Reflective Project
Reflective Project
Reflective Project
Should it be allowed a different treatment between men and women in senior management
positions in companies?
Integrative Evaluation
Words: 3336
that can be seen in organisational structures, processes, and practices. This problem hurts the income
of women and men, harming their opportunities and their dignity in their jobs. Having said that,
should it be allowed a different treatment between men and women in senior management positions in
According to Zhuzwayo (2016), gender inequality is a cause of a social construct where men
predominantly benefit at the expense of women. More specifically, gender inequality in workspaces is
the result of the unacknowledged presence of the masculinist standards making it hard for people to
recognise and identify women's challenges. (Heilman 2000). In big companies CEO´s are an example
of senior management positions and are essential for a company's growth, according to Glick (2011), a
chief executive officer, CEO, is considered to be the organization‘s chief leader and they should be
This dilemma interests me because looking to the future I was thinking about this kind of
problem in society, that even though it is decreasing, it diminishes in an impressive way the
opportunities for women in their work. In the same way, this topic is closely related to my POP, the
business POP, because as part of the company human resources and CEO's are usually the ones who
make these decisions of promotions or hiring new personnel. Business managers and every person in a
company mostly follow a code of professional ethics so they can avoid or take action on problems like
gender inequality, such as: be fair and take action not to discriminate, avoid harm, articulate and
support policies that protect the dignity of users and others affected. These codes are the base of the
regulations each member should follow, and for this to create a good and neutral environment.
As a little background according to Reshi (2020) from many years men have been dominating
the business workforce and women have been the fewer number. This is because our society has
labelled men as “breadwinners” and women as “housewives”. However, in the past years there has
been a different form of seeing women, but in a really slow way. Over the years women are searching
for equal pay, equal treatment, equal representation in leadership, etc. (Carosella, 2020)
In the actuality, locally speaking in México, according to ONU (2020) women's labor force
participation is far below that of men, women's force participation on average 45% compared to the
77% of the men's participation and because of this Mexico is one of the places where the woman's
labor force is extremely low, even though over the last years the participation force of woman has
increased, the gap between the lack of opportunities and gender descremenation on the business
companies still a big number. Now a days womens in mexico experiment different barriers that
society and the managers of big companies impose over the years, one of the most important barriers
that woman have when trying to find a job is the the need to provide care to their children, Mexico
society has a mentality that woman become “home workers” when having kids, mostly when women
are pregnant they are fired, and this is because labor costs are higher when hiring women. For
example, Camila Ferrari testimony job discrimination in her workplace, she said “The director told me
they were looking for a man because the last three female employees had become pregnant.”
In addition, globally speaking in Western Asia the labor market is characterized by very low
levels of female labor force participation and female employment rates and relatively high female
unemployment rates. In Turkey, despite that the Article 5 of their constitution states that “There
cannot be any discrimination based on language, ethnicity, gender, political alignment, philosophical
ideology, religious beliefs and anything else similar in the work environment.” Only 22.8 % of women
in Turkey currently work and three out of four women are out of the labour market. In Western Asia,
although women's participation rate has increased over the last decade, according to Mine
Durman-Aslan (2020) only 31.5 percent of women participate in the labor market compared to 71.6
percent of men. Women experience barriers when asking for jobs or wanting to be promoted. As in
Mexico, a barrier to women’s access to the labour force is the traditional family values which
stereotypes men as the breadwinner and the women as the homemaker. Also, the lack of education and
their responsibilities at home for children and elderly care. In addition, specifically in their culture it
has been seen that when a woman is married, the choice of working or staying home is controlled by
their husbands.
This problem has relevance in our environment and in our future, since not having gender
inequality in companies normally affects the economy of our country in the long term. According to
studies, having gender equity, based on equal pay and opportunities for all, will increase the country's
Now, what are the perspectives and stances of this dilemma? Should it be allowed a different
treatment between men and women in senior management positions in companies? According to a
Hardvar business review they establish one of the most common companies' perspectives: “high-level
jobs require extremely long hours, and women’s devotion to family makes it impossible for them to
put in those hours, and their careers suffer as a result.” In the same study we see the opinion of a men
worker in a company that says: “Women are going to have kids and not want to work, or they are
going to have kids and might want to work but won’t want to travel every week and live the lifestyle
that consulting requires, of 60- or 70-hour weeks.” (Ely & Padavic ,2020) On the other hand, the
Principle of Equal Treatment states that “all people have the right to receive the same treatment and
not to be discriminated regardless of a worker’s position, age, disability, sex, race and religion.”
With this essay my objective is to inform people about the problem of gender inequality in
companies, I will rely on books and articles such as “An approach to addressing gender inequality in
the workplace.” by Khuzwayo's, as well as studies from Harvard and other universities. These books
and studies are relevant to gather information for this problem in order to present actual numbers and
data. During this process, there have been limitations such as not having much updated data of the last
year given by the pandemic since there was a stoppage in the companies and the unemployment was
massive and general due to the lack of money the pandemic stoppage caused. Likewise, the references
used are impartial since they present perspectives of different positions and opinions of different
people with different social status, jobs and places. The methodology used in this research is to gather
information by asking several questions in an interview to a person that is specialized in this topic.
Having stabish how this affects locally and globally around the world and the perspectives on
First of all, legally speaking, in all parts of the world there is a law by the government that
establishes gender equity. For example, In Mexico, the Federal Labor Law establishes in Article 56
that "Working conditions based on the principle of substantive equality between women and men must
be proportional to the importance of the services and equal for equal work without differences and/or
exclusions based on ethnic origin or nationality, sex, gender, age, disability, social condition, health
marital status, except for the modalities expressly set forth in this Law." (H. Congress of the Union,
2015) Another case is un USA, the U.S. Departement of Labor (2021) declares that the “Equal
Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws prohibit specific types of job discrimination in certain
workplaces.” Also in the U.S. According to the Federal Trade Comission (2021) the title VII of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964 “protects employees and job applicants from employment discrimination
based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin.” On last case is the Turkish law, the Principle of
Equal Treatment states that “all people have the right to receive the same treatment and not to be
discriminated regardless of a worker’s position, age, disability, sex, race and religion.” (Isbilir & Gül,
2020) So, according to the law there should be no discrimination or different treatment based on the
employee's gender. In most cases if these laws are not complied with they can see huge fines or even
However, even though these laws are established and it is supposed to be a punishment if it's
not accomplished, in actuality these laws are not in practice. Nowadays workers, managers and CEOs
are feeling free to discriminate because all the laws are not being enforced. According to Baska
(2019) said that individuals were facing discrimination because “employers and service providers are
not afraid to discriminate, knowing that they are unlikely to be held to account”. This happens because
yes, the law established laws of equality in labor and all what it corresponds to, but they are not acting
within. This is why Beska (2019) also says “Human Resources needs to work with business leaders
and employees to establish robust policies to counter any potential discrimination at work”, if human
resources should be very strict and with a very firm position over the unfairnes off descrimination on
In conclusion, laws actually protect the equality of the womens and mens in their labor but
these same laws are not being enforced making employers and directors feeling free to discriminate
without consequences.
Secondly, society says that women can't have a working-lifestyle because of their families.
Our society believes that a woman doesn't have enough time to be in a high position management
level because of the care they give to their childes, that's why they have special treatment when
promoting employees and while contracting them. For example, according to a Harvard business
review a men CEO says “women are going to have kids and not want to work, or they are going to
have kids and might want to work but won’t want to travel every week and live the lifestyle that
consulting requires, of 60- or 70-hour weeks.” (Ely & Padavic ,2020). Suma Gowda a CVCheck
Client Service Officer says that “when the office management is very rigid with their rules and
regulations and are not flexible enough to adjust to your family situation then that becomes difficult
for women” (CVC, 2020) Melinda Tyro, CVCheck’s Enterprise Sales Manage says that “our life is
segmented, with each segment belonging to other people. It belongs to our children, our partners, our
friends, and our employers.”(CVC, 2020) Now a days, society is a pressure in womens and in their
working-life, normally know a days society are the one that establish the stereotypes that a woman
need to be in the house or that if they work they need to be the best in the work and the best in the
On the contrary, nowadays there are articles, studies and more that declare that a woman can
have a life balance and have a care of her family and their work. Organizations instead of having the
mentality that if a woman has a family can't be promoted or they can't be in the job, they should help
them to have a life-balance, so they can have the same opportunities, take advantage of them and still
be there for their family. According to CVC (2020) organizations can offer flexibility, for example a
female employee with a toddler will have a different schedule than one with a teenager. Also, don't
penalise parenthood, they should attract top talent with leading-edge return-to-work programs,
generous parental leave and subsidised childcare. Not living a side that they are single women that
want to get more opportunities and promotions but organizations and society generalice over the
stereotypes already mentioned, single women or moms should not be penalized and discriminated
have family but on the contrary organizations should help by adjusting some rules so women can have
a life-balance.
Finally, when women have a different treatment in their workplace than men their economy is
directly affected. This is because of the difference in salaries, as previously mentioned the law
establishes that a man and woman should have the same salary, but although this is established
organizations don't follow it very well. According to Sheth, Hoff, Ward & Tyson (2021) in the US
“year-round employees women are paid 17.7% less than men, earning $10,157 less than
men.”Another case of high gender gaps is Yemen with the highest gender gap where women on
average earn 75 cents for every dollar a man earns, followed by Pakistan, Iraq, and Syria with almost
the same numbers. (Quek, 2018). Pay inequality can create some consequences for women and for the
entire population. This inequality can reduce the professional opportunities available to the most
disadvantaged groups in society and therefore decrease social mobility, limiting the economy's growth
potential, also talking about possible economic growth according to Milli (2017) “if women received
equal pay with comparable men, poverty for working women would be reduced by half”.
On the contrary, there are places around the world where the difference between men's and
women's salaries is not as noticeable or has been able to balance out over time. According to US
News (2019) one of the places where the gender pay gap is smaller is in California where a woman
earns 88 cents when a man earns 1 dollar. Another case is New York, which over time has
implemented extremely strict laws for gender discrimination in terms of pay gap in organizations.
These two places, and others like Iceland, Norway, Sweden, and Finland that have the lowest gender
pay gap are proof that it is possible to reduce the gender pay gap in organizations with a good system
of laws, a good culture of society and awareness of the managers and leaders of the same
organizations. Also if we can notice. Also, if we take into account these places previously mentioned,
they are places with good economies, very developed and very famous for their jobs, life
opportunities, etc.
In conclusion, this is proof that the gender pay gap can affect the lifestyle of people living in a
certain place and how the development of the economy and people is also affected.
With this, we can also analyse and compare and contrast the authors that I establish to analyse
this issue, their different perspectives, contexts, etc. for example in the case of the perspectives, I
chose two principal authors Ely & Padavic and Isbilir & Gül. In this case both authors talk and make
an investigation about the problems of equality in big corporations. But even though they both talk
about the same issue, they present different stances about the topic, Ely & Padavic state that “Women
are going to have kids and not want to work, or they are going to have kids and might want to work
but won’t want to travel every week and live the lifestyle that consulting requires, of 60- or 70-hour
weeks.” and Isbilir & Gül state that every copany should accomplish the Principle of Equal Treatment
that state that “all people have the right to receive the same treatment and not to be discriminated
In the case of the first argument, talking about the law I take in consideration some important
authors and governmental corporations, The Federal Trade Commission, H. Congress of Union and
the U.S. Department of labor, this 3 governmental corporations have a similarity on their declarations
speaking about the law for equal treatment on the oeganizacion, all of this cooporations specify the
legal rejection to all the types of discrimination and racism in jobs. But, in difference, the other
authors say “employers and service providers are not afraid to discriminate, knowing that they are
unlikely to be held to account”. In comparison with the other authors, Berska has a different opinion
about the law, he establishes that the law is but is not accomplished and it is not regulated.
life we can see how the authors Ely & Padavic state that organizations do not give the necessary
flexibility to a woman, and that a woman cannot have a good balance between her family and work
and that is why the difference in treatment towards them, however the CVC organization states that a
woman can have a balance in her work and personal life, but that organizations should have openness
and flexibility towards them. These two authors have in common that they admit and agree that a
woman has more "responsibilities" for their children such as going to leave them at school, sports
classes, etc.
In my third argument we can compare author Milli and US News, both agree that the wage
gap affects the economy of countries and women. However, Milli focuses on the countries with the
highest wage gap, so his data are larger and more surprising, while the US News study uses countries
with the lowest wage gap, so what he says is not so noticeable or may seem little difference and the
effects of this.
To finalize my analysis, I interviewed Brenda Galvan. In this interview I concluded that the
gender gap has decreased over time due to female empowerment, however, there are still different
obstacles. One of them is the law, the law does protect and is against gender discrimination in the
organizations, however, they do not have a consequence to people who do not fullfill it. Another
obstacle that women face is society since most people see them as housewives and therefore believe
them to be less capable or take them less into account when hiring and job opportunities. Also,
maternity obstructs many companies from hiring women which makes it difficult for many women
who want to work and support their families to do so. The obstacles for women are the most
notorious, but the interviewer also mentioned one for men, paternity should also be given the same
In conclusion, first to summarize the above information we can say that around the world
there is a difference in how women are treated as opposed to men in organizations and this is affected
by the lack of pressure on the law and lack of consequences to break it, the thought of society to see
the woman as a housewife, the different salary affecting the economy of women and their families and
the whole country. So, should it be allowed a different treatment between men and women in senior
management positions in companies? With the previous analysis we can conclude that no, it should
not be allowed, since this problem not only affects women but in the long term affects the whole
society and the economy of the world, changes must be made in the law and in the organizational
culture of the organizations. In my opinion, it is necessary that there is a change in this issue because
even though this is in decline it continues to happen, and even worse, neither the law nor the
organizations do anything about it. This is why the different treatment between men and women in
I hereby affirm that I have done this activity with academic integrity.