Halim Sir
Halim Sir
Halim Sir
Kinds of open channel1
Channel geometry and section clements
Types of open channel flow
Effects of viscosity and gravity
Velocity distribution 9
L.ibrary Chapter 1
The flow ofa liquid in a conduit may be eitheropen channel flow or pipe flow (Fig.1.1)
In pipe flow the
flowing liquid is completely enclosed by solid boundary and flow oceurs under
pressure. In open channel flow the flowing liquid is not completcly encloscd by solid hundary
and flow occurs with a free surface. A free surface is subjected to atmospheric pressure. Also.
water is the most common liquid in civil engineering applications. Therefore. open channcl flow
may be defined as the flow of water in a conduit with a free surfacc. Open channel Now is al
known as the free surface flow.
Flows in rivers and canals are the familiar examples ofopen channel flow. Flow ofwatcr
in a closed conduit, e.g. in an underground sewer or in a culvert, may be open channel flow ifthe
flow occurs with a free surface (Fig.1.2). The flow of groundwater with a free surface is also a
example of open channel flow.
Open channel flow occurs under the action of gravity and at atmospheric pressure. The
component of the gravity force or weight of water along the bottom slope acts as the driving
force. The boundary friction overthe channel perimeter acts as the resistance force. Obviously.
for open channel flow to occur, the total energy at an upstream section must be more than the
total energy at a downstream section.
In this lecture note, we will follow the SI system of units. We will also follow a
Cartesian coordinate system in which the x-axis is along the channel bottom, the y-axis is the
lateral direction and the z-axis is vertically upward (Fig. 1.3). The mean dircction offlow is taken
to be paralel to the channel bottom and along the x-axis.
Section 1-1
Section 2-2
Fig.1.3 The coordinate system
(a) Channel section and vertical (b) Channel section (c) Vertical channel section
channel section (section 1-1) (section 1-2)
The properties of a channel section which are determined by the geometric shape of the
channel and the depth of flow are known as the geometric elements fa channel section. They
are defined below.
Depth of fnow h and depth of flow section d: The depth of flow h is the vertical distance
from the lowest point ofa channel section to the water surface. The depth of flow section d is the
depth of flow normal to the direction of flow. The relationship between h and d is
d hcos (1.)
Stage: The stage is the elevation ofthe water surface from a horizontal datum (Fig. 1.4c)
and may be positive or negative.
Flow area A: The flow area is the cross-sectional arca of flow normal to the direction of
Wetted perimeter P: The wetted perimeter is the length ofthe interface between water
and channel boundary.
Top width B: The top width is the width ofa channel section at the water surface.
Hydraulic radius R: The hydraulic radius is the ratio of the flow arca to the wettcd
perimeter, i. c.
R AIP (.2)
Hydraulic depth D: The hydraulic depth is the ratio ofthe flow area to the top width. i.e.
D AlB (1.3)
1. Rectangle
P b+2/hv1+s
(where x =
B+ 8h
when xs1)
4 2h1/2
B =
5. Circle
h d,1- cos(»/2)]/2
o 2cos (1-2h/d,)
A = (0 - sin w)d, /8 do
B d,sin(ao/2)
Note that » is the angle made by the top width at the center
when h 0, o = T when
of the cirele ((
h= do/2 and a 2r when h do))
Obviously, the geometric elements A, P, R, etc. of an open channcl flow section depend
on the depth of flow (Table 1.1). As a result, the solution of an open channel flow problem
usually becomes difficult when the depth of flow is unknown and may require a trial-and-error
Wide Channel
When the width of a rectangular channel is very large compared to the depth. i.c. b>>h
(generally b210h), the channel is known as a wide channel (Chow, 1959). The alluvial rivers
are usually treated as a wide channel. For a wide channel
R o hh (14)
and the discharge is usually expressed per unit width ofthe channel which is given by q(Qb.
where Qis the total discharge and b is the bottom width) and the units of q are m'/s/m or simply
A= 4 (1.5)
0.5h, (W,
The top width is computed as
where W is the width between the two adjacent verticals.
P=AP (1.7)
aP=w+h-h.* 18)
and it is assumed that the channel bed is lincar between the two adjacent verticals.
P =
P=W+(h, -h. 8)
and it is assumed that the channel bed is lincar between the two adjacent vcrticals
The flow of water in a straight prismatic channel with a constant discharge (¢.g. in a laborator
flume in which a constant discharge is circulated) and the dry-season flow of a river may be
considered as steady flow. The flood flow in a river and the tidal flow in an estuar are two
familiar examples of unsteady flow.
Gradually Varied Flow
Ifthe depth of flow and the velocity change gradually along the length of the
channel (h/ax =0,U/dx «0), the flow is gradually varied (Fig. 1.6). It mayagainbe steadyor
unsteady. Forsteady gradually varied flow, ôh/ðt =8U/at=0Q/a =Q/ax 0. ©h/ax =0, 0lUx
0. For unsteady gradually varied flow, h/ôt 0,U/at z0,
Q/t 0. Q/Ôx 0. hN
U/ax 0 . The flow upstream ofa dam in a river or upstrcam of a sluice gate in a canal is an
example of steady gradually varied flow. The flood flow in a river and the tidal flow in anestuar
are two familiar examples of unsteady gradually varied flow. Friction plays an important role in
gradually varied flows.
localphenomenon. It may be steady or unsteady. For steady rapidly varied flow, ô h/êt =
ôU/a =
The classification of open channel flow is summarized below and the various
types of
low are sketched in Fig. 1.6.
Gradually varied
Steady Rapidly varied
Open Spatially varied
Gradually varied
UnsteadyE Rapidly varied
Spatially varied
Uniform flow-flow in a prismatic
channel with constant discharge Gradually vaI
and constant velocity flow behind
-Sluice gate
- -Hydraulic jump
-Sluice Gutter
(a) Effect of Viscosity
The effect of the viscous forces relative to the incrtial forces on opcn channel flow is
determined by the Reynolds number, which may be written as
pt'(LITpt'{LIT3)__(LIT) UL (1.9)
Mdul dz)L LITIL)L T lp
where U is a characteristic or representative velocity, taken as the mean vclocity of tlow, L. is a
characteristic length and v is the kinematic viscosity of water. For watcr at 20°C. v= 10 m/s.
This value of v is normally used.
In open channel flow, the characteristic length commonly used is the hydraulic radius R
( A/P), so that
Re = (1.10)
Then, when
i) Re < 5000, the flow is laminar,
ii) Re> 12,500, the flow is turbulent, and
ii) 500 S Re s 12,500, the flow is transitional
In laminar flow the viscous forces are strong relative to the inertial forces and dominate
the flow. When the flow is laminar, the water particles appear to move in definite smooth paths
or laminas with only a small-scale mixing. In turbulent flow the viscous forces are very weak
relative to the inertial.forces and the inertial forces dominate the flow. The water particles move
in irregular paths in a random fashion with large-scale mixing due to generated cddics.
By injecting a fine stream of dye, it is possible to identify whether a flow is laminar.
transitional or turbulent. The stream of dye looks like a thread and does noti mis with water in
laminar flow, becomes wavy and irregular in transitional flow, and mixes with water and
Mass inertial acceleration
Fr Inertial forces =
Fr (1.12)
Then. if
hen Fr=1,U =ygD, the flow iscritical,
i) Fr<1, U <gD, the flow issubcritical, and
i) Fr>1,U>ygD,theflow is supercritical.
When the flow is critical, the inertial and gravity forces are equal. When the flowis
subcritical., the gravity forces are dominant and when the flow is supercritical. the inertial forces
are dominant.
The flow in most rivers and canals and upstream of a sluice gate is subcritical. As an
example, for river flow, U» I m/s and D» 5 m and hence Fr»0.14. Supercritical flow normally
occurs downstream of a sluice gate and at the feet of drops and spillways. Flow upstream of a
hydraulic jump is supercritical and downstream ofa hydraulic jump is subcritical.
The Froude number of open channel flows varies over a wide range covering both
subcritical and supercritical flows and the state of open channel flow is primarily govermed by the
gravity forces relative to the inertial forces. Therefore, the Froude number is the most important
parameter to indicate the state of open channel flows.
Equation (1.12) statesthat at the critical state of flow (Fr 1). the flow velocity is cqual
to ED.lt can be shown that 8D is the velocity (or celerity) of an elementary or small-
amplitude wave on the surface of still water (see Appendix 1.1 at the end of Chapter 1). The
Froude numbercan then be defined as the ratio between the flow velocity U and the wave celenty
, i.e.
Fr C
Obviously, then
i) for subcritical flow, Fr<I and U<c,
ii) for critical flow, Fr=l and U =c, and
ii) for supereritical flow, Fr> 1 and U>c.
A small-amplitude wave can be easily produced by gently throwing a small object in
water. In subcritical flow, one wave front propagates upstream at a velocity (c-U) and tneo
wave front propagates downstream at a velocity (U+c) (Fig.1.7a). In supercritical flow. hoih the
wave fronts propagate downstream at velocities (U - c) and (U +c), respectively (Fig. 1.7b).
one wave front remains
critical tlow, stationary and the other moves downstream at a velocity (U
C)(g.70). Thus, by observing an elementary wave whether it propagates upstre
remains stationary or propagates downstream can be used as a criterion for physically identiny n
ritical, critical or supercritical flow, respectively.
2U 2c
u u
Example 1.1
A trapezoidal channel has a bottom width
discharge and determine the state of flow in this of 6 m and side slopes of 2:1. Compute the
mean velocity of flow is channel if the depth of flow is
2.30 m/s. If 1.5 m and the
speed of the wave fronts upstream and elementary waves are created in
this channel. determine
downstream. the
Trapezoidal channel, b =6 m, s 2, h 1.5 m, U = =
b+shh= (6+2x1.5)x 1.5 13.5 m2 =
2.30 m/s
b+2hvVI+s* =6+2x1.5x v1+2 12.71
B b+2sh
6+2x =
2x1.5 12 =
m» m
R AIP =13.5/12.71 =
1.06 m
D AIB =13.5/12 =
1.13 m
0= AU=13.5 x2.30 =31.05 m/s
e e=R
2.30x1.06= 244 x 10* >
Fr= = 0.69 <1
8D 9.81x1.13
Hence, the flow is subcritical turbulent.
Now, c vgD = V9.81x1.13 = 3.33 m/s
.. Spced of the wave fronts upstream = c- U =3.33 2.30 1.03 m/s
and. speed of the wave fronts downstream = c +U =3.33 + 2.30 5.63 m/s
Example 1.2
A circular channel 2.75 m in diameter carries a discharge of 6.55 m/s at a dept
m. Determine the state of flow.
A (o-sin
w)d, 18=(2.74-sin 2.74) x2.75 /8 2.22 m
d,12=2.74x 2.75/2 3.77 = m
B d, sin(»/2)
2.75 xsin(2.74/2) 2.69m
= =
R= AIP 2.22/3.77
= = 0.59 m
D AIB =2.22/2.69 =0.82 m do
U QIA=6.55/2.22 2.95 m/s
UR 2.95x0.59
1.74x10* >12,500
V 10
U 2.95
gD 9.81x0.82.04>1
Hence, the flow is supercritical turbulent.
2 (1.14)
umox M0Sh-0.25h 0-2u2 0-6h
b Uo6
The discharge is obtained from the measurement of vclocity and arca by the areu-veloci
method. With reference to Fig.1.5, the total discharge is computed:
cross-sectional area of the ith segment x average velocity at the ith vertical
= AA,U,
The mean velocity in the section is equal to the discharge divided by the area. i.ce.
U=L (1.16)
U=ku (1.17)
where k is a coefficient whose value ranges between 0.80 and 0.95 depcnding on the channel
section. The surface velocity can be determined by float tracking or other surface velocity
mcasuring devices.
Example 1.3
The data collected duringthe stream-gauging operation at a certain river section are given
in Table 1.2. Compute the discharge and the mean velocity for the entire section.
The measurements made 2 m and 15 m from the left bank involve velocity at 0.6 depth
which represents the mean velocity in the vertical. Other measurements involve velocities at 0.2
and 0.8 depths and the mean velocity is obtained by averaging the velocities at 0.2 and 0.8
depths. The width associated with each measurement extends halfway between the adjacent
Table 1.2 Computation of discharge from strcam-gauging
segments. So, for example, for the measurement taken 6 m from the left bank. the width is [(6-
4/2+(9-6)2] = 2.50 m. The corresponding area AA is (5.20x2.50) = 13.00 m and the
corresponding discharge AQ is (13.00x 1.48) = 19.18 m/s. The arcas and discharges associated
with other measurements are
computed similarly and are shown in Table 1.2 and summed to give
total cross-sectional
area A 52.55 m* and total discharge Q= 74.65m/s. Therefore. the mean
= JudA (1.18)
and the mean velocity of flow U is given by
U-JudA (1.19)
Fig.1.9 Dcfinition sketch
Owing to non-uniform velocity distribution in a channel section. the
the momentum of flow computed from the cross-scctional mean velocity are kinetic energy
gcnerally and
less than
their actual values. To get the actual kinetic energy of flow, thc kinctic cnergy bascd on the mean
velocity is multiplied by the coefficient a, known as the kinetic energy coefficient Similarly. to
get the actual momentum, the momentum based on the mean is
coetticient B, known as the momentum coefficient. The energy and velocity coctlicicntsbya and
B together are known as the elocity distribution
The kinetic energy of flow passing AA (Fig.1.9) per unit time is cqual to
xpusAxu - u'aa
where p is the mass density of water. Therefore, the total kinctic encrgy of flow passing the
channel section is equal to
Equating the above two quantities and rearranging
UAS UA (1.20)
u x
Therefore, the total momentum of flow passing the channel section per unit time is cqual to
The total momentum based on the mean velocity U and corected for the non-unifom
distribution of velocity is BpU°A so th
The energy and momentum coefilicients are always positive and never less than unity. For
uniform velocity distributioninthe channel section, a =-1. In all other cases. a >p> i.The
values of a and B are higher for laminar flow than for turbulent flow, since the effect of
turbulence is to make the distribution of velocity more uniform over the channel section and
reduce a and B.
Experimental results (Watts et al., 1967) suggest that, when the channel is sraight and
prismatic and the flowis turbulent and unifom orgradually varied, the two velocity distribution
cocficients do not normally exceed 1.10 and 1.04, respectively, and one can assume a = B = 1.
However, in channels of complex cross-section, upstream from weirs, in the vicinity of
obstructions, near pronounced irregularities in alignment or whenthe flow is concentrated in onc
part of the section, values of a and ß may even be greater than 2 and 1.35, respectively.
Although the numerical values ofa and ß vary over a wide range depending on the
velocity distribution, the ratio (a-1/(B-1) tends to vary only slightly, in the range 2.8 to 3.0
(Henderson, 1966).
Example 1.4
In a widechannel the velocity varies along a vertical as u=1 +3z/h, where h is the depth
of flow and u is the velocity at a distance z from the channel bottom. (Gi) Compute the discharge
per unit width, (i) determine the state of flow, and (ii) compute the velocity distribution
coefficients a and B and the ratio (a-1)/(B-1), if h = 5 m.
awide channel we can consider unit width of the channel and replace the area A in
Eq.(1.19) by the flow depth h and dA by dz. Then, the crosS-sectional mean velocity' U becomes
the depth-averaged velocity U. Therefore,
Uudeadth 1-250 ms
Altematively, since the velocity varies linearly from 1 m/s at the channel bottom (z/h = 0) to 4
m/s at the water surface (z/h = 1), the depth-averaged velocity is obtained as
U 2.50 m/s
(i) Then, the discharge per unit width is
q=Uh 2.50x5 12.50 m/s
(i) The Reynolds and Froude numbers Re and Fr are then
UR Uh h 5m
Da _
2.50x>=12.5x10* >12,500
3h3h-(h+3h+3h) =
Note that when u is
expressed as a function
become independent of the depth of flow.
of z/h, the numerical values ofU,a and p
Example 1.5
unit width.
Using the trapezoidal rule ofnumerical integration, compute the discharge per
vclocity measurements (u
the mean velocity and the numerical values of a and Bfor following
vertical in wide channel, when
IS the velocity at a distance z from the channel bottom) along
a a
9 ude =Zudz =Azu
-1 +2.95+3.31+3.62+3.95+4.12-20.21m s
U- =3.57 m/s
B= ZuA
3.37 x6
+3.31? +3.62 +3.95 +4.12|=1.I|
Equation (1.22) indicates that the pressure at any point is directly proportional to the
depth of the point below the free surface. This. is known as the hydrostatic distribution of
pressure and h is the hydrostatic pressure head.
The hydrostatic distribution of pressure is valid for parallel flow in a horizontal or small
slope channel. When the curvature ofthestreamlinesis small, the flow is known as parallel flow
(Fig.1.11a). Uniform flow is practically parallel flow. Gradually,varied flow may also be
regarded as parallel flow sincethe curvatureofthe streamlines is small and negligible. Hencc, the
hydrostatic law of pressure distribution holds exactly for uniform flow and approximately for
gradually varied flow in a horizontal or small slope channel.
p-yh p> yh yh
(a) Parallel flow (6) Concave flow (c)Convex flow
Fig.1.11 Pressure distribution in parallel,concave and convex flows
Pressure Distribution in Curvilinear Flow
When the curvature ofthe streamlines is considerable, the flow is known as curvilinear
flow. Such situations may occur when the bottom of the channel is curved, at sluice gates and at
frec overfalls. In such cases, the pressure distribution is not hydrostatic. Curvilinear flows may
either be concave or comvex. In concave flow (Fig.1.11b), the centrifugal forces resulting from
streamline curvature combine with the gravity forces and thepressure is more than hydrostatic.
In convex flow (Fig.1.l1c), the centrifugal forces act againstthe gravity forces and the pressure is
less than hydrostatic.
Let us consider the forces acting in the vertical direction on a water column of height h
and cross-sectional area AA (Fig.1.12). Then,
Centrifugal acceleration-
For practical purposes, velocity u is replaced by the
cross-sectional mean velocity U. Pe
Fig.1.12 Definition sketch
The total pressure acting at the bottom of the water column is the algebraic sum or ne
hydrostatic pressure and the pressure due to the centrifugal action, i.e.
Total pressure head= hth, =
Total pressure= y(hth,)= h{lt (1.26)
where the plus and minus signs are used with concave and convex flows, respectively.
ExampleA 1.6
spillway flip bucket has a radius ofçurvature of 20 m. If the flow depth at section 1-1 is
3 m and the discharge per unit width is 66 m/s, compute the pressure at A.
=1000x9.81x 3x|1+
9.81x 20 1
102030 NIm2
Effect of Slope on Pressure Distributionn
Consider a water column ofheight hand cross-sectional area AA (Fig.1.13). The pressure
at B in this case balances the component of the weight of the water column AB normal to the bed.
Now, weight of the water column
W ydAA
W Yd cas eS
Fig.1.13 Pressure distribution in a channel of large slope
The component ofW normal to the channel bed, i.e. along AB = Wcos= yddAcos6. Hence, the
pressure at the bottom of the water column
intensity of
Example 1.7
Prove that theshear force and the overtuming moment on the side walls of a steen
rectangularchuteare (1/2yh cos0 and (1/6)rh* cos" 0, respectively., where h is thedepth
flow and is the angle of bottom slope of the chute. cpth of
t cos-hcos'0 (.d-hcos0)
Overturning moment (about point O) =F x arm =F xd/3
cos6x='cos0'cos' o
(DExplain whythe Froude number is more important than the Reynolds number to determine
the state of open channel flow.
not in
8) Explain why an elementary wave can move upstream in subcritical flow, but
supercritical flow. What is the practical significance of this phenomenon?
1.4 why the velocity distribution coefficients a and ß are used in open channcl flow.
Deduce expressions for them. Why are the numerical values of a and Pgreater for laminar tiows
than for turbulent flows?
1.5 Deduce the expression for the pressure head correction for curvilinear flow (Eq. 1.24).
1.6(a) The depth and mean velocity upstream and downstream of a vertical sluice gate in a
horizontal rectangular channel are 4 m and 1 m and 2 m/s and 8 m/s, respectively. The width ot
the channel is 6 m. Determine the state of flow both upstream and downstream of the gate.
(6) Consider the following datafor the Padma (Ganges) river at the Baruria station in Faridpur
on the 2nd July, 1989: A - 33,500 m,Q=56,200m's and B=3820 m. Compute the state of
flow. Assume that the river is wide.
17Waterflows inan open channel ata depth of l mand a mean velocity of3 m/s. Compute the
discharge and determine the state of flow if the channel is
i)wide ii) rectangular with b = 6 m
i) trapezoidal with b 6 m ands=2 iv) triangular with s =2
v) parabolic with B = 4 m
vi) circular whose diamcter is 2.5 m.
f clementary waves are created in these channels, determine the speeds of the wave fronts
upstream and/or downstreamn.
1.8a)The average depth of water in a wide riverconnected to sea is 5m. Detiemine the time
taken by a tidal wave to travel from theriver mouth to 30 km upstream (i) when there is no flow
in the river, and (ii) when the average flow velocity in the river is I m/s.
b) Waves of small amplitude are created at the center ofa circular-shaped pond of radius 50
m. The waves are found to reach the edge of the pond in 10 s. Estimate the approximate volume
of water in the pond assuming that the depth of water in the
pond is same everywhere.
(c) Two islands A and B situated in an ocean are 1000 km apart. An earthquake in island A
creates a single tidal wave (tsunami) which
propagates across the ocean to island B. Ifthe average
water depth in the ocean is 1 km, estimate the time of arrival of the tsunami in island B.
1.9(a) In a wide river the velocity varies along a vertical as u =1 +2z/h, where h is the total
depth and u is the velocity at a distance z from the channel bottom. The riveris 5 m decp. ()
Compute the discharge per unit width, (i) detemine thea state
numerical values
of flow, and (ii) compute the
of the velocity distribution coefficients
and Band the ratio (a-1)/(B-1).
(6) Solve the above problem ifu= 1t2(z/h)".
1.10(a) For laminar flow the velocity distribution along a vertical can be approximated by
1.11(a) Solve Example 1.5 using the Simpson's rules of numerical integration.
(b) Figure 1.14 shows the velocity distribution downstream ofa sluice gate under submcrged
condition. Using the trapezoidal rule of numerical integration, compute the discharge per unit
width, the mean velocity of flow and the numerical values of a and p.
1.12(a) A steep rectangular chute has a slope of 1H:3V. Computethe pressure at the bed of thc
chuteifthe vertical depth of water flowing over the chute is I m. Also, compute the force and the
overturning moment on ts side walls.
While computing the shear force and the overturning moment on the side walls ofa steep
spillway chute having an inclination of 1H:3V and h = 1 m, an cngineer assumed that the
pressure distribution is hydrostatic. Are the computed results correct? not, compute (i) the
correct values of the shear force and the overturning moment, and (ii) the % crror.
(c) A high-head overflow spillway is shown in Fig.1.15. The flip bucket at the toe of the
spillway acts to change the direction of flow from the slope of the spillway face to the horizontal
and todischarge the flow into theair. I f r = 20 m,h h2 = h = h4 = Im and the discharge
over the spillway is 6.5 m'/s/m, determine the intensities of pressure at points 1, 2, 3 and 4.
0-30 1-00
0-76 0-60
0-60 1.08
0-45 1.36 92
0.30 191
0-1 1-05
0-05 200
000 u (m/s)
Appendix 1.1
The celerity ofa small-amplitude wave can be oblained considering the movement ot a
solitary wave of height Ah traveling to the right with celerity c in a channel as shown in
Fig.1.16a. The cross-sectional areas ofthe channel corresponding to depths h and h + Ah are A
and A+AA, respectively. The situation defined byFig.1.16a is obviously unsteady and cannot be
analyzed by elementary techniques. However, ifthe wave form does not change during its travel,
the situation may be rendered into one ofsteady flow by applyinga velocity ofmagnitude c in the
direction opposite to that ofwave travel as shown in Fig 1.16b.
Fig.1.16 Propagation of a wave: (a) unsteady flow, (b) steady flow appcared to an observer
moving with the wave crest, and (c) section through the wave crest
Now, application of the equation of continuity for steady flow (derived in Art.2.2)
between sections I and 2 yields
cA=U(A +AA)
which on simplification gives
Assuming a horizontal bed and neglecting friction, application of the encrgy cquation
(presented in Art.2.3) between sections 1 and 2 yields
C: 8D (1.31)
For a rectangular channel, D=h and the celerity ofa wave of smallamplitude is given
C=gh (1.32)
Chapter 2
Water movement is key process in open channel flow. The three basic equations to
descnbe watermovement are the continuity, the energy and the momentum cquations derived from
the three fundamental laws of physics conservation of mass, conservation of energy and
conservation of momentum. The conservation of mass says that mass can neither be created
destroyed. The conservation of energy says that energy cannot be created or destroyed. but may b
transformed from one form to another. The law of conservation of momentum
says that a moving
body cannot gain or lose momentum unless acted upon by an external force, which is a statement
Newton's second law of motion. of
As stated earlier, the flow in an
open channel is, in fact, three-dimensional and the flow
properties like the velocity and the pressure vary in the longitudinal, lateral and vertical
Since the variations of directions.
to those in the
the flow parameters in the lateral and vertical directions are small
longitudinal direction, a majority of open channel tlow problems are analyzed
considering that the flow is one-dimensional, i.e. the variations of the flow by
longitudinal direction are taken into consideration. This analysis properties only in the
valucs of the flow properties, which do not gives the cross-sectional mean
vary within the cross-section, but vary from section
section. to
The principle of conservation of
mass implies that
entering the control volume minus the mass of water during a time interval the mass of water
mass within the control leaving the control
volume. If the flow is steady, there cannot be volume equals the change of
control volume and the mass any change of mass within the
addition or withdrawal entering is equal to the mass leaving. Therefore, if there is no later
flow sections must be the water (Fig.2.la), the mass flow rate
(mass per unit time) passing vanous
same, i.e.
P =
P:0, .
77777 r 777
U,4 U,4 =. (2.2)
where A is the cross-sectional area and U is the mean
velocity of flow.
Equation (2.2) is the usual form of the continuity equation for steady one-dimensional
channel flow of an incompressible fluid without lateral inflow or outflow. It indicates that in steady
flow not only 0/ot=0, but also Q/8x 0, i.e. the discharge in the channel is constant.
where the+ sign is to be used for inflow and the sign is to be used for outflow.
H =H +h
Datum Une
Fig. 2.2 Dcfinition sketch for the energy cquation
For a channel of large slope, Eq.(2.6) becomes
This is the well-known Bernoulli equation.
Each term in the energy equation has the dimension of length and represents energy per unit
weight ofwater, i.c. in m-NN or m-kg/kg or simply m. This is why the term "head IS Uscd for them.
The expression of energy in this form is particularly convenient for dealing with problems in open
channel flow.
For the flow ofa real fluid like water, the total energy decreases in the downstrcam dirction
due to energy or head loss. As a result, in an open channel flow the energy grade Iine always slopes
The frictional energy loss term hr in the energy equation signifies the energs thatis
anstomed from mechanical (potential plus kinetic) energy into heat energy. This energy slightly
raises the temperature of water, the channel and the surroundings.
Normally, the total head loss h, for flow in a non-prismatic channel can be considered to be
made up of the frictional head loss h and the eddy loss he, i.e.
The eddy loss he results from flow contractions and expansions and may be appreciable in non-
prismatic channels. It is generally taken to be proportional to the absolute magnitude of the change in
the velocity head between the two sections, or
h, =kla-a,2U 2.10)
where k is a coefficient which is taken to be 0.1 for
gradual contractions, 0.2 for gradual expansions
and 0.5 for abrupt expansions or contractions. The
eddy loss is usually neglected in prismatie
The loss of energy may also be due to other
reasons, like the presence of bends. îlow past
submerged bodies, ctc. and has to be included in the energy cquation when it is encountereu.
H+0+=0+0+ (2.11)
2g 28
Fig. 2.3
For a wide vessel, Ui <U,. Hence, from Eq(2.11), writing U for U2, it follows that
U-2gH (2.12)
which is the Law of Torricelli.
Fig.2.4 Definition sketch for the momentum equation
The momentum of flow passing a channel section per unit time based on the mean velocity
U and corrected for the non-uniform distribution of velocity = PpQU, where Bis the momentum
coeflicient. Then, applying the Newton's second law of motion, we can write
which is the momentum equation for one-dimensional steady flow for the flow situation shown in
Fig. 2.4.
Note that the terms in the momentum equation have the units of force, i.e. Newton or kg
If any other external force is present, it has to be included in the momentum cquation. The
momentum cquation is a particularly useful tool in analyzing rapidly varied expanding flow like a
hydraulic jump where the energy losses are significant. The momentum equation is very useful in
structures (e.g. torce on a sluice gatec).
cumating the forces on different hydraulic
Example 2.2
Derive the expression for the normal force when a jet of water strikes a stalionary flat
Solution When a jet of water with a velocity V strikes
a stationary flat plate normally (Fig. 2.5), the force on
the plate is cqual to the rate of
the jet. The jet leaves the
change of momentum of
plate tangentially so that all its
momentum in a direction normal to the plate is
destroyed. Hence, the normal force on the plate is V F
V-0)-QV pAv (2.14) Water Jet
where A is the cross-sectional area of the jet.
Example 2.3
Figure 2.7 shows a sharp-crested weir in a rectangular channel. If the discharge per unit width
of the weir is 4 m/s, estimate the energy loss due to the weir and force on the weir platc for the
submerged flow condition as shown.
2 mls
U, -2.67 m/s 2m
Applying the energy equation between sections
1 and 2, we obtain
+ 8
Fig. 2.7
h, =-)+ 2.00-1.50)+2-2.67)
0.50-0.16= 0.34 m of water
Applying the momentum equation between sections 1 and 2 and assuming unit width, we
x1000x9.81x (22 -1.5?) -1000x 4x (2.67-2.0)
8583.75-2666.67 =5917.08 N
The force on the weir plate is equal and opposite to F.
u=2gH (2.15)
2.5 The inlet and cxit angles of a
ski-jump spillway (Fig.2.9) are 45° and the flow over it has a
velocity of25 m/s and a depth ofo.5 m. Neglecting all losses, estimate the maximum clevation of
outflow trajectory. Also, compute the horizontal and vertical forces on thc
spillway as a result of the
change in the flow direction. Assume unit width.
T h
Fig. 2.8 (Problem 2.4) Fig. 2.9 (Problem 2.5) Fig. 2.10 (Problem 2.6)
2.6(a) Show that the force on a vertical sluice gate in a horizontal rectangular channel (Fig.2.10) is
given by
F h+h (2.16)
2.7 A bridge across a river has its piers placed symmetrically at the rate of 30 m center to
Upstream of the bridge the water depth is 10m and the velocity is 4 m/s. When the flow has gone
cnough downstream to even out again after the disturbance caused by the piers, the water depth isar
Compute the thrust on cach pier. Neglect the bed slope and the bed frietion.
Chapter 3
Specific energy (E) at a channel section is the
channel bottom. From energy measurcd with respect to the
Eq. (2.4) with z, 0, the specific energy at a channcl
section becomes
2g (3.1)
Equation (3.1) indicates that the specific energy is the sum of the
head. Since U= Q/A, Eq. (3.1) may also be written with a depth of flow and the velocity
=1 as
E =h+
2gA (3.2)
Equation (3.2) shows that the specific energy depends on the channel
flow h and the section, the depth of
discharge Q.
The concept of specific energy introduced
analysis of many open channel flow problems. by Bakhmeteff in 1912 is very useful in the
Specific Energy Curve
The variation of specific
energy with depth for a
using Eq. (3.2) is shown in Fig. 3.1. The resulting curve, given is known as the
section and a constant discharge
curve or E-h curve,
which specific energy
has two limbs CA and CB. Ash 0, U/2g-> o, E -> o and the limb CA
approaches the E axis asymptotically toward the right. As h co, U/2g >0, E -> h and the
limb CB approaches the line OP whose equation isE h. =
For all
points on the specific energy curve except point C, there are two valucs ofh for a
given value of E, the lower depth hi and the higher depth h2. These are known as the
depths. At point C on the specific energy curve, the specific energy is minimum. Thealternate
state of
flow represented by point C is obtained by taking the first derivative of E
with respect to h from
Eq(3.2) keeping Q constant, i.e.
dh 2g dh 2g dh &A dh gA dh
The elementary water area near the free surface is dA =
Bdh, so that dAl dh =
B. Since
D AIB and Fr =U/VgD, we obtain
- =1-=1-Fr (3.3)
Now, for minimum specific energy, dE/dh= 0 , and hence 1 - Frr=0, i.e. Fr = 1. which is the
criterion for critical flow. Thus, at the criticad state offlow, the specific energy is minimumfor a
given discharge.
Obviously, when the depth offlow is greater than the critical depth, the velocity of fow
is less thanthe critical velocity for the given discharge and the flow is subcritical. When the
depth of flow is less than the critical depth, the velocity of flow is greater than the critical
velocity and the flow is supercritical. Hence, hy is the depth of supercritical flow and h: is the
depth ofsubcritical flow and the limbs CB and CA represent subcritical and supercriticalflows.
Oischage a
-Oischarge >0
C t
c a l a t
7 w
Fig. 3.1 Specific energy curve
When the discharge changes, the
specific energy also
specific energy curve for the flow rate greater than Q lieschanges.
As shown in Fig. 3.1, the
to the right of the curve for
indicating that the specific energy increases with an increase in discharge Q
and vice versa.
In an open channel flow the
energy grade line always slopes downward and the available
energy decreased. The specific energy, however, remains constant for
either increase or decrease unifom flow and can
along the channel in varied flow.
The E-h curve is almost vertical near the critical
results in a large change in h. As a result, flow at or near the (Fig. 3.1)
state and a small change in E
critical condition is unstable and
there will be a wavy water surface. Hence, it is
undesirable to design channels at or ncar the
critical state.
Discharge-Depth Curve
So far the variation ofE with h for a
It is also of
given Q has been considered.
practical hE
interest to study variation of Q with h for a given
E. Equation (3.2) may be written asS
-2g4 -24--2g4a-Fr*)
gAIB (3.5)
For maximum discharge, dQ/dh 0, and we obtain Fr 1, which is the criterion for critical
flow. Thus, at the critical state offlow, the
When the specific energy increases, the
discharge is maximum for a given specific energy
discharge also increases and vice versa.
Section Factor
The critical flow is the
flow for which the Froude
Eq(1.12), it can be shown that at the critical state of flow
number is equal to unity. Using
and when a#1 (3.6)
a 4
i.e., the velocity head is equal one-half of the hydraulic depth.
The product of the flow areaand the square root of the
section factor in connection with critical hydraulic depth is known as the
flow, denoted by Z, i.e.
It can be
computed when the channel section and the depth of flow h are given.
When the flow is critical, the
product of the flow area and the square root of the hydraulic
depth is known as the section factor for
critical flow computation, denoted by Zz. i.e.
z. =4,D (3.9)
Since U QJA, Eqs. (3.7) and (3.9) give
or,4D gla
Z,a 3.10)
Thus, Z, can be computed using Eq.(3.9) when the channcl section and the critical depth h, are
given, or alternatively, using Eq(3.10) when the discharge Q and the energy cocficient a are
given. Equations (3.9) and (3.10) are very useful in the analysis of critical flow.
Using Eqs.(1.12), (3.8) and (3.10), we obtain
gD AD #D _2 (3.11)
Obviously, when the flow is critical
which is known as the hydraulic exponent for
where C is a coefficient and M is an exponent
critical flow computation.
and then differentiating with respect toh, we
Taking logarithm of both sides of Eq.(3.13)
d(ln Z)M (3.14)
dh 2h
Also, substituting D= A/B in Eq. (3.8), taking logarithm of both sides of this equation and then
differentiating with respect to h, we get
Equating the right sides of Eqs. (3.14) and (3.15) and solving for M, we obtain
M-08-D (3.16)
which is the general equation for the hydraulic exponent for critical flow computation M and
indicates that Mis a function ofthe channel section and the depth of now. The valucs of M for
different channel sections are given in Table 3.1.
Channel section M
2. Triangle 5
3. Parabola 4
4. Trapezoid 3[1+2s(h/b)]' -25(h/b)[l+ s(h b)]
5. Circle
1-cos o/2)2 Sin/ 2 cos2
-sin w Sin 2
Example 3.1
Determine the numerical value of the hydraulic exponent for critical flow computation M
for a rectangular channel.
.M-0B-Ddh bh-hx0)-3
Example 3.2
Compute the hydraulic exponent for critical flow
channel with b = 6.1 m, s=2 and h= 2 m. computation M for a trape/odal
3(1+2x2x0.328)' -2x2x0.328 x(l +2x0.328)162
(1+2x2x0.328)(1 +2x0.328)
Alternative solution A (6.1+2x2)x2 20.2 m2, B =
6.1 +2x2x2 -
14.1 m. D =
Analytical Method
The critical depth is an important parameter in the analysis of open channcl flow. It may
be computed when the channel section, the energy coefficient a and the discharge Q arc given.
For rectangular, triangular and parabolic channels, the formula for the critical depth can be
casily obtained.
Rectangular channel
We know, when the flow is critical
, and Z =
For a rectangular channel, Ae = bhe and De= AJB.= bh/b = h. Hence
which gives
Wide Channel
For a wide channel, q - Q/b. Therefore
Triangular channel
For a triangular channel, A she', B, =2sh, and D, A B , = sh-2sh = h/2. Hence
from Eq. (3.17)
which gives
(3 20)
h,32g (3.21)
Example 3.3
Compute the critical depth and velocity in a (i) wide rectangular channel with q=3m*s.
ii) rectangular channel with b= 6m and Q=20 m/s, (ii) triangular channel withs = 2 andQ=
10 m°/s, and (iv) parabolic channel whose
cases, assume a = 1.12.
profile is given by y= 4z and Q=20 m's. In all
Solution a= 1.12
h,= 1.12x32=1.01 m
U =2.97 m/
h 32g 27x1.12x0.25x20 =1.76 m
4h3/2 4x1.763/2
3c 3x0.256.24 m2 z=cy
U =3.21 m/s -y
Trial-and-Error Method
For other channelsections, like the trapezoidal and circular sections, the critical
can be conveniently
obtained by the trial-and-error solution of Eqs. (3.9) and (3.10). The depth
value of the section factor Ze is obtained
using Eq.(3.10).
Then we assume several
and compute the section factor Z values of h
using Eq.(3.9) until the computed value of Z is close
actual value of Ze. to the
Example 3.4
Foratrapezoidal channel with b=6m and s=2, compute the critical depth and
ifQ 50 m'/s. Take a =1. velocity
Solution Trapezoidal channel, b 6m, s -2,Q- 50 m'/s, a =1
z,ia81/ =15.964
Now, assume several values of h and compute the section factor Z until the
value of Z is close to 15.964. computed
Example 3.5
A circular channel 2 m in diameter carries a discharge of 4 °/s.
depth and velocity. Take a = 1.10.
Compute the critical
elagla 9.81/1.10==1.339
In case ofa circularsection, it is very convenicnt to compute the section factor 7 using
nstead of'h.
and. the critical velocityy
U 2.62 m/s
A 1.529
Numerical Methods
A number of numerical methods are available for solving non-linear algebraic equations
involving a single variable, e.g. the method of bisection, the method of iteration. the method of
falseposition.the secant method, the Newton-Raphson method, ctc. (Churchhouse. 198 1.Chapra
and Canale, 1988). These methodscan be conveniently used to compute the critical depth in
trapezoidal and circular channels. The application of the method of biscction and the Newton-
Raphson method for computing critical depth is considered here.
Bisection method:The bisection method is very convenient to solve an algebraie equation tix)
O which contains only one root. Suppose, we want to compute the critical depth in a channel fora
given section. discharge Q and energy coefficient a. Wechoosc two depths hmn and hmay such
that the function
isnegative for h hnin (lowerlimit of h) and positive for h= ha (upper limit of h). and
of the equation f(h) 0, which is the critical depth, lies between hmn and
hma. We
interval. i.c. the depth is taken equal to (hmin t+ hmax)/2 and f{h) is determined. If f{h) isbisect the*
thenthe rootis less than (hmnin hma)/2 and the upper limit is taken as (hmn +hu2 On the
other hand. iffh)is negative, then the lower limit is taken
repeated till the desired accuracy is attained.
as (hmn thmas)/2. Theprocedure is
Erample 3.6
For a trapczoidal channel with b = 6 m and s= 2, compute the eritical depth by tne
method of bisectioni f Q = 14 m'/s and a =1.
Newton - Raphson method: The Newton-Raphson method is particularly convenicent for solving
analgcbraic equation which is easily differentiable and when the value of the desired root is
known approximately. Let f(x) 0 be the
Then, a better approximation Xn+1 to the rootequation,
with x Xn an approximation of the root.
n +Ar (3.23)
Ar = - .
S'(x.) 3.24)
Suppose we want to compute the critical depth in a channel for a given section, Q and a.
Obviously, when h =he
1-Fr =0 or, 1- 0 or, 0
gA &
If we now assume
then (3.25)
h)=3A"B_a0 dß
& dh (3.26)
For a
given section, f(h) and
f'(h) depend on the depth of flow only and can be easily
Example 3.7
For a trapezoidal channel with
Newton-Raphson method if Q= 14 m°/sband6a =and
m s =
2, compute the critical
1. depth by the
Sh) h= h+ Ah
1.000 312.204 1840.082 -0.1700 0.830
0.830 70.776 1050.264 -0.067 0.773
0.773 8.488 815.536
0.753 8.0 783.752
- 0.001
A transition may be defined as a change either in the direction slope cross-section
or or
i.e changein bedlevelandorthe widti) ofthe channel. Atransition may produce critical low and
this section, two simple transitions. viz. change i
athechange in the state of flow in channel. In
channel bed level and change in the channel width are considered. The following two
examples show how these two transitions produce critical flow in a channel.
Example 3.8
Water flows at avelocity of1 m/s anda depth of 1.50 in long rectangular channel 3
m a
m wide. Compute the height of a smooth upward step in the channel bed to produce critical flow
and the change in water level produced by the step. Nceglect energy losses and take a = 1.
Solution Taking section 1 upstream of the step and section 2 over the step where' the flow is
critical, we obtain
Q AU bhU = 3x1.50x 1 =4.5 m/s
h, 0.61m
U = 4.5 2.45 m/s
bh. 3x 0.61
Applying the energy equation between sections1
and 2 and taking the original channel bed as datum, we get
:Az -
h +-h, 1.50+ 0.61-4-0.63
Hcnce, the height ofthe step required to produce critical flow, Aze =0.63 m, and drop in water
level =h -h, -Az,=1.50-0.61-0.63 0.26m
This example shows that a criticalstate of flow can be produced by raising the channel
bed by the amount Az= Aze. It can be shown that when Az> Aze, then also flow over the step
remains critical. So, the amount by which the channel bed is to be raised to produce critical flow
is given by Az2 Azç. In a broad-crested weir (Fig. 3.4), the critical flow is produced by raising
the channel bed.
Example 3.9
Water flows at a velocity of I m/s and a depth of 1.50 m in a long rectangular channel 3
m wide. Compute the contraction in width of the channel for producing critical flow and the
change in water level produced by this contraction. Neglect energy losses and take a = 1.
Solution Taking section 1 upstream ofthe contraction and section 2 over the contraction where
the flow is critical, we obtain Q= 45 m/s as in Example 3.8. Applying the energy equation
between sections 1 and 2 and taking the channel bed as datum, we get
2g - 0+ h, +28
h, =. be
x1.55= 1.03 m
U, =
VgD, la =gh, /1=/9.81x1.03/1 =3.19 m
Since Q= A,U, =
b,h,U,, we get
b,hU.1.03x3.19 =1.37m
Hence, the width required to produce critical flow, b.= 1.37 m and drop in water level
1.50 1.03 0.47 m hi he = -
Broad-Crested Weir
Ifthe channel bed is raised by an amount Az such that Az2 Az,over a
develop parallel flow over the hump, the flow over the hump will be critical.length
a device is
called a broad-crested weir and provides an excellent means of
measuring the discharge in open
Consider a rectangular broad-crested weir as shown in Fig. 3.4. Using Eq(3.18), thec
discharge over the weir with a =
l is given by
Q=Vgbh3 =3.13bh5 (3.27)
where b is the width of the channel.
The usual difficulty in using Eq.(3.27) for
computing discharge in an Thischannel lies
locating the critical flow section and measuring the critical depth accurately.open difliculty in
however, avoided by measuring the depth of flow upstream of the weir where the flow is
affected by the prescnDce of the weir. With reference to Fig.3.4, neglecting the velocitynoot
approach and the frictional losses and applying the energy equation between the upstream scction
and the critical flow section, one obtains
The critical flow flume, also known as the Venturifume, has been designed in vaioe
forms. The discharge through a
rectangular Venturi flume is given by Eq. (3.27) or Eq. (3.29) or
(3.31), where b is now the throat width and h is the critical depth at the throat (Fig 3.5)
3.1 Define (i) specific energy. (i) alternate depths, (ii) control, and (iv) transition
3.2 Prove that at the critical state of flow, (i) the specific encrgy Is minimum for a
discharge, and (i) the discharge is maximum for a given specific energy.
3.3 State why it is undesirable to design channels at or near the critical state.
3.4 Derive the general expression for the hydraulic exponent for critical flow computation M.
and then determine the numerical value of Mfor a (i) rectangular channel, (i)
triangular channel.
and (ii) parabolic channel.
3.5 Derive the expression for critical depth in a (i) rectangular channel, (ii) triangular channel
and (iii) parabolic channel.
3.6 State why a critical flow section is used for flow measurement. How can you produce cnitical
flow in a channel? State how a broad-crested weir and a Venturi flume act as a control.
3.7 A rectangular channel has a bottom width of 6 m. (a) Construct the specific energy curve for
a discharge of 15 m'/s and determine the critical depth and the minimum value of the specific
energy (6) Construct the discharge-depth curve for a specific energy of 3 m and determine t
critical depth and the maximum value of the discharge.
3.8 Compute the numerical values of the hydraulic exponent for critical flow computation M for
a depth ofl m in a trapezoidal channel with b= 6 m, s =2 and Q - 20 m/s.
3.9 Prove the following equations when the flow is critical in a rectangular channel:
3.13 The depth upstream of a vertical sluice gate in a rectangular channcel is 2 m and the
discharge under the gate is 30.67 m'/s. The channel is 6 m wide. Compute the downstream depth.
3.14 Water is flowing at a velocity of2 m/s and a depth of2.5 m in a long rectangular channel16
m wide. Compute the height of a smooth upward step in the channel bed to produce critical flow.
Also, compute the change in water level produced by the step. Neglect energy losscs and take a
= 1.
3.15 Water is flowing at a velocity of 2 m/s and a depth of 2.5 m in a long rectangular channel 6
m wide. Compute the contraction in width of the channel for producing critical flow. Also,
compute the change in water level produced by the contraction. Neglect energy losses and take a
= 1.
3.17(a) A broad-crested weir is built in a rectangular channel of width 1 m. The height of the
weir crest above the channel bed is 0.60 m and the head over the weir is 0.40 m. Calculate the
(b)Compute the discharge through a Venturi flume having a throat width of 0.30 m when
the upstream depth is 0.50 m.
Chapter 4
the mean velocity and thec
When uniform flow occurs in a channel, (i) the discharge,
and (ii) the total encrgy linc, the
depth offlow remain constant along the length of the channcl,
water surface and the channel bottom are parallel, i.e. St S. So. In uniform flow, watcr is
- -
neither accelerated nor retarded and the net extemal force on water
is zero.
The flow in a channel under normal condition, i.c. when there is
leng straight prismatic sluice gates, weirs, dams etc..
no inflow or outflow or no transition or control structures like
tends to be uniform.
uniform flow is not
Uniform flow is considered to be steady only, since unsteady
in natural channels, because
practically possible. True uniform flow does not normally occur non-uniform flow conditions.
changes in the cross-section along the length ofthechanncl induce
Still, the concept of uniform flow is central to the understanding and solution of most problems
in open channel hydraulics.
Shear Stress
When water flows in a channel, the pull of water produces a force that acts on the channel
bed in the direction offlow. This force is known as the shear or tractive or drag force and is cyual
to the friction or resistance force Fr. Ifthe average value of this force per unit wetted area. which
is known as the shear stress, is denoted by To, then
FTPL (4.2)
where P is the wetted perimeter and L is the length ofthe channel. Therefore, from Eq(4.1)
When 0 is small and in radian, sinO» tane»0. Also, tan0 = So. Therefore. the component
ofthe gravity force= Wsin=yALsinß yALtane =yALSo, where y is the specific weight of
water. A is the cross-sectional area and So is the channcl bottom slopc. Therefore.
yALS,=T,PL (4.4)
Friction Velocity
The quantity r,/p has the dimensions of velocity. So, a vclocityu is introduced such
where u is known as the shear or friction or drag velocity. It does not represent a velocity which
is physically real. However, it is used as the velocity scale in the study of velocity distribution in
open channels.
Using Eqs.(4.5) and (4.7) it can be shown that
u ygRS (4.8
u= ghs (4.9)
6. (4.10)
Smooth and Rough Boundaries
As stated earlier, the velocity distribution across a channel section is not uniform owin
to the presence of boundary or surface roughness. The effect of boundary roughness on th
velocity distribution in turbulent flow was first investigated by Nikuradse who introduced the
concept of equivalent sand grain roughness (k,) as standard for all other types of roughness
elements. The ratio k/R ofthe roughness height to the hydraulic radius is known as the relative
roughness. Table 4.1 gives the values ofequivalent sand grain roughness for differentmaterials
Table 4.1 Equivalent sand grain roughness (k,) for various materials
Glass 0.0003
2. Wrought iron, steel 0.046
3. Asphalted cast iron 0.12
4. Galvanized iron 0.15
5. Cast iron 0.26
6. Concrete 0.30-3.0
7. Riveted steel 0.90-9.0
and k, <& (4.11)
7 0 and k,>8
V (4.12)
3. Transition boundary
For a transition boundary
s 70 (4.13)
The velocity distribution is affected both by the viscosity of water and the surface roughness.
Velocity Distribution in Turbulent Flow
Along a Vertical
The velocity distribution along a vertical in a wide channel in turbulent low is given by
where u is the velocity at a distance z from the channel bottom, « (= 0.4) is the von Karman
constant andzo is thezero velocity level, i.e. u=0atz= zo. Equation (4.14) is commonly known
as the Prandtl-von Karman universal logarithmic velocity distribution law.
Experimental evidence suggests that the logarithmic velocity profile is a good
approximation for the full depth of the flow. The values of z for different boundaries are as
1. Hydraulicallysmoothboundary (u"k/vs5)
=0.11 (4.15)
. Hydraulically rough boundary (u"k/v 2 70)
z, =0.033k (4.16)
Depth-Averaged Velocity
For logarithmic velocity distribution, Eq.(4.14), Vanoni (1941) showed that the flow
velocity, measured at 0.632h from the free surface, is equal to the depth-averaged velocity in the
vertical. Also, it can be shown that the velocity at 0.6h depth from the free surface or the average
of the velocities at 0.2h and 0.8h depths from the free surface, when h is the total depth of flow,
is approximately equal to the average velocity in the vertical.
A rectangular channel is 6 m wide and laid on a slope of 0.25%. The channel is made of
concrete (k, =2 mm) and carries water at a depth of 0.50 m. Compute the mcan vclocity of low,
Solution k,=2 mm = 0.002 m 7.0
A bh =
6x0.50 3.0 m P=b+2h=6+2 x 0.50 =
R A/P=3.0/7.0 =0.43 m
u=gRS,=/9.81x 0.43x 0.0025 =0.1025 m/s
k,u0.002x0.102-205> 70
Iencc. the boundary is hydraulically rough and the mean velocity of flow is obtained by
Eq(4.19). i.e.
Chezy Formula
The Chezy formula can be found mathematically from two assumptions. The first
assumption states that, in steady uniform flow the component of the gravity force causing the
flow must be equal to the force of friction or resistance, as indicated by Eq.(4.1). When the
channel slope is small, the component ofthe gravity forcc = Wsine= yALsine= 7ALtan® =
The second assumption states that, in turbulent flow the resistance force per unit wetted
area varies as the square of the mean velocity. The total wetted area is the product of the wetted
perimeter P and the length of the channel L. Hence, the total force of resistance is ygiven by
F =kPLU? (4.21)
U=CRs, (4.23)
Darcy-Weisbach Fornmula
The Darcy-Weisbach formula, first presented by Julius Weisbach in 1845 and primarily
developed for pipe flow, is given by
L U?
h d,28 (4.24)
where his the frictionalloss, fis the friction factor, L is the length of the pipe, do is the aamelcr
ofthe pipe, Uis the mean velocity offlow and g is the acceleration due to gravity. Since do=4R
and the energy gradient St= h¢lL, the above formula be writtcn as
U-Rs (4.25)
This formula is same in all the systems of units and may be applicd to uniform and ncarly
uniform flows in open channels. The friction factor fis dimensionless and its numerical value
remains same in all the systems of units.
Manning Formula
In 1889 the Irish engineer Robert Manning presented an empirical formula for stcady
uniform flow in open channels. In SI and English units this formula is given by
U-Rs,/2 (4.26)
respectively, where U is the mean velocity, n (s/m" or sec/ft) is the Manning's roughness
coefficient, specifically known as Manning's n, R is the hydraulic radius and Sris the slope of the
energy line.
The Manning's roughness coeficient n has the dimensions of TL"". But its numerical
value is kept same in all the systems of units. To keep the numerical value ofn same in all
systems of units, the Manning formula becomes different in different systems of units. For
example, the Manning formula needs to be multiplied by (3.28) = 1.486 to convert it from SI
units (Eq. 4.26) to English units (Eq.4.27), as shown below.
n in s/m=os
in secl f (since I m -3.28 f)
U=-R/"s,2 in SI units
CR (423)
- 30
n = 0.047d"
where d is the median diameter or the diameter of the bed material in meter such that s0
percent of the material by weight is smaller.
The Strickler formula has two major advantages: (i) it relates n to the suze of the graina
which can be measured casily, and (ii) since dso is raised to 1/6th power, an error in cstimaing t
value has a corresponding less effoct on the computed value of n
Example 4.2
An open channel lined with concrete (dso 1.5 mm) is laid on a slopc of 0.1. The
channel is trapezoidal with b = 6 m and s = 2. Compute the uniform flow discharge in the
channel ifthe depth offlow is 2 m. Also, compute the numerical values of Chezy'sC and friction
factor f.
C - R =0.016134= 6.01 m/s
S- 8x9.81 =0.018
depth of uniform flow is known as normal depth and is designated by ha. Similarly.
the discharge ofuniform flow is known as the normal discharge designated by Q. the velocity of
uniform flow is knowm as the normal velocity designated by U, and so on. The Chezy and the
Manning formulas for the discharge can then be Written respectively as
, =CA,R""s," (4.32)
Section Factor
The product of flow area and two-thirds power of hydraulicradius, i.c. AR"", is known as
It can be computed if the channel
the section factor in connection with the Manning formula.
section and the depth of flow h are known.
When the flow is uniform, the product of flow arca and two-thirds power of hydraulic
The conveyance fora channel section in terms ofthe Manning formula is given by
K=-AR (4.36)
which can be computed when the section, the roughness coefficient n and the depth h are given.
When the flow is uniform, then using the Manning formula (Eq4.33), it can be shown
e. =K,5, (4.37)
K,AR n
is thecomeyancefor uniformflow. It can be computed using Eq.(4.37) when the discharge and
the slope are given or using Eq.(4.38) from the given section, n and the normal depth ha
In terms of the Chezy formula, the conveyance is given by
K=CAR2 (4.39)
o, =K,S. (4.40)
K. =CA,R (4.41)
Hydraulic Exponent for Uniform Flow
The conveyance K is a function of the depth of fow for a given channel section and
roughness and it is convenient to express K in the form
K-Ch (4 42)
where C2 is a coefficient and N is an exponent which is known as the hydraulic exponent tor
uniform flow computation.
Taking logarithm of both sides of Eq(4.42) and then differentiating with respect to h, we
d(ln K), (443)
Alsa, using R AP in Eq.(4.36), taking logarithm of both sides of the resulting equatuon, then
diffcrentiating it with respect to h and
usingdA/dh- B, we get
dln K) 51 d21dP$B2 dP
dh B-2R (4 44)
Equating the right sides of Eqs. (4.43) and (4.44) and solving for N, we obtain
NSB-2R (4 45)
which is the general cquation for the hydraulic exponent N when the conveyance is expressed in
terms of the Manning formula.
Whenthe conveyance is expressed in tems of the Chezy formula, Eq (4 39),. it can b
shown similarly that
(4 46)
Equations (4.45) and (4.46) indicate that the numerical value N depends on the channei
shape and the depth of flow. It also depends on whether the conveyance is expressed in terms of
the Manning or the Chezy formula. The values ofN for different channel sections
Table 4.3.
Example 4.3
Derive the expression for the hydraulic exponent for uniform flow computation N for a
rectangular channel based on the Manning formula. Then, compute the numerical values of N for
a wide channel.
N-8-2 8 - 2 x bh
3A 3bh
This is the expression for N for a rectangular channel based on the
Manning formula.
For a wide channel, h/b» 0. Hence,
N-120h16) 40_13.33
Table 4.3 Values of N for different channel sections
Example 4.4
Compute the hydraulic exponent for uniform flow computation N of a trapezoidal
channcl with b = 6.1 m, s = 2 and h = 2 m based on the Manning formula.
N=x5x+2s(h/b) vl+s'(h/b)
1+s(h/6)x4xVlts (h/b)
1+21+s (h/b)
1+2x0.328 x4xV+2
5x1+2x2x0.3282Av_ vl+2xx0.328
1+2x0.328 3
1+21+2 x0.328
4.65-0.79 =3.86
Alternative solution
A =(6.1+2x2)x2 20.2 m, P = 6.1 +2x2x Vi+2 15.04 m. R= AP
20.2/15.04 1.34 m, B=6.1 +2x2x2 14.1 m, dP/dh = 21+s* =2v5
N= 25B2R4=X_(6x141-2x1.34x25) =3.86
dh 3x20.2
Analytical Method
The normal depth is an
be computed using the
important parameter in the analysis of open channcl flow. It may
the bottom slope So and the
or the Chezy formula when the channel scction, the discharge
Manning's n or the Chezy's C are given. For wide and triangular
channels, the formula for the normal depth can be casily obtained.
A. Using the Manning formula
Wide channel
The Manning formula, Eq.(4.33), be written for
bottom slope So as
can a given discharge Q and a given
AR2"= (4.47)
since for uniform flow, So=S S»=S. For a wide channel, A= h, R = h and Q is replaced by
q. Therefore,
h, (4.48)
Triangular channel
For a triangular channel, A =sh',P =2hvl+s* and R- h Hence, from
Eq.(4.47), we obtain
sh, n
H2+s no
h= +s
B. Using the Chezy formula it can be shown similarly that, for a wide channel
Using the Chezy formula, Eq. (4.32),
Example 4.5
A wide channel with So =0.0025 carries a discharge of 3 ms. Compute thenormaldepth
and velocity () using the Manning formula when n = 0.020, and (i) using the Chezy formula
when C= 45 m"/s.
Example 4.6
For a triangular channel with s=2, So = 0.0016 and n = 0.015, determine the normal
depth and velocity if Q= 10 m/s.
h 2 2/
0.0016 =1.55 m
A, = sh = 2x1.553 = 4.79 m2
U 7-2.09 m/s
Trial-and-Error Method
For other channel sections, like the rectangular, trapezoidal, circular and parabolic
sections, the normal depth can be conveniently obtained by the trial-and-error solution of Eq
(4.34) or (4.35).
Example 4.7
For a rectangular channel with b=6 m, n = 0.025 and So= 0.0025, compute the normai
depth and velocity when Q= 20 m°/s.
Solution Rectangular channel, b= 6 m, n = 0.025, So = 0.0025, Q 20 m°/s
4,R2 ng 0.025 x20
Now, assume several values ofh and computc the section factor AR"
until the computed value of
AR is close to 10.000.
Hence, the normal depth, h,= 1.61 m and the normal velocity
U, = = =2.07 mls
Example 4.8
For a trapezoidal channel with b
=6 m, s =2, n 0.025 and So 0.001. compute the
depth and velocity when Q= 14 m/s.
Hence, the normal depth, h,= 1.32 m and the normal velocity
U. 1.23 m/s
Erample 4.9
Compute the normal depth and velocity in a parabolic channel with Q
0.025 and So= 0.0025 when the
profile of the channel is given by y' 4z. =
20 m'/s, n=
U - 20
9 . 0 6 0 2 . 2 1 mls
Example 4.10
rcular channel 2 m in diameter is laid on a slope of 0.00l and carries a discharge of
4m/s. Compute the normal depth and velocity when n= 0.013.
AR = 0.015x4=1.644
U. = 2.37
1.71 mls
Numerical Methods
The numerical methods which have been used in Art. 3.3 for
computing the critical depth
in a channel, i.e. the method of bisection and the Newton-Raphson method, can also be used to
compute the normal depth in rectangular, trapezoidal, circular and parabolic channels.
Example 4.11
For atrapezoidal channel with b=6 m, =2, s n =
0.025 and So 0.001, compute the
normal depth by the method of bisection if Q= 14 m'/s.
Newton-Raphson method: Suppose, we want to compute the normal depth in a channel for
given section, Q, n and So. Obviously, when h = h
If we now assumee
rh=pn A_ngps
dh dknB2p
dh 3435
. - B) (454)
For a given channel section, f(h) and f'(h) depend on the depth of flow only and can be casily
Example 4.12
F o r a trapezoidal channel w i t h b = 6 m, s = 2, n = 0 . 0 2 5 and So = 0.001, computc the
14 m's.
normal depth by the Newton-Raphson methodif Q=
A= (6+2h)h,P=6+2WSh,B=6+4h, dP/dh = 2/5
Using Eqs.(4.53) and (4.54), we obtain
h SH S'h) S(h) h h
Ah =-
1.000 -20.979 51.579 0.407 1.407
1.407 L 493 89.555 -0.083 1.324
1.324 0.406 81.215 - 0.005 1.319
1.319 0.003 79.094 - 0.000 1.319
The normal slope (Sa) is the longitudinal slope ofthe channel that is requircd to maintain
uniform flow in the channel. When the Manning formula is used
S, A,R"" (4.55)
So, when the channel section, Q, n or C and h, are given, the nomal slope can be obtained using
Eq(4.55) or (4.56).
The critical slope (S.) isthe longitudinal slope of the channel for which the flow in the
channel is both uniform and critical,i.e.uniform flow occurs in a critical state and S, S. U
Ue and hhe. When the channel section, n or C and h or Q are given, the critical slope can be
detemined using the Manning formula as
DR AR" (4.57)
or, using the Chezy formula as
S,CR CAR (4.58)
The condition for critical flow, Fr 1, produces a direct relationship betwcen Q and h.
So, when Qis given, the critical depth he (= h,) is first computed using the critical condition and
then the critical slope is computed using Eq.(4.57) or (4.58). On the other hand, when h, (=h<) is
given, the mean velocity U or the dischargeQis first determined using the critical flow condition
and then the critical slope is computed using
Eq.(4.57) or (4.58).
Example 4.13
Arectangular channel has a bottom width of 6 m, a= 1.12 and n = 0.020. (i) For h,a= I m
and Q= 11m/s, determine the normal slope. (ii) Determine the critical
slope for Q=llm''s.
(ii) Determine the critical slope for h, I m.
.S.- 0.020x1=0.0020
(i) Q 11 m's
gb* 9.81x60.73 m
h,=h, = 0.73 m
A bh 6x0.73 = 4.36 ms, P =b+2h = 6 +2x0.73 =7.45 m, R A/P =0.58 m
S 020M11
4.36x 0.5g275 0.053
(i) he h 1m
A bh 6x1 = 6m,P=b+2h 6 + 2 x 1 = 8 m, R = A/P = 0.75 m
(n0.010) n2
Wood (na0-015) P
(a) (b)
Fig. 4.1 Channel section with composite roughness
In applying the Manning (or the Chezy) formula to compute flow in such a section. it is
necessary to compute an equivalent roughness coeficient n (or Chezy's C) for the entire
perimeter. Consider a channel in which the flow area is divided into 3 parts. as shown in
Fig.4.1(b), of which the wetted perimeters Pi, Pz and P3 and the corresponding coefticients of
roughnessni, n2 and ng are known. Following Horton (1933), it is assumedthatcach purt ofthe
area has the same mean velocity that is also equal to the mean velocity of the whole section, i.e.
U U =U, =U (4.59)
Using Eq. (4.26), we can write Eq. (4.59) as
n n n
Since the bottom slope So is same for all the three parts and R A/P, we obtain
so that
Since A A t At A,
4-() (4.62)
Pn= P n +Pn"+Bn"
P P " + B ,3/2 2/3
n= P
Example 4.14
is made of
laboratory flume are made of glass (n 0.010) and the bottom
The sides ofa
wood (n=0.015). The flume is rectangular with b I m and is laid on a slope of 0.001. Compute
the discharge in the flume ifha = 0.4 m.
n 0.013 x0.4x0.222/"x0.001= 0.36 m ls
.4,R,"s,"2 (4.64c)
Fig. 4.2 Compound cross-section
The total discharge for the entire section is equal to the sum of these dischargcs, i.e.
Q-Q+Q+» (4.65)
The mean velocity for the entire section is equal to the total discharge divided by the total
arca, i.c.
U.2.9+9+, (4.66)
where the total area A is given by
A AitAz t As (4.67)
The cquivalent n-value for the entire section can be computed using the Manning formula
for the entire section as
n = AR's,""/Q (4.68)
The energy and momentum coefficients for the entire section are obtained using the
GK14+B,K,4,+BK,14 (4.70)
where a, a, and aj are the energy cocfficients, B1, B2 and B, are the momentum coefficients and
Ki. K2 and K; are the conveyances of the individual subsections, respectively, and K (=K -K:
+Ka) is the conveyance for the entire section.
Example 4.15
A channcl consists of a main section and two side sections as shown in the following
figure.Compute the total discharge and the mean velocity of flow for the entire section when n=
0.025 for the main section, n = 0.035 for the side sections and So = 0.0001. Also, compute i
numerical values ofn, a and B for the entire section assuming that a = 1.12 and p- 1.04 fo
main and side sections.
The main and the two side (left and right) sections are separated by drawing vertical
(dotted) lines as shown. The computed values of A, P, R, Q and K for the three subsections and
A,P,Q and K for the entire section are shown below.
Sectioon R Q K
a -4K14+a,k14+a,K,142
1.12x65512' 14253 +1.12x5100* /802 +1.12x3690* /602
= 1.236
74302 /56s
1.04x655123/425+1.04x5100/80+1.04x3690* /60n
With reference to Fig. 4.3, applying the energy cquation between sections I and 2, we get
28 +h, (4.71)
h,=F+ 28 28 (4.72) 20
K KK (4.74)
iii) Since the discharge Qis not known initially, as a first approximation assume that he F
and hence
iv) The first approximation of the discharge (which is also the uniform flow discharge) is
then computed using the cquation
Ks, (4.76)
v)A morce accurate value of the energy slope is obtained using the
s, (4.77)
wherehisgiven by Eq.(4.72).Thecorresponding discharge is then computed by Eq(4.76) using
the revised slope given by Eq.(4.77).
vi) Repeat step (v) until the assumed and the computed discharges agree.
Example 4.16
Compute the flood discharge through a river reach of850 m using the following data:
The fall of water surface in the reach is 0.76 m. Neglect eddy loss.
K,4R 0.030
x10350x(10350/2035)37 =1020320
K AR," =0.030 x 9275 x (9275/1965)2/ = 869950
Q(m's) F&(m)
U2 h
S(10) Computed
4.1 Deline (i) shearstress. (i) friction velocity,(Gii) laminar sublayer. (iv) relative roughness,(v
hydraulically smooth bouadary, (v) hydraulically rough boundary. (vi) normal slope. (vii) eritical
slope. (vii) channel section with composite roughness, and (ix) compound cross-section
4.2(a) State the condition for the establishment of uniform flow in an open channel.
(b) Explain why flow cannot be uniform in (i) a horizontal channcl. (ii) an adverse slope
channcl, and (1i) a frictionless channel.
(c) "Unifom flow of an ideal fluid is impossible"- justify.
4.3 State the two assumptions which arc to be made for the development of the Che/y formula
44 Why is the Manning formula different in different
systems of units? Convert the Manning
formula from SI units to English or FPS units. Describe the factors which affect the
roughness cocfficient n.
4.8(a) Derive the expression for normal depth in a (i) wide channel, and
bascd on the Manning formula. (ii) triangular ehunnecl.
(b) Derive the expression for normal
based on the Chezy formula.
depth in a (i) wide channel, and (ii) triangular channel.
4.9 Derive the expression for the equivalent roughness coefiicient n for a
composite eross-sti
(lq. 4.63).
4.10 State the three points which are to be considcred in selecting the channel reach tor
computing flood discharge by the slope-area method.
4.11 Assuming that the velocity distribution along a vertical in an
open channel is logarithmie.
compute the position of the mean velocity below the free surface. Also
at 0.6 depth, and (ii) the show that (i) the veleity
average of the velocities at 0.2 and 0.8 depths arc
the mean velocity in a vertical. approximately cqual t
4.120a) A trapezoidal channel has a bottom width of 6.0 m, side
of 2.0 m, n 0.025 and So= 0.0001. Assuming that the f1ow slopes
flow =
of 1.511:1V. depth l a
is uniform. ti)
compute 9.u
compute C, f, andu", and (ii) computc k,, dctermine whether the channel
or rough and state if the boundary is simwth
Manning formula is applicable for computing flow in this channel.
A ssume that the
velocity distribution is logarithmic.
ges) river at the Baruria station in
_(b) Consider the following data for the 2Padma (Gan 3 and D = 3820 m. Assuming that
0 m /s
Fandpur ~nth ~ 2nd JulJ, 1989: A= 33,500 m , Q = 56,20
to, and (ii) detennine whether the channel
the flow 1~ umfonn, (1) compute. n, C, f, u• and
velocity distribution as logarithmic. Assume that the
~un ~_ 1s smootl_l or.rough taking theriver
nver 1s wide. Long1tudmal slope of the is 4 cm/km.
,nJ .
, j ___ _
\• $Om ,om
Chapter 5
The hydraulic design of a channel, like an irrigation canal or a drainage channel, involves
~e dctcnnination of its alignment, shape, size and bottom slope to convey the required discharge.
Sm~e a channel may be lined or unlined and may or may not carry sediment, we consider the
d~s 1~ of three types of channels:(i) rigid-boundary or non-erodible channels carrying clear water
with httle or no sediment, (ii) mobile-boundary or erodible channels carrying clear water which
scour but do not silt, and (iii) alluvial or mobile boundary channels carrying sediment which both
scour and silt.
The channel alignment is selected so that the channel length is as short as possible. The
longit~dinal sl?pc of the channel generally depends on the topography of the land. The type of
materaals formmg the channel body determines the roughness characteristics and the side slope of
the channel.
The shape of the cross-section is generally decided by the discharge and the engineering
properties of the material forming the channel body. Normally, a trapezoidal section is used
when the discharge is large. For small discharges, triangular sections are used. Rectangular
cross-sections are also used when the discharge is small or in special situations, such as rock
cuts, steep chutes and cross-drainage works.
In the design of a channel, it is desirable to maintain subcritical flow in the channel
having a Froudc number range of 0.3 to 0.4. When the Froude number is high and the flow
approaches the critical state, the water surface becomes unstable and wavy and large disturbances
arc expected at bends and obstructions.
The minimum permissible velocity is the lowest mean velocity of flow that will prevent
sedimentation and vegetative growth. In general, a velocity of2 to 3 ft/sec (0.61 to 0.91 mis) will
prevent sedimentation when the silt load of the flow is low (Chow, 1959). A velocity of 2.5
ft/sec (0.75 mis) is usually sufficient to prevent the growth of vegetation.
The maximum permissible velocity is the greatest mean velocity that will not cause
erosion of the channel body. This velocity is generally taken as 2 mis (Ranga Raju, 1993).
The freeboard is the vertical distance between the top of the channel and the water
surface at the design condition. It is provided to prevent the water level from ovcrtopping the
sides of the channel due to its fluctuation caused by wind, tide, superelcvation at bends,
hydraulic jump, etc. Freeboards varying from 5% to 30% ?f the depth of flow are commo~ly
used in design. As a rough estimate of freeboard, the United States Bureau of Reclamation
(USBR) suggested the fonnula
F• = ✓ ch (5.1)
where f is the &eeboard in ft, h is the depth of flow in ft and c is a factor varying from 1.5 for Q
< 20 ft3 (0.57 m3/s) to 2.5 for Q > 300 ft'/~c (8.52 m3/s). In case oflined channe Is, the top of
the lining is generally located half the total frceboard above the water surface.
SED ~of the lined channels and the built-up unlined cha~nels fall into this category: A
uniform flow formula, like the Manning or the Che~ fo~ula, 1~ used to comd~ute the _sect1odn
· • . · taining a velocity which will prevent se 1mentat1on an
d1mcns1ons of th~ channel, b~ mampcnnissiblc velocity is not usually the criterion in the design
growth of vegetabon. The maxunum
of non-erodible channels. However, when the flow velocity is very high, the rapidly flowing
water tends to lift the lining blocks and push them out of position. So, the mean velocity of flow
is restricted to 2 mis to avoid any danger to the lining materials.
The materials used for lining include concrete, stone or brick masonry, steel, cast iron
timber, glass, plastic, gcotextile, etc. The choice of a material depends mainly on the avai lab iii~
and cost ofthe material and the purpose and the method of construction. The provision oflining
in a channel (i) pennits the water to flow at high velocities, (ii) decreases seepage and percolation
losses, (iii) reduces the costs of operation and maintenance, and (iv) ensures the stability of the
channel section. In some cases, in particular when water is very scarce, a lined channel may be
more practicable and economical than an unlined channel in spite of the initial cost of lining.
Cross-section A p R B D
Example 5.1
Show that the best hydraulic rectangular section is one-half of a square. Also, detennme
the geometric clements of best hydraulic rectangular section.
b =2h
This means that the best hydraulic rectangular section is one-half of a square, as shown in Fi~.
5.1. A semi-circle with O as center and h as radius can be inscribed in the best hydraulic
rectangular section. Also, for the best hydraulic rectangular section, we get
A=bh =2h P=b+2h =4h R=AI P =2h 2 /4h=hl2
B=~=2h D = Al B=2h 2 l2h=h
as given in Table S.l.
Example 5.2
Show that the best hydraulic trapezoidal section is one-half of a regular hexagon.
Consldcrlnad: IO bcl;:r:::nd dl·lffcre(ntla~nap w)lth rctipccl LO u, WC get
2P dr • 4A 7b- - I • 4A Ji: ., 2 -I
:. &•JiI (x i)
Example 5.3
A trapezoidal channel carrying 20 m3/s is built with non-erodibl
e bed having a slope of I
in I 000 and n • 0.025. Design the channel by the concept of best
hydraulic section.
Solution Trapezoidal channel, Q • 20 m3/s. So • l in
JO00 = 0.001, n = 0.025
AR 2/3 =nQ 0.025 X 20
- --==- =15.81
Jf; ✓0.001
From Table 5.1, A= ✓3h and R = 0.5h. Hence,
The side slope of the best hydraulic trapezoidaJ section is given bys = I1 ✓3 = 0.577 so
that b = 2h( ~ -s) = 4.12 m, A= ✓3h2 = 12.86 m2, p = 2✓3h = 9.44 m. B = 4 ✓3h/3 = 6.30
m. R = 0.5h = 1.36 m and D = 3h14 = 2.05 m. Also, U = Q/A = 1.56 mis, which is greater than
the minimwn permissible velocity. The Froude number, Fr= U/ Ji5 = 0.33. which seems
satisfactory. Since h = 8.95 ft and Q = 705.75 ft3/sec, c = 2.5 and Eq.(5.1) gives a frccboard of
4.73 fi or 1.44 m.
Table 5.2 Side slopes for channels built in various kinds of materials (Chow, 1959)
Side slope
Nearly ,•ertical
Muck and peat soils 0.25:1
Stiff clay or earth with concrete lining 0.5: 1 to I: I
Earth with stone lining or earth for large channels 1:1
Firm clay or earth for small ditches 1.5: 1
Loose sandy earth 2: 1
Sandy loam or porous clay 3:1
Al th triangular and trapezoidal sections arc provided with rounded comer~ instead l>f
sharp comS:~. shown in Fig. 5.3 (Ranga Raju, 1993). For the triangular section
A =h 2 (¢+cot¢) ( 5-2 )
P=2h(9+cot¢) (5 .3)
11t1tl for tJJJ; t1tape111ldti l /;;"'./4.-tfor,
A - hh, h 1 (¢ H.A'At/1)
p - " ' /4 I,(¢ , _ (.ht (I)
,l'(Jf g~vc,1 vnlu~ of' O. ,,, ~ Lmd 8u, the dcj)1h of flow in u triangular cha11111:I 1.:an be
fk.:tCflfllMd d1re<,tly u~,n~ the MuMi lng formula. und the determination of the depth of th)\, and
lfit f,uw,m width tA' t1 trs.,pe-toldu l chu.nncl It. bused on th i.: maximum permi ssible vclu1.:ity.
(u) (b)
Vig, SJ Lined chanr,cl r.cctions for (a) Q < 55 m3/s and (b) Q > 55 m3/s (Ranga Raju. 1993)
Solution (a) Since () < SS m3/s, use a triangular section with rounded corner as shD'' n in Fig.
S,1(£JJ, Herc, ~.. ., cot¢! • 1 and ¢, • 45°-= 7t/4 radian • 0.785 radian. Then.
A ... h 1(¢ +C<fLtp) = I .785h 2
P • 2h(¢ +cot¢) =3.511h
!{ ... A/ P s O.Sh
:--:c ,w. uging the Manning fonnula, we get
35 rs (I/ 0.0 I3) >< l.785h 2 X (0.5h)2' 3 X (1 / 3600) 112
t rr ,m which we obtain
h"} • 24 .28 :. h =- 24.28 3111 i::: 3.31 m
1L, <,i nce () > 55 m3/s, use a trapezoidal section with rounded corners as !>hown in Fit!. 5.Jth) .
I kn:, ~ c. cot¢, • I and ¢, • 0.785 radian. As the maximum permissible vclo~ity is~ mis. so
A • 100/2 • 50.0 m
!\ 1;;, in, from the Manning formula
100 =(I/ 0.013) X 50 X R213 X (I/ 3600) 112
v,,, hi"h gi vct
R - 1.95 m
' ,rn(..<.: I< A/P, we have
/' A IR • 50.0 I 1.95 :: 25 .66 m
., , we have the cqu.1tions
11 /J/1<+ h 7 ({ +cot¢) ':l, hh+l.785h 2 == 50.00
-, 8
P•b + 2h(t;+cott;)=b + 3.57lh = 25.66
Eliminating b between the above two equations, we get the quadratic equation
h 2 -14.37h + 28.00 = 0
which gives h • 2.32 m and 12.04 m. Using the se two values of h, we get b rt 17 .36 m and
-17.34 m. Since b cannot be negative, we accept
h • 2.32 m and b • 17.36 m.
The erodible channels with coarse non-cohesive materials on the boundary and carrying
eitherclcarwatcrorwaterwith fine sediment in suspension which will not deposit arc designed
by the shear or tractive force method developed by Lane ( 1955) of U SBR . The method is based
on the threshold or incipient or impending motion condition of the soi I particles. which dcnotc5
the limiting condition at which the soil particles just begin to move. In this method it is assumed
that a channel scours when the shear stress developed on the channel boundary exceeds the
critical shear stress value. The average shear stress on the boundary of an open channel at which
the soil particles just begin to move is called the critical shear stress t c. Since the threshold or
incipient or impending motion condition of the particles on the channel boundary (or over a part
of the boundary which is more susceptible to scour) is considered, the design is economical.
As stated in Art. 4.3, in uniform flow the average shear stress on the channel boundary is
given by
f'o = rRSo ( 5.6 )
and when the channel is wide
f'o = lhSo (5.7)
The shear stress, however, is not uniformly distributed along the wetted perimeter wbcn
the chmnel is not wide. For a trapezoidal section, the maximum shear stress on the bottom is
close to -yhSo and on the sides close to 0.76yhS0, as shown in Fig.5.4 (Lane. 195 5) .
.: 1.0
• 0.1
.. ~
Tropoz .••••• 2,
I/ J
.,. ..,-~ , r1•oida
a• and 1-4 -
~ 0.7
·-- ~
..-: ao.1 J 1/
-C 0-6 ~
I '
r'-R~ l 'R•ctangl"
1..0-4 ·-J ~o~ ,zolds
Jo.4 I -
·1-: .
, ;• ., . ..,' '
OO 1 '2 . J 4 I 6 . 7 - 8 t 10
o 1 2 ~ 4 ft , 1 a g 10
. b/h b/1\-
Fig. S.4 Maximum shear stresses on sides and bottom of trapezoidal channels
tend to move the so1·1.-rt icle Since the two forces act on the soil particle at right angle
....- - · . . . s to each
other, the resultant force on the soil particle 1s
,Jw,2sin2;+a2f',2 . .
where a is the effective area of the soil particle, t, is the shear stress
on the slop mg side and Ws 1s
the submerged weight of the particle.
which gives
r. =-•
W cos; tan 'I' ~ 1- ;
a tan 2 'I' (5.9)
Similarly, for the incipient motion condition of a soil particle
bottom, Eq.(5.9) gives with ; = 0 on the level or horizontal
r.=- • tan'I'
a (5 .10)
where tb is the shear stress or unit tractive force on the level botto
From Eqs.(5.9) and (5.10), the shear stress ratio K which is the
ratio between t and Tt,. is
given by ,------- r - - - - -- s
f" ~l; • 2-'
K=- • =cos ; 1- l = cos2 ; - sm .,, = l-sin 2; - sm . l
r• ;
tan ,p tan 2 'I' tan 2 'I'
K = I
sin 2 ;
sin 2 'I' (5 .1 l)
For cohesive and fine non-cohesive materials, the gravity force comp
onent causing the
particle to roll down the side slope is much smaller than the cohesive
forces and can safely be
neglected. Therefore, the effect of the angle of repose is to be consid
ered only for coarse non-
cohesive materials. In general, the angle of repose increases with both
size and angularity of the
material. Figure S.6 shows the curves prepared by USBR for the
angle of repose for non-
cohesive materials larger than 0.2 inch (5 mm) in diameter. In this figure
, dn is the diameter of a
particle than which 25% (by weight) of the material is larger.
The USBR recommends a value of permissible shear stress in pounds per square
level bottom for coarse non-cohesive materials equal to o.40d , where foot on
75 d75 is in inches .
-! ~.--- --1r- --t-- --,~~ ~~., _~_, .q_,_ ~,__ ..
38....- --t---t ---t--t -+-II- Mf-+- ,,,.._-. ,,C...~ ,,.,...,_ .-;;..t
36--- ----4 ~_...___ __--.ll~~ #-,,_,, ..._--+ -----4 1
34 .......--..
l-32 ......- - ~
•• 30. .--~
24.., ___, ,
Threshold Condition
The threshold or incipient or impending motion co~ditio_n denotes the
limitin~ cond_it_ion
at which the sediment particles just begin to move. Shields m 1936
gave a sem1-cmpmcal
approach to define the threshold of movement. His results can be
stated in tcm1s of two
dimensionless parameters
Re•= u • d
(5. 12)
r • t'" u•l
__ __
" r(s, - l)d g(s, - l)d . .
when Ss is .the specific gravity of the sediment and d 1s the size . .
of the sediment particle. The
parameter Re• is known as the particle Reynolds number.
The Shields curve, plotted in Fig.5.7 (Henderson, I?66), deline .
ates the threshold of
movement, i.e. the regime above the curve represents a movmg bed
and that below the curve
represents a rigid bed. The first part of the curv
e repre sen~ lami nar flow, the middle pan
represents a trans ition regio n and the last J>81! repre
sents a re~1on of fully deve loped turbulence .
The boundary is rough at large value s of Re an~
when Re exce eds a value of about 400, tc •
rema ins cons tant at 0.056 .
...c -- ...
11 I
10 10
Fig.5.7 Shie lds curv e for incip ient moti on Fig.5.8 Yalin -Kar ahan curv e for incipient
cond ition (Hen derso n, 1966) moti on cond ition (Ran ga Raju , 1993 )
The Shie lds curv e is based on a limited amou nt of
field data. The relationship proposed
by Valin and Kara han (197 9) base d on cons idera bly
more data is show n in Fig. 5.8 and is more
re Iiable. As a result, it is recom mend ed that the
relationship of Valin and Kara han be used to
defin e 'tc, In the Yalin -Kar ahan relationship, o.17
S. Dctcnnine 'ta,, the pcnnissiblc shear stress on bottom (tb = 0.40dn when th is in
paunds per square foot and d1.s i~ in in~he~, or tb = tc obtained from the modified Yalin-Karahan
curve, Fig.5.9) and correct for smuos1ty, 1f any.
6. Compute -r.. the pcnnissible shear stress on sides, using ts = K'tb.
7. Compute the nonnal depth hn by equating the computed value oft, in step 6 to the
shear stress obtained in step 3.
8. Compu~b.
9. Compute Q and compare this with the design Q.
10. Repeat steps 2 to 9 until the computed Q is close to the design Q.
11. Compare the actual shear stress on bottom tb (Fig.5.4(b)) with the permissible value
obtained in step S.
Example S.5 ·
A trapezoidal channel is to be laid on a slope of 1 in 1000 and carry a discharge of 20
m3/s. It is to~ excavated in earth containing moderately rounded coarse non-cohesive particles
with dso • 2 cm, d1.s - 2.5 cm and n = 0.025. Determine the section dimensions of the channel.
which is less than the design discharge of20 m /s.
Further computations are done in tabular fonn as shown below for different values of
b/ba h.(a) b(a) P(m)
4.S 1.47 6.62 14.05 13.19
1.065 18.SJ
s.o 1.47 7.35 15.13 13.92 1.086 20.22
4.9 1.47 7.20 14.91 13.78 1.082 19.88
Then, for s = 2 and blhn = S.O, the section dimensions are hn = 1.47 m, b = 7.35 ~·A = 15.13 m2,
P == 13.92 m and R • 1.086 m, and Q = 20.22 m /s which is very close to 20 m Is.
With s = 2 and b/h 0 = 5.0, the shear stress on bottom (Fig.5.4(b)) is 0.97yhnSo "'
0.97x9810 x l.42x0.001 = 13.51 N/m 2 which is less than 18.77 N/m 2, the pcnnissiblc shear
stress on bottom. Hence the design is acceptable.
Obviously, alternative section dimensions may be obtained by taking other values of s.
The~ for s=2 and bib.a= 10.9, ha= 1.13 m, b = 12.32 m, A= 16.47 m2, P = 17.37 m. R = 0.948
m and Q = 20. l 0 m3/s which is very close to 20 m3/s.
Withs= 2 and blha = 10.9, the maximum unit tractive force on bottom (Fig.5..4(b)) is
yhoSo = 9810x 1.13x0.00 1=11.08 N/m2 which is less than 14.57 N/m 2, the permissible tractive
force on bottom. Hence, the design is acceptable.
Uo = 0.546h0.64 (5 . 14)
where Uo is the non-silting and non-scouring velocity and h is the depth of flow . The main
limi~tion of the K~edy equation is that it does not specify a definite width, thereby making an
infimte number ofwadth-to-depth ratios possible. However, experience shows that stability is
possible only if the width does not vary over a wide range. Lindley (1919) recognized this fact
and introduced a relation between non-silting and non-scouring velocity and the bed width. Later
on, Lacey (1930,1946) carried out extensive investigations on the design of stable channels in
alluvium using data of stable canals in the lndo-Gangetic plains and put forward his new theory.
He differentiated between two regime conditions: (i) initial regime, and (ii) final regime. A
channel under initial or false regime is not a channel in regime, although it appears to be in
regime as there is no silting or scouring, and the regime theory is not applicable to them.
According to Lacey, an artificially constructed channel having a certain fixed section and certain
fixed slope can be in true or final regime if the discharge is constant, flow is uniform, the silt
grade and the silt charge are constant and the channel flows through incoherent alluvium of the
same type as is transported without changing its cross-section and slope. Lacey's regime theory
is applicable only to channels which arc in final regime.
The various equations proposed by Lacey for the design of stable channels in alluvium
P=4.15/Q (5.15)
R =0.41(QI /.) 113 (5.16)
So (5.17)
3340Q 116
f. = 1.16./d (5 .18)
where Pis the wetted perimeter in m, R is the hydraulic radius in m, Q is the discharge in m 3/s, d
is the average particle size in mm and f, is the silt factor which takes into account the effect of
grain size of the material forming the channel.
The alluvial channels are usually provided with trapezoidal sections having side slopes
equal to or less than the angle of repose of the perimeter material. But due to deposition of fine
sediments, the final side slopes attained by the channels are much steeper. Hence. it is customary
to assume a side slope of 0.5: 1 (i.e. s = 0.5) for the design of alluvial channels.
Example 5.6
Design a stable alluvial channel using the Lacey method. The channe1 is to carry IO m 3/s
through I mm sand.
Solution Q = 10 m3/s d = 1 mm
f. = 1.16/J =1.76✓1 =1.76
~.S/3 1. 765/3
S0 1
,__,;;J..:.----,- ---~ 5.23 X 10-4
3340Q 116
3340 X 10 116
R =0.41(QI /,) 113 =0.47x (10/1.76) 113 =0.84 m
P=4.1S./Q=4.1S/fo =15.02 m
so that
A-= PR= 1S.02x0.84 = 12.60 m2
Assuming that the side slope is 1/2H:1V so that s = 0.5. we obtain
P=l5.02=b+2h✓l+0.5 2 =b+2.236h
A= 12.60=(b + 0.5h)h=bh+ 0.50h
Eliminating b between the above two equations, we get the quadratic equation
h 2 -8.652h + 7.258 = 0
which gives h = 0.94 m and 7. 71 m. Using these two values of h, we get b = 15.02 - 2.236h =
12. 92 m and - 2.22 m. Since b cannot be negative, we accept
h = 0.94 m and b = 12.92 m.
5.1 Define (i) minimum permissible velocity, (ii) maximum permissible velocity, (iii) frceboard,
(iv) best hydraulic section, (v) angle of repose, (vi) threshold or incipient or impending motion
conditio~ (vii) critical shear stress, and (viii) shear stress ratio.
5.2 What are the advantages of lining a canal? Write the names of the materials commonly used
for lining.
5.3 Show that (i) the best hydraulic circular section is a semi-circle, (ii) the best hydraulic
rectangular section is one-half of a square, (iii) the best hydraulic triangular section is one-half
of a square, (iv) the best hydraulic trapezoidal section is one-half of a regular hexagon. and (v)
for the best hydraulic parabolic section the top width is equal to 2 ✓2 times the depth of flow.
5.4 "The best hydraulic section is not necessarily the most economic section" - why?
5.5 Deduce the expression for the shear stress ratio K (Eq. 5.11 ).
5.6 What is the main limitation of the Kennedy method? What is the improvement of the Lacey
method over the KeMedy method? What is a regime channel according to Lacey?
5.7 The cross-sectional area of a channel is 40 m • Calculate the wetted perimeter and the
hydraulic radius of the best hydraulic section if the channel is (i) rectangular, (ii) triangular, (iii)
trapezoidal, (iv) circular, and (v) parabolic. Which section has the minimum wetted perimeter?
5.8 Design the best hydraulic trapezoidal section to carry a discharge of20 m /s on a slope of I
in 2500 ifs= I and n = 0.012.
5.9 A lined channel (n =0.015) is to be laid on a slope of I in 2000. The side slope of the channel
is to be maintained at 1.S: I. (i) Determine the depth of flow of a triangular section with rounded
comer to carry a discharge of 40 m /s. (ii) Determine the dimensions of a trapezoidal section
with rounded comers to carry a discharge of80 m 3/s when the maximum permissible velocity is
2 mis.
5.10 An irrigation canal has to carry a discharge of 30 m /s through a coarse non-cohesive
material having d50 = 2.5 cm, d15 = 3 cm and n =0.025. The angle of repose of the perimeter
material is 32°. The canal _is to be trapezoidal in shape having s = 2 and laid on a slope of 1 in
1000. Compute the bottom width and the depth of flow (i) using the method of Lane, and (ii)
using the modified Yalin-Karahan diagram.
5.11 Design a stable alluvial channel using the Lacey method. The channel has to ·carry a
discharge of25 m 3/s through 1.5 mm sand .
A= J2.60=(b + O.Sh)h=bh + O.S0h
Eliminating b between the above two equations, we get the quadratic equation
h 2 -8.6S2h+ 7.258 = 0
which gives h = 0.94 m and 7.71 m. Using the~ two values ofh, we get b = 15.02-2.236h ==
J2. 92 m and - 2.22 m. Since b cannot be negative, we accept
h = 0.94 m and b = 12.92 m.
5.1 Define (i) minimum pennissible velocity, (ii) maximum permissible velocity, (iii) frceboard,
(iv) best hydraulic section, (v) angle of repose, (vi) threshold or incipient or impending motion
condition, (vii) critical shear stress, and (viii) shear stress ratio.
5.2 What arc the advantages oflining a canal? Write the names of the materials commonly used
for lining.
5.3 Show that (i) the best hydraulic circular section is a semi-circle, (ii) the best hydraulic
rectangular section is one-half of a square, (iii) the best hydraulic triangular section is one-half
of a square, (iv) the best hydraulic trapezoidal section is one-half of a regular hexagon, and (v)
for the best hydraulic parabolic section the top width is equal to 2✓2 times the depth of flow.
5.4 "The best hydraulic section is not necessarily the most economic section" - why?
5.5 Deduce the expression for the shear stress ratio K (Eq. 5.11 ).
5.6 What is the main limitation of the Kennedy method? What is the improvement of the Lacey
method over the Kennedy method? What is a regime channel according to Lacey?
5.7 The cross-sectional area of a channel is 40 m • Calculate the wetted perimeter and the
hydraulic radius of the best hydraulic section if the channel is (i) rectangular, (ii) triangular, (iii)
trapezoidal, (iv) circular, and (v) parabolic. Which section has the minimum wetted perimeter?
5.8 Design the best hydraulic trapezoidal section to carry a discharge of20 m 3/s on a slope of I
in 2500 ifs= 1 and n = 0.012.
5.9 A lined channel (n =0.015) is to be laid on a slope of 1 in 2000. The side slope of the channel
is to be maintained at 1.5:1. (i) Determine the depth of flow of a triangular section with rounded
comer to carry a discharge of 40 m /s. (ii) Determine the dimensions of a trapezoidal section
with rounded comers to carry a discharge of80 m 3/s when the maximum permissible velocity is
2 mis.
5.10 An irrigation canal has to carry a discharge of 30 m 3/s through a coarse non-cohesive
material having dso = 2.5 cm, d1s = 3 cm and n = 0.025. The angle of repose of the perimeter
material is 32°. The canal _is to be trapezoidal in shape having s = 2 and laid on a slope of I in
I000. Compute the bottom width and the depth of flow (i) using the method of Lane, and (ii)
using the modified Yalin-Karahan diagram.
5.11 Design a stable alluvial channel using the Lacey method. The channel has to ·carry a
discharge of25 m3/s through 1.5 mm sand .
Chapter 6
dH dz. dE
-=-+ - (6.4 )
dx dr dr
The tenn dH/dx represents the slope of the energy line. It is usual to consider the slope of
the energy line which descends in the direction of flow as positive. Since the total energy offlow
decreases (as x increases) in the direction of flow, it follows that
dx I (6.5)
The tcnn dzt,/dx _rcprc~ts ~e bottom slope of !~e ch~nel. It is usual to consider the
bottom slope that falls m the d1rect1on of flow as positive. Smee the change in the bottom
elevation dZt, is negative when the channel bottom descends in the direction of flow. we have
-=-So (6.6)
dx o
-S (6.7)
dE = dE dh = (l _ Fr 2 ) dh
dx dh dx (6.8)
dh S0 -S1
(6 .9)
dx 1-Fr 2
Equation (6.9) is the basic differential equation of steady gradually varied flow and is
known as the dynamic equation of (steady) gradually varied flow. It represents the slope of the
water surface with respect to the channel bottom and gives the variation ofh in the x direction.
The water surface curve or profile represents a backwater curve when the depth of flow
increases in the direction of flow (dh/dx > 0) and a drawdown curve when the depth of flow
decreases in the direction of flow (dh/dx < 0). When dh/dx = 0, the water surface is parallel to the
channel bottom and the flow is uniform.
Other useful forms ofEq. (6.9) can also be obtained. The section factor Zand the section
factor for critical flow computation Zc can be expressed, respectively, as (Art. 3.2)
D (6.10)
so that
where Z represents simply the numerical value of A✓o to be computed for Q at the actual d~pth h
of the gradually varied flow and Zc is the section factor to be computed for Q as if the flow in the
channel is critical.
The slope of the channel bottom S d th I f ·
rc~pcetlvely. as (Art. 4.5) . · oan cs ope o the energy lane S,can be expressed,
s == Q2
I Kl
so that
S K :z
-L=-"1 (6.15)
So K
where K is the numerical value of the conveyance to be computed for Q at the actual depth h of
the gradually varied flow and Kn is the conveyance to be computed for Q as if the flow in the
chnnnel is uniform.
Substitution of Eqs. (6.12) and (6.15) into Eq.(6.9) gives
dh_S l-(K,,/K) 2
0 (6.16)
dx - I - (Zc I Z) 2
Now, for a given channel section, the section factor and the conveyance are functions of
the depth of flow, i.e.
z./=C1hc:M (6.17)
where C 1 and C2 arc the coefficients and M and N are the hydraulic exponents for critical flow
computation and uniform flow computation, respectively. With the above expressions, Eq.( 6.16)
dh=S 1-(h,.lht
dx O I -(h,) h)"'
For a ~idc channc~ M = 3, and when the Chezy formula is used, N = 3, and hence
dh -S 1- (h,, I h)
dx - 1-(hc / h) 3
Equations (6.20) and (6.21) can be used to compute gradually varied flow in wide channels.
dh =S
dx O
(f, LL >
when the Chezy fonnuta is used, nnd
dx ((,.2 1 )
when the Manning fonnula is used. Thus, the theoretical behavior of the rJr,w prr,fi lc at or near h
= 0 depends on the type ofunifonn flow fonnula used In the computal ion. However
. thi .-. result
is not of much practical importance since zero depth docs never occur.
h. and he
l - - - - I
Horizon tal
So=O 2 Bl b >he Drawdown Subcritic.al
3 H3 he>b Backwa ter Su~rcr itial I
1 - - - -
2 A2 b>bc Drawdow o Sub(ritk al
Backwat er Supen:r i tkill
3 Al he> la
2. For the zone in which the profile lies, determine the relation of the depth h to he and
hn, if any. For example, for Zone J of a mild slope channel, h > hn > he.
3. Name the profile considering the channel slope and the zone in which it lies. For
example, the name of the profile which lies in Zone 2 of a steep slope channel is S2.
4. Detennine the sign of dh/dx from the signs of the numerator and denominator of the
right hand side ofEq.(6.19). The numerator is positive ifh > hn and negative ifh < hn. Similarly,
the denominator is positive ifh > he and negative if h < he:,
5. Detcnnine whether the profile is a backwater curve or a drawdown curve. The profile is
a backwater curve if dh/dx > 0 and a drawdown curve if dh/dx < 0.
6. Consider the conditions of the profile at its upstream and downstream ends which will
help to detennine the actual shape of the profile, i.e. whether the profile is concave or convex.
7. Sketch the qualitative flow profile.
8. Dctcnnine whether the flow is subcritical or supercritical. Flow is subcritical ifh > he
and supercritical ifh < he;.
Flow Profiles in Mild Slope Channels (S0 > 0 and h. > he)
Using Eq. (6.19), the sign of dh/dx in each zone can be determined as follows:
dh + . dh
i) Zone 1: h> h,. > he, - = + - = +, I.e. - > 0
dx + dx
The water surface profile in Zone I, designated as MI, is a backwater curve and
represents subcritical flow. At the upstream boundary (h ➔ hn, dh/dx ➔ 0), the profile is
tangential to the nonnal depth line and at the downstream boundary (h ➔ oo, dh/dx ➔ S0 ), the
profile tends to be horizontal. The Ml profile occurs behind a dam and upstream of a weir or
sluice gate in a mild slope channel. It may be very long compared to other flow profiles. It
represents the most common flow profile and it is the most important flow profile from the
practical point of view.
The M2 drawdown curve in Zone 2 is tangential to the nonnal depth line at its upstream
boundary (h ➔ hn, dh/dx ➔ 0) and nonnal to the critical depth line (h ➔ he. dh/dx ➔ oo),
indicating a hydraulic drop, at its downstream boundary. This type of profile can occur at a free
overfall and when a mild slope is followed by a steeper mild or critical or steep slope.
The M3 backwater profile in Zone 3 starts theoretically from the channel bottom at its
upstream end and tcnninatcs in a hydraulic jump at its downstream boundary (h ➔ he. dh/dx ➔
oo). The M3 profile occurs downstream of a sluice gate in a mild slope channel and when a
supercritical flow enters a mild slope channel. The M3 profiles are relatively shorter than MI and
M2 profiles. .
Flow Profiles ia Steep Slope Channels (S0 > 0 and h. < hr)
The SI backwater profile begins with a hydraulic jump at the upstream boundary and
tends to be horizontal at the ck>wnstream boundary. The SI profile occurs behind a dam or
upstream of a weir built in a steep channel. .
The S2 drawdown curve starts from the critical depth line with a vertical slope at its
upstream end and is tangential to the nonnal depth line at its downstream end. It is usually very
short and acts like a transition between a hydraulic drop and uniform flow. This type of profile
can occur downstream of a transition of slope from mild to steep or steep to steeper.
The S3 backwater profile starts from the channel bottom and approaches the nonna1
depth line tangentially at its downstream end. It may occur below a sluice gate on a steep slope or
at a transition between steep slope and milder steep slope.
flow Profil~ ~n Critical Slope Channels (S0 > Oand h. = he:)
In a cntacal slope channel the NOL and the CDL coincide since h0 = he, Therefore, Zone 2
and the C2 profile which satisfy the condition h0 = h = he also coincide with the NDL and the
CDL. The C2 profile thus represents uniform critical flow and may occur in a long critical slope
channel. The Cl backwater profile in Zone J starts from the hn = he line and tends to be
horizontal downstream. The C3 backwater profile in Zone 3 starts from the channel bottom and
meets the hn = he line at its downstream end. Using the condition h0 = he, Eq.(6.20) gives
- 0
which indicates that the Cl and C3 profiles in a wide channel are exactly horizontal when the
Chezy formula is used. Since M ~ N generally, using the condition he= h0 in Eq.(6.19) or (6.21 ),
we obtain
dh r:::S
dx 0
which indicate that the Cl and C3 profiles are approximately horizontal. The CI profile_may
occur upstream of a sluice gate on a critical slope or when a critical slope is followed by a mil~ or
horizontal or adverse slope. The C3 profile may occur downstream of a sluice gate in a critical
slope channel or at the transition between steep and critical slopes. The critical slope profiles arc
very rare.
dh - . dh
ii) Z,one 3 : h < h , -= - = +, 1.e. - > 0
" dx - dx
The A2 and A3 profiles arc similar to H2 and H3 profiles and are very rare. Only short lengths of
adverse slope profiles may be expected to occur in practice.
0 ~ he
MIid llopt
I I J I ;~ I J I I 1 I J J 11 >I J1 Ii I ,l nnr
Horl1onlal 1lopt
AdY1r1t 1lop1
Crillad slept
- --
MId MIld
SteP Tsieeer
Steep ste
Critlcal Citkal
Horiaonte Harzontal
Mormyal deptb liee
-Criticat dep n
Normal and critical
depth une
It is evident from Table 6.1 and
Figs. 6.2 and 6.3 that the profiles in Zone 1 (i.e. MI, SI
and C1) and Zone 3 (ie. M3, S3, C3, H3 and are backwater curves and those in
A3) Zone 2
(ieM2,S2,H2 and A2) excepting C2 are drawdown curves. The profiles in Zone I and the
profiles M2, H2 and A2 of Zone 2 representsubcriticalflow. The profiles in Zone 3 and the
$2 profile
of Zone 2 represent supercritical flow. The profile C2 represenis uniform
critical flow.
General Procedure
When two or more prismatic channels ofthe same cross-section but with diferent bottom
slopes are combined and carry the same discharge, the following procedure for the analysis of
flow profile is to be adopted:
1. Draw the channel profile. Plot the CDL and the NDL, if any, in each channel.
2. Locate all possible control sections at which the depth is known.
3. Starting from the known depth, draw the posible fîlow profiles in the channels.
The following points must be noted in connection with the flow profiles in a number of
1. The critical depth he will be the same for all the channels, since it does not depend on
the channel bottom slope So.
2.The normal depthh, will be different in different channels. Since ha is inversely related
to the channel bottom slope So, the normal depth ha for a channel will be higher if So is lower
and vice versa.
3. Flow upstream of a control must be subcritical and downstream of a control must be
supercritical. The control itself locates the subcritical flow profile upstream of it and the
supercritical flow profile downstream of it. In fact, the gradually varied flow profile(s) are the
results ofinteraction between the flow and the control(s).
4. Whenthe flow changes from subcritical to supercritical, a hydraulic drop usually forms.
On the other hand, when the flow changes from supercritical to subcritical, a
usually forms.
hydraulic jump
5. Under normal condition, the flow in a long straight prismatic channel having positive
slope is taken to be uniform. Therefore,theflow beyond the influence of a control or transition
in a mild, critical or steep slope channel will be
uniform, i.e. at the normal depth hn
6. Under normal condition, the flow in a long horizontal or adverse slope channel is
subcritical. Therefore, the flow beyond the influence of a control or transition in a horizontal or
adverse slope channel will be in Zone 2, i.e. the flow profile will be H2 in a horizontal channel
and A2 in an adverse slope channel.
Specific Examples
Mild slope channel followed by steep slope channel
As an illustration, let us sketch the qualitative flow profiles in a mild slope channel
followed by a steep slope channel (Fig 6.4). Obviously, the flow is uniform both upstream and
downstream of the transition point as shown. The five possible flow profiles, numbered from 1
to 5, over the transition in slope are shoWn in the figure. For the flow profiles marked 1, the flow
is uniform in the entire mild slope channel and the flow passes from the uniform flow condition
in the upstream channel to the uniform flow condition in the downstream channel through an SI
profile in Zone 1 and an S2 proile in Zone 2 of the steep slope channel. Obviously, this is aan
impossible case because an SI profile must be a backwater curve, not a drawdown curve, as
shown in Fig. 6.4. In a similar way, the flow profiles marked 5, consisting of an M2 profile in
Zone 2 and an M3 profile in Zone 3 ofthe upstrean mild slope channel, are also
the profile M3 must be a backwater curve. Proceeding in this way we come toimpossible since
the conclusion
that the flow profiles marked3,consisting of an M2 drawdown profile in Zone 2 of the upstream
mild slope channel and an S2 drawdown profile in Zone 2 of the downstream
steep slope
channel, are the only acceptable flow profiles. Obviously, the flow changes from subcritical
the upstream mild slope channel to supercritical in the downstream steep slope channel which inis
possible only through a hydraulic drop.
Fig. 6.4 Flow profiles in a mild slope channel followed by a stecp slope channel
Ste p
Fig.6.5 Flow profile in a steep slope channel followed by a mild slope channel
It is to be noted that a hydraulic jump usually occurs when a steep slope channelis
followed by either a mild or a horizontal or an adverse slope channel. The jump forms cither in
the upstream channel or in the downstream channel, but such a situation does never occur that a
part ofthe jump forms in the upstream channel and the rest of the jump forms in the downstream
Free overfall at the end of a mild slope channel
Suppose there is a free overfall at the end ofa mild slope channel (Fig. 6.6). The flow i
uniform in the channel far upstream ofthe free overfall. The water surface falls as a result ofth
free overfall, an M2 profile develops immediately upstream of the free overfall and thecritical
depth occurs just upstream of the brink.
Fig. 6.6 Flow profile dueto a free overfall Fig. 6.7 Flow profiles for different positions of
at the end of a mild slope channel water level downstream ofa mild slope channel
Fig.6.8 Flow from a reservoir into a (a) mild slope channel, and (b) stecp slope channel
Overflow weir in a mild slope channel
The flow in the channel far upstream of the weir (Fig. 6.10) is uniform and subcritical.
The depth above the weir is approximately equal to the critical depth, i.c.critical section occus
just upstrcam of the weir. Therefore, an MI profile is formed upstream ofthe weir.
rrr m w --.
Fig. 6.9 Flow profiles upstream and down- Fig. 6.10 Flow profile upstrea of an
stream of a sluice gate in a stecp slope channel overflow weir in a mild slope channcl
(a) (b)
Fig. 6.11 Flow profile as a result of increase in surface roughness in a (a) mild slope channel,
and (b) steep slope channel
(ii) Since h,> ha> he, flow occurs in Zone 2 and the
(ii) Since the M2 profile is a drawdown profile and theprofile isat M2
more than the depth section B (= 1.50 m)
depth at section A (= 1.30 m), section B is located is
upstream of section A.
Example 6.2
A rectangular channel with b= 10 m,
a= 1.10 and n =0.025 has threc reaches arranged
serially. The bottom slopes of these reaches are 0.0040, 0.0065 and 0.0090,
discharge of 35 m/s in this channel, sketch the resulting flow profiles. respectively. For a
Solution The critical depth for the given conditions is obtained as
h- = =1.1 m
V9.81x10?1.ll m
Since critical slope is the slope for which flow in the channel is both uniform and critical, hence
h,= he= 1.11 m
Therefore, A =10x1.11 = 11.12 m, P= 104+2x 1.11 = 12.22 m and R A/P = 0.91 m, and
nQ 0.025x35LE0.0070
Thus.the bottom slopes of the three reaches are milder, mild and steep, respectively. The
resulting flow profiles are M2, M2 and S2, as shown in the following figure.
6.5.1 Introduction
The computation of the
gradually varied flow basically involves the integration of the
dynamic equation of gradually varied flow. This
cquation of the first order and its solution requiresequation
is a non-linear ordinary differential
one boundary condition for
depth at the section where the computation begins must be depth. i. c. the
given. This cquation can be easily
integrated (i) for a wide channel, and (ii) for a horizontal channel. For other
integration of the gradually varied flow equation has to be channcls, the
numerically. performed cither graphically or
The computation of
gradually varied flow profile must
control and proceed in the direction in which the control begin
at a
with the known depth of flow
the subcritical operates. Thus, the computation of
flow profiles must start from the downstream end of the channel
proceed upstream, and the computation of supercritical flow profiles must startreach and
upstream end of the channel reach and proceed downstream. from the
The profiles M1, M2, S2 and S3 approach the normal
theoretically these profiles extent indefinitely before merging withdepth
line asymptotically. i.c.
the normal depth line. Such a
situation presents difficulties from the
computational point of view. As a result, the computation
of these flow profiles is usually terminated at a section
where the depth of flow is about 5%
grcater or less than the normal depth.
In computing a flow profile, the
following data or information are
gencrally required:
1. The discharge Q for which the flow profile is desired.
2. The depth of flow or stage at the section where the computation begins.
3. The channel sections.
4. The bottom slope So of the channel
5. The energy coefficient a.
6. The Manning's n or Chezy's C.
There many methods for computing gradually varied flow profiles. IHowever, these
methods can be broadly classified into the following threc categorics:
i) Methods used for computing flow profiles in prismatic channcls
ii) Methods used for computing flow profiles in non-prismatic channels
ii) Numerical methods.
- - ( , /h (6.26)
Putting u = hb/ha So that du=dh/h,in Eq.(6.26) and reaanging yiclds
dr= (6.27)
2u +1
and C is a constant of integration. This integration was first performed by J. A. Ch. Bresse in
1860. A determination ofthe flow profile by this solution is widely known as the Bresse method.
The length of the flow profile between two consecutive sections of depths hi and h; is
obtained from Eq.(6.28)as
where oi and ø2 are the values of o corresponding to u= h/hn and uz = hz/hn. respectively
Using the Bresse method, the flow profile in a wide positive (mild, critical and steep)
slope channels can be computed.
Example 6.3
Chezy's C =47 m"/s and So 0.0001 carries
= a
A wide rectangular channel with
at the dam
discharge of 2 m/s. A dam raises the water level by 0.50 m above the normal depth location where
site. Compute the length of the resulting flow profile between the dam site and the
the depth is 2.90 m.
Solution Since the channel is
-0.742m0.742 m
V47.03 x0.o0012.626 m hn- o50m
Since h,> h, the channel slope is mild.
Now, h =2.626+0.50=3.126 m, u h
h =2.90 m, u, =h^/h, =1.104.
hlh, = =
1.190, Hila
Since hi or h> h,> he, the profile is M1. LK
(1.190-1)2 2x1.190+1
0.7667-0.2734 =0.4933
6 .104-1 an2x11040.9545-0.2858
2x1.104+ =0.6687
Hence, the length of the profile is obtained
using Eq(6.30) as
0.0001104-1.190)-1-0.74 - 0.4933)= -6760.06 m
-0IK (6.31)
where= Ks. Since the critical slope S, is the slope that will produce a discharge Qat a
normal depth equal to the critical depth he. Q =
K,S, and hence Eq(6.31) becomes
Since K=Cah and K=Cahe, so that (K/K)* = (hoh)", Eq(6.32) becomes
dh -(h. Ih
Putting p- hhe in Eq.(6.33) so that dp -dh/h, and rearranging, we obtain
tcgrating the above cquation, we get
p (6.36)
where C is a constant of integration. The length of the flow profile between two consecutive
When M and N are not constant, then they are to be computed for the average depth
h= (h +h,)/2 and taken to be constant for the reach.
Example 6.4
A vertical sluice gate having a coefficient
ofcontraction, Ce 0.61 and a gate opening. h
1.00 m, discharges 25 m'/s into a horizontal
channel 5 m wide. Compute the length of the flow
between the vena contracta and the location where the depth
is 0.75 m. Take n - 0.015 and a= 1.12. CDL
Solution Depth at the vena contracta, heT
h Cexh,0.61x1.00 -0.61 m
h 1.12x25 =1419 m
9.81x5 -L
Vg* Y9.81x5
Since hhe, an H3
backwater profile is created.
The critical slope is obtained using the Manning formula with h, =h= 1.419
A 5x1.419 7.09 m, P-5+2x1.419 7.84 m, R 7.09/7.84= 0.91 =
m. Then.
m so that
s,- 0.015x 25
S,AR 7.09 x0.9737=0.0032
The channel is
rectangular. Hence, M- 3 and the
value of N is
average depth, h =(h +h)/2= (0.61 +0.75)/2 0.68 s computed for the
m o that h/b =0.68/5 0.136.
N- 9 6
1+2x0.136 3.048
Therefore, N-M+1-1.048 and N+1 -4.048. Also, pi=h/h= 0.61/1.419 0.4297 and p:
h/h 0.75/1.419 0.5284.
Hence, the
length of the flow profile is obtained using Eq.
(6.37) as
S.LN-M+1P N-M - P
_1419( 0.52841-0.4297 " (0.528440 0.4297 04
0.0032 1.048
37.63 m
6.5.3 Direct Step Method
In general, a step method is characterized by dividing the channel into short reaches (Fig.
The direct
6.13) and carrying the computation step bystep from one end ofthe reach to the other.
step method is applicable to prismatic channels and predicts a longitudinal distance x for a given
S-5 (6.38)
is used. In finite difference form this
equation can be writtenas
AE Ax.
X +Ar (6.42)
Example 6.5
A trapezoidal channel with b = 6 m and s = 2 is laid on a slope of 0.0025 and carries a
Forthe given data, the critical and normal depths are found to be h = 1.23 m and h
1.55 m. Since h> he, the channel slope is mild, and since h >h,> he, the profile is MI.
The channel bottom at the
section where h-2.5 m istaken as the
origin and the distances measured Dam
downstream are taken to be positive.
The computation begins at x = 0 and
6.5.4 Computation of Flow Profiles in Non-prismatic
y Water surface, Sw
h h2
Channel bottom, So
th+a+h, +, (6.43)
Z 2 +h (6.46)
are the stages and zoi and Za are the elevations of the channel bottom at sections I and2
respectively, hr is the friction loss in the reach and he is the eddy loss occurring in the reach.
The friction loss is given by
H, th+a (49)
H, z + h, +a2U (6.50)
Equation (6.51) is solved by trial-and-error, i.e. for a given space interval Ax. a valuc of
h (or zw) is assumed which allows the computation of H2 by Eq. (6.50), hr and h are then
computed and H2 is estimated by Eq. (6.51). If the two computed values of H; agrec. then the
assumed depth (or stage) at station 2 is correct. If not, the calculations arc repeatced with an
improved trial value ofba (or za). Ifthe value of h2 (or z) computed by Eq(6.50) is more than
that computed by Ea(6.51), hen h (or z-) has tobe reduccd for the next trial and vice vers
The important step in this analysis is the selection ofan improved trial valuc of h; or z.
On the basis of ith trial, the (i+1)th trial value ofthe depth h; (and hence the stage /,:) can be
found by the Newton-Raphson method. Let Fh») be a function such that
Fh,) = H, -(H, -h, -h) (6.52
Then using Eqs(6.46)(6.47)and(6.50), one obtains
FCh)ha 2g rSh,
+h +a, - H,+s,aa5,ar +h,)
Since 7s2. H, and Sn are already knowm, their derivatives with respect to h are cqual to zero The
derivative dhJdha is neglected, since the variation ofh, with respect to hz is smallif desired. this
can be included). Further, d{aU"/2g)ydh = - F?, where Fr is the Froude number. and using
Eqs(6.14) and (6.18), itcan be proved that dS/dh=- NS/h, where N is the hydraulic exponent
for uniform flow computation. Therefore, Eq(6.53) reduces to
Fr 2hh (6.54)
Then,according to the
Newton-Raphson method, the amount by which the depth hz (or
stage zwa) must be adjusted is given by
Ah, (ordz,)=-_Flh) Fh)
dF(h,)/ dh, 1-Fr-N,S,Ar/2h (6.55)
Equation (6.55) reduces the number oftrial values,
of flowor stage usually to 3 or 4, needed to compute the depth
For a
wide channel, N=3 or 3.33 depending on whether the
the Chezy
or the Manning formula and R»h. Hence, for a river, which conveyance is cxpresscd by
one can use the can be considered wide,
Ah (or Az,)=(h Fh) Fh)
dh, 1-Fr (6.56)
to obtain the next trial
value of Ahz Azw2.
Example 6.6
Considering the channel described in Example 6.5, compute the
distances of 100 m, 200 m and 300 m depths (or stages) at
upstream from the dam site by the standard
The elevation of
the channel bottom at the dam site as 100.00 m. Take h, 0. step mcthod.
The channel bottom
at the dam site is taken as the origin (x =0) and distances measured
downstream are taken to be positive. The
step by step. The computation of depths computation
starts at the dam and proceeds
Table 6.3. (or stages) at the three
upstream sections are given in
At section 2 which is situated at a
distance of 100
upstream from the dam site (Ax -100 m), the trial
Table 6.3 Computation of flow profile for Example 6.5 by standard step method
m, s =
Trapezoidal channel, b= 6 =2, So= 0.0025, Q=30 m°/s, a-1.12, n 0.025, h,= 1.23 m, b, = 1.55 m, Mild slope, M1 profile
h A P R R2 U aU? H
S Ar H
2g h
2..500 102.500 27.500 17.180 1.601 1.368 1.091 o.0679 102.5679 o.0003972 102.5679
-100 2.500 102.750 27.500 17.180 . 601 1.368 1.091 0.0679 102.8179 0.0003972 o.0003972 -100 -0.0397 102.6076
2.279 102.529 24.066 16.193 1..486 1.302 1.246 0.0887 102.6180 0.0005727 0.0004850 -100
2.278 102.528 24.041 16.186
-0.0485 102.6164
1.485 1.3
302 1.248 0.0889 102.6165 o.0005743 0.0004858 -100 -0.0486 102.6165
-200 2.278 102.778 24.041 16.186 485 1. 302 1.2248 0.0889 102.8665 0.0005743 0.0005743 -100 -0.0574 102.6739
2.072 102.572 21.022 15.267 1.377 1.238 1. 127 o.1163 102.6885 o.0008309 0.0007026 -100 -0.0703 102.636s
2.070 102.570 20.995 15.259 1.376 . .237 1.429
0.1166102.68 69 0.0008339 0.0007041 -100 -0.0704 102.6369
300 2.070 102.820 20.995 15.259 1.376 1..237 1.429
o.0008339 -100 -0.0834 102.7703
1.889 102.639 18.473 102.7897 0.0011878 0.0010110 -100 -0.1011 102.7880
1.887 102.637 18.447 14.440 1.277 . .177 . .626 0.1510 102.7882 o.0011925 0.0010132 -100 -0.1013 102.7882
6.5.5 Computation of Flow Profiles by Numerical Methods
As stated earlier, the dynamic equation of gradually varied flow is a non-linear first-orer
ordinary differential equation and requires one boundary condition (ie. the depth at the starting
section) for its solution. There are a group of numerical methods, known as the Runge-Kauta
methods, which are particularly suitable for solving this type of equation (Churchouse, 1981;
recaches of
Chapra and Canale, 1988). In using these methods, the channel is divided into short at
known space interval Ax. Starting from the known depth at one end of the channel, the depth
the end of Ax is systematically calculated till the other end of the channel is reached. The Runge-
Kutta methods of various orders exist. Two of these methods, namely, the Euler method and the
and suppose that the water depth h; at point xj is known, i.e.
The Euler Method or the First-Order Runge-Kutta Method
In this method, the water depth h+1 at the end of a space step Ar is obtained in a single
step, i.e.
This method is of first-order accuracy, i.e. accuracy 0(Ax). It is very slow and to obtain
reasonable accuracy, we need to take a smaller value of Ax.
hph+(K, +2K, +2K, +K,)
K, = Ax f . h , )
K =
Ax f(x, + Ax, h, +K,)
In this method, for a known depth hi,
the coefficients Ki,K2, K3 and K4 are determined by
substitution in Eq.(6.61), hj+1 is found. This method is of
repeated calculations and then by
fourth-order accuracy, i.e. accuracy0(Ax).
Example 6.7
Determine the depth of flow 100 m upstream of the dam of Example 6.5 using the Fl..
and the fourth-order Runge-Kutta methods.
dh S-Sn0.0025-0.000379
2.283 10
dr1aQ'B1.12x30 x16
9.81x 27.50*
h, =h +A 2.50+(-100)x2.283x 10" = 2.2717m
h +K,=2.5-0.5x0.22318 =2.3884
Then, A 23.739 m,P =16.681 m, R =1.543 m, R =1.335, B 15.553
f(x+0.5Ax,h1+K3/2) = 2.2331 x 10". m. S= 0.000746 and
'K Arf(x, +0.5Ar,h +K, /2) =-100x2.2331x10 =-0.22331
h+K, =2.5-0.22331 2.2767
Then, A 24.027 m,P= 16.182m,R =1.485, R=
6.3 Show that the gradually varied flow
width b may be expressed as
cquation for flow in a rectangular channel of variable
dhS-S, +(aQhlgA*\dblds)
6.4 Show that the specific energy of the M1, S1, S2 and Cl profiles increases and of the M2,
M3, $3, C3, H2, H3, A2 and A3 profiles decreases in the downstream dircction.
(6) State why a flow profile cannot show the behaviorh > 0 at its downstrcam end.
6.7(a) Show that the Cl and C3 profiles are horizontal or approximately horizontal.
(b) Explain why H1l and Al profiles are not practically possible.
() Write the names of2 flow profiles which are tangential to the NDL at their upstream cnd.
and write the names of2 flow profiles which are tangential to the NDL at their downstream end.
6.8(a) State the rule regarding the direction of computation of flow profiles.
(6) What data or information are generally needed for computing a flow profile?
6.9(a) Derive the expression for the length of a flow profile between two sections in a wide
channel by the Bresse method (Eq.6.30).
(6) Derivetheexpression for the length of a flow profile between two scctions in a horizontal
channel (Eq. 6.37).
(c) Derive Eq.(6.55) for the improved trial value of h2 in the computation of tlow profile by
the standard step method.
6.10 Sketch the possible flow profiles produced on the upstream and downstream ofa sluice
in a (i) mild, (ii) critical, (ii) steep, (iv) horizontal and (v) adverse slope channels.
6.11(a) Draw the possible flow profiles when there is a free overfall at the end of a (i) mild. (ii)
critical, (ii) steep, (iv) horizontal and (v) adverse slope channels.
(b) There is a free overfall at the end of mild slope channel. Draw all the possible flow
profiles for different water levels downstream of the channcl.
(c) Same as Prob. 6.11(b), but now the channel is steep.
6.12 Sketch the possible flow profiles in the following combination of slopes:
a) mild-horizontal g) adverse-mild
b) horizontal-mild h) critical-steep
c) steep-horizontal i) mild-steeper mild
d) critical-horizontal j) horizontal-critical
e) horizontal-adverse k) steep-critical
mild-critical 1) adverse-steep
6.13 Sketch the poNsible flow profiles in the following serial arrangement of channels
) mild-milder-steep
b) critical-stecp-mild
d) horizontal-mild-critical
c) critical-advcrse-horizontal
horizontal-adverse-stcep-frec overfall
8) mild-adverse-horizontal-frec overfall
h) mild-critical-stecp (there is a sluice gate on the eritical slope channel)
6.14(a) Determine the flow profile developed as a result of an increase in surface roughness in a
i) mild slopc, and (i) steep slope channel.
(b Determine the flow profile developed as a result of a decreasc in surface roughness in a
(i) mild slope, and (ii) steep slope channel.
6.16 A rectangular channel 6 m wide and havingn= 0.025 has four reaches
arranged serially
The bottom slopes of the three reaches are 0.0016, 0.0150,0.0096 and 0.0064, respeetively. Fora
dischargc of 20 m°/s through this channel, sketch the resulting flow protiles.
6.17 A wide rectangular channel with C = 45 m"/s and So= 0.0001 carries a discharge of 1.8
m/s. A wcir causes the water level to be raised by 0.50 m above the normal depth. Compute the
Iength of the resulting flow profile between the weir site and the location where the depth is280
m by the Bresse method.
6.18 A vertical sluice gate having C -0.61 and gate opening= 0.60 m discharges 27 m sinto a
horizontal rectangular channel6m wide. Compute the length of the tlow profile hetween the
vena contracta and the location where the
depth is 0.50 m. Take n 0.013. =
m'/s. At a section A of this channel the depth of flow is 2 m. (a) How far upstreani ot
downstream from this section will the depth be 2.25 m? Use the direct step method. (b) What will
be the depth at a distance
of 50m upstream of section A? Assume that the elevation ot n
channcl bed at section A is 100.00 m. Use the standard step method. (c) Determine the depun ata
distance of 50 m upstream of section A
by (i) the Euler method, and (ii) the 4"-order Rung
Kutta method.
Chapter 7
In open channels when a supercritical flow is made to change abruptly to subcritical
the result is usually an abrupt rise of the water surface. This feature is known as the hydraulic
a sluice gate in a
jump (Fig. 7.1). A hydraulic jump may occur at the foot of a spillway or bchind
mild or horizontal or adverse slope channel, or when a stecp slope channcl is followed by amild
or horizontal or adverse slope channel.
energy line
The depth of supercritical flow before the jump (hi) is known as the initial depth and t
depth ofsubcritical flow after the jump (hz) is known as the sequent or conjugate depth. The
strength ofa hydraulic jump is determined by the upstream Froude number Fri. The principal
parameter affecting the performance of the jump is also the upstream Froude number Fr.
Practical applications of the hydraulic jump are (i) the dissipation of kinetic energy in
high-velocity flows over weirs, spillways, gates and other hydraulic structures to prevent
downstream, (Gi) the increase of depth ofwater in channels for irigation and water distribution
purposes, (ii) the increaseofthe discharge ofasluice by epelling the tailwater so that it works
under frec-f1low condition, (iv) the reduction of uplift pressure under a structure by increasing
weight on its apron, (v) the mixing ofchemicals for water purification or wastewater treatment,
and(vi) the acration of flows for city water supplies and the removal of air pockets from water
supply lines.
Types of Jumps
The hydraulic jumps in horizontal rectangular channcls have been most extensively
studied and are known as the classicaljumps. The Unitcd States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR)
classified the hydraulie jumps in horizontal rectangular channels into the following five types
(Fig.7.2) according to the Froude number Fri of the incoming flow:
1. For 1 Fri < 1.7, the water surface shows undulations and the changc from initial to
sequent depth issmall and gradual. This jump is called an undular jump
2. For 1.7 < Fri < 2.5, a series of small rollers appear on the jump surface, but the
downstream water surface remains smooth. This type ofjump is known as a weak jump.
3. For 2.5 Fri < 4.5, the incoming jet oscillates between the bed and the bottom of the
surface roller. Each oscillation produces a large surface wave of irregular period which may
persist for a considerable distance downstream causing unlimited damage to carth banks and
riprap. This jump is known as an oscillating Jump.
4. For 4.5 <PFri<9.0, a steady jump with appreciable energy dissipation and fairly smooth
water surface downstream is formed. The action and position ofthe jump is least sensitive to the
tailwater luctuation. This type ofjumpis known as a steadyjump.
5. For Fri> 9.0, the jump surface and the waler surface downstream become very rough
and the high-velocity jet generates waves downstream. The jump is effective since the encrgy
dissipation is high. This jump is known as a strong jump.
Fr1-17 Undulorjump Fr1.7-25 Weokjumo
Oscilloling je
77nnniminiinnnnnanz 77nnananmmnnma
Fri 2.5-4.5 Osciloling jump Fr4.5-90 Steody jum
Fr90 swong Jump
Sequent Depth
Since a hydraulic jump is accompanied by considerable energy loss, the energy principle
cannot be used initially for its analysis. However, as the jump takes place in a short distance, the
external friction force Fr can generally be neglected and the computation of hydraulic jumps
always begins with the momentum equation for steady one-dimensional flow
Consider a hydraulic jump occurring in
It is assumed that the horizontal (0=0) rectangular channel (Fig.
velocity distribution is uniform and the pressure distribution is
at the two
be expressed by
sections of the jump.Hence, B1 =
B%=l and the hydrostatic
hydrostatic forces Fri and Fre may
Fp7,4, (7.2)
Fp y7A (7.3)
where and z, are the vertical distances
of the centroids of the respective water areas A and
Az from the free surface. Since U =Q/A| and
be expressed as
U2=Q/Az, the momentum equation, Eq.(7.1), may
+Z,A=+,4 (7.4)
F-F (7.5)
F+A (7.6)
is known as the specificforce and represents the force per unit weight of water. Equation (7.5)
indicates that the specific forces before and after a hydraulic jump in a horizontal channcl are
Since for a rectangularchannelAbhi,Az=bh2, z,=h,/2 and , = h/2, Eq(7.4) gives
Since Q AjU = bh^U1, Eq. (7.7) may be expressed as
U-Pr (7.8)
where Fr (=U,/gh) and Fra (=U,/gh) are the Froude numbers of the flow before and
afer the jump. Equations (7.8) and (7.9) may be solved to obtain
Equations (7.10) and (7.11) each contains three independent variablesand two of them
must be known before the third may be
Fri. are known and the downstream depth hz can be Normally, the upstream conditions, i.e. hj and
however, be realized that the downstream depth h2 is determined using Eq. (7.10). It must,
the result of a control acting further
downstream. If the downstream control produces the required depth hz, then a
The depth produced by a downstream control is jump will form.
tailwater depth is increased, the jump moves upstream and called the tailwater depth h,. If the
jump moves downstream.
if the tailwater depth is decreased, the
of Jump ofa
length hydraulic jump LË (Fig. 7.1) is the horizontal distance from the front facc
or toe of the jump to a point immediately downstream from the roller. It
is an important design
parameter, but it cannot be determined theoretically. While the beginning or toe of the jump is
clearly defined, the downstream end of the jump cannot be located precisely. For this reason, the
experimental data on the length of a jump show some scatter. For classical jumps occurring in
horizontal rectangular channels, the length of the jump is
and Paterka (1957) curve which is a plot of preferably estimated from the Bradley
Fri vs. Lih2 (Fig.7.3). This curve has a fairly
horizontal portion where L/h2 6.0 to 6.1 in the range
of the that
yielding the best performance. Silvester (1964) demonstrated
Froude numbers (Fri 5 to 13)
for free hydraulic jumps in
horizontal rectangular channels
Fig.7.3 Length of hydraulic jumps in horizontal rectangular channels
Basic Characteristics
Energy loss: The energy loss involved in a hydraulic jump is the difference between the total
energies immediately before and after the jump. It can be determined by applying the energy
equation before and after the jump, i.e.
h, ,-H, -4)-E,-6
where E and Ez are the specific energies before and after the jump. Since U =Q/A1, U, = Q/A
A bh and Az =
bhz, Eq.(7.13) may be expressed as
h, =h-h,)+ 4+hNh-h) (7.14)
)2gb hh
Then, combining Eqs.(7.7) and (7.14), it can be shown that for a hydraulic jump occurring in a
horizontal rectangular channel
h= (7.15)
The ratio h/E, (=1- E/E,) is known as the relative loss.
fciency: Theratio of the specific energy after the jump to that before the jump. E/E. is
known as the efficiency of the jump. It can be shown that
-a+Pr) (7.16)
and writing U2= Ujh/h2 and using Eq.(7.10), it can be shown that
E + /28_1+8F, )*-4P +1 (7.17)
h h 2 8Fr
Now, combining Eqs.(7.16) and (7.17), the efficiency E>/E, is given by
E(+8F -4F +1 (7.18)
E 8Fr (2+ F)
Height of jump: The height of the jump h; is the difference between the sequent depth and the
initial depth, i.e. h; =h2 h1. The ratio of
-3) (7.19)
Then, combination of Eqs.(7.16) and (7.19) gives
h+8-3 (7.20)
E, 2+Fr
Example 7.1
Water flows in a horizontal rectangular channel 6 m wide at a
velocity of15.2 m/s. Ifahydraulic jump forms in this channel, determinedepth
of 0.52m and a
the downstream depth needed to form the jump, (1) the type of jump, (ii)
(in) the downstream Froude
efficiency of the jump, (v) the relative height of the jump, (vi) the length of thenumber, (iv) the
jump. (vii) the
relative energy loss or energy dissipation in the jump, and (vii) the horse-power
the jump. dissipation in
Solution Horizontal rectangular channel, b =6 m, hi = 0.52 m, U = 15.2 m/s
U 15.2
) F 9.81x0.52
= 6.73
UU 1.68 =0.25<1
(vii) Power dissipation = Qh, = PgQh, = 1000x9.81x 47.42x 7.47 3,474,970 W
We know, 1 horse power = 745.7 w
Sequent Depth
For hydraulic
jumps occurring in horizontal
equations similar to Eqs.(7.10) and (7.11) to computc non-rectangular
channcls. there are no
thc scquent depth. For these jumps the
Scquent depth can be determined from a trial-and- error solution of Eq.(7.5) or by apply1ng the
methods to Eq. (7.S).
trial-and-error or numerical solution of Eq. (7.5) the determination
the tlow section. The expression for Z of different channelrequires
sections derived from theof basic
principles are given in Table 7.1.
Table 7.1 Expression for i of different channel sections
Section 2
1. Rectangle h/2
2. Triangle h/3
3. Trapezoid h3b+2sh
b+ sh
4. Parabola 2h/5
Trial-and-error method
The trial-and-error solution of Eq.(7.5) is illustrated by the following example.
Example 7.2
A horizontal trapezoidal channel withb= 6 m ands=2 carries a discharge of1 20 m/s. If
the upstream depth of flow is I m, compute the downstream depth that will create a hydraulic
Solution Trapezoidal channel, b =6 m, s =2,Q= 120 m'/s, h = I m
A (b+sh,)h =
(6 +2x 1)x1 =
8 m2
B=b+2sh, = 6 +2x2x1 = 10 m
U-Q/A 120/8 =
15 m/s
h3 )= 3x6+2x2x)=0.458
6+2x1 m
F - + Z , 4 = 9 8 1 x 8 +0.458x 8=187.15
F +,4,
The condition which must be satisfied to cause a hydraulic jump between sections I and 2 is
F F = 187.15
The value of h2 which satisfies the above condition is determined by trial-and-crror as follows.
A2 Fa
computing energy loss involved in hydraulic jumps in horizontal non-rectangular
channels, there is no equation similarto Eq.(7.15). In such cases, the general energy cquation, Eq.
(7.13), is to be solved on a case-by-case basis.
Example 73
Compute the relative energy loss that will occur ifthere is a hydraulic jump in the channel
considered in Example 7.2.
Solution From Example 7.2, Q= 120 m'/s, h = 1 m, U,= 15 m/s, h;= 5.14 m, A: = 83.68 m
E h+=5.14+ 2x9.81
=5.24 m
the sequent depth when the jump occurs on a sloping channel. Then,
i) ifh,3 h2, the jump forms on the horizontal bed and type A jump occus,
ii) ifh>h> hz, the toe ofthe jump is on the slope and the end is on the horizontal
and a type B jump forms,
iii) ifh° -h> hz, the end of the jump coincides with the intersection of the sloping
the horizontal beds and a type C jump occurs, and
iv) ifh> h>h2, a type jump occurs completely on the sloping channcl.
n kh2 Type A haha2 Type D
n n 2 Type B3 Type E
hhIhh2 ype C
Type F
written aS
Considering all forces parallel to the channel bottom, the momentum
cquation may be
POGU-PU) =Fpi- Fpa+Wsine- Fr
Now, Q= bdjU1, Uz =
h2 cose, the friction forceUdi/d2, Fp0.5pgbdcose,
Fris negligible and Pi and p2
Fp2 0.5pgbdz cos6, d =
hcos6, d3 =
is be
straight line, W can be computed easily. The difference between
a may
taken unity. If the jump profile
actual profile and the effect of the straight line and the
slope may be corrected by a factor r. Thus,
W 0.5TpgbL,(di+di)
Substituting Eq(7.22) in Eq.(7.21) and simplifying, it can be shown that
hd 2 (7.23)
G Fr
cos- sin
d-d 123
Fr Ugd, (7.25)
ne may expect'and L to be functions of Fry and 6. Hence, G, h"/h1 and d/d, are functions of
Fr and 6. The term G cán be computed usingthe empirical relationship (Rajaratnam, 1967)
G-k Fr? (7.26)
k= 100.0279 (7.27)
and 0 is in degrees.
The relative length of jump L, /h as a function of Fri and S, are presented in Fig 7.6.
8 10 12 16 188 20
Fr /ga
Fig. 7.6 Length of jumps in sloping channels
Example 74
A rectangular channel is I m wide and
Determine the type of jump when the discharge isinclined at an angle of 3.5 with the horizontal.
0.15 m°/s, the initial depth of flow section
is 0.02 m and the tailwater depth is 0.70 m.
Also, compute the energy loss in the jump if(di) the
length of the jump is 2 m.
Solution Rectangular
channel, b= I m, 0=3.5", Q=0.15 m°/s, di =
0.02 m, h- 0.70 m, L,
h di/cos 0.02/cos3.5"0.02 m
A bd1x0.02 0.02 m
U,=Q/A =0.15/0.02 7.5 m/s
Fr-Ugd 7.5/9.81x0.02 = 16.93
Sincc h h2, the jump occurs on the sloping channel and we have to compute h,. Now
ki = 100.027x3.5 = 1.243
G-k Pr- 442.9
2 -1)= +8x442.9-1) =0.585 m
Since h> h2* > h2, the jump occurs entirely on the sloping channcl and a D type jump ocecurs.
da h*cos6 0.585xcos3.50 0.584 m
A bd21x0.584 =0.584 m
U- Q/A2= 0.15/0.584 = 0.257 m/s
The USBR Basin II (Fig. 7.7) is recommended for use on large structures, c.g. large high-
when Fri> 4.5 and the incoming velocity
dam and earth-dam spillways, large canal structures,etc.basin is reduced by about 33 percent with
XCeeds about 18 m/s (60 fUsec). The length ofthe
sill at the downstream. This
C provision blocks at the upstream end and a dentatcd
of chute
design may be sase and conservatíve for spillways with fall up to 60 m (200 f) and for flows un
to 46 m/s per m of basin width. p
The elevation of the basin floor is set to utilize full tailwater depth plus an added
factor of
safety. The dotted lines in Fig. 7.70b) are guides based on various ratios of the actualtailwater
depth equent depth. There is a lower limit of this ratio which is determined by the curve
labeled "minimum TW depth", The basin should never be designed for less than the scquent
dcpth and a minimurm safety factor of 5% should be addedto the sequent depth.
The lengh of the basin is obtained from Fig.7.7(c). The height, width and spacing of the
chute blocks is equal to h. Aspace equal to 0.5h, is provided along each basin wail. The heigh
of the
dentated sill is equal to 0.2h2 and the width and the spacing of the dentates is
approximately 0.15h.
USBR Basin II (Fig. 7.8a) is similar to USBR Basin I1, but it is used when the incoming
velocity U, is less than 18 m/s (60 f/sec). The major difference between the designs of Basin li
and Basin III is thatin the latter lower velocities allow the installation of bafile piers downstream
of the chuteblocks. The added resistance offered by the piers allows the use of a shorter basin.
With the help of the appurtenances the basin length can be reduced about 60%.
USBR Basin IV (Fig. 7.8b) is designed in conjunction with canal and diversion structures
for the special purpose of suppressing the waves at their source generated in oscillating jumps
when 2 . 5 Fr < 4.5.This is achieved by intensifying the rollers which appear in the upper
portionof the jump. The appurtenances used include a few chute blocks at the entrance and a
solid sill at the end.
Example 75
Proportion a USBR stilling basin II for the overflow spillway of Kaptai Hydro Station
with the following data:
Design discharge - 15,870 m/s TW level = 17.26 m
Basin width = 227.1 m
Elevation of ground
Or ground ==
0.00 m
Velocity at the foot of the spillway 24.70 m/s
Solution Q 15,870 m'/s, h= 17.26 m, b= 227.1 m, U = 24.70 m/s
hU 227.0=2.83
1x 24.70 m
Fr U 9.81x2.83
24.70 =4.69> 4.50
Hence, the jump formed is a steady jump.
h -N=~wh+8x4.69 -1)=6.15
h =6.15x2.83 1740 m and h, =17.26m
So, when the basin floor is set at 0.00 m, the jump moves downstream and more basin lengtn
need to be provided. Hence, the floor must lowered. With 5%
safety margin
h, =1.05h, =1.05x 17.40 =18.27m
Ba sin
0 13h
o 2h
Minimum TW depth
6 U 12 14 U 20
F g
10 4
Fig. 7.7 USBR stilling basin II. (a) Recommended proportions, (b) Minimum tailwater depths,
and (c) Length of hydraulic jump (after Bradley and Paterka, 1957)
End sill
Baffle piers
0-50-2h/ .37Sh
h V:07sh/
L 0.7h,
hh,4Fril% 0.6h
fractional space
2h min
(b) USBR basin IV (2.5 < Fri < 4.5)
reeboard Wingwall
o07h 007h
Longit udinal section TWha D=b,8 TWh
End view
7.1 Define () hydraulic jump, (i) initial depth, (ii) sequent depth, (iv) tailwater depth. (v) length
of ajump, (vi) efficiency of a jump, and (vii) height of a jump.
7.2 Write five practical applications ofhydraulic jumps.
7.3 Classify the hydraulic jumps in horizontal rectangular channels according to USBR.
7.5 State why the momentum equation, and not the energy equation, is initially used for the
analysis ofa hydraulic jump.
7.6 State the qualitative relationships among h2,h, and h, for different forms of jumps in
sloping channels.
7.7 What is a stilling basin? Describe the special appurtenances usually provided with a stilling
basin. Write the names of the appurtenances provided with USBR Basin lI.
7.8 Verify Eqs. (7.10), (7.11), (7.15), (7.18), (7.20), and (7.23).
7.9 Water flows at a velocity of 6.1 m/s and a depth ofI m in a horizontal rectangular channel
6.1 mwide. Find ) thetype of jump. (ii) the downstream depth necessary to form ajump. (ii)
the height of the jump, (iv) the length of the jump, (v) the horsepower dissipation in the jump,
and (vi) the efficiency.
7.13 A rectangulr channel 6m wide and inclined at an angle of S" with the horizontal carries a
discharge of20m/s.Determine the jump type if the upstream depth (normal to the directionof
flow) is(i) 0.20 m, (i) 0.30 m, and (ii) 040 m, when the tailwater depth is 3.20 m