Tests For Cranial Nerves

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HEAS 1000 Neurological Assessment Resource.

Cranial Nerves


1 CN I OLFACTORY Differentiation of smells x 2 (eyes closed)
2 CN II OPTIC Peripheral vision: Confrontation Test (2’ away and eye level
and cover opposite eye)
Visual Acuity: Snellen Chart (20’ away) and Near Vision (14”
3 CN III OCCULOMOTOR Pupil constriction: Direct and Indirect: use a penlight to
shine in pupil, look for constriction of both pupils
Accommodation: have client focus on an object in the
distance (pupils dilate) then focus on a near object (pupils
Downward, upward eye movement: Cardinal Fields (draw an
air Star or H) no head movement only eyes.
4 CN IV TROCHLEAR Movement of eyes toward the nose. (Convergence):
(CN 3, 4 & 6 go Cardinal Fields (draw an air Star or H) no head movement
together) only eyes.
5 CN V TRIGEMINAL Jaw movement: Clench jaw and palpate for contraction
Sensation on the face and neck (cotton ball)
6 CN VI ABDUCENS Lateral movement of the eyes: Cardinal Fields (draw an air
(CN 3, 4 & 6 go star or H)
7 CN VII FACIAL Make faces: Smile, frown, purse lips, raise eyebrows
8 CN VIII ACOUSTIC/ Sense of hearing: Whisper test (2 feet away) and Romberg (20
VESTIBULOCOCHLEAR sec eyes closed)
9 CN IX GLOSSPHARYNGEAL Pharyngeal (tongue) movement, client says “ah” and ask to
(CN 9 & 10 go together) do a dry swallow
10 CN X VAGUS Swallowing and speaking: Say “ah” & uvula is midline and
(CN 9 & 10 go together) moving freely
11 CN XI SPINAL ACCESSORY Movement of the shoulder muscles: Shoulder shrug, turn
head to each side against resistance
12 CN XII HYPOGLOSSAL Movement of tongue, strength of tongue: stick tongue out
against resistance

Revised October 17, 2019

HEAS 1000 Neurological Assessment Resource.

Motor and Cerebellar

Balance • Gait: note posture, symmetry, rhythm
• Romberg test
• Tandem walking (heel/toe)

Coordination • Finger-to-nose test (eyes open/eyes closed); repeat three times

• Heel-to-shin test (supine or standing)
• Rapid movement of arms (pronation/supination in rapid succession sitting)
Sensory • Light touch sensation: Use cotton ball and, with partner’s eyes closed, ask
partner to identify where he/she feels the sensation (arms/legs/face)
• Dull sharp discrimination (arms/legs)

Tactile • Stereogenosis: Eyes closed. Place object in partner’s hand and ask him/her to
Discrimination identify it (both hands)

Graphesthesia • Ask partner to close eyes. Write a letter or number on your partner’s hand and
ask him/her to identify it (eg. 2, 3, 5, 8, 9…)
Jarvis, Carolyn, (2019) Physical Examination & Health Assessment (3rd ed). p. 701-708. Toronto, ON: Elsevier Canada.

Revised October 17, 2019

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