Formation of Road by Gravel From Pathlavath Shiva (H) To Sabavath Shankar (H) at Pedashapur Thanda (V), Shamshabad Mandal
Formation of Road by Gravel From Pathlavath Shiva (H) To Sabavath Shankar (H) at Pedashapur Thanda (V), Shamshabad Mandal
Formation of Road by Gravel From Pathlavath Shiva (H) To Sabavath Shankar (H) at Pedashapur Thanda (V), Shamshabad Mandal
Formation of Road by gravel from Pathlavath shiva (H) to sabavath shankar(H) at Pedashapur thanda (V) ,
Shamshabad Mandal
1 Supplying and filling gravel in trenches , with initial lead in layers not exceeding 15 cm thick consolidatiing each deposited layer by
watering and rampping including cost and conveyance of water to work site and all operational incidental ,labour charges hire charges
and T & O Complete for finished item
The Estimate is prepared with SSR 2021-22 and submitted for according TECHNICAL SANCTION.
Asst.Executive Engineer
PRsd Rajendranagar
Formation of Road by gravel from Pathlavath shiva (H) to sabavath shankar(H) at Pedashapur thanda (V) ,
Shamshabad Mandal
Description of work No L B D Qty Rate/per Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Supplying and filling gravel in trenches , with initial lead in layers not exceeding 15 cm
thick consolidatiing each deposited layer by watering and rampping including cost and
conveyance of water to work site and all operational incidental ,labour charges hire
charges and T & O Complete for finished item
cum 1cum
Total Rs 200000.00
Asst.Executive Engineer
mpp shamshabad
Data Sheet
Formation of Road by gravel from Pathlavath shiva (H) to sabavath shankar(H) at Pedashapur thanda (V) ,
Shamshabad Mandal
S.No. Description of item Unit Qty Rate Amount
Unit = cum
Taking output = 360 cum
a) Labour
Mate day -
Mazdoor (Unskilled) day 2.08 490.00 1019.20
Area allowences 0.40 1019.20 407.68
b) Machinery
Excavator 0.90 cum bucket capacity @ 100 cum per hour 3.60 3331.20 11992.32
Tipper 5.5 cum capacity, 4 trips per hour hour 15.00 1185.60 17784.00
Unit = cum
Taking output = 120 cum
a) Labour
Mazdoor (Unskilled) day 46.80 490.00 22932.00
Area allowences 0.40 22932.00 9172.80
Cost of 120 cum = a+b+c 32104.80
Add seignorage charges day 120.00 0.00
Overheads & Contractors Profit 0.00000 32104.80 0.00
Rate per cum = (a+b+c)
Rate per cum = (a+b+c)/120 Rs
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Data Sheet
S.No. Description of item Unit Qty Rate Amount
3 BLD- Supplying and filling of 2.36mm HBG Chips with initial lead in layers not exceeding
CSTN- 15 cm thick consolidatiing each deposited layer by watering and rampping
2-9 including cost and conveyance of water to work site and all operational incidental
,labour charges hire charges and T & O Complete for finished item
Unit : 1 cum
Taking output : 6 cum
a) Labour
Mazdoor ( Unskilled) No 0.31 490.00 151.90
Cost of 2.36mm HBG Chips Cum 6.00 1235.95 7415.70
Area allowences 0.40 151.90 60.76
Rate per 6 cum 7628.36
Overheads & Contractors Profit 0.00000 7628.36 0.00
Rs 1271.39
Seignorage charges Cum 1.00 0.00 0.00
Unit = cum
Taking output = 75cum (172.50 t)
(100x3.75 x 0.200)
a) Labour
Mason (1st class) day 5.00 540.00 2700.00
Mason (2nd class) day 5.00 515.00 2575.00
Mazdoor (unskilled) day 150.00 490.00 73500.00
Mazdoor(skilled) day 6.00 490.00 2940.00
Surveyor day 2.00 925.00 1850.00
Mazdoor (semi-skilled) day 6.00 490.00 2940.00
Area allowences 0.40 86505.00 34602.00
(A) 121107.00
b) Machinery
Concrete mixer 0.28/0.40 cum capacity ( 6 Hour 36.00 627.60 22593.60
mixers) with weight batcher and suitable
capacity calibrated water tank
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Data Sheet
S.No. Description of item Unit Qty Rate Amount
(I) Crushed stone coarse aggregates, grading will be
as per clause 1501.2.4.1 (Table 1500.1) of
specifications @ 0.90 Cum/cum of concrete
PNo 10 Sno 15 Curing compound (if used) @ 0.33 litre per sqm litre 0.00 132.00 0.00
Sno 74 Joint filler board 20 mm thick as per IS:1838 sqm 6.19 580.00 3590.20
(Tar felt joint filler board 20 mm thick)
( 29Nos *3.75*.17/3 =6.16 ) for 1/3 depth only
(C ) 355068.62
Total ( a + b + c ) 506126.72
(d) Form work @ 3% on (a+b+c) 15183.80
Cost for 75 cum = a+b+c+d 521310.52
Rate per Cum = (a+b+c+d+e)/75 6950.81
Overheads & Contractors Profit 0.00000 6950.81 0.00
Add Sundries
Rs 6950.81
Add Seign Charges 0.03
Metal Cum 0.90 0.00 0.00
Asst.Executive Engineer
PRsd Rajendranagar
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L E A D S T A T E M E N T 2021-22
Formation of Road by gravel from Pathlavath shiva (H) to sabavath shankar(H) at Pedashapur thanda (V) , Shamshabad Mandal
UnLoading Total Cost of
Charges the Materials
Excl (Excluding
Sl Roads SSR Lead in Lead charges
Deduct 13.615 %
Net Lead Blasting Seignorag 13.615% Seign Charges)
Description in Material Name of the Quarry over head Initial Cost Crushing OH
No. Item Km (As per SoR)
charges Charges e Charges
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
4 Selected earth Local 102 5.00 67.40 8.07 59.33 71.00 0.00 0.00 130.33
5 Sand for Blindage bodan 27(b) 238.00 3280.40 393.10 2887.30 600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3487.30
6 Sand for concrete Bodan 27(a) 238.00 3280.40 393.10 2887.30 600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3487.30
8 2.36 -5 mm HBG M/C Metal pasumamula 45-33(a) 42.00 635.90 76.20 559.70 485.00 121.25 70.00 1235.95
9 5-7 mm HBG M/C Metal pasumamula 45-33(2) 42.00 635.90 76.20 559.70 485.00 121.25 70.00 1235.95
10 10 mm HBG IS 383-1970 pasumamula 26-33(b) 42.00 635.90 76.20 559.70 657.00 164.25 70.00 1450.95
11 12 mm HBG IS 383-1970 pasumamula 26-33(c) 42.00 635.90 76.20 559.70 781.00 195.25 70.00 1605.95
12 20 mm HBG Metal- IS 383-1970 pasumamula 26-33(d) 42.00 635.90 76.20 559.70 870.00 217.50 70.00 1717.20
13 40 mm HBG Metal- IS 383-1970 pasumamula 30-33(f) 42.00 635.90 76.20 559.70 505.00 126.25 70.00 1260.95