Lesson 1: Subject-Verb Agreement/Collective Nouns
Lesson 1: Subject-Verb Agreement/Collective Nouns
Lesson 1: Subject-Verb Agreement/Collective Nouns
Let’s Check
A. The subject of a sentence can be a noun or a pronoun. Identify the subject in each sentence, then
underline the correct verb that should be used.
Example: The mirror, framed with white seashells, (is, are) everyone’s favorite.
1. The librarians (do, does) not like too much noise in the library.
3. Nick, along with his friends, (is, are) joining the fun run today.
4. Those left behind by the teacher (was, were) asked to stay in the lab.
5. The nurse, together with them, (has, have) to bring the first aid kit.
6. The assignment written on the board (need, needs) to be copied by the children.
Example: The women of their city were busy with the fiesta preparations.
Let’s Apply
A. Things with two parts, like pants scissors, tweezers, trousers, and shears require plural
verbs. Underline the correct verbs in these sentences.
Example: The man’s pants (is, are) are soiled with paint.
5. (Is, Are) those the trousers that father will wear tomorrow?
B. Analyze how the collective noun is used as a subject in each sentence. Then, underline the correct verb that
agrees with it.
1 |W o r k s h e e t – E n g l i s h 5
Example: The jury (has, have) decided to convict the man.
1. The crew of the shop (was, were) acting as one to rescue all the passengers.
2. The crew (was, were) positioned in the different parts of the ship.
6. The group of hikers (is,are) taking different trails to find out which is the shortest one.
Let’s Check
A. You appreciate the beauty of trees using your eyes. However, you can use all your senses to describe
things. Write adjectives that describe what you can perceive through your five senses.
B. Answer the following questions using the given adjectives in proper sequence.
2 |W o r k s h e e t – E n g l i s h 5
1. What kind of noodles do you want? (hot,seafood)
Let’s Apply
A. Underline and identify the adjectives in these sentences. Write Des for Descriptive, De for
Demonstrative, and N for Numeral under them.
Example: Many robust and old acacia trees line that road to the city.
N Des Des De
1. The eager children had a heated debate on the effects of the campign.
4. Only four observers from the big crowd were allowed to share their opinion.
Example: My mother upcycled an (age) old, (color) faded (material) denim into a new jumpsuit for me.
3 |W o r k s h e e t – E n g l i s h 5
3. Please carry this (size) ___________________ (material) ___________________ box for me.
4 |W o r k s h e e t – E n g l i s h 5