The Effact of Acce. Curing
The Effact of Acce. Curing
The Effact of Acce. Curing
Key words: accelerated curing, self compacting concrete, hot water, reactive
The main aim of the present work mixes (without metakaolin), and the
is to evaluate the effect of other phase is for metakaolin mixes,
accelerated curing by using to investigate the effect of mineral
proposed method on mechanical admixtures on the progressive
properties and drying shrinkage of strength and drying shrinkage on
self-compacting concrete which the accelerated and conventional
produced by using locally available curing conditions.
materials, such as high reactivity Two types of Iraqi Portland
metakaolin (HRM). For the purpose cement (type I & type V) are used
of this investigation, compressive to investigate the effect of the
strength are performed on (396) chemical and physical
cubes, splitting tensile strength are characteristics of cement on the
undertaken on (264) cylinders, accelerated and later age
flexural strength are conducted on compressive strengths, as well as
(264) prisms, static modulus of some other mechanical properties
elasticity are performed on (264) and shrinkage of self-compacting
cylinders and drying shrinkage are concrete.
performed on (96) prisms. 2.RESEARCH
Concrete is subjected to three SIGNIFICANCE
levels of curing temperature The degree of response of self-
consisting of a wide range of compacting concrete to various
temperature variations, elevated curing temperatures is
as recommended from the briefly investigated. The
international standards ranging investigation contributes to enrich
between (60-100) °C. Twelve the information on the behavior of
concrete mixes with overall volume self-compacting concrete with and
of (4.589) m³ are made into two without high reactive metakaolin
phases. One phase is for reference under accelerated and conventional
حممد منصور كاظم
2015 عام22 جملد1 العدد جملة احتاد اجلامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث اهلندسية غالب حمسن حبيب
اميان كطوف حارث
Mix Details
OR.46 Reference mix of concrete using OPC for 0.46 W/C ratio.
OR.34 Reference mix of concrete using OPC for 0.34 W/C ratio.
OR.29 Reference mix of concrete using OPC for 0.29 W/C ratio.
SR.46 Reference mix of concrete using SRPC for 0.46 W/C ratio.
SR.34 Reference mix of concrete using SRPC for 0.34 W/C ratio.
SR.29 Reference mix of concrete using SRPC for 0.29 W/C ratio.
OHRM.46 High Reactive Metakaolin mix of concrete using OPC for 0.46 W/C ratio.
OHRM.34 High Reactive Metakaolin mix of concrete using OPC for 0.34 W/C ratio.
OHRM.29 High Reactive Metakaolin mix of concrete using OPC for 0.29 W/C ratio.
SHRM.46 High Reactive Metakaolin mix of concrete using SRPC for 0.46 W/C
SHRM.34 ratio.
SHRM.29 High Reactive Metakaolin mix of concrete using SRPC for 0.34 W/C
High Reactive Metakaolin mix of concrete using SRPC for 0.29 W/C
B. High Reactivity Metakaolin 700˚C for one hour, and then the
(HRM ) metakaolin was cooled to room
It is highly pozzolanic material. temperature for 24 hrs. This procedure
Throughout this experimental work of clinking is based on the work of
Iraqi kaolin clay brought from Dwekhla many researches especially [4, 14]. The
region was used. It is obtained by silica and alumina contained in the
calcinations of Algerian kaolin at metakaolin are active and react with
Table 8. Results of the normal curing compressive strength and accelerated curing strength
for SCC mixes with and without (HRM) at different ages.
Mix Compressive Strength (MPa)
Notation Normal Curing Accelerated Curing Temperature
23 60 80 100
Age (days)
28 56 1 28 56 1 28 56 1 28 56
OR0.46 34.65 39.39 27.92 36.22 36.97 31.52 39.35 40.10 22.32 32.15 33.33
OR0.34 46.20 54.58 40.11 46.33 49.18 43.63 49.59 54.33 34.53 40.39 44.46
OR0.29 54.83 66.22 50.78 51.06 58.98 51.32 53.46 69.87 41.87 46.95 53.42
SR0.46 35.31 41.04 29.54 41.71 42.65 35.34 44.37 45.67 25.99 32.99 33.67
SR0.34 50.88 60.95 44.53 54.08 56.76 51.43 57.91 64.43 39.02 44.02 49.56
SR0.29 57.12 70.73 54.87 60.75 72.44 60.56 68.15 85.97 46.79 50.79 57.54
OHRM0.46 40.54 47.33 32.66 42.65 43.21 39.09 44.76 48.32 28.54 38.43 40.56
OHRM0.34 56.89 68.42 45.06 55.43 57.42 56.76 58.65 63.45 40.98 51.87 57.89
OHRM0.29 63.64 82.88 59.43 61.32 69.76 63.98 62.45 78.54 50.76 57.98 65.55
SHRM0.46 43.67 50.51 36.56 47.63 48.64 47.43 53.76 57.87 32.56 40.43 41.21
SHRM0.34 63.56 79.32 55.79 66.38 68.43 70.21 69.12 78.44 49.72 52.93 58.34
SHRM0.29 69.52 89.84 67.98 73.56 84.65 79.82 71.54 89.65 56.93 59.76 68.57
previous Table and Figures, gives The average results of two cylinders at
good evidence about the strength each age under different curing
development for srpc mixes. This is conditions are summarized in Table 9
in agreement with study stated by Al for reference and HRM mixes of both
Rawi, [3] and Ahmed, [2]. The types of cement, different curing
recorded results range from about conditions and different w/c ratios. The
(34-70) MPa for all mixes at 28 mentioned results are plotted against
days, there are noticeable variations curing temperatures for all mixes in the
between the two types of the Figs. 8 to 10. From preliminary
cement. This trend may be related to observation for the previous Table and
the higher specific surface area of its corresponding Figs. mentioned, it is
SRPC-330 m2/kg compared with noticed that the terminal values are
the OPC-310 m2/kg. higher for HRM mixes than those for
The failure of cubes under reference mixes. Moreover, SRPC mixes
compression for low and medium recorded values are higher than those for
w/c ratios (0.29 and 0.34) are OPC mixes, these increment are about
sudden with very little cracking (6-8) % and (8-15) % at 28 days and 56
before the failure. The cubes of high days respectively. The gained strength
w/c ratio (0.46) develop visible increased when w/c ratio decreased from
cracks before the failure. 0.46 to 0.34 for the both types of
4.2 Splitting Tensile Strength for cement, while this is much higher till
Normal and Accelerated Curing 0.29 w/c ratio.
Table 9. Results of the normal curing splitting strength and accelerated curing strength for
SCC mixes with and without (HRM) at different ages.
S plitting Tensile Strength (MPa)
At age of 27 days and 55 days from 0.46 to 0.34 for reference and
after accelerated curing conditions it HRM mixes of OPC and SRPC mixes
is obvious from Table 9 and their respectively. On the other hand, these
corresponding Figures, that the increments are (24-28) % and (22-23)
behavior of increment in strength of % for the same previous mixes when
concrete when the age increase from w/c ratio decreases to 0.29. This
28 to 56 days is similar when behavior may be attributed to the
compared with normal moist curing cement paste volume increment and
for all curing temperature (60, 80 and enhancing the microstructure of SCC,
100) °C. Mixes with high w/c ratio which results in a lower porosity
has slightly increment with time for moreover to a better splitting tensile
all curing temperature when strength.
compared with low w/c ratio. 4.3 Flexural Strength for Normal
and Accelerated Curing Condition
Figures there are slightly increases
in the splitting tensile strength as w/c The results of the accelerated curing
ratio decreases from 0.46 to 0.34, and strengths for 1 day, 28 day and 56 day
these increments are much higher at ages, for reference and HRM mixes
the second stage of water reduction. under different curing conditions are
The increments are about (5-10) % summarized in Table 10. These
and (4-6) % when w/c ratio decreases results are plotted versus the curing
temperatures for all mixes at 1 day
حممد منصور كاظم
2015 عام22 جملد1 العدد جملة احتاد اجلامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث اهلندسية غالب حمسن حبيب
اميان كطوف حارث
Table 10. Results of the normal curing flexural strength and accelerated curing strength for
SCC mixes with and without (HRM) at different ages.
Flexural S trength (MPa)
In general, and for 60°C curing The lowest results for most mixes
temperature, mix with high w/c ratio are recorded for curing temperature
is recorded from about (89-90)% 100°C. It could be attributed to the
strength ratios from its conventional increase in temperature of curing
28 days flexural strength for reference significantly which affects the
and HRM mixes of OPC mixes. interfacial transition zone between
SRPC of corresponding pervious the neat paste and the aggregate; the
mixes are recorded from about (91- increase in temperature expand the
92) % strength ratios. The low w/c range of the interfacial transition
ratio mixes was recorded much higher zone and as a consequence flexural
ratios from (95-96) % and (94-97) % strength is reduced. Mix with high
for (OR0.29-OHRM0.29) and w/c ratio is recorded from about (81-
(SR0.29-SHRM0.29) respectively. 82) % strength ratios from its
The increment in strength when the conventional 28 days flexural
w/c ratio decreases from 0.46 to 0.34 strength for reference and HRM
is about (31-38) % and (38-40) % for mixes of OPC mixes. SRPC of
reference and HRM (OPC and SRPC) corresponding pervious mixes are
mixes respectively. While the recorded from about 84% strength
increment is less when the w/c ratio ratios. The low w/c ratio mixes
decreases from 0.34 to 0.29 (14-20) % record the ratios from (87-88) % and
and (14-15) % for the same previous (88-89) % for (OR0.29-OHRM0.29)
تأثري االنضاج املعجل على بعض اخلصائص امليكانيكيـــة للخرسانة ذاتيـــة الرص احلاويه
على امليتاكاؤلني
يف هذا البحث أجريت دراسة واسعة لتأثري استخدام اإلنضاج املعجل على بعض أهم اخلواص امليكانيكية للخرسانة ذاتية الرص
فحص مقاومة االنضغاط ٬مقاومة الشد أالنفالقي ٬مقاومة األنثناء و معامل املرونة األستاتيكي للخرسانة ذاتية الرص .مت
استخدام طريقه املاء املغلي للمعاجله املعجله .وبناءا على نتائج وظروف العمل فقد مت التوصل إىل ما يقارب ( %)115- 64من
مقاومة انضغاط 28يوم لإلنضاج االعتيادي الرطب مبدى خمتلف وواسع من درجات احلرارة وهذا دليل واضح على كفاءة هذه
ألطريقه .النسبة بني مقاومة الشد الألنفالقي ,مقاومة األنثناء ومعامل املرونة األستاتيكي اليت مت احلصول عليها من دورة
اإلنضاج املعجل إىل القيم املستحصله من اإلنضاج الرطب الألعتيادي كانت حبدود ( %)98- 70( ,%)98-80و ( %)97- 81على
كلمات رئيسية:
االنضاج املعجل ،خرسانة ذاتية الرص ،املاء الساخن ،امليتاكاؤلني الفعال