Jdicom Manual v1 0

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The key takeaways are that JDICOM is a tool for troubleshooting DICOM applications and allows viewing, editing and validating DICOM files. It also provides various DICOM services like storage, query, print etc.

The main components/applications of JDICOM include ImageServer, RisServer, ModalitySCU, PrintServer, EditDicomObject and EditDicomDir.

Some of the functions of the ImageServer application include receiving and storing images over the network, dispatching query/retrieve requests, notifying peers about received images and sending/receiving storage commitments.


JDICOM is a summary of DICOM applications which are very useful for troubleshooting. Our best
appreciation to Mr. Gunter Zeilinger which created this great tool.
If you have any questions or problems, do not hesitate to contact us. The e-mail addresses are
[email protected] or [email protected].
The description is valid for the actual version of JDICOM 1.7.5. It was installed on the following operating
systems Win98, WinNT, Win2000, Linux (RedHat 6.1 and Suse 7.0). Required is a java2 runtime
environment for the used hardware architecture.


Supports Image related DICOM Services Classes:
Receives images over network and stores them on (local) disk
(= SCP of Storage SOP classes + FSC+FSU of Media Storage SOP classes).
Dispatches received query/retrieve requests by transmitting information about stored images or
images themselves to specified destination.
(= SCP of Query/Retrieve SOP classes + FSR of Media Storage SOP classes).
Notifies specified peer application about received images
(= SCU of Study Content Notification SOP class).
Sends requested commitments back about received images.
(=SCU of Storage Commitment SOP class)

Load images from (local) disk and send them over network.
(= SCU of Storage SOP classes).
Receives commitments back about transmitted images.
(=SCP of Storage Commitment SOP class)

Queries image archives and controls remote retrieve of images to specified destination.
(= SCU of Query/Retrieve SOP classes).

Supports RIS related DICOM Services Classes:
Receives worklist requests over the network
(= SCP of Basic Worklist SOP class).
Receives notifications about the (image) content of studies over network
(= SCP of Study Content Notification SOP class).
Receives performed procedure steps about the patient from the network
(= SCU of Performed Procedure Step SOP class).

Supports RIS related DICOM Services Classes:
Sends worklist requests over the network
(= SCU of Basic Worklist SOP class).
Receives notifications about the (image) content of studies over network
(= SCP of Study Content Notification SOP class).
Sends performed procedure steps about the patient over the network to the RisServer.
(= SCP of Performed Procedure Step SOP class).

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Supports Basic Print related DICOM Services Classes:
Receives printable images over network
(= SCP Basic Print SOP class).

3ULQW6&8 (not yet described)

Administration tool for DICOM File to:
Display and modify the DICOM files tags.

Administration tool for DICOM File-sets to:
Display and modify the DICOMDIR file containing the Media Storage Directory information (=
FSC+FSU of Media Storage SOP classes). Delete images from the File-sets, by deleting the image
files and updating the DICOMDIR file accordingly. Import images into the File-sets, by updating the
DICOMDIR file with Directory information extracted from the new added images.

Checks DICOM files - containing Composite Information Objects - for its DICOM conformance.
Lists attribute names and values of contained Data Elements.

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The JDicom applications runs on Java Platform 2. So you can either download the JDicom version which
already includes the Java virtual machine from the following location :

Use the link for Windows "Windows including a JVM" and for Linux "Linux including a JVM" in order
to download the corresponding JDicom package.

If the file is successfully downloaded use following the installation instruction

for Windows:

for Linux:

to install JDicom on your PC.

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After the successful installation of JDicom you find this menu structure in "START -> PROGRAMS"

The important entries are:


The files are installed by using the default settings in the directory: "C:\Program Files\jdicom"
Automatically subfolders are created in the default installation directory. In the subdirectory applet you can
find the available applet version of JDicom. These applets are running in a Web Browser which supports



♦ Storage Commitment SCU/SCP

♦ Query/Retrieve SCP
♦ Print SCU

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With the JDICOM application StorageSCU you can simulate the behaviour of the DICOM service Storage
as Service Class User. An Association can be opened, a DICOM Verification can be made and DICOM
images can be transferred to a remode DICOM destination.
AET: $1B7'6,0
6WRUDJH6&8 C_Store; C_Echo CalledTitle
AET: 6WRUDJHB6&8 Port: 
CallingTitle Host (name resolution of the IP address)

6HQG or File
6HQG System

The DICOM application StorageSCU runs with a graphical user interface (GUI). Select the entry
in the JDicom menu.
Here are the minimum entries which sould be
modified before you can use StorageSCU:

Enter here the IP address or hostname of the
StorageSCP (DICOM partner for receiving the
If a host name is used, an entry in the hosts file is
required or DNS has to be enabled.

Portnumber of the StorageSCP (DICOM partner for
receiving the image)

Called Title:
DICOM AET of the StorageSCP (DICOM partner for
receiving the image)

Calling Title:

Transfer Syntax:
This are the possible values:
-3(*%DVHOLQH(lossy for 8 bit images)

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If you are using a wrong entry for the TransferSyntax a message is displayed in the log tab when you try to
open the association with "&RQQHFW":

TransferSyntax: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: not one of

With the following properties it is possible to Verbose:
change the Patient Name and Patient ID during Specifies the log level. The value which can be used starts
the image transfer to the new values: with
Anoymize: IDOVH (no change is done) "" no output in the log tab window
WUXH (change the name and ID) ""
"" decode of DIMSE (DICOM Message Service Element)
Anoymize.NewName: new PatientName "" decode of data elements

Anoymize.NewID : new PatientID


In this example the DICOM partner for receiving images (StorageSCP) has the parameters:

Portnumber of the StoreSCP process: 
AET of the StoreSCP process: $1B7'6,0B
The local (own) DICOM AET of the StorageSCU JDICOM program: 6WRUDJHB6&8
Transfer Syntax: ,PSOLFLW95/LWWOH(QGLDQ
Anoymize: IDOVH
Verbose mode: 

Start the Association by clicking the "&RQQHFW" button.

With "(FKR" you start a Verification (C_Echo).

With "6HQG" only one selected image can be transferred.

With "6HQG " multiple images can be transferred.

With "&DQFHO" the started image transfer can be interrupted.

Close the Association by clicking the "5HOHDVH" button.

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With the JDICOM application ImageServer you can simulate the behaviour of the DICOM service Storage
as Service Class Provider. DICOM Verification is supported, DICOM images can be received and stored
into a specified directory. The ImageServer simulates also the DICOM services Query/Retieve and Storage
Commitment as Provider.

C_Store; C_Echo 6WRUDJH6&8
AET: $1B7'6,0B

File File
System System

Fileset: WUXH

The DICOM application ImageServer can be run either with a graphical user interface (GUI) or in command
line mode.

To run it with a GUI select in the JDicom menu.

To run it in command line mode select from the JDicom menu (recommended only for
advanced users).

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In the ImageServerGUI you find three tab cards.
3URSV tabcard for changing the properties of the
V tabcard only requiered for using the Retrieve
and Storage Commitment function (destinations entries
for it: AET, IP address and Port)
/RJ tabcard for the log output area

The following entries in the Props tabcard are the

minimum once which should be modified before you
can use the ImageServer:

Own Portnumber of the ImageServer (for DICOM
services StoreSCP and Q/R SCP)

Called Title:
Own DICOM AET of the ImageServer (for DICOM
services StoreSCP and Q/R SCP)

Calling Title:
If no entry was made here, all AET’s from the
StoreSCU’s and Q/R SCU’s are accepted. If you want
to restrict the access to the Imageserver you can put in
here the allowed AET’s. The AET’s should be
separated by comma.

Specifices wether the Imageserver accepts a
Verification DIMSE (C_Echo). Possible values are:
WUXH Verification is supported
IDOVH Verification is not supported

This value should be set to "WUXH", in order to save the
received images in the fileset.path directory. Possible
values are true and false.

Exisiting directory for storing the received images. If
this directory doesn’t exist on your PC you will get an
error message after starting your ImagesServer.
Example for the entry : GGLFRP-'LFRPLPDJH
You can also use the ? to separate the subdirectories.

Specifies the log level. The value which can be used
starts with
"" no output in the log tab window
Used Transfer Syntax for storing the images to
harddisc. Possible values: ""
$FU1HPD "" decode of DIMSE (DICOM Message Service
([SOLFLW95/LWWOH(QGLDQ "" decode of data elements

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If you are using an wrong entry for the Fileset.TransferSyntax a message is displayed in the log tab when
you try to start the ImageServer with "6WDUW":

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Fileset.TransferSyntax:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: not one of

In this example the following properties are used for the ImageServer:

Portnumber of the ImageServer process: Port 
AET of the ImageServer process: CalledTitles 6WRUDJHB6&3
AET’s accepted StoreSCU’s: CallingTitles
Save images on hard disc enabled: Fileset WUXH
Path on the hard disc: Fileset.Path GGLFRP-'LFRPLPDJH
Image store syntax Fileset.TransferSyntax: ,PSOLFLW95/LWWOH(QGLDQ
Mode of the output log: Verbose 


Save the made changes in the property tab card by pressing the "$SSO\" button. The property values are than
saved in the properties file for the ImageServer (ImageServer.properties).

Start the ImageServer by clicking the "6WDUW" button.

With "6WRS" the ImageServer will be stopped.

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With the JDICOM application RisServer you can simulate the behaviour of the RIS or HIS system. The
JDICOM RisServer supports the DICOM Services Modality Worklist, Modality Performed Procedure Step
and Study Content Notification. The JDICOM RisServer is for all mentioned services Service Class
Provider. The JDICOM RisServer supports DICOM Verification and can be used to generate worklist

-',&20 5LV6HUYHU
C_Find; C_Echo :RUNOLVW6&8
CalledTitle AET: +5,B7'6,0B
Port: CallingTitle

File File
System System

WL File Patient/Worklist

Subdirectories created:
0RGDOLW\:RUNOLVW (WL File directory)

The DICOM application RisServer can be run either with a graphical user interface (GUI) or in command
line mode.

To run it with a GUI select in the JDicom menu.

To run it in command line mode select from the JDicom menu (recommended only for
advanced users).

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In the RisServerGUI you find three tab cards.
3URSV tabcard for for changing the properties of
the RisServer
5HVXOW tabcard for creating/listing worklist
/RJ tabcard for the log output area

The following entries in the Props tabcard are the

minimum once which should be modified before
you can use the ImageServer:

Own Portnumber of the RisServer (for DICOM
Basic Worklist SCP )

Called Title:
Own DICOM AET of the RisServer (for DICOM
Basic Worklist SCP)

Calling Title:
If no entry was made here, all AET’s from the Basic
Worklist SCU’s are accepted. If you want to restrict
the access to the Imageserver you can put in here
the allowed AET’s. The AET’s should be separated
by comma.

Specifices wether the Risserver accepts a
Verification DIMSE (C_Echo). Possible values are:
WUXH Verification is supported
ModalityWorklist: IDOVH Verification is not supported
Specifices whether the Risserver acts as a Basic
Worklist SCP. Possible values are: Repository.path:
WUXH Basic Worklist support is enabled. Exisiting directory for storing the created WL entries. If this
IDOVH Basic Worklist support is disenabled directory doesn’ exists on your PC you will get an error
ModalityPPS: message after starting your RisServer. Example for the
Specifices whether the Risserver acts as a Modality entry : GGLFRPMGLFRPULVVHUYHU
Performed Procedure Step SCP. Possible values are: You can also use the ? to separate the subdirectories.
WUXH ModalityPPS support is enabled.
IDOVH ModalityPPS support is disenabled Verbose:
StudyContentNotification: Specifies the log level. The value which can be used starts
Specifices whether the Risserver acts as a Study with
Content Notification SCP. Possible values are: "" no output in the log tab window
WUXH Study Content Notification support is ""
enabled. "" decode of DIMSE (DICOM Message Service Element)
IDOVH Study Content Notification support is "" decode of data elements

Save the made changes in the property tab card by pressing the "6DYH" button. The property values are than
saved in the properties file for the RisServer (RisServer.properties). You have to do it once after the
installation because this file doesn’t exist directly after the installation. You can choose a different name for
the RisServer.properties file. With "ORDG" you can load a different named RisServer.properties file which
you have created before.

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In this example the following properties are used for the RisServer:
Portnumber of the RisServer process: Port 
AET of the RisServer process: CalledTitles :RUNOLVWB6&3
AET’s accepted Worklist SCU’s: CallingTitles
Path on the hard disc: Repository.Path GGLFRPMGLFRPZRUNOLVW
Mode of the output log: Verbose 


Start the RisServer by clicking the "6WDUW" button.

With "6WRS" the RisServer will be stopped.


♦ Select the "5HVXOWtab card in the RisServerGUI

Double click the folder icon Repository and the

tree with the following entries is expanded (see
image on the right side):

Select entry for generation of Basic Worklist data

Select entry for displaying received Modality
Perfored Procedure Steps data sets.

Select entry for generation of Study Content
Notification data sets.

In order to generate an Basic Worklist data set entry select "ModalityWorklist" in the Repository tree and

press the button. With the button an data set entry can be deleted.

The button you can refresh the Repository tree.

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Automatically a worklist entry is
generated and saved. It has default
values for each DICOM tag which
are generated.
The values can be modified under
the RisServerGUI platform. For
adding additional WL tag’s, select
the appropriate Worklist entry in the
Repository/ModalityWorklist tree

and click on the button.

Modify the values of the
corresponding tag’s and save the
made modifications by clicking on

the button.

Important worklist tags which should match for the worklist request from the modality (WL SCU):
Modality: ScheduledProcedureStepStartDate:
Insert here your modality abbreviation (e.g. MR, CT, Default date when the WL entry is generated. Change
AX, US, OT, ...) [in this example: 05] it when the WL entry is not generated today to the date
of today.
Insert here the AET for which the worklist entry is.
Only for this AET it is possible to get this specific
worklist entry. Is this tag empty all Worklist SCU’s
from the same modality can retrieve this Worklist
entry. [in this example: +5,B7'6,0B]


To check if your made changes are OK, select the folder ModalityWorklist and then again the WL
entry. Now the modified WL file should be loaded into the RisServerGUI.

Start the RisServer by clicking the "6WDUW" button if not already done. Check in the log tab card whether the
RisServer is successfully started or not.

The messages " Waiting for invocations from clients... " indicates an successful start of
the RisServer.

If you get the following message "java.io.IOException: d:\dicom\jdicom\risserver224

is not a writeable directory!" the RisServer is not started. Check the entry for the
5HSRVLWRU\3DWK whether this directory exists on your hard disc.

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0RGDOLW\6&8 :/6&8

With the JDICOM application ModalitySCU you can simulate the behaviour of the DICOM services
Modality Worklist and Modality Performed Procedure Step, both as Service Class User. An Association can
be opened, a DICOM Verification can be made and Worklist information can be retrieved. From the
retrieved Worklist a performed procedure step can be created and transferred to the RisSystem. In this case
the RisSystem must support MPPS.

-',&20 5LV6HUYHU
-',&20 :RUNOLVW6&8
:RUNOLVW6&8 C_Find; C_Echo
CallingTitle N_Create ; N_Set Port: 
Host (name resolution of the IP address)

File File
System System
Patient File System:
Worklist WL File

C_Echo: (FKR
N_Create: &UHDWH336 Verification : WUXH
N_Set: 8SGDWH336 ModalityWorklist : WUXH
ModalityPPS : WUXH
Repositiory .Path:
Subdirectories created :
0RGDOLW\336 (MPPS File directory )
0RGDOLW\:RUNOLVW (WL File directory )

The DICOM application ModalitySCU runs with a graphical user interface (GUI). Select the entry

in the JDicom menu.

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Here are the minimum entries which should
be modified in the Property tabcard before
you can use ModalitySCU:

Enter here the IP address or hostname of the
RisServer (Worklist SCP)
Portnumber of the Worklist SCP
Called Title:
DICOM AET of the Worklist SCP
(RisServer or HisServer)
Calling Title:
Specifies the log level. The value which can
be used starts with
"" no output in the log tab window
"" decode of DIMSE (DICOM Message
Service Element)
"" decode of data elements

There are three more tabcards available:

)LOWHU tabcard for setting the requested WL tags
5HVXOW tabcard shows the received worklist entries
/RJ tabcard shows the log of the DICOM session


In this example the DICOM RisServer (Worklist SCP) has the parameters:

Portnumber of the Worklist SCP process: 
AET of the Worklist SCP process: :RUNOLVWB6&3

The local (own) DICOM AET of the ModalitySCU JDICOM program: :RUNOLVWB6&8
Verbose mode: 

Start the Association by clicking the "2SHQ" button.

With "(FKR" you start a Verification (C_Echo).

With "4XHU\:/" request the worklist entries from the RisServer (C-FIND).

With "&ORVH" you can close the association to the RisServer.

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Œ Setting filter in the JDICOM ModalitySCU:

For setting a WL query filter select

the Filter tabcard and choose the
tag group by selectin one of the

SPS (Scheduled Procedure Step)


The marked (with á) tags are

default set. If you want to add tags
just mark them. This is done by
clicking on .
Removing the tag from the WL
query just click on the mark á and
the  is empty.

Œ Displaying the WL Query result in JDICOM ModalitySCU:

In the Worklist tree you can find the received worklist data sets

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Function of the buttons are:

with this button you can generate an PPS (Performed Procedure Step) entry for the selected worklist

entry. In order to do it select first the desired selected worklist entry and click button. The PPS data
set is stored under the folder "3HUIRUPHG3URFHGXUH6WHSV".

with this button you can remove an selected data set entry from the folder ":RUNOLVW" or "3HUIRUPHG

with this button you can add PPS DICOM tags from the selected PPS entry in the PPS folder.

with this button you can save the made changes in the selected PPS entry.

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With the JDICOM application PrintServerDummy you can simulate the behaviour of a DICOM Camera.
DICOM Verification is supported and a hardcopy file can be received. This file is stored into a specified
directory and can be displayed by any DICOM viewer.


C_Echo 3ULQW6&8
AET: 7'6,0B
Port:  N_Create; N_Set CallingTitles

File System
System Exposure

Verification: WUXH
BasicGrayscalePrintManagement: WUXH
StoreHC : WUXH

The JDICOM application PrintServerDummy can be run either with a graphical user interface (GUI) or in
command line mode.

To run it with a GUI select in the JDicom menu.

To run it in command line mode select from the JDicom menu (recommended only for
advanced users).

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In the PrintServerDummy GUI you find two
tab cards.
3URSV tabcard for for chaning the properties
of the PrintServerDummy.
/RJ tabcard for the log output area

The following entries in the Props tabcard are

the minimum once which should be modified
before you can use the PrintServerDummy.

Own Portnumber of the PrintServerDummy
(for DICOM service Basic Print SCP)

Called Title:
Own DICOM AET of the PrintServerDummy
(for DICOM servicesBasic Print SCP)

Calling Title:
If no entry was made here, all AET’s from the
PrintSCU’s are acceped. If you want to restrict
the access to the PrintServerDummy you can
put in here the allowed AET’s. The AET’s
should be separated by comma.

Specifies the log level. The value which can be
used starts with
"" no output in the log tab window
"" decode of DIMSE (DICOM Message
Service Element)
"" decode of data elements

In this example the following properties are used for the PrintServerDummy:
Portnumber of the PrintServerDummy process: Port 
AET of the PrintServerDummy process: CalledTitles 3B3&B.ODXV
AET’s accepted PrintSCU’s: CallingTitles
Mode of the output log: Verbose 


Save the made changes in the property tab card by pressing the "$SSO\" button. The property values are than
saved in the properties file for the PrintServerDummy (PrintServerDummy.properties).

Start the PrintServerDummy by clicking the "6WDUW" button.

With "6WRS" the PrintServerDummy will be stopped.

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It is possible to save the received DICOM Basic Print data to hard disc. Therefore you have to modify the
following entries in the property tab card.

StoreHC true
StoreHC.Path Existing path on PC

In this example the values for this store functionality are :

Enable hardcopy store to hard disc: StoreHC WUXH
Directory for the stored hardcopy files: StoreHC.Path GGLFRPMGLFRPSULQW

You can also use the ? to separate the subdirectories.

The stored files which you can find under the StoreHC.Path can be loaded and viewed in any DICOM
viewer (e.g. eFilm, DICOMscope, Osiris ..)

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With the JDICOM application Validate you can check DICOM files according the conformity to the
DICOM standard.

The JDICOM application Validate runs with a graphical user interface (GUI). Select the entry

in the JDicom menu.

In the JDICOM Validate application you find

serveral tab cards. The tab cards are related to
the IOD definitions.

With "9DOLGDWH" only one selected dicom file

can be checked.

With "9DOLGDWH " multible dicom file can be


With "+70/" you can export from the validated

DICOM file the attributs in an HTML file.

In the log area you will get informations about

the valitation.

In the window part "2SWLRQV" you can select

(mark á) optional DICOM modules for your
IOD to be checked.

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Example for the validation of a MR image. To display the DICOM tags of the selected image the
"$WWULEXWV" tab card needs to be selected.

In the log you get the following information :

Validate file D:\Gartner\DICOM\mr22076\mr22076_5.0.9133179.img

No error detected for MR Image Storage SOP Class

This indicates that the DICOM file was successfully checked.

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With the JDICOM application QueryRetrieveSCU you can simulate the behaviour of the DICOM service
Query Retrieve as Service Class User. An Association can be opened, a DICOM Verification can be made.
The image database of a QueryRetrieveSCP can be queried and images can be retrieved.

AET: 64B6&8
AET: $1B7'6,0
C_Echo: (FKR
C_Find: 4XHU\
Host (name resolution of the IP address)

InfoModel: 3DWLHQW5RRW

-',&20,PDJH6HUYHU System
6WRUDJH6&3 (Patient
4XHU\5HWULHYH6&3 database)



Fileset: WUXH

The DICOM application QueryRetrieveSCU runs with a graphical user interface (GUI). Therefore select the
entry in the JDicom menu.

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This are the minimum entries which should be modified before you can use QueryRetrieveSCU:

Enter here the hostname or IP address of the QueryRetrieveSCP (DICOM partner for querying the
database and retrieving images)
If a host name is used, an entry in the hosts file is required or DNS has to be enabled.

Port number of the QueryRetrieveSCP (DICOM partner querying the database and retrieving images)

Called Title:
DICOM AET of the QueryRetrieveSCP (querying the database and retrieving images)

Calling Title:

DICOM AET of the StoreSCP which should receive the retrieved images

Used information model. Possible entries are: 3DWLHQW5RRW
Specifies the log level. The value which can be used starts with
"" no output in the log tab window
"" decode of DIMSE (DICOM Message Service Element)
"" decode of data elements


In this example the DICOM partner for receiving the Query/Retrieve requests (Q/R SCP) has the following

Port number of the QueryRetrieveSCP process: 
AET of the QueryRetrieveSCP process: $1B7'6,0
MoveDestination AET of the StoreSCP process: 45B6&8
(AET of the JDICOM ImageServer on the local PC)
The local (own) DICOM AET of the QueryRetrieveSCU JDICOM program: 6WRUDJHB6&3
Used QueryRetrieve information model: 3DWLHQW5RRW
Verbose mode: 

Start the Association by clicking the "&RQQHFW" button.

With "(FKR" you start a Verification (C_Echo).

With "4XHU\" sends an query (C_Find) request to the QueryRetrieveSCP.

With "5HWULHYH" you can retrieve the selected Patient/Study/images according the used information model.

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In this filter tabcard you can
select the tags which shall be used
in the query request. Characters
entered in under Value will be
sent in the Query request as
searching (matching) criteria.
You can do this for the DICOM
tag groups Patient, Study,
Series and Image by selecting
the tab card for the corresponding
tag group.


After sending an query request (C_Find) to the QueryRetrieveSCP the feedback is displayed in the result tab
card. In this example the information model 3DWLHQW5RRW was used.

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Selecting the Patient name in the Query Result tree you get DICOM tags displayed for the patient. To query
the database for study information you can do this either by double clicking on the patient name or by
pressing the "4XHU\" button . The study level information are than visible.

Selecting the study (folder icon) you get then the study DICOM tags displayed. In order to get the
information of the image level you can do this either by double clicking on the study folder or by pressing
the "4XHU\" button. The image level information are than visible.

Selecting the image in the Query tree you get the image DICOM tags displayed.

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You can retrieve the images by selecting in

♦ the patient level the patient name and click the "5HWULHYH" button.
♦ the study level the study folder and click the "5HWULHYH" button.
♦ the image level the image and click the "5HWULHYH" button.

Be sure that the StoreSCP (e.g. JDICOM ImageServer) is running, otherwise the retrieve will fail.

With you can remove the selected entry in the Query Results tree and

with you can clear the Query Results tree.

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With the JDICOM application EditDicomObject you can create new or modify DICOM files. This files can
be DICOM images, worklist entries or mpps files.

The JDICOM application EditDicomObjects runs with a graphical user interface (GUI). Select the entry

in the JDicom menu.

Description of the following buttons:

With the "1HZ" button you can create a new DICOM file.
With "/RDG" you can load an existing DICOM file (image file or worklist file from JDICOM WL)
With "6DYH" you can save the modified file.
With "+70/" you can create a dump of the used DICOM tags from the loaded DICOM file in HTML



(0002,0012) ImplementationClassUID UI 1 nnn.nnn.nnn

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If this entry isn’t made you will get the error message "com.archimed.dicom.DicomException:
Missing ImplementationClassUID" wen you try to save the file. In order to avoid this you can
modify the value entry in the property "6DYH)LOH0HWD,QIR" to IDOVH. This change can not be saved
from the GUI EditDicomObjects. When you start the JDicom program EditDicomObjects the value for the
tag "Save.FileMetaInfo" is set back to the original one. But there is a way to modify the tag by
changing the value in the EditDicomObjects.properties file. You will find this file in the installation
directory of JDicom. Use an text editor (e.g. notepad) in order to do the necessary modification.
Contents of the "EditDicomObjects.properties" file.

#Properties for EditDicomObject

#Thu Jul 19 16:22:40 GMT+02:00 2001
Save.FileMetaInfo=true (property which should be set to IDOVH)


♦ Load the DICOM file into the EditDicomObjects editor

♦ Choose from the IOD’s window the part which you want to insert

For inserting the tags select the entry in the IOD’s tree with the

mouse and use the button to add the tags. If you want
to remove the tags, select first the entry in the IOD’s tree and

use the to remove the selected IOD’s tag group.

By double clicking on the folder

icon of the IOD’s tree you can
expand the tree for the required
selection (e.g. IOD’s for MR).
Use again the buttons

To add or to remove MR IOD’s

from the loaded DICOM file.

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For example if you want to add the group Patient from the IOD’s MR you have to expand the folder MR in

the IOD’s tree select the entry "Patient" and use the add button to get the Patient MR IOD tags. You
will get than the following output:
Select the tag which you want to use and instert
the correct value. Automatically the tag gets
marked with á after confirming the made entry
with the <ENTER> key on the keyboard.
For resetting the value remove the mark á by
clicking on it.


If all changes were made on the DICOM file, save it.

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The JDICOM application EditDicomDir runs with a graphical user interface (GUI). Select the entry
in the JDicom menu.

Description of the buttons:

with the new button an empty DICOMDIR is generated, but not save to disc.

with the load button you can load an existing DICOMDIR file into the JDICOM
application EditDicomDir.

with the save button you can save the DICOMDIR file to disc.

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Example for a loaded DICOMDIR file:

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