A Study On Waste Management of Household With Special Reference To Uzhavoorpanchayat-Kottayam District, Kerala
A Study On Waste Management of Household With Special Reference To Uzhavoorpanchayat-Kottayam District, Kerala
A Study On Waste Management of Household With Special Reference To Uzhavoorpanchayat-Kottayam District, Kerala
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1 author:
Dr Raja Kamal
Kristu Jayanti College
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All content following this page was uploaded by Dr Raja Kamal on 19 December 2020.
Mr.Tinto Tom
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Kristu Jayanti College
Waste management consider as the all type of activities and action required to manage
waste from its Inception to its last level of disposal. Now the day’s waste management becomes a
head ache to all authorities. Waste management conveys the management of various activities
like collection of waste, separation of waste items, storage of it and it’s transportation, transfer,
processing of it treatment and disposal of waste item collected. It includes the action to reduce
waste through material efficiency, waste reduction and the recovery reusing of discarded
India is officially republic country in South Asian with astounding diversity of religion,
language and culture. The society of vast subcontinent very and complex its rich heritage is
among the oldest the world. India is a seventh largest country by area the second most population
country with the over 1.2 and the most population democracy in the world.Increasing population
is one of the major causes for waste generation.
Waste management or waste disposal is all the activities and action required to manage
waste from its Inception to its final disposal. Waste management begins from its resources.
Waste management includes radioactive substancesolid, liquid. These waste manage with
different method and expertise for each type of waste. It also means the administration of
activities that provide for the collection, source of separation, storage transportation, transfer,
processing, treatment and disposal of waste. It includes the action to reduce waste through
material efficiency, waste reduction and the recovery reusing of discarded material.
Waste management practices differ for developed and developing nations, for urban and
rural area, and for residential and industrial producers. Poor management of waste and treatment
and effluent disposal system, result, in potential public health risk. Variable factors including
prevailing and seasonal weather conditions, topography, separation distance from residents and
public facilities, the quantity ,concentration and the types of effluent and the nature of the
receiving water environment are factors that are to be assesses when designing . No nuisance or
danger to public health and safety is to be caused by waste and effluent disposal system.
To know about the various existing method for the waste management.
This study based on primary data and secondary data. Secondary data include book,
articles journals etc. Primary data collected from UzhavoorPanchayath using a structured
schedule. The sample size consists of 31 randomly selected samples. For the data analysis
used percentage.
HHW from the house waste and the different uses of terminology make it difficult to determine
the quantities and generation amountis relatively small.
According to Subramani 2012 the pollution and diseases human induced climate change
increasing recognized crucial treat and natural variability climate change is altering migratory
species attern, causing coral bleaching etc.
Waste management is a serious issue faced by the world. India also faces this serious
issue because of the increasing level of population and fast industrial growth. The people faces
many impact from the improper waste management. The lack of awareness about this serious
issue also a challenge faced by India for the waste management. In Kerala faces the impact for
the improper waste managements. In cities most of the people disposes the wastes into public. It
will lead to many type of health problems and also make the places are unclean. Not only the
cities but also the villages are faces this kind of problems.
Poor solid disposal of waste is a threat to public health. So waste management is very
necessary action from the side of authority. Proper collection of waste, itstransportion, then
processing recycling or disposal andchecking of waste material etc consider as waste
wastecomes from house, motels andhotels, school, institutions, marriage functions, slaughter
houses etc....
Solid waste policy in our country conveys the responsibilities and duties for hygienic
waste management system for cities and citizen of our country. This policyformulated in
2000September.Based on the March 1999 Report (1) of thesolid waste management committee
in class 1 cities of India to the Supreme Court, which urged statutory bodies to comply with
reports suggestions and recommendations. There also serve as a guide on how to comply with
the municipal solid waste rules. At present, India is one of the tops places in the world where
most garbage is disposed. Indian soil and land contain poisons and dangerous materials, like
chemicals and plastics. These report and the rules and regulations, based on the principle that the
best to keep cities clean and neat not to dirty them atall. So normally towns with street waste bins
will generally become clean and neat. Authorities recommend daily doorstep wet waste
collection especially food waste for composting it, which consider as a goodmethod for India.
The low cost of old bottle created waste disposal problem in Kerala, India.
Supreme court of India verdict that in India all the local government should preparea
proper facilities for managing waste generated within their limits if population strength of over
ten lakh. And by December 31. 2003 Supremecourt also conveyed that waste management to be
in placed in municipalities.
Regarding the waste management only few state in the country have taken some
measures to address this issue. Kerala is one of them and they launchedinitiatives called Clean
Kerala Mission.In 2002 thisinitiative launched. Objectives of the initiative is to create a waste
free Kerala.
The failure to adopt proper method of waste management process creates lot of problems
Environmental: Ground water contamination will take place due to poorly maintained land.
Public health:If wastes are not properly managed it will lead to continuous outbreaks of
communication diseases such malaria, dengue fever, chickungunia etc. Even labour productivity
and economy gets affected with continuous outbreaks of communication diseases.
In Indian cities normally waste is thrown in nearby vacant area, street etc. Because of it
street environment becomes ugly and unhygienic. Even in case of regular cleaning municipal /
Panchayat or city cannot be keep clean for 2-3 hours. If there is open drains or large drains
passing a cross the city, people have a tendency to throw waste and through that way there drains
is reduced because of continuous dumping.
Landfill: It is engineered method to dispose hazardous and solid waste. In this process
soils waste will place in the landfill. Then the waste will be covered every ady with a
layer of compacted soil
Waste compaction: Cans and plastic bottles like waste itemscomports into blocks and
send it for recycling. This method presents the oxidation of metals and reduces air space
need, thus making transportation and positioning easy.
Bio-gas: Bio degradable waste, likefood waste, animals waste, and waste from food
packing unitsetc send to plants. With the help of bacteria fungi, and other biological
means they are converted to biogas by degradation in bio degradation plants.
Under beds of soil we bury the waste and left to decay with the support of micro
organism such as bacteria and fungi. This formation is known as composting.
Data analysis
Waste Management Practices
20 Percentage
Collection Separation Disposed Recycling Composting Other
(primary data )
From the above the figure we can see that majority of the people are managing waste
with the support of composting. 41% of the household prefer this method to manage waste. The
other important way to manage waste is collection. Almost 25% of people are using this method
in our research area in order to manage waste. One of the prominent method is recycling to
manage waste but only 3% of our samples use this method. It shows that people are not much
aware about this method.
20 Percentage
Dispose inform Using compost Give to Collected by the Thrown to Public
area/agricultural Animal/Birds panchayath Places
(primary data )
From the above data we understand that majority of our sample are using compost for the
disposal of vegetable and fruits waste. Almost 45% of the sample use this method. At the same
time the second majority of people are dispose veg and fruit waste in the informed area or
agricultural area, even this method is also good enough because it is a organic manure. Almost
29% of people use this method. One positive side we can see from here that none of them are
throwing waste to the public. It is a positive sign from the side of general public.
3. Sanitation/burning 13 41.93
4. Recycling 0 0
5. Others 1 3.22
Total 31 100
(primary data )
Collected at home Collected by Sanitation/burning Recycling Others
(primary data )
This figure shows how to manage non degradable waste like plastic. A huge majority of
samples are using a unscientific method that is burning those items. It will become a reason for
air pollution almost 43% of the samples are adopting this method to dispose non degradable
items. 38% of the samples are collecting these items at home but at the end how do they dispose
these waste it’s a unanswered question . Non degradable items are not recycling at all by the
samples. It will create a huge problem in the near future.
4. Occasionally 1 3.22
Total 31 100
(primary data )
Weekly Daily Monthly Occasionally
(primary data )
The figure 3.12 shows that 34.83% of the respondents dispose their wastes daily and
20.03% of the respondents dispose their wastes weekly. 12.90% of the respondents dispose
monthly. Only 3.22% of the respondents dispose the wastes occasionally. The majority of the
people dispose the wastes daily. If the wastes are not disposing daily the management of it will
become difficult. It is better to dispose a small quantity of waste daily than the large quantity of
waste disposal monthly or occasionally
The whole world is running to achieve economic development. At this state of mind people are
least bothered about the waste management and sustainable development. But near future we will
start to think about it because situation will make us to think in such a way. This study also point
out the same scenario here. Now the days waste management become difficult task, at the same
time people try to implement unscientific method to dispose the waste it will create again a
dangerous situation. Non disposable waste especially plastic creates a lot of problems to nature.
In order to manage these issues we have to follow scientific methods especially like recycling
and proper collection from resources otherwise the nature will lose its balance and it will affect
our life also. In this situation authorities have to take proper decision and they have to implement
a proper plan
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