Igniter - Xls MS EXCEL 2000 Spreadsheet

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IGNITER.XLS MS EXCEL 2000 Spreadsheet Written by R.Nakka Oct..1999, Release 1.00

Parachute addition by D. Pennington, Mar. 2002
Latest Release 1.1
Introduction For free distribution

This spreadsheet may be used to estimate rocket motor chamber pressure, or parachute chamber
pressure that results from the combustion of a pyrotechnic igniter charge.
The igniter charge is typically Black Powder (BP), although this spreadsheet may be
used for any pyrotechnic mixture, as long as the charge mass density and impetus* is known.

Values for impetus for a few mixtures are given in Table 1.

For BP, the mass density may be determined using the BP worksheet. Either mass ratios or
volumetric ratios of potassium nitrate (KN), sulphur (S) or charcoal (Ch) may be used as input.

Rather than inputting igniter charge mass, the igniter volume is required, from which the mass
is calculated based upon the density. This would seem to be a more useful approach, as
the volume occupied by an igniter is often a limiting design parameter.

The method is based on the NASA report SP-8051 Solid Rocket Motor Igniters,and
makes the reasonable assumption that the products of combustion behave as an ideal gas,
with the ideal gas equation (PV=mRT) being applicable. Combustion is assumed to be
complete and adiabatic, with the assumed combustion time being brief, such that no
pressure loss (e.g. through the nozzle throat) occurs.

Table 1
Material Grade Impetus (ft-lbf/lbm)
Black Powder Igniter (note 1) 100 000 Note 1
Black Powder Commercial FFFF 85 000 Note 2
Black Powder User prepared 50 000 - 70 000 Note 3
KN-Sucrose powder User prepared 110 000 Note 4

* Impetus is represented by the term RT in the ideal gas equation, where R is the
gas constant, and T is the combustion temperature.
Impetus of a propellant or pyrotechnic mixture represents available energy per unit mass.
This may be determined for any pyrotechnic mixture by use of a chemical equilibrium
program such as one of the PEP programs (PROPEP, GUIPEP, CET, etc.)

Notes: 1. This value is taken from NASA SP-8051, Section 2.1.4. (seems high).
2. Calculated, based on KN/Ch/S ratio of 74/15.6/10.4
using GUIPEP.
3. Estimated
4. Calculated, KN/Sucrose ratio of 65/35, using GUIPEP. This mixture is

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energetic, but requires generous heat input to initiate. An exploding

bridgewire (EBW) initiator may be more suitable than a resistive element.

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..1999, Release 1.00

D. Pennington, Mar. 2002

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1) Choose igniter charge material by putting an 'X' in appropriate box (use Delete key to remove exist
If Black powder is selected, the density cell will be automatically filled in (the density is read from
the BP worksheet). If Other is chosen, enter the value of mass density.

2) Fill in the remaining shaded cells with required data.

Pressure in the motor chamber with G=1 must never exceed the MEOP
(Maximum Expected Operating Pressure) of the motor. Pressure in parachute chamber should not
of body tubing being used (e.g. fibreglass, plastic, cardboard, phenolic etc.)

3) If being used to calculate ejection pressures and ejection force for parachutes, component separa
then Vc becomes the volume of the chamber in which the charge is being placed (e.g. parachute c
Note [b].

Igniter charge material

0.032 lbm/in
X Black powder density of BP charge (see BP worksheet...)
Other lbm/in3 density of igniter charge powder

Chamber Pressure calculation Ejection Force calculation f

Vic = 0.098 in3 Volume of igniter charge NOTE [1] Internal diameter rocket tube
Vc = 14.00 in3 Volume of motor chamber, empty
Vg = 10.00 in NOTE [b] Volume of propellant grain
Calculated force of ejection

C= 0.0031 lbm Mass of igniter charge Notes:

= 1.4 grams [a]
V= 4.0 in3 Motor chamber free volume
l= 85000 ft-lbf/lbm Impetus of charge powder NOTE [2] [b]
D = 0.000778 lbm/in
Loading density (C/V)
Pa = 14.7 psia Ambient (atmospheric) pressure
G= 1.00 Fraction of original charge mass
consumed [NOTE 3]
P= 828 psia Pressure in motor chamber


[1] The volume of a cylindrical tube type igniter may be readily calculated here:

D= 0.250 in. Inside diameter of tube

Lic = 2.00 in. Charge length
Vic = 0.098 in3 Volume of igniter charge

[2] The impetus (or effective force) delivered by a particular charge material
See Table 1 for some values of impetus.

[3] Normally use G=1. The calculated pressure is then the maximum.
(use Delete key to remove existing 'X').
ed in (the density is read from

n parachute chamber should not exceed fail pressure

parachutes, component separation charges etc.,

s being placed (e.g. parachute compartment) See also


Ejection Force calculation for parachutes etc.

Internal diameter rocket tube * 2.52 in

Calculated force of ejection 4128 lb force

* Assumes chamber closed by fore and aft

bulkheads same diameter as ID of rocket.
Vg for parachute compartments etc. is either
zero, or, if volume of parachute, cords, wadding,
etc. is known, that total value in cu. in.

1) Enter BP composition by either a) mass, or b) volume , in appropriate set of cells.
The alternative set of cells must be blank (use Delete key).

2) Enter loading fraction.

a) Composition by mass b) Composition by volume

(percent) (percent)

KN 74.0 % KN %
Charcoal 16.0 % or Charcoal %
Sulphur 10.0 % Sulphur %

-> Calculated ideal density of BP composition NOTE [2]

1.465 g/cm3

Loading fraction (ratio of actual BP density to ideal density)


-> Calculated actual density of BP composition

0.879 g/cm3
0.032 lbm/in


[1] Typical composition is KN 74%, Charcoal 16%, Sulphur 10%, by mass.

[2] Based on ideal densities of constituents:

(Ref. CRC Hdbk. of Chemistry & Physics, 54th ed.)
KN 2.11 g/cm3 0
Charcoal 0.57 g/cm3 0
Sulphur 1.96 g/cm3 0
, in appropriate set of cells. NOTE [1]

by mass


Pressure calc worksheet BP worksheet

Composition by mass ( calculated )

C=ρ ic V ic
mf vf ρ
KN =

V =V c−V g
∑ [ vf ρ ] KN,Ch,S

C mf = vf ρCh
Ch Ch

V ∑ [ vf ρ ] KN,Ch,S

P=12 λDG
+P a mf = vf ρS

ρ−D ∑ [ vf ρ ] KN,Ch,S
V ic= D 2 L ic for cylindricaltube
4 wherevf =percentcompositionby

and ρ = massdensity

ρ ideal =1
mf KN
+ mf Ch
+ mf S

ρ KN ρ Ch ρ S

ρ actual =lfρ ideal

wherelf = loading fraction

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Revision Record

Revision Date Worksheet Changes

1.00 Apr-99 - (initial release)

1.1 Mar-02 Pressure calc parachute modification (DGP)
Introduction Text modified
BP Added 'pop up' comment

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