Optimization of Steam-Curing

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Optimization of steam-curing

regime for high-strength,

self-consolidating concrete
for precast, prestressed
concrete applications

Soo-Duck Hwang, Rami Khatib, Hoi Keun Lee, Seung-Hoon Lee,

and Kamal H. Khayat

elf-consolidating concrete (SCC) can flow through
densely reinforced or geometrically complex struc-
tural elements under its own weight and adequately
fill the formwork with minimum segregation.1 Because
of its high workability and high early strength, SCC is
widely used in the fabrication of precast concrete elements
with complex geometry. Such concrete can provide good
surface finish and enhance productivity. The use of SCC
opens the way for automation of concrete construction and
concrete product in manufacturing processes. SCC permits
the production of virtually any cross section. Sections with
dense reinforcement and bottlenecks at built-in fittings can
be properly cast using SCC. Fewer and smaller air bubbles
■  This study examined the effects of various steam-curing pa- form on the underside of horizontal formwork. The surface
rameters on the early-age compressive strength and modulus can be smoother and more uniformly colored than those
of elasticity of self-consolidating concrete (SCC). with conventional vibrated concrete of normal consistency.

■  For the 80 MPa (11,600 psi) SCC, the maximum chamber The gain of early-age compressive strength in steam-cured
temperature had the most significant effect on both strength concrete is affected by mixture composition and curing
and modulus of elasticity, followed by the rate of heating and parameters. The curing temperature is held constant once
the length of the preset period. it attains the maximum chamber temperature. Following
the maximum chamber temperature period, the tempera-
■  For the 60 MPa (8700 psi) SCC and high-performance con- ture cools to ambient temperature. Table 1 summarizes
crete, steam curing appeared to provide little additional benefit recommendations and regulations regarding steam curing
in terms of early-age strength. as given by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA),2

48 S um me r 2 0 1 2 | PCI Journal
Table 1. Comparison of code requirements for steam curing
Maximum rate Maximum rate of cooling,
Code Preset period Maximum temperature, °C
of heating, °C/hr °C/hr

After initial set, at least 3 hours 70 for dry conditions

CSA A23.4 20 15
after final placement 60 for damp conditions

Korea Concrete Institute 2 to 3 hours 20 65 Not specified

65 to prevent DEF
PCI Bridge Design PCI Manual for Quality Control
3 to 5 hours after initial set 11 to 44 Not specified
Manual, MNL-133-97 for Plants and Production of
Structural Precast Concrete
Products (MNL-116-99)

3 to 5 hours after initial set, at

Portland Cement 71
least 3 hours after final place- 11 to 22 22
Association 2006 60 is recommended

ACI 517.2R-87 (1992) Close to initial set 11 to 44 82 6


Design Specifications, After initial set 22 71 22

Do not exceed 77
After initial set, at least 3 hours Do not exceed 71°C for more
Texas DOT 2004 20 Not specified
after final placement than 1 cumulative hour during
curing period

After initial set, apply heat

71 with variation of no more
(5.5°C/hr) during preset period 28 until concrete temperature
Florida DOT 2004 20 than 10 from maximum
when ambient temperature is reaches 22°C
below 10°C

Maintain temperature between

New York State DOT 2002 After initial set 20 40 and 85 for a period of not 20
less than 12 hours

After initial set, heat concrete to

14 until concrete temperature
Washington DOT 2002 no more than 38°C during first 14 80
reaches 38°C
2 hours after placement

Note: DOT = department of transportation. °C = (°F – 32)/1.8.

PCI,3 the Portland Cement Association (PCA),4 the Ameri- wide range may be related to the difference in the targeted
can Concrete Institute (ACI),5 the American Association 18-hour compressive strength and the diversity of chemical
of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AAS- and physical characteristics of the cement and supplemen-
HTO),6 four state departments of transportation (DOTs) in tary cementitious materials in use. The limit on maximum
the United States,7–10 and the Korea Concrete Institute.11 temperature is set to mitigate any adverse effects of high
Requirements for maximum chamber temperature, preset curing temperatures on the long-term development of
period, rate of heating, and rate of cooling are set to secure strength and durability.
favorable mechanical properties and durability and to mini-
mize surface defects and cracking. Heat treatment affects microstructure development and
properties of the hardened cement paste.4,12–14 The mor-
In general, increases in maximum chamber temperature phology and length of ettringite crystals seem to be
can lead to improvements in early-age mechanical proper- strongly dependent on curing temperature and can lead to
ties. The maximum curing temperature as found in various expansion and cracking.15 Steam curing also affects the
codes ranges from 40°C to 85°C (104°F to 185°F). Such a pore structure of the hydrated cement paste by increas-

PCI Journal | S u m m e r 2012 49

ing the proportion of large pores. As a result, the ultimate Experimental program
strength of steam-cured concrete could be lower than that
of standard-cured concrete. To minimize the reduction in Materials
ultimate strength and the potential for delayed ettringite
formation, the concrete temperature should not exceed CSA Type GU (general use) cement, similar to ASTM
70°C (158°F).4,12–14 The Canadian and German stan- C150 Type I cement, Class F fly ash (FA), and silica fume
dards2,16,17 limit the maximum concrete curing temperature (SF) were used. The specific gravities of the cement, fly
to 60°C (140°F) for concrete exposed to damp condi- ash, and silica fume are 3.14, 2.53, and 2.22, respectively.
tions in service. CSA says that damp conditions apply to Continuously graded crushed limestone aggregate with a
concrete elements exposed to a moist environment during maximum size of aggregate (MSA) of 19 mm (0.75 in.)
service or non-air-entrained concrete exposed to a moist and well-graded siliceous sand were employed. The coarse
environment for more than 3 months prior to service.2 aggregate and sand have fineness moduli of 6.4 and 2.5,
bulk specific gravities of 2.72 and 2.64, and absorption
For precast concrete products, PCI18 proposes a maximum values of 0.28% and 1.39%, respectively. The mixtures
allowable concrete curing temperature of 65°C (149°F). were proportioned with two types of polycarboxylate-
For minimum risk, it is recommended that the concrete based high-range water-reducing admixtures (HRWRAs)
not be cured above 60°C (140°F) for applications regu- complying with ASTM C494 Type F. Such admixtures
larly exposed to significant moisture, unless the cement are widely used in the precast concrete industry in North
is proved to be safe when cured at higher temperature.19 America. The first type is designed for high-early-strength
This is consistent with guidelines provided in the German development, and the second for normal strength develop-
standards and CSA. ment. Specific gravity and solid contents of the former
are 1.07 and 32%, respectively, and for the latter 1.05 and
As in the case of maximum temperature, early-age mechani- 27%, respectively.
cal properties can improve with the length of the preset pe-
riod. For example, early-age strength increases consistently Scope of work
with increasing preset period from 3 to 5 hours, depending
on the maximum curing temperature and binder type.4,20 The investigation is divided into two phases. Phase 1 was
Beyond the maximum limit, however, the early-age strength undertaken to evaluate the effect of key mixture parameters
decreases with increases in the preset period.4,20 Most of the on workability, compressive-strength development, and
code regulations recommended that steam curing be applied modulus of elasticity of high-strength SCC. Table 2 pres-
after the initial set or at least 3 hours after concrete place- ents the experimental program of phase 1. Two optimized
ment. Given the relatively low water–cementitious material SCC mixtures with 56-day design compressive strengths of
ratio (w/cm) of concrete in precast, prestressed concrete ap- 60 and 80 MPa (8700 and 11,600 psi) were developed and
plications, 3 to 5 hours is the normal preset period to obtain used in the second phase to evaluate the effect of steam-
adequate early-age strength development. curing parameters on early-strength development. A two1–4
fractional factorial design with four main factors, each at
The rate of heating during steam curing should be adjusted two levels, was used as follows:
to ensure proper performance. As in the case of the maxi-
mum curing temperature and preset period, an increase • binder content: 450 and 550 kg/m3 (761 and
in the rate of heating up to a certain limit can increase the 930 lb/yd3)
18-hour early-age compressive strength. Codes recommend
a rate of heating that varies from 11°C/hr to 44°C/hr • w/cm: 0.28 and 0.38
(20°F/hr to 79°F/hr). As indicated in Table 1, many
standards limit the maximum rate of heating to 20°C/hr to • HRWRA type: high-early-strength and normalstrength
22°C/hr (36°F/hr to 40°F/hr) to avoid detrimental cracking polycarboxylate-based HRWRA
due to large temperature gradients during heating.
• binder type: Type GU cement with 20% Class F fly
Limited work has been done to investigate the effect of ash or 7% silica fume replacement
steam-curing parameters on strength development of high-
strength SCC. This paper reports the results of work under- The targeted release compressive strength for the SCC is
taken to evaluate the effect of the steam-curing regime on 30 MPa (4350 psi) after 18 hours of steam curing and 70
mechanical properties for SCC with design compressive and 90 MPa (10,150 and 13,050 psi) after 56 days of moist
strengths of 60 and 80 MPa (8700 and 11,600 psi). The curing. The factorial design in Table 2 also includes three
factorial design approach was used in this investigation as a mixtures corresponding to the central point. The HRWRA
statistical tool to quantify the effect of steam-curing param- dosage was adjusted to achieve a constant slump flow
eters on the early mechanical properties of SCC in precast, of 680 ± 20 mm (27 ± 0.8 in.) at 10 minutes following
prestressed concrete applications. cement-to-water contact. The SCC mixtures were not air

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Table 2. Experimental program to investigate influence of key mixture parameters on properties of SCC, phase 1

Coded values Absolute values

Type Binder HRWRA Binder Binder HRWRA
number w/cm w/cm Binder type
content type type content type

1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0.28 450 NS GU + 20% FA

2 -1 -1 1 1 0.28 450 HES GU + 7% SF

3 -1 1 -1 1 0.28 550 NS GU + 7% SF
SCC: 660 to 700 mm 4 -1 1 1 -1 0.28 550 HES GU + 20% FA
slump flow
at 10 minutes 5 1 -1 -1 1 0.38 450 NS GU + 7% SF

6 1 -1 1 -1 0.38 450 HES GU + 20% FA

7 1 1 -1 -1 0.38 550 NS GU + 20% FA

8 1 1 1 1 0.38 550 HES GU + 7% SF

Central point 9–11* (three replicate mixtures)

Normal consistency mixtures with 180 mm slump

HPC 12–13 w /cm of 0.28 with type GU + 7% SF (HPC mixture design)

w /cm of 0.38 with type GU + 20% FA (HPC mixture design)

Mixtures 9 through 11 were made with w /cm of 0.33, binder content of 500 kg/m3, HES or NS HRWRA, Type GU + 20% FA or 7% SF
Note: FA = Class F fly ash; GU = general use; HES = high-early-strength; HPC = high-performance concrete; HRWRA = high-range water-reducing
admixture; NS = normalstrength; SCC = self-consolidating concrete; SF = silica fume; w /cm = water–cementitious material ratio, by mass.
1 mm = 0.0394 in.; 1 kg/m3 = 1.685 lb/yd3.

entrained and were proportioned with a fixed sand–to–to- Each concrete was tested for compressive strength and
tal aggregate volume ratio of 0.50. In addition to the SCC modulus of elasticity using standard cylinders (100 ×
mixtures, two normal-consistency high-performance con- 200 mm [4 × 8 in.]). Modulus of elasticity was deter-
crete (HPC) mixtures that are representative of mixtures mined at 18 hours on steam-cured cylinders. Compressive
employed for precast concrete structural elements were strength was determined on samples subjected to both air
included in the test program in phase 1. and steam curing. Additional cylinders were moist cured
and tested for compressive strength at 7, 28, and 56 days as
The SCC and HPC mixtures in phase 1 were subjected to well as for elastic modulus at 56 days.
a fixed steam-curing regime. The regime involves a preset
period of 2 hours, a rate of heating of 20°C/hr (36°F/hr), Mixing and sampling
a maximum chamber temperature of 60°C (140°F), and a
cooling rate of 15°C/hr (27°F/hr). The SCC mixtures were prepared in 100 L (3.53 ft3) batch-
es using a drum mixer. The mixing sequence consisted
Based on the properties of the mixtures investigated of wetting the sand and coarse aggregate with half of the
in phase 1, two SCCs with 56-day design compressive mixing water, followed by a binder addition. Once the ag-
strengths of 80 MPa (11,600 psi) (SCC1) and 60 MPa gregate particles were coated with a layer of cement paste,
(8700 psi) (SCC2) were selected. The SCC mixtures were the remaining water and HRWRA were introduced over
subjected to various steam-curing regimes to evaluate the 30 seconds, and the concrete was mixed for 2.5 minutes.
effect of steam curing on compressive strength and elastic The concrete remained at rest in the mixer for 3 minutes
modulus. Steam-curing parameters included the preset for fluidity adjustment (680 ± 20 mm [27 ± 0.8 in.]). This
period, maximum chamber temperature, and rate of heat- enabled large entrapped air bubbles to rise to the surface.
ing. Each modeled parameter was considered at two levels. The concrete was remixed for 2 minutes and then tested for
Eight and four different curing regimes were applied to workability characteristics. The concrete was agitated at
SCC1 and SCC2, respectively (Table 3). The optimum 6 rpm between the ages of 10 minutes and 40 minutes. Af-
steam-curing regime was applied to the HPC1 and HPC2 ter the evaluation of properties at 40 minutes, several cylin-
mixtures. ders were sampled. The specimens were cast in one lift
without any mechanical consolidation. Some of the sam-

PCI Journal | S u m m e r 2012 51

Table 3. Experimental program to evaluate the effect of steam-curing parameters on mechanical properties of SCC, phase 2

Coded value Absolute value

Batch Maximum Maximum
Type Rate of Preset period, Rate of Preset period,
number chamber chamber
heating, °C/hr hours heating, °C/hr hours
temperature, °C temperature, °C

1 -1 -1 -1 50 12 2

2 -1 -1 1 50 12 5

3 -1 1 -1 50 22 2

SCC1, eight 4 -1 1 1 50 22 5
curing regimes 5 1 -1 -1 60 12 2

6 1 -1 1 60 12 5

7 1 1 -1 60 22 2

8 1 1 1 60 22 5

9 0 0 0 55 17 3.5
Central points
SCC1, 80 MPa 10 0 0 0 55 17 3.5
11 0 0 0 55 17 3.5

12 -1 -1 1 50 12 5
SCC2, four 13 -1 1 -1 50 22 2
curing regimes,
60 MPa SCC 14 1 -1 -1 60 12 2

15 1 1 1 60 22 5

HPC1 16* 1 1 1 60 22 5

HPC2 17† 1 1 1 60 22 5
Mixture 16 was made with w /cm of 0.28 with Type GU + 7% SF (HPC mixture design).

Mixture 17 was made with w /cm of 0.38 with Type GU + 20% FA (HPC mixture design).
Note: FA = Class F fly ash; GU = general use; HPC = high-performance concrete; SCC = self-consolidating concrete; SF = silica fume; w /cm = water–
cementitious material ratio, by mass. 1 mm = 0.0394 in.; 1 MPa = 0.145 ksi; 1 GPa = 145 ksi; 1 kg/m3 = 1.685 lb/yd3; °C = (°F – 32)/1.8.

ples were covered and stored at 23°C ± 2°C (73°F ± 4°F) Test results

for air curing at a relative humidity of 50% ± 5%, while
others were steam cured, as indicated earlier. Effect of key mixture parameters
on properties of SCC
Workability test methods
In total, 13 concrete mixtures were designed with various
Workability of SCC was evaluated using the slump flow mixture parameters to model the properties of the fresh and
(ASTM C1611), L-box, J-ring (ASTM C 621), and surface hardened SCC. Table 4 presents the proportioning of these
settlement tests. Rheological properties (yield stress and plas- concrete mixtures. Table 5 gives the yield stress, plastic vis-
tic viscosity) of the concrete were determined using a modi- cosity, and mechanical properties. These results are employed
fied two-point concrete rheometer. In addition to the J-ring to derive statistical models for each of the investigated prop-
test, the L-box test was used to evaluate the passing ability. erties. The statistical models are used to quantify and rank the
The blocking ratio (h2/h1) is calculated where h1 and h2 cor- affecting mixture parameters on the properties of SCC.
respond to the heights of the SCC remaining in the vertical
section and at the leading edge of the apparatus, respectively. Table 6 presents the derived statistical models for the
The static stability of SCC after casting until the time of properties of the fresh concrete expressed in terms of
hardening was assessed using the surface settlement test.21 coded values. The correlation coefficient R 2 values of
the derived models ranged from 0.92 to 0.99. A negative
estimate signifies that an increase in the modeled param-

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Table 4. Mixture proportioning of SCC and HPC mixtures in phase 1

SCC10 33-500-NS-SF

SCC11 33-500-NS-SF
SCC2 28-450-HES-SF

SCC4 28-550-HES-FA

SCC6 38-450-HES-FA

SCC8 38-550-HES-SF
SCC1 28-450-NS-FA

SCC3 28-550-NS-SF

SCC5 38-450-NS-SF

SCC7 38-550-NS-FA

SCC9 33-500-NS-SF
type-(SF or FA)
w /cm binder


w /cm 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.28 0.38

Type GU cement, kg/m3 360 419 512 440 419 360 440 512 465 465 465 437 376

Silica fume, kg/m3 0 312 39 0 32 0 0 39 35 35 35 33 0

Class F fly ash, kg/m3 90 0 0 110 0 90 110 0 0 0 0 0 94

Total binder, kg/m3 450 450 550 550 450 450 550 550 500 500 500 470 470

Sand, kg/m3 931 938 850 853 872 876 782 786 865 865 865 738 686

Coarse aggregate, kg/m3 962 964 875 878 898 902 805 809 891 891 891 1140 1059

Sand–to–total aggregate ratio by

0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4

HES 0 16.5 0 8.0 0 1.90 0 2.87 0 0 0 0.5 1.4

L/m3 NS 10.0 0 9.0 0 4.0 0 2.17 0 6.55 6.6 7.5 0 0

Note: FA = fly ash; GU = general use; HES = high-early-strength; HPC = high-performance concrete; HRWRA = high-range water-reducing admixture;
NS = normalstrength; SCC = self-consolidating concrete; SF = silica fume; w /cm = water–cementitious material ratio, by mass. 1 mm = 0.0394 in.;
1 MPa = 0.145 ksi; 1 GPa = 145 ksi; 1 kg/m3 = 1.685 lb/yd3; L/m3 = 7.475 × 10-3 gal./ft3; °C = (°F – 32)/1.8.

eter can lead to a reduction in the measured response. For elastic modulus at 18 hours compared with those pre-
example, in the case of the T-50 model, an increase in pared with 20% Class F fly ash replacement. As presented
w/cm can decrease the T-50 time. The w/cm had the most in Table 7, the binder content exhibited low or moderate
significant effect on workability, followed by the binder influence on mechanical properties. On the other hand,
content. The type of binder exhibited considerable effect the type of HRWRA had considerable effect on the 18-
on HRWRA demand and low to moderate effect on the hour air-cured compressive strength. As expected, SCC
other investigated properties. Mixtures made with Type GU mixtures prepared with HES-type HRWRA can develop a
and 20% Class F fly ash had lower HRWRA demand than higher 18-hour air-cured compressive strength than those
those prepared with 7% silica fume replacement. with NS-type HRWRA. The influence of the HRWRA
type on the 18-hour steam-cured strength was shown to
The type of HRWRA had a significant effect on passing abil- vary with w/cm in use.
ity. Based on the derived models in Table 6, SCC made with
a high-early-strength (HES) type of HRWRA can exhibit a Selection of optimized mixtures
higher passing ability (higher J-ring flow) and a lower spread
between slump flow and J-ring flow values than a similar Based on the statistical models derived from the factorial
SCC prepared with normalstrength (NS)-type HRWRA. design, Table 8 summarizes mixture proportions for SCC
with 56-day design compressive strengths of 60 and 80 MPa
Table 7 presents the derived statistical models for com- (8700 and 11,600 psi). SCC made with 0.38 w/cm exhibited
pressive strength and modulus of elasticity. As expected, superior passing ability and filling capacity compared with
the w/cm had the most significant effect on mechanical SCC prepared with 0.28 w/cm. On the other hand, the latter
properties, except for the 18-hour air-cured compres- developed greater compressive strength and elastic modulus.
sive strength. The binder type also showed considerable
influence on mechanical properties. SCC made with 7% As presented in Table 8, mixtures made with Type GU ce-
silica fume replacement developed a higher compressive ment and 7% silica fume replacement developed a higher
strength at 18 hours, 28 days, and 56 days and a higher compressive strength and elastic modulus compared with

PCI Journal | S u m m e r 2012 53

Table 5. Properties of SCC and HPC mixtures investigated in phase 1

HRWRA type-(SF or FA)

w /cm binder content-

SCC10 33-500-NS-SF

SCC11 33-500-NS-SF
SCC2 28-450-HES-SF

SCC4 28-550-HES-FA

SCC6 38-450-HES-FA

SCC8 38-550-HES-SF
SCC1 28-450-NS-FA

SCC3 28-550-NS-SF

SCC5 38-450-NS-SF

SCC7 38-550-NS-FA

SCC9 33-500-NS-SF


Slump flow (T-50)
670 665 670 690 690 670 670 660 670 670 670
at 10 minutes, 190* 190*
(35.4) (41.0) (16.5) (8.8) (3.11) (2.02) (0.67) (0.80) (2.82) (3.72) (3.77)
mm (sec)

Slump flow (T-50)

670 680 660 700 690 690 640 700 630 610 620
at 40 minutes, 220* 180*
(32.2) (39.2) (22.5) (8.5) (2.26) (1.47) (0.54) (0.93) (6.35) (6.7) (7.02)
mm (sec)

J-ring flow at
600 580 600 690 690 660 600 660 625 605 620 0 0
10 minutes, mm

J-ring flow at
580 610 580 700 690 670 580 695 570 550 600 0 0
40 minutes, mm

h 2 /h 1 L box at
0.06 0.05 0.43 0.64 0.70 0.60 0.63 0.56 0.68 0.64 0.58 0 0
10 minutes

h 2 /h 1 L box at
0.02 0.12 0.40 0.68 0.58 0.63 0.50 0.63 0.58 0.48 0.45 0 0
40 minutes

Filling capacity at
51 48 74 100 92.9 88 88 88 83 86 79 0 0
10 minutes, %

Filling capacity at
50 57 74 90 94.5 94 70 91 81 85 75 0 0
40 minutes, %

Unit weight at
10 minutes, 2433 2440 2410 2430 2415 2373 2362 2398 2342 2360 2398 2456 2518

Unit weight at
40 minutes, 2433 2465 2438 2446 2400 2410 2390 2406 2397 2380 2406 2494 2527

Air volume at
1.7 2.2 2.8 0.7 1.8 2.3 0.7 0.9 3.8 3.7 3.9 1.6 1.8
10 minutes, %

Air volume at
1.8 1.7 2.7 0.68 2.0 1.7 0.4 0.8 2.2 3.9 3.5 1.3 1.7
40 minutes, %

surface 0.28 0.50 0.32 0.54 0.50 0.43 0.47 0.30 0.30 0.32 0.28 0.12 0.41
settlement, %

Dynamic yield
stress at 10  110 88 83 83 93 82 117 180 101 83 121 347 315
minutes, Pa

Dynamic yield
stress at 40  129 64 88 84 91 72 213 116 135 128 142 345 302
minutes, Pa

Plastic viscosity
at 10 minutes, 1154 1528 500 266 108 171 80 83 130 141 135 1605 159

54 S um me r 2 0 1 2 | PCI Journal
Table 5. Properties of SCC and HPC mixtures investigated in phase 1 (contd.)

HRWRA type-(SF or FA)

w /cm binder content-

SCC10 33-500-NS-SF

SCC11 33-500-NS-SF
SCC2 28-450-HES-SF

SCC4 28-550-HES-FA

SCC6 38-450-HES-FA

SCC8 38-550-HES-SF
SCC1 28-450-NS-FA

SCC3 28-550-NS-SF

SCC5 38-450-NS-SF

SCC7 38-550-NS-FA

SCC9 33-500-NS-SF


Plastic viscosity
at 40 minutes, 955 1520 621 313 96 119 52 81 154 118 149 1052 155

18-hour steam
38.9 59.3 56.8 34.1 33.6 30.9 26.9 50.0 51.5 47.8 50.0 64.2 23.5
cured, MPa

18-hour air
3.1 31.3 25.3 19.1 18.0 20.1 17.6 29.0 25.5 27.5 29.3 50.8 23.8
cured, MPa

28-day , MPa 71.1 84.4 89.9 56.3 56.3 54.4 52.7 68.7 82.2 80.6 82.0 83.0 48.8

56-dayy , MPa, 82.8 90.8 90.4 64 62.9 64.1 62.5 70.9 84.3 81.8 87.0 91.4 52.2

18-hour Ec steam
34.5 40.5 37.5 30.5 31.0 26.5 25.5 32.0 34.5 35.0 34.5 40.5 28.0
cured, GPa

56-day Ec moist
44.5 45.0 43.0 36.5 39.5 38.0 39.0 38.0 41.5 40.0 39.5 44.0 37.5
cured, GPa
Note: Ec = modulus of elasticity of concrete; = compressive strength of concrete; FA = fly ash; h1 = height of SCC remaining in the vertical section
(L-box test); h2 = height of SCC at leading edge of apparatus (L-box test); HES = high-early-strength; HRWRA = high-range water-reducing admixture;
SCC = self-consolidating concrete; SF = silica fume; w /cm = water–cementitious material ratio, by mass. 1 mm = 0.0394 in.; 1 Pa = 0.000145 psi;
1 MPa = 0.145 ksi; 1 GPa = 145 ksi; 1 kg/m3 = 1.685 lb/yd3.

those prepared with the same cement and 20% Class F fly Effect of steam-curing parameters
ash. The binder type does not seem to have any significant on mechanical properties
influence on workability for the range of parameters used in
this investigation. Therefore, the use of a relatively low w/cm SCC1 and SCC2 mixtures designed to secure 56-day com-
(0.28) and high binder content of 550 kg/m3 (930 lb/yd3) is pressive strengths of 80 and 60 MPa (11,600 and 8700 psi),
required for SCC with a 56-day design compressive strength respectively, were used in this investigation. The mixtures
of 11,600 psi (80 MPa) with adequate workability. In ad- were used to evaluate the effect of steam-curing param-
dition, the combination of Type GU cement and 7% silica eters on mechanical properties at release time (18 hours).
fume is recommended for such high-strength concrete. Table 9 presents mechanical properties of SCC1 and SCC2
mixtures subjected to various steam-curing regimes.
For the concrete with a 56-day design compressive strength
of 60 MPa (8700 psi), the use of a relatively high w/cm of The SCC1 mixture (28-550-NS-SF) was subjected to eight dif-
0.38 and lower binder content of 450 kg/m3 (760 lb/yd3) with ferent steam-curing regimes. Four steam-curing regimes were
20% fly ash was selected. The lower binder content in the applied to the SCC2 mixture (38-450-HES-FA). The coded
concrete proportioned with a w/cm of 0.38 is favored to limit values of the mixture parameters can be expressed as follows:
the paste volume, thus leading to lower shrinkage and creep.
• coded maximum chamber temperature = (absolute
The HES-type HRWRA is selected to secure better passing maximum chamber temperature – 55°C)/5
ability and shorter setting time than the NS-type HRWRA.
Both HRWRA types resulted in adequate workability • coded rate of heating = (absolute rate of heat-
retention for the intended use. In addition, the HES-type ing – 17C°/hr)/5
HRWRA is recommended in case of SCC subjected to
ambient temperature curing (air curing) to secure adequate • coded preset period = (absolute preset peri-
mechanical properties at 18 hours. od – 3.5 hr)/1.5

PCI Journal | S u m m e r 2012 55

Table 6. Derived equations to model the effect of mixture parameters on properties of fresh concrete

Modeled response Derived equations R²

HRWRA demand, L/m3 6.8 – 4.1(w /cm ) – 1.3(BC) + 1.3(BT) + 1.08(w /cm )(BC) 0.94

T-50 time, sec 13.5 – 11. 9(w /cm ) – 6.9 BC) + 5.9(w /cm )(BC) 0.97

J-ring flow 635 +17.5(w /cm ) + 12.5(SPT) – 25(w /cm )(BC) + 25(w /cm )(BT) 0.98

Passing ability
L-box blocking ratio (h2/h1) 0.94

Caisson filling capacity, % 78.7 + 10.5(w /cm ) + 8.8(BC) – 10.0(w /cm )(BC) + 4.2(w /cm )(BT) 0.92

Filling capacity
Slump flow: J-ring flow, mm 38.12 – 18.13(w /cm ) – 14.37(SPT) + 18.1(w /cm )(BC) – 20.3(w /cm )(BT) 0.99

Stability Surface settlement, % 0.42 + 0.025(SPT) – 0.03(w /cm )(BC) – 0.085(w /cm )(SPT) 0.96

Rheology Plastic viscosity (Pa-sec) 486.3 – 375.6(w /cm ) – 254(BC) + 225(w /cm )(BC) 0.99

Note: BC = binder content; BT = binder type; HRWRA = high-range water-reducing admixture; R 2 = correlation coefficient; SPT = type of high-range
water-reducing admixture used; w /cm = water–cementitious material ratio, by mass. 1 mm = 0.0394 in.; 1 Pa = 0.000145 psi; 1 L/m3 = 7.475 ×
10-3 gal./ft3.

Table 7. Derived equations to model the effect of mixture parameters on mechanical properties

Property Age Derived equations R²

18-hour steam cured 41.3 + 8.6(BT) – 5.7(w /cm ) + 2.8(w /cm )(SPT) 0.91

18-hour air cured 20.4 + 5.5(BT) + 4.4(SPT) + 2.3(BC) – 3.1(w /cm )(BT) 0.98

, MPa
28 days 66.7 – 8.7(w /cm ) + 8.1(BT) + 4.3(w /cm )(SPT) – 3.6(w /cm)(BT) 0.99

56 days 73.6 – 8.5(w /cm ) + 5.2(BT) + 3.5(w /cm )(SPT) – 3.4(w /cm )(BT) + 3.2(w /cm )(BC) 0.97

18 hours 32.3 – 3.5(w /cm ) + 3.0(BT) + 0.9(w /cm )(BC) 0.99

Ec, GPa
56 days 40.4 – 1.8(w /cm ) – 1.3(BC) – 1.1(SPT) + 1.2(w /cm )(BC) 0.90

Note: BC = binder content; BT = binder type; Ec = modulus of elasticity of concrete; = compressive strength of concrete; R 2 = correlation
coefficient; SPT = type of high-range water-reducing admixture used; w /cm = water–cementitious material ratio, by mass. 1 MPa = 145 psi;
1 GPa = 145 ksi.

The derived statistical models (Table 10) rank the steam- compressive strength. Figure 1 shows the cube diagram of
curing parameters affecting early-age mechanical properties compressive strength ratios between 18-hour steam-cured
for SCC1. All factors are expressed in coded values. A nega- and 28-day moist-cured values. On average, SCC1 with a
tive estimate indicates that an increase in the modeled factor 56-day fcl of 80 MPa (11,600 psi) developed 63% of the
can lead to a reduction in the measured response. High R2 28-day moist-cured strength after 18 hours of steam curing.
values are obtained for the various modeled responses. The relative strength increases with the maximum chamber
temperature, as presented in Fig. 1.
Maximum chamber temperature For the majority
of the derived statistical models, the maximum chamber Maximum chamber temperature does not seem to have
temperature had the most significant effect on the mechani- a major effect on Ec. However, for a given rate of heat-
cal properties of steam-cured SCC1. The increase in maxi- ing and preset period, the increase in maximum chamber
mum chamber temperature from 50°C to 60°C (122°F to temperature slightly reduced the 18-hour Ec. This may
140°F) led to significantly higher 18-hour compressive be in part due to damage in the interfacial transition zone
strengths. On average, concrete subjected to a higher cham- between aggregate and cement paste resulting from a dra-
ber temperature of 60°C (140°F) exhibited 10% higher matic temperature increase during a short period.
18-hour compressive strengths than did concrete subjected
to 50°C (122°F) maximum chamber temperature. Mixtures Rate of heating In general, increasing the rate of heat-
with chamber temperature of 60°C (140°F) exhibited ing from 12C°/hr to 22C°/hr (22F°/hr to 40F°/hr) slightly
higher ratios of 18-hour steam-cured to 28-day moist-cured increased the 18-hour fcl . On average, for a given maxi-

56 S um me r 2 0 1 2 | PCI Journal
Table 8. Recommendations for proportioning C60 MPa and C80 MPa SCC

w /cm Binder content, kg/m3 HRWRA type Binder type

HRWRA demand* 0.38 550 n/a GU + FA

J-ring 0.38 n/a HES PCE n/a

Slump flow: J-ring flow* 0.38 n/a HES PCE n/a

T-50* 0.38 550 n/a n/a

L-box blocking ratio, h 2 /h 1 0.38 550 n/a n/a

Caisson filling capacity 0.38 550 n/a n/a

Plastic viscosity* 0.38 n/a HES PCE n/a

18-hour steam cured 0.28 n/a n/a GU + SF

18-hour air cured n/a 550 HES PCE GU + SF

18-hour Ec steam cured 0.28 n/a n/a GU + SF

28-day moist cured 0.28 n/a n/a GU + SF

56-day moist cured 0.28 n/a n/a GU + SF

56-day Ec moist cured 0.28 450 NS PCE n/a

Lower values indicate better performance
Note: Ec = modulus of elasticity of concrete; = compressive strength of concrete; FA = Class F fly ash; GU = general use; HES = high-early-strength;
HRWRA = high-range water-reducing admixture; n/a = not applicable; NS = normalstrength; PCE = polycarboxylate ether-based HRWRA; SCC = self-
consolidating concrete; SF = silica fume; w /cm = water–cementitious material ratio, by mass. 1 kg/m3 = 1.685 lb/yd3; 1 MPa = 145 psi.

Table 9. Mechanical properties of SCC1 mixtures, steam-curing optimization, phase 2

Mixture type and batch number
Mechanical properties SCC1 SCC1 central point
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

18-hour steam cured, MPa 49.5 52.5 52.3 51.2 53.6 55.1 55.9 60.4 54.2 53.4 54.9

18-hour air cured, MPa 11.6 8.3 11.7 9.5 12.5 10.3 10.2 6.0 8.7 4.9 5.3

7-day , MPa 74.2 73.1 68.5 69.6 75.9 67.1 78.1 71.3 66.0 70.9 72.0
28-da , MPa 75.6 86.1 88.5 86.3 88.0 87.1 84.8 85.5 78.1 81.8 89.6
56-day , MPa 86.4 90.6 88.8 88.4 92.5 87.5 93.7 93.3 82.2 90.0 88.2
18-hour Ec steam cured, GPa 38.0 42.5 38.0 37.5 37.0 36.5 39.5 37.0 38.0 38.0 37.0
56-day Ec moist cured, GPa 43.0 43.0 42.5 43.5 44.0 41.0 44.0 44.0 43.0 44.0 42.0
Note: Ec = modulus of elasticity of concrete; = compressive strength of concrete; SCC = self-consolidating concrete.
1 MPa = 145 psi; 1 GPa = 145 ksi.

mum chamber temperature and preset period, concretes set period. For a maximum chamber temperature of 60°C
subjected to a heating rate of 22C°/hr (40F°/hr) exhibited (140°F), an increase in the rate of heating increased the
5% higher 18-hour compressive strengths than those sub- 18-hour Ec. Conversely, for a chamber temperature of 50°C
jected to the lower heating rate of 12C°/hr (22F°/hr). (122°F), mixtures subjected to the higher rate of heating of
22C°/hr (40F°/hr) exhibited slightly lower Ec at 18 hours
The rate of heating did not significantly affect the 18-hour than did those subjected to the lower heating rate of
Ec. However, the influence of the heating rate on 18-hour 12C°/hr (22F°/hr).
Ec varied with the maximum chamber temperature and pre-

PCI Journal | S u m m e r 2012 57

Table 10. Derived equations to model the effect of steam-curing parameters on mechanical properties of SCC1

Modeled response Derived equations R²

18-hour steam-cured compressive strength, MPa 54 + 2.4(MCT) + 1.2(RH) + 0.9(PP) 0.89

18-hour steam-cured compressive strength/28-day

0.63 + 0.028(MCT) + 0.014(RH) + 0.011(PP) 0.89
moist-cured compressive strength

18-hour steam-cured compressive strength/18-hour

6.0 + 0.26(MCT) + 0.13(RH) + 0.10(PP) 0.89
air-cured compressive strength

18-hour steam-cured Ec, GPa 38 – 0.7(MCT) + 1(MCT)(RH) – 0.87(MCT)(PP) – 0.87(RH)(PP) 0.97

Note: Ec = modulus of elasticity of concrete; MCT = maximum chamber temperature; PP = preset period; R   2 = correlation coefficient; RH = rate of
heating; SCC = self-consolidating concrete. 1 MPa = 145 psi; 1 GPa = 145 ksi.

Preset period The effect of the preset period varied As presented in Table 11, statistical models were also
with the applied maximum chamber temperature. In the established for SCC2 designed to achieve a 56-day fcl
case of a maximum chamber temperature of 60°C (140°F), of 60 MPa (8700 psi). Probability values less than 0.1
all mixtures subjected to a preset period of 5 hours devel- (confidence limit of 90%) are considered strong evidence
oped higher 18-hour steam-cured compressive strengths that the parameter had a significant effect on the modeled
than those with a 2-hour preset period. This is not the case responses. None of the derived models was qualified in the
with a maximum chamber temperature of 50°C (122°F), confidence limit of 90% because probability values were
where similar 18-hour compressive strengths were achieved higher than 0.1, indicating that the steam-curing param-
regardless of the preset period. Statistical analysis revealed eters do not have a significant effect on the 18-hour fcl and
that the preset period does not have a major influence on Ec of SCC2. Therefore, optimization of the steam-curing
Ec determined at 18 hours. Nevertheless, the effect of the regime for SCC with the lower design strength of 60 MPa
preset period on 18-hour Ec also varied with the maximum is less critical than for SCC1. In addition, SCC2 subjected
chamber temperature and rate of heating. to air curing at 23°C ± 2°C (73.4°F ± 3.6°F) with a relative
humidity of 50% developed similar mechanical proper-

0.63 0.68

B+: 22.00
0.60 0.66
B: rate of heating

C+: 5.00
0.60 0.65

C: preset period
B-: 12.00 0.58 0.63 C-: 2.00
A-: 50.00 A+: 60.00
A: maximum chamber temperature

Figure 1. Three-dimensional cube diagram of compressive strength ratio of 18-hour steam-cured strength to 28-day moist-cured strength for SCC1.
Note: SCC = self-consolidating concrete.

58 S um me r 2 0 1 2 | PCI Journal
Table 11. Derived statistical models for mechanical properties of SCC2

Modeled response Derived equations R² Probability > F*

18-hour steam-cured compressive strength, MPa 31 + 2.2 (PP) + 1.0 (MCT) 0.98 0.20 (not acceptable)

18-hour steam-cured compressive strength/28-day

0.54 + 0.038(PP) + 0.019(MCT) 0.98 0.13 (not acceptable)
moist-cured compressive strength

18-hour steam-cured compressive strength/18-hour

1.1 + 0.076(PP) + 0.036(PP) 0.98 0.20 (not acceptable)
air-cured compressive strength

18-hour steam cured Ec, GPa 28 – 1.3(MCT) + 0.5(PP) 0.97 0.13 (not acceptable)

Probability values less than 0.1 (confidence limit of 90%) are considered strong evidence that the studied parameter had a significant impact on the

modeled responses. None of the derived models were qualified in the confidence limit of 90% because probability values were higher than 0.1.
Note: Ec = modulus of elasticity of concrete; F = Fisher-Snedecor distribution function; MCT = maximum chamber temperature; PP = preset period;
R   2 = correlation coefficient; SCC = self-consolidating concrete. 1 MPa = 145 psi; 1 GPa = 145 ksi.

ties at 18 hours to those of steam-cured concrete. Thus, 22°C/hr (40°F/hr) and a longer preset period of 5 hours
for SCC with a 56-day design compressive strength of exhibited higher 18-hour compressive strengths compared
60 MPa, the selection of an HRWRA or binder composi- with those prepared with the lower heating rate of
tion that can promote early-age strength development can 12°C/hr (22°F/hr) and a shorter preset period of 2 hours.
well be sufficient, instead of using steam curing. The effect of the rate of heating and preset period on
18-hour Ec varies with the maximum chamber tempera-
Comparison of mechanical ture. Therefore, the optimum rate of heating and preset
properties of HPC and SCC period should be selected based on the maximum chamber
temperature in use in order to secure an adequate level of
Two HPC mixtures were subjected to a steam-curing regime compressive strength and elastic modulus. It is important
with a maximum chamber temperature of 60°C (140°F), to point out that the high-early-age-strength type HRWRA
a heating rate of 22°C/hr (40°F/hr), and a preset period of should be used for concrete subjected to ambient-tempera-
5 hours. HPC1 and HPC2 have 56-day design compressive ture curing (air curing) to accelerate strength development
strengths of 80 and 60 MPa (11,600 and 8700 psi), respec- of the concrete. On the other hand, in the case of SCC
tively. The HPC1 mixture exhibited a significantly lower subjected to steam curing, the effect of the HRWRA type
18-hour steam-cured to 18-hour air-cured compressive on the strength gain is marginal.
strength ratio compared with the average ratio for SCC1
(1.26 versus 5.3). This is due to the higher HRWRA dosage Conclusion
of SCC1, thus leading to retardation in strength gain at am-
bient temperatures. Thus, the steam-curing parameters are Based on the results reported here, the following conclu-
more critical for the strength development of high-strength sions are warranted:
SCC than for HPC mixtures. Similarly, the HPC2 mixture
designed for a 56-day compressive strength of 60 MPa was • Steam curing presents an efficient method of gain-
also subjected to the same steam-curing regime as HPC1. ing early-age compressive strength for SCC with a
As in the case of SCC2 with a 56-day design compressive design compressive strength of 80 MPa (11,600 psi).
strength of 60 MPa, the steam-curing process did not lead By means of steam curing, such concrete can develop
to a significant increase in the 18-hour compressive strength six times higher compressive strength at 18 hours than
and elastic modulus of HPC2. the same concrete subjected to ambient-temperature
curing at 23°C ± 2°C (73.4°F ± 3.6°F). The early-age
Recommendations for steam curing strength gain by the use of an HES type HRWRA
is larger for air-cured concrete than for steam-cured
Table 12 summarizes recommendations for steam-curing SCC.
parameters for SCC with a design compressive strength
of 80 MPa (11,600 psi). SCC mixtures steam cured with a • In the case of HPC and SCC with design compres-
higher maximum chamber temperature of 60°C (140°F) de- sive strengths of 60 MPa (8700 psi), steam curing did
veloped significantly greater 18-hour compressive strength. not significantly improve the 18-hour compressive
Therefore, the use of the higher maximum chamber tem- strength. That is, mixture proportions that promote
perature of 60°C is recommended to accelerate early-age early strength development may obviate the need for
strength development. As presented in Table 12, mixtures steam curing.
steam cured with a higher heating rate of

PCI Journal | S u m m e r 2012 59

Table 12. Recommendations for steam-curing parameters for 80 MPa SCC

Modeled parameter
Response Maximum chamber
Rate of heating, °C/hr† Preset period, hours‡
temperature, °C*

18-hour steam-cured compressive strength 60 22 5

18-hour steam-cured compressive strength/28-day

60 22 5
moist-cured compressive strength

18-hour steam-cured compressive strength/18-hour

60 22 5
air-cured compressive strength

18-hour steam-cured Ec 50 No recommendation No recommendation

Based on performance under two options: 50°C or 60°C.

Based on performance under two options: 12°C/hr or 22°C/hr.

Based on performance under two options: 2 hours or 5 hours.
Note: Rate of cooling = 15°C/hr. Ec = modulus of elasticity of concrete; SCC = self-consolidating concrete. 1 MPa = 145 psi; °C = (°F – 32)/1.8.

• Maximum chamber temperature was shown to have

the most significant effect on the 18hour steam-cured Acknowledgments
compressive strength and modulus of elasticity, fol-
lowed by the rate of heating and preset period. The authors wish to thank Samsung Engineering and Con-
struction Co. for their support.
• In the case of SCC with an 80 MPa (11,600 psi) design
compressive strength, a high maximum chamber tem- References
perature of 60°C (140°F) with a high rate of heating of
22C°/hr (40F°/hr) and a long preset period of 5 hours 1. ACI (American Concrete Institute) Committee 237.
is recommended to accelerate early-age strength. 2007. Self-Consolidating Concrete. ACI 237R-07.
Farmington Hills, MI: ACI.
• For a given maximum chamber temperature and preset
period, concrete mixtures subjected to a higher rate of 2. CSA (Canadian Standards Association). 2005. Precast
heating of 22C°/hr (40F°/hr) can develop higher 18- Concrete—Materials and Construction. CSA A23.4.
hour compressive strengths than those subjected to a Rexburg, ON, Canada: CSA.
lower heating rate of 12C°/hr (22F°/hr).
3. PCI Interim SCC Guidelines Fast Team. 2003. Interim
• The effect of the rate of heating and the preset period on Guidelines for the Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete
the 18-hour elastic modulus varies with the maximum in Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute Member
chamber temperature. Therefore, the optimum rate of Plants. 1st ed. Chicago, IL: PCI.
heating and preset period should be selected based on
the maximum chamber temperature in use to secure the 4. PCA (Portland Cement Association). 2006. Design
desired compressive strength and elastic modulus. and Control of Concrete Mixtures. Skokie, IL: PCA.

Future work 5. ACI Committee 517. 1992. Accelerated Curing of

Concrete at Atmospheric Pressure. ACI 517.2R-87,
The total curing heat input (amount of energy) associated with revised 1992. Farmington Hills, MI: ACI.
the different preset periods, the different rates of heating, and
the different lengths of time being held at maximum tempera- 6. AASHTO (American Association of State Highway
ture and cooling rate can be depicted using a maturity concept and Transportation Officials). 2004. AASHTO LRFD
to evaluate the effect of steam-curing parameters on the Bridge Design Specifications. 3rd ed. Washington,
early-age gain of mechanical properties of concrete. Further DC: AASHTO.
investigation on the maturity concept related to the steam-
curing process is needed to estimate the minimum amount of 7. TxDOT (Texas Department of Transportation). 2004.
energy required to secure the target compressive strength of Standard Specifications for Construction and Main-
SCC. In addition, an investigation regarding the influence of tenance of Highways, Streets, and Bridges. Texas:
curing temperature higher than 60°C (140°F) on the mechani- TxDOT.
cal properties and durability aspects of SCC is required.

60 S um me r 2 0 1 2 | PCI Journal
8. FDOT (Florida Department of Transportation). 2004. 20. Hanson, J. A. 1963. “Optimum Steam Curing Proce-
Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Con- dure in Precasting Plants.” Journal of the American
struction. Tallahassee, FL: FDOT. Concrete Institute 60 (5): 75–100.

9. NYSDOT (New York State Department of Transporta- 21. Khayat, K. H., and D. Mitchell. 2009. Self-Consol-
tion). 2002. Standard Specifications—Construction idating Concrete for Precast, Prestressed Concrete
and Materials. Albany, NY: NYSDOT. Bridge Elements. NCHRP (National Cooperative
Highway Research Program) report 628. Washington,
10. Washington Department of Transportation. 2002. DC: Transportation Research Board of The National
Standard Specifications. M 41-10 2008. Olympia, WA: Academy of Sciences.
Engineering Publications.
11. Korea Concrete Institute. 2003. Standard Specifications
for Concrete. Seoul, Korea: Korea Concrete Institute. Ec = modulus of elasticity of concrete

12. Odler, I., and Y. Chen. 1995. “Effect of Cement fcl = compressive strength of concrete
Composition on the Expansion of Heat-Cured Ce-
ment Pastes.” Cement and Concrete Research 25 (4): h1 = height of self-consolidating concrete remaining in
853–862. the vertical section (L-box test)

13. Tepponen, P., and B.-E. Eriksson. 1987. “Damages h2 = height of self-consolidating concrete at leading
in Concrete Railway Sleepers in Finland.” Nordic Con- edge of apparatus (L-box test)
crete Research 6: 199–205.
MCT = maximum chamber temperature
14. Klieger, P. 1960. “Some Aspects of Durability and
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PCI Journal | S u m m e r 2012 61

About the authors Abstract

Soo-Duck Hwang, PhD, is a Steam curing is often used in precast concrete manu-
research assistant at the Depart- facturing plants to accelerate strength gains. The
ment of Civil Engineering of the mechanical properties of steam-cured concrete are
Université de Sherbrooke in affected by mixture composition and can vary widely
Sherbrooke, QC, Canada. with steam-curing parameters. The main objective
of the study reported in this paper is to optimize the
steam-curing regime of high-strength self-consoli-
Rami Khatib is a PhD candidate dating concrete (SCC). Test parameters included the
in the Department of Civil preset period, the maximum chamber temperature, and
Engineering of the Université de the rate of heating. Two SCC mixtures were optimized
Sherbrooke. to secure design compressive strengths of 8700 and
11,600 psi (60 and 80 MPa). The mixtures were pre-
pared with a water–cementitious materials ratio of 0.38
and 0.28, respectively. The maximum chamber tem-
Hoi Keun Lee, PhD, is a senior perature was shown to have a dominant effect on the
researcher in Concrete Materials 18-hour compressive strength. The preset period also
at the Technical Research Center exhibited significant influence on compressive strength
of Samsung Construction and and elastic modulus. For a given maximum chamber
Technology in Seoul, Korea. temperature of 140°F (60°C), an increase in preset
period from 2 to 5 hours resulted in a 5% increase in
early-age strength.
Seung-Hoon Lee, is general
manager in Concrete Materials at Keywords
the Technical Research Center of
Samsung Construction and Modulus of elasticity, SCC, self-consolidating con-
Technology. crete, steam curing, strength.

Review policy
Kamal H. Khayat, PhD, is a
professor of Civil Engineering at This paper was reviewed in accordance with the
the Université de Sherbrooke. Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute’s peer-review

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62 S um me r 2 0 1 2 | PCI Journal

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