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Introspective Hypnosis Class - 052017 - Antonio Sangio (2745)

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Class by
Antonio Sangio

A comprehensive manual of the hypnosis method

created by Aurelio Mejía explaining the different
steps involved in searching for our client’s
Introspective Hypnosis Antonio Sangio

Table of Contents
History of hypnosis 4
Franz Anton Mesmer 4
Armand de Chestenet – Marquis of Puységur 6
James Braid 7
Milton Erickson 8
About hypnosis 10
Myths about hypnosis 10
What is hypnosis then?10
Brain Hemispheres 11
States of the mind 11
Introspective Hypnosis 12
What is it? 12
Structure of the session 13
Step 1: The Interview 15
The form 16
Step 2: The induction 18
Suggestion techniques 18
Analogue tests 18
Digital tests 19
Hypnotic language 19
Types of inductions 19
Dave Elman induction 21
Monitoring the body 21
Levels of hypnotic trance 22
Lecron-Bordeaux scoring system 23
Step 3: The memories 25
Ego, the conscious and subconscious mind 25
According to Sigmund Freud 26

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Introspective Hypnosis Antonio Sangio

Example of defense mechanisms 27

From the NLP point of view 27
What affects the mood? 28
The filters 29
How do we change perception of an event? 30
Our goal 31
Memories the procedure 32
Forgiveness Therapy 33
The procedure 33
Ericksonian hypnosis 34
Role change 34
The procedure 35
Variation 35
What could not notice? 35
Step 4: The origins 36
Past life regression 37
What is it? 37
First scene navigation 38
Second scene navigation 39
The death scene 39
Leaving the past life behind 39
Situations we might encounter 40
Step 5: The scan 41
What is it used for? 41
What can we find? 41
The procedure 42
Additional notes 43
Other ways to detect spirit attachment 43
Reasons why they could have attached 43

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Symptoms they can cause 43

People susceptible to spirit attachments 44
Testing the spirits 44
Do not be afraid 44
Step 6: The return 45
Step 6: Annex 46
Annex 1: Inductions steps card 46
Annex 2: Magnetic fingers script 47
Annex 3: Dave Elman induction script 48
Annex 4: Introspective Hypnosis flow chart 51
Annex 5: Stories52
The story of the Japanese bamboo 52
You are a champion 53
The magic balm 53
The teacher of the “don’t” method 54
We are all apprentices and we make mistakes 54
That child no longer exists 56
Throwing a shoe at the cat 56
The girl who had a bird in a cage 57
The universe decided to send you a gift 58
To worry is to suffer twice 58
The pair of shoes 59
Childhood traumas are like tattoos 60

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Introspective Hypnosis Antonio Sangio


Franz Anton Mesmer (1734 – 1185)

Mesmer disagreed with the theories of astrologers and,
based on the theory of universal gravitation (law of
attraction) demonstrated by Newton, that said that there
is a relationship of coincidence, and cause and effect,
between the positions of the stars and people’s health.

Based on theories of the Swiss physician Paracelsus, he

was convinced that there was a universal fluid that fills
the universe as lines of magnetic vibrations. He also believed that cosmic fluid
could be stored in inanimate objects, such as magnets, and could then be
transferred to patients to harmonize their body's energies to cure them of a
disease. This is related to what is today called Bioenergetic Medicine.

The first notable healing of Mesmer that could have been accomplished by
suggestion was in 1773 on a 29-year-old girl with convulsions, by applying
magnets in her stomach during one of her attacks; two on each thigh. Symptoms
consisted of a bloodletting to the head and a tremendous pain in the ears and
head. This condition was followed by delirium, fury, vomiting, and fainting.
The news of Mesmer’s treatment was widely spread, which made his reputation

Meditating much on the magnetic influence of living organs, which hereafter is

referred to as animal magnetism, he decided to stop the use of magnets which
was considered superfluous (although somewhat efficient), and engaged in the
act of using his own hands to channel his own fluid to the patient. He began to
consider himself a magnet through which cosmic fluid could be driven as a vital
force that was then transmitted to others, as healing that restored the patient's
own fluid.

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Introspective Hypnosis Antonio Sangio

In his home in Vienna, which had been converted into a clinic, he made Miss
Paradies, a 17-year-old daughter of the private secretary of the emperor who
became blind at the age of 4, recover her sight. When the girl was healed, her
parents went looking for her, but she did not want to leave. Her mother slapped
her and Mesmer interposed. The father drew his sword and Mesmer did the
same to make him leave. The mother fainted and the daughter was again blinded
by the emotional shock.

This scandal was exploited by Mesmer's enemies to attack him. The doctors
were hostile to this colleague who moved away from the teachings of the
Faculty of Medicine. The religious authorities were alarmed. Leaving his wife
in the care of the clinic, which closed six months later, Mesmer left for Paris
and settled in an opulent neighborhood.

In his Paris clinic there was a dark hall decorated with

thick purple curtains and tall mirrors designed to reflect
and intensify "Invisible energy". In the middle of the
room was the “baquet”, a circular bucket about 30
Inches tall, full of magnetized water, glass and iron.
Patients sat in a group around it. The closest to the
bucket would hold the gripped rods of iron coming out
of the lid, while the others clung to them, either holding
a rope which passed from patient to patient or shaking

When everything was in place, a musician began to play a harmonica in another

room. When everyone was relaxed by this magical atmosphere, Mesmer
appeared wearing a long silk mantle embroidered with heavenly symbols. He
approached the patients and looked into their eyes. He would touch them
occasionally with an iron wand or put his hands on them as needed "Channeling

As Mesmer progressed through the group, some patients began to cough, spit
and scream. If someone began to convulse, it was considered the crisis that
foreshadowed the cure, and was "contagious." As one witness described, the
room turned into something out of control. Limbs shaking, tears, hiccups and

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uncontrolled laughter. Some were coughing blood, others were vomiting, and
many were fading away.
The Mesmer’s assistants would take those who suffered more violent symptoms
to another room. Once the crisis ended, everyone would recover and most said
they were feeling better. Any similar evangelical event is mere coincidence.

Armand de Chestenet – Marquis of Puységur (1751–1825) – Magnetic


Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, had observed that the

beginnings of disease could be announced in dreams.
Also, in ancient Egypt, in temples consecrated to the god of art of
medicine, they tried to put the sick in an artificial dream expecting
that the god would indicate the remedy for the healing. This was
how the functions of a priest and a physician were performed by
the same person. This is a study that modern medicine is just now
rediscovering little by little: That in a trance state, some people can
perceive the interior of their body as if they were looking at it with X-rays.

The merit of the rediscovery of the dream mystery observed

in the Egyptian temples, and the abolition of pain is due to the
Marquis Armand of Puységur, a French physician who was a
disciple of Mesmer, who in a farm he had in Buzancy near
Soissons followed Mesmer’s example and "magnetized" a tree
to assist sick patients under its shadow without charging any fees.
His clientele soon grew, and on May 4, 1784, one of the patients showed the
existence of a higher level of consciousness than the waking state. Victor Rasse,
a patient to whom Puységur treated pain in the chest, fell asleep profoundly
when the treatment was applied to him, something that Puységur saw as loss of
consciousness at first. Waiting for the patient to rest, he let him sleep
peacefully, but he was astonished when he realized that, despite his dream, he
was able to respond to the questions that were asked. He even moved and talked
with a loquacity that he did not show when he was awake, even getting to the
point of analyzing his own illness with an amazing lucidity.

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To the question - Rasse, do you really know what disease you have? He
answered: Wait a moment ... I'm seeing it ... the stomach is very swollen. Later
the peasant described his illness with all details, which motivated Puységur to
ask if he could also indicate an adequate remedy, to which he replied positively.
Upon waking he did not remember anything, but he was cured of the disease
when the doctor applied the suggested treatment in the trance.

Puységur called this induced state of consciousness “magnetic somnambulism",

to differentiate it from the somnambulism manifested spontaneously in certain
people when they sleep naturally. It is also worth mentioning that Victor could
read other people’s thoughts using telepathy and used it to guess the orders that
they were going to give him. This success led the Marquis de Puységur to put
Victor Rasse in touch with other patients to try to verify if he, once immersed in
the dream of somnambulism, was also able to diagnose other people’s diseases.
The result was positive, and other doctors, among them the French Liébeault,
continued with the works of Puységur with somnambulists as diagnostic aids.

James Braid (1795 – 1860) Hypnosis Without Mesmerism

A Scottish surgeon who attended a demonstration of

magnetism made by the Swiss La Fontaine in November
1841, admitted facing an authentic phenomenon and decided
to find the psychological cause that generated it. He made
some experiments making his wife, an assistant, and a servant
fall asleep.
The assistant went into a trance in three minutes through the
contemplation of the neck of a bottle. The wife did so by looking fixedly at the
lid of a sugar bowl for about two and a half minutes, and the servant "fell
asleep" when he was asked to closely monitor a pharmaceutical preparation.
Although the servant was not informed that it was an experiment of animal
magnetism (mesmerism), he entered a somnambulist trance.
Stating that he had not made them fall asleep directly, and that they had done it
themselves, Braid announced the theory that "the Phenomenon was produced by

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the sustained eye fixation, paralyzing the nervous centers of the eyes and their
dependencies, disorienting the balance of the nervous system." Although the
explanation is debatable, Braid demonstrated, in effect, that somnambulism is a
state that does not necessarily require the personal intervention of an operator,
or the action of a fluid.
He published his observations in 1843 and called it hypnotism to sleep.

Milton Erickson (1901 – 1980) - Neuro Linguistic Programming

Erickson believed that the unconscious mind was always

listening and that, whether or not the patient was in trance,
suggestions could be made which would have a hypnotic
influence as long as those suggestions found resonance at the
unconscious level. The patient could be aware of this or
could be completely oblivious that something was
happening. Erickson would see if the patient would respond
to one or another kind of indirect suggestion and allow the
unconscious mind to participate actively in the therapeutic
process. In this way, what seemed like a normal conversation might induce a
hypnotic trance, or a therapeutic change in the subject. According to
Weitzenhoffer, "[Erickson's] conception of the unconscious is definitely not the
one held by Freud.”

Erickson maintained that trance is a common, everyday occurrence. For

example, when waiting for buses and trains, reading or listening, or even being
involved in strenuous physical exercise, it's quite normal to become immersed
in the activity and go into a trance state, removed from any other irrelevant
stimuli. These states are so common and familiar that most people do not
consciously recognize them as hypnotic phenomena.
The same situation is in evidence in everyday life, however, whenever
attention is fixated with a question or an experience of the amazing, the
unusual, or anything that holds a person's interest. At such moments
people experience the common everyday trance; they tend to gaze off to
the right or left, depending upon which cerebral hemisphere is most
dominant and get that far away or blank look. Their eyes may actually

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close, their bodies tend to become immobile (a form of catalepsy), certain

reflexes (e.g., swallowing, respiration, etc.) may be suppressed, and they
seem momentarily oblivious to their surroundings until they have
completed their inner search on the unconscious level for the new idea,
response, or frames of reference that will restabilize their general reality
orientation. We hypothesize that in everyday life consciousness is in a
continual state of flux between the general reality orientation and the
momentary micro dynamics of trance.

Because Erickson expected trance states to occur naturally and frequently, he

was prepared to exploit them therapeutically, even when the patient was not
present with him in the consulting room. He also discovered many techniques
for increasing the likelihood that a trance state would occur. He developed both
verbal and non-verbal techniques and pioneered the idea that the common
experiences of wonderment, engrossment and confusion are, in fact, just kinds
of trance.

Erickson implemented the confusion and handshake inductions.

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 Hypnosis is falling asleep
 Hypnosis removes the voluntary control of a
 The hypnotist needs a special power
 A hypnotized person might not wake up
 The hypnotist can aggravate latent psychopathy
 It only works on mentally weak people
 It is something diabolical
 It can reveal my secrets
 I could look like a fool
 I could be abused
 I will not remember anything after coming out of a trance


 Is the fastest tool of psychology
 Altered state of consciousness
 Access not consciously accessible content
 Connects with the most primitive and
emotional brain (memories)
 Allows to eliminate pain, remember
forgotten events and to reprogram behaviors
 It is characterized by increased responsiveness and suggestion
 It can be used for treating disorders

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Left Hemisphere Right Hemisphere

 Motor skills  Does not analyze
 Language  Visual-space
 Writing faculties
 Mathematics  Non verbal
 Logic  Responsible for
 Is the analytical sensations and
part feelings
 Special visual and
hearing abilities


Beta Alpha Theta

 Awake state  Deep relaxation  Deep meditation
 Alert  Eyes closed  Light sleep
 Inner critic  Similar to  The realm of the
meditation subconscious
 Increases  Vivid
imagination and visualization
visualization  Creativity
 Aware of his
 Deep relaxation
of the body

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Introspective Hypnosis Antonio Sangio



 Created by Aurelio Mejía

 It is a method that combines the following
 Ericksonian hypnosis
o Clinical hypnosis
o Past life regression
o Forgiveness therapy
o Role change
o Spiritual assistance
 It is a very flexible method.
 It can be adapted to the requirements of a session.
 It is based on finding the origin of psychosomatic symptoms or problems
in this life or a past one.
 It works with the subconscious in finding when or where they originated.

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Introspective Hypnosis Antonio Sangio


I think it would be important to point out that even though Aurelio Mejía, my
teacher and mentor, does not list the steps to follow in an Introspective
Hypnosis session, while he was teaching me his technique I was able to identify
the steps listed above. Later, as we practiced more I started asking questions
about each step and the reasoning behind it.
With the idea of providing new practitioners a clear picture of what the structure
of the session looks like, I came up with the list of steps and the sort of
flowchart you see above.
My recommendation for those learning hypnosis is not to take these steps as a
formula; as something rigid that cannot change and that needs to be followed
with no changes. This technique was created with the concept of flexibility,
creativity and innovation. Even though there are some steps that you really
cannot change the order they are in like the interview, the induction and the
return; the remaining three can change as the session develops.
Many times while working on step 3 (the memories), my clients started
describing events from a previous life. In some occasions, it was the actual
client’s past life so I stated navigating the session according to step 4 (the
origins – past life regression) as you will later learn. In some other occasions it
was the attachment’s past life, so I started navigation the session according to
step 5 (the scan) in order to help the spirit go to the light.
The beauty of this method is its flexibility and how easy it is to adapt it to any
client’s reality no matter what their belief system is. The same concept applies
to the induction; I really want to encourage people to stay away from scripts,

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from reading a script as part of your induction, since it would make that
induction something rigid when the truth is that each client reacts differently to
the induction and those reactions (body language, expressions, body movement)
are the ones that we should use to put them under and to deepen the trance.
Don’t get overwhelmed with all the instructions I will provide in the next few
pages as I continue to explain each step of this method, which has several
techniques in it. I decided to provide a lot of information and detail but this was
done with the idea that as you get more experience and get more comfortable
with your sessions, you can come back and pick some more details for each
technique and put them in practice.
Remember that we are guided. Many times I got confirmation from clients in a
trance, spirit guides and spirits attached to clients that we do not work by
ourselves. We have our guides working with us at all times and the client’s
guides too. Just open your mind, relax and you will see how without even
noticing it, you will start channeling information from them, asking questions to
clients that you did not know why you asked them in the first place. Little by
little you will start to develop your perception and will be able to understand
what is happening to the client before he or she even starts explaining what they
are seeing.
One last comment before we continue explaining the steps; keep in mind that
we are volunteers, that even though we do not remember, we volunteered to
reincarnate in this life to help, awaken, and guide others. We are not only
helping the incarnated spirits (our clients) but also the disembodied spirits, the
ones attached to our clients. Treat them with love, respect and affection. They
are waiting to be helped and most of the time you will learn they have been
waiting for you for that. We all come with the same spark of light, we are all
one, and we are all connected. There are no good or bad spirits, it is that some
are more evolved than others. Never address an attached spirit as a demon since
they do not exist. Address them as spiritual brothers that is what we really are.

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Introspective Hypnosis Antonio Sangio


 The actual beginning of the induction

 The form
 Personal information
 Characters
 Landscape
 Medical history
 Ailments
 Important events
 List of issues we need to address (GPS)
 Recording the interview

Keep in mind…

 Privacy (do not allow other people in the

 Listen and pay attention
 Do not show horror or disgust
 Do not give your opinion
 Do not identify with their events
 Crying is allowed

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 Take notes
 Avoid asking closed ended questions

The Form

It is very important to collect client’s information that will allow us to navigate

the session in a more efficient way.
For example: When a client in a trance goes back to a memory and mentions her
mom is with her and the name of the mother, and the mother in that memory is
not have the same name we have in the form, we can suspect this is a past life.
It is also important to know their age for the same reason. This will allow us to
determine if what the client is experiencing is in this life or a past one.
The favorite landscape is used for the induction, while the section asking about
abortions, organ transplant, and blood transfusion will allow me to pay special
attention for any sign of attachments.

Client’s Information
 Name and last name  Personal issues
 Age  Health issues
 Occupation  Questions
 Favorite landscape  Mother’s Name / Dead
 Abortions? or Alive?
 Organ transplant?  Father’s name
 Blood transfusion?  Brothers
 Accident?  Husband
 Deceased relatives?  Children

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 It actually begins during the interview

 Implanting suggestions
 It is important to develop our hypnotic voice
 Master the tone of voice, volume and rhythm
 All hypnosis is self-hypnosis

Suggestion Techniques

Even though you could skip these suggestion tests and go

directly to the induction itself, I find them helpful to prepare
the client’s subconscious to start accepting suggestions to go
into a trance. They will also help you determine which
channel they use more: auditory, kinesthetic, or visual. Based
on those results you will know which element to use more
during the actual induction.

Analogue Tests: These tests will always get some degree of

 Magnetic fingers
 Magnetic hands
 Back fall

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 Arm levitation

Digital Tests (metaphor): These are tests that can either work
or fail
 Sticky hands
 Arm Catalepsy
 Closed eyelids

Hypnotic Language

 Yes Set
 Be sure they understand us (not
 Temporary language
 Say when it will happen
 “In a moment”, “when I count to 3”
 “From this moment on”
 Cause and effect
 The magic words
 “That’s it, very good”
 “Imagine”
 The language of the imagination (VAK)

Type of Inductions

 Standard Inductions (7-15 mins)

o Progressive relaxation
 Rapid Inductions (>4 mins)
o Dave Elman induction
o Hand drop
 Instant inductions (>2 mins)
o Shock induction
o Pattern interrupt
 Confusion inductions
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Introspective Hypnosis Antonio Sangio

Our mind consists of:

Conscious mind: 12% including the critical mind.
Subconscious mind: 88% which includes the reptilian brain or primitive brain.
The objective of any instant or rapid induction is to bypass the critical mind to
get access to the reptilian brain and issue a command (sleep). The reptilian brain
is accessed by a sudden loss of physical or mental equilibrium followed by a
startling command. When the reptilian brain is accessed for a few seconds, any
reasoning from the conscious mind stops and the subconscious mind begins
listening to what we are saying.
Since access to the reptilian brain is only maintained for a few seconds, the idea
is to not stop talking and keep implanting suggestions. From this moment on,
everything we say becomes true for the client so we need to be careful with the
words we use. We will see this more in detail in the following sections.
We have to understand that induction alone will not put the client in a trance.
The induction will open the doors to the trance but the trance is only maintained
while playing with the imagination.
As the session progresses, the trance deepens while the client continues
describing what they are remembering, feeling or experiencing.

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Introspective Hypnosis Antonio Sangio

Dave Elman Induction

1. Yes Set
2. Eye fixation
3. Physical relaxation (10-1)
4. Relax eye muscles
5. Challenge when they are 100% sure
6. Transfer the relaxation to the rest of the body
7. Countdown from 100. The numbers will disappear
when at 96
8. Deepening (fractionation)
9. 1 to 3 open your eyes
10. 3 to 1 close your eyes
11. Go down the stairway (from 10 to 1)
12. Favorite place (landscape) (VAK)

Monitoring The Body

 The client is our responsibility during the session

 Monitor the body during the induction and trance
 Signs of trance
 Relaxed facial muscles
 Relaxed jaw
 Rapid eye movement (REM)
 Tears without even speaking
 The trance is progressive

Monitoring the body will not only allow us to determine the level of trance the
person is in, but also get a better idea of what the client is feeling or
As you become exposed to more sessions, you will sometimes able to tell if the
client has a spirit attachment by noticing involuntary movement of the body,
and red spots/marks appearing from one moment to another.

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Introspective Hypnosis Antonio Sangio

We should also pay special attention to any discomfort the client might be
feeling while remembering a past event or viewing a past life. There are some
clients that might need to experience that discomfort again in order to get
healing; however, in most cases we should disconnect the client from feelings
and emotions by having them describe what they are seeing as an observer.
Clients are our responsibility; we should protect them at all times.

Levels of Hypnotic Trance

 It is difficult to determine the level of hypnotic trance

 Eye catalepsy can indicate a superficial, medium, or deep state
 Amnesia usually defines deep states
 We should continue the session assuming that the client is in a deep state
(do not interrupt it)

There is no rule or formula to know for sure how deep in a trance a person is,
but there are some common signs like the ones mentioned above. Keep in mind
that the level of the trance is not important for this type of session. It is the
subconscious mind that regulates how deep a person goes and what they need to
As you start practicing hypnosis, there will be times when you might think your
clients are not going into a deep enough trance for the simple fact that they
remember everything after the session. This is normal as most clients will
remember everything, some will only remember parts of it, and some will not
remember anything.
Does it mean that only the ones that do not remember can experience some
degree of healing?
Not at all! I have facilitated sessions in which I believed the client was not in
trance, and just by doing forgiveness therapy, which we will explain ahead, it
allowed them to alleviate pain in different parts of their body, allergies, and
much more.
Do not measure the success of the session based of the level of the trance
obtained by the client. For example, to show how we can change the internal

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representation for clients, I decided to do a stage hypnosis during a class I

taught. I told a student that went easily into trance that when he opened his eyes
he was not going to move his hand, which I had placed on his head. When he
opened his eyes, I asked him if he thought he was under hypnosis he told me no
several times even though he could not remove his hand from his head. This
means that a person does not even realize when they are under hypnosis.
There was another occasion back when I was just beginning my sessions, where
I decided to end a session early because I thought the client was not in a trance.
To my surprise, the client did not remember anything of what he said during the
My advice is to continue with the session, always assuming that your client is in
a trance and follow all the steps needed. Remember that this session is not about
you or about your ability to put people under easily, but for the client to
experience whatever they should experience in the session. We are just guides
and it is their subconscious that will navigate the session and regulate the level
of the trance.
I am providing the following score system as a reference and for education

Lecron-Bordeaux Scoring System for indicating Depth of Hypnosis

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In this step we use the following techniques:

1. Forgiveness therapy
2. Ericksonian hypnosis (metaphors)
3. Role change
4. Clinical hypnosis

Before explaining how each of these techniques are used, I think it would be
important to explain how the conscious and the subconscious mind work in
order to better understand the process of each of the techniques mentioned

Ego, The Conscious and Subconscious Mind

 Ego seeks survival, validating its view and invalidating that of others
 Ego denies responsibility for itself
 Trauma is caused by bad perception which leads to misinterpretation
 The subconscious lives in the past, looks for similar situations, and reacts

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 Judgments, assumptions, conclusions, and decisions are mental residues

acting in successive lives
 Make the client see this fact from another point of view more modern
(Google maps)

According to Sigmund Freud (1894 – 1896)

Memories banished to the unconscious, or unacceptable drives or urges do not

disappear. They continue to exert a powerful influence on behavior. The
forces, which try to keep painful or socially undesirable thoughts and memories
out of the conscious mind, are termed defense mechanisms.
There is a perpetual battle between the wish (repressed into the id) and the
defense mechanisms.
We use defense mechanisms to protect ourselves from feelings of anxiety or
guilt, which arise because we feel threatened, or because our id or superego
becomes too demanding. They are not under our conscious control, and are
non-voluntarist. With the ego, our unconscious will use one or more defense
mechanisms to protect us when we come up against a stressful situation in life.
Ego-defense mechanisms are natural and normal. When they get out of
proportion, neuroses develop, such as anxiety states, phobias, obsessions, or

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Example of Defense Mechanisms

From The NLP Point of View

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Introspective Hypnosis Antonio Sangio

This is how behavior is generated:

1. An external event takes place.
2. The event is filtered before it gets to our conscious and subconscious
3. Once it is filtered, it is affected by our mood and internal representations
4. After it is processed, it generates a behavior.

Based on what is said above keep in mind that:

1. The mood affects the internal representation.
2. The internal representation affects the mood.
3. And both affect the behavior.

What affects the mood?

Language, focus, and physiology are the factors that affect the mood.
Focus: I am focusing in a sad event, this is how my mood will be; sad.
Language: If I am using words by singing a song with motivational lyrics, I
will feel motivated.
Physiology: If I watch TV while sitting on my recliner, I will feel relaxed.

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In other words, every time I need to change my mood I need to pay attention to
my language, my physiology (posture), and what I am focusing on.

The Filters

The filters consist of the following:

 Memories
 Values
 Past decisions
 Beliefs
 Basic needs
 Mega programs

Meta Programs are mental processes which manage, guide, and direct other
mental processes. In other words, they are processes at or near a higher level
than the mental processes they affect. You could compare them to a
switchboard that controls which two telephones will be connected to each other
for the process of having a conversation, or a thermostat which controls whether
your air conditioning system is turned on or off. These are both metaphors for
one system that controls another system.
We might think of Meta Programs as "habits of thought" or "programs of
attention" -- the processes we use reflexively to sort what we pay attention to,
from what we filter out in various contexts

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For example, in making a decision, one person might picture several options
and say to himself, “I like these two”; then pick the one that feels best. (This
would be a visual-constructed -> auditory-internal -> kinesthetic strategy.)
Another person might prefer to first get a feeling for each of the options, picture
how each might work out, then say to himself, "I like this one." (A kinesthetic
-> visual-constructed -> auditory-internal strategy.)

How Do We Change The Perception of An Event?

Changing filters would be more difficult since that would mean changing
beliefs, and if filters are changed, it would only be temporary and for that
moment only.
Changing the mood would mean finding out what we are focusing on, our
language, and our physiology (posture).
The most effective way of changing the perception of an event is by changing
the internal representation.

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Our Goal

Now that we understand how our conscious and subconscious mind work, our
goal must be to change the perception of our client’s traumatic event by
changing the internal representation.
Since we start our sessions asking the client to look for a sad memory, it allows
me to make a connection with an emotion which will make them lower their
guard and open up to start describing the event. It is not uncommon that they go
back to a memory from childhood where something happened with their
parents, brother or sisters. Or simply back to a memory from school where
something happened with a teacher or classmate. Remember that such event
was recorded by their subconscious, a sort of video camera recorder- kind from
that age, which is now consider obsolete.
In other words, most of the time what was recorded by the subconscious is not
what actually happened. We can now have that kid (a grown up person now)
review the event and analyze what really happened back then.
We can use what we have learned about the spiritual world to let them know
that this plane is a school where we all come to learn lessons and evolve as
spirits. We can also make them understand that we reincarnate in groups just
like a real classroom, and that we take different roles in each life. What seems
as a painful event is actually an opportunity for learning. What is the hidden
lesson in that event?
We can use stories with embedded messages as we’ll see later just like Milton
Erickson. We can also use forgiveness therapy to help them understand that not
forgiving is like taking a venom that is only killing us, when we think it is
killing our enemy.
Be creative! There are many ways to do this. If you are using role change, then
be an intermediary between the client and the other person in the event. Guide
them to reach to an agreement and forgiveness.
If they are back to memory of a painful event when they were kids, disassociate
them from that kid, making them realize that they no longer exist and that he or
she is carrying an emotion that does not belong to them.
In other words, the idea is to minimize what happened. I will explain how this is
done in details ahead.

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Memories - The Procedure

1) Count from 5 to 1
a) Count slowly
b) Monitor the body
c) Monitor the expressions
2) Look for a sad memory
3) Touch the forehead (he will be there)
4) Ask if what he is seeing is during the daytime or nighttime
5) Ask questions in present tense. Repeat what they say
6) Locate the client in that event
a) How old are you?
b) How are you dressed?
c) Where are you?
d) Who is with you?
e) How do you feel?
f) What are you doing?
g) What are they saying?

In case we encounter resistance…

1) Let them know they are doing well
2) If they say they do not see anything, explain that
they will not see with the eyes- but with the mind
3) If they see no images, say they got rid of all
4) Count from 5 to 1 and ask them to tell you of what they do in a normal day.
5) Then count from 5 to 1 and ask to look at any sad or happy memories
6) If they do not find it, suggest a special occasion

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Forgiveness Therapy

 When someone offends us, the reaction of self-defense

is to pay back with the same action
 It is like a snake bite that leaves its poison:
o Revenge
o An eye for an eye
o Seeking justice
 The wound may not close for years
 Stop seeking revenge in order to remove the poison
 Forgiveness does not mean to stop seeking justice
 Forgiveness is changing destructive behavior
 Forgiveness does not necessarily include reconciliation

Forgiveness Therapy – The Procedure

1) Analyze and recognize the damage suffered

2) Ask them to forgive without rancor,
understanding that it was all a lesson
3) Ask if they forgive themselves for having carried
that grudge all this time
4) Tell them you will remove those feelings by putting your hand on their chest.
5) Ask them to let you know when they are ready.
6) Slide your hand across their chest to remove it.
7) Ask them to put something nice in that empty space of where that feeling
8) Verification. Ask them to relive the event without emotions

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Ericksonian Hypnosis

 Milton Erickson used metaphors to induce patients

to psycho-emotional situations without loss of
 The individual relates to the world through their
internal maps, not from sensory experience
 His internal view of the world does not correspond
with the idea that we receive through the senses
 There are no inappropriate behaviors because they correspond to a
reaction of a context

Remember that the idea is to change

the internal representations or internal
In using stories to send an embedded
message, we avoid talking about the
client or talking about ourselves; we
are actually talking about a third

Role Change

 Ask the client to use their mind to communicate with the other person
 A dialogue is established with the absent person
 Allows us to get the other person’s point of view
 The two sides of the story are obtained
 Allows a better understanding of the fact
 Client can reach an agreement and elaborate forgiveness

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Role Change – The Procedure

1) Count from 3 to 1 ask the client to lend their mind and lips
2) Imagine you are talking like the other person
3) When you reach 1, touch the forehead and greet the other person
4) Ask two or three questions that you know the answer to is yes. Example:
a) Are you Jose’s father?
b) Do you live with him?
c) Are you in the house in this moment?
5) Continue the dialogue naturally

1) Understand that we are all spirits
2) Imagine you are standing in front of the other person
3) Imagine you leave your body and you get into them
4) Now read their thoughts
5) Now look through their eyes
6) Now connect with the emotions
7) Take the client by surprise and ask two or three questions
8) Start the dialogue

What could we notice?

1) Many times the voice tone changes
2) Change expressions / vocabulary
3) Emotions may change
4) When switching from one person to the other the voice and expressions will

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In this step we are going to use the following techniques:

(1) Memories
(2) Past life regression

In this step we are looking for the origin of:

(1) Fears
(2) Phobias
(3) Sadness
(4) Physical or health issues
(5) Emotional issues
(6) Relationship issues with other people

We have already explained how to work with memories, so there is no need to

explain it again.
Before explaining how to do a past life regression, it is important to know why
we use it; why we take a client to a past life or why the client goes to that life by
It is common to find the origin of phobias, fear, sadness or other conditions in a
past event in the current life. This is why when asking our client’s subconscious
to look for the origin of a condition or symptom, they might end up reviewing a
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past event in this life; however, don’t get surprised if they start describing an
event that is not from this life.
Unlike what other hypnosis techniques may suggest, when a client comes to you
to only explore past lives, Introspective Hypnosis only works to visit a past life
when looking for the origin (root cause) of a symptom or condition. This is also
true when the client goes to that past life by themselves.
There will be times when a client will start describing a past life event where it
is actually the attachment that is talking to us (we will learn how to detect that
in the next step). That is completely valid since the attachment is the cause of
such symptom or condition, because they might be transmitting pain, feelings,
thoughts, or other things to the client which will be considered a host at this
This is like doing detective work, or trying to put together all the pieces of the
puzzle. Pieces what we have in the form we created during the interview.

Past Life Regression

What is it?
 Taking the client to a past life where there is
something they must see to understand their current
 We visit the three most important events, and then
the death scene.
 Will help understand relationships with others.
 Ailments that have been somaticized in the present life probably related
to their death
 Past life will be evaluated to determine lessons that needed to be learned.
 If possible, will visit the spiritual world for the planning of the next life.

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Past Life Navigation

1) First scene. Location and characters

2) Second scene. Important event
3) Third scene. Important event
4) Last scene. Time of death (symptoms, spiritual world, did you go to the
5) Evaluate that life and determine lessons they needed to learn
6) Disconnect client from that life: Emotions, feelings, symptoms, etc. (VERY

First Scene Navigation

 Look at your feet, what are you Do you know that you are doing
wearing? there?
 What are you dressing? Do you live close by?
 Does the body feel young or old? Do you have family? Children?
 Does the body feel healthy? Is anyone with you?
 Does the body feel male or Describe your house from outside?
female? (will help determine the time)
 Are you wearing any ornaments Get inside your house and describe it
on your arms? How do you cook?
What do you eat?
 Are you wearing any ornaments
Do you speak the same language we
on your head?
are speaking now?
 What color is your skin?
 What is your name?

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Second Scene Navigation

 Before opening a door, we need to close the previous one.
 Let’s leave that scene, leave that scene behind and we are going to drift
and float to another important event in that “same” life. Drifting.. And
floating.. To another important event in that same life. When you are
there, let me know.
 Disconnect symptoms of any traumatic event

The Death Scene

 Where are you?
 Are you young or old?
 How does the body feel?
 Are you healthy or sick?
 Is there anyone with you there?
 What are you feeling? (emotions)
 Was it difficult to leave the body? If yes… why?
 Do you see your body down there?
 Looking at that life from outside… what did you have to learn?
 Did you learn the lesson?
 Can you see the light?
 Is anyone coming for you?
 What do you do once you are out of the body? Where do you go?

Leaving The Past Life Behind

 We should always close a door before opening

another one
 We need to disconnect the client from that life so
that they do not bring any symptoms or emotions to this one

o Now we are leaving behind the life of _____________ (character

of that life)
o Let him / her continue their journey and go where they have to go.
o We are going to disconnect all the emotions.

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o We are going to eliminate any physical symptom

o Nothing that you saw in this life will affect you

Situations We Might Encounter

 Past life navigation is not a formula

 The events are not always presented in the same order.
o Examples:
1) In the first scene, the client goes directly to the day of his death
2) From the first scene, they go directly to another life
3) From the third scene, they go directly to when out of the body
skipping the death scene
4) Once out of the body, they do not go to the light or the say they
stayed floating around in that place

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What is it used for?

 Detect spirits attached to the client’s energetic body
 Detect mind fragmentation
 Detect ET energies
 Detect implants
 Detect any problem with the energetic body

What can we find?

 Spirit of deceased relatives
 Parents
 Brothers
 Grandparents
 Spouses
 Mind fragments of people still alive
 Guides and masters
 ETs

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The Scan – The Procedure

1) Asked to visualize the body spiritually

2) Ask if they see any dark areas or something is out of place
3) Once identified the area, ask them to describe how it looks
4) Let them know that we will take that shadow to their mind to express
5) Touch that part of the body and take it to the head
6) Touching the forehead say "brother, you can express yourself now“
7) Ask the spirit questions to obtain information
How long have you been with______?
Why are you with him /her?
What is your name?
How did your body die?
What symptoms have you caused him /her intentionally or
What was the vulnerability?
8) Make the spirit understand it is attached to a body that does not belong to
9) Elaborate forgiveness between the spirit and the client
10) Ask the spirit to forgive itself.
11) Invite the spirit to go to the light
12) If the spirit does not want to go to the light we need to find out what
prevents them from doing so in order to help them
13) Do they have to forgive someone?
14) Is there anyone that needs to forgive them?
15) When spirit is ready to go, ask to collect their energies
16) Ask the client to help them and to cover them with light
17) Seal the chakras

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Additional Notes

Other way to detect spirit attachments:

 Client suddenly experiences pain in parts of the body
 Headaches or pressure in the chest
 Client sees an energy (light or shadow)
 During the regression, the spirit does not go to the light
 Client’s answer to a question is out of context
 Dates on event described as current life events do not match
 During a body scan client sees one or more black holes in the body

Reasons why they could have attached:

 Unfinished business / conflict with the host
 Revenge
 Confused or lost
 They were sent by someone else
 They saw the opportunity
 They identify with the client’s behavior and habits/addictions
 Waiting for or looking after a loved one
 Deliver a message

Symptoms they can cause:

 Pain related to the way they died

 Suicidal thoughts
 Moodiness
 Nightmares
 Make the client feels they are not themselves sometimes
 Missing time
 Depression
 Opinions, judgements and belief systems
 Transfer their residual emotion

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People susceptible to spirit attachments

 People with addiction to drugs or alcohol
 Organ transplant
 People that suffered abuse during childhood
 Terminated pregnancy
 People that played with the Ouija board
 People with depression
 People vibrating at a very low frequency

Test the spirits. Not all that glitters is gold.

 You may find:
o Spirits presenting themselves as guides are not always who they
say they are
o Spirits presenting themselves as deceased relatives
o Entities that say they are there to help
 You should:
o Ask questions to validate
o If they are guides, ask for the definition of God or Jesus.
o If they say they are loved ones, ask the client to look them in the
eyes and feel their energy. Does it feel ok?
o If they say they are there to help, ask the client if they called them.
DO NOT be afraid
 Some attached spirits might:
o Insult you
o Make noises
o Change the voice
o Violently move or shake the body of the host
o Resist allowing you to help them
o Tell you that they will not leave
o Tell you the host is theirs and that they will take client with them
o Some of them might even tell you they have been waiting for you

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 Disconnect emotions and sensation from past lives
 Disconnect client from all past lives characters
 Thank entities and disconnect them
 Reiterate that we only visited past lives to obtain information
 Ask to forget whatever can affect them
 Locate them in time and space
 Implant positive suggestions

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Inductions Steps

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Magnetic Fingers Script

1. Yes Set
a. Can you put your two please on the floor please?
b. Can you put your hands on you lap?
c. Can you sit down straight?
2. Have them breathe for a few seconds looking at a fixed point.
3. Can you extend your arms?
4. Put your hands together as if you were going to pray
5. Put your to index fingers like this (demonstrate)
6. I want you to pay attention to the space in between those two fingers.
In a moment those two fingers will start getting closer to each other AS
IF THEY WERE TWO MAGNETS and when they touch you will take a
deep breath and close your eyes.
7. REMEMBER when you were a kid and played with magnets… feel
how they pull together… pulling more and more… the closer they get…
the more you relax… they more you look at them…the more you relax…
and the more you relax.. The deeper you go into that state of relaxation…
that’s it, very good…
8. Feel those fingers pulling and getting closer and closer and when they
touch you will take a deep breath and close your eyes. (wait until the
fingers touch) now!...
9. Continue feeling those fingers pulling and getting closer and closer,
that’s it very good.
10.In a moment I will count from 1 to 3 and you will be able to open
your eyes and look at your hands.
11.Great job! That is the power of your mind, your visualization.

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Dave Elman Induction Script

1. Eye fixation
a. I want you to look at that point and pay attention to it without
closing your eyes. As you look at it and want you to breathe in and
breathe out. Little by little your eyelids will get heavier and heavier
and you will start feeling tired and relaxed.
b. When it is convenient for you, take a deep breath and close your
eyes… now… that’s it very good.
2. Counting from 10-1 body relaxation
a. We are going to relax your body… In a moment... I will going to
count from 10 to 1 and with each number I count we are going to
relax your body even more. The more you relax, the deeper you go
into that beautiful state of relaxation.
b. Ten… relax your neck, shoulders…. That’s it, very good
Nine… relax your face, jaw and back…
Eight… the more we count the more you relax… now relax your
abdomen, your hips…
Seven… relax your legs... your knees… that’s it, very good…
Six… relax your ankles, feet and toes…
Five… body totally relaxed…
Four… The more we count, the more you relax.
Three… Your whole body is relaxed now… enjoy this beautiful
feeling of relaxation.
Two… When I get to one you will be totally relaxed.
One... Deeper, deeper relax… that’s it, very good

3. Eyes relaxation
a. In a moment I want you to relax the muscles around your eyes…
the upper muscles, lower muscles, the ones on the right and the
ones on the left... and I want you to relax them so, so much that
they will no longer respond.
b. The more you relax your eyelids will get really heaving like two
iron curtains… that’s it very good…

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c. In a moment… I will count from 3 to 1 and only and only when

you are 100% sure that your muscles are so relaxed and your
eyelids are so heavy like two iron curtains, you will try to open
them and it will be impossible.
d. Three… muscles relaxed, they don’t work, don’t respond… Two…
your eyelids are heaving like two iron curtains, impossible to open
them… One… you try to open your eyes but it is impossible, the
more you try, the more the close… that’s it, very good.
e. Now I want you to transfer that relaxation to the rest of the body as
if you were taking a hot shower (mention body parts) that’s it …
very good…

4. Relaxing the mind counting from 100 down.

a. In a moment we will count from 100 down… with each number
you count, you will go twice deeper, twice relaxed…
b. 100.. double sleep, double relaxation…
c. 99… Deeper relaxed… that’s it very good…
d. 98… From now on with each number that we count, imagine they
start disappearing from your mind and that will make you relax
e. 97… double sleep, double relaxation, that’s it, very good…
f. 96… Deeper relaxed…

5. Opening and closing the eyes (this will take them deeper)
a. In a moment I will count from 1 to 3 and you will be able to open
your eyes.
b. When I count down from 3 to 1 your eyes will close again
c. Every time you open and close your eyes you will go twice deeper,
double sleep, double relaxation.
d. One… two… three… open your eyes…
e. Three… two… one… eyes closed again… double sleep, double
f. One… two… three… eyes open…
g. Three… two… one… eyes closed again, double sleep… that’s it…
very good
h. One… two… three… eyes open….
i. Three… two… one… close your eyes again, go deeper, deeper
still… that’s it, very good.

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6. I now want you to imagine a long stairway going down to a beautiful

a. Imagine that stairway made of any material you want.
b. It has long steps
c. In a moment I will count from 10 to 1 and you will go down the
d. With each number that I count you will go double sleep… double

7. Their beautiful place… use VAK.

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Introspective Hypnosis Flow Chart

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There is no need to be a farmer to know that a good harvest requires good seed,
good fertilizer and constant watering. It is also obvious that whoever cultivates
the land does not impatiently stand in front of the seed and shout with all his
might: "grow, damn you!"
Something very strange happens to the Japanese bamboo, which makes it unfit
for impatient people: Sow the seeds, fertilize it and water it constantly.
During the first months nothing appreciable happens. Actually nothing happens
with the seed during the first seven years, to such an extent that an
inexperienced farmer would be convinced of having bought sterile seeds.
However, in the seventh year in a period of just six weeks, the bamboo plant
grows over 30 meters! Did It take only six weeks to grow?. No. The truth is that
it took seven years and six weeks to develop. During the first seven years of
apparent inactivity, this bamboo was generating a complex root system that
allowed it to sustain the growth that it would have later.
However, in everyday life, many people try to find quick solutions, rushed
triumphs without understanding that success is simply the result of internal
growth and that it takes time.
Perhaps for the impatience itself, many of those who aspire to short-term
results, leave suddenly, just when they were about to conquer the goal.
It is difficult to convince the impatient that only those struggling perseveringly
and know to wait for the right moment achieve success.
You need to understand that many times we face situations where we believe
that nothing is happening. And this can be extremely frustrating. In those
moments (we all have), we must remember the ripening of Japanese bamboo,
and accept that-while we do not lower our arms, - or give up for not "seeing" the
results we expect, something is happening inside us: we are growing, maturing.
Those who do not surrender, will gradually and progressively create habits and
temper that will allow them to sustain success when it finally materializes.
Success is simply a process that takes time and dedication.

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A process that requires learning new habits and forces us to rule out others


Do you know about Olympic sports? When they answer yes or no, you say: The
question is very easy. Do you know who won a very important competition
many years ago? (Here you tell them the amount of years equal to their age and
the place where they were born, which you should ask in the initial interview).
You had to reach a certain point and touch it ... You had to go through long and
dark tunnels ... You had to go through mazes with obstacles, and you had to use
a lot of intelligence. No one was assured that he were going to win ... No one
was assured that they were not going to get lost in the labyrinth ... The best of
them won and the prize a vehicle with very advanced technology capable of
climbing mountains, passing Rivers, walk through valleys and deserts. A
vehicle that works with carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, minerals, vitamins and
Do you know who the winner of this important competition was? It was (their
age here) years ago in (repeat here the place there were born). Once you have
led them very subtly to conclude that the winner was them, you can reinforce
them: Yes, you are that champion! You proved to be the best! At no time you
were given assurance of anything, but at every moment of the competition you
gave all the best you had, and over time they saw the good results. Now apply
all that in your current life, even if there is insecurity in what you do. You're a
champion, and you showed it when you came to this planet.


When the subject is in a trance, they may be asked to imagine a magic scenario,
any one that serves as a psychological tool to help you visualize the elimination
of a pain, the healing of a wound, the elaboration of a grieve, etc. Such a setting
may be a source of miraculous waters or an ancient temple with wise old men
who have legendary powers. Logically none of this is real, but it can activate the
healing potential of the same patient.
One tool that has given us good results is the use of a magic balm: Now I want
you to visualize yourself as a tiny particle of energy and take a tour of the inside
of your body ... I want you to visualize it and find the cause of pain Of the evil
that afflicts it). If something has to be cleaned, clean it ... If something has to be
removed, remove it ... If you have to unite something, unite it ... If you have to

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unblock something, unlock it ... And apply the magic healing balm where
necessary ... In each cell ... In each nerve ... In each muscle ... That balm is a
powerful healing anesthetic, cellular revitalizer and energy harmonizer ... Apply
it to where the pain was (I was to deprogram the idea, instead of reaffirming it
by saying where it is).


When the subject has resentment with someone for ill-treatment in childhood,
for example, you can tell a story like the following: When I was in school, we
had a teacher who did not see anything positive about what we were doing. He
always told us DON’T climb! DON’T run! That model was made incorrectly!
That result is wrong! Don’t answer me like that! I don’t give you permission! I
disagree! I don’t understand you! We did not like him at all so we call him Mr.
And we also had a teacher who was just the opposite. He spoke to us always
positively: You ran very well! Calm down, those stains can be removed with
detergent! Add this to the model here and it's going to be perfect! The result is
acceptable, but if you study a little more you can improve it! The experiment
works if you heat up the solution a little more!
We learned from the two teachers. The negative one taught us how to not do
things, and the positive one showed us the correct way to do them. I see that in
your childhood you had your father (or whoever was the cause of your rancor)
as an excellent teacher of the negative method: Do not follow my example! Do
not behave like me! When you have children do not treat them this way! Do not
drink liquor like me! Do not be irresponsible as I am! Do not imitate me!
If you learn everything that your father taught you in the style the DON’T, just
do the opposite, you will become the best husband and the best father in the


When there is guilt, and the subject is reluctant to forgive, you can suggest the
following: We are like spiritual students, and every student makes mistakes. Or
do you know of a student who has never been wrong? Wait for the answer,
which will surely be a NO.

May 19, 2017

Introspective Hypnosis Antonio Sangio

Even the God from whom we heard at school and at church was wrong, and I'll
show you: When I was in nothingness, because was nothing, nothing existed,
God decided to make a creation. In order to help him in the different tasks, he
made Lucifer, an angel of light, beauty and wisdom, whom they also call
Luzbel. For not being satisfied with all that his boss gave him in Paradise, he
rebelled and resolved to damage everything good that God created. As it turns
out that God did not foresee that that could happen, he did not dispose a way to
disintegrate him and it will have stand him until the end of the times.
Now here we go with the second error: God made all forms of plant and animal
life, and as the culmination of his work he created Adam ... But he forgot to
create a mate for him like the other animals. And since he had used all the
special mud he had for it, he had to make her mate using one of Adam’s ribs.
What I do not understand yet is why she was called Eve and not Rib?
Something has been hidden from us.
Third error: When everything was created, he looked from above and felt
dissatisfied with his work. He resolved to destroy it with a universal flood and
to rebuild it, but he asked Noah to save a pair of animals of each species so that
he did not have to recreate them, since it had been difficult to paint the zebra’s
stripes, to make the tail of the whale, the horns of the bulls, the tentacles of the
octopus, etc. He let the rest of the animals drown in so much water.
Fourth error: He could not perfectly recreate everything he had done before, so
now he corrects every mistake he finds in the species with an evolutionary
Fifth error: He made a hell of fire and brimstone to burn the children who
misbehave, which not even the worst parents would do. What I do not
understand is why God put Lucifer to administer this place, now disguised as
black and dubbed Satan, knowing that he rebelled.
If you were thinking that you can be more perfect than God, and not make
mistakes, get off that cloud; you climbed because you may fall down.
We all make mistakes. We come to this planet to learn many subjects, such as
not to lie, to practice charity and compassion, not to steal, not to kill, not rape,
to practice justice, to learn patience and tolerance correctly and to control our
instincts, money and power, acceptance, humility, control of pride and
conservation of natural resources.
Do you forgive yourself for such a thing? (Mentions what is affecting the

May 19, 2017

Introspective Hypnosis Antonio Sangio


The client has traumas originated in childhood, which can be of abuse or sexual
abuse, and has borne for years with guilt or resentment. We must find a way to
free those repressed emotions, to understand that this does not belong to the
Now I will show you that child no longer exists! I place my hand on his head
and ask him: Is this hair I'm touching the boy's hair? ... Of course not! The
child's cut it many times, every time it grew long... I touch the nails of his
fingers and I ask: Are these nails the child’s? ... Of course not! Those of the
child cut them many times, each time they grew long...
Is the denture in your mouth the same as the child's? Of course not! The child's
was smaller ... I touch his arm and ask: Is this skeleton size 37 the one of the
child’s size 6? (Assuming that the patient is 37 years old, and at 6 years was the
traumatic event)... So this skin that covers this skeleton is not the one of the
child ... The blood that runs through your veins is the same as the child’s)? ...
The body renews it periodically ... Now it is another blood.
So what about the child? ... After searching deep, but very deep, I managed to
find something: a small biochemical particle trapped in your networks of brain
neurons ... And if a stroke happens, that particle spills and there is no way to
collect it back...
I ask you: Does it justify waiting for a stroke to occur to remove what happened
to a child who disintegrated many years ago, who no longer exists?


The patient has childhood traumas, because they feels that they was punished
unjustly, or because they was accused of things that were done by someone else.
This narration of the cat can also be applied to similar events in which they
"were blamed for something" in the company where they work (suffer or carry a
punishment that someone else deserved.
When I was young we had a cat that slept behind the front door of the house.
My dad used to drink a lot of alcohol and many times a week he used to get
home drunk. When he entered the house, he did not realize that the cat was
there and he stepped on his tail.

May 19, 2017

Introspective Hypnosis Antonio Sangio

The poor cat complained of the pain emitting a strong meow that woke me up.
And my anger was such that I threw a shoe at the cat to beat him and make him
stop mewling.
I ask: Was I doing the correct thing? ... No! ... Of course not! The cat was not to
blame. I should have thrown the shoe at my dad ... But he was very angry ... I
preferred to release my anger with the poor cat.
Many people make the same mistake. They do not look at who is the one to
blame and make judgments without reason ... They throw the shoe at the cat...
Do you forgive so-and-so for mistaking yourself with the cat?


If acids corrode metals, jealousy destroys relationships. No affection can last
when the other person continually repeats phrases like the following: I do not
trust you ... I do not believe you ... Who were you with? ... Who called you? ...
Come up with a different story. .. You are a liar ... Whose are those calls on the
cell phone?
The following story corresponds to a girl, but according to the case is modified
so that the center of the story is a child, depending on whether the jealous
person is a woman or a man.
A girl had a bird in a golden cage hanging of a balcony. Every day the girl
would put birdseed, banana and water. And the poor bird jumped from the stick
up to the center, and thence to the floor of the cage. No matter how large the
cage might have been, it was a cage and the bird could not fly.
One day after school the little girl went out for a walk in the woods, where she
saw a bird just like hers singing and flying in freedom, and realized that her own
did not sing ... It was the way she wept it in captivity.
That afternoon, when she arrived at the house, the first thing she did was run to
the balcony where the cage was hanging, opened the door for it, and waited for
the little bird to fly away to freedom. After a while it flew to the nearby
forest ... And now, several days a week a bird comes and sets to sing on the
balcony of the girl's bedroom ... Yes, it is the same to which she gave back its
freedom! Now it sings!
Some people turn the heart into a cage with jealousy, and we lock in there the
people we think we love, but that is a mistake. I invite you to open it today. If
So-and-so goes to the forest and does not return, it's because he did not love

May 19, 2017

Introspective Hypnosis Antonio Sangio

you, and does not justify being forced to be with someone; that does not make
anyone happy. If it does not leave, or returns, it is because it loves you, and in
that case the cage is no longer needed, it is not justified. Can you give me that
cage of jealousy? If you respond affirmatively, you pass the hand in order to
remove or withdraw, to give more force to the suggestion. And you say: Let's
go! ... Get out!


Assuming that the person has trauma from childhood from being adopted, or
their father or mother was not expecting it and did not want to have it. I narrate
the following so that it closes once and for all that cycle that is open, waiting for
someone that will not arrive or for someone to love him will not arrive.
Thirty-five years ago (assuming that's the age of the individual) your spirit was
waiting for its turn to come to earth, have a human body and fulfill a mission.
The body was supplied by XYZ (name of the biological mother) and the spark
of life was given by So-and-so (name of the biological father). Your birth was
not decided by your parents; It was something prepared by your Masters to
fulfill your karma.
Now let's look at it another way: 35 years ago the universe decided to send a gift
to a family on earth. The gift was a baby and was addressed to a woman by
name (here you say the name of his mother). To deliver the gift he chose an
occasional donor messenger, a certain so-and-so (name of the biological father).
Obviously the most important parts of the story are the universe, your mother
and the gift ... that you are! ... That the messenger delivered the gift and left,
that is their problem that they did not want to participate in the gift. To forgive
does not mean that you should agree with what they did or the way they
behaved. To forgive is to remove the rage and pain from your heart, because
that poison does not affect So-and-so, but to ABC (name of the patient). Do you
forgive already and close that cycle?


To those who claim to be afraid of things they imagine can happen, such as fear
of the future, fear of being hit by a car, fear of leaving, fear of someone getting
sick, tell them the following:

May 19, 2017

Introspective Hypnosis Antonio Sangio

According to the dictionary, pre-occupation is to suffer twice: One before the

fact happens, and another when the fact happens, assuming that such thing does
happen, because there are many occasions when it does not, and then we
completely waste the pre- fear.
Suppose you were pre-afraid all year that you were going to lose your job in
December. But December passed and you continued to have your job. Is there a
place where you can go and exchange the year of pre-fear for a week of joy?
No! There is not! ... Pre-fear cannot be returned or exchanged.
Now suppose that you are afraid that at any moment you are going to be bitten
by a dog, and that you have been 5 years with this pre-fear. If it never bites you,
you lose all that time that you stopped enjoying life ... And supposing that it
does bite you, you'll feel afraid only at that moment. So what is the advantage of
pre-fear, or concern? ... Seeing it well, pre-fear is bad business, because you
always have to lose.
Do you give me all the pre-fears? Do I remove them?


When it is necessary to elaborate grieve of a separation of a couple, usually the
one of the parents, I narrates to the patient the following story:
Someone once passed by a shoe store, and bought a pair of shoes they liked.
After a while, they noticed that one of the shoes was causing them pain,
possibly due to a defect or different size, to the point that sometimes it became
At that time there were two alternatives: 1. Continue walking with that shoe
even if it would hurt their foot or twist the spine. 2. Take off your shoe and
continue barefoot, possibly with the illusion of finding another comfortable
If so, what would you have done?
Well! That's what your mom (or dad) did ... Many years ago she met your dad
(or mom), and she thought she had found the shoe she would walk with until the
end of her days ... But she was wrong ... After A time walking together, they
convinced themselves that they were causing hurt and pain ... That's why your
mom (or dad) made the same decision as you: Take your shoe off!
Do you forgive them if they have made you feel bad about that decision?

May 19, 2017

Introspective Hypnosis Antonio Sangio


The tattoo had in its origins sociological, anthropological and psychological
connotations, linked to the political, social and cultural evolution of human
development, in a time of little knowledge. They gave the tattoo a magical
religious meaning, an erotic sexual meaning, a sign of pain and mourning, an
Indian tribe mark, an indication of social distinction and respect, a sign of war
or punishment for slaves.
In recent years they became popular in China, Japan and India as something
ornamental, in which someone uses the body as a mere slate to draw and present
his art. And in many cases it is sign of low self-esteem, like saying "Look at me,
I'm here". Many young people are currently tattooing for simple fashion,
because in the school or the neighborhood others did it, or because of anger and
discomfort with society, personality conflicts, unresolved emotional problems.
The following narration is used when the patient has traumas of childhood that
continue to affect him in middle age, as if they were emotional tattoos that he
himself made or that others caused him.
Let's see! ... Suppose you are now forty years old ... Would you like a twelve
year old to make decisions for you and decide your life? (The answer is always
No, since you ask the question in such a way that it is)... Of course not! ... The
twelve-year old already thought, decided and acted when he was twelve. Now
that you are forty you want to think, Decide and act as the forty-year old adult
you are.
Now imagine that the twelve-year old young man decided to get a tattoo
because it was fashionable and got a tattoo of Donald Duck, Pluto the dog and
Mickey Mouse... How would you feel with those cartoons now that you are an
adult and want to walk on the beach? ... Wrong? ... Of course!
The same thing can happen with the man (or woman) of your future. If you
want to paint things in your body, do it! But in a way that can be erased easily ...
Do not make decisions for the man (or woman) that will be tomorrow.
And if this happens with tattoos, the same thing happens with the experiences of
your childhood. Do not let those facts decide the unhappiness of the man (or
woman) you are now. Also, remember that child no longer exists.
I propose that we remove that, that we close that chapter of your life.

May 19, 2017

Introspective Hypnosis Antonio Sangio

Let's go away! ... Let's go! ... Go away! ... (As I say this, I pass the patient's
hand slightly, to give imaginative force to the suggestion.) I touch them in the
chest, at the Height of neck, arm and forehead).

May 19, 2017


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