Transformer Differential Protection: Aniagboso John Onah, and Edwin Ejiofor Ezema
Transformer Differential Protection: Aniagboso John Onah, and Edwin Ejiofor Ezema
Transformer Differential Protection: Aniagboso John Onah, and Edwin Ejiofor Ezema
s f s f
The CTs secondary currents will be:
np np
i s1 i p1 p2 if (2) 3 id
ns ns is1 is2
1 2
np np
i s1 i p2 if (3) Relay
ns ns Fig. 4 biased protective scheme
0 k 1
np np
s f s f If n RT k n o , (9)
s ns f is1 is 2 s n f
o i s1 i s 2 , i d i s1 i s 2 (10)
R iR 0 no i d 2
2 2
Fig. 3 External fault
i d k i RT (11)
However, some difficulties arise in the use of this scheme
due to errors associated with current transformers.
A. Biased System Bias (12)
Protection schemes for large transformers must operate i RT
speedily when faults occur within the protected zones, but The differential relay generates a tripping signal if the
must be restrained when the protected transformer is differential current, id, is greater than a percentage of the
id k iRT XL
id V1 E2 Xe V2
N1 N2
Re strain Ideal
Fig.6. CT equivalent circuit
I1 = primary current
V1 = primary voltage
k E2 = secondary induced (excitation) voltage
V2 = secondary terminal voltage
Fig. 5. Operating diagram of biased differential scheme
I′2 = primary current referred to the secondary
Ie = secondary excitation current
PROTECTION Xe = excitation reactance referred to the secondary
X2 = leakage reactance referred to the secondary
A. Current Transformer (CT) Errors XL = reactance of load (burden)
The efficiency of current transformers plays vital role in
the effective protection of equipment, just as the incorrect From Fig. 6, we write
selection of current transformers can lead to the failure of a I1 N 2
protective scheme to perform its function correctly. In other (13)
words, for a protection scheme to fulfill its obligation,
I 2 N1
current transformers must be carefully matched with the
I 1 , I 2 I 2 I e I e I 2 I 2 (14)
N1 ' '
relays. Current transformers enable differential-protection
I 2'
schemes to compare the input and output currents of a N2
protected unit, and also isolate the relays and
interconnecting conductors from the high voltages
I 2' I 2 Ie
associated with power systems. Because of transformation Ratio error = '
errors associated with CTs, it is necessary to have identical I 2 I 2'
CTs at the input and output ends of a protected zone so that
their errors during healthy and through fault conditions will
always be the same [4]. Consequently, the secondary Φ
currents of the CTs would always be equal and zero current
would flow in the relays except when internal faults occur.
However, there will always be differences, no matter how I'2
small, in the magnetizing characteristics and this leads to
instability in the scheme during through fault conditions. Ie
CTs are usually driven into saturation by transient during I2
faults and this produces a high spill current. The transient
disappears in about 20 cycles. So, time delay of, say 0.5s is
needed to resolve the problem. If the core of one CT is E2 E1
saturated, while the other remains unsaturated the two CTs Fig. 7 Phasor Diagram
would be made to operate at different points on their
excitation characteristics during a later external fault, '
Equation (15) is the deviation of I2 from I 2 expressed as a
causing sufficient unbalance current to flow in the relay and '
operate incorrectly [4]. percentage of I 2 .
1) Ratio Error (Current Error) N2
E2 E1 (16)
In a current transformer the whole of the primary current N1
is not transformed into secondary current, a component of
E2 jI 2 X 2 X L
the primary current is used to magnetize or excite the core.
In other words, the inductor Xe is such that it takes current (17)
equal to the exciting current of the CT [19], Fig. 6. The
exciting current, Ie is part of I'2 consumed in exciting the
core. The remainder, I2 is the true secondary current. Fig. 6 E2 j X 2 X L I 2' I e (18)
is the equivalent circuit of a CT [17], [20].
N ia
E 2 j X 2 X L 1 I 1 I e (19)
E 2 X 2 X L 1 I 1 I e
ic ib
N2 (b) Secondary side currents
i B 3 i BC 30o
CT1 iA Transformer CT2
i AB
iC 3 iCA 30o (26)
iB ib
Y y
iBC Ns
iC ic i AB ib
B b Np
iBC ic
iR R Y B Relays
iCA ia
Fig. 8. Delta/Star transformer Np
For delta/star transformer, shown in Fig. 8 the currents in
the primary winding of the transformer are: iA ia ib
i A i AB iCA (21) (28)
s ia ia 120o
i B i BC i AB (22)
iC iCA i BC Ns
(23) iA 3 i a 30o
iA Ns
iB 3 ib 30o (29)
iCA i N
iC s 3 ic 30o
i BC iB
That is i A leads ia by 30o – the primary line current
i AB
leads the secondary line current by 30o as shown in Fig. 10.
(a) Primary side currents
iA 3 ia 30 o
ia Φ
iB 3 ib 30 o
ic ib Np
Ns Fig. 11 Waveforms of flux
iC 3 ic 30 o
Fig. 10 Primary and secondary currents phasors for steady-state operation.
Then the instantaneous value of induced e.m.f is given
In other words the star-connected low-voltage line current d
lags the high-voltage line current by 30o i.e. the phase shift e N1 N 1 m cos t =
is -30o. It is a Dyn1transformer. Because of the phase shift,
phase correction is necessary in order to prevent mal- N1 m sin t (31)
operation of the relay. 2
B. Mismatching caused by power transformer exciting
current surges (magnetizing inrush current) N1 is the number of turns on the primary winding
The exciting current of power transformers is usually very If the transformer is energized at the positive peak of the
small (2-5% of the rated current) when the operating flux, the induced e.m.f. can be represented in Fourier series
condition is stable. At the time of energizing the as:
a n cos nt bn sin nt
transformer, the exciting current may rise to values many (8-
30) times the rated current for significant period (typically e (32)
10 cycles) [4], [20]. Since these current flows in the primary
winding only and in the operating windings of the relays
used in the differential protection scheme, the relays would where
operate. Thus a time delay or effective biasing arrangement 32 5
a o N 1 m 2
sin t dt sin t dt (33)
must be provided so as to prevent this mal-operation. The
magnetizing inrush current saturates the CT iron core, and 2 2 3 2
the waveform is much distorted. The second harmonic 2 2
component of the inrush current is very high, and can be
used to restrain relay operation when a time delay cannot be
tolerated. The CT goes into saturation beyond the knee-point 32 5
N 1 m 2
of the CT magnetization curve. In this region, the core flux an sin t cos nt dt sin t cos nt dt (34)
is sustained by major part of the primary current. Thus, a 2 3 2
disproportionate amount of the primary current is required 2 2
to magnetize the core. There is drastic increase in the
magnetization current, Ie while the secondary current, I2 3 5
remains constant. In this condition, no matter the rise in N 1 m 2 2
bn sin t sin nt dt sin t sin nt dt (35)
primary current, the flux and secondary induced voltage 2 3 2
remain constant. Hence, core loss increases; both the
2 2
exciting and secondary currents become non-sinusoidal,
since the shunt admittance is not linear. Ultimately, not all
Fig. 12 shows the induced voltage waveform, and the
of the primary current transforms into secondary current
magnetizing inrush current is shown in Fig. 13. Fig. 14 and
Let the instantaneous value of flux be:
Fig.15 show the harmonics of the inrush current during
m sin t (30)
Fig. 16 shows the basic differential scheme, [1], [4],
where the CTs primary windings are in series with the
primary and secondary windings of the protected
transformer. The currents in the secondary windings of the
CTs flow around the loop formed with the interconnecting
conductors when the protected transformer is healthy. The
operating windings of the relay are connected between the
t mid-points of the interconnecting conductors to form a
symmetrical circuit. The currents into the differential
Fig. 13 magnetizing inrush current waveform
element of the relay must balance to ensure correct
operation when there is no abnormal condition. The HV and
LV CTs primary ratings do not usually match the power
transformer winding rated currents. This mismatch was
n=4 n=8 i s1 0.525 A is 2 0.525 A
iA 262.43A
iB ib
Y y
i BC
3 x 33
iC ic
B b
The secondary full-load current is: is 2
is1 0.875 A
i n2 : n1
ia 787.3 A Relay
3 x 11
Fig. 17 Ratio correction and phase-angle correction using one set
If CTs with ratios 262/1 for the primary side and 787/1 physically-connected ICT
for the secondary side of the power transformer can be
found, then there is no CT mismatch, and no need for ratio From Fig. 17
However, if the secondary side CT ratio is selected as N1
2600/1, then
ia i A 30o (39)
3 N2
LV CT secondary current = 787.3 0.303 A
Primary side CT ratio is to be determined. The secondary is 2 0.492 30o (40)
current rating of the CT to be connected in delta must be 1600
0.5774 times the rating selected for the star-connected CT
and for the rating selected for the relay [1]. n1
i 3 i s 2 30o
Hence, primary side CT secondary current = 3 x n2
secondary side CT secondary current= 3 x 0.303 =
1 3 0.492 30o 30o 1 0.852A
n2 n2
Primary side CT ratio = 262.43/0.525= 500/1
Because of the phase shift, phase correction is necessary CT1 iA
Power Transformer
ia CT2
N1 : N 2
in order to prevent mal-operation of the relay. This is R i AB r
ia i A 30o (36)
n1 : n2
n2 : n1
3 N2
iab 0.303 30o (37)
Fig. 18 ratio and phase-angle correction using two sets physically-
connected ICTs
Fig. 19 shows relay in-built ratio correction factors and
i s 2 3 iab 30o software ICTs [21]. Thus, from Fig 19:
15MVA, 33/11kV
2620o A 787 30o A 1600/1 In this paper, transformer differential protection has been
presented. It protects a piece of equipment or a section of a
network from faults. With proper selection of CTs,
0. 8750o A differential protection provides faster clearance of faults,
0.492 30 o A
Relay and it is more effective in providing discrimination than
simple overcurrent relays. CT ratio correction and phase
Yy0 o
10 o A Differential 10 A Yd11 correction, and zero sequence current filtering can be
Software ICT element Software ICT implemented by externally connected ICTs or software ICTs
built into the differential relay. Biased differential schemes
Fig. 19 Application of software ICTs use restraining coils and second harmonic of magnetizing
inrush current to prevent unnecessary operation of the relay
Fig. 20 shows the distribution of current in the during transformer energization, and through fault
transformer windings for a phase-to-phase through fault. It conditions. However, overall differential protection may
can be shown that the positive-sequence fault current is only be justified for large transformers (typically > 5MVA)
given by:
I a1 (42)
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