MSC in Mathematics and Foundations of Computer Science Course Handbook
MSC in Mathematics and Foundations of Computer Science Course Handbook
MSC in Mathematics and Foundations of Computer Science Course Handbook
Mathematics and Foundations of Computer
Course Handbook
This handbook applies to students starting the MSc in Mathematics and the Foundations of Computer
Science in Michaelmas term 2018. The information in this handbook may be different for students starting
in other years.
The Examination Regulations relating to this course are available at
If there is a conflict between the information in this handbook and the Examination Regulations then you
should follow the Examinations Regulations. If you have any concerns please contact
[email protected].
The information in this handbook is accurate as at 1 October 2018, however it may be necessary for changes
to be made in certain circumstances, as explained at If such
changes are made the department will publish a new version of this handbook together with a list of the
changes and students will be informed.
The M.Sc. in Mathematics and Foundations of Computer Science builds on Oxford’s strengths in pure
mathematics, logic and theoretical computer science.
It benefits from the synergies and close relationships between the Mathematical Institute and the Department
of Computer Science in Oxford. It offers training spanning these fields, and prepares students for two main
tracks: Ph.D.-level research, or careers in the research-led IT and communications industries.
You will find the course challenging and quite intensive, but also stimulating and rewarding. You will also
find that you are part of a cohort of highly motivated and enthusiastic students.
I hope that you will enjoy the course, and make the most of the opportunities it offers!
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Induction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Key Sources of Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.3 Key Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.4 The Academic Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.5 Finding Your Way Around . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
5 Role of the Supervisors 15
5.1 “General” supervisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
5.2 “Dissertation” supervisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1 Introduction
This handbook contains important information about the MSc course in Mathematics and Foundations of
Computer Science. It is intended as a guide and reference for you throughout the course. There are a
number of other sources of information that you will need to refer to during your course and links to these
are given below, together with a list of key contacts.
1.1 Induction
The graduate induction will take place in the Mathematical Institute, Andrew Wiles Building on Tuesday
2nd October from 10.00am in L1. This will be followed in the afternoon by a tour of the Dept. of Computer
Science and an MFoCS course specific induction back in the Mathematical Institute, L6. The day will
conclude with an informal reception for all new graduate students in the Maths Institute.
Examination Conventions: The examination conventions for the course set out how each unit will be
assessed and how the final degree classification will be derived from the marks obtained for the indi-
vidual units. The examination conventions can be found in Appendix C of this handbook and online
College Handbook: The handbook for your college will be available on the college website.
1.3 Key Contacts
The course lasts three terms and each term lasts eight weeks, from the beginning of October to the end of
the following June. The University functions throughout the year and as a graduate student you will need
to work in vacation as well as in term time (apart from reasonable breaks).
Note in particular that you should expect to remain in Oxford after the end of each term
to work on mini projects or your dissertation, and also that you should return before the
beginning of each term to discuss your programme with your supervisor, and for meeting the
Course Director.
For the academic year 2018-2019, the course begins with an induction on 2 October 2018. The dates of the
University Full Terms for the Academic Year 2018–2019 are:
MT = Michaelmas Term 2018: Sunday 7 October – Saturday 1 December
HT = Hilary Term 2019: Sunday 13 January – Saturday 9 March
TT = Trinity Term 2019: Sunday 28 April – Saturday 22 June
A calendar of important dates is given in Appendix A.
Teaching for the course will take place in the Andrew Wiles Building, The Mathematical Institute, situated
in the Radcliffe Observatory Quarter. ( and the
Wolfson Building, Department of Computer Science(
A searchable, interactive map of all college, department and libraries can be found at
The Department of Computer Science is situated in the Wolfson Building, on the corner of Keble Road and
Parks Road, with the main entrance on Parks Road. To access this building, you will need to have your
University card activated. Please contact Ms Brenda Deeley at the Department of Computer Science to
arrange this.
An entry card system (using your University Card) controls access to the building. You will be provided
with information on how to activate your card at the Graduate Induction Day. Please report any issues
with your card to [email protected] and include in your email the details from the card as outlined
Name. Category/Type/Status (e.g. Congregation, Student, Staff etc), Card Number, Card Expiry Date/Valid
Until Date
Rules governing access to the Mathematical Institute are as follows:
1. Cards are issued on a personal basis and must not be loaned or passed on to another person.
3. When a card is used to gain access to the building, the system keeps a record of that use for a period
of approximately six months.
2 The MSc Course
2.1 Overview
The 12 month Master of Science in Mathematics and Foundations of Computer Science course (FHEQ
Level 7) focuses on the interface between pure mathematics and theoretical computer science. The course is
suitable for those who wish to pursue research in pure mathematics (especially algebra, number theory, com-
binatorics, general topology and their computational aspects), mathematical logic, or theoretical computer
science. It is also suitable for students wishing to enter industry with an understanding of mathematical
and logical design and concurrency.
It builds on Oxford’s traditional strength in the foundations of theoretical computer science and in the
related areas of mathematics that stem from the early days of the Programming Research Group in the
Computing Laboratory.
The courses offered are divided into two sections:
• theoretical
• applicable
Theoretical courses are concerned with those areas of mathematics and computer science which are related
to the general goals stated above. The range of courses may vary from year to year.
2.2 Aims
The aim of this MSc is to provide a wide grounding over a range of mathematics and computing science and
the regulations are designed to ensure that this is achieved without too much specialisation, while giving
students a good choice of options.
• a general perspective on mathematics and foundations of computer science as active areas of research.
You will also have the opportunity to develop the following skills.
Intellectual Skills
Practical Skills
• Ability to construct, write-up and communicate logical arguments of some complexity.
Transferable Skills
• Ability to solve problems effectively and to apply high-level mathematical and computational methods
to a wide range of problems.
• Ability to manage your time and to acquire a complex body of knowledge in a limited time.
• Ability to manage your own learning and study for research or other professional qualifications.
The mathematical side of the course concentrates on areas where computers are used, or which are relevant
to computer science, namely algebra, general topology, number theory, combinatorics and logic. Examples
from the computing side include computational complexity, concurrency, and quantum computing.
The course will consist of examined lecture courses and a written dissertation. The lecture courses will be
divided into two sections:
• Schedule I - basic courses - The lectures may serve also as advanced undergraduate lectures, though
students for an MSc should expect to read more widely around the material than would an undergradu-
ate, and the written assignments set at the end of the course will be more searching than undergraduate
examination questions, and will often allow the student to develop a theme.
• Schedule II - more advanced courses - Can be expected to lead into areas where students may choose
to write dissertations. Some Schedule II courses will be offered as directed reading, rather than by
lectures. Their content will be the equivalent of a standard course of sixteen lectures.
It is intended that a major feature of this course is that candidates should show a broad knowledge and
understanding over a wide range of material. Consequently, each lecture course taken will receive an assess-
ment upon its completion by means of mini projects. Candidates will be required to pass five courses, of
which at least two shall be from Schedule II, and at least two from Section B (these need not be distinct).
Details regarding the syllabus for each course are published in a supplement to this handbook.
While it is necessary to pass five courses, and not more than four may be offered in any one term, the
normal expectation is that students will take three or perhaps four courses in each of Michaelmas and
Hilary terms. It should be noted that Schedule I courses will mainly be given in Michaelmas and Hilary
terms, and Schedule II courses in Hilary and Trinity terms. Many courses provide problem sheets and
associated classes; completion of such work (and its marking) forms an integral part of the course, and
students are assigned to such classes. Where this is not the case, either the lecturer or the supervisor (see
below) will arrange a limited amount of ‘tutorial-style’ teaching to supplement lectures. (See also ‘Reading
Courses’, page 8.)
The majority of these courses will be given in the first two terms. During Trinity term and over the summer
students should complete a dissertation on an agreed topic. The dissertation must bear regard to course
material from Section A or Section B, and it must demonstrate relevance to some area of science, engineering,
industry or commerce.
All students will be required to attend an oral examination. This will be held in the second half of September.
3 Teaching and Learning
Teaching for the course will be provided jointly by the Department of Computer Science and the Mathe-
matical Institute through lectures and classes. All students are assigned a general supervisor (responsible
for guiding the student’s choices) for the duration of the course. Supervisors are chosen from amongst those
with an interest in the programme and with the students interests taken into account. In addition, students
undertaking a dissertation will have regular supervision meetings with their dissertation supervisor.
Course Material
Course material, such as lecture notes and problem sheets, will be published on the Mathematical Institutes’s
website and the Department of Computer Science website. Students should follow the links to the appropriate
pages from the lecture schedule on the course website.
3.2 Lectures
Each lecture course comprises of 16 hours of lectures, for most of these there will be 4x 90-minute classes.
In addition, students will be expected to undertake reading, and work on practical preparation and problem
sheets. We would expect that you would spend about 10-15 hours per week on each course and that you
would undertake 3 or 4 courses in each of Michaelmas and Hilary Terms. Reading courses involve the same
amount of work as lecture courses.
The Mathematical Institute publishes a lecture list for Mathematical Sciences just before the beginning of
each term, as do all other Divisions of the University. The Mathematics list can be found on the web at
The Computer Science list can be found on the web at
Lecture lists for other Departments in the MPLS Division can be found at All members of the University may
attend any publicly announced University lectures or seminars.
3.3 Classes
Lecture courses will normally be accompanied by problem sets and weekly or fortnightly problem classes.
Classes will usually contain 8–10 students. For classes accompanying mathematics courses you will need to
sign-up for the sets of classes you wish to attend at the start of each term. You will be sent an email in
week 0 alerting you that class registration is open and providing you with details of the registration process.
You can find out which class you have been allocated to by looking at the class lists
Before each class you will need to submit your problem sheet to the class teaching assistant for marking.
For all courses you should submit your problems sheets as instructed by the class tutor.
You should always submit your problem sheet before the stated deadline.
3.4 Reading Courses
Some courses may be offered by means of directed reading rather than as a formal course of lectures -
such courses are of exactly the same standing as those delivered via lectures. The following notes, both for
students and those giving the course, give a general outline of what should be expected.
1. The content of a Reading Course should, in quantity and expectation, correspond to a standard 16
lecture course given at the Schedule II level.
2. There should be a synopsis that states the aims and content of the course, together with the reading
that will specify its content (but see (4) below).
3. The reading is guided - that is, the person offering the course should meet with the students on
a regular basis to discuss the material being read and to give clear guidance as to what should be
achieved before the next meeting.
The exact format should be decided on a mutual basis. In practice, most people giving such courses
will see all the students at the same time, on between four and eight occasions (either four 2-hour or
eight 1-hour meetings).
The majority of the time will be spent reviewing what has been read, and it is for the “lecturer”
to see whether this is best spent by students presenting items, by reviewing the content briefly and
answering questions as he goes along, or by asking the students what particular aspects they may
want explained. It is useful to conclude by discussing what is in the next “section” to be covered, with
advice as to where problems may be expected or where suitable additional reading may be found. The
first meeting, of course, should include a general outline of the goals of the course since at that stage
some students may still be deciding whether to take the course.
4. It is permissible (i.e., without referring back to the Supervisory Committee) to vary the content of the
course to reflect the interests of those taking the course, though all students should cover the same
material for the purposes of preparing for the mini project - but “extra” reading may be assigned on
an individual basis according to taste. This is particularly relevant when students may be looking
for a dissertation in the area of the reading course. Many dissertations do in fact arise from reading
5. If relevant and viable (especially with a view to the fact that a mini project will be set), problems
or practical exercises may be set. The latter should, of course, be designed with the students’ prior
computing experience taken into account.
6. On occasion, extra reading courses may be approved by the Supervisory Committee during the year
upon request. Students seeking such extra courses should discuss this with their supervisor, and also
informally with the Chair prior to any formal request.
There are a number of people you can consult for advice on teaching and learning matters. Each student is
assigned a supervisor who will offer direct guidance in the first instance. In particular, students are advised
to discuss with their supervisors at an early stage which range of courses they intend to consider so that any
prerequisite knowledge can be acquired. They should also discuss with their supervisors later the area in
which they intend to write the dissertation so that a suitable supervisor for that dissertation (who need not
be the ‘assigned’ supervisor) can be approached to discuss possible topics. Students give a short presentation
on their dissertation topic, late in Trinity Term or shortly thereafter. The dissertation is required to bear
regard to some aspect of the course material covered. All students will receive academic guidance from the
Course Director.
If you have any issues with teaching or supervision please raise these as soon as possible so that they can
be addressed promptly. Details of who to contact are provided in Section 8.2 Complaints and Appeals.
The supervisory committee who oversee the course currently consists of Prof. Jonathan Pila (Chair), Prof.
Samson Abramsky, Prof. John Cremona (External member), Prof. Martin Escardo (External member),
Prof. Victor Flynn, Prof. Paul Goldberg, Prof. Martin Escardo, Prof. Oliver Riordan and Prof. James
Worrell. Any member of the committee may be approached for guidance. (N.B. The committee membership
may change from the beginning of the academic year. You will be informed if this is the case).
Expectations of Study
You are responsible for your own academic progress. Therefore, in addition to the formal teaching you receive
through lectures, classes and dissertation tutorials, you will be expected to undertake a significant amount
of self-directed, independent study both during term time and in the vacations. You are advised to read the
University’s guidance on undertaking paid work at
Your academic progress will be monitored by your supervisor. College tutors and supervisors will receive
reports from the class tutors for the classes you attend. In addition, supervisors of MSc students will submit
termly reports on their student’s progress via the Graduate Supervision Recording (GSR). These reports
are reviewed by the Director of Studies. If you are concerned about your academic progress please contact
your college tutor, supervisor or the Course Director.
For MSc students, it is also mandatory to complete a self-assessment report via GSR for every reporting
period. You can access GSR via the following link: Students
will be sent a GSR automated email notification with details of how to log in at the start of each reporting
window, and who to contact with queries.
Completing the self assessment will provide the opportunity to:
• Review and comment on your academic progress during the current reporting period
• Measure your progress against the timetable and requirements of your programme of study
• Raise concerns or issues regarding your academic progress to your Academic Advisor
If you have any difficulty completing this you must speak to your Academic Advisor or Director of Studies.
Your self-assessment report will be used by your Academic Advisor as a basis to complete a report on
your performance this reporting period, for identifying areas where further work may be required, and for
reviewing your progress against agreed timetables and plans for the term ahead. GSR will alert you by
email when your Academic Advisor has completed your report and it is available for you to view.
University Lectures and Departmental Seminars
University lectures in all subjects are open to all students. A consolidated lecture list is available on the
University website at:
Seminars and colloquia given in the Mathematical Institute and Computer Science Department, often by
mathematicians and computer scientists of international repute, are announced on the departmental notice
Study Skills
Much of the advice and training in study skills will come in the regular class teaching you receive. A wide
range of information and training materials are available to help you develop your academic skills – including
time management, research and library skills, referencing, revision skill and academic writing – through the
Oxford Student website:
4 Examinations and Assessments
All of the units you undertake will have a formal assessment (either a mini project or dissertation). The
assessments are governed by the University’s Examination Regulations and the course examination conven-
tions. You will be asked to notify the course administrator of your intention to offer a mini project for a
lecture course no later than the Monday of the third week of each term. This is distinct from the formal
exam entry process detailed below.
The examination conventions for the course are the formal record of the specific assessment standards for
the course. They set out how each unit will be assessed and how the final degree classification will be derived
from the marks obtained for the individual units. They include information on marking scales, marking
and classification criteria, scaling of marks, formative feedback, resits and penalties for late submission.
The examination conventions for 2018–19 can be found in Appendix C; this is the definitive version of
the examination conventions for this year. The examiners for the current academic year are listed in
the Conventions. Students are strictly prohibited from contacting external examiners directly. If you are
unhappy with an aspect of your assessment you may make a complaint or appeal (see section 8.2).
You will need to formally enter for the units you wish to be examined on by completing an examination
entry form. This is done online through Student Self Service ( and further
information on the process can be found at For
this course there will be three examination entry dates:
Friday 30th November, week 8, Michaelmas Term for Michaelmas Term courses to be assessed by mini
Friday 1st March, week 7, Hilary Term for Hilary Term courses to be assessed by mini projects;
Friday 14th June, week 7, Trinity Term for Trinity Term courses to be assessed by mini projects.
There is also an opportunity for a candidate to formally withdraw an examination entry via their College
prior to the submission deadline - usually the Friday before the deadline if the date falls on a Monday or if
the submission date is a Friday the withdrawal should take place the day before.
The calendar of important dates (Appendix A) gives the expected submission deadlines for the mini projects,
dissertation and viva examinations.
It is vital that you submit your work by the given deadline as any late submission will be reported to the
Proctors and the candidate shall be deemed to have failed the course in question.
Please see the examination conventions and the Oxford Student website (
academic/exams/submission) for advice on what to do if you are unable to submit your work on time due
to medical emergency or other urgent cause.
4.5 Preparation and submission of Coursework
Since these have to be written within a fairly short period of time, they may be either typed or hand written,
in which case it is important that they be both legible and laid out in the same way as if they were typed.
In either case, it should be borne in mind that these are projects, not “examination solutions”, and the
presentation should reflect this -
1. Your submission should be clearly written in sentences with appropriate punctuation, display of for-
mulae, appropriate use of ‘Definition’, ‘Lemma’, ‘Theorem’, ‘Proof’, etc.
2. You should begin with a brief statement of the overall goal of the project, and finish with a conclusion
of what you have achieved (or needed to assume) and comment on what other questions your work
might lead to.
3. You may print double-sided but handwritten projects should be single-sided. Number pages, but do
not staple sheets together. Your project should be submitted in some sort of folder (a clear plastic
sleeve folder will suffice). You must not write your name on your mini project; the only identification
should be your candidate number.
4. It is impossible to give precise guidance on length since this can vary considerably from project to
project, depending on how much calculation may be needed and whether such is routine. It is unlikely,
however, that a project can be completed in less than five pages, and it will more often be in the 10 -
15 page range. What is more important is that it should reflect the fact that you will be concentrating
over a 2 - 3 week period on writing three or four projects and should represent a commensurate amount
of work, bearing in mind that some reading may be required as part of the process (e.g., some projects
may involve showing your understanding by extending a known result that you may not have seen
If you have any questions about the mini projects (e.g., requests for clarification), please email
the MSc Course Administrator, Charlotte Manning (email: [email protected]).
These will be passed as appropriate to the relevant Assessor and/or the Chair of Examiners.
Any replies will be sent to all students taking that mini project. You must not communicate
directly with the Assessor, nor discuss the projects with each other.
4.5.2 Dissertations
These must be typed and the preferred length is between 35 to 65 pages. Dissertations may be printed
double sided. It is recommended (though not obligatory) that LaTeX be used. You are advised to become
familiar with this during the year if you are not already fully conversant with another word processing
package that can handle mathematical formulae (and diagrams).
The typing should follow the guidance for research thesis (see Examination Regulations). The work should
be properly and adequately referenced in the text, with the full list of references at the end of the disser-
tation, following any of the standard labelling conventions as mathematical papers (e.g., numerical, or by
abbreviated name). The dissertation should be securely held together with a soft binding.
The dissertation does not require a separate abstract. However, it is strongly recommended that a short
abstract (of less than one page) be included at the beginning of the dissertation, separate from the Intro-
duction. It is important to highlight what new areas you are contributing within this abstract. The abstract
may, but need not, be that submitted to the Chair of the Supervisory Committee for prior approval (though
these will have been made available to the Chair of Examiners along with the title of the dissertation).
Two hard copies of each mini project whether typed or handwritten are required and each should be securely
bound together in some sort of folder. Mini projects should be submitted by the deadline (photocopies are
acceptable)to the Examination Schools, High Street, Oxford, OX1 4BG.
The deadline for submission of the dissertation is 12 noon on Monday 2 September (Trinity term) in the
year of the examination. Students will be required to submit two bound hard copies of their dissertation,
together with a declaration of authorship form, to the Examination Schools, High Street, Oxford, OX1 4BG.
Candidates must submit an electronic version of their mini projects and dissertations via the Mathematical
Institute website by 12 noon on the day of the submission deadline using the following link: https:// and navigating to the assignments tab on the relevant course page.
Information on the procedure for this will be issued in the form of a notice to candidates from the chair of
4.6 Plagiarism
Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incor-
porating it into your work without full acknowledgement. All published and unpublished material, whether
in manuscript, printed or electronic form, is covered under this definition. Plagiarism may be intentional
or reckless, or unintentional. Under the regulations for examinations, intentional or reckless plagiarism is a
disciplinary offence.
Please see the University’s guidance on plagiarism
skills/plagiarism for further information.
All students shall give an oral examination on their dissertation and its background material, and you will
be expected to give a short 10-15 minute presentation on the dissertation, after which there will be an
opportunity for the Examiners to ask questions. You are not permitted to use presentation slides although
use of a whiteboard is permitted. You must wear sub-fusc and are advised to take a copy of your dissertation
with you to your oral examination, students are permitted one A4 sheet of notes.
You are also required to give a short presentation to students on the course and to members of the Supervisory
Committee on your dissertation proposal during week 8 of Trinity term.
Online Submission:
5 Role of the Supervisors
In assigning general supervisors, note has been taken of your background and indicated interests.
Your general supervisor will be responsible for guiding you through the course. You should see him/her
almost as soon as you arrive, and in particular in the week before teaching actually starts, to discuss the
range of courses that you propose to take. There is no need to know exactly at this stage but it is important
to discuss your background in mathematics and/or computer science so that your supervisor can assess
whether taking particular courses is realistic, and whether you are taking a sufficiently coherent set of
courses (especially in the first term) to ensure a passage through the remainder of the year.
Your supervisor will also be able to give you guidance on material that they think is appropriate for you
to study by yourself to prepare you for courses that you want to take, either by reading, or by attending
undergraduate lecture courses that do not feature within the MFoCS list of courses. (This is especially true
of courses given in Hilary term for which you may lack some of the prerequisites.)
Most courses come with associated problem classes. Where this does not happen, your supervisor is the
person responsible for seeking alternative arrangements if needed. More generally, you should keep in contact
with your supervisor, and in particular let him/her know exactly which courses you finally decide to take
for assessment. He/she is also the person who can give you general guidance.
During the second term in January, you should expect to have a preliminary discussion of the general area
in which you will be hoping to write your dissertation. Often you will find that the most appropriate person
to talk to after that is the person who has given lectures in that area, but your supervisor may well suggest
that there are others to whom you should talk.
At this time too, your supervisor will provide you with some feedback on your performance in the mini
projects on the previous term’s courses, and will be the person who formally reports on your work to the
Director of Graduate Studies for Taught Degrees and to your college.
Your general supervisor is also responsible for ensuring that you find a dissertation supervisor. This may
seem a hard task, but in practice there has rarely been any difficulty at this stage. While then you will be
working with your dissertation supervisor (primarily during Trinity term), your general supervisor will still
be the person with overall responsibility for you, as before.
Those acting as general supervisors are experienced in the MFoCS programme and it is not necessary that
they be experts in the particular direction that you plan to take; it may turn out that they will also be your
dissertation supervisor, but this is most often not the case.
Your supervisor may not help you with your mini projects as such. However, he/she may answer general
questions by directing you to appropriate reference material, but not to answer specific questions relating
to the actual mini project. In the case where English is not your native language, supervisors are allowed
to see a draft of mini projects and to comment on grammar, spelling and usage only.
Your general supervisor can also read and comment on a draft of your dissertation - especially with regard
to its general presentation.
Your dissertation supervisor will guide you while you are preparing and writing your dissertation. Normally,
students “find” their dissertation supervisor before the end of Hilary term so that they can start some
specialised reading after completing that term’s mini projects, and before the beginning of Trinity term. At
the beginning of that term, you should prepare a “dissertation proposal” with your intended dissertation
supervisor and submit it for approval. It is normal to have around eight meetings with your dissertation
supervisor, mainly during Trinity term, but possibly continuing into July, but the exact arrangements are
made mutually. Your supervisor will read and provide feedback on the initial draft of your dissertation
(provided that it is submitted to them in good time!).
Your dissertation supervisor should normally be based in the Mathematical Institute, the Department of
Computer Science or the Department of Statistics; if you are considering a potential supervisor outside these
departments or outside Oxford, you should consult the Course Director at an early stage. Also, if work on
your dissertation should require you to work out of Oxford at any point during Trinity term, you must
consult the Course Director before making any arrangements.
6 Resources and Facilities
You will be able to use the computers and desks in the Mezzanine Study Room to work within the Math-
ematical Institute. The study room has power sockets for students wishing to use their own laptops and
there is wi-fi throughout the building
The Institute’s Café π is also located on the mezzanine level and has seating and tables for 100. The café
serves drinks, snacks and meals from 8.30–16.15. Students are also welcome to use the Common Room on
the first floor.
6.2 Workspace
The M.Sc. in Mathematics and Foundations of Computer Science has a dedicated student work-room, room
N0.21, on the ground floor in the South Wing of the Andrew Wiles Building. The room contains a number
of computers on the Mathematical Institute’s IT network as well as space for students to use their own
laptops, although there is not room for each student to have an individual desk. There is also a post box
for each individual student.
6.3 Libraries
The Whitehead Library holds material covering mathematical topics at postgraduate and research level. It
is primarily for the use of current postgraduate students and academic staff of the Mathematical Institute.
Your University Card will have been activated to open the library door and will give you 24/7 access.
Books taken out of the Library must be checked-out on the SOLO computer loan system at the terminal in
the library. Please note that books are not allowed to be taken away from Oxford.
The Radcliffe Science Library is the science library of the Bodleian and includes mathematics books at
graduate and research level.
College Libraries
At the departmental induction session you will be given a Mathematical Institute IT account and email
address. The email address will be of the format
MSc students will also receive a University ‘single-sign-on’ IT account. This will have an email address
associated with it which will be of the format
It is important that students either read both these emails regularly or set up a forward from them to an
account which they do read regularly.
For further information about Departmental IT matters, including rules and regulations surrounding the
use of IT facilities, please see
You will have access to various licences for further details go to
Careers guidance is provided by the Careers Service (, which also provides
training in writing applications, interview techniques and analysis of transferable skills. The Careers Service
provides information about occupations and employers, and advertises work experience opportunities.
In addition to its general programme, the Careers Service runs an annual ‘Jobs for Mathematicians’ half-
day, in collaboration with the Mathematical Institute. At this event there are talks from alumni working in
various industries and a talk for those interesting in continuing on to further postgraduate study. Further
information about postgraduate study opportunities at the Mathematical Institute can be found at
7 Student Representation and Feedback
Students will be able to nominate a representative to sit on the Joint Supervisory Committee (JSC) which
oversees the course. Volunteers will be sought at the Induction Session and an election held if necessary.
The student representative will be able to raise matters with the JSC on behalf of the cohort.
The Consultative Committee for Graduates meets regularly once a term and discusses any matters that
graduate students wish to raise.
Graduate students views are fed into the departmental structure via the Consultative Committee with
Graduates. The committee’s operation is described in the following standing order:
“The committee consists of up to 6 junior members reading for higher degrees, and the Directors of Graduate
Studies. One or two of the junior members should be following an MSc by coursework.
The committee members are appointed from amongst graduate students admitted by the Mathematical
Institute, and graduate students following taught MSc’s by coursework for which the Mathematical Institute
shares some teaching responsibility. Nominations and self-nominations are invited by circulating these
graduate students electronically in the second week of Michaelmas term. Elections are held electronically
during the fourth week of Michaelmas term, with three working days being given for voting. The one MSc
(coursework) student with the most votes, the three research students (DPhil or MSc by research) with the
most votes, and the two remaining students (either MSC or DPhil) with the most votes are elected. The
committee has the power to co-opt junior members such that membership is complete. The committee may
operate, if necessary, without its full complement of places having been filled. Membership is for one year
with the option of renewing.
The committee is concerned with matters such as the syllabus, teaching arrangements, library facilities,
office facilities, and the general aspects of examinations and it will annually review examiners reports for
the taught MSc’s. The Director of Graduate Studies (R) is appointed the Chair of the committee. The
DGS(T) is a member, ex officio. The Graduate Studies Administrator or another member of Mathematical
Institute staff will act as secretary to the committee. The minutes of the committee are forwarded to the
Department Committee.
The committee is able as of right to address a communication direct to the Department Committee, the
Research Committee, or the Graduate Studies Committee, of the Mathematical Institute depending on the
matters involved. The committee meets at 2 pm on Tuesday in the 4th week of each full term unless the
HOD determines otherwise.”
Students will be asked to complete questionnaires evaluating the teaching received for each unit. Please
take time to complete these as your feedback is valuable for future course planning.
Students on full-time and part-time matriculated courses are surveyed once per year on all aspects of their
course (learning, living, pastoral support, college) through the Student Barometer. Previous results can be
viewed by students, staff and the general public at:
Students will also be asked to complete a end of year questionnaire for the course and are able to provide
feedback on all aspects of the MSc.
committee-graduates: minutes of meetings and list of student representatives.
8 Student Support and Academic Policies
Generally speaking for graduate students departments are the main source of academic support and colleges
are the main source of pastoral support.
If you have missed a number of lectures through illness or other reasons, please consult with your supervisor
for advice on catching up missed work. If you are ill and unable to attend a class please inform the class
tutor in advance of the class.
Every college has their own systems of support for students, please refer to your College handbook or website
for more information on who to contact and what support is available through your college.
Details of the wide range of sources of support available more widely in the University are available from
the Oxford Students website (, including in relation to mental
and physical health and disability.
The University, the MPLS Division and the Mathematical Institute and the Department of Computer Science
all hope that provision made for students at all stages of their course of study will result in no need for
complaints (about that provision) or appeals (against the outcomes of any form of assessment).
Where such a need arises, an informal discussion with the person immediately responsible for the issue
that you wish to complain about (and who may not be one of the individuals identified below) is often the
simplest way to achieve a satisfactory resolution.
Many sources of advice are available from colleges, departments and bodies like the Counselling Service or
the Oxford SU Student Advice Service, which have extensive experience in advising students. You may
wish to take advice from one of those sources before pursuing your complaint. General areas of concern
about provision affecting students as a whole should be raised through Joint Consultative Committees or
via student representation on the departments committees.
If your concern or complaint relates to teaching or other provision made by the department, then you
should raise it with the chair of the Joint Supervisory Committee (Prof Jonathan Pila) or with the Director
of Graduate Studies – Teaching (Prof. Raphael Hauser) as appropriate. Complaints about departmental
facilities should be made to the Director of Administration and IT (Dr Keith Gillow). If you feel unable to
approach one of those individuals, you may contact the Head of Department (Prof. Martin Bridson). The
officer concerned will attempt to resolve your concern/complaint informally.
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome, you may take your concern further by making a formal complaint
to the Proctors under the University Student Complaints Procedure (
If your concern or complaint relates to teaching or other provision made by your college, you should raise it
either with your tutor or with one of the college officers, Senior Tutor, Tutor for Graduates (as appropriate).
Your college will also be able to explain how to take your complaint further if you are dissatisfied with the
outcome of its consideration.
Academic Appeals
An academic appeal is an appeal against the decision of an academic body (e.g. boards of examiners,
transfer and confirmation decisions etc.), on grounds such as procedural error or evidence of bias. There is
no right of appeal against academic judgement. If you have any concerns about your assessment process
or outcome it is advisable to discuss these first informally with your subject or college tutor, Senior Tutor,
course director, director of studies, supervisor or college or departmental administrator as appropriate.
They will be able to explain the assessment process that was undertaken and may be able to address your
concerns. Queries must not be raised directly with the examiners. If you still have concerns you can make a
formal appeal to the Proctors who will consider appeals under the University Academic Appeals Procedure
There are number of Mathematics and Computer Science student societies which you may like to join.
Details of the main societies are given below. In addition there are also over 400 clubs and societies covering
a wide range of interest which you may join or attend. A full list is available at
The Oxford University’s student society for Mathematics. The society promotes Maths and hosts informal
lectures, often given by leading mathematicians. Website:
Mirzakhani Society
The Mirzakhani Society is a society aimed at supporting women in Oxford who are studying maths. Their
main event is ‘Sip and Solve’ which happens once a week, tea and cake are provided, and women are
encouraged to come along to do problem sheets. Contact: [email protected].
LGBTQubed is the student group for all LGBTQ+ identifying students in Maths, Stats and Computer
Science. They meet regularly for tea, biscuits and a chat. Contact: [email protected].
The Oxford Women in Computer Science Society (OxWoCS) aims to support and promote women in
computer science. The society exists for all women in computer science, be they students, faculty, or
staff. OxWoCS runs a number of academic, social, and career events throughout the year, including
weekly coffee meetings, talks by distinguished female speakers, and industry sponsored events. The so-
ciety provides networking opportunities and a support network comprising role models, mentors, and
peers. OxWoCS exists to help enhance the quality of life for all members of the department. Website:
The Oxford University Computer Science Society
The Oxford University Computer Science Society (Compsoc) exists to promote and encourage the use
of computers, programming, and new technology amongst a diverse group of members from across the
university. They regularly host talks from major technology companies and academics as well as social Geek
Nights which are a great opportunity to get to know others with an interest in all things Computer Science.
The Oxford University Computer Science Graduate Students Society (CoGS) provides a platform for the
academic and social life of post-graduates in the department. They cover both student representation on
several departmental and divisional committees as well as organization of a variety of social events. The
latter provide an excellent opportunity for MSc students, DPhil students and post docs to mingle and catch
up outside their research groups. Website:
The University has a wide range of policies and regulations that apply to students. These are easily accessible
through the A–Z of University regulations, codes of conduct and policies available at Particular attention is drawn to the fol-
lowing University policies:
You are urged to act at all times responsibly, and with a proper care for your own safety and that of others.
Departmental statements of safety policy are posted in all departments, and you must comply with them.
Students should note that they (and others entering onto departmental premises or who are involved in
departmental activities) are responsible for exercising care in relation to themselves and others who may be
affected by their actions.
In the Mathematical Institute accidents should be reported immediately to reception, telephone 73525, who
keep the accident book. There is a first aid room located on the ground floor of the South wing. If you
require access to this room please report to reception.
Each lecture theatre has its own proper escape route and you are urged to familiarise yourself with these.
Those for the Mathematical Institute lecture and seminar rooms, are set online at In the case
of evacuation of the lecture theatre give heed to the instructions of the lecturer.
8.6 Key Student Support Links and Contacts
Departmental Harassment Advisors: names and contact details displayed in Mezzanine Study Room.
Oxford University Student Union, Vice President (Welfare): (tel: (2)88452) email: [email protected]
Michaelmas Term
8 October (Monday week 1) Michaelmas term lectures begin
22 October(Monday week 3) Deadline to confirm course choices
30 October (Tuesday week 4) TBC Workshop on assessment procedures and drinks reception
26 November, 12noon (Monday week 8) Collect mini projects from S0.16, MI
30 November (Friday week 8) Examination entry for all Michaelmas term courses
to be assessed by mini projects
30 November (Friday week 8) Michaelmas term lectures end
17 December, 12noon (Monday week 11) Deadline to submit Michaelmas term mini projects
to the Examination Schools
Hilary Term
14 January (Monday week 1) Hilary term lectures begin
TBC (week 1) Workshop on dissertation preparation and procedures
28 January (Monday week 3) Deadline to confirm course choices
1 March (Friday week 7) Examination entry for all Hilary term courses
to be assessed by mini projects
8 March, 12noon (Friday week 8) Collect mini projects from S0.16, MI
8 March (Friday week 8) Hilary term lectures end
27 March, 12noon (Wednesday week 11) Deadline to submit Hilary term mini projects
to the Examination Schools
Trinity Term
29 April (Monday week 1) Trinity term lectures begin
13 May (Monday week 3) Deadline to confirm course choices
14 June (Friday week 7) Examination entry for all Trinity term courses
to be assessed by mini projects
17 June, 12noon (Monday week 8) Collect mini projects from S0.16, MI
17 and 18 June (Monday and Tuesday week 8) Provisional dates for student presentations on dissertations
21 June (Friday week 8) Trinity term lectures end
8 July, 12noon (Monday week 11) Deadline to submit Trinity term mini projects
to the Examination Schools
Long Vacation
Monday 2 September, 12noon Deadline to submit dissertations to the Examination Schools
Thursday 19 and Friday 20 September Provisional dates for viva examinations
Section A
Schedule I
Algebraic Number Theory Prof Kim HT
Algebraic Topology Prof Douglas MT
Analytic Number Theory Prof Green HT
Analytic Topology Dr Suabedissen MT
Category Theory Prof Kirwan MT
Commutative Algebra Prof Nikolov HT
Differentiable Manifolds Prof Joyce MT
Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems Dr Isaacson HT
Introduction to Representation Theory Prof Ciubotaru MT
Lambda Calculus and Types Dr Ramsay HT
Lie Algebras Prof Nikolov MT
Lie Groups Prof Dancer HT
Model Theory Prof Hrushouski MT
Modular Forms Prof Lauder HT
Topology and Groups Prof Lackenby MT
Schedule II
Additive and Combinatorial Number Theory Prof Green HT
Algebraic Geometry Prof Ritter MT
Axiomatic Set Theory Dr Suabedissen HT
Homological Algebra Dr Henriques MT
Infinite Groups Prof Drutu HT
Introduction to Schemes Prof Rossler HT
Non-Commutative Rings Dr Bitaun HT
Geometric Group Theory Prof Papazoglou HT
Representation Theory of Semisimple Lie Algebra Prof Ciubotaru HT
Section B
Schedule I
Categories, Proofs and Processes Prof Abramsky MT
Communication Theory Prof Oberhauser MT
Computer Aided Formal Verification Prof Abate MT
Concurrency Dr Gutierrez TT
Foundations of Computer Science Prof Goldberg MT
Graph Theory Prof Riordan MT
Introduction to Cryptology Dr El Kaafarani MT
Quantum Computer Science Prof Coecke MT
Schedule II
Analysing Logics using Tree Automata * Prof Benedikt HT
Automata, Logic and Games Prof Ong & Dr Vanden Boom HT
Advanced Cryptology * Dr Petit HT
Categorical Quantum Mechanics Dr Marsden & Dr Vicary HT
Combinatorics Dr Michal Przykucki MT
Computational Algebraic Topology Prof Tillmann & Prof Abramsky HT
Computational Number Theory * Dr Pinch TT
Computational Game Theory Prof Elkind & Prof Wooldridge MT
Computational Learning Theory Dr Kanade MT
Distributional Models of Meaning * Prof Coecke HT
Elliptic Curves Prof Flynn MT
Networks Dr Renaud Lambiotte HT
Probabilistic Combinatorics Prof Riordan HT
Probability and Computing Prof Koutsoupias HT
*These courses are offered as directed reading courses, with syllabuses provided as in the case of lecture
courses. There may be one or two more reading courses to be added later.
Each piece of work submitted is awarded a University Standardised Mark (USM) by the Examiners, with a
USM of 50 or more representing a pass. To pass the course, passes must be obtained on at least five mini
projects that include two on courses from Section B and two at the Schedule II level (these need not be
distinct) and for the dissertation. The Examiners may award a distinction for excellence throughout the
The following sets out the conventions for the level of USMs awarded, and the mechanism by which a final
USM is determined. A pass requires a final USM of at least 50 and a distinction requires a final USM of at
least 70.
The Board of Examiners consists of at least three (currently four) members, with at least one (currently
two) being external to the University. The current Board of Examiners consists of Prof Jonathan Pila and
Prof Thomas Lukasiewicz as internal examiners and Dr Corina Cirstea (University of Southampton) and
Dr Ivan Tomasic (Queen Mary University of London) as external examiners. (Note: candidates must not
under any circumstances communicate directly with examiners.)
Mini projects are set by those giving the courses and are double-blind marked by that person and one other
assessor (these two mark the work independent of each other). Each proposes a USM for the work and a
range whose maximum and minimum values differ by at most 5 USMs from the proposed USM within which
the assessor would be content for the USM to lie. If there is overlap between the ranges proposed by the two
assessors and neither of the ranges crosses a classification boundary the two proposed USMs are averaged
and rounded to the nearest whole number (.5 is rounded up). In all other cases the two assessors are asked
to discuss the mini project to agree on a final USM.
The exception is mini projects which have a model solution and marking scheme approved by the examiners.
In such cases each script is marked by an assessor and this marking is checked independently to ensure that
all parts have been marked and the part-marks have been correctly totalled and recorded.
The mini projects which are set are submitted to the Examiners for prior vetting, and the Examiners may
moderate the marks given by assessors, in particular to achieve parity across subjects. The pass list for each
individual course is published before the beginning of the subsequent term and candidates will be advised
of the USMs awarded.
The dissertation is marked independently by the dissertation supervisor and by a second assessor. These two
marks are reconciled to produce a provisional USM following the same procedures given for mini projects
which are double-blind marked above. Each Dissertation will also be seen by at least one Examiner. The
second assessor of the dissertation will normally be present at the oral examination, and the Examiners will
determine the USM only after the oral examination has been held, taking into account all the evidence from
the double-marking, the supervisor’s additional input, and from the oral examination.
free to operate marks deductions of between 1 and 10% (maximum) of the marks available for that particular
piece of work. Where the consequence of the marks deduction would result in failure of the assessment and
of the programme (i.e. no resit opportunity) the case must be referred to the Proctors.
Please see the University’s guidance on plagiarism for detailed information.
70–100 The candidate has demonstrated an excellent understanding of almost all of the material covered with
a commensurate quality of presentation and has completed almost all of the assignment satisfactorily,
further subdivided by:
90–100 The candidate has shown considerable originality and insight going well beyond the straightfor-
ward completion of the task set.
80–89 The work submitted shows a near-perfect completion of the task at hand, but does not meet the
additional requirements above, or does but has some defects in presentation.
70–79 The work submitted is of a generally high order, but may have minor errors in content and/or
deficiencies in presentation.
60–69 The candidate has demonstrated a good or very good understanding of much of the material, and has
completed most of the assignment satisfactorily, without showing the level of excellence expected of
the above USM range.
50–59 The candidate has demonstrated an adequate understanding of the material and an adequate ability
to apply their understanding, without showing the level of understanding expected of the above USM
40–49 The work submitted, while sufficient in quantity, suffers from sufficient defects to show a lack of
adequate understanding or ability to apply results.
30–39 The candidate, while attempting a significant part of the mini-project, has displayed a very limited
knowledge or understanding at the level required.
0–29 The candidate has either attempted only a fragment of a mini-project or has shown an inadequate
grasp of basic material.
90–100 Work of potentially publishable standard, as evidenced by originality or insight. The work should
show depth and accuracy, and should have a clear focus. It is likely to go beyond the normal MSc
level. The standard one sees in winners of one of the examination prizes.
80–89 Work in this range will be at the level of a strong candidate for a DPhil applicant. The project will be
an easy choice as a winner of a college essay prize. It will have depth, accuracy and a clear focus. It will
show a strong command of material at least at the MSc level. It is likely to contain original material,
which may take the form of new mathematical propositions, new examples, or new calculations, for
70–79 The work submitted is of a generally high order, with depth, clarity and accuracy, but may have minor
errors in content and/or deficiencies in presentation. It may contain original material, at least in the
sense of new examples or calculations.
60–69 The candidate shows a good grasp of their subject, but without the command and clarity required
for first class marks. Presentation, referencing and bibliography should be good, and the mathemat-
ics/statistics should have no more than minor errors.
50–59 The work shows an adequate grasp of the subject, but is likely to be marred by having material at
too low a level, by serious or frequent errors, a high proportion of indiscriminate information, or poor
presentation and references.
40–49 The candidate shows reasonable understanding of parts of the basic material, but reveals an inadequate
competence with others. The material may be at too low a level. There are likely to be high levels of
error or irrelevance, muddled or superficial ideas, or very poor writing style.
30–39 The candidate shows some limited grasp of at least part of the material.
0–29 Little evidence of understanding of the topic. The work is likely to show major misunderstanding and
Formative feedback
From the first term of the MSc students will attend classes and complete problem sheets which will be
marked and feedback given.
To determine the final USM, F, the dissertation is given the weight of three mini projects and first a
provisional USM, P, is calculated as
P = [(X + Y + A + B + C + 3D)/8]
where X, Y are the best two marks on Schedule II courses, A, B, C are the three highest other marks on
mini projects, and D is the dissertation mark. Passes and distinctions, and the final USM F awarded, are
determined by the following rules.
(i) If any of X, Y, A, B, C, D is less than 50, or if fewer than two Section B courses have been passed, then
F = min{P, 49} and the candidate is failed.
(ii) If either
(a) D ≥ 70 , and X, Y, A, B, C ≥ 70
(b) D ≥ 80, X ≥ 70, Y ≥ 67 and (X + Y + A + B + C)/5 ≥ 70,
then F = P and the candidate is awarded a distinction.
(iii) In all other cases, F = min{P, 69} and the candidate is awarded a pass.
[Note: Condition(ii)(b) permits the examiners to interpret the requirement “excellence throughout the
examination” more broadly, to award a distinction for particular excellence on the dissertation where the
mini projects are not uniformly of distinction standard.]
A candidate who has failed the MSc may be admitted to and examined on the course as offered in the year
subsequent to the initial attempt. No piece of written work shall be submitted for examination on more
than one occasion. It is University policy that candidates who have initially failed an MSc are not normally
eligible for the award of distinction.
Late penalties
A candidate who does not submit a written assignment on a course for which he or she has entered, by noon
on the specified deadline, shall be deemed to have failed the course in question.
Any candidate who has not satisfied the examiners in four courses, at least one of which shall have been
taken from schedule II and at least one from Schedule B, by the beginning of the Trinity Term shall be
deemed to have failed the degree course.
A candidate who fails the course will be permitted to retake it on one further occasion only, in the academic
year following the initial attempt. In such a case, the examiners will specify at the time of the failure which
of the assessed components of the course may or must be redone.
Medical Certificates
The board of examiners will use the following procedure for the consideration of medical and other special
circumstances transmitted to them via the Examinations and Assessments Section:
(a) A subset of the board will meet to discuss the individual applications and band the seriousness of
each application on a scale of 1-3 with 1 indicating minor impact, 2 indicating moderate impact, and
3 indicating very serious impact. When reaching this decision, examiners will take into consideration
the severity and relevance of the circumstances, and the strength of the evidence. Examiners will also
note whether all or a subset of papers were affected being aware that it is possible for circumstances
to have different levels of impact on different papers.
(b) The banding information will be used at the final board of examiners meeting to adjudicate on the
merits of candidates;
(c) A brief, formal record will be kept confirming (i) the fact that information about special circumstances
has been considered by the examiners, (ii) how that information has been considered, and (iii) the
outcome of the consideration with the reasons for the decisions reached.
Further information on how to make an application for consideration of factors affecting performance in an
examination is available at