Introduction To Industrial Arts Part 1 PDF
Introduction To Industrial Arts Part 1 PDF
Introduction To Industrial Arts Part 1 PDF
Pre-Requisite : NONE
Course Description : This course deals with an introduction to the concept of industrial arts. It includes discussions on technology, its evolution, utilization and significance
with industry, its organization, materials, occupations, processes, and products; and with problems and benefits resulting from the technological nature of society. As an introductory
subject, it is designed to develop certain habits, attitudes, and abilities desirable for all citizens of an industrial and technological civilization. It covers the basic knowledge and skills in
the areas of automotive, civil technology (drafting, carpentry, masonry, plumbing, tile setting), electronics, and electricity.
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excellence. nation, and world) and life-long learning. 9. Explain the theories and principles of electricity.
4. Community Engagement 10. Practice with safety the utilization of electricity
Graduates take an active role in the promotion and Exhibit employable skills, competencies, and work tools, test and measuring.
fulfillment of various advocacies (educational, attitudes that will meet manpower requirements of 11. Compose knowledge on electrical planning.
social and environmental) for the advancement of educational institutions and businesses for social and 12. Design a residential electrical installation with
community welfare. economic development. accuracy and safety.
5. Adeptness in the Responsible Use of Technology 13. Explain with understanding the significance of
Graduates demonstrate optimized use of digital carpentry in wood construction and masonry in
learning abilities, including technical and numerical building construction.
skills. 14. Visualize the importance of technology and
6. Passion to Life-Long Learning Share expertise in literacy, numeracy, and livelihood livelihood education in carpentry and masonry.
Graduates are enabled to perform and function in technology to the adopted community 15. Increase awareness on carpentry, masonry,
the society by taking responsibility in their quest to plumbing, and tile setting as the technology of
know more about the world through lifelong practical living.
learning. 16. Stimulate curiosity on the different livelihood
7. High Level of Leadership and Organizational Skills programs for automotive, civil technology,
Graduates are developed to become the best Use various educational tools and technologies in day-to- electronics, and electricity.
professionals in their respective disciplines by day lesson to facilitate learning
manifesting the appropriate skills and leaderships
qualities. Keep abreast with technological changes affecting lifestyle
and workplaces to be globally competitive.
8. Sense of Personal and Professional Ethics Display high level of leadership and organizational skills in
Graduates show desirable attitudes and behavior school and classroom management
either in their personal and professional
9. Sense of Nationalism and Global Responsiveness Practice the professional and ethical requirements of the
Graduates’ deep sense of national compliments teaching profession
the need to live in a global village where one’s
culture and other people culture are respected.
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Week Topic Learning Outcomes Methodology Resources Assessment
Week 2 LESSON 1: AUTOMOTIVE Assessment for Learning
History Identify car parts, functions, and Class discussion (Applied to all lessons) or
Automotive Parts and services Pre Assessment or
Services Video presentation of car Module as a learning Diagnostic (Prior
Week 3 Occupation, Problems, Determine common car problems and parts, maintenance and material for student Learning)
and Benefits solutions services independent learning
Car driving and Assessment as Learning
maintenance Perform basic car maintenance and Actual demonstration of LCD projector or
other services driving a car Formative assessment
Road Signs Laptop (Developmental)
Discuss the basic skills of an efficient
and safe driver Other sources/references – Assessment of Learning
refer to Outcome or Summative
Observe and follow road signs both as sources/readings/reference assessment
pedestrian and as a driver s section of this syllabus
Performance Task
aligned with Learning
(with Rubric Scoring
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Week 6 Orthographic Drawing Draw pictorial drawing of simple and Demonstration of the
complex objects with neatness and construction of pictorial
accuracy. drawing and orthographic
Discuss the principles of orthographic drawing
drawing with actual demonstration of
how orthographic views are accurately Individual seat work
measured and drawn.
Week 7 LESSON 3: CARPENTRY Explain with understanding the Discussion on the
(Civil Technology) different safety standards to be importance of carpentry Woodwork project making
Classification of Tools observed by every carpenter while and masonry - with scoring rubrics
and Materials working in the laboratory
Principles of Carpentry Discussion on the Mastery Test 3
Safety Standards Discuss the use of each hand tool. importance of following
Finishing Materials the safety standards in
Planning a woodwork Classify each carpentry tool. project making
Demonstrate the proper use and Demonstration on the use
handling of each carpentry tool. of each hand tool
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Tools and Materials in Identify tools and materials in plumbing
Plumbing Presentation of different Different plumbing
Week 11 Plumbing Draw a plan of a simple plumbing plumbing styles connections
Assemble different PVC connections Demonstration/Video Mastery Test 5
presentation on plumbing
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Circuits Perform basic repairs
Electrical Wiring
Resources Modules, Drawing Materials and Instruments, Carpentry and Masonry Materials and Equipment, LCD, Laptop
Basic Readings Basic car parts to know & what they look like. (2018). Retrieved July 3, 2019 from
Bielefeld, B. (2007). Basic Technical Drawing. Basel, Switzerland: Birkhauser-Publishers for Architecture.
Cline, L. (2008). Architectural Drafting for Interior Designers: Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Delmar Learning
Complete Guide To Car Maintenance & Servicing By ProCarReviews. Retrieved July 3, 2019, from
DIY, Helpful. “How To Drive A Manual Car (FULL Tutorial)”. (2015), Retrieved July 15, 2019 from
Giesecke, F. (2009). Technical Drawing. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Goetsh, D. (2010). Technical Drawing and Engineering Communication. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.
MacLaughlin, D. (2008). Structural Steel Drafting and Design. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.
Formisano, B. (2019). Common pipe materials used in home. Retrieved from
Fowler, R.J. (2008). Electricity: principles and applications. New York: Mc-Graw Hill.
Impact of electronics and communication on society. (2017). Retrieved June 30, 2019, from
Kirkland, K. (2007). Electricity and magnetism. New York, NY: Facts on File.
Kubala, T.S. (2006). Electricity. Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Delmar Learning.
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Paynter, R.T. (2011). Introduction to electricity. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall
Allen, E. (2010). Form and forces: designing efficient, expressive structures. Hoboken, J. J.: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Top ten requirements for tiles installation. Retrieved on July 9, 2019 from
Yadav, S.K. (2006). Workshop practice. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House.
Extended Readings Lamb, C. (2007). Drafting the Basics. Youngstown State University Engineering Design Graphics Journal-37 Volume 71
Number 3.
Umunadi, K.E. (2009). Teacher utilization of instructional equipment and materials in teaching basic electricity in urban and
rural technical colleges. IJSRE Vol. 2. 88-95
Course Portfolio
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Projects/Assignments/Seatwork/Special Report
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Revised 2020
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