There are several bead geometry parameters which indicate quality of submerged arc
weldment. These includes, bead height, penetration depth, bead width, percentage
dilution etc. Achieving an optimal weld, with desired quality features, is really a
challenging job. Because, these quality features are highly correlated and are expected to
influence of the process parameters are different for different responses. Therefore, SAW
weld should confirm lesser bead height and width, to reduce excess weld metal
necessary to identify the optimal parametric combination, following which all objectives
Joining Processes: Challenges for Quality, Design and Development, March 5-6, 2010
National Institute of Technology, Agartala, Tripura
function to meet desired multi-quality features of the weldment. The required multi-
quality features may or may not be conflicting in nature. The representative single
objective function, thus calculated, would be optimized finally. In the present work,
Design of Experiment (DOE) with Taguchi L16 Orthogonal Array (OA) has been
explored to produce 16 weld specimens on mild steel plates by SAW. Collected data
related to weld bead geometry have been utilized for optimization. Principal Component
Analysis (PCA) has been applied to eliminate correlation among the responses and to
on quality loss of individual principal components with respect to the ideal condition, an
overall grey relational grade of the weldment has been calculated to serve as the single
objective function for optimization. Finally, Taguchi method has been adopted for
searching optimal process condition to yield desired quality of weld bead geometry.
Result of the aforesaid optimization procedure has been verified through confirmatory
test. The study illustrates the detailed methodology of PCA based grey-Taguchi method
Key words: SAW, PCA, Taguchi method, overall grey relational grade
1. Introduction
Submerged arc welding (SAW) is a useful metal joining process in fabrication industry.
submerged arc weldment. Work, to a far extent, has already been done to study the
effects of the parameters like voltage, current, electrode stick-out, wire feed rate and
Joining Processes: Challenges for Quality, Design and Development, March 5-6, 2010
National Institute of Technology, Agartala, Tripura
traverse speed on geometry and quality of the weld bead produced by submerged arc
welding on mild steel. But the search is still being continued. Control of the above
parameters, in a more precise manner, can essentially improve the quality of the
weldment, enhance the possibility of increased deposition rate and economize the process
In many of the cases, quality of the weld is left dependent on operators past experience
and working skill. But, with the advent of automation, it is now possible to design a
machine capable of selecting optimal process parameters to provide desired quality weld.
Literature depicts that work has been explored on various aspects of modeling, simulation
and process optimization in submerged arc welding [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] on mild steel and many
Neural Network (ANN) modeling and Taguchi method, [6, 7, 8, 9]. In most of the cases
the optimization was carried out using single objective function. For a multi-response
process, while applying the optimal setting of control factors, it can be observed that, an
increase and (or) improvement of one response may cause change in another response
value, beyond the acceptable tolerance limit. Thus for solving a multi-criteria
single objective function. This equivalent objective function, which is the representative
management consultant, is an efficient tool available for the design of high quality
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National Institute of Technology, Agartala, Tripura
objective optimization problem [10]. Therefore, Taguchi method coupled with grey
relational analysis has been firmly recommended in literature [11]. In this method, a
optimization problem where overall grey relational grade serves as the single objective
determined optimal process parameters based on grey relational grade from grey
The disadvantage of grey based Taguchi approach is the unrealistic assumption of non-
existence of correlation among the responses and they are treated as uncorrelated or
independent. To overcome these shortcomings, the present study explores the use of
while studying multi-quality characteristics; those are highly correlated [13, 14]. The
converted into several independent quality indicators. Part of these indicators is then
In the present work, PCA has been used to eliminate correlation among the responses and
to evaluate independent quality indicators called principal components. These have been
accumulated to calculate the overall grey relational grade which is for replacement of
Joining Processes: Challenges for Quality, Design and Development, March 5-6, 2010
National Institute of Technology, Agartala, Tripura
four correlated responses viz. bead height, depth of penetration, bead width and
percentage dilution of submerged arc weld. Finally, Taguchi method has been applied to
search an optimal process condition by optimizing the overall grey relational grade.
expressing the data in such a way so as to highlight their similarities and differences. The
main advantage of PCA is that once the patterns in data have been identified, the data can
information. The methods involved in PCA are discussed below, [15, 16]:
2. Normalization of data
N 1,1 N 1, 2 . . . N 1, u
N N 2, 2 . . . N 2, p
M = . . . . . . (1)
. . . . . .
N q ,1 N q, 2 . . . N q , p
Joining Processes: Challenges for Quality, Design and Development, March 5-6, 2010
National Institute of Technology, Agartala, Tripura
In which u stands for the number of quality characteristics and p stands for the number
characteristics of the jth principal component. For example, if Q j represents the jth
proportion (AP). When several principal components are accumulated, it increases the
accountability proportion (CAP). In the present work, the composite principal component
ψ has been defined as the sum/ linear combination of principal components with their
individual Eigenvalues. Thus, the composite principal component represents the overall
ψ = ∑ψ j (4)
j =1
should be noted that one quality indicator may often represent all the multi-quality
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National Institute of Technology, Agartala, Tripura
Bead-on-plate SAW welding on mild steel plates (thickness 10 mm) has been carried out
as per Taguchi’s L16 Orthogonal Array design with 16 combinations of voltage (OCV),
wire feed rate, traverse speed and stick-out to be varied in four discrete levels within the
scope for factorial adjustments in the setup used. Table 1 represents domain of
been selected from the knowledge of the work carried out by Gunaraj and Murugan [2,
3]. Copper coated electrode wire of diameter 3.16 mm (AWS A/S 5.17:EH14) has been
used during the experiments. Welding has been performed with flux (AWS A5.17/SFA
5.17) with grain size 0.2 to 1.6 mm with basicity index 1.6 (Al2O3+MnO2 35%,
CaO+MgO 25% and SiO2+TiO2 20% and CaF2 15%). The experiments have been
Maker: IOL Ltd., India. Bead geometry (macrostructure) has been observed in Optical
S6D & DFC320 and Q win Software). It consists of an image analyzer. The macrograph
is obtained on the computer interface which has the provision of selecting two points or
some region in order to calculate relative distance between said points as well as area of
the region under consideration respectively. Like this way bead height, penetration depth
and bead width have been calculated. %dilution is the ratio of area of penetration to the
area of reinforcement measured on a bead cross section. These areas have been obtained
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from the said microscope and their ratio has been computed accordingly. The
experimental data of different quality indicators relating bead geometry have been listed
in Table 2. Aforesaid data bank has been utilized in PCA based hybrid Taguchi method
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National Institute of Technology, Agartala, Tripura
Here, X i represents the i th experimental results and is called the comparative sequence in
The value of the elements in the reference sequence means the optimal value of the
X i (k ) represent the numeric value of k th element in the reference sequence and the
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National Institute of Technology, Agartala, Tripura
When the range of the series is too large or the optimal value of a quality characteristic is
too enormous, it will cause the influence of some factors to be ignored. The original
experimental data must be normalized to eliminate such effect. There are three different
following equations.
(a) LB (lower-the-better)
min X i (k )
X i* (k ) = (5)
X i (k )
(b) HB (higher-the-better)
X i (k )
X i* (k ) = (6)
max X i (k )
(c) NB (nominal-the-best)
min{ X i (k ), X 0b (k )}
X i* (k ) = (7)
max{ X i (k ), X 0b (k )}
i = 1, 2,........, m;
k = 1, 2,........., n
X 0b (k ) is the desired value of the k th quality characteristic. After data normalization, the
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National Institute of Technology, Agartala, Tripura
Qi = { X 0* (i ), X 1* (i ), X 2* (i ),............, X m* (i )}
Let, (8)
where, i = 1, 2,......., n.
Cov(Q j , Qk )
ρ jk = , (9)
σ Q ×σ Q
j k
j = 1, 2, 3......, n.
here, k = 1, 2,3,........, n.,
H 0 : ρ jk = 0 (There is no correlation)
H1 : ρ jk ≠ 0 (Thereis correlation)
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National Institute of Technology, Agartala, Tripura
(b) Calculate the principal component scores of the normalized reference sequence
Yi (k ) = ∑ X i* ( j ) β kj , i = 0,1, 2,......., m; k = 1, 2,........, n. (11)
j =1
∆ min + ξ∆ max
r0,i (k ) = , i = 1, 2,.........., m; k = 1, 2,....., n. (12)
∆ 0,i (k ) + ξ∆ max
Here, r0,i (k ) is the relative difference of k th element between sequence X i and the
comparative sequence X 0 (also called grey relational grade), and ∆ 0,i (k ) is the
max max X 0* (k ) − X i* (k ) , no significant correlationbetween quality characteristics
∆ max = i k
i max Y0 (k ) − Yi (k ) , Significant correlation between quality characteristics
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National Institute of Technology, Agartala, Tripura
i k Y0 (k ) − Yi (k ) ,
min min Significant correlation between quality characteristics
Note that ξ is called the distinguishing coefficient, and its value is in between 0 to 1. In
general it is set to 0.5, [17].
Γ0,i = ∑ wk r0,i (k ), i = 1, 2,..................., m. (16)
k =1
In this paper, the multiple quality characteristics are combined to one grey relational
grade, thus the traditional Taguchi method can be used to evaluate the optimal parameter
combination. Finally the anticipated optimal process parameters are verified by carrying
1 t 1
SN ( Higher − the − better ) = −10 log ∑ i =1 2 (17)
t yi
Here t is the number of measurements, and y i the measured i th characteristic value i.e.
i th quality indicator.
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National Institute of Technology, Agartala, Tripura
Experimental data (Table 2) have been normalized first. Normalized data have been
furnished in Table 3. For reinforcement, bead width Lower-the-Better (LB) and for
(Equation 5 and 6 respectively). After normalization the data have been checked for
correlation evaluated using Equation (8) and (9) became non-zero value). Principal
component analysis has been applied to eliminate correlation among the responses. Table
experimental observations have been shown in Table 6. Quality loss estimates ∆ 0i (k ) for
all principal components have been computed using equations 13, 14 and 15. The values
have been furnished in Table 7. Individual grey relational coefficients have been
Joining Processes: Challenges for Quality, Design and Development, March 5-6, 2010
National Institute of Technology, Agartala, Tripura
Correlation between responses Coefficient of correlation Comment
1 Penetration and reinforcement +0.293 Both are correlated
2 Penetration and bead width -0.171 Both are correlated
3 Penetration and dilution +0.462 Both are correlated
4 Reinforcement and bead width -0.038 Both are correlated
5 Reinforcement and dilution +0.384 Both are correlated
6 Bead width and dilution +0.035 Both are correlated
ψ1 ψ2 ψ3 ψ4
Eigenvalue 0.051316 0.026943 0.012819 0.004896
Eigenvector −0.720 0.680 −0.065 0.120
−0.653 −0.716 0.132 0.207
0.079 0.153 0.975 0.146
−0.219 −0.047 0.169 −0.960
AP 0.536 0.281 0.134 0.051
CAP 0.536 0.815 0.949 1.000
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National Institute of Technology, Agartala, Tripura
Overall grey relational grade has been calculated using equation 16. While calculating
overall grey relational grade it has been assumed that all responses are equally important.
Therefore 25% weightage has been assigned to prioritize four responses. Table 9 shows
overall grey relational grade for all experimental runs and corresponding S/N ratio
parameter setting has been determined from Figure 1. The predicted optimal setting
Table 10 represents mean values of overall grey relational grade. It indicates the order of
factors (ranking) representing the extent of significance on the overall grey relational
grade. After evaluating the optimal parameter settings, the next step is to predict and
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National Institute of Technology, Agartala, Tripura
5. Conclusion
Grey based Taguchi method is generally adopted for solving multi-attribute decision
that all response features must be uncorrelated or independent. However, this assumption
may not be valid in practical situation. For example, in the present case, it has been
observed that quality features thus selected viz. bead height, penetration depth and bead
width are highly correlated with %dilution. So, traditional grey-Taguchi technique fails to
overcome this problem. In order to solve this shortcoming the present work highlights
quality indices have been transformed into uncorrelated independent quality indices
calculate the composite principal component which has been optimized finally by
Taguchi technique. From the foregoing study the following conclusions can also be
1. PCA can provide a representative quality indicator which can replace correlated
Joining Processes: Challenges for Quality, Design and Development, March 5-6, 2010
National Institute of Technology, Agartala, Tripura
2. Grey based Taguchi method coupled has been found appropriate to tackle a multi-
accumulating the principal components into the overall grey relational grade.
3. It can be recommended that the PCA based hybrid Taguchi method is good, for
example, in case of processes (chemical and pharmaceutical) industries when there are
Table 9: Calculation of overall grey relational grade and corresponding S/N ratio
Joining Processes: Challenges for Quality, Design and Development, March 5-6, 2010
National Institute of Technology, Agartala, Tripura
8 0.5195 -5.68829
9 0.5588 -5.05487
10 0.7460 -2.54522
11 0.5498 -5.19591
12 0.6936 -3.17782
13 0.6796 -3.35493
14 0.6203 -4.14796
15 0.4934 -6.13602
16 0.5000 -6.02060
Level V Wf Tr N
1 0.546625 0.566950 0.555275 0.604075
2 0.582600 0.680850 0.600550 0.608025
3 0.637050 0.549775 0.562375 0.582225
4 0.573325 0.542025 0.621400 0.545275
Delta 0.090425 0.138825 0.066125 0.062750
Rank 2 1 3 4
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National Institute of Technology, Agartala, Tripura
Optimal setting
Prediction Experiment
Level of factors V3 Wf2 Tr4 N2 V3 Wf2 Tr4 N2
S/N ratio of Overall grey relational grade -1.76623 -1.75600
Overall grey relational grade 0.91495 0.91594
5. References
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National Institute of Technology, Agartala, Tripura
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National Institute of Technology, Agartala, Tripura
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