extended
period of time.
Another popular herb, Ephedra, was just banned by the FDA
for safety concerns.
the blood level, they can achieve the best trade-off between safety
and effectiveness. Other, equally informed biological psychia-
trists believe that these careful measurements are generally not
helpful and that, in fact, the relationship between the blood level
of a drug and the effective level of the drug in that part of the
brain where it works is probably rather poor. Thus, it would be
surprising if such blood measures were of great benefit. In gen-
eral, the measuring of blood levels is primarily for safety rather
than efficacy. For instance, measuring the blood level of lithium
and the anticonvulsants is important because it can get too high
and produce toxicity. To avoid this, we need to observe blood
levels. However, for only very few other psychiatric drugs has it
been shown that monitoring blood levels avoids toxicity. Also,
for very few drugs has it been shown that some minimal blood
level is necessary before you can be assured that the medication
will do its job.
What is the patient to do? Our suggestion is that the in-
formed, skilled biological psychiatrist is most likely to make
sense of confusing data and controversial findings. Your best
chance of arriving at a reasonable conclusion is by working with
someone who knows the pros and cons of the arguments.
Illnesses Related to
152 Understanding Depression
ety as a child. That appears to be true for roughly half the women
who develop panic attacks in later life. Most frequently, the
childhood anxiety centers around the fear of separation from
the mother, often appearing as a refusal to go to school—a symp-
tom that this patient did not recall. The course of her illness,
however, is again quite typical, with the onset coming unex-
pectedly but seemingly made worse by the threat of important
personal losses. It is also typical that following severe life con-
striction and continuing panic the patient becomes demoral-
ized in the sense of becoming severely pessimistic and
unresponsive to usual interests and pleasures.
This case also has several typical features. Again, the initial
attack “appeared from nowhere,” and the patient developed
fears of a heart attack despite a negative medical workup. A
mild tranquilizer was prescribed and was only slightly help-
ful. The patient lost her symptoms during pregnancy, and that
is typical. This indicates to us that there may be a physiological
basis for the panic attack and that pregnancy provides an anti-
dote. Interestingly, women are also panic free during the pe-
riod of breastfeeding.
The flare-up in Linda’s panic attacks may have been related
to her plans to separate herself from her daughter. She also
developed social phobias—that is, fear of being embarrassed
or humiliated in case she were to have a panic attack while
working. She did not become agoraphobic, and could endure
travel even though she dreaded it.
Note that Linda’s periods of pessimistic despair could eas-
ily be misunderstood as biological depression. This is of some
importance because some antidepressants do not benefit panic
disorder and some antipanic agents do not benefit depression.
Therefore, it is extremely important to determine if a patient
has panic disorder, depression, or both illnesses.
158 Understanding Depression
Atypical Depression
sants work well. A case illustration follows. The earlier the on-
set and the more chronic the disorder, the more likely that only
MAOIs will be helpful.
of year and these problems only a few years ago, she remem-
bers that even as a young girl she thought of winter as “dark
and scary.”
Premenstrual Syndrome
than patients who have both chronic mood disorder and pre-
menstrual syndrome. However, some women have no emo-
tional disorder, yet do have distinct and severe changes in mood,
behavior, and functioning during the premenstrual period. It
is evident that women who think they may have a premen-
strual disorder deserve a complete psychiatric evaluation that
is not simply focused on their premenstrual symptoms.
It is also clear that most women do not have a problem with
premenstrual changes. However, patients who do have depres-
sive swings in the premenstrual period are particularly prone
to develop depressions in later life. Therefore, women should
not shrug off a developing depression as simply the result of
their menstrual cycle. Instead, like women with severe premen-
strual symptoms, they should have an evaluation by a profes-
sional skilled in the diagnosis of depression.
How to Get Help
170 Understanding Depression
Second Opinions
How long should one stay in treatment that is not helping? Over
80 percent of patients with a mood disorder will respond to at
least one of three drugs, if each is tried in adequate dosage for
a minimum of six weeks. The degree of response may vary con-
siderably. Some patients will experience complete relief of
symptoms, others will have some decrease in symptoms, and
about 20 percent of properly diagnosed and properly treated
patients will fail to respond.
As explained previously, all patients should have an ad-
equate medical examination prior to embarking on a course of
medication. If medication has failed to be effective, there should
be an even more intensive medical review. In particular, the
physician will want to determine if the patient has a mild de-
gree of hypothyroidism. Among its many functions, thyroid
hormone affects not only metabolism but also the way the
brain functions. Borderline underactivity of the thyroid gland
can be detected only by special medical tests. These tests have
demonstrated that, in many instances, a lack of response to
How To Get Help 177
182 Epilogue
Recent Progress
The past ten years, since this book’s first edition, has seen re-
markable, positive, changes in the public understanding of clini-
cal depression. A number of books, written for patients and
families, deal with mental illnesses, in particular, depression.
These books have been written by professional writers as well
as by sufferers from depression. The National Institute of Men-
tal Health has ongoing public-education programs. Public fig-
ures, notably Mike Wallace and Senator Chiles, have spoken
out about their illness, helping to destigmatize depression and
mental illness in general.
Patient support organizations broadened their agenda to
support private psychiatric research foundations. These sup-
port groups try to correct society’s views of mental illness as a
mere lack of will power, obtain parity on medical insurance,
stimulate research, and promote professional education.
Epilogue 183
Negative Trends
Drug Discovery
Fostering Serendipity
Treatment-Resistant Depression
Public Pressure
Public Involvement