Persuasive Business Writing

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Persuasive Business Writing
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Persuasive Business Writing
Achieve results and raise your
profile with better business communication

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Published by How To Books Ltd,
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All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or stored in an information retrieval system
(other than for purposes of review), without the express permission of the publisher in writing.
© Copyright 2002 Patrick Forsyth
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data.
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
Cover design by Baseline Arts Ltd, Oxford
Produced for How To Books by Deer Park Productions
Edited by David Kershaw
Typeset by Kestrel Data, Exeter, Devon
Printed and bound by Cromwell Press Ltd, Trowbridge, Wiltshire
NOTE: The material contained in this book is set out in good faith for general guidance and no liability can
be accepted for loss or expense incurred as a result of relying in particular circumstances on statements
made in the book. Laws and regulations are complex and liable to change, and readers should check the
current position with the relevant authorities before making personal arrangements.
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List of illustrations 8
Preface 9
1 A firm foundation for persuasion 15
Appreciate how communication can be difficult for both the sender and receiver of the
communication. Be aware of the power of clarity. Learn ways to overcome the obstacles to
communication and, by responding to these obstacles, acquire a sound understanding of
how to make your case persuasive.
2 Making a persuasive case 23
Understand the thinking process so that you encourage people to make up their minds.
Make sure your way of thinking matches your readers' way of thinking: use persuasion's
magic formula and state your benefits. Ensure your suggested course of action is the best
choice your readers could make.
3 A basis for success
Before you commit anything to paper, set clear objectives, prioritise your intentions and
decide how you can make your message persuasive.
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Appreciate the likes, dislikes, motivations and expectations of your readers. 34
4 Getting it down in writing 44
Work systematically and to a plan. Decide on what you want to say and establish how you
can best say this. Settle on an approach to writing that suits your style of working and, in
the process, acquire good writing habits. Give yourself enough time to complete your work
and prioritise your tasks.
5 The pitfalls and opportunities of language 52
Avoid the traps of gobbledegook and formulaic writing. Make sure your intentions are clear
and understandable by keeping your message simple but persuasive. Ensure the language
you use and the style you adopt work for you, rather than against you.
6 Making language more persuasive 65
Consider your message carefully. Give it structure and pay attention to the details. Establish
the most appropriate tone so that you reflect your readers' way of thinking: influence your
readers positively so that they will come to a decision to accept your offer. Use language to
the best possible effect – promote understanding and make an impact. Be accessible and
make sure what you say has a punch.
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7 Securing agreement 102
To guarantee results, what you say should be clear, appropriate and expressed with
confidence. Make your message convenient, accessible and visually appealing.
Appendix 109
Postscript 121
Index 125
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List of illustrations
1 Letter from conference hotel 40
2 How people read 66
3 Original memo 83
4 Revised memo 86
5 Press release 90
6 Letter of complaint: version 1 93
7 Letter of complaint: version 2 94
8 Chasing debtors: letter 1 95
9 Chasing debtors: letter 2 96
10 Chasing debtors: letter 3 97
11 Tandem sales letters: letter 1 98
12 Tandem sales letters: letter 2 99
13 Revised conference hotel letter 110
14 Letter from a security company 112
15 Revised letter from a security company 114
16 Message seeking a commission 120
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'I write when I'm inspired, and I see to it that I'm inspired at nine o'clock every morning'
Peter De Vries
Successful communication can be difficult. Poor communication can cause problems. This may involve a
momentary hiatus as two people try to sort out exactly what is meant. Or it may cause a major
misunderstanding that causes a project of some sort to be stopped in its tracks. Why is this? There are
many reasons, but one is certainly an assumption that what is being done is not difficult, coupled with a
subsequent unwillingness to check out the principles on which success might be based. Perhaps that is
actually two reasons already, and more are investigated in the first chapter.
Furthermore, some kinds of communication are inherently more difficult than others. The intentions of
communication may vary. It may need to inform, explain, motivate, challenge, prompt a debate or more;
and such intentions are not mutually exclusive – one communication may need to do several of these
things at once. It may well prove difficult just to succeed in even the simplest of these. Perhaps the
message is simply superfluous, like the motorway sign saying 'This sign is not in use'. Sometimes the
message may be
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muddled, but the true meaning can be inferred, as with the sign at the zoo that said 'Bring one child and
another goes free' (what? released into the wild?). Or the health and safety newsletter's item about
bouncy castles under the heading 'Inflatable children's play equipment'. It might also be affected by
moving from one language to another as was presumably the case with the notice in the bathroom of a
hotel in Portugal which said 'Please ensure that mat is affixed firmly to bottom before entering shower'.
On other occasions it may end up becoming meaningless:
To talk about information is to talk about objectives. A lot of thought is now being applied throughout the
NHS to mission statements and objectives, from which we should obtain a clearer view of our information
needs. However, objectives will never stand still, and therefore an information strategy will of necessity be
a continuously developing concept. The process of clarification will be incremental, and the concept of a
definitive strategy will remain illusory.
Yes, well, passing over the idea of objectives never standing still, this simply gets lost amidst its own
pretensions. It is from a Regional Health Authority report (and was quoted in the press).
Sometimes, too, it is the pretension that seems to produce the over-engineering. For example this
A new and improved pest control system that utilises a percussive device with a planar surface and
orthogonal contoured extension to instantly kill insects stone dead.
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What? It means hitting the bug with a hammer when it is on a flat surface!
So, any communicating clearly needs some care. Even when care is being taken, additional complications
may contrive to compound the problems. Certain intentions are harder to achieve than others, and high
on this list must be that of persuasion. For the sake of example, let us assume that you are reading this in
a bookshop as you decide whether or not to buy the book. I want you to buy it; the royalties may be
small, but they do mount up! If I just put to you the thought–Buy it!–then your response might well be
simply to say 'no'. After all, why should you? You might not care if my income remains nil for the next ten
years. However, if I tell you that the book will help you get your own way more often and more certainly,
if I say that it will enable you to put over a more powerful persuasive case in future, and that it is quick
and straightforward to take on board the lessons spelt out here – then you might consider the matter
more carefully. If these last statements coincide with your actually needing to put over an important,
persuasive case in the near future then maybe, just maybe, you will buy the book. Go on, you have read
more than enough now if you are standing in a bookshop – have you no shame?–go off to the cash-point
now. Sorry, I digress. The point is that just telling someone to do something is not guaranteed to
persuade them actually to do something. You have to build a case, put it over clearly and. . . but we are
getting ahead of ourselves: the point is, it needs the proper approach.
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There is a further problem, and that is that most people are better at communicating face to face than in
other ways. Other methods have their disadvantages. The telephone is good, immediate, maybe quick
and easy, but try describing to someone over the telephone how, say, to tie a shoelace. Think about it for
a second. You know how to do it, you could easily show someone else but, on the telephone, using only
your voice, it is somehow more of a problem.
One method that seems consistently to render people less articulate is when they have to put something
in writing. Your manager wants a note about it, the Board need a report or proposal, my editor wants a
book (and there are still twenty something thousand words to go). Business writing almost seems to
hinder good communication. People who can talk about something and who usually get their message
over successfully find themselves descending into a muddle of business-speak and gobbledegook, writing
something over-formal, over-long and – at worst – forgetting somewhere along the way exactly what their
objectives were in the first place.
Actually putting something into written form can be a pain, and its being so can extend the task, as
agonising over the best form of words to make permanent in writing takes time. Hence this book. The
intention here is clear. It is to assist the process of communicating successfully and persuasively when this
must be done in writing. This may mean a letter (or even an e-mail), or it may mean a report or, more
likely, a proposal and various kinds of letters and documents in between. It might also mean copy for a
brochure or a
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newsletter. A message may be sent internally: to a group of staff or an individual member of your team –
or upwards, perhaps to your manager. It may be sent externally: to a supplier, a customer or to many
customers (the latter may include direct mail letters). The circumstances can vary. However, the intention
is always the same. It is to put over a case to someone else that will succeed in persuading them to adopt
your point of view, and often to prompt them to take action as a result.
Whatever your circumstances, this book aims to help you see more clearly how to go about writing
persuasively. In turn it describes the nature of what acts to persuade, as understanding this can be used
to help you present a message which will be seen as persuasive. There is no one magic formula as so
often what makes a business technique work is, though it may be based on certain fundamental
approaches, a matter of attention to a number of details. Certainly that is the case here.
It is, however, possible. You can write a clear, persuasive case if you go about it in the right way and, if
you do that, you will also begin to do it faster as well. In a busy life that is something worth while too. In
the next few chapters we will see how all this can be done, starting with a look at some of the difficulties
of communication and how to avoid them.
Patrick Forsyth
28 Saltcote Maltings
Essex CM9 4QP
United Kingdom
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A firm foundation for persuasion
In this chapter we look at how to achieve understanding, at anticipating difficulties and at utilising human
nature to create a secure foundation for our communication and persuasion.
As we have seen, being persuasive is a form of communication, albeit a form of some complexity. As
such, it is unlikely to succeed unless it utilises the basic principles of successful communication. If you use
every endeavour to ensure your communication is clear, this will act as a firm foundation for your
intention to persuade. Persuasion must build a case for its proposition. You cannot persuade people to do
just anything. For example, if I asked you to send me a cheque for a six-figure sum I might well find that
no argument could successfully gain your compliance (though if you are the exception, do let me know!).
But given something where you deem persuasion could be made to work, it is surely no more than
common sense that people will never be persuaded if they do not really understand the case you are
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Beyond the obvious premise of being understood, a second advantage of clarity is that it can be, of itself,
impressive. If your argument is complex, and if you marshal the facts and put them over in a clear, logical
and understandable way, then people read a competence into what you do. Your stance itself adds
credibility, it suggests that what you say is not only understandable but is also worth listening to and,
maybe, worth acting on. Your ability to explain and make things clear does not guarantee that you will
succeed in persuading, but it is a good start. To reinforce this point, think of the opposite. What does a
muddled, ill-thought-out case say to you? Likely it says that whoever is making it is struggling because it
just is not an easy case to make.
Two or more people are involved when you communicate, and it makes sense to be aware of the situation
of both parties. A communication may be bungled by its originator, but the people on the receiving end
can also act to make things difficult. They do not even have to try – human nature is such that people act
inherently in a way that makes it necessary for those communicating to work harder. The main ways this
happens are as follows.
People just do not concentrate. They focus on what seems to them to be important and may make wrong
assumptions based on half the message. They read something and say to themselves 'I know where this
is going'. Then they skim
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the next bit and end up missing an important element of the message.
So you must work at getting people's attention. In writing, this means making sure you earn a reading,
and that your writing is interesting, that it flows and also that it looks readable (which is why a book like
this has lots of headings and a layout that breaks it up into bite-sized pieces).
Misunderstanding occurs in a number of ways. Particularly this is the case through unwarranted
comparison (people say 'this seems like so and so', and make assumptions based on past circumstances
rather than what is actually in front of them). It also occurs through the ill-judged use of jargon (this –
which includes technical terms, abbreviations, etc.–can be a useful shorthand between people in the
know, but can easily confuse when the level is wrongly pitched). For example, when I sent this book to
the publisher I referred to it as an m/s – a manuscript – a term that was appropriate between the two of
us but which might not be more widely understood. This effect is compounded by any neglect in painting
a clear picture, when more than just the bare details are necessary.
So expect achieving understanding to need working at; make sure writing is suitably descriptive and
people are not blinded by inappropriately stated technicalities.
People have a natural suspicion of those 'with something to
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sell' and assume that, whatever you want, it is likely to be better for you than for them.
So your writing needs to make a strong case, one that relates as much to other people's point of view as
your own, if you are to allay their suspicions.
Often people are unwilling to act because doing so goes against a habit or is seen as exposing them to
risk: 'If I do this and it doesn't work out, what then?'
So your writing must actively prompt action, not assume that the case itself will do so.
Hidden feelings
The response you get to a written message may not be all it seems. People may hide or misrepresent
their feelings and necessary feedback cannot then be taken at face value. For example, someone may rule
something out not because the case for it is flawed, but because they do not fully understand it and do
not want to appear stupid by saying so.
So feedback needs to be teased out and, even then, it needs to be interpreted by checking or 'reading
between the lines'.
Not only will your attempts to persuade be more likely to succeed if you bear such inherent difficulties in
mind, but also you can ease their effect by taking advantage of other aspects of human nature that may
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Achieving understanding is possible, however, and if certain things are borne in mind, they can act like oil
on an awkward cog-wheel to make things go more smoothly. The key principles here include the following.
Focusing on the other's viewpoint
People's first response to most messages is a question–'what does it mean for me?' They look for either
positive or negative effects, but are apt to see any negative ones first. It is sensible therefore to accept
that this will happen and to accommodate it. Writing simply that 'costs must be reduced' may instigate
worries of various sorts about someone's job, while writing that 'to secure our ability to maintain the full
team and deliver the standard of service that customers want, we must seek ways of reducing costs' can
change the initial response. There may still be questions, but it can be seen that people's fears are being
addressed (and the detail may spell out more).
Utilising others' experience
Every message is considered alongside someone's past experience. Write about a project and they think
of another–just like it–and if they are not, in fact, similar, this can cause difficulties. So the rules here are
to know something of others' experience (or check it out) to make specific links and to avoid unwarranted
assumptions being made. It may help to make comparisons, either writing that 'this is very like the X
project you will remember. . .' or saying 'this is not exactly like. . .' and explaining in either case to make a
clear distinction.
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Making it logical
The structure of a message is important. If the structure is unclear, or not there, any case will be more
difficult to follow. It is not a question of what is easiest to write, rather what will make best sense to other
people. Choose a logical sequence and arrangement for what you write and that alone will play a part in
ensuring its acceptance. Also important here is to start with an overview and then go into detail, rather
than just launching into a lengthy explanation of whatever comes first. The three rules here are, to make
sure there is a logic; that this logic makes sense not just to you but to your reader(s); and that you tell
them what it is (and, if necessary, why you have adopted this particular way forward).
Repeating your message
Repetition is basic to human understanding. This does not mean key sentences need to be repeated
verbatim, but it may well mean that things should be repeated in different ways. Sometimes this goes
beyond one communication: a note is circulated spelling out a topic for discussion at a meeting, the
meeting goes through it again and matters are summarised in a note after the meeting. Sometimes it
means tackling something in different ways as, for example, figures can be given weight by being
presented as figures and in a graph. Using appropriate forms of repetition to reinforce understanding and
enhancing the persuasiveness of your case is a simple, yet useful, technique. Using appropriate forms of
repetition. . . sorry, point made.
There is an old saying that 'it is difficult to see the writing on the wall when your back's to it'. Similarly,
the lesson here is
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straightforward: it can be difficult for people to read, and be persuaded by, your messages when the way
your messages have been written either ignores:
the ways in which readers will find receiving the message difficult; or
methods that could have been used to make that reception easier.
A good persuasive message – one with a real chance of success – will not just set out what you want in
your terms and, as it were, in isolation. Rather, it will address its reader(s) and will work with them to put
things over in terms they will understand and relate to – and with which, therefore, they may ultimately
agree. Sometimes recognising just one key factor can make the difference:
Looking forward not back
In a new job and charged with making radical changes, Mary found every plan she put
forward to her boss was rejected. An examination of the tone of her proposals showed
why. She was writing each time something like 'This system is not working well and could
be corrected by', albeit coupled with a perfectly sensible suggestion. But who had
originated the system she planned to change? Her boss. In effect she was saying 'your
system's no good, I can suggest something better'. A change of tone to one
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that positioned the change carefully in time terms ('This system has worked well in the
past, in future we must find a way of also accommodating. . . so building in the following
changes will. . .') reversed the reaction. It really was only the implied criticism of past
action that produced the negative reaction. A minor change to the way such proposals
were written was enough to change the outcome. Such seemingly minor matters are
often instrumental in dictating outcomes.
That said, there is more to understand and use regarding what actually acts to make people decide to
agree with something. Chapter 2 looks at how people make decisions and how therefore we can assist
them to make the ones we want.
The first prerequisites of making a persuasive case are to:
understand and recognise why communication can be difficult for both 'sender and receiver'; and
act to get round this and to create a solid foundation of understanding on which a persuasive case can
be built.
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Making a persuasive case
In this chapter we examine how you should view the process of being persuasive and how, by recognising
what others are doing in the same circumstances, we can work with people to create mutual agreement.
Now, recognising the difficulties of making communication work, we go beyond them to look at what
creates a message that acts to persuade. We also see how your writing can relate to the way in which
people make decisions to act.
People are often suspicious of someone 'with something to sell'. Persuasion is synonymous with selling
and selling does not have a very good image. Consider your own reaction to someone trying to sell you
double-glazing or insurance, particularly when it is done inexpertly or inappropriately; every persuasive
message prompts a little of the reaction generated by the worst kind of selling.
Your approach must reduce and get over this kind of feeling. How do you do this? Essentially, you start by
adopting the right attitude to the process. Before you write anything you are going to need to approach it
in the right way. Persuading
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someone must not be regarded as a process of 'doing something to people'. Rather, it should be seen as
working with people. After all, any communication inherently involves more than one person. People
presented with a possible course of action will want to make up their own minds about it; indeed, they
will instinctively weigh up the case presented to them and make a considered decision.
The amount of conscious weighing up undertaken will depend on the import of the decision to be made.
Ask someone in the office 'will you spare time for a drink at lunchtime so that we can discuss the next
scheduled departmental meeting?' and they may hardly need to think about it at all. It is only a few
minutes, they have to have a bite to eat anyway, and they already know about the meeting and want to
be involved. Ask, or write to them, about something more substantial and the weighing-up process will
involve more – maybe much more.
If you want to define persuasion it is perhaps best described as being a process of helping people weigh
something up and make a decision about it. Literally, when you aim to persuade you are helping people
decide. It follows, therefore, that you need to understand how they actually go about this process. In
simple terms and to paraphrase the psychologists who have studied it, this thinking process can be
described as follows:
Consider the factors that make up a case.
Seek to categorise these as advantages or disadvantages.
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Weigh up the complete case, allowing all the pluses and minuses.
Select a course of action (which may be simply agreeing or not, or involve the choice of one action
being taken rather than another) which reflects the overall picture.
Let us be clear. What is going on here is not a search for perfection. Most things we look at have some
downsides. This may be the most useful book you ever read, but reading it does take a little time, and
that could be used for something else. This time disappearing might well be seen as a downside. The
weighing scales analogy is worth keeping in mind. It can act as a practical tool, helping you envisage what
is going on during what is intended to be a persuasive exchange. Beyond that it helps structure the
process if you also have a clear idea of the sequence of thinking involved in this weighing-up process.
One way of looking at what is going on is to think of people moving through several stages of thinking, as
if saying to themselves the following:
I matter most. Whatever you want me to do, I expect you to worry about how I feel about it, respect
me and consider my needs.
What are the merits and implications of the case you make? Tell me what you suggest and why
it makes sense (the pluses) and whether it has any snags (the minuses)
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so that I can weigh it up – bearing in mind that few, if any, propositions are perfect.
How will it work? Here people additionally want to assess the details not so much about the
proposition itself but about the areas associated with it. For example, you might be wanting to persuade
someone to take on, or become involved with, a project. The idea of the project might appeal, but say it
ends with them having to prepare a lengthy written report: they might see that as a chore and therefore
as a minus and might, if the case is finely balanced, reject it because of that.
What do I do? In other words, what action – exactly – is now necessary? This too forms part of the
balance. If something seen in a quick flick through this book persuaded you that it might help you, you
may have bought it. In doing so you recognised (and accepted) that you would have to read it and that
this would take a little time. The action – reading – is inherent in the proposition and, if you were not
prepared to take it on, this might have changed your decision.
It is after this thinking is complete that people will feel they have sufficient evidence on which to make a
decision. They have the balance in mind, and they can compare it with that of any other options (and
remember, some choices are close run with one option only just coming out ahead of others). Then
people can decide and feel they have made a sensible decision, and done so on a considered basis.
This thinking process is largely universal. It may happen very quickly and might be almost instantaneous –
the snap
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judgement. Or it may take longer, and that may sometimes indicate days or weeks (or longer!) rather
than minutes or hours. But it is always in evidence. Because of this, there is always merit in setting out
your case in a way that sits comfortably alongside the way in which it will be considered. Hence the
definition that describes persuasion as helping the decision-making process.
This thinking process should not be difficult to identify with; it is what you do too. Essentially all that is
necessary when attempting to persuade is to keep it in mind and to address the individual questions in
turn. Thus you need to:
Start by demonstrating a focus on the other person. It helps also to aim to create some rapport
and to make clear how you aim to put things over (making clear, for example, how you plan to go
through something).
Present a balanced case. You need to stress the positive, of course, but not to pretend there are no
snags, especially if manifestly there are some, so present a clear case, give it sufficient explanation and
weight and recognise the balancing up the recipient will undertake.
Add in working details. Mention how things will work and include ancillary details, especially those
that will matter to others.
In this way, when you set out a case, the structure and logic of it should sensibly follow this pattern.
Otherwise the danger is that you will be trying to do one thing while the person you are communicating
with is doing something else. They will do what they want, and especially so when they are
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reading something – and you are not there to try to draw them back to your logic.
There is, if not quite a magic formula, certainly one core principle that can help make every message you
write more persuasive. This is the concept of what are called benefits. People do not buy products and
services, and the same goes for ideas or anything else – they buy what these things do for or mean to
them. I do not want a laptop computer for its own sake, but I do want to be able to write quickly and
easily on the move. Features of the machine (that is its size, weight, portability, battery life, etc.) are not
ends in themselves, they are only interesting or relevant because of how they produce benefits. Thus the
low weight makes the machine portable, which means I can stick it in my briefcase and write on it on an
aeroplane journey. The increased productivity (or perhaps greater earnings) is the ultimate benefit.
The relationship here is important. Benefits are made possible or produced by features and, if they are
relevant to someone, then telling them about them is the best core content for a persuasive message.
Benefits may be as follows:
Tangible or intangible. In the computer example, the status of being seen to have the latest and
lightest machine may be as important to some people as the more tangible benefit of several hours work
being done while travelling abroad.
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Personal. It is valuable to me to be able to work on the move.
Corporate. It is profitable to my company for me to be able to work on the move.
Important to other people someone is concerned about. Perhaps I am buying laptops for me and
other members of staff, and their feelings are important too.
Benefits must always be relevant. Strictly, the fact that a car has a five-speed gearbox which will be more
economic (feature) and cost less to run (benefit) is only an advantage if running costs actually matter.
Someone buying an expensive sports car may be in a position not to care.
The task here, therefore, is first to look at the case you plan to make and to analyse it in terms of its
features and benefits. If you list things (benefits on the right, features on the left), you will see how they
interlock. One feature can produce several benefits (the car's five-speed gearbox is instrumental in
producing a number of things: better fuel economy, less wear and tear on the engine at high speeds and
less noise too). Then you can think about how you describe them. If a benefit is written of in descriptive
terms, it becomes that much stronger in how it can positively affect your case.
Thus: you could say something will save you money (saving something you want to save is always a
benefit, as is gaining anything positive), or that it will save money and recoup its
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cost in a month, or it will halve what you spend. If the description matches the circumstances of the
reader and if it specifically rings bells because of how it is described, this will work best. Consider a
product example. A company sells cookery equipment to restaurants and cafés. One product is a flat grill.
One feature is its size: there are various models and one has a cooking surface of 800 square centimetres.
What is the benefit? 'It will cook a dozen eggs or six steaks simultaneously.' Now most people find it
difficult to conjure up 800 square centimetres in their mind's eye, but everyone who runs a restaurant will
be able to imagine the eggs and steaks with no problem at all. Link the way this is described to their
situation a little further–'imagine the rush you get at breakfast time'–and it makes a powerful point.
If you always keep in mind what something does for or means to other people, you will be able to write
text that will put over a more powerful case. The phrase 'benefit-led' is used in selling and that is a good
way of thinking about it. Benefits come first, features explain how that is possible and, if necessary, you
can add additional credibility (that is evidence or proof – something other than you saying it's good).
This book is called 'Persuasive Business Writing' (feature). It will help you make a persuasive case and
obtain agreement from others (benefit), which will save arguments and get more done (further benefit).
Its methods are tried and tested and their presentation in training courses has received positive feedback
(evidence, to which might be added a positive comment from a named delegate or training organisation).
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The idea of teasing out the way you put things by saying 'which means that. . .' and seeing where that
takes you is a good one; start with a feature and at the end of the line you will assuredly have a benefit,
maybe more than one.
Incidentally, proof – some evidence that is objective (i.e. not just you saying that it is good)–is an
important component of the argument. Never just rely on your own say-so, but seek and build in
evidence. This could be sheer numbers ('thousands of customers can't be wrong') or tests, guarantees or
standards met or complied with. We touched earlier on a car as an example. If the distributor says the car
will do '50 miles per gallon', do you believe them or assume that some exaggeration may be involved?
How about if they say 'independent tests in this motoring magazine show it does 50 mph'? No contest.
You can do worse than list all the things that people might obtain from your offering prior to writing.
Some may be classic (see below), but others may be more individual to whatever you are writing about.
What's in it for me?
As a result of agreeing with you people might be able to:
make more money
save money
save time, effort or hassle
be more secure
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sort out problems
be able to exploit opportunities
motivate others (e.g. staff)
impress people (e.g. customers).
Now with the core aspects that make your case, in mind, you need to think more about how to put it
over. The way your message is approached is also important. For example, if, as soon as even a few lines
are read, it is clear you are taking it for granted that agreement will follow, and if this seems
inappropriately arrogant, then the likelihood is that it will not be taken so seriously.
The approach taken to putting over your case should be as follows:
Well considered. If it has clearly been banged down in haste and without thought the case will be
given less credence.
Well projected. It should have the courage of its own convictions. Everything about the way it is
expressed – language, style and argument – should add to its power (we return to such factors later).
Empathetic. In other words, it should come over as respecting other people's points of view and
seeing things from their perspective.
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Empathy is perhaps especially important. If it is well in evidence it prevents other elements – however
persuasively put – coming over as unreasonable or 'pushy'. A balanced approach is necessary here. If
everything is piled on to create more and more persuasive power, the message becomes strident and
what is being done becomes self-defeating. If persuasion is tempered with empathy, the whole becomes
more acceptable.
If a written message follows these principles then, already, it has a better chance of succeeding. So far so
good, but there is more. In the next chapter we look at defining the totality of what needs to be done and
thus deciding how to go about expressing it.
For the moment remember that:
it helps to think of persuasion as helping people to decide;
your logic must therefore reflect theirs; and
the essence of being persuasive is to make it easy for people to make a decision, and to do so in a
way that makes your suggested action seem the best choice.
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A basis for success
In this chapter, four elements that contribute to the ultimate success of the message are considered:
defining your message; deciding how to present it; reflecting the reader's expectations; and projecting the
right personal profile.
Writing something down may seem like the part of the task here that is complicated, but it is made
significantly easier by action – thinking – that is undertaken ahead of writing anything at all. You will also
find it quicker to write things when you have done some appropriate thinking beforehand. The time
equation here is significant: if a part of the total time is spent in preparation, this does not just shorten
the writing time (and reduce any editing needed), it shortens the whole task. So, no apologies for holding
off discussing actually writing something for a little longer.
The first stage here is easily stated. You must ask yourself why–why exactly–you are communicating. The
power of this is in the detail and in creating clear objectives. This is not an academic point: objectives are
not just 'good things' to have – they give what you do direction. Consider a simple
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example. You have to persuade a group of people to reduce costs in their department. Right, but what
exactly does this mean? Does even saving the price of a box of paperclips mean they will have done what
you want? Probably not. 'Reducing costs' is not a clear objective. It is not specific, it cannot be measured
and it specifies no timing. As such it hardly helps as a basis for deciding what to write. Stating the
objective as to 'reduce departmental administrative costs by 15% in the next six months' is clear. Stated
thus, it will make it easier to write something designed to get people to do exactly that (and, not least,
that will enable them to know exactly what they are expected to do). If the figure is realistic (if it can be
done without jeopardising operational quality) and achievable (it is actually possible to make such a
reduction), the case to do so may well be accepted and action will be prompted successfully.
Underrating the need to set clear objectives is dangerous. A document that is just 'about' something never
has the same authority or credibility and is never as likely to persuade.
Once you have set clear objectives, can you start drafting something? Not yet. Before you write, there are
three further questions, the answers to which you should be clear about. They are as follows.
1. What are your intentions?
The main one is clear: you want to persuade someone to agree with your point of view or to take action –
or both.
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There may be other things you need to do as well. For example:
Motivate. Create personal enthusiasm and feeling for something that will make persuasion easier to
Prompt debate. The first step to agreement might be a discussion. Perhaps what you write needs to
make that seem desirable.
Link back to past communications. This is often the case and, of course, the form of past
communications may vary from a meeting to an earlier letter.
Instruct or demonstrate. This may be an important preliminary to understanding.
Finally – and always – you need to inform: passing a clear message and description to someone, and
bearing in mind that people rarely agree to anything when they do not understand.
Thinking about this and having your intentions clear in your mind is an important step and will make it
easier to write something in due course. It is especially useful if there is any sort of complexity – you may
well be trying to achieve a number of things – and this will help you to get things straight in your own
2. What do your readers expect?
The answer here only really needs a little empathy. Imagine yourself in the mind of your reader. What
would you want?
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As well as being understandable, probably something like the following:
Readable. Something that flows, the language of which is simple and there is guidance from the
structure, headings, etc., to help them through.
Manageable. I use this word particularly. Many readers might specify 'brief', but they want to know
enough about things, so it describes it better to say that a case must be put succinctly. This should still
allow it to be sufficiently short to look manageable.
At the right level. In terms of any technical content and in terms of complexity.
Interesting. Well, so far as is possible. Certainly with business communication, sometimes this will be
a real challenge; however, many unlikely things – say a note asking (persuading) people to take voluntary
redundancy – can be given interest with some thought.
3. What profile are you trying to project?
This will depend on what you do, who you are and to whom you are writing. Consider: would the case
you make be more likely to be accepted by one kind of person rather than another? It is natural for
judgements to be made, in part, on the basis of an individual's credibility (thus you probably take more
notice of your accountant on financial matters than of your bookmaker).
A wealth of characteristics may be involved here, but consider just one initially. You may benefit from
appearing well
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organised. However well organised you may be, this is a characteristic that can be projected and, if
necessary, exaggerated. And the same is true of all such factors: if you want to appear expert,
experienced, approachable, prepared, caring, sincere; or as if you have done your research, explored
various possibilities, minimised the difficulties or whatever. All these can be projected – all you need to do
is consider what characteristics you need to stress and then work at putting them over. Some may shine
through effortlessly, others may need a degree of contrivance or exaggeration.
Again this is an important factor. I hope that, if you have read this far, you may now believe that I know
something about business writing and about persuasive writing in particular. If so, there is only one way
this can have come about – because my writing gives that impression. After all, unless we have met, you
probably know very little about me. Projection needs to be an inherent part of your writing.
If you have a clear idea in mind of exactly what the task facing you consists of, the actual task of getting
something down in writing will be easier. Such a view needs to be broad. If you write, having only half
thought it through, the danger is that your writing may not incorporate everything you want. The job of
editing something is then made very much more difficult as you go through and try to add in an element
originally omitted. There is always a danger that, rather than your writing flowing, it will give the
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of having been produced in disparate bits – as, too, may the argument it presents.
Now, finally, with all this in mind you are ready to write something. If you adopt a systematic way of
composing and editing what you write, this will also help make your chosen words appropriate for the job
in hand, so it is to such an approach that we turn next.
Before you write anything you need to:
set clear objectives (so that you are clear why you are writing);
decide and prioritise your intentions (to make sure you achieve everything necessary);
decide how you must come across and how this will help make the message persuasive; and
bear the likes, dislikes, motivations and expectations of the chosen recipient(s) of your message in
mind so that the message is written for them, rather than just in the way it strikes you.
A case of good intentions
Having summarised the content of this chapter we will pause to take stock. If you are going to compose
persuasive text, it is useful to have an example in mind of what to avoid. Consider as an example a
simple, but important, sales letter;
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Dear Mr Forsyth

Following my telephone call with you of yesterday I was delighted to hear of your interest
in the XYZ Hotel for a proposed meeting and luncheon some time in the future.
I have pleasure in enclosing for your perusal our banqueting brochure together with the
room plan and, as you can see, some of our rooms could prove most ideal for your
At this stage, I would be more than happy to offer you our delegate rate of (*) to include
the following:
morning coffee with biscuits
3-course luncheon with coffee
afternoon tea and biscuits
flip chart, pads and pencils
room hire and visual aid equipment
service and tax
and I trust this meets with your approval.
Should you at any time wish to visit our facilities and discuss your particular requirements
further, please do not hesitate to contact me but, in the meantime, if you have any
queries on the above, I would be very pleased to answer them.

Yours sincerely

Note: *The proposed charge per person per day was included here.
Fig. 1. Letter from conference hotel.
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the kind of thing sent in response to a customer enquiry. The letter shown here as Figure 1 was sent to
me after I had telephoned asking about possible accommodation for a training seminar at a hotel. Just
consider this letter for a moment. While no doubt well-intentioned and polite and containing a certain
amount of information, it does not really begin to sell in an appropriate manner. Nor does it project a
useful image. In this respect it is sadly not so untypical in style: many such letters are similarly bland.
Let us look at it again (from the beginning):
It links to my enquiry but has a weak, formulaic start (and no heading). I do not want to know about
their delight (of course they want my business); starting with something about me would be better.
I am not running a 'meeting and luncheon'–I explained it was a training session. This is their
terminology not mine.
The event is not 'some time in the future'; I quoted a date (this and the point above tell us it is, in all
likelihood, a standard letter).
Next we have more of their pleasure. I am more interested in what the brochure will do for me rather
than what their sending it does for them. And, yes, people really do use words like 'perusal' in writing,
though it seems very old fashioned to most people – and who would say it?
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'Banqueting brochure' is jargon, their terminology again (though it may well be useful and I do like to
get a room plan).
Do they have a suitable room or not? The words 'some of our rooms could. . .' are simply unclear.
The section about costs starts with the words 'At this stage'. But I am sure they do not mean to say
'we will negotiate later'. The phrase is padding and akin to people who start every sentence with the word
Most will find the list okay, but is it right to ask if it 'meets with your approval'?
People who use hotels nearly always want to see something like a meeting room in advance, so the
text would be better to assume that and make arranging it straightforward. Also the writer might better
have maintained the initiative and said they would get in touch (they never did, incidentally).
Suggesting there may be queries is again wrong. Why? It is the wrong word – are they suggesting the
letter is inadequate, or that something is bound not to be understandable? Talking about 'additional
information' would be wholly different, and better.
The cumulative effect of their delight and pleasure – four references – is somewhat over the top. They
are doing everything but touching their forelock, especially if there are additional things that might be
more usefully said instead.
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You may find other matters to comment on also. The punctuation is scarce, for example. Certainly the net
effect does not stand up to any sort of analysis, bearing in mind its intention is to impress a potential
customer. It easily falls into the 'bad example' category.
So, how might it be better done? If you want to undertake a little exercise then you might pause here to
have a go at rewriting it in a better manner. Alternatively, undertake a similar analysis on something of
your own, or from within your own organisation, and rewrite that. Otherwise, we will leave it here for the
moment, but will return to it and examine an alternative version – there is, of course, no such thing as
one 'correct' version – later, having continued our review of how to compose persuasive words.
It may be useful to bear the ways in which this goes wrong in mind as we move on. Next, we look at
getting something down on paper.
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Getting it down in writing
In this short chapter you will be given a simple formula for systematic writing. It is a proven format
(writing this book was approached in exactly this way) that can:
make the writing process faster to execute;
make initial text require less amendment; and
ensure that the finished version of the text is more likely to be right for the job it is intended to do.
First, remember the preparation advocated in the last chapter. You should now be clear about your
purpose in writing, about your specific objectives and you should have your potential or actual reader(s)
and their point of view in mind. Now you can concentrate on what you have to say (and not say, for that
matter) and how you are going to put it.
The following provides a pathway. You can follow it or adapt it. You can shortcut it somewhat, especially
for straightforward bits of work, but not too much – omitting
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significant elements of the different stages can make writing slower, more awkward and the end result to
be less good than would otherwise be the case.
Stage 1: research
This may or may not be necessary. It may be that everything you need to have to hand is in your head.
On the other hand, it may be that you need to do some digging, or at the least some assembling. For
example, let us suppose you are writing about one of your company's products. It may make sense to get
together previous documents describing it, technical literature, even the product itself, and have these to
hand as you commence the job. It may be that you need to cast the net wider; in this case, what about
competitive product material, for example?
There is no hard and fast rule here. You should, however, ask yourself what might be useful and take a
moment to collect and look at or read what the task suggests is necessary.
Stage 2: list the content
Next, forgetting about sequence, structure and arrangement, just list – in short note (or keyword) form –
every significant point you might want to make. Give yourself plenty of space; certainly use one sheet of
paper, as it lets you see everything at a glance without turning over. Put the points down, as they occur
to you, at random across the page. Note: some – many – of these will need to be stated in benefit form
(as discussed in Chapter 2).
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You will find that this process (which is akin to mind-mapping) acts as a good thought prompter. It
enables you to fill out the picture as one thing leads to another, with the free-style approach removing the
need to think or worry about anything else or even linking points together. The scale of this stage may
vary. Sometimes it is six words on the back of an envelope, more often somewhat more on an A4 sheet
(and this book started life on a sheet of flipchart paper divided into squares for the chapters).
Stage 3: sorting it out
Now you can bring some sort of order to bear. Review what you have noted down and decide on the
The sequence things should go in.
What logically goes together.
What is ancillary, providing illustration, evidence or example to exemplify points made.
Whether the list is complete (you may think of things to add) or whether some things on it can be
omitted without weakening the persuasive case. This latter point links to careful consideration of length
(there is more about this on page 56).
The quickest and easiest way to do this is to annotate your original note, highlighting and amending it in a
second colour. This is for your reference only; if you find it helpful to use arrows, to circle words or to
draw symbols or pictures – fine, do so.
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Stage 4: arrange the content
Sometimes, at the end of the previous stage, you have a note you can follow and no more is necessary.
Often, however, what you have in front of you is a bit of a mess. By arranging it, I mean simply turning it
into a neat list; this could also be the stage at which you type it out to finish the job on screen. Most
people seem to input their own written material nowadays (I sometimes think the typing is harder work
than the writing!).
Final revision is, of course, still possible at this stage but, that done (and it might include getting another
opinion about it from a colleague), you are left with a clear list setting out content, sequence and
emphasis to whatever level of detail you find helpful. Some experimentation may be useful here; certainly
I am not suggesting over-engineering the process. This sheet is the blueprint from which you write. You
must decide the form in which this is most useful.
Stage 5: a final review
This may not always be necessary or possible (deadlines may be looming), but it can be useful to leave it
a while – sleep on it – and only start writing after you come back to it fresh. You can get very close to
things and it helps you to see it clearly to step back from it and to distract your mind with something else.
Now, with a final version of what is effectively your writing plan in front of you, you can – at last –
actually draft the text.
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Stage 6: writing
Now you write, type or dictate. This is where the real work is, though it is very much easier with a clear
plan for the task. What you have done here is obvious, but significant. You have separated the two tasks,
one of deciding what to write, the other deciding how to put it. Being a bear of very little brain I for one
certainly find this easier; so too do many other people. Some further tips:
Choose the right moment. If possible, pick a time when you are 'in the mood'. There seem to be
times when words flow more easily than others. Also, interruptions can disrupt the flow and make writing
take much longer as you recap in your mind, get back into something and continue. It is not always
possible, of course, but a bit of organisation to get as close as possible to the ideal is very worth while.
Keep writing. Do not stop to agonise over small details. If you cannot think of the right word, a
suitable heading – whatever – put in a row of xxxxxxs and continue. You can always return and fill in the
gaps later, but if you lose the whole thread, then writing becomes more difficult and takes longer to do.
Again, the idea of preserving the flow in this way can quickly become a habit, especially if you are
convinced it helps.
Now you have a draft but already you may feel it needs further work. Now what?
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Stage 7: editing
Few – if any – people write perfect text first time and alter nothing. If you write, some editing goes with
the territory. So, rule one is not to feel inadequate but to accept that this is the way it works and allow a
little time for revision. Careful preparation, as suggested in earlier stages, should minimise alterations – at
least you should not be finding things you have left out or need to alter the whole structure. The words
may need work however. Computer spelling and grammar checkers are very useful. Be warned, however:
not every spelling is corrected (for example, their and there); and proper names and such like may need
care too. Grammar checkers should not be followed slavishly, especially for the punchy style you need for
some persuasive messages. Perhaps a sensible rule here is not to ignore anything highlighted as
grammatically incorrect unless you can give yourself a good reason for so doing.
Editing may be helped by the following:
Sleeping on it (as mentioned earlier).
Getting a colleague to check it. Maybe you can do a swap with someone else who would value
your looking at some of their written material – it is amazing how a fresh eye and brain pick up things to
which you are, or have become, blind. Incidentally, listen to what they say and consider it carefully. It is
easy to become automatically defensive and reject what, with hindsight, may turn out to be good advice.
Being thorough. Do not regard editing as a chore – it is an inherent part of getting something right.
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Editing is an important stage. Seemingly small changes (replacing a word, breaking a long sentence into
two, adding more and better placed punctuation) may all make a real difference. This is the time to bear
in mind style and the use of language (see next chapter) as well as sense and clarity. Then, when you are
happy with it let it go – just press print or do whatever comes next. It is easy to tinker for ever. You will
always think of something else that could be put differently (better?) if you leave it and look again;
productivity is important too.
Let your version of this systematic approach become a habit and you will find your writing improves, and
that writing gets easier. As a rule of thumb, allow a proportion of the total time you allocate, or simply
need, for preparation. If you find that, say, 15–30 percent of the time (whatever works for you) is
necessary, you will also find that, rather than 'additional' preparation increasing the overall task time, such
jobs actually begin to take less time. Simply pitching in and starting immediately at the top of a blank
sheet of paper (or computer screen) with no preparation is just not the quicker option that perhaps it
sometimes seems to be.
If you are conscious of how you write and think about what makes the writing process easier or more
difficult for you, you will no doubt add to this list and adopt further ways that help you. Of course, at the
same time we must be realistic. There are things that interfere with how you would like to write, including
deadlines that prohibit putting it off and other priorities and interruptions. The right attitude here involves
two things:
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1. Do not let perfection be the enemy of the good. In other words, get as close as you can to your
ideal way of operating and do not let problems make you see the whole thing as impossible and so you
abandon your good intentions entirely.
2. Use habit to build up greater writing strength. For instance, persevere with something until you
make it work for you. For example, I used to be rather poor at writing on the move, but a busy life and
regular travel made it necessary. Nowadays, after some perseverance, I can shut out the hustle and
bustle of, say, a busy airport and get a good deal done.
The message here is simple:
Go about the task of writing systematically.
Create and work to a writing plan.
Separate deciding what you are going to include (content) from how you are going to put it (style).
Fix on an approach that suits you and stick with it, creating individual habits in the process.
Give the task space and priority.
Check, check and cheque (sic) again.
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The pitfalls and opportunities of language
In this chapter we look at how the use of language contributes to creating the right reaction and earns a
reading. This is the first step to making language persuasive. To keep matters manageable, this topic
overflows into the next chapter, in which the specific way in which language can be made not just
appropriate and acceptable but also persuasive is further investigated.
Here the key issues are to make what you write:
clear and descriptive;
striking, even memorable; and
readable (above all).
And to avoid language that is:
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As was said earlier, communication is not the easiest thing to do well, and written communication –
especially in organisational life – is one of the weakest methods. Prevailing practice leaves a little to be
desired, especially in two respects:
1. Formula. Too much business writing seems to copy a textbook style. It is written as if following a
prescribed pattern, albeit one that is old fashioned and which seems designed to persuade the reader that
the writer could bore for their country.
2. Gobbledegook and 'business-speak'. If the style is archaic, the language is labyrinthine. It is
replete with sesquipedalians, places its full stops at over-long distances apart and allows an element of
galimatias to act to confuse and obscure the sense – and another thing, it is without structure. Sorry, try
again. It is too often full of long words, long sentences and has no recognisable structure to guide you
through. Incidentally, sesquipedalian is a long word. It takes one to know one, I suppose. Galimatias is
I exaggerate here but not a lot – certainly bearing in mind some of the documents I have had to read
over the years. So, if prevailing standards are somewhat low, what does this mean? It is an opportunity,
and a major one. Anyone who can create something that stands out as readable and more interestingly
presented than most other things will earn a reading, and may score some points. So, the first intention to
adopt here is one of following a different path. You are not trying to follow in the footsteps of some
ancient order of
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business writers: you are trying to communicate with people in a way they will like, pay attention to and
compare favourably with anything else they read.
Think of some of the stock phrases you read in documents that were clearly written on mental 'automatic
I would like to take the opportunity to. . .
. . . enclosed herewith for your perusal is. . .
Assuring you of our best attention at all times.
When you see phrases like these your mind responds instinctively. You know the writer has been sitting in
a dusty office for more years than they can count, and that they thought of you – the reader – not one
single time as they switched the 'standard reply' button on and their mind off. If I exaggerate again (not
much) it is to make a strong point that writing needs thinking about, and that when you do so, what you
are likely to write is going to be well removed from this sort of unthinking approach.
That said, let us consider what makes for writing that will have more impact and which is likely to allow
you to make what you say persuasive. A number of points are considered in turn with some examples of
This is where we began at the start of the book. So I will only summarise and add a few examples. The
key things to watch out for are as follows:
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Using the right words. Is your proposal describing a recommendation or an option? Is your product
uncomplicated or easy to use?
Using the right phrases. This is particularly to ensure that they convey the full meaning you want:
what exactly is personal service, for instance? It presumably means more than that it is done by people,
but the full nature of what the style of service is may need filling out.
Wrong words and wrong arrangements. Some errors here are habits – the superfluous basically
at the beginning of every (other) sentence may mean nothing but does not actually confuse. Starting a
sentence with At this stage. . ., on the other hand, may imply a change later that you do not intend to
imply. Similarly in mentioning figures you cannot say about 10.7%; it is either about 10% or precisely
10.7% (and all figures must be right. I am reminded of the football manager who said that 80% of his
team would be in the next game; that is 8.8 people!). A wholly different impression of accuracy is given in
these different ways. Another hazard is to find you are stating the obvious in an incorrect, or
unintentionally amusing, way: as does the old sign you still sometimes see in shops saying 'Ears pierced
while you wait' (or perhaps technology has moved on in some way, of which I have yet to hear).
The next heading picks up a point that will act in numbers of ways to make things clear – and more
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There are exceptions of course, but by and large you should use the following:
Short words. Why write presupposes instead of means? Or elucidate when you can explain?
Short phrases. Do not write attached herewith when attached is says it all, and try not to use phrases
that seem to come into common usage although there is a shorter, clearer alternative: so write now not
at this moment in time, to rather than in order to, if rather than should the situation arise that, because
rather than due to the fact that, etc.
Short sentences. Writing over-long sentences is a common fault. Look at things you write to see if
any long sentences can satisfactorily be divided in two. That said, a bit of variety is necessary, as nothing
but short sentences can sound awkward and repetitive. Combinations of long and short help to produce a
readable flow. Like this.
A favourite quotation helps me remember to favour simplicity. Mark Twain wrote: 'I never write the word
metropolis when I get paid the same for writing the word city.'
In a busy life people always say they want something brief, but as was indicated earlier, the word just
means short. This should not, in fact, be an end in itself. A better intention is to make things succinct–that
is, short but containing all the essentials to inform in an understandable way. Length
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should not be artificially extended by things that are not relevant, and you should remember that
comprehensiveness is rarely (ever?) an option. If you wrote everything you could about anything most of
the content might be superfluous. This means selection is important: you need to decide what to write
and what to omit (see comments about planning in Chapter 4). Writing style also affects length. A
convoluted style will fill more pages, and there is an expression to the effect that you should write tight.
For example, look at the phrase below to see how many words you can abbreviate it to without changing
the sense:
In spite of the fact that he was successful, it did not take him long before he was sorry that he had used
so many words.
A comment about this appears on page 58.
You want it to sound as if you are writing and, as has been said, to avoid a formulaic 'business style'. The
best way to look at this is to think of what you would say, and then formalise it a little rather than seeing
a need to put it into some separate sort of 'written language'. In addition, let us look at some specific dos
and don'ts. First, do not write in a way that is:
Bland. This is a common failing – using words that have no precise meaning. Nothing you write about
should be described as quite nice or rather good: what is an attractive offer? (if it is money saving, say
so); what is, in a
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Writing tight: answer to exercise on page 57
The phrase I suggested you attempted to abbreviate is 26 words long. The following,
encapsulating much the same message, consists of only ten:
Although he succeeded, he soon regretted using so many words.
I used this as an exercise on a course not so long ago and one inventive participant
reduced it further – to three words: 'Successful, but verbose' (and it very nearly does
capture the full message of the 26-word original version!). Certainly this is a good skill to
Note: There is an important balance to be struck here. If you omit salient parts of a case,
then persuasiveness may well be diluted – the argument is incomplete and lacks power.
Make it too long and people switch off and do not read it all. The answer? If in doubt it is
better to write more, provided you are sure that the extra points do, in fact, boost the
phrase beloved of the airlines, a slight delay? (an hour or endless hours?).
Patronising. You should really know better than to be patronising or condescending; sorry again,
suffice to say that you should be careful not to talk down to people.
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Biased. Your view may or may not be appropriate. Often it is not: is a manager likely to persuade a
group of staff by saying 'I think this is an excellent idea' ahead of describing it, or would they do better by
saying 'Here is an idea to consider'?
Politically incorrect. Some things here have become the norm–chair rather than chairman, for
example – but other things need some thought – and something like the he/she problem can make for
awkward language. It is important to remember that, although there are sillinesses in this area, it does
matter and it is important not to upset people, for some of whom it may be more important than it is to
you. The same can be said of the need to ensure that nothing written seems inappropriate to any minority
Badly timed. As language changes it is clear that words and phrases have a real life-cycle. Use
something early on and it can appear pretentious; use it too late and it can seem silly. Any example will
date, so let us pick something that seems to me to be already past its best. The phrase user friendly was
originally a neat description. Now, however, that everything has been so described it has become
essentially meaningless.
Annoying. The point here is that certain kinds of grammatical and linguistic error tend to be spotted
and cause particular annoyance. Too little punctuation makes something awkward to read, and the
current proliferation of wrongly used apostrophes annoys many people. Too few headings and space
make it look as if it will be difficult to read. Everyone has some pet hates. A widely
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held one concerns the word unique. This means 'unlike anything else'. Nothing can be very unique, a bit
unique or any other kind of unique for that matter. Anything like this (another is different from, not
different to) is to be avoided.
Introspective. This is important for persuasive writing, and the main symptom is too much usage of
words like I and we, and not enough of you. An example is often found in brochures: every paragraph,
every sentence and every thought sometimes starts We, The company, I or similar and the net result is a
catalogue effect that distances people from the content.
Conversely, it is important that you do write in a way that is:
Respectful to the reader. This means in the sense of reflecting their needs and, to an extent, being
in 'their language'. As has already been said, you can lose people by being too technical. Thus a memo to
a group of staff of mixed technical experience needs to be carefully pitched and may need to say how it is
dealing with matters.
Precise. Say exactly what you mean.
Positive. Have the courage of your convictions; there is rarely a place for perhaps, maybe and I think
in persuasive writing.
Descriptive. This is especially important. People like it if something is well described – not just making
it clear but painting a picture. Language is a powerful tool. The fact that even a very few words, provided
they are well
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chosen, can say so much more than the words themselves illustrates this. For example:
How much can just two words tell you about a person? Prolific author Isaac Asimov (who wrote more
than 400 books, so I have a way to go yet!) is reputed to have been asked what he would do if told he
had only six months to live. He replied: 'Type faster.' This surely says so much about the man, his writing,
his attitude and more.
Even something as routine as a classified advertisement can make the point. For example: 'For sale:
baby's cot. Unused.' Have you ever read an ad that conjures up so much heartache?
The following description (from Peter Mayle's book A Year in Provence) describes a visitor to the
house. He arrives with an attractive young lady and shows her up the steps ahead of him. The only thing
that is said about him is that he was 'A man who could give lessons in leering'. Is there anything else you
need to know?
It is also clear that any description can make something live if it is well, or memorably, phrased. There
is surely all the difference in the world between something being somewhat slippery and it being as
slippery as a well buttered ice rink.
An allied point here is that, where it is appropriate, your interest and/or enthusiasm for something should
show, and should often do so unequivocally.
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This book is not a guide to grammar, though such things clearly matter. Punctuation has been mentioned,
and you may find a guide to some of the details of language use in this sense useful (see the Postscript).
Here, as an example of how incorrect things can change the nature of writing (particularly if a document
is riddled with inaccuracies), I would mention just two examples:
1. Oxymoron. Care is needed here as an oxymoron (a two-word paradox) may sound silly–pretty ugly–or
be used usefully–deafening silence. They can be open to debate – what about trustworthy lawyer?
2. Tautology. This is unnecessary repetition and should be avoided. You should not write about foreign
travel overseas, and there is no such thing as future planning. Planning must, by definition, be about the
future; after all it would be difficult to plan the past. If tautology is unnecessary repetition, perhaps we
need a different word for inaccurate repetition. I say this having just seen a label on an electrical
appliance reading: 'Lifetime, 2-year guarantee.'
Finally, because more than a small amount of advice on grammar, syntax and form is beyond our brief
here, a short checklist of rules designed to stick in the mind ends this chapter.
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Some 'memorably put' writing rules

Don't abbrev things inappropriately.
Check to see if you any words out.
Be careful to use adjectives and adverbs correct.
About sentences fragments.
Don't use no double negatives.
Just between you and I, case is important.
Join clauses good, like a conjunction should.
Don't use commas, that aren't necessary.
Its important to use apostrophe's right.
It's better not to unnecessarily split infinitives.
Only Proper Nouns should be capitalised. also a sentence should begin with a capital
and end with a full stop
Use hyphens in compound-words, not just in any two-word phrase.
In letters reports and things like that we use commas to keep a string of items apart.
Watch out for irregular verbs that have creeped into our language.
Verbs has to agree with their subjects.
A writer mustn't change your point of view.
A preposition isn't a good thing to end a sentence with.
Avoid clichés like the plague.
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The most important things here are to:
use clarity as a foundation for your attempts to persuade;
keep things simple (and brief, but without sacrificing the power of your message to persuade); and
make language work for you, and avoid your style (or grammar, punctuation, etc.) clouding the issue
or actively annoying.
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Making language more persuasive
In this chapter we extend the thinking of the last chapter and look at specific ways of making a persuasive
case in writing. To begin with we will take a letter as the main example (with which memos and e-mail
have things in common). Though other kinds of document are mentioned later, many of the principles
apply widely and there are some specific examples at the end of the chapter.
Whatever its role, this is a crucial document to get right and there are several factors to consider. First,
however, we will consider the reader's reaction when faced with a letter to read.
People seldom read a letter immediately, and rarely simply in the same sequence in which it was written.
Their eyes flick from the sender's address to the ending, then to the greeting and perhaps the first
sentence. They fix on headings, they skim to the end – and then, if the sender is lucky, back to the first
sentence for a more careful reading of the whole letter from the beginning. Research has been done that
shows a
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(1) (Letterhead) (2)




(4) PS _______________________


(1|), (2), (3)–information, taken in very fast. Who is it from?

(4) –if there is one, the PS is the 'most readpart of any letter'.
(5) –an overall scan – do I have to read it all?–use of headings
will affect this view.
(6) –from beginning on (provided the opening is effective).
Fig. 2. How people read.
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clear sequence (see Figure 2), so the first sentence is an important element in 'holding' the reader and it
should arouse immediate interest.
This is something worth bearing in mind as you write and reinforces the point made earlier about earning
a reading. In fact, for some writing, it may be worth calling a powerful image to mind. I always think of
the training film The Proposal (Video Arts) which I sometimes use on courses. It starts with the sales
person writing a proposal and imagining its receipt. We see the buyer (actor John Cleese) expressing
overpowering delight at its arrival. He clears his desk, cancels meetings and tells his secretary that he
must not be disturbed as he settles down to read. Then the voiceover says 'But it's not like that, is it?' The
scene changes, and this time when the document arrives we see a surly John Cleese sitting miserably at
his desk dropping Alka Selzers into a glass of water and wincing at the noise they make. Maybe that is
more like what we should have in mind as we write!
When you do write, for some letters used in quantity (with customers, for instance), an early decision
concerns the salutation.
The salutation is an important item to consider. Numbers may preclude individual salutations. If you are
not saying 'Dear Mr Smith' or 'Dear John', what do you say? One answer is nothing. Simply start with a
heading (indeed an example shown later does just that). Doing so does not preclude you finishing with
your name, though in this case
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you should omit 'Yours sincerely' and set the name close enough to the text so that it does not look as if
the signature was forgotten. If numbers permit, always sign letters. Larger quantities can have the
signature matched in, which still gives something of a personal touch. If you are only mailing small
quantities you can actually sign each letter.
On other occasions a standardised opening may be necessary. For example:
Dear Client or Customer (that at least is clear)
Dear Sir
Dear Reader
Dear Colleague
Dear Finance Director (or other appropriate title)
In many ways none of these is taken to be more than a token greeting and unless it is something really
novel, will have comparatively little impact. If you can find a form of words you like, perhaps almost
anything is better than 'Dear Sir/Madam'!
In selling face to face, you can adapt your approach to the individual you are with as the conversation
proceeds. In a letter, this is not possible and a formula to structure the approach is useful. The classic
sales acronym AIDA stands for:
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Attention: first get them reading and wanting to know more.
Interest: then develop their interest and make them want to read on to complete the picture.
Desire: aim to turn interest into an actual acceptance or wanting for something.
Action: conclude by asking clearly for the action you want to be taken.
This provides a simple structure. It works well in providing a plan to help compose letters and represents
accurately the job to be done in prompting a response. Each stage is worth a further word.
Attention – the opening
The most important part of the letter is the start. It may well determine whether the rest of the letter is
read. The opening may be quite short, a heading perhaps, a couple of sentences, two paragraphs, but it
is disproportionately important. A good start will help as you write the letter, as well as making it more
likely the recipient will read it. Omit or keep references short and make subject headings to the point –
the reader's point. Do not use 'Re'. It is old fashioned and was used to show something was a heading
before it was easy to do so with, say, bold type. Make sure the start of the letter will command attention,
gain interest and lead easily into the main text. For example:
Ask a 'yes' question.
Explain why you are writing to that reader particularly.
Explain why the reader should read the letter.
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Flatter the reader (carefully).
Explain what might be lost if the reader ignores the message.
Give the reader some 'mind-bending' news (if you have any).
Interest/desire – the body of the letter
The body of the letter runs straight on from the opening. It must consider the reader's needs or problems
from their point of view. It must interest them. It must get them nodding in agreement: 'Yes, I wish you
could help me on that.'
Of course (you say) you are able to help them. In drafting you must write what you intend for the readers
and then describe the benefits you can offer (not features), and in particular the benefits which will help
them solve their problems or satisfy their needs.
You have to anticipate the reader's possible objections to your proposition in order to select your
strongest benefits and most convincing answers. If there is a need to counter objections, you may need
to make your letter longer and give proof (for example, comment from a third party that the benefits are
genuine). However, remember to keep the letter as short as possible but still as long as necessary to
complete the case. If that takes two, three or more pages, so be it.
It is easy to find yourself quoting the literature that may well accompany the letter to the reader. If you
were writing a lecture on the subject, you would probably need all that
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information. When writing to a prospective customer you have to select just the key benefits which will be
of particular value to the reader and which support the literature.
The body of the text must:
keep the reader's immediate interest;
develop that interest with the best benefit; and
win the reader over with a second benefit and then further benefits.
The next job is to ensure action from the reader by a firm close. This may need to summarise, but beyond
that the most important thing to do is to state, clearly, the action or agreement you want (we return to
this in the next chapter).
Next we return to the language you use: it must be clear, appropriate and have sufficient impact to
persuade. The following points add to those made in the last chapter, starting with a checklist which
recaps and sets out some basic rules for persuasive writing:
Be clear. Make sure that the message is straightforward and uncluttered by 'padding'. Use short words
and phrases. Avoid jargon.
Be natural. Do not project yourself differently just because your message is in writing.
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Be positive. In tone and emphasis (and be helpful).
Be courteous. Always.
Be efficient. Project the right image.
Be personal. Use 'I'–say what you will do.
Be appreciative. 'Thank you' is a good phrase.
The next checklist examines certain specific aspects of the language used in letters. All these examples
are very much the kind of language that does not lend itself to persuasion. While one or two such words
or phrases may do no great harm, if this kind of style predominates, the tone set is wholly wrong. So
Trite openings
We respectfully suggest. . .
We have pleasure in attaching. . .
Referring to the attached. . .
This letter is for the purposes of requesting. . .
We beg to advise. . .
The position with regard to. . .
It will be appreciated that. . .
It is suggested that the reasons. . .
The undersigned/writer. . .
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May we take this opportunity to. . .
Allow me to say in this instance. . .
Having regard to the fact that. . .
We should point out that. . .
Answering in the affirmative/negative. . .
We are not in a position to. . .
The opportunity is taken to mention. . .
Dispatched under separate cover. . .
Coldness and bad psychology
I would advise/inform
Cliché endings
Thanking you in advance. . .
Assuring you of our best attention at all times, we remain. . .
Trusting we may be favoured with. . .
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Awaiting a favourable reply. . .
Please do not hesitate to. . .
Rather, your text must be positive. It should say 'this is the case', 'this will be what is done' and will
rarely say things like 'I think. . .', 'probably' or 'maybe'.
Experienced direct mailers talk about 'magic' words or at least words that inject a tone that should always
be present, and which can be consciously used in many documents. Some examples appear below (and
you may be able to think of more).
Magic words
free today timely
guarantee win respected
new easy reliable
announcing save opportunity
you at once low cost
now unique fresh
You must not overuse such words or your message will become blatantly over the top, but do not neglect
them either.
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You must keep searching for ways of making your text perform better. Again, the following is designed
not only to float some examples but also to show the approach you need to cultivate. The guidelines that
follow are reviewed in terms of 'do's' and 'don'ts', with no apology for any occasional repetition.
The don'ts
You should not do the following:
Be too clever. It is the argument that should win the reader round, not your flowery phrases, elegant
quotations or clever approach.
Be too complicated. The point about simplicity has been made. It applies equally to the overall
Be pompous. Being pompous means saying too much about you, your organisation and your product/
services (instead of what it means to the reader). It means writing in a way that is too far removed from
the way you would speak. It means following too slavishly the exact grammar at the expense of an easy,
flowing style.
Over claim. While you should certainly have the courage of your convictions, too many superlatives
can become self-defeating. Make one claim that seems doubtful and the whole argument suffers.
Offer opinions. Or at least not too many compared with the statement of facts, ideally substantiated
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Lead into points with negatives. For example, do not say 'If this is not the case we will. . .', rather
'You will find. . . or. . .'.
Assume your reader lacks knowledge. Rather than saying, for example, 'You probably do not
know that. . .' it is better to say 'many people have not yet heard. . .'. Or 'Like others, you probably
know. . .'.
Overdo humour. Never use humour unless you are very sure of it. An inward groan as they read
does rather destroy the nodding agreement you are trying to build. A quotation or quip, particularly if it is
relevant, is safer and even if the humour is not appreciated, the appropriateness may be noted.
Use up benefits early. A persuasive letter must not run out of steam: it must end on a high note and
still be talking in terms of benefits even towards and at the end.
The do's
You should do the following:
Concentrate on facts. The case you put over must be credible and factual. A clear-cut 'these are all
the facts you need to know' approach tends to pay particular dividends.
Use captions. While pictures, illustrations, photographs and charts can often be regarded as speaking
for themselves, they will have more impact if used with a caption. (This can be a good way of achieving
acceptable repetition, with a mention in the text and in the caption.)
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Use repetition. Key points can appear more than once – for example, in a leaflet and an
accompanying letter, even more than once within the letter itself. This applies, of course, especially to
benefits repeated for emphasis.
Keep changing the language. You need to find numbers of ways of saying the same thing in
brochures and letters and so on.
Say what is new. Assuming you have something new, novel – even unique – to say, make sure the
reader knows it. Real differentiation can often be lost, so in the quantity of words make sure the key
points still stand out.
Address the recipient. You must do this accurately and precisely. You must know exactly to whom
you are writing, what their needs, likes and dislikes are and be ever conscious of tailoring the message.
Going too far towards being all things to all people will dilute the effectiveness to any one recipient.
Keep them reading. Consider breaking sentences at the end of a page so that readers have to turn
over to complete the sentence. (Yes, it does not look quite so neat, but it works.) Always make it clear
that other pages follow, putting 'continued. . .' or similar at the foot of the page.
Link paragraphs. This is another way to keep them reading. Use 'horse and cart' points to carry the
argument along. For example, one paragraph starts 'One example of this is. . .'; the next starts 'Now let's
look at how that works. . .'.
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Be descriptive. Really descriptive – in words, a system may be better described as 'smooth as silk'
rather than 'very straightforward to operate'. Remember, you know how good what you are describing is,
the readers do not. You need to tell them and you must not assume they will catch your enthusiasm from
a brief phrase.
Involve people. First, your people. Do not say '. . . the head of our XYZ Division', say 'John Smith,
the head of our XYZ Division'. And other people. Do not say 'It is a proven service. . .', say '. . . more than
300 clients have found it valuable. . .'.
Add credibility. For example, if you quote users, quote names (with their permission). If you quote
figures, quote them specifically and mention people by name. Being specific adds to credibility, so do not
say 'This is described in our booklet on. . .', rather '. . . this is described on page 16 of our booklet on. . .'.
Use repetition. Key points can appear more than once, in the leaflet and the letter, even more than
once within the letter itself. This applies, of course, especially to benefits repeated for emphasis. You will
notice this paragraph is repeated, either to show that the technique works or perhaps to demonstrate that
some half-hearted attempts at humour are not altogether recommended!
The principles of writing persuasive copy for direct mail material are essentially similar to that for any
other persuasive document – indeed, to much of what has now been
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described. In addition, however, there are some tricks of the trade, as it were, that are used in direct mail
that might prove useful in other kinds of communication. Here I want particularly to touch on what are
called 'hooks'. What are hooks? They are a variety of elements that will generate the interest you want by
focusing attention in a particular way. Here are some examples.
Featuring two things linked together in what is sometimes called the 'strawberries and cream' method (in
other words, if you want to persuade someone to buy strawberries then not only do they sound more
attractive coupled with cream, but you might just sell some cream too!). This can be used in many ways –
for example, a training department might try to persuade someone to attend a course and read a book
first, the latter making the former more attractive–'as I know you are busy, reading this first will make
even just a day's training useful'.
This is something to be responded to by more than one person (e.g. a memo from a manager to the staff
in their department might address the team, different groups and even individual people on the way
through, using the need for everyone to pull together to enhance the persuasive case to all concerned).
Limited offer
Somehow things are more attractive if they are in short supply. Only a limited number can attend (a
meeting, say);
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only limited stocks of a special product are available (or only until the end of the month).
This involves describing something as an opportunity for people to be the first with something, such as
meeting at a prestige venue or in doing or buying something new.
A competition
Competitions and prizes are used extensively with product promotion. The prize may be the product itself
(which costs the manufacturer or supplier less than it appears to be worth). It may be something simple
like a bottle of Scotch or more elaborate, like a holiday. Even internally this can be used, though then we
probably call it an incentive – it persuades none the less since 'I must have this information in on time, so
there will be a prize draw for all those people who meet the deadline'.
Make a link to an event, perhaps a charitable event (e.g. 'Meet us on such and such a date and join us at
the local theatre club where we are sponsoring the production of. . . in the evening'. Such a link might
enhance many messages.
Flatter the recipient
You can refer to them in a way that makes them sound special, perhaps addressing them 'As a member of
the Board, you will know that. . .'.
Second chance
Write to people a second (or third) time as a 'reminder'
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designed specifically to increase the appeal (there is an example of this in Figure 12 on page 99).
You can also highlight aspects of the overall message. Here are some examples.
Describing an offer that will give people a benefit: 'before the holidays' or 'by the end of the year'.
Make an offer to a select group (e.g. 'only for clients', 'only for local business people', or 'only for men or
women'–though carefully, perhaps!)
Such factors as these are clearly not mutually exclusive. They can be linked, adapted and no doubt
bettered. No one knows in advance what degree of gimmick will appeal, so be careful of course, but
remember that the recipients will probably take a less censorious view than you of such matters. Some
level of experiment may well prove worth while and, if you are not prepared to be a pioneer, keep a sharp
eye on what is done by others.
There is a good deal of detail here. Not every idea needs to be thrown into every document. In each case
you have an armoury of techniques from which to select a range of things appropriate to the occasion.
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Here we focus on a number of examples to illustrate some of the specific different circumstances in which
persuasion is necessary. These are an internal, department-to-department communication, a press
release, a complaint, letters chasing debtors and, finally, a simple direct mail letter (or rather two).
Internal selling
Here we need a short scenario to set us up with an example. Mr B runs the sales office for a medium-
sized company. His team comprises people who take customer enquiries, offer technical advice, handle
queries of all kinds and take orders. Recent reorganisation has resulted in the merging of two
departments. His people now occupy a large office together with another group, the order-processing
staff (who deal with invoicing and documentation). For the most part, all is going smoothly. However, the
routing of telephone calls has become chaotic. The switchboard, despite having a note explaining who
handles customers in which area of the country, is putting two out of three calls through to the wrong
person, and the resulting confusion is upsetting staff and customers alike as calls have to be transferred.
Mr B knows he must sort this out. He carefully drafts and sends a memo to the Personnel Manager, to
whom the switchboard operators report, complaining that the inefficiency of their service is upsetting
customers and putting the company at risk of losing orders. The memo sent is shown as Figure 3. He is
surprised to find that, far from the situation improving, all he gets is a defensive reply listing the total
volume of calls with which the hard-pressed
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switchboard has to cope, and quoting other issues as of far more importance at present to the personnel
department. It concludes by suggesting he takes steps to ensure customers ask for the right person.
To: Ms X, Personnel Manager
From: Mr B, Sales Office Manager
Subject: Customer Service
A recent analysis shows that, since the merging of the sales office and order-processing
departments, two out of three incoming calls are misrouted by the switchboard and have
to be transferred.
This wastes time and, more importantly, is seen by customers as inefficient. As the whole
intention of this department is to ensure prompt, efficient service to our customers, this is
not only a frustration internally, it risks reducing customers' image of the organisation
and, at worst, losing orders.
I would be grateful if you could have a word with the supervisor and operators on the
switchboard to ensure that the situation is rectified before serious damage results.
Fig. 3. Original memo.
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Mr B intended to take prompt action that would improve customer service. He felt he had stated his case
clearly and logically, yet all he succeeded in doing was rubbing a colleague up the wrong way. The
problem remained.
Think, for a moment, how else this might be handled before reading on.
Here this initial communication was in writing. The memo Mr B sent, though well intentioned, had the
wrong effect, and would also have made any kind of follow-up message (necessary because the problem
had still to be resolved) more difficult.
The problem is certainly identified in the memo, the implications of it continuing are spelt out and a
solution – briefing of the relevant staff by the Personnel Manager – is suggested. The intention, as has
been said, is good. However, despite a degree of politeness ('I would be grateful. . .'), the overall tone of
the message is easy to read as a criticism. Further, the solution is vague: tell them what exactly? It seems
to be leaving a great deal to personnel. Maybe he felt 'it is not my fault, they should sort it out'. To an
extent this may be true, but you may find you often have to choose between a line which draws attention
to such a fact or which sets out to get something done. They are often two different things, and the latter
calls for a persuasive approach.
In this case the key objective is to change the action, and to do so quickly before customer relations are
damaged. This is more important than having a dig at personnel, and worth taking a moment over to get
the message exactly right. It is,
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whilst a matter of overall company concern, something of more immediate concern to the sales office.
So what should Mr B have done? To ensure attention, collaboration and action, his memo needed to:
make the problem clear;
avoid undue criticism, or turning the matter into an emotive issue;
spell out a solution, or at least a suggestion; and
make that solution easy and acceptable to people in personnel (including the switchboard operators
Perhaps with that in mind, his memo should have been more like Figure 4. This is not set out as the 'right'
or guaranteed approach, but it is certainly better. And it is more likely to work because it is designed
specifically to be persuasive. Note especially that it:
lays no blame;
recognises that both personnel, and the switchboard are important;
considers their needs – for clear guidance, being able to handle the volume more easily, someone else
taking the action;
anticipates objections – personnel wondering 'who will do all this?' for instance and their not wanting
any hassle;
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is specific in terms of action, who will do what and when (maybe it could have specified the timing
more precisely).
To: Ms X, Personnel Manager
From: Mr B, Sales Office Manager
Subject: Customer Service
The recent merger of the sales office and order-processing departments seems to have
made some problems for the switchboard.
You will find that I have set out in this note something about what is happening and why,
and specific suggestions to put it right. You will see the suggested action is mainly with
myself, but I would like to be sure that you approve before proceeding.
The problem
Two out of every three incoming calls are misrouted and have to be transferred. This
wastes time both in my department and on the switchboard and is, of course, also likely
to be seen as inefficient by customers. To preserve customer relations, and perhaps
ultimately prevent orders being lost, the problem needs to be sorted out promptly.
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The reason
Apart from the sheer volume of calls, always a problem at this time of the year, the
problem is one of information. The switchboard operators have insufficient information to
help guide them, and that which they do have has been outdated by the departmental
merger. Given clear guidance, neither they, nor customers, will have any problems.
What I would suggest, therefore, are the following actions:
1. I have prepared a note (and map) showing which member of staff deals with
customers from which geographic area, and would like to make this available for
reference on the switchboard.
2. This might be best introduced at a short briefing meeting. If we could assemble the
operators for ten minutes before the board opens one morning, I could go through it with
them and answer any questions.
3. Longer term, it would be useful if the operators visited our department and saw
something of what goes on. We could arrange a rota and do this over a few lunch hours
so that it can be fitted in conveniently and without loss of productivity.
If this seems a practical approach do let me know and I will put matters in hand.
Fig. 4. Revised memo.
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There seems every chance it will have the desired effect. Many situations exhibit similar characteristics. All
it needs is a clear, systematic approach that recognises the other person's point of view and that sells the
desired solution and action.
Press releases
Notices sent to the press for promotional reasons are certainly specialist documents. They have duel
persuasive objectives: first, to persuade an editor to read them and write them up for publication and,
secondly, to put things in such a way that any successfully resulting story is itself positive and persuasive.
There is a need here to abide by the 'rules'–i.e. produce something that is in the form that editors and
others want and yet that also stands out and gets attention. The checklist that follows sets out the 'rules'
for press releases:
It should carry the words 'Press (or News) Release' at the top, together with the date (which should
ideally go at the top left).
If what is called an embargo is necessary (i.e. a request not to publish before a certain date, to ensure
news appears as near as possible simultaneously in different publications) this should be clearly stated.
Start with a heading, probably not too long, but sufficient to indicate clearly the contents of the
release and to start to generate interest.
Space it out well, with wide margins and good gaps between paragraphs, etc. This allows the recipient
to make notes on it.
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If two or more pages are used, make sure that the end of one page makes clear there is more over
the page (or break the sentence to prompt turning over).
Similarly, when you are finished, actually write 'End' as the last word.
Use a 'newspaper' style of writing that follows all the 'keep it simple' rules of writing.
Watch the length. You need to make a powerful case, but be sure not to be unnecessarily lengthy or
The first sentence is crucial and must get people wanting to read on.
Avoid overt 'plugging' (even if this is effectively what you are doing!).
Try to stick to facts rather than opinions.
Opinions can be given in quotes and ascribed to an identified individual (this can work well and can
link to a picture of the person concerned; and pictures can increase the chances of publication).
Always label any separate attachments, such as photographs.
Do not overdo the use of adjectives in a way that just seems exaggerated and that jeopardises
Never underline anything for emphasis (this is used as a printing instruction, meaning to put the words
underlined in italic type).
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Date xxxx
Practical guidance on the gentle art of persuasive writing: a new book
published by How To Books
Business writing can be a chore. Finding the right words, ensuring clarity and avoiding the
classic business-writing sins of gobbledegook or deteriorating into over formal
'officespeak' can be a struggle. It is somehow more difficult than communicating face to
face. When there is a particular objective like the need to make something persuasive, the
difficulties compound. The new book Persuasive Business Writing offers practical advice to
make this easier.
It reviews the whole process from the expectations of readers and setting clear objectives
to a systematic way of getting down the right words and editing text into final form. The
author, Patrick Forsyth, has a marketing background (he runs Touchstone Training &
Consultancy) and is the author of a number of other successful business books. He
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"Communication is never easy – who works for an organisation where there are never any
breakdowns in communication?–and business writing, and persuasive writing in particular,
is perhaps what many people find most difficult of all. This book, which reflects my
experience with people on many business writing training courses, aims to present an
accessible guide to the essentials of getting it right."
The book shows how to write clearly and effectively, how to make the message come
over in an acceptable manner so that it persuades people to read, agree and take action.
It is designed to increase the likelihood of success and to reduce the time it takes to 'put
things on paper'.
The book costs £7.99 and is published on xxxx.
a photograph of the author
a copy of the book's cover
For more information contact:
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (full contact details)

Fig. 5. Press release.
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Separate notes to the publication from actual text, so that an instruction (like 'photographers will be
welcome') cannot be mistaken for text and printed as part of the story.
Always include, at the end, clear details of whom to contact for more information and exactly how to
do so.
Make sure it is neat, accurate and well presented (and that it lists any enclosures).
Do not cry wolf. Save releases for when you really do have something interesting to say, and do not
send contrived ones that will simply act to put people off looking at any future ones.
Be enthusiastic about it. It is your story, so if you are not why should they be? Enthusiasm is one of
the few good things that is contagious.
The example shown in Figure 5 is not a million miles from home, as it were, but incorporates some of the
principles set out in checklist form above.
Here the first job is to reduce someone's anger, resentment or annoyance – but also very often to
persuade them of something for the future, for instance: accepting the offered solution and being willing
to do business again despite the hiccup. The two letters shown in Figures 6 and 7 need no lengthy
commentary: the first is abrupt and unlikely to succeed in pouring oil on troubled waters or persuading.
The second is better.
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Dear Mr Brown
Thank you for your letter of 20 January. You will see that you missed attending our
seminar 'Making Effective Presentations', which you were registered to attend on 18
January, because you misread the joining instructions. The enclosed copy shows that the
correct details were certainly sent to you.
If you want to try again, the programme repeats on 18 March and will be conducted at
the same venue. You will need to record your intention to attend in writing.
Yours sincerely
Fig. 6. Letter of complaint: version 1.
This is a simple enough situation, a misunderstanding on the part of Mr Brown rather than a more serious
error that has to be sorted out and for which amends must be made. It is still an opportunity to impress
the client, ensure the business is retained and set the scene to maintain any ongoing business
relationship. It is this that the second letter addresses.
Chasing debtors
Most people hate chasing overdue accounts, but remember the old maxim which says that: 'it is not an
order until the money is in the bank'. It is a job that must be done. There are some bizarre ploys, like
sending a postcard (thus displaying the debt publicly – at least to the postman), or
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Dear Mr Brown
Your missing the seminar 'Making Effective Presentations' on 18 January, when you were
registered to attend, must have been very annoying. Indeed your letter of 20 January
makes this wholly clear, and I am sorry to hear this.
In view of the short notice on which you planned to attend, while joining instructions sent
to you did set out the correct details of date and venue (a copy is enclosed), we perhaps
should have made it clearer. My apologies.
Luckily the schedule has this programme repeating before too long. I have therefore
moved your registration forward to the next date – Wednesday 18 March – and I hope
you will be able to put this in your diary now while places remain available. It will be held
at the same venue. Full information about the course is again enclosed, as are details of
the exact times and location involved.
Do let me know if this should not be convenient. Meantime, I am sure that you were able
to put the unexpectedly available time on 18 January to good use, and that you will find
the seminar useful when you are able to attend. We look forward to meeting you.
Yours sincerely
Fig. 7. Letter of complaint: version 2.
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writing 'accidentally' to the wrong address so that, again, the matter is made public, perhaps in the office
next door. More appropriate is a systematic approach that follows up and follows up again (but do not
have a whole series of 'final demands'–people will quickly spot you do not mean it. I once saw a series of
eight letters all marked 'Final demand'!).
Better is a fixed number of letters all of which assume the matter has been overlooked accidentally but
still laying down firm action. Such a sequence might go as shown in Figures 8–10.
You may recall receiving our invoice (dated 27 November) about a month ago itemising
the amount due for (details).
I am writing to you because this is overdue. Perhaps it was simply overlooked, but I
would appreciate payment promptly (adding details of how payment may be made). If
there is any reason other than oversight, why this has not been paid, please call (number)
and ask to speak to Susan Jones who will be pleased to discuss the matter with you.
Fig. 8. Chasing debtors: letter 1.
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£1550.98: overdue since (date)
My accountant is now pressing me very hard to get this payment in. Very few customers
seem to be as forgetful about payment as you appear to have been. Perhaps I may ask
that a cheque is sent by return (again you may want to spell out alternative methods of
payment, perhaps also restating the credit terms).
Prompt payment will save additional costs for us both, since I am now required to pass
the matter over to a collection service if I do not hear from you, with your payment,
within 7 days.
If there is any problem you want to discuss, please telephone (number) and ask to speak
to Susan Jones who will make every effort to sort it out.
Fig. 9. Chasing debtors: letter 2.
The intention here is to be reasonable, clear and invoke the letter of the law (people do after all know
that whatever they have contracted for must be paid for). Finally, you must draw a line, write no more
and put the matter on a legal footing.
Note: Once a threat has been made and does not materialise, most laggardly payers will infer they have
even longer to bolster their own cash flow situation.
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£1550.98: collection arrangements
I have now written to you a number (you might specify) of times about this payment
which dates back to (date) when our invoice clearly specified 30 day payment terms. As I
have consistently received no reply, this matter is – as noted in my last letter – being
passed over to a collection service. This will quickly involve you in legal costs.
I do hope that you are able to respond immediately and prevent this. Payment may be
made by (list methods).
Fig. 10. Chasing debtors: letter 3.
Incidentally, this is not a task that can be exclusively carried out through correspondence. Other means of
communication may also be involved. One tip: if you also have to telephone, make the call not sitting at
your desk but standing up. It may sound silly, but it works and helps you sound far more assertive; if you
do not believe it, try it!
Direct mail
Direct mail in all its forms is a little beyond the scope of this book, though what is said here is relevant
and may help if it is something you use (undoubtedly the best reference on direct mail is a book called
Commonsense Direct Marketing, by Drayton Bird [Kogan Page]). Many people, however, use
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A one hundred percent biased recommendation:
Reflecting the special nature of the marketing of professional services (it is not at all like
selling baked beans or ball bearings), my new book Marketing Professional Services is
published this month by Kogan Page in association with the Institute of Directors. It offers
practical guidance on how marketing applies to, and can be effectively implemented in,
the world of professional services. One reviewer has already described it as:
'. . . an informative, accomplished and entertaining guide. . . Copious in information,
fundamental and practical in advice, this marketing handbook is a convincing and positive
guide with a potentially long shelf-life' (Practice Marketing magazine).
As an absurdly generous gesture to those in the professions with whom I have crossed
paths in some way, copies are available from here by return and post free.
Details are enclosed. Orders sent here, together with the remittance, will be dealt with on
this basis for the next month only.
So, complete and return the form – as they say in all the best promotions–now.
Best wishes. . . PATRICK FORSYTH
Fig. 11. Tandem sales letters: letter 1.
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'We are making sufficient profit, thank you, and don't want to make any more'
You are almost certainly not, in fact, saying this but you did ignore my recent letter about
my new book Marketing Professional Services. This was published just a couple of weeks
ago by Kogan Page in association with the Institute of Directors. It offers practical
guidance on how marketing applies to, and can be effectively implemented in, the world
of professional services. One reviewer has already described it as:
'. . . an informative, accomplished and entertaining guide. . . Copious in information,
fundamental and practical in advice, this marketing handbook is a convincing and positive
guide with a potentially long shelf-life' (Practice Marketing magazine).
You can receive a copy promptly and post free–details are again enclosed. Just complete
and return the form with the appropriate remittance and, who knows, there may well be
just a few ideas that can help improve your business profitability (if you want, of course).
I hope to hear from you about this, and, of course, if I can assist in any other way do
please let me know.
Best wishes. . . PATRICK FORSYTH
Fig. 12. Tandem sales letters: letter 2.
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simple sales letters of some sort that one might regard as on the fringes of direct mail. Figures 11 and 12
are examples of letters designed to be sent to people known to you (at least to some extent). These two
letters were designed together to be sent a few weeks apart. They worked well and the second one, sent
to the same list (or rather to those on the list who had not responded to the first letter), produced very
nearly as high a percentage response as the first. They were sent with a simple fact sheet and, except for
a few close contacts, were not personalised in any way.
These letters were well targeted, seemed to hit the right note and, at the time, offered something new
and different – with the potential of it helping a business in a number of ways, not least financially. (The
book is targeted at those people like accountants, lawyers and others who offer a professional service and
who work on fee basis; should you be in this sector you might like to note that it contains a chapter on
using direct mail!) The small amount of graphical emphasis used here is, I think, about right to enhance
the look and make the words work harder.
At this stage, although there is a good deal of detail to remember and use, the overall strategy is clear:
The way a message is written needs care and consideration.
Small differences, literally a word or a phrase changed, can be significant.
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The overall approach needs to reflect the reader's perspective and specifically the way in which people
weigh things up and make decisions.
The language needs to be used consciously to create understanding and impact.
The style should be accessible, not too far removed from how you would speak to someone, and any
device that can add punch should be considered (though overall the net effect must not be too slick,
artificial or gimmicky).
Now, because it is so important, we look at the final words of the message and the injunction to action
they should contain.
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Securing agreement
In this chapter we look at the final words used in persuasive writing and their relationship with intentions
to prompt action. Then, after a word about presentation, we go back to examining a complete message
and look again at the letter quoted in Chapter 3 (Figure 1).
In closing it may be useful to make a (short) summary of the benefits of the proposition. Having decided
on the action you want the reader to take, you must make it absolutely clear to them what it is. While
writing this book I have been involved in a project with a professional association that is changing its
subscription arrangement so that payment must be made by direct debit. The instructions seemed crystal
clear, but people managed to misinterpret them somehow and the association's secretary's telephone has
been ringing regularly with members on the line with queries. Nothing recently has reinforced for me
more the point that if people can misinterpret something, they will. Yes, the onus of communications is on
the communicator, but. . . enough. Suffice to say that reference to action must be clear and perhaps
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that, if any assumption is made, it is that what needs to be done needs spelling out very carefully.
Reply cards sent with good direct mail should be as well produced and important looking as the rest of the
shot. They often reinforce or repeat their message more than once – for example, the telephone number
to be called is printed bold, is repeated more than once and is in colour. Similarly the instructions,
carefully analysed, smack of belt and braces; it is perfectly sensible and worth learning from.
It is necessary to nudge the reader into action with a decisive close. Do not use phrases like these:
We look forward to hearing. . .
I trust you have given. . .
. . . favour of your instructions
. . . doing business with you
I hope I can be of further assistance.
Such phrases are only really added as padding between the last point and 'Yours sincerely'. They are
clichéd and add nothing except an old-fashioned feel or, worse, a feeling of uncertainty and
circumspection. Instead, use real closing phrases. The following are some examples.
The alternative close
For example, ask the reader to:
telephone or write;
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telephone or use the reply-paid envelope; or
arrange for a meeting or for more information to be sent.
Immediate gain
A phrase like 'Return the card today and your profitability could be improved' offers something extra, or
seemingly extra, if action is taken now rather than later. The converse of this is called a fear close–for
example, phrasing something to say 'Unless you respond now' something good will be missed.
'Best' solution
A phrase that summarises key issues mentioned earlier:
You want a system that can cope with occasional off-peak demands, that is easy to operate by semi-
skilled staff and is presented in a form that will encourage line managers to use it. The best fit with all
these requirements is our system 'X'. Return the card indicating the best time to install it
that then links to a closing statement.
Direct request
Just a straight request or even, on occasion, an instruction:
Post the card back today.
Telephone us without delay.
An impersonal message can put people off taking action, so if it is something like a letter going to a list of
people make sure it is signed off appropriately. Consider, too, the person
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who should have their name at the bottom of the letter. Replies will tend to come back to them – and so
will queries. So, for example, for a sales letter should it be the sales office, one director or another and
how well are they able to cope with any response? Make sure their name is typed as well, as signatures
tend to be awkward to read and that a note of the position they hold in the firm is included. People like to
know with whom they are dealing.
Remember the power of the postscript. Secretaries will tell you they are for things inadvertently left out,
while direct mailers (and research about it) will tell you they really do get read. Make sure their wording
makes clear they are not about something omitted but are there to provide emphasis. Use them to
reinforce an important point or to add a final benefit – it can add strength to the message.
Some people even use two! (But do not overdo this. It is the kind of thing that makes people compare
your missives unflatteringly to Reader's Digest–this despite their clear success.)
One example here concerns a training centre I have worked at. Located in the depths of the countryside it
is difficult to find and despite writing to delegates saying this, the map provided was often ignored and
people turned up hot and bothered having got lost en route. A PS added to the letter used to provide
joining instructions repeating the information in more strident form, and the number of lost people
declined markedly.
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Finally, remember that the end product should be neatly presented. This applies to every document –
memo, proposal or letter. Basics first. It must look right. It must be attractively laid out, grammatically
correct and well presented. In selling, this is especially important since it gives the impression that it has
originated in an efficient and reputable firm.
The letterhead itself is important to the image: an up-to-date yet not 'over the top' design is what should
be aimed at and this is not easy. Subjective judgements are involved. Ultimately, it is a matter of opinion
and in smaller firms this can sometimes mean a safe compromise which may dilute impact. Consider, too,
whether your standard letterhead is right for direct mail purposes if this is used.
To ensure the finishing touches and to add impact you should think about the following:
Position the letter on the page according to the amount of the text. It is unattractive if there is a huge
expanse of white below a very short letter. Position it lower down in that case, or consider having two
sizes of letterhead paper printed and put short letters on the smaller sheets.
'Block' paragraphs, with double spacing between each paragraph for greater clarity and smartness.
Leave at least 1½ in at the foot of the page before going on to the second page. Leave a bigger space
to avoid having only one or two lines (plus farewell) on the second page. A good deal of business material
ends up
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annotated in some way, so more space actually makes this easier for people.
Allow enough space for the signature, name and job title. It is better to carry the letter over on to
another page than cram it in at the bottom.
Note, at the foot of the last page, the enclosures mentioned in the text and sent with the letter.
Staple the pages together to avoid losses.
Number the pages.
Number the paragraphs when a lot of points have to be covered.
Underline all headings or make them bold.
Remember: Layout of this sort of material must reflect the style, the reader and the emphasis of the
points being made. It can bolster a persuasive message by helping create emphasis and putting over a
feeling of efficiency (in the way, for example, that listing enclosures can do).
Graphical emphasis can help keep people reading, guide them through longer texts and simply create a
feeling of accessibility and care that itself promotes readability. Such emphasis can be made, in this age of
the word processor, in a number of ways:
Bold type
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While these features should not be overdone, they can be useful and, in whatever form and combination
you select, should be well placed. As an example consider this book. It has (if the typesetter has done
their job well) a modern look. Space is as important as what is there, and the overall effect is designed to
make the text seem accessible both as you flick through on first picking up the book and on reading. It is
very different from the 'textbook' style of old.
To ensure that what you want and are asking people to do has a good chance of being done, make sure it
convenient and easy (or as much as circumstances will allow); and
confidently put, and perhaps even with a degree of assumption.
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We now return to the example of the letter from the conference hotel looked at earlier (see Figure 1 in
Chapter 3). The letter shown in Figure 13 restates the message in a different way.
This is surely much more customer-orientated. It has a heading, it starts with a statement almost any
meeting organiser would identify with (and with the word 'your'). Its language is much more business-like
and yet closer to what someone would say. The latter is helped by expressions like '. . . get every detail
just right' (even leaving out the one word 'just' would make it sound more formal); and 'come in and have
a look' in the penultimate paragraph, which is surely better than a phrase such as 'to arrange an
inspection visit'. The writer keeps the initiative and sets the scene for follow-up action (while making that
sound helpful to the customer and recognising that they are likely to want to inspect the hotel). Finally, it
remains courteous, and putting the (one) thank you at the end makes it stand out and allows a much less
formulaic first sentence and paragraph. Better, I think, and a version that reflects many of the principles
now reviewed.
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Training seminar: a venue to make your meeting work well
Your training seminar would, I am sure, go well here. Let me explain why. From how you
describe the event, you need a business-like atmosphere, no distractions, all the
necessary equipment and everything the venue does to work like clockwork.
Our XXX room is amongst a number regularly used successfully for this kind of meeting. It
is currently free on the days you mentioned: 3/4 June. As an example, one package that
suits many organisers:
morning tea/coffee with biscuits
three-course lunch with tea/coffee
afternoon tea/coffee with biscuits
pads, pencils and name cards for each participant
room hire (including the use of a flip chart and OHP)
at a cost of (sum) per head including service and tax.
Alternatively, I would be pleased to discuss other options; our main concern is to meet
your specific needs and to get every detail just right.
You will almost certainly want to see the room I am suggesting. I will plan to telephone to
set up a convenient time for you to come in and have a look. Meantime, our meetings
brochure is enclosed (you will see the XXX room on page 4). This, and the room plan with
it, will enable you to begin to plan how your meeting can work here.
Thank you for thinking of us. I look forward to speaking with you again soon.
Yours sincerely
Fig. 13. Revised conference hotel letter.
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The example letter used relating to the hotel industry was a response. To ring the changes and to provide
another 'before and after' example, the letter in Figure 14 is making the initial approach. It is from a
security company to the prospective new owner of a house (addressed to me just before I moved).
People moving house do provide a good sales opportunity. People are often somewhat dilatory about
security, but maybe the pleasure of a new house is likely to make thoughts of making it secure easier to
This letter is typical. Features orientated, containing too much unexplained jargon and formula
officespeak, it sells itself short and makes an insufficient case out of what should be a strong one. It also
has a real cliché ending and leaves the initiative with the recipient to come back to them, rather than
retaining the initiative.
The objective here is clearly to set up a meeting (on site). I think something along the lines shown in
Figure 15 would have made me think better of them – and made a response more likely.
Both these letters were sent – indeed they were designed to be sent – with brochures. It is impossible to
illustrate a whole brochure here, but a few comments are pertinent.
These may be items used in a number of ways: for example, brochures salespeople distribute, leaflets you
display in a reception area or items used from the sales office or for
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Dear Mr Forsyth
I understand that you have bought the house on Plot 28 at Saltcote Maltings.
As part of their service the developer has retained us as advisers on all aspects of security
intruder alarm systems
security lighting
closed circuit television
entry phones
any special security problems you may have
I am writing to introduce my company and to offer our services in regard to security for
your new home.
We are dedicated to promoting and performing to high standards and to demonstrate our
commitment, we
are members of British Security Industry Association
have NACOSS (National Approval Council for Security Systems) certification
adhere to BS4737 for equipment installation
have ISO 9002 (quality management system) certification
Enclosed are illustrations of typical robust and unobtrusive equipment we use. An alarm
system would normally comprise a central control unit, keypad to set the system, PIRs
(detection units), magnetic door contacts, alarm sounder and panic buttons.
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You also have the option to enhance the protection and peace of mind provided by the
system through connection to a central monitoring station. The monitoring station
operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and can alert the police, a key-holder or anyone
you specify. There are two options for connection to a central station – Red Care or
Digital Communicator.
We can provide an annual maintenance and service contract which includes access to a
24 hour a day call-out service.
For further information please contact me on the above telephone number or complete
and return the request form.
We assure you of prompt and diligent service.
Yours faithfully
Fig. 14. Letter from a security company.
direct mail. There is, however, no reason why such material should be suitable for everything and you
may need to produce dedicated material, tailored to one specific task. Here we focus primarily on
brochures sent by post whether en masse or one at a time.
In either case, the brochure is unlikely always to set out to tell people 'everything there is to know' about
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Dear Mr Forsyth
28 Saltcote Maltings – keeping your new home safe
You must be excited about your planned move. It is a wonderful location which, as formal
security advisers to the developer, we are getting to know well.
Sadly any home may be vulnerable these days. And even a cursory glance at crime
statistics gives pause for thought. No one wants the upset, loss, damage and feeling of
fear a break-in produces. However, a little care can reduce risks dramatically.
What better time to check that security arrangements are satisfactory than when you
move into a new home? You will want your house, possessions and family to be safe, and
we can offer sound advice on just how prudent action can make that so.
It may well be that even minor additions to the standard house specification can improve
security significantly and add a feeling of well-being. You can receive practical, expert
advice – whether that is to fit just one more lock or involves a full range of equipment
such as intruder alarms, security lights, entry phones or a full 24-hour monitoring service.
You will want to be sure any such advice is just that – sure.
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We take our responsibilities, for both recommendation and installation, very seriously. Not
only are we members of the British Security Industry Association, we also have NACOSS
(National Approval Council for Security) certification and adhere to other quality standards.
Sound advice
Some of the equipment we use is described in the enclosed brochures. But our first
concern is to meet your individual requirements and recommend what suits you best.
You can arrange for a visit and discuss matters in principle without any commitment; we
will never over-engineer the solution, and will only offer practical recommendations (not
least to match your insurer's requirements). You can contact me at once and arrange a
meeting, otherwise I will call you soon to see how we may be able to help.
Good security follows sound advice – and saying: it will never happen to us is really just
not one of the options.
Yours sincerely
PS Talk to us in good time – installation done as a new house is completed can ensure
wiring is hidden and avoids mess after you move in.
Fig. 15. Revised letter from a security company.
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organisation, product or whatever; rather, it may prompt a desire for discussion. Too much information
can even have the effect of reducing responses. One hotel, sending direct mail to prompt its conference
business, found that the numbers of potential clients coming to inspect the hotel doubled when they
replaced a short letter and glossy comprehensive brochure with a longer letter, no brochure and an
invitation card (because people seeing the full brochure felt no need to visit, they could see what the
place was like).
The production of brochures is generally an area of increasing professionalism and great care is needed in
defining the objective, creating the right message and making sure the brochure looks good and reflects
the image the firm intends to project. The days of the bland, general brochure, very similar to those of
other industry competitors which describe the chronological history of the firm and everything it does and
which were intended to be used for everything, are rapidly passing. What is needed now is the ability to
match each objective in every particular area with something specifically designed for the job. This may
mean producing separate brochures for each product. It may mean that any 'corporate' brochure is a
folder with separate inserts aimed at different target groups or different types of customer. It may mean a
revised brochure every year. It may even mean a difference between the sort of brochure that is right to
give a prospective customer after a preliminary meeting and the sort that is suitable to present to an
intermediary who may have a role in, say, recommending you to others. It is 'horses for courses'.
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For mailing purposes the brochure or leaflet concerned must be specific to the objective set for the
particular promotion. Brochures may need to be reasonably self-standing – after all, they may get
separated from the covering letter (the two together almost always produce a better response). However,
the total content – letter plus brochure – needs to hang together to produce a complete and integrated
Overall, what must be created is something that is accurately directed at a specific group, with a clear
objective in mind and – above all – that is persuasive. This may seem basic; of course, promotional
material is there to inform, but it must do so persuasively. That is the prime purpose. But this does not
mean moving to something that is inappropriately strident (which might in any case be self-defeating),
and it does mean putting a clear emphasis on customer need and benefits (what things do for people,
rather than what they are).
Essentially, a customer-focused approach (not anything introspective) and well designed for its purpose is
the rule. What does this mean? It must:
look good (though good design is much more readily available than good text);
be practical (for example, for mailing and filing if you hope people will keep it);
be illustrated (almost always this enhances appearance); and
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be readable, interesting and relevant with its message being put across in a punchy, perhaps novel,
There are a few rules to be observed about brochures and those rules that one might define are made to
be broken. This is because they must be creatively constructed to reflect the image of the firm graphically,
to differentiate it from its competitors and to aim their chosen message directly at the target group
addressed. But the copy is perhaps more important than anything. Many brochures have clearly had a
good deal of money spent on their design and print, but the text is dull or inappropriate. Start with the
copy – taking on board all the principles set out here – and then design the brochure as a vehicle to carry
your message.
Now we address a problem that many (most?) people find difficult. Letters that are the second or third in
a sequence (or more, persistence is part of the sales process!) are perhaps psychologically difficult. You
fear rejection, after several follow-up attempts have been ignored, you know the recipient is avoiding you
and, in any case, you may also feel that your best shot has been sent. So thinking what to write next is
not easy. Such letters can:
repeat key issues (but must find a different way to say at least some of their message);
simply remind (with strong contacts this may be all that is necessary);
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offer different action (the first says 'Buy it', the second says 'let us show you a sample'); and
aim to find some more novel way of continuing the dialogue.
The example shown in Figure 16 is the last of these – a novel approach. It makes the point that
sometimes there really is little new left to say, just 'it's me again', especially if the proposition is good and
the only reason for lack of confirmation is timing or distraction rather than that the customer is totally
unconvinced. If this is the case, the job is to continue to maintain contact and, ultimately, to jog them into
action while appearing distinctive or memorable in the process.
Having written a short book for (another!) specialist publisher, I was keen to undertake another topic for
them in the same format. I proposed the idea and got a generally good reaction, but no confirmation. I
wrote and telephoned a number of times. Weeks turned to months – result, nothing. Always a delay or a
put-off (you may know the feeling!). Finally, when a reminder of the possibility came up yet again from
my follow-up system, I felt I had exhausted all the conventional possibilities, and so I sat down and wrote
the message shown in Figure 16.
I must confess I hesitated a little over whether to send it (it was to go someone I had only met once), but
at the end of the day I signed and posted it. Gratifyingly it did the trick and the confirmation came by fax
the following day (and you can read the result–The Sales Excellence Pocketbook: Management
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Struggling author: patient, reliable (non-smoker), seeks commission on business topics.
Novel formats preferred, but anything considered within reason. Ideally 100 or so pages,
on a topic like sales excellence sounds good; maybe with some illustrations. Delivery of
the right quantity of material – on time – guaranteed. Contact me at the above address/
telephone number or meet on neutral ground, carrying a copy of Publishing News and
wearing a carnation.
Fig. 16. Message seeking a commission.
Sometimes a slightly less conventional approach works well. You should not reject anything other than the
conventional approach. Try a little experiment and see what it can do for you.
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Finally, let us use a little exercise to make one last point, and perhaps prompt you to action. Take a
moment to read the following paragraph to see if you can answer the question it poses:
As you scan this short paragraph, try to spot what is unusual about it. Half an hour is normal for many to
find a solution that is both logical and satisfactory to its originator. I do not say that anything is 'wrong'
about it, simply that it is unusual. You may want to study its grammatical construction to find a solution,
but that is not a basis of its abnormality, nor is its lack of any information, logical points or conclusion. If
you work in communications you may find an aid to solving this particular conundrum. It is not about
anagrams, synonyms, antonyms or acrostics, but it is unusual. So, why is that?
The answer is shown on page 122. This is only a bit of fun, but it makes an important point: to write you
must read. The more interest you take in language, the more it will influence you. There is no harm in
copying examples of style and approach that appeal to you or in adapting and tweaking things for your
own purpose. As well as reading, and observing more consciously, books or indeed anything else, keep an
eye out for things that might particularly help. For
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Answer to exercise shown on page 121
The answer is that, unusually, the paragraph contains no letter 'e'. This is the most
commonly appearing letter in the English language. Normally writing any amount of text
without one would be quite difficult, and certainly is rarely seen.
example, if you must write sales letters keep a file of those that come to you (you might file them in two
categories: those with good things in them and those that demonstrate what to avoid!).
Last, a recommendation: always have by you a good dictionary, a thesaurus (something for which there
appears to be only one word! And which is a dictionary of synonyms) and a good guide to grammar.
Something like the Good Word Guide (Bloomsbury) is useful, but I would also recommend a book by the
novelist and columnist, Keith Waterhouse–English our English (Penguin Books). This is the only grammar
book you might actually enjoy reading. It is full of good advice, of enthusiasm for language and in places
it is amusing. It will tell you when to use a colon rather than a semi-colon, but it will also encourage you
to break a few rules and make your writing more interesting. I have read and reread it and could usefully
do so again.
Ultimately what constitutes the best persuasive writing is not something that follows a slavish set of rules;
rather it is what
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does actually persuade. So do note, and record, your successes and failures and use what you have done
to assist you in future. Some ideas or approaches may become part of your style. Others may be used
again and doing so even once may be useful. Similarly, analysis will have you resolving never to do some
things again. Experimentation is a useful part of the process, but so is learning from experience. Some of
the ideas presented in the previous pages may well help you, but remember what the American essayist
Clarence Day said: 'Information's pretty thin stuff, unless mixed with experience'. In the end, what will
make your written messages persuasive – is you.
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agreement, 102
benefits, 28, 76
blandness, 57
brochures, 14
'businesspeak', 53
captions, 76
clarity, 16, 54
cleverness, 75
clichés, 73
closing, 102
coldness, 73
communications, 9
difficulties, 9, 16
face to face, 12
techniques to make it work, 19
telephone, 12
complaints, 92
complication, 75
debtors, 93
decision making, 24
design, 117
direct mail, 78, 97
drafting, 48
editing, 49
endings, 71
evidence (see proof)
feedback, 18
follow up, 118
formulaic writing, 53
gobbledegook, 53
graphic emphasis, 106
habit, 51
humour, 76
image (see profile)
initiating contact, 111
intentions, 35
interest creation, 70
internal selling, 82
introspection, 60
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language, 52
leaflets, 111
length, 56
letters, 39, 65
'magic' words, 74
manner, 32
memorable, 63
negatives, 76
objectives, 34
openings, 69
opportunities (of language use), 52
over claim, 75
oxymoron, 62
patronising, 58
persuasion, 11, 15, 23
phrases, 55
political correctness, 59
pomposity, 72, 75
preparation, 44
press release, 81, 90
profile, 37
proof, 31
PS, 105
readers' expectations, 36
repetition, 20, 77
research, 45
salutations, 67
setting objectives, 34
simplicity, 56
structure, 68
style, 57
tautology, 62
timing, 21, 59
tone, 71
visual enhancement, 106
words, 55
writing it down, 44
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