Writing Ielts
Writing Ielts
Writing Ielts
Given are the line graphs depicting the proportion of equipment possession and the quantity of
time utilized for handling housework per week from 1920 to 2019.
Overall, more families were in possession of electrical appliances over the examined period.
Whereas, the more highly advanced households were, the less time they spent doing housework.
In terms of facility, 40% of households in the country owned washing machine, compared to
30% of vacuum cleaner and only 2% of refrigerator. Over the subsequent 99 years, the
percentage of refrigerator ownership registered an expeditious growth, topping at 100% while
equaling that of vacuum cleaner in the meantime. Furthermore, a similar yet milder trend
represented washing machine, whose statistic rose from 60% in 1940 to approximately 75% in
Regarding housework, families in that country utilized on average 50 hours per week addressing
household chores in 1920. Over the 1920-2019 period, the recorded amount experienced a steady
decline, plummeting from basically 35 hours in 1940 to just above 10 hours per week in 2019.
In this day and age, increasingly tenants have expressed a predilection for detecting more about
their existing accommodation. That phenomenon can be ascribed to varied purposes. In the
following essay, besides suggesting possible reasons for the trend, I will delve into practical
methods, which may be conducive to house-based exploration.
Granted, there are a myriad of reasons giving rise to the emergence of historical investigation.
Firstly, people, by virtue of their inherent inquisitiveness, may develop a penchant for detecting
more about their dwellings. Probably, a particular house may compose some emotional elements,
proving a booster to them attempting to find more about residential place. Consequently, people
can yield more genuine insights into the provenance and timeline of their buildings, thereby
rekindling a sense of intimate attachment and ultimate pride. Secondly, tenants, for specific
regions, are obligated to investigate the history of their accommodation. For example, when
embarking on purchasing a new house, people ought to extract substantial information about
that residence. Should they founder on implementing such actions meticulously, the very
likelihood is that potential owners will be unfortunately cajoled into buying unsafe places,
endangering individual finance and security.
For the history of existing accommodation to be successfully investigated, the application of
different techniques is highly conducive. First, people, amidst technology-driven era, can get
access to the archives on the Internet, where a cornucopia of housing-related information is
stored. This is corroborated by the exponential uptick of online websites, specifically designed to
cater customers’ demands for housing purposes. Second, residents can also have a recourse to
authorities, whose ownership boasts information on local residence, in order to identify the
history of their houses. Indeed, the requirement local authorities to implement their
responsibilities is tantamount to that pivotal information appears easily accessible, which
efficaciously facilitates individual understanding.
In conclusion, a state of curiosity and personal purposes are the driving forces behind the
discernibly growing trend. That stated, those, in an attempt to figure out the historical features of
their existing dwellings, can deploy websites on the Internet or just order local superiors to
conduct duties.