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Formation of Road by Gravel From Pathlavath Shiva (H) To Sabavath Shankar (H) at Pedashapur Thanda (V), Shamshabad Mandal

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Formation of Road by gravel from Pathlavath shiva (H) to sabavath shankar(H) at Pedashapur thanda (V) ,
Shamshabad Mandal

Estt. Cost Rs. : 2.00

The above work is administratively sanctioned funder grants.

Accordingly The Estimate is prepared with the following Provisions

1 Supplying and filling gravel in trenches , with initial lead in layers not exceeding 15 cm thick consolidatiing each deposited layer by
watering and rampping including cost and conveyance of water to work site and all operational incidental ,labour charges hire charges
and T & O Complete for finished item

2 Add 0.50% QC Charges

3 Add 12% GST Charges

4 Add LS for U/S items of work

The Estimate is prepared with SSR 2021-22 and submitted for according TECHNICAL SANCTION.

Asst.Executive Engineer
PRsd Rajendranagar

Formation of Road by gravel from Pathlavath shiva (H) to sabavath shankar(H) at Pedashapur thanda (V) ,
Shamshabad Mandal

Description of work No L B D Qty Rate/per Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Supplying and filling gravel in trenches , with initial lead in layers not exceeding 15 cm
thick consolidatiing each deposited layer by watering and rampping including cost and
conveyance of water to work site and all operational incidental ,labour charges hire
charges and T & O Complete for finished item

1 30.00 6.00 0.350 63.00

1 6.00 4.00 0.350 8.40

1 30.00 7.00 0.400 84.00

1 30.00 6.50 0.400 78.00

1 30.00 5.00 0.400 60.00

1 23.00 13.00 0.400 119.60

1 17.00 4.75 0.300 24.22

1 11.00 13.50 0.300 44.55


13 0.785 0.81 0.400 3.30

478.47 347.47 166254.00

cum 1cum


2 Add 12%GST Charges 19950.48

3 Add 0.50% QC Charges 831.00

4 Add Seigniorage Charges 14354.00


Total Rs 200000.00

Asst.Executive Engineer
mpp shamshabad
Data Sheet

Formation of Road by gravel from Pathlavath shiva (H) to sabavath shankar(H) at Pedashapur thanda (V) ,
Shamshabad Mandal

S.No. Description of item Unit Qty Rate Amount

1 RBR- Removal of unsuitable / Unserviceable soil including excavation, loading and

EECD disposal upto 1000 m lead but excluding compaction ground supporting
-7 embankment subgrade replacement by suitable soil, which shall be paid separately
as per Clause 303.5.2 as per Technical Specification Clause 302.3.11 MORD / 301

Unit = cum
Taking output = 360 cum
a)  Labour
Mate day -
Mazdoor (Unskilled) day 2.08 490.00 1019.20
Area allowences 0.40 1019.20 407.68
b) Machinery
Excavator 0.90 cum bucket capacity @ 100 cum per hour 3.60 3331.20 11992.32
Tipper 5.5 cum capacity, 4 trips per hour hour 15.00 1185.60 17784.00

c&d) Overheads & Contractors Profit 0.00000 31203.20 0.00

Cost for 360 cum = a+b+c+d 31203.20
Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/360 Rs 86.68
Rate per Cum
2 5 i) a) Excavation in Cutting in Soil by manual
means with lead upto 50 m
Excavation for roadway in soil using manual means for carrying of cut earth to
embankment site with initial lift of 3 mts and lead upto 50 m as per Technical
Specification Clause 302.3 MORD

Unit = cum
Taking output = 120 cum
a)  Labour
Mazdoor (Unskilled) day 46.80 490.00 22932.00
Area allowences 0.40 22932.00 9172.80
Cost of 120 cum = a+b+c 32104.80
Add seignorage charges day 120.00 0.00
Overheads & Contractors Profit 0.00000 32104.80 0.00
Rate per cum = (a+b+c)
Rate per cum = (a+b+c)/120 Rs

Page 3 of 15
Data Sheet
S.No. Description of item Unit Qty Rate Amount
3 BLD- Supplying and filling of 2.36mm HBG Chips with initial lead in layers not exceeding
CSTN- 15 cm thick consolidatiing each deposited layer by watering and rampping
2-9 including cost and conveyance of water to work site and all operational incidental
,labour charges hire charges and T & O Complete for finished item

Unit : 1 cum
Taking output : 6 cum
a) Labour
Mazdoor ( Unskilled) No 0.31 490.00 151.90
Cost of 2.36mm HBG Chips Cum 6.00 1235.95 7415.70
Area allowences 0.40 151.90 60.76
Rate per 6 cum 7628.36
Overheads & Contractors Profit 0.00000 7628.36 0.00
Rs 1271.39
Seignorage charges Cum 1.00 0.00 0.00

Rate per cum Rs 1271.39

4 Construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed at expansion and construction joint only, plain
cement concrete pavement, thickness as per design, over a prepared sub base, with 43 grade
cement or any other type as per Clause 1501.2.2 M20 (Grade), coarse and fine aggregates
conforming to IS : 383, maximum in a concrete mixer of not less than 0.2 cum capacity and
appropeiate weigh batcher using approved mix design, laid in approved fixed side formwork
(steel channel, laying and fixing of 125 mictron thick polythene film, wedges, steel plates
including levelling the formwork as per drawing), spreading the concrete with sholvels, rakes,
compacted using needle, scareed and plate vibrators and finished in continuous operation
including provision of contraction and expansion, construction joints, applying debonding strips,
primer, sealant, dowel bars, near approaches to bridge / culvert and construction joints,
admixtures as approved, curing of concrete slabs for 14- days, curing compound (where
specified) and water finishing to lines and grade as per drawing and Technical Specification
Clause 1501 MORD including overhead charges & Contractors profit but excluding VAT.

Unit = cum
Taking output = 75cum (172.50 t)
(100x3.75 x 0.200)
a) Labour
Mason (1st class) day 5.00 540.00 2700.00
Mason (2nd class) day 5.00 515.00 2575.00
Mazdoor (unskilled) day 150.00 490.00 73500.00
Mazdoor(skilled) day 6.00 490.00 2940.00
Surveyor day 2.00 925.00 1850.00
Mazdoor (semi-skilled) day 6.00 490.00 2940.00
Area allowences 0.40 86505.00 34602.00
(A) 121107.00
b) Machinery
Concrete mixer 0.28/0.40 cum capacity ( 6 Hour 36.00 627.60 22593.60
mixers) with weight batcher and suitable
capacity calibrated water tank

Needle vibrator 60 mm Hour 9.00 237.50 2137.50

Plate vibrator Hour 9.00 54.00 486.00
Water tanker 6 Kl. Capacity Hour 5.00 699.00 3495.00
Air compressor ( 1hour initial + 1 hour final) Hour 2.00 619.50 1239.00
(B) 29951.10

Page 4 of 15
Data Sheet
S.No. Description of item Unit Qty Rate Amount
(I) Crushed stone coarse aggregates, grading will be
as per clause 1501.2.4.1 (Table 1500.1) of
specifications @ 0.90 Cum/cum of concrete

20 mm Cum 44.55 1717.20 76501.26

10 mm Cum 22.95 1450.95 33299.30

(ii) Sand as per IS:383 and conforming to clause cum 16.875 3487.30 58848.18
1500.2.4.2. @ 0.45 cum of concrete
Robo Sand cum 16.875 1149.70 19401.18

(iii) Cement @ 330 Kg/cum of concrete t 24.75 5800.00 143550.00

PNo67 Sno 274 Polythene sheet 125 micron sqm 412.50 17.00 7012.50
TBSC-Q.I- Sno 143 Plasticizer 0.5 per cent by weight of cement litre 122.00 91.00 11102.00
03 Conforming to IS: 91031999

PNo 10 Sno 15 Curing compound (if used) @ 0.33 litre per sqm litre 0.00 132.00 0.00

Sno 74 Joint filler board 20 mm thick as per IS:1838 sqm 6.19 580.00 3590.20
(Tar felt joint filler board 20 mm thick)
( 29Nos *3.75*.17/3 =6.16 ) for 1/3 depth only

Water for curing kl 18.00 98.00 1764.00

(C ) 355068.62

Total ( a + b + c ) 506126.72
(d) Form work @ 3% on (a+b+c) 15183.80
Cost for 75 cum = a+b+c+d 521310.52
Rate per Cum = (a+b+c+d+e)/75 6950.81
Overheads & Contractors Profit 0.00000 6950.81 0.00
Add Sundries
Rs 6950.81
Add Seign Charges 0.03
Metal Cum 0.90 0.00 0.00

Sand Cum 0.45 0.00 0.00

Rate per cum Rs. 6950.84

5 Supplying and fixing of Mild steel dowel bar
25mm dia of grade S 240.500 mm long 20 Nos. at
Joints including 5 percent wastage per 75 Cum

(4x20x0.500) + 5 per cent wastage = 42m @ 2.80 Kg 117.60 57000.00 6703.20

Kg per m = 117.6 kg.
Black smith for cutting of dowel bars including day 1.00 515.00 515.00
removal of bars, fabrications & fixing of dowel
bars per 75 Cum
Area allowences 0.40 515.00 206.00
Sno 271
Jute rope 12mm dia including 5 per cent m 90.00 8.30 747.00
wastage per 75 Cum
Polythene sheathing, covering 2/3rd dowel bars No 483.00 1.00 483.00
(20x23) and tight fit including 5 per cent
Form work @ 3% on (a+b+c) 259.63
Per 4 Joints 8913.83
Overheads & Contractors Profit 0.00 8913.83 0.00
Sundries 0.04
Rate Per Joint Rs 2228.50
Page 5 of 15
Data Sheet
S.No. Description of item Unit Qty Rate Amount
RBR- 4 Supplying and filling gravel in trenches , with initial
HRTC-1 lead in layers not exceeding 15 cm thick
consolidatiing each deposited layer by watering
and rampping including cost and conveyance of
Unit : 1 to
water cumwork site and all operational incidental
,labour charges: 15
Taking output hirecum
charges and T & O Complete for
finished item
a) Labour
Mazdoor ( Unskilled) No 1.04 490.00 509.60
Add Mucipal Limits 0.40 509.60 203.84
Gravel for filling Cum 15.00 299.91 4498.65
Add 13.615% Over heads Charges , Contractor 5212.09 0.00000 0.00
Rate per 15 cum 5212.09
Rate per Cum Rs 347.47
Add seign charges 1.00 0.00 0.00
Rate per 1 cum 347.47

Asst.Executive Engineer
PRsd Rajendranagar

Page 6 of 15
L E A D S T A T E M E N T 2021-22
Formation of Road by gravel from Pathlavath shiva (H) to sabavath shankar(H) at Pedashapur thanda (V) , Shamshabad Mandal
UnLoading Total Cost of
Charges the Materials
Excl (Excluding
Sl Roads SSR Lead in Lead charges
Deduct 13.615 %
Net Lead Blasting Seignorag 13.615% Seign Charges)
Description in Material Name of the Quarry over head Initial Cost Crushing OH
No. Item Km (As per SoR)
charges Charges e Charges

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1 Cement As on June 2021 5800.00 0.00 5800.00

2 Fe-500 Steel 57000.00 0.00 57000.00

3 Gravel 89 15.00 229.40 27.49 201.91 98.00 0.00 0.00 299.91

4 Selected earth Local 102 5.00 67.40 8.07 59.33 71.00 0.00 0.00 130.33

5 Sand for Blindage bodan 27(b) 238.00 3280.40 393.10 2887.30 600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3487.30

6 Sand for concrete Bodan 27(a) 238.00 3280.40 393.10 2887.30 600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3487.30

Rock sand 4.75mm to 2.36 mm as

7 pasumamula 94 42.00 635.90 76.20 559.70 590.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1149.70
perIS 383 (1970)

8 2.36 -5 mm HBG M/C Metal pasumamula 45-33(a) 42.00 635.90 76.20 559.70 485.00 121.25 70.00 1235.95

9 5-7 mm HBG M/C Metal pasumamula 45-33(2) 42.00 635.90 76.20 559.70 485.00 121.25 70.00 1235.95

10 10 mm HBG IS 383-1970 pasumamula 26-33(b) 42.00 635.90 76.20 559.70 657.00 164.25 70.00 1450.95

11 12 mm HBG IS 383-1970 pasumamula 26-33(c) 42.00 635.90 76.20 559.70 781.00 195.25 70.00 1605.95

12 20 mm HBG Metal- IS 383-1970 pasumamula 26-33(d) 42.00 635.90 76.20 559.70 870.00 217.50 70.00 1717.20

13 40 mm HBG Metal- IS 383-1970 pasumamula 30-33(f) 42.00 635.90 76.20 559.70 505.00 126.25 70.00 1260.95

14 Man mazdoor 490

15 Woman mazdoor 490
16 Semi skilled Mason/2nd Class Carpentor/ 2nd class Painter /2nd Plumber/Helper 515
17 Mason Cl -1 /Black smith Muncipal allowance MA 40.000% 540
18 Bar Bendor/ Carpentor Cl-1 Allowance Over Heads OH 0.000% 645
Water Rural/Urban 98.00
1) This to certify that the proposed leads over and above initial 1kM
2) This to certify that the proposed leads of the work is true and nearet to the best of my knowledge
3) This to certified that the stone requires blasting
4) This to certified that the proposed work is located with in the Muncipal limits of 12KM

Asst.Executive Engineer Dy. Executive.Engineer

PRsd Rajendranagar PRsd Rajendranagar
Lead charges 2021-22

Metal Gravel & Sand

SSR 2021-22 SSR 2021-22

Lead Rate Lead Rate
1 38.90 1 40.40
2 54.50 2 56.60
3 75.40 3 75.40
4 91.60 4 91.60
5 107.80 5 107.80
6 124.00 6 124.00
7 140.20 7 140.20
8 156.40 8 156.40
9 172.60 9 172.60
10 188.80 10 188.80
11 205.00 11 205.00
12 221.20 12 221.20
13 237.40 13 237.40
14 253.60 14 253.60
15 269.80 15 269.80
16 286.00 16 286.00
17 302.20 17 302.20
18 318.40 18 318.40
19 334.60 19 334.60
20 350.80 20 350.80
21 367.00 21 367.00
22 383.20 22 383.20
23 399.40 23 399.40
24 415.60 24 415.60
25 431.80 25 431.80
26 448.00 26 448.00
27 464.20 27 464.20
28 480.40 28 480.40
29 496.60 29 496.60
30 512.80 30 512.80
31 526.30 31 526.30
32 539.80 32 539.80
33 553.30 33 553.30
34 566.80 34 566.80
35 580.30 35 580.30
36 593.80 36 593.80
37 607.30 37 607.30
38 620.80 38 620.80
39 634.30 39 634.30
40 647.80 40 647.80
41 661.30 41 661.30
42 674.80 42 674.80
43 688.30 43 688.30
44 701.80 44 701.80
45 715.30 45 715.30
46 728.80 46 728.80
47 742.30 47 742.30
48 755.80 48 755.80
49 769.30 49 769.30
50 782.80 50 782.80
51 796.30 51 796.30
52 809.80 52 809.80
53 823.30 53 823.30
54 836.80 54 836.80
55 850.30 55 850.30
56 863.80 56 863.80
57 877.30 57 877.30
58 890.80 58 890.80
59 904.30 59 904.30
60 917.80 60 917.80
61 931.30 61 931.30
62 944.80 62 944.80
63 958.30 63 958.30
64 971.80 64 971.80
65 985.30 65 985.30
66 998.80 66 998.80
67 1012.30 67 1012.30
68 1025.80 68 1025.80
69 1039.30 69 1039.30
70 1052.80 70 1052.80
71 1066.30 71 1066.30
72 1079.80 72 1079.80
73 1093.30 73 1093.30
74 1106.80 74 1106.80
75 1120.30 75 1120.30
76 1133.80 76 1133.80
77 1147.30 77 1147.30
78 1160.80 78 1160.80
79 1174.30 79 1174.30
80 1187.80 80 1187.80
81 1201.30 81 1201.30
82 1214.80 82 1214.80
83 1228.30 83 1228.30
84 1241.80 84 1241.80
85 1255.30 85 1255.30
86 1268.80 86 1268.80
87 1282.30 87 1282.30
88 1295.80 88 1295.80
89 1309.30 89 1309.30
90 1322.80 90 1322.80
91 1336.30 91 1336.30
92 1349.80 92 1349.80
93 1363.30 93 1363.30
94 1376.80 94 1376.80
95 1390.30 95 1390.30
96 1403.80 96 1403.80
97 1417.30 97 1417.30
98 1430.80 98 1430.80
99 1444.30 99 1444.30
100 1457.80 100 1457.80
101 1471.30 101 1471.30
102 1484.80 102 1484.80
103 1498.30 103 1498.30
104 1511.80 104 1511.80
105 1525.30 105 1525.30
106 1538.80 106 1538.80
107 1552.30 107 1552.30
108 1565.80 108 1565.80
109 1579.30 109 1579.30
110 1592.80 110 1592.80
111 1606.30 111 1606.30
112 1619.80 112 1619.80
113 1633.30 113 1633.30
114 1646.80 114 1646.80
115 1660.30 115 1660.30
116 1673.80 116 1673.80
117 1687.30 117 1687.30
118 1700.80 118 1700.80
119 1714.30 119 1714.30
120 1727.80 120 1727.80
121 1741.30 121 1741.30
122 1754.80 122 1754.80
123 1768.30 123 1768.30
124 1781.80 124 1781.80
125 1795.30 125 1795.30
126 1808.80 126 1808.80
127 1822.30 127 1822.30
128 1835.80 128 1835.80
129 1849.30 129 1849.30
130 1862.80 130 1862.80
131 1876.30 131 1876.30
132 1889.80 132 1889.80
133 1903.30 133 1903.30
134 1916.80 134 1916.80
135 1930.30 135 1930.30
136 1943.80 136 1943.80
137 1957.30 137 1957.30
138 1970.80 138 1970.80
139 1984.30 139 1984.30
140 1997.80 140 1997.80
141 2011.30 141 2011.30
142 2024.80 142 2024.80
143 2038.30 143 2038.30
144 2051.80 144 2051.80
145 2065.30 145 2065.30
146 2078.80 146 2078.80
147 2092.30 147 2092.30
148 2105.80 148 2105.80
149 2119.30 149 2119.30
150 2132.80 150 2132.80
151 2146.30 151 2146.30
152 2159.80 152 2159.80
153 2173.30 153 2173.30
154 2186.80 154 2186.80
155 2200.30 155 2200.30
156 2213.80 156 2213.80
157 2227.30 157 2227.30
158 2240.80 158 2240.80
159 2254.30 159 2254.30
160 2267.80 160 2267.80
161 2281.30 161 2281.30
162 2294.80 162 2294.80
163 2308.30 163 2308.30
164 2321.80 164 2321.80
165 2335.30 165 2335.30
166 2348.80 166 2348.80
167 2362.30 167 2362.30
168 2375.80 168 2375.80
169 2389.30 169 2389.30
170 2402.80 170 2402.80
171 2416.30 171 2416.30
172 2429.80 172 2429.80
173 2443.30 173 2443.30
174 2456.80 174 2456.80
175 2470.30 175 2470.30
176 2483.80 176 2483.80
177 2497.30 177 2497.30
178 2510.80 178 2510.80
179 2524.30 179 2524.30
180 2537.80 180 2537.80
181 2551.30 181 2551.30
182 2564.80 182 2564.80
183 2578.30 183 2578.30
184 2591.80 184 2591.80
185 2605.30 185 2605.30
186 2618.80 186 2618.80
187 2632.30 187 2632.30
188 2645.80 188 2645.80
189 2659.30 189 2659.30
190 2672.80 190 2672.80
191 2686.30 191 2686.30
192 2699.80 192 2699.80
193 2713.30 193 2713.30
194 2726.80 194 2726.80
195 2740.30 195 2740.30
196 2753.80 196 2753.80
197 2767.30 197 2767.30
198 2780.80 198 2780.80
199 2794.30 199 2794.30
200 2807.80 200 2807.80
201 2821.30 201 2821.30
202 2834.80 202 2834.80
203 2848.30 203 2848.30
204 2861.80 204 2861.80
205 2875.30 205 2875.30
206 2888.80 206 2888.80
207 2902.30 207 2902.30
208 2915.80 208 2915.80
209 2929.30 209 2929.30
210 2942.80 210 2942.80
211 2956.30 211 2956.30
212 2969.80 212 2969.80
213 2983.30 213 2983.30
214 2996.80 214 2996.80
215 3010.30 215 3010.30
216 3023.80 216 3023.80
217 3037.30 217 3037.30
218 3050.80 218 3050.80
219 3064.30 219 3064.30
220 3077.80 220 3077.80
221 3091.30 221 3091.30
222 3104.80 222 3104.80
223 3118.30 223 3118.30
224 3131.80 224 3131.80
225 3145.30 225 3145.30
226 3158.80 226 3158.80
227 3172.30 227 3172.30
228 3185.80 228 3185.80
229 3199.30 229 3199.30
230 3212.80 230 3212.80
231 3226.30 231 3226.30
232 3239.80 232 3239.80
233 3253.30 233 3253.30
234 3266.80 234 3266.80
235 3280.30 235 3280.30
236 3293.80 236 3293.80
237 3307.30 237 3307.30
238 3320.80 238 3320.80
239 3334.30 239 3334.30
240 3347.80 240 3347.80
241 3361.30 241 3361.30
242 3374.80 242 3374.80
243 3388.30 243 3388.30
244 3401.80 244 3401.80
245 3415.30 245 3415.30
246 3428.80 246 3428.80
247 3442.30 247 3442.30
248 3455.80 248 3455.80
249 3469.30 249 3469.30
250 3482.80 250 3482.80
251 3496.30 251 3496.30
252 3509.80 252 3509.80
253 3523.30 253 3523.30
254 3536.80 254 3536.80
255 3550.30 255 3550.30
256 3563.80 256 3563.80
257 3577.30 257 3577.30
258 3590.80 258 3590.80
259 3604.30 259 3604.30
260 3617.80 260 3617.80
261 3631.30 261 3631.30
262 3644.80 262 3644.80
263 3658.30 263 3658.30
264 3671.80 264 3671.80
265 3685.30 265 3685.30
266 3698.80 266 3698.80
267 3712.30 267 3712.30
268 3725.80 268 3725.80
269 3739.30 269 3739.30
270 3752.80 270 3752.80
271 3766.30 271 3766.30
272 3779.80 272 3779.80
273 3793.30 273 3793.30
274 3806.80 274 3806.80
275 3820.30 275 3820.30
276 3833.80 276 3833.80
277 3847.30 277 3847.30
278 3860.80 278 3860.80
279 3874.30 279 3874.30
280 3887.80 280 3887.80
281 3901.30 281 3901.30
282 3914.80 282 3914.80
283 3928.30 283 3928.30
284 3941.80 284 3941.80
285 3955.30 285 3955.30
286 3968.80 286 3968.80
287 3982.30 287 3982.30
288 3995.80 288 3995.80
289 4009.30 289 4009.30
290 4022.80 290 4022.80
291 4036.30 291 4036.30
292 4049.80 292 4049.80
293 4063.30 293 4063.30
294 4076.80 294 4076.80
295 4090.30 295 4090.30
296 4103.80 296 4103.80
297 4117.30 297 4117.30
298 4130.80 298 4130.80
299 4144.30 299 4144.30
300 4157.80 300 4157.80

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