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Pdis - 104 (Safety in Chemical Industry) : Plant Sitting: - Safety in Plant Sitting and Layout

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A. Industrial development is certainly contributes towards economical growth.
B. But industrial growth brings along with a host of environmental problems.
C. Improper sitting of industries especially chemical industries can seriously affect
environmental features such as air, water, land, vegetation, animals and
D. Proper care should be needed at this time of sitting rather than going in for
measures at a latter stage.
Factors to be considered for site selection: -
1. Availability of raw material
2. Access of the market
3. Availability of land,labour,water and power i.e. resources
4. Means of effluent discharge or disposal
5. Inter linking with other plants
6. Government policies
7. Distance between the site and the build up area.


Distance between the site and the built up area must be considered.
Site may be classified as
1. Rural (surrounded by fields and waste land)
2. Urban (with intermediate area)

Industrial sites shall maintain the following distance from the area listed.
1. 25 km away from ecologically and sensitive area.
2. 0.5 km away from high tide lines in costal areas.
3. 0.5 km away from flood plain riverine system.
4. 0.5 km away from highway and railways.
5. If the major settlement is within 50 km the industry should be at least 25 km away
from the project growth boundary of the settlement.
6. No industry causing intensive water pollution shall be located within 1 km radius
from the tanks of rivers, streams, lakes and dams.

PLANT LAYOUT: - The following essential factors to be considered for safety of plants.
1. Minimization of pipe work. 2. Segregation of different risks.
3. Contaminant of accidents. 4. Efficient and safe construction.
5. Minimization of personal injuries. 6. Safety control room design.
7. Facilitation of process operation. 8. Efficient and safe maintenance
9. Emergency control facilities. 10. Fire fighting facilities
11. Access to emergency services. 12. Security

Some typical stages in the development of plant layout are: -

1. Flow principles. 2. Layout techniques.
Plant layout is divided as: - 1. Site layout, 2. Plot layout & 3. Equipment

Erection: - 1.Construction and erection activities are hazardous than processing and
manufacturing activities. 2. Rate of accidents are significantly higher.
The Reasons for more accidents: -
1. Temporary duration of work sites.
2. Seasonal employment.
3. Excessive use of migrant labors.
4. Small size of construction firms.
5. Extensive use of sub contractors.
6. Effect of weather.
7. High labor turnover.
Activities connected with erection work: -

1. Planning
2. Engaging contractors.
3. Material collection storage and transportation.
4. Welding and cutting.
5. Use of electricity.
6. Material handling.
7. Use of construction machines.
8. Working at height.
9. Fire fighting.
10. Housekeeping.

Hazards Associated with erecting work: -

1. Fall of object.
2. Fall of person.
3. Electric shock/Electrocution.
4. Fire and explosion.
5. Health hazards.

Commissioning: - The commissioning or initial startups are a period when the plant is
actually at risk.
1. Equipments may be all operated.
2. Equipments may be damaged.
3. Sub – sequent operation is affected.
4. Delay in bring the plant in to operation.
5. Above all, it affects the economy of plant.

All precautions in design and manufactures are taken but they are only partly.
Unless proper care is not taken during commissioning total activities will not
Some important activities of plant commissioning are: -
1. Organizational and personnel.
2. Planning and scheduling.
3. Management preparation and training.
4. Maintenance preparation.
5. Commissioning problems.
6. Commissioning hazards.
7. Initial startup.

Commissioning hazards: -
A. Hazard condition during pressure checking.
B. Hazard condition during air tightness test.
C. Hazard conditions during alkali boil out.
D. Hazard condition during acid cleaning.
E. Hazard condition during rotary equipment.
F. Hazard condition during purging operation.

Plant inspection is the essential aspect of commissioning pressure system. Some

important aspects of plant inspection are: -
1. Legal and other requirement.
2. Inspection organization and personnel.
3. Inspection in manufacture and operation.
4. Inspection of welds.
5. Inspection of other fittings.
6. Inspection of register and records.

NDT tests are used to checkup the soundness of raw material and finished
products.: -
1. Radiography. 2. Magnetic flow defection. 3. Liquid penetration test. 4. Ultrasonic.
Radiography: - It is conducted to detect defects in raw materials like castings and in
the finished products like vessels, drums, joints and welded portions.
Sources: - X ray from X ray units.Gama rays from Isotopes.
2. Ultrasonic test: - This test is used during fabrication to detect internal defects in
parents metals and in welds and to measure thickness. Basic techniques: -
A. Transmission. B. Reflection.
3. Liquid penetration inspection: - This test is used to detect metallic and non
metallic materials and a dye to reveal the cracks. This test can only be done to detect
cracks open to surface only. Wearing goggles is a must. Spend less time inside
the confined area.
4. Magnetic particle method: - The basic principle is to magnetize the job and coat it
with a dry powder of iron. The particles concentrated at places where there is no
continuous magnetic path such as cracks defects may then be detected visually. If
the surface of the job is not cleaned properly, there will not be efficient contact with
probes. Therefore sparks will occur. Must use goggles.
5. Pressure and leak test: - Pressure testing is carried out to check that a pressure
vessel can be safely operated at a design pressure. Type of test: -
(A) Acceptance test: -(a) Standard test, (b) Proof est.
(B) Routine teas: - (a) Pressure test, (b) Hydraulic test, (c) Pneumatic test.
6. Leak testing: - (i) Visual inspection method. (ii) Search gas method.
(iii) Vessel pressured method.
Performance and reliability: -
Some performance which may be monitored include: - (i) Equipment pressure drop,
(ii) Heat exchanger efficiency, (iii) Pump characteristics and efficiency, (iv) Compressor
and turbine efficiency. It is usually done to obtain improved performance as well as to
detect failure.


1. UN CLASSIFICATIN (United Nations classification)

2. NFPA CLASSIFICATION ( National Fire Protection Association of America
3. BIS CLASSIFICATION (Burro of Indian standard classification)

1. UN Standard classification: - (a) Toxicity, (b) Reactivity,

(c) Flammability.

Class of Characteristic of chemicals color

1.0 Explosive Orange

2.1 Flammable gas Red

2.2 Non flammable & non toxic gas Green

2.3 Toxic gas White

3.0 Flammable liquids Red

4.1 Flammable solids White with red strips

4.2 Substances liable to spontaneous combustion Red

4.3 Substances which in contact with water emit Blue

Flammable gas

5.1 Oxidizing substances No color

5.2 Organic Peroxides
6.1 Poisonous substances yellow
6.2 Infectious substances white
7.0 Radioactive substances white
8.0 Corrosive substances white
9.0 Misc.. dangerous substances black & white
not specified


Oxygen/Air Limiting Oxygen/Air
Fuel/Combustible Materials Removal of Fuel
Heat Removal of Heat
Chain Reaction Interrupting Chain Reaction
Definition of Fire: - Fire is a chemical chain reaction with the combination of ignition
source (heat) in correct proportion of fuel and oxygen with the evolution of heat and
Four Stages of Fire: -
1. Incipient Stage: - No visible smoke, flame or heat but significant amount of
combustible particles are formed having weight, mass and heat. Quickly rise
Detectors to be used: - Ionizing Type.

2. Smoldering: - More combustible material called smoke visible but no flame and
Detectors to be used: - Photo Electric type/or Smoke Detectors.

3. Flame Stage: -Point of ignition occurs with flame, visible smoke and heat giving
out infra red energy.
Detectors to be used: - Infra red type/Flame detectors
4. Heat Stage: - Large amount of hear, flame, smoke & toxic gas generates.
Flame to heat stage develops quickly.
Detectors: - Thermal type

Type Materials Extinguishing Medium

Class A Wood, paper,rags,rubbish etc By cooling with water
Sodium bicarbonate+ H2SO4—
CO2 + Sodium Sulphat+H2O
Class B Gasoline, grease, Paint, Thinner etc Limiting O2 or inhibiting
Combustion by DCP, CO2,Foam.
Class C Gas fire DCP & CO2
Class D Metals, Magnesium, Titanium, Special type DCP
sodium, potassium etc
Class E Electrical fire CO2 & DCP


Tetra Hydron of Fire: - While the combustion process is extra ordinarily complex and is the
subject of much research, sufficient information has been gained to make it possible to
visualize it with slight difference.
In a fire there are two different phases in which combustion proceeds.
1. Surface combustion Mode
2. Flaming Mode

The Surface Combustion Mode: - The surface combustion mode incorporates the three
elements of fire as represented by the triangle of combustion (heat, oxygen & fuel).
The Flaming Mode on the other hand incorporates four basic requirements (heat, fuel,
oxygen & UN inhibited chain reaction) which is called as Tetra hydron.
The modes may occur either in single or in combination. Flammable liquids or gases burn
in flammable mode only. (Flash point less than 100 F flammable liquid)

Example: - In which both the modes exists are solid carbonaceous fuels such as coal,
wood, veg. fibers etc. With these materials the early stage of combustion starts with the
flaming mode with a gradual transition towards the surface combustion mode. During
which both the modes are simultaneously in action. Ultimately the flaming mode is
terminated with the residual surface combustion mode existing alone.
Examples in which surface combustion mode exists alone are: - Fires involving pure
carbon & other readily oxidizing non metals such as sulpher, phosphorous and certain
readily oxidizing potentials like magnesium, uranium aluminium etc.

FLASH POINT: - Flash point of a flammable substance is defined as the lowest

temperature at which it gives up sufficient vapors so as to form a momentary flash with
air on application of a small flame.

FIRE POINT: - The lowest temperature at which the heats from the combustion of a
burning vapor is capable of producing sufficient vapor to enable combustion to continue.
It is generally above the flash point

AUTO IGNITION TEMPERATURE: - Ignition temperature of a substance is the

temperature at which spontaneous ignition can take place. The self ignition point some
times called as auto ignition point or combustion point. It also refers to temperature at
which a substance must reach before it will ignite in the absence of a flame. Different
substances have different flash points and auto ignition temperatures.
Examples: - Flash point
Below 23 c is class “A” petroleum (Petroleum Act 1976)
23 c to 63 c class “B” petroleum
63 c to 95 c class “C” petroleum

Examples: - Materials Flash points Ignition temps.

Kerosene 38 C 254 C
Butane 60 C 430 C
Phenol 79.4 C 715 C
Naphthalene 80 C 526 C
Lubricating oil 232 C 371 C
Coconut oil 215 5 C -----
Types f combustion: -- According to its nature combustion may be classified as follows:

1) Slow or Incipient combustion: - One in which the amount if heat and light is feeble.
2) Rapid or active combustion: - One in which considerable amount of heat and light
are emitted within a short time.
3) Deflagration combustion: - A case of combustion which takes place with
considerable rapidity evolving hear and light
4) Explosion: - (Detonation) A very rapid combustion accompanied by a loud report
within extremely short time the generation of very high pressure and temperature.

Fist Aid for Fire injury: - 3 C process Cool, cover (to prevent infection) & cut.

Total body is divided by 11 parts

1 part=9% 11x9=99% +1% (sex organs) =100%
Important properties of water: -
(Advantages of water with respect to fire extinguishing property).
1) Heat absorption: - Even in the form of solid i.e. ice water observes heat in the
process of changing into a liquid at 0°C, to the extent of 333.2KJ/Kg of water.
This is known as “heat of fusion”. If the temp. of the same weight of water is
raised from 0°C to 100°C then the water will absorb 418.3KJ/Kg. This is due to
specific heat of water. The amazing point of heat absorption accurse when water
exceeds the boiling point and becomes steam. It observes heat up to 2260KJ/Kg.
which is known as latent heat of vaporization.
2) Solvent ability: - Water has a very good solvent ability property due to which
the ash is dissolved in it and it reaches the heart of combustion on seat of fire
very fast and easily controls the fire.
3) Less change in viscosity with temperature: - Viscosity of ater is affected
very less by temp. Hence water can be pumped and conducted in hose pipes
from 1°c to 99°C smoothly.
4) High Expansion: - Water expands to high volume, bout 1700 times the liquid
volume of intending steam upon expansion to temperature above its boiling
point, this displacing air from the combustion atmosphere temporarily.
5) High surface tension: - It is a very important characteristic of water (72
times/cm²) at ordinary temperature. High surface tension of water enables it to
issue a consolidated steam or jet of water had their being no no jet formation
the fire fighting rather than could have been a very difficult task.
6) High Density: - It’s reasonably high density confers that sufficient mass of
water goes on fire hose through nozzles there by ensuring sufficient cooling.
7) High molecular stability: - It enables to avoid on dissociation even at high
temperature. Only at a temperature of 1650°C the molecules of water H 2O
breaks into H & O which is higher than the flame matrix temperature.


1) Frizzing point: - As water frizzes at 0°C so it is not suitable to use as a fire
extinguishing agent at high altitude and low temperature areas.
2) High surface tension: - As water poses a relatively high surface tension, it
restricts from penetrating and wetting various combustible materials for deep
seated fire extinguishment.
3) Low Viscosity: - As the viscosity of water is relatively low, it runs off readily
from a non horizontal surface leaving a very thin coating of heat removing
liquid which is not sufficient for fire extinguishing.
4) High friction loss: - Water demonstrates a problem of high friction loss in
transportation through pipes or hoses.
5) High Density: - The density of water is relatively high with respect to
hydrocarbon fuels result in loss of materials during heat removal operation by
sinking in to the fuel. The density of water is 1 and the density of petrol is 0.75
gms/ml, due to which water is unsuitable for petrol and other class “B” fire
under direct application system.

All this limitations of water to be used as a fire extinguisher can be modified by

adding different chemicals by different volume% and at different concentrations.

Foam is a good fire extinguishing media used for extinguishing class “B” fires. There
are three types of foam
1. High expansion foam: - 1:1000 maker availability 1:500
2. Medium expansion foam: - 1:200 market availability 1:100
3. Low expansion foam: -1:20 market availability 1:8

How does foam extinguishes fire: - There are five methods which work together
and responsible for extinguishing a flammable liquid fire or class “B” fire.
1) Foam smothers the fire by isolating the fuel from the atmospheric air there by
preventing formation air fuel vapor mixture.
2) Foam suppresses flammable vapors and prevents their release.
3) Foam separates the source of fire i.e. flame from the fuel surface.
5) Foam releases its water and cools down the metal surface as well as
combustible liquid and solid below their flash point
6) Alcohol type foam releases the chemical polysaccharide which on contact
with alcohol forms a thick polymeric layer, which in turn supports the foam and
extinguishes fire by the above mentioned mechanism.

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