PTE Foundation Course - Flow
PTE Foundation Course - Flow
PTE Foundation Course - Flow
Week 1 Unlock 2e Reading and Writing Unlock R&W - Unit 1- Unlock R&W - Unit Unlock R&W - Unit 1 Homework: Compare
- Unit 1 – Writing a compare and Watching a video 1- Discussion about – Reading and contrast.
08/11/2021- contrast essay about dolphins and animals to predict Reading for main Exercise: 1 and 2
12/11/2021 - How to use comparative egrets. Pg: 16 the content. Pg: 15- ideas (Skimming) Pg: 26
form of adjectives. 16 - Reading
- Comparing and (Reading 1)
contrasting facts pg: 26 Unlock 2e-Listening and essay
- Conjunctions for and Speaking – about
comparing and Listening 1 pg:18-19 endangered
contrasting - Understandin species. Pg:
- Both..and/ neither..nor g key 19
- But/ whereas vocabulary - Reading 2
- And/ or pg: 29, 30 - Predicting -pg: 23
about the Understanding key
content vocabulary pg:18
- Taking notes
(pros and
- Listening for
Week 2 Unclock R&W- Unit 1 – Writing Unlock 2e R&W -Unit Unlock 2e L&S - Unlock 2e R&W -Unit Assignment 1: Write
Academic Writing skills 2 – Watching a video Discussion – pg:21 2 a compare and
15/11/2021- How to write a topic sentence about Grand Canyon Exercise 8 Understanding key contrast essay about
19/11/2021 pg:31 Exercise 3 and 4 – pg: - Using vocabulary pg: 40 Traditional (face to
39 – While watching transition -predicting the face) vs. Online
words: content using visuals. education. (Use the
Unlock R&W Unit 2: Writing – yet/but, on checklists on page
Cause and Effect Essay the contrary, 34.) due: 22/11/2021
even though, Ex 3, pg: 42 Reading
- Analysing cause and however the text finding the Homework: Unit 2 -
effect Ex:1 pg:49 Unlock 2e R&W- Unit main ideas in each Reading 2 pg:45
- Verbs and cause and 2 – The Environment paragraph Due:22/11/2021
effect pg:51 Discussion about the
lead to content -pg: 37 - Reading for
cause Activating our detail Ex:5
results in background pg:43
caused by knowledge – - Reading for
due to Environmental identifying
the result of problems the purpose
- Because and because of - predicting content of the writer
using visuals pg:38 Ex: 6 and 7
Week 3 Unlock R&W Unit 2 – paragraph R&W Unit 3 – R&W Unit 3 – R&W Unit 3 – Assignment 2: Unit 2-
22/11/2021- unity pg:52 Transport Discussion pg:65 Reading 1 Writing Task pg:55
26/11/2021 - Writing supporting - Predicting Class discussion -predicting content (use the checklists on
sentences and details about the using visuals pg: 62 page:56) due:
- Giving examples content - understanding key 26/11/2021
- answering the vocabulary pg:63
Unlock R&W Unit 3- writing a questions on - reading for main Homework: Unit 3-
problem – solution essay. pg: 59 ideas Reading 2 -Ex:3-4-5-
- Making suggestions Ex: - predicting the -reading for details 6 pg:68
4-5 pg: 70-71 content using Pg:64
- Evaluating solutions to a visuals pg:60 -making inferences Assignment 3:
problem - answering pg:64 Ex: 5 Writing Task pg:77
- Ex: 2, 3 and 4 pg: 72-73 questions Due: 29/11/2021
- Grammar for writing pg:60 (use the checklists on
“First conditional” Watching the video – pg:78)
Ex:1,2 pg: 74-75 filling the blanks while
- Writing a concluding watching 03 and 04
sentence pg:76 pg:60-61
Week 4 R&W Unit 4 – Customs and R&W Unit 4 – R&W Unit 4 – R&W Unit 4 – Homework: Reading
Traditions -writing a summary Customs and Customs and Customs and 2. Pg:90 Read the
29/11/2021- paragraph and a response Traditions Traditions Traditions text and give answers
03/12/2021 paragraph. activating background Discussion: pg:88 Understanding key to the questions on
Ex:1 – Analyse- Fill in the blanks knowledge: vocabulary –Ex: 1 pg:89 due:
in the table and ask and answer - discussion questions pg:84 03/12/2021
the questions. Pg:94 pg:81 Using your
-responding to an author’s - Ex:1-2 pg:82 key background
ideas. Pg:95 vocabulary knowledge:
-Paraphrasing Ex: 1-2 pg:96 While watching: Ex:2-3 pg:85 Assignment 4: Write
Writing a summary and a - finding main ideas, While Reading: a summary
personal response Ex:3 pg:83 - Annotating a text paragraph about
I agree/ disagree - understanding Ex:4-5 pg:85 Reading 2 in this unit.
In my opinion details – watching the Reading for details: Then, write a
I think that video again Ex: 4 -Ex: 6 pg:86 response paragraph
In my experience pg:83 Reading between the giving your opinion
- Making a plan/ outline pg:99 -working out meaning lines: about the efforts to
-Writing a first draft from the context, Ex: 5 -making inferences preserve the world’s
(assignment 4) pg:83 Ex:7 pg:86 intangible cultural
- discussion pg:83 heritage. (use the
checklist on pg:100)
Due: 06/12/2021
Week 5 R&W Unit 5- Health and Fitness R&W Unit 5- Health R&W Unit 5- Health R&W Unit 5- Health Assignment 5: Write
Supporting an argument – Ex:1- and Fitness and Fitness and Fitness an opinion essay on:
06/12/2021- 2, 3, 4 and 5 pg: 115 - While watching - Class discussion - Reading 1 – Key Should universities
10/11/2021 - grammar for writing – stating pg:104 Ex:3-4 about the topic vocabulary pg: 106 require students to
opinions with opinion phrases - Working meaning pg:102-103 Ex:1-2 take PE classes?
and modals. Ex: 1-2 and 3 pg: from the context Ex: - Activating -While reading Ex:3-5 Discuss both sides
118 5-6 background pg: 108 and give your
- stating a purpose with “to- knowledge pg:104 opinion. Pg: 121
inorder to” “so and so that”. Ex: Ex:1-2 due: 10/12/2021
4 pg: 119
- linking contrasting sentences
Ex: 5-6 pg: 119
Week 6 R&W Unlock Unit 6 – Discovery R&W Unlock Unit 6 – R&W Unlock Unit 6 – R&W Unlock Unit 6 – Homework: Reading
and inventions Discovery and Discovery and Discovery and 2 pg: 111 Ex:7-8 due
13/12/2021- Writing: Grammar for writing inventions inventions inventions 17/12/2021
17/12/2021 - Prepositional phrases with L&S Unit 7 – Fashion Reading 1
advantages and disadvantages L&S Unit 7 – Fashion Class discussion -pg: - key vocabulary pg: Assignment 6:
The main advantage… Activating your 147 128 writing an
The main worry knowledge – key - using your introductory
The main argument vocabulary background paragraph with a
The problem “Ethical brands and knowledge – class hook, background
Using these phrases write 4 sustainable brand” pg: discussion Ex: 2 pg: information and a
sentences on our zumpad 148 128 thesis statement.
va-GHyRHd wQWoqmJJfu | - predicting content - Reading the text and Due: 20/12/2021
ZUMPad using visuals pg: 148 finding the main idea
Ex: 4 pg: 141 - watching the video ex: 3 pg: 130
- writing an introductory and doing the - scan the text for
paragraph exercises pg: 149 Ex: specific info. Ex: 4-5
Hook – Background 3-4 and 5 pg: 130
information---a thesis statement - Listening – key - making inferences
Writing – Analyzing advantages vocabulary pg: 150 Ex: 6 pg: 130
and disadvantages Ex: 1-2-3 pg: - Listening and - language
137 and 138 completing the outline development –
- grammar for writing ex: 3 pg:151 making predictions
Relative Clauses Ex: 1-2 pg: 139- - post-listening – using with modals and
140 auxiliary verbs for adverbs of certainty
emphasis. Ex: 5 pg: Ex: 1-2 pg: 135
152 - prefixes Ex: 3-4-5
- pronunciation for pg: 136
listening – vowel
omission Ex: 7-8 pg:
- Language
development – some
idioms Ex: 1-2 pg: 154
- predictions and
expectations about
the future Ex: 3 pg:155
Week 7 R&W Unit 7- Fashion R&W Unit 7- Fashion R&W Unit 7- Fashion R&W Unit 7- Fashion Homework: Reading
Writing: Listening – Activating Asking and answering Reading – 2 – pg: 155 Ex: 3-4-5
20/12/2021- - identifying strong opinions background the questions – Class Reading 1 – Due: 24/12/2021
24/12/2021 Task: The fashion industry is knowledge – discussion on Fashion understanding key
harmful to society and the Questions Ex: 1 pg: pg: 147 vocabulary Assignment 7: The
environment. Do you agree or 148 - finding the main fashion industry is
disagree with this statement? - Predicting content by ideas pg: 152 harmful to society
- Ex:1-2-3 pg: 159-160 using visuals – Ex: 2 - reading for details and the environment.
- grammar for writing – multi- Pg: 148 ex: 5 Do you agree or
word prepositions: - key vocab pg: 148 - making inferences disagree with this
- rater than - While watching – Ex: pg: 153 statement?
- along with 3-4 pg: 149 - distinguishing fact Due: 24/12/2021
- except for - making inferences from opinion Ex: 6-7
-in addition to Ex: 5 pg: 148 pg: 157
- in spite of - language
- instead of development –
- Ex: 3 pg: 162 Vocabulary about
- Academic writing skills – Body fashion pg: 158
pragraphs in point-counterpoint consumer, supplier,
argument essays manufacture, labour,
Ex: 1-2-3-4 pg: 162-163 advertising
- counter arguments Ex: 5-6 pg:
- cohesion Ex: 7-8 pg: 164 -165
Task: The fashion industry is
harmful to society and the
environment. Do you agree or
disagree with this statement?
- Plan: Ex: 1-2 pg: 165
Week 8 L&S Unit 8 – Economics L&S Unit 8 – L&S Unit 8 – L&S Unit 8 –
Economics Economics Economics
27/12/2021- Watch and listen Class discussion-
31/12/2021 Activating your questions pg: 169
knowledge – Ex: 1
Predicting the content
from the pictures Ex:2
Key vocabulary pg:170
Week 9 Pte Exam Info Pte Exam Info Pte Exam Info Pte Exam Info
Checking each task in the exam Checking each task in Checking each task in Checking each task in
03/01/2022 the exam the exam the exam
Week 10 Pte Exam Info Pte Exam Info Pte Exam Info Pte Exam Info
Checking each task in the exam Checking each task in Checking each task in Checking each task in
10/01/2022- the exam the exam the exam
Week 11 Pte Exam Info Pte Exam Info Pte Exam Info Pte Exam Info
17/01/2022 Checking each task in the exam Checking each task in Checking each task in Checking each task in
21/01/2022 the exam the exam the exam