Core Training in Low Back Disorders Role of The

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The passage discusses the Pilates method, a system of exercises focused on core strength and control of movement. It also reviews current research on the effectiveness of Pilates for treating low back pain.

The Pilates method was developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century. It emphasizes recruitment and strengthening of the core muscles, flexibility, and controlled breathing to promote stability and control of movement. Core exercises are performed on special apparatus or on a mat.

Several studies discussed in the passage found that Pilates can help reduce pain and improve function for patients with chronic low back pain. Pilates appears to target the core muscles which are important for maintaining stability of the low back.


Core Training in Low Back Disorders: Role of the

Pilates Method
Andrew A. Joyce, MD and Dana H. Kotler, MD

for low back pain. While interventional

approaches have gained popularity in
The Pilates method is a system of exercises developed by Joseph Pilates,
the treatment of low back pain, exer-
which emphasizes recruitment and strengthening of the core muscles,
cise and physical therapy make up the
flexibility, and breathing, to promote stability and control of movement.
foundation for most nonpharmacologic
Its focus bears similarity to current evidence-based exercise programs
treatments. Therapeutic exercises have
for low back disorders. Spinal stability is a function of three interdependent
several advantages over other treat-
systems, osseoligamentous, muscular, and neural control; exercise ad-
ments, which make them appealing for
dresses both the muscular and neural function. The ‘‘core’’ typically refers
the treatment for low back pain; most
to the muscular control required to maintain functional stability. Prior re-
are relatively inexpensive, noninvasive,
search has highlighted the importance of muscular strength and recruit-
have few side effects, and are beneficial
ment, with debate over the importance of individual muscles in the wider
for the general health of an individual.
context of core control. Though developed long before the current evi-
dence, the Pilates method is relevant in this setting and clearly relates to
current evidence-based exercise interventions. Current literature supports Pilates Method
the Pilates method as a treatment for low back disorders, but its benefit The Pilates method is a system of
when compared with other exercise is less clear. exercises which focuses on awareness,
recruitment, and strengthening of the
stabilizing muscles of the body, to pro-
mote control of movement, as well as flexibility and improved
Introduction posture. Joseph Pilates (1883Y1967) created his method of
Low back pain is a common condition which affects most body conditioning in the early part of the 20th century, re-
people during their lives. Recent estimates indicate that portedly based on his own weaknesses as well as his experi-
the point prevalence ranges from 1% to 58.1% (median, ences working with soldiers at a British internment camp
15.0%) and 1 yr prevalence from 0.8% to 82.5% (median, during World War I (13). In its early years, the method was
37.4%) (20). To further characterize this impact, the Global practiced primarily by elite athletes and dancers who often suf-
Burden of Disease study in 2010 demonstrated that low fered injuries, as it encouraged movement throughout the reha-
back pain not only had a global point prevalence of 9.4% bilitation process; exercises incorporated springs, pulleys, and
but also was the number one cause of disability in the world gravitational advantage to provide needed assistance. It has
(21). Despite its high prevalence, treatment of low back recently gained a much wider audience because the Pilates
pain can be challenging because there are multiple poten- method can be used to develop general fitness, core strength,
tial pain generators which are often difficult to distinguish improved function, or reduced pain.
clinically. Given the vast global impact, a great deal of re- The Pilates method, commonly referred to as just ‘‘Pilates,’’
search has been developed to evaluate various treatments is traditionally taught in a private or small group session with
multiple pieces of apparatus, though there are larger group
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Spaulding Rehabili- classes which focus on mat exercises. Pilates method instructors
tation Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA complete a training and certification program of at least 450 h
of lecture self-study, and assisted teaching hours, during which
Address for correspondence: Dana H. Kotler, MD, Harvard Medical
School, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Spaulding they learn the extensive exercises, as well as modifications for
Rehabilitation Hospital, Newton-Wellesley Hospital, Spaulding Outpatient specific injuries and conditions. The Pilates Method Alliance
Center-Wellesley, 65 Walnut Street, Suite 250, Wellesley, MA 02481; established a third-party certification exam for the title of PMA
E-mail: [email protected]. Certified Pilates Teacher (PMAA-CPT). This organization has
established standards for Pilates method instruction, after the
Current Sports Medicine Reports term ‘‘Pilates’’ was ruled to be generic by a U.S. federal court,
Copyright * 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine allowing for unrestricted use (42).

156 Volume 16 & Number 3 & May/June 2017 Core Training, Pilates Method, and the Spine

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While created more than 100 yr ago, the Pilates method
has recently gained popularity in the circles of both fitness
and rehabilitation, largely because of its emphasis on prin-
ciples of core strength and stability. There are several Pilates
method certifications and programs that market specifically
toward clients with injuries, particularly low back disorders
(3). The purpose of this article is to review the current lit-
erature regarding the efficacy of the Pilates method and
other core training exercise for low back disorders. To do
this, we will start by reviewing basic kinesiology and bio-
mechanics with regard to the spine, which provides a
framework for the study of exercise. We will then delve into
the relevant research and its limitations. Finally, we will
identify areas where further research is indicated.

Spine Biomechanics
To understand how the Pilates method might improve
low back pain, a brief review of kinesiology and biome-
chanics is helpful. Frequently, studies or texts will refer to
‘‘stability’’ of the spine when discussing low back pain.
While there is no clear consensus definition, stability gen-
erally refers to the ability of the spine to remain in a relatively
neutral position during both static and active movements,
thereby preventing injury to local structures (23,43,44). Spi-
nal stability is achieved by a complex interaction of muscles,
connective tissue, and joint structures along the spine and
those forming the torso wall, and can be viewed as a function
of three interdependent systemsVthe osseoligamentous sys- Figure 1: Systems of stability.
tem, the musculature, and the neural control system, with one
system compensating for deficits in the others if necessary
patients with decreased radiographic density of the multifidus
(38). Injury to any of these systems can lead to abnormally
and erector spinae, indicating reduced lumbar paraspinal
large movements of spinal segments, referred to as ‘‘instabil-
muscle bulk, were more likely to develop CT evidence of
ity.’’ This in turn can cause worsening back or nerve root pain
spine osteoarthritis (6). Furthermore, subjects with less func-
by placing excessive stress on particular structures of the
tional trunk strength, as measured by isometric and isokinetic
spine (23). The ‘‘core’’ typically refers to the muscular control
trunk flexion and extension strength, are more likely to de-
around the spine required to maintain functional stability (1).
velop low back pain (24). In summary, these studies seem to
The concept of neuromuscular control of spinal stability is an
indicate that core muscle weakness, imbalances, or poor
important one, because lack of muscular strength, endurance,
neuromuscular control have a relationship with spine biome-
or control may allow inappropriate or excessive segmental
chanics and the development of low back pain.
motion and repeated trauma to tissues in and around the
spine, triggering nociceptors and resulting in pain (Fig. 1).
Given this understanding of spine biomechanics, it is not Core Exercise Evidence
surprising that many studies have demonstrated associa- While the osseoligamentous system is relatively difficult
tions between core muscle weakness, imbalance, and/or to modify with conservative measures, core musculature
poor neuromuscular control and back pain. Initial studies and the neural control system can be actively modified
on muscular activation demonstrated several abnormalities through exercises and physical therapy. As such, exercises,
in patients with low back pain. Hides et al. observed a decrease particularly those focused on training the core muscles,
in cross-sectional area of the ipsilateral lumbar multifidi mus- have been proposed as a major treatment for patients with
cles in patients with unilateral back pain, and hypothesized low back pain. Exercises strengthening the transversus
that this was likely secondary to disuse atrophy or reflex in- abdominis and the multifidus muscles are of particular in-
hibition (16). Hodges and Richardson (18) identified a per- terest, as prior research has demonstrated that these muscles
sistent delay in activation of the transversus abdominis in are likely primary contributors to spine stability (7,19). De-
chronic low back pain patients performing movements of spite evidence that transversus abdominus and multifidus
the upper extremity. O’Sullivan et al. (36,37) showed that in show atrophy in patients with back pain, there are con-
contrast to control subjects, patients with chronic low back flicting data regarding whether therapy programs focused on
pain due to spondylolysis or spondylolisthesis were unable to these specific muscles are vital to spinal stability, as well as
preferentially activate the internal obliques during the action improvement of pain. While Hodges (14,17) has suggested
of ‘‘drawing in’’ the abdominal wall. that the transversus abdominus is the primary spine stabi-
More recently, Lee et al. (31) demonstrated that trunk lizer, Grenier and McGill (14,17) have suggested that the
muscle imbalance and weakness was associated with a higher stability of the spine is a more complex process involving
frequency of low back pain. Another study demonstrated that the interaction of multiple muscle groups. The difference Current Sports Medicine Reports 157

Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
between these two viewpoints is important, as the transverse often used to encourage activation of deeper layers of ab-
abdominus is isolated through ‘‘abdominal hollowing,’’ while dominal muscles, knowing that these muscles do not typi-
an ‘‘abdominal bracing’’ maneuver requires activation of cally act in isolation during functional movement. When a
multiple muscles. Although the distinct patterns of activation client is challenged to perform an exercise, they also will
in abdominal hollowing and bracing may seem subtly differ- activate other supporting muscles. Herrington and Davies
ent to the untrained eye, they are in fact notably different in studied the ability to activate the transversus abdominis
terms of muscle activation patterns. Body awareness and in asymptomatic individuals trained in either the Pilates
training on the part of the teacher and client are essential to method or abdominal curls. They found that the Pilates
properly performing these two distinct movements. Abdom- method trained group performed significantly better than
inal hollowing is performed by drawing the navel towards the abdominal curl and control groups on an test of ab-
the spine, as if one was trying to squeeze into a tight pair of dominal hollowing (Transversus Abdominis Isolation test)
pants. Abdominal bracing requires activation of all layers of and a test of the ability to maintain spinal position with
the abdominals as well as spine extensors (14), similar to the limb load (the Lumbo-Pelvic Stability test), both measured
sensation of slowly breathing out all of the air from the by a pressure biofeedback unit (15). This is consistent with
lungs, until the trunk stiffens at the end of the exhalation. A the idea that exercise type influences recruitment patterns
key differentiating factor between the two movements is of abdominal muscles. These studies indicate that the
that abdominal hollowing decreases the circumference of Pilates method, which incorporates elements of abdominal
the lower trunk, while abdominal bracing maintains lower hollowing, bracing, and emphasizes lumbopelvic control,
trunk circumference. On careful examination, there is a may improve spinal stability and be of benefit to patients
visible difference between these two maneuvers (Fig. 2). with low back pain.
Regardless of the different views on muscular sources of
spinal stability, multiple studies and reviews have evaluated Pilates and Low Back Disorders
core strengthening exercises for low back pain, and most As with much of the current spine literature, research on
have found benefit in terms of pain and disability (4,28,46). the Pilates method and its effect on low back pain is limited
Most guidelines recommend at least some level of exercise in several ways. For one, low back pain is not a diagnosis,
as part of the treatment for low back pain (10). However, but rather a symptom, associated with a wide variety of
the Pilates method is unique when compared to more tra- distinct clinical entities such as spondylosis, spondylolisthesis,
ditional exercises because of its strong emphasis on core facet arthropathy, muscle strain, lumbar radiculopathy, and
strengthening, lumbopelvic stability, and encouragement of discogenic pain. Distinguishing these entities clinically is very
functional movement patterns (13). challenging, due to significant overlap in symptomatology;
The Pilates method appears to have a relationship to ex- in addition, many radiographic abnormalities are present even in
ercise concepts already in use. Pilates method instructors asymptomatic patients. As such, most studies use ‘‘non-specific
typically use anatomical cues as described above to train low back pain’’ as a diagnosis, despite the fact that this repre-
clients to properly activate muscles during exercises. The sents a heterogenous mix of various disorders.
ideas of ‘‘drawing in,’’ ‘‘hollowing,’’ and ‘‘lengthening’’ are Additionally, researching this exercise regimen presents
a challenge, as there is no clear standard control group.
Studies which use ‘‘usual care’’ as the control may find sig-
nificantly different results compared to studies which utilize
alternative exercises as their control. Research on the Pilates
method is further compounded by the fact that there are
many different styles of Pilates method exercises, whether
they be traditional, mat-based, equipment-based, derivatives
or hybrid exercises such as ‘‘Yogalates.’’ Classical Pilates
training follows a specific workout structure and order of
exercises, though the instructor may select specific combi-
nations of exercises and a particular strategy for progression
based on the client’s needs and individual weaknesses.
While relatively understudied, there is some evidence
to suggest that Pilates leads to physical changes which may
be helpful in the treatment of low back pain (Table 1). As
stated earlier, Pilates has been shown to improve use of
the transverse abdominus, which has been found to be
dysfunctional in patients with low back pain. Other studies
have demonstrated that hamstring inflexibility can be a
predictor for low back pain (5), and Pilates has been dem-
onstrated in multiple studies to be effective for improving
hamstring flexibility (25,41). Furthermore, several studies
have demonstrated by radiographic and functional tests that
Pilates improves rectus abdominus strength, lumbopelvic
stability, and abdominal endurance while eliminating asym-
Figure 2: Abdominal hollowing versus bracing. metries of the oblique muscles and transverse abdominus

158 Volume 16 & Number 3 & May/June 2017 Core Training, Pilates Method, and the Spine

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Table 1. and functional ability compared to usual or routine health
Physical changes in Pilates. care, but similar exercises to Pilates showed the same find-
Physical Changes With Pilates ings when performed at a comparable volume and intensity.
Ultimately, Wells’ review of these systematic reviews found
Increased rectus abdominis strength (12) that the evidence available in 2013 was unable to clearly
Elimination of muscular asymmetries in transversus abdominis delineate whether Pilates was effective for reducing pain or
and obliques (12) disability. This was due to the small number and poor meth-
odological quality of primary studies and varying methodo-
Improved isolation of transversus abdominis (15)
logical quality of reviews (48).
Improved spinal stability with limb loading (15,41) Fortunately, a number of systematic reviews have been
Improved hamstring flexibility (25,41) completed since Wells’ review of systematic reviews in
2013, and their findings have been much more consistent.
Improved abdominal muscular endurance (25)
Late in 2013, Miyamoto et al. (35) published a systematic
review and meta-analysis which found that Pilates was at
least moderately superior to minimal intervention for re-
(12,25,41). Studies thus far have produced conflicting results ducing pain and disability. Similarly, Patti et al. and Yamato
on whether Pilates significantly improves posture or bal- et al. (39,50) found that despite the lack of high-quality
ance (25,45). Put together, these studies indicate that Pilates evidence, there was a general consensus in the literature that
training affects multiple biomechanical factors which should Pilates was more effective than minimal interventions for
improve spinal mechanics and potentially reduce pain. pain and disability. Wells et al. (49) found similar findings
Despite the relative scarcity of primary literature on to these other reviews, although noted that the effects may
Pilates and low back pain, there has been a surge of sys- not sustain over the course of 24 wk. Based on these mul-
tematic reviews within the last several years. Over the past tiple reviews, the general sense from current literature is
10 yr, more than 10 systematic reviews have been published that Pilates is an effective treatment for reducing low back
on the topic. Initial reviews found conflicting evidence which pain and disability (Table 2).
was difficult to interpret. As reported in Wells’ systematic The efficacy of Pilates when compared with other exer-
review of systematic reviews, an initial review by La Touche cise techniques is much less clear. Of the systematic reviews,
et al. (29) in 2008 found that Pilates reduced pain and dis- only Yamato’s recent Cochrane review found any clear im-
ability, while a separate review by Pereira et al. 2012 found provement with Pilates when compared to other exercises.
Pilates ineffective for improving pain and disability (29,40,48). Other reviews by Wells et al., Patti et al., and Pereira et al.
Other findings also were conflicting, with Lim et al. (32) (39,40,49) did not find any clear evidence that Pilates was
finding that Pilates reduced pain but not disability when more efficacious than other forms of exercise. While some
compared to minimal intervention, while Aladro-Gonzalvo studies did demonstrate better short-term pain and disabil-
et al. (2) found that Pilates reduced disability compared with ity (34), better satisfaction (11), and improved quality of life
other physiotherapeutic treatments (2,32,48). A recent sys- (27), current evidence does not clearly distinguish Pilates
tematic review by Lin et al. (33) found Pilates effective in as a superior treatment when compared to other exercises.
promoting a statistically significant improvement in pain relief Although there are reasons to believe that Pilates may be

Table 2.
Systematic reviews on Pilates for low back pain.
Systematic Review Efficacy vs Minimal Intervention Efficacy vs Other Exercises

H.T. Lin 2016 Pilates with significant improvement in pain and Other exercises similar in pain relief and
function compared with routine care. functional ability.
T.P. Yamato 2015 Pilates is more effective than minimal intervention Pilates is slightly better than other exercises for
for pain and disability. functional improvements at intermediate follow up.
C. Wells 2014 Greater improvements in pain and function in Equivalent improvements to massage and
short term than usual care or physical activity. other exercises.
A. Patti 2015 Pilates more effective than minimal physical No clear evidence that Pilates is more effective than
exercise in reducing pain. other exercise programs for chronic pain.
G.C. Miyamoto 2013 Pilates better than minimal intervention Pilates not better than other exercises for short-term
for reducing pain and disability. pain reduction.
C. Wells 2013 Inconclusive evidence that Pilates
reduce pain and disability.
L.M. Pereira 2012 Pilates did not improve functionality Pilates no better than lumbar stabilization exercises
compared with control. in function.
E.C. Lim 2011 Pilates superior to minimal intervention for pain. No evidence of superiority of Pilates for pain and
disability when compared with other exercises. Current Sports Medicine Reports 159

Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
helpful in certain patients with poor neuromuscular control or equipment-based exercises might yield greater benefits.
and weak core stabilizers, identifying the patients who would Because prior studies have used a variety of control methods,
benefit most from Pilates remains a challenge. a larger study with several treatment arms comparing multi-
While the primary focus of this review has been to eval- ple exercise and therapeutic regimens to the Pilates method
uate how effective Pilates is at reducing low back pain, we would be very useful to help delineate which types of exer-
would be remiss if we failed to take a more holistic approach cises are most efficacious. In addition, a specific approach to
and mention other potential benefits of Pilates training which Pilates training should be clearly defined for the purposes
might factor into clinical decision-making. Studies have of research, whether it was to follow the classical Pilates
demonstrated that Pilates can help reduce the frequency of method order and selection of exercises, or customize a pro-
falls (22) and improve health-related quality of life in women gram based on a client’s needs, both frequently used strategies
(26). Furthermore, one study found that patients tended to be in Pilates training. With the rapidly changing economics in
more satisfied with Pilates than a ‘‘back school,’’ and were health care, further evaluation of the cost effectiveness of
more likely to perform exercises on a regular basis. There is the Pilates method when compared with other interventions
an increasingly prevalent belief among physicians that ‘‘ex- is vital to ensure its availability to patients with limited re-
ercise is medicine,’’ and physical activity should be incor- sources. Finally, more studies are needed to establish the op-
porated into daily life to maintain benefits. Pilates method timal frequency and duration of Pilates training as a treatment.
typifies this idea, with its emphasis on consistency and Once this is better defined, future studies will have the op-
translation into functional movement. Although evidence portunity to be more consistent in their regimens, and study
has not clearly shown that Pilates is superior to other exer- results will be more easily interpreted.
cises at reducing low back pain, Pilates may have other pos-
itive health benefits which may be equally, if not more Conclusions
important. The Pilates method is a system of exercises focusing on
core stability and control, which appears to be one of several
Future Research effective conservative treatments for low back pain. Ana-
Despite the recent expansion of Pilates research, many tomic and biomechanical studies have provided a plausible
questions about its efficacy remain unanswered. As men- explanations for its effectiveness, but research is limited both
tioned earlier, there are multiple differing types of Pilates by suboptimal methods of defining both Pilates exercise and
training, including mat-based, equipment-based, and hybrid low back pain itself. As of this writing, Pilates has not been
or Pilates-inspired exercise. Although a study by Curnow in shown to be significantly better overall than other exercises,
2009 found no significant difference in back pain between though it does result in clear benefits and physical changes.
3 different Pilates exercise regimens, only 39 patients were Continued research into this field may help provide us with a
enrolled in the study, and the exercise regimens only differed better understanding of Pilates’ role in health care.
by a few exercises (8). More recently, studies have focused
on whether mat-based or equipment-based Pilates is supe-
rior, with conflicting results (9,30). The authors wish to thank Dr. Ashwin Babu, Dr. Ben
As with any exercise therapy, duration and frequency Margolis, Jayne Lewis, Deborah Vogel, Bob Liekens, Doug
likely play a role in efficacy. However, there is no clear ev- Zabrocki and Alicia Zabrocki for their contributions to
idence as to how long or frequent Pilates training should this article.
last. Current recommendations are based on a Delphi survey
of Australian physical therapists, who recommended 30- to
60-min sessions twice weekly for 3 to 6 months. Wells et al.
(47) is currently completing a study to further our knowl- Dr. Joyce and Dr. Kotler declare no conflicts of interest
and do not have any financial disclosures.
edge on this, but more research is needed. A recent study
recommended that based on the evidence, Pilates training
should have an exercise frequency greater than two or three References
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