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Handbook for Blast-Resistant Design of Buildings Edited by Donald 0. Dusenberry CCopysight © 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All sights reserved HANDBOOK FOR BLAST-RESISTANT DESIGN OF BUILDINGSHANDBOOK FOR BLAST-RESISTANT DESIGN OF BUILDINGS Edited by Donald O. Dusenberry WILEY JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC.To my wife, Alice ‘This book is printed on acid-free paper. © Copyright © 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Ine. All rights reserved. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. Published simultaneously in Canada, 'No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, ‘except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without cither the prior writen permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA, (01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 646-8600, or on the web at, Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed tothe Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Ine., 111 River Stret, Hoboken, NJ 07030, (201) 748-6011, fax (201) 748-6008, or online at permissions. Limit of Liabilty/Diselaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and the author have used their best, cffors in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness ofthe contents ofthis book and specificall disclaim any implied ‘warranties of merchantability or fines fora particular purpose. No warranty may be created or ‘extended by sales representatives or writen sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation, You should consult with a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profi or any other ‘commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. For general information about our other products and services, please contact our Customer Care Department within the United States at (800) 762-2974, outside the United States at (317) ‘572-3998 or fax (317) 572-4002. Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appeats in print ‘may not be available in electronic books. For more information about Wiley products, visit our web site at, Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publicarion Data: Handbook of blast resistant design of buildings / edited by Donald 0. Dusenberry p. em, Includes index. ISBN 978-0-470-170S4-0 (cloth) 1. Building, Bombproof. 1. Dusenberry, Donald 0. "TH1097.136 2010 693.8542? 2009019203 ISBN: 978.0-470-17054-0 Printed inthe United States of America Wok TES HR 21CONTENTS Preface Contributors I DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 1 General Considerations for Blast-Resistant Design Donald 0. Dusenberry BORGEGSE 19 1.10 Introduction Design Approaches The Blast Environment Structure As an Influene on Blast Loads Structural Response Nonstructural Elements Effect of Mass Systems Approach Information Sensitivity Summary References. 2 Design Considerations Robert Ducibella and James Cunningham 21 22 23 Introduction ‘A New Paradigm for Designing Blast-Resistant Buildings, ‘Venues, and Sites A Brief History of Recent Terrorist Attacks 2.3.1 Tetrorists’ Use of Explosives 23.2 Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Devices 2.3.3. Person-Borne Improvised Explosive Devices 2.3.4 Locally Available Explosives 2.3.5 Some Counterterrorism Considerations Collaborating to Analyze Risk 24.1 Step 1—Threat Identificatio and Rating 2.4.2 Step 2—The Asset Value Assessment 24.3 Step 3—The Vulnerability Assessment xix Is 21 21 22 24 25, 27 28 28 31 34conn 2.44 — Step 4—The Risk Assessment 2.4.5 Step S—Considering Mitigation Options 2.4.6 The Continuing Role of Risk Management 2.5 Consequence Management 2.5.1 Consequence Evaluation 2.5.2 Function Redundancy 2.5.3 Building Location 2.5.4 Building Dispersal/Distribution of Functional Programs 2.5.5 Disaster Recovery and Contingency Planning 2.6 Threat Reduction 2.6.1 Accidental Explosions 2.6.2 Intentional Explosior 2.7 Vulnerability Reduction 2.7.1 Standoff Distance 2.1.2 Physical Security 2.7.3. Operational Security 2.74 — Structural Design 2.8 — Risk Acceptance 28.1 Design to Threat 2.8.2 Design to Budget 2.9 Some Recent Examples of Security Design “Best Practice 2.10 Related Phenomena 2.10.1 Progressive Collapse 2.10.2 Disruption of Evacuation, Rescue, and Recovery Systems 2.10.3 Attendant Fires 2.11 Security Design Consideration Guidelines 2.12 Conclusion References Performance Criteria for Blast-Resistant Structural Components Charles J. Oswald 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Building and Component Performance Criteria 3.3 Response Parameters 3.4 Empirical Correlations between Response Parameters and Component Damage 3.5 Response Criteria Development 3.5.1 _ Explosive Safety Criteria 3.5.2. Response Criteria for Antiterrorism 3.5.3 Response Criteria for Blast-Resistant Design of Petrochemical Facilities 3.5.4 Blast Resistant Doors 3.5.5 Blast-Resistant Windows 38 39) 40 42 48 SI 54 56 57 59) 60 6 65 65 65 70 1 B 15 76 7 79 81 83 84 85 87 87 88 91 95 99, 99) 102 105 107 109CONTENTS 3.5.6 Response Criteria for Equivalent Static Loads 3.5.7 Comparisons of Published Response Criteria 3.6 Response Criteria Limitations Materials Performance Andrew Whittaker and John Abruzzo 4.1 Introduction 42. Structural Steel 4.2.1 Stress-Strain Relationships 4.2.2 Constitutive Models for Structural Steel 4.2.3 Component Level Strain Rate and Temperature Effects 4.2.4 Mechanical Properties for Design 4.2.5. Failure Modes of Structural Components 43. Reinforced Concrete 43.1 Stress-Strain Relationships for Concrete 4.3.2 Stress-Strain Relationships for Reinforcement 4.3.3. Constitutive Modeling of Concrete and Rebar 43.4 Component Level Strain-Rate Effects 4.3.5 Mechanical Properties for Design 4.3.6 Component-Level Failure Modes 44. Strength-Reduction Factors for Steel and Reinforced Conerete References Performance Verificatio Curt Bens 5.1 Introduction 5.2. Performance Verificatio 3. Testing 53.1 Vehicle Barrier Testing 5.3.2 Building Components 54 Analysis 5.5. Peer Review References BLAST PHENOMENA AND LOADINGS. Blast Phenomena Paul F. Mlakar and Darrell Barker 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Sources of Blasts 6.3 Characteristics of Blast Waves 112 13 114 116 119 119 119 119 120 123, 125 127 129 129 132 132 136 138 41 144 145 149 149 149 150 150 151 156 157 187 159 161 161 162 17064 65 CONTENTS 63.1 Key Parameters 63.2. Scaling Prediction of Blast Parameters 64.1. High Explosives 6.4.2 Bursting Pressure Vessels 6.4.3 Vapor Cloud Explosions Summary References Blast Loading Paul F. Mlakar and William Bounds 1 72 73 14 18 16 17 18 79 Introduction Empirical Method 7.2.1 Empirical Method—Basic Blast Wave Example Front Wall Loads 73.1 Empirical Method—Front Wall Loading Example 7.3.2 Empirical Method—Oblique Angle Example Side Wall and Roof Loads 7.4.1 Empirical Method—Side Wall Loading Example 7.42 Empirical Method—Roof Loading Example Rear Wall Loads 7.5.1. Empirical Method—Rear Wall Loading Example Confine Explosions Leakage Ray-Tracing Procedures Summary References Fragmentation Kim King 8&1 82 83 84 85 Introduction Debris Loadings 8.3.1 Primary Fragmentation 8.3.2. Secondary Fragmentation Design Fragment Parameters 8.4.1 Fragment Final Velocity 8.4.2 Fragment Trajectory Fragment Impact Damage 8.5.1 Fragment Pene' (THOR Equation) 85.2 Steel 8.5.3 Fragment Penetration into Concrete Targets 8.5.4 Fragment Perforation of Concrete Targets jon into Miscellaneous Materials 170 171 172 172 177 178 181 181 183 183 183, 186 186 188, 192 192 194 196 197 197 198 206 208 212 212 215 215 215 215 216 218 226 226 227 228 229 231 233 235m1 SYSTEM ANALYSIS CONTENTS 8.5.5 Fragment Spalling of Concrete Targets 8.5.6 Roofin Materials 8.5.7 Other Materials References AND DESIGN 9 Structural Systems Design Robert Smilowitz and Darren Tennant 10 91 92 93 94 General Discussion 9.1.1 Seismic versus Blast 9.1.2 Analytical Methods Modeling 9.2.1 Systems 9.2.2 Materials 9.2.3 Members 9.2.4 Connections Analytical Approaches 93.1 P-L Diagrams 9.3.2 Single-Element Analyses 9.3.3. Structural Systems Response 9.3.4 Explicit Dynamic Finite Element Analyses Progressive Collapse 9.4.1 European Guidance 94.2 U.S. Guidance References Building Envelope and Glazing Eve Hinman and Christopher Arnold 10.1 10.2 10.3 Design Intent 10.1.1 Life Safety 10.1.2 Emergency Egress and Facilitating Search and Rescue 10.1.3 Critical Functions (Protecting Equipment and Business Processes) Design Approach 10.2.1 Response Criteria 10.2.2 Static versus Dynamic 10.2.3 Balanced Design 10.2.4 Load Path Fenestration 103.1 Glass 10.3.2. Mullions/Transoms 10.3.3 Frame and Anchorage 236 236 237 237 239 241 241 241 243 244 245 246 248 251 252 252 253 255 255 256 258 258 261 263 263 263 264 264 265 269 270 270 270 272 273 278 279sTT 12 CONTENTS 10.3.4 Supporting Structure 10.3.5 Other Penetrations 10.4 Exterior Walls, 10.4.1 Concrete Walls 10.4.2. Masonry 10.4.3 Steel 10.4.4 Other 10.5 Roof Systems 10.5.1 Concrete 105.2 Steel 10.5.3 Composite 10.5.4 Penthouses/Gardens 10.6 Below Grade 10.7 Reduction of Blast Pressures References Protec ion of Spaces Meeling Moy and Andrew Hart 11.1 Areas Isolating Interior Threats 11.2. Stairwell Enclosures 11.3. Hardened Plenums 114 Safe Havens 11.4.1 FEMA Documents 11.4.2 Multi-Hazard Threats 11.4.3 Design Requirements for Protective Shelters References Defended Perimeter Joseph L. Smith and Charles C. Ellison 12.1 Goals 12.2. Standoff 12.2.1 Balancing Hardening with Standoff 12.2.2 Balancing Costs 12.2.3 Site Planning Je Control Barriers 12.3.1 Crash Testing 12.3.2. Crash Modeling 12.3.3 Walls 123.4 Bollards 12.3.5. Active Wedge 123.6 Beam Barriers 123.7 Cable-Based Systems 280 280 281 282 285 285 286 289 289 289 290 290 290 292 294 297 297 298 298 299 299 300 301 305 307 307 309 3 313 316 316 317 319 319 320 320 323Vv 14 124 125 Blast-Resistant Design of Building Systems Scott Campbell and James Ruggieri 13.1 13.3 Design Considerations Level of Protection BLAST-RESISTANT DETAILING 12.3.8 123.9 Planter and Surface Barriers Berms, Ditches, and Other Landscaping Features Pedestrian Control Barriers Blast Walls and Berms References Background 13.2 Introduction 13.3.1 13.3.2 13.3.3 13.34 13.3.5 13.3.6 13.3.7 13.3.8 13.3.9 13.3.10 13.3.1 Blast Pressures Shock Induced by the Structure Equipment/System Anchorage CONTENTS Placement of Critical Systems Equipment and Control Stations Staffin and Building Operations Construction of Hardened Spaces HVAC and Plumbing Systems Electrical Systems Lighting Systems Other Systems/Considerations Loading Calculation Blast Pressure 13.4.1 13.4.2 In-Strueture Shock Summary References Blast-Resistant Design Concepts and Member Detailing Steven Smith and W. Gene Corley 141 14.2 General 14.1.1 Scope Failure Modes 14.2.1 Flexural 14.2.2 Diagonal Te 14.2.3 Direct Shear 142.4 Membrane 14.2.5 Stability 324 324 325 327 329 331 367 367 368 368 369 369 369 370143 CONTENTS Detailing 143.1 General 143.2 Splices 143.3 Columns 143.4 Beams 143.5 Beam-Column Joints 143.6 Slabs 143.7 Walls References 15 _ Blast-Resistant Design Concepts and Member Detailing: Steel Charles Carter 15.1 15.2 153 15.4 15.6 15.7 General 15.1.1 Typical Building Designs 15.1.2 Prescriptive Building Designs 15.1.3 Performance-Based Building Designs Blast Effects on Structural Steel and Composite Structures 15.2.1 Member Ductility 15.2.2 Connection Duetility 15.2.3. Overstrength 15.2.4 Beneficia Strain-Rate Effects 15.2.5 Beneficia Effects of Composite Construction 15.2.6 Perimeter Column Design 15.2.7 Perimeter Girder Design 15.2.8 Slab Design Analysis and Design of Structural Members Steel Material Properties for Blast Design 15.4.1 Strength Increase Factor (SIF) 15.4.2 Dynamic Increase Factor (DIF) 15.4.3 Dynamic Design Stress Design Criteria for Blast Design 15.5.1 General 15.5.2. Load Combinations 15.5.3 Resistance Factor and Factor of Safety 15.5.4 Local Buckling 15.5.5 Lateral-Torsional Buckling 15.5.6 Deformation Criteria 15.5.7 Detailing for Specifi Failure Modes: Examples 15.6.1 Example 1—Determining Capacities 15.6.2 Example 2—Design and Analysis for Blast Loads on Members Design of Connections References 370 370 311 3m 315 377 378 380 380 383 383 384 385 386 386 386 386 386 387 387 387 388, 388 388 389 389) 390 390 390 391 301 391 301 391 393 397 397 402 as 419CONTENTS 16 Blast-Resistant Design Concepts and Member Detailing: Masonry Shalva Marjanishvili 16.1 General Considerations 16.1.1 Masonry 16.1.2 Reinforcement 16.1.3 Mortar 16.1.4 Grout 16.1.5 Construction Methods 16.2 Failure Modes 16.2.1 Flexure 16.2.2. Diagonal Tension Shear 16.2.3 Direct Shear 16.2.4 Breach and Spall Phenomena 16.3 Reinforced Masonry Detailing 16.3.1 General 16.3.2 Longitudinal Reinforcement 163.3 Horizontal Reinforcement 163.4 Walls 16.3.5 Support Connections 16.4 Unreinforced Masonry 16.4.1 Performance Evaluation 16.4.2 Retrofi Recommendations References 17 Retrofi_ of Structural Components and Systems John E. Crawford and L. Javier Malvar 17.1 Introduction 17.2 Retrofi of Columns 17.2.1 Reinforced Conerete Columns 17.2.2 Steel Columns 173. Retrofi of Walls 173.1 Masonry Walls 17.3.2 Stud Walls 174. Floors 175 Beams/Girders/Connections 17.6 Structural System 17.7 References 17.7.1 Inexact Science 17.7.2 Complexities References Index au 423 424 424 425 425 425 426 428, 431 432 432, 434 435 435 435 438, 438 439 439 440 442 445 44s 446 446 454 458 458 466 466 468 469 469 469 470 470 477PREFACE The need for protection against the effects of explosions is not new. ‘The use of explosive weaponry by the military necessitated resistive entrenchments ages ago. Industrialization of our societies well over a century ago meant that we intended to manufacture, store, handle, and use explosives in constructive ways. To support these military and industrial purposes, a relatively small group of designers have worked to devise ways to strengthen the blast resistance of our structures, Farly attempts at blast-resistance design necessarily relied on judgment, test, and trial-and-error construction to fin the best solutions. As technology im- proved, designers became better able to predict the influence of explosions and the resistive responses that they strove to impart into their designs. More recently, in the past several decades chemists, physicists, blast consultants, and structural engineers have been empowered by technologies and computational tools that have enhanced the precision of their analyses and the efficien y of their designs At the same time, the need has increased, The small contingent of designers skilled in the art and science of creating structural designs that will resist ex- plosive forces has been joined by a larger group of architects, engineers, blast consultants, and security consultants who are trying to respond to the increas- ing concern from a broader group of clients who fear an exposure that they did not anticipate before and frequently did not bring upon themselves. Consultants who have never before had to assess risks, devise risk-reduction programs, pro- vide security systems, establish design-base threats, calculate the pressures and impulses from explosions, and create cost-effective structural designs are being thrust into the process. Many are ill-trained to respond. ‘There are several good references on some of the aspects of designing for blast resistance. Some of these references support military purposes or for other reasons have government-imposed restrictions against dissemination. As such, they are not widely available to consultants working in the private sector. Nearly all those references and the references that are public each treat an aspect of blast phenomenology, security systems, and structural design for blast resistance, but few, if any, bring together in one place discussions of the breadth of the issues that are important for competent designs. Consultants are forced to collect, a library of references and extract from each the salient information that they then synthesize into a comprehensive design approach,xvi PREFACE In addition, practitioners who do receive the limited-distribution references for the firs time or who fin references that are public usually discover immediately that designing for blast resistance is completely different from de- signing for any environmental load they encountered previously. Designers often realize quickly that they are embarking on design process for which they do not have the knowledge or experience for adequate competency. Those who do not have this realization might be operating at risk if they are not careful and thor- ‘ough students, The purpose for this handbook is to bring together into one publication dis- cussions of the broad range of issues that designers need to understand if they are to provide competent, functional, and cost-efficien designs. The contributors to this book are among the most knowledgeable and experienced consultants and researchers in blast resistant design, and contribute their knowledge in a collab- orative effort to create a comprehensive reference. Many of the contributors to this handbook are collaborating in the development of the first- ver public-sector standard for blast resistant design, being developed contemporaneously with this handbook by the Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) of the American Soci- ety of Engineers. While there undoubtedly will be some differences between the SEI standard and this handbook, many readers will consider these publications as companions. This handbook is organized into four parts, each addressing a range of aspects of blast-resistance design. Part 1: Design Considerations provides an overview of basic principles, It has fve chapters dealing with general considerations and the design pro- cess; risk analyses, reduction, and avoidance; criteria that establish accept able performance; the science of materials performance under the extraordinary blast environment; and performance verificatio for technologies and solution methodologies Part 2: Blast Phenomena and Loadings, in three chapters, describes the explosion environment, loading functions to be used for blast response analysis, and fragmentation and associated methods for effects analyses. Part 3: System Analysis and Design has f've chapters that cover anal- ysis and design considerations for structures. This part instructs on struc- tural, building envelope, component space, site perimeter, and building system designs. Part 4: Blast-Resistant Detailing addresses detailing structural elements for resistance. Chapters on concrete, steel, and masonry present guidance that is generally applicable for new design. The fourth chapter addresses retrofit of existing structures. I wish to thank all the contributors for their commitment to this work, their collaborative spirit, and, of course, their willingness to share the blast-related expertise that they have presented in their chapters. I wish to thank Steven Smith, of CTLGroup in particular, for organizing and harmonizing the four chapters of Part 4. William Zehrt of the Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board improved the quality of this handbook by reviewing the chapters of Part 2.PREFACE xv 1 also wish to thank James Harper, Editor of John Wiley & Sons for sup- porting this effort; Daniel Magers, Senior Editorial Assistant, and Amy Odum, for her able supervision of the copyediting and production; and the copyeditors, compositors, typesetters, and others of the publisher's staff who have profession- ally assembled this book and brought it to publication, DONALD O. DUSENBERRY Wakefield MassachusettsCONTRIBUTORS John Abruzzo, PE. Principal Thornton Tomasetti 555 12th Street, Suite 600 Oakland, CA 94607 Tel: (510) 433-9370 JAbruzz0@ Thornton Tomasetti com Christopher Amold, FAIA, RIBA President, Building Systems Development Ine Palo Alto CA 1248 Waverley Street Palo Alto, CA 94301 Tel: 650-462-1812
[email protected]
[email protected]
Curt P. Betts, PE, Chief, Security Engineering Section US Army Corps of Engineers Protective Design Center 1616 Capitol Avenue Omaha, Nebraska 68102-4901 Tel: (402) 995-2359 Curt
[email protected]
Darrell D. Barker, PE. Vice President Extreme Loads and Structural Risk ABS Consulting 14607 San Pedro Ave., Suite 215 San Antonio, Texas 78232 Tel: (210) 495-5195
[email protected]
William Bounds, PE. Fluor PO Box 5014 Sugar Land, Texas 77487 william.bounds@fluo .com Scott Campbell, Ph.D., PE. Structural Analysis Consulting Group PO Box 91364 Louisville, KY 40291 Tel: (502) 762-9596
[email protected]
Charles Carter American Institute of Steel Construction One Bast Wacker Drive Suite 700 Chicago, Illinois 60601-1802 Tel: (312) 670-2400
[email protected]
W. Gene Corley, Ph. D. CTLGroup 5400 Old Orchard Road Skokie, Illinois 60077-4321 Tel: (847) 972-3060 Fax: (847) 965-6541
[email protected]
xx CONTRIBUTORS John E, Crawford Karagovian & Case 2550 N. Hollywood Way, Suite 500 Burbank, CA 91505-5026 Tel: (818) 240-1919
[email protected]
James D. Cunningham Williamsburg, Virginia ‘Tel: (757) 645-4057
[email protected]
Robert Ducibella Senior Principal Ducibella Venter & Santore Security Consulting Engineers Sturbridge Commons — Franklin House 250 State Street North Haven, CT 06473 ‘Tel: (203) 288-6490
[email protected]
Donald 0. Dusenberry, PE. Senior Principal Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc. 41 Seyon Street, Building 1, Suite 500 Waltham, MA 02453 Tel: (781) 907-9000
[email protected]
Chuck Ellis mn, PE, Senior Security Engineer Applied Research Associates, Inc. 119 Monument Place Vicksburg, MS 39180 Andrew Hatt, Ph.D., MSc, BEng (Hons), AffM.ASCE Martinez, CA 94553 Tel: (925) 370-3866
[email protected]
Eve Hinman, Eng Se.D., PE. President Hinman Consulting Engineers, Inc. One Bush Street, Suite 510 San Francisco, CA 94104 Tel: (415) 621-4423
[email protected]
Kim W. King, PE. Director of Engineering 2195 Redwoods Crest San Antonio, TX 78232 Tel: (210) 213-3737
[email protected]
L. Javier Malvar Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center 1100 23rd Avenue Port Hueneme, CA 93043-4370
[email protected]
Shalva M. Marjanishvili, Ph.D., PE. SE. Technical Director Hinman Consulting Engineers, Inc. One Bush Street, Suite 510 San Francisco, CA 94104 Tel: (415) 621-4423
[email protected]
Paul F, Mlakat, Ph.D., PE. USS. Army Engineer Research and Development Center 3909 Halls Ferry Road Vicksburg, MS 39180 Tel: (601) 634-3251 Paul,
[email protected]
MecLing Moy, PE. President ‘The Link CE, PLLC New York Tel: (646) 385-5096
[email protected]
Charles J. Oswald, Ph.D, PE. Protection Engineering Consultants 4203 Gardendale, Suite C112 San Antonio, TX 78229 Tel: ($12) 380-1988 coswald@protection- James Angelo Ruggieri, PE. 10710 Timberidge Road Fairfax Station, VA 22039 Tel: (703) 250-3671
[email protected]
Robert Smilowitz, Ph.D., P.E. Weidlinger Associates, Inc. 375 Hudson Street 12th Floor New York, New York 10014-3656 Tel: (212) 367-3090
[email protected]
Joseph L. Smith, PSP Senior Vice President Applied Research Associates, Inc. CONTRIBUTORS xxi 119 Monument Place Vicksburg, MS 39180 Tel: (601) 638-5401
[email protected]
Steven Smith CTLGroup 10946 Eight Bells Lane Columbia, MD 21044 Tel: (410) 997-0400
[email protected]
Darren Tennant Weidlinger Associates, Inc. 6301 Indian School Road, NE, Suite #501 Albuquerque, NM 87110 ‘Tel: (505) 349-2820
[email protected]
Andrew Whittaker, Ph.D., S.E. University at Buffalo Buffalo, NY 14260 Tel: (716) 645-4364
[email protected]
Handbook for Blast-Resistant Design of Buildings Edited by Donald 0. Dusenberry CCopysight © 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All sights reserved I Design ConsiderationsHandbook for Blast-Resistant Design of Buildings Edited by Donald 0. Dusenberry CCopysight © 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All sights reserved 1 General Considerations for Blast-Resistant Design Donald O. Dusenberry 1.1 INTRODUCTION Until recently, relatively few engineers and architects have had to design struc- tures and their systems to resist the effects of explosions. Military engineering personnel, consultants to the federal government, and consultants to industries that use explosive or volatile materials constituted the primary population of de- signers routinely analyzing blast effects. Following the explosion that demolished the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Build- ing in Oklahoma City in 1995, members of the structural design and construction industries have been increasingly quizzed by owners about blast-telated hazards, risks, and methods of protection, The types and numbers of clients seeking blast, resistance in their structures have expanded. ‘The terrorist events of the recent past and the fear that others may occur in the future have led many businesses, particularly those with an intemational pres- ence, to consider their vulnerability. And, of course, as their neighbors work to enhance the performance of their buildings, owners and tenants who do not en- vision themselves as targets of malevolent acts nevertheless begin to wonder if their structures might be damaged as a consequence of their proximity to tar- gets. Some have argued that adding blast resistance and enforcing standoff for one building on a block unfortunately increases the threat for others, because it, encourages aggressors to attempt to assemble bigger bombs and detonate them closer to the target’s neighbors. There seems to be a sense of anxiety about the vulnerability of our buildings, bridges, tunnels, and utilities in the midst of numerous recognized international social and political instabilities, and given the potential for domestic groups and individuals to seek influene and create disruption by resorting to violent means. Asa result, consultants designing rather pedestrian buildings now are expected to provide advice and sometimes specifi enhancements in response to quantifiabl threats, as well as perceived vulnerabilities. In this environment, engineers need training and information so that they can provide designs that effectively enhance a building’s response to explosions.4 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR BLAST-RESISTANT DESIGN 12 DE SIGN APPROACHES Most engincers and architects serving clients with growing interest in blast re« sistance ate uninitiated in the relevant design practice. Blast loading is very dif- ferent from loadings commonly analyzed by structural engineers. Peak pressures are orders of magnitude higher than those associated with environmental loads, but their durations generally are extremely short compared to natural periods of structures and structural components. In addition, given that the risk of an ex- plosion at any one facility normally is very low and the costs to achieve elastic response often are prohibitive, designs usually engage the energy-dissipating ca- pability of structural and enclosure elements as they are deformed far into their tie ranges. This forces engineers to account for geometric and material nonlinearities. At first designing for blast resistance might sound similar to designing for seismic resistance because neither is static and both rely on post-yield response, But even those similarities are limited. The dominant frequencies of seismic ex- citations are on the order of the lowest natural frequencies of building response, not much faster, as is generally the case for blast loadings. Blast loading usually is impulsive, not simply dynamic. While we tolerate some damage in earthquakes, to dissipate energy, we usu ally allow more damage for blast events, We expect facades to sustain severe damage. In fact, blast-resistant design often tolerates breaching of the building enclosure (with attendant risk of fatalities) and even sometimes partial collapse of buildings. Many blast-resistant designs require very sophisticated approaches for the analysis of building response to explosions (National Research Council 1995). ‘There are techniques for accurate assessment of blast pressures and impulses in complicated environments, modeling the influenc of those blast loadings on surfaces, and structural response to those loads. There are critical facilities and blast conditions that warrant the use of these techniques. However, much blast- resistant design is performed following simplific procedures (U.S. Department of Defense 2008) that approximate actual conditions, and therefore lack high fidelit . This often is appropriate because of, and at least in part follows from, inevitable uncertainties that mask the phenomenon and the structure’s response, In addition, there are practical matters of prudence, economies, and risk accep- tance that drive analyses of blast response. Risk analyses are important components of the design for blast resistance (Federal Emergency Management Agency 2003). Among the products of such analyses are estimates of the threat for which a structure should be designed. The magnitude of intentional, nonmalevolent explosions and industrial explosions sometimes can be estimated with precision commensurate with that of other ‘common loadings (Center for Chemical Process Safety 1996). The quantity of explosive materials can be estimated, the potential locations of the design-base explosion can be isolated, and often there are relatively few nearby objects that significant! affect the shock front advance.THE BLAST ENVIRONMENT — 5 This is not the case for many accidental explosions and most malevolent ex- plosions. The assessment of the threat in these instances often does not have a probabilistic base. When sufficien data do not exist, consultants are forced to use judgment rather than hard science to establish the threat. ‘When data are not available, consultants often establish the magnitude of the threat of a malevolent explosion by assessing the probable size of the container (eg,, letter, satchel, package) in which a bomb is likely to be delivered (U.S. Department of Defense 2002a), and then selecting a design-base explosive mass based on a fairly arbitrary assignment of the quantity of explosive that could reasonably be accommodated in that container. In these cases, there is relatively high uncertainty about the intensity of the explosion that might actually occur. Obviously under these circumstances, there is a commensurate level of uncer- tainty about the outcome, 13 THE BLAST ENVIRONM Engineers skilled in the design of buildings for occupancy-related and environ- mental loads (e.g., dead, live, wind, snow, and seismic loads), but faced with a new challenge to design for blast loads, often fin themselves ill-equipped for ‘the challenge. Designers are used to treating all other common loadings as either static or quasi-static, because the rise time and duration for the equivalent load are on the order of, or longer than, the longest natural periods of the structure. Designing for blast loading generally cannot follow this approach. Conventional design for common time-varying loads, including wind and seismic, includes techniques that allow conversion of these dynamic phenomena into quasi-static events that recognize and simplify the dynamics, Wind loads define in one of the most common references (American Society of Civil Engi neers 2005) are based on an acknowledgment of the range of natural frequencies of common structural frames, and are calibrated to those values. When the fre- quency of a subject building falls outside of that default range, common design approaches provide for specifie adjustments to the quasi-static design loads to account for dynamic response. ‘Common seismic design (American Society of Civil Engineers 2005) involves a very elaborate conversion of the dynamic loading environment into a quasi- static analysis problem. Building systems are characterized for stiffness and due- tility, and site conditions are evaluated for seismic exposures and characteristics of shaking. On the basis of extensive research into building performance and a fair amount of cumulative experience evaluating the actual earthquake response of designed structures, the complicated loadings—which are as much a function of the building design as they are of the environment in which structures are built—are idealized as a series of externally applied loads that are thought to mimic the loading effects of an earthquake. Complicated though the approach is, many buildings can be designed for earthquakes by engineers with little famil- iarity with dynamic behavior.6 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR BLAST-RESISTANT DESIGN Our conventional approach to blast design is similar to that for seismic design, in two important ways: (1) both loadings clearly are dynamic and, hence, solu- tions are energy-based, and (2) the way we detail structural elements determines the effective loads for which structures must be designed (meaning, we limit the strength we need to supply by allowing post-elastic behavior to dissipate energy), However, blast loading, with its extremely fast rise time and usually short dura- tion, is either dynamic or impulsive, depending on the nature of the explosive, its distance from the subject structure, and the level of confinemen that the structure creates for the expanding hot gases (Mays and Smith 1995). The impulsive form of the very fast load rise time and very short load dura~ tion normally associated with blast loading requires analytical approaches that generally demand direct solution of energy balance equations (U.S. Department of Defense 2008; Mays and Smith 1995). 14 STRUCTURE AS AN INFLUENCE ON BLAST LOADS The pressure and duration of the impulse associated with a blast are influence by reflection of the shock front (U.S. Department of Defense 2008). Reflectio sources include the ground below the detonation point and building surfaces that have sufficien mass or ductility to remain largely in place for the duration of the impulse. When shock fronts are reflected their pressures are magnifie as a func- tion of the proximity, robustness, and material characteristics of the impacted ob- ject (Bangash 1993). The more robust that object, the greater the reflecte energy because less energy is dissipated by the response (such as ground cratering) of the surface. These variations often are neglected in conventional design. For instance, facades normally are designed on the assumption that they are perfect reflector of the shock front. Designers following common procedures are assuming that the facade components remain stationary for the duration of the impinging shock front, causing peak pressures and impulses sufficien to reverse the direction of the shock front. In practice, there can be some displacement of the facade during the loading cycle. This displacement reduces the effectiveness of the reflecto , and correspondingly the impulse. Analyses for interior explosions have additional complications, as designers attempt to deal with the multiple reflection of the shock front within the struc- ture, and pressures that develop from containment of expanding hot gases (Mays and Smith 1995)-a phenomenon normally neglected for external explosions. Further, the geometry of the confinin volume and the location of the explo- sion within the volume can substantially affect the pressures on surfaces (U.S, Department of Defense 2008). The science that deseribes the pressure history on interior surfaces is complex, and not generally considered rigorously in common blast-resistant design pro Providing blast venting through frangible components to mitigate the effects, of interior explosions is even more complex, since the release time for the venting, component is a key, but difficul to assess, factor in the determination of theSTRUCTURE AS AN INFLUENCE ON BLAST LOADS 7 magnitude of the pressure buildup. Approximations usually govern the analyses (U.S. Department of Defense 2008), Clearly, there is interplay between the performances of building facades and frames. While in most cases the primary reason we enhance the performance of a facade is to protect occupants, we gain protection for the structure as well. Blast shock fronts that are not repelled by the facade will advance into a building, inducing pressures on interior surfaces of the structure and threatening interior columns, walls, and floo systems. Blast-related upward impulses on floo slabs can reverse force distributions in these structural elements. In systems that are not strong and ductile enough for these reversed forces, blast-induced deflection can fracture structural elements that are required to resist gravity loads. Hence, floo systems can fail after the direct effects of the blast pass and the slab falls ‘back downward under the influenc_ of gravity. Of course, by designing the facade to resist the effects of an explosion, the de- signer is forcing the structure to become a support for the blast loads. Depending on the performance criteria, designers need to demonstrate that the framing sys- tem can support the applied loads, and that the structure as a whole will remain standing with an acceptable level of damage. Building enclosures normally are designed to resist blast effects by inelastic 41 xural action, but it is possible to design facades to resist blast effects through catenary action as well. In particular, blast retrofit sometimes include new “catch systems” that are intended to reduce intrusion of blast pressures and cre- ation of lethal missiles, by acting as a net inside the original exterior wall system, In any case, the lateral displacement of the system often is large enough to open gaps between wall panels or between panels and floo slabs. When this happens, there is potential for leakage pressures to enter the building (U.S. De- partment of Defense 2002b), even when windows stay in place. This is partic- ularly true in response to large, relatively distant explosions that have relatively Jong-duration impulses. Pressure fronts that leak past facades that are damaged but remain in place normally are assumed to have insufficien energy to induce significan damage to interior structural components. However, these leakage pressures can cause per- sonal injuries and damage to architectural and mechanical systems if they are not designed for resistanee. Add to the effects of leakage pressures the possibility that structural and ar- chitectural features on the inward-facing surfaces of facade components can become missiles when the facade sustains damage as it deforms, and there re- mains substantial risk to occupants inside blast-resistant buildings even with well-developed designs It is well established that breached fenestration leads to lethal missiles and internal pressurization (American Society of Civil Engineers 1999). Common, design for blast resistance for malevolent attacks often is based on the premise that a significan fraction of the fenestration in a building will fail (General Ser- vices Administration 2003). This is due in part to the variability of the properties of glass, but also results from risk acceptance that employs the philosophy that8 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR BLAST-RESISTANT DESIGN an explosion is unlikely and that full, “guaranteed” protection is prohibitively 4ifficul or expensive. Hence, the effects of leakage pressures and missiles that are the product of building materials fracturing in response to a blast often can be destructive to the interiors of buildings, even when the facades of those buildings are designed to resist the effects of an explosion. Except when the most restrictive approaches to blast-resistant design are employed (¢.g., with clastic response, so a building can remain functional), parties with standing in the design process need to under stand that substantial interior damage and occupant injuries are possible should the design-base explosion occur. 1.8 STRUCTURAL RESPONSE The shock front radiating from a detonation strikes a building component, it is instantaneously reflected ‘This impact with a structure imparts momentum to ex- terior components of the building. The associated kinetic energy of the moving ‘components must be absorbed or dissipated in order for them to survive. Gener ally, this is achieved by converting the kinetic energy of the moving facade com- ponent to strain energy in resisting elements. Following the philosophy that blast events are unusual loading cases that can be allowed to impart potentially unre- pairable damage to structures, efficien y in design is achieved through post-yield deformation of the resisting components, during which energy can be dissipated through inelastic strain. Of course, this means that the components that need evaluation often are de- formed far beyond limits normally established for other loading types, and many of the assumptions that form the basis for conventional design approaches might not be valid. For instance, recognition of the extreme damage state normally associated with dissipation of blast energy has led to debate about appropriate values of the strength reduction factors (¢ factors) to be used for design. In conventional design (American Conerete Institute 2005; American Insti- tute of Steel Construction 2005), the nominal strengths of structural elements are reduced by @ factors to account for uncertainty in the actual strength of the elements, and for the consequences of failure. Their magnitudes for con- ventional design have been developed based on studies of structural responses that are commensurate with service performance of buildings and, for s mic design, responses that are anticipated to be sufficient! limited and duc. tile to allow elements to retain most of their original load-carrying capacity. Blast resistance, on the other hand, often takes structural elements far into the inelastic range, to where residual strengths might be reduced from their peaks, and altemative load-carrying mechanisms (e.g., catenary action) are en- gaged. Sometimes, designers anticipate complete failure of certain elements, if they are subjected to the design-base event. In this environment, it is not at all clear that factors developed for conventional, nonblast design are relevant.NONSTRUCTURAL ELEMENTS 9 ‘Common blast-resistant design often takes the values of the ® factors to be 1.0 (U.S. Department of Defense 2008). The bases for this approach range from the uncertainty about what the actual values ought to be to the observation that loads we assume for blasteresistant design are sufficient! uncertain that precision in the values for © is unjustified It is further prudent to assume =1.0 when performing “balanced design,” in which cach structural element in a load path is designed to resist the reactions associated with the preceding element loaded to its full strength, Using =1.0 for determination of the full strength of the elements in the load path tends to add conservatism to the loads required for the design of the subsequent elements. On the other side of the equation, designers often apply load factors equal to 1.0 to the blast effects (U.S. Department of Defense 2008). This follows from the lack ofa probabilistic base from which to determine the design threat, and the ra- tionale that conservatism can be achieved by directly increasing the design threat. In any event, the absence of complete agreement on how to address strength reduction factors, and the valid observation that blast threats—particularly for malevolent explosions—generally are difficul to quantify, reduce our confidene in our ability to predict structural response with precision. It is common in blast-resistant design to treat individual elements as single- degree-of-freedom nonlinear systems (U.S. Department of Defense 2008). Pet- formance is judged by comparison of response to limiting ductility factors (i.c., the ratio of peak displacement to displacement at yield) or support rotations, with the response calculated as though the structural element were subjected to a pressure function while isolated from other structural influences Of course, much more sophisticated approaches are pursued for critical structures and com- plicated structural systems. However, research on structural response for very high strain rates and very large deformations is limited, and results often are not widely disseminated. In many respects, the sophisticated software now available makes it possible to analyze with precision that exceeds our understanding of structural response. Hence, the simplified single-degree-of-freedom approach forms the basis for many designs. This approach usually is consistent with the precision with which we model the blast environment and our knowledge of element behavior, but it generally identific the true level of damage only approximately. When consider ing elements as components of structural systems under the influenc of blast, the response of the individual elements can differ significant from that determined, by analyses in isolatior 1.6 NONSTRUC URAL ELEMENTS, Designers usually assume that the blast resistance of a structure is derived from the elements that they design for this purpose. While this clearly is true in large measure, in actual explosions, nonstructural elements—components dis- regarded in blast design—an act to reduce damage in a structure. It usually is10 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR BLAST-RESISTANT DESIGN conservative, and therefore prudent, to ignore these components because the de- signer cannot be certain about the reliability, or even the long-term existence, of building components that are not part of the structural design Nevertheless, elements with mass and ductility that stand between an explo- sion site and a target area can act to dissipate energy as they fail from the effects of the blast. In fact, designers sometimes do rely on specifi sacrificia elements to reduce the blast effects on critical structural elements. The bases for this con- sideration are twofold: (1) through its failure, the sacrificia element dissipates ‘energy that would otherwise be imparted to the structural element, and (2) for the brief time that the sacrificia element stays in place, it acts to reflec the shock front, thereby reducing the impulse felt by the protected structural element. For near-range conditions, when a bomb might otherwise be placed essentially in contact with a key structural element, a sacrificia element such as an archi- tectural column enclosure can enhance survivability simply by inhibiting close placement of the explosive. Of course, any shielding element that has inadequate strength, ductility, and connection to remain attached to resisting elements is likely to become a mi sile. Some of the energy these elements absorb is dissipated through strain, but the rest is retained as kinetic energy. The hazards created by these flyin ele- ments end only when that kinetic energy is brought to zero. Furthermore, care is needed in the evaluation of the value of shielding elements that are not po- sitioned closely to the structure under consideration, since shock fronts reform beyond such elements, mitigating the protective value of the shield. 1.7 EFFECT OF MASS The firs influenc of gravity comes to play when assessing the weights that the designer assumes are present in the structure at the time of an explosion. These weights, which are derived from the structure itself and its contents, act concurrently with the explosion-induced loadings. As a result, they “consume” some of the resisting capacity of the elements that are designed to resist the explosion, In addition, for the most part, they remain on the structure after the explosion and therefore must be supported by the damaged structure. The post- blast distribution of these weights often will be uncertain. On the beneficia side, mass often augments the blast resistance of structural elements. Blast effects usually are impulsive, meaning that they impart velocity to objects through development of momentum. With momentum being propor tional to the product of mass and velocity (Eq. 1-1), and kinetic energy being, proportional to the product of mass and velocity squared, the larger the mass, the smaller the velocity and, hence, the smaller the energy that must be dissipated through strain (Eg. 1-2). 1 [ Foamy (uyEFFECTOF MASS 11 1 c= y? Bea aM =o a2) netic energy Gravity also must be considered when elements or overall structures deform. Vertical load-carrying elements often are designed to resist simultaneous ver tical and lateral loads. Even when columns are not part of a structure’s lateral load resisting system, it is common for them to be designed for an eccentricity of the vertical load to account for inevitable moments that will develop in use. Sometimes the magnitude of the eccentricity causing moment is assumed to be on the order of 3% to 10% of the element’s cross section dimension (American Concrete Institute 2005). Response to blast often deforms vertical structural ele- ments far more than limits assumed for conventional design. The designer needs to evaluate the ability to resist the resulting P-A effects, both for individual ele- ments and for the structure overall. Structures as a whole generally are not pushed over by a common explosion. The overall mass of a structure usually is large enough to keep the kinetic energy imparted to the structure as a whole small enough that it can be absorbed by the multiple elements that would need to fail before the building topples. In many explosions that cause extensive destruction, the damage develops in two phases: (1) the energy released by the explosion degrades or destroys important structural elements, and (2) the damaged structure is unable to resist gravity and collapses beyond the area of initial damage. In some of the most devastating explosions, most of the structural damage has been caused by gravity (Federal Emergency Management Agency 1996, Hinman and Hammond 1997). Normally, individual elements fail, necessitating the activation of alternative load paths within the structure to carry the gravity loads that remain after the direct effeets of the blast pass. Studies that assess these alternate load paths need to consider the dynamic application of the redirected internal forces, as the sud- den removal of load-carrying elements implies a change in potential energy, as portions of a structure begin to drop. This change in potential energy necessar- ily imparts kinetic energy that must be converted to strain energy for the falling mass to be brought to rest. Hence, the evaluation of the full effect of a blast does not end with calculations of blast damage to individual elements or limited structural systems. Designers need to consider the ongoing effects in the damaged structure, under the influence of gravity,12 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR BLAST-RESISTANT DESIGN 1.8 SYSTEMS APPROACH In our efforts to enhance the blast resistance of a facility, we need to remain cog- nizant about how our designs affect the performance and viability of the facility for nonblast events. As is always the case, there are competing goals and influ ‘ences in the design of a facility, and those factors need to be balanced to achieve the most satisfactory end product. Consider the conflict between the structural performance preferred for seismic events and that preferred for explosions. One important goal in seismic design is to force failures to occur in beams before columns, so that the load-carrying capacity of columns is preserved even when the earthquake induces damage. This is accomplished by detailing connections between beams and columns so that plastic moments occur in the beams before the columns. This is the “strong column, weak beam” approach. Consultants designing for blast often provide for the possibility that a column will be severely damaged by an explosion, in spite of our best efforts at preven- tion. When consultants assume that a column has lost its strength, they must de- velop altemative load paths to prevent a collapse from progressing from the ini- tially damaged column through the structure, One form of alternative resistance involves making beams strong and ductile enough to span over the area of dam- age, thereby redistributing the load on the damaged column to adjacent columns. This requires strong beams which, if implemented without consideration of seis- mic response, can run counter to philosophies for robust seismic resistance. Designers working to enhance blast resistance must also consider occupant egress and the needs of emergency responders. Blast resistance invariably in- cludes fenestration with blast-resistant glass. By definition such glass is difficul to break, Firefighter will need to use special tools and engage unusual tactics to figh a fir ina building that is difficul to enter and vent, and that has features that inhibit extraction of trapped occupants, Designers might need to compensate for blast-resistance features or enhance fir resistance. Distance is the single most important asset to a structural engineer designing for blast resistance, The farther the explosion is from the structure, the lower are the effects that the structure must resist. Further, there often is merit to the construction of blast walls or line-of-sight barriers to add protection to a facility However, the need to create an impenetrable perimeter, and the temptation to make it one that effectively hides the facility, can detract from the function of the facility First, there is the dilemma caused by features that are intended to keep ag- gressors away fiom a building, but that also block lines of sight to the building in the process. While such features add security, they also provide opportunities for the aggressors to effectively hide from observers in and around the building. A slowly developing assault may be more difficul to detect if the perimeter cannot be monitored effectively. Next, there is the potential impact on the quality of life for occupants of buildings that have very robust defenses. Imposing perimeters and minimized fenestration display the robustness and the fortresslike design intent. WhileINFORMATION SENSITIVITY 13, this might be perceived as an asset for what it says to the aggressor, it also communicates a sobering message to occupants and welcomed visitors. There has to be a balance between the means to provide the necessary resistance and the architectural and functional goals of the facility. Aesthetics need consideration for most facilities. Overall security design needs to properly balance the efforts applied to the defense against a variety of threats. It is unsatisfactory to provide a very robust design to resist blast if the real threat to a facility is through the mechanical s tem. Clients will be unhappy if security protocols address perceived threats (¢.2., outside aggressors detonating bombs near a building), but fail to prevent real threats (e.g., disgruntled employees intent on committing sabotage or violence inside the facility). Any overall security evaluation needs to consider all pet- ceived threats and provide guidance that will allow clients to determine where best to apply their efforts to maximize their benefits In many cases, a robust resistance to an explosion threat will not be the best expenditure of funds. Given a security design developed for the spectrum of potential threats to a facility, owners sometimes face costs that exceed their means, When this occurs, and for facilities that risk assessments show to be at relatively low risk, owners must make decisions. Sometimes they instruct consultants to design to a particue lar cost, representing the amount that the owner can commit to the added security to be provided to the facility. In these instances, consultants must identify prior ities that address the most likely threats and provide the greatest protection for the limited funds. When this happens, the consultants must explain to the owners the limitations of the options so that the owners can make educated decisions. 1.9 INFORMATION SENS rIVITY When blast-resistant designs are for the security and safety of a facility in re- sponse to a threat of a malevolent attack, information about the assumed size and location of an explosion should be kept confidential ‘This information could, be useful to an aggressor because it can reveal a strategy to overwhelm the de- signed defenses. The common practice of specifying the design loads on drawings should not include a specifi. statement about the assumptions for blast loading when facility security is at issue. Potentially public communications among members of the design team and between the design team and the owner should avoid revelations about the design-base explosion, In most cases, the design assumptions for accidental explosions are not sen- sitive. Precautions about security-related confidentialit usually do not apply, and customary processes for documenting the design bases may be followed. In addition, there might be legal requirements or other circumstances that dic- tate the documentation of otherwise sensitive information. As always, designers will need to comply with the law and to work with stakeholders in the design of a facility to contain the unnecessary dissemination of information that could potentially be misused.14 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR BLAST-RESISTANT DESIGN 1.10 SUMMARY As consultants in the building design industry have been drawn into the matter of blasteresistant design, many have been handicapped by lack of familiarity with the blast environment, including not knowing how to determine loads for design, or with proper approaches for structural design. Consultants often anticipate that they will be able to provide effective designs by following approaches common, in building design when blast is not an issue. Unfortunately, consultants expect ing to apply their familiar approaches usually are proceeding along an improper path. An explosion is a violent thermochemical event. It involves supersonic deto- nation of the explosive material, violently expanding hot gases, and radiation of a shock front that has peak pressures that are orders of magnitude higher than those that buildings normally experience under any other loadings. Designers hoping to solve the blast problem by designing for a quasi-static pressure are likely to be very conservative, at best, but more probably will simply be wrong Designers need to understand that the magnitudes of the pressures that an ex- plosion imparts to a structure are highly dependent on the nature of the explosive ‘material, the shape and casing of the device, the size and range of the explo- sion, the angle of incidence between the advancing shock front and the impacted surface, the presence of nearby surfaces that restrict the expansion of hot gases or that reflec pressure fronts, and the robustness of the impacted surface itself. Designers also need to understand that the durations of the pressures induced by ‘an extemal explosion generally are extremely short compared to the durations of other loads and compared to natural periods of structures. Further, there is, interplay between blast pressure magnitudes and durations, which is a function of distance from the detonation point, among other factors, Designing for the very high peak pressures and short durations of blast load- ings requires applications of principles of dynamic response. Accurate prediction of the peak response of a building will require the designer to analyze dynamic properties of the structure, and apply approaches that respect dynamic behavior. Further, most cost-efficien designs rely on deformation far beyond elastic limits to dissipate energy. Hence, many of the assumptions designers normally make when designing for loads other than blast do not apply when designing for blast resistance. Consultants engaged in the design for blast resistance need to be qualifie by education, training, and experience to properly determine the effects of an explosion on a structure. They must have specialized expertise in blast charac- terization, structural dynamics, nonlinear behavior, and numerical modeling of structures. Blast resistance designers must be licensed design professionals who are knowledgeable in the principles of structural dynamics and experienced with their proper application in predicting the response of elements and systems to the types of loadings that result from an explosion, or they must work under the direct supervision of licensed professionals with appropriate training and experience.REFERENCES 15 ‘The present practice for blast-resistant design employs many approximations and, in many aspeets, relies on incomplete understanding of the blast environ- ‘ment and structural behavior. While available approaches serve the public by increasing the ability of our structures to resist the effects of explosions, these conventional approaches generally are ill suited to provide a clear understanding of the post-blast condition of the structure, Consultants providing blast-resistant design need to understand the limitations of the tools they apply, and provide clients with appropriate explanations of the assumptions, risks, and expectations for the performance of blast-resistant structures. In many cases, those explana- tions need to make clear that the performance of the structure and the safety of individuals inside the protected spaces are not guaranteed. REFERENCES American Concrete Institute. 2005. Building Code Provisions for Structural Concrete ‘and Commentary (ACI 318-05). Farmington Hills, MI: American Concrete Institute. American Institute of Steel Construction. 2005. Specification for Structural Steel Build- ings. Chicago, IL: American Institute of Steel Construction, Ine. American Society of Civil Engineers. 1999. Structural Design for Physical Security State of the Practice, Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers. 2005, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE/SEI 35). Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers. Bangash, M. Y. H. 1993. Impact and Explosion: Analysis and Design. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Inc. Center for Chemical Process Safety. 1996, Guidelines for Evaluating Process Plant Buildings for External Explosions and Fires. New York, NY: American Institute of ‘Chemical Engineers Center for Chemical Process Safety. Federal Emergency Management Agency. 1996, The Oklahoma City Bombing: Im- proving Building Performance Through Mulli-Hazard Mitigation (FEMA 227) ‘Washington, DC: Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2003. Reference Manual to Mitigate Potential Terrorist Attacks Against Build- ings (FEMA 426). Washington, DC: Federal Emergency Management Agency, Depart- ment of Homeland Security. General Services Administration, 2003, Facilities Standards for Public Buildings Service (P100). Washington, DC: General Services Administration. Hinman E. E, and D. J, Hammond, 1997, Lessons from the Oklahoma City Bombing: Defensive Design Techniques. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers Press, Mays G. C, and P. D. Smith, 1995, Blast Effects on Buildings. London: Thomas Telford Publications. National Research Council. 1995. Protecting Buildings from Bomb Damage: Trans- fer of Blast-Effects Mitigation Technologies from Military to Civilian Applications. Washington, DC: National Research Council, National Academy Press. ‘Smith P. D. and J. G. Hetherington, 1994, Blast and Ballistic Loading of Structures ‘Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann,16 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR BLAST-RESISTANT DESIGN USS. Department of Defense. 2002a. DoD Minimum Antiterrorist Standards for Buildings (UFC 4-010-01). Washington, DC: United States Department of Defense. 2002b, Design and Analysis of Hardened Structures to Conventional Weapons Effects (DAHS-CWE) (UFC 3-340-01) (TM 5-855-1). Washington, DC: United States Department of Defense. 2008, Structures to Resist the Effects of Accidental Explosions (UFC (02), Washington, DC: United States Department of Defense. 340-Handbook for Blast-Resistant Design of Buildings Edited by Donald 0. Dusenberry CCopysight © 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All sights reserved 2 Design Considerations Robert Ducibella and James Cunningham 2.1 INTRODUCTION On April 19, 1995, a Ryder truck containing about 5,000 pounds of ammo- nium nitrate fertilizer and nitromethane exploded in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The blast collapsed third of the building, gouged out a crater 30 feet wide by 8 feet deep, and de- stroyed or damaged 324 buildings in a 16-block radius. The bomb claimed 168 confirme dead ‘On September 11, 2001, terrorists crashed two commercial jets into the World Trade Center twin towers, Another hijacked fligh slammed into the Pentagon, while a fourth was forced down by passengers and crashed in a fiel near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, The total dead and missing numbered 2,992: 2,749 in New York City, 184 at the Pentagon, 40 in Pennsylvania, and the 19 hijackers. More than any other acts of domestic or international terrorism, these two attacks have forever changed the American building-sciences community's rela- tionship to the society it serves. Since the fits skyscrapers appeared in the late nineteenth century, Americans have come to expect commercial structures of exceptional beauty and functionality. After Oklahoma City and September 11, many ordinary citizens also assume that new buildings are designed to protect, people during explosions as well as other natural or man-made disasters. With few exceptions, however, significan movement toward achieving the recent im= perative of both commercial utility and explosive blast resistance is a work in progress. Design professionals have gained enormous experience with plans and models that anticipate structural responses to gravity, wind, and seismic loads. Prevent- ing or curtailing random acts of terrorism by identifying their probability of oc- currence and potential consequences, however, falls outside the general practice of structural engineering, This chapter proposes an innovative and largely untapped approach to blast- resistant-building security design, a new paradigm in which senior individuals who have a breadth and depth of experience in the areas of site planning, civil, "18 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS structural, mechanical, electrical, fir protection, and vertical transportation en- gineering; architecture; code and egress consulting; site planning; and security engineering collaborate on a total blast-resistant building security design. This team approach should take into consideration security and antiterrorist strategies that fundamentally affect site selection and building design. In considering the design of blast-resistant buildings, the design professionals must partner to become an effective security design team. In more traditional building security design efforts, security professionals sim- ply present the design team with the results of their risk assessment, and the security planning component is assumed to be largely finished For reasons ex- panded upon hereinafter, the authors urge instead that the design team collab- orate closely with security professionals and security engineers throughout the entire design process. In the iterative process of designing a blast-resistant facil- ity, the architectural team should become a security design team, supported by homeland defense, intelligence, security, law enforcement, and blast consultant experts. Therefore, the term security design team as used in this chapter means the multidisciplinary building sciences/security/explosives experts group of pro- fessionals described above. It is a concept capable of implementation and proven to work in a wide range of facility types and locations where occupants, assets, and business missions are deemed worthy of protection. 2.2 ANEW PARADIGM FOR DESIGNING BLAST-RESISTANT BUILDINGS, VENUES, AND SITES ‘The following paragraphs describe a structured framework for threat and vule nerability data gathering and for risk assessment. Security concepts such as de- sign basis threat, consequence management, functional redundancy, building lo- cation, and critical-functions dispersal are explored. A brief checklist of security design considerations is presented, and the reader is introduced to the design principles and guidelines that are expanded upon in the handbook’s subsequent chapters. The suggested risk assessment model for blast protection has six parts: 1, A threat identificatio and rating, which is the security design team’s anal- ysis of what terrorists and criminals can do to the target. 2, Anasset value assessment, which represents how much the project's people and physical assets are worth and what the responsible parties will do (and pay) to protect them. 3. A vulnerability assessment, which represents the attractiveness of the tar get, and areas of potential weakness and/or avenues of compromise. 4, A site-specifi_ risk assessment, which is the product of these three studies. A credible site-specifi risk assessment is the single most critical factorA. NEW PARADIGM FOR DESIGNING BLAST-RESISTANT BUILDINGS 19 Threat Isenteaton Sea Rang Sonat abe ‘Secih? | | How mtgatonopions change he vnraity and ultimately the risk, 1 Consider Vuinerabity Risk : Aesessment —S> [assessment Migaton (Seo) ‘Step rom Manian Cost ana ees lg] How mitigation ots att Se reeset enteay an itmately the ik Figure 2.1 Risk Assessment Process (Adapted from FEMA 452) Dlast-design process; it is the basis and rationale for ensur- ing that the protective design strategies are incorporated in the multidisci- plinary security/explosives/building sciences team approach that is stressed throughout this chapter. 5. Mitigation options, based on the risk assessment as a foundation, Risk management decisions, driven by the mitigation options and informed by the available project resources. Figure 2.1 shows the fve steps leading to the risk management decisions, and their interaction with each other. To be useful in influencin the design, the risk assessment should be com- pleted carly, preferably during the preliminary planning and conceptual design phase, but certainly no later than the completion of initial design documents, Extensive unclassifie information about explosive events is available from the FBI; Department of State; Department of Defense (DoD); Department of Homeland Security (DIS); Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explo- sives (ATE); the U.S, Armed Forces; and other U.S. agencies. The authors urge the design team to obtain and use this information. Since this information is be- ing constantly updated, we advocate that you use an Internet search engine such as Google, Mozilla Foxfire or to conduct your own research, thereby ensuring that your information is both current and relevant, For example, a quick search on the terms “Department of Defense explosive events” results in over 2 million hits while “FBI explosive events” returns over 600,000 citations, and “ATF explosive events” creates over 200,000 references,20 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS, There are numerous how-to guides that lay out systematic approaches to secure facility planning, design, construction, and operation, These vari- ous methodologies—the Department of Defense CARVER process, Sandia’s RAMPART™ software tool, the National Institute of Standards and Technol- ogy (NIST)’s CET, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) building security series are among scores of candidates' —are all based on a process of threat assessment, vulnerability assessment, and risk analysis The authors have adapted and somewhat modific FEMA’s Risk Assess ‘ment: A How-To Guide to Mitigate Potential Terrorist Attacks Against Buildings (FEMA 452? ) and FEMA’s Reference Manual to Mitigate Potential Terrorist Attacks Against Buildings (FEMA 426) as their risk assessment models to present the risk management process. Admittedly, FEMA 452 is a somewhat ar- bitrary choice of exemplar, although it is becoming a de facto industry standard among security professionals. There are many alternative methods—an Internet search of the term “risk assessment for buildings” resulted in over 3.7 million hits—but no matter which risk assessment version the design team selects, the methodology should be: * Specificall written for the building sciences community of architects, e1 gineers, and professionals who design not only high-security government facilities but private-sector structures as well. * Intended to serve as a multi-hazard assessment tool of a building and its site, but readily adaptable to focusing closely on the explosive threat. * Organized with numerous checklists, tables, and memory aids that will as- sist the design team in determining threats, risks, vulnerabilities, and miti- gation options. * Proven effective through years of extensive use in rea nerability assessments. |-world threat and vul- ‘The DoD’s CARVER risk assessment process is a mnemonic rather than a model. Fest d veloped for the U.S. Special Forces in Viet Nam to terget enemy installations, CARVER stands for Critical, Accessibility, Recognizabiliy, Vulnerability, Eifect, and Recoverability CARVER has recently become hard to fin on the Internet but is widely available throu the DoD, Homeland Security, ASIS International, or law enforcement agencies, among ot cers. Sandia’s Risk Assessment Method—Property Analysis and Ranking Too! (RAMPART(Im)) is a software-based methodology for assessing the potential risks of terrorism, natural disasters, and crime to buildings, particularly U.S. government facilites. Read more at Intp:/ipal NIST"s Cost-Effectiveness Too! for Capital Asset Protection (CET) isa software-based risk assessment tool that building owners and managers can use to protect assets against terrorist threats, CET is available without cost on the NIST Web ste See bttp:/www2 bff nist gov/software/CET/CET 4.0_UserManualNISTIR7524 pdf, 'FEMA, located within the Department of Homeland Security, is the U.S. government agency tasked with disaster mitigation, preparedness response, and recovery planning. FEMA. 452; Risk Assessment: A How-To Guide to Mitigate Potential Terrorist Attacks may be downloaded from www’plan/preventirms/imsp452 shim. FEMA 452 is a companion reference to the Refer- ‘ence Manual to Mitigate Potential Attacks Against Buildings (FEMA 426) and the Building Design for Homeland Security Training Course (FEMA E155). This document is also a useful companion tw the Primer for Design of Commercial Off ce Buildings to Mitigate Terorist Attacks (FEMA 421),ABRIEF HISTORY OF RECENT TERRORIST ATTACKS 21 + Available in unclassifie form and preferably at little or no cost. FEMA 452, FEMA 426, and their companion manuals, for example, are available for free from http://\ Increasingly, the building sciences community is being challenged to in- corporate high levels of security into the design of facilities, sites, and venues that do not yet exist. While the risk assessment tools spreading throughout the law enforcement, public safety, security, and building sciences commu- nities can be extremely useful, almost all of them are geared to improving the security of sites and structures that are already standing. Consequently, it is essential that the risk assessment model that is selected has also been used to assess future buildings and venues, and to create security plans for virtual sites. Traditionally, the building sciences community has prepared for natural dis ters by following prescriptive building codes supported by well-established and tested reference standards, regulations, inspections, and assessment techniques. Many man-made hazards such as toxic industrial chemicals storage, and numer- ous societal goals such as life safety, have been similarly addressed. The building regulation system, however, has only just begun to deal with the terrorist threat, In the absence of high-quality regulatory guidance, the design team must fall back on its own resources and exper ways remembering that the nature of the potential threat and the desired level of protection are equally important and inseparable design considerations. 2.3. A BRIEF HISTORY OF RECENT TERRORIST ATTACKS Experts are quick to point out that terrorists almost invariably seek publicity and sometimes monetary reward or political gain as well. It should be empha- sized, though, that terrorism has a powerful appeal to many of the marginal- ized people of the world. Throughout human history, asymmetric warfare—in this case, terrorism—has had an undeniable allure to some and the sympathy of many more. Because it can be spectacularly effective, terrorism will be around for the foreseeable future, hence the legitimate concer for designs to mitigate its effects As George Santayana famously said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” What follows, therefore, is a brief survey of broad trends in domestic and international terrorism, for the purpose of planning future security measures in site selection and facility design by leaming from history (Santayana 1905, 284) 2.3.1. Terrorists’ Use of Explosives Explosives continue to be the terrorist’s preferred weapon, since they are de- structive, relatively easy to obtain or fabricate, and still comparatively easy to move surreptitiously on the ground and by sea. Terrorists are also well aware22 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS. that explosives produce fear in the general population far beyond the geographi- cal location of their intended target. 2.3.2 Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Devices The following case studies include just some of the vehicle-bome explosive de- vices that have been used in the past quarter-century. April 18, 1983—The modem era of vehicle-borne improvised explosive de- vices dates from April 1983, when a massive truck bomb destroyed the U.S. Embassy in Beirut. The blast killed 63 people, including 17 Amer icans. The attack was carried out by a suicide bomber driving a van, re- portedly stolen fiom the embassy in June 1982, carrying 2,000 pounds of explosives. October 23, 1983—A Shiite suicide bomber crashed his truck into the lobby of the U.S, Marine headquarters building at the Beirut airport. The explo- sion, the equivalent of 12,000 pounds of trinitrotoluene (TNT) and alleged to be the largest truck bomb in history, leveled the four-story cinderblock building, killing 241 servicemen and injuring 60. Minutes later a second truck bomb killed 58 French paratroopers in their barracks in West Beirut September 20, 1984—A van loaded with an estimated 400 pounds of explo- sives swerved around several barricades and U.S. soldiers and penetrated the relocated U.S. Embassy annex compound in East Beirut. The suicide bomb exploded 30 feet from the building, killing 11, including 2 U.S. ser= vicemen, and injuring 58. February 26, 1993—World Trade Center's Tower One’s underground park- ing garage was rocked by a powerful explosion. The blast killed 6 people and injured at least 1,040, The 1,310-pound bomb was made of urea nitrate pellets, nitroglycerin, sulfuric acid, aluminum azide, magnesium azide, and bottled hydrogen—all ordinary, commercially available materials. ‘The de~ vice, delivered in a yellow Ryder rental van, tore a crater 100 feet wide through four sublevels of reinforced concrete. April 19, 1995—Timothy McVeigh detonated an ammonium nitrate/fuel oil bomb in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, August 7, 1998—Two truck bombs exploded almost simultaneously at U.S. embassies in two East African capitals, killing 213 people in Nairobi and 11 more in Dar es Salaam. Some 4,500 individuals, principally Kenyans and Tanzanians, were injured. In May 2001, four men connected with al-Qaeda, two of whom had received training at al-Qaeda camps inside Afghanistan, were convicted of the killings and sentenced to life in prison. A federal grand jury has indicted 22 men, including Osama bin Laden, in connection with the attacks.ABRIEF HISTORY OF RECENT TERRORIST ATTACKS 23 December 14, 1999—An apparent plot to bomb the Los Angeles airport was disrupted when Ahmed Ressam, a Canadian of Algerian background, was arrested at a United States-Canada vehicle border crossing in Washington State. Ressam had nitroglycerin and four timing devices concealed in his spare-tire well September 11, 2001—Al-Qaeda terrorists crashed two commercial jets into the World Trade Center twin towers, and another hijacked fligh slammed into the Pentagon, while a fourth was forced down by passengers and crashed in a fiel_ near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. June 14, 2002—A powerful fertilizer bomb blew a gaping hole in a wall out. side the heavily guarded U.S. Consulate in Karachi, Pakistan. The truck bomb, driven by a suicide bomber, killed 12 and injured 51, all Pakistanis. October 12, 2002—A bomb hidden in a backpack ripped through Paddy's Bar on the Indonesian island of Bali. The device was small and crude, but it killed the backpack owner, likely a suicide operative. The bar's occupants, some of them injured, immediately ran into the street. Fifteen seconds later, a second much more powerful bomb—estimated at slightly more than a ton of ammonium nitrate—concealed in a white Mitsubishi van was detonated by remote control in front of the Sari Club, This blast killed 202 and injured another 209, May 12, 2003—Attackers shot security guards and forced their way into three housing compounds for foreigners in the Saudi capital of Riyadh. The ter rorists then set off seven simultaneous car bombs, which killed 34 people, including 8 Americans and 9 Saudi suicide attackers, and wounded almost 200 more. The facades of four- and f ve-story buildings were sheared off. One explosion left a crater 20 feet across, while several cars and six or seven single-family homes within 50 yards of the blast were destroyed. August 5, 2003—A powerful car bomb rocked the JW Marriott hotel in cen- tral Jakarta, Indonesia, killing 12 people and injuring 150. Police believe the suicide bomb, which severely damaged the American-run hotel, was concealed inside a Toyota car parked outside the hotel lobby. The terrorist group Jemaah Islamiyah is believed responsible. August 19, 2003—Sergio Vieira de Mello, the U.N. special representative in Iraq, and at least 16 others died in a suicide truck-bomb explosion that ripped through the organization’s Baghdad headquarters. The bomb-laden truck smashed through a wire fence and exploded beneath the windows of de Mello’s offic in the Canal Hotel in the late afternoon, destroying the building and shattering glass a half mile away. The concrete truck was said to have been chosen as a Trojan horse because of all the construction work going on in the area, November 8, 2003—Seventeen people, including 5 children, were killed and. more than 100 were wounded in an armed raid and suicide car-bomb attack on a residential compound in Riyadh, the Saudi Arabian capital. The huge
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