This document outlines the objectives and content for an English lesson on ecotourism, including defining key terms like meteorologist and biologist. It provides sample reading passages about Antarctica and questions to analyze the effects of tourism on the environment. Students are assigned homework involving discussion questions, exercises from their textbook, and submitting additional readings on the topic.
This document outlines the objectives and content for an English lesson on ecotourism, including defining key terms like meteorologist and biologist. It provides sample reading passages about Antarctica and questions to analyze the effects of tourism on the environment. Students are assigned homework involving discussion questions, exercises from their textbook, and submitting additional readings on the topic.
This document outlines the objectives and content for an English lesson on ecotourism, including defining key terms like meteorologist and biologist. It provides sample reading passages about Antarctica and questions to analyze the effects of tourism on the environment. Students are assigned homework involving discussion questions, exercises from their textbook, and submitting additional readings on the topic.
This document outlines the objectives and content for an English lesson on ecotourism, including defining key terms like meteorologist and biologist. It provides sample reading passages about Antarctica and questions to analyze the effects of tourism on the environment. Students are assigned homework involving discussion questions, exercises from their textbook, and submitting additional readings on the topic.
UNIT 6: WHAT IS ECOTOURISM? OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: • Make and confirm predictions • Identify main ideas; identify different types of supporting details • Scan a text to locate specific information • Follow a chronological sequence in a reading • Categorize information from two texts 1. meteorologist [,mi:tjə'rɔlədʒist] (n) 2. astronomer [əs'trɔnəmə] (n) 3. biologist [bai'ɔlədʒist] (n) 4. botanist ['bɔtənist] (n) 5. geologist [dʒi'ɔlədʒist] (n) 6. psychologist [sai'kɔlədʒist] (n) 7. have an interest in doing 8. to be concerned about 9. protect s.o / from s.o / 10. stop s.o from doing 3 1 2 the oldest (p. 1) view (p. 2) harsh (p. 2)
research projects (p. 5)
plants and animals (p. 5) animal and plant life (p. 5) The writer wants Antarctica to be closed to tourists (p.1)
Psychologists study how people behave when they live (p.2)
and work together in such a remote location. Oil spills in Antarctica have killed penguins and (p.3) destroyed scientific projects
Tour companies may not be concerned about the (p.4)
environment of Antarctica
If we don’t protect Antarctica from tourism , there (p.5)
may be serious consequences for us all 7. We know from past experience that when things get balanced, harmful changes can occur. _______________________________________________ We know from past experience that when things (p.5) _______________________________________________ get unbalanced, harmful changes can occur * VOCABULARY 1. iceberg (n) * VOCABULARY 2. glacier (n) * VOCABULARY 3. crushed ice (n) * VOCABULARY 4. frozen sea (n) Discuss the questions with the class. 1. How did the writer feel about her trip? What adjectives describe her emotions?
2. What opinion does the writer have about tourism
in Antarctica? How do you know? d b c a HOMEWORK
• Choose one of the question. Discuss your ideas
in Unit 6_Discussion in LMS • Prepare the Reading exercises in Unit 7 of Northstar Reading & Writing 3 (p.154-p.164) for the next periods • Submit 2 readings related to the topic of the unit in Unit 6_Self-study • Do Reading exercises and Achievement test in Practice.