Mil STD 2401

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11 JA.WJARY 1394

Note - The cover page of Ehis standard has been changed for
administrative reasons. There are no other changes to this document.




i3STiWUTWN STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution

is unlimited.


. . ThiS Military Standard is appro~e~ for use by all Departments
and Agencies of the Department of Defense.

2. Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions)

and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this
document should be addressed to: Director, Defense Mapping
Agency, ATTN: TX, ST-10, 8613 Lee Highway/ Fairfax~ ‘A 22031-
2137, by using the Standardization Document Improvement Proposal
(DD Form 14?6) appearing at the end of this document or by letter.




1. SCOPE ..... ... ..... . .. ... ...-..”....””..’....”.> ‘m-~

1>1 Scope ..... ..... . .. . . . .......”....-””...-””. ““””1
1.2 Applicability . .. ... . . .........sos.o.”...”.” ..-”1
1.3 Security . . ... .. . .. . . . ........- ..+”......” .“”...l

2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS.. .. ............”.”.”..” ““”...2

2.1 Government documents .. ...... .. ... .. . .. . ..“-,-.”2
2 .1.1 Specifications, standards and handbooks .... ...2
2.12 Other Government documents, drawings, and
publications .... .. . .. ... ... ... ..”. 4s..- ..>*2
2.2 Non-Government publications ... .. . ... .. . ...,., ..2
2=3 Order of precedence. . . .. .... ..... ... .. . .. ... ...2

3. DEFINITIONS .. .. .. .. .. . .. ... .....”” ””0.”.s .“””. ’..3

3.1 Acronyms . ...... ... . -. .- ., as......-..”.. ‘.’-.”’?
3.2 Definitions ..... .. .-.-..-..........””’ ““.”””’=

4. GENERAL REQUIRE~NTS. . ......”..”.’....”””... “’--.4

4.1 WGS 84 ... . .... .. . . . . . ... .... .. .....”””””” “.””’4
4.2 Application ofWGS84 . .. .... ..... .. ... . ........4

5. DETAILED l=QUIRE~NTS . .. . .. ... ... ... .. . ..- ........5

5,1 WGS84 parameters.. . . . .. . ........ . .. ... .. ’..”’.5
5,2 Coordinate systems ... . ..- .. ....s... .. ..-. .””.10
5 .2.1 Conventional Terrestrial System (CTS) .. ...... ..10
5 .2.2 Instantaneous Terrestrial System (ITS) . ........10
5 .2.3 Conventional Inertial System (CIS) . . ... ., .,....10
5.3 Reference Surfaces . ... . .. .... .. .. . ..... . ..-.....10
5 .3.1 Ellipsoid . ...... . .. .. . .. ...--- ..-.-””..” ““10
5 ,3.2 Ellipsoidal gravity formula ...... ... .. .. , “.”10
5.4 Height Relationship .. . .. ... ... ... . .. .. .- .....10
5,5 Earth Gravitational Model .. ... ... . .. ... ... ... ..11
5.6 WGS 84 relationship to other geOdetlC systems ..II
5.6 1 Transformation between WGS 72 and WGS 84 ..... .11
5 .6.2 Transformation between local geodetic datums and
WGS 84 ... ... .. .. .. . . ... ..” ...... ....>. “ ““’”~~
5 .6.2.1 Datum transformation parameters .. .. , .. . ... ... ,.11
5 .6.2.2 Obtaining datum transformation parameters . . ..11
5 .6.2.3 Configuration control . .. ...... ... . .. .. . .... ....12
5 .6.2.4 System upgradability . . .. ... ... .. . ... .. . . 12

G NOTES ...>... . .... .. .. . . .. ... .. s...””. 13

61 Intended use...... . . . ... .... .. .~~
6 ,1.1 Height Systems .. . .. . ... ... ... .. . .,-.
6.2 Acquisition requirements ..... ..... ,. . . 13
6,? Subject term [Key word) listing . 13
6.4 International standardization agreements .13

6 .4.1 International standardization agreements
(STANAGS) .. ... . .. . .... . ... ...... .. .. .. .......14
6 .4.2 Quadripartite standardization agreements
(STAGS). . ..... .. . . . ... .. ........ .... . ....... .14
6. 4.3 kir standardization coordinating committee
ag~eements (~ccs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .,..14
6 .4.4 International MC&G agreements. . .. . ... ....... ...14
6 .4.5 Executive orders.. . .. .... .. .... ....... .. .......14
6 .4.6 Inter-Agency agreements ... ... ... .... .. ..... ....14
6 .4.7 Other documentation. .... ......... ..... ........-14

.. ,.


1.1 ~. This standard specifies the requirements for use

of World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84) , the defining and derived
parameters for WGS 84, and methods for transforming between WGS 84
and other geodetic systems.

1.2 ~. This standard applies to all DoD systems

and products which require use of a World Geodetic System. A
world geodekic system is a consistent global coordinate system
which allows an unambiguous representation of positional
information . Navigation sOlutiOns from the NAVSTAR Global
Positioning System (GPS) and the Navy Navigation Satellite System
(NNSS) are referred to this system. A WGS 84 ellipsoid provides a
reference surface upon which coordinates are calculated and is
particularly applicable to inertial systems. A WGS 84 Earth
Gravitational Model (EGM) provid@s necessary force mode~~ for
accurate global operation of strategic weapons, navigation, and
satellite systems. Many MC&G products produced by other agencies
and governments (and DXA products not yet placed on WGS 84) are
not referred to the WGS S4. Parameters to transform these
products to WGS 84 are part of this standard.

2.3 S=ULk.Y. This standard is UNCLASSIFIED. The

>- procedures and processes presented in this standard may be used
for classified processing with the addition of appropriate
security provisions.




2 .1.1 s~ h a~ This section is

not applicable to this standard.

2 .1.2 t=r Gov~t a~

The following other Government documents, drawings, and
publications form a part of this document to the extent specified
herein . Unless otherwise specified, the issues are those cited in
the solicitation.

DMATR 8350>2: Department of Defense World Geodetic System

1984, Its Definition and Relationship with Local Geodetic Systems,
(latest Edition) .

(Copies of DMATR 8350.2 may be req-uested from: Director,

Defense Mapping Agency, Combat Support Center, ATTN: PMSR, ST
D-17, 6001 MacArthur Boulevard, Bethesda, MD 20816-5001.)

JCS MOP 45: Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) Mem=8~dum of pO~i~Y

(MOP) 45: Position Reference Procedures

(Copies of MOP 45. may be requested from: Director, Defense

Mapping Agency, ATTN: PR, S? A-13, 8613 Lee Highway, Fairfaxt VA _

2.2 m-Gove~t D~ . This section is not

applicable to this standard.

2.3 ~. In the event of a conflict between

the text of this document and the references cited herein (except
for related associated detail specification, specification sheets?
or MS standards) , the text of this document takes precedence.
Nothing in this document, however supersedes applicable laws and
regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.
MIL-STD-24 01


3.1 ~yxus. The acronyms used in this Standard are

defined as follows:

1 BIH Bureau International de L’Heure

CIS Conventional Inertial System
CTP Conventional Terrestrial Pole
CTS Conventional Terrestrial System
DMA Defense Mapping Agency
DOD Department of Defense
DoDISS Department of Defense Index of Specifications
and Standards
EGM Earth Gravitational Model
FK5 Fundamental Katlog 5
GP s Global Positioning System
ITS Instantaneous Terrestrial System
Mc&G Mapping, Charting and Geodesy
MS L Mean Sea level
. NNss Navy Navigation Satellite System
TR Technical Report .
WGS World Geodetic System

Geoid - The geoid is a particular equipotential surface of
the gravity tield of the earth. It is a level surface and the
local direction of the gravity vector is normal to it. The mean
sea level of the oceans approximates the geoid and it is this
surface to which elevations (for instance, on maps) or orthometric
heights are referred. The geoid is conveniently described by
geoid heights relative to the reference ellipsoid. Geoid heights
may be compqted with the Earth Gravity Model and are available as
pre-computed uniform grids of various resolution.
~~evation (H) - The dist~nce, along the local gravity
vertical, from mean sea level (MSL) to the point in question. It
is available in local vertical datums and on maps.

Ellipsoid - Mathematical figure generated by the revolution

of an ellipse about one of its axes. The ellipsoid that
approximates the geoid is an ellipse rotated about its minor axis.

Geodetic height (h) - The distance along the ellipsoidal

normal, from the ellipsoid to the point in question.

Orthometric height (H) - The disLance along ~he vertical. EG

the geoid, between the geoid and the point in question.

i B~H does not longer exist as an orqanlzation IL has been sdpersaded by the
-. International Earth Rotation Service (TEAS)

Geoidal height (N) - The vertical distance between the
ellipsoid and geoid, along the ellipsoidal normal.



4.1 ~. WGS 84 shall provide the basic reference frame

(coordinate system), geometric figure for the earth (ellipsoid),
earth gravitational model, and means to relate positions on
various geodetic datums and systems for DoD operations and
applications .

4.2 ~ nf 84 . WGS 84 shall be the primary

geodetic system used in DoD systems and Mapping, Charting and
Geodesy (MC&G) products. Standardization or co-production
agreements may preclude use of WGS 84 for certain areas or
products, ReqmiremenEs ‘to use existing data or produces may
necessitate use of other geodetic systems or transforming’ between
WGS 84 and ocher geodetic systems.




5.1 ~. The tables which follow contain

physical and mathematical quantities which are part of the
definition of WGS 84. Numerical values for these parameters shall
be as specified in DMA TR 8350.2. Applications requiring
conformance to this standard shall use these parameters as stated.

Parameter Notation

Semhajor Axis a

Normalized Second Degree Zonal E2,0

Harmonic Coefficient of the
Gravitational Potential

Angular Velocity of the Earth CD

The Earth’s Gravitational GM

Constant (Mass of Earth’s
Atmosphere Included)

The Earth’s Gravitational GM’ ~-

Constant (Mass of Earth’s
Atmosphere Not Included)

tigular Velocity of the Earth 6)”

(In a Processing Reference
Frame ) ●



Constant Notation

Reciprocal Flattening I/f

Semiminor Axis b
First Eccentricity e
First Eccentricity Squared
Second Eccentricity e’
Second Eccentricity Squared e’2
Linear Eccentricity E
Polar Radius of Curvature c
Axis Ratio b/a
Mean Radius of Semiaxes ‘1
Radius of Sphere With Equal Area R2
Radius of Sphere With Equal Volume R3

Theoretical (Normal) Gravity U.

Potential of (at) the Ellipsoid
Theoretical (Normal) Gravity at Ye
the Equator (on the Ellipsoid)

Theoretical (Normal) Gravity at ‘P

the Poles (on the Ellipsoid)

Mean Value of Theoretical -r’

(Normal) Gravity

Theoretical (Normal) Gravity k

Formula Constant

Mass of Earth (Includes the M


m = ~2a2b,Gp m


Constant Notation

Velocity of Light c
(in a Vacuum)

Dynamical Ellipticity H

Earth’s Angular Velocity w

[Jniversal Constant of Gravitation G

GM of the Earth’s Atmosphere GMA

Earth’s Gravitational Constant GM ‘

(Excluding the Mass of the
EarEh’s Atmosphere)

Earth’s Principal A
Moments of Inertia B
(Dynamic Solution) c

Conversion Factors

Meter to US Survey Feet

Meter to International Feet
International Foot to Meter (Exact)
US Survey Foot to Meter (Exact)
US Survey Foot to Meter

Nautical Mile to Meters (Exact)

to US Survey Feet
to International Feet
Statute Mile to Meters (Exact)
to International Feet (Exact)

Provides Gravity Values at (on) the ~ of the WGS 84 Ellipsoid

7= Theoretical acceleration of a unit test mass due to


Ye - Theoretical acceleration at the equator (on the WGS 84

Ellipsoid) of a unit test mass due to gravity.

K- Constant=(byP/a~e) -1

a= Semimajor axis (WGS 84 Ellipsoid)

b= Semiminor ax~s (WGS 84 Ellipsoid)

Yp = Theoretical gravity at the poles (on the WGS 84 .


@= Geodetic latitude

~z = First eccentric~ty squared [WGS 84 Ellipsoid)


?’= Ye (1 + k s~nz$) / (I - e~ ~ln~@)l/~


1 xnilligal = An acceleration due to gravity of 1 x 10-3


.. GM
v =—

v . Gravitational potential function (!+s-2)

Earth’a gravitational constant

r . Radius vector from the earth’s center of mass

a Semima jor ●xis of the WGS 84 Ellipsoid
nrm Degree and order, respectively

Geocentric latitude

Geocentric longitude - geodetic longitude

. Normalized gravitational coefficients*

m( sin +’)- Normalized associated Legendre function

Note : See DM&TR 8350.2 for complete description of this model.

TABLE V. ~ for the WGS earth ~vit~

Parametex Notation

Semimajor axis of local ellipsoid a

Reciprocal flattening of local ellipsoid ~..l

Geocentric translations Ax, AY, AZ


5.2.1 LialJiY~ . The WGS 84

coordinate system shall be a Conventional Terrestrial System (CTS)
with its reference meridian coincident with the Bureau
International de l’lieure (BIH)+efined Zero meridian, its origin
at the mass center of the earth, its Z-axis parallel to the
Conventional Terrestrial Pole (CTP), its X-axis the intersection
of the reference meridian plane and the plane of the CTP equator
and its Y-axis completing a right-handed~ earth-fixed, orthogonal

5.2.2 stem {~. The WGS 84

coordinate system is Lbe coordinate frame of a mean earth rotating
at a constant rate around an average astronomic pole (CTP) . A
polar motion rotation matrix relates the CTS to the ITS. (See

5.2.3 1 Svstgn (cIs) . The Conventional

Inertial System (CIS) is defined by the FK5 Star Catalo9 sYstem
and referred to the Epoch J2000.O. The relationship between the
WGS 84 CTS and the CIS shall be

[xJm~ = [A] [B] [C] [D] [X]CIS

L The rotation matrices for polar motion [A], sidereal time [B],
astronomic nutation [Cl , and precession [D] define this
relationship .

5.3.1 ~. The WGS 84 ellipsoid shall be a geocentric

oblate ellipsoid of revolution which prcvides a geometric surface
which approximates the size and shape of che earth. This is the
level (equipotentlal) surface upon which position in terms of
latitude, longitude, and geodetic height (height above or below
the ellipsoid) are calculated. The geometric center and X, Y, and
Z axes of the WGS 84 ellipsoid shall be the origin and axes of the
WGS 84 coordinate System. {The WGS 84 ellipsoid rotational axis
is the WGS Coordinate System Z axis.)

5.3.2 tv f~ . Given &hat the ellipsoid

is an equipotential surface, it is possible to calculate the
theoretical (normal) acceleration due to gravity at this surface.
The ellipsoidal gravity formula models normal gravity and
terrestrial gravi.metric measurements are referred to it ,

5.4 r The three types of heights,

geodetic (h), orthometrir or elevation (H) , and geoid (N), are
related to each other and shall be used to compute elevations from
satellite survey-derived ellipsoid height and geoid height as
— follows ?


H = h84 - ’84

where N84 shall be interpolated from geoid height matrices,

available from DMA with spacing at 10, 1.0 and 0.5 degree, or
computed from spherical harmonic coefficients? available from D~,
using the methods specified in DMA TR 8350.2.

5.5 . Definition of the

earth gravity field is an integral part of supporting the
definition of WGS 84 and is also required in force models for
various military systems. Each WGS has associated with it, an
earth gravitation model (EGM} which is physically consistent with
the rest of the WGS definition. The EGM is represented by
coefficients for a spherical harmonic expansion. The EGM shall be
used to calculate geoid heights, gravity force components, and
deflection of the vertical.

5.6.1 Pn ?~ WRS 84 .
Transformations between WGS 72 and WGS 84 shall be made using the
equations provided in DMA TR 8350.2

5.6.2 ~ WG s
Q&. Coordinates shall be transformed between local geodetic -
datums and WGS 84 by applying origin shifts, Ax, Ay, AZ( between
the origins of the local datum rectangular coordinate system and
the WGS 84 coordinate ‘frame. The origin shifts may be applied
directly co the rectangular coordinates or converted to shifts in
geodetic (curvilinear) coordinates using the standard Molodensky
formulas. Methods for applying origin shifts and the Molodensky
formulas are given in DMA TR 8350.2. Other datum transformation
methods, such as multiple regression equations? shall not be used
for DoD Mapping and Charting (MC&G) applications. Datum
transformation between two local ciatums shall be performed by
transforming from the first local datum to WGS 84 and then from
WGS 84 to the second local datum. ~ . DMA shall maintain

a data base of datum identification, datum transformation
parameters , zegion of coverage for the transformation parameters,
and estimated accuracy of the transformation parameters. Because
of distortions in local geodetic systems or lack of data to
determine a datum transformation, some transformation parameters
may be generated for only a portion (region) of a local datum.
Users are responsible for insuring transformation parameters are
applied only to positions within the valid area of coverage.

Transformation parameters for a number of datums and regions are
contained in DMA TR 8350.2. Since this iis~ is subject to chax]ge, _

developers and users shall obcaim the latest list of paramters

from DMA when developing new or upgraded systems employing datum
transformations .

5. ~ .2.3 ~- DoD sYstem~ ;~~:h:;;y “se

datum transformation parameters provided by Dm.
provide datum transformation parameters in a standard format DMA
shall maintain lists of datum transformation parameters
recommended for use for different classes of applications. Users
shall use only those transformation parameters provided or
validated by DNIA or provided by other competent authority. DMA
shall maintain a list of those systems employing datum
transformation techniques and provide notification when a new
version of the data base is released.

5 ~~.~ .4 ~. since t=”’f”-tie”

parameters may change and datums may be added to the data base as
new data is acquired, systems employing datum transformation shall
be designed to accept upgrades of transformation parameters.
Systems should be designed to accept user input of transformation
parameters to accommodate changes or additional datums which occur
between software upgrades.


(This section contains information of a general or explanatory

nature that may be helpful, but is not mandatory. )

6.1 ~. To provide a reference for development of

systems which must operate in the DoD World Geodetic System 1984.

6.1.1 ~. Geodetic heights (h) are purely

geometric and independent of the effects of variation in the earth
gravity. This height is directly obtained through satellite
positioning, but is not generally available in local datum. It
is not possible to transform between vertical datum as no
information exists on the relationship of the various MSL
determinant ions In practical applications, the difference between
orthometric height and elevation is ignored.

6.2 re~. When this standard is used in

acquisition, the applicable issue of DoDISS must be cited in the
solicitation (see 2.1.1 and 2.2) .
6.3 Subiert tg (Kev wQrd ) 1~.

-gular Velocity of the Earth

Coordinate Systems
Datum Transformations
Earth Gravitational Model
Ellipsoid Flattening
Ellipsoidal Gravity Formula
Ellipsoid Semimajor Axis
Geodetic Heights
Geoid Heights
Gravitational Potential
Gravity Formula
Gravity Potential
Local Datums
Local Geodetic Datums
Local Geodetic Systems
Molodensky Datum Transformation Formulas
Reference Frames
Reference Systems

6.4 a~.

Certain provisions of this specification may be subject EC

international standardization agreements . When amendment,
revision, o: cancellation, of this specification ~s proposed that
will modify the international agreement concerned, the preparirlq
activiry will take appropriate action through international
st-anciardizatlon channeis, incluc!i.nq depa:~iuen:al standardiza:~an

~ffices, to change the agreement or make other appropriate

-- accommodations.

This section is not applicable to this specification.
I Tt ~-=mq 1~ .
6,4.2 tite

This section is not applicable to this specification.

6.4.3 Aj r st~ co~


This section is not applicable to this specification.

6.4,4 ~“

This section is not appl~cable to this specification.


This section is not applicable to this specification.

6.4.6 Y
v a~nty.

This section is not applicable to this specification.


CJCS MOP 45: Position Reference Procedures.



Analytical Form, 8
BIH, 3
CIS, 3
constants, 7
Conventional Inertial System (CIS), 10
Conventional Terrestrial System (CTS) , 3, 10
conversion factors, 7
Coordinate systems, 10
cm, 3
Earth Gravitational Model (EGM), 3, II
Elevation (H), .3
Ellipsoid, 3, 10
Ellipsoidal gravity formula, 10
FK5, 3
Geodetic height (h), 3
Geoid, 3
Geoidal height (N), 3
GPS, 3
gravity formula, .9
Height relationship, 10
Height systems, 13
Instantaneous Terrestrial System (ITS) , 3, 10
MC&G, 3
MSL, 3
NNssr 3
Orthometric height (H), 3
Reference surfaces, 10
WGS, 3
WGS 84 parameters, 5





DMA - MP (Project MCGT-0087)

—— ——-.ACTIVITY:




1 The~rhgaclivitynukstOm@eb b&x&s 1,23, and (3.lnb&&l, bc#hthe dcxumetimtiraM raasion

ktter Strew be @an.
2. Theaw&dttefollhis~orm
r’nustcon@@eti4, 5,6,aId7.
3. Theprap@ng anMtynustprovide
am@ywahh30 c&ystrornrece@t dthekmn.
NOTE: Thistifmmay notbe usedto_ copiesoldocuments,noriompest waivers,w cbfiftiionot
re@emwks on cam~ cxmtraas. @mments subrndtedon this
tom do notcons!ltute
waivemy pmlkm ofthetiemmed document(s)
orb amend contra@ualmqukemetis.

3 CX)CUMENT TtTLE world Geodatic System {wES)

Uilitary Standard for Department of Defense

4 NATURE OF CHANGE (~ gwqwqah nwrbr d ~ ~~, ii-. A-aW8-8ms~)


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a NAME b TELEPHONE (hduda a God)
De fen~e Mapping Agency (t)commmal 1 (2) AUTUV~
t--- ATTN : TIJ, ST A-10 (703) 285-9238 356-3238


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