05 Ch1.2 Engineers Survival Guide PT 1 v20210831 SV

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Fundamentals RM System Leadership in Incident RM Tools & RM in People Application and

of RM and Process RM Investigation Challenges Industry & Org. Perspectives

On Becoming a
Leader in Risk Management
ENGG404 - Lecture
Chapter 1.2:
The Engineer’s Survival Guide
(Part 1)
Learning Outcomes:

State the Four Key Points of the Engineer's Survival Guide.

Examine and connect the lessons learned in the case studies to the key
principles of the Engineer’s Survival Guide.

Judge a situation where issues/concerns are evident or perceived, in

order to make a decision or recommendation.

Make decisions in an enabled and empowered manner, when faced

with incomplete information, guidance, direction, or messaging, and
often under significant time constraints.

Chapter 1.2: The Engineer’s Survival Guide 2

The Survival Guide:

Is based on the experiences of a highly successful engineer.

Endorsed … by many who have learned the hard way …
Experienced-hardened wisdom …

In class, keep The Engineer’s Survival Guide in mind when reviewing

case studies.
In your careers, help you avoid making a poor decision …

The Survival Guide will be introduced with an example:

Chapter 1.2: The Engineer’s Survival Guide 3

The Engineer’s Survival Guide:

Professor relates the situation and issue about their real

workplace experience:
The Compressor Noise and
The Company’s Responsible Care Code of Ethics
(review “Notes”)

Please confer on this question and respond on MM:

What would you have done in this situation about
keeping the plant running?

Professor resumes with how the situation and issue were

managed, and demonstrates the value of having the ESG!

Chapter 1.2: The Engineer’s Survival Guide 4

The Engineer’s Survival Guide:
1) Understand company values!

2) Understand your program!

3) When you make decisions, put safety ahead of any other objective!

4) Pay attention to failures in safety systems and take action!

Memorize these Four Key Points!

Explain what they mean.
Apply these to real-world situations.

Background slides and the Course Textbook

describe these in more detail.

Chapter 1.2: The Engineer’s Survival Guide 5

The Engineer’s Survival Guide:

Chapter 1.2: The Engineer’s Survival Guide 6

What is the Value in The Guide?

Unfortunately, disasters have happened.

Decisions made with the with the best of intentions …
… ended in disaster far beyond envisioned.
None set out to cause harm.
These people tragically understood the impact of their decisions after
the fact.

It is our express intent that you apply sound risk management

principles, that none of you becomes central to a tragic incident, and
that none of you becomes the author of a future case study in
engineering safety and risk management.

Chapter 1.2: The Engineer’s Survival Guide 7

How To Apply the Key Points:

The Key Points can be applied in any situation for any

decision-making process e.g. a case study or a dilemma in the

The purpose is to make a decision or recommendation consistent with

the Engineer’s Survival Guide,
Given the available data, information, and resources In order to
maximize or optimize the realization of a desired outcome or
acceptable condition.

Final Exam

Chapter 1.2: The Engineer’s Survival Guide 8

How To Apply the Key Points:
Use a “structure” to formulate your application:

Consider these points and answer in terms relative to a Key Point:

a) What is the Loss Incident?
b) What Key Point is being applied?
c) What is the situation?
d) What is the issue with that situation?
e) What would you have done or what should have been done?
f) What would have been the probable outcome had it been done?

We will revisit the application later in the term.

Chapter 1.2: The Engineer’s Survival Guide 9

Background Slides
Fundamentals RM System Leadership in Incident RM Tools & RM in People Application and
of RM and Process RM Investigation Challenges Industry & Org. Perspectives

On Becoming a
Leader in Risk Management
ENGG404 - Lecture
Chapter 1.2:
The Engineer’s Survival Guide
(Part 1)
Learning Outcomes:

State the Four Key Points of the Engineer's Survival Guide.

Examine and connect the lessons learned in the case studies to the key
principles of the Engineer’s Survival Guide.

Judge a situation where issues/concerns are evident or perceived, in

order to make a decision or recommendation.

Make decisions in an enabled and empowered manner, when faced

with incomplete information, guidance, direction, or messaging, and
often under significant time constraints.

Chapter 1.2: The Engineer’s Survival Guide 12

The Survival Guide:

Is based on the experiences of a highly successful engineer.

Endorsed … by many who have learned the hard way …
Experienced-hardened wisdom …

In class, keep The Engineer’s Survival Guide in mind when reviewing

case studies.
In your careers, help you avoid making a poor decision …

The Survival Guide will be introduced with an example:

Chapter 1.2: The Engineer’s Survival Guide 13

The Engineer’s Survival Guide:

Professor relates the situation and issue about their real

workplace experience:
The Compressor Noise and
The Company’s Responsible Care Code of Ethics

Please confer on this question and respond on MM:

What would you have done in this situation about keeping
the plant running?

Chapter 1.2: The Engineer’s Survival Guide 14

The Engineer’s Survival Guide:

Professor relates the situation and issue about their real

workplace experience:
The Compressor Noise and
The Company’s Responsible Care Code of Ethics

Please confer on this question and respond on MM:

What would you have done in this situation about
keeping the plant running?

Professor resumes with how the situation and issue were

managed, and demonstrates the value of having the ESG!

Chapter 1.2: The Engineer’s Survival Guide 15

The Engineer’s Survival Guide:
1) Understand company values!

2) Understand your program!

3) When you make decisions, put safety ahead of any other objective!

4) Pay attention to failures in safety systems and take action!

Memorize these Four Key Points!

Explain what they mean.
Apply these to real-world situations.

Background slides and the Course Textbook

describe these in more detail.

Chapter 1.2: The Engineer’s Survival Guide 16

What is the Value in The Guide?

Unfortunately, disasters have happened.

Decisions made with the with the best of intentions …
… ended in disaster far beyond envisioned.
None set out to cause harm.
These people tragically understood the impact of their decisions after
the fact.

It is our express intent that you apply sound risk management

principles, that none of you becomes central to a tragic incident, and
that none of you becomes the author of a future case study in
engineering safety and risk management.

Chapter 1.2: The Engineer’s Survival Guide 17

1) Understand company values!
Review company policy (core values and corporate ethics) and determine if
safety is a value.

When safety is a value – NOT a priority – it supports sustainable ESRM.

Values are the compass.

Check if the company has a safety culture where:

safety considerations come ahead of any action to complete a task;

safety considerations are the basis for decision making when

considering a course of action.Indented bullet

Chapter 1.2: The Engineer’s Survival Guide 18

2) Understand your program!

Determine if the company has a safety and risk management program.

Understand your personal responsibilities to meet program requirements.

Undertake those responsibilities diligently.

People’s lives and your company’s business may depend on it.

Chapter 1.2: The Engineer’s Survival Guide 19

3) When you make decisions, put safety ahead of any other objective!

Even under stressful circumstances or time constraints, safety takes

precedence over:
and any other competing objective.

When we only prioritize safety – “when it takes a backseat” – we expose

people, the environment, and the company to increased risk.

Chapter 1.2: The Engineer’s Survival Guide 20

4) Pay attention to failures in safety systems and take action!

You must intervene when there are deviations and variances in the
intended engineering controls and/or the administrative controls
i.e. bypassed, deactivated, circumvented, etc.

You must work to correct these deviations and variances / sub-standard

conditions and sub-standard work practice.

Accepting these variances means you will be part of the inevitable spiral to
disaster, and you don’t want to be the author of your own case study.

Chapter 1.2: The Engineer’s Survival Guide 21

How To Apply the Key Points:

The Key Points can be applied in any situation for any

decision-making process e.g. a case study or a dilemma in the

The purpose is to make a decision or recommendation consistent with

the Engineer’s Survival Guide,
Given the available data, information, and resources In order to
maximize or optimize the realization of a desired outcome or
acceptable condition.

Final Exam

Chapter 1.2: The Engineer’s Survival Guide 22

How To Apply the Key Points:
Use a “structure” to formulate your application:

Consider these points and answer in terms relative to a Key Point:

a) What is the Loss Incident?
b) What Key Point is being applied?
c) What is the situation?
d) What is the issue with that situation?
e) What would you have done or what should have been done?
f) What would have been the probable outcome had it been done?

We will revisit the application later in the term.

Chapter 1.2: The Engineer’s Survival Guide 23

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