Frampton - Modern Architecture 5e-145-148
Frampton - Modern Architecture 5e-145-148
Frampton - Modern Architecture 5e-145-148
286 Part III: Chapter 1 The International Style: Theme and Variations 1925–65 287
the redent prototype of Le Corbusier’s had died and Hanson had begun to challenge this rhetorical manner was Oscar Niemeyer,
Ville Contemporaine. the socio-economic validity of Le Corbusier’s who had worked with Costa, Affonso Reidy,
The last significant gesture of the planning, arguing against the in-vacuo Jorge Moreira and others on the design for
Spanish Modern Movement was made under abstraction of his simplified urbanism. the Ministry of Education. Niemeyer’s freely
the aegis of the doomed Second Republic, In Brazil modern architecture had its planned Brazilian Pavilion for the 1939
in the form of Sert’s Spanish Pavilion origins in the mid-1920s partnership of New York World’s Fair [263], designed with
designed for the Paris Exhibition of 1937 Lúcio Costa and Gregori Warchavchik, an Costa and Paul Lester Wiener, gained world
[261]. This pavilion was the occasion for the émigré Russian architect who had been recognition for the Brazilian movement
first showing of Picasso’s Guernica, which influenced by Futurism during his studies and confirmed his own exceptional ability.
commemorated the aerial bombardment in Rome and who was responsible for the Niemeyer brought Le Corbusier’s concept of
of this Basque town earlier in the same first cubistic houses in Brazil. With the the free plan to a new level of fluidity and
year. Commissioned by the Republican revolution headed by Getúlio Vargas in 1930 interpenetration. Initially planned around
government, as a monument to the dead and the appointment of Costa as head of the an exotic garden court of Brazilian flora
of Guernica, this work was intended as a School of Fine Arts in Rio de Janeiro in 1931, and fauna – a micro-Amazonian landscape
solemn rebuke to the international betrayal modern architecture came to be welcomed complete with orchids and snakes – this
of the Republican cause. in Brazil as a matter of national policy. plastic concept evoked the tropical corniche
After the Hitchcock and Johnson In 1936 Le Corbusier had a direct impact of Rio itself. The garden layout was the work
exhibition of 1932 the International Style on South America when he was invited to of the painter Roberto Burle Marx, whose
expanded outside Europe and North Brazil to act as adviser for the design of a landscapes after 1936 became a seminal
America and began to emerge in areas as new building for the Ministry of Education force in the Brazilian movement. Burle Marx
261 Sert,
Spanish Pavilion, World Exhibition, Paris, 1937, far flung as South Africa, South America in Rio de Janeiro. After working with Costa
showing Picasso’s Guernica. and Japan. The pioneering South African and his design team, Le Corbusier seems
movement, lasting from 1929 to 1942, was a to have endorsed the sixteen-storey slab
A parallel polemical movement special case since Le Corbusier associated solution which departed dramatically
developed in Spain after 1930 under the himself with it directly by dedicating the from his initial sketches. Yet the final
leadership of the socialist architects José second edition of his first Oeuvre complète version, raised on a peristyle of pilotis,
Luis Sert and Garcia Mercadal. Initiated to Rex Martienssen and his Transvaal was an occasion for the first monumental
in 1929 as a Catalan cultural movement, Group. He opened his dedicatory letter of application of many of the characteristic
it was organized on a national basis, 1936 with the words: Corbusian elements, including the toit-
as the Spanish wing of CIAM, under jardin, the brise-soleil and the pan-verre.
the abbreviation GATEPAC (Grupo It is a very moving experience to turn over the The young Brazilian followers of Le
de Arquitectos y Técnicos Españoles pages of your South African Architectural Corbusier immediately transformed these
para el Progreso de la Arquitectura Record. Firstly, because one is amazed to Purist components into a highly sensuous
Contemporánea). Its membership included find something so vital emanating from a native expression which echoed in its plastic
important figures such as Sixte Yllescas, distant point in Africa which lies far beyond exuberance the 18th-century Brazilian
Germa Rodríguez Arias and Torres Clave. the equatorial forests, but yet more because Baroque. The most brilliant exponent of
Before the Spanish Civil War, in the space one can discover so much of youth’s faith in it,
of some eight years, these men produced such solicitude for architecture, and so fervent 262 Niemeyer, Casino, Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, Minas
three major theoretical studies, including a desire to attain a cosmic philosophy.5 Gerais, Brazil, 1942. Second-floor plan.
263 Niemeyer, Costa and Wiener, Brazilian Pavilion,
the Maciá Plan for Barcelona, designed in World’s Fair, New York, 1939.
collaboration with Le Corbusier in 1933. By this date a close rapport had already
This remarkable low-rise residential project been established between Le Corbusier
achieved the exceedingly high density of and the Transvaal Group, with Le Corbusier
1,000 persons per hectare (400 per acre), contributing a special article to the South
without exceeding two storeys. The most African Architectural Record and men like
significant realization of GATEPAC was the Martienssen and Norman Hanson building
seven-storey Casa-Bloc communal dwelling, houses in Johannesburg in an extremely
including duplexes, a library, a crèche, a sophisticated post-Corbusian style. By 1942,
kindergarten and a swimming pool – a however, before the group could become the
type-form that was clearly derived from South African wing of CIAM, Martienssen