Theoretical and Experimental Analyses of Composite Columns With The Use of High Strength Concrete
Theoretical and Experimental Analyses of Composite Columns With The Use of High Strength Concrete
Theoretical and Experimental Analyses of Composite Columns With The Use of High Strength Concrete
e-mail: [email protected]
Research field: reinforced concrete and composite
steel-reinforced concrete structures
• column
This paper presents some results of theoretical and experimental analyses of steel-reinforced • composite
concrete composite columns with the use of high strength concrete. Columns of high-rise • steel
buildings must resist the high values of normal forces. A higher degree of resistance can be • concrete
obtained with the use of high-strength concrete. The theoretical analysis was made with • high-strength concrete
respect to the current applicable European standards, which were compared with the
experimental results of the columns tested and a non-linear analysis using Atena software.
Composite columns are mainly subjected to compression or Fig. 1 Stress-strain diagram of concrete strength classes C12/15 to
to compression and bending. A simple program was created C90/105.
zst tc N
n . axis zat
Nat Nst
Fig. 2 Determination of individual points of interaction diagram. Fig. 4 Geometry of the cross-section of composite columns and
material properties used.
for the theoretical analyses to generate interaction diagrams Fig. 3 presents the interaction diagrams of research taken under
for composite columns with partially concrete-encased steel on the column two series: S1 and S2. The steps of the load were
cross-sections. The interaction diagrams were generated to take specified from these interaction diagrams (direction of bending
into account the second-order theory and imperfections. Cross- – direction z). The step of load n=1.0 was specified with the effect
sections of partially concrete-encased steel sections are often used of the second-order theory and imperfections.
in bearing structures and were also chosen for this experimental
The plastic interaction diagram (curve) is generated by the definition TEST OF COLUMNS
of the neutral axis position (sectional division of the specified
number of parts), and the values of each interaction point N and M For short-term laboratory tests of composite steel-reinforced
result from its position (Fig. 2). The resulting moment forces are concrete columns with the use of HSC, a partially encased steel-
related to the plastic axis of the cross section, which is identical reinforced concrete cross-section with a steel HEA profile was
to the elastic axis in a cross-section with two axis of symmetry. chosen (fig. 5). A total of 6 columns in two series were tested. In
Interaction diagrams are generated in both directions (directions the first series, 3 columns with a length of 3m were tested (relative
z and y). Direction z (web direction) is generated to take into slenderness - type S1). In the second series, 3 columns
account the second-order theory and imperfections according to of a length of 4m were tested (relative slenderness - type
STN EN 1994-1-1. S2). The eccentricities of normal compression forces were the
The generated interaction diagrams are based on these same for all the types of the columns (S1 and S2): e = 40mm. The
assumptions: end boundary conditions were joint couplings on both sides of the
• only the interaction diagram is generated in the region of the columns. The relative strains were measured using deformeters
normal compressive forces and positive (+) bending moments, (accuracy of 0.001mm) and tensometric strain gauges in the middle
• full interaction between the concrete and steel (full shear of the column. The relative strains and the horizontal deflection up
connection). to the failure were measured for each column using:
Fig. 3 Interaction diagrams with the effect of second-order theory Fig. 5 Cross section of composite columns.
and imperfections for the design values of material properties.
Fig. 7 Arrangement of the measured apparatus for the columns of the S1 series.
Tab. 1 Max. values of horizontal deflections of geodetic surveying in the middle of column lenght –direction Z, direction Y .
Step of load in Measured horiz. deflection [mm] “zero“ horiz. deflection [mm]
No. Series
failure (n) wz wpz wy wpy w0z wp0z w0y wp0y
1 S1-1 1.7 19.9 4.1 0.0 0.0 18.2 1.0 0.3 0.9
2 S1-2 1.7 20.3 0.2 0.3 2.7 18.2 1.4 0.5 1.5
3 S1-3 1.7 20.5 5.3 1.4 3.1 18.4 0.8 0.4 0.2
4 S2-1 1.8 29.6 0.3 2.0 1.0 27.8 1.7 1.6 2.0
5 S2-2 1.8 34.3 0.8 5.5 2.0 31.3 0.2 4.8 0.2
6 S2-3 1.8 29.6 1.4 1.2 2.3 28.2 1.3 0.8 0.5
Mean value S1 20.2 3.2 0.6 1.9 18.3 1.1 0.4 0.9
Mean value S2 31.2 0.8 2.9 1.8 29.1 1.1 2.4 0.9
• (P1 – P16) – deformeters with 400mm bases in three vertical (w0z, w0y) are in Table 1. These maximum values are always in the
levels, middle of columns where the failure of the cross-section occurs.
• (H1 – H4) – fixed deformeters with 300mm bases in the middle There are also the values of the initial horizontal deflections (wpz,
of the columns, wpy). The horizontal deflections increased in the z direction (the
• (T1 – T4) – uniaxial tensometric strain gauges in the middle of direction of bending); in the second direction y (perpendicular to the
the steel flange; 2 on the side of the pressure and 2 on the side direction of bending), there was almost no deflection, respectively,
of the tension. These were directly connected to the computer, only a very small increase in the horizontal deflection. The mean
and the relative strains in the defined steps were measured and value of the measured horizontal deflection for the step of the load
saved. before failure in the direction z was 20.2mm (S1 series) and 31.2mm
The horizontal deflections were measured in both directions (S2 series). The mean value of the “zero“ horizontal deflection was
– direction of bending (direction of the web – direction z) and 18.3mm (S1 series) and 29.1mm (S2 series).
direction perpendicular to the direction of bending (direction of the The measured and “zero“ horizontal deflections in direction z at the
flange – direction y). They were measured using: measured points are shown in Fig. 8 for the S1-1 series in the step
• (H5) (H6) – electronic measuring in the middle of the of the load before failure (n=1.6), and they are compared with the
column`s length, initial horizontal deflection.
• (W1 – W8) – theodolities in the direction of the web (W1-W5)
and in the direction of the flange (W6-W8) of the steel HEA
For each step of the load (n), two types of horizontal deflection
were determined from the geodetic surveying – the measured and
“zero“ horizontal deflections. The measured horizontal deflection
represents the values directly measured with a theodolite, while the
“zero“ horizontal deflection represents the deviation of the vertical
axis from the specified vertical plane of the column. The maximum Fig. 8 The horizontal deflection values in direction z of the geodetic
values of the measured (wz, wy) and “zero“ horizontal deflections surveying for the S1-1 series before failure.
Tab. 2 Comparison of column resistances with the design values of the material properties and the real measured values of the material
Final Resistance Resistance
Measured resistance Ratio Ratio
eccentricity NRd, MRd NRd, MRd
No. Series
e [mm] M [kNm] [%] [%]
[kN] [kN] [kNm] [kN] [kNm]
1 S1-1 67.85 2287 155 1324 90 173 2022 137 113
2 S1-2 68.87 2296 158 1314 90 175 2004 138 115
3 S1-3 69.50 2281 159 1307 91 174 1993 139 114
4 S2-1 88.75 1988 176 1128 100 176 1714 152 116
5 S2-2 83.32 1986 165 1174 98 169 1788 149 111
6 S2-3 89.85 2049 184 1119 101 183 1699 153 120
Mean value S1 2288 157 1315 90 174 2006 138 114
Mean value S2 2008 175 1140 100 176 1734 151 116
real measured values of material
design values of material properties
• The interaction diagram with the real measured values of the
material properties is equal to approximately 1.5 times the
interaction diagram with the design values of the material
properties (in accordance with European standards).
• The resistance of the tested columns was about 1.75 times greater
than the resistance of the columns with the design values of the
material properties (in accordance with European standards,
αM=0.9 and 0.85.fcd).
• The resistance of the tested columns was about 1.15 times greater
than the resistance of the columns with the real measured values
of the material properties (αM=0.9 and 0.85.fcm).
• The interaction diagram with the real measured values of the
material properties is most suitable for real measured column
resistances (αM=1.0 and 1.0.fcm).
Fig. 14 Model of the column and the detail of the column end.
S2 series column
Fig. 16 Force - deflection relationships of composite S1 series The maximum column resistance of the S2 series columns was
columns. 1.935 MN (Fig. 17). This value was lower than the mean value
of the experimental results, which was 2.008 MN (Table 2). The
horizontal deflection at the maximum force was greater than the
experimental value and was 55.39 mm. The force - deflection
relationships of the S2 series columns obtained from the nonlinear
analysis and the measured horizontal deflections are in Fig. 17.
A very good match of the non-linear analysis of ATENA with the
experimental measurements is shown.
The previous calculations and comparisons in Table 4 provided the
following findings:
• the values of the non-linear analysis of the composite columns show
a very good match with the tested columns; the non-linear analysis
gives greater bending moments in the failures of the columns,
• the horizontal deflections in the middle of the column`s length
measured in the failure of the columns are greater in the non-
Fig. 17 Force - deflection relationships of composite S2 series linear analysis than in the experimental measured deflections
columns. (approximately a 1.25 times greater value),
• the force – deflection relationship showed a very good match of
for non-linear analyses of structures and members based on the the non-linear analysis of the ATENA with the experimental
finite elements method. measurements.
The maximum column resistance of the S1 series columns was 2.290 The theoretical and experimental analyses of the composite steel-
MN (Fig. 16). This resistance was determined as the maximum concrete columns with the use of high-strength concrete provides the
value of force, where the horizontal deflection was increasing following conclusions:
Fig. 18 Tested column and detail of measurement in the middle of Fig. 19 Failure of the tested column in the middle of the length of
the length of the column. the column.
• the value of the experimental measured bending moment • the values of the non-linear analysis of the composite columns
according to the effect of the second-order theory was greater with the use of the real measured material properties indicate
than the value calculated according to code STN EN 1994-1-1, a very good match with the tested columns,
i.e. the calculated value of “k” factor was less than the values of • the experimental results can be used for further research of
the tested columns. We recommend the relationship (1.1), composite steel-concrete columns.
• the resistance of the tested columns was about 1.75 times greater
than the resistance of the columns with the design values of
the material properties (in accordance with the codes, αM=0.9 Acknowledgement
and 0.85.fcd),
• a very good match of the resistances of the tested composite This contribution was prepared with the financial support of Slovak
columns and the values of the resistances calculated in accordance Grant Agency VEGA 1/0651/08.
with the code was found,
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