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Open Gate

Reminding to turn on the camera and use the virtual background

“Good morning, to all the participant, we will start the webinar in 5 minutes, so please turn
on your camera and use the virtual background that has been provided. Thankyou.”
Sir and all the participant we will start the webinar in 3 minutes while waiting for another
participants. Thankyouu
We are apologize because our advisor, ms tun sriana and our president kak farah nasution
cannot come right now because there is something that cannot abandoned.
Hello, good morning everyone
To the honourable Kak Farah Nasution as the President of AIChE PEM Akamigas.
To the honourable our speaker today, Mr. Mulyono from PT. Pertamina RU 4 Cilacap. Good
Morning Pak Mulyono … (waiting for the answer)
And all beloved participant, good morning.
Hello, I’m Clara Eka as your master of ceremony today. But before we start this event lets
pray together.
Pray is begin…
Pray is over…
Welcome to all the participants, thank you for your attendance on this morning event, in
WebChem with theme Potential and Introduction of Renewable Green Diesel Energy
Towards the Era Of Net Zero Emission.
Okay, about our today’s rundown:
1. Opening
2. Opening Speech
3. Discussion Session
4. QnA
5. Certificate Submission
6. Documentation
7. Closing
So without any further due, lets move to the next agenda which is opening speech from our
AIChE President, the gorgeous one, Hello Kak Farah, good morning… (waiting for the
answer) Okay, so to Kak Farah the time is yours.
Alright, thank you Kak Farah for the speech. And now, lets move on to the main agendas
today, which is the discussion session. In this discussion session, we will using Bahasa, so to
the participant who want to asking something you can write it on the chat or open your
microphone. And 2 best questions will get the prizes that will inform in the end of QnA
session. Okey…
Baik, Selamat pagi Pak Mulyono… (kabar >> sehat)
Baik, jadi pembicara kita pada pagi hari ini adalah Pak Mulyono sebagai Process Engineer di
PT. Pertamina RU 4 Cilacap. Jadi sudah siap kan pak? (tunggu dijawab) Baik, kepada Pak
Mulyono, waktu dan tempat saya persilahkan.
Baik, sekarang kita beralih ke acara selanjutnya yaitu sesi tanya jawab. Akan saya buka sesi
QnA yang pertama dengan 3 penyanya terlebih dahulu. (pembacaan pertanyaan, maks 9
pertanyaan). >>> KONDISIONAL
diharap menghubungi panitia untuk mengklaim hadiahnya.
Okey, so that is the presentation from Mr. Mulyono, such a great honour we can stand hear,
listening many awesome experience and of course we get many knowledges from Mr.
And, to Mr. Mulyono, we had a little gift, a gift of appreciation as the thanksgiving to you as
our speaker today. So, to Kak Farah, maybe you can represent the certificate submission and
to the committee, please help the documentation. (Kak Farah’s thanksgiving) (counting 3 2 1
and taking the picture) Okay thankyou Sir, I hope you can accept this little gift.
Now we move to the next agenda, which is documentation with the participant. So, to the
participant please open your camera and don’t forget to use the virtual background that has
been provided. There is … slides, maybe the committee can help the documentation please?
Okayy thankyou
And before we end this event today, I’d like to say thank you very much to Mr. Mulyono as
our speaker today and thank you to all the participant that has been participated from the
beginning into the end of the WebChem event today. I’m Clara Eka, I apologize if there are
many mistakes,
Thankyou and have a nice day.

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