Cathodeon Hollow Cathode
Cathodeon Hollow Cathode
Cathodeon Hollow Cathode
ate Source
The Ultim
1 Hollow cathode lamps
5 See through hollow cathode lamps
6 Single element lamps
15 Multi element lamps
22 Getting the best from your hollow cathode lamps
24 Hollow cathode lamps supply
25 Periodic table
Hollow Cathode Lamps Cathodeon
Atomic Fluorescence
The base is pressed from the same glass as the body of the
Multi wavelength
bulb to ensure a good stress free seal and the lead through
pins made from an alloy with the same co-efficient of expansion laser tuning
as the glass. This minimises the chances of cracking around
the pins. Laser output stabilisation
The internal structure is mounted on the base with accurate
and consistent positioning of the anode and cathode controlled Multi component analysers
by precision ceramic insulators on the anode pins. Mica disc
insulators have a dual purpose of holding the structure centrally Environmental analysers
within the lamp envelope and supporting the glass shield
which insulates the cathode from other parts of the lamp. Medical analysers
Hollow Cathode Lamps Cathodeon
THE ANODE Both the UV glass and borosilicate windows can be fused
LAMPS Fig 4 Anodes and position in structure parts are fabricated in house to ensure exceptional product
performance and reproducibility.
Hollow cathode lamps are filled with an inert monatomic
gas of high purity chosen to ensure that the spectral output
of the cathode is free from interference. Neon is the preferred
gas for its ease of processing and clean stable outputs.
Argon is used for those elements where interference from
neon lines is possible, in addition Cathodeon has experience
of processing in special gas fills such as krypton and xenon.
However users should always be aware of possible spectral
interference where non standard gases have been requested.
Lamps are filled with an
% Transmittance
inert monatomic gas of
The processed lamp is then aged overnight on power supplies on entry of the element. Whilst these parameters are generally
specific to the lamps final application to assure a stable and
consistent product. Finally the lamp is then tested for output,
suitable for a particular element, they may need fine tuning
to suit the specific analysis being carried out. HOLLOW
noise, drift, and chemical sensitivity in an appropriate fully
operational atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Each
stage is monitored and recorded on a test sheet and final
Standard 50mm Lamps
Perkin Elmer Instruments are unique in requiring hollow CATHODE
cathode lamps with a 2” (50mm) diameter, and a dedicated
test results entered into a SPC system used for regular
electrical connector. Cathodeon has developed a full range
trend analysis to ensure product consistency. Procedures
of such lamps for direct use in Perkin Elmer instruments
for processing are regularly audited and updated, whilst
utilising the long established features of our standard range
process and test equipment is subject to regular calibration
but making the necessary processing changes to ensure
against traceable standards in strict conformance to
they are entirely compatible to these instruments. Using a
Cathodeon’s ISO 9002 registration.
standard lamp in a Perkin Elmer coded instrument may
Fig 8 Process Record Card require a 9 to 12 pin adapter, although many instruments
are fitted with both sockets. The adapter is manufactured
by and available from Cathodeon.
Data Coded Hollow Cathode Lamps
Cathodeon manufacture and can now supply a complete
range of data coded hollow cathode lamps for Varian, Perkin
Elmer and Unicam instruments. Data coded hollow cathode
lamps incorporate a unique electronic configuration in the
base or plug which the instrument recognises and sets
default operating conditions for the routine analysis of that
element. The parameters may be overridden by the operator
if desired to suit the specific requirements of the analysis.
LAMP SELECTION The electronic configuration of the data coding is also specific
Standard 37mm Lamps to each instrument manufacturer and not interchangeable
Cathodeon 37mm hollow cathode lamps are suitable for i.e. a Varian coded lamp will not register in a Unicam instrument.
most commercial atomic absorption instruments, many of Cathodeon offers a full range of coded lamps for each
which are listed below. These lamps can also operate in manufacturer, the exact programme being governed by the
a Perkin Elmer instrument through the addition of both a software embedded in the instrument.
simple sizing sleeve and connecting cable. Whilst not optimum
this option is extremely useful to laboratories equipped with Lamps for Self Reversal (Smith-Hieftje)
Perkin Elmer and other manufacturers instruments. When Background Correction Technique.
used in this way the operating current quoted for 50mm Background correction in atomic absorption spectroscopy
lamps running in continuous current mode should be used can use a Deuterium continuum method or the Zeeman
which may differ from that quoted on the lamp label which method utilising magnetic field polarisation. However, both
is optimised for 37mm lamps running in modulated mode. of these methods have limitations regarding the correction
It should be noted that when using 37mm lamps in instruments of uniformly distributed background. An alternative method
manufactured by GBC and some Shimadzu models that only of background correction is the self reversal (Smith-Hieftje)
lamps with Y shaped envelopes available to order will fit. technique in which a high current is momentarily passed
through the cathode producing a dense cloud of neutral
Analytik Jena Jenoptik atoms in front of the cathode which effectively cuts off the
Baird Atomic Unicam stream of photons produced during normal lamp operation
Beckman Rank-Hilger at low current. This momentarily stops absorption in the
Chemtech Analytical Scintrex flame the spectrophotometer now reading the background
Corning E.E.L. (Evans) Shandon Southern absorption only, whilst at normal low current operation the
Fisher Jarrell-Ash Shimadzu instrument observes the sum of the absorption of the element
G.B.C. Thermo Jarrell-Ash and the background. The spectrophotometer can then
Hitachi electronically subtract the background from the sample
Varian Techtron
signal to solve the analytical problems that may be encountered
Instrument Laboratory Zeiss
with other methods of background correction. Cathodeon
Standard lamps may also be used in computer controlled have developed a range of lamps specifically designed to be
spectrophotometers which are designed to take coded used at the currents recommended by the manufacturers of
lamps as these instruments normally have the facility to
be set up manually. Manual setting up of lamp current,
instruments where the self reversal or “Smith-Hieftje” method
of background correction is available. These lamps have
wavelength, slit width, gas conditions and burner height enhanced insulation to cope with the high voltage pulse
37mm and 50mm lamps
takes only a few moments and allows the operator to set the used by this background correction method, but may also
optimum conditions for each particular analysis, which can be used in normal atomic absorption applications. Not all are available in standard
be stored and recalled when required. Indeed in many cases elements are suitable for use with this technique, the available
the instrument will set default conditions for these parameters range is included in the lamp listing. and data coded versions.
Hollow Cathode Lamps Cathodeon
which energy levels will be lower than single element lamps AA975, AA1275, AA1475,
and hence noise levels may be higher. This may limit ultimate SpectrAA 10 R17
detection levels, single element lamps being preferred wherever SpectrAA 20, SpectrAA 30,
sensitivity is an issue. SpectrAA 40 R17
Boosted Discharge Lamps POWER SUPPLIES
Whilst the performance of conventional Cathodeon hollow A modulated power supply type C610 is available in both boxed
cathode lamps operating in the deep ultra violet has been and OEM versions and is designed specifically to drive hollow
considerably enhanced in the past few years, boosted lamps cathode lamps. Due to the specialist nature of this product the
may prove useful in those areas of the deep ultra violet where supply is not tested to European EMC regulations and will
the output and noise levels from conventional lamps may limit therefore not carry a CE mark. The OEM version is available
ultra high sensitivity analysis. The increase in output of boosted and is not subject to these regulations. For more information
lamps may reduce noise levels and make possible improved see page 24.
detection limits especially with the high absorption optics typical
of Zeeman background correction instruments. The increased WARRANTY
output comes about from a secondary cathode emitting an All Cathodeon hollow cathode lamps are manufactured to the
additional source of electrons which excite a greater pro- highest standards and are warranted free from electrical and
portion of the sputtered atoms from the discharge resulting in mechanical defect caused either by workmanship or materials.
an enhanced output. The normal operation of the lamp is The lamps provide satisfactory service when used within the l
through the power supply of the host instrument but with the imits of our written specification and when used in equipment
addition of an external power supply for the secondary cathode of standard manufacture. 37mm and 50mm standard and data
operating in sequence. coded lamps are warranted to emit spectra for a period of 24
months from the date of despatch or 5000 milliampere hours
Hollow Cathode Lamps for Special Applications usage, whichever occurs first. The milliampere usage is calculated
Cathodeon will be pleased to quote for special hollow cathode by multiplying the hours of lamp operation by the lamp operating
lamps. Any combination of element and filler gas can be current. Lamps for use with the self reversal (Smith Hieftje)
accommodated whilst window material can also include background correction technique are warranted in hours, which
magnesium fluoride which extends transmission down to is due to the differing operating techniques of the various
114nm. However, no warranty can be assumed or implied manufacturers. The warranty period is different from conventional
when using such special hollow cathode lamps. lamps and from element to element and is listed below:
Electrodeless Discharge lamps All lamps 500 hours with the exception of:
The analytical advantages of electrodeless discharge lamps As, La, Sb, Se and Tl – 150 hours
used in the early days of atomic absorption spectrophotometry
Bi, Cs, Na, Si and Ti – 200 hours
have today been matched or improved upon by the most recent
Te and K – 300 hours
APPLICATIONS developments in conventional hollow cathode lamp technology
or by boosted discharge lamps. Cathodeon therefore feels Deuterium arc background correction lamps are warranted for
Multi element hollow unable to offer electrodeless discharge systems due to their low a period of twelve months or to 50% of original energy.
demand, limited range and high cost. Should any failure occur within the warranty period the lamp
cathode lamps are will be replaced free of charge providing that the lamp in
See Through Hollow Cathode Lamps
Cathodeon also manufacture opto-galvanic (see through) question is returned, carriage paid, in its original packing with
particularly useful when
hollow cathode lamps, designed to act as a frequency stable the completed warranty card and that following testing in the
carrying out routine reference for high intensity tuneable monochromatic light factory it is agreed that the lamp is faulty.
sources, particularly lasers. Further details are given on page 6. The lamp will only be replaced if the company is satisfied that
analysis on a number of the lamp has been operated at the recommended currents, and
that it has not failed due to accidental damage or misuse by the
different elements in the Hollow cathode lamps filled with deuterium gas are used by
some manufacturers as background correction devices in atomic operator. If a replacement lamp is supplied, the validity of the
same sample where there absorption analysis. Standard size 37mm lamps filled with guarantee shall date from the shipment of the first lamp.
deuterium gas can be used in all instruments that will take such
is sufficient concentration
a lamp, with the exception of some early Varian models for
of each element to allow which a specific version is available. Many instruments however,
use a deuterium arc lamp for continuous background correction,
easy detection. details of those available are listed in the following table:
Hollow Cathode Lamps Cathodeon
120 ± 3
lamp is designed to act as a freqency stable reference
for high intensity tuneable monochromatic light sources,
5° particularly lasers. The optically clear path through the
cathode enables the source beam to create a resonant
excitation with one of the characteristic lines of the hollow
25 ± 1
70 ± 3
with the amplitude of the source, usually by optically chopping
the source at a low frequency.
High purity fused quartz (Spectral range 200 - 5000nm).
Most of the cathode materials used in standard Cathodeon
38 ± 1
hollow cathode lamps may be used in the "see through"
7 design. (Unavailable elements are Rb, Cs, K).
1 OPTICAL Cathode length is 19mm and bore diameter is in the range
5 AXIS 3 to 6mm. Where material is not critical Iron is recommended
3 for its high intensity operation.
Fill Gas
The lamp can be filled with any of the following gases:-
Neon, Argon, Xenon, Krypton, Helium, Deuterium,
Gas mixtures and other gases may be specified provided
they are non-corrosive and non-radioactive. Where the
gas is not critical Neon or Argon are recommended based
on Cathodeon standard hollow cathode lamp practice.
Fill pressure must normally be in the range of 8 to 15mbar.
Striking volts 350—400V
Running volts 200—320V
continuous current 5 - 20mA
(Each cathode material has
a maximum value within this
range beyond which life and/or
performance is reduced).
Octal base
connection PIN 1 and 5 cathode
(internally connected)
PIN 3 and 7 anodes
(not internally connected) APPLICATIONS
The opto-galvanic hollow
These lamps are warranted for 2 years or 1000 hours operation
within the recommended current range except where the gas cathode lamp is designed
or pressure needed is different from that used in standard
hollow cathode lamps, when the warranty is limited to to act as a freqency stable
manufacturing defects only.
reference for high intensity
tuneable monochromatic
light sources,
particularly lasers.
Hollow Cathode Lamps Cathodeon
ALUMINIUM 3UNX/Al 37mm Standard Ne UV Glass 10 8 309.3 394.4 2.0 x C
3UNX/Al-V 37mm Varian Coded Ne UV Glass 396.2 1.2 x
Al 3UNX/Al-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne UV Glass 308.2 1.5 x
3UNX/Al-SH 37mm Self Reversal Ne UV Glass
5UN/Al 50mm Standard Ne UV Glass 30 25 309.3
5UN/Al-P 50mm Perkin Elmer Coded Ne UV Glass
Hollow Cathode Lamps Cathodeon
3QNY/Al/Ca 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Al + Ca
5QN/Al/Ca 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 20 15
3QNY/Al/Mg 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Al + Mg
3QNY/Al/Mg-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Al/Mg 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 20 15
3QNY/Al/Si 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 15 12 C Al + Si
3QNY/Al/Si-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Al/Si 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 20 16
3QNY/Al/Ti 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 15 12 C Al + Ti
3QNY/Al/Ti-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Al/Ti 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 20 16
3QNY/Ba/Sr 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 15 12 C Ba + Sr
3QNY/Ba/Sr-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Ba/Sr 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 15 12
3QNY/Cd/Zn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 8 6 C Cd + Zn
3QNY/Cd/Zn-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Cd/Zn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 8 6
3QNY/Ca/Ba 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 15 12 C Ca + Ba
3QNY/Ca/Ba-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Ca/Ba 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 15 12
3QNY/Ca/Mg 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 6 5 C Ca + Mg
3QNY/Ca/Mg-V 37mm Varian Coded Ne Quartz
3QNY/Ca/Mg-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Ca/Mg 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 20 15
5QN/Ca/Mg-P 37mm Perkin Elmer Coded Ne Quartz
3QNY/Ca/Si 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 15 12 C Ca + Si
3QNY/Ca/Si-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Ca/Si 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 20 15
3QNY/Ca/Sr 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 15 12 C Ca + Sr
3QNY/Ca/Sr-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Ca/Sr 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 15 12
3QNY/Ca/Zn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Ca + Zn
3QNY/Ca/Zn-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Ca/Zn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 20 15
5QN/Ca/Zn-P 50mm Perkin Elmer Coded Ne Quartz
3QNY/Cr/Co 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Cr + Co
5QN/Cr/Co 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
3QNY/Cr/Cu 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Cr + Cu
3QNY/Cr/Cu-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Cr/Cu 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
3QNY/Cr/Fe 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Cr + Fe
5QN/Cr/Fe 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
3QNY/Cr/Mn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Cr + Mn
3QNY/Cr/Mn-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Cr/Mn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
3QNY/Cr/Mo 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 15 12 C Cr + Mo
3QNY/Cr/Mo-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Cr/Mo 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
3QNY/Cr/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Cr + Ni
3QNY/Cr/Ni-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Cr/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
3QNY/Co/Cu 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Co + Cu
3QNY/Co/Cu-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Co/Cu 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
3QNY/Co/Fe 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Co + Fe
3QNY/Co/Fe-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Co/Fe 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
3QNY/Co/Mn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Co + Mn
3QNY/Co/Mn-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Co/Mn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Hollow Cathode Lamps Cathodeon
Co + Mo 3QNY/Co/Mo 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Co/Mo-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Co/Mo 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Co + Ni 3QNY/Co/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Co/Ni-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Co/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Cu + Fe 3QNY/Cu/Fe 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Cu/Fe-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Cu/Fe 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Cu + Mn 3QNY/Cu/Mn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Cu/Mn-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Cu/Mn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Cu + Mo 3QNY/Cu/Mo 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
JQN/Cu/Mo 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Cu + Ni 3QNY/Cu/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Cu/Ni-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Cu/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Cu + Zn 3QNY/Cu/Zn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Cu/Zn-V 37mm Varian Coded Ne Quartz
3QNY/Cu/Zn-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Cu/Zn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 20 15
Au + Cu 3QNY/Au/Cu 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Au/Cu-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Au/Cu 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 15 12
Au + Ni 3QNY/Au/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Au/Ni-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Au/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 15 12
Au + Pt 3QNY/Au/Pt 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Au/Pt-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Au/Pt 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 15 12
Au + Ag 3QNY/Au/Ag 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Au/Ag-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Au/Ag 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 20 15
5QN/Au/Ag-P 50mm Perkin Elmer Coded Ne Quartz
Fe + Mn 3QNY/Fe/Mn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Fe/Mn-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Fe/Mn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Fe + Mo 3QNY/Fe/Mo 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
5QN/Fe/Mo 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Fe + Ni 3QNY/Fe/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Fe/Ni-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Fe/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Fe + Zn 3QNY/Fe/Zn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Fe/Zn-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Fe/Zn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 20 15
Mg + Si 3QNY/Mg/Si 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 15 12 C
3QNY/Mg/Si-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Mg/Si 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 20 15
Hollow Cathode Lamps Cathodeon
3QNY/Mn/Mo 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Mn + Mo
5QN/Mn/Mo 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
3QNY/Mn/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Mn + Ni
3QNY/Mn/Ni-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Mn/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
3QNY/Mn/Zn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Mn + Zn
3QNY/Mn/Zn-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Mn/Zn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 20 15
3QNY/Pt/Ag 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Pt + Ag
3QNY/Pt/Ag-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Pt/Ag 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 15 12
3QNY/Si/Ti 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 15 12 C Si + Ti
3QNY/Si/Ti-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Si/Ti 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 20 16
3QNY/Ag/Cr 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Ag + Cr
3QNY/Ag/Cr-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Ag/Cr 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 20 16
3QNY/Ag/Cu 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Ag + Cu
3QNY/Ag/Cu-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Ag/Cu 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 25 16
3UNX/Na/K 37mm Standard Ne UV Glass 8 6 C Na + K
3UNX/Na/K-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne UV Glass
3UNX/Na/K-V 37mm Varian Coded Ne UV Glass
5UN/Na/K 50mm Standard Ne UV Glass 12 10
5UN/Na/K-P 50mm Perkin Elmer Coded Ne UV Glass
3QNY/Al/Ca/Mg 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Al + Ca Mg
5QN/Al/Ca/Mg 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 20 15
5QN/Al/Ca/Mg-P 50mm Perkin Elmer Coded Ne Quartz
3QNY/Al/Si/Ti 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 15 12 C Al + Si Ti
3QNY/Al/Si/Ti-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Al/Si/Ti 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 20 16
3QNY/Sb/As/Bi 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 15 12 C Sb + As Bi
5QN/Sb/As/Bi 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 20 16
3QNY/As/Se/Te 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 10 C As + Se Te
5QN/As/Se/Te 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 15 15
3QNY/Ca/Ba/Sr 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 15 12 C Ca + Ba Sr
3QNY/Ca/Ba/Sr-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Ca/Ba/Sr 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 20 15
3QNY/Ca/Mg/Si 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 15 12 C Ca + Mg Si
3QNY/Ca/Mg/Si-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Ca/Mg/Si 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 20 15
3QNY/Ca/Mg/Zn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Ca + Mg Zn
5QN/Ca/Mg/Zn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 20 20
5QN/Ca/Mg/Zn-P 50mm Perkin Elmer Coded Ne Quartz
Hollow Cathode Lamps Cathodeon
Cr + Cu Co 3QNY/Cr/Cu/Co 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
5QN/Cr/Cu/Co 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Cr + Co Fe 3QNY/Cr/Co/Fe 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
5QN/Cr/Co/Fe 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Cr + Co Mn 3QNY/Cr/Co/Mn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
5QN/Cr/Co/Mn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Cr + Co Ni 3QNY/Cr/Co/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
5QN/Cr/Co/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Cr + Cu Fe 3QNY/Cr/Cu/Fe 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
5QN/Cr/Cu/Fe 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Cr + Cu Mn 3QNY/Cr/Cu/Mn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Cr/Cu/Mn-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Cr/Cu/Mn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Cr + Cu Ni 3QNY/Cr/Cu/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Cr/Cu/Ni-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Cr/Cu/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Cr + Fe Mn 3QNY/Cr/Fe/Mn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
5QN/Cr/Fe/Mn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Cr + Fe Ni 3QNY/Cr/Fe/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
5QN/Cr/Fe/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Cr + Mn Ni 3QNY/Cr/Mn/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Cr/Mn/Ni-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Cr/Mn/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Co + Cu Fe 3QNY/Co/Cu/Fe 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Co/Cu/Fe-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Co/Cu/Fe 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Co + Cu Mn 3QNY/Co/Cu/Mn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
5QN/Co/Cu/Mn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Co + Mn Ni 3QNY/Co/Mn/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Co/Mn/Ni-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Co/Mn/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Cu + Fe Mn 3QNY/Cu/Fe/Mn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Cu/Fe/Mn-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Cu/Fe/Mn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Cu + Fe Ni 3QNY/Cu/Fe/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Cu/Fe/Ni-U 50mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Cu/Fe/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Cu + Fe Zn 3QNY/Cu/Fe/Zn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Cu/Fe/Zn-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Cu/Fe/Zn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 20 15
Cu + Mn Ni 3QNY/Cu/Mn/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Cu/Mn/Ni-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Cu/Mn/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Cu + Mn Zn 3QNY/Cu/Mn/Zn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Cu/Mn/Zn-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Cu/Mn/Zn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 20 15
Au + Cu Ni 3QNY/Au/Cu/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Au/Cu/Ni-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Au/Cu/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 15 12
Au + Pt Ag 3QNY/Au/Pt/Ag 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Au/Pt/Ag-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Au/Pt/Ag 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 15 12
Fe + Mn Ni 3QNY/Fe/Mn/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Fe/Mn/Ni-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Fe/Mn/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Hollow Cathode Lamps Cathodeon
3QNY/Fe/Mn/Zn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Fe + Mn Zn
3QNY/Fe/Mn/Zn-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Fe/Mn/Zn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 20 15
3QNY/Mo/Cr/Co 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Mo + Cr Co
5QN/Mo/Cr/Co 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
3QNY/Mo/Cr/Cu 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Mo + Cr Cu
5QN/Mo/Cr/Cu 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
3QNY/Mo/Cr/Fe 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Mo + Cr Fe
5QN/Mo/Cr/Fe 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
3QNY/Mo/Cr/Mn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Mo + Cr Mn
5QN/Mo/Cr/Mn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
3QNY/Mo/Co/Cu 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Mo + Co Cu
5QN/Mo/Co/Cu 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
3QNY/Mo/Co/Mn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Mo + Co Mn
5QN/Mo/Co/Mn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
3QNY/Mo/Co/Fe 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Mo + Co Fe
5QN/Mo/Co/Fe 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
3QNY/Mo/Cu/Fe 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Mo + Cu Fe
5QN/Mo/Cu/Fe 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
3QNY/Mo/Cu/Mn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Mo + Cu Mn
5QN/Mo/Cu/Mn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
3QNY/Mo/Fe/Mn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Mo + Fe Mn
5QN/Mo/Fe/Mn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
3QNY/Ag/Cr/Cu 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Ag + Cr Cu
3QNY/Ag/Cr/Cu-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Ag/Cr/Cu 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 25 20
3QNY/Ag/Cu/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Ag + Cu Ni
5QN/Ag/Cu/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 25 20
3QNY/Al/Ca/Fe/Mg 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 15 12 C Al + Ca Fe Mg
5QN/Al/Ca/Fe/Mg 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 20 16
3QNY/Al/Ca/Li/Mg 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Al + Ca Li Mg
5QN/Al/Ca/Li/Mg 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 20 16
3QNY/Ba/Ca/Mg/Sr 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 15 12 C Ba + Ca Mg Sr
5QN/Ba/Ca/Mg/Sr 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 20 15
3QNY/Cr/Co/Cu/Fe 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Cr + Co Cu Fe
5QN/Cr/Co/Cu/Fe 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
3QNY/Cr/Co/Cu/Mn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Cr + Co Cu Mn
5QN/Cr/Co/Cu/Mn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
3QNY/Cr/Co/Cu/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Cr + Co Cu Ni
5QN/Cr/Co/Cu/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
3QNY/Cr/Co/Fe/Mn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Cr + Co Fe Mn
5QN/Cr/Co/Fe/Mn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
3QNY/Cr/Co/Fe/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Cr + Co Fe Ni
5QN/Cr/Co/Fe/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
3QNY/Cr/Co/Mn/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Cr + Co Mn Ni
5QN/Cr/Co/Mn/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
3QNY/Cr/Cu/Fe/Mn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Cr + Cu Fe Mn
5QN/Cr/Cu/Fe/Mn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
3QNY/Cr/Cu/Fe/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Cr + Cu Fe Ni
5QN/Cr/Cu/Fe/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Hollow Cathode Lamps Cathodeon
Cr + Cu Mn Ni 3QNY/Cr/Cu/Mn/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Cr/Cu/Mn/Ni-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Cr/Cu/Mn/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Cr + Cu Ni Ag 3QNY/Cr/Cu/Ni/Ag 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
5QN/Cr/Cu/Ni/Ag 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 20 16
5QN/Cr/Cu/Ni/Ag-P 50mm Perkin Elmer Coded Ne Quartz
Cr + Fe Mn Ni 3QNY/Cr/Fe/Mn/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
5QN/Cr/Fe/Mn/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Co + Cu Fe Mn 3QNY/Co/Cu/Fe/Mn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Co/Cu/Fe/Mn-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Co/Cu/Fe/Mn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Co + Cu Fe Ni 3QNY/Co/Cu/Fe/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
5QN/Co/Cu/Fe/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Co + Cu Mn Ni 3QNY/Co/Cu/Mn/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Co/Cu/Mn/Ni-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Co/Cu/Mn/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Co + Fe Mn Ni 3QNY/Co/Fe/Mn/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Co/Fe/Mn/Ni-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Co/Fe/Mn/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Cu + Fe Mn Ni 3QNY/Cu/Fe/Mn/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Cu/Fe/Mn/Ni-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Cu/Fe/Mn/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Cu + Fe Mn Zn 3QNY/Cu/Fe/Mn/Zn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
3QNY/Cu/Fe/Mn/Zn-U 37mm Unicam Coded Ne Quartz
5QN/Cu/Fe/Mn/Zn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 20 15
5QN/Cu/Fe/Mn/Zn-P 50mm Perkin Elmer Coded Ne Quartz
Cu + Fe Ni Ag 3QNY/Cu/Fe/Ni/Ag 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
5QN/Cu/Fe/Ni/Ag 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 20 16
Mo + Co Cu Fe 3QNY/Mo/Co/Cu/Fe 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
5QN/Mo/Co/Cu/Fe 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Mo + Co Cu Mn 3QNY/Mo/Co/Cu/Mn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
5QN/Mo/Co/Cu/Mn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Mo + Co Fe Mn 3QNY/Mo/Co/Fe/Mn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
5QN/Mo/Co/Fe/Mn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Mo + Cu Fe Mn 3QNY/Mo/Cu/Fe/Mn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
5QN/Mo/Cu/Fe/Mn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Cr + Co Cu Fe Mn 3QNY/Cr/Co/Cu/Fe/Mn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
5QN/Cr/Co/Cu/Fe/Mn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Cr + Co Cu Fe Ni 3QNY/Cr/Co/Cu/Fe/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
5QN/Cr/Co/Cu/Fe/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Cr + Co Cu Mn Ni 3QNY/Cr/Co/Cu/Mn/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
5QN/Cr/Co/Cu/Mn/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
5QN/Cr/Co/Cu/Mn/Ni-P 50mm Perkin Elmer Coded Ne Quartz
Cr + Co Fe Mn Ni 3QNY/Cr/Co/Fe/Mn/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
5QN/Cr/Co/Fe/Mn/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Cr + Cu Fe Mn Ni 3QNY/Cr/Cu/Fe/Mn/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
5QN/Cr/Cu/Fe/Mn/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
Cr + Cu Fe Ni Ag 3QNY/Cr/Cu/Fe/Ni/Ag 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C
5QN/Cr/Cu/Fe/Ni/Ag 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 20 16
5QN/Cr/Cu/Fe/Ni/Ag-P 50mm Perkin Elmer Coded Ne Quartz
Hollow Cathode Lamps Cathodeon
3QNY/Co/Cu/Fe/Mn/Mo 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Co + Cu Fe Mn Mo
5QN/Co/Cu/Fe/Mn/Mo 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
5QN/Co/Cu/Fe/Mn/Mo-P 50mm Perkin Elmer Coded Ne Quartz
3QNY/Co/Cu/Fe/Mn/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Co + Cu Fe Mn Ni
5QN/Co/Cu/Fe/Mn/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
3QNY/Cr/Co/Cu/Fe/Mn/Mo 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Cr + Co Cu Fe Mn
5QN/Cr/Co/Cu/Fe/Mn/Mo 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25 Mo
3QNY/Cr/Co/Cu/Fe/Mn/Ni 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 10 8 C Cr + Co Cu Fe Mn
3QNY/Cr/Co/Cu/Fe/Mn/Ni-V 37mm Varian Coded Ne Quartz Ni
5QN/Cr/Co/Cu/Fe/Mn/Ni 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25
5QN/Cr/Co/Cu/Fe/Mn/Ni-P 50mm Perkin Elmer Coded Ne Quartz
3QNY/Al/Ca/Cu/Fe/Mg/Si/Zn 37mm Standard Ne Quartz 15 15 C Al + Ca Cu Fe Mg
5QN/Al/Ca/Cu/Fe/Mg/Si/Zn 50mm Standard Ne Quartz 30 25 Zn Si
5QN/Al/Ca/Cu/Fe/Mg/Si/Zn-P 50mm Perkin Elmer Coded Ne Quartz
YOUR INSTRUMENT Antimony, Bismuth and Selenium would be too noisy for analysis
the ultimate sensitivity possible when using a Cathodeon
After striking the lamp or following a change in operating
hollow cathode lamp. Regular cleaning, maintenance and
current most lamps will require a warm-up period before
can considerably reduce throughput with time. Equally the
have not been used for a considerable time or have been
photomultiplier may not be linearly sensitive over the complete
stored before initial use they may require somewhat longer
spectral range, it being quite common for instruments to be
than usual to stabilise. This period will normally be around
produce such a wavelength specific output, regular calibration
points such as lead especially benefit from this practise.
of the monochromator is essential for correct setting of
For optimum performance, on receipt of a new lamp it is
wavelength and it is not unusual for the lamp to peak on a
also good practise to run it in the instrument to acclimatise
reading that is different from the book figure due to wear in the
the lamp to the particular power supply.
mechanical drive that moves the grating wavelength selector.
Fig 11 Typical warm up curves
Each hollow cathode lamp has a maximum current which
should not be exceeded. Exceeding the limit will considerably Pb
reduce the usable life of the lamp and may damage the
cathode by sputtering off excess material or even melting
some of the more volatile alloys and elements. The current
shown on a 37mm hollow cathode lamp is the maximum
current at which the lamp should be run in an instrument
using a modulated power supply typical of most manufacturers.
The current shown on a 50mm lamp is the maximum current
at which the lamp should be used in an instrument with
a continuous power supply typical of most Perkin Elmer
instruments. It is possible, with the correct adapters, to run a
37mm lamp in a Perkin Elmer instrument with a continuous
power supply in which instance the current recommended Time
for 50mm lamps should be used. A few Perkin Elmer models
have a modulated power supply. Reference to the instrument
A hollow cathode lamp produces a very narrow beam of
user manual will indicate the type of power supply in the
light; if not aligned correctly the output from the lamp will
instrument, if a modulated supply is present then the lamp
not fill the entrance slit and there will be an apparent loss in
should be run at the current recommended for a 37mm
signal and the noise levels will increase. Low throughput
lamp. In general lamps should be run at 75% of their maximum
and high noise may indicate that the lamp is misaligned in
current to achieve best precision and 65 - 75% to achieve
one of the ways shown below. The lamp should then be
their maximum sensitivity. However the performance of some
re-aligned until maximum signal output has been obtained.
elements is not materially affected by operation anywhere
between 65 and 100%. Lamps should not be operated OUTPUT
below 50% maximum current as, in all but a few cases, Low output is often cited when lamps are returned or discarded
stability and noise levels deteriorate significantly. Indeed despite otherwise working well for chemical analysis. It is
elements with naturally low outputs such as Arsenic, Tin, in fact common for an old lamp to have a slightly higher
fundamental output than the new lamp. This increase in
Fig 10 Types of misalignment
output comes about from a combination of two mechanisms,
one of which is a decrease in the internal pressure of the
lamp caused by the gradual usage of the fill gas. In addition
APPLICATIONS Good alignment material movement within the lamp may increase the output
by closing the hole in the hollow cathode and concentrating
After striking the lamp the beam. The same material movement may also cause a
counteracting effect through a diminution of the transmittance
or following a change in of the window.
Lamp at angle
operating current most CHEMICAL SENSITIVITY
Sensitivity is defined as the concentration of the element
lamps will require a
in ug/ml in aqueous solution which gives an absorbance of
warm-up period before 0.0044 (1% absorption). It is useful for calculating the calibration
range of the instrument, which is usually in the range of
full stability is obtained. Lamp off axis 20 - 200 times the sensitivity value. It should be noted that
Hollow Cathode Lamps Cathodeon
the chemical sensitivity is dependant on the instrument Fig 12 Current vs Output vs Chemical Sensitivity vs Noise
and the set up such as burner height, flame chemistry and
nebuliser positioning. For this reason reference should be
made to the instrument manual for the recommended
conditions and expected resultant sensitivity. THE BEST
The detection limit is defined as the concentration of the
element in ug/ml which gives a signal equal to three times
the standard deviation of a series of at least 10 determinations
at or near the blank level (95% confidence). In practical terms
concentrations of less than 10 times the detection limit cannot
be measured with any accuracy. The determination of this CATHODE
limit is particularly sensitive to noise levels so optimisation of
output is key in ensuring as low a detection limit as possible.
For optimum use of the lamp for its end purpose, chemical Sensitivity
analysis, Cathodeon aims to provide the best ratio of
output : chemical sensitivity : life : noise and stability.
The general relationship between these factors demonstrates
that lower current gives increased chemical sensitivity but Noise
also increased noise levels and decreased output. Higher
current will conversely reduce the noise, increase the
output but will also reduce the chemical sensitivity.
Each element and its matrix presents a unique problem,
requiring the analyst to determine the optimal conditions
for each particular analysis. The result will inevitably be a 50% 75% 100%
compromise in which some output has to be sacrificed in favour Current
of other factors considered more important to the analysis.
SUPPLY allow accurate setting of the lamp current. For this reason,
the current adjustment is in two ranges to allow high precision
setting at low current levels where it is most important for
The output to the hollow cathode lamp is via a Neutrix
connector (‘AXR’/‘XLR’ series) fitted to the rear panel of
the supply.
consistent performance of the hollow cathode lamp. Mains Input
Provision is made for the external modulation of lamp current.
110, 130, 220, 240V rms 50/60Hz.
Selected on rear panel.
SPECIFICATIONS Fuse 1A slow blow for 240V.
Output Current (1A for 110V.)
Adjustable in two ranges. Dimensions
2—10mA calibrated in 0.2mA divs. 260mm x 250mm x 140mm.
10—50mA calibrated in 1mA divs. Weight 4.13kg.
The supply has low noise
Hydrogen Helium
H He
6.940 9.012 24.305 Atomic Weight 10.810 12.011 14.007 15.100 18.998 20.179
Lithium Beryllium Element Magnesium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon
Li Be Elemen Symbolt Mg B C N O F Ne
2 670.8 234.9 285.2 Recommended Wavelength nm 249.8
323.3 - Alternative Wavelength nm 202.6 -
10 (10) 15 (15) Maximum current 4(6) Maximum DC current mA for 15 (25)
22.990 24.305 mA for 11/2" lamps 2"Perkin Elmer lamps* 26.982 28.086 30.974 32.060 35.453 39.948
Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Chlorine Argon
4 K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
766.5 422.7 391.2 364.3 318.4 357.9 279.5 248.3 240.7 232.0 324.8 213.9 287.4 265.2 193.7 196.0
404.4 - 408.2 399.0 385.5 429.0 403.1 372.0 304.4 305.1 327.4 307.6 403.3 269.1 197.2 204.0
8(8) 6(6) 15 (25) 15 (30) 15 (30) 12 (12) 12 (20) 15 (30) 15 (30) 15 (30) 5 (10) 10 (10) 15 (15) 15 (20) 12 (15) 15 (15)
85.468 87.620 88.906 91.220 92.906 95.940 98.906 101.070 102.906 106.400 107.868 112.410 114.820 118.690 121.750 127.600 126.905 131.300
Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon
5 Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
780.0 460.7 410.2 360.1 334.4 313.3 349.9 343.5 244.8/247.6 328.1 228.8 303.9 224.6/233.4 206.8/217.6 214.3
794.8 - 362.1 351.9 358.0 390.3 392.5 365.8 340.5 338.3 326.1 451.1 300.9 231.1 225.9
10 (10) 12 (12) 15 (25) 15 (30) 15 (30) 15 (30) 15 (20) 15 (15) 15 (20) 4(5) 8(8) 5 (10) 12 (12) 12 (25) 6 (15)
132.905 137.330 138.906 178.490 180.948 183.850 186.207 190.200 192.220 195.090 196.997 200.590 204.370 207.200 208.980 209 210 222
Caesium Barium Lanthanum Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon
6 Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
852.1 553.6 550.1 307.3 271.5 255.1 346.0 290.9 208.9 265.9 242.8 253.6 276.8 217.0/283.3 223.1
455.5 350.1 418.7 298.8 277.6 400.9 345.2 301.8 264.0 299.8 267.6 377.6 283.3 306.8
10 (10) 15 (25) 15 (25) 15 (25) 15 (30) 15 (30) 15 (25) 10 (10) 15 (20) 15 (20) 10 (10) 6(6) 10 (10) 10 (15) 12 (12)
140.120 140.908 144.240 145 150.400 151.960 157.250 158.925 162.500 164.930 167.260 168.934 173.040 174.967
Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium
LANTHANIDES Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
520.0 495.1 492.5 429.5 459.4 368.4 432.7 421.2 410.4 400.8 371.8 398.8 336.0
569.7 492.5 490.2 476.0 333.4 419.1 431.9 416.8 417.3 408.8 375.2 264.4 337.7
15 (20) 15 (25) 15 (25) 15 (25) 12 (20) 15 (25) 15 (25) 15 (25) 15 (25) 15 (25) 15 (25) 15 (25) 8 (20)
232.038 231.036 238.029 237.048 244 243 247 247 251 254 257 258 259 260
Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium
ACTINIDES Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
371.9 358.5
- 351.5
15 (25) 15 (25)
The Company
Cathodeon Ltd is based in the university city of Cambridge, England, and is the world’s leading Specialist in
Spectral Source Technology. Its experience in the design and manufacture of vacuum/gas filled electronic components
spans over 60 years of changing technology since the company was founded in the mid 1930’s. A programme of
active fundamental research to improve noise, intensity and lifetime performance, with continuing light source,
electronic and mechanical engineering support, enable Cathodeon lamps to meet the most stringent requirements
of modern instrumentation and are increasingly the first choice of major instrument manufacturers throughout the world.
The Products
Cathodeon is continuously improving and extending its range of specialist light sources used by the scientific and
professional community. Detailed literature, application notes and technical data are available describing all products
in the current Cathodeon range of:
• Deuterium Lamps • Hollow Cathode Lamps
• Xenon Lamps • Mercury Lamps
• Vacuum Ultra Violet Lamps • Pulsed Deuterium Lamps
• Calibration Lamps • See Through Hollow Cathode Lamps
• Filament supports for Mass Spectrometry • Photoionisation Lamps
• Tungsten Halogen Lamps • Line Sources
Cathodeon is committed to customer satisfaction at all levels. The application of Total Quality Manufacturing (TQM)
control and rigorous instrument testing, combined with prealignment of lamps, custom packaging and our proven
Just-in-time (JIT) delivery procedures, help sustain long term business relationships on all continents.
World-Wide Distribution
Cathodeon products are available to discerning scientists through an authorised network of over 80 dealers covering
more than 50 countries around the world. In addition to major distributors many other dealers also carry extensive
stocks to ensure rapid delivery to the end user. However, if any difficulties are experienced in the supply of
Cathodeon products, or for any OEM enquiries, please contact us at our office in Cambridge.