RAMSCRAM-A Flexible RAMJET/SCRAMJET Engine Simulation Program
RAMSCRAM-A Flexible RAMJET/SCRAMJET Engine Simulation Program
RAMSCRAM-A Flexible RAMJET/SCRAMJET Engine Simulation Program
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'Presented at the Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition—June 11-14, 1990—Brussels, Belgium
In addition to the modifications made to CET86 for this point using the efficiency factor. Two of three
use with NNEP, further modifications were made to allow parameters, airflow, Mach number or flow area, are
more than a single fuel/oxidizer combination to be input to permit calculation of the flow conditions and
specified. Up to 24 reactants can be specified as pos- geometry at this location. If only airflow or flow
sible fuels or oxidizers during a single run with the area are given, then the Mach number is assumed to be
appropriate combination of those reactants specified the terminal Mach number from the forebody calculation
at each location in the engine. This permits calcula- or the free stream Mach number if no forebody is
tion of propulsion systems such as ducted solid rocket. included. If flow area and airflow are input, then the
subsonic or supersonic solution is chosen to match the
Fore body condition of the air just upstream of this station. It
can also be forced to either solution by entering a
A conical, two-dimensional wedge or no forebody subsonic or supersonic Mach number which will be used
can be specified. Figure 2 presents a schematic of the as a first guess in the calculation procedure.
10( 1(1 m3
maximum simulated. At some point, the solid propellant coefficient (CFG) were varied. The baseline values
mixture ratio becomes such that it cannot support com- used were: 0.97 for ,IKE, 0.95 for ng, and 0.96 for
bustion. The specific impulse increases linearly with CFG. Figure 6 presents the results of this analysis.
bypass ratio. However, as shown, the air capture area Each parameter was varied over a range of from
also increases with bypass ratio. This offsets the approximately 0.9 to 1. Kinetic energy efficiency was
gain in performance, as the inlet and combustion duct varied with two different downstream constraints. In
will increase in size and weight. The ultimate compro- one case, the diffuser exit/combustor inlet geometry
mise between the two offsetting trends must be accom- was held constant. In the other case the diffuser
plished by doing a vehicle analysis using the informa- exit/combustor inlet Mach number was held constant. In
tion provided by the engine performance code. the first case fKE had only a small effect on engine