Hydrogen and Fuel Cells: Opportunities For Growth: A Roadmap For The UK

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Hydrogen and Fuel Cells:

Opportunities for Growth

A Roadmap for the UK

E4tech and Element Energy

Published November 2016

An independent report commissioned by Innovate UK, Department of Business,

Energy and Industrial Strategy (formerly known as Department of Energy and
Climate Change), Transport Scotland, Scottish Government, Scottish Enterprise,
Title Hydrogen and Fuel Cells: Opportunities for Growth
Client Innovate UK, DECC, Transport Scotland, Scottish Government,
Scottish Enterprise, KTN, UKHFCA and SHFCA

Document version Final Report

Date Prepared January – July 2016. Published November 2016.

Authors David Hart, Jo Howes – E4tech

Ben Madden, Edward Boyd – Element Energy

Contacts Steering Board: Harsh Pershad, Innovate UK

[email protected]

E4tech: Jo Howes
[email protected]

Element Energy: Ben Madden

[email protected]

Acknowledgements and The Steering Board and project team would like to thank all of the
disclaimer many stakeholders who have contributed to this roadmapping
process through interviews, workshops and written feedback. A list
of organisations which contributed is given in Appendix A.

Whilst the project team has integrated the views of many of the
stakeholders into this process, the content of this roadmap and
supporting mini roadmaps does not reflect the official opinion of
any of the Steering Board members or stakeholder organisations
individually. Responsibility for the information and views expressed
lies entirely with E4tech and Element Energy.

Whilst the information in this report is derived from reliable sources

and reasonable care has been taken in its compilation, E4tech and
Element Energy cannot make any representation of warranty,
expressed or implied, regarding the verity, accuracy, or
completeness of the information contained herein. Note that this
report was prepared before the UK’s referendum on EU
membership, and prior to the merger of BIS and DECC.


1 Executive summary ......................................................................................................................... 5

2 Why is this roadmap needed? ......................................................................................................... 9
3 What actions are needed to enable hydrogen and fuel cells to bring benefits to the UK? .......... 14
3.1 Hydrogen as a major component of a future low carbon energy system ............................. 15
3.2 Hydrogen in transport: helping to improve air quality and contribute to decarbonisation . 24
3.3 Fuel cell CHP: improving the efficiency of energy use today ................................................ 33
3.4 Fuel cell products: bringing functionality benefits in portable and specialist applications .. 39
4 What are the priorities for industry, policymakers and others? ................................................... 44
4.1 Policymakers.......................................................................................................................... 44
4.2 Industry associations ............................................................................................................. 46
4.3 Hydrogen and FC product developers ................................................................................... 48
4.4 Research funders and academics .......................................................................................... 49
4.5 Gas and electricity networks and regulators......................................................................... 50
4.6 Regional organisations .......................................................................................................... 50
Appendix A : Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................... 52
Appendix B : SHFCA Members .......................................................................................................... 54
Appendix C : UKHFCA Members ....................................................................................................... 55


APC Advanced Propulsion Centre kWe Kilowatts of electricity

BCGA British Compressed Gases Association LowCVP Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership
BVLOS Beyond Visual Line of Sight mCHP Micro Combined Heat and Power –
Combined heat and power at the sub
kWe scale
CCC Committee on Climate Change MtCO2 Mega-tonnes of carbon dioxide
CCS Carbon Capture and Storage NEDC New European Driving Cycle
CHFCA The Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell NOx Nitrogen oxides
CHP Combined Heat and Power OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
DECC Department of Energy and Climate Ofgem Office of Gas and Electricity Markets
DNO Distribution Network Operators OLEV Office of Low Emission Vehicles
ETI Energy Technologies Institute PEM Polymer Electrolyte Membrane
EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences PMx Classifications of Particulate Matter
Research Council pollutants
FC Fuel Cell R&D Research and Development
FCEV Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle RD&D Research, Development and
FCHEA Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Energy RE Renewable Energy
FCH JU Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint RES Renewable Energy Sources
FiT Feed in Tariff RFTO Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation
GHG Green House Gas SHFCA Scottish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell
H2ICE Hydrogen-fuelled Internal Combustion SME Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
H2ME Hydrogen Mobility Europe SMMT Society of Motor Manufacturers and
HFC Hydrogen and Fuel Cell SMR Steam Methane Reformation
HGV Heavy Goods Vehicles SMR+CCS The use of CCS in conjunction with SMR
HRS Hydrogen Refuelling Station SOx Sulphur oxides
IEA The International Energy Agency TRL Technology Readiness Level – estimates
of a technology’s maturity on a scale
from 1 to 9, where 9 is the most mature
KTN Knowledge Transfer Network UK A collaborative UK project which aims to
H2Mobility develop a plan for the rollout of FCEVs
UKHFCA UK Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association

1 Executive summary
The UK faces a period of unprecedented energy system change, bringing both problems to solve and
opportunities to exploit. Developing an energy system that is affordable, clean and secure will
require a mix of technologies, which are designed to work together, and optimised wherever
possible. Hydrogen and fuel cell (HFC) technologies can provide services throughout this energy
system. They can replace more polluting – or less efficient – ways of providing power, heat and
mobility, whilst working in tandem with renewable energy generation and batteries.

The biggest benefits of HFC applications are only seen when the whole energy system is considered,
and when long-term benefits are taken into account. However, a number of HFC applications can
already stand-alone without support, based on their value to customers, and for several more, there
are near term benefits that justify support for them today.

The UK has competitive strengths in HFC and could exploit technology opportunities at home and
abroad. Hydrogen can become a component of all aspects of our energy system, with an overall
economic value of many billions of pounds. For many HFC technologies, the period before 2025 is
preparatory, readying the technologies, companies and markets for more extensive deployment
beyond 2025. Despite this, the net economic benefits from early local deployment and from export
could reach tens of millions of pounds by 2020 and hundreds of millions by 2025.

This roadmap for UK engagement in HFC technologies was commissioned by a consortium of funders,
wishing to understand different aspects of the opportunity to 2025. The final document reflects a
sector-by-sector analysis and a highly consultative process, designed to show if, how and where HFC
technologies could offer UK benefits, and how to support them to do so.

An overarching view was required because only co-ordinated support is likely to achieve significant
benefits for the UK or its regions. For example, actions taken to build future hydrogen pipelines will
affect transport and renewables, and cross-cutting support for research or manufacturing could find
its way into many end-use sectors. Similarly, the interaction with international developments is
important: major deployment efforts are underway internationally in countries such as Japan and
Germany, and tens of thousands of fuel cells are being deployed around the world each year, mainly
supported by government programmes.

Long-term analyses – to 2050 – suggest that HFC technologies are important in a future energy
system, but until now the near-term actions and benefits to the UK have not been assessed in detail.
For the UK, or specific regions, to benefit, actors must (i) identify the HFC applications relevant to
them and the potential benefits of these applications, (ii) lay out the steps required to support the
technologies to commercialisation, and (iii) provide clear and appropriate support. This roadmap has
aimed to provide the first two of these actions.

In developing the roadmap, the consulting team of E4tech and Element Energy has examined almost
all HFC applications. The first step was working with the Steering Board to prioritise and focus on
those of most relevance to the UK, through an initial exhaustive screening, with the most relevant
selected by market size, UK competitiveness and environmental benefits, and potential benefit from
having a shared roadmap. For the selected applications, detailed analysis and a series of workshops

and bilateral discussions with a wide range of stakeholders allowed us to produce ‘mini-roadmaps’
addressing 11 sectors in detail, and to bring together the most important and relevant aspects into
this overarching document. Because of the complexity and interlocking nature of some applications
we have structured the document using four themes:

Firstly, hydrogen is considered in its role as a major component of a future low carbon energy
system, where it can bring significant benefits as a low carbon route to energy supply, and through
providing services to energy networks. There are a number of aspects to this:
 The gas network could be converted to hydrogen, to provide low carbon heating that could be
less disruptive for consumers, more familiar, and potentially cheaper than alternative low carbon
options. Converting the natural gas distribution network would also enable cheaper hydrogen
supply for transport with both low CO2 and with ultra-low air quality emissions.
 Hydrogen could enable more widespread penetration of renewable electricity, as a way to store
large amounts of intermittent electricity supply and enable its use in other sectors, such as
heating and transport. It could be an alternative to reinforcing the electricity grid to access
remote renewables, an area of particular interest for Scotland.
 When combined with carbon capture and storage, hydrogen production can provide a route to
low or even negative greenhouse gas emissions (when using biomass), providing an important
contribution to meeting long-term carbon targets.

None of these options are yet available at the scale required to deliver major energy system benefits,
and so the actions recommended here are to prepare the UK to take advantage of these potential
solutions. Strategic policy decisions, particularly in heat, need to be made in the next five years. Work
needs to be continued on feasibility studies and demonstrations, particularly in pipeline conversion
and demonstrating use of electrolysis to support renewable deployment and grid balancing. It is also
important to ensure that energy systems analysis recognises and assesses the potential for hydrogen.

Secondly, the opportunities are detailed for hydrogen in transport, and how it can help to improve
air quality and contribute to decarbonisation. While application in cars is important, hydrogen is
also well suited to heavier vehicles operating daily duty cycles. The UK could benefit from a focus on
developing larger buses, trucks, vans and even boats, where there is already significant industrial
strength. The main action here is to support UK companies producing these vehicles and their
components. This will need to be complemented by actions to prepare the UK market for the
introduction of hydrogen-fuelled vehicles of all types – as a part of the wider ultra-low emissions
strategy – through expansion of the hydrogen refuelling network, and support for vehicle

The third aspect is the role of fuel cell CHP, improving the efficiency of energy use today. These
systems can run on natural gas cleanly and efficiently in the short term, could switch to bio-based
gases to reduce carbon emissions further, and would be compatible with hydrogen from a future
pipeline network. Actions here include supporting UK companies in validating and introducing small
scale fuel cell CHP, and a creating a fair playing field which recognises the benefits of fuel cell CHP
within support schemes and local regulations, such as building regulations. The fuel cell CHP industry
also needs to work together with other energy industry stakeholders, as well as regulators, to
develop business models that capture some of the wider benefits that fuel cell CHP systems can
offer, including helping to strengthen the grid and providing flexibility in managing intermittent
sources of energy.

Fourthly, fuel cells are already being used in products that bring functionality benefits in their own
right in portable and specialist applications. Portable power, remote power using portable fuels
such as hydrogen, propane or methanol and unmanned aerial vehicles each have a potentially
important role to play in commercialising hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. Because these
applications are close to being commercial, actions are concentrated around showcasing the
products, awareness-raising and improving knowledge amongst potential buyers, as well as removing
unnecessary barriers.

The graphic below shows how the use of hydrogen and fuel cells in our energy system could be
developed. The period to 2020 focuses on expanding the use of technologies available today, such as
vehicles, fuel cell CHP and portable and specialist fuel cells, whilst planning and preparing for a
greater role for hydrogen in the energy system. In 2020-2025 activity ramps up, with construction of
systems needed for conversion of the gas grid to hydrogen, use of hydrogen in a wider range of
vehicles, and multiple projects bringing regional benefits through production and use of hydrogen.
After 2025 widespread use of hydrogen in heating, transport and industry is enabled by staged
conversion of the gas grid, with low carbon hydrogen produced by routes including CCS.

Figure 1: A pathway for development of hydrogen and fuel cells in the UK energy system

Hydrogen was discovered by a British scientist, Henry Cavendish. The fuel cell was first demonstrated
in the UK, in 1839, using UK technology. While the HFC sector as a whole has taken time to mature,
UK actors still play an important global role. For the UK to benefit from its deployment, not only
directly through jobs and revenues, but also environmentally, a co-ordinated, targeted and sustained
support programme is required. Whilst this programme need not be large or expensive, it must be
focused in suitable areas, monitored and maintained. As hydrogen and fuel cells products emerge,
now is an excellent time to put in place ways of supporting their use to UK short and long-term

2 Why is this roadmap needed?
Energy systems face profound challenges. The need to
Hydrogen and fuel cells can
deliver and use energy cost-effectively, securely and with
bring significant energy minimal environmental impact will require different
system benefits and technologies, fuels and approaches from those used today.
economic opportunities But energy systems can also benefit from new
opportunities, with market liberalisation and information
availability allowing crossover between sectors that have traditionally been independent. No single
technology, nor combination of technologies, will be ubiquitous in a future energy system; a portfolio
of options is essential.

Hydrogen and fuel cells can be significant in helping to address these challenges across the energy
system in the long-term, as well as bringing local and national economic and environmental benefits

Hydrogen, an energy carrier, can be produced with low greenhouse gas emissions from many
different energy sources, and can be used in applications ranging from transport to domestic heating
to industrial heat and power.

Fuel cells convert fuels, including hydrogen, to power and heat often more efficiently, cleanly and
reliably than many incumbent technologies. They can be used in transport, power generation and
many other applications.

The potential benefits of hydrogen and fuel cells – together and separately – are substantial in many
sectors. For example:
 Decarbonising heat in buildings and industry is challenging. Energy demand for heat is high and
varies dramatically over the year, while most technology options for low carbon heat are
expensive, and require behavioural or technological change. Converting the gas network to
hydrogen could provide low carbon heating that could be less disruptive for consumers, more
familiar, and potentially cheaper than alternative low carbon options. Converting the natural gas
distribution network in a city the size of Leeds to hydrogen could save around 1.5-2.2 MtCO2/year
in emissions from heating1, as well as enabling hydrogen supply for transport with both low CO2
and with ultra-low air quality emissions. Scenarios produced for the Committee on Climate
Change show that by 2050 around 60% of heat demand in domestic, commercial and industrial
applications could come from hydrogen, reducing GHG emissions from the residential sector from
29 MtCO2/yr in CCC’s central scenario to 3 MtCO2/yr 2.
 The transport sector impacts could be equally significant. There is no fundamental technical
limitation preventing hydrogen from gaining a significant share of the transport fuelling market.

1.5 MtCO2/yr (H21 Leeds City Gate project) to 2.2MtCO2/yr E4tech estimate based on DECC data, with full
derivation given in the Hydrogen in Pipelines mini roadmap
E4tech for CCC: Scenarios for deployment of hydrogen in meeting carbon budgets, October 2015,

Hydrogen allows ultra-low or zero air quality emissions which can be combined with significant
decarbonisation when hydrogen is produced from low carbon production options. Hydrogen
vehicles will have a range similar to today’s vehicles, with similar refuelling time (unlike battery
powered alternatives). A recent IEA report3 suggests up to 30% of the European transport fleet
could use hydrogen by 2050. This would correspond to a saving of over 30 MtCO2/year in the UK
compared with today’s vehicle fleet.
 Fuel cells could allow more efficient use of natural gas today, through combined heat and power
in buildings. Fuel cells convert natural gas to electricity at efficiencies of up to – and potentially
over – 60%. This is equivalent to the efficiency of power generation from the best natural gas
power stations, and the systems are quiet and have very low pollutant emissions, allowing them
to be sited in large urban centres. This, in turn, avoids transmission losses and allows heat that
would otherwise be wasted to be used locally.
 Fuel cells can simply be ‘better’ than existing devices, enabling new products and services, with
better functionality than existing technologies. Innovative UK companies are already starting to
exploit opportunities in fuel cell products for portable power, and remote and special applications
such as unmanned aerial vehicles.

Many of the benefits above increase significantly when energy sectors are considered and developed
together, as part of a whole energy system. For example, hydrogen could enable greater penetration
of renewable electricity into the grid, through providing an alternative to building expensive
additional grid capacity, while also providing vehicle fuel.

Hydrogen and fuel cell (HFC) technologies can potentially

A coordinated approach is
address major and long-term energy system needs, and can
also create near-term value. Most applications have been needed to enable hydrogen
demonstrated and major technical hurdles have been and fuel cell benefits
overcome, with significant cost reductions achieved. Further
cost reduction will come with mass production, but this alone may not enable widespread
commercialisation. This is because there are low market values for some benefits of HFC
technologies, and because some benefits only arise from a ‘systems approach’. A coordinated
approach to support for these technologies gives this systems perspective, and allows benefits to be
identified, so that they can then be valued. Structured support for these technologies is needed to
create near-term value for the UK, and maintain or create long-term options. Some existing and
near-term applications will directly support near-term commercialisation – and ultimately the long-
term needs – by enabling robust supply chains to be created, raising awareness, and bringing
appropriate regulation or further cost reduction. Some applications may simply be competitive in
their own right.

The UK has played a part in HFC support to date, and has developed pockets of excellence, but has
had no overarching strategy for the sector. In comparison with countries such as Japan and Germany,

IEA Technology Roadmap Hydrogen and Fuel Cells, 2015

support has been less consistent and coordinated, and thus far the benefit to the UK has been more
limited. But with an increasing number of hydrogen and fuel cell (HFC) technologies now close to
commercial application, small but coherent and coordinated actions could open pathways to large
benefits. Some of these actions relate solely to a single market or product, while others overlap
significantly and bring system challenges and opportunities. Enabling UK actors to view and consider
these as a whole should enable them to be managed, and increase value for the UK. This
roadmapping exercise is therefore timely in identifying the UK’s role and opportunity, as other
countries start to commercialise and adopt this technology: Germany and Japan have multi-year
commercialisation programmes with top-level political support. At the same time the EU’s main
support programme, the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU), was renewed in 2014
with an increased focus on commercialisation support. The IEA, which has hitherto supported HFC
mainly through Implementing Agreements, has produced a global technology roadmap, looking out
to 2050.

This integrated roadmap sits within the context of the activities above and is focused on the whole
sector and its interactions. It brings together and highlights the most promising applications from 11
sectoral ‘mini-roadmaps’, each developed through a deep analysis and thorough consultation with
several hundred stakeholders. It describes how they can interact to create UK benefit, and sets out
clear, cost-effective and straightforward actions that can unlock near-term value in the HFC sector,
while considering system implications for the UK as a whole. While some near-term actions are
justified in their own right, some also lead directly to creating options for long-term benefit.

This roadmap needs to be followed by a coordinated process, with all of the actors in Chapter 4
having appropriate responsibility not only for taking action, but also for monitoring and re-evaluating
the actions and their benefits at appropriate times. New actors and applications will emerge and the
international picture will change. By continuing to set local, regional and national actions in the
global context, and by approaching the sector in an integrated way, the UK could derive considerable

The HFC sector is developing at a rapid pace around

Developments in hydrogen and the world. The sector is already generating billions of
fuel cells globally mean that the dollars in revenues every year, with annual growth
UK needs a national position (from a low base) of over 50%4. This trend is expected
to continue for some time. In Asia, car manufacturers
will produce around 3,000 fuel cell cars in 2016 and around 50,000 fuel cell combined heat and
power devices. Detailed projections by all OEMs for the Californian Air Resources Board suggest that
more than 30,000 cars will be on the roads in California by 2021. Fuel cell technologies are
performing reliably to deliver many energy services: some hydrogen buses in London’s fleet have
operated for nearly 20,000 hours since 2011, while individual stationary fuel cells have generated
power for over 80,000 operating hours.

E4tech “The Fuel Cell Industry Review 2015” http://www.fuelcellindustryreview.com/

Worldwide, public and private partners are developing initiatives to roll-out hydrogen - and fuel cell -
based technologies. These initiatives are stimulated by the potential for increased economic activity
for the countries involved, whilst delivering major environmental benefits through deployment.

The UK as a whole needs to consider how to respond to these global developments. The UK has
already developed strengths in promising areas of the hydrogen and fuel cell sector and has
ambitious environmental targets which widespread deployment of hydrogen and fuel cell
technologies could help to meet. Joining up the ambitions with these possible solutions need not be
costly or complex and could result in significant added value.

A roadmap sets a coordinated direction for

action in a sector, setting out the priorities and Many UK organisations, with
timing of actions by a range of actors, to interests in the potential of hydrogen
achieve a future aim. Benefits, risks and and fuel cells, have worked together
interactions are also considered. A coordinated
to produce this roadmap
approach was recognised as essential by the
organisations directly supporting the development of this roadmap: Innovate UK, the Department of
Energy and Climate Change (DECC), Transport Scotland, Scottish Government, Scottish Enterprise,
Scottish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (SHFCA), UK Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association
(UKHFCA), and the Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN). Together they commissioned E4tech and
Element Energy to map the opportunity in detail, aiming to drive sustainable economic growth in the
UK hydrogen and fuel cell industry from now to 2025 and beyond. All of these organisations sat on
the Steering Board, working closely together with the project team to prioritise the areas of focus for
the roadmap, develop draft mini roadmaps, and consult widely throughout.

Almost all existing HFC technologies and applications have been assessed, and prioritised, for their
potential UK benefits. Each of the prioritised areas shows the potential to bring benefits in return for
assistance. Dedicated ‘mini-roadmaps’ have been produced describing the opportunities and actions
for different application sectors. These built on a wide range of existing published work5. Ten
workshops were held in London, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Leeds with technology developers,
infrastructure providers, end users, policymakers, academics and others to solicit feedback on the
draft mini roadmaps, and hear views on the actions needed. The feedback from these workshops,
together with the project team’s analysis of the interaction between the roadmaps has fed into this
integrated roadmap.

These include: UK H2Mobility, hydrogen scenarios for the CCC to 2050, the H2FC SUPERGEN White Paper on
heat, demonstration projects (e.g. HyTec, HyFIVE, H2ME, CHIC, HyTransit), ongoing work on the H21 Leeds City
Gate project, IEA Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Roadmap, LowCVP Hydrogen Infrastructure Roadmap, Tees Valley and
North East Hydrogen Economic Study, Scottish Cities Alliance Hydrogen Study, Hydrogen Transport Economy
for the North Sea Region (HyTrEc), Aberdeen Hydrogen Strategy, Hydrogen London, FCHJU reports on
stationary and mobile fuel cells, OLEV funding competition for hydrogen infrastructure, Automotive Council
reports, LCICG Hydrogen Transport TINA, Innovate UK-funded hydrogen and fuel cell projects, H2FC Supergen

The eleven mini roadmaps themselves are provided alongside this document. They address different
areas of the hydrogen supply chain and use of hydrogen and fuel cells, and are closely linked, as
shown in the diagram below.

Figure 2: Mini roadmaps prepared during this project, and the relationships between them

Each mini roadmap includes analysis of the potential for several applications of HFCs, and the actions
needed to enable them. Areas of similarity and difference, synergy and critical path dependence
have been drawn out to produce this overarching final document.

3 What actions are needed to enable hydrogen and fuel cells to
bring benefits to the UK?
As explained in Chapter 2, hydrogen could bring significant benefits to future energy systems, as a
low carbon route to energy supply, and through providing services to other energy networks.
Maximising the benefits to the UK can only be achieved if there is coordination across several
sectors. In the next ten years, actions are needed to prepare for hydrogen’s possible later
widespread use in the energy system, and assess the benefits to the UK. These actions are described
in section 3.1: Hydrogen as a major component of a future low carbon energy system.

In addition to this longer term energy systems role, there are three distinct areas where hydrogen
and/or fuel cells could bring benefits in the nearer term. These near term benefits do not rely on
wider systems decisions, though in many cases would be increased in the future through integration
with a wider hydrogen system. The three areas are described in the following sections:

3.2 Hydrogen in transport: helping to improve air quality and contribute to decarbonisation

3.3 Fuel cell CHP: improving the efficiency of energy use today

3.4: Fuel cell products: bringing functionality benefits in portable and specialist applications

Each area will require different actions from a range of actors. The case for action, the actions
required, the actors who will need to commit to these actions and the scale and timing of the
benefits that will accrue are described in this chapter.

The timing of benefits from support for HFCs is an inherent challenge for the sector. This is a rapidly
developing sector and in most cases the technologies involved are on the verge of commercial
introduction, but will require further economies of scale or mass production before they can
compete economically with their incumbents. Whilst this is a common challenge for many low
carbon technologies, the challenge is greater for many HFC applications as the very large benefits
available in the medium term (post 2025) rely on technology and policy developments being made in
adjacent parts of the energy system, and on large-scale system change, as well as on technology
progressing to the point of mass market commercialisation. The gap in time between support and
investment required to help nurture the technologies and prove the business case, and the benefits
from full mass market roll-out, creates a problem for policymakers. In addition, as with many other
low carbon technologies, there is an inherent risk that the investment may not be realised:
technology development is uncertain, and breakthroughs may come in competing technologies in
some of the sectors considered. The case for action in these sectors therefore has an inevitable
speculative element based on what we know now, but keeps and creates options that could have
even greater payback in the future. This roadmap aims to set targets for hydrogen and fuel cells in
each sector, while recognising that progress towards those target needs constant review to ensure
that they are still appropriate.

3.1 Hydrogen as a major component of a future low carbon energy system
Achieving UK decarbonisation targets to 2050 will require a large and complex energy systems
transition, with changes to how we supply and use energy for transport, buildings and industry.
Hydrogen and fuel cell technologies could be very important components of these future energy
systems, enabling lower-cost, more rapid, or more easily-implemented solutions than competing

We have focused on several areas where hydrogen could enable large systems benefits, as a result of
strong environmental benefits combined with large markets:
 Decarbonisation of heat and industry
- On a cold winter’s day the gas system supplies 5 times as much power over a day as the peak
daily power delivered by the electricity system6, mainly to heat UK homes and buildings. It
will be hard to find an alternative to the gas grid for providing this quantity of instantaneous
power. However, if we are to decarbonise by 80%, it will not be possible to use natural gas in
the gas grid to heat the majority of homes or provide the majority of heating for industry.
Using hydrogen from ultra-low carbon sources as the fuel in the existing gas system could
allow continued use of the gas network, whilst decarbonising heating and industry7.
- Converting the gas grid to 100% hydrogen has several benefits compared with other low
carbon heating options such as electric heating, district heating and heat pumps: it could be
less disruptive for consumers, more familiar to them, and potentially cheaper. The market is
very large: there are 21 million homes with central heating and hot water from natural gas
boilers, plus 2 million commercial boilers in use in industry8.
- Modelling of hydrogen scenarios for the CCC has shown that by 2050, 60% of the energy
required by domestic, commercial and industrial heat users could be supplied by hydrogen
through conversion of the gas distribution network2. If supplied by low carbon hydrogen
production route such as steam methane reforming (SMR) with carbon capture and storage
(CCS), this would bring substantial CO2 savings – estimated at 1.5 - 2.2mtCO2/yr for a city the
size of Leeds1 - as well as reduction of indoor NOx emissions. There would also be significant
potential for job creation in undertaking the conversion and opportunities for UK companies
to sell related services globally, given that the UK would be a leader in this area.
 Long-term energy storage – hydrogen can be stored in very large quantities in structures such as
underground salt caverns, aquifers, or depleted gas fields 9 . Very large-scale underground

DECC, 2014, Future of Heating – Meeting the Challenge https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-
A degree of gas grid decarbonisation is also possible through incorporation of biomethane from anaerobic
digestion and biomass-derived synthetic natural gas (bioSNG), which are outside the scope of this project, as
well as blending a lower proportion of hydrogen into the gas grid, which is discussed briefly, but was scoped
out of this project as a result of comparatively low GHG savings
Dodds, P. E. and Hawkes, A. (Eds.) (2014) The role of hydrogen and fuel cells in providing affordable, secure
low-carbon heat. H2FC SUPERGEN, London, UK
‘Energy Storage, the Missing Link” IMechE (2014) https://www.imeche.org/docs/default-

hydrogen storage at the multi-TWh scale can play an important role as a storage medium in
balancing inter-seasonal swings in energy demands, particularly for heat. Conversion of the
natural gas networks to hydrogen would also allow continued use of ‘linepack’ storage in both
transmission and distribution pipelines in gas networks, which currently plays a crucial role in
smoothing out diurnal fluctuations in UK heat energy demand. A recent ETI report estimates that
six caverns could store 0.5 TWh of hydrogen, which is roughly comparable to the entire UK gas
network linepack storage capacity. For comparison the existing UK pumped hydro electrical
energy storage capacity is approximately 0.025 TWhr10.
 Increased renewable energy deployment – to achieve the 80% carbon target, increased
penetration of renewable energies will be required. This will lead to increased swings in
generation and make it harder to balance the electricity system. For example, there has been a
surge in renewable energy uptake in locations with strong wind resources such as the Orkney
Islands. For several years over 100% of the annual electricity demand for Orkney Islands has been
met from wind power, but the relatively weak electrical grid in the area prevents export of large
quantities of power and this has also resulted in increasing levels of curtailment of renewable
output due to local grid constraints. Hydrogen production through electrolysis could soak up local
imbalances in electricity generation and supply, converting electricity to a storable fuel also
usable for transport and heat. New renewable energy projects can also be deployed in locations
remote from the grid, which are dedicated to generating hydrogen as their main output. This
hydrogen can then be transported by road, or for large-scale projects by pipeline, to other
markets. In these ways, hydrogen can facilitate continued penetration of renewable energies, well
beyond today’s targets for 20% penetration by 2020.
 Integration with carbon capture and storage – hydrogen produced from natural gas or biomass
with carbon capture and storage could give a low carbon or even carbon negative route to
hydrogen that could be integrated into infrastructure for transport and storage of CO2 from other
sources, which could reduce costs for all users.

These uses of hydrogen are predicated on major energy system decisions taken in order to achieve
an ambitious target for decarbonisation. These decisions have not yet been taken, and in many cases
the evidence which could underpin them fully is not yet in place. Hence the actions recommended
over the next 5-10 years are aimed at creating that evidence and informing the debate, to determine
the extent to which HFC technology can offer a low or lowest cost option for widespread
decarbonisation and system integration. Full details of the actions are given in the accompanying
mini roadmaps on hydrogen in pipelines, in industry and liquid fuels, bulk hydrogen production and
services to energy networks11.

ETI: The role of hydrogen storage in a clean responsive power system http://www.eti.co.uk/carbon-capture-
Note that further discussion of this topic is also given in the Energy Research Partnership’s report “Potential
Role of Hydrogen in the UK Energy System”, October 2016, published after the contents of this report were
finalised http://erpuk.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/ERP-Hydrogen-report-Oct-2016.pdf

These major decisions on the role of hydrogen in the energy system will also affect the potential for,
and costs of, the other uses of hydrogen covered in this roadmap, in particular use in transport, as
shown in the diagram below. The development of hydrogen use in transport will equally affect those
system decisions. However, early actions in the transport sector do not depend on the system
decisions having already been made. As a result, use in transport is covered in the following chapter.

Figure 3: Relationship between mini roadmaps that are most closely related to hydrogen as a major
component of a low carbon energy system

The actions needed to enable hydrogen use across the energy system in general are shown below:

Figure 4:
5: Roadmap for enabling hydrogen use across the energy system. Key to chevron colours: gGrey
rey – regulation,
blue – RD&D, Yellow
yellow – deployment support, purple
Purple – information provision and coordination

Hydrogen for low carbon heat through conversion of the gas network pipelines
 Conversion of the gas grid will not occur without policy support, as there are costs and disruption
associated with the conversion of the grid and appliances, and hydrogen would be more
expensive than natural gas in operation. Conversion to hydrogen requires larger-scale decision
making than is possible at the household or local level. A high level policy on heat decarbonisation
is needed, that enables a strategic direction to be set for the UK. This would need to be aligned
with strategic planning and policy support for CO2 transport and storage infrastructure (see
 Further feasibility work is needed between now and 2020, followed by preparation for conversion
of the first city from 2020 to 2026. The H21 Leeds City gate project12 is assessing the technical and
economic feasibility of converting a city. A programme of enabling work produced alongside this
project will set out the tasks required for conversion, including engineering studies, trials,
conversion plans, siting of hydrogen production and appliance development. Depending on the
level of funding required for these tasks, there will be a need for increased levels of support or
new mechanisms for support beyond those currently available through Ofgem, starting now and
ongoing until 2025.
 In parallel with these technical tasks, considerable work will be required to coordinate industry in
preparing for the conversion of pipeline networks to hydrogen, ensure research is well aligned
with the needs for the conversion and crucially, prepare policy makers and the general public for
a decision on the use of hydrogen in pipelines. Discussions between DECC, Ofgem and gas
distribution network operators (DNOs) is needed before 2018 on how the cost of initial
conversions could fit with price control (in preparation for the 2021-2029 price control period)
and how future conversion could be financed. There could also be a role for new organisations: an
industry group, to promote hydrogen for heat in the near-term, which could be part of an existing
association, and a national body to coordinate conversions and provide information after 2020.
 For many of the major investments in a conversion, notably in the development of hydrogen-
using appliances, policy commitment will be required at least five years before the conversion
takes place. This would consist of a plan for conversion of a first city as part of a staged longer
term strategy to convert many cities to the operation of 100% pipeline systems. This in turn
creates the commercial incentive for industrial players throughout the supply chain to start
making investments in preparation for the conversion (e.g. for appliance developers to develop
hydrogen compatible appliances, for industrial users to assess conversion options, or for the gas
network operator to carry out detailed engineering work to prepare for the conversion). The
technical work and coordination activities above, plus energy systems analysis to make the case
for such a conversion is expected to take at least five years. It will also be necessary to review
progress with CCS infrastructure in the UK, to establish whether steam methane reforming +CCS
hydrogen can be produced at scale from steam methane reforming of natural gas with CCS, as

Note that the H21 Leeds City Gate report was published after the majority of this report was completed, and
therefore the mini roadmap and overall conclusions here do not include all results from the project. However,
there was close consultation with the H21 Leeds City Gate team during the project to ensure that there is
broad alignment between the H21 results and this project. The report is available at

preparation work for conversion would not begin without clear policy support for the CCS
required. This suggests a political decision in the 2020 timescale, followed by the start of a
conversion in 2026 at the earliest.
 In addition to the work required to prepare for 100% hydrogen pipelines, there is also merit in
reviewing and ideally increasing the amount of hydrogen allowed in existing natural gas pipelines,
while keeping this at a low level. Other countries have safely allowed higher hydrogen
concentration in the gas grid than in the UK. This would facilitate projects using electrolysers
providing services to the electricity grid by providing an alternative market for their hydrogen,
without necessitating changes to appliances, although would require changes to billing
mechanisms for gas.

Hydrogen as part of a renewable electricity dominant future

 The use of electrolysers in a world where renewable electricity is dominant is often discussed but
rarely quantified. There is a need to demonstrate the benefit of the hydrogen option versus other
mechanisms to introduce and store large quantities of renewable electricity to help balance the
grid. This would focus on three areas where electrolysis can increase renewables penetration:
offering lower-cost and lower carbon balancing services to the national grid, overcoming
bottlenecks in transmission or distribution networks saturated by renewables by providing a
variable load in key locations, and finally in connecting electrolysers directly to renewables, which
would otherwise struggle to find a grid connection.
 This calls for a combination of deployment projects and large-scale systems studies.
- Current demonstration projects, such as hydrogen buses in Aberdeen and electrolyser-based
refuelling stations, should be used to prove that electrolyser systems are capable of
delivering contracted response services in the field and so monetising the benefits of these
services to deliver lower-cost hydrogen.
- There is also benefit in larger-scale system tests, for example on islanded communities (e.g.
developing the early work in Orkney to develop a centre to test renewable hydrogen options)
and in the use of large hydrogen demands (e.g. marine applications below) to justify
dedicated projects, such as stand-alone generation of hydrogen from electrolysis in hard-to-
access locations.
- Finally, some of the evidence will require system level modelling to demonstrate system
costs with and without using the hydrogen generation option.
 The evidence from this work could (if supportive) lead to policies which value the use of
electrolysis when used to increase the penetration of renewable electricity on the grid (e.g.
altering the distribution/transmission use of systems charging regime for electrolysers which
support the grid) and hence improve the economics of electrolyser operation. It will be important
to ensure the results of projects and studies are presented to policy makers in a clear way, which
calls for coordination between hydrogen and electricity sectors.
 The core technology for electrolysis is being developed for specific applications, such as use in on-
site hydrogen fuelling stations. The main challenge to delivering low cost electrolysis lies in
economies of scale and the associated improved engineering – manufacturers confirm that
today’s state of the art technology could deliver a reduction of at least two-thirds compared with
costs of manufacture today. This would have the effect of making the capital cost a relatively
insignificant component of the cost of producing hydrogen from electrolysis (i.e. hydrogen costs
would be dominated by the cost of input electricity). However, there would still be benefits in
supporting innovation which could achieve more dramatic capex improvements (<£500/kW)
and/or efficiency improvements over the 55kWh/kg system efficiency seen today. Reducing
capital costs allows larger electrolysers operating at lower load factors, and so provides flexibility
to access lower electricity costs or operate closer to the optimal efficiency, all of which improve
the economics of hydrogen production.
 Hydrogen is unique in being capable of achieving very large underground scale storage of a zero-
carbon fuel at multi-TWh scale, using proven technologies, for inter-seasonal energy storage. This
underground energy storage can be in depleted gas fields, underground aquifers, or salt caverns
depending on local geographical conditions. Storing hydrogen at TWh scale would be required
once large-scale energy system decisions have been taken (e.g. the conversion of a town). The
principle of storing hydrogen in salt caverns is already established. The recommended actions
here are based on ensuring that detailed feasibility work on underground storage is carried out,
the costs are defined and preferred locations are identified. This will ensure that the underground
storage option is available to project developers as and when major commitments to energy
system scale projects involving hydrogen are made.

Hydrogen’s link with carbon capture and storage

 Very low cost low carbon hydrogen could be produced from steam methane reforming of natural
gas with carbon capture and storage (Steam Methane Reforming +CCS), which could then be used
in heat, transport and even power applications. It is considered by many stakeholders to be a
prerequisite for delivery of low cost low carbon hydrogen at the scale required for
decarbonisation of heat, where using an electrolysis route alone would lead to large renewable
electricity demands and higher costs.
 This option will only be available in the next 15 years with successful deployment of CO2 transport
and storage infrastructure, which is not yet assured. Given the potential benefits of hydrogen
across the energy system, hydrogen should be considered as part of current policymaking
activities for CCS, and in strategic planning activities for CO2 transport and storage infrastructure.
A forum for strategic dialogue between the hydrogen and CCS sectors is essential to ensure that
roadmaps and commercial plans overlap. If progress with CO2 transport and storage infrastructure
is not made in this timeframe, investigation of gas grid conversion to hydrogen would still be
valuable, as this could be a potential long-term decarbonisation option based on renewable or
nuclear electricity.
 It is important to establish how the locations, scale and timing of CO2 production from large
Steam Methane Reformers could be part of integrated clusters for transporting and storing CO2
from multiple sites in a region, and how the business case and regulatory models could work for
these clusters. This will affect the costs of hydrogen production, depending on whether hydrogen
production is planned as part of an integrated cluster, whether it is added later, or whether it can
in itself provide an anchor project large enough to justify new CO2 transport and storage
infrastructure. Hydrogen production should be included as part of early deployment of CCS

clusters to provide information to the industry and policymakers on the costs and feasibility of
this option.
 Given the potential importance of the CCS option to the large-scale application of hydrogen and
the complexity of overlapping the timescales for developing CO2 transport and storage as well as
large-scale deployment of hydrogen, this will need to be carefully managed. The relative
development of the two sectors will need to be kept under regular review, with a potential need
to revisit this hydrogen roadmap depending on the progress of CCS.

Other areas of interest

 Hydrogen from biomass gasification is a technology that is not yet commercially available, unlike
the other bulk hydrogen production options considered. However, it is worth developing further
as it could deliver a low carbon and low-cost option for hydrogen (comparable to Steam Methane
Reforming +CCS and the low end of electrolysis in 2030), which could be even lower if wastes
were used. It could also potentially be a carbon negative source of hydrogen with addition of CCS,
which has a large role in enabling the UK to meet long-term GHG targets in some energy systems
models. Although biomass gasification could bring benefits to many countries and sectors, there is
no consistent and strong driver for development of biomass gasification globally, and so the UK
cannot rely on development elsewhere to make the technology available. A staged programme of
demonstration, working with international partners, to reach commercial scale by 2025 is needed
to ensure this technology is available.
 In the long-term, widespread availability of hydrogen could lead to interest in use in high
temperature heat applications in industry. These are at relatively early stage (TRL 4) with public
and private funding needed both for R&D and for commercial deployment. Hydrogen options
should also be considered in ongoing work arising from the DECC/BIS roadmaps for Industrial
Decarbonisation and Energy Efficiency to 2050.
 Novel processes exist that can produce liquid fuels by combining hydrogen with CO2. This could
be a useful option for decarbonisation of transport in the UK, given that demand for liquid fuels is
expected to persist even with rapid deployment of alternatives. Their use should be enabled in
the UK through policy changes currently underway. In addition, this option should be included in
studies comparing routes for accessing remote renewable electricity.

Defining and driving low carbon hydrogen

 Policy support is needed in the near-term for low carbon hydrogen, and liquid fuels derived from
hydrogen, such as inclusion of renewable hydrogen in the Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation
 In the medium term, work is needed to align definitions and assessment methodologies for low
carbon hydrogen between different projects (e.g. CertifHy, DECC green hydrogen work, UCL
Green Hydrogen standard project) and policies (e.g. RTFO). Failure to align between hydrogen
applications, or to align with methodologies for other energy vectors could lead to market
confusion and preference being given to sub-optimal options for GHG saving.
 In the medium term, policies to drive progressive decarbonisation across all uses of hydrogen
need to be developed.

Improved characterisation of future ultra-low carbon energy system options
 Running across each of these areas is the theme that major decisions on the UK’s energy system
need to be made in around 2020. Decisions will be required on, for example, whether to phase
out or repurpose the gas grid and the extent to which electricity generating capacity can be
expanded to meet the needs of other sectors. These decisions are all interrelated, and will have
far-reaching implications for the cost and carbon intensity of the energy system and on the
technologies and infrastructure used. The evidence needed to underpin these decisions, and a
debate around the options available, are needed now so that decisions can be made in this
 At present these future options are not well articulated. More work will be required to define
different future ‘worlds’, some of which will rely heavily on hydrogen and fuel cells and others will
place very little reliance on hydrogen. Much of the case for hydrogen rests on the absence of
other alternatives for e.g. long-term energy storage and decarbonisation of heat, hence it is
important that the hydrogen-related options are compared against the alternatives which could
 Defining and costing these worlds will allow policy makers and energy industry participants to
identify a preferred route. This type of system analysis is already underway, for example through
energy systems and hydrogen modelling at UCL, which was used to underpin the hydrogen
scenarios to 2050 developed for the Committee on Climate Change, network modelling at
Imperial College and through other energy systems models such as the ETI’s ESME model. All
energy systems work should incorporate hydrogen scenarios based on the best available evidence
coming from the techno-economic work described above.

Costs and benefits

The overall cost of each of the measures described in this chapter is relatively low and/or can
generally be borne from existing programmes (e.g. the existing innovation budgets for the gas
pipeline conversion option). There is a need to ensure that existing programs include these hydrogen
options. There may also be a need to prepare additional national scale programs to support the
required deployment activities (e.g. for testing the links between electrolysis and renewables).

Although these measures will stimulate job creation and development of innovative UK products and
services before 2025, much larger benefits from these measures in terms of GHG savings and
economic benefits will be seen in the long-term, of the order of tens of billions. In each case, the
rationale for providing support from public and private sector actors is to ensure that the option
exists to use hydrogen to create a lower-cost, low carbon energy system in the future. Hence, the
value can only be considered in terms of the ‘option value’ of being in a position in around 2025 to
begin widespread deployment of these technologies.

3.2 Hydrogen in transport: helping to improve air quality and contribute to

Figure 6. A Hydrogen London refuelling station (photo credit: Hydrogen London)

There are a number of reasons why hydrogen could be a key component of the future transport fuel
 Air quality - Hydrogen produces no air pollution when used in a fuel cell and can have very low
emissions in a combustion engine13.
 Low carbon today and zero carbon in the future – Hydrogen is a zero carbon emission fuel at the
point of use. A wide range of options have been demonstrated to produce hydrogen with very
low or negligible emissions (electrolysis of renewable or nuclear electricity, production from
hydrocarbons combined with carbon capture and storage and production from bio-derived
feedstocks). This means very low or even carbon-free driving using hydrogen can be achieved.
Even when using natural gas derived hydrogen (which makes up the majority of the hydrogen
produced worldwide today), fuel cell vehicles offer a well to wheel carbon saving of over 30%14
compared with conventional diesel and petrol vehicles.
 No fundamental changes in vehicle operation – once a nationwide hydrogen station network is
established, hydrogen-fuelled vehicles have the potential to provide these benefits without any
operational compromise compared with the vehicles customers are driving today – they have
equivalent ranges and refuelling times to conventional vehicles and so fit into the operational
patterns which drivers are used to.

For example see Morgan, R., Atkins, P., Atkins, A., Lenartowicz, C. et al., "Effect of Hydrogen Fumigation in a
Dual Fueled Heavy Duty Engine," SAE Technical Paper 2015-24-2457, 2015, doi:10.4271/2015-24-2457.
See for example http://cafcp.org/sites/default/files/W2W-2014_Final.pdf or consider an NEDC fuel
consumption of 0.75kg/100km for a Toyota Mirai FC vehicle, assume 10-12kgCO2/kg of H2 for Steam Methane
Reforming derived hydrogen (total emission 7.5-9 kgCO2/100km) versus an equivalent Toyota Avensis
4.2l/100km and 3kgCO2/litre of diesel (well to tank), for a total emission of 12.6kgCO2/100km

 An option for larger heavy vehicles – there are very few options for either zero or ultra-low
emission driving for larger vehicles (such as trucks, buses, marine and rail applications), where the
relatively low energy density of batteries is prohibitive.
 Affordable (at scale) - The analysis carried out for this road-mapping exercise has demonstrated
that the vehicles can be offered with either the same ownership cost or with a slight ownership
cost premium once the vehicles can be produced at scale (100,000s of vehicle per year for
passenger cars)15.
These conclusions are consistent with the majority of long-term studies into the future of the vehicle
mix16 and taken together, they suggest hydrogen can be a valuable and significant fuel as part of the
future automotive fuel mix.

There are considerable benefits to the UK from achieving a successful hydrogen roll-out:
 Environmental benefits - For all types of vehicle, there is no technical reason why hydrogen could
not replace the petrol and diesel used today. In practice, economic constraints and the availability
of alternatives will mean hydrogen is one of a number of fuels in the long-term vehicle mix.
Scenarios from the recent IEA hydrogen and fuel cells roadmap suggest a 30% share for hydrogen
vehicles is possible by 2050. This represents a saving of over 30 MtCO2/year for the UK compared
with today’s fleet (assuming low carbon hydrogen is available by that point)17. Alongside other
clean vehicle options this would also ensure transport emissions no longer contributes to poor air
quality in cities. In the short term, the 25,000 cars and 500 buses projected by 2025 in this
roadmap (central scenario) could save over 60,000 tonnes of CO2 per year.
 Economic benefits - The automotive sector is a mainstay of UK manufacturing. Engaging early
with hydrogen can be a part of the strategy for diversifying the sector to address the requirement
to decarbonise transportation. For the level of activity anticipated in this report by 2025, 1,000s of
jobs would be created. As the hydrogen sector expands from this point, this number would
increase to a meaningful share of the existing 161,000 jobs18 in UK automotive manufacturing
(either by protecting existing jobs or adding new ones).
 Security of energy supply – As discussed in section 3.1, hydrogen can be generated from a range
of indigenous energy sources. By deriving the primary energy for a hydrogen system in the UK,
imports of foreign energy products are avoided. This improves the balance of payments for
energy as well as the UK’s energy security. The UK H2Mobility project estimated that with 1.6
million H2 vehicles in the UK (~4% of the total UK fleet) a £1.3 billion annual saving in foreign
energy imports could be made, translating directly to increased economic activity in the UK.

Note that this conclusion depends on the level of taxation of hydrogen and petroleum fuels (see
UKH2Mobility Phase 1 analysis). At current projections for diesel/petrol costs, the hydrogen vehicle can have a
lower ownership cost compared with vehicles using taxed diesel/petrol, but will not compete with untaxed
diesel/petrol. This suggests there will be potential to tax hydrogen, put perhaps not to the same extent as the
diesel/petrol equivalent. This analysis applies before any impacts of environmental costs are included in the
See for example IEA Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Roadmap 2015, CCC carbon budgets for transportation and the
Portfolio of Powertrains for Europe (McKinsey, 2012)
IEA Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Roadmap (2015)
Motor Industry Facts, SMMT (2015)

Hydrogen vehicles today

The roll-out of hydrogen-fuelled vehicles has already begun, albeit in relatively limited numbers, with
three passenger car manufacturers (Honda, Toyota and Hyundai) having committed to series
production of vehicles in the low 1,000s per year and with a number of others expected to begin
their production by 2020 (e.g. Daimler, GM, BMW). Recent years have also seen deployment of large
demonstration fleets of hydrogen-fuelled buses, vans, and two-wheel vehicles. A number of these
fleets are in the UK, in particular for buses (the UK has the two largest hydrogen bus fleets in
Europe), as well as recent deployments of fuel cell passenger cars (from Hyundai and Toyota), dual
fuel hydrogen-diesel internal combustion engine (H2ICE) vans (ULEMCO, a UK company), range
extended electric vans (Symbio) and microcars (Microcab and Riversimple, both UK SMEs). These
fleet deployments are accompanied by fuelling stations - the UK has the two of the largest stations
(by daily fuelling volumes) in Europe serving the bus fleets in London and Aberdeen, as well as 5
publicly accessible fuelling stations, with plans to expand this to 14 stations by the end of 2016.

This roadmap also considers applications in both rail and marine sectors. Hydrogen-fuelled marine
applications are being developed in the UK and overseas. These range in size from small outboard
motors (which have operated in trials in Bristol (fuel cell) and the Isle of Wight (hydrogen
combustion)) to passenger and car ferries, such as the HySeas project in Scotland. In the rail sector,
companies such as Alstom (in Germany) are developing first prototype vehicles involving hydrogen
fuel cells for urban rail and branch railway applications, designed to allow zero emission trains where
electrification is prohibitively expensive. In both cases, these marine and rail applications are at the
proof of concept stage and the next step will be real-world tests.

The road mapping work has focused on the road, marine and rail sectors where anticipated benefit
for the UK is highest. However hydrogen has also been used as a fuel for working vehicles, such as
materials handling and mining vehicles. Over 10,000 fuel cell powered materials handling vehicles
are operating worldwide. These deployments have occurred mainly in the US and there have been no
UK sales outside of demonstration activities.

Despite the potential, there is uncertainty over the speed with which hydrogen vehicles will be
introduced by the global vehicle manufacturers. There are competing options for OEM development
funds (notably battery electric vehicles) and there is uncertainty over the speed of infrastructure roll-
out which makes decisions to invest in developing hydrogen-fuelled vehicles difficult. The case for
support for the automotive elements of the roadmap will be set against this uncertainty for some
time, while the technologies develop and demonstrate their competitive advantage in early target
sectors of the vehicle market. Support for hydrogen and fuel cell vehicles is therefore best seen as
part of a strategy to ensure that the UK has access to options which can enable zero emissions
transport, across all vehicle types. The support is also needed to ensure that the UK automotive
sector has potential to play a globally significant role in the exploitation of HFC technologies.

The diagram below summarises the actions recommended for hydrogen transport applications. Full
details are provided in the roadmaps ‘Road Transport’, ‘Non-road transport’ and “Production and
distribution of hydrogen for road transport”.

Figure 7 Roadmap for hydrogen in transport. Key to chevron colours: grey – regulation, blue – RD&D,
yellow – deployment support, purple – information provision and coordination

The roadmap for HFC in transportation is based on two main aims:

1. Ensuring UK-produced hydrogen vehicles – targeting vehicles which can provide an attractive
customer offer with relatively small production volume (100s-1,000s units/year) and which play to
the UK’s manufacturing strength. This implies targeting UK vehicle development efforts at buses and
larger vehicles (vans, trucks, HGVs). There is also the potential to support vehicles which use small
fuel cell stacks (as range-extenders or in lightweight small cars), where the UK has existing strengths
in fuel cell manufacture. In both cases, these markets could be accessible sooner than those for
mainstream passenger cars, as the vehicle volumes required to create a commercially plausible offer
(100s to 1,000s/year) are lower and therefore do not require the level of investment and scale up
only available to the global OEMs. Support for heavier vehicles has the additional benefit of creating
a high daily demand for hydrogen, which can help to increase utilisation of any hydrogen refuelling
network as it matures. The specific recommendations here are to:
 encourage UK-based OEMs in the truck, large van and bus sector to work with supply chain
partners to develop hydrogen-fuelled options (hydrogen ICE or fuel cell powered).
 support UK companies that are developing vehicles using small fuel cell stacks (as range extenders
or in very small vehicles) in both the vehicle development itself and in the development of
commercialisation plans which justify the scale up of production via commercial models which
allow an attractive ownership proposition to customers.

The Advanced Propulsion Centre (APC) and low carbon vehicle programs administered by Innovate
UK already provide the type of mechanisms which will be required. Industry players should be
encouraged (by e.g. the trade associations and component suppliers) to take up these opportunities.
Here, the associations, as well as organisations such as LowCVP and SMMT could help facilitate
consortium building and discussions with hydrogen component suppliers and/or customers to
stimulate this type of development.

Support for engineering will not be sufficient on its own. To encourage product development activity
by vehicle OEMs, it is necessary to demonstrate a route to sustainable markets. This in turn will
require work by all stakeholders to provide confidence in the market introduction pathway. On the
public sector side, this might include a support program for early validation and roll-out of specific
vehicle types, as well as a clear signal of the likely regulatory and policy regime in which these
vehicles will operate (e.g. clear policy for zero emission buses and delivery vehicles in major city
centres). On the private sector side, the hydrogen component suppliers will need to demonstrate a
clear path to affordable fuel cell (or hydrogen engines) and tanks. Associations have a role in
identifying customer groups who can provide certainty in the demand for products.

In all of these developments, it is recommended that public sector support should be output driven,
i.e. provided the vehicle OEMs demonstrate a clear route to significant markets, then the choice of
technology should be agnostic. This would imply allowing the use of either hydrogen combustion or
fuel cells in new vehicles, provided that the commercial case can be made for the product.

2. Preparing the market for the introduction of hydrogen-fuelled vehicles as a part of the wider
zero emissions strategy.
The fuel cell vehicles which are being developed by the leading global OEMs are being readied for
first sales to international markets in the period 2015-2020. Beyond 2020, there is some uncertainty
in how OEMs will proceed. The first wave of OEMs are looking to scale up production into the
10,000s per year globally by 2020, and as a result to be able to sell competitively priced vehicles.
However these decisions to commit to scale manufacture will depend on: their conviction that a
suitable infrastructure is in place in a sufficient number of global markets, the performance of other
zero emission technology options, the rate at which carbon emissions standards are pushed across
OEM fleets and the state of technology development within each OEM. Some OEMs have access to
more advanced, and hence lower-cost, technology than others. The UK market is not large enough
that the UK is likely to directly influence these decisions. The UK has, however, positioned itself as a
lead early launch market for these vehicles via programs such as UK H2Mobility and subsequent OLEV
support for hydrogen fuelling infrastructure and vehicles. Continued investment in roll-out of
hydrogen vehicles for the UK can be justified because:
- By investing in the hydrogen option alongside battery-based alternatives, the UK ensures a
diversity of options to overcome the challenge of eliminating emissions from road transport
- By supporting early roll-out, the UK supports the development of nascent UK companies in
the upstream components and in hydrogen production for this sector, as well as ensuring this
sector is ready to deliver to vehicles as they arrive (e.g. codes and standards are in place)
- The UK presents a welcoming market for global manufacturers, who will eventually need to
make decisions on where to site European manufacturing. This strategy of creating a
welcoming domestic market has been important in the inward investment decisions to
manufacture vehicles with electrified drivetrains in the UK.

Creating a supportive environment for hydrogen vehicle roll-out requires:

 Expansion of the hydrogen refuelling network - Given the uncertainty in the speed of
deployment of hydrogen-fuelled vehicles in the UK, moving straight to a costly nationwide
infrastructure would be risky. Instead, the focus (in line with the UK H2Mobility plans) should be
on developing regional clusters with good coverage of refuelling stations as the first step on the
path to nationwide coverage. Ensuring the hydrogen providers and vehicle manufacturers work
closely together to plan station deployments, it also becomes possible to ensure that any station
is also coupled with an acceptable level of early hydrogen demand that leads to a plausible
business case for the station owner. This implies targeting initial vehicle sales towards fleets of
users who can make a plausible ownership case based on a regionally clustered fuelling network.
Vehicle types where this can work include: taxis, shared ownership vehicles (car sharing), delivery
fleets, utility/maintenance fleets, buses and municipal vehicles (such as refuse vehicles).
This clustering of demand with station deployment can act as the basis of the next wave of
hydrogen station deployment. Even with a clustering of demand, in order to make an investable
business case it is likely that new hydrogen stations will need public support and ensuring this
support exists is of critical importance to ensuring that the UK remains an attractive location for
early FCEV roll-out. Tens of additional stations will be required before 2020 to continue the
momentum in station build. Between £0.4m and £0.8m is required for 50% funding of a typical

200kg/day station suitable for a fleet of approximately 400 vehicles (using the 700 bar refuelling
needed for passenger cars). The public-private collaboration established through the UK
H2Mobility project is a good mechanism to continue to develop and plan this station
 Support for vehicle deployment – Hydrogen vehicles will carry a premium compared with
conventional vehicles in the early years. Here, targeted programs which help to underpin the
early introduction of the technology would improve the likelihood of a successful roll-out by both
supporting UK OEMs in creating an early market to justify their new vehicles and in supporting
demand for hydrogen, which in turn justifies new station build. For the very early deployments of
vehicles (i.e. before 1,000 vehicles enter the parc and before significant infrastructure
deployment), there may be a need for additional support schemes which go beyond the support
levels available under the Plug-in Grant scheme. This is because the offer to the consumer (limited
infrastructure, costly vehicles, poor awareness) is not compelling until the overall hydrogen fleet
has grown in size. OLEV has recognised this with its Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV) Fleet Support
Scheme which seeks to fund 50-100 cars with a £2m total funding level (at up to 75% of total
ownership costs) and will establish a first basic fleet for the UK. Beyond this scheme (and any
successor), other options which should be considered here include:
- Coordinated procurement – there is early evidence that coordinating procurement of
hydrogen vehicles between a number of fleets (e.g. of buses) can deliver real benefits by
allowing manufacturers to develop products with sufficient secured volume to allow a
commercially plausible price. Trade associations, as well as leading industrial players should
be looking to work with customers in the UK to help develop coordinated procurement
activities of this type.
- European funding - To date the European FCH JU has provided much of the support of for
early vehicle roll-out19 and it is recommended that vehicle manufacturers targeting sales in
the UK continue to look to make use of these funds to help vehicle deployments.
- Regional funding - In the absence of European or new UK funding, regional governments
could also consider additional targeted programs aimed at manufacturing in their region or
specific vehicles whose environmental standards cause concern (for example coaches and
freight in Scotland).

Marine and rail applications

The potential for hydrogen in transport extends beyond road vehicles, and includes other non-road
vehicles. Of particular interest are rail and marine applications. These are treated together, as both
have similar requirements for large stacks (or engines), and are also generally built in low volume
bespoke orders and hence have similar market dynamics. They also both have very stringent
requirements for safety certification, which means that any first engagement with the technology
will require considerable engagement with the safety certification bodies relevant to each sector, in
order to allow the use of hydrogen as a fuel. This implies that an extensive phase of gathering

For example, the HyFIVE and H2ME 1&2 projects aim to deploy over 1,600 vehicles across Europe.

evidence for the safety authorities, followed by demonstration will be required before mainstream
penetration of the technology in each segment can occur. Specific considerations for marine and rail
applications for the UK include:
 On the marine side, the UK has the potential to take a leadership role given the strong history of
ship-building, the relatively large number of inter-island ships in operation and the existence of
globally leading demonstration projects. There are active UK projects on the use of hydrogen
combustion and fuel cells. Because there are very few options for eliminating emissions from
shipping, a successful development program would create export opportunities. Hydrogen for
marine applications could be particularly beneficial in Scotland where there is potential to
generate a relatively low cost fuel from the large ‘stranded’ wind resource on the Scottish islands,
thereby creating on-island employment opportunities, whilst reducing the environmental impact
of the inter-island boats. The roadmap for marine activity envisages a combination of using
hydrogen combustion (in dual fuel mode) for near-term deployment, linked to renewable
hydrogen generation projects (e.g. on Orkney), whilst in parallel supporting the engineering and
technical development of fuel cell ferries (which should have higher efficiencies) via e.g. the
HySeas project.
 On the rail side, there is relatively little direct UK manufacturing interest and the technology is still
nascent. The recommendation is to focus on ensuring the option of hydrogen trains is well
understood (via feasibility work) and that routes where a hydrogen train could be beneficial
(those with no prospect of electrification and/or where there is sensitivity to air pollution) are

Hydrogen production for the transport sector

In addition to the recommendations aimed at supporting an early vehicle and stations rollout, there
are specific actions related to hydrogen production and delivery.
 Many of the early stations are likely to use on-site hydrogen production from electrolysis. This is
because for low volumes of hydrogen the cost of delivering hydrogen from a central source can
become prohibitive. The deployment of electrolysers in fuelling stations will help drive innovation
in the electrolysers themselves and this will help support UK manufacturers. It is recommended
that refuelling station support schemes are designed to include the cost of on-site electrolysis
equipment (where this option is selected by the operator), whilst also requiring cost reductions
from manufacturers as volumes increase. In addition, for these stations to offer attractive
economics, it is essential to secure low cost electricity, by operating electrolysers to take
advantage of fluctuations in electricity prices and also providing balancing services to the grid. A
collective effort between electrolytic station providers, utilities and regulators to explore
mechanisms which ensure that electrolytic stations can be operated to ensure their net tariff for
electricity is as close as possible to the wholesale price will provide a considerable boost for the
sector. This will require commercial work to understand the types of tariffs which can be offered
and practical work to demonstrate that electrolysers are capable of providing the level of
modulation required to access these lower tariffs. Hence, it will be important to ensure the
existing trials of electrolytic stations are designed to assess the potential for low tariffs in today’s
market and then to report findings to OFGEM and others can act on them.

 Hydrogen is currently produced as a by-product of industrial processes, in sufficient quantities to
enable demonstrations of hydrogen in transport and other applications. Further work is needed
to assess the potential benefit of the use of this hydrogen, and match the timescale and location
of production with that of potential uses.
 In the longer term, the cost of hydrogen delivery can be reduced where the stations have access
to hydrogen delivered from centralised hydrogen production from hydrocarbons (either from
biomass or from fossil hydrocarbons with CCS). Whilst demand for hydrogen is low, there is little
opportunity to demonstrate this principle. As demand grows (>10,000 vehicles in the 2020-2025
period), the centralised production options will become more economically viable for new
 In order to unlock these lower-cost systems, a number of technical developments are required.
These include developing low cost, high capacity systems for delivering hydrogen (e.g. 1,000kg
tube trailers at an affordable price (<£500k)) and developing systems to purify hydrogen to the
level required for automotive fuel cells with a lower-cost and higher efficiency than today’s
pressure swing absorption systems. Longer term, using hydrogen from hydrogen pipelines in the
automotive sector will require additional purification at the point of extraction from the pipeline
before it is used in the station. All of these applications would benefit from research programs (via
EPSRC and Innovate UK) to identify novel concepts and then develop proof of concept systems
 Finally, there are a series of practical issues which have the potential to hold up the introduction
of hydrogen vehicles in the UK. SMMT20 has established a new hydrogen working group which will
be important here, alongside the various hydrogen projects (both FCH JU funded transport
demonstration projects (HyFIVE, H2ME) and through the OLEV Technology Advancement Program
for hydrogen station deployment) will be important in identifying and coordinating measures to
overcome issues (e.g. billing, training of drivers for fuelling, metering of fuel, standards etc.).

Benefits of a successful roll-out of hydrogen for transport in the UK

If successful, this roadmap will lead to a diversity of hydrogen-fuelled vehicles available for
deployment in the UK, as well as the first fleets of vehicles and stations operating on UK roads. By
2025, the hydrogen vehicles should be available with a manageable ownership cost premium versus
the alternatives and offer ultra-low emissions driving with the same practical flexibility as
conventional vehicles. A fleet of 10,000s of vehicles can be expected by 2025.

The main benefit from the activity foreseen under the roadmap will be in access to the new vehicles
(with significant UK content) and establishing the fuelling infrastructure which is required for a mass
market commercialisation of affordable zero emission transportation from the 2020s onwards. From
this point on, there would be no technical reason why hydrogen vehicles could not replace all of the
existing petrol and diesel vehicles operating today. In practice, other low carbon options will also
share this market, but it is not unreasonable to suggest that by 2050, as much as 30% of the road

Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders

transport market could be fuelled by hydrogen. This represents a CO2 emission saving of 30
MtCO2/year compared with today’s fleet.

In addition to being able to access these benefits beyond 2025, there are tangible near-term benefits
from the 10,000s of new zero emission vehicles in the parc and 1,000s of jobs expected to accrue by
2025 under the central scenario developed in the mini roadmap. The environmental savings from the
25,000 passenger cars used as a conservative central case in the roadmaps would exceed 30,000
tonnes of CO2 per year, and the 500 buses would save a similar amount (assuming a 50% mix of
renewable production and production from natural gas as per UK H2Mobility). A saving of over 80
tonnes of NOx, SOx, PM2.5 and PM10 per year could also be expected compared with Euro VI vehicles.

In addition to these direct benefits, there are considerable links to the energy systems aspects
discussed in section 3.1. Of all of the potential large-scale end uses for hydrogen, the transport
market will accept the highest hydrogen price and hence is the easiest to access for any of the
hydrogen production options discussed in section 3.1. If the roadmap is successful, from 2025, the
transport market is expected to begin to demand a sufficient quantity of hydrogen to justify
investment in new hydrogen production plant at a scale which is relevant to the energy system (i.e.
demands of 10,000s of tonnes of hydrogen per year). Furthermore, the market for hydrogen vehicles
and refuelling will have developed to the point that confidence amongst investors on the demand
side will be sufficient to allow new plant construction based on this demand. Hence, if successful, the
transport aspects of the roadmap will have the additional benefit of unlocking the wider energy
system benefits of hydrogen technology.

3.3 Fuel cell CHP: improving the efficiency of energy use today
The use of fuel cells powered by natural gas in either combined heat and power or even prime power
mode has the potential to improve the efficiency of the UK’s building stock. Fuel cells can convert
natural gas to electricity at efficiencies in excess of 60% (of the lower heating value) in the best case,
equivalent to the efficiency of power generation from the best natural gas power stations, but
available at the point of use (thereby avoiding inefficiencies in the electricity grid21) and with the
potential to use by-product heat to heat buildings. As a result, provided that the electricity from a
fuel cell is offsetting electricity generated by natural gas or dirtier fuels, there will always be an
efficiency gain and carbon saving. When the heat from the fuel cell is used, the overall efficiency of
energy use increases further (up to 90%).

Because a fuel cell is an inherently modular device, this high efficiency generation can be made
available at the scale required by any building, even for relatively small domestic loads. A
considerable additional advantage is that a fuel cell can produce this electricity with negligible air
pollutant emissions compared with the alternative engine-based technologies for local electricity
generation. This makes the technology an attractive option for urban centres which suffer from air

These losses may be quite significant, for example, in the period 2014 – 2015 an estimated 1.84% of
transmitted energy was lost (National Grid Electricity Plc, Special Condition 2K.4 – Transmission Losses Report
Reporting Period 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015)

pollution, require decentralised energy generation to meet GHG emission standards for new
buildings, and need to cope with increased demands on local grids.

The case for gas CHP is based around its role in improving the efficiency of the existing energy
system. As the electricity system decarbonises, the carbon savings available from gas CHP decrease.
Research carried out for the recent DECC report “Future of Heating – meeting the challenge” (2014)
concluded that the carbon saving from gas fuelled CHP could become negative by 2032 as a result of
the rapidly decarbonising grid. This is often cited as a reason to not support fuel cell CHP technology,
however, there are three arguments against this:
 The rate of decarbonisation of the electricity system, whilst a policy priority, is uncertain. Fuel cell
CHP, fuelled with natural gas is a technology which achieves carbon savings today, without relying
on projections of a new electricity mix. Furthermore, given the fuel cell’s ability to respond to the
balancing demands of the electrical grid, there is the potential for a large fleet of CHP installations
to behave as a ‘virtual power plant’ and in so doing avoid the need for responsive natural gas
plants22 - thereby guaranteeing carbon savings. Given that these plants will be part of the energy
mix for many years to come (they are being built today), this mode of operation ensures the
attractiveness of CHP technologies for many years to come.
 In the medium term, fuel cell CHP technologies themselves can be decarbonised via a progressive
decarbonisation of the natural gas grid (via bio-methane). Alternatively, the technologies
developed for natural gas fuelled CHP can be readily converted to operate on pure hydrogen from
a future hydrogen pipeline network, allowing a substantial reduction in overall carbon emissions.
 On-site generation of electricity may also complement the introduction of other low carbon
technologies based on electricity. Modelling by Imperial College23 indicates that the cost of
network reinforcement for new technologies (electric heating and vehicles) could be in the range
of £60/kWpeak/year (where kWpeak denotes the peak electricity demand on the grid). Fuel cell CHP
units are likely to be running when the network reaches this peak (since this is partly driven by
heating demand). Hence, distributed CHP could provide significant value in mitigating such
reinforcement costs because every kW of electricity generated locally can mitigate at least one
kW of electricity transmitted and distributed by the grid.

As a consequence, despite their carbon footprint, natural gas based fuel cells can be a bridging
technology, which provides a low carbon option in the short term, as part of the longer term push for
zero carbon heating options. In this light, it is important to ensure the fuel cell CHP option faces a
level playing field against other low carbon heating technologies.

This is an option currently at the proof of concept stage - a number of projects such as the FCH JU’s recently
announced PACE project (see www.fch.europa.eu) are exploring the ability of fleets of CHP units to behave as a
virtual controllable power plant and in so doing avoid the need for natural gas fuelled plant for the provision of
response to the network
Strbac et al. 2012 Strategic Assessment of the Role and Value of Energy Storage Systems in the UK Low
Carbon Energy Future

Fuel cell CHP technologies today
 Micro-CHP – small systems designed for use in homes, often as a replacement of the existing
boiler based heating units. There are very few options for decarbonising existing homes and if the
products could be successfully commercialised, they could offer 30%+ carbon savings for all
energy use in existing homes through the simple replacement of a boiler. In this market the fuel
cell is already the leading technology for micro-CHP sales worldwide and is likely to out-compete
all engine based micro-CHP alternatives due to the inherent modularity of the fuel cell and hence
ease of reducing the system size to a domestic scale. The commercialisation effort here is being
led by the Japanese ENEFARM program which has installed over 100,000 units in recent years in a
subsidised roll-out program. Activity in Europe is picking up, stimulated by a series of early public-
private deployment projects such as CALLUX, ene.field and PACE. The major European boiler
manufacturers (Bosch, Vaillant, Viessmann, Baxi etc.) have either partnered with Japanese
manufacturers to Europeanise their products or developed in-house product offerings in
partnership with European stack manufacturers. These low-volume systems are available for circa
€20,000 per unit, a cost approximately seven to eight times that of a mass produced conventional
boiler. As a result, their roll-out is generally via subsidised programs, which will install low
thousands of products in Europe in the coming years. Manufacturers confirm that further price
reductions are necessary for commercial market penetration and will not be achieved until
manufacture of circa 10,000 units/manufacturer per year. As a result countries, notably Germany,
are preparing programs to subsidise the early market introduction phase for the technology, with
expected subsidy costs of ~€100m. In the UK, Ceres Power is commercialising new low
temperature solid oxide technology aimed at small fuel cell CHP and prime power applications,
which has the potential to reduce the cost of these systems through ease of manufacture and low
cost components, and is working with Asian companies looking to incorporate Ceres technology
and develop products for the UK.
 Large fuel cells – 100kW to multi MW systems – provide either CHP or prime power applications.
Here, there are a number of companies who have achieved sales into subsidised or regulated
markets and have demonstrated 10,000s of hours of reliable operation (Fuel Cell Energy, Doosan,
Fuji and Bloom). None of these companies are based in the UK, though Doosan have a UK sales
operation via Doosan Babcock. These can be considered technically mature products. They offer
high efficiency CHP with very low air pollutant emissions. This makes them suitable for challenging
urban locations and three such systems have been installed in London, driven by planning
requirements to make CO2 savings in new buildings. At present, these systems carry a significant
capital cost premium relative to engine based CHP options and as a result, their markets will be
limited to niches until capital cost reductions are achieved (through economies of scale) and/or
regulations on air quality are tightened to exclude engine based CHP options.
 There are also companies and academics developing technologies (notably in hybrid FC-steam
turbine systems and in solid oxide fuel cells) which offer the potential to improve efficiencies of
these products into the 60-70% range. Other research work is focused on using the fact that a fuel
cell can separate CO2 in the exhaust for combined CCS applications. Both of these are worth
further study, as they could increase the market for fuel cells of this type.

Figure 8 Roadmap for enabling fuel cell CHP. Key to chevron colours: grey – regulation, blue – RD&D,
yellow – deployment support, purple – information provision and coordination. Chevrons with red
dashed borders are conditional on earlier steps

For small fuel cell CHP, the main UK companies active in the sector need to launch validation
programs to prove that their technology can meet the needs of the market in the field. These trials
would involve tens of units deployed in customer buildings and tested for an extended period (at
least two heating seasons), and will allow nascent UK manufacturers to position themselves for
manufacturing scale-up via relationships with established OEMs. Such trials would cost £1-5m
(depending on the scale) and will require public investment, alongside the investment from the
manufacturers themselves. Ideally, UK manufacturers can be encouraged to source funding for this
activity from the FCH JU. If not, the suppliers can make a UK manufacturing case for funding from
Innovate UK or other relevant funding bodies. This field validation should include:
 Micro-CHP applications, as this provides the largest eventual market (10s of millions of boiler
sales per year globally), but is a crowded space in terms of the number of companies developing
products globally.
 Systems with nominal electric outputs in the 1-20kWe range, where UK companies can offer
competitive systems and there is less competitive pressure from others developing products
aimed at this market.

In addition to the validation of UK technology and manufacturing, the UK can achieve short term
environmental benefits, by encouraging the uptake of all types of fuel cell CHP in buildings,
independent of the origin of the unit. There are a number of actions which can support this aim:
 Ensuring recognition and fair treatment of fuel cell CHP in schemes designed to encourage uptake
of low carbon technologies, including: building regulations definitions, local planning standards
supporting low carbon building/redevelopment, the recently announced heat networks delivery
support, microgeneration accreditation schemes.
 Reviewing air quality legislation/regulation relating to stationary generators, particularly in urban
centres – where fuel cells can provide considerable benefits over and above conventional systems
 Promoting awareness of the fuel cell CHP option – many of the relevant stakeholders are unaware
of the potential for large and small fuel cell CHP in buildings. Effective associations have a role
here in linking the CHP providers to potential customers in the building industry (developers,
building professionals, house builders), as and when the CHP providers have a compelling
customer offer.
 Facilitating demonstration of the potential for the small responsive CHP devices to provide grid
balancing services and in so doing help to offset natural gas based generation.

Because of the high cost of units, there is also a case for a support program aimed at initiating the
market, subject to a successful validation programme for UK technology. For small CHP, this activity
could support UK manufacturers and component suppliers. There is an existing pilot support
programme under the Feed-in Tariff (FiT), which provides an additional tariff for electricity generated
from microCHP devices (of sizes up to 2 kW) up to the first 30,000 units installed. The FiT also
supports other technologies. To control costs, in early 2016 an overall limit on new spend of £100m
to the end of March 2019 (when generation tariffs under the programme are due to finish) was
introduced. Given the low deployment of microCHP under the programme so far and the need to
cap costs, a 2016 consultation on support for microCHP has proposed a deployment cap of 3.6 MW
which is equivalent to just over 3,500 units. However, the Government has highlighted in the
consultation that the proposals do not suggest that it is ruling out the role of microCHP in the move
to a low carbon economy. For deployment to proceed beyond this point, the sector will be likely to
require further support. The sector would benefit from an extension of this program beyond the
existing deployment cap (albeit at lower tariffs), as well as an increase in the capacity of systems
from the current 2kWe limit to incorporate the potential for systems up to 20kW in size, which could
be attractive to UK manufacturers and integrators. Alternatively, a new programme could be
justified based on:

 catalysing the development of UK manufactured product(s) or key components of products such
as stacks and reformers, which will require support during the transition to mass manufacture (as
in the German scheme for domestic manufacturers). This could be achieved through research and
innovation projects aimed at deployment of UK products, or through a tariff based subsidy aimed
at supporting UK-based products.
 starting the market for microCHP as a tool to decarbonise buildings as and when the cost
becomes competitive from any supplier (i.e. where microCHP can offer similar ownership costs to
a conventional boiler + electrical; grid connection). Here, output based support schemes (e.g. a
capped, degressing feed in tariff) are recommended as these can be designed to ensure systems
are only installed if they are following a cost trajectory which ensures that with further economies
of scale, they are on a path to penetrate the market without subsidy. They can also be capped to
minimise the risk of cost escalations.

The cost of a support scheme aimed at catalysing the introduction of small fuel cell technology would
be in the £10-£100m range depending on the extent of the support and the number of markets
targeted (e.g. a support scheme targeting larger 1-20kW fuel cells could support commercialisation
of a product for a lower-cost than a scheme aimed at domestic microCHP, given the superior
manufacturing and ownership cost economics for larger systems).

For the larger fuel cells (from 100kW to multi MW), there is a limited case for intervention given
their current UK content and the lack of a compelling environmental motive to support early
installations which carry a relatively high cost. Hence the roadmap recommends that any support
should require fuel cell manufacturers to demonstrate either a) a commitment to manufacturing
activity in the UK or b) the potential to reduce whole life ownership costs to or below the cost of
equivalent engine technologies (and thereby increase the rate at which CHP engines as a whole can
be installed). Under these circumstances, it may be possible to create a case for policy intervention
to actively support early market deployments. Again, a meaningful deployment support scheme
aiming to catalyse 10s of MW of deployment would require many £10s of millions of support
depending on the design of the scheme.

The UK academic base is active in researching new technologies for gas fuelled fuel cells, as well as
hybrid configurations for carbon capture or improved efficiency via additional turbine cycles. These
activities are at an early technology readiness level and benefit from continued support by e.g.

Finally, in the longer term, if there is a successful roll-out of 100% hydrogen pipelines, there will be a
benefit to operating both large and small fuel cells on these hydrogen pipelines for the efficient
generation of electricity and heat. All of the existing stationary fuel cell types could be modified to
operate using hydrogen. The roadmap recommends that the work on developing fuel cells for 100%
hydrogen fuel (for use on pipelines) can begin as and when it is clear that there will be an abundant
source of hydrogen to fuel these systems. This will only occur once a political decision has been made
to convert to hydrogen pipelines, which is expected at some point in the early 2020s.

The cost of supporting this sector is relatively modest. The benefits could be significant in that a UK
company would be positioned to supply low cost fuel cell stacks to OEMs worldwide. The UK could
also benefit from deployment of the technology. The central scenario envisages over 100MW of large
stationary FCs and 10,000s of mCHP by 2025, leading to savings of up to 250,000 tCO2 per year,
versus the 2015 electricity mix, down to negligible savings if the DECC projections of a 67% reduction
in grid CO2 intensity is achieved by 2025, and no benefits from displacing peaking plant are taken into

3.4 Fuel cell products: bringing functionality benefits in portable and specialist
Not all HFC technologies will have a major direct impact on current or future energy systems. Some
can already be used to develop products with functionality benefits over existing technologies.
Companies are already selling HFC products profitably into portable power markets, and remote and
special applications such as unmanned aerial vehicles. Although some of these sectors are small,
especially in the UK, they bring direct economic benefit now. They also produce indirect benefits,
increasing familiarity with fuel cells and their fuels amongst experts, possible clients and the broader
public; strengthening supply chains and funding ongoing research and development. These all serve
to improve the potential for other HFC technologies and applications in the wider energy system.
 In the portable power sector the most compelling current case is for very small applications, of a
few hundred watts, such as lighting, security cameras or traffic signalling as well as tools,
recreational use and military applications. Neither batteries nor internal combustion engines
compete well at this scale in applications that need long runtimes, silence or zero polluting
emissions. While current sales are small, market estimates are in the mid-thousand units per
annum in the UK, and hundreds of thousands globally by 2025, creating UK economic value of
around £20m.
 Stationary fuel cells, with portable fuels such as LPG, hydrogen or methanol, can compete with
larger generator sets in remote locations or where noise or pollution are tightly controlled. The
majority of such immediate opportunities for the UK are related to the telecommunications
industry overseas, where thousands of units are deployed annually and where UK companies have
some relevant skills. The units are typically used in situations where the local grid is weak or non-
existent, but batteries cannot easily provide the runtime required and diesel gensets are
expensive to maintain. This global opportunity could number 2-300,000 units by 2025 with UK
companies earning nearly £100m from their part. Very few units are currently deployed in the UK,
though using them in remote areas could be tied into other initiatives and provide additional
 Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs or drones) with fuel cell propulsion systems are most applicable
for commercial applications at scales of up to 10 kW. Although fuel cell systems are currently
significantly more expensive than the battery systems typically used at this size, the higher system
energy density allows them to provide much longer fight durations and/or more energy for
auxiliary systems than battery systems. They also have a lower heat signature and less vibration
than engine-based systems. Several commercial prototypes have been developed, as well as
systems built for the military sector. Fuel cell UAVs will be most suitable for applications requiring
long range flights, but UK legislation currently restricts UAV flight beyond visual line of sight. This
could inhibit deployment of UAVs in the most appropriate mode for fuel cells. If initial market

traction can be achieved, forecasts suggest that thousands of fuel cell UAVs worth tens of millions
of pounds to the UK could be deployed annually by 2025.

Some of the more remote stationary applications above, and certain possible UAV markets such as
coastal monitoring, are especially applicable in less populated areas and those with limited
infrastructure. Parts of Scotland are particularly relevant, including some of its islands.

Markets and UK activity in small FCs today

Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells dominate these near-term market segments, though others
could be used. Hydrogen, methanol and LPG are the prevalent fuels. Direct methanol fuel cells are
found primarily in sub-1kW applications worldwide, and solid oxide fuel cells using LPG have been
deployed in similar size ranges in both stationary and UAV applications, mainly in North America. The
current yearly market for portable generators (mainly gasoline powered) is ~35,000 units in the UK
and approximately one million units globally. The fuel cell market in this segment is nascent, with a
few thousand units produced yearly.

Several UK companies are well positioned to benefit from increasing local and international markets.
BOC (Linde), an industrial gas company, already offers a 150W fuel cell for portable long duration
applications such as security cameras, movable lighting systems and alarms. Other UK companies,
such as Intelligent Energy and Ceres Power have capabilities that would allow them to develop
commercial products in the portable segment. IE is already active in stationary fuel cells using
portable fuels through its India-based telecommunications equipment business. Fuel Cell Systems
integrates and supplies fuel cells developed by others into primarily UK markets. Other UK-based
companies, such as Johnson Matthey Fuel Cells are active in the global supply chain, for instance
through the provision of membrane electrode assemblies for fuel cells.

Figure 9 Roadmap for fuel cell products in portable and specialist applications. Key to chevron
colours: grey – regulation, blue – RD&D, yellow – deployment support, purple – information provision
and coordination

Because these applications are close to being commercial, actions are concentrated around
showcasing the products, awareness-raising and improving knowledge amongst potential buyers,
and removing barriers. The majority of actions are more closely linked to industry than government
actors, but local and regional regulatory and policy support initiatives will be beneficial in many

Costs need to come down for new markets to become more accessible, but the current markets are
not yet fully exploited. Addressing current markets better could bring sufficient manufacturing
volume to reduce cost. Information dissemination and targeted outreach led by industry
associations and knowledge transfer networks, ensuring that all possible customers are aware of fuel
cell products, would be a low-cost means of improving market access. This could include not only
different industrial and commercial sectors, such as construction, but also public bodies, such as local
councils with a need to meet air quality targets. Specific activities to engage with the oil and gas
industry and its skills, for example in Scotland, could uncover new opportunities. Engagement with
the solar and wind industries, both to consider hybrid product development and understand how
best to manage maintenance and logistics, could also be of value. Specific procurement activities
which value the benefits that fuel cells bring can help to ensure they compete on the fairest playing
field with existing technologies. The UK has already established an active market for the
development of UAVs of different types. Collaborative funding programmes could be used to fund
prototyping and the first deployments, though there is evidence from non-UK developments that the

commercial benefits of fuel cells in long-range UAV applications can drive the market on their own,
perhaps more slowly.

Customer outreach through information provision should be coupled with greater familiarisation,
perhaps through fuel cell industry-led workshops co-ordinated across several fuel cell sectors to
reduce concerns brought about through lack of knowledge. Showcasing the technology in operation
could be done through concerted exposure of, for example, the fuel cell vehicles already starting to
be deployed or options for consumers to experience portable fuel cells directly (e.g. rental facilities).

Risk to the consumer can be reduced further through strong service and maintenance contracts.
Appropriate insurance products, designed for the technology, fuel and sector may need to be made
available. Structured dialogues, again led by organisations such as industry associations, between
fuel cell providers (or solution providers) and potential customers could help the fuel cell industry to
understand customer needs and customers to identify opportunities.

Hydrogen supply

The hydrogen supply chain for these applications needs to mature to reduce fuel costs to the
consumer. This can partly be achieved through scaling up deployment of such fuel cells and creating
competition, but this is likely still to result in relatively small amounts of hydrogen, and most benefit
may come through synergy effects with other segments (e.g. fuel provided for other stationary or
mobile applications, where some form of offtake could result in lower-cost fuel being available for
portable products). Standardised hydrogen bottles for portable systems could facilitate supply from
different providers in the long run. However, proprietary hydrogen delivery systems may be
necessary in the near-term for companies to sell the fuel cell system at an attractive price while
earning a satisfactory margin on the fuel.

Supportive policy

Clear, coherent signals from policy makers could help crystallise the value of fuel cells: lower
emission limits in sensitive areas could force equipment suppliers to provide alternatives to internal
combustion engines. The limits being considered for vehicles in London’s super low emission zone
could be proposed for other equipment such as generators, and lead to the deployment of
technologies technically ready for the market but requiring their benefits to be valued to be
competitive against incumbents. Fuel cell producers should use case studies and evidence gathered
from deployed products in early markets to prove that alternative technologies with very low
emissions are technically ready, offer real environmental benefits, and present a viable alternative to
conventional technologies. As is always the case, policy that is well signalled before implementation
and that does not rapidly or dramatically change is easier for companies to build risk-reward models

Co-operative sourcing

The small current market leads to limited supply chain options for component and materials supplies.
Facilitated and supported cooperation between small fuel cell companies in procuring materials and
components could help, including with those outside the UK. This could be achieved through
programmes at the level of industry associations or other innovation support actors, and could be

made international if appropriate, for example through bodies such as the FCH JU or European
Associations. Where possible, standardisation of otherwise costly and hard-to-find components such
as refuelling bottles could be enabled within industry-wide working groups, though some companies
will rely on unique solutions as part of their business model.


This portion of the market could create a number of UK jobs, perhaps in the low hundreds, and the
knock-on benefits it provides could be much larger. Fuel cells are competing here in areas where
other technologies under-perform, and so consumers can make less conservative technology choices.
As a result, these markets could be used to showcase the reliability and performance of fuel cell
technologies. Tracking and publicising shipments and installations could help the sector become a
stepping stone for the UK fuel cell and hydrogen industry overall.

An increased presence of fuel cells and hydrogen in transport could lead to synergies in refuelling for
other applications, especially for industrial customers, who are unlikely to make major investments in
a refuelling infrastructure exclusive to small generators.

While the contribution of portable generators to UK greenhouse gas emissions is minimal, fuel cell
generators could valuably reduce the noise and air quality impact of portable electricity generation.
This would be particularly positive in regions with noise and air quality issues and in noise-sensitive
areas, such as national parks, and areas surrounding schools or hospitals. In the longer term, offering
clean hydrogen sources is likely to be an important and reinforcing factor for portable fuel cells,
though demand in this sector will not drive, only benefit from, developments elsewhere. An
agreement on what constitutes ‘clean’ hydrogen will be important. While certification may be
necessary at some point, common methodologies and voluntary declarations will suffice in the near-

Even if successful, portable fuel cells themselves are unlikely to be manufactured in large numbers in
the UK, which will need to get value from IP, local integration, installation, fuel provision and
servicing, although components such as membrane electrode assemblies may still come from the UK.

4 What are the priorities for industry, policymakers and others?
This section gives the main priorities for action for several types of organisation in the period to
2025. This list is not exhaustive: the details of the actions needed to support each area are given in
Chapter 3 and in the individual mini roadmaps, and the list below should be read in the context of
those further details. However, this section is provided to give an indication of the priorities for
action in terms of achieving the greatest benefits from hydrogen and fuel cells for the UK.

4.1 Policymakers
The priorities for policymakers centre on ensuring that the system benefits of hydrogen and fuel cells
can be realised, through strategic planning for the future, and by making sure that existing
mechanisms can properly attribute value to their benefits, or penalise negative impacts of incumbent
technologies. In addition to this, targeted support is needed for technology roll out, and for further
feasibility and modelling work on energy systems.

Strategic decisions around future energy systems options are needed before 2020:
 Development of strategic decarbonisation policy for heat between now and 2020, so that in 2020
a staged roll out plan for hydrogen can be set out. As a result of this strategy, discussion with
regulators and the industry on planning and financing this transition should be held. A clearer
definition of the strategy for decarbonising the gas grid will also clarify the medium term viability
of gas fuelled fuel cell CHP.
 Planning and support for CO2 transport and storage infrastructure, taking into account the
potential scale, location and timing of CO2 from hydrogen production.
 Consideration of the electricity grid, gas grid, CO2 transport and storage infrastructure and new
hydrogen infrastructure in a strategic and coordinated way, working with gas and electricity
networks and regulators. The costs of future systems could be reduced and benefits maximised
through coordinated planning, and potentially through synergies in operation. In addition,
decentralised decision making may not be enough to drive some of the changes required. The IET
has proposed that a ‘system architect’ function is needed to overcome complexity in planning in
electricity networks alone, and Imperial College researchers have recently considered extending
this function to cover the gas grid24. Hydrogen should be included as part of this discussion to
ensure that any activity, including the work beginning through the Energy Systems Catapult covers
hydrogen effectively, and considers the near-term as well as long-term potential.

Policies and market frameworks should allow the benefits of HFC technologies to be valued:
 A clear long-term policy framework is needed, including policies that are clearly and coherently
signalled before implementation to provide certainty for investors, and that are consistently
applied, without rapid or dramatic change to provide a basis for companies to develop robust risk
and reward models. Several stakeholders suggested that developing this framework requires an

Maclean et al, April 2016 Managing Heat System Decarbonisation:

interdepartmental and systematic approach to HFC within Government, to ensure that synergies
between opportunities are realised and optimised.
 An appropriate market framework is needed for electrolysers to generate value from system
services, which would not only improve their business case, but also improve the operation of the
electricity network. In parallel with this, an increase in the amount of hydrogen allowed in existing
natural gas pipelines, while keeping this at a low level would facilitate projects using electrolysers
providing services to the electricity grid.
 Policy support is needed in the near-term for low carbon hydrogen, and liquid fuels derived from
hydrogen, such as inclusion of renewable hydrogen in the Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation
(RTFO). In the medium term, work is needed to align definitions and assessment methodologies
for low carbon hydrogen between different projects (e.g. CertifHy, DECC green hydrogen work,
UCL Green Hydrogen standard project) and policies (e.g. RTFO), and develop policies to drive
progressive decarbonisation across all uses of hydrogen.
 Implementation of new legislation and effective enforcement of existing legislation that penalises
the negative effects of incumbent technologies:
- More stringent pollution limits in sensitive areas, such as city centres.
- Extension of current and planned low emission limits on vehicles to other equipment such as
power generators. One example where this could be applied is within London’s Low
Emission Zone.
 A level playing field for fuel cell CHP within existing programs that are supportive of
decarbonisation in buildings. For example, it should be ensured that fuel cell CHP benefits are
correctly assigned in building regulations.

Commercialisation support is needed in transport and fuel cell CHP

 Continuation of subsidies for a phased rollout of a coordinated network of hydrogen refuelling
stations (as envisaged in the UKH2Mobility work) will be required in the near-term, as until the
hydrogen transport sector achieves a larger critical mass, the business case for early stations is
not attractive to investors. To minimise these costs, policy makers should encourage station
developers and vehicle manufacturers to coordinate deployments with a view to clustering
demand around stations and so improving the business models for early investors in stations.
Alternatively, policy makers may consider increasing the use of regulations (e.g. zero emission
vehicle mandates or zero emission zones in cities) which help to guarantee the market for
hydrogen in the medium term, this de-risks investment and reduces the requirement for public
 Support for first fleet build-up (i.e. before 1,000 vehicles are on the road) via a combination of
- Encourage coordinated procurement to achieve scale and hence reduced costs of vehicles.
- UK fleet trials or expansion programmes targeting high hydrogen consumption applications
such as buses and heavy duty vehicles.
- Support for funding applications from international organisations (e.g. FCH JU).
 Continued inclusion of FCEVs in the Plug-in-Grant scheme and, given that the market introduction
of FCEVs is behind the competing battery (BEV) and plug-in hybrid (PHEV), which are also

supported by the scheme, ideally a FCEV-specific extension would be included to support the
early introduction of the technology even after the BEV and PHEV options have exhausted their
grant allocation. Inclusion of H2ICE vehicles in programs aiming to support hydrogen vehicles
could also support the sector, potentially increasing early throughput at hydrogen refuelling
 For stationary fuel cells, support for field validation activity for UK stack developers (i.e. trials of
small fleets of 10-100 units) would help them to demonstrate the viability of their technology
versus the international competition (which has already benefitted from a validation phase).
Based on the validation results, this should be followed by consideration of a small CHP
deployment support scheme (sub 20kW).
 Extension of the existing micro CHP FiT provisions for fuel cell CHP, and consider modifying this to
include mini CHP units for use in commercial buildings and blocks of residential flats. This could
cover units in the 2-20 kWe range which are expected to become profitable at lower production
volumes than micro CHP systems (i.e. <2kWe) and could accordingly be limited to hundreds to
thousands of units.
 Dialogue with non-UK manufacturers of large-scale fuel cell CHP (with nominal electric outputs in
excess of 100 kWe) to understand the link between a deployment support program and inward
investment. This should be used to define whether deployment programs can be justified.

Support for research, feasibility, demonstrations and systems analysis is needed to underpin these
 Support for further research and feasibility work on gas grid conversion to hydrogen, including
engineering studies, trials, conversion plans, siting of hydrogen production and appliance
development. This could be funded by Ofgem innovation funding, as well as through other
government funding programmes.
 Continued support for energy systems analysis to evaluate the benefits of hydrogen in the UK
energy system and compare these with alternatives, together with funding for supporting work to
bring better data and supporting evidence into this analysis. It is important that this is
accompanied by a change in culture and potentially even new training around how energy
systems experts and policymakers can work together to ensure that whole energy systems
analysis is used to analyse and develop policy.
 High profile demonstrations and focused dissemination of information to the media and the
public should be used to increase awareness of HFC developments and to resolve misconceptions
regarding the safe storage and use of hydrogen as an energy vector.
 Funding for biomass gasifier demonstration projects including UK players and international
partners, for example through a competition.

4.2 Industry associations

Industry associations need to ensure that they have a defined scope of activity, and set goals and
areas of priority within this scope. In particular, it is important to consider whether the actions that
are needed could be delivered more effectively by broad organisations covering all FCs and

hydrogen, or whether there are areas where a narrower remit would be more effective, albeit with
coordination to make sure that system benefits are achieved. For example:
 Formation of a new organisation to focus on promoting hydrogen for heating, including through
providing information to government and coordinating collaboration between potential
stakeholders such as the gas supply chain, appliance manufacturers, CCS supply chain, utilities,
relevant government departments, academics, and NGOs.
 Post 2020, a separate national body will be needed to coordinate the roll-out of hydrogen heating
systems, and to provide information to consumers on the roll out itself.
 Both of these organisations will need to provide information to the public on hydrogen safety, as
well as media briefings and potentially training.
 A technical working group is needed on standards and specifications for hydrogen appliances,
which could be organised via existing appliance organisations or hydrogen associations. The same
grouping could coordinate data collection on existing appliances and industrial users.
 Hydrogen mobility is a sufficiently large agenda that it needs to have a national association which
focuses on this sector alone instead of being too broad. The inclusion of the hydrogen mobility
option alongside stationary fuel cells for energy makes little sense. This has been partially
achieved with the SMMT hydrogen working group, but a dedicated organisation to explain the
case for hydrogen mobility and plan future activities would help ensure the UK mobility sector
continues to advance (either as a more active SMMT sub-group, a dedicated organisation such as
UK H2Mobility, or a working group within the Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership).

Providing reliable and timely information to government to support policymaking is essential. This
needs to be done proactively, to ensure that hydrogen and fuel cells are taken into consideration
when making policy in a wide range of related areas such as energy storage and renewable fuels, and
reactively, for example through responding to consultations.
 Associations need to do much more to articulate and communicate the commercial and
environmental case for hydrogen – this should focus on tangible benefits and provide timelines
for when hydrogen can be expected to contribute to societal goals.
 Associations can act as a conduit for information on comparison between technologies and
production routes, to support policymaking, including near-term actions on support for low
carbon hydrogen and hydrogen-derived fuels.
 Associations need to bring hydrogen into the ongoing discussions on provision of energy services,
which are currently dominated by those representing other technology interests, to ensure that
service needs are understood by the hydrogen sector, and that supporting regulations give a level
playing field to hydrogen projects.
 Cooperation is needed to support policymaking between those working on hydrogen and CCS
between industry association for each (e.g. UKHFCA, SHFCA, CCSA etc.).
 Associations could better articulate the case for policy support for fuel cell CHP, with a focus on
the CO2 benefits in the medium to long-term (via a link to e.g. biogas or hydrogen grids).
 Associations could help to identify fair and reasonable procurement options for government in
portable fuel cells.

 There is a need to keep roadmap documents such as this one up to date, to ensure that they
remain relevant and take into account developments in energy systems thinking. This is likely to
be needed every 2 years.
Making links between the HFC sector and end use sectors is more important than discussions within
the sector
 Associations have a potential role in reaching out to customers in the transport sector - providing
general information on the vehicles, organising interactions between customers and buyers
(particularly for commercial vehicles), helping to start common procurement activities.
 For portable fuel cells and stationary fuel cells with portable fuels, associations could work with
industry to establish an accurate representation of the products available on the market today
and expected in the near future. Using this, they could then define realistic early markets and
encourage structured dialogues between purchasers and suppliers. This could help the fuel cell
industry to understand customer needs and customers to identify opportunities. This could apply
to industrial and commercial sectors, such as construction, but also public bodies, such as local
councils with a need to meet air quality targets. It is particularly important to raise awareness of
the fuel cell CHP option within the wider building industry, where knowledge is currently limited
to a small number of professionals.

Supporting HFC industry cooperation

 Facilitated and supported cooperation between small fuel cell companies in procuring materials
and components (programmes could be made international if appropriate, for example through
bodies such as the FCH JU or European Associations).
 Strong international presence and co-ordination with relevant bodies in relevant countries (Japan,
Germany, EHA, FCH JU, FCHEA, CHFCA etc.). This could be promoted by the Knowledge Transfer
Network and the British Council through international science and innovation partnerships, such
as the Newton fund.
 Coordinate standardisation of otherwise costly and hard-to-find components such as refuelling
bottles, possibly within industry-wide working groups.
 Work with associations to facilitate fuel provision for early users e.g. maintain a list of where fuel
could be available to help those needing portable fuels, make best practice documents identifying
how a refuelling station or other fuel provision can include options for other offtake, e.g. for
fuelling bottles.

4.3 Hydrogen and FC product developers

In all technologies, further work is needed to hit technical and commercial targets set out in the
roadmaps. This work is not relisted here, as it is specific to each technology and application.

Companies also need to articulate and demonstrate the benefits of HFCs and their timescale for
commercialisation to consumers and policymakers, working with industry associations
 Developing case studies and evidence gathered from deployed products in early markets could
prove to policy makers that alternative technologies with very low emissions are technically
ready, offer real environmental benefits, and present a viable alternative to conventional

 Industry participants need to improve their articulation of the path to commercialisation (e.g.
when will vehicles be available at an affordable price), to allow wider stakeholders to make plans.
Better articulation of the likely performance and cost trajectory of the technology could help
stimulate buyers and policy makers to support the technology (e.g. when will 60%+ electrical
efficiency for fuel cell CHP be commercially available, how much will it cost?).
 Showcasing the technology in operation could be done through concerted exposure of, for
example, fuel cell vehicles.
 Fuel cell industry-led workshops co-ordinated across several fuel cell sectors could reduce
customer concerns about safety or reliability brought about through lack of knowledge.
 Prove the technical suitability for HFC technology to participate in energy storage and balancing
services, through providing examples of projects with information about their technical
performance and business case. Work with regulators and associations to ensure that the
potential for these technologies is recognised in policy.
 In order to allow sustained commitment from policy makers to hydrogen as a transport fuel, it will
be important that international OEM vehicles remain available in the UK and that the range of
vehicles available increases as new vehicle are introduced globally.

4.4 Research funders and academics

In many cases industry has the technology to hit the performance levels expected in the roadmaps,
meaning that academic work should focus on technologies that go over and above the current
expectations. Areas for research highlighted in the roadmaps include:
 Stacks and tanks – hitting the cost targets at lower volume
 Hydrogen logistics – lower-cost systems for moving from centralised production to stations
 Electrolyser advances – going below the £500/kW and 55kWh/kg targets
 Biomass gasification - scale up
 Hydrogen appliances for heat – domestic and commercial, including in catering
 Implications of using hydrogen in the existing gas distribution systems
 Use of hydrogen in high temperature industrial applications
 Research work to improve efficiencies of electricity production from fuel cells and reduce cost of
 Developing strategies to ensure compatibility of PEM fuel cells for stationary and transport
applications with the hydrogen purity expected from a pipeline. This could include purity tolerant
stacks or systems to purify hydrogen at the point of use
 Collaborative funding programmes for prototyping and the first deployments in UAVs to speed

In 2011, an H2FC Supergen workshop of UK hydrogen academics identified hydrogen in energy

storage, hydrogen for transport and hydrogen in CO2 capture as priority areas for publically funded
research. The use of hydrogen for heat should be added to this list of priority areas.

Considerable further work is needed in improving models of the energy system with and without
different hydrogen options. This will give improved information on the whole system costs and

impacts of hydrogen compared with other options, such as heat pumps and district heating for heat,
and biofuels and electric vehicles in transport.

4.5 Gas and electricity networks and regulators

Discussions across this roadmapping project have highlighted the need for energy systems thinking
to identify and enable the benefits of hydrogen and fuel cells. This includes more collaborative
activity between gas and electricity network companies and regulators, to ensure that benefits of
HFC systems today can be valued, and so that future changes can be planned effectively.

Valuing HFC benefits today

 Work to develop low tariffs for electrolysers which take full use of the ability of electrolysers to
modulate rapidly and thereby access low cost power and/or balancing payments.
 Participate in trials of hydrogen electrolysis linked to refuelling stations to quantify the potential
benefits to balancing markets, local grid management and trading teams.
 Support trials of fuel cell CHP technology.
 Assess the potential of aggregated CHP using fuel cell to provide support for balancing the local or
national grid.
 Develop mechanisms which allow fuel cell CHP owners to monetise the benefits which distributed
generation provides to the electricity distribution network (e.g. via accessing balancing
 Consider CHP as part of the strategy for continued, more efficient use of the natural gas grid (with
associated business plans).

Planning and feasibility studies are needed now for greater use of hydrogen in the future
 Consideration of the electricity grid, gas grid, CO2 transport and storage infrastructure and new
hydrogen infrastructure in a strategic and coordinated way, working with policymakers (see
 Funding for gas grid conversion projects, including engineering studies, trials, conversion plans,
siting of hydrogen production and appliance development through increased levels of support or
new mechanisms for support beyond those currently available through Ofgem, starting now and
ongoing until 2025.
 Discussions between DECC, Ofgem and gas distribution network operators before 2018 on how
the cost of initial conversions could fit with price control (in preparation for the 2021-2029 price
control period) and how future conversion could be financed.
 Creation of a national body to coordinate gas grid conversions and provide information after

4.6 Regional organisations

Regional bodies have an important role to play in driving activity in HFCs, and showing the benefits of
integrated systems at a local or regional level. This is especially true in the near-term, because HFCs
require concentrated early markets to gather performance and validation data, and achieve
economies of scale. Since the technology is relatively expensive, targeted activities in specific regions

that stand to gain the most from early deployment of HFCs, have an important part to play in the
national strategy.

Driving HFC activity through policy to meet local objectives

 Encourage air quality targets/policies in cities which incentivise zero emission vehicles.
 Encourage zero emission support schemes using local measures (parking, extended curfews etc.).
 Consider locally-specific initiatives for novel vehicle deployment (e.g. freight in Scotland).
 Encourage collaboration between local authorities and public sector fleets for the procurement of
hydrogen vehicles (using SBRI or equivalent procurement mechanisms).
 Extend regional air quality restrictions to heating appliances and specifically CHP.

Supporting demonstrations and early deployment

 Facilitating early trials of gas grid conversion to hydrogen, and working with gas DNOs to plan
future conversions.
 Support for demonstration of electrolysers providing system services and in islanded
 Planning and supporting CO2 transport and storage infrastructure for clusters of CO2 producers,
including hydrogen producers.
 Support for marine applications, particularly for the Scottish islands, linked to local renewable
hydrogen projects.
 Include fuel cell CHP in the options appraisal for specific areas such as local district heating
 Consider regional fuel cell CHP trials where there is an identified local need for decarbonisation of
the existing building stock.

Appendix A: Acknowledgements
The Steering Board wish to thank the following organisations that provided inputs, feedback, and/or
participated in workshops, over the course of this roadmapping exercise.
4th Energy Wave First Bus Panasonic

Aberdeen City Council Fleetdrive Management Ltd Pöyry

Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint
Advanced Propulsion Centre (APC) PURE Energy Centre
Undertaking (FCH JU)
Advanced Power Generation
Fuel Cell Energy Systems (FCES) Progressive Energy
Technology Forum (APGTF)
Anglo American Fuel Cell Systems (FCS) RAND corporation

AFC Energy Gas Networks Ireland Revolve

Air Products Gasrec Rewyred

Almaas Technologies General Motors River Simple Engineering

Groupe Européen de Recherches Rolls Royce Fuel Cell Systems / LG
Gaziéres (GERG) Fuel Cell Systems
Government Office for Science
Amec Foster Wheeler Scotia Gas Networks (SGN)
Scottish and Southern Electricity
Anderson Strathearn Greater London Authority (GLA)
(SSE plc)
Scottish Carbon Capture and
Arcola Energy Green Investment Bank
Arup Greenpeace Scottish Development International

ARVAL H2FC Supergen Hub Sembcorp

Atkins Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Shell

Auriga Energy Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL) Shenton Group

Heating and Hot Water Industries
Automotive Council SMMT
Council (HHIC)
Baringa Highlands & Islands Enterprise Stag Energy

Baxi Honda Star Renewables

BDR Thermea Hydrogen London Strathclyde university

The Department for Business,
Hyundai Sunamp
Innovation and Skills
BOC Imperial Innovations Synnogy

Briggs Equipment Imperial College London Systeng Consulting

Bright Green Hydrogen Ineos Tata

Carbon Trust Intelligent Energy Tees Valley Unlimited

Cella Energy iPower Tavistock

Cenex ITM Power Transport for London (TfL)

The Association of Distributed
Cenkos JCB
Energy (ADE)
The Carbon Capture and Storage
Centrica Johnson Matthey
Association (CCSA)
The Committee on Climate Change
Ceres Power Johnson Matthey Fuel Cells
Cogen Europe Jonathan Lewis Toshiba
Transport & Travel Research Ltd
Commercial Group KIWA Gastec
Data Centred Leeds City Council Transport Systems Catapult
UK Petroleum Industry Association
delta-EE Logan Energy
Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership
Greater Manchester Hydrogen
Doosan Babcock University College London (UCL)
E3G Micropower Council University of Bath

Ecuity Millbrook University of Birmingham

Energy Networks Association (ENA) National Grid University of Manchester

Energy Research Centre (ERCUK) National Grid Gas Distribution University of Nottingham

Energy Research Partnership (ERP) National Physical Laboratory University of Saint Andrews

Energy Systems Catapult (ESC) NHS Scotland University of Sheffield

Energy Technology Centre (ETC) Nissan University of South Wales

Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) North East Hydrogen Partnership University of Strathclyde

Energy Utilities Association (EUA) Northern Gas Networks (NGN) Vaillant

Enertech international NTC Europe Vauxhall

Eneus Energy OpenEnergi Viessmann

Office for Low Emission Vehicles
Engie Wales and West Utilities
Engineering and Physical
Ofgem Water Fuel Engineering
Science Research Council (EPSRC)
Enocell Origami Energy Welsh Government

Ferguson Marine Origen Power Worcester Bosch

Fife Council Orkney Islands Council Wrightbus


Appendix B: SHFCA Members
Current members of the Scottish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association:
Abbot Risk Consulting Energy Skills Partnership Orkney Islands Council
Aberdeen City Council Energy Technology Centre Pale Blue Dot
Aberdeenshire Council Eneus Energy Perth & Kinross Council
4th Energy Wave ENOCELL Process Systems Enterprise
Adelan EMEC Proton On Site
Africa Hydrogen Power Evolve H2 Proton Motor
Almaas Technologies Express Pipework Systems PURE Energy Centre Ltd.
Anderson Strathearn LLP Ferguson Marine Russell & Sons Consultants
Scottish Development
Angus Council Fife Council
Aqua Energy (Scotland) FluXXworks Design & Innovation Scottish Enterprise
Aquatera Fuel Cell Systems Shetland Islands Council
Arcola Glasgow Clyde College Siemens AG
Ballard Power Systems Grampian Energy Investments Stag Energy
BOC Linde Green Acorn Energy Sunamp
Bright Green Hydrogen Green Hydrogen Consulting Symbio Fuel Cell
Brodies LLP Heliex Power Ltd SynCH Oils
Cardonald College Highlands & Islands Enterprise Systeng Consulting
Caledonian Marine Assets Ltd Hydrexia Toshiba
Ceimig Hydrogenics Iain Todd Consulting
CENEX IE-CHP Transport and Travel Research
Clean Power Solutions ILI Renewable Energy ULEMCO Ltd
Cloffrickford Renewable Energy iPower Energy University College London
Delta Energy & Environment IRD Fuel Cells (Denmark) University of Aberdeen
Doosan ITM Power University of Dundee
Dundee City Council KIWA Gastec University of Edinburgh
E4tech Jonathan Lewis Consulting University of Glasgow
East Coast Renewables Linnet Technology University of Heriot-Watt
East Lothian Council University of Strathclyde University of Highlands & Islands
Edinburgh City Council Logan Energy University of St Andrews
Manchester Metropolitan
Edinburgh Napier University West Lothian Council
Element Energy Midlothian Council
Ellis IP McPhy Energy

Appendix C: UKHFCA Members
Current members of the UK Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association:

Air Products Gas Recovery and Recycling S3 Alliance

Amec Foster Wheeler HBS Fuels ULEMCo

Auriga Energy Hydrexia University of Birmingham

BOC Hydrogen London University of Glamorgan

Bronkhorst Intelligent Energy University of Liverpool

Cella Energy ITM Power University of Nottingham

Ceres Power Johnson Matthey University of Ulster

Clean Power Solutions Kiwa Gastec Warwick Manufacturing Centre

Manchester Metropolitan
Doosan Babcock Waste2Tricity
Fuel Cell Energy Solutions MMI Engineering Water Fuel Engineering
Rolls Royce Fuel Cell Systems
Fuel Cell Systems


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