The Effact of Acce. Curing

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The Effect of Accelerated Curing on Some Mechanical

Properties of Self Compacting Concrete Containing
Reactive Metakaolin

Ghalib Muhsien Habeeb

Mohammed Mansour Kadhum
Assistant Professor
Eman Katoof Harith
College of Engineering
Babylon University \Iraq
In this research several variables are included to investigate the effect of accelerated curing
regime on some fundamental mechanical properties of self-compacting concrete. The
accelerated curing by using hot water method is used in this research. Compressive strength,
splitting tensile strength, flexural strength and static modulus of elasticity are performed on
all types of self-compacting concrete. From the test results, it was found that the ratio of
average compressive strength by accelerated curing method to the 28 days conventional
moist curing show the high effectiveness of this method; this ratio is located between (64 -
115)%. That means by this accelerated curing method, the 28 days compressive strength by
using conventional moist curing method can be obtained within a shorter curing time by the
accelerated curing method. The ratio of splitting tensile strength, flexural strength and static
modulus of elasticity by accelerated curing method to the 28 days conventional moist curing
is located between (80-98) %, (70-98) % and (81-97) % respectively.

Key words: accelerated curing, self compacting concrete, hot water, reactive

1-Introduction 23°C and tested at 28 days after

Concrete testing is performed in casting. By relying upon the 28-day
order to determine whether results to assure a designer that
specified strength requirements are adequate strength has been
met. The conventional way of developed, there is a chance that
determining strength potential of large quantities of inferior concrete
concrete is to cast cylinders or can be placed in a structure before
cubes which are moist-cured at detection. Upon discovery, it may
‫حممد منصور كاظم‬
2015 ‫ عام‬22 ‫ جملد‬1 ‫العدد‬ ‫جملة احتاد اجلامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث اهلندسية‬ ‫غالب حمسن حبيب‬
‫اميان كطوف حارث‬

be impossible to replace the heat of hydration given off when

defective concrete without also cement and water react. External
removing material of acceptable heat is applied by means of
quality. Therefore, there is an saturated steam, hot water,
urgent need to reduce time required autoclaving, dry oven heat,
between placement of concrete and electrical heat or autogenously ACI
the determination of its strength. Committee 517 [1]. All of these
This is done by accelerated curing methods use a curing cycle for this
methods that either supply an purpose as illustrated in the Fig(1)
external source of heat or retain the

The accelerated curing cycle In accelerated strength test,

consists of four portions. All of concrete is subjected to heat so as
these portions are completely to hasten the chemical actions
interrelated. Any change in any involved in hardening or hydration
portion of the curing cycle may processes. When hydration occurs
cause adverse effects in another at a rapid pace, there is a rapid
portion of this cycle. For example, hardening and a rapid gain of
the lack of an adequate "preset strength. Hydration, being an
period" could be partially corrected exothermal chemical reaction gives
by a "slower rate of temperature off heat; and if heat is applied
rise", and conversely, a long period externally, hydration will be
could be followed by a relatively accelerated. Accelerated curing is
rapid temperature rise Neville, achieved by using numerous
2010 . methods, with varying degrees of

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2015 ‫ عام‬22 ‫ جملد‬1 ‫العدد‬ ‫جملة احتاد اجلامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث اهلندسية‬ ‫غالب حمسن حبيب‬
‫اميان كطوف حارث‬

success. The major methods that potentially large thermal stress. In

exist for the purpose of accelerating order to alleviate these problems,
the curing process of concrete can any method of increasing the curing
be divided into two categories: temperature must also involve the
physical processes and admixtures. provision of adequate humidity in
With recent advances in material order to prevent excessive moisture
technology, a number of admixtures loss, as well as careful cyclic
(mineral and chemical) can be used, implementation of temperature
both directly and indirectly. increase and decrease, in order to
However, compared with increased prevent the development of thermal
curing temperatures, the use of stresses [10]
admixtures accelerators can
introduce numerous problems and The w/c ratio is the oldest factor
difficulties [17]. that is diagnosed to be effective to
the concrete strength. It has been
Various methods of increasing the shown that the effects of increased
curing temperature of concrete have w/c ratio on compressive strength
been employed in order to achieve are less for concrete that has been
high early strength. These methods accelerated cured when compared
include simple convection through to concrete that has been cured
the circulation of hot water or under standard conditions [10]. Fig.
through pipes inside the concrete 2 shows a relationship between
members in the case of hollow compressive strength and w/c ratio
elements, electric resistance for both accelerated cured by
heating, and both low and high (electrically method) and normally
pressure steam curing. One of the cured concrete. The accelerated
drawbacks to an increased curing cured concrete exhibited a decrease
temperature is the rate of humidity in compressive strength of
loss to the surrounding approximately 28 % when the w/c
environment, which can result in ratio was increased from 0.55 to
severe shrinkage and cracking. 0.7, while the normally cured
Another problem is the rapid concrete displayed a decrease in
change of temperature within strength of approximately 83% for
concrete members, resulting in the same change.

‫حممد منصور كاظم‬

2015 ‫ عام‬22 ‫ جملد‬1 ‫العدد‬ ‫جملة احتاد اجلامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث اهلندسية‬ ‫غالب حمسن حبيب‬
‫اميان كطوف حارث‬

The main aim of the present work mixes (without metakaolin), and the
is to evaluate the effect of other phase is for metakaolin mixes,
accelerated curing by using to investigate the effect of mineral
proposed method on mechanical admixtures on the progressive
properties and drying shrinkage of strength and drying shrinkage on
self-compacting concrete which the accelerated and conventional
produced by using locally available curing conditions.
materials, such as high reactivity Two types of Iraqi Portland
metakaolin (HRM). For the purpose cement (type I & type V) are used
of this investigation, compressive to investigate the effect of the
strength are performed on (396) chemical and physical
cubes, splitting tensile strength are characteristics of cement on the
undertaken on (264) cylinders, accelerated and later age
flexural strength are conducted on compressive strengths, as well as
(264) prisms, static modulus of some other mechanical properties
elasticity are performed on (264) and shrinkage of self-compacting
cylinders and drying shrinkage are concrete.
performed on (96) prisms. 2.RESEARCH
Concrete is subjected to three SIGNIFICANCE
levels of curing temperature The degree of response of self-
consisting of a wide range of compacting concrete to various
temperature variations, elevated curing temperatures is
as recommended from the briefly investigated. The
international standards ranging investigation contributes to enrich
between (60-100) °C. Twelve the information on the behavior of
concrete mixes with overall volume self-compacting concrete with and
of (4.589) m³ are made into two without high reactive metakaolin
phases. One phase is for reference under accelerated and conventional
‫حممد منصور كاظم‬
2015 ‫ عام‬22 ‫ جملد‬1 ‫العدد‬ ‫جملة احتاد اجلامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث اهلندسية‬ ‫غالب حمسن حبيب‬
‫اميان كطوف حارث‬

curing condition. The investigated with overall volume (4.589)m³. The

properties are compressive strength, experimental work is carried out on
splitting tensile strength, flexural two series of mixes. The first one is
strength, and static modulus of without admixture (HRM) and for
elasticity for self-compacting two types of cement (type I & type
concrete under accelerated and V) and these mixes are repeated for
conventional curing condition. three levels of w/c ratio (0.46, 0.34
In the present work, concrete is & 0.29). The second one is with
subjected to three levels of curing admixture (HRM), and also is
temperature consisting of a wide repeated for two types of cement
range of temperature variations, as and the three levels of w/c ratio.
recommended from the These two series are repeated on
international standards ranging two curing regime normal and
between (60-100) °C. accelerated curing by using
3-EXPERIMENTAL WORK proposed method with three
3.1 Materials and Mixes different levels of temperatures
3.1.1 Introduction (60,80&100)°C. According to this
To achieve the research objectives, explanation, the notations of these
twelve different mixes are prepared mixes are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1. Notation of SCC mixes.

Mix Details
OR.46 Reference mix of concrete using OPC for 0.46 W/C ratio.
OR.34 Reference mix of concrete using OPC for 0.34 W/C ratio.
OR.29 Reference mix of concrete using OPC for 0.29 W/C ratio.
SR.46 Reference mix of concrete using SRPC for 0.46 W/C ratio.
SR.34 Reference mix of concrete using SRPC for 0.34 W/C ratio.
SR.29 Reference mix of concrete using SRPC for 0.29 W/C ratio.
OHRM.46 High Reactive Metakaolin mix of concrete using OPC for 0.46 W/C ratio.
OHRM.34 High Reactive Metakaolin mix of concrete using OPC for 0.34 W/C ratio.
OHRM.29 High Reactive Metakaolin mix of concrete using OPC for 0.29 W/C ratio.
SHRM.46 High Reactive Metakaolin mix of concrete using SRPC for 0.46 W/C
SHRM.34 ratio.
SHRM.29 High Reactive Metakaolin mix of concrete using SRPC for 0.34 W/C
High Reactive Metakaolin mix of concrete using SRPC for 0.29 W/C

‫حممد منصور كاظم‬

2015 ‫ عام‬22 ‫ جملد‬1 ‫العدد‬ ‫جملة احتاد اجلامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث اهلندسية‬ ‫غالب حمسن حبيب‬
‫اميان كطوف حارث‬

3.1.2 Materials (SRPC) manufactured by united

A. Cement cement company commercially
Two types of Portland cement, known (TASLUJA-BAZIAN). The
conforming to the IQS 5/1984 [12] physical properties and chemical
are used. The first type is ordinary compositions of these types of
Portland cement (OPC) and the other cement are shown in Tables 2 and 3
sulfate resistant Portland cement respectively.

Table 2. Physical properties of cement used in this study.

Limits of
Physical Properties (I.O.S.NO.5/1984), [4]
Fineness cm²/gm 3300 3100 ≥ 2500 ≥ 2300
Setting Time (Vicat’s method):
Initial Setting Time (minute) ≥45min.
125 120
Final Setting Time (hours: ≤10 hours
2:30 2:35
Compressive strength (MPa)
3 days 19.0 20.0 ≥15
7 days 28.0 28.0 ≥23

Table 3. Composition of cement and high reactivity metakaolin.

Che mical Percent by weight
composition OPC SRPC Metakaolin
SiO2 19.78 21.74 65.84
Al 2O3 4.98 3.54 19.44
Fe 2O3 3.48 5.16 0.20
CaO 62.41 63.33 5.92
MgO 2.35 2.35 0.88
SO3 2.47 2.27 0.23
Na2O+K2 O 1.23 1.18 0.15
L.O.I 4.00 1.06 4.43

B. High Reactivity Metakaolin 700˚C for one hour, and then the
(HRM ) metakaolin was cooled to room
It is highly pozzolanic material. temperature for 24 hrs. This procedure
Throughout this experimental work of clinking is based on the work of
Iraqi kaolin clay brought from Dwekhla many researches especially [4, 14]. The
region was used. It is obtained by silica and alumina contained in the
calcinations of Algerian kaolin at metakaolin are active and react with

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2015 ‫ عام‬22 ‫ جملد‬1 ‫العدد‬ ‫جملة احتاد اجلامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث اهلندسية‬ ‫غالب حمسن حبيب‬
‫اميان كطوف حارث‬

free lime to form C-S-H and alumina- C. Fine Aggregate

silicates which greatly improve the The fine aggregate from Al-Ekadir
strength. The HRM used in this work region confirming to zone 3 as per
conforms to the requirements of ASTM Limits of Iraqi specification
C618, [6] Class N pozzolan as shown in No.45/1984 was used. Physical
Table 3. The chemical compositions of properties of fine aggregate are
HRM are listed in Table 4. presented in Table 5 [11].

Table 4. Chemical requirements of pozzolan [5].

Oxide composition Pozzolan class N HRM
SiO 2 +Al 2 O 3 +Fe2 O 3 , min.% 70 85.48
SO 3 , max. % 4 0.23
Loss on ignition, max. % 10 4.43

D. Coarse Aggregate No.45/1984 was used in all mixes

[11]. Physical properties of fine
Crushed gravel of 10 mm maximum
aggregate are presented in Table 5.
size from Al-Nebai quarry confirming
to Limits of Iraqi specification

Table 5. Physical properties of fine and coarse aggregate .

Aggregate Fineness Density Specific Sulfate

Modulus (kg/m3) Gravity content %
Fine Aggregate 2.12 1696 2.6 0.44
Coarse Aggregate ---- 1770 2.65 0.03

E. High Range Water content of the concrete to perform

Reducing Admixture (HRWRA) more effectively. This effect can be
used in high strength concrete and
Flocrete PC200 is a high flow able concrete mixes, to achieve
performance super plasticizing highest concrete durability and
admixture based on polycarboxylic performance. Its technical properties
ether polymers with long chains are shown in Table 6.
specially designed to enable the water

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2015 ‫ عام‬22 ‫ جملد‬1 ‫العدد‬ ‫جملة احتاد اجلامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث اهلندسية‬ ‫غالب حمسن حبيب‬
‫اميان كطوف حارث‬

structural concrete, there are two

Table 6. Typical properties of PC200. properties that are more important
than all the others (the workability
Color Light yellow liquid and the compressive strength).
Freezing point -1 ̊C approximately Because these properties are
Specific gravity 1.05@ 25 ̊C significantly related to materials that
Air entrainment less than 2% at are used in making concrete, it is
normal dosage important to choose the right method
Viscosity 128 cps at 20 ̊C of the mix proportioning which takes
Chloride content less than 0.1% account of both the specified concrete
properties and the characteristics of
the available materials used.
3.1.3 Concrete Mixes EFNARC, [7], method had been used
in designing different SCC mixes as
Mix design is the proportioning of shown in Table 7.
the various constituents of concrete to
produce the desired properties in both
the fresh and hardened states. For a

Table 7. Mix proportions SCC mixes.

Cement HRM Sand Gravel Water SP Sp l/100 W/C W/B

Mix token wt.
Kg/m3 Kg/m3 Kg/m3 Kg/m3 l/m3 l/m3 cement ratio ratio
OR.46 370 / 875 900 170 4.66 1.4 0.46 0.46
OR.34 500 / 775 900 170 11.59 2.0 0.34 0.34
OR.29 587 / 770 870 170 13.90 2.4 0.29 0.29
OHRM.46 333 37 875 900 170 4.66 1.4 0.51 0.46
OHRM.34 450 50 775 900 170 11.59 2.0 0.38 0.34
OHRM.29 528 59 770 870 170 13.90 2.4 0.32 0.29
SR.46 370 / 875 900 170 4.66 1.4 0.46 0.46
SR.34 500 / 775 900 170 11.59 2.0 0.34 0.34
SR.29 587 / 770 870 170 13.90 2.4 0.29 0.29
SHRM.46 333 37 875 900 170 4.66 1.4 0.51 0.46
SHRM.34 450 50 775 900 170 11.59 2.0 0.38 0.34
SHRM.29 528 59 770 870 170 13.90 2.4 0.32 0.29
4.2 Mixing and Placing to cast three standard cubes with an
Procedures edge length 150mm, two standard
The fresh concrete mix is prepared cylinder of (100×200) mm and two
by using a pan mixer with (0.05) m³ standard prism of (100×100×400)
capacity. Each concrete batch is mm and two standard cylinder of
mixed with overall volume (0.032) (150×300) mm. This volume is
m³ approximately which is adequate equal to 64% of the maximum
‫حممد منصور كاظم‬
2015 ‫ عام‬22 ‫ جملد‬1 ‫العدد‬ ‫جملة احتاد اجلامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث اهلندسية‬ ‫غالب حمسن حبيب‬
‫اميان كطوف حارث‬

capacity of the mixer. This is done mold in order to prevent adhesion

to obtain good homogenous mixing with concrete after hardening.
and minimum loss in the mix 4.3 Accelerated Curing
materials. Procedure
In this study Emborg's mixing 4.3.1 Accelerated curing cycle
procedure is adopted in order to For accelerated curing test the
achieve the required workability and procedure used is presented in the
homogeneity of SCC mixes [8]. This curing cycle as shown in Fig. 3.
procedure is described by the The cycle includes the delay period
following items: (preset period), the temperature rise
period, the period of the curing at
The fine aggregate is added to the the maximum curing temperature
mixer with 1/3 quantity of water and and the cooling period. It is
mixed for 1minute. designed according to ACI
The cement and mineral Committee 517, [1].
admixtures are added with another 4.3.2 Accelerated Curing
1/3 quantity of water. Thereon, the Tank
mixture is mixed for 1minute. The accelerated curing tank that
Thereafter, the coarse aggregate is manufactured for this work was
added with the last 1/3 quantity of designed by the researcher to be able
water and 1/3 dosage of to withstand the hydrostatic pressure
superplasticizer, and mixing lasts of the water at curing temperature
for 1.5 minute then the mixture is 100 °C. The accelerated curing tank
left for 0.5 minute for rest. is fabricated in the form of a cylinder
with a well insulated circumference
Then the 2/3 of the leftover of the
and bottom by glass wool 25mm
dosage of superplasticizer is added
thick to minimize the loss of
and mixed for 1.5 minute.
temperature from water tank. The
The mixture is then discharged, internal dimension of the water tank
tested and cast; the total time of is (750mm in height and 1000mm in
mixing was about 5 minutes. diameter) and done by steel plate
The placing process of the concrete thick 4mm with two story. The first
mix is the most critical moment. For story is done by steel mesh at 125mm
SCC mixes which require no from the base of the tank; while the
compaction work, the mixes being second story is done by three steel
poured into the tight steel molds angles on the side of the water tank at
until its fully filled without any 400mm from the base; steel tire place
compaction. All steel molds were over these angle. Base of the tank is
prepared for mixing by placing oil raised 200mm from the ground level
along the interior surfaces of the by steel angle

‫حممد منصور كاظم‬

2015 ‫ عام‬22 ‫ جملد‬1 ‫العدد‬ ‫جملة احتاد اجلامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث اهلندسية‬ ‫غالب حمسن حبيب‬
‫اميان كطوف حارث‬

Five electric heaters are used; mm. Four prisms (100×100×400)

three of them are fixed at 100mm mm placed over the steel tire. The
from the base of the water tank and cover of the tank contain five relief
the others at 375mm from the base. valves to minimize the pressure
The tank is designed to contain inside accelerated curing tank; one
three cubes with an edge length of them used for cooling stage to
150mm are situated over the steel input tap water to the accelerated
mesh with two cylinders (100×200) curing tank. The details of this tank
mm and two cylinders (150×300) are shown in Fig. 4

‫حممد منصور كاظم‬

2015 ‫ عام‬22 ‫ جملد‬1 ‫العدد‬ ‫جملة احتاد اجلامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث اهلندسية‬ ‫غالب حمسن حبيب‬
‫اميان كطوف حارث‬

normal curing age and 1 day

accelerated curing +55 days normal
DISCUSSION curing age respectively to draw Figs.
4.1 Compressive Strength for 5 to 7. It can be seen from the same
Normal and Accelerated Curing previous Table and its accompanying
Condition Figures, that there are about (21, 18
The results of the compressive and 14)%, (24, 20 and 16)% increase
strength tests for reference and HRM in the compressive strength, recorded
mix under different curing conditions for low, medium and high water to
for 1, 28 and 56 day ages are given in cement ratio levels when the age
Table 8. These results are plotted increases from 28 days till 56 days
versus the curing temperatures for all age for OPC mixes and SRPC mixes
mixes at 1 day accelerated curing age, respectively.
1 day accelerated curing +27 days

Table 8. Results of the normal curing compressive strength and accelerated curing strength
for SCC mixes with and without (HRM) at different ages.
Mix Compressive Strength (MPa)
Notation Normal Curing Accelerated Curing Temperature
23 60 80 100
Age (days)
28 56 1 28 56 1 28 56 1 28 56
OR0.46 34.65 39.39 27.92 36.22 36.97 31.52 39.35 40.10 22.32 32.15 33.33
OR0.34 46.20 54.58 40.11 46.33 49.18 43.63 49.59 54.33 34.53 40.39 44.46
OR0.29 54.83 66.22 50.78 51.06 58.98 51.32 53.46 69.87 41.87 46.95 53.42
SR0.46 35.31 41.04 29.54 41.71 42.65 35.34 44.37 45.67 25.99 32.99 33.67
SR0.34 50.88 60.95 44.53 54.08 56.76 51.43 57.91 64.43 39.02 44.02 49.56
SR0.29 57.12 70.73 54.87 60.75 72.44 60.56 68.15 85.97 46.79 50.79 57.54
OHRM0.46 40.54 47.33 32.66 42.65 43.21 39.09 44.76 48.32 28.54 38.43 40.56
OHRM0.34 56.89 68.42 45.06 55.43 57.42 56.76 58.65 63.45 40.98 51.87 57.89
OHRM0.29 63.64 82.88 59.43 61.32 69.76 63.98 62.45 78.54 50.76 57.98 65.55
SHRM0.46 43.67 50.51 36.56 47.63 48.64 47.43 53.76 57.87 32.56 40.43 41.21
SHRM0.34 63.56 79.32 55.79 66.38 68.43 70.21 69.12 78.44 49.72 52.93 58.34
SHRM0.29 69.52 89.84 67.98 73.56 84.65 79.82 71.54 89.65 56.93 59.76 68.57

‫حممد منصور كاظم‬

2015 ‫ عام‬22 ‫ جملد‬1 ‫العدد‬ ‫جملة احتاد اجلامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث اهلندسية‬ ‫غالب حمسن حبيب‬
‫اميان كطوف حارث‬

‫حممد منصور كاظم‬

‫العدد ‪ 1‬جملد ‪ 22‬عام ‪2015‬‬ ‫جملة احتاد اجلامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث اهلندسية‬ ‫غالب حمسن حبيب‬
‫اميان كطوف حارث‬

In general, and on the 60°C curing when it is subjected to a temperature

temperature, mix with high w/c ratio higher than 82°C, due to the
is recorded from about 80% strength differences between the thermal
ratios from its conventional 28 days expansion of the liquid phase, the
compressive strength for reference cement paste, the sand and the
and HRM mixes of OPC mixes. coarse aggregate. These stresses
SRPC of corresponding pervious may be sufficient, under certain
mixes are recorded from about 83% circumstances, to cause "cracking"
strength ratios. The low w/c ratio in the concrete to and thus lower its
mixes record much higher ratios from "strength" and reduce its
(92-93) % and (96-97) % for "durability" [16].
(OR0.29-OHRM0.29) and (SR0.29- The gained strength increases
SHRM0.29) respectively. significantly when w/c ratio
The lowest results for all mixes are decreases from 0.46 to 0.34 for the
recorded on curing temperature both types of cement, while this is
100°C. The decrease in strength is less till 0.29 w/c ratio. These
about (23-46) % and (9-25) % when increments are higher when
compared with the strength of compared with those for moist
concrete under curing temperature curing. This concluding is conflict
(80 and 60) °C respectively. This with the concluding stated by
behavior is attributed to the Heritage, et al., [10] as shown in
development of stresses in concrete literature. A quick observation to the
‫حممد منصور كاظم‬
2015 ‫ عام‬22 ‫ جملد‬1 ‫العدد‬ ‫جملة احتاد اجلامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث اهلندسية‬ ‫غالب حمسن حبيب‬
‫اميان كطوف حارث‬

previous Table and Figures, gives The average results of two cylinders at
good evidence about the strength each age under different curing
development for srpc mixes. This is conditions are summarized in Table 9
in agreement with study stated by Al for reference and HRM mixes of both
Rawi, [3] and Ahmed, [2]. The types of cement, different curing
recorded results range from about conditions and different w/c ratios. The
(34-70) MPa for all mixes at 28 mentioned results are plotted against
days, there are noticeable variations curing temperatures for all mixes in the
between the two types of the Figs. 8 to 10. From preliminary
cement. This trend may be related to observation for the previous Table and
the higher specific surface area of its corresponding Figs. mentioned, it is
SRPC-330 m2/kg compared with noticed that the terminal values are
the OPC-310 m2/kg. higher for HRM mixes than those for
The failure of cubes under reference mixes. Moreover, SRPC mixes
compression for low and medium recorded values are higher than those for
w/c ratios (0.29 and 0.34) are OPC mixes, these increment are about
sudden with very little cracking (6-8) % and (8-15) % at 28 days and 56
before the failure. The cubes of high days respectively. The gained strength
w/c ratio (0.46) develop visible increased when w/c ratio decreased from
cracks before the failure. 0.46 to 0.34 for the both types of
4.2 Splitting Tensile Strength for cement, while this is much higher till
Normal and Accelerated Curing 0.29 w/c ratio.
Table 9. Results of the normal curing splitting strength and accelerated curing strength for
SCC mixes with and without (HRM) at different ages.
S plitting Tensile Strength (MPa)

Normal Curing Accelerated Curing Temperature

23 60 80 100
Mix Notation
Age (da ys)
28 56 1 28 56 1 28 56 1 28 56
OR0.46 2.88 3.00 2.56 2.83 2.93 2.76 3.06 3.20 2.12 2.64 2.79
OR0.34 3.01 3.25 2.83 3.08 3.18 2.98 3.20 3.49 2.39 2.89 3.18
OR0.29 3.73 4.21 3.80 3.92 4.22 3.78 3.94 4.37 3.06 3.56 4.06
SR0.46 3.12 3.44 2.76 2.99 3.19 2.99 3.19 3.35 2.32 2.77 2.96
SR0.34 3.25 3.59 3.15 3.32 3.65 3.45 3.55 3.94 2.59 3.09 3.39
SR0.29 3.96 4.53 4.03 4.23 4.69 4.12 4.28 4.70 3.47 3.97 4.44
OHRM0.46 2.99 3.25 2.75 2.98 3.19 2.97 3.23 3.48 2.25 2.78 2.91
OHRM0.34 3.29 3.58 3.16 3.33 3.59 3.32 3.50 3.85 2.59 3.09 3.39
OHRM0.29 4.22 4.69 4.19 4.29 4.63 4.15 4.32 4.79 3.36 3.88 4.31
SHRM0.46 3.31 3.68 2.94 3.13 3.30 3.20 3.44 3.65 2.40 2.90 3.01
SHRM0.34 3.51 3.89 3.38 3.56 3.88 3.67 3.79 4.17 2.80 3.30 3.63
SHRM0.29 4.32 4.87 4.43 4.63 5.27 4.57 4.67 5.32 3.72 4.22 4.72

‫حممد منصور كاظم‬

2015 ‫ عام‬22 ‫ جملد‬1 ‫العدد‬ ‫جملة احتاد اجلامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث اهلندسية‬ ‫غالب حمسن حبيب‬
‫اميان كطوف حارث‬

‫حممد منصور كاظم‬

‫العدد ‪ 1‬جملد ‪ 22‬عام ‪2015‬‬ ‫جملة احتاد اجلامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث اهلندسية‬ ‫غالب حمسن حبيب‬
‫اميان كطوف حارث‬

At age of 27 days and 55 days from 0.46 to 0.34 for reference and
after accelerated curing conditions it HRM mixes of OPC and SRPC mixes
is obvious from Table 9 and their respectively. On the other hand, these
corresponding Figures, that the increments are (24-28) % and (22-23)
behavior of increment in strength of % for the same previous mixes when
concrete when the age increase from w/c ratio decreases to 0.29. This
28 to 56 days is similar when behavior may be attributed to the
compared with normal moist curing cement paste volume increment and
for all curing temperature (60, 80 and enhancing the microstructure of SCC,
100) °C. Mixes with high w/c ratio which results in a lower porosity
has slightly increment with time for moreover to a better splitting tensile
all curing temperature when strength.
compared with low w/c ratio. 4.3 Flexural Strength for Normal
and Accelerated Curing Condition
Figures there are slightly increases
in the splitting tensile strength as w/c The results of the accelerated curing
ratio decreases from 0.46 to 0.34, and strengths for 1 day, 28 day and 56 day
these increments are much higher at ages, for reference and HRM mixes
the second stage of water reduction. under different curing conditions are
The increments are about (5-10) % summarized in Table 10. These
and (4-6) % when w/c ratio decreases results are plotted versus the curing
temperatures for all mixes at 1 day
‫حممد منصور كاظم‬
2015 ‫ عام‬22 ‫ جملد‬1 ‫العدد‬ ‫جملة احتاد اجلامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث اهلندسية‬ ‫غالب حمسن حبيب‬
‫اميان كطوف حارث‬

accelerated curing age, 1 day value is recorded for reference mix

accelerated curing +27 days normal with high w/c ratio level, while the
curing age and 1 day accelerated higher value is recorded for HRM mix
curing +55 days normal curing age with low w/c ratio level. The gained
respectively to draw Figs. 11 to 13. It strength increases significantly when
can be seen that the ratios of gained w/c ratio decreases from 0.46 to 0.34
strength range from (70) % at 100°C for the both types of cement, while
curing temperature to (98) % at 80°C this is less till 0.29 w/c ratio.
curing temperature. The lower ratio

Table 10. Results of the normal curing flexural strength and accelerated curing strength for
SCC mixes with and without (HRM) at different ages.
Flexural S trength (MPa)

Normal Curing Accelerated Curing Temperature

Mix Notation 23 60 80 100

Age (days)
28 56 1 28 56 1 28 56 1 28 56
OR0.46 3.71 4.22 3.31 3.72 3.87 3.41 3.75 4.05 2.59 3.19 3.25
OR0.34 4.83 5.74 4.34 4.82 5.30 4.49 4.78 5.40 3.48 4.14 4.43
OR0.29 5.33 6.66 4.95 5.21 6.25 5.06 5.22 6.32 3.94 4.53 4.98
SR0.46 3.89 4.52 3.51 3.86 4.05 3.62 3.81 4.19 2.76 3.28 3.38
SR0.34 5.25 6.62 4.83 5.19 5.76 4.94 5.09 5.80 3.78 4.45 4.89
SR0.29 5.88 7.58 5.53 5.88 7.17 5.58 5.75 7.30 4.35 4.94 5.43
OHRM0.46 4.08 4.77 3.67 4.08 4.28 3.79 4.07 4.44 2.89 3.52 3.63
OHRM0.34 5.55 6.99 5.05 5.43 6.08 5.22 5.44 6.26 4.05 4.76 5.14
OHRM0.29 6.39 7.99 6.06 6.31 7.76 6.13 6.32 7.90 4.79 5.44 6.09
SHRM0.46 4.37 5.15 4.06 4.41 4.67 4.15 4.46 4.99 3.23 3.85 4.00
SHRM0.34 6.04 7.31 5.67 5.97 6.81 5.85 6.03 6.99 4.53 5.27 5.74
SHRM0.29 6.88 8.95 6.54 6.74 8.42 6.74 6.88 8.87 5.43 6.10 6.89

‫حممد منصور كاظم‬

2015 ‫ عام‬22 ‫ جملد‬1 ‫العدد‬ ‫جملة احتاد اجلامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث اهلندسية‬ ‫غالب حمسن حبيب‬
‫اميان كطوف حارث‬

‫حممد منصور كاظم‬

‫العدد ‪ 1‬جملد ‪ 22‬عام ‪2015‬‬ ‫جملة احتاد اجلامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث اهلندسية‬ ‫غالب حمسن حبيب‬
‫اميان كطوف حارث‬

In general, and for 60°C curing The lowest results for most mixes
temperature, mix with high w/c ratio are recorded for curing temperature
is recorded from about (89-90)% 100°C. It could be attributed to the
strength ratios from its conventional increase in temperature of curing
28 days flexural strength for reference significantly which affects the
and HRM mixes of OPC mixes. interfacial transition zone between
SRPC of corresponding pervious the neat paste and the aggregate; the
mixes are recorded from about (91- increase in temperature expand the
92) % strength ratios. The low w/c range of the interfacial transition
ratio mixes was recorded much higher zone and as a consequence flexural
ratios from (95-96) % and (94-97) % strength is reduced. Mix with high
for (OR0.29-OHRM0.29) and w/c ratio is recorded from about (81-
(SR0.29-SHRM0.29) respectively. 82) % strength ratios from its
The increment in strength when the conventional 28 days flexural
w/c ratio decreases from 0.46 to 0.34 strength for reference and HRM
is about (31-38) % and (38-40) % for mixes of OPC mixes. SRPC of
reference and HRM (OPC and SRPC) corresponding pervious mixes are
mixes respectively. While the recorded from about 84% strength
increment is less when the w/c ratio ratios. The low w/c ratio mixes
decreases from 0.34 to 0.29 (14-20) % record the ratios from (87-88) % and
and (14-15) % for the same previous (88-89) % for (OR0.29-OHRM0.29)

‫حممد منصور كاظم‬

2015 ‫ عام‬22 ‫ جملد‬1 ‫العدد‬ ‫جملة احتاد اجلامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث اهلندسية‬ ‫غالب حمسن حبيب‬
‫اميان كطوف حارث‬

and (SR0.29-SHRM0.29) mixes than those for reference

respectively. mixes. Moreover, SRPC mixes
4.4 Static Modulus of Elasticity records values slightly higher than
for Normal and Accelerated those for OPC mixes. The values
Curing Condition range are from (24.65-30.45)GPa
The secant modules for all the and (26.12-33.49)GPa for the OPC
mixes are experimentally and SRPC mixes respectively and
determined for each testing age as these values increase to (27.12-
the average of two cylinder for 36.54)GPa and (29.02-40.19)GPa
normal curing conditions and the when metakaolin is added at the age
results are shown in Table 11.These 28 days. The modulus of elasticity
static modules are plotted against for all mixes increases with time till
curing temperature, as shown in the age of 56 days; mix with low
Figs. 14 to 16. From preliminary w/c ratio has less increase with
observation for the previous table time. This is expected and in
and its corresponding figures agreement with the study done by,
mentioned, it is noticed that the Ali and Jawad, [5 and 14].
values are higher for metakaolin
Table 11. Results of the normal curing static modulus of elasticity and accelerated curing
strength for SCC mixes with and without (HRM) at different ages.

S tatic Modulus of Elasticity (GPa)

Normal Curing Accelerated Curing Temperature

Mix Notation 23 60 80 100
Age (days)
28 56 1 28 56 1 28 56 1 28 56
OR0.46 24.65 26.86 21.94 23.66 26.32 22.18 25.14 29.01 19.96 23.14 26.09
OR0.34 28.76 29.91 26.17 29.33 30.51 26.46 29.88 31.70 23.87 29.02 30.11
OR0.29 30.45 31.06 28.01 29.84 30.13 28.62 31.97 30.44 25.88 29.12 30.13
SR0.46 26.12 28.21 24.03 26.38 27.65 24.77 26.90 28.22 21.42 25.59 27.64
SR0.34 30.77 32.31 28.62 30.46 32.63 28.91 31.07 32.18 25.53 30.07 32.34
SR0.29 33.49 33.82 31.82 31.48 32.46 31.82 31.48 32.81 29.14 30.35 32.19
OHRM0.46 27.12 29.83 24.41 26.85 29.85 24.68 27.11 30.12 22.24 26.66 29.23
OHRM0.34 33.07 34.72 30.09 32.07 33.33 30.75 33.73 34.37 27.45 32.06 34.03
OHRM0.29 36.54 37.64 33.98 36.17 35.76 35.08 36.37 36.13 31.42 35.07 35.76
SHRM0.46 29.02 31.88 26.99 29.31 31.56 27.22 29.73 31.24 24.08 28.44 31.24
SHRM0.34 36.04 37.50 33.88 35.04 37.12 33.89 36.05 37.12 30.63 35.00 36.75
SHRM0.29 40.19 40.59 38.18 38.58 39.77 38.98 38.58 40.18 35.36 38.18 39.77

‫حممد منصور كاظم‬

2015 ‫ عام‬22 ‫ جملد‬1 ‫العدد‬ ‫جملة احتاد اجلامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث اهلندسية‬ ‫غالب حمسن حبيب‬
‫اميان كطوف حارث‬

‫حممد منصور كاظم‬

‫العدد ‪ 1‬جملد ‪ 22‬عام ‪2015‬‬ ‫جملة احتاد اجلامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث اهلندسية‬ ‫غالب حمسن حبيب‬
‫اميان كطوف حارث‬

At age of 1 day accelerated curing mixes at different curing

with reference to the Table 11 and its temperature. The corresponding trend
corresponding Figs., it is obvious that is the same for SRPC mixes with
the modulus of elasticity increases as increment (12-23) %. The highest
w/c ratio decreases. Generally, it can result is obtained for metakaolin
be seen that low w/c ratio mix mixes with low w/c ratio; the values
records about (81-97) % static are about (81-97) % for both types of
modulus of elasticity on average cement with respect to the 28-day
result for the various cuing age conventional elasticity.
temperatures with respect to its 28- At the ages of 28 days and 56
days age conventional modulus. High days, differences cannot be noticed
w/c ratio mix records (81-93) % for all mixes. The effect of curing
static modulus of elasticity on temperature variations diminishes at
average result from 28-days age these ages. Moreover, the differences
conventional static modulus. The in the approached values as the
effect of metakaolin addition for curing temperature increases are very
SRPC mixes as the same as for OPC little to be established. An important
mixes. There is about (11-22) % point can be stated, that the achieved
increment in the achieved results results of elasticity at later ages are
from addition of metakaolin for OPC not affected by the curing

‫حممد منصور كاظم‬

2015 ‫ عام‬22 ‫ جملد‬1 ‫العدد‬ ‫جملة احتاد اجلامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث اهلندسية‬ ‫غالب حمسن حبيب‬
‫اميان كطوف حارث‬

temperature as it is noticed at early about (115) % from the

ages. The condition of curing regime conventional strength at 28 days
does not play an important role at is recorded for metakaolin SRPC
later ages. This trend fully agrees mix with low w/c ratio. On the
with the findings of other other hand, OPC mix for the
investigators such as Jabir, [13]. It same previous mix attains about
can be observed from these results (101) % accelerated strength
that SCC tends to have lower ratio.
modulus of elasticity. The reason for 5- It was found, that the ratios of the
this behavior is due to the high gained of splitting tensile
content of ultra fines and additives as strength range from 80% at 100
dominating factors, and, accordingly, °C curing temperature to 98% at
minor occurrence of coarse and stiff 80 °C curing temperature.
aggregate at SCC. This is in 6- It was found, that the ratios of
agreement with [9, 18 and 19]. gained flexural strength range
from 70% at 100 °C curing
5- CONCLUSION temperature to 98% at 80 °C
curing temperature.
The results obtained from the study 7- The achieved results of elasticity
carried out to establish the influence at later ages are not affected by
of curing conditions on mechanical the curing temperature as it is
characteristics of SCC indicate that: noticed at early ages. The
1- The optimum temperature for the condition of curing regime does
accelerated curing conditions is not play an important role at later
found to be equal to (80 °C). ages.
2- The incorporation of HRM as a 8- the increment in some
partial replacement of weight mechanical properties of SCC
cement of mixes improves mixes when the age increase
significantly all mechanical from 28 days to 56 days for
properties of SCC at all ages as accelerated curing are similar
compared with mixes without when compared with normal
HRM for two curing regime. moist curing. Mixes with high
3- Mixes for SRPC show a high rate w/c ratio has slightly increment
of gaining strength and slightly with time when compared with
higher drying shrinkage relative low w/c ratio.
to OPC mixes for normal and
accelerated curing conditions and
at all ages.
4- The highest accelerated
compressive strength ratio is

‫حممد منصور كاظم‬

2015 ‫ عام‬22 ‫ جملد‬1 ‫العدد‬ ‫جملة احتاد اجلامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث اهلندسية‬ ‫غالب حمسن حبيب‬
‫اميان كطوف حارث‬

6- References Pozzolan for Use in Concrete,

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9- 1. ACI Committee 517, 1992,
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Curing of Concrete at 15- 7. EFNARC: The European
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Concrete Practice, Part 5, pp.1- Construction and Concrete
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Guidelines for Self-Compacting
10- 2. Ahmed, H. E., 2005, Early
Concrete; Specification,
Prediction of Concrete
Production and Use.
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Accelerated Curing Regime, 16- 8. Emborg, M., 2000, Self-
Eleventh International Compacting Concrete: Mixing
Colloquium on Structural and and Transport, Brite EuRam,
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11- 3. Al Rawi, R.S., 1974, The 17- 9. Farrokhi, L., and Sultany, A.,
effect of composition and 2008, Properties of High
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Testing and Evaluation, Vol.2, Hardened State, The 4th National
No.2, pp.102-106. Conference on Civil Engineering,
University of Tehran, pp.1-6.
12- 4. Al-Hadithi, R., 2003,
Durability of High Performance 18- 10. Heritage, I., Fouad, M. K.,
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Reactivity Metakaolin and Rice Acceleration of Portland Cement
Husk Ash, M.Sc. Thesis, Civil Concretes Using Direct
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Properties of Self Compacting Natural Sources for Concrete and
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Babylon, April, pp.116. No.5/1984, Portland Cement.
14- 6. ASTM C618, 2002, Standard 21- 13. Jabir, J. A., 2001, Some
Specification for Coal Fly Ash Mechanical Properties of
and Raw or Calcined Natural Accelerated Cured High Strength
‫حممد منصور كاظم‬
2015 ‫ عام‬22 ‫ جملد‬1 ‫العدد‬ ‫جملة احتاد اجلامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث اهلندسية‬ ‫غالب حمسن حبيب‬
‫اميان كطوف حارث‬

Concrete Cylinder, Ph.D. Thesis, on the Quality Control of High

Civil engineering, Al- Strength Concrete, Ph.D. Thesis,
Mustansiriya University. University of Missouri-Rolla.
22- 14. Jawad, A. M., 2009, The 25- 17. Nawy, E. G., 2003,
Effect of Sulfates in Prestressed Concrete, PCI
Groundwater on Some Journal, September-October,
Mechanical Properties of Self- pp.78-99.
Compacting Concrete, M.Sc. 26- 18. Neville, A. M., 2010,
Thesis, Civil engineering, Properties of Concrete, Five, and
University of Babylon, April. Final Edition, Wiley, New York
23- 15. Ma, J., and Dietz, J., 2002, and Longman, London.
Ultra High Performance Self 27- 19. Schindler, K., Barnes, W.,
Compacting Concrete, Leipzig Roberts, B., and Rodriguez, S.,
University, LACER No.7, pp. 2007, Properties of Self-
33-42. Consolidating Concrete for
24- 16. Myers, J. J., 1998, The Prestressed Members, ACI
Influence of Surface Area to Materials Journal, Title No. 104-
Volume and Accelerated Curing M07, pp .53-61.

‫حممد منصور كاظم‬

2015 ‫ عام‬22 ‫ جملد‬1 ‫العدد‬ ‫جملة احتاد اجلامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث اهلندسية‬ ‫غالب حمسن حبيب‬
‫اميان كطوف حارث‬

‫تأثري االنضاج املعجل على بعض اخلصائص امليكانيكيـــة للخرسانة ذاتيـــة الرص احلاويه‬
‫على امليتاكاؤلني‬

‫غالب حمسن حبيب‬

‫حممد منصور كاظم‬
‫استاذ مساعد‬
‫اميان كطوف حارث‬
‫مدرس مساعد‬
‫كلية اهلندسة جامعة بابل ‪/‬العراق‬

‫يف هذا البحث أجريت دراسة واسعة لتأثري استخدام اإلنضاج املعجل على بعض أهم اخلواص امليكانيكية للخرسانة ذاتية الرص‬
‫فحص مقاومة االنضغاط‪ ٬‬مقاومة الشد أالنفالقي‪ ٬‬مقاومة األنثناء و معامل املرونة األستاتيكي للخرسانة ذاتية الرص‪ .‬مت‬
‫استخدام طريقه املاء املغلي للمعاجله املعجله‪ .‬وبناءا على نتائج وظروف العمل فقد مت التوصل إىل ما يقارب (‪ %)115- 64‬من‬
‫مقاومة انضغاط ‪ 28‬يوم لإلنضاج االعتيادي الرطب مبدى خمتلف وواسع من درجات احلرارة وهذا دليل واضح على كفاءة هذه‬
‫ألطريقه‪ .‬النسبة بني مقاومة الشد الألنفالقي‪ ,‬مقاومة األنثناء ومعامل املرونة األستاتيكي اليت مت احلصول عليها من دورة‬
‫اإلنضاج املعجل إىل القيم املستحصله من اإلنضاج الرطب الألعتيادي كانت حبدود (‪ %)98- 70( ,%)98-80‬و (‪ %)97- 81‬على‬
‫كلمات رئيسية‪:‬‬
‫االنضاج املعجل‪ ،‬خرسانة ذاتية الرص‪ ،‬املاء الساخن‪ ،‬امليتاكاؤلني الفعال‬

‫حممد منصور كاظم‬

‫العدد ‪ 1‬جملد ‪ 22‬عام ‪2015‬‬ ‫جملة احتاد اجلامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث اهلندسية‬ ‫غالب حمسن حبيب‬
‫اميان كطوف حارث‬

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