Appendix D Quantites & Cost Estimate

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Quantites & Cost Estimate

Q uincy E ngineering, I nc.

Project Name Rumsey Bridge Retrofit Project. No. Y01-500

Bridge Name Cache Creek Bridge (Alternative 1) Bridge Q's By J. Chou

Bridge. No. 22C-0003 Bridge Check Q's By G. Young / J. Olson

Item No. Item Code Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total

1 157596 TEMPORARY BRIDGE LS LUMP SUM $2,000,000.00 $ 2,000,000.00

2 (F) 192020 STRUCTURE EXCAVATION (TYPE D) CY 1600 $ 300.00 $ 480,000.00
3 (F) 193003 STRUCTURE BACKFILL (BRIDGE) CY 850 $ 150.00 $ 127,500.00
4 (F) 510053 STRUCTURAL CONCRETE, BRIDGE CY 60 $ 3,000.00 $ 180,000.00
5 (F) 510051 STRUCTURAL CONCRETE, BRIDGE FOOTING CY 510 $ 1,500.00 $ 765,000.00
6 500001 PRESTRESSING CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE LS LUMP SUM $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00
7 (F) 520102 BAR REINFORCING STEEL (BRIDGE) LB 174000 $ 1.30 $ 226,200.00
8 490609 60" CAST-IN-DRILLED-HOLE CONCRETE PILING LF 280 $ 2,000.00 $ 560,000.00
9 490616 84" CAST-IN-DRILLED-HOLE CONCRETE PILING LF 660 $ 2,200.00 $ 1,452,000.00
10 153223 REMOVE UNSOUND CONCRETE CF 250 $ 50.00 $ 12,500.00
11 150312 REPAIR SPALLED SURFACE AREA SQFT 950 $ 300.00 $ 285,000.00
12 157587 FIBER-WRAP SQFT 32800 $ 26.50 $ 869,200.00
13 157590 CLEAN BRIDGE DECK SF 6260 $ 5.00 $ 31,300.00
14 153227 FURNISH POLYESTER CONCRETE OVERLAY CF 20 $ 3,000.00 $ 60,000.00
15 (F) 153228 PLACE POLYESTER CONCRETE OVERLAY SQFT 6260 $ 10.00 $ 62,600.00
16 157593 RECONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER RAIL LF 780 $ 250.00 $ 195,000.00
17 157594 REHABILITAITON OF EXISTING RSP LS LUMP SUM $ 80,000.00 $ 80,000.00
18 157595 APPROACH ROADWAY REHABILIATION LS LUMP SUM $ 150,000.00 $ 150,000.00
19 999990 MOBILIZATION LS LUMP SUM $ 763,630.00 $ 763,630.00
SUBTOTAL CONTRACT $ 8,399,930.00
20 066015 FEDERAL TRAINEE PROGRAM LS LUMP SUM $ 800.00 $ 800.00
SUBTOTAL $ 8,640,730.00
CONTINGENCIES 25% $ 2,159,270.00
TOTAL $ 10,800,000.00
Q uincy E ngineering, I nc.

Project Name Rumsey Bridge - Replacement on New Tangent Algnment Project. No. Y01-500

Bridge Name Cache Creek Bridge (Alternative 2) Bridge Q's By J. Chou

Bridge. No. 22C-0003 Bridge Check Q's By G. Young / J. Olson

Item No. Item Code Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total

1 (F) 192020 STRUCTURE EXCAVATION (TYPE D) CY 210 $ 300.00 $ 63,000.00

2 (F) 193003 STRUCTURE BACKFILL (BRIDGE) CY 110 $ 150.00 $ 16,500.00
3 490620 108" CAST-IN-DRILLED-HOLE CONCRETE PILING LF 240 $ 2,500.00 $ 600,000.00
4 (F) 510051 STRUCTURAL CONCRETE, BRIDGE FOOTING CY 50 $ 450.00 $ 22,500.00
5 (F) 510053 STRUCTURAL CONCRETE, BRIDGE CY 1130 $ 1,100.00 $ 1,243,000.00
6 (F) 510085 STRUCTURAL CONCRETE, APPROACH SLAB (TYPE EQ) CY 46.25 $ 800.00 $ 37,000.00
7 500001 PRESTRESSING CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE LS LUMP SUM $ 80,000.00 $ 80,000.00
8 519100 JOINT SEAL (MR 2") LF 62 $ 80.00 $ 4,960.00
9 (F) 520101 BAR REINFORCING STEEL LB 255000 $ 1.30 $ 331,500.00
10 (F) 839720 CONCRETE BARRIER (TYPE 732) LF 880 $ 80.00 $ 70,400.00
11 044357 TUBULAR BICYCLE RAILING LF 880 $ 120.00 $ 105,600.00
12 157594 REHABILITAITON OF EXISTING RSP LS LUMP SUM $ 80,000.00 $ 80,000.00
13 190101 ROADWAY EXCAVATION CY 300 $ 30.00 $ 9,000.00
14 198010 IMPORTED BORROW (CY) CY 1500 $ 70.00 $ 105,000.00
15 260203 CLASS 2 AGGREGATE BASE (CY) CY 190 $ 150.00 $ 28,500.00
16 390132 HOT MIX ASPHALT (TYPE A) TON 250 $ 300.00 $ 75,000.00
17 999990 MOBILIZATION LS LUMP SUM $ 287,196.00 $ 287,196.00
SUBTOTAL CONTRACT $ 3,159,156.00
18 066015 FEDERAL TRAINEE PROGRAM LS LUMP SUM $ 800.00 $ 800.00
SUBTOTAL $ 3,159,956.00
CONTINGENCIES 25% $ 800,000.00
TOTAL $ 3,900,000.00
Q uincy E ngineering, I nc.

Project Name Rumsey Bridge - Replacement on New Tangent Algnment Project. No. Y01-500

Bridge Name Cache Creek Bridge (Alternative 3) Bridge Q's By J. Chou

Bridge. No. 22C-0003 Bridge Check Q's By G. Young / J. Olson

Item No. Item Code Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total

1 157550 BRIDGE REMOVAL LS 1 $ 400,000.00 $ 400,000.00

2 (F) 192020 STRUCTURE EXCAVATION (TYPE D) CY 210 $ 300.00 $ 63,000.00
3 (F) 193003 STRUCTURE BACKFILL (BRIDGE) CY 110 $ 150.00 $ 16,500.00
4 490620 108" CAST-IN-DRILLED-HOLE CONCRETE PILING LF 240 $ 2,500.00 $ 600,000.00
5 (F) 510051 STRUCTURAL CONCRETE, BRIDGE FOOTING CY 50 $ 450.00 $ 22,500.00
6 (F) 510053 STRUCTURAL CONCRETE, BRIDGE CY 1130 $ 1,100.00 $ 1,243,000.00
7 (F) 510085 STRUCTURAL CONCRETE, APPROACH SLAB (TYPE EQ) CY 46.25 $ 800.00 $ 37,000.00
8 500001 PRESTRESSING CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE LS LUMP SUM $ 80,000.00 $ 80,000.00
9 519100 JOINT SEAL (MR 2") LF 62 $ 80.00 $ 4,960.00
10 (F) 520101 BAR REINFORCING STEEL LB 255000 $ 1.30 $ 331,500.00
11 (F) 839720 CONCRETE BARRIER (TYPE 732) LF 880 $ 80.00 $ 70,400.00
12 044357 TUBULAR BICYCLE RAILING LF 880 $ 120.00 $ 105,600.00
13 157594 REHABILITAITON OF EXISTING RSP LS LUMP SUM $ 80,000.00 $ 80,000.00
14 190101 ROADWAY EXCAVATION CY 300 $ 30.00 $ 9,000.00
15 198010 IMPORTED BORROW (CY) CY 1500 $ 70.00 $ 105,000.00
16 260203 CLASS 2 AGGREGATE BASE (CY) CY 190 $ 150.00 $ 28,500.00
17 390132 HOT MIX ASPHALT (TYPE A) TON 250 $ 300.00 $ 75,000.00
18 999990 MOBILIZATION LS LUMP SUM $ 327,196.00 $ 327,196.00
SUBTOTAL CONTRACT $ 3,599,156.00
19 066015 FEDERAL TRAINEE PROGRAM LS LUMP SUM $ 800.00 $ 800.00
SUBTOTAL $ 3,599,956.00
CONTINGENCIES 25% $ 900,044.00
TOTAL $ 4,500,000.00
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 6-10-2014
Subject: Quantities – Retrofit Rehab Alt
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Rumsey Bridge Estimate -- Retrofit Alterative

Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 6-10-2014
Subject: Quantities – Retrofit Rehab Alt
Page: Page 2 of 30

Table of Contents
Repair Spalled Surface Area [SF] ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Remove Unsound Concrete [SF] ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Fiber Wrap [SF] ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Reconstruct Bridge Railing [LF] .............................................................................................................................................. 13
Furnish Polyester Concrete Overlay (1”) [CY] ......................................................................................................................... 14
Place Polyester Concrete Overlay [SF] .................................................................................................................................... 15
Clean Bridge Deck [SF] ........................................................................................................................................................... 16
Structure Excavation (Type D) [CY] ........................................................................................................................................ 17
Structure Backfill (Bridge) [CY] .............................................................................................................................................. 20
60” Cast-in-Drilled-Hole Concrete Piling [LF] ........................................................................................................................ 22
84” Cast-in-Drilled-Hole Concrete Piling [EA] ....................................................................................................................... 23
Structure Concrete, Bridge Footing [CY] ................................................................................................................................. 24
Structure Concrete, Bridge [CY] ............................................................................................................................................... 25
Bar Reinforcing Steel (Bridge) [LB] ........................................................................................................................................ 26
Joint Seal (Type B) [LF] ........................................................................................................................................................... 28
Rehabilitation of Existing RSP [LS] ......................................................................................................................................... 29
Prestressing Cast-In-Place Concrete [LS] ................................................................................................................................. 30
Approach Roadway Rehabilitation [LF] ................................................................................................................................... 30
Temporary Bridge [LS] ............................................................................................................................................................ 30
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 6-10-2014
Subject: Quantities – Retrofit Rehab Alt
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Repair Spalled Surface Area [SF]

Work includes epoxy injection, installing of new concrete screws (one at every square foot patch), placing bond coat
between existing concrete and patch, and setting concrete patch. Work also includes protecting the existing reinforcing
bars and cleaning the reinforcing bars by abrasive blasting.

Arch Rib – Repair Area Estimation:

(Assume 1 of the four Arch faces requires repair) (Assume conservatively 0.33 of that one faces require repair) (112 ft
Arch length at CL of arch EA) (27”/12’ width of Arch) (2 Arches per span) (2 Spans) = 333 SF
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 6-10-2014
Subject: Quantities – Retrofit Rehab Alt
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Vertical Hanger – Repair Area Estimation:

(Assume one of the four Vertical Hanger faces requires repair) (Assume conservatively 0.25 of that one faces require
repair) (18 ft average Hanger length EA) (20”/12’ width of Hanger) (6 Hanger per face) (2 faces per span) (2 Spans) =
180 SF

Average vertical hanger length = (14.3’ + 18.7’ + 20.8’ + 20.8’ + 18.7’ 14.3’) / 6 = 18’

Portal Bracing – Repair Area Estimation:

(Assume one of the four Portal Bracing faces requires repair) (Assume conservatively 1/8 of that one face require
repair) (22.5 ft Portal length EA) (24”/12’ width of Arch) (4 portals total) = 22 SF
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 6-10-2014
Subject: Quantities – Retrofit Rehab Alt
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Tie Girder – Repair Area Estimation:

(Assume 1 of the four Tie Girder faces requires repair) (Assume conservatively 0.50 of that one face requires repair)
(108 ft Tie Girder length EA) (23”/12’ width of Tie Girder) (2 Tie Girder per span) (2 Spans) = 414 SF

Other Bridge Elements – Repair Area Estimation:

Other bridge elements such as the floor beam have minor areas of work. The conservatism built-in to the previous
estimated bridge elements will capture the minor area of work not accounted for. The bridge substructure generally is in
good shape.
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 6-10-2014
Subject: Quantities – Retrofit Rehab Alt
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Sum = 333 SF + 180 SF + 22 SF + 414 SF = 949 SF

Say = 950 SF
Estimated price = $300
Based on Caltrans bid history, the average adjusted Repair Spalled Surface Area cost is around $620/SF. However,
most of the bid history came from smaller projects. Accounting for economy of scale (Caltrans history has a 400 SF
project at $200/SF), use $300/SF for Rumsey Bridge.

Stevenson Bridge –Area of Repair Required is much smaller than Rumsey Bridge:
In 2007, the Stevenson Bridge unit price for Repair Spalled Surface Area is $200/SF, the estimated area of repair is
100SF. As shown in the Stevenson photos below, the concrete is in much better condition than that of the Rumsey
Bridge, which totals to $20k for the Stevenson Bridge. (Compared to $285k for the Rumsey Bridge)
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 6-10-2014
Subject: Quantities – Retrofit Rehab Alt
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Remove Unsound Concrete [SF]

Assume conservatively that the area of Remove Unsound Concrete is approximately 25% of the Repair Spalled Surface
(949 SF) (0.25) = 237
Say = 250 SF
Estimated price = $50/SF
Based on Caltrans bid history, the average adjusted Remove Unsound Concrete Area is around $50.

Stevenson Bridge – Remove Unsound Concrete is much smaller than Rumsey Bridge:
As shown in the Stevenson photos previously, the concrete is in much better condition than that of the Rumsey Bridge.
In 2007, the Stevenson Bridge unit price for Repair Spalled Surface was $100/SF. The estimated area of repair was
100SF, which totals to $10k. (Compared to $12.5k for the Rumsey Bridge)
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 6-10-2014
Subject: Quantities – Retrofit Rehab Alt
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Fiber Wrap [SF]

Arch Rib – FRP Area Estimation:

(25 ft Arch Rib length at CL of arch from Spring line to first column EA) [(27”/12’ width of Arch) (2 sides) + (36”/12’
depth of Arch) ) (2 sides)] (2 Arches per span) (2 Spans) = 1,050 SF
(1,050 SF) [(5 layers + 8 layers)/2 + 2 layers ] = 8,925 SF

Based on the preliminary feasibility analysis performed for this study, the following FRP sizes are estimated: On the
top and bottom (strong axis fibers) of the arch, approximately 5 Layers of 0.04” of the Fyfe’s Fyfo SCH-41 Carbon FRP
system (Total 0.08”) will be applied to limit FRP strain demand. Though, in the strong axis FRP for strengthening
improvement is not required, per the manufacturer’s FRP elongation limits, the calculated deformation base on stress
strain requires 2 layers of FRP on the strong axis.

On the side faces (inside and outside faces / weak axis fibers) of the arch, approximately 8 Layers of 0.04” FRP (Total
0.32”) will be applied to increase the arch’s minor axis flexural capacity. The strain and stress limit based on
manufacturer’s design limit are met. At the spring line outside face (exterior of bridge), the FRP must bonded to the Tie
Girder and lapped with the Tie Girder FRP to develop the FRP strength.

At the spring line inside face (interior of bridge), the FRP must to be fed through a drilled hole on the deck and make
bonded to the Tie Girder. Lastly, 2 layers of FRP will be bonded in the perpendicular direction and wrap around the arch
section to provide additional confinement and continuity. The red block above indicates the approximate location of
where the Arch will be retrofitted.
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 6-10-2014
Subject: Quantities – Retrofit Rehab Alt
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Vertical Hanger – FRP Area Estimation:

Average vertical hanger length = (14.3’ + 18.7’ + 20.8’ + 20.8’ + 18.7’ 14.3’) / 6 = 18’
(18 ft average Vertical Hanger length EA) [(20”/12’ width of Hanger) (2 sides) + (15”/12’ width of Hanger) ) (2 sides)
(6 Hanger per face) (2 faces per span) (2 Spans) = 2,520 SF
(2,520 SF) [(6 layers + 3 layers)/2 + 2 layers ] = 16,925 SF

The Vertical Hanger Retrofit entails applying FRP on the exterior of the Hangers for flexural and shear strength. On the
top and bottom (strong axis fibers) of the arch, 6 Layers of 0.04” FRP (Total 0.24”) is required to increase the hanger’s
major axis flexural capacity. On the side faces (inside and outside / weak axis fibers) of the Hanger, 3 Layers of 0.04”
FRP (Total 0.12”) will be applied to increase the hanger’s minor axis flexural capacity. Additionally, 2 layers of FRP
will be bonded in the perpendicular direction and wrap around the Arch section.
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 6-10-2014
Subject: Quantities – Retrofit Rehab Alt
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Portal Bracing – FRP Area Estimation:

(22.5 ft Portal Bracing length EA) [(24”/12’ width of Portal) (2 sides) + (36”/12’ height conservative for variable depth
overlap)(2 sides)] (4 Portals total) = 900 SF
(900 SF) [(4 layers + 4 layers)/2 + 2 layers ] = 5,400 SF

The Portal Retrofit entails applying FRP on the exterior of the Portal Bracing for flexural and shear strength. On the top
and bottom (strong axis fibers) of the Portal Bracing, 4 Layers of 0.04” FRP (Total 0.16”) applied to increase the Portal’s
major axis flexural capacity. On the side faces (inside and outside / weak axis fibers) of the Portal, 4 Layers of 0.04”
FRP (Total 0.16”) will be applied to increase the Portal’s minor axis flexural capacity. Additionally, 2 layers of FRP will
be bonded in the perpendicular direction and wrap around the arch section.
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 6-10-2014
Subject: Quantities – Retrofit Rehab Alt
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Tie Girder – FRP Area Estimation:

(24 ft + 48 ft + 24 ft Tie Girder length conservative for development bond length) (63”/12’ height of Tie Girder) (2
Girders) = 1,008 SF
(1,008 SF) (2 layers) = 2,016 SF

The Tie Girder Retrofit entails bolstering the interior of the Tie Girders and applying FRP on the exterior of the Tie
Girder for strength. The interior bolster will include drill and bond #5 dowels at 12” spacing (horizontally and
vertically) to create a composite section of the existing Tie Girder. A total of 7 #9 bars will be placed on the inside face
of the girder. The internal floor beams must be cored for the #9 bars to pass through the floor beam. On the out face of
the Tie Girder, 2 Layers of 0.04” FRP (Total 0.08”) will be applied to increase bending strength in the opposite direction.

This strategy allows the retrofit to be applied where is needed. The red sections above indicate the approximate location
of where the Tie Girder will be retrofitted.
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 6-10-2014
Subject: Quantities – Retrofit Rehab Alt
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Sum = 8,925 SF + 16,380 SF + 5,400 SF + 2,016 SF = 5478 SF

= 32,720 Say = 32,800 SF to account for development laps and ties.

Estimated price = $ 26.50/SF Based on Fyfe’s presentation workshop info below.

While the cost varies significantly based on the location of the work and how much work is required, Fyfe provided the
following common cost of wrap:
$25/SF per carbon Layer
Add $1-2/SF for UV protection
Add $5-15/SF for fire rating protection (for information only. Not required for this project)

Based on Caltrans bid history, there have been few FRP projects. The FRP bid item names also are different. The
average adjusted prices are listed below. The FRP unit costs obtained from Caltrans bid history are for information only.






Stevenson Bridge - Fiber Wrap:

In 2007, the Stevenson Bridge unit price for Fiber-Wrap was $50/SF, with an estimated area of repair of 6,492 SF. As
shown in the Stevenson photos previously, the concrete is in much better condition than that of the Rumsey Bridge. The
cost was $325k. (Compared to $869k for the Rumsey Bridge.)
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 6-10-2014
Subject: Quantities – Retrofit Rehab Alt
Page: Page 13 of 30

Reconstruct Bridge Railing [LF]

Bridge Length = [(311’ of Total Bridge Length from Abut1 to Abut5) (2 EA) + (50’ Abut1 WW) (2 side) + (25’ Abut5
WW by scale) (2 EA) ] = 772 ft
Say 780 LF
Estimated price = $250/LF

Based on Caltrans bid history, the Reconstruct Bridge Railing is $100/LF. However, for the Rumsey project,
reconstructing the bridge railing to match the existing appearance requires specialized forms. Therefore, a higher unit
price is used. Note: Reconstruction of the bridge railing is required to fully wrap the FRP full height of the Vertical

Stevenson Bridge - Refinish Bridge Railing:

In 2007, the Stevenson Bridge unit price for Refinish Bridge Railing was $150/SF, with an estimated area of repair of
$647/LF. As shown in the Stevenson photos previously, the concrete is in much better condition than that of the Rumsey
Bridge, which totals to $97k for the Stevenson Bridge. (Compared to $195k Reconstruct Bridge Railing for the Rumsey
Bridge.) Note: Stevenson Bridge does not have a reconstruct concrete barrier rail as an item.
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 6-10-2014
Subject: Quantities – Retrofit Rehab Alt
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Furnish Polyester Concrete Overlay (1”) [CY]

Bridge Area = (313’ Total Bridge Length from Abut1 to Abut5) (20’ deck width) = 6,260 SF
x 1”/12 / 27CY
= 19.3 CY
Say 20 CY
Estimated price = $3,000/CY
Based on Caltrans bid history, the average adjusted Furnish Polyester Concrete Overlay is around $2,250. Accounting
for remote location, use $3,000/CY for Rumsey Bridge.

Stevenson Bridge - Furnish Polyester Concrete Overlay (1”):

In 2007, the Stevenson Bridge unit price for Furnish Polyester Concrete Overlay (1”) was $3000/CY, the estimated area
of repair was 19 CY, which totals to $57k. (Compared to $60k for the Rumsey Bridge.)
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 6-10-2014
Subject: Quantities – Retrofit Rehab Alt
Page: Page 15 of 30

Place Polyester Concrete Overlay [SF]

Bridge Area = (313’ Total Bridge Length from Abut1 to Abut5) (20’ deck width) = 6,220 SF
Say 6,260 SF
Estimated price = $10/SF
Based on Caltrans bid history, the average adjusted Place Polyester Concrete Overlay is around $9/SF. Accounting for
remote location, use $10/SF for Rumsey Bridge.

Stevenson Bridge - Place Polyester Concrete Overlay:

In 2007, the Stevenson Bridge unit price for Place Polyester Concrete Overlay (1”) was $10 /SF, the estimated area of
repair was 6,068 SF which totals to $60k. (Compared to $62k for the Rumsey Bridge.)
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 6-10-2014
Subject: Quantities – Retrofit Rehab Alt
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Clean Bridge Deck [SF]

Bridge Area = (311’ Total Bridge Length from Abut1 to Abut5) (20’ deck width) = 6,220 SF
Say 6,260 SF
Estimated price = $5/SF
Based on Caltrans bid history, the average adjusted Clean Bridge Deck is $1/SF with a maximum unit price of $15/SF.
Accounting for remote location, use $10/SF for Rumsey Bridge.

Stevenson Bridge - Clean Bridge Deck:

In 2007, the Stevenson Bridge unit price for Clean Bridge Deck was $5/SF, the estimated area of repair was 6,068 SF
which totals to $30k. (Compared to $31k for the Rumsey Bridge.)
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 6-10-2014
Subject: Quantities – Retrofit Rehab Alt
Page: Page 17 of 30

Structure Excavation (Type D) [CY]

Abutment 1 location:

Pier 2 location:
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 6-10-2014
Subject: Quantities – Retrofit Rehab Alt
Page: Page 18 of 30

Structure Excavation (Type D) – Continued

Pier 3 & Pier 4 locations:

Abut 1: [ (33’ tall from deck to bottom of Abut 1 footing) (22’ wide at Abut 1 face) (12’ length, longitudinally) ] /
= 330 CY
Pier 2: [(8’ high) (48’ long + 1’ +1’ ) (12’ wide + 8’ + 3’ for PS) ] / 27
= 340 CY
Pier 3: [(8’ high) (48’ long + 1’ +1’ ) (12’ wide + 8’ + 3’ for PS) ] / 27
= 340 CY
Pier 4: [(8’ high) (48’ long + 1’ +1’ ) (12’ wide + 8’ + 3’ for PS) ] / 27
= 340 CY
Abut 5: [ (26’ tall from deck to bottom of Abut 5 footing) (22’ wide at Abut 1 face) (12’ length, longitudinally) ] /
= 250 CY
∑ = 1,600 CY
Say 1,600 CY

Estimated price = $300/CY

Based on Caltrans bid history, the average adjusted Structure Excavation (Type D) is around $125/CY. The average
adjusted Structure Excavation (Type A) is around $350/CY. (See next page.) Accounting for the possibility of no
seal course required at Pier 4 and Abut 5 locations, use a slightly lower Type A price of $300/CY for Rumsey
Stevenson Bridge - Structure Excavation (Bridge):
In 2007, the Stevenson Bridge unit price for Structure Excavation (Bridge) was $150/CY, the estimated area of repair
was 1,000 SF which totals to $150k. (Compared to $480k for the Rumsey Bridge.)
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 6-10-2014
Subject: Quantities – Retrofit Rehab Alt
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Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 6-10-2014
Subject: Quantities – Retrofit Rehab Alt
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Structure Backfill (Bridge) [CY]

Abut 1: [ (33’ tall from deck to bottom of Abut 1 footing) (22’ wide at Abut 1 face) (12’ length, longitudinally) ] /
= 330 CY
Less two 60” CIDH Piles and concrete attachment.
 [ (33’ tall from deck to bottom of Abut 1 footing) (14’ wide) (7’ length) ] / 27
=  120 CY
= 210 CY

Pier 2: [(8’ high) (48’ long + 1’ +1’ ) (12’ wide + 8’ + 3’ for PS) ] / 27
= 340 CY
Less two concrete footing retrofit
 [ (8’ tall) (48’ wide) (12’ length) ] / 27
=  170 CY
= 170 CY

Pier 3: [(8’ high) (48’ long + 1’ +1’ ) (12’ wide + 8’ + 3’ for PS) ] / 27
= 340 CY
Less two concrete footing retrofit
 [ (8’ tall) (48’ wide) (12’ length) ] / 27
=  170 CY
= 170 CY

Pier 4: [(8’ high) (48’ long + 1’ +1’ ) (12’ wide + 8’ + 3’ for PS) ] / 27
= 340 CY
Less two concrete footing retrofit
 [ (8’ tall) (48’ wide) (12’ length) ] / 27
=  170 CY
= 170 CY

Abut 5: [ (26’ tall from deck to bottom of Abut 5 footing) (22’ wide at Abut 1 face) (12’ length, longitudinally) ] /
= 250 CY
Less two 60” CIDH Piles and concrete attachment.
 [ (33’ tall from deck to bottom of Abut 1 footing) (14’ wide) (7’ length) ] / 27
=  120 CY
= 130 CY
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 6-10-2014
Subject: Quantities – Retrofit Rehab Alt
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∑ = 850 CY
Say 850 CY

Estimated price = $150/CY

Based on Caltrans bid history, the average adjusted Structure Backfill (Bridge) is around $100/CY. Use price of
$150/CY for Rumsey Bridge accounting for remote location.

Stevenson Bridge - Structure Backfill (Bridge) :

In 2007, the Stevenson Bridge unit price for Structure Backfill (Bridge) was $120/CY, the estimated area of repair is
500 SF which totals to $60k. (Compared to $127k for the Rumsey Bridge.)
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 6-10-2014
Subject: Quantities – Retrofit Rehab Alt
Page: Page 22 of 30

60” Cast-in-Drilled-Hole Concrete Piling [LF]

At this Preliminary Stage, it is not known if CISS pile or CIDH piling is required. For simplicity the cost estimate is
based on CIDH piles.
Abut 1 and Abut 5: (70’ long per pile) (2 piles per support) (2 supports) = 280’
Say 280 LF

Based on Caltrans Contract Cost Data,

60” CIDH piles has an adjusted average price of about $1,000 for quantities between 100 to 300 LF. Adjusting for
retrofit and more difficult access, say:
Estimated price = $2,000/LF

Stevenson Bridge - 60” Cast-in-Drilled-Hole Concrete Piling :

In 2007, the Stevenson Bridge unit price for 60” Cast-in-Drilled-Hole Concrete Piling was $900/LF, the estimated
quantities was 200LF which totals to $180k. (Compared to $560k for the Rumsey Bridge.)
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 6-10-2014
Subject: Quantities – Retrofit Rehab Alt
Page: Page 23 of 30

84” Cast-in-Drilled-Hole Concrete Piling [EA]

At this Preliminary Stage, it is not known if CISS pile or CIDH piling is required. For simplicity the cost estimate is
based on CIDH piles.
Pier 2, 3 and 4: (110’ long per pile) (2 piles per support) (3 supports) = 660’
Say 660 LF

Based on Caltrans Contract Cost Data,

84” CIDH piles has an adjusted average price of about $1,000 for quantities between 100 to 300 LF. However, this
doesn’t seem reasonable compared to the 60” CIDH price of $1000. A larger pile requires a larger crane. In water
work required temporary access for the cranes. Use a higher estimated price, say:
Estimated price = $ 2,200/LF

Stevenson Bridge - 84” Cast-in-Drilled-Hole Concrete Piling :

In 2007, the Stevenson Bridge unit price for 84” Cast-in-Drilled-Hole Concrete Piling was $2,800/LF, the estimated
quantities was 570LF which totals to $1,596k. (Compared to $1,452k for the Rumsey Bridge.)
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 6-10-2014
Subject: Quantities – Retrofit Rehab Alt
Page: Page 24 of 30

Structure Concrete, Bridge Footing [CY]

Abut 1: [ (33’ tall from deck to bottom of Abut 1 footing) (20’ wide at Abut 1 face) (4’ length, longitudinally) ] /
= 100 CY
Pier 2: [(8’ high) (48’ long) (12’ wide)  (5’ high) (28’ long) (12’ wide) ] / 27
= 108 CY
Pier 3: [(8’ high) (48’ long) (12’ wide)  (5’ high) (28’ long) (12’ wide) ] / 27
= 108 CY
Pier 4: [(8’ high) (48’ long) (12’ wide)  (5’ high) (28’ long) (12’ wide) ] / 27
= 108 CY
Abut 5: [ (26’ tall from deck to bottom of Abut 5 footing) (20’ wide at Abut 1 face) (4’ length, longitudinally) ] /
= 80 CY
∑ = 505 CY
Say 510 CY

Based on Caltrans Contract Cost Data,

Structure Concrete, Bridge has an average adjusted unit price of $500/CY, however since this is a retrofit
Say $1,500/CY

Stevenson Bridge - Structure Concrete, Bridge:

In 2007, the Stevenson Bridge unit price for 540 CY of Structure Concrete, Bridge was $1,300/CY. The estimated
cost was $702k. (Compared to $765k for the Rumsey Bridge.)
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 6-10-2014
Subject: Quantities – Retrofit Rehab Alt
Page: Page 25 of 30

Structure Concrete, Bridge [CY]

Abut 1 Wingwall:
[ (33’ tall from deck to bottom of Abut 1 footing) (1’ wide WW) (50’ length, longitudinally) ] / 27
= 60 CY
Say 60 CY

Based on Caltrans Contract Cost Data,

Structure Concrete, Bridge has an average adjusted unit price of $1,000/CY. However, for retrofit and difficulty
foundation access.
Say $3,000 /CY

Stevenson Bridge - Structure Concrete, Bridge:

In 2007, the Stevenson Bridge unit price for 540 CY of Structure Concrete, Bridge was $1,300/CY. The estimated
cost was $702k (Compared to $180k for the Rumsey Bridge). Note: Stevenson bridge quantities did not have footing
and bridge separated.
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 6-10-2014
Subject: Quantities – Retrofit Rehab Alt
Page: Page 26 of 30

Bar Reinforcing Steel (Bridge) [LB]

Density of Steel, 490 lb/CY, is obtained from Bridge Design Aids Ch.11

Abut 1 Wingwall:
(60 CY) (100 lb / CY) = 6,000 lb
Abut 1 CIDH to Abut Stem attachment:
(33’ tall from deck to bottom of Abut 1 footing) (20’ wide at Abut 1 face) (4’ length,
longitudinally) (100 lb / CY) = 10,000 lb
Pier 2 Footing:
(108 CY) (180 lb / CY) = 20,000 lb
Pier 3 Footing:
(108 CY) (180 lb / CY) = 20,000 lb
Pier 4 Footing:
(108 CY) (180 lb / CY) = 20,000 lb
Abut 5 CIDH to Abut Stem attachment:
(26’ tall from deck to bottom of Abut 1 footing) (20’ wide at Abut 1 face) (4’ length,
longitudinally) (100 lb / CY) = 8,000 lb

Abut 1 CIDH:
(70 LF) (20 EA #11)(1.56 sq-in) (490 lb/CF) / (12 in)^(2) = 7,500 lb
2 pier = [(60”  3”x2 ) /12 ft] [pi] [0.31 sq-in / (12 in)^(2)] [490 lb/CF]
x [70’] / [9’/12] = 1,400 lb

Pier 2 CIDH:
(110 LF) (36 EA #11)(1.56 sq-in) (490 lb/CF) / (12 in)^(2) = 21,000 lb
2 pier = [(84”  3”x2 ) /12 ft] [pi] [0.31 sq-in / (12 in)^(2)] [490 lb/CF]
x [110’] / [9’/12] = 3,000 lb
Pier 3 CIDH:
(110 LF) (36 EA #11)(1.56 sq-in) (490 lb/CF) / (12 in)^(2) = 21,000 lb
2 pier = [(84”  3”x2 ) /12 ft] [pi] [0.31 sq-in / (12 in)^(2)] [490 lb/CF]
x [110’] / [9’/12] = 3,000 lb
Pier 4 CIDH:
(110 LF) (36 EA #11)(1.56 sq-in) (490 lb/CF) / (12 in)^(2) = 21,000 lb
2 pier = [(84”  3”x2 ) /12 ft] [pi] [0.31 sq-in / (12 in)^(2)] [490 lb/CF]
x [110’] / [9’/12] = 3,000 lb
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 6-10-2014
Subject: Quantities – Retrofit Rehab Alt
Page: Page 27 of 30

Abut 5 CIDH:
(70 LF) (20 EA #11)(1.56 sq-in) (490 lb/CF) / (12 in)^(2) = 7,500 lb
2 pier = [(70”  3”x2 ) /12 ft] [pi] [0.31 sq-in / (12 in)^(2)] [490 lb/CF]
x [70’] / [9’/12] = 1,400 lb

∑ = 174,000 LB
Say 174,000 LB

Based on Caltrans Contract Cost Data,

Bar Reinforcing Steel ( Bridge) has an average adjusted unit price of $1.3/LB.
Say $ 1.3 /LB
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 6-10-2014
Subject: Quantities – Retrofit Rehab Alt
Page: Page 28 of 30

Joint Seal (Type B) [LF]

Assumed that the existing Joint Seal is okay and No Retrofit is required at this point.
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 6-10-2014
Subject: Quantities – Retrofit Rehab Alt
Page: Page 29 of 30

Rehabilitation of Existing RSP [LS]

Work includes removal of existing RSP (to construct the Abutment 1 WW) and then placing the RSP back in place,
via Method A placement. Work includes removal of K-Rail.
Approximate RSP volume: [(33’ high) (33’ long) (20’ wide) (1/3 for cone volume) ] / 27
= 270 CY

There is no rehabilitation cost data for RSP.

Based on Caltrans Contract Cost Data, ROCK SLOPE PROTECTION (1T, METHOD A) has an average adjusted
unit price of $130/CY.
For rehab assumed Say $100 /CY which yields $30,000. Plus regarding all RSP’s at all other bridge supports say:
$80,000 LS.

Stevenson Bridge - does not have a Rehab RSP item.

Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 6-10-2014
Subject: Quantities – Retrofit Rehab Alt
Page: Page 30 of 30

Prestressing Cast-In-Place Concrete [LS]

Prestressing the footing is required for flexural strength.
For all 3 in-water pier footings, using strands for ease of construction, Say $100,000 LS. Work also includes coring
of existing footing to place the PS strands.

Stevenson Bridge - does not have a Prestressing Cast-In-Place Concrete item.

Approach Roadway Rehabilitation [LF]

For approach roadway rehabilitation, Say $150,000 LS.

Stevenson Bridge - does not have an Approach Roadway Rehabilitation item.

Temporary Bridge [LS]

A two year temporary bridge is necessary to provide temporary crossing during the retrofit of the existing Rumsey
Bridge. To account for the long term temporary crossing duration, design the temporary bridge per current code,
design to clear high water elevations, and design for seismic, a cost of $2,000,000 is estimated for the temporary
bridge. The estimated price is similar to the bids of a recent nearby Winters Road Bridge over Putah Creek (Br 23C-
0243) dated in 2013. The temporary bridge bid item price for the Winters Road Bridge ranged from $1,070,000 to
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 5-19-2014
Subject: Quantities – New Replace Alt
Page: Page 1 of 13

Rumsey Bridge Estimate – New Replaced Alterative

Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 5-19-2014
Subject: Quantities – New Replace Alt
Page: Page 2 of 13

Table of Contents
Structure Excavation (Type D) [CY] .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Structure Backfill (Bridge) [CY] ................................................................................................................................................ 4
108” Cast-in-Drilled-Hole Concrete Piling [LF] ........................................................................................................................ 5
Structure Concrete, Bridge Footing [CY] ................................................................................................................................... 6
Structure Concrete, Bridge [CY] ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Bar Reinforcing Steel (Bridge) [LB] ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Joint Seal (Type B) [LF] ........................................................................................................................................................... 10
Concrete Barrier (Type 732) [LF] ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Rehabilitation of Existing RSP [LS] ......................................................................................................................................... 12
Prestressing Cast-In-Place Concrete [LS] ................................................................................................................................. 13
Bridge Removal ......................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Roadway Items .......................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 5-19-2014
Subject: Quantities – New Replace Alt
Page: Page 3 of 13

Structure Excavation (Type D) [CY]

Abut 1: [(9’ high ) (32’10” + 2’ long ) (7’ + 2’ wide) ] / 27

= 105 CY
Abut 3: [(9’ high ) (32’10” + 2’ long ) (7’ + 2’ wide) ] / 27
= 105 CY
∑ = 210 CY
Say 210 CY

Estimated price = $300/CY

Based on Caltrans bid history, the average adjusted Structure Excavation (Type D) is around $125/CY. The average
adjusted Structure Excavation (Type A) is around $350/CY.
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 5-19-2014
Subject: Quantities – New Replace Alt
Page: Page 4 of 13

Structure Backfill (Bridge) [CY]

Structure Excavation (Type D) [CY]
210 CY / (2)
Say 110 CY

Estimated price = $150/CY

Based on Caltrans bid history, the average adjusted Structure Backfill (Bridge) is around $100/CY. Use price of
$150 per CY for Rumsey Bridge accounting for remote location.
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 5-19-2014
Subject: Quantities – New Replace Alt
Page: Page 5 of 13

108” Cast-in-Drilled-Hole Concrete Piling [LF]

At this Preliminary Stage, it is not known if CISS pile or CIDH piling is required. For simplicity the cost estimate is
based on CIDH piles.
Pier 2: (120’ long per pile) (1 piles per support) (2 support) = 240’
Say 240 LF

Based on Caltrans Contract Cost Data,

108” CIDH piles has an adjusted average price of about $1,800.
Estimated price = $ 2,500/LF for remote location and small quantities.
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 5-19-2014
Subject: Quantities – New Replace Alt
Page: Page 6 of 13

Structure Concrete, Bridge Footing [CY]

Abut 1: [(3’ high) (32’10” long) (7’ wide) ] / 27
= 25 CY
Abut 4: [(3’ high) (32’10” long) (7’ wide) ] / 27
= 25 CY
∑ = 50 CY
Say 50 CY

Based on Caltrans Contract Cost Data,

Structure Concrete, Bridge has an average adjusted unit price of $500/CY,
Say $450 / CY for easy on land construction (even though project site is remote).
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 5-19-2014
Subject: Quantities – New Replace Alt
Page: Page 7 of 13

Structure Concrete, Bridge [CY]

Superstructure :
[ (115 SF)  (17+17+21.5 SF hollow cells) ] (400 LF) / 27
= 881 CY
Superstructure Diaps:
[ (17+17+21.5 SF cells) ] (10 + 10 + 2.5 +2.5 LF) / 27
= 51 CY
Abut 1 seat: [(14’ tall) (3.5’ wide) (30’10” long) / 27
= 56 CY
Pier 2 & 3 column: [(20’ tall) (7’ diameter) ^(2) (pi) / (4) / 27 (2 columns)
= 60 CY
Abut 4 seat: [(14’ tall) (3.5’ wide) (30’10” long) / 27
= 56 CY
Wingwall’s: (161 SF wingwall back area)(1’ thick backfill) (4 WW’s) / 27
= 24 CY
∑ = 1128 CY

Say 1130 CY
Based on Caltrans Contract Cost Data,
Structure Concrete, Bridge has an average adjusted unit price of $1,000/CY,
Say $1,100 / CY for remote location.
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 5-19-2014
Subject: Quantities – New Replace Alt
Page: Page 8 of 13
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 5-19-2014
Subject: Quantities – New Replace Alt
Page: Page 9 of 13

Bar Reinforcing Steel (Bridge) [LB]

Density of Steel, lb/CY, is obtained from Bridge Design Aids Ch.11

Box Super: (133.33’ span length) => 185 lb/CY x 1.25 LDF to LRDF
(880 CF) (230 lb/CY) = 178,000 lb

Superstructure Diaps: (51 CY) (150 lb/CY) = 7,700 lb

Abut 1 seat: (56 CY) (100 lbs/CY) = 5,600 lb
Pier 2 & 3 column: (60 CY) (450 lbs/CY) = 27,000 lb
Abut 4 seat: (56 CY) (100 lbs/CY) = 5,600 lb
Abut 1 & 3 footings: (50 CY) (170 lbs/CY) = 8,500 lb
Wingwall’s: (24 CY) (100 lbs/CY) = 2,400 lb

108” CIDH pile: (9 ft)^(2) (pi) / (4) (120 LF) /27 (450 lbs/CY)(2col) = 255,000 lb

∑ = 922,000 LB
Say 920,000 LB

Based on Caltrans Contract Cost Data,

Say $ 1.30 /LB
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 5-19-2014
Subject: Quantities – New Replace Alt
Page: Page 10 of 13

Joint Seal (Type B) [LF]

L =(30+10/12)*2 = 62 Ft

Say 62 LF
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 5-19-2014
Subject: Quantities – New Replace Alt
Page: Page 11 of 13

Concrete Barrier (Type 732) [LF]

L = ( 400’ + 20’ + 20’ ) * (2 sides) = 880 Ft

Say 880 LF
Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 5-19-2014
Subject: Quantities – New Replace Alt
Page: Page 12 of 13

Rehabilitation of Existing RSP [LS]

Work includes removal of existing RSP’s and then placing the RSP back at new bridge supports. Use new RSP is

Relative work is magnitude is similar to retrofit work. Say $80,000 LS.

Project Name: Rumsey Bridge Retrofit
Project No . Y01-500
Engineer: J. Chou
Date: 5-19-2014
Subject: Quantities – New Replace Alt
Page: Page 13 of 13

Prestressing Cast-In-Place Concrete [LS]

Typically the following equation is used to estimate for weight of steel used for PS: (Pjack)(Length)(3.4) / 202.5
However, this is an APS estimate, without know the Pjack by design, a proportion method to estimate PS cost is
Example, Bowman Road Bridge is 460’ long by 42’ wide = 19,320SF, with PS-CIP LS at $112,000

Proposed Rumsey Bridge is 400’ long by 31’ wide = 12,400SF

Solve for PS cost using proportion ratio12,400SF/ Cost = 91,320SF/$112,000  LS = 72,000
Prestressing the superstructure concrete box girder (for Alternatives 2 and 3), Say $80,000 LS.

Bridge Removal
Use a unit cost of $400,000 for removing the existing bridge.

Roadway Items
For approach roadway construction see roadway quantities.
Life Cycle Costs
Net Future Value adjusted to the proposed 2017 construction year (in 2017 dollars)

Alternative 1 - Bridge Retrofit/Rehabilitation of existing structure

Design Life of Retrofitted Bridge (50-75yrs) = 50 years
Cost to Retrofit Bridge if retrofitted today = $10,800,000 (see quantities & estimates)

FV = PV * (1 + r )
Future Cost = Initial Cost * (1 + Annual % Increase)
Annual % increase in Construction Cost = 3%
Future Cost in 2017 to retrofit existing bridge = $11,801,000

Cost of a future bridge if constructed today = $4,500,000 (assumed cost for CIP Conc Box Girder in Alt 3)
FV = PV * (1 + r )
Future Cost = Initial Cost * (1 + Annual % Increase)
Annual % increase in Construction Cost = 3%
Future Cost in 2067 to construct a new bridge = $21,557,000
Prorated fraction cost to a common 75 year baseline timeframe analysis. (Prorate cost of new bridge to first 25 years of its life.)
Proration multiplier = (75-50)/75 = 25/75 = 0.333

Initial Deposit Required

PV = FV / (1 + r ) n
P = Future Value = Cost of prorated 2067 bridge = $7,185,667
r = discount/interest rate = 1%
n = # years discounted 50
Solving for initial Deposit Required = $4,369,000 (amount needed in 2017 to fund a future prorated New Bridge in year 2067)

Initial Deposit Required

PV = FV / (1 + r ) n
P = Future Value = Cost of paint and/or FRP repair from vehicle impact/damage in 2027
r = discount/interest rate = 1%
n = # years discounted 10
Solving for initial Deposit Required = $91,000

Initial Deposit Required

PV = FV / (1 + r ) n
P = Future Value = Cost of paint and/or FRP repair from vehicle impact/damage in 2037
r = discount/interest rate = 1%
n = # years discounted 20
Solving for initial Deposit Required = $102,000
Initial Deposit Required
PV = FV / (1 + r )
P = Future Value = Cost of paint and/or FRP repair from vehicle impact/damage in 2047
r = discount/interest rate = 1%
n = # years discounted 30
Solving for initial Deposit Required = $111,000

Initial Deposit Required

PV = FV / (1 + r )
P = Future Value = Cost of paint and/or FRP repair from vehicle impact/damage in 2057
r = discount/interest rate = 1%
n = # years discounted 40
Solving for initial Deposit Required = $118,000

50 years 25 years (prorated)

Year: 2017 2027 2037 2047 2057 2067

$100,000 $125,000 $150,000 $175,000

Paint & FRP Repair every 10 year

Retrofit & Rehabilitation Prorated New Bridge Cost

$11,801,000 $7,185,667

Net Future Value Cost = $ 11,801,000

+ $ 4,369,000 Amount needed in 2017 to fund a future prorated New Bridge in year 2067
+ $ 91,000 Paint & Repair in 2027
+ $ 102,000 Paint & Repair in 2037
+ $ 111,000 Paint & Repair in 2047
+ $ 118,000 Paint & Repair in 2057
Net Future Value Cost = $ 16,600,000 for Alternative 1 (rounded to nearst $100,000)
Alternative 2 - Add New CIP Concrete Box Girder Bridge on an upstream alignment and keep existing Rumsey Bridge (no retrofit)
Design Life of New Bridge (75-100yrs) = 75 years
Cost of New Bridge if constructed today = $3,900,000 (Bridge Replacement without existing bridge removal cost)
FV = PV * (1 + r )
Future Cost = Initial Cost * (1 + Annual % Increase)
Annual % increase in Construction Cost = 3%
Future Cost in 2017 to construct new bridge = $4,262,000

Assumed when Bridge Removal is Required = 10 years

Cost to Remove Bridge if removed today = $625,000 (Slightly higher cost than Alt 1's, since Contractor needs to remobilize)
FV = PV * (1 + r )
Future Cost = Initial Cost * (1 + Annual % Increase)
Annual % increase in Construction Cost = 3%
Future Cost in 2027 to remove old bridge= $918,000

Initial Deposit Required

PV = FV / (1 + r )
P = Future Value = Desired future value = $918,000
r = discount/interest rate = 1%
n = # years discounted 10
Solving for initial Deposit Required = $831,000 (amount County needs to have in year 2017 to remove existing old bridge in year 2027)

75 years

Year: 2017 2027

Remove 0ld Bridge
######## ##

Construct New Bridge


Net Future Value Cost = $4,262,000 + $831,000

Net Future Value Cost = $5,100,000 for Alternative 2 (rounded to nearst $100,000)
Alternative 3 - CIP Concrete Box Girder Bridge Replacement on an upstream alignment with removal of the existing bridge
Design Life of New Bridge (75-100yrs) = 75 years
Cost of New Bridge if constructed today = $4,500,000 (Bridge Replacement with existing bridge removal cost)

FV = PV * (1 + r )
Future Cost = Initial Cost * (1 + Annual % Increase)
Annual % increase in Construction Cost = 3%
Future Cost in 2017 to construct new bridge = $4,917,000

75 years

Year: 2017

Construct New Bridge


Net Future Value Cost = $4,900,000 for Alternative 3 (rounded to nearst $100,000)
2012/13-2017/18 Highway Bridge Program
See the appropriate FTIP/FSTIP for current funding commitments. This listing provides the backup project information to support the lump sum amounts
programmed in the FTIP.
District: 04 County: Solano
Responsible Agency HBP-ID Project Description
Solano County 1498 BRIDGE NO. 23C0092, STEVENSON BR RD, OVER PUTAH CREEK, SOL/YOL CO LINE. Bridge rehabilitation. No adding lane capacity.

Phase Summary: Prior 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 Beyond Total Project #:
PE 900,000 400,000 1,300,000 5923(059)

R/W 500,000 500,000

CON 6,372,000 6,372,000
Total 900,000 400,000 500,000 6,372,000 8,172,000

Fund Source Summary: Prior 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 Beyond Total
Fed $ 720,000 320,000 442,650 5,641,132 7,123,782
Local Match 180,000 80,000 57,350 730,868 1,048,218
Local AC
Total 900,000 400,000 500,000 6,372,000 8,172,000

PE Summary: Prior 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 Beyond Total
Fed $ 720,000 320,000 1,040,000
Local Match 180,000 80,000 260,000
Local AC
Total 900,000 400,000 1,300,000

R/W Summary: Prior 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 Beyond Total
Fed $ 442,650 442,650
Local Match 57,350 57,350
Local AC
Total 500,000 500,000

CON Summary: Prior 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 Beyond Total
Fed $ 5,641,132 5,641,132
Local Match 730,868 730,868
Local AC
Total 6,372,000 6,372,000

Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance 11/15/2013, 11:10 AM Det2 FL4 SmlTxt brf Page 119

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